LucianChapter 3 free porn video

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A million drops of water will hollow out a stone

Three months passed, and a patient repetition of daily chores created a new normality for Lucian Gaines – even in a world as weird as Norton’s Academy of Excellence.

Since he started classes, things sped up.

Life became more palpable, more real – though increasingly bizarre. He was at a school after all, a school with its strict schedules and classes, tests and exams and all the usual tedious chores.

There was the daily routine of getting up at six, running half naked through skin-chilling air, showering, having breakfast and morning classes. There was running again, in autumn sunshine or punishing rain; lunch and afternoon classes, running into dusk, resting, having supper, doing evening activities, cleaning up and going to bed.

It went on day after day, week after week. Everyone did it, and no one protested.

GRA, Lucian found out at his first class back in October, stood for Grace; they were classes about how to move and behave graciously. It was home of the Smile and the Curtsy.

And the Gliding Step.

Lucian remembered the choking embarrassment when their teacher, an ageless, very thin former ballerina called Ms. Fontaine, asked him to walk over to the front of the class where he was supposed to mirror her every move and facial expression.

For a week he’d succeeded in staying an outsider, watching what the woman did to make gauche and awkward teenage boys like Kelly and Harper, Jo and Madison move gracefully. He’d marveled at their willingness to adapt and perform, only to immediately change back to their gangling, roguish teenage ways as soon as class ended.

It gave him the first inkling of a different kind of escape.

What if it all was just an act? Look at Kelly. One moment the boy was a floating, smiling angel, the next moment he farted and they all rolled on the floor, laughing.

Maybe he could do that – put on an act and hide behind it? Be there, but not really?

One of the few moments of almost happiness at his former school had started the day Miss Winthrop, the English teacher, had asked him to join her theatre project. They would perform Romeo and Juliet, and to his amazement she’d asked him to be Romeo.

For days he’d been sick with nerves, sleeping poorly.

But from the very start of reading the dialogues he’d felt a change come over him – a withdrawal of everything scared and shy. And when they really went on stage to do rehearsals, it felt like stepping into a warm cloud – a different, secluded world.

Amongst the other actors were two of his worst bullies, but when he started playing, they seemed to disappear.

The girl playing Julia had always ignored him; or maybe he’d always been too shy to be around her. But now, as long as he was Romeo, he could be close to her without stuttering, smile without blushing. He could joke and laugh, and notice she laughed back.

It felt as if locks had been removed from his limbs, from his mouth and his mind.

They did their own costumes, and he’d advised her on how to look best. He’d even helped her do her hair and face and dress, feeling incredibly at ease.

His parents hadn’t been at the performance. He’d hardly noticed. For hours after the curtain closed he’d felt elated. There’d been a little party to celebrate. He got many compliments. But when the evening was over, Julia left with one of his bullies.

The next day everything was back to dismal normality – the off-hand tormenting, the ignoring.

But for a short time he’d felt how it was to be someone else – to have this invisible shield around him. To send this new and different person out into the world, making him cope with everything he could not.

Could he do it again, here at this terrible place? Was it a way to escape, even without leaving?

Standing in front of the classroom in his silk nothings, he doubted it very much. He stared mutely at the woman’s mimicking – once more certain he ought to flee this crazy school at the first opportunity.

There was the Smile, of course, in a myriad of subtle variations. She also tried to have him imitate twenty ways to neigh his head and look coy from under his bangs and eyebrows.

“Grace,” the woman had told them the first day of classes, “might well be the most important thing you’ll learn here; the one indispensable skill to survive in an ugly world.”

Watching her go through Pouting 101 and ten perfect ways of turning your head, insisting he’d imitate her, he felt nausea climb up from the pit of his stomach. His face was on fire and he didn’t know where to look: at this woman or beyond, where his classmates were.

He ended up looking down at the shining tips of his ballet shoes.

When Ms. Fontaine finally started showing how to twist one’s wrist in a dozen elegant ways, Lucian’s stomach started heaving.

No playacting or make belief could remove him from the wave of nausea that attacked him.

He ran off to find a bathroom, mumbling excuses all the way.

“So you got sick in Ms. Fontaine’s class? What happened?”

Lucian sat on the bare wooden stool in Dr. Kurtz’s practice. It felt hard through his thin silk shorts. He just stared at a point just north of the woman’s left shoulder, and didn’t respond.

“What was it?” the doctor insisted. “A sudden nausea? Something you ate?”

He shook his head sideways, hardly noticeable.

“Lucian,” she said, to get his attention. But he kept his absent gaze, saying nothing.

The woman looked down into his file.

“Did you take your pills?” she asked.

He just barely nodded.

“I’ll have to examine you, honey,” she said, rising from behind her desk. “Just to be sure you’re fine.”

Lucian shrugged – examinations had become routine.

Without being asked, he pulled the flimsy top over his head. Then he slid off the stool and pulled down his shorts and his thong-like briefs. The fluorescent tubes on the ceiling made his pale skin shine.

Running from class, he had tried to vomit after reaching the toilets, but nothing came, just some bitter-tasting bile. Then he’d stumbled to his room, where Harper came to get him for a visit to the doctor.

Her hands felt slippery in the blue latex gloves.

He lay on the table, naked, as she prodded his body and listened to his breathing. Then she spread his legs and cupped his genitals.

“You did take your pills?” she asked again, pushing a finger up his anus.

He groaned under his breath.

His cock started to glow, but it didn’t swell – it retracted, shying away from the squeezing fingers. But then it twitched inside the warm latex hollow of her hand, responding to the probing of his ass.

From a distance he heard Dr. Kurtz hum contentedly.

The next day there were two new pills with breakfast. They were blue and rather small.

BE of course stood for Beauty, and it was given by the petite Mamselle he’d ran away from on the day the girl Mackenzie cut his hair and exposed his penis.

Mamselle nodded at him when he and the other Bobs entered for his first class, freshly showered and dressed in satin robes. The washing and changing had been a riot. The boys pushed and fought, but when the group entered class a hush fell over them.

Mamselle obviously filled the little hearts of rebellious boys with a natural awe.

The tiny French woman welcomed Lucian with the mere shadow of a smile. She asked him to take a stool at the back of the room – and just watch.

He shirked until he sat comfortable, pulling the short robe tightly over his naked thighs.

It was obvious that the boys knew what was expected from them. They sat down in pairs on the pink-clad stools in front of the vanity mirrors.

“Today we once more do the eyes,” Mamselle said, clapping her tiny hands. “No fake lashes, just the smoke and the pink and the mascara.”

He saw Harper pull a wide elastic band down Kelly’s head; then pulling it up to push the red bangs from his brow. He picked up a cotton ball, dipping it into some liquid, and using it to cleanse Kelly’s left eye.

It made the pale skin shine.

Further down the row he saw Jo do the same to Mu. Taylor had already picked up a brush, and was dabbing some pinkish powder on the eyelids of delicate little Charlie.

There was no giggling or even whispering.

The boys were dead serious and not at all clumsy or inept. Lucian saw Kelly’s left eye start to sparkle inside a deep cloud of smoky make up. In just a few minutes the boy transformed into an oddly adult and sensuous creature. His green eyes seemed to project a deep, decadent knowledge way beyond his age. There was a hint of perversion that contrasted shockingly with his pale freckled skin and the skinny boy’s body in its white silk wrapping.

It made Lucian’s crotch throb with alarming sensations.

Looking down the line of mirrors he met other faces he thought he knew, transformed into disturbing masks of sensuality. Whenever they looked his way, the painted eyes probed his core, robbing it of certainties, making him feel at once confused and sickly excited.

What he felt was not just caused by the decadence of what he saw – what he felt was a sickening return of suppressed memories. He recalled seeing his own young face change into that of a clumsily painted whore while his little boy’s sperm oozed into his mother’s silk panties.

Shaking his head, he tried to escape the staring rows of smoky eyes – and the related specters of his memories.

“Merveilleux, n’est ce pas?” a voice behind him said. “Aren’t they amazing?”

It was Mamselle, and her whispered words startled him. The exotic voice swam right into the daze of his conflicted mind, and he knew he’d nodded in agreement before realizing he did.

Her hand touched his shoulder.

“You’d be even more beautiful,” she said, her warm breath touching his ear, making him shiver.

Fear entered his mind.

He looked around. Sensuous eyes were everywhere, watching him as if they knew things about him – deep things from the past he didn’t want to know himself anymore; truths that everyone but he seemed to understand.

The eyes invited him. They were like dark, widening pools begging him to take the plunge.

“Allez,” the voice said, and the hand softly squeezed his upper arm. “Come, ma belle, and let’s show them how it’s really done.”

He’d followed the urging hand hesitantly, at once wanting to refuse and to obey. He slid off the stool and walked to a free mirror. Sitting down he saw a ghost reflected in the glass, a pale face under a cloud of paler hair.

A face like a sheet of paper, he thought, blank, pristine.

When the wet cotton ball touched his eyelid, Lucian felt something withdraw inside him – some essential part of himself, scaring away from a cruel, confusing world.

Mamselle’s face was close, her dark, round eyes intent as her tiny hand deftly cleaned his skin. She was talking to him, but he didn’t hear.

Maybe if he didn’t listen he wasn’t there?

He sat through minutes of swirling movements. Hands were busy, brushes tickled, pencils and powders spread clouds of sweetness.

“Et voilà,” the voice finally said, tearing him out of his dream.

He was surrounded by painted faces – made up eyes and lipsticked mouths. He heard sighs and murmurs. Then he felt fingertips urging him to turn his head.

The face in the mirror belonged to a stranger – a grown up woman with eyes that had seen the world, knowing how to live in it. The sapphire of her irises was like a clear sky framed in threatening clouds. Her mouth was wide and red and moist.

A tear leaked from the lower lashes, taking a trace of mascara with it.

Someone must have turned the sound on again, as he was suddenly engulfed in words and cries. Hands touched him, mouths kissed him. He was pulled up and taken into a group hug of soft, silk clad bodies, smelling of powder and perfume.

Thank God there was running.

Of all the new sensations Norton had brought him, this was maybe the only one that didn’t muddle his mind with confusion. Whether it was warm or cold, wet or dry, the wind seemed to go straight though him, taking all dust and cobwebs with it, all fear and humiliation – leaving him gloriously empty.

It helped him find the courage to get up each day, and sleep at night.

A path circled the grounds, allowing a run of about three miles. It went through cops of trees, over small bridges, skirting a lake and passing through fields and along the outside walls. He ran it every morning before breakfast, and every evening before supper, most of the time doubling the distance.

In the dark early mornings he was often alone, but in the evening he ran with a group of both Bobs and Barbs, although most of them stopped after the first round. Harper usually ran a second one with him, so did the boy Taylor, and sometimes Kelly.

A few times a week Drew was there too.

She had a wonderfully relaxed running style, gliding on her long legs, her feet hardly audible and her blond ponytail floating behind.

He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, but when she looked at him he looked away. She was a traitor after all, wasn’t she? She’d been Kurtz’s go-between; maybe she’d only gone to bed with him to report on it – on what he did and said. Maybe she’d even helped getting him drugged in the restaurant.

She couldn’t be trusted, could she?

Once, when he was alone with her, doing a second lap, he tried to lose her by speeding up. But she just followed him, hardly breathing quicker.

“Lucian,” she said, when they at last stood stretching at the finish. “I’m sorry about what happened. I really didn’t do it for Kurtz. I like you, Luce, I really do. Please let’s be friends again.”

He looked the other way, leaning forward, hands resting on his bent knees.

“Don’t call me Luce.”


His mind raced. He stood straight, stretching his body.

“Okay,” he then said, holding out a hand.

The next moment she was all over him, ignoring his hand. She pushed her sweaty body into his, kissing his face.

She smelled lovely.

That same night she knocked on his door, as he lay naked on the bed, reading.

“Wait!” he yelled, but she already opened the door. Why were there no fucking locks in here?

Drew stood silhouetted against the light, hands over her face, faking embarrassment.


Lucian covered his crotch with the book he was reading.

“Can I stay with you, just for a while?” she asked, looking through spread fingers.

“Harper said Barbs are not allowed in Bobs’ rooms,” he said, already shirking a bit to the side.

Drew smiled.

She didn’t fall on the bed at once, but first peeled off her top and shorts. Lucian had seen her naked, but never as relaxed like now. The soft light of his bedside lamp played along her slender body. She was skinny, but in a soft way, with a straight, narrow frame. There was hardly a hint of breasts, but she had poking nipples in small, puffed areolas.

As she moved and turned, he saw her tight round ass cheeks, blending into long thighs and strong runners’ calves.

Then she was next to him, making the mattress bounce.

She chuckled, cuddling into his body, her warm breath touching his face before they kissed.

It felt natural and scary, easy and overwhelming at once. Her soft flesh engulfed him, making his worries and anguishes fade into a new and unknown nirvana.

He was held; someone held him – he was not alone.

Her tongue felt like a warm, wet creature from a tropical sea, tasting salty, dancing and swimming around his tongue, darting and challenging, mocking and teasing. Her soft, sucking lips sealed his mouth, muffling his moans and making them echo inside his head.

Wherever his fingers touched her skin felt soft and supple over firm flesh.

It was impossible not to think of her as a girl, even when their slippery penises met, sliding over and under. They just felt like two extra tongues, he thought, as he churned his hips into hers. Her hard little knob poked into the softness of his scrotum – his own swollen cock pushed back into her belly.

‘How clumsy I am,’ he mused, the thought hitting him from nowhere. He felt gauche and uncouth in her embrace, all knees and elbows, his knuckles poking – his cock too large and too hard.

But then a new wave of perfumed closeness overwhelmed him, and he melted.

“Turn,” she hissed in his ear. “Let’s eat each other.”

They squirmed on the bed until his face slid down her slick, soft belly and his tongue found the little fat button on its bare, hairless mound. It tasted salty and was searing hot. Closing his lips around it, he felt her mouth taking in his twitching penis at the same moment, sealing it in a velvet lock.

His mind drifted off as he lay in a bubble of bliss, their skin sliding on a film of sweat. All thoughts dissipated – he was no longer Lucian, no longer straight or queer or scared. He was no longer anyone, just a body, and even that seemed to dissolve. He felt himself being stretched into a thin smear of pulsing plasma – a ghost floating into an unknown universe.

“My ass, my asshole. It’s clean. Put your tongue in.”

The voice was just a breath, coming from nowhere, anywhere. Flesh pushed against his face, sliding, opening. Soft creamy thighs closed around his head as his tongue found her entrance. It was like another mouth, gasping – opening, closing. He speared it, and felt her muscles strangle his tongue.

“Fuck me.”

The last word was a stretched sigh.

He pulled his tongue out and dashed it in again, lancing her. He hardly knew what he did, but he did it again and again.

The creature in his arms panted and shivered. A voice surrounded him, muffled by the fleshy vice around his head. It was a distant keening, following the rhythm of his fucking.

Then something wet invaded his anus.

It was stiff and insistent; he relaxed, yielding to it. Soon their rhythms started to find a common beat, the beat of their hearts. Fingers squeezed his balls and his penis; a thumb rubbed its head.

He took her lead and started touching the little slimy knob.

Even his simplest thoughts dissolved now into the sweaty, throbbing grotto their embrace had become.

And then he came.

Or he thought he came. Had he already come, was he still coming, coming again?

How could there be a fixed moment in time in this satin-silk machine of churning flesh? How could he ever find a climax in this rolling eternity of intoxicating clouds, perfumed and misty, going on and on?

Their entwined bodies radiated pure heat as they came and came. Waves of energy escaped into the vacuum surrounding them, until a last spasm rode their bodies and they gasped in final exhaustion.

Lying entangled, they were lost to the world.


The voice called him back from a place he didn’t want to leave. His mind was as spent as his body. He hated to stir it into life, and return to a world of choices and duties.

“Lucian, honey?”

A hand shook his shoulder. He tried to ignore it, not wanting to leave the pink limbo behind his closed eyelids.

“Was it good for you?” the voice asked. “As wonderful as for me?”

He opened his eyes.

Drew’s face floated before them, flushed and darkened by the backlight. But her eyes sparkled.

Then the face came closer, and two hot, weak lips drowned his mouth with a kiss.

He tried to rise on his elbows.

“Hrrm,” he said. He had to clear his throat to make words.

“It was,” he then said. “Can’t find the words. It was...”

The lips once more sealed his mouth, sucking away whatever he might have wanted to say.

She let go and grinned. It made him smile too.

Pulling him down on the ruined bed, she once more engulfed him with her glowing body.

Time’s pestle has this penchant for bizarre repetition, grinding sheer lunacy into a semblance of everyday routine.

October went and November came. Lucian remembered Halloween, though he’d rather not.

It had been an excuse to dress up extravagantly, and fill the hallways and corridors with dead whores and naked skeletons. There were clanging chains; there was skintight black latex and fake blood everywhere.

The desks in Beauty Class were robbed empty, and so were the closets in Fashion.

Barbs turned into sex oozing vampires and tall-heeled sluts. Masked and anonymous they moved to the central hall, where they brazenly kissed and dry fucked in corners and niches under the excuse of dancing.

Lucian understood that it was a tradition for Bobs to crash the party under cover of their elaborate disguises, snatching punch and cigarettes. The blood red drink must have been spiked, as a soothing buzz hummed in his skull after only two glasses.

Harper had done his make up, painting a bloody gash from his left eye down his cheek and throat – like a red arrow pointing at his rouged left nipple. His blue eyes lived in grottoes of black; teeth were painted on his cheek where the gash opened. White powder enhanced his natural pallor.

His hair was a purple flame.

When he hit the ballroom, loosing himself into the masquerade and the other Bobs’ general excitement, Lucian was a half naked ghost in shards of floating latex. His arms and legs showed painted knuckles, his ribs seemed a cage of bones.

He’d looked for Drew, but hadn’t found her.

He hadn’t seen her for days, ever since they’d made love – neither in the building nor on the track. He’d asked around, but none of the Barbs could exactly tell him. She was ‘out’ doing ‘chores,’ they said, waving him away like the lowly Bob he was.

“Hey, boo, bloody stranger!” an excited voice yelled at him over the booming music.

He turned and saw a whore.

Her entire body was painted golden bronze and clad in a see-through body stocking with torn holes that showed off her nipples and the bare skin of her thighs. She wore towering heels, and her face was covered in black leather, only showing her eyes through slits, and blood red lips that held a cigarette.

She’d covered her crotch with a harness, he saw; from its triangular front poked a black, curved dildo, swaying with the music.

Lucian had no idea who she might be.

He took a step back, but her red-clawed hand grabbed him and pulled him closer. A cloud of smoke made him cough.

“You’re a Bob, eh? Here to crash paradise?” she screamed. “Okay then, boy, welcome to hell. Why not fuck a Barb while you can. Trick and treat – it’s Halloween!” And she pulled him even closer, her fake phallus nudging into his belly.

He’d heard the voice before, but it was hard to be sure with all the music and the screaming going on.

They danced, in a way.

She’d gotten rid of the cigarette and thrown both arms around his neck – pushing her hot, steamy body against his. The cock kept getting in the way until she pulled it up and pressed it tightly between them.

It poked into his navel.

Lucian wasn’t much of a dancer; too shy to have gained much experience. But it didn’t matter. All they did was rub their bodies together, hardly moving their feet.

“Don’t be shy, Luci-boy” she yelled into his ear. “I know you fuck Drew. She’s all over the moon!”

So the girl recognized him. She also knew about him and Drew. Drew must have told her. Did she tell everybody?

“Come on!” the masked girl cried. “I know a better place.”

She stepped back and grabbed his hand, pulling him with her as she sashayed on her tall heels to one of the dark corridors leading away from the hall. Painted faces floated by – ghosts and monsters, half-naked, half-drunk, yelling, dancing, kissing.

He pulled free and turned around to get away, but he bumped into two tall creatures, painted and clad as outrageous as the first girl, wearing the same masks and net stockings and heels. But they lacked the swinging dildo.

Their wide red mouths grinned. Long, painted fingernails reached for him. With a click a thing closed around his throat from behind – something wide and tight.

Turning, he saw a chain that led to the first girl’s hands. She pulled at it as hands pushed his back. Voices hissed ‘go.’

He felt nauseous.

Doors opened and closed; there were narrow corridors and spiraling stairs. He didn’t think he’d ever been where they led him. Then the girl opened one more door and flipped on a light that poorly lit a small room, a closet, really, filled with stuff.

On the floor was a mattress.

The music still boomed from a distance. He smelled the girl’s scent, mixed with perfume, sweat and smoke – alcohol too. She pulled at him to get him into the closet. He resisted, but hands pushed him from behind.

“No,” he said.

“Nonsense,” she answered. A girl behind him giggled.

The girl with the leash pushed him against the wall. Her kiss was greedy, tasting of punch and tobacco. He held his arms stiff, trying to push her away, but she was strong, and very focused. The other two girls were close behind her, their eyes fixed on him from within their masks.

The girl handed the chain to one of her friends and let her mouth travel down his body, her claws scratching his skin. She bit the painted nipple and tore at the flaps of dark latex to expose his crotch.

Maybe he said ‘no’ a few more times. He certainly pushed at her leather-covered skull, but all he got were grins and chuckles. When he really tried to get free, the girl with the chain pulled him tighter, slapping his face. Falling back against the wall, he felt the kneeling girl’s hot mouth around his penis. It twitched and swelled inside her until it became hard.

He felt betrayed.

Her eyes looked up at him, dark inside the slits of her mask.

“Yummy,” she said, smacking her lips exaggeratedly. “It works.”

It worked.

To his growing horror it worked. But not at all as it had with Drew. It worked like it once used to, when he was alone in a shower, his hand around it, building it up to a fast, short-lived spasm, a sudden spitting of goo – and then a stretch of lingering frustration.

After two more pulls and a hard suck he felt himself come into her mouth. He arched and stiffened as the energy oozed away, sucking all power from his limbs.

The girl opened her red mouth, showing a small pool of white on her tongue. Then she swallowed.

“Mmmmm. Good boy,” she said, grinning. “Next chapter.”

A sudden jerk on the leash made him stumble and fall onto the mattress, face down. Hands grabbed his wrists, twisting them on his back, and clicking cuffs around them.

His face was pressed into the moldy-smelling mattress. Hands pushed and pulled until his ass pointed up. He cried out, protesting. Someone slapped his ass cheeks hard.

Then he felt a cold, slippery thing enter his anus.

At first it just rubbed and pushed against his sphincter, but soon it started sliding deeper, causing sharp stabs of pain with every thrust. He cried out and bucked, only to feel hands on his hips and back pushing him down. Voices hummed a monotonous chant, setting the rhythm for the fat pole to deflower his asshole.

He resisted.

He groaned and pulled, fighting the hands that held him down, just to receive more slaps, blows and kicks to his naked body.

“Good boy,” a voice hissed and the others took it up, turning it into yet another shanty – ‘good boy, good boy... ‘

He knew he’d started crying, sobbing into the mattress. A hand lifted his face. He saw a mask and eyes, a smiling mouth.

“Poor boy,” the mouth said. “But it will get better. Muuuuch better.”

And she chuckled.

The thing inside him – no doubt the girl’s strap on dildo – began a true pounding, and the pain dulled into a throb.

“That’s my girl,” the leading voice chanted, followed by the others. “That’s my girly-girl.”

Lucian stopped resisting.

Bathing in sweat he became a rag doll, pulled up and down on the dildo. The pain dissipated, but the slippery friction went on. With new and deeper pounding he felt a glow starting to spread. Every ending of his nerves seemed to sparkle, causing a tremble. It made his fingers claw and his toes curl.

Then the true horror started.

His body separated itself from his screaming mind, becoming a senseless machine that acted on its own – gathering energy from the mechanical assault of the piston that pounded and pounded.

It was a pestle in a mortar, grounding his resistance to a pulp.

Lucian’s body relaxed; his mind – watching from a distance – noticed the change. The ball of heat inside him started spreading, making him tremble on his knees and shoulders. His mind might still try to close doors on the spreading wildfire, but he felt the gorgeous heat jump from artery to artery, reaching for his chest, his throat, his brain.

He started sobbing again, and moaning, but the girls noticed the change too.

Same as Lucian
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Party time! Peter and his wife are throwing a get-together at their home, so he’s starting to prep the back patio and pool while his other half is out buying food. But his neighbor Alex Blake shows up early, so he lets her chill and offers to put some sunscreen on her. When he starts to suspect that Alex is coming on to him, Peter runs inside to make her a drink…only to come back out and find her masturbating on a pool chair! He does his best to stop her and shut her moaning up, but Alex...

2 years ago
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My MessagesNews FeedMy ProfileEdit ProfileLogout

My MessagesNews FeedMy ProfileEdit ProfileLogout BTW, your mobile devices can watch porn too ;) Video Pictures Stories Blogs DVDs Video Pictures Stories Games Dating Chat Live Sex Premium Fresh Sex Stories • Top Rated Stories • My Favorite Posts & Stories • Post Story! FIRST TRIP TO VEGAS LEADS TO FIRST BBC FOR GOOD WIWe had decided to take a trip to Vegas and spend some alone time together.. We started off with dinner, then went to hit the tables.. My...

2 years ago
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using A Toilet Slave For Women

Copyright© 2004 Hungry Guy Advantages Healthy: Using a toilet slave is no riskier than receiving oral sex from someone. If he's your permanent toilet slave, YOU are the ONLY one he has contact with. There is ZERO risk to you! You are safer than being in a relationship with someone who could cheat on you without you knowing. Clean: Your toilet slave is self-emptying and self-cleaning. Never again get on your hands and knees to clean that nasty toilet bowl. Convenient: Unlike...

3 years ago
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Daddy Please Marry Me

Peter was 38. He was divorced and lived alone. He had an eighteen-year-old daughter, Tammy, who he adored but didn't see very often. His wife had left when she was only four and had moved to another city. However, Tammy was going to visit for the entire summer break and Peter was looking forward to it. Peter waited at the gate to the airport for Tammy and she finally appeared and ran towards him. Rather than look happy Tammy burst into tears on reaching her father, then held Peter very tight...

2 years ago
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Weekend at the Spa

We have been for seven years and had two children and we must admit that our sex life was somewhat dull. Approaching our wedding anniversary we had decided to have a weekend away without the kids. After a lot of discussion we agreed to try visiting a naturist spa which had a hotel as part of the complex. We arrived at the spa on the Friday afternoon both feeling very nervous. We were shown around by a man wearing just a towel. The complex had a wet area containing a swimming pool two...

1 year ago
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How A Shy And Virgin College Student Had Sex With An Aunty Part 8211 2

Hii all. As I said I am of 5’7 height fair guy from Andhra Pradesh. As I continue …   She said to continue and after some time I stopped doing and asked to give a blowjob and she is an expert in it as she is an experienced woman. She said you just came in your pant and now you may not fuck me with erect cock if you cum again. So I will give you a blowjob with a condom that she took a cream and applied it on my cock and then put the condom and then gave a blowjob. I asked what is it. Then she...

2 years ago
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A Girls Life Chapter 6

The ride home was quite. All I could think about was how dad and Mike were going to handle me coming out that I wanted to be a girl. Then I thought about Ben, he's been my best friend since we were in diapers, was Jenny going to tell him? She wouldn't would she, but they were going out. How was he going to take all this. I'm only fourteen years old and today was probably the biggest and most important day of my life up until now and it felt like it was all happening so quickly. Mom...

2 years ago
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Enjoying With Staff

This happened few years ego. One of our Projects was going on near Chennai. I used to go there every week for a day or two to oversee works. That day I left early morning in my car to that project site, reached around 11.30 am. Whole day I was busy at site and I had planned to stay back there that night and return only next day afternoon but late in the evening. I received a call from my office to come back same night to attend one important meeting next day. So I decided to leave around 7pm...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Birthday but I Suck Cock

It was my wife's 35th Birthday. One of the gifts was a beautiful new watch. The other was a special evening I had planned for us. This evening would be one she'd remember for years to come. A little background information on my wife and I. My wife's name is Lisa. She is a beautiful 35 year-old. Hits the gym every day. She is in fantastic shape and has awesome curves in all the right places. My name is Eric, I'm 38 and keep myself in shape. We work very hard and always make sure to spend quality...

2 years ago
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Wenn sich hier Leute schon erbarmen eine Bewertung nach unten abzugeben wäre es ganz schön, wenn diese auch etwas sachliche Kritik geben könnten. Thx ;) In dieser Geschichte findet jemand Magie mit der man sich beliebig verwandeln kann.

2 years ago
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Tamil Teacher Prabasri Udan Kaama Vilaiyaatu

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil azhagiya thevathai pondru irukum teacherai ilamaiyaana maanavan correct seithu matter podugiraan. Avan eppadi teacher udan kaamam seithaan enbathai indru kama kathaiyil paarkalam. Vaarungal, kama kathaikul selallam. En peyar Akash, vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Naan Chennaiyil ulle bharath kalluriyil padithu varugiren, naan kalluri kadaisi aandu padithu varugiren, engaluku placement training endru solli kondu oru vaaram padam eduthaargal. Appozhuthu than muthal muraiyaaga...

4 years ago
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Mazedar Badla

Hello dosto, main aapke liye ek nayi mast kahani le kar hazir hoon. “Ussne mujhe bahut peeta, Bhai jaan, bahut mara! Maine bas itna hi kaha tha, ki mujhe apne bhai se milne jana hai aur Ashraf ne mujhe ghar se bahar niukal diya. Bhai jaan ab mera koi thikana nahin hai. Main kahan jaun, bhai. Ashraf mujhe roz marta hai, dekho mere jism par ye nishan” Tahira baji mujh se lipatate huye roti hui keh rahi thee. Hum dono bhai behan mere ghar mein mere bedroom mein khade thay. Mere haath Tahira baji...

1 year ago
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Watching Auntie Jo

Crouching over, his whole weight was against the doorframe as he secretly peered through the gap.The glare of the afternoon sun disappeared as Jo pulled the curtains in her nephews room. After the early morning start for the drive to her sisters, she had needed that long shower. Sitting down at his desk, she pulled the towel from her wet hair and began to rub it dry. Reaching for her hairdryer, she jumped at the loud ring from her mobile phone beside it.”Oh it’s you honey, yes I made it here...

2 years ago
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Hot Apple Pie1

I turned and said, “Hey Jim. How was the lake? Hot enough for you?” He and his wife said that it was pretty hot, but getting in the water was very refreshing. I walked the first load of my work stuff into the house, took off my dress shirt and put some shorts on. As I was coming back out, I heard the neighbor's car door open. Jim's daughters stepped out of the back seat. Erin came out first. Erin is 15, very slim and has a nice tan. She is going into her second year of high school and is...

1 year ago
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MenagerieChapter 40

I woke up to find Elizabeth and Amanda snuggled up against me with their heads on my chest. As much as I hated to wake them, I wasn’t into golden showers and my bladder was flashing the two-minute warning. I shook them awake enough to allow me to slip out of bed and go relieve myself. When I came back out to get dressed, they were cuddled up together, already back asleep. I threw my running gear on and jogged over to the pens to get Mandy. She smiled when she saw me coming, then laughed and...

3 years ago
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The First Night She Tried Anal

You let yourself in with the set of keys I gave you a couple months back. You throw them on the table, along with your purse, trying to be quiet. Youre not sure if Im asleep or not. You leave all your dirty clothes by the washing machine and dart past the bedroom, naked, into the bathroom. You admire yourself in the mirror thinking even covered in the grime from the day, your hair a mess, you feel sexy. Your breasts are perky, with lovely nipples in just the right location that would give a...

4 years ago
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I made a plan to seduce her

Hi I am Ravi from Kolkata. My age is 28 years. After reading so many stories from ISS I am sending my own experience with a married maid. It was my first experience and in the year 2000. Actually I had come to Kolkata for higher studies. I had lived in a rented house with my friends. At that time I was 21 years was desperately need for a fuck. We (me and my friend) both went to our class at 10 am and came back around 7 to 8 pm. So we appoint a maid for our cooking purpose. She was around 32...

3 years ago
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My Breanna My Darling SUPER MEGA FIX PART 1

She seemed more excited than usually that day She knocked me out of bed saying, "WAKE UP!!!" One thing you need to know is that my mom is CRAZY and gets excited over anything. "YOUR GOING TO MISS THE BA US." (She sang out bus) "Ok mom, Fuck" I get up Put my clothes on, And left out the door. At my school i am the most athletic on this Scoreboard a kid started. We have an advanced gym class that i take, i even instruct some times. I get back to my house (A pretty big house, You...

3 years ago
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The Room Mate

The Room MateMy wife and I have been happily married for about nine years now. We had never slept with anyone else during our relationship. I have greatly enjoyed my time with her. However a few weeks ago a coworker of my wife’s moved in with us. Her name was Denise and she had just lost her job, car, and about everything she owned in about three days. We were glad to help her out in any way we could. We set up a second bedroom in our modest apartment. At first things were normal, at least for...

4 years ago
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Twins Part Three The Finale

Twins Part Three Chapter Fifteen Christmas and New Year came and went. Shannon, Alexis and I were on a select soccer team and our season went from just before Christmas until March. After that came tournaments almost every weekend. With practice and games, I barely had time to think about baseball. I had to make a decision as to whether I was going to play again this year. I would have to give up one sport or the other. I...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 26 Educational Offer

Wednesday, April 6, 2005 (Continued) Julia and I quickly showered the parts of us that most needed it, then dressed and went to join our parents in the living room. I had no idea what to expect. From Julia's comments it seemed that Prof and Vanessa were very happy to help me, but I didn't know what they were going to be telling my parents, or how Mom and Dad would react. When we entered the living room I nervously looked at the four parents. They were smiling and relaxed, which eased my...

3 years ago
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Slave Trade

SLAVE TRADE It had been an awful few weeks the boat was so over crowded, there was noroom for anyone hundreds of us packed into this tiny little space no air, nolight, and no sun, hardly ever let on the deck for some exercise. Mid summerand the heat was searing the smell from all the human waste was over poweringbut still we could do nothing I sat in my little corner near the door and watchedpeople die on that journey, die from malnutrition die from heat exhaustionand disease which ran riot...

1 year ago
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Interactive Hentai Game

You've been hearing great things about this new Japanese interactive party game for the ps4. All of your college buddies have been bothering you to get it, and play it with your friends, so you purchase it, and hide it away in your closet. However, one night during winter break, your younger brother, who goes to another college - a freshman at 18 - finds the game and drags it out. All the packaging has on it is 'party game' so he figures its worth a shot and shoves it into the ps4, and forgets...

2 years ago
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Bhargavi8217s Bang 8211 Part 2

Hi everyone, here I am cherry, back with my next story .. So here I am introducing myself to new one’s… I am cherry from Hyderabad and you can contact me on To the new people who had not read my previous stories “Office lo swathi tho”, “priyanka’s bang” & “Un expected sex with priyanka”. plz read the above to understand the new one very here now I want to tell you all about the continuation of my Priyanka’s bang. Priyanka and I used to have our regular sessions in our room and in our...

2 years ago
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Sylvias mom part 12

The holiday season was incredible especially for me. Sheila managed to contain any possessiveness she might have had with admirable self control. She told me she did not while she did not have a real problem about me being with any of the girls, she was glad the holidays were over and it would just be the two of us here most of the time.I know both Mom and Leann will still come over frequently, but I imagine in a few weeks or months that Leann will likely want some kind of more permanent...

3 years ago
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how I met my wife chapter 8

After getting Joan to be able to fit my big cock inside her things changed quickly. She was very upset when she found out I was going to marry Debra even more that when she heard she was pregnant. Soon she become quite a slut , I mean a real cum slut sure I still was able to fuck her but I was just not enough. We both got our drivers license and our own wheels, a slut with wheels is even more difficult to keep as a girl friend. Between Joan’s brothers and other random guys it became much...

2 years ago
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Best Mans Diary

It's Saturday morning, and I've got to get ready for a big day! My lifelong pal from childhood, Matt Heisner, had finally decided to give up the single life, and settle down. Today he's marrying Michelle Reisman. This is really odd for me, since I haven't been home in nearly ten years. I joined the military right out of high school and haven't been back since. Many feelings of déjà vu overcome me as I wander past old haunts from my youth. Matt and I have kept in touch via letters, phone calls,...

4 years ago
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My Helper

I wanted to do some spring cleaning so I sent my husband off for the day and got my neighbor's son to come over and help me. We made a lot of progress during the first hour then Mike, my helper, all of a sudden jumped up and said he needed to go to the bathroom. After about fifteen minutes I went to check to him. I found him in my bedroom. He was naked on my bed with hand lotion laying beside him. He had a massive and very painful erection. It would seem that I had dressed for work, only a...

4 years ago
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Almost Heaven

Edited by Barney R. Messed with by me, all errors are mine. This is a different type of story for me. It is based on a compilation of events in the news that have happened in the past few years. Of course, it is entirely fiction. I am Geoffrey Winston, I was 26, widowed, a maintenance technician and volunteer fire fighter\first responder for the area where I live when all of the events of this story started. My wife had tried to run out on our marriage, and the bastard she was cheating...

3 years ago
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Losing My Virginity To My Girlfriend

After 5 months of relation we got real close. One fine day, I was totally alone at home since my family had to go out of station for some work for 2 days. Luckily she agreed to come over my place and I am pretty sure she knew what I was calling her for. The night before the day she was gonna come, we were talking about how we could spend the day. She planned a lot of stuff like watching movie, sleeping together, etc. When I asked about what movie we shall watch, she came up with unfaithful....

2 years ago
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The VolunteerChapter 2 The Plan

It had been a little over two weeks since Brad had walked out on Terri and he still would not take her calls. As each day passed Terri's hopes of getting back together with her loving husband were slipping further and further away. The nights were unbearable and the days weren't much better. Even though Angie was still talking to her at work, their relationship definitely was nowhere as close as it had been. They hadn't been out to lunch together since the day of her confession and she...

3 years ago
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MoragChapter 14

She led me to her bedroom. Quite when she'd done it I didn't know, but the lights were low and romantic. Once again she'd shown that she was someone special. "James, darling, would you undress me?" "Willingly, my princess!" I stood in front of her and reverently lifted her tiara from her head and placed it on her dressing-table. I kissed her gently. Then I moved to unpin the brooch. "Don't worry about that, " she said. "Just get my dress off." I turned her round, undid the...

1 year ago
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HouseguestPart 2

LeeAnne called me about 4:30 to say our dinner daye would have to be put off because her c***dren we coming home ahead of schedule due to not feeling well. She sounded very disappointed, and I told her I understood perfectly, and would be happy to reset our date for another time. "I deserve some time to enjoy myself after the past three years," she said, "And I was really looking forward to our date," We talked for a while, and I agin assured her I didn't mind the change in plan. To be honest,...

3 years ago
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Silkie and Casper from the Shamrock Tavern2018

"I got up on a weekday morning, took a long shower, washed my hair, put on a little light lipstick, then changed my mind and put this ugly, really red shade on. It looked terrible against my pale freckled skin.I put a lot of it on my lips. I thought "This is going to be all over some guy's dick pretty soon.""I piled my hair on top of my head, like I was preparing for some kind of stage role. I never used eye shadow or eyeliner, except on stage, but I found some and put that on around my eyes....

2 years ago
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The Horse of Her Dreams

Pecos, Texas was not a good place for a young girl to grow up in, especially if her mother had left her at birth, and she was raised by a poor elderly grandmother. Trudy Graham was one of those high school kids that sits in class, but is hardly noticed in her inexpensive clothes, without fancy hair care, or makeup. Over and over, Trudy dreamed that she was ‘Riding a Horse that would take her to a land of Happiness.’ After high school, when the well off kids were away at college, she went to...

1 year ago
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Oh Joy Sex Toy

OhJoySexToy! While browsing for online pornography and erotic comics, I came across this very interesting site that I just had to share. The name of the site is quite funny, because it rhymes, and it is called I am quite sure the site is not what you fucking expect it to be just by reading the title, but do not worry as I will explain everything.Now, at first glance, the site looks like it is made for children honestly, but once you dig deeper, you will realize this shit is not...

Porn for Women Sites
4 years ago
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The best leaving party

I must tell you about this that happened. I have just left my job to go self employed as the money is a lot better than the normal paycheck. So, I handed my notice in. A hastily arranged leaving party was arranged and as I had already moved, it was suggested I stopped at my regular work colleagues house. We had worked closely on projects for over 5 years and we acted like an old married couple - arguing and bickering about nothing in particular.Louise was 2 years older than myself. She...

1 year ago
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Panty Slut

You little bitch! I can’t believe you’re wearing my panties again. Do you want to be a girl? Do you? Well that bulge in your panties tells me you’re lying. Come on in here Jennifer. That’s right, I told Jennifer all about you jerking off in my lingerie. I don’t think she believed me. Stay right there so Jenn can see what a little sissy you are. Isn’t he cute Jenn? Go ahead take some pictures. Don’t move bitch! I want you to pose for a few pictures for us. Then we can forget all about...

3 years ago
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1939 The New AgencyChapter 9 Jokes

The producer and director had been in several conferences over the day. Money, time and whom they could get to replace Michael were the issues. The producer's backers had been very upset. It was the fact that Michael had been murdered that had upset them. The money, extra time needed hadn't fazed them a bit. That was odd but the director and producer didn't question their good fortune. After he hung up, the producer and director tried to come up with actors that might be available and...

3 years ago
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Fixing my grades

I was lying completely naked on the table in one of the classrooms on Friday night after everyone was gone. Around me stood four of my professors, all women, naked as well. This was how I was passing my classes this year. “Cassie, I hope this teaches you to study more and fuck less next year,” my Biology professor, Ms Clarkson, said caressing my boob as she licked her lips. I knew all of them secretly hoped the same happened next year and they could use me again like they were about to now. Ms...

1 year ago
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Punishment Dream

As I kneel in the corner the spot my Master has given me, my body is already showing my excitement. My pussy is starting to get wet, my nipples are hard and my breathing has increased. My heels are sticking into my bum with the black stockings covering my smooth legs. The rest of my body naked and aching ready to be used and my smooth pussy needing to be touched. I always feel safe and loved as I wear my Master's collar but I still always get nervous. My master is a planner. He has hundreds of...

2 years ago
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I Check Out The Checkout Girl

Sorry I have to ask you this but can I see your I.D.?”The cashier who asked me this question didn’t look old enough to buy beer herself but in The supermarket where she worked it was store policy to check everyone, no matter their age.“I know you’re only doing your job. Glad to help fight The menace of u******e drinking” I said with a straight face while handing her my license. She typed my birth date into The computerized register before returning my license to me.“ Wow that’s how old you are?...

3 years ago
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Love Not Required

In ancient times, a horrific virus spread over the world bringing death and suffering with it. The surviving population became carriers of the virus, passing it onto their children. While most were immune to the more horrific aspects of the virus that caused the death of its host, the virus brought significant change to those born with it. Child mortality rates, already high for the time, spiked. Male children were especially affected. Nearly all were born in a weakened state, with nearly...

3 years ago
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GraduallyChapter 2

Despite the best of intentions, the late hour, beer, and previous activities caught up with them. George had returned from the bathroom, having removed the sundress and her bra, and walked to the bed naked, blushing a little. Oliver, just as naked as George, had turned to see her walking towards him, and they embraced enthusiastically, he complimenting her on having gorgeous breasts, and she making the most of any skin contact. She made him turn over though, as she said she would, so she...

2 years ago
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My New Secretary Shruti 8211 Hot Interview

I have been working in my manufacturing company for 4 years. I started as an assistant engineer but got promoted to senior engineer post which required me to handle a complete division of my firm. My promotion was quick because I was better than any other engineer at that firm and my work was paying lots of returns to my firm. It was the very first day of work after promotion. I was just arranging my stuff in my new office when my boss came to me and asked me to appoint someone my...

2 years ago
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Quarantine Fun With Newlywed Malaika Bhabhi

Hi guys. I have been a vivid reader of ISS and also I have been a writer on this very site. You may know me by the nickname “Aryans” if you have read my previous stories. I have got a lot of nice reviews from most of you guys for my previous stories. You can check those stories here on this site. Today, I am back with Part 2 version of myself, a different name, different stories, different kinks and different characters (precisely female ones to jerk). I hope you love this story and send me...

1 year ago
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My Secret From My Brother Part 1

Ever since our mom and dad died, Tod believes that he has the right to boss me around. I love him to death since he is my brother, but he needs to let me live my life. Tod is twenty-seven while I’m almost eighteen. I’m simply five three and a hundred and ninety pounds. My breasts being double D’s, I swear that they weigh ten pounds together. Tod and I both have dark brown hair, while he got the blue eyes and I got stuck with the chocolate ones.  ‘Tod,’ I whined. ‘When is Adam going to be...

2 years ago
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Wyoming Ute IGT Shyhorse

Wyoming Ute Trucking IGT, Shyhorse By: Malissa Madison Sitting at the wheel of Shadow Lover, Shyhorse Lightfeather was waiting for his Uncle Jake to arrive. The rest of the family had already left but Shyhorse had volunteered to stay behind and wait for his uncle whom no one could reach before they left. The truck stop at Alamogordo, was fifty seven miles south of the Transit Portal. That was what Shadow Lover had called it. Jake had called from Hobbs on his cell phone, he...

3 years ago
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This Is Going To Be Pretty

Kate sighed, staring into the reflection. Barely clothed she let her hair fall to the sides of her neck, her makeup remained content upon her skin although her lipstick was smudged near her cheek. Before she could lift her hand he was already behind her; wrapping his arms round her bare waist. "I read in between the lines," he sighed, nuzzling his nose into the cave of her neck; his fingers twiddling beneath her bra straps. "You do that a lot lately," she sighed. Her life with him had barely...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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First Night With Love

Hii… Ye meri first story hai I hope u like it..Pehle m apne bare m bta du m 22 years old hu figure 34 26 34 hai ye story mere and mere boyfriend ki hai m name mention nah karngi but I say him janu.. Ye story one week pehle ki hai m apne boyfriend k sth 1 year pehle hi relationship m ai thi lekin hmne kbi sexy talk nah ki thi.. Hum dono bahut fun loving the hum decide kia tha hum shimla jayenge wha gaye humne hotel m ek hi room lia thand bahut thi… Isliye humne socha k bahar nah jayenge room m...

2 years ago
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I posed naked on the bed. Having forgotten to refresh my music, I listened to the same old shitty dance tunes through the laptop speakers. Despite the music grating on my ears, I smiled and hummed along with the bland lyrics. Legs spread, I rested my head in my hand while doing my best to appear interested. Pouting like the whore I was, I’d part my pussy lips to show off my healthy inner pinkness. Gazing into the laptop, I watched IrishRover5 wanking in front of his camera. My eyes felt tired,...

4 years ago
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Spring Break Corona Style ndash Part 4

This is a Re-Post of a Story from my last Profile, Jessy49. I have changed the title and up-dated it to reflect Current Events. I hope my Consistent Readers will enjoy my attempt a Dark Satire.DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction; I do not condone any of the actions described in this story. All aspects related to real life persons or events is strictly incidental. Attempting the following Inc(e)stual Acts in real life is Ill(e)gal and Immoral… unless you wish to spend the rest of your life in...

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