An Unwanted Gift
- 3 years ago
- 40
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It all started very innocently when on the Monday we returned to school from the holiday break, Dr. Higgs asked me to clear out the drawing room on the third floor.
As we walked hand in hand up the stairs after school, Jennifer asked, “What exactly did you two do up here anyway?”
I simply said, “We were part of the peer tutor program when it started two years ago, then we worked on a special art project the room was set up for.”
“Art?” she echoed in surprise. “I never thought of you being into art.”
I just let myself smile at her, knowing she had accepted my words without question. It would have been so easy to flat out lie about things, but I couldn’t lie to her. Mislead her, yes. Stretch the truth, yes. Lie? Well, I didn’t want to start because I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep my telepathy from her forever.
As we walked up to the drawing room, Jennifer pointed to the room across the hall and asked, “What’s in there?”
“That one was ... Well, Joey, Suzi, and I made it our private room. We can look at it later, okay? I want to open this room up just in case it’s cold in there.”
“Private room?” she echoed.
As I suspected, the room was a chilly fifty or so degrees. Being on the third floor and not used for the most part, the rooms usually didn’t require much heat to keep things from freezing. After showing Jennifer the filing cabinet where the drawings were, I left to go downstairs to turn up the heat. I never understood why the rooms themselves didn’t have thermostats. In the winter, the rooms were usually chilly or too hot simply from changes in the outdoor temperature, wind or even the sun hitting them.
While I was down in the utility room, I grabbed two boxes I figured would be just about right to put the drawings in to take home. Joey had wanted to get copies made so we each had a set, but we both agreed that could be done later when we had more time for things like that.
I was about halfway up the stairs from the second to the third floor when I heard Jennifer’s horrific and painful cry. The boxes went in two different directions as I jettisoned their extra bulk and hightailed it back to the office as fast as I could.
I found Jennifer crying but calming down in the corner opposite from the desk and filing cabinet she had been sitting at when I left. I immediately walked up to her and checked her over visually, then finally asked, “Jennifer, what’s wrong? What happened?”
“I was just looking at your drawings and I ... I ... One of them HURT me!” she said, clamping her arms around me in a tight hug.
I savored the moment deeply, temporarily forgetting everything but the woman I loved whom I cuddled gently in my arms. She was so innocent, so dependent on the love and care of others. She was almost fragile, especially if a drawing of a symbol could cause her to...
I said urgently, “Wait. Did you say one of the drawings hurt you?”
“Yes,” she said, turning her head to face the desk while it stayed flat against my upper chest.
“One of those,” she said, pointing at the somewhat scattered pile of pencil-drawn symbols. “I was just looking through them, seeing if I could recognize any of them, and...” she stopped and flinched.
“Jennifer, show me, please? It’s very important,” I said while my heart pounded in my chest.
“But...” she said as I tried to move us closer. “But it hurt me...”
I sighed, then hooked her eyes with mine and let that familiar feeling form.
“How can a drawing hurt you, Sweetie? How?”
“I don’t know,” she said, relaxing in my gaze. “I guess it can’t ... okay...”
She broke our eye contact, then walked timidly up to the desk and examined the few on top without touching them.
“I don’t see it,” she said as I walked up behind her and gently wrapped my arms around her midsection.
“Well? Look through them. The worse thing that could happen is you get a paper cut.”
She hesitated, but then she felt ashamed of being so timid in front of me and started uncovering them one by one.
“I guess you’re right,” she said about halfway through them. “I mean, how can a silly picture hurt you? But something made me ... EEEKKK!!!”
Even as Jennifer grabbed me and buried her face into my chest shaking all over with her fright, my only reaction was to slowly fold my arms around her as I stared at the symbol she had reached.
Before me was the pencil drawing of the symbol that had been the hardest to draw simply for what it was. Joey and I had claimed it to be our favorite of the bunch just because it had been so hard to obtain, and the colored version was currently framed and hanging in my room after bringing it home from college last year.
It was the universal symbol for pain, and after having God knows how many flashbacks and colliding thoughts, my mind finally tuned back into my surroundings, and I gently pulled Jennifer away from my body and looked deeply into her eyes.
“Jennifer, it’s okay. There’s nothing to be afraid of. Let’s go to the other room. There’s something I want to show you.”
I carefully covered up the pain symbol before we moved towards the door, but then Jennifer dashed out ahead of me. Jennifer kept her back to the door while I caught up with her and then guided her across the hall to the other room’s door.
She was so upset from the experience that she didn’t even take notice of the furnishings in the room. If my own mind hadn’t been churning away from all the possibilities and resulting consequences, I would have realized that she was struggling with something.
I guided her to the couch and we both sat down lost in our own thoughts, but when I felt her shudder, I snapped myself out of it and asked her what was wrong.
“I ... I can’t get it out of my head,” she said pitifully. “I don’t want to think about it, but I can’t stop.”
I quickly pulled my coin out from under my shirt, pulled it out of the white gold holder, and said urgently, “Then here. Think about this and tell me what you feel.”
After taking it from me, she asked, “What is it?” as her expression and voice filled with wonder.
I couldn’t even answer her as I experienced an overwhelming amount of positive emotions flowing through me from seeing she truly did feel something from my coin.
“Tim? It makes me feel happy inside. And ... warm and tingly to my fingers. It’s wonderful.”
Looking up at me, she began, “ Where did you get...” but got caught up in my eyes filled with love.
It happened again ... And this time, there was something even more magical to it. We felt as if we were reaching out to each other’s souls and embracing them as we met halfway for our kiss, and then sank down onto the couch as we felt our hearts beat as one.
Losing ourselves in our sharing of our love for each other, there was no hesitation or resistance when I pulled Jennifer on top of me as we continued to kiss. The kissing was of the most gentle and loving kind, and while there still was no tongue involved, it was still very wet and stimulating.
Yes, I got a hardon, and yes Jennifer had felt it when it pressed against her thigh. But there was this new binding trust between us, one that told us both that we would not have sex until she was ready, and for now that meant waiting until she was eighteen with a wedding ring on her finger from me.
We kissed for what seemed like a very long time, pausing to catch our breath once in a while before gazing into each other’s eyes and being pulled back into our kiss.
When we finally had had enough for the time being, Jennifer sighed happily and closed her eyes while I stroked her back from her neck all the way down to just above her waist.
“Can I see that coin again?”
“You had it last...” I said before gently moving us so I could look upon her face.
I stared intensely at her while focusing all the energy and life I had in me into projecting a single telepathic message...
“I love you too,” she answered me aloud.
She didn’t catch my expression when she had confirmed my suspicion. She still had her eyes closed from feeling very peaceful and relaxed from my kisses and caresses.
I was about to announce it to her just like that, but luckily I got a hold of myself and calmed down enough to think rationally for a minute. Using my symbolic sight, I located the coin, reached onto the floor for the coin, then placed it against her lips, and was rewarded with her smile.
And then her eyes opened...
I don’t know what it was about her eyes, but they seemed brighter than ever before. Like as if something had awakened within her that had been dormant all her life. But this something wasn’t related to do with the coin or telepathy. It was much more important, and nothing supernatural about it.
When she pulled the coin from her lips, I kissed the back of her hand and then rolled her off me, giving her the couch, figuring she would want to sit up and examine it more closely.
But she just laid there examining the coin like that, and after a few minutes had passed, I got down on my knees beside her and laid my head on her shoulder to wait patiently for the questions I knew she would ask.
“Where did you get this?” she finally asked.
“My dad gave it to me when we met. His dad gave it to him, but I don’t know where my grandfather got it from. He’s dead now, so we’ll probably never know.”
“How can a coin ... Does it make you feel good when you hold it?”
“Yes, a little. It doesn’t make my fingers tingle, but it does to Joey.”
“Who?” she said, looking away from the coin for the first time since I had rolled her off me.
“You know. Suzi’s boyfriend.”
“Oh, him. How come you never showed this to me before?”
She was back to looking at the coin again but was glancing over at me every couple of seconds just to see if I was going to answer or not. I wasn’t sure exactly how to answer her, so I simply told her the straight out truth.
“Well, because of what it is, what it can do. Most people can’t feel anything from it. Only special people, Jennifer. People like me, my mom and dad, Joey, and now you...”
“What do you mean, special people? I’m not special. You are, but I’m not.”
“Now don’t start that again,” I said lovingly but firmly. “You are special, and this proves it.”
I sighed and said, “Jennifer, we need to have a long talk, but not here. I think the best thing to do would be to take you home and then tell you, Lee, and your dad about what this means.”
She frowned, then looked at me for a long time before smiling a sweet smile and saying, “You’re being awfully mysterious about this. This isn’t one of your surprises, is it?”
I couldn’t help but smile back at her as I softly said, “Sweetie, this time, I had nothing to do with it, but yes. It will be a surprise. A wonderful surprise. But...”
“I’ll tell you in the car, okay? Help me pack the drawings up and we’ll take them with us. Oh, now, don’t get scared. I’ll pack the ones you were looking at. The others are ... Well, they’re harmless. Nothing about them could possibly hurt you.”
“The ones I was looking at? They can hurt me?” she said in a little girl’s voice.
“To tell you the truth, nobody has ever had any kind of reaction like you had. I don’t know why you did. Jennifer, just trust me, okay? I know what I’m talking about.”
She sat up and nodded her head, then hesitantly offered me back my coin.
“You can hang on to it if you like,” I said, then basked in the light shining from her smiling face.
I retrieved the boxes I had dropped over an hour before and carefully collected the drawings on the desk and put them in one. Jennifer wouldn’t even come into the room until I finished with those. Even afterward, she was very skittish about messing with the rest, but I couldn’t blame her. The pain she had felt had been intense. I mean, think of it like this. You walk up to a door you’ve never been through before and when you take hold of the knob, you get a huge electrical shock that knocks you flat. You’d be a little skittish about opening unfamiliar doors yourself for a while, and that’s pretty much what Jennifer was feeling too.
Joey and I had organized the symbols very carefully for we hadn’t labeled any of them for security reasons. We had two full-sized filing cabinets of drawings, and even though the eight drawers weren’t anywhere near being full, it was still a lot of drawings to handle, especially when I didn’t want them getting mixed up.
Four hundred thirty-seven drawings of a hundred fifty-four symbols, all drawn by numerous students on special nonyellowing heavyweight paper. About a third of them were drawn artistically in color, but most of those just didn’t look right to me with the colors the artist had used. Only about twenty of them Joey and I had drawn ourselves but looking through them brought back all sorts of memories of the time we were the closest of pals.
I easily shook those feelings off once we had finished without any more surprises. Yes, Joey and I had had some good times, but I felt our time had passed and now it was time for me and Jennifer to share as much and more as I had with Joey and Suzi combined.
“But?” Jennifer suddenly said in the car when we pulled out of the school’s parking lot.
“But what?” I asked, my mind still thinking about the things Joey and I had done that I wanted to do with Jennifer too.
“I don’t know. Before we packed the drawings up, you said but, then said you’d tell me in the car.”
“Oh. Sorry,” I said, grinning at her.
Then I got serious, for I knew I had to be careful so she wouldn’t disbelieve me when I told her later.
“Well?” she said when I took too long in thinking.
“Jennifer, you know I would never lie to you or try to trick you, don’t you?”
“Yes,” she said cautiously.
“Well, just remember that when I start saying some pretty wild things, okay? I’m really worried you won’t believe what I’m going to be telling you and your sister and dad.”
“Why? Oh, come on, Tim. Why can’t you tell me now? If it makes you feel any better, I’ll pretend like I didn’t know when you tell me in front of Lee and Daddy.”
“You don’t understand. The reason I need to tell you with your dad and sister around is so you can take their word for it, not just mine.”
“You’re right,” she sighed. “I don’t understand. Well, I just hope it is worth all this suspense.”
When she didn’t say anything more, I concentrated on working out how I was going to do it while Jennifer pulled my coin out and started testing it out on different areas on her body.
By the time I pulled into her driveway, Jennifer had her eyes closed while gently stroking her left cheek with the coin. I was tempted to just sit there with the engine running watching her like that, for she looked so precious.
I couldn’t help but chuckle when she blushed from my stare. But then it happened again, and even though it was nowhere near as magical or long as the last time, the kiss still sent us both to cloud nine for a while.
We were already finished with the kiss when Lee tapped on the window with her knuckle and startled us.
“I saw that,” she teased with a wicked smile as her boyfriend led her to his van parked on the street.
While Jennifer went through a much more intense blushing fit, I realized they were going to leave.
“Lee! Wait a sec!” I said, jumping out of the car.
“What?” she said out of the passenger side window.
“Are you going to be gone very long?”
“Just until ten or so. What is it? We’re kind of in a hurry here.”
“Shit. Look. I need to explain some heavy stuff to Jennifer, but I really need you to be there too. It’s really important. I don’t think it can wait until ten.”
She glanced over to her boyfriend, who just gave her a look that meant, “lose this jerk,” then turned back to me with an apologetic expression intending to tell me no.
“Sorry about this. You’ll understand later,” I told her as she got out of the van.
“Hey!” her boyfriend said before she could reply to me.
“You want to try tomorrow?”
“Okay. I’ll pick you up at three instead.”
“Sounds good,” she said before turning away from him and walking back to the house with me.
As we entered the kitchen, their father said, “Lee? I thought you were leaving?”
Lee said, “I was, but Tim said there was important he needed to tell Jennifer.”
I said, “I know this sounds kind of weird, but could we go sit down in the living room? What I have to tell you is going to be hard to believe, and when I prove it to you, it’s going to be a bit of a shock.”
Mr. Corrigan looked at my serious expression, then asked, “How long will this take? I’m in the middle of fixing our supper.”
I looked down at the two TV dinners lying out on the counter thawing, then looked back at up at him with a questioning look.
He said a little jokingly, “I’m hungry, okay?”
I said with a grin, “Well, I guess we can wait long enough for you to pop them in the oven.”
Lee asked him, “Did you put mine back in the freezer, Dad?”
“Yes, Snookums. Tim, are you hungry? We can pop one in for you too if you like.”
I said, “Yes, thank you. That would be great. I think I’m going to be here a while.”
After Lee went back again to retrieve the one that had been out for her boyfriend, the four TV dinners were “popped” into the oven and then we all went into the living room for my little show and tell.
I began, “Before I start making you think I’m nuts, Jennifer, let Lee and your dad hold my coin.”
Jennifer said with enthusiasm, “That’s a good idea. Here, Lee. This makes you feel...”
I cut her off, saying, “Let’s just let them work that out, okay Jennifer?”
“Oh, all right!” she said a little grumpily. She had had her fill of my mysteriousness.
“Okay,” Lee said a little suspiciously while turning the coin over and looking at the other side. “What do I do with it?”
Jennifer asked, surprised, “Don’t you feel anything?”
“What do you mean? It’s just a plastic coin.”
Before Jennifer could respond, I said, “Let your dad see it, Lee.”
She handed it over to Mr. Corrigan, then after he silently looked at it for a few moments, Jennifer blurted out, “Don’t you feel anything?” in a more desperate tone than before.
“What am I supposed to feel, Pumpkin?” he said, flipping it, then handing it back to her.
Jennifer stared at the coin a few moments, then looked over at me with this confused expression on her face.
I said, “I’m sorry, Jennifer. I told you only certain people can feel anything from my coin.”
Lee asked impatiently, “Are you two going to tell us what’s going on?”
Ignoring Lee, Jennifer asked me, “But why not them? Why me?”
I shrugged and said, “I don’t know, Jennifer. Now that we know they don’t feel anything from it, why don’t you go ahead and tell them what you feel while I think a minute.”
As Jennifer began describing the sensations the coin gave her, I watched for their reactions, and as I had expected, they were very skeptical.
I didn’t comment as Lee and their dad voiced their disbelief, and just waited for one of them to let the other do the talking. That person turned out to be Mr. Corrigan, so while Lee and Jennifer argued like sisters do, I managed to get the coin from Jennifer and handed it to him with the words, “This is what Jennifer feels.”
I was the only one to hear Mr. Corrigan’s gasp while I simulated the sensations which Jennifer had described. I only kept it up for maybe thirty seconds, but it was more than enough to convince him we were serious.
“Lee,” he said faintly moments before I stopped my simulation.
“Lee!” he nearly shouted afterward. “She’s not lying. I just felt it too.”
“What?” both girls said.
“How?” Jennifer asked, then caught sight of my grin and said, “Tim?”
“Lee? Your turn,” I said, handing her the coin and giving Jennifer a wink.
Lee said crankily, “You’re all making me really ... Oh my God!”
“Tim!” Jennifer cried with impatience and confusion as Lee sat very still staring at the coin in her hand, almost like she was afraid to move.
“Hang on a second,” I said, wanting to give Lee at least the same amount of time her dad had.
“You said they couldn’t feel anything, but now they can? Tim, please tell me what is going on?!? I’m starting to think you’re doing it on purpose!”
I killed my simulation when I saw she was about ready to burst into tears. I winced, having not considered that I might scare her with this, but then I knew how to fix it without having to alter my plans.
As I felt that familiar feeling, I resisted letting a full empathic connection form and just let it calm her down.
Her father said, “I’m a little confused myself.”
Still holding the coin like it would bite her if she moved her hand, Lee asked, “How can a coin make you feel good just by holding it?”
Giving each of them a dose of my seriousness empathetically, I said, “This is where it gets a little hard to believe. Most people can’t feel anything from the coin, but when someone does, it means they have this ... potential or gift. My mom and dad both have it, I have it, both my grandfathers ... and Jennifer has it.”
Lee asked, “But we don’t?”
“No, you don’t.”
Sitting back, deciding he wasn’t going to buy it, their father asked, “What is this gift that Jennifer supposedly has?”
I thought to Lee and Mr. Corrigan,
“Telepathy?” Lee snorted from missing the fact I hadn’t said it aloud while watching Jennifer take back my coin.
“Telepathy?” Jennifer echoed. “Why did you say that, Lee?”
Jennifer interrupted, “Hey! Why are you all staring at each other?”
I held my breath as her two astounded family members stared at her for several moments before exchanging glances between themselves.
“Okay ... What’s going on?” Jennifer said, breaking out into a smile that faded very quickly.
I decided it was time to tell her, for she wasn’t going to last much longer without getting very upset from the suspense.
I got up from my chair, and after Lee vacated her spot on the couch for me, I sat down next to Jennifer, took her hands into mine and looked into her eyes as I said, “Jennifer, if I was to tell you that I could read your mind, would you believe me?”
Jennifer frowned and said skeptically, “Read my mind?”
“Yes. Like think of something I couldn’t possibly know about, something that isn’t private, but you’ve never told me anything about.”
After glancing at her sister and father, Jennifer asked nervously, “Why are you all staring at me?”
I said, “Blue and white shirt, striped, has a lopsided collar, and you ... You loved it because it had a little flower embroidered into it right there,” I said, touching the spot just above and to the left of her left breast.
“How did you...”
“I read your mind, silly. That’s what this is all about. I’m telepathic, and so are you, Sweetie. So are you.”
Jennifer’s face went through an amazing number of expressions, twice she had started to laugh but it never got beyond the first couple notes of her beautiful sing-song laugh.
She finally asked, “You’re joking, right?”
I said, “No, I’m very serious. Ask your dad or Lee. I was talking to them in their heads when you thought we were just staring at each other.”
“It’s true, Pumpkin,” Mr. Corrigan managed to say. “I don’t really know if I believe it entirely yet, but he was talking to me without moving his lips.”
“Then do it to me?” Jennifer said a moment later.
“Well, that’s not easy for me to do. I’ve told you you’re very special, and before this afternoon, I believed you would never be able to hear my thoughts. There’s a lot I have to tell you, all of you, some of it you won’t like to hear but you need to hear it anyway.”
I first told them about my own rediscovery of my abilities when I was in eighth grade, and how my mom had helped me gain control over them. I was pretty careful to ease the subject of altering someone’s mind into it all, but I ended up having to demonstrate it by having Lee do a perfectly synchronized ring around the rosy with me before they believed me.
At that point, I told them about how I discovered Jennifer was immune to my telepathy. That was probably the most confusing part for Jennifer. She didn’t understand how she supposedly had the gift and yet be immune to it too. I guess what made it so confusing was, I didn’t understand it myself.
I was very relieved to find she was accepting my word about these things, especially since I kept having to demonstrate it to her sister and dad when they started doubting me again. But with Jennifer, she never doubted anything I was saying, and only when she didn’t understand did I have to go into more detail or something.
Mr. Corrigan really surprised me by the way he took it all in stride. I mean, even though the whole concept scared him and he didn’t want to believe in it, he kept his mind open because he felt he had to at least consider the possibility that everything I was telling him was true.
Lee, on the other hand, kept challenging my explanations. Even while we were eating the TV dinners, Lee kept asking questions that I was able to answer easily enough, but I ended up being the last one done eating because of all the talking I had done.
Once I saw they all had a fair understanding of what telepathy could do, I said quite simply, “I’d like to help Jennifer to develop her telepathy, but there are some dangers in doing so.”
“Dangers?” Jennifer asked.
“If there’s a risk in it harming her...” Mr. Corrigan began.
“No, not her. Well, not exactly. I can’t ever believe it ever happening to Jennifer, but ... Telepaths are very susceptible to what I think is called the God syndrome. You know the saying, Power corrupts...”
“Absolute power corrupts absolutely,” he finished for me. “You’re saying she might lose control of herself.”
“Worse than that. She might alter you both in ways you can’t even imagine.”
Jennifer said in a small voice, “I couldn’t do anything like that.”
“I know you wouldn’t now, but ... It changes you, Sweetie. You stop seeing others as your equals because they can’t stop you from making them what you want them to be. Every telepath I’ve met uses people in one way or another, and even I have done some things which I’m not proud of.”
“Like what?” Jennifer asked softly, almost afraid.
“I’d rather not get into that tonight,” I sighed. “I’ll tell you someday, but it’s not that simple because of ... Well, because I wasn’t myself when I did those things. I’m here to offer myself to teach you what I can while at the same time hopefully keep you from corrupting yourself with it.”
I turned to her father and said, “I’d never take advantage of her, sir. Even if I didn’t love her, I’d still wouldn’t because ... because...”
When I failed to find a way to express my devotion to not becoming a monster, Mr. Corrigan asked carefully, “What exactly are you asking of me?”
“I’m asking you for your permission to try and help your daughter develop her abilities without letting them corrupt her. She has it within her, the coin says so. Without my help, she may never develop them, or she may develop them on her own without any sort of guidance.”
“I see,” he said, looking at his younger daughter who met his eyes with her own. After a moment of consideration, he asked, “Well, Pumpkin? What do you think of all this?”
“I don’t know, Daddy. I get excited thinking about it, but it scares me too. Lee? What do you think I should do?”
Lee had been clearing the table and was still standing, but with Jennifer’s question, she suddenly felt the need to sit down and did so by flopping herself into her chair at the table.
“I don’t know, kiddo,” she sighed. “I think I understand what Tim is afraid of happening. I mean, I was just daydreaming, and...”
“What, Lee?”
“If I could make people do what I wanted them to ... Well, I know I wouldn’t be able to resist ... You know ... The guys and all.”
“Oh,” Jennifer said a little down. But then she asked, “But do you think I could resist?”
“I don’t know, shrimp. I wouldn’t be surprised if you couldn’t control yourself with it. But you’re definitely not after the boys like I was at your age.”
“No, and I’ve promised Mom I wouldn’t do anything like that until I was 18 and married,” she reminded everyone. “I won’t be bad. I know I won’t. And I can’t think of anyone better than Tim who could show me the way, can you?”
Mr. Corrigan said, “Well, I think what we need is some time to think about it. Tim, thank you for being so frank about all this. I appreciate your offer for help and everything, but right now I think I’d really like to be alone with my family. Do you understand?”
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A Wish Unwanted - Part 13 by Limbo's Mistress "Peej?" Sarah asked again, moving a step closer to me to place her hand on my arm. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" Oh, that? That was nothing at all to be alarmed about, Sarah. Just some idiot who thought it might be a good idea to rearrange the universe to satisfy their own selfish desires. That's all. Certainly nothing that you'll notice anyways. I glanced up at her for a second, then went back to staring at the triple simultaneous...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestMothers Special Gift By: Malissa and Gang 5/12/2013 Happy Mother's Day Being the middle child of five boys wasn't easy, having five boys wasn't easy on my mother either. But at sixteen I knew how much she'd always wanted a daughter. And over the last few years I'd found myself wanting to give her that special gift, I just didn't know how to go about it. I was afraid to mention it to anyone, especially not my brothers who were very much stereotypical Males. My mother on the other...
A Mother's Gift Losing someone you love, is never easy. My mother was just 57 when cancer took her. We were indeed close, but I was close to both my parents. My dad and I spent a few days together, in the days that followed her passing. My girlfriend Jennifer also stood by me in this time of sorrow. But I didn't realise at the time, that the best days of my life were yet to come, and I owe it to my late mom, for them happening. Despite a few years at college, I found myself...
Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
(Thanks as always to Steve Zink, he makes me look good. This story is dedicated to Morpheus, who writes such great tales of understanding between parents and children, and Femur for his great site. Also, a nod to Raven's great story 13.) Altered Fates: A Special Mother's Day Gift By Eric Part 1 Mother's Day, 1975 Gloria was smiling. It was Mother's Day, and her kids and grandkids were coming over to celebrate. She remembered a card she got from Jeff the year before. It said,...
I woke up the next morning still inside her. My head swam. For a moment, I didn’t know who I was or what happened, and I didn’t fucking care as long as I could stay with this beautiful woman forever. It was her, the woman of my dream, Hearts. Hearts was a tall, slender Asian dream with great legs, perky breasts, tight ass and pussy, and fucked like a machine. I had assumed and dreamed all of that for months, but last night, I had seen and experienced it. I spurred a bet with her husband that...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
Till this day, I can never forget the most wonderful birthday gift I ever had, presented by my big brother. I was 20 then, and he & his girlfriend took me out as a birthday treat. On my 18th birthday, my big brother had treated me to a great weekend "camping" (mom & dad never knew about the actual "site" that we went to). It was a nice cabin situated by a beautiful lake equipped with TV and VCR. We spent a lot of time watching porno movies which my big brother had brought along and jacking in...
EroticI grew up in a small town in California, far from the coast. I lived modestly with my mother and older half sister. My father was never in the picture, and my mother never spoke about him. She insisted that she knew nothing about him, and I never pressed her too hard because it seemed to upset her. My sister, Moriah, is a few years older than me. Her father comes around every now and then when he’s not deployed, and he seemed to always seemed resentful of my mother. Something...
Hi guys and girls this Yogita again. I am married woman with no child, I am fair looking with 32D-25-35 Thanks a lot for your feedback for my earlier story. My inbox got flooded with mails. I am thankful for all those love shown by readers. Due to lot of mails I may have missed some to reply, extremely sorry for that. I kindly request readers to read my earlier story to understand the back ground. At morning when I woke up, found myself nude alone on bed. I wondered where the watchman has...
Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
It is Mother's Day morning and I haven’t found a gift yet for mom. I have been preoccupied with school, the volleyball team and my boyfriend that I barely had any time. Now, I’m frantically scrambling to find one at the very last minute. I live with my mom in this small efficiency apartment in Florida. Mom figured it was the best way to save. We’ve lived there for about two years going. Our apartment has one large bedroom, a bathroom and a spacious living room that adjoins the small kitchen. I...
IncestMy Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
Unwanted Attention - Part 3: The Game By MindlessPath Rajan sat down beside me, he was rubbing his hands excitedly. I looked his way and noticed that he was staring at my breasts. I gave him an angry glare and he stopped staring. Earl and Danny were seated across from us and Fred was seated on the side. We started to play the role-playing game. Apparently the others had already made their characters. They had a rule about making characters, though. You could not make your own...
Setting: Urban Bangalore, India, modern times. Main characters: - Manu – the main character, a ~30 year man. The story is mostly told from Manu’s perspective. - Kavita – Manu’s beautiful wife who has a past history with Prem during her college days. - Amir Ali, known to his friends as Prem, the masculine manly man who has moved in with Manu and Kavita for the past 7 months due to a temporary job assignment. (Note that Amir does not allow Manu to call him Prem, as this nickname is reserved...
Hi everyone, I am Rahul again with the next story of an unwanted gangbang. About me, just read my previous stories with the same name. As you all aware how my uncle and his friends fucked my mother and wife in our own house and in front of me. Now, this became a daily story of my house. When I came back from the job and don’t found my wife, I asked my mom where she was, she signaled towards my bedroom. Just then I heard some sounds of very low frequency coming from my room. I went and opened...
"What happened?" she groaned as she clamored to her feet. She was still in the boys' locker room. She could see Adam, Andrew, Joe and Jason in front of her. She gasped when she felt David's hand on her shoulder from behind. She turned her head and found her lips meeting his. He kissed her passionately, pushing his tongue into her mouth and making her squeal. "I thought you weren’t gonna be like the rest of them," she whimpered when their mouths broke apart. "I'm a sucker for...
Friday came, and before I knew it I was getting ready for my 3 o’clock appointment. I took a shower and groomed myself a bit, brushed my teeth, put on some makeup and did my hair. I wasn’t trying to look too attractive, but I didn’t want to make him think that I didn’t listen to his request. I then put some underwear on. I decided to go with a thong (nothing too fancy, just black cotton) and a black bra. I really didn’t have any so called “sexy” undergarments, but my butt stood out in any...
Introduction: This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery. Enjoy! Chapter 12 ...
Introduction: Continuation – This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery....
Introduction: This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery. Enjoy! Chapter 7 ...
Introduction: Continuation – This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery....
Introduction: This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery. Enjoy! Chapter 9 ...
Introduction: This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery. Enjoy! Chapter 10 ...
Introduction: This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery. Enjoy! Chapter 1 ...
Gabriel, was the youngest male member of the janitorial staff of the high school I attended. Gabriel had also been spying on me and my fellow track team members and had had his way with me after one sex session he witnessed. Gabriel taken my body on more than one occasion and had made arrangement with me to meet him each Wednesday in the gyms shower. On Wednesday's, Gabriel had to work late and secure the school, normally there are no after school activities going on that day of the week. I...
IncestUnwanted Attention - Part 4: X-Scullcrasher 3000 By MindlessPath There were 2 cafeterias on the campus. I had been able to get free meals at one thanks to being a scholarship student. The problem was that you had to show a valid ID to get into the building it was located in. The other cafeteria was super expensive, I didn't know what kind of security measures it had as I had never been there as I knew I could not afford to. I didn't have any kind of valid ID so I probably couldn't get...
A Wish Unwanted (Part 1) by Limbo's Mistress I was attempting to finish prepping the last of my maps for an upcoming session of Dungeons & Dragons when Cindy burst into my room looking like a cross between a lottery winner and the cat who ate the canary. "Sam! Thank god you're not doing anything important!" she squealed, closing the door behind her. "I really need your help." I sighed and put the sharpie down, turning around in my chair to face her. Not that it was a really...
A Wish Unwanted - Part 2 by Limbo's Mistress "Penelope Jean Davenport, get your butt down here right now!" The urgency and annoyance in my mom's voice carried easily through the closed door of the bedroom, cutting right through the stupor which had descended over me the moment I glanced at the front of my driver's license. As if to serve as universal confirmation, the name inscribed beneath the picture of the smiling brunette matched her words perfectly. Penelope? That was bad...
A Wish Unwanted - Part 3 by Limbo's Mistress Tracy beamed at me, as if daring me to try to deny her accusation. The sounds of the other students passing by the bathroom, on their way to their homeroom, served to remind me that I really didn't have time to play games with the other girl. She not only knew about the wishing stone, she knew that I had used it. She was completely aware that I wasn't Penelope "Pee-Jay" Davenport. At least, not originally. "I ... but how..." I rambled...
A Wish Unwanted - Part 4 by Limbo's Mistress Tracy and I talked for a little bit longer, though the topic of the stone was not the focus of the conversation. Instead, it was a question and answer session where she did her best to walk me through how to act less like someone who used, as recently as that morning, had been a guy. In other words, she coached me on how to be Penny. Impressively enough, I was able to follow along and grasp the basic concepts rather quickly. I've...
A Wish Unwanted - Part 5 by Limbo's Mistress "Uh," I said, fighting with the screaming alarms going off in my head. "What are you ..." "Look, Davenport," Jen interrupted, sounding like she was having to rein in her outdoor voice. "I have enough shit on my plate at the moment. So I have neither the time, nor patience to figure out what the hell is going on between you and Stevens. I just know the two of you had better get it settled. Fast. If I come back to find all my hard work...
A Wish Unwanted - Part 6 by Limbo's Mistress Okay, so ... showering as a girl turned out to be different, but not quite the intensity of weird I thought it was going to be. I guess putting soap and water on flesh is pretty much an ordinary occurrence across the universe. Which would explain a lot about the newer model Cylons. Anyway, I walked into the shower area, armed with my little tray of Pee- Jay's toiletries and a can-do attitude. I mean, it wasn't like I could just stop...
A Wish Unwanted - Part 7 by Limbo's Mistress Over the next forty-five minutes, Charlie ran me through a series of basic cheer maneuvers. Each one apparently had its own name, and a specific order, in the routine. In addition to a back handspring, I learned I could do a handstand, a round off, a forward flip, a hurdler, a toe-touch, and a pike without much more than simply thinking about it in my head. "I'll text you the routines tonight. You'll just need to memorize which moves go...
A Wish Unwanted - Part 9 by Limbo's Mistress Cheer practice was always held in one of two locations. If the weather was unpleasant, it would have taken place on the far side of the gym, opposite the location of where the volleyball matches from class had been held. A nearly opaque curtain could be drawn across the length of the room, effectively cutting off the area from distractions. As well as wandering eyes. However, if the day was nice and warm, such as today, then the squad...
A Wish Unwanted - Part 11 by Limbo's Mistress We made our way back downstairs to the party, which was still going full- swing. The group that had been in the office when we entered the house was gone. Likewise, when we got to the door, I noticed through the glass panes beset in the wood that the crowd outside had decreased by about twenty percent. "What do we do now?" Charlie asked, looking at the rest of us. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, I can search my room for the...
A Wish Unwanted - Part 12 by Limbo's Mistress Lee was nice enough to wait until we were halfway back to my house before asking me if I was okay. After being blindsided by Sarah's actions and partial confession that something slightly more than platonic had happened between us (though, to be fair, the other Penny had been present), I didn't say much as we exited the back gate near the pool and walked around the huge house to the Mustang. Chad had scooped Sarah into his arms the...
A Wish Unwanted - Part 14 by Limbo's Mistress I wanted to slap him. This boy I didn't really know, who grinned down at me with a smarmy smile, a lecherous gleam in his green eyes, and his hand still planted on my ass. "Come on, Barnes," Mark said, sounding like he was thoroughly entertained. "Didn't you get enough of that last night?" Last night? Oh frack. If this overbearing douche was now my boyfriend, then I guess it was only safe to assume that everything Lee and I...
A Wish Unwanted - Part 15 by Limbo's Mistress We stepped back out into the hall, Geoff pulling the door closed behind us. "Wow," he said, looking straight ahead. "That was, uh, eye-opening." I felt a rush of heat appear on my cheeks. The whole incident seemed surreal. I mean, the most violent Sam had ever gotten was the time he smacked Greg Dowdy in the back of the head with a Monster Manual for trying to meta-game a dungeon he's spent the better part of a...
A Wish Unwanted - Part 16 by Limbo's Mistress. I sat upright on the bed, my heart leaping into my throat as I cursed myself for not screening the call. While I harbored no delusions that I could avoid the Ice Queen forever, I was at least hoping to get another whole day of freedom before her return. "Jen," I said, trying to shake off the heavy thoughts that had been occupying my mind and get my head back into the game. "Uh, how's Michigan?" "Spare me the small talk, Davenport,"...
A Wish Unwanted - Part 17 by Limbo's Mistress "Lee," I said, the words catching in my throat, making the single word sound more like a croaked accusation rather than an astonished greeting. "Pee-Jay," he replied, smiling as his eyes glimmered behind the lenses. His hands continued to hold my arms. Not forcefully, but as if wanting to make sure I was going to remain upright if they let go. His touch brought with it that familiar, delightful, tingle that seemed to leap between us to...
A Wish Unwanted - Part 18 by Limbo's Mistress A tiny smirk formed on his face, and those blue eyes narrowed just the slightest bit. "Magic?" Lee repeated in barely a whisper. "Are you talking magic, as in the wonder and mystery of life? Or more like ... Hogwarts?" My cheeks grew warmer, my heart thumping in my chest, as I suddenly felt like that coyote from that cartoon my parents watched as kids. More than once, the not-so-certifiable genius had allowed his haste to lead him...
A Wish Unwanted - Part 19 by Limbo's Mistress I remained curled on the floor of my bedroom, sobbing, for almost half an hour. Eventually, I ran out of tears and pushed myself into a sitting position. My breathing came in shuddering gasps. I felt beat up. Physically. Almost like the time Chad slammed me into the lockers a few times before shoving me down onto the floor. All because Jen had told him, falsely, that I had been flirting with Sarah in French class. I groaned, putting...
A Wish Unwanted - Part 20 by Limbo's Mistress I awoke, blinking several times as I sat up and rubbed my sleepy, slightly crusty eyes. My cheeks felt tacky with the tears had dried on them and my stomach fluttered with a combination of fear and excitement. Today was going to be a big day. My first experience with cheering in front of a stadium full of people would be taking place in less than fourteen hours. Sometime between now and then Jen would be returning from her week-long...
A Wish Unwanted - Part 21 by Limbo's Mistress We stood there, staring at Lee. Well, more like at the rock in his hand. A rock that everyone else in the room knew intimately. Managing to tear my eyes away from the wishing stone, I glanced around to see that everyone looked completely shocked and utterly speechless. Even Jen's face was a mask of surprise. "Lee?" I asked as I turned back to my former boyfriend. Once again, my attention was drawn to the green block resting in his...
An Unwanted Boyfriend Chapter One: Love at First Sight Heather awoke to her alarm at 7:30 and, as usual, hit the snooze button. She had never been a morning person and found it almost impossible to get out of bed at the first buzzer. She rolled back over and pulled the covers over her head. Fifteen minutes later, the annoying buzzer sounded again. This time she forced herself to sit upright and placed her pretty bare feet on the carpet. She shivered slightly and rubbed her...
"If someone had told me, following my rescue," I declared, "that one day, I'd be going back to China of my own free will ... I'd have said they were batshit crazy." I was wolfing down an Italian sub, complete with ham, capicola, pepperoni, Genoa salami, and a generous helping of provolone cheese, all doused with vinegar and olive oil. So much for eating right, but I was hungry, and I knew it would likely be quite a while before I had access to this brand of cuisine. Odalys, picking her...
Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...
edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...