Gamer Girls Gone Nude
- 3 years ago
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The city of Atria surrendered shortly after my naval taskforce arrived outside of its open port.
The battle opened with the Revenge and the Black Dragon shelling the port with rockets. The rockets arched over the open water and fell on the waterfront amongst small craft pulled up on the beach, as well as on administrative buildings, warehouses, brothels, and bars. Within minutes the whole port was ablaze. Then the Windrunner headed in towards the shore and it opened up with its bow mounted ballista. The gunner lobbed grenades into any target of opportunity and soon explosions filled the air. The grenades blew up fishing boats and buildings alike and it sent the populace of the port scurrying towards the city gate and what they thought was safety. That was when the Revenge and the Black Dragon opened up once again with their rockets. The rockets slammed into the walls and flew over them. The ones exploding off of the walls threw stone and brick and mortar into the air and added to the chaos that already existed in the port. Those that flew over the wall showed everyone that nowhere was safe.
By then Tobias and his men were standing outside the gates of the city. They stood far enough away to be outside the range of any archers on the walls of Atria. Fortunately they were still in range of the bows carried by the Wu Chin archers that I had sent with Tobias. The archers formed up before the city gate and at Tobias' command they launched a flight of fire arrows into the gates of the city. Most of the arrows struck and while the powder charges on the arrows weren't enough to blast the gates down when they went off, the cumulative effect of so many charges in one place were enough to rip chunks of timber out of the gates and to startle the men guarding them. When a second flight struck and exploded and an actual hole in the gates appeared, the men on guard in the city started to worry. That was when Tobias offered the prince of the city terms. Amazingly the man surrendered without protest or the further need for my people to demonstrate our strength.
At Tobias' insistence the prince raised a white flag over the city so that the taskforce would cease its assault. When that had happened, the prince opened the gates of the city and rode out to physically surrender to Tobias. With him came his advisors, his military commander and the captain of the guard and behind them marched the soldiers of the city. Tobias accepted the prince's surrender and his sword in my name. He also ordered all soldiers stripped of their weapons. Once that was done, Tobias detailed the captain of the guard to return to the city with his men and to restore order amongst the populace and to put out the fires in the port and the city. Finally Tobias put on one more display of our power. He ordered all the discarded weapons to be transferred onto one of the transport biremes. The prince and his advisors gasped with surprise when the piles of weapons just blinked out of existence and disappeared into thin air.
The next few hours were busy for most of my force. The taskforce weighed anchor and sailed into the harbour at Helios where they were greeted by Dork and his men and women. Tobias entered the city of Atria and set about stripping it of anything worth taking. In Helios I had ordered the same. The military advisor to Prince Ajax was put to work with a party of released soldiers. My orders to them were to clean out every temple in the city and every villa of note, and to pay special attention to the merchant's guildhall. The truth of the matter was that the guildhall was the equivalent to the national bank on Minos and its basement contained so much wealth that I had to send slaves to help shift the treasure to my ships. Naturally the slaves were another issue that had to be dealt with and that matter fell to me.
I ordered all slaves to gather before the walls of the keep so that I could speak to them. I gave them my standard speech about what Game World was all about and what I was doing here. I offered every man and woman who wanted to leave Minos and to be free a one way trip to Izmir, Blue Harbour, or in the case of any outworlders, Oak Hall. Not surprisingly, the majority accepted without reservation. After that I left the matter to Mai Woo and Miranda Scott to manage. I needed some sleep.
Nimue took over for the afternoon and everything went well. Of over three thousand slaves in Helios, twenty-eight hundred chose to leave. Thirteen hundred went to Izmir and thirteen hundred went to Blue Harbour. The remaining two hundred were all outworlders and they went to Oak Hall. Of these, four turned out to have come from Miranda's Earth and while only one of them held a skill that I thought useful, I found the fact interesting when I was told about it later. As for Atria, Tobias liberated twelve hundred slaves there of which fifty were outworlders. Those fifty were sent to Oak Hall while the others were split up and sent to Izmir and Blue Harbour.
The 'magic' demonstrated throughout the day, with the disappearance of slaves in a flash of light and the explosions that I had demonstrated in the morning kept the citizenry of Helios quiet. That night I met with Prince Ajax, his wife, and his advisors, and with Prince Cletus of Atria with his wives and advisors. I gave them the same speech that I had given the Prince of Kenos, knowing full well that it really meant nothing to them. Still I wanted the networks to get the picture of me playing king. The princes and their wives and their advisors all swore their fealty to me as I had expected they would. Afterwards I had them all marched down to the dungeons and I had them locked in for the night. I think that really surprised them. When the two princes started to protest I just told them that it was for their own safety. That night I marched my men out of the keep and down to the harbour. Then under the cover of night we set sail, leaving Helios and Atria behind.
The next city we hit was Sapura and it proved to be as easy to take as the other three had been. My taskforce struck it late in the afternoon of the next day and it took only a half hour barrage from the ships to cause the prince of the city to surrender. The city guard was relieved of their weapons well before dark and I and my men were in control of the place with very little opposition. That night I slept in the bed of the prince while he spent the night in his dungeon.
The next day was the same old routine. We sacked the city of anything worth taking including foodstuff and we liberated another two thousand odd slaves of which another hundred ended up in Oak Hall. I then made the prince and his people swear their fealty to me and then we packed up and left. That was it. Once we were out to sea I let out a sigh of relief and told everyone that was it. We skipped Lufkin as I knew that it wasn't really worth the effort and I decided that trying to storm the capital was just plain crazy and remarkably everyone with me agreed. Once that had been stated, we headed home.
Our return to Oak Hall occurred in the same manner as our trip to Minos. One second we were off the coast of the island kingdom and the next we were sailing into the port before Oak Hall. The sight of the place put a smile on my face and that of everyone else. The majority of my people were exhausted from the last few days of combat and the stress of the raids. All of us were very happy to be home. We were even happier knowing that there were people in place waiting for us on the waterfront and the jetty who would take over offloading the ships and replenishing them. It would allow me to dismiss the majority of the crews and send them home to their families and friends and it would allow me to head up to the keep and get some rest myself.
The next morning was busy. At breakfast Lord Barnabas, Elsa, and Dupree wanted to know all about the raids. Elsa particularly wanted to know about our casualty rates and she smiled happily went I informed her that we'd gotten off lucky again. In total we'd lost nine men and a woman and none of them were from amongst men who'd been pirates with her. Additionally we'd taken a dozen wounded who'd needed to be evacuated home but that was it. Compared to the Minoan casualties we had nothing to complain about.
There were however complaints. These came from two sources. The first was Josh and Hugo and their team of administrators. Their chief gripe was the number of ex-slaves that I'd sent back to Oak Hall. While they had been forewarned and told to be prepared, they hadn't been. The influx of almost four hundred new citizens that needed to be housed, fed, and babysat proved to be overwhelming. I expressed my sympathies to their plight, but as I told them, there wasn't much I could do besides encourage them to recruit more help and to lobby for more resources from Lord Barnabas and his governing council. As I pointed out to them, the problem wasn't going to abate any time soon. So long as the networks kept importing outworlders, I was going to rescue them.
The second party who raised complaints were my trio of unwanted guests. They met me after breakfast and after I had spoken to Josh and Hugo, and they didn't find me as receptive to their concerns as they had hoped.
"The ratings from the raids aren't as high as the consortium had hoped they would be," Mai Woo told me bluntly.
"They weren't?" I grumbled back at her and her companions.
"Yes, my lord, they weren't," Mai Woo repeated herself, this time in a tentative manner. "Overall the ratings were very good, however your personal numbers dropped. Analysts on my Earth have determined that a growing percentage of viewers are becoming dissatisfied with your personal performance. While a percentage accepts you in a leadership and command role, a large portion of the viewing audience wants to see more blood and guts and individual action like they witnessed in your early days on Game World."
"They do, do they?" I said with exasperation dripping from my voice. "Well, I'll have to see what I can do about that once I pack up and take off on my mission. I'm certain once I'm away from Oak Hall and back to dealing with smaller groups of men, I'll be able to keep your pathetic viewers happy."
My manner and my response shut them up for a moment or two. They could tell that I was angry, but they still didn't get the reason why and I wasn't in the mood to explain it to them one more time. Instead I changed the topic. I asked about Miranda Scott and how she was settling in.
"Miranda is doing well, my lord," Mai Woo responded in a reassuring manner. "Lady Felicity examined her and she was given a clean bill of health. I've spoken to Lord Barnabas' chamberlain and he has provided Miranda with clothing and quarters. At the moment she is still resting."
"Well you can put her to work once we're done here today," I told Mai Woo bluntly. "I want her to meet every outworlder living in Oak Hall. She is to speak to everyone and when she is done she is to identify any who are from your Earth. Assure Miranda that I do not intend to expose these people or to punish them in any shape or manner; however I do want to meet and speak to them. As I see it, at the very minimum these people can be used as a propaganda tool against the networks and the politicians of your Earth. Naturally that depends on whether or not the consortium broadcasts these peoples stories. Do we know whether the consortium aired my talk with Miranda?"
"I've been assured by my contact at the consortium," Mai Woo informed me, "that yes they have and that they intend to continue to do so. Unfortunately, my contact has not been able to learn what impact the meeting with Miranda had on the viewers. There has been virtually no response from any news service on my Earth or from any politician, and all social media streams have been silent. My contact believes that people are afraid to talk about it."
"Well," I said thoughtfully, "maybe it's time that the consortium put a little more effort into this arrangement of ours. The networks that make up the consortium must have a few politicians in their pockets and it is time to get those politicians doing their job. I think that more noise made about what is going on both on Game World and on your Earth will stir up opinion in our favour and it will put more pressure on the other networks to join us. I suggest that you make that a priority the next time you talk to your contact back on your Earth."
"Yes my lord," Mai Woo acknowledged, bowing her head submissively as she replied. "I'll do that."
Personally I didn't think it would do us any good but I didn't tell Mai Woo that and I certainly didn't mention it aloud. I wanted anyone listening in to think that I was hoping for support from their political system and I wanted them either wondering how they could exploit that or how they were going to block my efforts. From what Miranda had told me and from what I had gleaned in my conversations with Mai Woo, I knew that their political system was corrupt and ineffectual. Industry controlled everything from the networks to the politicians and if industry didn't budge then nothing happened. The question was how to make industry budge. More importantly was the question of how to get them to budge in favour of what I was doing. That was something that I needed to figure out.
My problems didn't end there. I learned later that day that Lord Omar was not happy. I'd sent Asana and Samira to Izmir following the raid on Minos to pop in and see how things were going with the ex-slaves that I'd been sending him. From what Asana told me later in the day, things were not going very well. Lord Omar had not prepared himself or his city for the sudden influx of all the new people and to make matters worse, the new people were not happy with how they were being received. I just sighed and shook my head and promised her that I would go and see her father.
Truthfully the situation was the same in Blue Harbour as well. Even with warning that I intended to liberate as many slaves that were willing to accept the offer, and even some suggestions made during my conversations with both Lord Omar and Lord Tailem about how to manage the influx, neither man took the issue seriously. While Josh and Hugo were complaining to me about the people I had sent to Oak Hall and the people I still intended to rescue, at least they had a plan in place as to how to integrate the new people and how to support them and they had a team of volunteers ready and willing to help them. Lord Omar and Lord Tailem did not.
I let the matter lie for a day and then I decided that I needed to go and deal with it. By then my people had sifted through all the treasure that we'd liberated and they had divided it up into the appropriate piles for further distribution. In total there were five piles. There was one pile each for Lord Barnabas, Lord Omar, and Lord Tailem. There was also a pile for me and there was a pile for the men and women who had journeyed on the raid with me. That pile was the largest. I had insisted on paying the men and women separately and Lord Barnabas agreed with me. Of course the second largest pile of treasure went to Lord Barnabas since all the men and women in the taskforce had come from Oak Hall, except for the men who had manned the two transport vessels. Additionally the bulk of the vessels in the taskforce belonged to Oak Hall. In the end, I received the smallest portion of the treasure, but as I told Lord Barnabas, I didn't really care so long as the men and women fighting for me were happy.
Since Lord Omar was the man making the most noise I went and visited him first. This time I sailed there in the Windrunner. The weather had begun to change and we had rain and strong winds during our passage but privately I felt it was a nice change to having the consortium teleporting us about the planet. Of course I was one of the only ones who saw it that way. I brought Kola, Caitlin, Asana, and Samira with me on the trip and of the four only Caitlin faired well in the rolling seas. Thankfully it was only a day trip and we were able to make Izmir well before dusk on the same day.
A palanquin chair for Asana and Samira was waiting at the quay by the time the Windrunner had tied up, as were horses for the remainder of my mates and me. Teasingly I reminded Tagus not to wander too far and then I left him and the Windrunner under the protection of Tobias and his force of men. From the quay we followed a guard of honour up and out of the harbour and on towards Lord Omar's palace. The ride didn't take too long and we were warmly welcomed by our host. Surprisingly the man met us on the steps of his palace.
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Elsa Mueller joined me for breakfast the next morning. I was sitting with my mates and my friends and with Lord Barnabas. Barnabas was up and out of bed again, although still under the supervision of his former concubines. They were watching over him like hawks, which I had no complaints about. I wanted him up and functioning but only when he was truly able. I didn't want to rush things too quickly for the old man. Elsa's arrival gave me an opportunity to discuss the issue openly with both...
Felicity gave Samira the antitoxin that night and by the morning her condition had started to improve. She was still unconscious but her vital signs had improved as well as her skin colouring. If a casual observer looked at the young woman, they wouldn't immediately assume that she was dead. For a moment I breathed easier, but only for a moment. Like always Game World never lets up and we found that out later in the day. I was strolling about the city having a look about, when an alarm rang...
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It's Game Day... Sir has decided that we will host a Game Day party. The details have all been decided: the food, the guests and the pre-game, half-time and post game entertainment. The last of the hot food is ready and set out buffet style, the beer is cold and in the fridge. I've dressed as directed and will greet our guests as instructed. My job is to serve: the food, the drink. I'm also to make sure everyone signs up for the Pool. There are prizes for each quarter, and the final...
"You've got to be kidding?" That was Ben questioning what I was showing him. Hope had moved us south and to the west of our last location. We were now in what could be considered the deepest, darkest part of Africa. We were to the west of a large body of water that I knew as Lake Victoria and we were looking down towards it from high up on a jungle covered mountainside, using binoculars to actually see what was happening down on it. We were there for three reasons. The first was because...
Dawn came too early for me and Kola but we rose anyway. My poor mate was sore but content and she thanked me with a kiss for my enthusiastic performance last night and the tenderness and patience that I had displayed. I showed her my appreciation by returning her kiss with one of my own, making it deep and passionate, knowing that Mai Woo and the networks were watching it. Then we went off to breakfast and the work that awaited me. I ate breakfast at the central hearth, joined by Tagar and...
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Game, Set, Match. By Julie O Edited By Amelia R & Robert Arnold Chapter 1 "I can't believe we're doing this," said eighteen-year-old Tasha Briggs. "Neither can I; it's so stupid," interjected Nick Kester. "Don't be a wet blanket," said his older...
Game Set & Match by Miss Irene Clearmont.An adult tale of female domination. ? Miss Irene Clearmont 2012.Whoever said, 'It's not whether you win or lose that counts,' probably lost. Martina Navratilova No one rejoices more in revenge than a woman. JuvenalThe character ?Sheikha Tasnim? was used with permission from Clare Penne and her wonderful stories ?My Passage To Womanhood?. This story is dedicated to Clare without reservation! -...
I had to park in a fairly remote parking lot of the high school since it was so late in the game and pretty much the whole world was already at the game hours ago. I was kind of surprised when another car pulled in next to me as I was getting out of mine. I locked up my car and started the trek over to the stadium where I could already hear the crowd cheering and the muffled sound of the announcer calling the game over the lousy sound system that the school had. You could barely tell what the...
What they had to say was interesting and in many ways enlightening and informative. It was also arrogant, indulgent, and banal and I found myself gritting my teeth at times and shaking my head with disbelief and it was only through shear will power that I was able to keep myself from snapping the necks of all three visitors. As it was it took a while for the Asian woman to explain things to my satisfaction. The woman's name was Mai Woo and she was a marketing specialist for Jade Network....
"Pirates," I shouted a few minutes later, lowering my spy glass and handing it to Tagus as I did. My friend took it from me and had a look. There were four canoe-like craft slipping away from the ship that we were approaching. The canoes were low in the water and they were shooting across the sea towards a distant island at a good pace. From what I could see there were three men in the bow of each craft paddling like crazy and there were three men in the stern of each craft doing the same....
I spent one more day at Iskar and then I fled the city. That day turned out to be a very long and tense one and I quickly lost my taste for the adventure. What I saw and heard during the day just made me want to head home. We ended up with four types of slaves as a result of our efforts. There were those that wanted nothing to do with me and my people. They grabbed what they could and then they fled Iskar in the hope of eventually finding some place safe where they could start life a new. I...
My trip back to 'zombie land' wasn't actually out of the blue. I had been following Nimue's progress ever since I'd left the other Earth and I knew that the cloning procedure had been a complete success and that Dr. Gruber had grown a new arm for Nimue. I also knew that Nimue had been out of bed for at least a week and that she had been involved in an extensive physiotherapy program trying to rebuild muscles and coordination with her new limb. According to Hope that program could be...
It was late in the afternoon of the next day before I got to get away from business and have a moment or two to myself. At the time I was standing on a slope of a hill overlooking the site where Hope was building her mega-teleportation system. The site stood a few hundred yards to the south of the resort in a large clearing. The area was a beehive of activity and I was impressed by what I saw. Structurally the facility was almost complete. The facility was roughly the size of a small...
A group of friends find a board game that will transform their bodies in all sorts of way both physically and mentally whether they wish for it or not. "This game seems cool" says one of the friends "might as well play it" says another bored "whats it about" one asks "lets read the rules" says the first friend Rules of game This game will transform your body and mind throughout the game. These transformation will remain this way till their is a winner. If the group is to stop playing all...
FantasyI was bored as hell tonight. It was probably going to be one of those nights where nothing was supposed to happen but I couldn't have been more wrong. Tonight will be the night my whole life changed, for better or for worst.I'm a typical 23-year-old guy who loved to go out on weekends, meet different girls in clubs, and then just fuck the shit out of them in the end. Pardon my French, but that's the way I am. I think that's the way any guys are, whether they admit it or not. We, as boys, are...
As it turned out Tagus had been on Game World for many years and he had many stories to tell me. First however we needed to fish all the men out of the water and get them back onto the beach. Fortunately the water wasn't that deep along most of the jetty and where it was, the men who'd fallen in knew how to swim or at least to float. That kept us from losing anyone. Afterwards, Tagus invited us onboard his vessel and offered us warm sweet tea, which I had to admit was better than the wine I...
Lord Tailem was surprised to see me. I was more surprised that he didn't just start screaming for my head. Thankfully he didn't. The man was about thirty years old. He was short, slender, and a tad bit effeminate in his attire and mannerisms. I ignored that. He was wearing silken gowns that dragged along the floor of his great hall and it looked to me that he was wearing mascara. At a glance I placed him amongst the people of the subcontinent. He certainly wasn't of European or African...
Elsa was there because I had called for her and some help the night before. She had arrived in force during the sea battle while everyone involved was distracted. Those pirates that had been left behind to guard the slaves and prisoners were taken by surprise and while some tried to resist, their efforts had been in vain. Elsa's force overwhelmed the guards and sentries with very little effort and when they were done, they had taken charge of the stockade and sealed it up against anyone...
The intelligence we had accumulated at the resort had given me a location where Dindraine was supposedly being held. That intelligence told me that Dindraine was under guard in an executive suite in the central tower of the Onyx headquarters building. That had made perfect sense to me when I had heard it the first time. Mai Woo, Angela Kent and others that I had dealt with from the alternate Earth had told me quite a bit about their Earth. In fact over the last few months I had become very...
"Well now, what do we have here?" I said loudly as I turned towards the giant monitor and the digital image that had just addressed me. "So you know me, do you?" "Yes Charles," the digital image replied without hesitation. "This facility has monitored you since your arrival on Game World and as such, you could say that I have followed your exploits with interest." "Then you're more than just a computer interface program," I stated in response. "Are you an artificial intelligence...
I was in a good mood as my Kayla and I were shopping at the mall one day. School was starting back on Monday and Kayla and I were gonna be on the cheerleading squad this year. " I can't wait to start cheering!", Kayla exclaimed as we were trying on outfits. " I can't wait to be around the football players!", I replied. " Britney, you are a true slut!", Kayla exclaimed, joking. I just gave her a knowing smile. No, I actually am not a slut, I just love boys. I love how I can make them sweat and...
EroticContributed by Richard Williams for the enjoyment of Literotica’s readers. This fictional story is copyrighted and may only be used for your personal pleasure. It may not be sold, distributed, or posted on another website without the author’s permission. Case 2000-1: GAME OF LOVE by Prof. Richard W. (formerly of the University of ____________) Sophia and I were in Jax, her favorite fish place, when she remembered that I had been promising to let her in on the latest investigation. ‘It’s...
Jessica walked with her mother down the hall towards the bathroom. Her pussy tingled as semen slowly dripped down her thighs. She looked over her shoulder and could see Curtis following them. He grinned at her and she glanced lower to see his long thick cock swinging from side to side. Her mind whirled as she remembered just how that cock had pummeled her virgin pussy giving her pleasure she had never imagined. She suddenly smiled at him too.“Can we have a few minutes of privacy to clean up?”...
Often I was away from home for up to a month or so at a time, sometimes even longer, flying home for the odd weekend during the longer stints abroad to see the children. During those longer trips I did have a couple of tentative relationships, but there was only one that became anything like serious. Semine was a Danish woman I met over dinner at a colleague's house in Sweden. Whether he set the pair of us up, I don't know. But if he did, he should branch out into the dating industry....
An adult tale of female domination. © Miss Irene Clearmont 2012. Whoever said, 'It's not whether you win or lose that counts,' probably lost. Martina Navratilova No one rejoices more in revenge than a woman. Juvenal The character ‘Sheikha Tasnim’ was used with permission from Clare Penne and her wonderful stories ‘My Passage To Womanhood’. This story is dedicated to Clare without reservation! -...
Welcome to our newest game show. You must be excited, because out of thousends of candidates you are choosen. You are now allowed to take part in the famous new game show: Game of domination. The rules are very simple. You get a small plastic card with your name and a magnetic stripe. Your points will be credited to you on this card. The more dominance points you collect, the better. To earn those points, you will have to solve different tasks from the so called "masters". They are employees of...