Mr Rogers Layout
- 2 years ago
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Roger strolled into breakfast with a huge smile on his face but when I asked how he got on, he grinned broadly and said, "You'll find out when you read my report and see the pictures." I suppose as a bluestone and in command of him, I could have demanded an answer but I didn't want to spoil his good mood.
"I expect you two screwed like rabbits with me out of the way," he jibed when we were in the bedroom, undressing ready for the nurse.
"Of course," I tried to sound nonchalant, "But it was at a price." I turned and showed him my back. "I suppose you lost your virginity?"
"Of course, but I'm sure I won't be as sore as you for the next few days." It made a change for him not to whinge about his stripes.
Muniba berated us soundly when she came in, particularly turning her wrath on Sumala but I tried to take my share of the blame too. Roger stood and smirked and I felt like drawing my fingernails all the way down his back. Actually the damage wasn't all that severe but she threatened to ban Sumala from my bed if he did it that way again for a few more days. We'd fucked from the rear later that night and again in the morning and while it was good, there wasn't the wild ecstasy of that first time.
We weren't permitted to miss our midday walk either but at least she gave us the name of a cream I could use on my bare skin to alleviate the effects of the sunburn. Sumala knew where to get it. "It's a local product the girls use for skin care. It's supposed to keep their skin soft but I've never used it," he commented.
"You'd need a bucketful!" I joked and we both laughed. Roger gave me a sour look but I turned away and ignored it.
All morning we worked at our computers and I was glad of the break when lunchtime came. Roger wanted to carry on and finish his report but I insisted that he take a break too.
Sumala took us through a series of side streets that he said was a short cut and another way to the market square and indeed we did pass the square on the return journey. The chemist's shop reminded me of an old illustration of an apothecary's abode I'd once seen. No gaudy plastic containers but there were pots filled with various coloured creams and liquids, large jars containing raw ingredients and herbs hanging from the ceiling. A heady, spicy smell pervaded the shop. When I asked for the cream he knew exactly what it was that I wanted and produced a jam-jar size pot of it and gave it to Sumala and suggested that he apply if before the sun did any more harm to my white skin. "It'll soothe her welts too," he added, confirming what I suspected; the whole country knew about my whipping. He couldn't have seen my welts at that time.
Kimana, the apothecary, talked while Sumala put the cream (which Kimana called a balm) on my face and neck and then, proceeding to fully expose my breasts, massaged it openly into them. All the while we talked about what the apothecary did and, with Sumala's help, gained a considerable amount of information, far more than I would have on my own. I asked if he would mind if we interviewed him properly later and he agreed. I made a mental note to take Sumala with me on all such excursions. He was far better than me at getting people to talk. Roger insisted on having the balm put on his exposed flesh and I did it for him, mainly to stop him whining all the way back, but I knew his skin burned as easily as mine even if he did exaggerate the effects.
We all knew that we were walking better by the time we returned. Roger continued with his report and I checked and corrected the next episode of our life here. It ended at the point where the sentence was announced by the court. Suddenly I burst into tears and started crying wretchedly. The others thought that it was because I was going to write about the whipping but all at once homesickness overcame me. I longed to be back in my safe little world. Without really knowing the cause of my problem, Sumala lifted me on to his lap, put his arms around me and held me to his chest. "What will become of us? What will happen to my things at home? Who will pay the rent on my flat? Will my friends accept me when I have a black baby?" So I babbled on, wetting Sumala's shirt with my tears. Roger looked at me in a helpless way several times but I found comfort in the arms of my Tumalian friend who probably didn't understand half of what I was saying. One of the office girls gave him a paper towel to dry my eyes, which he did very gently, but it was perhaps a quarter of an hour before I shook the depression off and could once again concentrate on what was happening around me. "Thank you Suma," I finally stuttered. "Thank you."
"That's okay Ellie. Cry as much as you want and get it out of your system. It must seem so very strange to you but look on the bright side, two more days and it's a festival holiday. A special no work day and a day to get over it." I tried to find out what was special about this festival but for some reason everyone just smiled and told me I would find out on the day. In Tumali they have a most unusual system of work periods and holidays. There is no seven-day working week, but work periods of six to twelve days followed by one or more days 'holiday.' They still named the days the same as us but the 'weekend' could be on any day. Had not my laptop had the date and day on the screen, I would not have known which day of the week it was in England.
Eventually Roger finished his report and fed it into my laptop so that I could read it without looking over his shoulder. Sumala pulled his chair close to mine and once more put his arm around me. We both started to read.
Report to Bluestone Mistress Elaine
"Your pushing your luck Roger, maybe I ought to put you over my knee for a spanking," I told him when I read the title but he knew I didn't mean it.
'When Ellie offered me to Riku I was pretty scared but at the same time I was pleased. Ever since the day we met in the cafeteria, I've felt an affinity to her, perhaps because she has a similar personality to my mother. Not in looks of course. Mother is short and slim whereas Riku is a large woman in all respects but both have a genuine smile on their faces when I go to them. Riku's well developed breasts with their dark areola and prominent nipples, have always stimulated my attention and I'd often wanted to feel and suckle them. Knowing what I did already about Tumalian women, I guessed that I might get my wish. I was scared too, because I knew I would be taken to an unknown place, to meet people I did not know and do things that I had only fantasised about. Here, although I resent having Ellie as a boss and being 'chained' to her, she does provide an anchor point in my life. Severing the invisible chain would leave me vulnerable and would force me to use my own resources. The reassurance came back when Ellie physically linked me to Riku and she took my hand and led me out of the building.
We headed towards the market square but long before we got there, we turned left and followed a narrow road to a butcher's shop where she bought a large bag of meat pieces. I've no idea what sort or meat it was but later I found that it tasted very good. The woman behind the counter chatted with Riku and then asked if I would be man enough for her. It was an obvious reference to my poor showing at the whipping post and from the way she looked directly at my shorts, I wondered if she'd been there and seen that I wasn't as well equipped as Tumali men. "Size isn't everything," Riku responded, "I'm sure he'll be more than adequate and I'll be the first Tumali woman to sample a white prick in the whole of our community." She gave me a hug that almost made me wince. We continued across town for over a mile until we came to a clearing with a group of large, wooden houses. "This is the community house that I live in," Riku said as we entered. It shattered all the concepts I had of going to a detached brick house to meet her family.
Inside, the room was larger than our village hall but in many ways it was similar. We entered into a cloakroom area where there was a selection of coats and muddy boots on one side and a toilet area on the other. I needed to go but decided not to ask at that time. Riku held my hand and almost dragged me right through the main room to the far end where there was an open kitchen area with a large stove like I'd seen in some restaurants, but this one was wood fired and gave out a great deal of heat. Even with the doors open at each side of the hall and ceiling fans running it was very hot. Two women stood at the stove cooking and Riku handed them the meat. Unlike other women, they didn't wear an open topped blouse and instead covered their breasts and front with a large apron to protect their bodies from splashes. I was introduced but they all knew of me and readily teased Riku. "What you so old you have to chain a man to keep him now?" "What, the government give you a toy boy to play with?" "Did you snatch him from that white girl? Does she know you've kidnapped him?" Riku laughed and parried all their remarks. For a while we were the centre of attention and I wanted nothing more to do than take Riku to a dark, out of the way, corner.
Of course when we turned round, everyone else was staring at us too and I started to blush with embarrassment when I felt my prick start to rise. All talking had ceased when we came in and Riku held up my chained arm and said, "As I'm sure you've guessed this is Roger the Englishman who is working in my department at the moment and I've got him on loan for the night to teach him some of our ways and for me to find out if a white prick is any different to those of our men folk. The Major has decreed that I can only borrow him if I ensure that he doesn't run away and that is the reason for the chain. I can only unlink us to remove our shirts and I am going to do that now in front of you all so you can confirm I have done it properly. Before work in the morning, and I will have to leave before breakfast time because he has to be back in Government House by then, I will have to reverse the process before leaving. At all other times the chain has to stay in place."
"Even when you shit?" called out one woman. Riku just nodded.
While my shirt was being taken off I had a little chance to look round. An assortment of tables and chairs were scattered around the area near the stove and further towards the entrance were a number of easy chairs, settees and office type chairs that had seen better days but were being used by women and couples. A number of the men and girls were completely naked but most had a covering on their lower bodies. Some of the girls were breast feeding babies and as I looked closer, there were always two babies? "Surely they can't all have had twins?" No one seemed to mind me taking pictures of them although Riku's hand was steadier and she took most of them.
Riku led me to one girl and on the way I tried to ignore a well pregnant woman being fucked while bent over the back of a settee. The girl seemed quite young but I can't really guess the ages of Tumalian women yet. "This is Rikub, she's my fifth daughter and the baby sucking her right tit is her first born, a boy," Riku introduced me. "I don't know if you've found out yet, but we are allowed to keep our firstborn and every fourth baby after that. I only had seven children before they had to remove my ovaries. I had a boy first too and he is now living in another community house. The other baby belongs to another woman but we don't know which one. It is a baby that will be sold for adoption and each day Rikub will get a different second baby to feed so that she doesn't bond with any of them. They'll be offered for sale when they are a few weeks old and photos have been put on the web. You've seen that being done in the office."
As you might expect, I was pretty shocked at that although I knew about it from the information we'd found before we left and what I'd learned since. I remarked on how unfair it seemed but Rikub answered, "All the girls and women know what has to happen and only show their love to the ones they keep. Tumali would soon be over populated if all the babies we make stayed in the country."
When I got home I had a shower and scrubbed myself to get clean. I felt dirty and confused. I DID like it when he sucked my dick, it felt awesome. It was ok sucking his. His dick like wan’t great but it was ok, and I had sucked a few dicks of older men before. It was only the fucking that I didn’t like, didn’t enjoy, and that hurt. But I almost let him do it, and I was hard when he finished ,and I did like it when he sucked me off after??? I was very careful when I delivered his paper now....
This story is set in the world of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. I hope you enjoy. Love Jane Astin Buck Rogers Part 1 By Jane Astin Alex Rogers was very excited. He was to spend a whole month at Princess Ardala's palace. That was the longest ever and this time he was going all by himself. Last time they spent a week there and mother was there most of the time. There were the two days she went away and what a wonderful two days they were. Alex loved the Princess. He...
✧ ✧ ✧ Copyright© 2004, Jack Spratt. ALL Rights Reserved Date of first publication Sunday PM, January 25, 2004 Since the last chapter was posted May 17, 2008, you may want to re-read the prior chapters... Jack ✧ ✧ ✧ 17/05/2008 Story intro: Mats managed to get an extra day for a long weekend during which he met more interesting people. Of course, it was just a coincidence they were all beautiful females. Kim and Jessica, a mother and her daughter, turned out to one of the major...
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Nine weeks after our visit to the prison the major summoned us to his office. We'd been away for a week visiting with Allaice and JeanPaul again and seeing the forestry industry in her area. This time I didn't even ask for transport; just for permission to go there. Roger didn't object too much either especially as the non-physical link we had in the IT office was extended to outside with the exception that if I passed him on to another girl, he had to be linked to her. In any case I had...
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Druid's Ordeal by E.Y. Toad Chapter 1 To Ronak my Betrothed, or whoever may find this letter: My name is Dahlia. I am a 19 year old human female. I am an initiate druid studying under Arch Druid Westrell in the Grove of Tranquility. I am now being held captive; a slave to the perverse desires of an evil man. I beg of you, please see that this letter reaches Ronak. He is a half-elf fletcher's apprentice in the Elven city of Fellgar. I swear that you will be suitably rewarded for...
She can still hear the judge’s words, "90 days in the woman's unit at the county jail". She can still hear her lawyer telling her what a great plea bargain deal he got her. Great deal for whom, she thought, him? He gets paid and gets to go home to his wife. I'm the one going to jail. After what seemed like an eternity, the van finally arrived at the main prison entrance. The driver said something into the radio and Olivia could hear the main gate squeal loudly as it slowly rolled...
Introduction: The misfortunes and misadventures of Ensign Wesley Crusher WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, THEN YOU SHOULDNT BE READING THIS!!!!! WESLEY CRUSHERS PAINFUL ORDEAL WITH THE KLINGONS DEEP SPACE 7 09:00 HRS: Wesley Crusher woke up in the morning with his hard five-inch dick along with his hairless balls sticking out of the leg opening of his tight white briefs. Hed gotten...
Susan's Ordeal.I was awaiting my Master to return from hisDay at the office..I had readied myself as her requested..I stood against the wall of the living roomDutifully attired in red wig, black dressLong gloves and seamed nylons…I had applied my makeup and used my deepestRed lipstick to coat my lips….My legs ached from wearing the six inch heelsHe ordered me to wear…I do hope heWould allow me to take them offOr at least sit…as I found these heels veryPainful…and almost impossible for meTo walk...
SLUT ANN’s Toilet OrdealMy name is Ann, well actually, it's been Slut Ann most of my life. My body has ruled me always. My nipples would itch, then when I played with them or scratched them, a charge would go through my body and make me crazy, insanely horny. It’s like the beginning of a huge orgasm that stays with me until I cum. The type of horny where there are no limits.We were very poor, so clothes weren't replaced regularly. As a result, I wore old then panties where the liner was wearing...
For reference and continuity check out the first part. They were a lot of fun to write and I hope you like it.Previously on Joanie's ordeal I stumbled back to my room and tip toed inside. I checked on Heather and she was sound asleep, her innocent face was so calm and peaceful. I went inside the bathroom, took off my clothes and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked nothing like I did when I left this room. Black mascara lines ran down my cheeks which where stained with cum and my hair was...
Jenny's Ordeal I was feeling rather horny today so I decided to drop in on a littlesubmissive slut I had dated for a few months. Her name was Jenny. She was38, about 5' 8", and 140 pounds. She was pretty with long brown hair. Alittle bulge around her waist, but a luscious, tight, and round ass! Ivisited her off and on, per her desire to keep seeing me, even though Ifelt a long term relationship wasn't viable between us. Don't get mewrong, the sex was great, but there was a spark missing...
Billie’s Ordeal by Andy G.Billie did not know what else to do. There was no one else she could call. It was only been two weeks since she buried her husband of 15 years and now she was alone. She was 38 and had no one left. Her father had died years ago and her mother died the previous year. Since she was an only c***d Billie inherited her mother’s estate. She and her husband moved into her very nice home and were happy until he died. Now she was alone and did not know what to do.She...
The Ordeal Janet Stickney [email protected] Mike, Kevin, and I grew up together, and we were almost like brothers. Mike was the one with the wild imagination and our practical joker. Kevin was a little less crazy, and always did what Mike wanted to. I was the follower. I usually went along with them, rarely voicing any concerns. That's how I ended up this way. All of us were 15 when it all fell on our heads. Mike is tall and husky, blond hair and blue eyes; Kevin is the...
Ann’s ordeal-Part one.Police constable Ann V. was sweating under her uniform.The whole day the sun had been shining down on the city mercilessly, like it had been doing the whole week.She felt the sweat slowly trickling between her heaving breasts, and down her massive buttocks.Her bob of red hair was stuck sweatily under her regulation policewoman’s hat, and she had her big, green eyes half closed to keep the sunlight from blinding her.She silently cursed herself for not keeping the promise...
Having cleaned myself up as best I could I turned the key in the ignition and started to move off. I immediately thought that I should try and make myself more respectable for when I got home as I didn’t want to have to tell my husband of my ordeal. I pulled up next to the door that led back upstairs to my office, leaving my coat I got out of my car and hurried up the stairs.On reaching my floor I headed straight for the ladies room only to be greeted by my boss Mr Stevens. He must have seen...
So many things were going through Olivia's young mind as she rode in the back of the van. Though she was uncomfortable from the cuffs and leg irons digging into her lovely olive skin, this was barely a distraction as she replayed the recent events of her life over and over in her head. It was dark in the back of the transport van, and the 20-minute ride gave her plenty of time to think. How could she have not known her boyfriend Kenny was dealing d**gs? He seemed like a nice guy and always...
Again I can't take the credit for this one.The OrdealIt was the Friday night after Thanksgiving one year ago tonight. Like many people who do self-bondage, I had been planning this for some time. I had discussed certain aspects of my bondage with a friend who lives across town. We discussed how she'd like to find me, in what position and what she would like for me to be wearing. I sent her a checklist with choices for 1) position 2) what kind of gag 3) clips, if any 4) other torture items to be...
People often ask me if my writing is fiction or non fiction, so I will confirm here and now all my writing is in my fantasies, all involves adults over the age of 18, in fact well over the age of 18 and any reference to anything is purely in my thoughts. Especially the following story.Frankie had been out with the girls again and this time wasn’t approached by any strange amazon women or many men to be fair.They had started the night at Gemma’s on champagne then gone into town and she knew she...