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One more thing while I’m at it. I really love the way you British and Australian authors write stories. Please submit more with your wonderful colorful colloquialisms.


My sister Candace is also known as ‘Ace.’ Some people call her ‘Candy’ but she prefers to be called ‘Ace.’ Ace is now fourteen years old and going through her growing stage as my mother calls it. Over the winter she has sprouted up two inches and slimed down very nicely. Of course that meant that she needed new clothes this spring. Now our mother is a real shop-aholic so that’s right up her alley.

Ace is kind of pretty and all of my friends sure like her, especially since her body shifted from a little chunky to a very nice tall and thin. Her weight stayed the same according to what I have overheard but it shifted into all the right places. Dad always says that mom still has an hourglass figure but that some of her sand has shifted. I think that mom has a perfect body, what I get to see of it that is. Ace has light brown curly hair that hangs halfway down her back. It is thick too so it is very noticeable. She doesn’t keep it in a ponytail anymore because she says that is childish, however when she did it was a big fluffy ponytail. Ace is five feet three inches tall and weights exactly one hundred pounds.

When mom and Ace came home from shopping Ace took everything into her bedroom and closed the door. I was playing a video game when she popped into my bedroom to show me one of her new outfits. It was really nice. Her new white shorts were skin-tight but then again she had grown into her other shorts just like that too. I was amazed though that I could see the outline of her pussy and it really excited me. As I took in the rest of her body I saw that her tummy showed. That was something that mom had always tried to get Ace to cover up in the past, maybe because it was too round back then. Then I looked at her top. It was pink and resembled one of my T-shirts but a whole lot shorter and sexier. It scoped down pretty far in the front too and I was able to see just a hint of her new bra showing. I wanted a look at her nipples but she had a dumb pair of wide red suspenders on that covered them exactly perfectly. I was not impressed because I had always looked forward to seeing her hard nipples in the past.

When she asked me what I thought about her outfit I jokingly said, “Not bad at all Ace but you should loose the bra and that top too but keep those great suspenders.” I don’t know why I said it because I kind of hated those suspenders for covering up her nipples. I guess I was just being sarcastic.

Ace replied, “I like this bra. It’s new and it’s a 32-B too. So there!” Then Ace stuck her tongue out at me and left my room in a huff.

I shouted out the door at her, “So keep the damn bra on then.”

I went back to my video game but I was soon interrupted again by my sister but this time when I turned around I was completely dumbfounded. I sat there staring at Ace with my mouth wide open and I was pretty sure that I was drooling too. Ace was standing just inside my bedroom. She was just wearing her white shorts and her red suspenders and nothing else at all. Her red suspenders were positioned perfectly on her nipples so that I couldn’t even see her areolas.

I took in the sight as she just stood there and looked at me. For the first time in my life I wasn’t looking at her as my kid sister, I was looking at her as a very desirable sex object. She had nice long legs and those tight white shorts allowed me to see the shape of her hips as they flared out and I could just see a hint of her nice rounded ass from where I was too. I could still see her puffy pussy outlined in her shorts. Her tummy was almost flat and her belly button looked perfect. Her breasts had taken on a rather nice shape even though the suspenders tried to smash them flat. Her breasts were pretty firm and held their shape. All that the suspenders succeeded in doing was to puff them out like a balloon that is pressed slightly. I really wanted to go over and nuzzle my face into them. Better yet I really wanted to see what was under those suspenders.

Ace said, “Well are you going to say something or are you just going to sit there and drool?”

Suddenly I was brought out of my trance. I closed my mouth and I wiped my chin on the back of my sleeve. Then I said, “Oh…I...ah…You look beautiful Ace.”

Ace smiled and said, “Why thank you kind sir.”

Then Ace turned around ever so slowly for me. I watched as her ass took on an entirely new look in those white shorts. Her tummy had certainly flattened out. I admired her breasts from the side as those suspenders went from her shoulders out over the crowns of her breasts and down to her shorts where they were attached. Ace had her shoulders back which thrust her breasts out very nicely. I was just in awe as my sister finished her slow turn and faced me again.

Ace said, “So you really like me in this outfit?”

I answered, “Oh yes definitely. I don’t think you should let dad see you like that though.”

Ace said, “I didn’t do it for dad silly. I did this for you because you’re the one that suggested it.”

Then I smiled as a thought went through my head but I didn’t say it.

Ace smiled and asked, “What were you just thinking about big brother?”

I said, “Oh you wouldn’t want to know.”

Ace said, “Yes I would. In case you haven’t noticed I’m not a little girl anymore.”

I said, “Oh I’ve noticed that’s for sure. Okay then you asked for it. I was just wondering what you would look like without those suspenders.”

Ace smiled, thought about it for a moment, and then hooked her thumbs in the suspenders. She turned a little pink as she blushed and then she slipped the suspenders off her shoulders and then let them fall down to her sides. My sister then stood perfectly still while my mouth fell open again and I began to drool. I was completely mesmerized by her breasts. Her light pink nipples stuck out proudly on her light pink areolas. I was trying to compare my sister to all of the naked women that I had ever see on the Internet. She was by far the best. It may have been because she was my sister and it may have been because she was the first girl that had ever showed me her breasts but I was sure that she was more beautiful.

I had no concept for how long I had sat there or how long she had stood there but it seemed like a lifetime. Then Ace walked over to me and placed one of her nipples in my mouth. I started to suck on it. I ran my tongue over it and I felt the texture. I used my saliva to get her nipple and her areola all wet then I backed off and blew cool air on it gently. Her nipple stiffened and her areola crinkled beautifully. I looked at the tiny hills and valleys that had formed and I admired it. I knew that I just had to do the same thing to her other nipple too. Ace allowed me to make love to her youthful perky breasts for as long as I wanted too. Apparently I had wanted to for over a half-hour. Then we heard mom call us down to dinner and Ace jumped.

Ace said, “Go downstairs and tell mom that I’ll be right down while I get dressed.”

Then she ran to her own bedroom. When I stood up I had a hard-on that wouldn’t quite. Damn it! So all the way down the stairs I was trying to think of something that would make it go down but all I could think about was Ace.

Mom looked at the bulge in my pants and just smiled. Then she said, “So you’ve been surfing the Internet again I see. Where’s your sister?”

I replied, “Ace is still playing dress up Barbie. She’ll be right down.”

As I started to sit down in my chair to hide my erection from my mother’s prying eyes I decided not to. Mom wouldn’t stop looking at my crotch. Then I realized that I had just been doing the same thing to my sister up in my room so I let mom look. I swear that the longer that she looked at it the stiffer it got. Now I was getting excited at having my own mother checking me out. Why not? I have certainly checked her out often enough.

Mom must have heard dad and Ace coming because she said, “Sit down and hide that thing” as she went back into the kitchen.

When Ace entered the dinning room and sat across from me in her chair I noticed that she had put on a new skirt and a tight sweater that showed me that she was once again wearing her bra. The skirt was a blue jean mini skirt with big pockets in the front. The sweater was a cream color or maybe a tan however I was sure that mom would call it something weird like beige or melon or something like that. I could see Ace’s nipples getting hard as she saw me staring at them.

When mom entered from the kitchen she had composed herself and carried in the mashed potatoes and the gravy. Mom made great gravy. The pot roast had already been on the table along with the peas and carrots. I liked the way the peas and carrots looked together in a bowl. I even liked the diced carrots better than the sliced carrots because they are then the same size as the peas. Mom had a big gob of butter melting on the top too. Dad sliced the meat and we passed our plates to him. Saturday was our family dinner night. We always had a big meal followed by desert. It was also our one time during the week when we all sat down together and talked about the things that had happened to us during the previous week.

Dad told us about things that he had done at work and about a few of the guys. Mom talked about her job and some of the girls that she works with. Ace talked about her girlfriends and her new clothes and thanked mom for talking her shopping. I told them about my friends and a new girl in school. Everyone enjoyed their meal and the cherry cheesecake that Ace had helped mom make before they went out shopping.

Just as soon as dinner was done dad went to sit in front of the television in his favorite chair and read his newspaper. It was a Saturday ritual for him. Mom asked me to help her with the dishes so Ace took that as her cue to run to her room. Ace usually got stuck helping mom with the dishes since she was a girl but she loved it when she didn’t have too.

I helped mom clear the dinning room table then I helped her put everything away in small containers. We both knew that dad would go after the leftover meat and probably eat it all before he went to bed that night. Then I scraped the foodstuff off the plates and into the garbage can while mom filled the sink with hot soapy water. She had taught me to stack the dishes for her so that she could wash them most efficiently. Then I got two dry dishtowels out and waited.

While I waited I checked out mom just like she had checked me out earlier. She had on a tight pair of blue jeans that fit rather snugly. Her ass looked great in them and I remember dad telling her too just that morning. I had to agree with dad, mom’s ass did look great in them and out of them I suspected too. Mom had on a white shirt that buttoned and it was tucked into her pants. Her collar was stiff and was turned up like some kind of a fashion model. She had left a couple of the buttons undone. Dad and I had been able to see a little cleavage during dinner. He had even commented on that fact. From the left side where I was standing I could see between a couple of the buttons where the material puckered. As I looked in I could see mom’s creamy flesh. She wasn’t wearing a bra. I could have sworn that she had one on before dinner. As mom washed the dishes she let a few pile up in the other half of the double basin sink and then used the spray attachment to rinse them off before placing them in the dish drainer for me. As she sprayed the dished she got playful and sprayed me too. Mom had never done that before and I knew it wasn’t like her to do such a thing. She went back to washing the dishes and I started drying them and putting them away. When mom had enough to rinse she sprayed me again and laughed about it but my T-shirt was wet. The next time she had enough to rinse she told me to do it. I smiled at her and aimed the nozzle right at breasts but I didn’t pull the trigger.

Mom laughed at me and said, “Chicken.”

So I pulled the trigger. I had turned away whenever she had squirted me but mom turned into the spray. I had also put out my hand to divert the spray but mom didn’t. I soaked her pretty well before I finally stopped and rinsed the dishes off. Mom went back to washing again. Then as I looked at her I noticed that mom’s wet shirt now clung to her body and especially to her breasts. Her white shirt had become almost transparent too. Her nipples stiffened and her dark areolas were very prominent. I got super hard!

As I finished drying that batch mom had another bunch ready to rinse. She turned to face me and I got a full frontal view of her wet breasts. That made me harder and I knew it but I didn’t care.

Mom said, “So I can get you hard after all. I thought that all you wanted was that Internet porn. Now who gets to rinse these dishes?”

I picked up the spray nozzle and aimed it right at mom’s breasts and let it spray. Mom moved her tits back and forth in the spray then using her hand she lowered my hand till I was spraying her crotch. There was a puddle of water on the floor when she finally told me that it was enough. Then mom took the sprayer from me and sprayed my crotch. We managed to finish the dishes and clean up the floor.

Mom smiled at me and patted my wet crotch as she said, “Shall we go upstairs and change into something more comfortable?”

I followed mom up the stairs. With her a step or two in front of me her ass was right in my face and her crotch was just about eye level.

At the top of the stairs mom walked to my sister’s bedroom and knocked on her door. When Ace said to enter we did. Ace just laughed as she saw how wet we were and asked us if any of the water had gotten on the dishes.

Mom said, “Your father is stuck in front of the television for the rest of the night. We were just going to get into something more comfortable. Do you want to join us?”

Ace asked, “What did you have in mind?”

To my delight mom said, “My bed.”

Ace giggled and said, “But you’re all wet.”

Mom replied, “Not with our clothes on silly.”

I looked at Ace and she looked at me. Then she smiled and said, “Okay. He’s already seen my tits anyway.”

Mom replied, “He’s seen mine too, sort of.”

As we followed mom down the hallway she was unbuttoning her wet shirt as she went and was pealing it off from her shoulders as she entered her bedroom. She turned and revealed her naked breasts to us and then locked the door behind us. It was quite apparent that we were going to do something that she didn’t want dad to see. I was still hard.

Mom said, “I’ll go first if you don’t mind” and then started to remove her wet pants. They fit real tight and required her to peel them down as she went. She had to bend completely in half to get them to her ankles. That gave me a great view of her thong covered ass or in this case her thong uncovered ass. Mom really did have a great ass as if I hadn’t already known that. Mom then reached up for her panties and dropped them to the floor too. I watched as she removed one foot at a time from them and left the pile on the floor next to her wet shirt.

As mom stood up she got a puzzled look on her face and said, “Candace would you be a doll and run down to the kitchen and get my bra. I put it in the breadbox. Get it before your father decides to make himself a sandwich and finds it.”

Ace said, “Sure thing mom. Don’t you two do anything before I get back.” Then she was gone.

Mom stood there and said, “So now what do you think about your mother?”

I blushed and said, “Mom you are the sexiest mother in the whole world. Dad’s right you do have a great ass and your breasts are magnificent too.”

Mom said, “Why thank you dear. I can’t wait to see your cock. Come on Candace hurry up.”

Soon Ace came back in and mom locked the door again.

Ace asked, “So you took this off so that you could get wet and seduce your son?”

Mom replied, “Yes! What of it?”

Ace smiled and said, “Nothing! I was just wondering. I did just about the same thing before dinner.”

Mom laughed and said, “I knew it. I just knew that it hadn’t been me or that damn Internet. What did you do to him?”

Ace said, “Oh I just wore my new white shorts. You know the ones that show off my pussy lips so nicely. With those red suspenders and nothing else.”

Mom said, “You didn’t!”

Ace just smiled and looked at me, as she asked, “Didn’t I?”

I smiled and said, “Oh yes she did. That’s why I couldn’t get it soft in time for dinner. I was sucking on her nipples too when you called us.”

Mom said, “Well if you want to suck on some nipples come here.”

Ace said, “Shouldn’t he get undressed first. I haven’t seen him naked yet.”

Mom said, “Come on I haven’t seen that thing of your in a few years myself.”

So it was my turn to undress. I removed my wet shirt and tossed it near moms. I dropped my pants to the floor and stepped out of them. Then I dropped my wet underwear and stepped out of them too. My cock stood out straight and up at about a forty-five degree angle. It was one of the best erections that I had ever had and I was very proud of it.

Mom and I both looked at Ace. She smiled sweetly and started to remove her tight sweater, her bra, and then her skirt. This much I had already seen. Then Ace lowered her panties to the floor and stepped out of them. I looked at her pussy and it was completely hairless. It looked like it had been freshly shaved too.

Ace knew what was on my mind and said, “I just got it waxed this morning when we went shopping. Mom doesn’t like it all hairy.”

Mom smiled and said, “Not any more. I used to be a carpet-muncher but now I like it clean-shaven. Waxed is even better.”

I noticed mom had hair on her pussy. Ace noticed me noticing and said, “Mom can’t shave hers. Dad won’t let her. So I have to suffer a little bit. I really don’t mind an occasional hair or too but sometimes they do make me gag.”

I just had to ask, “So how long have you guys been doing it?”

Mom smiled and spoke to me in a very sophisticated voice, “Doing it? We have been partaking in the art of oral pleasure since Candace asked me about sex two months ago, young man. Now it is time to introduce her to a real penis and we chose yours.”

Ace said, “Yes! It was either your penis or dad’s penis and mom already knew that dads wasn’t any good for sex.” Then Ace laughed and mom did too.

I looked at mom questioningly and she said, “Men only want to satisfy themselves. I used to have to masturbate after sex with your father but now I just visit your sister and we mutually satisfy each other.”

Ace said, “Yes! I’ve swallowed a gallon of dad’s cum from mom’s pussy.”

Mom laughed and said, “Hey! Half of that cum was my own thanks to you.”

Then mom turned to me and said, “Let me get your sister all warmed up for you and then I’ll let you know when to jump in.”

Ace said, “Don’t worry about hurting me. Mom broke my cherry with one of her dildos. It had two ends on it and we fucked it together. It was a lot of fun you should have seen us.”

Mom and Ace got on the bed together and started kissing one another on the lips very passionately. I watched as their tits rubbed up against one another. Then their pussies were rubbing together too. They were grinding crotches, nipple to nipple, and they were French kissing. My cock was uncomfortable from watching them. Mom turned around on the bed and put her face in Ace’s crotch. Ace grabbed mom’s hips and lifted her head up to reach mom’s crotch. Soon the girls were lost in themselves and didn’t even know that I was there. Mom settled down onto Ace’s face so that she didn’t have to stretch to get to mom’s hairy pussy. Mom simple leaned down into Ace’s hairless pussy. I was trying to decide which one I liked better when I realized that I actually liked both the hair and the bald look.

I got near mom’s head and checked out my sister’s ass. It was smooth and just the right size for her and her tiny brown asshole puckered very nicely. Mom had Ace’s legs up so far that her nose rubbed into Ace’s asshole as she licked down into her pussy. It was as if she was trying to give Ace double the pleasure. I then went up to Ace’s head to admire mom’s ass. Mom had a bigger butt but she was also bigger so it was just about right for her. Mom’s ass was just as smooth as Ace’s butt was. The hair around mom’s pussy reached her asshole too so that there were a few straggly hairs sticking out around my sister’s nose. She too was pleasing mom with a little nose to her butt tickle. When I went back to mom’s head she was trying to put her tongue in Ace’s asshole. It was kind of exciting to watch. Soon both women were squirming on the bed together and breathing hard. I assumed they had their orgasms. Then mom got up and told me to take care of Ace.

I got on the bed and looked at my sister’s pussy for the very first time. Then I leaned in and started to lick her. Her love mound was so smooth that I couldn’t believe it. No wonder mom liked it hairless. My sister tasted very good.

Mom said, “You don’t have to do that. I’ve got her all worked up for you. Just fuck her.”

I lifted my head long enough to say, “But I want too” and went right back to it. Mom must have had Ace worked up pretty good because as I poked my tongue into her hole, licked her asshole, and nibbled on her clit she had orgasms left and right. I counted three before I crawled up her body and slipped my cock into her pussy. I shoved my tongue in my sister’s mouth and probed both of her cavities at the same time. I felt her fingernails dig into my ass cheeks as she reached yet another orgasm.

Mom said, “Candace, you had an orgasm with his cock in you?”

Ace replied, “Yes! Two! Now shut up. Oh there it goes again.”

I managed to give my sister four more orgasms with my cock in her before I squirted my cum up into her body and collapsed on her breasts. I had been trying to give Ace ten orgasms but I just couldn’t do it. Seven would have to hold her. I had never been that satisfied myself and was drifting off to sleep when I jumped from the stinging on my ass. It was just mom applying some kind of antiseptic spray to my ass. It seemed that Ace had broken the skin clawing me with her fingernails. That’s okay because she actually broke a fingernail too.

Mom asked, “What to hell just happened here?”

Ace said, “He fucked me. Isn’t that what you wanted him to do?”

Mom said, “Yes but he gave you orgasms. No man has ever done that to me before.”

Ace said, “Maybe you have been fucking the wrong men.”

Mom looked at my hard cock and said, “Maybe I have. Your father never gets it up a second time either.”

Ace said, “Oh no you don’t mom. You’ve got dad’s penis, his is mine.”

Mom said, “If you ever want anymore new clothes you had better learn to share him with me.”

I couldn’t believe that I had just gotten to fuck my sister and loose my virginity and now I would get to fuck mom too. Un…Fucking…believable!

The End


I realize that this is not entirely fair since I am back to turning off your comments. However you can click on my name at the top of this or any of my stories and leave me a personal note.

I really did pay attention to all of those readers that left comments with constructive criticisms on my other stories. This story for instance started out as a father/daughter in my head but thanks to a reader that said he wanted more brother/sister stories I thought it over and realized that it did seem much better this way. However mom just sort of slipped in there somehow and for that I am sorry. Another reader has often objected to my use of exclamation points between my quotation marks. For him I have tried real hard not to use them. However, many one word sentences seem to require them. Still other readers wanted better descriptions so I have put forth an effort in that department too. I hope it meets with some of your expectations.

The End


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Man ajj tumko apni sohag raat ki story sunati hoon yeh kahani nahi hakikat hai. Jo meray zehan main abhi tak naksh ho choki hai aik aik lafz mujhay yaad hai keon na yaad hoo wo raat meri zindagi ka eham din tha jis main meri choot ki opening honay wali thi uss raat ko kaisay bhool sakti hoon jub pehli baar meri choot main lund gaya tha. Haan main nahi bhol sakti us khobsorat raat ko to suno pehly raat meray husband ki bhabi mujhay kamray main akaila chord ker chali gaae poora Kamra saja huwa...

2 years ago
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Our first threesome

Our first threesome As you have read in my previous stories – I have been almost begging to be the cuckold in a threesome with my girlfriend Kay and another man. And as you have read before she was keen to play with others alone, and came back with some explosive things that she had done. This turns me on to no end. Yes I am a cuckold! It all started when she went away for a few days to a health hydro for some treatments and rest. She spent a week there and in our conversations on the phone...

Wife Lovers
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BEMISAL TOHFA Mera naam Karan hai. Meri shadi meri judwa behan Aruma ki saheli Nalini ke saath aaj se 5 saal pehle hui thi. Mere ghar mein ab bas main aur meri sexy patni Nalini hi rehte hain aur hamra 2 saal ka beta apni nani ke saath rehta hai. Nalini ekdam sexy hai, kad 5 feet 5 inch, rang sanwla, figure 36 28 36 badi badi kali ankhen, lambe bal, gadraye chutad. Mote honth jo mere lund par iss tarah kas jate hain jaise kissi choot ke honth hon. Mere mata pita aaj se 8 saal pehle ek car...

1 year ago
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CuttyChapter 22 The Caribbean

Aaah, the Caribbean!! From the moment Donna stepped out of the plane on to the steps she was in heaven. The bright sun, the soothing wind, the open space, the palm trees. She almost immediately stopped worrying and knew this was what she had yearned for for a long, long time. Her daughters were equally enthusiastic, taking up the surroundings with a big smile just like she did. The walk from the plane to the gates across the landing strip in the open air was odd, but totally fitted the...

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My Girlfriends Son Pt 2

My Girlfriend’s Son Pt. 2: Escalation I am an older man, married for 16 years until she decided to travel a different path and we split. I have 2 sons, both whom I love and we are best friends as well. After the split, I lived a bachelor’s existence, not really interested in a relationship or dates until I met Lily. She was different. Demure yet mischievious and unpredictable..I liked that a lot. We seemed to understand each other naturally. But in the years before when I was without...

3 years ago
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Virus by Jade Catherine Devlin 2011 A.D. I sat, uncomfortable in button-down shirt and tie, in a conference room in Gilette's corporate headquarters in Massachusetts. An ambitious young man in an impeccable suit gestured with his laser pointer at a graph. "The leaders in the razor market agreed last month to share data on the phenomenon. The results are shocking. Sales of men's razors fell 21% across the board last year, and the decrease is continuing and accelerating. ...

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I LIKE BLACK BOYS 10 Lizzie Tucker scene recap

I LIKE BLACK BOYS #10 - Lizzie Tucker scene: really fun setup with her on the phone and talking to herself while she gives in to her urge for bbc; Lizzie then sucked the big guy off and then took a break to remove all her clothes (which made me rewind to see it a second time) and then climbed on top of him for a ride on the stallion; it’s going to be a bumpy ride, it looks like; one thing I don’t understand is how is he getting balls deep inside that girl? It just doesn’t seem to make sense;...

2 years ago
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My 5dateSaturday

Five ‘fuck/suck jack-off dates’ one day… Back when I was 18 I decided to play on Facebook and set myself up with some dates. I could not paste nudes but did pose provocatively in my photo albums. I threw it out there that I was looking for boyfriends and wanted to meet up. I picked the guys who were topless showing their abs and were the most handsome. I decided to go a little crazy and set up 4 dates in one day. Maybe too ambitious to work out the timing, but I thought I managed it well....

3 years ago
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Amy Terry Tom and OthersChapter 6

Anh went back to work. Terry visited the office to explain his change of status. "I don't think there'll be a big problem," Janice said thoughtfully. "Have you got a date yet?" "We haven't thought that far ahead, but I think we'd like it sooner rather than later." "What about Amy and the arrangement we made that she'd be around for the first couple of weeks of Tom's work experience? We got her CRB check." (The CRB is the Criminal Records Bureau. Persons wishing to work with...

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Party Animal Male stripper short

My name is Tony and I have a small outside catering business in Brighton. The business was hard work and I was struggling to keep it going, until recently that is. I am 23, six ft tall, well built (thanks to my swimming, I am in the local team) and have been told that I am more than adequately endowed by my past lovers. One Friday I got a call from a woman called Jill to see if I could do the food for a hen night, it had been called at very short notice and was for tomorrow night at eight. She...

1 year ago
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A night at the beach

I remember that day when i met Phillip, it was a hot july afternoon at the beach me and my friend Julie with our butt in the sand talking when this guy comes running to us.... -hi!Me and my friends over there are gonna start a volley ball match, you ladies wanna join us? I turned to Julie to see what she was thinking, and she looked pleased. -Sure, i said. If its ok with you Julie! -Yeah, lets go! Julie rushed to the gang. -Great! said the guy, By the way im Phillip. -Nice to meet you Phillip,...

First Time
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My Initiation

Two days after celebrating my eighteenth birthday, a group of friends took me out for dinner to a Mexican restaurant, Casa Guirado. After eating, I hung out near the bar to watch the hot woman. Most of the bar area people were gathered for a Friday night meal and used the bar while waiting for a table to open. Most of the patrons were in their forties or older, married, and looked like my parents. But, a few of the women were hot. I made eye contact with one lady, who I thought was super sexy....

3 years ago
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Happy Hour

Happy Hour By r. gold It had been a long day and I decided I needed a drink. Fortunately, there was a T friendly bar only two blocks from my offices. I hated to walk too far in high heels and a tight skirt, but the day had gone badly. No new customers, no leads, not a whole lot to be wasting my time over. Since I now owned the company and employed four people, it was my job to drum up business. I hated spinning wheels worse than anything. I pictured the cool quiet of the...

4 years ago
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A Teacher and Her Student a Forbidden LoveChapter 18 Law and order

Alice's employer had suspended her, pending the outcome of the lawsuit. If she were found guilty then she'd be fired, otherwise, since her reputation was already destroyed due to all the rumors, she'd be generously compensated and laid off. In that event she'd also have the option to sue the Richards for damaging her reputation and get compensation from them, but everybody realized that the likelihood for that was close to zero. It'd require more than a miracle to have the judge find...

2 years ago
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How I Become Bisexual

Hi everybody this is my real story.Frist time i would like to share my sexul experiences with others. My name is rehan age 28 years lived in kadapa city witch located 400 kms from hyderabad (a.P).Any cpl or single men interested in us mail us with ur pictures.My email id is i write this story in hindi its very convenient to all readers.Mai jab 10ths class me padraha tha jab mai kuch english magazines me ladkion ke hot pictures dekha ke hi mera lund khada hojata tah.Aur muje muth marna bhi nai...

3 years ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 51 for A Little Side Trip

Chuck, Melissa and Darren pulled their rental car into the lobby of a nice airport Hilton, where they were to meet Holly by prearrangement. “Why here?” asked Darren as he fished to heavy bags out of the trunk. “Holly hasn’t been anywhere in some 25 years. This was the only hotel she remembered near the airport,” he said. They walked up to the desk and confirmed their reservation. “What room is our friend, Miss Compton, in?” Chuck asked as he fumbled for his wallet. “She is in 414, right...

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How I Fucked My Angry Hot White Chachi In Gujarat

Hy friends, Ye meri pehli story hai.Mera nam rahul hai.I live in gujarat.Mera mail id hai .Me ek joint family me rehta hu. Mere ghare me mere mummy-papa , dada-dadi or mere chacha-chachi rehte hai.Meri age 19 hai. Ye us time ki baat hai jab me 10th me tha.Mere uncle USA me job karte hai.Unki ek choti beti bhi hai jo karib 2 saal ki hai.Aab me aapko aapni chachi le bare me batata hu.Meri chachi mast gori dikhati hai.Uski age karib 32 years hai.Uske boobs ki size 38D hai jo mene ek din chupke se...

2 years ago
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Kristens Journey part 3

Kristen's Journey Chapter 18: Dress Shopping and Improbable Connections Rebecca was continually amazed how her warrior girlfriend had transformed into a giggling girl, spending hours reading every bridal magazine she could lay her hands on. One night I swooned over a dark teal strapless bridesmaid dress and rushed to show Rebecca and she actually yelled at me. So maybe it was twelfth dress I showed her and maybe this time she was sitting on the toilet, but is that any reason to get...

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Dream Cums True With Hot Maid Raani

It was a hot summer morning and I had just finished my workout. My house was a mess. That’s normal for a bachelor’s life, right? So, as I was trying to figure out from where to start the cleaning work, I heard a *ding dong*. My doorbell rang. I went and opened the door and boom! There she was. A young 25-year-old hot looking girl right at my door. She was wearing a tight red tank top and tight black yoga pants. I was taken aback thinking who the hell was this hot dame at my doorstep. She...

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harry 06

Healing After classes had ended for lunch, and Ron had made a quick trip to grab food from the Great Hall, he, Hermione and Ginny walked into the hospital wing to find Harry sitting up on his bed eating from a half empty plate of food. Seeing Harry turn his head to look at them, and the smile that followed was enough to make them wonder. “Harry, are you…” Ron began. “I’m still blind if that’s what you’re asking,” Harry interrupted as he noticed yet another new connection he had not...

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Daddy cant say no anymore to his girl

Moving on years later, my mother married Bruce, my new stepfather. We had a very nice family life until those urges started again in full force. The reason why is because if finally told my mother about her previous and how he used to “play” with me. Normally, this would be great to unload this burden, but instead…my mother turned to me and said, “Honey, I already knew.” That moment solidified my utter disregard to sexual normalcy and integrated my sexual deviancy into reality. One...

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When younger my sexual desire used to throw up fantasies. My first recurring fantasy even before we married was to share my wife with other men. At first it Didn,t seem to be possible, but in the end it happened and more than once so it proved at Times fantasies can become reality. Another recurring fantasy from back in the late 1980s was my sexy wife as a very dirty stripper drawing the line at not much except at pissing which never turned either of us on. But it never looked like it would...

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John And Brianna Part 4 Swinging Hot

A few weeks after the sauna adventure, the school holidays are over. This is something both John and Brianna had been looking out for, as they were not used to having the kids in the house anymore, although they loved to have them around.They are picked up by some other students, and Brianna and John kiss them and wave them goodbye. The moment they are out of sight and the door is closed Brianna almost jumps onto John and he grabs her and pulls him hard against his body."This was such a long...

2 years ago
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Lose One Find AnotherChapter 45

The summer passed quickly after that. Brenda continued to practice with her cheer squad and when school started, she would be even busier. The only problem was that her court date was coming up and Craig was busy keeping her out of jail. When the court date finally came up, the judge handed out 3 points for her license and 40 hours of community service, which ended up her picking up the trash along the highway where she was busted for speeding. There she was, wearing a bright orange vest...

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Take Me to Another Country

There is a house (almost fortress like) in a far off country where your wildest fantasies can take flight. Some people would think that this house would be every girl's greatest dream come's got everything they could ever want. Tennis courts, state of the art gyms and workout rooms, a movie theater, a spectacular ball room, and a swimming pool that is always at the right temperature and is more like a lagoon with a waterfall running into it. The bedrooms are to die for...or at least...

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Like fucked up porn? Well, here's Inhumanity dot com. With a name like that, you know this isn’t going to be your run of the mill, vanilla porn site. It won’t be anything like finding your old man’s spank mags under the bed. This is going to be some truly hardcore, brutal shit, guaranteed. Two seconds after I learned the name of the site, I found out they were a sister site of eFukt. Inhumanity’s slogan is Come For the Tits, Stay for the Train Wreck, so I know this is going to be a fun...

Funny Porn Sites
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About two of a kind

November 2019Four relatives celebrated their birthdays the upcoming weekend, so I took a day off for shopping. I got up early, dressed, and had a bra in hand but hesitated. It's rainy and cold; a warm bra made sense. Yet, a thick woolen sweater and nothing else underneath, a cuddly warm jacket, has always excited me, at least up to a certain temperature. Anyway, I put the bra back in the drawer, saw my collection of nipple shields, took the rings, pulled the nipples, and slipped them on. After...

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The Tutor That Taught Me

“Look Chris, if you don’t get these grades up, I will make you drop out of your extracurricular activities.” She looks at me sternly. “You better get an A+ on that next test. I know History is a silly subject but it’s still something the college admissions people look at so either you shape up or no more football for you.” She’s right – it is a stupid subject. Really, how would knowing this stuff be practical in the future? Plus, I’m only a junior so these grades aren’t even reflected...

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english mature sluts

this is true- it was a lads night out for me and my mate, we were both 19 and had left the girlfriends at home, which meant one thing, we were going to cheat on them to our hearts content!! however it had been a slow night, bar a few dances and the odd kiss, we had both struck out. so it was now half two and we were sitting in a quiet bar, blind drunk, lamenting the night. now in all honesty i cannot remember exactly the sequence of events that lead to this lol ( the price of boozing) at one...

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The Adventures of Anna Clarke

It was time for Adam to head off to is Maths lesson his favourite subject not just because he excelled more than any other student but also the sight of his lecturer, Mrs Anna Clarke she was his perfect woman in terms of the way she looked as well as her personality. She was sweet, caring, responsible but at the same time strict fully able to control any situation, she had the full respect of all her students. She always looked out for Adam it was the only time when at college he seemed to...

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hot texas summer

I lay in bed on a hot and sultry night. the air conditioner blows full blast, but it can't seem to take the the edge off the heat in the station. sleep is denied me because, as always you are on my mind. The thought of taking you in my arms, and kissing you deeply, seems to bring desire with the already warm humidity of the room. I fantasize about holding you're sumptuous body close to me, breathing in you're very essence, The thought of you're full pouty lips against mine, making me slightly...

3 years ago
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Mazaa hi mazaa

Ye takreeban june ke shuroo ki baat hai. Tab mere exams khatam ho chuke the. Meri English madam bohat hi sexy hai us ke perfect breasts hain. Aur wo kapde bhi ese pehnti keh us ke jism ka kuch hissa nazar aata. Jese hi class main aati us ke nipples khade hote the. Tight kameez pehnti aur bra bhi nipples ke khade hone ki waja se tight rehte. Nipples apna nishan us par bana lete. Phir padhai to phad hi main jani thi. Kher main roz us ke saath apne app ko imagine karta. Un ka naam madam shagufta...

2 years ago
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Rime of the Modern Mother Slut

Wendy Raskin puffed her chest and pinched her fat. The mirror refused to laugh. She sighed after a hard day's work and finished undressing for her bath. Naked and vulnerable, her troubles she hoped to drown. Extra soap and water so hot they dissolved, all but one. One last tick clicked in her skull like a needle lost in a clinic. Her longing cunt was picking away, sapping her puritan ethic. So many years, was her husband gone, buried in another town. Years of single mothering had emboldened...

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Im a wanker

Let me take time to tell you a little about myself before we carry on. I've enjoyed playing with myself ever since I was about 11 years old. The first time I can really remember though was when I was 14 and at high school. I was walking around the back of the school golf course to get to the rugby field when I heard voices coming from the nearby shed. Curious as to who was dodging out of rugby and hoping to join them I started walking to the door when I realised it was the hushed voices...

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Amys Story

Amy walked down the sidewalk quickly, her long blonde ponytail swishing in time with her steps.  A backpack with textbooks, a change of clothing, and a few other odds and ends was slung over her shoulder. Her white nursing shoes made hardly any sound on the pavement as she rushed along.  However, her work uniform, a white knee-length skirt, white blouse, white sweater, and, yes, white socks, made her stand out in the dark like a sore thumb.  Amy's shift at the nursing home, where she worked as...

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MAU The Other Side Of The Fence Part 4

MAU: The Other Side of the Fence Part 4 Redemption Thursday December 20th 2007 Well it took awhile for this journal to beckon me once again to its blank pages. I've lived alone now for awhile in what was once the apartment that Jack and I shared. It's been tough not having him around on a daily basis. Oh, sure I still see the big lug at work but it's been a real big adjustment not to have him to live with anymore. Like I have said many times before, we helped each other adjust...

4 years ago
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Drugged Into SinChapter 4

The next few days blurred one into the other. They kept her doped and slightly drunk and the drug had increased her sexual desires so much that she was now just about insatiable. Sam Price enjoyed watching her writhe in agony, begging him and anyone else who was around to fuck her. He obtained sadistic delight in watching her crawl and plead. This was the way be broke in all the new girls for his little racket... drugged into insensibility. The sex drives of the girls and their willingness to...

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Futas Naughty Scented Candles Chapter 5 Futas Gangbang Mom

Chapter Five: Futa's Gangbang Mom By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to my FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! Mary Smith I quivered as I rode shotgun in Mrs. Meyer's car. This night was amazing. I was naked, had a big futa-dick, and was heading to do my dare. I would complete it. I would arrange for one wild delight with my mom and aunt. Sisters who were MILFs! My flesh and blood. It was my turn to enjoy the transgression of sliding my futa-dick into my mother's cunt. I...

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berfall im Juwelierladen

Carmen und Paulina arbeiteten bei einem Juwelier in der Innenstadt. Während Paulina als Verkäuferin angestellt war, arbeitete Carmen als Filialleiterin. Sie war mit 27 Jahren noch sehr jung für den Job. Ihre Kinn langen dunkelbraunen Haare band sie sich oft zu einem Zopf zusammen, so auch an diesem Tag. Dadurch dass sie viel Sport machte, hatte sie eine sehr schlanke Figur. Auffällig war ihre Oberweite von 75 F, weswegen schon ihre Mitschüler sie anstarrten. Paulina war 30 und hatte rote lange...

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KindlingChapter 5

Hazel watched the developing scene with relief. She'd worried when she decided, less than 10 days ago, to delay exposing Lily to the chips in the hope Lily would expose her friends. Things had worked out better than she'd dared hope. Not only had Lily, Edith, Sharon and Anne been exposed, they'd in turn exposed others. By briefly passing on one hottie, Hazel had earned herself access to ten. Investments didn't payoff any better than that. And the pussy they'd managed to find! Sharon had...

1 year ago
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Sexy Replacement

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am in 18 and I live in Philadelphia, a life in paradise. My mom Catherine is an anatomy staff at my st peters high school her in the city. She has a horny boops that makes my thinking erotic as and when I see her dress up early in the morning. We both leave to school early until she became pregnant for the second time in her life. My dad Peterson is a flight commander. Me and my dad are in the same height and also vocally sound similar. If I could...


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