Suspended. free porn video

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There were only two things Rose knew for certain when she opened her eyes, firstly that she was being suspended in mid-air - how and why, and how high she didn't know, but the clear air beneath her feet told her that she was - and secondly she was wearing nothing more than what felt like a pair of bikini bottoms, well that and a piece of duck tape across her mouth. Oh, and there was one other thing, she was in complete darkness, so dark that at this moment it didn't matter if her eyes were open or closed.
Her instant reaction upon opening her eyes was confusion, which then evolved into fear, but with the silence around her, there was a strange calmness to the moment that consoled her fear, like a mother comforting her baby. The only way she could reason it was that, having be inducted into the gangbang scene at the tender age of 17, and having been in what most would consider to be extreme situations, this seemed a little on the mild side. However the not knowing why or where was playing on her mind, and that at least fed her anxiety.
Rose turn in the direction of the voice, it was in front of her.
'Hello.' the voice said again, fear inhabiting its tone.
Rose tried to speak, but the duck tape held her mouth closed. She tried to stretch it, rip her mouth free, but it just pulled on her skin.
'Is there someone there?' the voice asked again and it was then that Rose heard it, a texture to the voice she recognized. She hung still, waiting for the voice to be sure.
'Hello. Is there anyone else there.' the voice struggled to say again, 'please answer me.'
It was Janice. Her best friend.
'Please if you are there, say something.' Janice said, the fear seeming to grow a little in her voice, as if the knowledge of not being alone was more frightening than being alone.
Rose wanted to speak, wanted to reassure her, but the duck tape held her mouth firmly closed, trapping those words inside. She hoped the moisture, the cold beads of fear would loosen it, but it held fast.
Then the lights came on.

A tidal wave of light rolled across the ceiling, as one after another the florescent strip lights flickered to life. Blinking to allow her pupils to adjust to the sudden change, Rose's eyes meet Janice's and she saw the fear in her face.
Looking side-to-side, Rose could see now that they were suspended via leather straps, that were somehow fastened to the high metal corrugated ceiling, and these in turn were tied with a cord around their wrist, to the metal frame work that surrounded each of them. She shook her wrist a little violently, hoping to pull it free, but it was tied tight. She glanced around her surroundings, and felt that Janice had cause to be fearful, the 'what she presumed to be' warehouse looked very inhospitable, with its damp and dark walls, open space and various nameless pieces of rusted and redundant equipment. This place had not been used in sometime, and she wondered exactly why they were here.
'Where are we?' Janice asked.
Rose looked to Janice, her eyes caught for a moment on her heavy E cup pert breasts and she shook her head, the only way she could answer her.
'How did we get here?' Janice asked as she too looked around, an expression of disdain upon her face.
Rose try to think of what the events were that lead them to be here, but her memory was blurred. There was something about a couple of guys, friendly looking guys, a club and some drinks, and she could only assume that they had been d**gged and brought here while u*********s. She tried to think harder, tried to clear the fog, but before she could give some order to the events, a door at the far end opened and three men entered.
Janice tried to turn to look, but was unable to see, and so she looked back to Rose with a silent question in her eyes, which again Rose could only answer with a small shake of her head.
With the two larger men one pace behind the shorter man in the middle, the three made their way towards Rose and Janice with a military step, All three were wearing full head masks, with the two larger men wearing red ones with a Ziggy Stardust strip upon the face, and the shorter man in the middle head-dress in a black version. The attire of the larger stockier men was smart and almost formal, with their white shirts and black ties and trouser, and heavy sounding boots upon their feet, which the slimmer shorter man in the middle was wearing a black shiny silk Kimono, and barefooted.
Glancing back to Janice, Rose watched as the fear drain her face of colour, and she would have given anything to place an arm of safety upon her shoulders, but instead she do nothing but look and keep a calm expression upon her own face.
With a double scrap of leather heel upon concrete, the two larger men came to a stop just behind Janice's vision, whilst the shorter man continued towards them, entering the space that separated Rose and Janice.
With their eyes fixed upon him, the occasional glance to each other breaking their stares, Rose and Janice watched at the man-in-black as he paced back and forth for a moment, his eyes looking to the ground.
'Who,,. Who are you?' Janice hesitated to ask, 'what do… what do you want with us?'
Giving no response or even any indication he had heard the question, Janice looked to Rose, who a moment after, also glanced up to meet Janice's eyes.
Their attention was brought back to him when he suddenly turned around and looked towards the two large men. With a nod of his head, the two men crossed towards Rose and Janice, and took their places behind them. Reaching forward the two men took a hold of their legs, unbuckling the metal clasps and loosening the straps that held them together. Janice kicked out at first, but that only made the large man behind her hold her legs tighter. She looked up to Rose who then shook her head, her thinking that resistance was futile, and that with a little compliance they might be able to find a little mercy from the man in black.
Letting the loosened straps fall to the floor, two dampened thuds echoing their contact, the men then separated their legs and strapped each of them, opening them up, to the framework that surrounded each of them. Having secured their legs the two men stepped back, and circled around to stand before the man in black. The man in black reached into his pocket and handed each of the men a brown envelope, shaking the hand of each, and then without a word spoken, the two large men walked past the man in black, the one closest to Rose reaching up and ripping the duck tape from her mouth, and made their way toward the door they had come in from. And as the echoing of the closing of the heavy metal door dissipated into the silence, Rose looked to Janice and then down to the man in black.
'Who the fuck are you?' she asked in a more direct tone than Janice, 'and what the fuck do you want with us?'
Still he said nothing, and still he didn't move. His silence was beginning to unnerve her, and she began to feel that maybe she should fear him.
Rose looked to Janice and saw a tear escape her eye, as she battled to hold her screams of terror, fear and desire for mercy within.
'Look,' Rose continued ordering his attention, 'I don't know what your game is, but it is passed funny.' She paused, waiting for anything that would signal he was listening, but still the man is black was motionless. 'Just untie us and we will forget we were ever here.' she added
'Yeah, please,' Janice added, her emotional state evident within her tone. 'We won't say anything, we promise.'
Rose looked to Janice and pursed her lips to say 'shh', and even without the availability of holding her finger to her lips, Janice nodded, understanding.
'You know, there will be people looking for us. We have friends, and we were suppose to be meeting them, so people will know we are missing.' Rose stated knowing it was only really half true.
Still the man in black refused to acknowledge her, and this was being to annoy Rose.
She looked up to Janice, her face now damp with tears, the excess being shaken free by the slightly trembling of her chin. 'This was getting silly', she thought to herself, 'how could this man stand there in complete stillness, whilst two almost naked women hung suspended either side of him? It wasn't normal. But?' she added questioningly, 'What part of this was normal anyway?'
Janice mouthed 'please' and all Rose could do was look on helpless.
Suddenly the man in black took two step backwards bring himself parallel with Rose's left and Janice's right hand side, and bringing his arms up whilst still looking down, he felt his way to the ties that held their bikini bottoms upon them. His fingers felt smooth, almost in contrast to the state of their surrounding, and this surprised Rose as she was expecting a roughness, coarseness within his touch. She watched as he looped the excess of the one strand of the tie around his finger, and glancing across watched as he did the same with Janice's bikini bottoms. Rose glanced to Janice's face, her tears had eased a little, but the fear was still on show.
With a sharp fluid tug the man in black pulled the ties free, the bows slipping open with ease, and letting them go, the bikini bottoms slid down each of their legs to hang limply from their feet, both of their pussies now on show.
Rose couldn't help herself; she had to look at Janice's pussy. It was a pussy she had indulged in for several months now, and she remember how she had carefully and patiently shaved it that morning. It was one of the tidiest pussies she had ever had the pleasure to explore, and shaven it was nothing more than a slit in the skin, the slight redness within giving it the appearance similar to that of an open wound.
Taking two steps back again, the man in black re-position himself where he had stood motionless before, and brought his hands to his front to the untie his kimono, which then slipped from his shoulders, falling to the floor. Beneath he was naked, and both Janice and Rose stared at his slender body, running their eyes the length of it, before glancing to each other.
'Is this some sorta sex thing?' Rose asked.
'I thought you were gonna...' Janice could bring herself to say the word; worried it might still be the case.
Finally he looked up, glancing to Rose first, and then to Janice. Rose search Janice's face for a sense of ease in her expression, but it was not there. This man was truly a stranger and she did wonder if there had been other victims, and if he chosen them at random. She tried to think back to the club, to try to remember if she felt they were being watched, but her memory was still foggy, and events she could recall were not in the right order.
Reaching out and place a hand on each of their inner thighs, he gently caress the softness, gradually working his hands upwards towards their open and available pussies. This was turning Rose on, and it reminded her of the some of the more extreme gangbangs where she had been the center of attention of large group of men. However even though she had been tied and bound, blindfolded and gagged and used by up to thirty guys in one night, there was something about this scenario that made those others pale into nothingness by comparison. There was something about the surroundings, how they had been brought here against their will, and the fact they had no idea who this man in black was, looked like, and up to this point, even sounded like.
Rose felt his finger lightly touch her pussy lips, and she couldn't help but close her eyes and let out a small gasp, which was then echoed by Janice. Rose opened her eyes and looked over to Janice, feeling a little guilty about showing her pleasure at his touch, and was relived to see that Janice was enjoying it more. The fear draining from her face the deeper he explored her pussy, and even though there was no smile to be seen, the pleasure she was feeling was obvious. Rose closed her eyes again and as best as she could, bent her legs a little to open up her pussy, and show willingness.
The man in black slowly inched his finger deeper and deeper into each of their pussies, and feeling that there was still room to spare, he quickly joined the first with a second finger. He paused as he listened to their small moans of pleasure and slowly slid his fingers in and out of their wetness.
Rose's pussy was hungry for his touch, and she let her head fall backwards as she relaxed to enjoy his fingers within her, but with all this build-up she was wondering if he would act like the man he appeared to be. She liked the passionate and erotic touch, and loved the idea of making love in the rain, or upon the beach of an island paradise, but if she was gonna be strung-up and tied with legs apart, in a deserted warehouse against her will, then she wanted to be treated with that respect, the respect of a whore.
Beneath the mask the man in black was smiling, and with his head bowed, he listed to their pleasure, however he had more than this in mind, and he was enjoying leading them in the opposite direction to the one originally planned. Pulling his fingers from within their pussies, he slapped the lips, and gave a small indication of the change. The moans from the girl he knew as Rose got louder, and he knew she would be the more willing than the girl he knew as Janice. Janice through conversation had shown herself to be the more passionate and this little erotic taster was for her. Slapping their pussy lips a few more times, he decided to begin to show the reality of this night, and positioning three fingers from each of his hand, at the entrance of each of their holes, he paused for a moment, readying himself, before he rammed then home.
His sudden change of tactic took Rose by surprise and she moan deeply, feeling his fingers deep inside of her. This was what she wanted, and her legs weaken and she was glad that she was being held up, as she would have probably have collapsed if she had been standing unsupported. Then she remembered Janice, and wondered how she had taken to this rougher treatment. Janice was not adverse to rough treatment, but it was not what she favoured, and Rose wondered if that fear that had dissipated at his initial gentle touch had returned. Raising her head, she opened her eyes and glanced to Janice, and saw that although the initial pleasure was not as evident as it had been, she did still seem to be enjoying the experience, and assured Rose relaxed once more and lost herself to his three fingers now sliding mercilessly in and out, the pace picking up with each thrust.
He loved the way each of their pussies gripped his fingers, dragging them in deeper, and the wetness was slowly dribbling down the each of his palms and backs of his hands, lubricating them a little. It was time to add a fourth and it was time to start stretching, and pulling his three fingers of each hand almost free, he added his little finger forming a triangular pyramid shape, and paused once more before ramming them as deep as they would go on this initial insertion. And listening to those ever-deepening cries of pleasure, his smile broaden and his naked limp cock began to rise. This was finally turning him on, and the pleasure of the three would soon fill this empty space, resounding from the metal walls.
Janice noticed the man in black's cock begin to twitch into life, and she was excited to see how big it would grow. She might have had a bit more of a preference for the ladies in general, and had been the first to initiate any sexual contact between her and Rose, but she did also like to play with a cock, especially if it was on the larger side. She remember the last threesome she had had with Rose and her boyfriend, and the moment he pushed his thirteen inch cock deep within her. It had been the biggest cock she had fucked, and it had stretched her pussy to a pleasurable level. It had been the cock Rose had lost her virginity to, when she was a mere 15 years of age, and at the time Rose told her of this, she winced and pulled her legs together wondering just how painful that musta been. Rose had assured her that she wasn't 100% a virgin at the time, as she had been playing with her mothers dildos from 14 years of age, and had already experimented with stretching herself, but just the idea of that one eyed monster being her first taste of the real thing made her cringe, and she was glad it hadn't been her initiation into the world of sex.
Rose loved his rough treatment and she hoped her singing gasps were what he wanted to hear, and that would excite him enough to go further. She wanted her pussy to wear his hand like a glove, and she wanted to shower him with her pleasure, and she wanted it all now. She tried to open her legs wider, accommodate his hand more readily, but she was unable to, the restraints were preventing her. So between gasps and with her head sill hanging backwards, she uttered, 'I want it all.'
'You are going to get it all.' the man in black thought to himself, excited more by the fact that she wanted all. He had thought he would be a stern character through out this, that he would be uncaring to their pleasure, but the more they moaned, the harder and deeper he pushed his fingers within wanting to satisfy them, and his own pleasure was displayed by the stiffening his manhood. It was time to take that final step, and pulling his fingers almost free once again, he tucked in his thumb into the cradle of his fingers and palms, and with a final pause he pushed his hands into their pussies. His hands went as deep as they could, past his first and second knuckles, but even with girls as willing as they seemed to be, he still would need one more attempts to be fully within.
Janice loved to be fisted, and this had become a big part of the interaction between her and Rose, and it was their love of fisting that had strengthened and brought them closer. Some of her friends and a couple of short term girlfriend had enjoyed it occasionally, but they generally like to keep it as the occasional treat, however Janice liked to indulge whenever she had sex, and these days she had felt that a session was not complete without it. Relaxing her arms, she managed to lower herself an inch or so, and with this she tried to bend her legs further, she wanted him to know, she accepted his invitation to be wrist deep within her, whether she had or not, any choice over this.
With a second and third attempt, his hands slipped deeper within, but were still failing to get past the third and final knuckle. He decide he would force them in, after all he was not here to be a gentleman, even if that was how he generally acted outside of this scenario. Steadying his feet and almost gripping the concrete with his soles, he pushed his hands in as far as they would go with relative ease, and then shuffling to re-positioned himself once more, gripping the ground as he pushed, straining just a little, his hands fully inside. The feeling was amazing, the warmth and the wetness surrounding his hands was like nothing like he had felt before, and for a moment he paused soaking up the feeling, the sounds of their acceptance making his cock erect.
This was what she had been waiting for, and Rose sung her pleasure louder than at any other time during this experience. It felt so good to have his fist within her, and she hope he would begin pumping her pussy soon, she wanted to shower him as she wanted to reward him for giving her one of her most exciting times of her life so far, and she knew Janice would feel the same way. Lifting her head, she looked to Janice and saw that her eyes were closed, and a smile was wrapped across her lips. Satisfied that she no longer needed to worry, not that she had been worrying since the man in blacks fingers had entered her, she relaxed back and waited for his next move.
He had had an idea to have a third girl here, waiting in the shadows for the right moment to emerge, and then falling to her knees before him, she would suck his cock as he fisted them, but he had dismissed it at the time of planning, and now wished he had not. He would have loved to felt the hot willing excited breath of a wanting mouth upon his helmet, and the wrapping of slender fingers around the girth of his length which was now as hard as an iron bar, but there was no one there, so he hope the sounds of the pleasure these two would soon offer would be enough to satisfy his need for release. He did have one more move to make, but there was one other event to happen first, and he knew through conversation that it was almost a guarantee with this set-up and deepness. Rolling his fingers into a fist he began to pump the pussies of both Rose and Janice, and listen to their moan, gasps and cries.
With his feet firmly stuck to the floor, his hard manhood proudly on display, he pushed his hands back and forth the few inches the depth of their pussies would allow, and he began to work them hard. Listening with his head back himself, his ears soaked up all the sound on offer, and this in turn turned him on all the more. He had never cum through sound alone, but the sound of satisfaction was something that had the potential to make him. There had been many a night in the past, before his good fortune had allowed him to be more adventurous with his games, plans and schemes, where he would watch late night porn, mainly of the lesbian kind with fisting being a favourite. And he would be so turned on by the moans of over acted pleasure, that sometimes it would only take the lightest of touch upon his manhood, the running of the tips of his fingers along the vein that protruded, for him to almost feel like cumming, and then gripping and wanking for a few moments longer, his cock would spill it's seed.
Lifting her head Janice looked to Rose, and watched as the man in black fisted her trimmed pussy in unison with her own, their cries chorusing one another. As dark and sordid as it appeared on the surface, beneath it was eroticism itself, and it was that that was turning her on, making those juices within stir. Lifting her head back again as she closed her eyes once more, she noticed something. Tilting her head back upright, she opened her eyes and looked again, but could see nothing. But she was sure she had seen something, a reflective surface that moved, just a small amount but there was something. She looked to Rose, her head back and her body rippling with the pleasure known and shown, and watching her smaller DD breast heave and wobble with her movements, she soon she forgot the 'thing' in the corner, and slowly lost herself in her own pleasure once again.
He could actually feel his seamen gathering, and he wondered if he would really cum without even touching himself. The harder he fisted them, the louder they cried and the more turned on he became. Thinking the time was close; he glanced to the top left-hand corner of building and saw the CCTV camera. He had specially asked for grey ones, in the hope they would camouflage themselves into the metal structure framing the walls and go unnoticed, and to his knowledge this was the case.

The first of the two larger men looked to the monitor, and pushing a lever forward, zoomed in on the man in black's face. They had to get in close with the camera, in order for them to see the signal, which due to his head covering was simply a double wink to the camera. The second of the two men stood over the first, smoking a cigarette, shuffling about as if he was bored with waiting. The first studied the image, and as his face closed in on the slightly grain image, he saw the signal.
'It's time.' he said to the second, and stubbing his cigarette out in the make-sift ashtray, the second large man followed the first over to the door.

Looking to his arms, he could see little rivers of moisture from the two pussies trickling down passed his elbows, making their was along his upper arms. Some had not made it that far, rolling to the edge, and then down and under before drip dripping to the floor. He wondered what they would each taste like, and if they would differ in flavour. He fisted harder hoping to make the nearest trickle move faster and closer, as he wanted to lick it from his arm. His love of oral had given him a love of the taste of cum, and he wanted nothing more than to taste it again. The trickle bounced along and he watched its progress intently, it was a mere few inches away now, and with a few more hard punches of his fist should bring it within reach of his tongue. He punched in and it bounced closer, he pulled out and punched in again, and he could now smell it, He punched in one final time, and there it was, joining with his tongue, and lifting it into his mouth, he relished the taste. Glancing around to his left he saw the two larger men waiting, and with a nod of his head, they took their places upon the small sets of steps behind each of the ladies.
Both Janice and Rose began to ride his hands, pushing down as he punched in, each wanting more, each wanting it deeper. Their pussies were so wet, the little rivers had now become streams, and ran like veins upon his arms, and the chorus of their pleasure echoed and resounded, bouncing from wall to wall filling every corner with sound.
'Fuck' Rose said, 'Fuck I am going to squirt.'
This was what he had been waiting to hear, this was what he had expected, but he still needed to bring them to the point of no return.
'Same here,' Janice confirmed, 'I am almost there, this is just too fucking good.'
The man in black smiled knowing he was almost on the edge.
'Deeper, harder.' Rose said, 'I wanna shower you. I'm gonna....fuuuuuck yeah.' Rose couldn't complete the sentence, the pleasure stealing her power of speech from her.
Turning and giving a nod to the left and to the right, he signaled to each of the large men that it was time to remove one of the ties. Reaching up, the large man to the left took one of the free ends, and as he pulled the knotted bow free, the man in black pulled his fist from Janice's pussy, and in that same instant, she ceased to sing her pleasure, and with a look of surprise, she glanced to the man in black.
Leaning in close to her ear, the large man behind her growled, 'Keep working that clit, you fucking worthless whore.'
Janice looked to him, and seeing his scowl was a little frightened.
'Don't look at me bitch,' he added 'work that fucking clit and squirt.'
Janice looked away from the large man, glancing back to the man in black, and seeing him returning her stare she reached down with her newly released arm, and began to rub her clit.
Rose had been completely unaware of this new development in the scenario, but with the man in black's attention diverted to Janice, his fisting hand had slowed to a stop and Rose was confused. Looking up she glanced over to Janice, and watched as she reached for her clit. 'What the fuck is happening now?' she asked
The man in black turned to her, and then nodded to the large man behind her. In the same fashion as the first large man had done with Janice, he released Rose's arm and then growled the same order.
Looking to Janice, Rose watched as she began to rub her clit, and she reach down to her own. And although the excitement had been interrupted, watching Janice began to turn her excitement back on, and it wasn't long before she reached the point she had broken from.
The man in black watched Rose and Janice as they rubbed their clits, their fingers dipping into their pussy holes as they did so. Rose pushed two and then three fingers into her pussy, and she gasped as she did so, her eyes half closing. The man in black took his erect manhood in his hand, cradling it within his palm as he began to stroke its length. He then glanced to Janice, looking her direct in the eyes, before tracing his gaze over her heavy breasts and down to her pussy. She had three fingers within her, and as he gazed with his lips wet with longing, she slipped a fourth within and moaned louder. Soon the room was once again echoing those sounds of pleasure, and the man in black gripped his hard cock and began to wank to the sound and the sight before him and within him.
Rose pushed her fingers deeper within herself as she watched Janice, and Janice did the same, each of them becoming obvious to the man in black between them. Rose wanted to eat Janice's pussy, push her own hand within her, taste her juices and she almost felt like gnawing through the rope that held her other arm fast, in order to get to her. Janice closed her eyes, the pleasure coursing through her body, and she could feel that she was gonna squirt soon.
Rose echoed Janice's pleasure, and Rose knew that Janice was close to squirting, she had this certain sound she made when she was about to. Rose wanted to squirt with her, and she tucked her thumb into her palm and pushed her fingers deeper. The man in black's hand was quite big, and this had loosened her pussy enough for her to be able to slowly slip her own hand within with relative ease.
The man in black wanted to be showered, he wanted to be showered as he came himself, and he consider asking the large guys to continue fisting them to help them release, but this was his experience, not theirs. 'Squirt you fucking bitches,' he said not looking at them, 'squirt or this will end badly,' he added with a threatening tone.
The man in black’s voice and his choice of words surprised Rose, and with the large men behind each of them; she wondered just how serious he was. However she wanted to squirt and feeling her juices welling up inside, she knew she would in moments. She looked to Janice who had her head back, rubbing her clit furiously. She guessed that Janice believed the man in black's threat, and wasn't gonna take a chance on failing to please him. Her moans becoming louder and louder, and she knew she was on the verge of letting go.
Feeling his own cum gathering at the base of his hardness, he knew he would cum soon, very soon, and he was hoping everyone had their timings right. Bucking his hips back and forth as if he was fucking someone, he hoped this was the cue for them to free themselves and glance at both of them to check they were ready.
The sounds of pleasure were almost deafening, and with a deep moan Janice finally let her squirt out, a fountain of cum busting forth from her pussy and finding his shoulder first, she bucked her hips a little to direct it at his masked head. Rose couldn't hold back anymore either, and was glad to see Janice had finally released, and she did the same herself. Her squirts were always more powerful, sometimes reaching up to three feet in distance, and this occasion was no exception. Directing her squirt in the same fashion as Janice, and with an ear shattering moan, her jet hit the side of the man in black's head, knocking him a little off-balance at first and then she raised it up to come down upon him like a proper shower.
Feeling it hit and dribble down over his head and body, the man in black stuck his tongue out, wanting to taste some of their juices. He pumped his cock harder and felt his cum make its way up his length to the helmet.
Janice's squirt dribbled to a stop, but slipping her hand within her pussy she worked it again, and within moments she moan loudly as she squirted again, harder, further and higher than before. Rose continued to work her pussy, and although it stuttered a little, her squirt continued with the force of a hosepipe.
With a final moan of satisfaction himself, the man in black came, and he watched as he jerked five or six times, emptying his load into mid air, where it fell splashing to the floor a foot or so before him, the final jerk no more than a dribble that ran down the underside of his cock and over his fingers.
The girls were not quite finish and once more they squirted, both hitting his shoulders at the same times and the man in black held out his arms, to rub their clits to ease out the remaining juices. It felt so good to have this wetness upon him and the scent of their juices was intoxicating.
Looking down he watched at the liquid wetness pooled at his feet, slowly leveling itself as it spread out to the surrounding area. It felt warm and slightly sticky, and it felt so good.
Relaxing to a used position, Rose and Janice smiled at each other, enjoying the moment in a way they had yet to up until this point, and Rose knew that as soon as they got home, the would be tearing at each other, exploring and indulging in a way they had probably never done before, this moment still there within their minds.
Standing there still once more, the man in black waited as the large man behind Rose crossed and picked up his slight damp kimono, and held it up for the man in black to slip back into, the excess wetness still dripping from his naked body. Then without a word, he turned and was escorted back out of the room in the same fashion as he came in.
Rose looked to Janice and gazed at her used body, her inner thighs glistening in the same way as her own did. 'That was fucking good,' she said, 'who ever he is, he knows how to fist a pussy.'
Janice returned her smile, a slight c***dlike innocence within her eyes as if she was a little embarrassed. 'Yeah, I haven't squirted like that in a while,' she said, looking away.
Reaching up, Rose released her other arm, bending the stiffness from it as she held onto the metal framework to keep her balance.
'Is that a good idea?' Janice asked Rose, a glance over her shoulder to try and look at the doorway.
'I don't think they are coming back,' Rose told her, carefully lowering herself to untie her feet, 'I think our job here is done,'
'Are you sure?' Janice asked, 'I mean, when he said, 'this will end badly, I think he might have been serious.'
''Trust me, this is over,' Rose told her, trying to reassure her, 'so untie yourself and lets get out of here.'
Janice glanced to the doorway again, she was still unsure.
'Janice,' Rose said climbing down from the framework and crossing to untie Janice's feet, 'untie yourself now, as I wanna take you home and fuck you.'
Janice looked at her, pausing for a moment before a smile stretch out across her lips. 'And I want to fuck you.' she said reaching up to untie her other hand, ‘I wanna fuck you now.’

Sat in the three chairs before the table upon which the monitor stood, the man in black and the two larger men removed there full head masks, set them upon the table, and settled back to watch what they had hoped would happen.

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Coke Whore the Next ChapterChapter 2

Gradually Dave's naiveté slowly disappeared; a more confident Dave Segrove appeared. He had accepted her continued employment at the Pink Pagoda. He trusted her implicitly, and he knew Bobby wouldn't let anyone hurt her. His boys adored her, and loved it when she came over. Dave decided it was time for Nancy to meet his parents. He had already informed them of his new love, letting them know she had a rough childhood a harder time when she was a teen; leading to alcoholism, and drug abuse....

1 year ago
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Bright Star Quest I The Book of BaysilChapter 8 Kargh the Dwarf Soldier

He slept poorly, images of a fist sized gem glowing among his disordered dreams. Again and again he had it within his grasp, only to have it wrenched away by shadowy figures who laughed and jeered as he stumbled after them on legs that were too short to match their speed. He awoke with a start, reaching for his axe, but the hand on his shoulder was only Anji's. He wolfed down his breakfast, answering the others with grunts or not at all. "It is agreed that we continue?" Furdick asked,...

1 year ago
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Sex at Concert On New Year8217s Eve 8211 Part 2

This is the continuation from the first part. Sonia and I left the place and met my friend and his girlfriend. They decided to go to his place. I took Sonia in my bike. Sonia sat behind me in bike hugging me tightly. Her big boobs were crushed against my back. I could feel her sharp nipples poking on my back in the cold night. Sonia kissed on my neck and licked it. She kept her hands on my groin, massaging my thighs slowly and closely to my penis. I somehow managed to ride the bike. She was...

3 years ago
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A Time to Say Goodbye

I was thinking about you again today, but that’s nothing new because I think about you every day, every hour, every minute, every second, even in my dreams there is no escaping you. You have taken over my mind, body and soul. Why can’t you leave me in peace? Why won’t you release me from this limbo I am in? Let me move on with my life and maybe find a love that’s real – a love that I can feel. A love that is given back to me instead of this total aching need I have for you. I really do try to...

3 years ago
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SS NerdChapter 22

Sure enough, when I joined Steve and Glenda for coffee, Steve told me, "I want you to go in this morning and set your people up for three or four weeks. They can call you on your cell phone if they're stuck, but I want you out of your office for most of a month. You've not missed a day, and the only time you've really taken off has been for flying lessons, and I consider those to be part of your duties. You've used almost every minute of your spare time for more flying lessons and hours,...

1 year ago
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First time wife with mate

This started many months ago and progressed over about 2 years me and my mate have always fancied each others wives.It all started on a drunken night out playing snooker and as always happens the conversation got around to our wives and our sex life, Phil said my wife was fit as fuck and always looked stunning i said she looked better with fuck all on and he said yes i bet she does have you any pictures and laughed. I always have got a buzz when i see men watching my wife and i know they think...

1 year ago
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SRU So Long For Now

SRU: So Long For Now by Ellie Dauber Copyright 1999 -- May be posted to FREE sites The Wizard was in the back of the shop when the bell over the door rang. "Good," he said. "I wasn't sure if I'd be able to reach him." He turned to an attractive young woman who was looking through some bills of lading. "Danni, you keep working on the inventory. I'll be out front." By the time the Wizard had come through the curtain that separated the front and back of the shop, his customer...

1 year ago
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With Love from Sylvia Part 2 of 3

Following Jenny’s revelation about her friend Sylvia and her gift to us, the next few weeks were full of sexual tension. Not that it went unrelieved, as Jenny and I continued to enjoy the enhanced pleasure of fucking with a fat butt plug up her anal passage, and silently (or not so silently in Jenny’s case) blessed her friend for providing something new for us. Often, late into the night, when we were lying in bed, exhausted and happily satisfied, we would go over what Sylvia had said to Jenny....

2 years ago
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My Transformation To D8217s Private Slut

Hi all, This is the narration of my second liaison with d. ( d is my american-italian elderly m2m lover in early 60s ) Our first encounter was in aug-2016. Since then we have been in touch on mails as an on-off basis. Due to my work load and d’s travel plans, we were not able to plan something concrete. But once in a while, in our wild moods, we would exchange some really hot and erotic mails which would fire up our inner passions for days. In june 2017, d sent me a very lengthy & sensual mail...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Sister Brother Lover 3

Chapter Three Whatever force had blessed me must have taken the day off. Despite my fervent wishing mom hung around the house the next day. Pat and I spent some time together but it was fully clothed with the door open. I told her some of what I had learned about her condition and showed her the web sites. She spent some time reading them and quietly discussing it with me. What was nice was the closeness. Not only were we sharing her most intimate secret but there was a new degree...

2 years ago
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Older Man Great Time Ch 2

Well folks, needless to say the first experience with Steve made me just want more of him. Feeling more comfortable with sex with a man, I knew I was ready to move onto a fantasy that I had always wanted. Sex with 2 men at once. People always say that you should just fantasize about fantasies but never actually do it, let me tell you how wrong that is. This is a long story but well worth the read. I'll never forget it, that's for sure. About 2 weeks after my first encounter with Steve, he...

2 years ago
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Blind Date

"You need to get laid. He's handsome, he's got muscles, he's sweet and funny. Best of all, he's got this monster between his legs. I had cramps for two days after the first time. But god, it was worth it." "What about Henry?" Betsy grinned knowingly. "Henry, well-" She gave Sandra an odd smile. "Listen, Mark is a whole 'nother experience. He's discreet, too." "Betsy, you're so bad." Sandra smiled patiently and turned back to the financial reports. They were casual friends;...

3 years ago
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The AlmostTrue and SlightlyEmbellished Adventures of Captain Handsome and Mrs Peach

She knew he would publish it on an adult website. She was excited. It was one of several adventures she and Captain Handsome were having.Mrs Peach re-read the email she was sending:"Oh my stars, Captain Handsome! I love you!"I can hardly wait for you to come home! Three days at that convention in Chicago is enough! Do you miss me? I miss you!"There isn't much to do in Minneapolis without you. And it's so cold outside; I don't even want to go shopping at Mall of America. I know you'll be...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Barbie Girl

Barbie Girl One summer day, my little boy gave me a lot to think about. It had been a tiring and trying day, but most of them were, then. I had lost my husband to suicide six months prior, and we had to return from overseas to try and pick up the pieces of our lives without him. As a result, instead of being a stay-at-home mom to two boys, I had to go back to work, and leave them to grieve on their own. But this particular day would end up sticking in my memory ever after. I...

3 years ago
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The NeighborChapter 3

After that day, things changed, a lot. Karen and Susan were coming over quite a bit to use the pool, or just to hang out. Karen’s dressing was not as modest as it was. One time she had on these shorts that were so tight, it was all Tom could do not to stair. He could have sworn that Susan’s suit was tighter than it was. Now it seemed as though she would ... flaunt herself when she was in Tom’s company. When she had a dress on, he would catch glimpses of her panties by the way she would set or...

2 years ago
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Nine Inches Blacken Gay

The cab rolled to a stop in front of an ancient apartment building, and, with a wink to Eddie, the driver collected his fare and pulled away into the nearly empty street. Eddie's apartment was up three long flights of stairs and down a noisy hallway, at the back of the building. Eddie was patting my butt as we entered the room. The place was clean and neat, and tiny. The main living area had a twin size bed in the corner near the door, and a small table with two chairs sat in front of a dingy...

1 year ago
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Shaved And Massaged Pussy Of Di

Hello ISS readers and contributors. I am Rahul, 22 years old with a gun of 5.7 inches length. I live in Delhi. Well, I am a huge fan of ISS, specially its incest section. This story is about my cousin sister, Vidhi who lives in Noida. She is 29 years old and her figure is 36 34 38. She has got wonderful assets. Her milky, juicy boobs and big round ass can arouse anyone easily. This story starts when I and Tai ji Di’s mother went to see her and give her company as her husband my Jiju was out of...

2 years ago
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The Orphanage BluesChapter 5

Meg should have noticed, when they left the bathroom, that all four of the other women seemed to have something to do in the dining room, but she was too busy trying to act completely normal. "I see you fared a little better tonight," said Mavis, looking at Meg's dress, an odd look on her face. "Yes, Bobby is a good boy, and learns very quickly," said Meg. She saw Sally looking oddly at her too, one eyebrow raised, but ignored her rather than ask what was troubling her. Instead she...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 34 Thanksgiving

November 1978 Thanksgiving week had only three days of school, but a lot happened. On Monday, Brent asked Beth out on a date and she accepted. When she told me about it, I was happy for her. She was a bit disappointed that it meant the end of our physical relationship, but she knew my rule. On Tuesday, Petra Johansson asked me if I was interested in coming to a St. Lucia party on December 13th. She would be making «pepparkakor» (‘ginger cookies’) and «Lussekatter» (‘saffron buns’) and...

1 year ago
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First Time With Whoring Mom

I disembarked from my plane at New York's LaGuardia Airport and after collecting my luggage from the carrousel I headed over to the exit to get on a line for the cab. Jeez New York was still as ugly as I remembered I thought to myself while suspiciously eying the others waiting on the line. I remembered when there were more cabs than people but somewhere along the line greed took over and the cabbies decided $30 bucks wasn't enough for a 5 or 6 mile ride and stopped bothering with airport runs....

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The House at the End of the StreetChapter 13

Saturday morning dawned cooler and showery, the lingering remains of a front of heavy thunderstorms that moved through the night before, giving the town a brief respite from the midsummer heat wave. Jason used to look forward to weekends like this, ones where his father was not on call at the hospital. He found it rather surprising that a small town like Haven could generate so much work for a neurologist. Even back in the city his father did not work so many long hours at the office. On...

3 years ago
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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 2 A Young American

Sharon Klein had been brought up in a fairly strict household. She was also the child of her parents' old age, an afterthought as they put it; actually an accidental conception by a forty-five year old mother who thought she was past child-bearing age. Paradoxically, both mother and father welcomed the arrival of the new child. She had a happy childhood and did well at school. Automatically she went off to an Ivy League University, where she was to read Classical and Modern Arabic. In her...

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A Late Night Call

“Talk dirty to me.” “How dirty would you like me to get?” “Really dirty. Shock me. Make me cum here in my empty bed, totally fucked by what you dream of doing to me.” “I dream of sinking my fingers deep into your wet pussy in a crowded lift as we travel upward, and feeling you shudder in silent climax as you try desperately not to cry out.” “Oh, that’s good. What else?” “I dream of making you paint my toenails while a roomful of men watch, wondering if we’re lovers, dreaming of us...

3 years ago
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A Show of RealityChapter 22

I stared at him a moment, feeling the earth beginning to slip out from under my feet —only metaphorically, although with everything that had happened already I could hardly be more surprised if the floor had started to actually spin. "Sure, why not?" I asked after a moment, speaking too loudly for the room. "We already have reality alteration, why not add a nice dose of time travel to the mix? Tell you what, we've been going about this all wrong. We need to sit tight until the League of...

4 years ago
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Kein gewhnlicher Schultag

Es war Dienstag morgen, 6:00 Uhr, ich wurde von den schrillen Tönen meines Weckers aus einem wunderbaren Traum gerissen. Und Obwohl es sehr früh war, war ich keineswegs müde oder schlecht drauf, im gegenteil, ich fühlte mich sehr gut und war voller Energie. Dennoch musste ich feststellen das ich spät drann war. Mein erster Weg führte mich in das Badezimmer, wie jeden morgen viel mein erster Blick in den Spiegel. Die normale Prozedur begann, und ich putzte mir meine Zähne und brachte meine Haare...

2 years ago
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Meagans Continuing Vacation at Mohonk Mountain House Resort

I’m awoken by the sun peeking over the Skawangunk Mountains.  My head is resting on Tony’s chest, my legs intertwined with his as we lay side-by-side on the bed.  I manage to rub the sleep from my eyes – the bedside clock reads 5:40.  Laying my head back down on Tony’s chest, I close my eyes again and listen to the melodic beating of his heart, to the sound of his breathing. A sigh of contentment escapes my lips.My mind starts to wander and think.  Pondering the past and thinking about the...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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ISS Story Reader Became My Submissive Slave

Hello, this is Vicky back with a bang! This new sex story is about how I connected with a reader of my sex story. We even spent a weekend together in a hotel having a steamy hot BDSM session! So, this started a couple of months ago. I had just written my on ISS. It was about how I enslaved 2 lovely ladies. I received an email from a girl after the story was published. The email read – “Amazing story, superbly narrated”. She went on about how the story got her horny. She had also read some of ....

3 years ago
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The Lonely Wife

I was too young to be married. Finally, I understood what that meant. My friends were still in college … some were even in high school. My name is Jane Doe, and six months ago, I was 21 years old, a newlywed, happier than I had ever thought possible before then. My husband, Paul, was a bit older, at 25, and more serious about things. I was sure I loved him then, and I’m not fully convinced that I don’t anymore. Unfortunately, I am fully convinced that he doesn’t love me. At some point, he...

2 years ago
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Sleeps the most amazing thing dreams take you into other worlds different realms I dozed off waking to the Ping of yout text Meet me at midnight by the moon dial I slip on my jeans and a hoodie Too lazy to wear underwear Your only going to tear them off (with your teeth if you had the chance)It’s a little chilly the dark of night creepy but all adds to the excitement there’s a full moon This moon dial sun dial thing doesn’t work I Love my iPhone the torch comes in handyYour late I flick on...

3 years ago
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Made Yoga Teacher My Sex Slave

Hi, guys, my name is Rohit, I work as a real estate agent in Ahmedabad . My height is 6ft and have an athletic build. My age is 23. Coming to the story … It was the month of march. I was sitting in the office and doing some work. When a couple ( ankeeta the yoga teacher and punit her husband ) entered in. They were from bangalore and wanted to rent a flat here as rent in bangalore was too high and cost education for thier daughter was also high in bangalore. They considered ahemdabad a good...

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The Kennedys 11 A Little Test

That set the tone for our interactions, I felt like I was being used, and that Kennedy was rude towards me, but I seemed to like it. I just got turned on by that. That I didn't understand. So, as with any problem I don't understand, I researched the issue. There's a lot of information about sexuality out there, some of it helpful, some of it less so, some of it just plain wrong. There are a lot of opinions, like they say, everyone has one. What I found most useful to understanding was a...

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Daddys Little Leelee Chapter 4

The story you are about to read is a complete work of fiction.  None of the events depicted here actually happened.  Any similarity to any actual person, place, or event is entirely coincidental.DADDY’S LITTLE LEELEEChapter 4I was in heaven.For three months, I’d been carrying on an affair with the most amazing woman on earth.  A young woman, heart-stoppingly beautiful, with a smile that could make a man cry with joy and a body that could only be described as “pure perfection.”  My lover was...

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Syncopation Part 1

Dust particles floated in the sunbeam that cascaded through the small window. “Terry’s Cleaning” stretched with the dark blue shirt as the wearer stooped and shifted boxes that had sat undisturbed for decades, transferring them down small stairs that protested under the use. At the bottom of the stairs, a dark haired girl opened them. Some of the dusty boxes went to a large room to await further judgement, and some out by the road, where they joined other discards in a pile with bags of...

Love Stories
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Introduction: Part 1. Black tutu, silk stockings, 6 inch heels and the skimpiest bra I could find. I couldnt be arsed with knickers they would only get ripped off and lost forever. I didnt want to loose any of my sexy clothes they werent designer but they were mine. Silk handbag with the essentials in it. I created that dramatic face of red lipstick and smoky eyes in the mirror. Grabbed my bag and went. As I walked out the house, across the street and tottered up the alley the rain started to...

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Leroy The Negro lawyer

Leroy the Negro Lawyer Leroy the Negro Lawyer PT 1 To get a better perspective on this story please refer to my previous story ?Reparations according to MS ANN?. Please note I am NOT A PROFESSIONAL WRITER. The use of the N Word is used throughout this story Characters1,MR John Hanover, 65 His Grand Dad own a SOUTHERN insurance company that insured Black slave2, MRS ANN DOW Hanover Blonde Hair 51 yr, 5ft 8 170 lbs 42FF 38 40. A firm body. Her Family made a future from selling slaves in...

2 years ago
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Courage Part 2

Mille sucked in a breath and closed her eyes. “Jared, we cannot do this.” “Why not?” “You are 17!” Jared traced a path from her shoulder, down her arm and laced his fingers in hers. He reached her arm behind her waist and pulled her hips toward his. Millie could feel his cock against her and damn if her body didn’t betray her by making her pussy wet. Shaking herself, “You are Jess’ best friend, his age!” “Dammit Mille, I am a man. I know what I want and what I need.” With those words, Jared...

1 year ago
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Dominion Chronicle Book 1Chapter 3

Kitten woke slowly. The first thing she became aware of was that she was not alone in bed. She was up against a very male figure. Then she realized that she was not in her own bed and that her hands and feet were bound. Slowly the memories of yesterday’s events flooded back into her conscious mind. She was where she belonged, in her master’s bed. She squirmed up on top of him until she could reach his neck with her mouth and then she started to nuzzle him. Matt woke to the feeling of...

3 years ago
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EscapedChapter 12

Before we ever got to the bedroom, I heard mom say, “Ron honey, put that hard cock in mommy’s cunt and fuck me. You just don’t know how much mommy has wanted to fuck you son. I love your daddy’s cock, but I love your cock more, so just fuck me hard. I am all yours.” The rest of us giggled and then we heard, “OH MY GOD yes fuck me Ron. Fuck your mommy’s cunt hard.” I said, “Well, guess daddy won’t be getting any more of that cunt for a while. I think Ron will be fucking it from now...

3 years ago
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Fitting In At My New Job

I don’t know how I got myself into this but yet I don’t know if I want to get out of it. My name is Camryn. I’m 28 years old originally from the Northwest but I recently moved to Atlanta to take a job with a company that specializes in green solutions. You know, like solar panels, battery charging stations, and a bunch of other shit I know nothing about. The market was so bad I had to move to the South to land a job and support myself. I am not an engineer or technician or anything, I just have...

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Thoughts Sensations and EmotionsChapter 9

I slept with my cell phone on the nightstand in case Jason called while I was asleep. He didn't. He waited until I was in the shower. "Good morning," he said cheerily. I groaned. He was obviously a morning person. I wasn't. "Call me back in five, lover. I was in the shower, and I'm dripping wet." "I'll give you ten." Dial tone. A morning person and decisive. I liked decisive. I'd learn to put up with the morning person. When the phone rang again, my body was dry (except my...

1 year ago
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VogoV Lexi Lore Anal Dominance

Some can say that love for pink color is a stereotype and that a modern girl should fight with it but Lexi Lore does not care about that. She is blonde, busty, curvy, sexy and she expresses her love for pink color, tiny lingerie sets, hearts and showing the beauty of her naked body freely. Of course she is always ready to enjoy her yummy ass, big boobs and always wet pussy but sharing all those treasures with a well-hung lad is much more pleasant. So this is why she enters the house, takes a...

2 years ago
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Service To A Celebrity

Hello, friends. This is Raunak Singh back again. For those who don’t know me, I’m a student from Mumbai age 19 years and good looking. I provide massage and escort services to ladies throughout Mumbai. If any lady is interested in availing my services can mail me at Coming back to the sex story, I had previous sessions with many high profile clients. One of my clients was friends with a famous tv celebrity. So she recommended my service to the actress. I cannot reveal her identity. Let’s call...

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Second ChanceChapter 22

The big bed was lonely that night. Sometime in the early morning hours, I realized that I couldn’t live there, anymore. I had to go away ... somewhere far away ... and stay away while I searched for a new life, because the one I had was all gone. My bride left me for my business partner. I saved her from starvation, and she rewarded me by screwing my closest friend. They bought me out of the house so that I would leave town. George bought the studio to get me out of the business that I...

3 years ago
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High School Sophomore Cheerleaders

** This story is completely fictional. Please Enjoy! Rebecca could see up her skirt as she held Amy high above her head. “Nice ass, Amy.” That got a few chuckles from her fellow cheerleaders and a blushing face from her best friend. Rebecca and the other cheerleader holding Amy up released her feet and caught her as she twirled into their arms. Amy gave a death stare to Rebecca once she got back onto her feet. Rebecca just smiled back and laughed. She always enjoyed teasing Amy since she knew...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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My Sexy Masi 8211 Rubi And Me 8211 Part 2

I am sanju again, writing in the continuation of the story – my sexy masi ruby and me.. Readers who want to read first part can visit the url above Ruby and me are enjoying with each other for about 8 months..And now its my holiday also ..We are in relation for such a long time without making anyone aware of it…I want to tell you one more thing that she had got a job of a teacher in a girl’s convent school… Now coming to story…It was ruby’s birthday, and we were waiting for this day for a...

2 years ago
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Hot Coming FamilyChapter 8

Millie dropped her robe to the floor and stepped into the shower. "Damn!" she muttered when she realized there was only a sliver of soap in the dish. She stepped under the hot spray and let the water wash over her body and her short black hair. It felt good. Good to be alive and good to have the warm spray cascading over her body. "You in there, Aunt Millie?" Eric said from outside the door. "Yes, and I need some soap," Millie cried out. Not only could the boy bring the soap in, he...

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Escape by sammig82 Edited by DocVS My thanks to you readers for the encouraging and kind words seeing that this is my first attempt at writing a story. English was never my primary language and I needed guidance from you readers to help improve the story. I can't say how grateful I am to DocVS for the reediting. So I think you readers deserved a release of the edited version. I hope you'll like it. Chapter 1 WARNING: This story contains TG, masturbations, incest and a very...

2 years ago
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A Penance of Twelve Parts 131

This is the story of the first three payments. Story contents include nudity, oral sex, reluctance dominance and masturbation. Comments are welcome. More to come! ******************************************************************** A Penance of Twelve Parts 1-3 Denise sat on the overstuffed chair and swung her feet up onto the sofa beside it. She had just showered and her brown hair was still drying as she fanned it out absent mindedly. The man she was waiting for wasn’t late but...

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Harry Potter That Need Part 5

Harry sat gingerly on the foot of Ron’s bed, glad that their roommates had not yet come upstairs, and waited for Ron to look at him. Ron’s mood was clearly glum, and Harry was so scared that Ron would be mad at him, now that he’d regained the powers of thought and speech. Ron had told him just that morning he didn’t want to know too many details about Harry’s love life with Ginny since she was his sister, so the first thing Harry had gone and done was treat Ron to a front row seat to watch...

4 years ago
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Classroom Lessons Part 1

When he was in class, as a way to ensure that he improved his practice, he would always record his lessons. But when he would arrive home, pull out his laptop, and take off his pants, he wouldn’t do so to evaluate his performance that day. No, the reason that he did so was a girl - his best student - Caroline Fairweather. It just so happened that Caroline sat front and center in the camera frame every single day. And if Mr. Livshitz’ class was a TV show, Caroline would be the leading lady....

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Kelly Part 2

She even had a semblance of curves. Beneath Kevin's baggy clothes, hidden, was a delicious figure. Kelly stood in front of me, beaming down at me. She shifted her weight onto one of her hips, and placed her hands at her sides. "So? How do I look?" I couldn’t begin to describe. I could still see Kevin in there, but there was more. For me, there was a woman standing in front of me. She was a little boyish in figure, but she was smooth, curvaceous, and projected an aura of powerful...

3 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 11 Sucker Punched

Three. That’s how many people had visited his blog that week. After three months of promoting it, his website, he’d had three visitors. Well, three visitors were better than none. One of the visitors had clicked on the link to an ad for low cost cell phone services. Dexter stared at his website wondering what he could do to increase traffic to it. He knew the site lacked that essential something that would draw people. The problem was that he didn’t know what was missing. The website was...

3 years ago
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Showing My Stuff

Chapter 1 When I was growing up, my body began to change in all those ways that a girl's body changes. There were the obvious physical changes; I was having menstrual periods which we girls discussed in truly bloody detail. Sorry, that's a little gross but it was true. And I was getting hips and a waist; no longer a stick-girl but one with a developing figure. And boobs. Well, not huge ones like some of the larger girls I knew; I was small, after all, just five-two. And hair, under my arms,...

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Big Dick Wishes

This fantasy joke i borrowed from a friends page.......A man walks into a restaurant bathroom needing to take a piss. While relieving himself, a 2-foot man goes to the lower c***dren’s urinal next to him and pulls out a schlong that would make even legendary porn star Long Dong Silver gasp. The man considered himself predominantly straight, but he couldn’t help but stare with his mouth agape at the small man’s cock.He took a little longer to wash his hands and when the small man finished his...

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What a Nice Fuck of a Lady

Hello all ISS readers, today I will tell you my experience in Dubai where I fucked a lady living in my building, I live in Dubai and my email is She is Rochelle and I met her in building lift, when I entered the lift I saw her and she gave me a good smile, I also gave a nice smile and her dress was very sexy, she was wearing t-shirt and her cleavage was very much visible with big 36 boobs inside, I saw that and kept my eyes on her boobs, she noticed that and said nothing but she was having a...

1 year ago
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Mum meets my girlfriend

100% fiction! When I was 20 I was living and working on the other side of the country from where my Mother lived. I had been away from home about a year and I had a steady girlfriend, My girlfriend, Kelly, was an irish girl that had grown up in Australia, she was 5’5”, red hair she had an nice tits they weren’t huge but they were perfect and she had a cute little ass to finish out a hot little package. I was going home for a holiday to visit my mum and I took my girl with me to meet the family....

2 years ago
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Aunty Betty Part 3

Before reading this be sure to first read Auntie Bettie and then Aunty Betty Part Two.I had mixed feelings on the long drive home from Aunty Betty’s. I was thrilled to lose my virginity to a woman 25 years older than me but I was depressed at the thought of not being able to see her for another year. Because of my young age, she made me swear I would not tell anyone about what had gone on between us. To drive the point home she told me she could be sent to prison if anyone were to find out...

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