The Sexual Adventures Of Lacey And Ricky - Chapter 7 free porn video

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Chapter 7: Lacey back home has a run-in with her brother

Lacey and her parents arrived back home from visiting uncle Steve in California. She could never tell Ricky about what she and her uncle had been up to. He was so much older than she, plus he was her uncle, for heaven's sake! It might creep him out. But one part of her was dying to talk about her exciting sexual experiences with Ricky. He was very special to her and another part of her could not imagine keeping secrets like this from him. Perhaps there were some tidbits that would be safe to share. She had enjoyed her time in California, but she could hardly wait to get back to Ricky. Being away a few weeks cemented the knowledge that she loved him with all of her heart and that what they had together was very special indeed.

There were chores to catch up on at home after being gone for almost three weeks. I could not wait to see Ricky! Every time I thought I was about done, dad or mom had another urgent task for me to complete. As soon as I could slip away, I made a bee-line for his house. When I arrived, Ricky's mom was just getting home from work. She was getting a few groceries out of the back seat when she turned and saw me. As soon as she saw me she smiled broadly. It was not so strange, except she had always just ignored me before. She was never rude or anything, I was just there. Like part of the furniture. She is tall and beautiful. I wish my mother was as good looking. It is hard to believe that she has not remarried, all these years after Jim's death. "Come in, Lacey. I am sure Ricky will be dying to see you!" she said.

There was something in the way she looked at me that creeped me out just a little. The thought went through my mind that maybe Ricky had told her all about us and the things we were doing together. He and his mom were especially close, but I didn't think he would tell her those things. I came into the kitchen and Ricky was in the house making toasted cheese sandwiches and soup. He wiped his hands on a towel as his mom gave him a peck on the cheek. She busied herself putting away the groceries while Ricky pulled me in for a tight embrace and a kiss. From the corner of my eye I could see Ricky's mom watching us with interest and a wry smile. We had never acted like this in front of her before. We had never shown affection in front of anyone before, and It made me feel safe and wanted, but I did note that Ricky's mom did not raise an eyebrow. She seemed to expect our affection. I would have to ask Ricky about this when we were alone.

We pulled away, still holding hands, and looked into each other's eyes. I spoke first "I have missed you so much". "Me too," he replied. "It's good to have you home." Ricky continued, "Can you stay for a bite to eat?". I smiled, "It smells delicious. Yes, I would like that," I replied eagerly.

As we ate I told Ricky and his mom about California and my uncle Steve, leaving out the salacious details, of course. I thought I might tell Ricky about watching uncle Steve and Vanessa from the dark bedroom. But certainly not with Ricky's mom present! Ricky talked about feeding our animals, fishing and reading the book for school. "That reminds me" I said guiltily. "I better quit procrastinating and get home and start reading that book myself. School will be starting soon and I haven't even started." Ricky and I did the dishes while his mom cleared the table. We stood close to each other as we worked, chatting. Ricky's mom was quiet and seemed to be watching me a lot. Every now and then she would get a little knowing smile, adding to my suspicion.

I walked the short distance back home and thought about our reunion. Ricky seemed extra affectionate and found ways to touch me whenever he could. And then there was his mother. I was not sure what was going on.

Arriving home I entered the door and ran into mom and dad coming from their bedroom, dressed up like they were going out. "Your father and I were invited to dinner and a movie by his boss." she hurriedly said. "We should be home around ten. There is food in the fridge." I quickly kissed mom on the cheek, "have fun." I said, "I will be fine."

I settled on the couch with my school book and opened the cover. I had brought out my blanket to snuggle into while I read. It was the same blanket that I had modeled nude on, what seemed like a lifetime ago. I got out my phone and reviewed the pictures and video we made that afternoon. It made me wet and I considered rubbing one out.

I heard a sound and turned to see my older brother with his girlfriend, Amber, coming out of his room in their bathing suits. I did not miss the fact that they must have gotten dressed together and wondered if anything else had happened. Amber looked a little flushed, but maybe she was just shy and embarrassed. My eyes followed them as they came into the den where I was, arm in arm. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" my brother sniped cruelly. "We are going to spend some time in the hot tub," he added. I just stuck my tongue out at him as he walked by. Amber tittered and said quietly, "she looks sexy when she does that." I imagined my brother's eye-roll.

I picked up my book and began to read, but it was hard to concentrate. The mention of the hot tub brought back memories of the fun I had in uncle Steve's hot tub, and I began to feel sorry for myself. Then I was struck with a brilliant idea. My brother and I had always been at each other, and I owed him one. I ran to my room and grabbed my sexy little bikini and put it on.

When I walked out onto the back deck where the hot tub was, Amber and my brother were already sitting tight together kissing passionately. They broke apart as I opened the door. My brother groaned and spat some insult, but I pretended not to hear. I paused in the doorway, then walked seductively to the hot tub, my hips swaying. My brother opened his mouth to protest seeing that I planned to get in with them. Before he could speak, I took my top off and flung it aside, Walked to the hot tub and stepped into the water . Now Allen was speechless. I don't think he had ever seen my boobs before.

My brother and Amber sat there breathless as I slowly lowered myself into the steaming hot water. I settled down across from them and sat smiling with my pert nipples right at the waterline. No one spoke for a couple minutes. I could see Amber's top, but I wondered if my brother had managed to get her bottom off yet. I could not see clearly, but I did not think my brother had his on, anymore. I reached my foot over and slowly massaged my way up the inside of his leg. It took a minute, but when my foot finally arrived at his crotch, I was rewarded by feeling his bare cock and balls. He became nervous and drew back a little, looking over to Amber.

When I was satisfied that he had an erection, I removed my foot. What to do next? I took a deep breath and slipped down under the water and moved along the bottom over to my brother. Pushing his legs apart, I brought my mouth over to his hard on and took my brother's dick into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around the sensitive tip and then began to bob my head up and down on his cock. I could only stay under the water for about sixty seconds. I came up gasping, and Amber and I had a laugh at my brother's expense. He was just shocked and speechless. I stayed there with my hands on his knees and the top third of my breasts above the water, trying to catch my breath.

My brother began to look angry, so before he could say anything, I went down under the water again. This time I spread Amber's knees and worked her bikini bottom off. I surfaced and asked Amber if she was OK. "Yeah, I'm great!" she giggled. My brother began to speak so I quickly dropped down under the water again. I spread her legs and scooted her ass toward me to the very edge of the seat. I began to slide my tongue up and down along her slit. She had prominent inner labia and I parted them with my tongue. Up and down I traced the crease between her inner and outer labia. While licking at her swollen lips I inserted a finger. I began the "come hither" motion on her g spot with my finger and moved my tongue to her protruding clit. I didn't last long, had to withdraw my finger and come up for air.

My brother was ready when I came up and he began to berate me. It seemed half hearted and I suspected it was show for Amber. I just laughed and noticed him feasting his eyes on my boobs. They bobbed a little as I gasped for air. Amber was flushed, stunned and speechless. Grinning mischievously I looked my brother in the eye. "Amber, did you know that my brother likes to dress up his dick in clothes?" I asked rhetorically. "What the heck are you talking about!" he roared. I went on, "one time I went into his room and he had a sock on his dick!" I held my stomach and laughed, feeling my boobs bouncing. His face reddened as he remembered the day I walked in on him masterbating. This threw him completely off balance and he did not know what to say. Amber looked at him quizzically. He would have some explaining to do!

I went down under the water again and went after my brother's dick again. He did not resist but parted his legs a little on his own. I gently cupped his balls with one hand while I sucked hard on his dick, bobbing my head. I could not hold my breath very long this time and had to surface for air.

This time when I came up my brother was speechless. Amber had recovered, got up, and moved to sit on the edge of the hot tub. Her legs were opened and her pussy was on full display above the water. She did not care, she just wanted more! My brother looked over at Amber and now he could not have spoken if his life depended on it. I like boys, but now I was getting hot, looking at Amber's pussy with her legs spread eagle. She removed her top and set her boobs free! I was struck by how much her boobs looked like mine.

I moved into position between her legs. She closed her eyes in anticipation as I moved in. She was panting more than I was after holding my breath under water. My brother just watched and slowly stroked his cock. I spread her labia a bit with my fingers and just blew on her clit at first. Amber shuddered. Then I moved in with my tongue, and from the bottom traced right up the middle of her furrow. She groaned and began to squeeze her own breast. I traced circles around her clit with my tongue without touching it directly. Now I could taste her juices, which I could not when I was under water. I inserted a finger and used the 'come hither' movement that I used before, moving up and down her slit with my tongue. I started moving faster in response to her energy. Every now and then I would pause to circle her clit with my tongue.

I was standing in the hot tub bent at the waist to Amber's pussy. My tits hung down and my nipples were just in the water. Amber was beginning to grind her hips into my face. Now my brother joined the fun and began to fondle her tits, pausing occasionally to suckle a nipple. I could see my brother's stiff dick beside my face. Reaching over now and then, I would grab it and tug a little, or stroke it with my free hand. In response, he reached over to fondle one of my breasts. I allowed him to play with my titties and found that I enjoyed it. He rolled a nipple between his thumb and forefinger. "Nice tits, sis." he remarked.

I intensified my work on Amber's pussy, sensing that she was building to an orgasm. I became vaguely aware that my brother had moved behind me and he gave my ass a playful slap. I was bent over at the waist with my legs apart, Allen pulled the crotch of my bikini bottom aside to expose my pussy. He began to lick my cunt from the rear. It felt great and I responded by tilting my little ass to optimize the angle. Then it hit me that he was now rubbing the head of his cock up and down my wet slit in preparation for a rear entry.

"No", I said loudly and firmly. "You are not about to fuck me!"

My brother stopped, and was stunned. Amber sat up straight and was brought out of her trance. "You are doing what!?!" she thundered. "You over there fucking your own little sister!?!" She was out of the hot tub now, wrapping a towel around herself. The mood was broken. "I thought you said that you were exclusive with me?" Amber was crying, now.

"No, no, Amber! I didn't fuck her. I swear!" My brother was pleading. Amber was having none of it. "You are a worthless piece of shit." I hurried out of the hot tub, gathered my clothes and headed for my bedroom. This was getting ugly and was only going to get worse. I grabbed my school book off the couch and quickly headed upstairs to my room. "That was close!" I said aloud to myself. I was not going to have my own brother take my virginity! Can you imagine how that would go in the future when people asked me how I lost my virginity? I could just hear it, "Yeah, my brother and I were in our hot tub together nude with his girlfriend and somehow he fucked me." I cringed at the thought.

I could still hear Amber giving it to my brother downstairs. This was bad. They had been dating seriously now for two years. I know that my brother really loved her. I began to feel guilty. Sure, he had just tried to fuck me, but I had teased him pretty badly. I had sucked his dick, licked out his girlfriend in front of him and tugged on his dick a few times. He was really a good guy, just a little horny. I quickly got dressed in a conservative skirt and blouse and went downstairs without a clear plan. I just wanted to do something to help the feuding couple.

Amber and my brother were dressed in their swim wear again. My brother looking hang-dog on one side of the couch and Amber stood on the other side across from him. She was obviously hurt and mad, letting him have it. When they saw me coming down the stairs, they both looked up in surprise and were quiet. I came over and stood beside Amber and took her hand. My brother looked so pathetic and I really felt sorry for him. I did not know what to say.

Amber broke the silence. "Oh, I am so sorry Lacey. Your brother raped you!" Now I was alarmed. Heaven only knows where this would go if Amber went to the police! My brother might go to jail, my parents would be beyond furious and our family would be ruined. I had to get control of this situation. "No, Amber, it wasn't like that!" I exclaimed. "Things were getting out of hand but he never penetrated me!"

I went on "He touched me down there and I just freaked out." My brother looked up directly at Amber "See, it's true", he said. This is what my brother had been trying to explain to Amber, but she had not believed it. I went on "I had sucked his cock and stroked him in fun, and his horny brain was taking over and he thought it would be OK to touch me." I was giving Amber the impression that my brother had no intention of fucking me. I wasn't sure that was really true.

Amber was beginning to look like she felt bad for putting all the blame on my brother. "He just thinks with his dick, sometimes", she snorted. And we all had a little laugh. She went on, "What do you think he should do to make it up to you, Lacey? He should have to pay, big time, for what he did." Amber asked. I looked over at my brother who was looking at me with trepidation. My face widened with an evil grin as an idea came to me. "I want him to make love to you, slowly, and I want to watch", I said. My brother looked at me in gratitude and his look said "I owe you one, sis". I could not quite read Amber. "You want to watch, huh?" She finally said, holding her chin in her hand. A smile slowly spread over her face. "You hear that, asshole!" she looked at my brother in mock anger. "She said make love, slowly. That does not mean that you hump me like a rabbit like you usually do!" The tension went out of the room and we all smiled.

Well, Lacey. Where do you want us to do this? Amber asked. She was going to make sure my request is honored. "Let's go down to the basement. You can do it on the floor while I make myself comfortable on the couch." I looked over at my brother and saw his trunks getting tight in the groin area. "Let's go," Amber said with a wicked smile. "We are going to give Lacey a show she will not soon forget." Then I had another brilliant idea, "Wait!" I said. "I want my friend Ricky to come over and enjoy this with me." My brother looked concerned, but Amber said "Why not. This could be really fun!"

I went to the phone to call Ricky.


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Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Annie and Lacey The Beginning

This story is about my best girl friend Lacey and starts about seven years ago just after we first met. We are best friends and lovers, she is married to my friend Ferguson and they are members of our swingers group. My husband Rob and I get together with them at least every month. But I am getting ahead of myself! Let me start from the beginning. I met Lacey when she came for an interview for a position at our company and I was part of the interview team. When we met, I felt an instant...

1 year ago
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LaceySteele Chapter 3

This time, Allison had awoken before Lacey who was laying behind her, still holding her. The stuffed shark was still in Allison’s grip, the fluffy blankets and pillows offering extra comfort to an otherwise awkward awakening. Lacey woke up as Allison began to move “Hey there, sleepy head” Lacey moaned as she sat up. Part of Allison wanted to grab her clothes, which were again neatly folded this time sitting on the chair; and run. The other part was enamored. Lacey, now sitting up, put an...

3 years ago
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Laceys First DoublePenetration

Robert saw how the stranger's eyes could not decide whether to fixate on his daughter Lacey's 18 year old little butt or her pointy B-cup titties. Lacey had just emerged from the house into the Saturday afternoon sunshine, preparing to go for a short jog. She had painted-on white thin running shorts and a soft pink cotton t-shirt that was a couple of years old, not hiding the bumps of her nipples. As Lacey arched her back brushing out her long dangling blonde hair, the guy who'd come to buy...

1 year ago
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LaceySteele Chapter 6

She made her way to the backyard where she found everyone seeming to be hanging out in and by the pool. Lacey explained to her that the morning after a party, they take some time to just hang out and relax. Lexi wanted to stay but Lacey insisted that school, work, and her real life were more important than this; she would be back if interested. Lacey and Lexi spoke while Lexi was getting ready to leave. Lacey: “I want to remind you of a few things before you leave. First, remember that you...

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LaceySteele Chapter 4

Lacey had stopped when Allison said ‘Red’, and she hadn’t gotten upset. Allison smiled a genuine smile. The clothes she wore the night before hadn’t been touched, still strewn around from her haste to get changed. Her bag with extra clothes on the chair where she left it next to her purse. She had packed a swimsuit this time, unsure of what to expect from the day, which she had free. Allison got dressed in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, then exited the room, unsure of where anyone else...

4 years ago
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LaceySteele Chapter 1

She was prettier than she gave herself credit for and she didn’t notice the guys that liked her; probably because she was too busy daydreaming and being ignored by the guys she was attracted to. Her hair was light brown and typically pulled into a low pony tail which lay along the back of her neck, contrasting softly against her pale skin. She owned some makeup, but was too afraid to use it. The thought of others laughing and snickering at her had crossed her mind more times than she could...

2 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Lacey

I probably never would have found out if it wasn't for me doing something that I had never done before. I came up out of the basement and went to the laundry room carrying several sets of dirty coveralls. Earlier in the week my wife Lacey had made the comment that I couldn't seem to do anything for myself and I'd be helpless without her being around to take care of me. It stung me. I thought that I was carrying my weight around the house. I maintained both cars, did all the lawn work, and...

2 years ago
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Lacey's Wedding Daybyrockandroller©My daughter Lacey and her fiancé had chosen a stunning mountain chalet for their wedding. The building was at the top of a hill, with a spectacular view of the valley below. Out front there was a large lawn, where the ceremony was to be held. Inside, there was a big room which was set up for the upcoming reception with formal dining tables, flowers galore, a small stage and dance floor, and a large wooden staircase for the happy couple to descend. It cost me a...

4 years ago
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Lacey8217s Wedding Day

My daughter Lacey and her fiancé had chosen a stunning mountain chalet for their wedding. The building was at the top of a hill, with a spectacular view of the valley below. Out front there was a large lawn, where the ceremony was to be held. Inside, there was a big room which was set up for the upcoming reception with formal dining tables, flowers galore, a small stage and dance floor, and a large wooden staircase for the happy couple to descend. It cost me a fortune, but it was worth it. It...

2 years ago
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Daddy Watches Laceys Phonefucking

"Hey Daddy -- I'm gonna just go up and fuck on the computer for a while, okay?"My father, whom I still call "Daddy" but whom everyone else calls Robert, looked embroiled in a pile of spreadsheets and thick contract papers on the kitchen table. He usually brings work home from the office, so that he and I can have dinner together and, you know, spend our quality time together and stuff. Now usually he doesn't get to his work until well after dinner, because he and I usually can't stop from...

2 years ago
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LaceySteele Chapter 5

She laid on the bed for a while, holding the shark, trying to process everything she had been exposed to. She thought about the interactions she had with each of the people in the house, knowing that they were all about to have sex. She thought about her interactions with Lacey specifically, the thoughts lingered as she drifted into a nap. Knocking on the door startled her awake. It was Scarlette, who was showing off shimmery blue nails. “Lacey would like you to wear this bikini under this...

3 years ago
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Laceys 1st time

This is my 1st (and probably last) attempt at writing a story.It was the day before Lacey's 18th Birthday. She was planning something special to celebrate only she couldn't tell the family. She phoned her cousin Steve who was 28 and casually asked if he was coming to her party. Wouldn't miss it for the world k**do he said. k**do she thought did he think of her still as a little k**? She hoped not otherwise her plan might fail.The day of the party arrived and everyone came and enjoyed...

1 year ago
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Lacey Starr

Does the thought of fucking grannies give you a raging hard-on? Listen, bro, I’m not going to judge you, so you don’t need to be shy. Hell, sometimes there is nothing better than plowing the absolute fuck out of an aged pussy. They know how to suck and ride a dick, too, i.e., if they are not already handicapped with bad hips, knees, and all those excuses they use for not wanting to get some dick.But I guaran-damn-tee you that you have never fucked a GILF like Lacey Starr. Have you even had sex...

Premium Granny Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Lacey is a friend of mine, a very good friend. Actually, I wanted her to be more but she always avoided the subject. Right now, she was being a big pain in the ass. I had a rush job getting the data off a dead hard drive and suddenly she wanted to talk about us. When I told her I was busy, she stomped out the door of my small shop and slammed it hard. I jumped at the sound and damned near dropped the hard drive. As it was, I cut my finger on a sharp edge of the case. I sucked on the bloody...

1 year ago
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Rickys great idea

Ricky entered his senior year in high school when i got laid off from my job! I remember crying and not knowing what to do! I was an unemployed 32 year old single mom! One evening during diner alone with Ricky, we were talking about how to make some money and survive the month, when he surprised me with this crazy idea he had! He told me i should start stripping! I was shocked to hear this from my own son! He told me, "mom, your a beautiful woman, and you have one of the best ass and tits i...

1 year ago
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Lacey had grown up in a time of great prejudice where the black man had less rights than he should have had and he had experienced this injustice directly in his life so when he had the opportunity to fuck a white boy he happily did it I just happened to be the fortunate white boy he fucked to recap I had just broken up with my first wife she had found someone else to love another woman as it turned out I would have been okay with a lover on the side and I was for a long while heck I even...

3 years ago
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Alex n Ricky

It was after school when we had drama classes and it was about two hours long. I had been in the club for about a year and a half and i really enjoyed it, while Alex was new to it. So, it was after school, in the theater, and i was early. Then without noticing Alex had came in and i was practicing my sketch. "Hey..uh? Is this the drama club?" Alex said in a shy tone "OH! oh my god!... you scared me!" I said in a startled voice "Oh i'm so sorry i didn't mean to disturb you but...

1 year ago
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my arabhijab wife nadia with my friend ricky

Hai its my real story .i am Spencer 32 year from Albany ,newyork , I am working in real estate company,i am white ,my wife is arab name nadia from saudi arabia she is 25 year, we married 1 year ago,she is a beautiful hijab ,we are happily married couples, 6 months before I got financial crisis it was a huge amount my friend ricky help out of this problams he is rich financer own office, he is not married ,he is like play boy good lucking ,funny, most of time spending with girls, girls like him,...

4 years ago
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my arabhijab wife nadia with my friend ricky

Hai its my real story .i am Spencer 32 year from Albany ,newyork , I am working in real estate company,i am white ,my wife is arab name nadia from saudi arabia she is 25 year, we married 1 year ago,she is a beautiful hijab ,we are happily married couples, 6 months before I got financial crisis it was a huge amount my friend ricky help out of this problams he is rich financer own office, he is not married ,he is like play boy good lucking ,funny, most of time spending with girls, girls like him,...

2 years ago
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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

2 years ago
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The Nerd Goes to UniversityChapter 3 Dr Lacey Timms

"Ohhhh ... oh fuck" Becky groaned, as Lacey used her talented tongue and lips on her student's very wet pussy channel. Becky was sitting naked on her teacher's couch with her hands grasping behind her knees holding her legs apart for Lacey. Lacey was equally naked, kneeling on the floor with her face plastered against Becky's bald pussy mound and lips. Me ... I had slipped inside of Becky's body (using my 'out of body' powers) before she entered the office. I was thoroughly enjoying...

4 years ago
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Ricky Maggie

Where to start? The beginning I suppose. I was a late starter – 18 years old when I finally got my first shag (which to be honest was nothing special – a d***ken affair after a party). Up until then it had been a reliance upon my right fist and the porn of the day – back then we had to be content with a copy of Mayfair or Men Only, and very occasionally a rare porn VHS video. Today’s youth don’t know how lucky they are with the likes of XHamster etc. to satisfy their viewing needs. A bit about...

3 years ago
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Ricky Maggie

Where to start? The beginning I suppose.I was a late starter – 18 years old when I finally got my first shag (which to be honest was nothing special – a drunken affair after a party). Up until then it had been a reliance upon my right fist and the porn of the day – back then we had to be content with a copy of Mayfair or Men Only, and very occasionally a rare porn VHS video. Today’s youth don’t know how lucky they are with the likes of XHamster etc. to satisfy their viewing needs.A bit about...

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Ricky Daniel A College Hook Up

"Hey, I think I'm gonna go get my stuff from my car." I said "Oh for sure, you staying over tonight?" Playing dumb, trying not to be too obvious. "Yeah, I'm a little tired and don't feel too much like driving back, if that's alright with you of course." "Yeah thats no worries! I'm getting kind of sleepy myself" I said, and gestured for another cigarette. "I have a bit of weed." Daniel says. "Wanna smoke before bed?" "Yeah, my roommate's out tonight. We can smoke in my...

3 years ago
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Brandis Slutty Adventures Ch 01

The elevator doors slid close and I looked up into Tony’s piercing blue eyes. Here I was a mature married professional woman, alone in an exciting big city, heading toward a young, handsome stranger’s apartment. Soon the elevator doors would open and I would have to make a decision. Do I do the mature responsible thing, respect my martial vows and stay on the elevator or do I give in to the uncontrollable animalistic lust driving me wild and sleep with him? Who am I kidding, of course, I’ll...

2 years ago
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Brandis Slutty Adventures Ch 04

Once Todd left I turned and looked in the full length mirror on the closet door. My hair and makeup were a mess, my ponytail had come loose, my hair was damp with sweat and cum and my lipstick and mascara were smudged. I had dried cum on my face and neck. My pussy and thighs were caked with cum. I turned around and saw a line of cum running down the backs of my legs, from my ass to my ankles. My whole body was covered with layer of massage oil, perspiration and cum. I looked like a woman who...

1 year ago
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How I Became Laceys Girl

HOW I BECAME LACEY'S GIRL! It began when I was 24 and I had just broken up with my wife and I went to stay with my friend Gary who was a black guy that I used to work with he was a great guy and felt sorry for me! Things had kind of went to shit pretty quickly for me! I totalled my car and then couldn't get to work so I was screwed my marriage was done anyway so I just split! I wound up sharing a room in his basement with another homeless guy named Lacey an older black dude with a serious...

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Alices Adventures in Wonderland Part 1

Author's Note: Despite the numerous rip-offs from both "Alice In Wonderland" and other children's stories, this tale is decidedly NOT for children, as it involves adult/sexual situations. So, if you're under the legal age, please stop reading right here. Disclaimer: This story is based on (of course) the Lewis Carroll children's classic, "Alice in Wonderland," however it does include "cameo" appearances from other stories - most notably, "The Wizard of Oz." If you look...

1 year ago
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Brandis Slutty Adventures Ch 11

I was lucky with my flight back home. The plane took off on time and we picked up a powerful tailwind. We arrived in northern California a half an hour early. I had used my flight miles to bump myself up to first class. Luckily my seat mate was another business woman who had an early meeting. She slept the whole flight. I was able to get some work done on my next client meeting on my laptop but not all of it. My mind kept wandering back to all the beautiful hard cocks and lovely pussies I had...

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