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"Today is the day, I finally get to go to see Destroyer of The Flesh. I've been waiting so long to get into that mosh pit, with DoTF playing it's going to be fucking brutal." I hit send and the text blasts to all the friends I made in the mosh pit over the years.
Still don't know their names, but who cares? They make a great pit, and they were in the wall of death last year at the fest. It's too bad none of them are going but one. The tickets are cheap, but everyone has plans, they always do...
*sigh* "I'll have to make more friends at this show..." I say to the mirror on my closet door. I look at my nude form in the mirror; six feet tall, a bit beefier than your average person with pale gray eyes and long brown hair. Further down I have a fairly girthy package around eight inches long when fully erect and two slightly larger than normal testicles.
I guess doing a lot of work when I was a kid really paid off. Though I kind of wish I were just an average sized guy. I hate being so big sometimes, but I do like that it makes me a target in the pit. Getting beat up, it's cathartic. And after all, it's the only place I really belong.
I pick from the assortment of band shirts I have hanging in the closet and put it on my bed; my Destruction of The Flesh band shirt from their debut album, along with some baggy black pants.
So I put my clothes on then bend down to put my pants on only to feel a slight pain in my ribs. "Ow, fuck, I forgot about that..." I pull my shirt up and look at my ribs, a large purple bruise runs the length of one side of my rib cage. "That concert two weeks ago really fucked me up. I can't believe I didn't break any ribs."
Anyway, I get my clothes on, and it's time to pick up the other guy. I grab my keys then head out the door.

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