Please Stay Daddy free porn video

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We left her car in the parking lot and she gave me directions as best she could. Still everything was hilarious and with every missed turn she laughed that much harder. I was slightly amused myself but knew she wasn't long for this night and we had better get to her house quick. I did question her about her daughters, would they be home? Yes. Would they still be awake? She didn't know. Was there a babysitter? No. The oldest daughter, Christie 10 was capable of taking care of her younger sister Stacy, 7. Again, my radar wasn't working at all. You don't let a 10 year old stay at home with a younger sister without any supervision. Still, I was single and wouldn't mind getting my wick wet even if it was just this once.
I was surprised when we arrived at her house. I nice three bedroom ranch in a very nice neighborhood. The yard looked like shit, obviously hadn't been mowed in awhile. Two girls bikes laying on the sidewalk leading up to the front door. I saw the curtains in the front of the house close quickly as we drove into the drive. I helped Katrina (later known as Kat) into the house. I think every light in the house was on and I heard doors closing as we entered. Katrina immediately began turning off lights and dropping bits of clothing as she went. I was feeling very uncomforable knowing the girls were not asleep and it appeared their rooms were down the same hall as hers. I quickly sat on the couch as Kat started making herself another drink. She mixed me one as well and sat down next to me. She was still wearing her skirt and a bra. Where the hell was my radar!! This was moving really fast for me. She wanted to toast our new found friendship, we clinked glasses and she downed her drink. She put her arms around me and began kissing me. I wanted to get aroused and get this over with but my mind kept thinking something just isn't quite right here. She took my hand and placed it on her breast. Then she started rubbing my crotch and unbuckling my belt. I slipped my hand under her bra and started feeling her breast trying to get into the mood. I pinched her nipple and kissed her back hard. I stopped her and told her I had to pee bad, trying to get my head together. She said, "What the fuck, pee later" and continued at my belt and pants. I stood up and told her really I needed to pee and asked which way to the bathroom. I told her to fix us another drink and that seemed to pacify her enough to point down the hall. I reached the bathroom and relieved myself then splashed water on my face. I really just wanted to get the hell out of there. What the fuck had I gotten myself into. I decided to return to the living room and get it over with. Fuck her quick, do what I came for and get the hell out. When I opened the door I saw a little face looking out from one of the bedrooms and straight into my eyes. Come to find out this was Stacy. I said Hi to her and smiled. She looked right at me and said, "Your not going to hurt my Mommie are you"? I told her No. What ever gave you that idea sweetie. She said, " All the other men end up hurting her and then leave". I told her everything was going to be alright and for her to go back to bed. She closed her door and I went back to the living room. Just as I thought (hoped) would happen Kat was passed out on the couch. I took a coat from the closet and covered her up and headed for the door. Just as I was about to leave I saw another little face looking around the corner, long brown hair and big brown eyes were staring at me. I said, "Everything is all right and I'm leaving now". This turned out to be Christie. She didn't say a word but watched me until I was out the door. I heard the deadbolt lock the instant I left. Smart Girl.
As bad luck would have it I saw Kat again about three months later. She was at a car wash and she was sitting on the bench outside crying. I had already paid and had just walked out the front to wait for my car. I think fate plays a big part in our lives and my fate was sealed. At least for now. I went over to her and asked if she was ok? She nodded her head and continued to dab at her eyes with a tissue. I asked if there was anything I could do to help, she shook her head and looked away. RUN DUMBASS! GO BACK INSIDE AND BUY A DEODERIZER.... anything. JUST GO. But NO, I had to ask her if she remembered me. She shook her head and again looked away. "I'm Dave, remember. I met you with CIndy at that bar". "I took you home, when I went to the bathroom you feel asleep, remember?" She weakly said, "No, not really." I couldn't let well enough alone, guess my ego was twinged. "Oh come on, you have two daughters, I have two sons. Cindy introduced us. I took you home, you passed out". She said, "You covered me up with a coat before you left, my daughter told me". "That was sweet, thank you". I said, "Ah, thats alright, well I gotta go". .... Thats what I should have said. Instead, "Are you alright, you were crying". She said, "You don't want to hear my troubles, I'm sure you have better things to do". I should have said, "Your right, I gotta go". But NO, DUMBASS sits down and says, "Whats going on"?
She preceeds to tell me she lost her job, broke up with a guy she was seeing and had more going out than coming in. She asked me if I would mind buying her a drink after we finish at the car wash. I said SURE. The DUMBASS SAID SURE.
We had sex on the couch that night. The living room door was closed. We had sex many times. It was fantastic. She knew exactly what to do. I fucked her in the ass. I FUCKED HER IN THE ASS! I have never fucked anyone in the ASS before. She went crazy. In the past I was good for maybe two times. Thats it. "2". She sucked my balls and somehow got more juice for me to shoot into her. I came 5 times in around two hours. Once in her pussy, the first time. Once in her mouth, she sucked so hard I felt the cum crawl up from my balls. It was extreme pain/pleasure/pain/pleasure.... one of those two. Twice up her ass and the last time I had an orgasim but there was nothing to come out. I was humping her from behind, her tits were swaying, her hair covered her face, she was sweating, I was sweating, She came hard, her pussy clenced my dick and I felt the orgasim hit me but I didn't feel any ejaculate at all. We collapsed on the couch. We lay there for about ten minutes without talking. She got up went into the kitchen and fixed us a drink. Come to find out later, her favorite, bourbon and coke. Not much coke. No ice. Shaken not stirred. Something like that. I'm a beer drinker remember. She asked me to stay the night. I said no. I SAID NO! The next morining I got up and quietly left before anyone else got up. Or so I thought. There was Stacy peeking out of her bedroom door. I looked like shit warmed over. Hair all standing straight up, unshaven. glassy eyed. I looked when I took a pee. Scared even myself. I started to speak, but she closed her door and I left.
I started seeing Kat on a regular basis. Lots of fucking. I insisted we move to the basement for our fuck sessions. She could have cared less. Just so she got fucked. And then she got drunk. I would spend the night and sneak out the next morning. She had found another job. This girls a nurse. And a damn good one from what I was able to gather. She knew her shit. Top of the class and all that crap. But she had a little problem. Alcohol. And Sexaholic. I started pumping Cindy (for information you perverts).
Come to find out Kat has a pretty sordid history with men and alcohol. Abuse at the hands of those that choose to treat her badly. She was really pretty pathetic at times. I, the great enabler decided I could fix her. I didn't know what the fuck I was doing or what I was getting into.
Kat started working nights. 3 PM to 11 PM. Girls alone. 10 year old taking care of the younger Stacy. I hated it. I started going by after work to check on them. I brought dinner many nights. The girls began to warm up to me. I became a regular fixture not only on top of Kat but in the girls lives as well. Kat would start drinking even before she would get home. She hit the house sometimes in a great and fun mood and others not so fun. Many a night I got, "What the fuck are you doing here, get the fuck out"!! Then there would be those weekends when I would have my boys and I would get the calls, "Where are you, why don't you come over"? "Please come over, I need you so bad" Sunday night would roll around and I would, like a sick puppy dog, be right back over there wanting some pussy. I tried to stay away. Once for a week. Then she would draw me back in with, " The girls miss you" or "Christie called and she heard noises and is scared".
I ended up moving in with her. It would be good for a week, no longer. Then she would come home drunk and the fighting would start. She would drink some more. I would start to leave and she would start to cry. We would end up fucking and everything would be alright. For awhile. Kat had been married twice. The girls father was no where to be found. Gone now for 5 years. The second guy was gone also. But he left scars on the girls. He and Kat loved to get drunk, he then would get mean. One night he ripped Christies clothes off and beat her with his belt. She kicked him out. He came back. Everything would be fine for a short time. He fondled Stacy in the bath one night while Kat was at work. I didn't get all the details, didn't really want to know. But he was gone after that, for good.
We were bad for each other. She would get drunk night after night. We would fight. Have sex. Sick situation. She would throw me out. I would come back. Then the sex stopped. I think it was all of a sudden. One night we fucked like rabbits. The next night it was over. I didn't want her. She was indifferent. The fighting never stopped. I wanted her to quit drinking. She wanted me to go to hell. Then we fought about not having sex. I was having an affair. She was certain. I was sticking my dick in someone else. She wasn't good enough. Get the fuck out!!! Nothing could be farther from the truth. I wanted her. I wanted her to quit drinking. I wanted to care for her and the girls.
Nothing I could say could convince her I was not cheating on her. She came home very drunk. The fighting started immediately. The girls were cowering as usual in the kitchen, in their rooms, in the hall. Just far enough away to watch everything that went on. Kat knew that since we weren't having sex I had to be getting it somewhere. I was fed up. I told her I was tired of not having sex! We were shouting of course. I was going to leave and find me someone else. The girls both started to wail. Kat started to hit at me. Fine! Get the fuck out! She fixed herself another drink. Straight. We went round and round. Fine, get out. Fine, I'm leaving. The girls were beside themselves with grief. Kat continued to drink. She started throwing things. Hard hurtful things. Ashtrays, pictures, anything she could get her hands on, except her drink or booze. I started to pour her liquor out in the sink. Big mistake. The shit hit the fan. She attacked me fists flailing, kicking, screaming. She jerked the bottle away from me and turned it up. She was going to kill the bottle off. We wrestled. The bottle went flying and broke. She came at me with the broken neck of the bottle. I, the chicken shit that I am, ran like hell. I stayed on one side of the table away from her while she proceeded to let me know what she thought of me. I can't or won't share with you all the "little" details that she described. Might hurt my ego you know. Anyway, she threw it at me and thankfully missed. She ran into her room and slammed the door. The girls were crying and I was exhausted. What the hell just happened. I let that get way out of control. We could hear things being tossed about in the bedroom. When I heard the dresser mirror break I knew it was getting bad. Christie was trying to get the bedroom door open but no matter how hard she pushed she couldn't get it open. I really thought Kat was going to hurt herself so I tried also. I managed to get the door open far enough to see that she was in a crazed state. She was breaking everything she could get her hands on. Things that I knew meant alot to her and to me. I knew she would regret this tomorrow. I forced my way into the room and grab her. I wrestled her to the bed and held her there. She was fighting and kicking and screaming. I just held on. She wore herself out and finally quieted down. She cursed right up to her last breath when she finally passed out. I told the girls everything was going to be ok and to go to bed. I knew they needed consoleing but I didn't dare let go of Kat yet. I layed there with her for about an hour.
I really didn't know what to do. I decided I had better get my stuff and go. I still had my apartment on the other side of town and I felt it was time to go. I started picking thru the mess and retrieving what I could of my stuff. She had broken everything of mine that was breakable. She had torn at my clothes. There wasn't much to pick from that I wanted. I started stuffing things in a pillowcase when I heard Stacy crying behind me. "Please don't leave". "She'll just be worse if you leave". I told her, "Baby, I can't take it any more". She begged, "Please, your the closest thing to a Daddy that we have and were scared". Christie appeared right behind Stacy and had tears running down her face. They both were crying and I grabbed them and held them to me. I told them to go to bed and that I wouldn't leave tonight. They had school the next day and they desperately needed to go to bed. I tucked them both in but Stacy held on to me tight. She was crying into my neck and sobbing. "Please don't leave Daddy". I assured her I would be here in the morning but that I couldn't make any promises about the future.
I sat on the couch in the living room. I had managed to find a blanket and a pillow and my pajama bottoms and just sat there in the dark. I saw the bathroom light come on and the door close. Stacy came into the living room and stood there looking at me. She had her blanket and said she couldn't sleep. She asked me, "Is there someone else Daddy"? I just looked at her. "Mama said you have a girlfriend. Do you"? I said no.
She said, "I know you and Mama aren't sleeping with each other anymore". Mama said men need sex and she wasn't giving you any more sex". "Are you going to find someone else Daddy that will give you sex"? I told her she didn't need to ask such questions and to go back to bed. She started to cry. I held out my arms out to her and she came to me and climbed up into my lap. I held her there and tryed to comfort her. She put her face into my neck again and began to kiss me. She said, "Daddy, I talked with Christie and we both said we'll have sex with you if you stay". She pressed her self into my groin and I could feel my self getting aroused. She pressed harder and I could feel her little naked pussy rubbing against my dick. It had popped out of my pajamas and was wedged in her slit. I picked her up in my arms and carried her back to her bed. I kissed her goodnight and told her to get some sleep. Sweet dreams baby.


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Learning From Daddy

FIRST SIGHTINGSI was sixteen last week, and I hadn't had any sexual experience. I wondered what all the fuss was about sex.Then one night, about 1:00am, I woke up, having to pee. I padded to the bathroom and did it. On the way back to my bedroom, I heard faint voices from downstairs. I was curious, so I padded down the stairs. The sound was coming from Daddy's study.I quietly crept to the door, and slowly opened it a crack. I saw my daddy at his desk, looking at his laptop. The voices became...

2 years ago
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A Sissy Fantasy Night With Daddy

A Sissy's Fantasy Night with Daddy My heart is racing as I attach my pink stockings to my garter belt. My head is swimming from the thought of all the pretty frillies I am going to be wearing, hoping that they Daddy will be pleased with his sissy girl. I take out a pink ribbon and tie a little bow around my clitty. I lube up my butt-plug and put it in place. I take a pair of pink and frilly panties out and slide them on over my decorated clitty. I hope Daddy likes his "present"...

3 years ago
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Krystenahs Surprise Date with Daddy

I rolled over and opened my eyes, expecting to see Daddy's handsome, restful face, but I snapped awake when I saw that resting on his pillow instead was the thick, wooden frat paddle. I blinked awake and ran my hand over its smooth surface. Daddy rarely used it on me and I did a quick memory scan to try to find some infraction that would warrant punishment with it. I felt I had been good lately. I had done my chores and my exercise. A shiver went through me as I realized that soon the smooth...

2 years ago
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First Time With My Daddy

Physically I am short and sexy as fuck if I must say so myself. When I met my daddy, I was 23 yo, 5’1”, 98 pounds, almost 7 inches cut, and completely smooth. Most people thought I am still a teenager, and I get carded all the time. Physically I was in good shape as I worked out and exercised regularly. This body was small and still is, but I was rock hard and powerful. If you look up the definition of twink, I think you will find my picture there. Sex has always been an adventure and a...

2 years ago
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Gabriellas Daddy

RICHMOND, VIRGINIA: FALL 2005 Where'd those come from, I asked myself when I saw the burgundy colored panties lying among the pile of clean, white clothes I'd pulled out of the dryer and then just dropped in a pile onto my bed. Huh, they're definitely not mine, I thought as I held the lacy satin up between my hands. I stretched them once, then again, and then drew them to my face where my nose picked up some still lingering odor on the just cleaned panties. A male scent? Could one of my...

3 years ago
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Romancing Daddy

It had been a stressful spring. Danielle's parents had decided to divorce after 18 years' marriage when it turned out that Danielle's dad wasn't her biological father. Danielle still felt guilty about it. She'd had a routine blood test and when she brought the paperwork home to show her parents, her dad exploded in a rage as she couldn't possibly be his daughter with that blood group. Her mother had broken down and said that she'd had an affair with a boy in after the summer when...

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Danielle Conti had been looking forward to this summer for a long time. As long as she could remember she'd wanted to learn the language of her ancestors and see the country that her family had left a few generations earlier. Now she was 18, a high school graduate and heading off to college in September. Her parents had finally decided that it was time for her to go.It had been a stressful spring. Danielle's parents had decided to divorce after 18 years' marriage when it turned out that...

3 years ago
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bonding with daddy

Bonding with Daddy ============================= I remember my dad waking me from a sound sleep. It was summer and I was wearing low cut white cotton panties and a silky pink top that I had been wearing for years. It started out as a crop top, and as I grew the top got shorter and shorter. Mom always fussed at me for keeping it, saying that as a 14-year-old, I had outgrown it several years ago, but I loved that top. It was so comfortable. I was sleeping on my back since it was very warm, and...

2 years ago
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Posey loves Daddy

Daddy had been talking to his sissy over the Internet, he had such erotic ideas for transforming his sissy slut! He was so erotic and powerful, even over the Internet his desires had filled her submissive little heart with the desire to obey daddies every wish! He told her how much he loved little sissy sluts, how he wanted one of his very own. To train to be his perfect sissy cocksucker and homemaking shemale slut! The first time he had told her he was going to have her gelded so...

3 years ago
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I Understand Daddy

It'd been 3 years since his wife died. Raising their daughter hadn't been easy but she was a good girl, very helpful around the house and very obedient. He hadn't had a date in all that time, preferring to devote himself to his daughter. He had become aware however that at 15, she had developed into a young woman. He found himself looking at her in an unfatherly way and feeling unfatherly feelings for her. The truth is he was very horny and his daughter was developing a very grown up body....

1 year ago
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Birthday Present From Daddy

Note : This story is completely fi tional! Sunshine was flooding into my room the morning of my 18th birthday. I lay there sleepily wondering what the day may bring. I was to have lunch with my dad. This will be fun I thought. He picks the most fun places. Hanging out with Dad has always been fun. Shopping afterwards, that will be great. He said he was taking the afternoon off to spend with me. Dad and I have been alone for about 5 years since mom left. She hit the door and never looked back....

2 years ago
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Knowing Daddy

Tasha looked at the gorgeous man and couldn't help but wonder who he really was. Yes, he was her father, but she did not know much about him and that needed to be changed. He was six-foot two-inch tall, dark black hair that was graying around his temples and a very rugged face. He always had a smile for her and as of late, it started to excite Tasha and she noticed Dad with quite a few hard-ons. She knew it was weird, but Tasha didn't think of him as her Dad, she thought of him as one very...

2 years ago
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Teasing Daddy

"Do you like my new skirt, daddy?"He's sitting at his computer wearing just a towel and surfing the porn sites as I walk into his study and lean against the door-jamb looking at his broad muscular back."Very nice dear," he says as he turns round in his chair, then he sees what I'm wearing!"Oh, my God, Sandy, you're surely not going out like that?"I giggle and swivel round letting him look at my bottom. I know that my cheeks are peeking out from under the hem of my micro mini skirt, and I also...

3 years ago
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I just turned 18 and had never had a boyfriend sad but true. My mother had died shortly after my 14th summer and since then it had just been Daddy and me. He tried his best but never could fill her void. I never really got the whole dating thing and kissing and everything like that. I think having a mother could have helped in that area. Daddy kind of discouraged it anyway. I think he was just overwhelmed by the responsibility of being a single parent. He spent a lot of time at the gym working...

1 year ago
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a weekend with daddy

I helped mom pack for her weekend out with her friends while dads was out in the shop doing whatever he did out there I was not allowed out there but I was going to change that this weekend. While mom packed, we talked she told me to me to look after dad and I said I would but I didn’t say how I would look after dad. Because I knew mommy and daddy had sex every night because I could hear them in my and I would wish it was me that daddy was doing not mommy. So mom was finishing packing and I...

2 years ago
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In Hose and Heels for Daddy

It was shortly after my 14th birthday when I made the decision to seduce my Daddy. I mean, all of my girlfriends were having naked fun with their daddies. I didn't wanna be left out ;-) After all, me and my BFF, Ashley, had been getting naked and having fun with her daddy for 2 whole years now...and with her brothers...and with her uncles...and with her cousins...and with her neighbors...and with her...awwww, get the picture ;-)It was the morning after my first experience with my...

4 years ago
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Sissy and Her Daddy

My name is Jane. I’m 24, and I live with Richard, a 45 year old man I call ‘Daddy.’ We’ve been together almost two years now, and we are deeply in love. Although Daddy is willing and able to support me financially, I enjoy my job waiting tables, so I put in about thirty hours a week a local café. We take this money and put it in our ‘get away from it all’ account, and Daddy looks after paying the monthly bills. I don’t know if we can get married, legally, since I indeed have a penis (as does...

1 year ago
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Sissy and Her Daddy

My name is Jane. I'm 24, and I live with Richard, a 45 year old man I call "Daddy." We've been together almost two years now, and we are deeply in love.Although Daddy is willing and able to support me financially, I enjoy my job waiting tables, so I put in about thirty hours a week a local café. We take this money and put it in our "get away from it all" account, and Daddy looks after paying the monthly bills.I don't know if we can get married, legally, since I indeed have a penis (as does...

2 years ago
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Sleepwalking Daddy

PART 1There it was again. That little thump. The sound of dad's feet getting out of bed. It had happened more and more often recently. Dammit. And I had just gotten all nice and cozy under the covers, too. Now I had to get up, go downstairs, make sure he didn't hurt himself ...I stood up and quickly put on my slippers and my bathrobe. Man, it was really not comfortable, getting out from under that warm duvet. With a big yawn, I made my way from my room down the hallway towards the stairs....

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I’ve never really been one known to have an interest in young teenage girls. I honestly believe they are too immature and they don’t seem to be able to comprehend reality too well. I like matured women, like my wife. She’s very beautiful. Full DD breasts that I just love to suck and lick on...Lately though I’ve been a getting hard-on by looking at my daughters when they get out of the shower or when they are out in the pool. At first I just thought it was my penis acting normal as it should,...

1 year ago
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After You Left Daddy

Note : This story is completely fictional! Daddy, you left and that man came over. I was still in my school skirt that rides low on my hips, inches below my belly button. You can see my hip bones which are the only things keeping it on. (you know, the really short one that lets the breeze blow across my ass?) and my thigh high fishnet stockings. The ones you bought me with the seam up the back, black. I had just taken my panties off because they were soaked from our fun. I had on a little Tommy...

4 years ago
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Stella s Daddy

Your really have to believe me. I never wanted to become involved in such an illicit relationship. I know that you are going to say: "You were the adult. You should have prevented this from happening!" OK, I accept your judgment; I am truly a worthless piece of trash... but at least one person loves me... You know who she is. My daughter's name is Stella, and this story began when she was f******n. Stella was young and innocent then, not only socially, but physically. She still had the slim...

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After Thanksgiving and the drive-in, the leaves dropped and it was up to me to give Mommy and Daddy something special. They do so much for me, teaching me how to be a Real Woman, and I want to give something back to them. They deserve it. My family is me, and I am my family. And of course you too, Dear Diary. Miss Evans of my English class gave me lots of ways to “think about” things like this in Creative Writing. I don’t know if I’ve ever told you, Dear Diary, but I certainly...

2 years ago
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Chapter Two Meeting Daddy

Chapter TwoBack in her room, Kari thought back on what had just happened. Daddy had been very direct earlier and things just happened. There was no time to think or decide. Daddy simply instructed her. But in a way that made her feel feminine despite her outward appearance. That hadn’t ever been the case before. She realized she had an opportunity to let herself go completely and be a woman 24/7 on this trip. No matter how she might be dressed. In her mind, she was all woman. And she knew Daddy...

2 years ago
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Sister Catches Brother Watching a Porno Part 2 Daddy

Chapter 1It’s been almost two months since Daniel and I started fucking like rabbits (and I got on birth control almost immediately). We do it in Mom and Daddy’s bed as much as we can (which is a lot since they both work and it’s the start of summer vacation for me and Daniel). We’ve also christened the couch many more times since that first time. But I can’t stop thinking about Daddy, though. Knowing he watches daddy-daughter porn and deliberately leaves his bedroom door open so that I’ll see...

1 year ago
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l Want To Fuck My Daddy

As far as regular nineteen-year-olds go, I was pretty regular, except for one tiny little thing. I was into incest porn. No, I didn’t intend to fuck anyone in my family, that’s wrong. I liked the taboo nature of incest, okay? Something about doing it with someone in your family, how it’s so wrong, flipped switches inside me. My hobby was to have a really good time with Mr Bunny, my trusty vibrator and some hot incest vids I found off the internet. I lived with Mom and Dad, so most of the...

2 years ago
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Mostly True Tales My First Daddy

*The following is, as the title states, mostly true. Certain details have been changed so that this reads more like an actual story and less like a diary entry. If you enjoy this then please comment and or vote.* I lost my virginity at a relatively young age to an older man and since then I have been more attracted to them. I have been with boys my own age but I always find myself coming back to older cock. This is how it all started for me, this is how I had my first “Daddy”. It was late one...

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