Hypnothe-Rapist Ch. 01 free porn video

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Smokey Saga #3: ‘Hypnothe-Rapist’


Hope you like this story. And any feedback you may have’s welcomed and appreciated.


November 25th, 2:00 p.m.

Dr. Angela Vevacia Starr was a miraculously skilled therapist. She ran a clinic for folks who dealt with debilitating behavioral and other mental issues. She saw a dozen or two each week, and her talents were such that not many clients required more than eight to ten sessions to effectively be cured. In her mid-30s, she had been honing her craft for the past five years. The secret to her success was her chosen field, her particular spin on the practice. Angela was a professional hypnotherapist.

In her five years of operation, she had met, had appointments with and treated all sorts of different men in her office. Women were allowed to come to the clinic as well, but they were few and far between. All were adult, the one unbendable restriction the clinic bore was that all patients must be of at least legal adult age. Intensive hypnotherapy was an advanced and sophisticated procedure, and it was simply not suitable for children or minors, as the effects would adversely traumatize and harm their young minds.

Angela had seen hundreds of men who came to her for help, some one-time patients, some for multiple visits, but she never forgot a single one. She passionately loved what she did and treasured each client. Equal adoration was harbored for her receptionist, Paula June Saunders, who shared her passion for the magic of the healing arts. Angela considered herself incredibly fortunate to have met and begun working with Paula. They had been together for four and one quarter of Angela’s five professional years. It took over six months of interviews and dry runs to find Paula, with whom she was finally content, both as an employee and a partner. Angela made it crystal-clear that if her receptionists were not willing and happy to welcome absolutely all clients with only the utmost respect and courtesy, and hold them in the highest regard possible, they knew where the door was.

Angela became so thrilled to have found Paula, she snatched her up before someone else did. She immediately lavished her with a sweet salary and generous benefits. There were two stipulations, however, which she established with Paula early on, and they were strict rules on which she stood fast: Dr. Angela Starr’s professional office was for clients only—the receptionist would not be permitted inside the office, and all contact from inside it would be via phone—and also, the receptionist would be required to write down all messages to give Angela, as her office phone would be unplugged during this time, and no one was to knock on the door during session. Paula acquiesced without question. The two began a little inside joke between them that each and every patient who found the way into the clinic would receive no less than the Starr Treatment. And so they did.

The office Angela kept was decently sizable, which it had to be in order to accommodate her chosen piece of furniture for clients: an extremely soft and comfy three-cushion cotton sofa, which folded out into a bed. The rest of the office was kept equally immaculate, consisting of her desk and chair, a closet for pajamas and robes, lots of different-sized pillows, a cabinet for files, a water dispenser and a built-in washroom, in which she’d had a washer and dryer installed for laundry. The atmosphere had also been equipped to relax patients into a sleepy state with light blue walls, a quietly humming air conditioner at a constant 73°F, and for more hyper individuals, a CD player and some albums which played soothing nature sounds, pianissimo classical music and lullabies. Once in a while, Angela would read a patient a lullaby herself. She sometimes amused herself with the idea of inducing sleep by reading to her patients from advanced calculus and psychology textbooks, but decided this was less than necessary.

Angela had filled Paula in on a detailed and stringent regimen with which she was to welcome patients to the office. First-comers were asked to supply proof of insurance and to fill out a form with basic personal information, medical history and current health status. Returning patients were asked to update the receptionist to any changes in said info. The waiting room was furnished with some cushy chairs, a TV set on public broadcasting, so as to preserve a peaceful ambience, and a decent assortment of reading material. Paula greeted every patient with a warm smile and a gentle tone of voice, Angela did the same taking them into her office, and to date the clinic had received no formal complaints.

One of the form questions for new patients regarded marital status: single, relationship, married, or divorced. Occasionally, a client would inquire as to why exactly this question was asked. Angela would explain its helpfulness by describing how the status could psychologically relate back to the patient’s clinical issue, which seemed to satisfy most. Personally, Paula didn’t totally understand the significance of the question herself, but she had been witnessing Angela’s practically flawless record for these four years, so she knew her employer must be doing something very right.

What Paula didn’t know, however, was that for (not all but many of) these men, the Starr Treatment entailed just a bit more than the receptionist was privy to.

On this day at 2:00 p.m., a new client was scheduled to come in for his first session. His name was Timothy. Angela had examined his form, giving it a quick once-over before tossing Paula the thumbs-up to send him in.

‘Timothy Jacobs?’ Paula called.

A trim, lanky man in his early 30s stood up.

Handing his insurance and identification cards back to him, Paula said, ‘Mr. Jacobs, you may go into the office now, sir.’ She pointed behind her. ‘All the way back to the end of the hall, and directly to your left, just across from the restroom.’

‘Thank you,’ said Timothy, pocketing his cards, a little nervous. He took his time to Dr. Starr’s office.

Angela saw him appear in her doorway, and looked up. ‘Mr. Jacobs?’ she asked.

He nodded, breathing quickly and wringing his hands. ‘Yes.’

‘Hi!’ she said, smiling big and bright. She stood and took his hand in both of hers. ‘Lovely to meet you! I’m Dr. Angela Starr!’

She was wearing one of her standard work outfits: a long-sleeved faded blue nightgown printed with a special design, in this case a pattern of small animals, not unlike those of popular pajamas, one more tool to visually ease patients to slumber.

Timothy hesitated. ‘Uh…you too,’ he uttered. He cleared his throat. ‘Excuse me, I’m sorry,’ he explained, ‘I’m just a little anxious.’

Angela’s eyes turned sympathetic. ‘Oh, I understand, sir,’ she said gently, giving him a pat on the arm. ‘It’s okay, that’s why you’re here now. Trust me, you’ll be totally fine. Nothing to worry about.’ She asked him to please have a seat on her sofa.

‘Okay, so, Mr. Jacobs,’ Angela began, sitting back down and crossing her right leg over her left. ‘Let’s go ahead and get rolling. Why have you come to see me today?’

‘Well,’ he started, ‘I’ve been dealing with this depression for a while now, and it’s really been dragging me down lately…I saw a psychologist about it for a while, who eventually suggested I come see you. He highly recommended you. Isaac Jameson?’

‘Oh, Dr. Jameson!’ said Angela. ‘Yes, of course. Very good friend of mine. Wonderful therapist.’

Angela explained to him how she conducted an introductory interview with each new patient before they underwent treatment.

Timothy asked, ‘Well, what exactly happens? ‘Cause, I’ve never done this before.’

Angela nodded. ‘Completely understood. Believe me, it’s normal to be a little wary or skeptical. And it’s true, hypnotherapy can differ from your basic forms of treatment. But you have my word as a professional: I
will not allow myself to make you regret your decision to come here today.’

He seemed to relax a bit. ‘Okay,’ he said.

Angela continued. ‘Mr. Jacobs, I have been a practicing hypnotherapist for five years. And in that time, I have not once failed to improve the quality of my patients’ lives, whatever their issues. I work as many sessions with my clients as is necessary until both they and I are completely satisfied. And while it is entirely your decision whether to continue or not, I have also never had a patient choose to stop treatment of their own volition before I too felt they were ready to resume without therapy.’

Timothy nodded.

‘There are, however, some things you should know before you decide if you definitely want to do this with me,’ she said. ‘First of all, though this is a gentle and relaxing process, it’s also more intimate than traditional forms of therapy are.’

His eyebrows rose at this statement.

‘And should you decide you want hypnotherapy, I will give you advance notice that not everyone can be cured immediately. Some are, but these cases are rare. Some require three to four sessions, some more than that. And as this is a more intimate treatment, you should also be aware that there is some physical contact involved, as well as some probing of the subconscious. Though I pride myself on my effective and successful craft, it’s not cheap, by any means—and easier for some to afford than others—and so I feel it incumbent upon me to inform you of these precautions beforehand.’ She paused. ‘Do you follow me?’

He nodded, again, continuing to wring his hands.

‘Good,’ said Angela. ‘Furthermore, the satisfaction of my clients is forefront in my mind, but your comfort with me is every bit as important, and goes hand in hand. Therefore, if you at any point whatsoever begin to feel uncomfortable with the procedure, or that your treatment is becoming too intense, or too much for you in any way, the decision is yours, and yours only, to cease treatment, at any time, and you may have a refund for the current session.’ She paused again. ‘With me so far?’

‘Yeah…’ He seemed to be growing more anxious.

‘All right,’ she said. ‘Each appointment typically lasts anywhere from one-and-a-half to two hours, but as this is our first meeting and introductory interview, should you decide to proceed, I will give you a minimum of two hours today. As I say, this is an expensive business, and I very much desire that my patients get their hard-earned money’s worth.’

Timothy was starting to squirm in his seat.

‘I hope I’m not making you too nervous, Mr. Jacobs,’ Angela said, a bit concerned.

‘No, no, no,’ he shook his head. ‘Just, uh…’ he let the sentence drop.

‘Okay, very well. These are all just formalities, of which I’m obligated to inform you before we get started,’ Angela smiled, slipping on a pair of eyeglasses with oval-shaped frames. ‘Now, Timothy—…’ she paused. ‘Would you prefer I call you Mr. Jacobs, or Timothy, or does it make a difference?’

He shrugged. ‘Doesn’t matter.’

‘All right then, Timothy, I’d like to begin by asking you a few questions, if you don’t mind.’

Timothy exhaled. ‘Well, okay.’

‘All right,’ she said. ‘Now, exactly how long can you remember having been depressed?’

Timothy thought a moment. ‘Probably since I was a teenager.’

‘And do you remember if and/or when you were officially diagnosed?’

‘Um…no, I don’t think I was, actually,’ he answered.

‘I see,’ she noted. ‘And, is there anything you’d like to tell me about the nature or details of the depression?’

‘It just…’ he shrugged with a sigh. ‘…It just seems to spoil everything.’

‘Everything?’ she queried.

‘Yeah,’ he said. ‘I mean, it feels like I don’t have the will or energy to do anything anymore. I-I don’t want to exercise, or play my guitar, or go shopping…I have a hard time just getting out of bed sometimes. A lot of the time I don’t even want to eat. The only thing I’m regularly doing is going to work, and that’s just because I have to. My friends don’t want to hang out with me as much, and I couldn’t get a date if my life depended on it.’

Angela looked up from her pad and raised her eyebrows. ‘So, just to be clear, you are not romantically or sexually involved with anybody right now, in any way?’ she inquired.


‘And if I may ask, when’s the last time you dated…a girl? You don’t have to answer if you’re uncomfortable with it,’ she quickly added.

He thought a second. ‘Eight years.’

Her eyes reflexively widened just a bit. Goodness, she thought, lowering her brows back down. ‘Ever married?’

He shook his head.

‘But perhaps—and again, only answer if you feel like it—you could see yourself becoming involved one day, or marrying…a woman?’ she inquired, adding the final two words just to be sure.

He shrugged again. ‘I…guess…but, what are the chances of that, if I can’t even find anyone to go out with me?’

She nodded sympathetically.

‘Okay,’ Angela went on. ‘And, you’ve never been hypnotized before, you said?’

‘Right, no, I haven’t.’

‘All right, and do you currently have any health issues other than the effects depression has had on you?’ was her next question. ‘Disease? Allergies to anything?’

‘Mm, not really.’

‘Healthy appetite?’

‘Well, uh…when I get really hungry, I guess.’

‘What’s your diet like?’

‘Erm…not great.’

‘Ah—meats, fats, sweets, comfort food, that kind of thing?’

‘Well, a lot of it, yeah.’

Hm, she thought. Well, not exactly ideal, but, I can work with that.

‘Healthy sex drive?’

‘Uh…dunno, I…I guess,’ he said uncertainly. ‘Not that I get much of a chance to find out.’

‘So then, definitely no sexually transmitted diseases, anything like that?’

Timothy stared at her with a surprised face for a moment.

‘God, no,’ he said, indicating the obvious answer.

‘How’s your sleeping?’

‘Well, a little less than I’d like, but not too bad.’

‘How much sleep did you get last night?’

‘Six, seven hours, probably,’ he said.

‘Well, that’s not bad,’ she agreed. ‘If a patient oversleeps—or undersleeps—it can make things a little trickier for me, but nothing I can’t handle. I usually recommend a total of seven to eight hours per night, not counting naps. Try to shoot for that.’

‘Okay,’ he nodded.

‘Right then, outstanding,’ she said. ‘Now, can you tell me if your depression is hereditary, or if it stems from a childhood trauma or similar event?’

‘No, not really,’ Timothy mused. ‘Never really been totally sure where it came from originally…it just seemed to…kinda show up out of nowhere one day some years ago.’

‘Well, I’m sure we can figure it out,’ said Angela, returning the pad, pen and glasses to her desk. Her desk clock read 2:17. ‘Thank you, Timothy.’ She leaned closer to him, clasping her hands together. ‘Now, I have to ask at this point, before we go any further, do you definitely wish to undergo the hypnosis? Because I cannot begin this procedure without my patient’s absolute consent.’

He took a breath. ‘I…just…I mean, I’ll-I’ll try anything at this point. Yeah.’

Consent granted. Green light.


She unplugged the phone.

‘Now if I can ask you to please stand up, take off your shoes and place them over by the filing cabinet, I’ll just unfold the sofa bed.’

He obliged, and she did so.

‘There we are, now go ahead and lay down, get yourself nice and comfy,’ she said. ‘There’s a bunch of pillows on the end to your right, take as many as you like and arrange them however works best for you.’ He obeyed.

‘And I can get you some jammies or a robe if you’d like,’ she said. ‘They’re freshly laundered every day. I want you to be as cozy as
you possibly can.’

Timothy was surprised at just how cushy the mattress was. It felt as if he was slowly sinking, almost at once.

‘I don’t usually wear pajamas,’ he explained.

‘Oh?’ she said.

‘No, normally I just sleep…uh…y’know…’ he gestured with a half-chuckle.

She turned to her desk momentarily and smiled. Ah, she thought, flipping her eyebrows provocatively. Good to know.

She opened one of the drawers in her desk, took out a slumber mask and handed it to him. ‘And put this on, please.’

He hesitated.

”S just to counteract the sunlight,’ she explained matter-of-factly. ‘Even though we close the blinds, some still sneaks in. The masks enhance sleep capabilities even for the least sensitive eyes.’

Feeling somewhat nervous again, Timothy nevertheless took it and slipped it over his eyes.

‘Good,’ said Angela, lowering and softening her voice.

Angela took off her own shoes and slid her feet into a pair of slippers underneath her desk. At the same time, she took a scrunchie and tied her hair back with it. She removed a stethoscope from another drawer, rose from the chair, went to her door, making sure her ‘SESSION IN PROGRESS, PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB’ sign was in clear view just below her name, shut it, locked it, and turned off the light. She picked up a pillow which sat in another chair, placed it on the floor by Timothy’s head to his right, and knelt on it. She leaned down by his ear.

‘Okay, Timothy,’ she whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. ‘Now just relax…unclench your muscles…just let everything wind down. Don’t, think, about, anything. Don’t worry about the time, we have as much as it takes. Now we’re going to take some nice deep breaths, all right? Inhale for me, please, through your nose, while I count.’

He breathed in, and she began, ‘One…two…three…four…five…six…seven…eight, and…exhale, through your mouth.’ He obediently breathed back out as she recounted.

She readied the stethoscope in her ears. ‘Again. Inhale through the nose…

‘…One…two…three…four…five…six…seven…eight…and exhale through the mouth…

‘…One…two…three…four…five…six…seven…eight.’ She lowered her voice even softer.

‘Now inhale for me again, nice and deep, and I’m just going to take your hands…’

She gently picked up his wrists and started to slowly, gingerly bring his arms to his sides. He started to react. She whispered in his ear, ‘It’s okay, Timothy, my dear friend, just lie back. Just relax. You, are, safe. Completely safe…with me.’

He relaxed again, and she brought his arms down to either side of his body. As she did, she looked at his hands, just to make sure…and she noticed some slight traces of calluses on the fingertips of his right hand, evidently from playing the guitar he’d referenced earlier. Oh, a southpaw, huh? Interesting, she thought. She held his wrist, locating his pulse, and with the other hand placed the stethoscope’s chestpiece on him to find his heartbeat.

‘Now I’m going to hold your hand for a little bit,’ she whispered, ‘Just to get your psyche accustomed to my touch.

‘Remember, you’re just fine,’ she reassured him. ‘Perfectly secure. And now, we’re going to take you to a happy place,’ she soothed him, pacing her speech with her benevolent smile. ‘Imagine you’re floating, Timothy…weightless…carefree…above a beautiful meadow, with lush, green fields. Nothing in the world, but you, and your happy place. You’re drifting with the clouds, being carried in an angel’s arms. Peaceful. Tranquil. Still. Everything is fine. Nothing can disturb you.’

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Raped By a Rapist

Julie Peter was a beautiful, attractive woman, She was 43-years-old, 5'5 (166 centimeters), 158.4 pounds, long blonde hair that was up in a pony-tail, blue eyes, she was married to her husband named Adam Peterson of 26 years, and is a loving mother to a 17-year-old Teenage Daughter named Tracey, and a 3-year-old son named Mark, They live in a house in a shaded, gated tree-line neighborhood in a town called Chestnut Falls. On That Day Julie was driving the Family's Silver Ford Fusion Car to a...

4 years ago
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My Brother My Rapist

“Why? What happened?” “Oh yeah, I never told you.” Hannah had a flair for being forgetful, but even as she hardened herself to tell me, it was clearly something she’d always remembered. “Well, when I was younger, my second oldest brother started molesting me.” “How so? Just kissing and touching?” I asked, hoping she’d elaborate. “More than that,” Hannah paused. “He’d force me to suck his cock, he’d give me oral, and then he’d have sex with me.” “Did he ever say why?” I gave Hannah a look...

3 years ago
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The Taxi Cab Rapist

I drive a taxi. I don't drive it for a living, I drive it for fun. You see I won the lottery about five years ago and with some careful investments I'm set for life. So what do I do with my new found free time, I drive my taxi around New York and rape beautiful women. The set up is easy. I bought a new taxi and had it repainted to look very generic and outfitted it with some custom features. It has everything a normal cab has but it also includes a special air conditioning system. Most modern...

4 years ago
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Interview With a Rapist

It didn't start out that way, just sort of happened. I didn't leave my house thinking I am going to go out and rape the shit out of someone. I was just enjoying the sunshine. You know, just watching the people on the beach, listening to the shrieks of the kids as they ran around on the sand, build castles or buried each other. It was a normal day and I was taking a break from writing. Didn't I tell you I am writing a book? Oh! Well I am. It is a technical manual about travel patterns to...

2 years ago
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My Sisters Rapist

Copyright© 2004 -- All rights reserved. If a guard had looked down from his perch upon the prison watchtower, he would have seen the shiny green car now pulling into the prison's visitor parking lot. Still watching, the car would have come to a stop in a haze of dirt and gravel, allowing him to see the long auburn hair visible through the driver side window. This, clearly getting his attention, would have allowed him to then see the long pair of legs emerging from it's opening. Never...

2 years ago
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My Husband the Rapist

I came home from work Friday night and found my husband's car was missing from the driveway. I thought that it was odd that he was not home by 7:30, but figured he went out with the boys for some fun. I was fuming over that. We had made plans for a special evening together. He had promised to fulfill one of my many fantasies. That is why it stood to reason that he would rather be hanging out with his buddies than me. As I stomped up the porch stairs, I thought I heard a noise in the house,...

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The Backyard Rapist

There she lay, all alone in the back yard on a hot summer’s day without a care in the world save for her tan. Dozing on one of the long, adjustable lawn chairs that allowed one to lie reasonably comfortably in the sun, the dark haired girl gave little thought to the fact that her parents wouldn’t be home for several more hours. In fact, as far as she was concerned, that brought several benefits. Even without being able to sunbathe topless with impunity, the fourteen-year-old felt a deep...

3 years ago
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RebelChapter 49 Rapists

When the three women came into camp, they looked terrible - ravaged, beaten, distraught, frightened, their clothes in tatters. I have seldom seen the like. The men who brought them in said they found them huddled together in the woods, incoherent and shaking. We got their story from them in bits and pieces, between bouts of tears and shaking. It was an ugly story. They had been traveling on a regular stage toward a relative's home when a group of Hessians waylaid them. The men on the stage,...

2 years ago
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Dr. Lewis was ill tempered when he unlocked his office door. It was a little after eight and he had sessions back to back through out the day. He hated it when Ginger booked them like that. He needed time to recuperate and ground himself. He was doing memory work with some of his clients and that kind of therapy could be intense. He ached for Thursday – two days to go before he could see her. In his journal, which stayed in a locked drawer in his office at home, he had started referring to...

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Sherrie Visits the Physiotherapist

Sherrie had known David for 16 years and he had always been the one to treat her back whenever she hurt it. He was a very sexy Physiotherapist, tall, tanned and very athletic looking. Without fail every time Sherrie went to see him he knew where she was hurting, and would instantly ask her to remove her top and undo her Jeans so he could get to her back. David would always like to check to see if she had her “G” string on and he could see she had a matching bra on. He would make the subtle...

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Dr Hayes Celebrity Hypnotherapist

53-year-old Doctor Andrew Hayes sat looking out the window of his office, his secretary was on her knees Infront of him sucking his cock. Not really by choice and not by force you see Dr. Hayes was a hypnotherapist and his charming little blue haired, lesbian secretary was his first client in L.A. He came here for one reason to conquer Hollywood. You see Dr. Hayes has a P.H.D in psychology and a degree in music and he used these two specialties to create his Metronome. A device that between its...

Mind Control
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Dr HumpalotSex Thearapist

Dr Cathy Humpalot is a world famous sex doctor. She used hand on methods to help patients with their sexual problem. Know problem was too bad. No fetish was too kinky. Her methods on controversial and some say unsound but no one ever complain. She wrote several book on sex. She is a multi Billion dollar industry She is on top of her game. She is also known to have the greatest sexual skill in the entire world. Rumor has it she got her skill from some monk when her plans crash in the North Pole....

2 years ago
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The Hypnotherapist

Alex Summers, Family Hypnotherapist. You open the door to your meager offices, clean and well-kept giving it the needed feel of legitimacy but visibly low-budget. Your only two employees, a cute secretary with a bombshell figure and a slim but strong young 18-year-old boy you keep as a family favor, being your nephew. The secretary, named Stacy, perks up as she sees you enter, informing you giddy but restrained tone about your appointments, that she'd emailed them to you shortly before you...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Fun with the Physiotherapist

“Come in” she said as I knocked on the door, I was not expecting to hear a female voice as Jack had always taken the treatment sessions previously, so in I went. Her face was hidden behind a laptop and did not look up as I approached. She pointed to the chair in front of her and said to sit down. She then looked up and explained that she was a student on an exchange from her sports university in Krakow and that she will be specialising in sports injuries. I think that’s what she...

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Erica Wants To Be A Physiotherapist

I looked at my sister Erica and wondered what the catch was. As a rule we never did anything nice for each other without some sort of quid pro quo. Erica had just asked if she could give me a massage without asking for anything in return. I had received a few of her massages in the past in exchange for doing her chores, and they were great. She was studying physiotherapy and knew her way around the human body.“Okay, but what do you want?” I asked suspiciously.“Nothing,” Erica said a little...

3 years ago
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The Hypnotherapist

Claudia was a white blonde woman with a beautiful face; she looked exactly like a princess and acted a little bit like it sometimes. She knew how pretty she was and wanted the best thing for her. She was 28 years old, she gained some pounds over the year that didn't make her unattractive but her butt definitely got bigger too. She was going to the gym sometime but it wasn't her favorite thing to do. She broke up recently with one of is boyfriend and the relations ended in a bad way. The...

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Boarding School Rapists

Megan had been here only four days and already she was homesick. It hadn't been her idea to come to a boarding school in Europe, but with her diplomat father sent to the Middle East and her mother dead there was little real alternative. Still, things here were so much different than at home. The girls seemed far more mature, more sophisticated. Not only that but, in this all girl school, there seemed to be a strange acceptance of lesbianism. Megan had seen a number of girls holding hands,...

1 year ago
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The therapist

By this time in Moscow, I had a long term relationship with a lovely school teacher my age. Safira found out about it and went ballistic. Anyway, as time went on, we moved to France and got an apartment. I was enjoying family life in France the kids are beautiful, and we were getting on well in and out of the bedroom. We were having trouble getting a visa for her she's from the Congo, so we decided to get married (we were already living as man and wife). My school teacher in Moscow...

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Sissy Sex Therapist

SISSY SEX THERAPIST by Throne "But honey," Darren said in a whining tone. "You can't mean that. How could I be a... a sex therapist?" His wife Kelly smirked at him and said, "You have to understand, Darla, that a sissy like you could be very valuable in helping some men to deal with issues they have in their sex lives. For instance, the new guy I just started dating, Brad. He doesn't understand the whole sissy mindset, and how useful a weak feminized husband like you can be in...

3 years ago
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Dr Zaaijer Family Therapist

Author's note: Many of you have asked me to wrote a life swap story between fathers and daughters, like I had done with mothers and sons. I resisted this because it was hard to convincingly switch them. Men are so much taller/bigger than girls and even if the girl could be made bigger, you really couldn't shrink the men into little girls. But I have worked out that problem and come up with I hope a convincing story. I hope what I write will make sense as possible in a science...

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Adventures with a Sex Therapist

Liz looked across at Helen and smiled, she still looked nervous, her hands clinging to her wine glass, but it was understandable. It was only their third meeting and tonight they would be getting down to the practical solutions phase, the talking had been done, the evaluations were complete, it was time to get down to the business of releasing her from her sexual hang-ups. “Well Helen are you ready to make a start?” Helen visibly shook and turned to look at her husband Don beside her. He gave...

4 years ago
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When I Modeled for My Therapist

        My therapist had left his canvas out on the easel. I asked him about it. He was looking for a female to paint – nude. Did I know anyone?         I thought to myself ‘hmm, I wouldn’t mind, but would he agree?’ I spoke my mind and a time was set. What was I thinking to agree to this? Was I being spontaneous or just plain stupid?         It was decided that he would come to my flat to photograph me and from the photos we would choose which one he would actually paint.        He...

2 years ago
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The Physical Therapist

A couple of years ago my wife, Jenny, had a sore hip that was causing her enough pain that she decided to go to a physical therapist.  She went to the doctor and got a referral and she was on her way to get her hip fixed.Now my wife is a beautiful, five-foot-six-inches tall, one-hundred-and-thirty-pound woman in her late thirties, with 34D tits, and an ass to die for. So she turns heads everywhere she goes, even though she doesn’t realize it. Typically she wears a thong, but when she knows...

Wife Lovers
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Adventures with a Sex Therapist

Liz looked across at Helen and smiled; she still looked nervous, her hands clinging to her wine glass, but it was understandable. It was only their third meeting and tonight they would be getting down to the practical solutions phase; the talking had been done; the evaluations were complete, it was time to get down to the business of releasing her from her sexual hang-ups. “Well Helen are you ready to make a start?” Helen visibly shook and turned to look at her husband Don beside her. He gave...

Group Sex
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When I Modeled for My Therapist

        My therapist had left his canvas out on the easel. I asked him about it. He was looking for a female to paint - nude. Did I know anyone?         I thought to myself "hmm, I wouldn't mind, but would he agree?" I spoke my mind and a time was set. What was I thinking to agree to this? Was I being spontaneous or just plain stupid?         It was decided that he would come to my flat to photograph me and from the photos we would choose which one he would actually...

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Ulysses Therapist

The room is dark and hazy. I’m hanging, my wrists tied to a chain of some sort above me. Someone is fucking me. My vision is coming into focus. I see a black man grinning at me. My legs are wrapped around his waist; he’s holding me up by my ass and is making me cum. I don’t remember anything from the last hour. I have no idea how I got here. All I know is my pussy is numb, dripping with juices. The orgasm washes over me and the black man leaves. Another takes his place. He...

3 years ago
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Ulysses Therapist

Introduction: Why am I committing such horrible acts? Introduction The room is dark and hazy. Im hanging, my wrists tied to a chain of some sort above me. Someone is fucking me. My vision is coming into focus. I see a black man grinning at me. My legs are wrapped around his waist, hes holding me up by my ass and is making me cum. I dont remember anything from the last hour. I have no idea how I got here. All I know is my pussy is numb, dripping with juices. The orgasm washes over me and the...

3 years ago
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Fucking my therapist

I am a therapist connoisseur. I've been sampling therapists since I was sixteen. I've had prim elder therapists who puckered their lips when I divulged my sexual history. I've had hipster therapists that wore turtlenecks and pants that were way too short. And I've had kind therapists with understanding eyes and wise words that could change my day. But I had never had a therapist like Dr. Moore. I'm just going to lay my cards on the table and let you know that I'm bipolar. It is what it is. I...

Mind Control
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Indian Wife Massage By Old Massage Therapist

Hii everyone this is a true story. I got married last year. My wife is beautiful, educated and well mannered. Coming to the point, when we both got married our family organized overseas trip for us. I and my wife walked through city and saw some beautiful places. The people there were really nice. As we were tired, we took taxi and went back to the hotel. While getting into the hotel we saw some pamphlets on the reception. My wife took one in hand. We entered in our room and had shower and went...

1 year ago
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The Therapist

Angie went to her first therapy appointment not knowing what to expect. She was nervous about talking to a stranger about her problems, but she knew that she needed to get her life in order. She had had a terrible childhood, and it seemed that all of the decisions she made in her adult life reflected the mistakes she had made while growing up. It took her a long time to get to the point of realizing that her best option was to talk to a professional, and seek his advice. She sat in the waiting...

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The journal of a celebrity sex therapist

First of let me introduce myself, my name is Steve Hammond, I am one of the worlds leading sexual therapists, in fact, I am the best therapist in LA, my clients are the rich, and most of the time, the famous. For two years now, I have not been myself, the passing of my wife, sitting by her bedside, while cancer eat away her lungs, it has taken some time to get back on track, I feel now that I can finally resume work. I will record all my sessions from today, I’m going to call it: “The journal...

1 year ago
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Phantom Sex Therapist

Danny and Patty Swanson, newlyweds of six months, were both sexually frustrated, and in an attempt to fix the problem, had secured a weekend reservation at a secluded beach getaway house. They were to be met there by Doctor Andrea Andrews, a respected sex therapist and author.Unbeknown to them, the house was occupied by an interloper named Amy Lindsay. When they arrived, they realized the house was occupied, and they assumed it was Dr. Andrews. What they did not know, there was a message on the...

Group Sex
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the sex therapist

I have written some true stories, here is how it all began.Jaq and I had come into some money and had started to live the good life. We had hired a twenty-year-old maid called Maria. We are both in our fifties, but Maria seemed to take a shine to me.I had arrived home early from work on a Friday afternoon, Maria was busy cleaning and doing the household chores. "Hello Maria" I called out, "hello" came the reply. I went upstairs to change into some casual clothes and was naked in the bedroom,...

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You are Andrea, a newly educated therapist. You worked for your college degree for quite a few years. But the last few years you have had to hold back on your own sexual progress. In your early college days, you were the local slut. You had many of one night stands, and really liked to tease your professors, when you open your legs at the classes and show them what panties you had on under your skirt. Everyone was really surprised when you managed to get your degree. Even you, because you had...

2 years ago
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College Student Bana Erotic Massage Therapist

Hello doston, I am pankaj gupta from bhopal (the city of lakes). I m a medical student (me bhms kar raha hun, bhopal k hi 1 private homeopathic medical college se). Meri ye erotic story mere aur meri 1 colony ki hi lady jinka naame h nisha aur age 35 (jo ki college me teacher hain) k beech ki hai. Halanki ye aapko bhot jaada erotic to nahi lagegi, par yehi h mera pehla erotic experience. (hope you all will like it). Meri emaild id [] par apne sujhaav jaroor dijiyega. Is kahaani me aapko...

2 years ago
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The Therapist

After much internal debate, Michelle finally worked through her trepidations to discuss a rather private concern with her GP. In the past year, attaining an orgasm became increasingly difficult during the rare moments of physical intimacy with her spouse. The relationship was well intact, but years of the same led to a drop in libido and increased sexual frustration, in fact, her last orgasm during intercourse was a distant memory. The harder she tried the worse it became, and virtually assured...


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