Hypnothe Rapist Starr Scores Ch 06
- 2 years ago
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To every gentleman in need of female companionship and affection…your dream doctor. Literally.
***Dr. Angela Starr: The Hypnothe-Rapist***
SS44: STARR SCORES VII—’Divorce Awakens’
January 16th, 3:23 p.m.
Paula minimized the IM window and peeked over her monitor to where Mr. Sean McManus sat filling out his new patient form. He’d wisely arrived ten minutes before his scheduled appointment, ample time for everything to be squared away: Dr. Angela Starr finishing up with her current appointment, Paula doing her thing behind the recep desk and the ever so polite Brits on the waiting room TV’s public broadcast programming sipping their tea and munching their crumpets.
He finished the form with about three to four minutes to spare. He didn’t feel much like watching the television. There was a pretty decent and varied assortment of magazines around, but he didn’t exactly have a huge urge to pick up one of them either. He had difficulty imagining anything could cheer him up right now. As Paula had greeted him when he came in, she thought it might have just been her, but sensed something was troubling him. She was semi-accustomed to seeing clients—new and returning—at less than their best, but even so, this gentleman appeared a bit more under the mental weather than most.
Proper office etiquette of course prevented her from indulging her curiosity, but she wasn’t wrong. Sean McManus had come into the office on this day looking particularly sad and downtrodden because he was. Paula was willing to wager something was eating at him, having a hunch about these things, and it sometimes plagued her wondering what sort of maladies the more crestfallen, downcast individuals grappled with. Sometimes her curiosity almost got the better of her. But, she had signed on to be the receptionist here, a position which did not grant her the perk of client privity. So oftentimes, just to satisfy her interest, she found herself making up stories in her mind about the patients, which she was simply obliged to keep to herself.
In a case like this, however, Sean McManus got her more curious than normal. She wasn’t the therapist, she knew her place in the clinic, but one quality Angie and Paula had shared since the beginning was a sincere concern for the patients’ collective well-being. It was a point on which Paula stood adamantly, bringing it up herself to Angela in their initial interview five years ago, and one of the persuasive traits that swayed Angela her way and asked if she could please start the following Monday.
At the same time, her curiosity regarding patient conditions more often than not simply dissipated without being satisfied. Which was fine, she’d seen dozens and dozens of folks waltz their way into the clinic, right past her down the hall to see the wizardess, and she could barely if ever remember any patients not emerging feeling better. There’d never been any question about it—as Paula reminded herself time and time again, the Starr had a true gift of brilliance. After six years in the therapeutic arts, she’d gotten fairly famous around town. City-wide, Angie’s powers of healing could by this point be considered almost legendary. So Paula told herself not to worry too much about Mr. McManus, she was certain he’d be okay a couple of hours later, or at least bucked up a little.
Finally at 3:28, Mr. Jim Brockwell strutted his stuff back out towards the waiting area to meet up with Paula, who subsequently gave Sean permission to see the doctor, and set up Jim’s follow-up bimonthly session. Sean followed the hallway until he came to the restroom, turned across from it, and there sat…
…A chestnut-haired woman…with slippers…giraffe-speckled pajamas…and a pale blue ribbon on her head…scribbling something on a pad, and then turning to a laptop to tap a few keys. Interesting, he thought. …This is the doctor? He understood he was coming to a hypnotherapy clinic, but he wasn’t positive this was what he’d had in mind. Hesitantly, he gave a double-rap on the door.
The woman turned to see him, and he caught first sight of her bright, kind, tender, sweet and attentive green eyes. The next thing he knew, she popped right up from her seat and welcomed him in with a two-palmed handshake and a glowing smile.
‘Hi there!’ she greeted, looking happier than he could believe a human was capable. ‘Bienvenue! You’ve gotta be Mr. McManus?’
‘Yyyyyep,’ he confirmed uncertainly. ”S me.’
‘Fantastic!’ she beamed. ‘Dr. Angela Starr! I’m so happy to meet you! Welcome, and thanks for coming to my healing palace!’
She gestured around to show him her enormous office.
…Wow, Sean thought to himself, marveling at her über-cheerful demeanor. Did…you used to work at the North Pole?
But he didn’t say this. He was in sure need of some healing, and it made sense that he wanted a quite happy person to cure his sadness. And he was certain smart remarks wouldn’t win him any points. He worked his facial muscles into a smirk.
‘Thank you,’ he uttered. He made his own gesticulation, towards the sofa. ‘So, should I, eh…’
‘Oh! Yes! Yes, of course, by all means!’ Angie granted him a clear path to the sofa bed with a flourish, accepting the patient form. ‘Why don’t you let me please take that for ya, and do sit down, my friend. Or lie. Whichever makes you comfier.’
He began to thank her again. She encouraged him further.
‘That’s it, get cozy,’ she smiled. ‘Kick off your shoes! Make yourself at home. I like my patient sessions to simulate just hanging out with a good friend. The only differences are, the conversation’s kinda one-sided, and I’m writing stuff down as we go.’
‘Okay,’ chuckled Sean, removing his shoes, settling in to stretch out and lounge on the sofa.
”Atta lad!’ she said, plopping back down in her chair and starting a new hard copy file for him. She performed her signature Sharon Stone-esque leg cross and slipped on her eyeglasses, halfway up the bridge of her nose. ‘Well, like I said, my name’s Angela…I like to be called Angie, but you can call me whichever works for you. So what is your preference, Mr. McManus?’
‘Oh, Sean. Just Sean.’
‘Just Sean it is. Okay! Well, Just Sean, Dr. Angie’s in. And this is our introductory interview session, so as with all my new patients, I’m gonna give you a max of three hours today, instead of the normal two. First, I wanna talk to you, get to know you, so forth, then should you decide you’d like to proceed from there, I’ll explain the rest.
‘So then, Sean, consider me your best buddy, and tell me, what’s on your mind? Lay it on me.’
Well, so far, this wasn’t too bad. This lady seemed to have a way of being extra friendly with practically zero effort.
‘Well, uh…okay. Basically…’ He held up his naked hand to show her the faint tan line where his ring used to be. ‘My wife and I separated a while ago, and the divorce was finalized just recently. It’s all the way through now, and…and…I’m-I’m not having money troubles or anything like that. I just…I’m trying to get myself through the whole transition: relocating, living alone, starting over…’
He paused, tossing out a sigh and letting his face drop into his palm as Angie sympathetically furrowed her brow.
‘…And it is just…so hard…just knowing the rest of my life is turning out to be something so dramatically different from…y’know, how and what I
thought it was gonna be.’
Letting her eyes drop like ping-pong balls down to her pad, she quietly scribbled a quickhand version. Glancing at the top of his patient form, she noted the date of birth field, where he’d written: 4-28-77. Oh, he’s my age, thought Angela, doing the math in her head. Thirty-seven. She was actually a little disappointed he wasn’t younger, knowing it could be harder to begin life anew and move on at a later age—not that it was a piece of cake at any age—but luckily she was here to coddle and console him to recovery.
‘Aww…Sean, I’m so sorry to hear that.’
‘I…I-I just…we-we really got into it—I mean violently, Miss Angie—like, things were actually thrown—especially toward the last couple months, and I thought, at the time, I just wanted out. But, now that I am out…
‘…I…guess like the old adage says, I didn’t know what I had till…till it was gone.’
Angie nodded solemnly. ‘I understand. Okay, well, Sean, just so I’ve got a handle on your therapy goals at the moment, I presume you’re coming to see me on your own—i.e., you’re not planning to seek therapy together with your ex-wife?’
‘Oh, no. You’re absolutely right,’ Sean assured her. ‘It’s definitely over between us.’
‘Gosh,’ Angela shut her eyes, shaking her head. ‘I’m really sorry, Sean. How heartbreaking. I always find it a true shame when such a union of love is severed. But as with all my patients-slash-pals, I’m so glad you’ve come to me so I can help you through this.’
‘Yeah, I just thought it would help to talk to someone about it,’ Sean shared. ‘A friend of mine told me about you and gave me your name and number, and I just thought…’ He gave a shrug. ‘…What the hell.’
‘Oh, really?’ Angie asked, secretly feeling flattered as she always did upon finding out she’d been referred. ‘May I ask who it was?
‘I make that inquiry only for my own edification,’ she added, ‘As by comparing notes in the common denominators, it’s possible I may be able to offer more help to all parties involved. But you don’t have to tell me this, or anything else you don’t wish to.’
‘No, no, that’s okay. His name’s Mike Sandbern.’
Okay, good, she thought, noting it. She’d have to remember to look him up in her patient database once finishing up with Sean.
‘All right, thank you. And that’s an important point that bears repeating: if you feel uncomfy discussing anything with me, I won’t make you. At the same time, though, the more you tell me, the more I can do to take care of you. Just something to keep in mind.
‘So then, Sean, the next thing I’d like to ask you is, can you tell me what you really want right now, as a result of this? In what direction you’d like your transition to be taken?’
‘Well, I mean, I definitely wanna achieve some closure,’ Sean confided. ‘It’s-it’s kinda weird, ’cause even though our marriage ended in such a mess, and there was some physical and verbal abuse going on…somehow, there was always still passion there. And I do miss that about her. Things were good sometimes, and they were bad sometimes…but they were never boring.’
Angie gave him another nod. ‘Gotcha. How long were you married?’
‘Three years—…well, two and a half, technically. Although we were already together four years before that.’
‘I see…did you know her for very long before you started dating?’
‘No, actually, someone set us up on a blind date,’ he told her. ‘So we actually met as we started dating.’
Ahhh, thought Angie, arching her eyebrows as she jotted down this tid. That explains a good little bit. She did another mental calculation and determined this meant Sean had met the woman when he was about thirty. So it seemed he wasn’t the type to rush into things with a girlfriend. And Angie had never felt there should be a standard statute of time to elapse, long or short, prior to marriage. Maybe one of them pressured the other into commitment, maybe there were other outside factors involved…anything was possible. Oh well, there would be plenty of time to pare away at it later on, in this or future sessions.
‘Well, it must have been a pretty good initial blind date if it got you two going to the point that you decided to get married,’ said Angie. ‘Tell me something, Sean: have you done a lot of dating in the past?’
He waved his hand. ‘A little…you might say…but I don’t know if I’d say I’ve done my share. It hasn’t been quite that much.’
‘Okay. Well, I’m not saying this is true in your case, but sometimes if we don’t date very much, and then along comes a really good prospect—a potential mate for life—it’s a little easier for the mind to wanna pursue that. Y’know, maybe your mind says, ‘Hey, I think I really like this person,’ or maybe you’re scared that if you let this go, you might not find someone as good again. Bottom line, though, Sean, is the simple fact that nobody’s perfect. You follow me?’
‘Yeah, but you know, it’s funny you should bring that up,’ Sean remarked. ‘I was kind of scared I wouldn’t find anybody else again. Even when things got ugly, I would keep catching myself thinking, wow, thank God I’m married. I just don’t wanna be alone.’
‘Well, that’s understandable. Have you thought about whether you’re ready to date again or not now that you’re divorced?’
‘I don’t know,’ he admitted. ‘When I was with my wife, sometimes I was upset, and even scared for my safety…but I was never lonely. She always stood by me. I kept trying to figure out why, you know, what it was I had to offer in our relationship.
‘You know, Miss Angie,’ he went on, ‘When she and I first met, I knew the moment I was falling in love with her. I was lying in bed by myself that night, and I couldn’t sleep. She was literally all I could think about. I was just lying awake practically that whole night—and probably for a few more nights after that—just dreaming about what could one day be our life together.
‘But, now…I’ve had to get used to sleeping alone again, and that’s no fun. Just feels so solitary now. I really don’t like it.’
‘I’m sorry to hear that,’ Angie told him sincerely. ‘What do you do for a living?’
‘Oh, just stocks. Nothing really Earth-shattering.’
‘Okay. Do you and-or your ex-wife have any kids?’
‘No. We thought about it, maybe, one day, but…no.’
‘No. My lease doesn’t allow them.’
‘That’s too bad. Do you have many relatives?’
‘Yeah, a decent amount…here and there.’
‘Good relationship with them?’
‘Good enough, I guess…although, just between us, I think we kinda all have that relative or two we could live without seeing again…not naming any names or anything, but, y’know, you love them. They’re family.’
‘I hear ya,’ she chuckled. ‘Okay, then, do you have many friends?’
‘A couple…some of ’em are probably more just acquaintances than real friends.’
‘Well, still better than none,’ Angela rejoined. ‘Depending on the nature and extent of your friendships, one idea that comes to mind is to simply ask a friend to stay over. Not in the same bed, of course, but just to have someone else around so you’re not focused on being lonely. Of course, that’s my idea of fun for you: being a hypnotherapist, I’m very big on sleepovers.’
‘Eh…’ He shrugged. ‘I…guess, but…somehow, I just don’t think it’d be the same as having my wife with me.’
‘Well, certainly not. It’s very important to know where to draw the line between friends and romantic or sexual partners. Your friends can be there for you if things go awry with your significant other, and vice versa. I’m your friend, Sean, I’m here for you. As I’m sure are your other loved ones. I think there are more friends around than you may realize.’
He worked his facial muscles up into a half-smile for the first time since having arrived at the clinic.
‘Thanks, Doc.
She smiled her warm, loving smile. ‘Of course. Well, then, Sean, I think I have a better handle on you now: your current situation, your future goals and so forth. Now, if you still wanna continue with me, the next batch of questions I’d like to ask you are pretty standard and routine, things I ask all my patients. Health-related. Shall we?’
‘Sure, why not, fire away.’
‘Very good, a’righty then…ever been hypnotized before?’
Sean shook his head. ‘No.’
‘Do you have any allergies?’
‘All right, well, there are no peanuts before, so we shan’t have to worry about that…mental issues or neurological disorders?’
‘I…don’t know.’
‘Okay, we can explore that some more later on.
‘Any diseases, hereditary, physical or STD-related?’
‘God, I hope not.’
‘I’ll take that as a no. How’s your appetite?’
‘Eating habits?’
‘Well, I mean, I’ve been eating alone since…y’know…but otherwise, normal.’
‘Got it. How much did you sleep last night?’
‘Oh…nine hours, probably?’
‘Oh, good. Very good. Okay, how’s your libido-slash-sex drive?’
‘It’s perfectly okay to say you don’t want to talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable, Sean.’
‘…Well, it’s not really that, so much as…I guess I…don’t really know anymore. I haven’t been with anybody since my wife. I…have to presume everything’s still, uh…in working order…I just haven’t really been able to summon the will to find out.’
‘I see. Okay, well, that’s something else we can go more into at another time.’ The folder, pen and glasses were returned to the desk, as status quo by this juncture. ‘All right, now, Sean, that’s all the questions I have at this time, so if you’re potentially interested in the hypnosis procedure, I’ll explain it to you…
‘Unless you have any questions for me before we go on?’ she checked.
‘I’ll probably think of them later,’ he answered. ‘You know, it’s one of those things where I’ll probably leave, and then as soon as I get in my car I’ll think of fifty things I wanted to know.’
Angie laughed, good-naturedly as always. ‘Well, feel free to write them down if you plan to see me again, and we can tackle them at your next session. I strive to make my patients feel that they can talk to me or ask me about absolutely anything.
‘Well, then, shall I go on about the hypnotherapy?’
‘Sure, let ‘er rip.’
Angela giggled again. ‘Right. Well, Sean, first and foremost, you’ve got nothing to be alarmed about. Some patients go right ahead with the hypnosis from session one onward, and some prefer to skip the hypnosis the first time and try it at a future date. But I’m totally cool with your decision either way, Sean. The patient has the final word on that. So if you’d like to go ahead with the hypnosis right now, that’s perfectly fine. If you’d like to wait on it or think about it, then we can just continue talking, that’s perfectly fine too. Please don’t let me influence your choice one way or the other.’
Sean shrugged. ‘Well, that was pretty much what I came here for today, right?’
‘Okay, well, hang on first, because there’s more I need to tell you,’ said Angie. ‘The procedure is completely safe, you’re under my care, I won’t let anything harmful happen to you or your subconscious. I’ve been running business in this clinic for six years. And making this sound as modest as I possibly can, I am the number-one hypnotherapist in town.’
‘Oh, I know,’ he agreed. ‘You don’t have to tell me, Mike gave me an article on you to read.’
‘Oh, really?’ Angie beamed. ‘Well, how nice! Thank you, Sean, I really appreciate that!
‘All right, well, I’ll just continue then. I’ve treated hundreds and hundreds of patients, most of whom I’ve seen multiple times, and I’ve never lost a patient until I felt they were ready to stop. If you would like the treatment, again, it’s a hundred percent up to you whether or not you wish to cease. If at any point things begin to feel uneasy, or you get scared for any reason, you can tell me to stop, and I’ll gladly honor your wishes, and refund your fee. Cool?’
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The Big Girl Rapist smiles back and steps into the home of his next victim. He looks her over. Gorgeous: large bust, hips and a bubble ass that so excites him. He admires the sway of her ass as she leads the way to the back bedroom. The Big Girl Rapist had been trolling through For Sale ads in the local paper for the last month looking for a victim. None of his stops had yielded anything until today. God, she is perfect he thought as he felt his erection grow in anticipation. He does a...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 4 World Domination Incorporated -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The flight from Japan was going to take 12 hours. The 3-man flight crew, 2 pilots and one attendant, all men, were going to take the small jet, and 20 passengers from Japan to the States. I don't understand this pilot mumbo Jumbo, but the story was...
The next two days were quiet and lonely. I only saw Sean at breakfast and for a few minutes before we went to bed. I sat around my quiet house all day and wondered if and when my rapist would reappear. Each day I would sit and watch the time pass and each day when he didn't come for me, come to use me, I realized that I was always more disappointed than relieved. I was actually starting to get impatient to be raped again! Well, at least I knew how sick that was. To make things worse, Sean...
The next morning at breakfast, Sean handed me Mark's cell phone. We decided that it was about time to get phones of our own. It was an expense I really didn't want to take on yet, but there are times, like today, that cell phones are handy. And when is the last time you saw a working pay phone? After Sean left for his class I went to the bedroom to decide what to wear today. I knew it would have to be sexy. But he hadn't told me anything about what he had planned so I didn't know what...
I really hope you enjoy this story. My effort has hopefully done this genre justice.*** The Handsome Rapist It was another fine day at the office, if you are really into the weekly Management Team Meeting. I was and took my career very seriously. That particular meeting agenda was important. I had planned what I was going to do at it for the lest ten days. I guess you would have to know more about my past to understand what motivates me to do certain things. I made all the right...
Introduction: A controlling female executive learns things she never imagined. *** Based on a PM and some comments in a forum thread. I am writing another first for me. Please understand that this is entirely fictional/fantasy. Everyone has sexual fantasies and if you cannot write about them, or think about them, then what freedom does one really have? Please send me PMs or write a Comment. I like getting feedback… and as you can see from this it gives me ideas. I really hope you enjoy this...
The first thing the Bouvier women noticed when they came through the front door was the smell of cigarette smoke. Both of them made a beeline for the lounge room and were quiet shocked to see Detective Mike Harris sitting in a lounge chair sipping wine and smoking a cigarette. He smiled up at the two women and for a second Michele smiled back, surprised to see her lover sitting in her lounge. Then the absurdness of the situation hit her. "Mike! What are you doing here? How did you get...
Introduction: Couple Pays a rapist back for Raping their friend Introduction: A Rapist gets Raped I will be telling this through the first person Character Janet. __________________________________________________________________________________ My name is Janet and 11 years ago I was raped by a guy named Mark. Me and my ex husband at the time lived with him and his wife Gina in their Mobile Home just outside of Atlanta, Ga because we have no where to go. One night while everyone else was...
Chapter 1: Melanie’s Story Melanie made her way through the heard of partying college kids, most drunk, being that the party was well into the fourth hour mark. Melanie had only been there for about twenty minutes though, but already she was ready to leave. She wasn’t a big party girl, but didn’t mind them occasionally, however tonight she just wasn’t into it. She just wanted to get out of there, she was tired and the loud music was giving her a headache, but she had to find Poppy first, to...
I will be telling this through the first person Character Janet. __________________________________________________________________________________ My name is Janet and 11 years ago I was raped by a guy named Mark. Me and my ex husband at the time lived with him and his wife Gina in their Mobile Home just outside of Atlanta, Ga because we have no where to go. One night while everyone else was asleep, he grabbed me pushed me down and shoved his dick into my mouth. He made me gag so...
I am a professional rapist. Now I know what most people are thinking, "What is a professional rapist? That doesn't make any sense." Well, a professional rapist is just what it sounds like, someone who rapes people for money. In other words, people pay me to rape women. They have many different reasons for coming to me: revenge, rage, wanting to break the victim, or just knowing that that woman they see every day has been violated. How does it work? It's simple, really. You...
The next morning I was up before Sean. I snuck out of the bedroom and made coffee. I made bacon and toast and put them in the oven so that when Sean got up I would only have to cook the eggs and breakfast would be ready. Sean had put in a lot of long days in the past week and he was really tired. It was another hour before I heard him moving around. I poured him a cup of coffee and got the eggs out. By the time he got to the table breakfast was ready. We ate and talked and then, after I...
Prologue My Dearest Starr, I cannot wait for you to visit the West Coast for your erotic adventure. I am dying to be your chaperon and guide you through all the naughtiness we can find and make movies with you as the star. Or, at least actively participating. You have made my journey through the internet an amazing series of erotic adventures and I hope to do the same with the people of California when you arrive this weekend. I had a dream about you last night, which is why I am writing...
* Letters * mean they're stressed. LetTers mean their tone of voice is raised. _ Letters _ mean they're accented but not stressed. Members.home.net/dow75stories Gem Starr 01) "May This Blade Find Its Mark?" By Ron Dow75 [email protected] "Midnight of the Eve of a Full Moon," pronounced a green-eyed girl in a white robe and cowl. "Ere 24 hours hast passed, this spell shalt attain its fulfillment. May all who mock the White Goddess by cursed." "May the White Goddess...
The Girls of Club Cache: Starr Obsession [Part 1] By Diana Heche Part 1: Out of the Blue He flipped me onto my back. Grabbing me behind my knees, he opened my thighs wide. My legs, encased in black sheer suspender nylons, were unaccustomed to such treatment and ached in protest. As if he could sense their pain, he took a moment to take them in with a sweep of his eyes. They were long, shapely and curvaceous ending in a pair of highly pedicured feet sporting...
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reggie and the haunted clothes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Word gets around when you are good at what you do. Other agencies were hearing about this very good investigator who had a turn of bad luck and was now taking the unusual stuff, things that a police investigation team wouldn't want to work on because of the "TG" factor. Lets face it, most policemen are...
“Hey John, I am getting an early parole. I’ll be out in two weeks! Can I stay with you?” With that one phone conversation John knew that his life was about to change. Again. He had not heard the voice on the phone for over five years now. A lifetime for both of them. Ronald had been convicted of the brutal rape and abduction of a prominent Senator’s daughter. What idiot would be stupid enough to let him out after only 5 years? Now he wanted to come stay with John and...
Detective Mike Harris lay on his bed masturbating; his cock was encased in the tan pantyhose Nadine Bouvier had discarded after he had raped her. He had the gusset of the hose over his head and was inhaling the scent the juices of her cunt had left on the hose. He had one of the legs of her pantyhose pulled tight over his cock. He came and a puddle of white creamy semen oozed through the sheer nylon stretched tightly over his glans. He wiped up the mess and dropped the garment into a drawer...
Let me explain myself, as my mom and I seem to be the only normal people in this god-forsaken town. My name is Nicole, but I usually go by Nyx (you know? The goddess of night), I'm 16, Black hair, half White and half Hispanic, blue-grey eyes. I would say my ass is my best asset, just the right size and firmness, I'm skinny, and according to my (almost obese) physical education teacher, on the verge of anorexic. I have a D-cup breast's, with pink, velvet like nipples. My mom is a single...
"A re-enactment? Are you fucking crazy!" Michele Bouvier hissed into her phone. "Look, I know it's a big ask; but we have nothing to go on. Forensics is not giving us anything but maybe we can use a re-enactment to establish this guy's MO. What we record during the re-enactment may help convict this guy when we finally arrest him; a pattern of behaviour will add greatly to any circumstantial evidence we might gather," Mike pleaded. "But it won't be shown on TV, not on Crime Stoppers...
I’d heard about the rapist; that’s why I had my dad’s war souvenir with me that night. But I didn’t really expect to need it. I’d been carrying it every day since the second rape. Dad called it ‘the equalizer,’ and Mom couldn’t stand the sight of it. She made him lock it up; but he slipped it to me before I left for college. “You might need it,” he’d whispered. “Some of those athletes don’t know what...
LOVE LETTER TO MY FUTURE RAPIST Dear Rapist: If you find me here in the woods, PLEASE don't be nice and kind and make conversation first. That's what I dread the most. I am very serious about this.?? It's best for me if you break a thin sapling branch off a tree, a real thin one, a "switch". And when you come in, don't SAY anything. I'll be completely naked, just like I am now. Don't announce your name; I don't CARE who it is. I'd really rather not even know. I will put the keyboard...
Chapter 1: The Bunny-girl She was not one of my first; I had been perfecting my perversion for many years before her. No, she was just one of the most memorable and that's why I start with her. So why did I name her that? Was it her real name. Not. I spotted her one summer day working in her front flowerbed as I was on my way to a client. Her red hair almost glowed in the morning sun. It was beautiful, thick and waistlength, tied in two pigtails like big floppy ears. As I approached her...
It's kind of a funny story really. Not "Ha-Ha" funny. More like "No, oh god no, not that, please help meEEEEK!!" funny. Heh. I guess it's kinda whatchamacallit Ironical. But I'm getting ahead of myself. My name is Jaz. My real name is John, but you can call me Jaz. I'm a Rapeaholic (123, "HI JAZ!") Some of you may know me. I've been writing rape stories on the internet for years. Hardcore, nasty stuff. That's what I like. But they were just fiction for the most part. Oh some of...
My rapist finally left. I didn't even follow him out to lock the door. It hurt too much to walk. I undressed and hobbled into the bathroom and took a long hot bath. I soaked for half an hour. Then I dried off and followed the directions for the care of the new holes in my body. I was crying softly as I crawled under the covers and slept for several hours. I was physically exhausted. But I was even more exhausted emotionally. I needed to shut my mind off for a while. I woke up before Sean...
The room was completely silent as John Pressman finished speaking. He had just confessed to the brutal rape of over 15 young, attractive lesbian women on national television. He had laughed at the police, the DA's office and the judicial system. He bragged about how it felt to shove his 8 inch dick down an unwilling lesbian's throat, to look her in the eye while he fucked her face and she choked on his cock. The soft heavy feel as he fondled her jiggling tits. He loved the mixed smell of...
Kaisey hain aap sab. Main swati wapis hoon apney agle kissey ke saath. Aapney mujhey kaafi mailki mujhey acha laga lekin kaafi logo ney mujhey friend request bheji jo ki mujhey bilkul pasand nahin. Kaafi ladkiyon ki bhi farmaish thi ki main unki virginity todoon lekin saheliyon main koi ladka thodi naa hoon haan ye baat jaroor hai agr aap mere saath company karna chahti hain toh jaroor batayein. Main jaroor koshish karoongi commit nahi kar sakti. Kyunki agar mainey aisey kisi ka saath diya toh...
There is an interesting half-truth propagated about rapists. Experts almost consistently preach, "Rape is not about sex. Rape is about power." The experts will usually continue to point out that many rapists are actually impotent and bottles and such. Perhaps it comforts the feminists --some of whom also claim that pornography is not about sex--to think that rapists don't want to fuck them. Well, it is true that rape is about power--Those experts have no idea how arousing it is to have such...
Detective Mike Harris tipped up Michele Bouvier's black leather shoulder bag and spilled out the contents onto the desk in his bedroom. It was now two days since he raped Michele Bouvier in the railway station workshop but this was the first chance he had to explore the contents of her bag. He and detective sergeant Janine Munner had been busy working the Pantyhose Rapist case, waiting for the forensic evidence and poring over the statements they had taken. He knew that nothing would come...
On Tuesday, my wife called me around 2pm and inform me that we will be having dinner with the rapist in the prison from 6pm till 8pm. I reached around 5:30pm and my wife is already there. She was wearing her tight and short OL outfit. She was so sexy, nobody knows her age is 34 if they didn't ask. She look like 23yo-25yo with her baby face. Her body was still as slim, tight, her skin was so white and smooth. She spend lots of time in the gym and learn kickboxing too so her abs was stunning....
He thought about doing the rounds of the local bars, checking on the whores and all the other onerous duties of a new territories Sheriff but he couldn't be bothered, so he just sat there. Around three o'clock Jake Bannister arrived in a tearing hurry, "Sheriff, Sheriff, come quick, Widder Mason been raped!" "You sure?" he asked, "Why she has to be fifty and she bigger round than a barn door!" "In the night Sheriff," Jake explained. "You get a description?" he...
big bad wolf big bad wolf(or how I learned to love my rapist) In 1997 I was renting a house in north london, it was a mid-terrace and the walls were paper thin and the decor hadn't been touched since the seventies but the rent was cheap and I liked it, even if it meant turning the gas fire up on all four orange bars to heat the little place up in winter. It was set in a quiet cul-de-sac that lay behind a busy main road that was dotted with shops and had three local pubs. It was okay. I...
Rape fancies are improper, but wantonly arouse her … so what happens if her date is with me? …. From the moment I first heard her speak, I knew she would be a push-over. There was something about that lightweight squeaky voice. Servile. Cowering. Deferential to power. Oh, my sweet little five foot two princess, you didn’t know it, but you were going to endure one of the most intense and humiliating episodes of your life. And I’ll bet you’ll love ever second and you’ll be my best one...
The rest of the week was normal. Just like a regular life! I wasn't raped again. No strange men came to my home and abused me. Sean and I still made love every night. Except that now, taking his cock into my mouth and throat for seconds had become a part of our routine. I didn't mind. I liked that I could please him. And it assuaged my guilt. I couldn't help feeling guilty for allowing myself to submit to that man, my rapist. On Friday we went out for dinner to celebrate Sean's promotion...