The Girls Of Club Cache: Starr Obsession [Part 2] free porn video

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The Girls of Club Cache: Starr Obsession [Part 2] By Diana Heche Part 2: Into the Black Time shot by like a rocket! I had now been living in this house with Lena for nearly three weeks. She had two other roommates, the first (whom I've only seen pictures of.) was a Brazilian of impossible beauty named Jazz. Jazz was apparently back in her home country on a vaguely described trip of some kind that no one would detail at length. The second roommate, was a six-foot Amazonian beauty, I had met at the club a couple of times that went by the name Darcy. Save for the blond hair, Darcy was unlike Lena in most ways possible. Lena, while a woman of strong sexual appetite, was quiet and thoughtful. Darcy was bold and outspoken, if something came to her mind she said it. While both were beautiful, Lena didn't go out of her way to attract attention. Darcy on the other hand enjoyed all eyes upon her. On the first night of my stay, Darcy came home late as I sat at the kitchen table (I was still dressed and energized from that afternoon's sexual encounter with Lena ) sipping more coffee. Darcy registered no surprise at seeing me, and said simply, "Picked up another stray I take it?" I was embarrassed, uncomfortable and quite certain Darcy did not welcome my presence. I stammered with an unusual lack of confidence that I would take off. "Nonsense," the statuesque beauty assured me. Just so I didn't miss the point, that night while I was reading in bed she entered my room boldly and naked - without even a hello - placed her hand lightly over my mouth so I wouldn't bore her with protestations or pleasantries. Like a hungry animal she then spread my legs and, in various positions throughout the night, pumped me, quite recreationally and indifferently, for hours. Once she had finished, leaving sperm messily spewed about my bed. She left without a single word. I took this as her way of saying, "welcome". Nevertheless, this particular afternoon, three weeks after that and several other "welcome" calls, we were gathered around the television set. It was nearly three o'clock in the afternoon but both Lena and Darcy when in robes. The night before they had gone to check out a new t-girl club named "The Apple" which was all the rage. They must have enjoyed it, because I was awake eating breakfast at 7:00am when the returned. In the three weeks since I had gone into a state of hiding things had gotten worse in my former life. I was, as I expected, the fodder of television gossip, ridicule and scorn. I was even placed in the rarefied air of having the Reverend Jerry Falwell mention me by name and curse my lifestyle. But as a former major executive in the television industry, I was considered to be more than fair game. People who weeks ago, didn't know my name were using it as a synonym for perversity. My lawyers, in conjunction with Childvision's attorneys and public relations people, had issued denials and spins questioning the very legitimacy of the pictures, even as they knew they were real. My wife had been slammed with a court order keeping her from speaking on the matter at all or issuing further pictures, under severe penalty, even as she denied being their source. Facing the specter of a long drawn out legal battle, in the form of a twenty-two page legal agreement, she agreed to deny the validity of the pictures completely in exchange for a quick and dirty divorce settlement in which she would come out very well. The damage was done! People can smell the difference between a legal fix and the truth. In the court of public opinion, media accusations equaled guilt. As we watched today's edition of "Access Hollywood", the block of time usually reserved for light banter and stars endless self promotion was dedicated to me. More specifically how this influenced the image of a network dedicated toward children. This Hollywood fodder was only part of the big picture! How it impacted the price of stock was the domain of the financial channel, CNBC, and would be debated two hours from now. How you could tell if the white shirted red tied executive in your office was a "perv" in the bedroom, was the domain of the afternoon tabloid fueled talk shows such as Jerry Springer. He would be discussing me promptly at three. It was, to my great chagrin, the talk of the town. I wanted to change the channel, but I was compelled to know what is being said about me, whether good, or in this case, terrible. As this un-spooled, Lena watched the program with growing concern. While I had explained to my housemates the gravity of my situation, they did not understand fully how big this really was until I began showing them the constant shark feed. She now could see why I chose their home, so far off the beaten path, and their world, so shrouded in illusion and secrecy, to hide. As this, un-spooled Darcy watched the program with growing illumination. She had not paid much attention to me on the couple of occasions that I had met her at the club. Well-dressed guys with nice shoes and nice watches (the things she looked for to determine a man's social status) were a dime a dozen. Currently, I occupied the sole position of being a better option than masturbation when she came home tipsy from the club. Now it dawned on her, that the Lexus SUV hidden under the drop cloth in the garage was owned and not leased, that my shoes were not designer knock offs, but the real thing. That the severance settlement I was going to receive would be in the hundreds of thousands, if not low millions. She now viewed me as a source of great potential income. Nevertheless, for both women, it was surreal to have this unfold before their eyes, to hear about how I had apparently gone into hiding, and to sit beside me as the people hiding me as this entire thing played out. It was Darcy who spoke up during the commercial. "Wow, guy. You're as fucked as anyone I've ever seen. Not to mention the press is hunting you like a rabbit. What are you going to do?" "Not sure really. I was hoping to press upon your good graces for awhile, then figure it out. Then once this reasonably blows over, go back into the world and get on with my life." "What life?" Lena interjected, "I'm not sure you were watching the same things we have, but you seem to be the poster child for deviation. Maybe you're too close to this, but you're up the creek. I don't think you have a life any more to be honest." I nodded contemplatively. In my heart, I knew this statement was true. I knew this before I had even arrived on Lena's doorstep. There was no other life for me. I know running television, and I knew it damn well. It was my reputation as a sharp behind the scene guy, which got me the job at the fledgling network in the first place. But of course, I had no reputation now. Darcy took the conversation to lengths that I had not, and would not have, contemplated before. "Look, you clean up well enough," this was her way of saying that I was adequately attractive in my female personae, "and you have enough cash to basically retire modestly if you choose, right? Even at your very young age. Did you ever consider coming over?" Coming over, I had learned along with a dictionary's worth of alternate t-girl lingo, meant taking steps to move into the world of living as a girl. It usually involved surgery, often hormones. Darcy, who now beginning to see me as a large wallet, knew that "coming over" would keep me in their world, and most probably, in their house. "No, actually I haven't." I answered a bit taken aback, "Don't take this the wrong way, because I know you guys don't like to ... or don't feel it necessary to talk about it, but I can't figure out why someone goes over. I used to think it was the idea of being a man trapped in a woman's body. Many of the girls don't have, or don't want, sexual reassignment surgery. In fact..." I paused putting this delicately "with the frequent use of many.... of the girl's penises ... in many ways they have the appetite of men." "Your mistake is this," said Lena settling her voice into lecture mode, "you are assuming a uniformity in a community where there is little except appearance. There are many reasons boys become girls. Some boys were born the wrong sex and need vaginas. Some boys were born the wrong sex, but understand losing the penis is far too traumatic, even if in every other way they are women. Some boys just want to be boys with the look and behavior of women. Some are confused and gay. So, for some it is an internal adjustment, for others it is nothing more than a look - and as you can imagine, everything in between." Darcy leapt in, "We went to a new club last night that was pretty hot. We'll take you ... or Starr, actually ... with us tonight, and let you take a look around. Maybe you'll understand what Lena is talking about." Going out with these girls thrilled and frightened me. I was certain I wasn't ready. In the back of my mind I had a nagging thought: was I just being silly, or were they trying to convince me to actually switch genders? The girls spent a great deal of the evening replicating the professional make up and prosthetic work that went into transforming me into a woman. I had slipped into the Starr personae on more than one occasion since I arrived, albeit not very frequently. However, this was no normal transformation, if there were such a thing to begin with. The girls having decided they were having no part of a "Plain Jane" being seen with them, decided to "sex me up". Moreover, when they were done I was dressed like a woman who was aware of, and reveled in, her sexuality. I was sporting a tight shiny black skirt made of an almost liquid like material, which shimmered and reflected the light at my every move. My corset was pulled tight so my curves were realistic and shapely. I wore a very tight black top, which went all the way up to my neck, and was opaque with a see through mesh panel to show off the cleavage area. I slipped a breast pad on the inside of my bra, and in a see through pocket built into the bra, I put another silicone breast form, which could also be clearly seen through the mesh. With the extra padding, it gave the illusion that I had very large breasts and was wearing nothing but a see through bra to cover them. Although I knew how the illusion was created, and these were my breasts, it made me aroused with lust. I could imagine what affect it would have on others. To round out the outfit, the girls had me wear a pair of high black clear platforms, what I used to call stripper shoes, with shiny patent leather straps. In my sheer black suspender hose, they looked fantastic. To finish it off I borrowed one of Darcy's wigs, unused and unneeded for years, which was lustrous, long and blond. Standing together, we all looked at ourselves in the mirror. I was looking very good, I had to admit, even in the company of these extraordinary beauties. I was, of course, not as spectacular as they were (very few women were) but in the hot clothes they put me in, understanding the look intrinsically more so than even the make up expert Josephine who originally transformed me, they drew attention away from my weaknesses to my strengths. Certainly, I was not quite ready to fool Miss America judges in broad daylight, but I was damn sure ready for a t-girl club at night. For the first time in my life, I know what it was like to be hot. The club the girls brought me to, Apple of My Eye, known simply as The Apple and Club Cache were a study in contrast. Club Cache was an environment, by t-girls for t-girls. It was a place where the "A-list" t-girls, performers, she-male porn stars, and top line prostitutes went to show off their goods. Cache had the reputation of being able to make even the most skeptical man understand the lure of a girl with a "little something special underneath". It was a large dance club, with tables surrounding the floor, where the regular royalty of this surprisingly structured world held court (encouraging, dismissing suitors and potential sexual partners with as little fanfare as one accepts or sends back a meal.) Those who dressed part time, or were not as put together, were - while treated nicely - relegated to a secondary role. The Apple, however, was a club, not specifically for t-girls, but one that welcomed them as part of the fabric of a very wildly eclectic mix. The club was filled with off beat styles, many based upon current fashion ripped off from Japanese popular culture. Some of the males were in various forms of female attire making no attempt whatsoever to appear female otherwise - a skirt with regular clothing here; slacks, nice shirt and high heels there. Some guys were in complete female make up and male clothing, some full time girls like Lena and Darcy were sprinkled liberally throughout. The Apple, additionally, was not half as dark as Cache and the music strayed away from what I had dubbed the "t-girl classics" - music sharing a common base with gay disco - and was rock and dance oriented. We arrived to find a waiting line which rivaled Studio 54 in its 80's hey day, partially due to popularity verses its small interior. We were let in straight-away as the club had a policy that all girls - born that way or not - were let in immediately for free. Darcy and Lena, two of the most attractive women there, were able to move about laugh and enjoy the attention. I noted quickly that missing from this crowd was the high density of t-girl admirers (of which I was admittedly one) changing the over all feel of the club to give it less of a meat market of intense longing, feel. Often in Cache, the men are not there to have fun, but to extinguish a long burning sexual need. Another notable difference was the genetic girls. In Cache, the genetic girls were either adversarial, over-fawning, or viewing the entire scene through the lens of camp, but here the interaction t-girls and g-girls was more normal. For me, it was perfect! I looked hot and was getting attention from girls and boys who were interested in dancing and getting to know me better, if not intimately. Unlike Club Cache, where t- girls without implants, who could not sound like women, or housed any of the many apparent non female like attributes, were relegated to the back of the bus, here it did not seem to matter. Not a single soul asked if my breasts were real. The three of us found a table near the back where we could sit and observe. Darcy and Lena were instantly chatted up by two goateed young hipsters; and a boy in pants that looked like he was ready take a space walk, sat by me and bought me several drinks. Talking with him I found him to be very pleasant, bright and extremely open-minded. As I continued to drink (he was buying me refills as soon as my glass was close to empty. ) I became more susceptible to his charm, of which he oozed. I'm not sure if it was because he looked at me with such obvious admiration for my looks, or if my encounters of being penetrated by Darcy and Lena had permanently blurred my idea of sexuality, but for the first time, I wanted a boy to have me. Thad, as he had introduced himself earlier, was either extremely perceptive or he knew the drinks he was plying me with were working. After a bit more conversation, he asked me if I'd ever seen the "smoking" lounge here. He waved his fingers indicating the quotes at the word "smoking". I explained to him that this was my first time here, and I wasn't even aware of the club's existence as short as this morning. He reached under the table, held my hand for a moment, then beckoned me to stand and follow him. I wasn't quite sure what was happening, but I was having a good time and was a more than willing explorer. As I stood Lena looked up quickly and carried on with her conversation, but Darcy gave me a knowing glance. I wonder what it was exactly that she knew? Toward the Apple's back bar was a door, which looked like it could lead into a kitchen. We swung those doors open to find ourselves in a glassed in patio like enclosure. It looked as though it was once an eating area, but now used to store giant man sized vases. It was a decent size patio, populated densely with huge vases, (far taller than I in my heels even) with heavy plastic foliage. They were aligned in the middle forming a small pathway, with others shooting off against the wall in such a fashion that small alcoves were formed. It was cool from lack of light and partial outdoor ventilation. We were not alone here! Even trying their best to be quiet, the sounds of sexual encounters could be heard. The smell of sex; all kinds of sex, wafted on the air. The set up of the giant vases meant we had to walk past others engaged in sexual congress, which for someone like me was shocking and momentarily uncomfortable. There were couplings of every orientation, some of whom ignored us as we walked past, some who studied us intently despite being in the middle of their carnal acts. We found a cut-away and Thad pressed against me, kissing me, exploring, shoving his tongue deep into my mouth. I was aroused! My tucked penis was growing quickly in my panties. He took my hand and placed it in his pants. My brain screamed with protest - over this and the entire situation - but my desire was stronger. I wrapped my fingers around his stiff and waiting hard on. Consumed with desire, I practically tore open his pants to free his waiting cock. Hungrily, I dropped to me knees and shoved it down my throat, pressing my lips tightly, pulling my mouth back and forth feeling him grow even harder in my mouth. I worked his dick in and out of my mouth, rolling his balls between my fingers. Standing up I pressed the taste of his cock back into his mouth in a lip to lip kiss. Thad used his free hand to reach under my skirt, and pull at my panties - not so much to actually remove them, but to indicate that I should do so. I stepped out of my panties, and feeling a bit uncomfortable, removed my fake hips and ass pad shorts. Thad, perhaps a veteran of such sights, wasn't phased. He spun me around even as he worked frantically to slip a lubricated condom on his hard shaft. To brace myself for his oncoming rear entry, I angled myself between a giant vase and the outside wall. Through a small gap between the vase and the outside patio wall I found myself eye to eye with a woman who was, as I was about to be, taking it from behind. I was about to move, but somehow we were bonded in a strange union - the outrageous situation of two ... women ... about to please men quietly in the corner of a public place. For that moment in many ways, we were the same. Thad pushed against me, entering slowly and gently - working his way into my tight waiting hole. I closed my eyes, breathing rapidly and grunting a little louder than I wanted to. Thad's lubricated cock slid in and out as his hand ran gently down my suspender stocking. In my ear he whispered how lovely I was, and that, I was a hell of a woman. With the palm of his hand, he pressed my cock against me and moved it up and down, whispering hotly that he was going to rub my clit until I came. I moaned with desire panting with each thrust and each rub. I opened my eyes to find the woman I was inches from eyeing me intently as we both got fucked. It was a look of ... sharing almost ... and once our eyes locked, I couldn't pull my eyes away hers. She pushed her face into the gap until her lips could reach barely reach mine. She gave me a quick light kiss and her breathing increased as she exploded in an orgasmic climax. Quickly she shoved her hand to her mouth and bit down as not to scream out in this small patio filled with people. As she closed her eyes in orgasm, I clenched my butt cheeks hard and felt Thad explode inside of my ass, jerking as each wave of sperm flowed powerfully from his shaft. I too shot my load over his hand, which was now sweaty with effort and desire. The woman's eyes were back open and staring at me. The light sounds of sex in the background obscured what she whispered. I was certain it was "I know you! I want you!" I was about to whisper something back when her face disappeared. Thad was a gentleman, making sure there were no tell tale signs of our encounter and leading me back to the table. We talked for a while, and I took his number explaining I never gave out mine - which in the current environment of my troubles was more than true. Darcy eyed me with a strange degree of smug satisfaction. Lena was too drawn into her conversation to probably even be aware that I had been gone for long. I spent the remainder of the night looking over Thad's shoulder for the girl I was in a bonding union with, during sex. At closing, the girls dismissed their suitors, by, like me, getting their phone numbers with no real intention to call. They seemed generally charged and upbeat from the change in atmosphere from Cache and talked about it on the way home. "It's nice to have somewhere to go where you can be yourself," Lena and Darcy both could go anywhere they wanted, and often did, without their true gender being known unless they chose to reveal it. However, both women had veracious sexual appetites and often preferred places where no surprises had to be sprung. Lena yawned as she spoke, it had been a fun but taxing night, "I mean you want to be around your people, but sometimes the t-girl world feels awful small. Same handful of clubs." Darcy nodded in agreement, and turned to me, "Not such a bad lifestyle after all is it? We have quite a bit of fun, trust me. Throw a pair of breasts in that chest of yours, maybe a little other work, and you could be quite a lady there Starr. And there are plenty of boys like you met tonight, and lots of girls - t- girls and otherwise, that would want to love you a long time." at this statement I blushed, "You get to be in the driver or passenger seat, its up to you. Maybe you should come over?" Come over. Maybe it was the glow of my sexual encounter and sexual bonding with the mystery girl; or perhaps the way I looked, and the looks I got tonight, but I considered it. I seriously considered it! Two more weeks went by in a blur of clubbing and sex. I, as Starr, was becoming more accomplished and getting to be more feminine. Prior to living with the girls, I never consider mannerisms and other details when I was in female form, except in the very general sense, like crossing my legs, because it never seemed to matter. Now that I was becoming more confident and began to crave the attention I was becoming accustomed to, I fell further and further into the role. As I became better at being a woman it became a drug to me. I no longer just craved the attention and the encounters, I began to need them. Genetic girls have time to grow into their role, and girls like Lena and Darcy are long accustomed to being objects of desire. However, for me it was the new crack cocaine! I spent hours getting ready, to make myself perfect, and more and more cursed the imperfections that made me look even vaguely male. When I went to the clubs, I began to feel as though I was in competition with all of the other girls. I, being friends with Darcy and Lena, sat in the chairs of club royalty, but was often given looks by others that said I didn't belong there ... after all did I have breasts, did I have an ass and hips? Every admirer in the club who fawned over someone else and not me, made me a bit jealous, although I sometimes was getting more attention that I could deal with. I wanted it all - I wanted to be THE queen of the room. Saturday night we sat at our table. It was midnight and time for the "drag" performance. T-girls of all kinds came out to strut their stuff and dance, sing and perform to music. This was the most crowded point of the night and all eyes were upon the sleek beauties enthralling the crowd. The end of the performance, each girl got a rousing set of applause. Admirers flocked over them with desire when it was all over. As I sat in my chair, I decided that this is the kind of attention I wanted - I deserved. I eyed the girls getting the attention that - in ever increasing state of craving desire - and determined that it was supposed to be me. I wanted to be the absolute belle of the ball, have people throw themselves at me to do with as I wished. However, I wasn't going to be able to do it without committing myself. It was that Saturday night, five weeks after I first left my old life that I made the decision. I had reams of money, I was going to acquire myself the best female body surgery could buy.

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Gem Starr 45 Familiar Traitors

Gem Starr 4-5: Familiar Traitors By Ron Dow75 {Teal put a lesbian love spell on Dianne; but Jim spoiled it by becoming a girl himself, thanks to a stolen UFO. At the moment, he doesn't know he's in love, because he's too disturbed over his own ruined plans.} 4: Familiar, and Best Forgotten In the middle of the night, an attractive girl in a "UCLA" varsity sweater and nothing else covering her bare legs was out in the alley behind some houses. "Being an action star's all...

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Violet Starr 1500 245000

Porn is one of the top forms of entertainment available to mankind. Even a hypocritical sob can't deny the fact that seeing a beautiful chick gets fucked is pleasurable to watch. If the fucker denies it, put him in front of a screen that has a beauty like Violet Starr riding a dick to orgasm. His raging hard cock will serve enough proof of how entertaining porn is.Porn has become more accessible than ever before thanks to the innovation of the internet.Social media has also made it easier to...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Natalia Starr 1500 741000

If you are a fan of Natalia Starr, then you owe it to her to follow this wonderful piece of walking art. Yes, she’s technically a walking piece of meat art. But really, so am I. If you have seen me flex and get my dick sucked on some of the videos I’ve touted on ThePornDude, you would know what I am fucking talking about!But that brings us to our discussion about the one and only Natalie Starr. If you want to follow her and see everything that she is fucking up to on her official Twitter...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Hi guys, I have a feeling most of you are too young to remember the comic with Brenda Starr, ace reporter for Chicago Tribune and totally hot redhead who always showed a bit of leg and some cleavage. Well I do I have been wanting to use her in a story for a while. So her is my take for the stunning beauty. Oh I have purposefully left the time period vague and whether China is now Communist or not.  [email protected] HAVE NO IDEA WHO OWNS BRENDA STARR. I DID SOME LOOKING BUT IT SEEM SEVERAL...

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Gem Starr 23 A Starr Appears

Gem Starr 2-3: A "Starr" Appears By Ron Dow75 [email protected] Gem Starr 2: A Witch's Brew "What's going on?!!" Jim, now a cutie (and knew it by the feel) with bright orange hair and eyes (which he didn't know) screamed, he was on the ground except for the upper part of the body raised up by the forearms. "Who's out there?!" The back door but not the screen door opened. The dining room's but not the kitchen's lights were on, barely silhouetting the figure. "Are you all...

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The Adventures of Reggie Starr Book 23

The Adventures Of Reggie Starr Book 2 - Chapter 3. The City of New Orleans. I was in the company of Mary Kate Bishop, Marine Body guard, extra ordinary. (I was not a slouch myself.) My problem was not that anyone could hurt me, but that I would hurt someone. That has a habit of bringing attention to us. That is not good. The way we were going to look was going to send the NSA into spasms of regret in giving me that stupid security clearance. I was going to have a good...

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The Adventures of Reggie Starr Book 28

The adventures of Reggie Starr Book 2.8 The continuation of "The Haunted Clothes" You readers are going to ask how Reggie got this call? Remember the TG groups in Memphis? Lets go back and fill you in. Well, one of our "sisters" managed to go through Reassignment Surgery and was now post op. She soon discovered the problem with be a TS. She could not find work. While she was a really good engineer, she couldn't find a job anywhere. She would not hook or hustle. She did...

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The Adventures of Reggie Starr 29

The adventures of Reggie Starr Book 2.9 The continuation of "The Haunted Clothing" Reggie Starr is an unusual person. She could sense things. She wasn't a super human. She couldn't lift cars or stop bullets. She just knew things. She could fight. She could momentarily read minds. And She knew when bad things were going to happen. Otherwise, Reggie Starr bleed like everyone else in the world. But now, she was up against spirits who were determined to kill. Their advantage...

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The Adventures of Reggie Starr Book 1

The following is the beginning of a serial, which will continue as stand alone books. Just for the record, I know much about the subject as I was in a much similar environment. This character is a mixing of several police investigators I have known over the years. Here is the first book in the series. I have tried to keep the sex and violence to a minimum. I have been trying to keep an ?R? rating. That means, no one under 18 should read this. If you are 18 and do read this,...

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The Adventures of Reggie Starr Book 25

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reggie Star must Die! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The trick here was to do this without getting anyone else killed. That was going to be tricky as there were too many loaded people with the drug in their blood stream thanks to mass marketing. My plan was simplicity itself. Set me up in a club and set the place up so it can be defended. ...

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The Adventures of Reggie Starr Book 24

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 4 World Domination Incorporated -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The flight from Japan was going to take 12 hours. The 3-man flight crew, 2 pilots and one attendant, all men, were going to take the small jet, and 20 passengers from Japan to the States. I don't understand this pilot mumbo Jumbo, but the story was...

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The Adventures of Reggie Starr Book 27

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reggie and the haunted clothes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Word gets around when you are good at what you do. Other agencies were hearing about this very good investigator who had a turn of bad luck and was now taking the unusual stuff, things that a police investigation team wouldn't want to work on because of the "TG" factor. Lets face it, most policemen are...

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Starr Search Ch 00

Prologue My Dearest Starr, I cannot wait for you to visit the West Coast for your erotic adventure. I am dying to be your chaperon and guide you through all the naughtiness we can find and make movies with you as the star. Or, at least actively participating. You have made my journey through the internet an amazing series of erotic adventures and I hope to do the same with the people of California when you arrive this weekend. I had a dream about you last night, which is why I am writing...

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Gem Starr 01 May This Blade Find Its Mark

* Letters * mean they're stressed. LetTers mean their tone of voice is raised. _ Letters _ mean they're accented but not stressed. Gem Starr 01) "May This Blade Find Its Mark?" By Ron Dow75 [email protected] "Midnight of the Eve of a Full Moon," pronounced a green-eyed girl in a white robe and cowl. "Ere 24 hours hast passed, this spell shalt attain its fulfillment. May all who mock the White Goddess by cursed." "May the White Goddess...

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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 18 The Cache

I had been in deep space before and knew how cold space was. Yet standing here on that frozen plane with these bizarre tooth or needle-shaped rock formations, with a bright star just over the horizon giving it all a bluish shine, made it look colder than anything I had seen before and I came off a very cold world myself. Not that I felt any of it, I wore a disguised Atas battle suit, made to look like a piece of undefinable alien hardware and I also wore Tyron Suit. While he assured me I...

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The Devils Pact Tales from the Best Buy Incident Obsession

Introduction: Ever since the Best Buy Orgy, all Veronica can think about is the strangers cock that gloriously fucked her. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 The Devils Pact, Tales from the Best Buy Incident: Obsession Note: This takes place three weeks after the Best Buy Incident, following Veronica Beckam and her obsession. Wednesday, June 19th, 2013 Oh, Veronica! Marshal, my husband, gasped as he pumped away at my pussy. Im gonna cum! Yes, yes, Im...

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Obsession Part 1

This story is purely fictional and deals with a lot of extreme bizarre body modifications, punishment and humiliation. If you don't like this sort of stuff, you might want to skip this one. For those of you who do like this type of story, I hope you enjoy! OBSESSION By Big Boob Sissy My name is John and I'm a 46 year old male. Since I was old enough to understand sexuality and the attraction of boys to girls, I quickly became a "Tit man". I found them to be sensual and...

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My Obsession

My Obsession, Part 1 By Ricky Saturday, May 4 Well, I?ll be damned. Jake managed to throw a surprise party for my 18th birthday and I didn?t have a clue what he was doing. The party was great, Jake?s folks don?t hang around and make you feel like a criminal when he throws a party. Lots of loot, my friends have good taste, but the best one was from Mary Ann. We?ve been seeing a lot of each other lately, and I think she?s a bomb. She?s the school radical, always...

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Obsession Chapter 1 Obsession

What happens when lust becomes an obsession? As human beings, our lust for things we cannot have is undeniable. We crave for sensations we are not allowed, and desire lovers we shall never have. Our senses trick us, and lie to us - confusing us and making us believe we can have these forbidden fruits. However, should we give into this temptation, dark reprecussions await us... ------------------------------ Obsession Chapter 1 Obsession ------------------------------ This is part one...

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Spunk Obsession

I can remember the exact day when my fascination with male sperm started. It was a week after my eighteenth birthday. I was out with my first, serious boyfriend in his father's old Ford. He had passed his test a few days before and this was our first time out together in the car, we felt so grown up.When he drove into a small wood and turned off the engine, I knew what was on his mind, and that was sex. I was somewhat naive about the subject, but knew enough about the birds and bees to know...

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My Wonderful Obsession Part 52

My Wonderful Obsession Part 52: Happy Endings Well, it's now been six whole years since I began relating my story ... and here I am, no longer what you or I could call a 'young woman' - most unfortunately. Like, I'm halfway to seventy-two, for heaven's sake! And there are these disgusting wrinkles starting to appear next to my eyes and mouth (Mark calls them laugh lines). Ugh! Bring on the anti-wrinkle cream! Aging definitely sucks. Being a girl like me for whom appearance...

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My Wonderful Obsession 15

My Wonderful Obsession Part 15: The Great Outdoors It was now over a month since I'd 'changed sex' for the summer. Guess what - it didn't take me more than a week to get settled into my new routine. No surprise there - I already had a lot of practice! What did surprise me was how quickly Mom got with the program and just called me Sandra. I decided that this name suited me better in casual situations that Alexandra - not only did it save two syllables but I loved how nice it sounded...

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My Wonderful Obsession 37

My Wonderful Obsession Part 37: A Truly Awful Week Somehow I managed to drag myself out of bed and get together with Kath for a late breakfast, the day after the cast party. I was beginning to appreciate why there was an age restriction for drinking alcohol! As anticlimactic as the week following the show promised to be, at least there was ONE thing to look forward to - the end of the school year, and the end of high school. FREEDOM! Maybe it was just because the end was imminent,...

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My Obsession

My Obsession - By Stats Why did it have to happen to me? My crossdressing should never have been a problem to anyone. For years I appeared only in the empty streets and only when it was dark. I would not have gone outside except that I just couldn?t get over the thrill of being a female, feeling the summer breeze on my nyloned legs, being forced to walk in short steps because of my high heels and tight skirt, feeling the jiggling of my false breasts on my chest, having my long...

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Oral Obsession

She came into my life in the most unusual way.  I was an IT manager, and she was the damsel in distress.  Ok, so maybe not so exceptional, but definitely memorable. I got the call around one-thirty in the afternoon on a Friday.  I had been planning to take off early, so I was a little pissed when the call came through.  The boss man made it clear, though.  I needed to take care of this issue personally.   I walked into her office, and all I saw was ass.  I couldn’t help it.  She had the...

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Growing Obsession

Some time ago I met emorymed on xhamster. It all started with an exchange of messages after I had commented on one the videos that he had posted. about that video tapped into some deep feeling that were just emerging in my life. It was a time when I was going through a stage of experimenting with my sexuality. I was intrigued by the xhamster site and I would peruse the different things that...

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My Obsession 2 How I Spent My Summer Vacation

My Obsession, Part 2 - How I Spent My Summer Vacation By Ricky This is a sequel to "My Obsession". You might want to read it first. Monday, July 8 I could hear the water singing in the pipes as Mary Ann took her shower. I had just gotten out of the shower myself. My body was dry but my crew cut was still a little bit damp. I stood in my bathrobe, eyes still glazed with sleep, a bra dangling from my hand. MY bra. A bra like I have worn every day for the past couple of...

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The Club Part1

Gail had invited over a few friends for the late summer BBQ. As the afternoon turned to evening most of the food had been eaten, and peoples attention turned to alcohol. As the drinks flowed people began to relax. At around 11pm there was only a few party goers left. They were the hosts Gail and Matt, Gail's Sister Karen and her husband Rob, and Becky and her husband Chris.The guys were all drinking beer and chatting about the football results, while the girls drank spirits and just chatted...

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The Girls Only Club

The Girls Only Club by Pamela ([email protected]) Chapter 1 At lunchtime recess one day in late spring, Blake casually strolled to a large garden of rose bushes planted on the far side of the school yard. The other eighth grade boys normally never went there since they preferred to hang out near the school building playing ball games or huddling together in noisy groups teasing each other and roughhousing as boys are wont to do. Normally Blake would be with them, but this...

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The Devils Pact Tales Obsession

Edited by Master Ken Note: This takes place three weeks after the Best Buy Incident, following Veronica Beckam and her obsession. Wednesday, June 19th, 2013 "Oh, Veronica!" Marshal, my husband, gasped as he pumped away at my pussy. "I'm gonna cum!" "Yes, yes, I'm coming too!" I lied, squeezing my pussy down on his cock, and shrieking loudly. I could feel my husband's cum spilling inside me, warm, thick, disappointing. "That was great, sugar," he moaned, kissing me on the...

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I was obsessed with Tina from the moment I first set eyes on her. She was petite, dark haired and had wonderful hazel coloured eyes that smiled at you. She wore plain clothes, no make-up and projected a “please don’t notice me” persona. I was immediately fascinated by Tina and wanted to go over and chat. The trouble was she was with her daughter and I was with my son and my wife, Jessica. It was the very first day of school for our four year olds and we were huddled together in the school yard,...

Straight Sex
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My Wonderful Obsession Part 41

My Wonderful Obsession Part 41: The Operation As my bruised, banged-up body slowly recovered from that vicious assault, my restless brain began to play all these negative thoughts about me as a person and what I was doing - or not doing - to get myself on track. I mean, could my screwed-up life be any more off the rails? Okay, so I wasn't doing any illicit drugs - so far - but it seemed as though I was going nowhere fast. For instance, both my best girlfriends started college that...

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Wildclub First Swingers Club Visit

Exactly a month has passed and, surprise-surprise, it is time again to look back and write down some words. Not only for you, dear readers, but also for future us to look back and remember…Experiences with Pamela and Maimu have taken more bold and adventurous. I remember that we both discussed we could also try sex with other couples if we cannot find the right female partner. Birgit was not very sure about it, but, as always, the topic needed some time to settle in. I have told her multiple...

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Obsession Lust and Perversion

CHAPTER 1 It’s a beautiful Spring morning in the southern San Juan mountains of Colorado. Alisha Moore-Braxton sits on the patio of her home, sipping a gourmet cup of coffee, watching the elk grazing in a pasture near her home. She is analyzing the events of her life that brought her here and wondering why and what made her do the things she has done. Alisha grew up on the Singletree Ranch near Alamosa, Colorado, the oldest child of Anne Moore and Robert (Bob) Moore. She has one...

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Natalie and Ruth Student and Lecturer A Tale Of Obsession

The summer break. Natalie is back home from uni.In her room undressing for bed, she can't get the video footage she has just watched with Eva out of her head. Now she wonders about the blonde teenage girl; the one who had been the centre of it all, how gorgeous she looked as they strung her up and readied her for a thrashing.And then those two equally beautiful girls, keen as terriers, given free rein with school cane and riding crop. And all for what? Merely depraved theatrics to titillate...

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Moms Obsession With Panties

Mom’s Obsession With Panties I was fourteen years old when I discovered my mother’s obsession with panties. She not only bought a new pair for every day but she kept the old used ones too. Maybe that should be, only used once panties. She also kept my sister’s used once panties. Erika was sixteen at the time. I had my suspicions but when I found the boxes of panties up in the attic I knew. They had dates on the outside of the boxes with Mom’s name on some, Erika’s name on some, and...

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Janets Obsession Chapter IV

Janet led Angela to a cosy, intimate wine bar which had been transformed from a musty basement of an old sandstone bank building to a chique establishment. The owners had tastefully decked out the interior of the bar in keeping with its heritage. It was one of the few places left in the city where one could enjoy a quiet drink along with a cigarette. Most of the other watering holes enforced a strict no-smoking policy within the premises which meant one would have to leave the building in order...

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A Devil Of A Deal A Story of Obsession and Fulfillment

A Devil Of A Deal A Story of Obsession and Fulfillment By Constance Grant (c) Copyright, all rights reserved by Constance Grant, 1999 Manasquan, NJ ([email protected]) This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to actual persons or events is unintended. So that no one is mislead, this short story earns a triple X rating, and contains a brutal rape told in the first person. However, all parties are over twenty-one, the sex is not incestuous, and I have PMS - so don't...

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My Wonderful Obsession 23

My Wonderful Obsession Part 23: Turning a Corner Miles had me scheduled for lunch-hours each day till Thursday, then Friday evening and two shifts on the Saturday of the upcoming long weekend. But I didn't have to work on the Sunday or Monday, which suited me just fine because my friends were talking about doing one last hiking outing before summer vacation came to an end. When I reported for work on my second day, I was surprised to discover that Miles wanted me to go it alone...

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My Wonderful Obsession 28

My Wonderful Obsession Part 28: It's All Downhill From Here Driving to the airport bright and early on December twenty-seventh, Mom and I found ourselves, once again, rehashing my 'situation' with the McCowans. "I still think you're worrying too much," she told me. "When they look at you they see a very pretty, very feminine girl, and they know their son loves you. Their daughter does, too. And I can tell that THEY'RE fond of you. If you have a condition that prevents you from...

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My Wonderful Obsession 32

My Wonderful Obsession Part 32: Shopping Adventures I know what you're thinking - that Sandra girl's SUCH a flake, isn't she? One minute she's pledging eternal love and commitment to her steady boyfriend, and the next she's coming on to the first good-looking guy that crosses her path. Then, when her whole world caves in, due to her own recklessness and naivet? no less, she decides her life is over and plays the victim card. But only until someone dangles another carrot in front of her, ...

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My Wonderful Obsession 42

My Wonderful Obsession Part 42: New Millenium, New Me Rob continued to prod me about coming to Keystone over the Christmas holidays, so I finally got off the pot, so to speak, and emailed him that I wanted to but just couldn't. Family obligations, work commitments, that sort of thing. Of course, those were just lame excuses. The real reason? To put it simply, I wasn't ready ... meaning, my body wasn't quite there yet, and as much as I longed to be with him again, I'm not sure my...

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