From Soccer To Sucker Pt.4 free porn video

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Chapter 4 In the early morning Jake was having a dream, a dream in which he stood at the side of the football field wearing that horrid princess dress. The girls were playing soccer behind him while he was facing the overly packed stadium, all his buddies and past dates sitting on the first rows, pointing and laughing at him. "Oh my I can't believe I ever had sex with such a sissy," "No wonder he lost to a girl, he looks way daintier than she does," "What a faggot, he's a disgrace to our team," Were all taunts he heard being shouted at him, the worst of which came from Sean, the one openly gay guy on their team. One who they all had given some shit at one point or another. "Hey sissy, want to go out? It's been too long since I've had a pretty bottom in my bed," He shouted grabbing a huge erection through his pants while the rest of his buddies cheered Sean on. Making matters even worse a strong gust of wind blew up his poufy skirt revealing the embarrassing panties he wore in all their glory and revealing a big tent caused by their sensuous feel for all too see. Instantly the crowd erupted in loud cheering, chanting all kinds or horrible names while Sean said. "I guess that's a yes princess," He laughed before the words getting drowned out by laughter, clapping and airhorns which seemed to fade into the sound of his alarm clock as he woke up with a loud horrified groan. Jake felt as though this mortifying nightmare was more of a vision of what would happen if he played mascot than anything else. It only enforced his strong feelings towards never ever letting anyone know about the fact that he had worn that dress. Going with what Valeria had demanded clearly was the better of the two options he had had, and given how horrid it had been that said a lot. With a strong shudder Jake got out of bed and out to his bathroom. He had to get ready for class and most importantly he really had to conquer his shame. Pushing it away yesterday hadn't really helped deal with it much as his nightmare had proven. It was essential for his image however that he went back to being his normal over confident self and then some. After all he had to appear more confident than ever even after his perceived success with Valeria. Fishing out his phone he had a quick read through the chat as he got dressed and tried acting as normal as possible on his way to class. The chat appeared to be a treasury of inspiration as he finally decided to settle on a ruse that would cover him for many encounters. After all with Valeria's insisting that he'd help the team out in more ways than just an announcement he was pretty sure yesterday wasn't their last meet up, as bad as that was. After she had made him wear that dress and deliver that horrid speech she was the last person in the world that he wanted to see ever again, but seeing her a lot would be inevitable, they did share a field and some classes after all. Her demands from yesterday would only add to that time he couldn't get out of seeing her. Steeling his nerves and trying his hardest to look completely chill Jake joined his buddies on the back rows of the class all of them instantly turned to him, curious about how his previous night had been as he brought them his well practiced ruse. "Oh it was kind of chill, we mainly talked about what she wanted in return for that bet, and it looks like the girls could use our help with their material and stuff a little. I'm sure we can miss some chips of our budget and I'll do them a favour and advertise their matches at the game, no big deal. It did seem to make Valeria incredibly happy and receptive though, but she's a difficult one. It'll take some time, but I'm making huge progress," Jake casually announced, covering all his bases to make it look like he was on a fast track into Valeria's panties while avoiding awkward future questions. While Jake was struggling to stay cool and keep a straight face Valeria was facing a similar issue with her friends. Only she had a hard time for a completely different reason. She couldn't let on just how fantastic yesterday had been. In part because she slightly felt bad for Jake thinking about what people might say if they found out. What she had done had been quite wrong, especially those videos, despite how good it had felt making them. Another part of it was the fact that she had nothing to hold over Jake if all of it came out now anyways. When asked about it all she really said was. "Oh it was quite alright, I brought forth our lack of decent material and such so Jake's going to chip in were needed to make our trainings and lives a little easier. He's also going to do some promotion of our games so I can't complain." Everyone thought it was great, but it wasn't all that spectacular so instead they reverted back to laughing and giggling as they recounted how she had destroyed Jake in the ring. It was one thing Valeria eagerly participated in. Their giggling in the front of the class didn't go unnoticed by Jake either as he cringed all the way through it, trying to maintain his composure. From their occasional looks at him and the sheer volume of their laughter Jake knew very well that they were gossiping about him and he was terrified that Valeria might have told the girls anything about last night. If that was the case then he had to know so he could hope to brace himself. Right as the class started he instantly sent a text to Valeria. "Did you tell them about yesterday?" he asked already dreading the answer, envisioning his whole reputation crumble down upon him as he became an outcast. "Don't worry your pretty head about it princess, I didn't tell them anything about your pretty dress or how you loved those delicate panties. Your secret is safe with me. We were just laughing about our show down in the ring and how hard you suck at soccer. All my friends seem to want me to challenge you again when a chance arrives, so do you care about making silly demands during practice this evening so I can beat you once more?" Valeria typed back with a big grin, she was really loving this. On one hand it was a huge relief that Valeria hadn't told anyone, on the other it was just another huge embarrassment. He couldn't help but blush lightly when she called him princess and reminded him of his embarrassing erection. He just hoped that none of his buddies saw his blush. It was a terrible situation he could only wish would grind to a halt, but he was helpless to stop it at all. After all the last thing he wanted was to make a scene in front of everyone, and even then there was no telling if Valeria would stop teasing him or not. The last thing he wanted was to spur her on to potentially call him princess in front of everyone. No all he could really do was suck it up and get through it hoping for the best. While Valeria's explanation made perfect sense Jake still couldn't help but worry every time he same one of her friends or acquaintances look at him and gossip. All he could do was try to remind himself that it was his soccer duel they were mocking and not yesterdays dress. Nevertheless he couldn't help but wonder if Valeria hadn't just lied to him and had told it after all. At least none of his buddies were any wiser as to what had really happened yesterday, not even those who had talked with some of the girls throughout the day. That did give him some hope that his secret wasn't out. They all seemed to still be on board with his version of what had happened, but even that was a problem to deal with. He had to act smug and chill about it, but it was all a huge lie and every time someone brought up yesterday and Valeria he had a small panic attack. He might have been used to bluffing and covering things up to make himself look a little better, but nothing quite this extreme. Despite all the tense and terrifying moments, being among his friends and others did help him deal with overcoming the sheer embarrassment of the day before. Little by little it became easier to keep up the fa?ade and maintain his lie. His ruse started coming to him more and more naturally, helping him return to his usual over confident self. Not quite completely yet, but close. Soccer practice that evening was also a huge help, it kept his head in the game rather than on his worries and despite his defeat in the showdown with Valeria, he was pretty good at the game. Of course Jake knew better than to do or request anything that might upset or even turn the girl's attention towards them. A practice match over the whole field would have been useful for their match on Saturday, but the last time he had requested that disaster had happened. Valeria on the other hand, emboldened by her last victory and spurred on by her teammates couldn't help but try and challenge Jake as she walked up to him during the last half hour of their training. "Hey Jake, me and the girls were thinking a match of sorts would be really good practice for Saturday. I was thinking about a mix and match like last time, I mean just claiming half the field wouldn't be fair as you guys also have a match on Saturday. Besides we can all learn a lot from one another don't you agree? So what do you say Jake are you and the guys game?" Valeria asked with a sweet smile, an excited glint visible in her eye. They both knew full well that Jake couldn't refuse if he didn't want it to end in another bet or worse, exposure of what had happened the day before. She had him right where she wanted to and she couldn't help but abuse her power a little, it just felt so great. She would have loved demanding the whole field like he had often done, but last time had been great, more players had been even better practice, besides it wouldn't have been fair to his teammates to get punished because their captain is an asshole. In the end they settled on two mixed teams, one led by Valeria, and another by Jake. The mix and match of talent brought forth two very balanced teams which lead to a relatively even match, one that was decided in the last couple of minutes by a tense duel between Valeria and Jake. Out on the big field he had had the better of her and just when it felt like she had been trapped she used the ace up her sleeve. "Move aside princess," She whispered, only loud enough for him to hear, but the shock and mortification was enough to throw him off his game enough to create an opportunity for her to make a good pass which ended in a tie breaking goal. With how everything had basically hinged on that last duel there was a lot of snickering going around both teams as Valeria had once again bested Jake, this time out on the big field. Of course no one knew what Valeria had said, and Jake couldn't exactly call her out on cheating either. Like last time he just had to endure while trying to save as much face as possible. Now that the practice match had ended both teams prepared to go their separate ways to their own dressing rooms, but not before Valeria walked right up to Jake. "Oh Jake, do you still have a minute? I would like to discuss something with you before you head home. Could you wait in front of our locker once you're done in yours?" She asked politely, fully aware of the looks she was getting from both teams. She wanted to show everyone she could boss Jake around on some level. Being on top in their social interactions gave her such a thrill and while it looked like that to the girls, she mistook the smirks from the guys for that same amusement, unaware of how Jake had spun the story towards them. To them it lend credit to Jake's story. It showed that he was successfully conquering Valeria on some level. Jake for his part just wanted to say no though. After last time with Valeria he really didn't want to talk to her any more, but he couldn't say no out of fear of what she might do and of course because it would prove to his buddies he was lying this whole time which would only raise questions and other discomforts. Bracing himself with a soft groan Jake tried to sound chill as he spoke up. "Sure Valeria, I'll be right over," And with that they both parted ways. Since he had no choice but to put up with whatever Valeria wanted to talk about Jake decided to make the most of his trouble by pointing out how losing to Valeria had obviously worked again. It was even easier to convince them now as he hadn't been completely outclassed, just having had a slip up in that final deciding duel. Instead most of the guys locker room was filled with early celebration chants as they all pointed at Jake's to do list and sang that they would be going to the bar some time soon. It was hard for Jake to put on a smile, but he played along anyways. Meanwhile in the girl's locker room Valeria was gleefully telling everyone to just leave their soccer outfits behind as she was planning to discuss with Jake how to get them washed for them, just like the guys had. Just like in the guy's locker room the girls celebrated themselves, not having to wash their uniforms was a great relief for them. Not only that, but they all loved the fact that Valeria had beaten Jake again. They had always admired their captain, but they did so now more than ever. By the time Jake arrived at the girl's locker room the first girls only just started leaving. Each and everyone of them gave him an amused look and a light snicker, making him very nervous about what Valeria might have told them once more. He really hoped that it was just because of his loss to her once more, but he couldn't quite ask for it without bringing himself real trouble, in the end he was just forced to take all the snickering while he waited for Valeria to finally come out. Waiting at the door while the whole girl's team passed by was a hard ordeal, but finally all of them except for Valeria had gone home. She was the last to leave, but instead or really leaving she held open the door and just smirked at him. "Come on in princess, the coast is clear." Jake had never really entered the girl's locker room and it looked a lot different than expected, pretty much the same as the guy's room, a real pigsty smelling of sweat with worn uniforms strewn all over the place. He had expected this to be a lot neater and Valeria soon justified those expectations. "Sorry for the mess, usually it's a lot cleaner in here, but then again I'm not really sorry. After all this mess is why you are here. Remember how you promised to make up for the lack of a grand public we could have had with you as our mascot by helping the team out? Well you can start here. All these outfits need to be washed for our match on Saturday. So get gathering Princess," Valeria said throwing Jake a big bag with a bright smile. Jake simply couldn't believe this was happening, the last thing he wanted was to touch these sweat soaked clothes. "Look Valeria, why don't you just let me talk to the one who gathers our outfits to be washed? While they are in the building I guess they can do your outfits as well. I mean it will take a little extra budget, but I'm sure I can arrange it," Jake explained trying to get out of this task. "Well Jake while that might work in the future we need those outfits the day after tomorrow so I really think you should start gathering everything, besides this way you can work a little and earn your redemption instead of weaselling your way out of it at the cost of your own team, now get moving princess," Valeria quickly responded as she over looked the room with her hands crossed over her chest. He wanted to argue again, this was just too gross, and so far beneath him, but Valeria was right. There was no way he could get this fixed on such short notice, and he had promised he'd help the team out in other ways so he wouldn't have to wear that horrid dress anywhere near anyone ever again. Hanging his head he went to pick up the first outfit, pulling up his nose and trying to touch it as little as he possibly could he picked up a first pink soccer sock and dropped it in the bag. "Alright I'll do it, but can you stop calling me princess?" Jake complained as he reluctantly carried on. "Yes Jake, I can, but I won't. I mean it's so much fun and you looked so cute in that dress, like a real pink princess. Now hurry up princess, at this rate you won't have our clothes ready by Saturday. Grow a pair of balls and grab that stuff, or is it to delicate for your majesty's hands," Valeria relentlessly taunted, enjoying this power way too much, and above the power she loved seeing Jake cringe the way she often did when she saw a girl fall for all his big talk and handsome looks. Realising he wasn't going to stop Valeria from using that stupid nickname for him Jake just dropped it. Bringing it up had only made her teasing that more vicious and if she wasn't willing to stop then he couldn't really make her. Instead he just gathered up the rest of the worn soccer outfits, touching them a little more thoroughly just to get it over with quickly. He couldn't wait to wash his hands though when he finally closed that horribly smelly bag of sportswear. "Great job princess, now there are two ways we can proceed. An easy way with relatively little work or a hard way. Either is fine, but the choice is entirely yours, so what do you choose Princess? The easy way would be going to the laundromat where you can just throw the entire bag in and comeback when it's done to pull it out and hang it to dry. The hard way would be handwashing everything which I can show you how to do back in my bathroom," Valeria teased a little as Jake simply stood there, awkwardly shifting in front of her. Jake was mortified, the easy way sounded like plenty of work already given the sheer number of clothes in the bag which he would all have to hang out to dry, the hard way on the other hand sounded like an insurmountable amount of work to be done. Then again was it really a choice? Jake couldn't see himself going for the easy way under any circumstance. There was always at least someone at the laundromats and the last thing he wanted was to be seen being ordered around by Valeria while washing a bunch of sweaty pink clothes. Not only would it be incredibly embarrassing, it would also ruin his ruse that he and Valeria were building up to something. While he hated the prospect, the hard way seemed like his only option. So hanging his head he spoke. "I'll do the hard way." "Are you sure princess? I didn't think you wouldn't want to get your hands dirty, well maybe you are more of a Cinderella when it comes to princesses. In any case princess as you wish, follow me. I'll gladly show you how to hand wash clothes. I bet you're probably thinking how it's women's work, but you'll fit right in, after all you kick ball like a girl and you look just precious in a dress," Valeria laughed as she turned on her heel and walked out with a beet red Jake in tow. He couldn't believe he was actually going to do this, but then again it was so much less embarrassing than that dress had been. Luckily the bag at least looked very inconspicuous so everyone they passed just thought that Jake was being a gentleman and doing Valeria a favour by carrying the heavy load for her. They both knew it though and since Jake was probably plenty embarrassed Valeria didn't bother making it obvious at all. Besides she had hoped he would choose the hard way as it was so much more fun for her and if she brought out what was happening anyways the easy way might seem like a better option after all. By the time they finally arrived at Valeria's dorm room Jake let out a big sigh of relief, relief that was very short lived as she instantly ushered him into the bathroom where the panties and stocking from the day before were still hanging out in the open. Instantly Jake's cheeks flushed beet red as he remembered what had happened when he had worn those, a reaction that wasn't lost on Valeria either. "What's the matter princess, did you miss your panties and stockings? Judging from how much fun you had in them last time I bet you do. Well if you want you can put them back on to do the washing so you can feel more like Cinderella. Would you like that princess?" Valeria taunted. "Just stop Valeria, please, I don't ever want to put that stuff on ever again. Wearing them just once was more bad enough. Now just tell me how to do this shit so we can get this over with," Jake cringed as he looked at the items before quickly looking away. "As you wish princess, you're probably right, you do have a ton of work to do so unless you want to be here until morning it's best if we get started as soon as possible. Oh and by the way, you don't have to hide your true self for me princess, I was there when you popped that little tent in your pretty panties remember? I mean I don't judge you, they are way prettier than boxers and way softer as well. When I say your panties I also mean they are yours. There is no way I'm ever wearing underwear someone else wore, and the same goes for those stockings. They are yours now so I don't want to hear stuff anymore alright, you'll refer to them as your panties and your stockings," Valeria scolded which only made Jake cringe even more. "Now since you have worn them and apparently gotten very turned on you might have stained your panties and so they need to get cleaned as well. I think this is an excellent opportunity for your to learn how to handwash clothes. You see such delicate frilly things are simply too fragile to put in a machine so you should always hand wash them. So are you going to ask nicely to teach you so you can take proper care of your pretty panties?" Valeria asked with a sly smile, having too much fun with this. Just like the day before she simply couldn't help but get carried away. "Come on Valeria, stop making this so much harder than it has to be, just show me how to hand wash these clothes so I can get it over with. I'm already helping you out here big time by cleaning these damn soccer uniforms in the first place," Jake threw her way, his face turning even redder as he awkwardly squirmed in front of her. "Well yes you are helping me out because that is your payment for the bet Jake or have you forgotten. As for the panties and the teasing well that's just for fun Jake, can't a girl have a little fun? Besides it's just the two of us, and I really feel like I need to get all this teasing and princess stuff out of my system or I might slip up when we aren't alone like on the field earlier. Now was there something you wanted to ask?" Valeria sweetly asked, unable to stop herself from making a light threat to be a little more convincing. She wasn't pulling out the big guns in the form of her video tapes just yet, but then again, she hoped it wouldn't be necessary just to get him to accept some more teasing without complaint. It seemed to have worked wonders as Jake instantly looked a lot more nervous than before. "Alright alright, get it all out, please just don't have a slip up any where but between the two of us. Now can you please uhm, teach me how to handwash these, uhm... my panties," Jake asked, cringing all the way, but feeling like Valeria wouldn't stop if he didn't. just like when he got dressed it was best to just get this over with. After all this was still a lot less embarrassing than yesterday. He could make it through this quite alright. "Of course I will princess, all you need to do is run some lukewarm water in the sink, add a little bit of detergent and gently put your delicates in them. Rub the fabric against itself for a while, but be gentle with it. Then when your done you'll give them a quick rinse and put them up to dry. Now go ahead, wash your panties while I check and give some pointers princess," Valeria triumphantly spoke as Jake carried out her order, mortified just to be touching that fabric again. The cleaning process itself while embarrassing was quite simple and Jake barely needed pointers aside from Valeria telling him to work the soccer clothes harder. They weren't as delicate and a lot dirtier than his panties and stockings were, the panties and stockings she had told him to hang to dry on the shower rod well in his sight so they formed a constant reminder. It looked so girly, to have a set of delicate lingerie drying in the bathroom like that. After a little more supervision and a whole lot more teasing Valeria eventually left the bathroom, telling Jake not to forget to change the water from time to time. He had only washed about two uniforms by now and there was a whole lot more work to be done, work that was too boring to look at as Valeria had better things to do with her time, like editing the video she had secretly shot in the bathroom. Just a little more blackmail to the pile, not that it really changed much, after all Jake hand laundering their pretty pink uniforms and the delicate underwear he had worn the previous day wasn't nearly as potent as his admittance of defeat and his curtesy all dressed up. She didn't even really know why she bothered filming it other than she enjoyed it and wanted to remember. Just like yesterday she couldn't help but feel incredible having bossed and teased Jake around while making him do what was so often considered woman's work in her bathroom. Oh she was having way too much fun with this, even for her own good, yet all she could think about was how to further push his buttons and bring him firmly under heel, or into heels depending on how you looked at it. For now however that was just what it was, dreams about the future while she enjoyed the knowledge that Jake was slaving away in the bathroom while she chilled on her bed. Jake on the other hand was having a really tough time. Having to look at those panties and stocking all the time was sheer embarrassing, so was washing all these filthy offensively girly uniforms. After a while though the sheer intensity of the work actually became the worst part. While it seemed easy enough he really had to scrub hard to get all those sweat and grass stains out of the clothes making him warm sweaty and exhausted. The humid atmosphere that held a strange mixture of sweet detergent and gym locker scent didn't make things any better either. By the time he was finally done, Jake felt like his arms were about to fall off, but finally he headed out of that bathroom he had been stuck in for hours. "I'm going home Valeria, all is cleaned," He simply said, sounding tired. "Wait! Let me inspect your work first princess, then if you did a good job you can go home," Valeria instantly shouted, jumping up from her bed in delight as she rushed to her bathroom. With everything washed, the room had an overpowering sweet smell, one that now stuck to Jake as well, the room was a mess, a mess of uniforms and socks hanging all over the place, but on first sight everything looked perfectly clean and Jake looked positively exhausted. "It looks like you did a good job princess. Here take these with you, I know how you like them. Have a good night," Valeria smirked as she took down the by now dried panties and stockings, assertively shoved them into Jake's pocket before giving him a quick peck on the cheek and sending him away with a playful swat on his butt. Jake couldn't help but stumble out in complete disbelief, he was glad to be out there after what had once again been a hard and embarrassing experience, yet he couldn't help but cup the cheek Valeria had kissed while he stuffed the stockings and panties deeper into his pocket, afraid that someone might see. On top of embarrassed he mainly felt surprised and terribly confused. The last thing he had been expecting of Valeria after these past two days was any affection at all, he had very mixed feelings about it, but he couldn't say he hated it. Would he have a chance with Valeria after all? He thought as a slight smug smile crossed his face. Valeria for her part was smiling brightly herself. She had always considered Jake an asshole, but he had looked so vulnerable and embarrassed that she just hadn't been able to help herself. She had never felt such an attraction before as to Jake right then and there, stripped of all his ego and too exhausted to put up any resistance whatsoever. (If you liked this story and would like to read way more along with a ton of other stories then please check out my page on SubscribeStar: I have ran into trouble with Patreon, but since SubscribeStar doesn't accept PayPall you can still follow me there, just make sure you connect your discord account to your Patreon account if you do so you don't miss out on my content. )

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The Soccer Tournament

The soccer tournament (revised) ©2011 By Jennifer Morrell Please let me know what you think about my story, using the review functionality on the site. Keep in mind that English is not my first language. Reposting this story elsewhere on the internet is allowed as long as it free of charge and if I am acknowledged as the author. I posted this story earlier this month and I would like to thank Leah for her review of my story. I hope you like the alterations I...

2 years ago
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The Case Of The Soccer Crime

THE CASE OF THE SOCCER CRIME By Anthony Durrant When the members of the Hutchison High School soccer team entered the gym, they found a woman standing in front of a portable blackboard in the middle of the floor. Taking a piece of chalk from a shelf under the blackboard, she wrote the name MS. SUBAYYAH STANDISH on its surface, and said, "My name is Ms. Subayyah Standish, and I was called here by Coach Sawyer to substitute for him this year while he deals with...

4 years ago
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Part Two Sharing My Japanese Wife The Soccer Socks

Keiko had been the boys' soccer team manager at her Japanese high school along with her best friend Akiko a few years before and was still crazy about all things soccer, a sport I only have a passing interest in. When she met Mark met at a party they connected through soccer and him being an Englishman who played soccer was an added attraction for her. Soon after, she introduced him to some Japanese guys who played in a local amateur soccer league. Mark didn't have a car so Keiko would...

1 year ago
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Soccer Moms

Soccer MumsA Story by Ninja5.?Come on Jillian, kick it.  KICK IT.?  Joyce Smith a local real estate agent and team coach paced up and down the sideline.  She screamed orders at the girl’s soccer team.  Despite her desperation the team had fallen behind and wasn’t making good on any chance to equalize.A small group of scattered mothers sat on the side lines and watched.  As Grace sat watching her daughter run to intercept the other teams star striker she let out a cheer for her daughter.  She...

2 years ago
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The Soccer Coach

I watched 16 yelling, screaming brats reducing to shambles the dribbling drill I had designed for them, and I asked myself how in the hell I got involved with coaching a boys’ soccer team. I don’t know shit about soccer. I should have been out drinking, and trying to get laid. Nobody but a dummy like me lets his “community oriented” boss talk me into coaching his son’s soccer team. We were two games into the season, and we’d lost both games badly. The k**s were playing with enthusiasm, but hey...

1 year ago
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The Soccer Party

THE SOCCER PARTY 1. “C’mon guys, you can do it! Go!” It was a bright and warm Thursday afternoon. The Richfield Community soccer field was hosting a game between their local team the Cougars against their cross-town rivals, the Tigers. The field was swarming with the 18 year-old boys from both teams. The sidelines were populated by parents cheering the game on. Sitting alone on the bench for the Cougars was Tommy McFarlane. Tommy was small for his age and somewhat still socially awkward....

4 years ago
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The Soccer Coach

I watched 16 yelling, screaming brats reducing to shambles the dribbling drill I had designed for them, and I asked myself how in the hell I got involved with coaching a boys’ soccer team. I don’t know shit about soccer. I should have been out drinking, and trying to get laid. Nobody but a dummy like me lets his “community oriented” boss talk me into coaching his son’s soccer team.We were two games into the season, and we’d lost both games badly. The k**s were playing with enthusiasm, but...

3 years ago
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Soccer Mom

Part 1The day was a dark, soggy gray, with thick clouds and showers, as Linda Harmon carefully steered her Cadillac Escalade down the street. She had just dropped off her 10 year old step-son Luke and her 8 year old step-daughter Carrie at school. She saw the red light, and applied the brakes. While waiting out the light, her mind ran through what she had to do today. Stop by the bakers, order a birthday cake for Luke's 11th birthday party...then her train of thought was rudely interrupted by...

3 years ago
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Playing the GameChapter 15 Varsity Soccer

School was starting in a few days, and the fall sports teams were busy practicing. Football was practicing in the mornings, soccer and tennis in the afternoons. Josh and Jake had both tried out for the football team and had made the junior varsity team. I was on the varsity soccer team, playing my right defensive position behind Skip Horvath, a senior and one of the stars of our team. Skip was chosen for All-Conference honors as both a sophomore and a junior, and was second-team All-State...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Soccer CoachChapter 3 Patti

The upside of coaching the Ravens, a U-17 team instead of U-18 like the Strikers, was that most of the players were juniors, which meant that they would playing club soccer for two years before they graduated. That gave me more time to develop their skills. I started the first season with my head on straight and my moral compass pointing in the right direction. I managed to make it all the way through a busy and successful Fall season with no inappropriate thoughts. Well, OK, I had a few...

2 years ago
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Womans College soccer star

Lenny had his eye out on one of the girls already. Her name was Heather and she was in the economics and business class he was aiding. Her papers were horrible and she was down right failing. The sad thing was she had a soccer scholarship she desperately needed to keep. I guess she didn't come from a well off situation. Lenny even heard she was on her own with no family around. She supposedly was living off of the scholarship which paid her tuition and an apartment off of campus. Lenny knew...

2 years ago
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Soccer Slut Wannabes

                               Soccer Slut Wannabes                ( Lex Ludite )                                                   Chapter 1        Kim Kawani stood two inches under five feet, but had a tight body with enough curves to make any red-blooded male or female student have visions involving themselves and a naked and securely restrained Kim going at it all day and half the night before the next group of sex fiends took over. As luck would have it, the women's university soccer...

1 year ago
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Soccer Mom

I am what is commonly called a soccer mom. But in this case I guess it is to be taken literally. My own two sons grew up playing soccer. Over the years I drove God knows how many hundreds or maybe thousands of miles; to practice, from practice, to games, from games, to the sporting good store, etc. You get the idea. My sons played for the Centerville Centurions for their four years of high school, and I was at every game cheering them on to victory and consoling them in defeat. Naturally I came...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Confessions of a Soccer CoachChapter 4 Linda

I almost gave up coaching after the Ravens broke up. I knew I had already tempted fate too often, and one more dalliance might turn out to be a disaster. But I had discovered during those three years that I really enjoyed coaching, and I was reluctant to just give that up. I decided to try something different. I called the coaching coordinator of the club I had worked with, and asked him if there were any boys' teams that were looking for assistance. He got back to me a week later and told...

1 year ago
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The Adventures Of Pranay Chapter One The Soccer Captain

“Nice shot, little P!” Zack yelled, his voice carrying across the soccer field. I had just shot the winning goal at Regionals – we were going to states. I’m Pranay Patel. My parents moved from India 18 years ago, one year before I was born. I’m 5 foot 2, thin, and very young looking. I have short, kinda spiky hair, deep brown eyes, latte-colored skin, a killer smile, and one hell of an ass. It’s round, juicy, and oh-so-fuckable. My dick is about 4.5 inches, but don’t laugh. It’s big compared to...

4 years ago
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Filthy Soccer with my Sorority Sister

I'll start by introducing myself. My name is Allison and I've been in college for several years now. I'm 5' 5", blonde, have 36 C breasts, and I'm into both girls and guys. I guess the best way to describe myself personality wise is that I'm a good girl who is capable of doing horribly filthy things when I'm in the right mood. Anyway, the following story is true, and it happened during the first semester of my second year. During my first year of college, I have to say that I was a very good...

3 years ago
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Soccer Sex Students 2 Videos


2 years ago
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Soccer Mom

I am a soccer mom, hopelessly and forever. It's like I've heard some men say, "Once a Marine, always a Marine". Well it's the same for me. Dean is 23 now and is doing post graduate work at Upton College but I still call myself a soccer mom. He was only 13 when his dad took off and I was left to raise him and his sister Toni on my nurse's salary. We must have gone to scores and scores of games together, mostly here in town but occasionally, and especially at tournament time, to away games in...

4 years ago
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Soccer Crush by loyalsock

Great. I was late for class again. O well, I thought as I casuallystrolled to the class I was 15 minutes late for. When I finally gotthere, I managed to find a seat in the crowded auditorium way in theback. Perfect. Maybe I'll get a chance to sit next to Teri. Teri wasgorgeous. She had beautiful brown hair with few blonde streaks. She had afemininely athletic body, toned muscles and all. This was because she wason the soccer team. Everything about her was beautiful. She was about5'10 and...

3 years ago
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love soccer lax

This is a story of two high school seniors, one a star soccer player on her way to college, the other, a mediocre lacrosse player at best joining the work force. His former high school was shutdown from the inside of the school parish six weeks before the semester started, so he was very angry, lonely and confused because his best friend went to a different school than his. He met her in his first period English class on the first day of classes. He didn’t know who anyone was in the class...

First Time
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Its Not What You Expect At A Soccer Match

I have been a soccer official for almost fifteen years. I have been to small towns, large towns, huge communities, big schools, small schools, and have spent more time driving around to cities and communities that I'd never seen before. I have enjoyed it all the years I've done it. And it's one thing to do the things I love, but it's more enjoyable when things happen that I don't expect. What happened after my match on Tuesday night was one of those unexpected crazy things I will forever look...

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From Dildo to Cock pt4

This is part 4 of my story, you can find the first parts on my channel! EnjoyAfter all that happened during the weekend it would be a lie to say I was the same as before. Whenever I would walk in the street, I was wondering if anyone would recognize me with all the filthy shit we did.I actually bumped into my neighbor from across the street at my local supermarket the next weekend. You know, the guy who watched me by his window while I sucked on Lucas’ dick. He was filling a cart with his...

3 years ago
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Soccer Mom

Thank you. Xoxo, the text read. Sean cursed at the prospect of having to endure Michael's various caprices longer than necessary and at his inability to say no—more accurately: to say no to the pair of perky breasts Michael's mother, Sharon, used to keep in either no bra or a sports bra under her tank top. In combination with her yoga pants, this gave an overall picture that had Sean nodding absent-mindedly and stupidly commenting open-mouthed uh-huh's whenever she was talking to him, no...

Straight Sex
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My Adventures on the Soccer Team

It all began when soccer season did. Being on the team, I was obliged to travel with the other boys for matches, juggling my school work on top of daily practice and my match schedule. But despite that, each one of us on the team made sure to train extremely hard, and because of that, we just kept winning our matches. Unfortunately though, that also meant that we had to keep traveling further and further out as we continued winning and made a beeline toward nationals. Before long, we were...

2 years ago
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Soccer Moms

Author’s Note: All persons in this work of fiction are at least 18 years old. ***** Leticia Clark is a tall, blonde forty year old divorced woman who is raising two teen-aged sons on her own. Her former husband pays her very generous child support and even sends her money for her personal expenses so she can be a full-time mother but otherwise has nothing to do with her or their children. One of her favorite activities is taking one or both of her sons to their soccer games and practices,...

4 years ago
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Jake was standing on the sideline watching his nephew Bryan’s team, the Rattlers, play soccer. He would go to the games whenever he could make it, which meant when he didn’t have to work. His work consisted of two different occupations: running charter boats out of his brother’s marina and playing music in the bars up and down the beach. He made a pretty good living between the two, and one of the fringe benefits of his work was that he met plenty of good-looking women. His older brother...

1 year ago
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The Surfer Dude And The Soccer Mom Part 1 of 2

Jake was standing on the sideline watching his nephew Bryan’s team, the Rattlers, play soccer. He would go to the games whenever he could make it, which meant when he didn’t have to work. His work consisted of two different occupations: running charter boats out of his brother’s marina and playing music in the bars up and down the beach. He made a pretty good living between the two, and one of the fringe benefits of his work was that he met plenty of good-looking women.His older brother Fred...

2 years ago
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Soccer Moms Big Discovery

“you’ll need to get up soon” she said “remember dad’s not here this week to take you to Soccer so I’ve got the short straw”. “I know” I replied “thanks mom” “Ok, Darling” she said “what do you want for breakfast?” “just some eggs would be good mom please” I replied. I know I was spoilt by my mom but I was an only child so kind of made the most of it. She turned and started to leave the room, as she walked I could see her round ass move from side to side in her robe. She stopped on...

3 years ago
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Soccer Practice Clarinet Rehearsal Anal Practice

Soccer Practice. Clarinet Rehearsal. Anal Practice. Ballet Recital. Dinner. Homework. It’s 4:25pm, and she’s still lively as she trots to the van. How I admire her youth. Had I gone through a full day of classes only to follow up with an intense soccer practice, I would already be physically spent. But not her. And the day is only half done. She hops into the backseat, a huge smile on her face with sweat and grass stains on her side. This was her favorite activity of the day. Maybe second...

3 years ago
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Homework and HookUps Fun with the Soccer Team

It was a warm fall day and the boys' varsity soccer team was scrimmaging. Shirts vs. Skins. Nick was a skin. Some of my colleagues suggested I should support the sports teams, get more "school spirit". Gag. But if it meant getting to see Nick's taught, glistening abs again, well, I guess I could take one for the team. Get it? Nick spotted me and jogged over to where I was sitting. "Hey, Miss Lane. What brings you here?" he asked oh so casually. "Oh, I've always been a sports fan, especially...

Group Sex
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Soccer Team Doctor and MILF Part One

It was very difficult for my son, David, to make the boys traveling soccer team in our small, suburban town near Miami.  But after many years of effort and practice he made the team.  I am a family physician and agreed to be the team doctor free of charge, but he made the team before I agreed to provide medical services. The previous team physician, Maxwell, was my partner in our medical practice. He retired from all medical duties after suffering a minor stroke. Maxwell had given the boys...

1 year ago
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The Soccer Mom next door

I live in a typical quiet neighbourhood on the edge of a busy town, my neighbours are all typical busy working families with 2.4 c***dren and mortgage, where as I am a single guy in my early thirties.Now my neighbours to the right of me, John and Lucy Bennet are that typical perfect couple I was talking about, John works in office in town for a financial company making good money, Lucy is a the perfect stay at home mom with one k** at junior school, and between bake sales and soccer practice...

1 year ago
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Soccer Mom Conquest

So I guess being married to a Soccer mom makes me a Soccer Dad. But as we all know some Soccer moms are hot and incredibly horny and will fuck anything. Well I have always had this feeling that Soccer moms talk about everything, including their husbands and significant others, if you know what I mean. Well anyway I digress. My wife is attractive and she has mentioned to me some of the other moms think I am good looking to which I always laugh. But little did I know where that would land me. ...

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Soccer Moms Big Discovery

My name was Josh, I was a normal 18 year old lad who lived in a quiet village with this parents. One Sunday morning I awoke as mom entered my room. She walked towards my bed in her normal morning attire, a shortish robe that looked a little worse for wear held together by a tie round the middle. My mom leant over as she was leaving a cup of coffee by the side of my bed. As she leant over her robe splayed open a little at the top allowing me to get a quick glimpse of her big tits hanging free in...

4 years ago
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German Soccer Whores An Adult Story

I'm not sure how this happens to me but here another true story in my life.I love playing and watching soccer (as it called in America)Every where else in the world its called FootballEvery four years they have the World Cup.Were the best 32 teams in the world compete.I was born and used to live in Germany.I know a little German but not much.I always cheer for the German Football team and Team USA.The German team (Deutschland) as its better known is very good in FootballI watched all most all...

2 years ago
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SOCCER MOMS Part 1After having brought up her daughter by herself for the last 15 years, Sheila was rather good at it. Her husband had left her with a 3-year-old daughter. He went for some milk with the car and never came back. Neither did the car. Sheila’s daughter Linda was into a lot of sports. She was attractive, well-built and lots of fun. She was a little older than most of the girls in her class since she had missed most of one year after a skiing accident. Sheila was nearly 40, middle...

3 years ago
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First Time for Soccer Girl

Jean and Guy Roma laid in bed discussing their teenage daughter, Vicky. They were concerned about her welfare. She had just turned 18 and was a very pretty girl, but very shy and not comfortable with boys. She was much more comfortable with girls. Her mother wanted her to be popular with the boys like she was in high school. Her mother also worried that she might end up gay if she did not learn to enjoy the company of boys. Jean, told her husband that Vicky need an experienced male to teach...

3 years ago
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Pretty Suburban Soccer MomPart 2

In the part of the big city, where the old neighborhoods have decayed, is a house that is owned by a group of men who use it for their hobby. It's not a nice hobby but these men are not nice. They know they're not nice. They enjoy being not nice. They're good looking men who dress well. They have money and respectable jobs and more than one pretty housewife and mother has returned the flirting smile of any one of these men as they push their carts down the aisles of a supermarket or be...

1 year ago
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A hot shower after soccer practice

Robin is a guy from North of Sweden, moving all the way to Hustonville, KY after a guy he talked online to, Lance, suggested he would join their newly started soccer team. But Robin is in for many new experiences and will discover new sides of himself ;) This is a Reading F1lth original. Listen to part 1 on Spotify! My name is Robin. I moved from the north of Sweden to the small town off Hustonville, Kentucky. Why? To play soccer of course! It all began when I was playing FIFA on Xbox....

4 years ago
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Step Brothers Bride Pt4

It had been just over 2 weeks since the wedding. I had agreed to pick up the happy newlyweds after their honeymoon in Majorca. I was looking forward to seeing them especially Jennifer. They were flying into Glasgow airport which was almost a 2-hour drive from the small town we lived in. Jennifer had text me to let me know they had landed, so I parked in the short stay and awaited them. I noticed Jennifer first, her red hair and bronzed body attracted most men’s eyes. Then I saw Shaun,...

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Sneaky Panty Smeller pt4

 As we enter into part four of this story, I can't help but feel even more connected with Becky. She is truly, amazing.  So, leaving off in part three when Becky and I had fucked in the shop outside. I fucked her perfect, tight ass and filled her full of my cum. I left her full and leaking on my wife's panties that she was wearing. Such a naughty girl indeed. So that evening at home, before taking a shower, I thought I would follow through with my idea of seeing if my wife would give me a...

2 years ago
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Sisters helping hand Pt4

When l was going back to my van after spunking over Dora and being watched by her husband Neal, l saw Annie going into her gate we began chatting, l informed her that Tina my sister had a girl. Annie started telling me about Sasha getting home at 1.30pm, she had no idea how it was all my fault, she asked if l would talk to Sasha as she seemed to listen to me, so l said l’ll be around the next evening, Annie told me to be there at 5pm for dinner, l was hoping Annie might have invited me to fuck...

2 years ago
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Master PC Kyles Adventure pt4

As my wife still laid sprawled across the bed, I couldn’t sleep. My mind was going in too many directions. One such direction was the extremely attractive neighbor girl that brings us fresh chicken eggs twice a week. Her name is Katrina Winzer. She lives a few blocks down. We’re pretty good friends with her parents. Just finished high school and is taking the summer off while she finds work. She normally stops by on Friday morning before school. With tomorrow morning being Friday, I thought I...

1 year ago
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My First Knot pt4

I turned my head just in time to be rewarded with a spurt of hot, sticky cum hitting my nose and open mouth. "That's right bitch! Eat my cum!" John urged through gritted teeth, as spurt after spurt of his cum hit me in the face. I have only tasted cum once before, and that was my own. I was alone and very horny and figured I'd try it. Didn't really care for it. John's cum was thicker than mine, and tasted much saltier. I liked his cum even less than my own. But, remembering the pics and...

1 year ago
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Neighbor Girl Needs Help pt4

“Look, I don’t know what I’m doing, why I’m even in here, I just… I don’t know, maybe I should go” Miranda says as she walks further towards the back of my living room, turning to face us. “Do you want to see his cock or not?” Jemma replies, pushing me forward away from the door, towards Miranda. “I….I don’t know. Like I said, maybe this is a bad idea. I just, I guess I was just turned on from the thought of whatever you two were doing” Miranda says again, her voice trembling. “It’s ok, you...

2 years ago
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Am I Strong Enough to Say No pt4

She felt her dad get back in the bunk. She didn’t know what to think. She knew she smelt of being extremely wet. A person with a head cold could smell that. But, he didn’t say anything. He did stay up front for a long time. She wondered what he was thinking. There were so many confusing thoughts going threw her head. She knew what she was dreaming and thinking was so wrong. Wrong enough that if anyone ever found out, she would be taken away from her dad forever. That scared the...

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