Repressed Memories
- 2 years ago
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The Bunk’d actress now in her 8th season of shooting the Disney show in 2025 being 19 now gets an audition for her ‘first ever movie…it is a Horror/Thriller where she will be paid $20 Million Dollars…more if the movie does really good, the studio wants her for the lead role saying she would be perfect for it as she reads the script reviving a long forgotten and deeply repressed memory of something that happened to her when she was 15, something so horrible and frightening she ‘blocked out the memory’ burying it deep in her psyche…at least until today when it was awakened as she perused the script preparing for the audition, a bondage scene where she disappears…kidnapped without a trace; Her character, Amanda James a struggling single waitress comes to gagged on a bed with Micro Foam Gauze tape, her mouth is packed with her kidnapper’s Cum-Stained underwear, she has been stripped down to her bra and panties and put into an ‘X TIE’ on her stomach limiting the motion of her arms and legs, the legs being bent at a 90 degree angle…the blonde’s ankles crossed so he can enjoy ‘cumming in all of Amanda’s holes’…‘AND THE CLINCHER SHE IS BLINDFOLDED exactly like it happened to her when she was a young teen blossoming into a beautiful woman, luckily she was rescued however her Uncle who took her captive ‘blew his brains out’ in front of Mallory’s eyes. She goes to the audition dreading it and as expected she freezes up forgetting her lines, “SORRY….SORRY, I HAD A BAD EXPERIENCE A FEW YEARS AGO AND I BLOCKED IT OUT…I REPRESSED THE MEMORY UNTIL I READ THE SCRIPT, I WAS KIDNAPPED BY MY UNCLE AND HELD CAPTIVE, THINGS WERE DONE TO ME…SEXUAL AND PERVERSE THINGS TO A 15 YEAR OLD KID, DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE HAVING A PERSON YOU LOVED AND TRUSTED DO NASTY, AWKWARD, AND INAPPROPRIATE THINGS TO A CHILD AGAINST HER WILL…I HAD NO CHOICE AS TO WHAT WAS DONE TO MY BODY…HE JUST KEPT CUMMING AND BLOWING HIS LOADS!!!” “I DO MISS MAHONEY, WITH ME IT WAS MY COUSIN…AND I WAS 14, she violated and used me, she and her friend wanted to experience intercourse…SEX so they decided to have it with me CHLOROFORMING AND TYING ME TO HER BED, WITHOUT MY CONSENT OF COURSE…I WAS AN UNWILLING VICTIM JUST LIKE YOU MALLORY, OVERPOWERED AND RIDDEN BY BOTH OF THEM MANY TIMES…I TRIED NOT TO CUM IN THEM HOLDING IT IN AS LONG AS I COULD, BUT EVENTUALLY I HAD TO EMPTY MYSELF IN THEIR HORNY VAGINAS…I DIDN’T HAVE A CHOICE” handing the blonde a card as she reads it out loud; “A HYPNOTHERAPY SPECIALIST” Mallory says, “Hypnotherapy….what’s that” Mallory asks, being told “that is when a person…a doctor trained in how the brain works puts someone into a trance, a mesmerized state helping them to recall thoughts and feelings that they have forgotten or have pushed deep into their psyche or subconscious”…“he can help me forget what happened to me…what my uncle did to…?” being told “he’s helped dozens of celebrities male and female to get over their fears, phobias, nervousness, helping them to remember OR FORGET SPECIFIC EVENTS…he helped me so I know he can do the same for you Miss Mahoney however he is a bit pricey…worth every penny you’d spend, he gives you a confidence…a faith or belief that you can do anything you set your mind to, a self-assurance or assertiveness that you didn’t have before, trust me on this he can help you…the decision is yours though, if you decide ‘not to make an appt’ we’ll have to drop you from the movie”. “I’ll make the appointment Mr. Groy’in, calling him from the Director’s office, “Hi my name is Mallory I’d like to make an appointment with Doctor Sem…tomorrow @ 3 PM, okay see you then” adding “ I hope you can help me forget what was done to me”, Mallory arrives 10 minutes early sitting in the ‘private’ waiting room…the door opens as two people walk past her with the Doctor…in disguise of course like Mallory, “thank you you’ve been a big help Doctor Sem WE feel much better after our sessions…more relaxed, here’s something extra for you” handing him a crisp $500.00 bill before the second woman does the same as he wipes the corner of their mouths, “THANKS AGAIN SEE YOU AROUND” as the doctor mumbles something under his breath, “come in Miss” as Mallory who is wearing a red headed wig and bug eyed glasses enters the office taking them off, “was that Sel”… uhh uhh uhh”… “and Ari”… “HIPPA prevents me from talking about who my patients are Miss Mahoney, just like I can’t tell anyone you are my patient, lets get started sit down please” as he sits across from her; “I charge $1,200.00 per session they usually take between 6 to 12 appointments depending on how deep I have to dig into your subconscious to find the problem before I can make you forget the incident that happened to you”, $1,200.00 Dollars” she yells “I…I can’t afford to pay that” being told “I have a few younger clients like you who have limited income, I think we can come to some kind of payment schedule if you want to continue that is…and once I help you to ‘forget’ and the movie finishes you’ll have $20 Million Dollars and possible future movie roles Miss Mahoney…not to mention a new found sense of confidence”, “please call me Mallory Doctor Sem”… “well if we’re on a first name basis you can call me Orim Mallory, Let’s get started”. “I have to tell you before I begin Hypnotherapy does have some risks, the most dangerous is the potential to create false memories also called confabulations...some other potential side effects are headache, dizziness, and anxiety however these usually fade shortly after the hypnotherapy session ends”, “I want you to help me forget what was done to me but coming here to your office, in public where I could be recognized…you know how the press loves to make up stuff”, “if you’d be more comfortable having these hypnotherapy sessions someplace else like in the safety of your home, I do make house calls for a few clients who request it”: “OKAY lets set up an appt. Orim”, (looking at his schedule) “I’m booked through Friday close, if you’re open to it I could stop by around 9 PM…the first session usually lasts for 2 ½ to 3 hours so I’d be there until midnight Mallory, if that’s too late we could schedule a time for the following week if you’d rather do that instead…in the meantime I can give you a ‘post hypnotic suggestion’ to block these memories from coming to the surface so you can get a good night’s sleep…IF YOU WANT ME TO THAT IS”? “Do it, make me forget until the appointment Friday night”, he puts Mallory into a deep trance using a Pendulum and soft soothing music. AND HIS VOICE, “you are getting sleepy Mallory you want to stay awake but cannot, your eyes feel like they have lead weights attached, you want desperately to close them…YOU NEED TO CLOSE THEM TO FEEL RELIEF, I’ll count backwards Mallory when I reach 0 you will be under… “10…9..8” counting until he says Zero snapping his fingers and Mallory’s eyes open staring straight ahead. “You will forget everything your uncle did to you when you were kidnapped until Friday night…then 30 minutes before I arrive your memories will come flooding back, EVERYTHING THAT YOUR UNCLE DID TO YOU…AND MADE YOU DO TO HIM” hearing “I will forget everything that happened until 30 minutes before you arrive Dr. Sem” (SNAP!) “How do you feel Mallory” thinking ‘I bet your tits and pussy feel awesome’, “better Doctor”…. “GOOD….GOOD until Friday night then”. The week flies by and it is Friday evening, at 8:30 PM exactly Mallory’s memories return remembering every perverse, disgusting, sickening thing that was done to the teen, the most depraved & degenerate sexual acts experienced by Mallory was when her uncle emptied his warm loads into his niece’s vagina, ass, and mouth… playing over and over again in the blonde’s head like a video. At 9:00 PM the buzzer rings and Dr. Sem is buzzed in driving up her private drive, the door opens “PLEASE YOU HAVE TO HELP ME, MAKE THESE MEMORIES GO AWAY…I DON’T CARE HOW MANY SESSIONS IT TAKES JUST MAKE THEM STOP I DON’T WANT TO REMEMBER WHAT WAS DONE TO ME ORIM” MALLORY YELLS as he enters the residence:
Dr. Sem immediately puts Mallory in a deep hypnotic trance rooting around in her subconscious/psyche finding the problem after 35 minutes, “you will remember everything that was done to you/that you were made to do to your uncle, you will remain calm and relaxed while you describe in detail the sex acts performed on you AND by you on your uncle Mallory, “yes describe in detail the sexual acts I experienced by him and the acts he made me do to him…I WILL BEGIN”. 44 minutes later Mallory finishes, “HMMMMMM” he says, “sounds like your uncle spent a lot of time in your mouth…he only came six times in your vagina” imagining what her slit looks like now; “Stand up Mallory”, the Bunk’d actress does as she’s told, “take your shorts off and call me Master Sem when we are alone OR other hypno-servants are here” “yes Master Sem” removing her shorts, “would you like me to remove my lace panties also” hearing “no…take your shirt off so I can see your breasts” again being told “YES MASTER SEM I WILL TAKE MY SHIRT OFF” raising it over her head. “BEAUTIFUL…SPECTACULAR…. THEY’RE MAGNIFICENT MALLORY” walking in front of her caressing her milky white jugs through her bra, “about the same size as my other clients, I assume your bedroom is upstairs” “yes follow me” as they head to the 2nd floor Mallory taking the Doctor Sem’s hand opening the door, Orim sees a king-sized poster bed, her bedroom is decorated in pink and white…the bedspread, curtains, wallpaper as he focuses on the bed: “Take your panties off” again his hypnotic patient obeys as Dr. Sem drinks in Mallory’s thin beautiful pink slit walking up to her inserting his three fingers into it, “have you been intimate with a man since your uncle was in here” being told “no I’m saving myself until marriage Master….are we going to have sex now” the blonde asks. “I am Mallory, you will enjoy having my cock in your willing cunt, each time I thrust it deeper my hypnotic control over you will strengthen and solidify…each time I cum in you…any hole you will become mine losing any free will in my presence, let me see your phone” as she hands it to him, “nice” seeing her contacts most of who are current OR former patients of his: “Call these three over for a weekend slumber party, if they say they can’t make it say the phrase ‘THE BIRDS FLY SOUTH BEFORE THE FIRST SNOW’, the first girl can make it the other two Dr. Sem says the phrase hearing “yes master I am on my way” giving Orim about 20-30 minutes to have intercourse with his patient, “lay down on the bed” getting undressed laying on top of Mallory as he spreads her lips open and Dr. Sem’s tip then shaft enter her narrow paper-thin netheryeye, “you weren’t kidding when you said you haven’t had sex since your uncle…IT’S REALLY TIGHT MAL….AND WET, RELAX YOUR VAGINAL MUSCLES AND ENJOY HAVING SEX WITH ME, DON’T TENSE UP”…”yes Master”! Orim places her calves on his shoulders allowing him to penetrate even deeper in Mallory’s compact unyielding pussy, “oh yeah” as he locates and stimulates her G SPOT FIRST BEFORE MOVING DEEPER TO MAL’S A SPOT thrusting his hard penis deeper each time, “15 minutes before her guests arrive” blowing his load into her unused twat pulling out, “clean it off” inserting his cum-covered member into Mallory’s mouth enjoying her lips rubbing and tongue licking his member as she fellates Orim’s package making him cum a 2nd time, “good job now get in the shower, get dressed…wear something revealing, and come down stairs Mallory” being told “YES MASTER”. Twenty minutes later the blonde descends the flight of steps in a see thru blue teddy and matching panties, “do you like it master” seeing her three ‘topless’ friends on their knees sucking, blowing, and deep throating Orim’s horse-sized organ, left to right facing him are Ava, Ruth, and Ruby…A REVERSE OREO, TWO WHITE COOKIES WITH A BLACKISH CENTER, "JOIN US MALLORY” looking at his watch, “55 Minutes left”, Mallory is content watching her Disney gal pals satisfying Orim Orally getting aroused sliding her fingers in her vagina, he cums in each of their mouths before having coitus with each of his lovely patients on a bear-skin rug cumming in their muffs then the women’s sexy asses: “You three put your clothes on, get in your vehicles driving home, and go to sleep…as usual you will remember nothing that happened here tonight, I’ll be needing your services soon ladies…especially yours” kissing Ava’s lips swatting her backside, Mallory I have twenty minutes left lay down on the rug, obeying still in her trance Mal assumes the position as Dr. Sem ‘69’s her pulling her teddy up and her panties down eating out her sweet tasting cunt inserting his tongue and fingers into it, “DO THE SAME TO ME MALLORY MAKE ME CUM, ME FIRST THEN YOU CAN ORGASM YOUR JUICES BITCH”, he wants to cum letting his load build up until it explodes in the blonde’s mouth, as instructed she empties her vaginal fluids into Orim’s anxious and waiting mouth. “10 minutes” he says, “go upstairs clean your mouth, put your clothes on and come downstairs” Mallory does as instructed putting on the clothes she had on earlier, “sit” he tells her, “you will not remember anything that happened tonight when I bring you out of your trance Mallory… SNAP”! She exits her trance, “were you able to find out what’s wrong…I still remember what was done to me but it’s more of a blur, the feelings aren’t as intense or overpowering now”, “good Mallory that means we made ‘some progress’ here, not much…you will need additional sessions anywhere from 5-11 more treatments, if you want I can continue your therapy here in the privacy of your home unless you’d rather come into the office”; “NO…NO my home is fine, we have more privacy here”, ‘yes we do’ Orim thinks, “so next Friday same time Mallory” “Wednesday works better for me….after your office closes around 6, I’ll make us dinner if you want” taking a shine to her Hypno-Therapist, see you Wednesday anything particular you want to eat thinking ‘I liked eating your cunt sweetie’ “Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, Meatballs” Orim tells her. Wednesday evening arrives and after they eat Mallory is put into a deep trance again 1st she pleasures Orim’s hard shaft then they head upstairs to ‘69’ each other, and finally the moment he’s been looking forward to, “ever tried bondage Miss Mahoney”… “no never master do you want to tie me up”, “yes definitely Mallory take your clothes off…except bra and panties”: 10 minutes later the blonde is tied wrists/elbows to the headboard…her legs to the corner bedposts, MALLORY WILL BE HIS FIRST ANAL EXPERIENCE…ORIM HAS BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS WITH HIS GORGEOUS HYPNOTIZED CLIENT …HE HAS NOT PERFORMED ANAL WITH ANY OF HIS PATIENTS, NOT YET. “You will like it when I slap your sexy ass Mallory, you will not cry out…only moans of pleasure are allowed while I have sex with you…ANY KIND ANAL, MISSIONARY, DOGGY, RIDING AND ESPECIALLY BLOW JOBS YOU ARE A CUM SLUT AND CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF MY CUM FILLING YOUR HOLES…REPEAT”; “I will like it when you slap my ass, I will not cry out…only moans of pleasure, I AM YOUR CUM SLUT MASTER AND CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF YOU IN MY HOLES” as he spreads her butt cheeks inserting his gloved finger first then his tip and shaft, “OH YES MASTER GIVE IT TO ME HARDER…FASTER THRUST YOUR MANHOOD DEEPER INTO MY SPHINCTER, POUND ME ORIM CUM IN MY ASS THEN MY PUSSY, YOUR COCK FEELS AMAZING MASTER I CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF IT….FUCK MY ASS” Mallory screams, not wanting to disappoint his patient Dr. Sem gladly obliges her request for his cum emptying a big load before having sex Doggy Style.
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Love StoriesLife is all about memories. You never know when a small incident can turn up into a memorable time and long lasting memory in your life. Well, I am Anand; I am working in Bangalore now in an IT industry. About myself, I am a very average looking guy. The incident I am going to share with you is of about 13 years back when I was a student studying in a college. I used to travel by train to reach my college everyday which is 60 Km away from my home town. Very first day in my class, I saw a very...
The following story is complete fantasy. It was about three o’clock in the afternoon and I was on my way home from classes at college. Being 26, a horny pervert, and not wearing any underwear, my dick was acting up again. I was rushing to the train, thinking about which video I would jerk off to when I got home. I probably wouldn’t need a video, I usually didn’t. I’m horny all the time, I’ll admit it – heck, I think about sex constantly. I had awoken that morning with a throbbing hard-on – I...
Masturbation*See ‘Preparing for my fantasy’ for the beginning of this story* * It takes twenty minutes to rouse you from your sleep. Gentle prodding, whispers. Part of me wants to give up because I am afraid, part of me stifles giggles. I send you a text ‘wake up’ and a wink. When I don’t hear your phone, I sneak it out of your pocket and place it next to your head. I send a few pictures of what is waiting for you… Each time I try to wake you, I race back to the bed. I am nervous and excited when I...
This is the writing of a memory that in my life will always cherish. The event is true, though the names have been changed to protect anonymity. My day started as usual, getting up at the break of dawn clad only in a pair of loose fitting and putting coffee on sitting down at the computer listening to the familiar whirring as it booted. Waiting for the coffee to finish I logged on to my favorite news sight, all the while thinking about what the day held as well as the way last night...
A Special Memory By Milik the Red Life has its ups and downs and I have of late been in a period of change and reflection. Among those changes have been thoughts and emotions that have kept me away from writing for some time, but as with all passions my desire to write has rekindled within my heart and I find myself looking to my own past for the spark of inspiration. I find myself looking back some thirty years to the days of my youth. Days filled with the nervous insecurities that a boy in...
I always remember the first no matter how many times I get to watch. Every time I see her fucking I remember seeing that first cock push her lips apart, hearing her initial cries as it slipped inside her horny cunt. Seeing how wet she was, seeing her juices coating his entire shaft. Remembering how she had sucked him first, looking at me as she took his cock in her mouth, stroking the wet shaft while she sucked his balls. How she lay down for him, pulled him on top of her. Seeing her legs...
I lay in my bed, propped up with precisely3 pillows behind my head and back. The time was ticking between day and night as I sat and watched several different movies. The time has passed slowly, and yet you are still not here. I unconsciously watch the USA and Canada hockey game, knowing where you are you are watching it as well. That’s the closest I can get to you. I have not felt your touch in months, your kisses are faintly remembered, your touch is unfamiliar, and I long for you to come...
1 Great MemoryBy: Londebaaz Chohan The Liberty, International Airport; Newark, NJ or the Newark city in NJ, none of these is new to me. I used to live in Newark NJ little over 5 years ago. The mother fucking city was dirty, smelly and crimes ridden even then but except one small portion across the rail road tracks where most of the hard working white collar migrant people lived; ready to fuck any criminal element in a flash to keep their community clean and safe. I rented 2 rooms from such a...
WHAT A MEMORYBy: Londebaaz ChohanLangdon; although very old and very sick, remembers and tells this to all his buddies like he won the gold medal in Aeronautical Science and that too when he was hardly 18 and had not even studied a word about this science. He admits of having no girlfriend then and being a freelancer providing the services of his cock to all needy cunts and young asses alike; just to get the relieve for his sexual tensions and truly wanting to be a known as a bull for all needy...
Teen Age MemoryBy: LondebaazIt amazes me today to remind myself that my 2 years older sister Ally and I were both in high school wrestling team and we both have been enjoying wrestling as sports and great exercise. We even watched wrestling entertainment on the tube quite often. Like most siblings we horsed around a lot at younger age playing and pretending to lock arms and pin the other person. As Ally matured, she became a very attractive girl but still she enjoyed horsing around with me;...
I found this pic a while back and it reminded me of a great true account, and a fond memory from my past. The girl in this pic looks almost EXACTLY like the girl who pretty much made my foot fetish official when I was about 15 and she was 14. I thought I'd share the story in a casual way (and I'll try to keep it short and sweet if I can) for you foot lovers who may enjoy the sentiment. So without further ado.. I think I was in about the 7th grade when I started noticing girls' feet and feeling...
It had been almost 5 years since the last time we saw each other. Jenn hadn't changed much. She is what most consider a little on the bigger side but she it very good looking Mexican woman. Beautiful shoulder length brown hair and piercing green eyes on top of the large boobs and round butt that comes with a big beautiful women. Dressed in a tight black dress and with what must of been her husband in tow she made her way across room and sat next to me at the bar. The 3 of us exchanged awkward...
Alec and Amy had known each other in high school. They had both gone to college and moved on to adult lives. What Alec didn’t know was that Amy had fallen madly in love with him in high school and had never recovered from it. She was a year behind him and had not developed physically, while he was a stud upperclassman on his way to college and success. As their lives went in different directions, she kept up with his every move, hoping that someday she would connect with him again. That...
Straight SexMemory By Angel Hailee "Wake up." "Huh? Who said that? Its so bright... can't see." "Don't worry, just wake up." "Um... okay..." "You can leave your eyes closed for now... just wake up." "Okay... I'm up... I think." "Yes, you are. Can you open your eyes?" "I think so... yeah... its okay... can't see too well... everything's blurry." "Maybe you need glasses." "But I've never had them before." "People's eyes change." "True." "Do you remember your...
This is the writing of a memory that in my life will always cherish. The event is true, though the names have been changed to protect anonymity. My day started as usual, getting up at the break of dawn clad only in a pair of loose fitting and putting coffee on sitting down at the computer listening to the familiar whirring as it booted. Waiting for the coffee to finish I logged on to my favorite news sight, all the while thinking about what the day held as well as the way last...
Straight Sex--------------------------------------------- She came through the revolving door as if she were gliding on air. She had an elegance that belied her age ... just 24 ... and her smooth stride somehow masked the fact that she was 6-foot 2-inches in her heels. A few steps in, she stopped. She told me she was a model but people lie so often I didn't expect the claim to be true. But she most certainly was runway material. Her leather-clad legs were miles long. Her hips, while slender, tapered...
"For the sake of everyone involved, I'd rather not go into the details of the things that happened leading up to this because to do so, could point to our real identities and the last thing in the world that I would want is for anyone to find out. For the same reason, I've changed our real names too. However, that first night between daddy and I is etched in my mind and it was the most wonderful night of my life and because of that, I just wanted to put it in writing. Once I did that, I...
I am Rajendran and I was 18 years when this real incident happened on Nov 2,my 18th birthday. Now I am settled as a computer engineer in Gulf with my family and enjoying a very good family life but still I am cherishing the fantasy sometimes because I cannot forget my first lovemaking with my fantasy lady. It was with my fantasy lady, JAYABHARATHI, the famous actress of Malayalam. Now I have the film in CD and sometimes I used to watch it my computer. My wife knows regarding my crush about...
Part 1 It was about 11:30 p.m. and my daughter was settled in her bedroom. My wife, Michelle, and I were on our bed in our room and I was lying half-on, half-off of her body. Our tongues were working in each other's mouth. My hands had moved down from her breasts to the inside of her panties. My cock was raging inside of my boxer shorts. It had been six months since she first had injured her back and we had not had any sex since. I had been patiently waiting for this night. One of...
Wanks for the memory Relaxed, I lie upon the bed, My body straight, my legs outspread; My eyes towards the looking glass, I stick one finger up my arse. The other hand goes to my prick, And when it’s straight and getting thick, I put some oil upon the crown And then I rub it up and down Gently, until it’s getting thicker, And then I start to rub it quicker. When the juices start to come, I wipe them off with my left thumb, Which I then suck – oh, what a taste, A nectar sweet, too good to waste....
Erotic PoetryWith tears streaming down her face, Adriana watched through the fog of loneliness and despair as her true love turned to leave. Pride and fear had kept her from telling him how much she desperately needed to feel his arms around her and and for him to nuzzle her hair and whisper "I love you, baby. It'll all work out." She wanted to call out his name and beg him to stay, but the little voice inside her head told her that she wasn't that weak and to let him walk away, forever if need be. With...
There is no sex in this story but it is a good read. Thank you to Linda62953 for editing this story and making it a much better read. Chapter 1 My mother passed away a couple of years ago. My dad took it pretty hard but went on with his life, what else could he do? He ran a combination gas station and grocery store, which was passed down to him from my grandfather. Dad is a good man, as was my grandfather before him. Mom was only fifty-four when she died of that dreaded Cancer. She and Dad...
At Aurora area high school, Kayla Campbell was just starting her junior year. She was a small petite little thing, no more than 5’-4” with straight black shoulder length hair and a very slender body to match her height. She had a bit of a reputation for fooling around with guys, especially after the summer she had just experienced. Her parents were both unaware of her late night adventures with the boys of this little town, and it was Kayla’s intent to keep it that way. Her father, Joe...
A friend in need is a friend indeed! But someone’s hot mom who “is need” of love, care, warmth and pleasure, was “indeed” what I had been looking for during my college days and to take her to that multi-orgasmic state of ecstasy! College life was full of fun – less of studies and more of play. Marks did not matter. Examinations were also in the backseat. Fun and frolic were the most sought after. In such a scenario, I came across Anand (name changed) in a college in Delhi way back in 2006. He...
Chapter 1 My mother passed away a couple of years ago. My dad took it pretty hard but went on with his life; what else could he do? He ran a combination gas station and grocery store, which was passed down to him from my grandfather. Dad is a good man, as was my grandfather before him. Mom was only fifty-four when she died of that dreaded Cancer. She and Dad started dating after Dad returned from the service and married soon after. They had a good marriage and seemed to be a happy couple. Mom...
Mara walked into the room in just an Oscar the Grouch t-shirt that stopped above her waist. She rejoined Mike on the couch who did his best impression of not looking at her. Mara noticed him squirming a bit in his seat, smirked to herself as she pulled a mental lever for him to feel comfortable with the situation. Mike wondered to himself about the t-shirt, trying to remember who had left it in his bedroom last week. It smelled so familiar. Mara took the remote from his lap and heard Mike...
It was the end of the school year, 12th grade. I was a fresh 18 years old. Just a couple of weeks to go until graduation. All I was looking forward to was getting school over with just like everybody else in my class. I only had a couple classes that I really needed a pass and order to graduate one of them being last period's US history which was taught by Ms. P. Ms. P was a young teacher probably in her early 20's. She was just out of college and was filling in for our very old and very...
A warm morning and I wake late, the sun on my bed, feeling lazy. I slide a hand down my front, feel my breasts through the cotton night gown, spread my legs a little. I'm horny in a vague way and think about fapping, conscious that I also need to go to the loo. I circle a hand on my belly, feel the pressure inside, slip fingers down over my mound, press there as well, mind drifting back twenty years to another sunny morning...It's a Saturday in spring and the sun through the curtains warms...
WatersportsIt is a brisk late autumn afternoon, and the vivid forest colors have at last reached their seasonal peak; the oranges, reds, and crimsons are almost too much to behold! .. As the setting sun nears a mountain's crest, and shadows begin to creep over the hills, I am suddenly returned to reality by a slight tug at my shirt-tail .. "Come on inside, supper's almost ready!" The air in the cabin is awash with the fragrance coming from the old wood-burning cook stove; a blend of...
It was that time in life. That time that you have to get ready for the adult life, one where you have to perhaps say goodbye to a few of your friends as you head on over to college for a couple of years. This is exactly what happened to my closest friend and myself. This happened two years back, very close to when high school was finishing up. My best friend, Paul, was the best guy friend I could ever ask for. Kind, charismatic, enthusiastic and amazingly attractive, also. But I hadn’t really...
First TimeThe picture in my hand took me back to when I met you and I smiled. I looked at the photo and saw a most ravishing face and the sight of bare shoulders. In the background was the sight of a sea of brilliant aqua and a crystal white beach. Seeing the photo I thought again of how the photo was taken and my mind was taken back to that day. My hot sweaty body ached for some coolness as I drank greedily from the water bottle and I looked down at the most perfect beach. The sea a clear aqua and the...