Richard The Lll free porn video

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Richard the III Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Richard left on the Crusades, leaving his maiden alone, longing for his return. She cried out went he left, telling of her love for him, hoping, pleading, that he would not go. Richard, with but a single glance back at her, rode off on his quest. The maiden, her eyes filled with tears sank to the floor in despair, her gown draped around her as her impending loneliness descended on her. The curtain fell to the resounding applause of the audience, and the cast made a bow with two encore appearances. As the audience filed out of the auditorium, the cast made their way to the dressing rooms. Steven, who played Richard, had his arm around the waist of the maiden, holding her tightly as they walked down the hallway. As Steven and I walked off the stage his arm went around my waist as he held me close. I wondered why. He knew that I was not a girl. The only reason I played the part at all was because the girl that was going to do it fell ill and wasn't able to fill the part. I could fit into the costumes, or at least come close. When I asked the drama coach why he didn't just get another girl to do it, he told me that if the girl wasn't in the drama department, he wasn't interested in asking them because they weren't interested enough to try out. That left about eight girls, and they had already been assigned roles, they had all been studying their lines, and he had no inclination to change them now. My name is Garret Grant, I'm 17, a Senior and about ready to graduate. When our drama coach first approached me about doing this part I was unwilling to even try on the costume let alone actually do it. The rest of the cast never really pushed me into it, but some of them mentioned that it was only a play after all, and didn't a lot of famous male actors dress as women in different films? Of course, one of the girls wanted the role, but there is no way she would come close to fitting the costumes and she knew it. Sandy is quite short, a little on the heavy side, and on top of that she has one of those whiny voices that sound like bad chalk on a blackboard. She already had a part, and was just a bit angry that me, a boy, was going to play the starring female lead. I wasn't looking forward to it either, but it's only a role, right? I told my parents what was being suggested, expecting them to tell me not to do it, but both of them said about the same thing the other kids did. The next day I reluctantly told the coach I would do it. He wanted the girls in the sewing class to make any alterations I needed, but I could just imagine what would happen there, and said no. I would have my mother do it. That afternoon went home with several bags of clothes. I expected to just slip the dresses on and do the part, but as soon as Mom saw the dresses, she said absolutely not. "These are period costumes, and will require you to have a narrow waist and show at least some bosom. Let's have you try them on and I will see what we need to do to make you look like a fetching maiden." In no time I had on one of the dresses, and as mom zipped it up, it was obvious that my waist was just a little big and made the dress pretty snug on me. It was also dragging on the floor. Mom took the dress off, and I tried the other two. They fit about the same way. Then mom took my measurements, wrote them down, and told me to get dressed. I figured I would be wearing a waist nipper, but that's not so bad, and thought nothing of it when mom told me she would be gone for a while. That night after dinner mom told me to come to her bedroom, so I followed her, and saw the bags of stuff on her bed. "If you want to be at all convincing as the maiden, then I think you should do it right Steven, so I bought this hair remover for you to use." She told me that on Saturday morning she and I would begin to change me into a girl, the maiden in the play. She did not give me a choice, and I knew by the look on her face that she intended to make me as believable a girl as she could. The next day I told the drama coach what mom said, and all he did was smile! He thought it was a wonderful idea, then told me he hoped I would do my best to play the maiden. I told him I would do my best. On Saturday morning after breakfast, mom took me to her room again and told me to strip. As mom slathered on the cream my skin started to tingle, then after half hour or so I went in the shower and watched as my body hair, what there was of it, washed down the drain! I shaved close, and with a towel wrapped around me I rejoined mom. In her hand were a pair of panties! "Panties?" "I think it will help you get into the role a bit better if you wear the right undergarments, now put these on." I did as she told me, then saw that the thin material did nothing but accentuate my weapon, so I hurriedly tucked things away before I turned to see her pointing at the vanity. I sat down, and as mom watched, I used the foundation to make my face all one color, then she handed me her powder puff. I used it, then waited until the foundation had absorbed it before I brushed away the excess. I was used to using heavy eye makeup, but mom said not this time and coached me, as I did my eyes in pale green and gray with black eyeliner over and under each eye. I brushed on a coral blush, then mom had me stand in the middle of the room. I expected a waist nipper, but she held up a corselet, which looked pretty small to me! In no time I had wrapped it around myself, fastened the hooks and zipped it up, then mom drew the Velcro fastener as tight as she could. My waist went from a comfortable 27 inches to 23 in no time at all. All of the flesh on my chest had been pushed up, almost filling the cups of the built in bra, but mom reached into each cup and pulled my skin up some more, then shoved a small foam pad under my skin. All at once I filled out the bra, and it looked as if I had boobs of my own! As I looked in the mirror it was obvious even to me that I now had an almost perfect female shape. I sat on the bed and pulled on the pantyhose mom had handed me, shivering as the nylon slid up my now silky smooth legs. That made mom smile at me, but she said nothing, then gave me a pantybrief. It was padded in all the right places, and once I had it on, I saw that it gave me a completely feminine shape. I was aghast at how easily mom had changed the way I looked, which took less than an hour. Then she slipped the dress over my head and zipped it up. This time it fit me perfectly. Snug but not tight, loose enough that I could move, and worse, it looked as if I had the same swelling mounds of my female classmates! The shoes she had me step into were ordinary heels, but when I stood up straight the dress no longer dragged on the floor. I sat at her vanity as she put rollers in my hair, and I had to endure her dryer for another half an hour before she started brushing out my hair. I watched as she pinned on what she called a bun, then, when she was done, my hair looked natural for the dress. Ringlets cascaded down the sides, the back swept up to the bun and I had bangs. I drew on the red lipstick and stood in front of the huge mirror, in awe at what she had done. I certainly didn't look like myself, I wasn't ugly or clownish or even plain looking. I looked almost as good as most of the girls I admired most! I was standing there admiring the way I looked when mom started taking pictures. I think she filled a whole chip! "It would be a shame to waste all of this effort, so I bought you a few other things. Let's get that dress off first." Once I had it off, mom gave me a navy and green skirt, which I held in my hand a moment before she told me to put it on. Then came a simple white blouse and a thin navy sweater. She helped me get it over my hair, then, when I looked in the mirror I went into shock. I had legs that seemed to go on forever because the hem was at mid thigh on me. Mom took off the bun, and brushed my hair out into a pageboy then clipped on some earrings. When I looked this time, I went into overload. I looked just like any other girl in my school, the pretty ones that is. Mom took some more pictures, then told me it was time to have a bite to eat. I followed her into the kitchen without even thinking about it, and sent dad to choking on his sandwich. "Dear, this is Gwendolyn." "I thought this was a period piece." "Oh, it is, but she looked so cute that I wanted to see how she would look normally dressed." "You call this normal?" "For a girl, of course. Doesn't she look simply wonderful?" Dad said nothing as he stared at me. "I thought that it would be nice to see how the daughter we never had would look, and here she is!" "Can I go change mom?" "No. Since this play will last three weeks, and it will certainly be easier for you to get ready at home, I thought it might be easier for you to simply wear a dress or skirt and blouse back and forth. That way we can leave the costumes there. You'll look awfully silly wearing full makeup and your own clothes back and forth." "Why can't I just change at school mom?" "Can you see yourself putting all of these clothes on at school? In front of everyone else?" She did have a point, but why stay dressed up now? "Audrey, just what to you have in mind for... Gwen, since you won't let her change?" "I think it will be much easier for Gwen if she actually become a girl for the next three weeks plus the run of the play. It will help her get used to how women move, walk, use their arms and hands and so on. Since she would be dressing as a girl every day, it will be easier for her to get ready here and just go to the school." "But mom!" She ignored me of course. I think she likes the idea of having a daughter, at least once. "She and I need to buy her a few more outfits of course!" Mom looked at dad and I like we were from another planet, then went back to her bedroom, returning with a navy purse. "I put your wallet inside with your lipstick. Ready?" "Do I have a choice here mom?" "No." In no time we were at the mall, and there I was walking beside her, my skirt flaring with every step, my heels clicking on the hard floor, and my eyes roaming all over the place to see if anyone saw me as a boy in a skirt. Fortunately I guess, nobody did, and I soon found myself holding two bras, a package of panties! Then, in the dress department, mom told me to pick out three skirts and two dresses. It seemed like a lot to me, but what do I know. I selected skirts in black, pink and gray, then one in tan. The dresses were blue and green, both in a popular but short style. Mom picked out the blouses, and I tried on shoes, leaving with two pair of flats and heels in taupe. On the way out of the store we walked right into a girl in my math class and her mother. She gave me the eye, then I saw her eyes open wide as I realized I had just been caught. I expected her to say something right then, but she didn't, and mom and I went into the jewelry shop just outside the department store. There I was, four pair of earrings in my hand when she walked up. "You're Garret!" "Not today Shelly. Today I'm Gwen." "Damn!" "What?" "I said damn! You look wonderful! Is this for the play? I heard that you had one of the female leads." "Mom said it would be easier to get ready at home, and I should have something to wear back and forth from now and the three weeks the play is supposed to run, which is why I'm here like this. It's not my idea, believe me." "I met my mom here, so I have my car, do you have to go home with your mother?" "I suppose not, why?" "We can do some shopping together silly!" As long as I was with mom I knew I was pretty safe, but Shelly is a good friend, and I didn't think she would put me in any kind of spot on purpose, and it could be fun. The only problem is that there isn't anything I need to shop for, and of course, what if we saw some other kids? Would they believe me if mom wasn't there? I knew I looked okay, yet I felt just a tiny bit of fear rise up in my throat. Mom must have overheard Shelly, because she came over and smiled at me, her credit card in her hand. "I think that's a wonderful idea Gwen. You need to buy some more pantyhose, a wallet, and of course, makeup of your own. Shelly will be able to help you, and I'm sure you girls will have a fun afternoon." Then mom did her best to protect me. "Shelly, Gwen is doing this because of the situation she is in. I don't want to hear that you put her in a position to be made fun of, or teased about it." Shelly swore that was the farthest thing from her mind, so mom gave me her card and told me to pay for the jewelry. I stood there and watched as mom walked away as if it was the most normal thing in the world for me to be here, dressed this way, shopping with a friend who happens to be a girl! I paid for the jewelry, then Shelly and I walked around to find her mother. Shelly introduced me as Gwen, and told her we would be shopping. All her mother did was smile and say okay. As we walked away... "Are you going to be dressing this way in class?" "God I hope not!" "Ya, I can see where it might make a few of the other girls crazy." "Them, what about me?" "Looking this way? You'll have the eye of every guy in the school honey, which is why the girls will go crazy!" We walked along until we came to a makeup shop, then we went in, where I expected to just tell them what I wanted, but no. The woman insisted that she do my makeup to make sure she gave me the right stuff, so I washed off all of my makeup, and sat there while she redid everything. When she was done, I saw Shelly staring at me, then I looked in the mirror. This was even better than when I did it just a few hours ago! There wasn't one sign that I was anything but a girl, just like Shelly! The woman made up a kit, I paid for it, and we left the shop. "You are one hot girl Gwen, hot hot hot!" She asked if I wanted something to drink, and a bit embarrassed by what she said, I said nothing as we stopped at the mall caf?. I was sitting there, minding my own business, sipping on a soda, my knees locked together, when up walked Greg with his girlfriend Kelly, her friend Melissa and Melissa's brother Ken. Shelly wasted no time introducing me as Gwen, and they joined us. Even as na?ve as I am about boys, it was obvious that Ken was watching me like a hawk looking at a tender meal. He sat on the other side of the table, which gave him a clear view of me. The up side is that he's on the other side of the table. Shelly was really cool, and let them think what they wanted to, then she said we had a lot of shopping to do and stood up. I joined her, and for the first time Ken saw the rest of me and smiled. As we said our goodbyes, Ken asked if he could tag along, and of course Shelly said yes. Inside I was tasting just a hint of fear as he slipped in between us. Not wanting to create a scene, I waited until we came to a lingerie shop and went in, with Shelly right behind me. Ken, as I hoped, was shy about going into a shop that sold nothing but lingerie, stayed outside. When we reached the rear of the store, I yanked Shelly aside. "Ken has been staring at me!" "Of course! He's in love I think." "But that's impossible Shelly, I'm a...a..." "Girl. You are a girl named Gwen, and they all think so. Just go out there just ask Ken if you're a girl." "This is just great Shelly. What happens when I show up and the play starts. Everyone will know, and we'll both look like fools!" "Just play it by ear Gwen. I'm taking you home, not Ken, so relax!" I bought a package of pantyhose, and we left. Ken didn't like it, but Shelly and I said goodbye, then left in her car for my house. Once we were at my house I went in and Shelly went home, but she promised to call later. Mom looked at my new makeup, told me I looked fantastic, then told me we were going out for dinner. I started for my room but she said no, I could go like I was. Dad looked like he was once again in shock, but he didn't say anything, and drove us to the restaurant. Over dinner mom told me that she had talked to my drama coach, and told him what we had done, then told us he was coming to the house later. Knowing mom, and based on the hints she gave me earlier, I was sure that between them, they would decide that in the interest of making my character more feminine, I would be attending school as a girl. The bad thing about that is that in my heart, I believed I was beginning to like dressing as a girl. In my entire life I never even thought about dressing as a girl, yet I never got as much attention as I did today. Looking in the mirror it's hard to say that I didn't like the way I look. After the days events, having Ken staring at me and so on, with not one problem, it only reinforced the way I was beginning to feel. The real problem is that everyone will know the minute I set one foot in the school. By the time we got home mom told me I just had time to touch up my lipstick, which dad thought was funny. The doorbell rang, and I opened the door to let him in. He asked for mom and dad, looked at me and said nothing as I led him into the familyroom. "Where is Garret? I thought he would be here?" Mom looked at me, and the coach's mouth dropped open. "I know what you told me, but I expected, well, I didn't expect this!" "I told you she looks wonderful." Mom looked at me and told me to stand up. His eyes roamed over me from head to toe and back before he asked me if I would consider coming to school like this every day, at least until the play is over. There it was, just like I figured. "Gee, I don't know. The other kids might not take it well. Shelly told me, and this is her idea, that I'll make some of the girls crazy." "And some of the boys too I'll bet." "What happens to me if that happens? This could turn out very ugly very quickly." "I'll clear it with the school, and of course you can say no, but it might enhance your performance if you do this." "I'll think about it." That was the best I could do right then, because I really would have to think about it. After he left I went to my room, then slowly began to take off the clothes. I was down to the corselet when mom walked in and shut the door. She said nothing as I went in the bath and removed the rest of the clothes, slipped on a robe and washed off the makeup. I still had my hair in the pageboy when I walked back into my room. When she asked me if I was going to go to school dressed as a girl, I wondered how I could tell her yes without sounding like I was beginning to actually enjoyed it. "You turned out much prettier than I imagined." "Thanks." "You like dressing as a girl don't you?" "What makes you say that mother? I never did anything like this before, ever!" "I say that because I watched you most of the day, and the longer it went on, the more feminine your gestures became. The way you walked, sat, used your hands and so on. Then, when I saw that you had your makeup redone, and came home with another package of sexy panties plus the pantyhose I told you to get, I was sure." "But I bought those while I was in the shop to get away from Ken!" "We'll talk about this in the morning, but keep in mind that we bought you those clothes so you would look like a normal girl and fit in, and obviously, you do." I slept deeply that night, with only a fleeting dream about the way I looked. In the morning I appeared in the kitchen in my robe, made coffee, then waited. I wanted to ask mom how dad was taking this. I mean, he's laughing it off right now, but after a few days, then what? What if she's right and I start acting like the girl I'll appear to be? Will he go ballistic on me? Also, just how am I going to manage this at school? I'm sure the coach will notify the school, but some of the guys won't understand, and worse, they're not going to try. They can make my life miserable unless we can find a way to make them choke back their natural tendencies to be assholes. Mom and dad showed up by the time the coffee was done, and while they were together, I asked them all of the questions I had wondered about. Dad was a little hurt when I asked him if he was going to get angry with me if I did go to school as a girl, but he said no. "What if your drama coach introduced all of you to the student body, all at the same time? You could all be in costume, then he could explain why you will be there as a girl. Would that help?" "Maybe." "I'll call him later and find out, but lets assume that she will do it, and prepare for it. I have a few alterations to make on all three dresses anyway, so you'll need to get ready after breakfast." I went to my room and got dressed again, but without the makeup, and spent three hours as a dress dummy. Mom would mark, then sew in the alteration, then I tried the dress on again. By the time she was done every dress fit me perfectly. She did make one change that made me nervous, and that was on the dress for the final act. She lowered the bustline, which revealed more of my swollen chest, and only made it look as if I really did have breasts. Mom told me to get dressed, and left my room. As I looked in the mirror I knew what I was going to do. I did my makeup, brushed my hair into a ponytail, and slipped on a skirt and blouse, then some flats, drew on my lipstick, and went to join mom. Just then the phone rang. It was Shelly. She wanted to come over, and since I wanted to tell her what I decided, I said yes. She showed up about thirty minutes later, dressed about the same as I was. She took one look at me and knew before I told her that I was going to school as Gwen, but I told her anyway. She and I spent the day talking about what might happen, and what mom had suggested. By then I had decided to do it, and could only hope the drama coach could help. That night I checked myself for stray hairs, shaved off a few, and went to bed early. If I was going to do this, I was damn well going to do the best I could. In the morning I showered, then began to get ready. Mom put my hair in rollers again, then left me to do my makeup. I used the barest minimum I could get away with, did my eyes in the same soft green and gray, used black eyeliner and pencil, then a coral blusher. In order to have any kind of a shape, I had to wear the corselet again, and as I fastened it, the magic was created and I once again had breasts and a narrow waist. I slipped on the pantyhose, then the tan skirt with a white short sleeved blouse. The taupe flats, then the small pink button earrings I had bought the other day. Around my neck went the matching necklace. I had just drawn on the pale red lipstick when mom came in and handed me her perfume. She told me I might as well, so I dabbed some on my neck, elbows and wrists. Then she took out the rollers and brushed my hair out, using barrettes this time to hold it back on the sides. I was as ready as I would ever get, so I gathered up my books, left the house, and drove to school. I asked Shelly to be there, and I saw her as I parked the car. She took one look, smiled at me and told me I looked great. Then we went in. There was a notice on every locker saying that assembly had been called, and we were to report there rather than class. Shelly and I walked into the auditorium and sat down. So far nobody had said anything to me. Our drama coach and the Principal stood on stage together, then he made a motion to be quiet. "Many of you know that we have asked one of our students to take the female lead in our upcoming play. He resisted, but I managed to talk him into it. I also asked him to attend school as a girl in order to get familiar with the role we have asked him to star in. The characters name is Gwendolyn, so I have also asked him to adopt that name while he is attending as a girl. We know that this is strange, but all of you know that many actors have done the same thing, and we ask your indulgence. In order for you to see him, as he looks as a girl, I'll ask Gwendolyn to step up here." I was stuck in my chair until Shelly poked me and I stood up. As I walked to the stage I could hear some of the kids saying that I was really a girl, and this was all a joke. That made me feel pretty good, until I heard someone say an ugly name as I passed them. I stepped onto the stage and stood next to the drama coach, my knees together and my hands folded in front of me just like Shelly told me to do. "This is Garret Grant, who has accepted the challenge of playing the female lead. As you can see, he has been able to create a lovely character, and we ask that you treat Gwen the same as you have always treated the other young ladies that attend here. By the way, he will be using the name Gwen from now until the end of the play. Any questions?" Nobody spoke up at first, then someone called me the same ugly name. The Principal jumped on that instantly. "Anyone that mistreats Gwen will be summarily dismissed from the school, and all functions, including graduation, the prom and so on. If any of you think I don't mean it, I really suggest that you rethink that position. Class will start in five minutes. You may go." This was going to be an interesting day. I stepped off the stage and joined the crowd as we all made our way to our first class. Shelly walked with me for a bit, then I went in my room, sat in my usual chair, and waited. I expected something to be said by the teacher, but she ignored me and started the lesson. At the end of the class, the girl sitting next to me, Lisa, told me that she wished she looked as good as I did. Lisa would be a real knock out if she took the time to try, and everyone knew it but her. I needed as many friends as I could get right now, so I told her that if she wanted some help, I would try. We walked to our next class together, talking about what I thought she might need to do. In her case, a little makeup would do wonders. By the time the third class rolled around everyone had seen me up close, then the issue of what restroom to use came up, and rather than create a scene, I simply went to the nurses station. In mid afternoon I ran through my lines for the first time dressed as Gwendolyn. Our leading man, Steven, didn't flinch at all when he had to hold me. In fact, he whispered in my ear that I looked pretty good to him! On the whole, it was an almost average day, and I went home hoping everything would be fine. Shelly called me after dinner, and told me that a lot of girls had mentioned to her that they were very surprised that a boy could look even remotely nice as a girl. She told me that most of the kids didn't really care how I dressed. The next day I wore a skirt with my gym shoes, my hair in a ponytail. Everything was fine until just after third class when I was confronted by two guys. They were blocking my way, making fools of themselves, sneering and staring at me. Even as a boy I couldn't take either one of them, and I certainly wasn't going to try dressed this way. I wasn't exactly scared of them as much as I was concerned about what they might do. One of them shoved me against the locker, his hand firmly on my right breast. I almost had the chance to ask him if he liked it when Steve and Ken walked up, each of them grabbed one of the guys harassing me, and shoved them away. The message was very clear. Don't mess with me. I was ready to collapse from the adrenaline rush when Ken took my arm and walked me to my next class. "I wondered why you were so skittish in the mall the other day, and now I know. You didn't want me to find out." "That's not true Ken. I didn't want you to let any of the ideas that were written all over your face make us both sorry." "You assume a lot Gwen. I'm not sorry to be with you. In fact I like it." We reached my room and I went in, saving myself from asking the next question. Lisa asked me to come over to her house after school, and I said I would. I drove the two of us to her house, with her mother saying nothing as we went up to her bedroom. Lisa shut the door, smiled at me, then told me that she heard that Ken had a serious crush on me! "Shelly's boyfriend Fred told her, and she told me." I had just an inkling that what she said was true, I just refused to believe it. Lisa gave me one of those smiles of hers, but I told her to sit down so I could do her makeup for her. She watched as I used the makeup she already had, and created a stone fox, using any definition you like. Then I made her wash it off and do it herself. After the last time, she gave me a hug, then our lips touched. I don't have a sister, but it felt like that's who I was kissing. My sister. We stared at one another, then started to giggle. "Maybe Ken will light your fire Gwen. I sure don't!" "But he's a boy and I..." "He sees you as a girl Gwen. Most of us do. You are one of maybe three guys in the entire school that could do this and get away with it, and you know it. Besides, I think you like dressing as a girl. In fact, a lot of the girls think so." "But I'm doing this for the play! Everyone knows that!" "Then why is it that you have so many mannerisms down pat? Hell, even the way you talk is like a girl now! I can't say your voice is higher, just a little less masculine sounding. The way you use your hands is perfect. The only thing that would complete the way you look is to have longer nails, like most of us do." I saw her eyes light up. "You did my makeup, let me do your nails! I promise you'll like them." I had noticed the nails most of the other girls had, and wondered if I could get away with having them, and after what Lisa told me, I agreed. An hour later I had longer nails filed to a rounded point, painted a soft red in two coats, and clear polish over that. It was nearing dinner time, so I had to leave. Just grabbing my purse was different now that I had longer nails, but as I drove home, the flashes of red I saw gave me a chill. Lisa was right. I did like dressing as a girl. How come I never knew this before? I went in the house just in time to help mom set the table. I know she saw my nails, but she said nothing. Dad however, asked why I needed to paint my nails. He doesn't realize that I like dressing as a girl yet. "Most girls her age wear polish and there is no reason she shouldn't be able to wear it too." "But this is our son!" "A male yes. A son? No. Gwen is our daughter now, so you might as well get used to it." Dad gave up, then after dinner I was helping mom do the dishes when the doorbell rang. Dad answered the door, and after a pause, he called for me. When I went in the front hall I saw Ken standing there with a grin on his face. "Hi Gwen. I was in the neighborhood and decided to stop by." Ken lived all the way across town, but dad didn't know that, so... "Hi Ken." "Can I talk to you Gwen?" Dad got the message and retreated to the den while I led the way to the patio, stopping to get some soda on the way. Mom also left the kitchen, so we were all alone. I started to sit down, when Ken took my arm. "Gwen." He said, I turned, and he pulled me to him and kissed me, right on the lips! Unlike when I kissed Lisa, I felt a shiver go down my back, more as he held me tightly and pushed his tongue against my lips. Without a thought my arms went around his neck as I opened my mouth. I felt his hands as they went around my waist, then rising until his hand reached my breast and I broke away. "I've wanted to do that since the first time I saw you." "Ken! You know me! You can't feel this way about me! I'm not a..." His lips against mine brought another shiver, which he felt this time. "Not a girl? You're as much a girl as I need Gwen." "You better go Ken." He nodded his head yes, then brushed his lips against mine one more time before I walked him to his car. When I went in dad wanted to know what that was all about, and all at once I started to cry, then ran up to my room. Mom was right behind me, leaving dad wondering what happened. Mom knew. Mom's always know, and she didn't ask me anything at all. She just held me, then stayed while I changed into a nightgown and went to bed. "We'll talk about this later Gwen." I avoided Ken for two days. I only told Lisa and Shelly what had happened. Neither of them saw any problem with it beyond the obvious, but as Lisa pointed out, none of her friends were "putting out", so it didn't matter if I could or not. As long as Ken was interested, they felt I should let it go where it may. The problem I had with that was the shiver he gave me. With Lisa, it had been a solid zero. With Ken, a solid ten. That worried me a lot. I wondered about myself. Was I turning into a girl? In the morning, rather than wear a skirt or a dress, I wore jeans and a simple top, my hair in a ponytail. Lisa and Shelly were waiting for me to arrive, both of them smiling. "Girl, Ken has it big time for you!" "He can't! I won't let him!" "Ya. Right. Listen dummy, you don't have any say. The guys do. You can say no, but what then? Stay at home all the time? You're way to pretty for that to happen and you know it. Fred is having a party at his house this Saturday, and I'll bet Ken asks you to go. We both expect to see you there." "But what about everyone else? What will they say if we walk in together." "The guys will wonder how Ken got so lucky, and the girls will wonder what you're doing that they're not." I wasn't so sure abut all this and tried to put it out of my mind and went to class. After school that night we had our next run through for the play, learning positions and so on. Steven, who played the male lead, was very popular and a very good singer. We listened as he sang his two numbers flawlessly. In the final act he is supposed to kiss me, and he did just that, without a pause. No tingle, just a warm feeling. As we broke apart he told me that Ken was a very lucky guy, then he left! The next rehearsal would be in full costume, and that would be tomorrow after school. Nobody said anything about Steven and I kissing. As I walked out of the auditorium, I saw Ken standing there, that silly grin on his face. Everyone else saw him too, and there was no doubt who he was waiting for. "Hi Gwen, can we talk a minute?" "Sure." He took my hand as we walked down the hallway and around the corner. "There's a party on Saturday at Fred's, and I want you to come with me." I knew it was coming, anticipated it, and was ready to say no when Heather, the girl that wanted my part originally walked up. "As much as I hate to say it, you're the right person for the role Gwen, good luck." Then she winked at me! I looked at Ken, who was waiting for my answer, and simply nodded my head yes. The next morning I took my costumes with me to school, which didn't make any sense at all. In the beginning I started this so that I could change at home, and here I am, changing at school! Dad was still giving me odd looks now and then, so I didn't mention that I had a date for Saturday. I simply took the costumes and went to school. The drama coach was smart enough to make sure I had a room to change in that was private, so right after school I picked up the costumes and retreated to my private changing room. I slipped off the skirt and blouse, pulled the dress over my head and had it almost zipped up when I heard a knock on the door. I cracked it open and saw Heather standing there. "Can I help?" "Zip me up and I'm all set." She zipped me up, I stepped into the heels and looked in the mirror. My dress revealed a lot of cleavage, just like mom planned. Heather almost choked when she saw how I looked, but held it in and we went to the stage. When I heard someone say Holy Cow! I knew it was all worth it. As we ran through our lines I saw the other kids watching me closely. In the final act. When Steven kissed me, I saw his eyes drift south, straight at my cleavage. "Impressive Gwen, very impressive!" I suppressed a giggle, then went to change into my own clothes. Heather unzipped me, then sat down! "We need to talk Gwen." "About what?" "About you." Since I still wasn't sure abut Heather, I kept my voice neutral, and let her direct the conversation. "What about me?" "A lot of us are beginning to wonder if Gwen is here to stay. I mean, look at yourself! Hell, you look better than a bunch of the girls do, and they have all the right stuff, natural, and your just..." "Foam rubber and tape Heather. That's all it is." "Right. What about Kenny? He gets that look when he sees you, and you seem to go all soft and mushy when he's around, and that's not foam rubber and tape. I'm sure it's lust for him, but maybe you too." "You and Ken don't have something going do you Heather?" "He's not my type Gwen, and besides, with you around it doesn't matter, does it?" I didn't answer that of course because I'm not quite that stupid. But she was right. He did look at me sort of funny, and he did make me seem a lot less male and a whole lot more feminine when he's around. "Did Ken ask you to go to the party?" I nodded my head yes and she smiled at me, then stood up and left, leaving me with even more unanswered questions. We rehearsed every afternoon, and twice at night, then on Saturday morning right after breakfast, I told mom I had a date. I expected shock or something, but all she did was ask if I had everything I needed, because she would be gone all day! I asked her to rub on the hair removing cream before she left. I had spent several nights wondering why this was happening to me, I mean, I had never dressed as a girl before now, so why is that all at once I felt like one? I knew what I was going to do, I just had to find the nerve. I found it in the shower as I washed away the thin stubble that had grown back. Once I made that decision, it was easy. I was going to be as feminine as I could be. Then I filled the tub, using bubblebath. Once I stepped into it and sat down I felt great. The soft oils in the water coated my skin making it feel a lot softer, and the sweet smell made me feel very feminine. I used a razor to touch up a few places, shaved as close as possible and waited until the water cooled off before I stepped out. So far I had simply tucked things back and wore a pantybrief, which is all that stood between me and disaster when Ken kissed me. This time I wanted to make sure there would be no accidents, so I decided to try something I had thought about the other day. I wasn't even sure it would work, but I got the stuff I needed, then sat on the floor in front of the mirror. I had shaved my groin just for this reason. Using one hand I pushed my testicles back into my body, held them there, then pushed my penis in. As my finger pushed inward I used my other hand to hold everything in place. Then I used the sticky, flesh colored tape to make everything stay in place. The hardest part was making sure that the small opening I made lined up right so I could use the restroom. After a minute or so I let go, then stood up. It didn't hurt a bit, which surprised me a bit, but as I looked at myself I saw that I had managed to create a very smooth front! I let my finger trace the new smoothness that defined my groin and smiled to myself. When I slipped on the panties I saw just how much better they fit me, and reached for my shorts. I slipped them on, then a bra which I padded out, a simple top, then my gym shoes. My skill with hair isn't that good, and as I put my makeup on I decided to take another huge step. If I was going to drown, then I was going down with a smile. Looking in mom's index file, I found the number of her stylist and called her. I told her my name was Gwen, and who my mother is, then asked her if she had time to do my hair. She said if I got there in twenty minutes she could do me. Jeri had not seen me as a girl, but I know that mom told her, so I held great joy in the fact that she gasped when she saw me for the first time. She washed my hair, then asked me what I wanted done. Since I don't identify with the big hair, blonde gee whiz kind of girls, I wanted something easy to take care of, but long enough for the play. She started cutting, a lot it seemed like, then my hair started to fill with pink rollers. I watched as she deftly used all sizes of rollers, then I was under the dryer. The manicurist came over and filed my nails to a rounded point and brushed on a color I chose myself, a deep cherry red that had metal flake in it. As my hair and nails dried I watched as other women and girls came in. Not one of them looked at me funny. Shortly, Jeri took out the rollers and brushed out my hair, trimming my bangs, then ratting my hair as she went. When she was done I had a very feminine style. In the back my hair flipped up in a mass of curls which went around to my ears. On top my hair was low but fluffy, and without a part. I loved it, and told Jeri that. I paid her, then went home to eat some lunch. I had a sandwich and a can of soda, then went to my room to get dressed. I had about an hour and a half before Ken would be by. The only way I could have realistic breasts was to wear the corselet, so I stripped down, washed off my makeup, then did it all over, only using different colors. Then I wrapped the corselet around myself and fastened the hooks before I pulled the strap as tight as possible, making my waist a trim 23 inches again, and had pushed up my chest until I once again filled the cups of the bra. Like mom, I used my hand to drag up all excess skin, then filled out the bra with two small foam pads. I slipped the pantyhose on, pulled on the green sheath dress mom and I had bought. It was about at mid thigh on me with a square cut neckline and twin straps to hold it up. For shoes I wore the black heels. Gold earrings and necklace, then mom's gold watch and two of her rings. Finally I used some of her perfume, just a bit, on my neck, ears and wrists. My lipstick is red to match the nail polish. I was ready, about fifteen minutes before Ken was to come by, and was waiting in the familyroom when dad came home. He said hi, went to get a beer, then the doorbell rang. I opened the door to let Ken in, and dad returned. He looked at me, then Ken and back to me. "Ken is taking me to a party tonight dad. I'll be home by one." Then I took Ken's hand and we left dad standing there, the beer in his hand, a stunned look on his face. I had taken Ken's hand to send a message to dad, and I'm sure he got it. When we arrived at Fred's house Ken and I walked in hand in hand. Shelly was there with Dave, Lisa, looking radiant was with Steve, our leading man, and Heather was with Jim. Fred and Kim were out on the patio setting out soft drinks between the kissing. It felt as if every eye was on me, then it turned into a wonderful party, and nobody said anything about Ken and I being together. We danced close, our lips just touching a few times. Nobody could miss that. Lisa pulled me aside, thanked me for the help doing her makeup, then told me the girls were going to have a little meeting, and as a girl, they wanted me to be there. I followed her to Fred's sister's room, then the door shut behind me. "Gwendolyn Elizabeth Grant. As you have attained the lofty goal of beauty, and of course, a hot boyfriend, we hereby induct you into the organization of hot babes, and present you with this award." Heather smiled as she handed me a small box. I opened it, saw what it was, and started to laugh. "We figured that with Ken hanging around, you'll need them sooner or later." I picked one out of the box and held it up. The condom package which said large on the side. "Is that because he's large, or is it me? I can't tell." They all laughed, then to drive home the point I was trying to make all evening, I added, "let me check." I slipped raised my skirt, then slipped my hand into my skirt and ran my finger down to my groin. "Nope, it must mean Ken!" I put the skirt back down, watching as they all stared at me, because they did not see what they thought they would. No lump. "We bought this for you as a gag Gwen, but now I'm not so sure anymore! We figured Ken would try to get you to do it, but we never figured you could!" "Well, method actors are a strange bunch Shelly. We like to get into our parts so we can feel as if we're doing it right." "Men also use a method Gwen, and its what they use when they want to get into is our pants, only we have to tell them if they are doing it right." "I hope Ken is smarter than that!" I put the condoms in my purse as we all went back to the party. I had been accepted by all of the girls, including Heather, which gave me the warm fuzzy's. I was smiling when I found Ken. The music started again, and as he held me close I simply relaxed and let him take charge. His hand on my back slid south, and I felt him squeeze me, then, as I looked up, he kissed me. It went on and on it seemed like, then the music stopped and we sat at a table. Fred and Kim sat down, then Shelly and Dave. The word must have gone out that I now had what appeared to be feminine attributes, because Dave, one of the loudest about my dressing as a girl was actually pleasant to me. They asked about the play and so on, then about 12 Ken and I left. Since I had told dad I would be home at one, we had plenty of time to do whatever Ken had in mind, and I was sure I knew what it was. He drove to the lake and parked on the point, then pulled me to him. All night long I could feel him, hard against my leg, and I knew he was just as excited as I was. I hoped the tape would hold the minute he put his hand on my breast and rubbed me. In my entire life I never had a picture of me doing this, but here I am, and I'm on fire inside. I felt his hand on my leg and stopped him as he moved to touch me. I moved my legs to deny him any goal that was up my skirt. I felt his hand as he cupped my breast, then I saw his eyes open wide when he realized that most of what he held was me. As his hand moved back and forth I had an uncontrollable urge to touch him back, but held myself in check. He and I were both panting hard, yet I knew that if I do what he wants, I will have stepped over that unseen line in a very big way. I had already kissed him, which was more than I ever thought I would do. I spent a lot of time to fix myself this way, in case I decided to go further, and now, I couldn't. I bent over and touched my lips to his, then said no. As I sat back, he and I stared at each other, then he kissed me and put his tongue deep in my mouth. He took me home and I walked in at the stroke of one, just like I told dad. Just kissing Ken like I had was out of line, but I didn't feel bad about it at all. In fact, I slept very soundly. The play is scheduled to start with a matinee, but I slept in, getting up at ten. I wrapped a robe around myself, went to the kitchen and found the coffee. Nobody said anything, but my hair and nails stuck out like a beacon, and I know for sure that mom noticed. As the time drew closer, I went to my room to get ready. Mom came in a few minutes later, just as I was ready to step into the bath, naked of course, and what I had done was very evident. We stood staring at each other, then she wagged a finger at me and I stood in front of her. Without a word she put her hand on me, her finger tracing what I had done. "Well! That tells me a lot!" "It makes the clothes fit better mom." "Tell that to your father Gwen, not me. I know better." Mom sat on the bed and told me to tell her exactly what is going on. "I know you went on a date last night. Your father was very shook up when that young man showed up to get you." "That was Ken. He sort of likes me, and we went to a party at Fred's house. All the kids were there!" My purse, which I had sat on the dresser had spilled out, the package of condoms right in plain sight, and mom saw them. "And these?" I told her how the girls had inducted me into their group, and gave them to me. The look on her face told me she wasn't so sure. "You take your shower. We'll talk more later. When I was out of the shower mom watched as I dressed in panties and the corselet, pantyhose, did my makeup, then saw that my hair almost fell into place on its own. "You went out and got a perm!" "No I didn't! I told her what I wanted, and Jeri cut and styled my hair, just like I told her!" "Did you mention that it had to be easy to take care of?" "I...I guess, why?" "Gwen, she gave you a perm! Your hair will always stay that way unless you cut it off!" With a sigh she helped me get the first gown on, fixed the bun in place and brushed my hair a bit differently. I did my lipstick, then the three of us drove to the school together. The play went off to a packed house, and we received two encores! Mom had helped me change instead of Heather, then after the last act, mom motioned for me to come into the small room. " I brought you this dress dear. It's very pretty, and I know that you'll like it." "Thanks Mom" "Look in the mirror dear." I did as she told me, and saw...a girl. Long nylon wrapped legs, breasts that strained against the corselet, a narrow waist, and a well made up oval face surrounded by ringlets of soft auburn hair. I reached for the dress and slipped it on, then mom zipped it up and handed me the heels. They slid on my feet easily and as I looked at myself again I saw a girl that looked as good as any other in the school. "Put these on and touch up your lipstick, your father is waiting outside." Mom left, and as I touched up my lips, I wondered why she was doing this. I'll admit that I liked the way I looked, maybe more than I should have, and then there was Ken. From the first day I wore the dresses he has been like a shadow around me, always watching me, always smiling. I clipped the earrings on, saw the purse on the chair and picked it up. I opened the door and went out. My parents stood there in the hallway waiting, and Ken with them. "You were wonderful Gwen, simply wonderful!" "Thanks dad." "Sir, would you mind if I take her to a celebration dinner? I'll bring her home before dawn, I promise!" Dad gave a small laugh at Ken's little joke, then he said I could go. Dad looked at me and then simply told Ken to be careful driving! After a few more well wishes and congratulations from other parents, Ken took my free hand in his. My first instinct was to yank it away because of all of the parents milling around, but that would have caused a scene, which I wanted to avoid, so I let him lead the way, and we left the school for his small car. "Ken, we have to talk about what's going on here? You know that I'm not a girl and yet you treat me like one, and have from the first day!" "That's easy. Compared to the other girls around here you're one of the best looking, I like you, and you turn me on." "But I'm not a girl!" He stopped the car on the far side of the parking lot and all at once pulled me to him and quickly pressed his lips on mine. Shock waves rippled through me like a bolt of lightning, and as he pulled me closer I tasted his tongue against my lips. I didn't mean to do it, really, but once again my lips parted and I accepted him into me. Finally I broke away, gasping as he sat back and smiled at me. "Gwen, you are simply the prettiest girl in the school, and probably one of the best kissers too." He left me speechless when he said that. Dinner was at a quiet place, Ken was very attentive to me, and I admit it, I liked the attention. But I was having second thoughts about what he and I had done. I had kissed another male, and found myself wanting more, and that really shook me, my confidence evaporating in a flash the minute he kissed me. As we sat there he took my hand in his, then put his class ring in my hand! It was like a red hot ember when I saw what it was. If I took it there would be no doubt about us. So far it was all guessing on the part of everyone that knew we were together a lot. Guessing if we, or rather I, was doing something for him that only girls do. That fact that I had done...something, was between Ken and I. If I took that ring it would signal a huge change in our relationship. "I can't take that Ken, and you know why." "Take it anyway Gwen. You don't have to wear it." "I can't!" "Say what you really mean Gwen. If you take the ring everyone will know that you like being a girl so much that you can't give it up. On top of that, you think everyone will look down on you." I looked into his eyes to see where he got his wisdom from, yet all I saw were those eyes of his. The ones that turned me on. My hand closed around that ring, and Ken smiled at me. Then I put it in my purse. How hard was it going to be for my friends to jump to the conclusion that Ken and I were...well, doing things only couples do together? And what about my parents? Dinner was served and we made jokes at some of the funny things that had happened during the play then he took me home. My parents were waiting for me when I stepped into the house. "I told your father what you have done to yourself Gwen, and after discussing it, we feel certain that after the play is over you have no intention of dressing a boy again. Are we right?" They were right. I realized it when Ken gave me his class ring. None of us planned on this happening, but it has, and now I have to face the truth. Dad looked normal I guess, but I'm sure he is hurt by how this has turned out. Now they want me to stick the knife in and turn it. But who would the knife hit? Dad? He and I shared a lot of things, and now it seems as if I'm turning my back on all of that. Mom always wanted a daughter, a role I had filled for the past few weeks. Does she want me to stay this way? Or is it myself? In my heart I knew there could be no answer except yes. I wanted to keep dressing as a girl, so I nodded my head yes. Then opened my purse and took out Ken's ring and showed it to them. Dad's eyes widened a bit, but he said nothing. Mom told me to go get ready for bed. The next day at school I took a huge risk and wore that ring on a chain around my neck. At lunch one of the guys that gave me a hard time, and used those same ugly names that he used the first day, cornered me in the hallway, and I was unable to get away from him, I almost screamed. Then, as I watched, he drew back his fist to hit me. It was like slow motion as he drew back, and my knee rose. I caught him squarely, driving the breath out of him as he fell to the floor. We were instantly surrounded by kids. Only one person asked about the guy on the floor. The rest wanted to know how I was and what happened. A teacher ran up and I was taken immediately to the office, then to see the Principal. I sat across from him as demurely as I could, my knees together, my hands in my lap as we stared at each other. As a long time teacher and administrator, he certainly knew the significance of the ring I had on the chain around my neck. "We have a problem Gwen. I warned you this might happen, and it did. If you looked a little less...feminine, maybe everyone would have let it go, but we both know that you look as good as any other girl in the school, and that is not an accident. You made sure you would look good, and seeing that ring on the chain, there is a boy out there that thinks so too. Now the only question left is will you continue at school as a girl? Or will you return to being Garrett?" "It's only a few more months in this semester then another until graduation, so I thought I might as well continue on as Gwen. After all, everyone has accepted me this way, so why not?" "I suppose you're right. Okay, you can continue as Gwen, but I want you to start taking the Health Sciences classes with the rest of the girls. It's required of them, and if you are going to continue as a girl, then you'll have to take it as well. You may go Gwen, but remember the dress code applies, and I'll have you in the Health Science class next semester." "Thank You so much!" That night at dinner I told my parents. Dad looked dismayed, mom merely nodded her head. "Dad, I..." "Never mind Gwen. Your mother explained it to me. I have a daughter now, and will probably never see my son again will I?" "No sir. I can't just...I like...Ken..." "We understand Gwen, really, we do. It's just that when we hear of these things happening it's always someplace else! Now it's right here in our house! I always wanted a daughter, I just never expected my son wanting to be that daughter. I guess we all have a lot to change around here don't we?" I hugged my father as tightly as I could, my tears staining his shirt with streaks of black mascara. Then dad told me we were going to celebrate my birth so to speak, and he wanted mom and I to get all dressed up for dinner tomorrow night! In the morning mom and I went to the salon to get our hair styled and nails done. While we were out we did some shopping. She and I went to what I call the boob shop and was fitted with a pair of perfect breasts, then as she and I were shopping, we found the perfect dress for me. I bought it and shoes to match, then we went home to spend the day getting ready. I started with a bubblebath, using a razor to clean my skin of every unwanted hair I could find, then I sat at the vanity to do my makeup. I selected the colors carefully, and when I was done I was very excited, because I had done better than ever before. As I looked in the mirror I saw that the girl looking back at me is stunning. I can't take my eyes off her. My large green eyes with their long lashes now a deep black look deeply back at me. I have wide, full lips highlighted by sensual burgundy lipstick. It seems as if every detail makes me exquisitely beautiful. I have never looked this good before! Maybe it's because I have my fathers acceptance. My hair falls a little above my shoulders, styled with bangs, gently layered in waves, without a single hair out of place. I went to my dresser and pulled out the black nylon panties and slipped them on, then the pantyhose and padded pantybrief. My bra is also black with a built in pushup pads to lift my breasts, which made my new girls look very impressive. As I pulled my boobs up into the cups I saw that I did not need the foam pads, because I was filling the cups of the bra all on my own. I pulled the dress over my head, zipped it up and stepped into the new shoes. Then I looked in the mirror as I attached the earrings and necklace. Elegant gold teardrop earrings and a thin gold necklace finished the perfect picture. The dress is a simple black dress with a modest v-neckline with short sleeves. Its simplicity highlights the beauty I was trying to achieve and draws a persons eyes to my face. I am hoping I can become a woman any man would desire. A bit of perfume and I was ready. I picked up the black clutch bag and walked out of my room and into the familyroom. Dad was there, and when he saw me he opened his arms wide as I hugged him again. "Thank you daddy." "How could I deny what I saw with my own eyes honey. You have become a beautiful woman, and I am proud to say you are my daughter." Dinner was wonderful as dad and I danced together for the first time. What started as a role in a play, has become my role for life, and I love every minute of it. I did not expect to feel this way, but the eyes of fate smiled on me, and gave me this gift. Later on that evening, as we sat at the table talking, I was startled to see a Knight in full armor walk into the club and right up to our table! He bowed deeply, then took off his helmet to reveal Ken! "I am not Richard the III fair Gwendolyn. He was lost in a battle to the evil forces of the witch Lisa. I am here to save you from a life of solitude and loneliness. Come! Let me show you the way to the outer world of delight and love!" My mouth was open, yet I was very pleased by what he had done. My mother was smiling at me while Dad was staring at Ken. "Come along Maiden! My steed awaits us!" "You better go with your Knight Gwen. I think he's in love." "Thanks Dad. I got up, took my purse in one hand, Ken's hand in the other, and we left the club to explore our future. ©1999 & 2023 The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.

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Richard the StockmanChapter 2

Lamorbey Station seemed to comprise a sprawling house, a second, smaller house, a pair of barracks-like buildings, and a number of barns and sheds. At first it seemed more extensive than College, but fewer people. Richard had been introduced to the Millers and several other people at dinner, but he recalled none of them. He’d slept in his swag on the floor of Ferd’s room. They were up at six, washed, and outside to join a group of about forty, half of whom were aborigines, to hear the day’s...

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Richard the StockmanChapter 5

The year ended. Richard drove west and north, arriving at Lamorbey on schedule. He was welcomed by Janey with an exuberant night of sex. In the morning he was welcomed back by the foreman and many of the crew. Ferd was in Emerald on a “shopping trip.” Ferd turned up in mid-afternoon. He’d been purchasing ammunition: .30- .30 and .30-06 cartridges and a box of slugs for the 12-gauge shotgun, which Richard had never seen. The “hunting party” was to be made up of Ferd, Richard, Janey, Al, and...

1 year ago
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Richard the StockmanChapter 3

Lamorbey Station seemed far away when Richard pulled onto campus early on Monday. He’d spent Friday night in his Jeep, near Tambo, an hour past Blackall. He’d lunched and dined out of the esky. The next night he’d spent in a motel in Roma, where he’d enjoyed a shower. Last night he stayed at the Royal, an older hotel in Gatton, and so was well-rested. He was also in a good mood. He’d opened the “pay envelope” and discovered ten five pound notes – far more than he’d expected for just under...

2 years ago
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Richard the StockmanChapter 6

Richard asked for the Christmas to New Year’s Day week off and drove to Southport in two harrowing days, with extremely high temperatures. He was welcomed by his parents with the news that “Cat’s on a cruise to Auckland.” After unloading the Jeep he showered and re-dressed. It was a luxury to have real hot water on tap. “How are things?” Andy asked him. “Well, I’ve worked hard for two months and I think I’ve learned a lot. I’ve been talking to one of our Aboriginal drovers and learned from...

2 years ago
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The Farmers Wife Daughters lll

She slowly regains her wits and as tears swell in her eyes, she begins to clean her kitchen, attempting to erase all traces of her night’s encounter, all traces but those left on and within her body, in her memory and in the memories of her employees. Satisfied with sterilizing the scene of her attack, Julie turns her attention to cleaning herself after hiding her skirt and panty that had been soiled and tattered in the assault. Returning to her chambers with a bowl of water and a few rags...

4 years ago
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The big game lll

That's it Tom told Ed. Keep using your tongue like that. Spurred on by his encouragement Ed sucked till his jaws were sore. Hearing someone come in, Tom decided to add to Ed's humiliation. Opening the stall door Tom called out to the young man. Do you want your cock sucked by a pro. Curious the teen came to the stall. Pulling his cock out of Ed's mouth, Tom grabbed Ed by the hair pulled him up. Moving around behind Ed, Tom watched as Ed pulled the man's zipper down. Taking his cock in his mouth...

1 year ago
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Seduced Mom with the Help of Stranger Part lll

Sundar: Your son just came (mom opened her eyes) and I sent him to buy some other medicines which is available only in Sairam medicals which takes atleast 1 hour for him to come back. Mom closed her eyes again and took off her hands from the boobs. Now Sundar started the action again and he slowly started pinching her nipples. He then smiled at me and takes his mouth near boobs and started licking mom’s nipples. He slowly took the entire nipple in his mouth and started sucking. I am surprised...

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The teacher lll

I lay in his arms Catching my breath. Leaning forward he kissed me again on the mouth. Out of reaction I returned the kiss. Putting his arm behind my head he held me in place. With his other hand he reached up and squeezed my cheeks till I opened my mouth. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and snaked around over my tongue. My head was spinning. Unable to think I copied what he did. Our tongues danced back and forth in our mouths. I felt a sharp sting as he pinched my nipple hard. After a few...

2 years ago
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Next Door Neighbor lll

For the last couple of months our sexual relationship continued. There was very little that we did not do for each other. We were back at her boyfriends house and as usual we did not waste any time getting undressed. Just pulled our clothes off and dropped it in a pile on the floor. We were stretched out on the bed and Carrie started playing with my cock and after awhile taking me deep into her throat as I laid there in total bliss with no desire to cum anytime soon. Carrie reached for the tube...

3 years ago
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Strange meeting lll

It felt like I just went to bed when the phone rang. Open your door, he said. Looking around it was still dark outside. Opening the door I asked, is everything okay. He grabbed me and hugged me tight. I had to feel you again, he whispered. Holding me by my arms he said, take off my shirt. As I unbuttoned it, I could feel the warmth of his skin. As I pushed it off his shoulders, he put his hand behind my neck and pushed my head down to his chest. Pressing my face against it I opened my mouth and...

3 years ago
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Candys break up lll

All her fantasies wear about to come true. Sticking her tongue out Beth ran her tongue up each side of Candys vagina. The burning between her legs turned to flames as she tasted an other woman for the first time. Candy pressed on the back of Beth's head as she pushed her tongue into her. Beth could feel her own juices building as she lapped up Candys sweet nectar. That's it, Candy moaned. As she instructed her, Candy pulled at her nipples. Closing her eyes she felt her orgasm building deep...

2 years ago
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Marys sexual awakening lll

Savoring the taste of her own juices on Mary's lips, Beth kissed her passionately. Telling Mary to sit on her knees with her head down, Beth spread Mary's butt cheeks. Licking her from her pussy to ass hole, Beth lapped hungrily. Clamping her lips around her rose bud, Beth probed it with her tongue. As she pulled at her nipples, Mary shoved her fingers into her wet pussy. As her Anus ring relaxed, Mary screamed while her pussy released its nectar. Lowering, Beth replaced her tongue with her...

3 years ago
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Swimsuit lll

As the cold air hit Mary she felt embarrassed. Beth felt her body tense up. Pushing her forward Beth said, I'll take care of you. Mary said, I wasn't raised this way. Going into her apartment Beth turned Mary around and kissed her deeply. As Beth pushed her coat off her shoulders Mary let it fall. As they hugged she pulled Mary's zipper down. Leading Mary to her bedroom, they stopped in front of the mirror. Standing behind her Beth whispered, just relax and watch. Her heart beat quickened as...

1 year ago
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House guest lll

Rebecca couldn't take her eyes off it. She imagined she was kneeling in front of Bob mouth open waiting to be fed. She was brought back to reality with the sound of Megan's voice. I, Im sorry, she stuttered. Did you say something. Megan smiled, seeing Bobs robe slightly opening as well. I said, I couldn't get the day off. But I can work half a day, and I'll be back. OK, Rebecca answered. Finished eating Megan and Bob dressed for work. Rebecca laid back down on the couch. After they left,...

4 years ago
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My education lll

Jerry woke me up and said to get your brother up and get dressed. Did I do something wrong, I asked. Worried I did something wrong. Rubbing my stomach he said, no your mom called. She's home and wants to back home. I didn't want the weekend to end, Kevin jumped up and dressed quickly. It was a couple of weeks before Jerry came by. I asked him if I could stay with him by my self. Smiling he said, I'll see. We sat down for dinner. Jerry said, I noticed you were looking at that ship model at the...

2 years ago
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A long weekend lll

Candy was snapped back to reality hearing her friend call her name. Looking around she realized it was only a fantasy. The moisture between her legs told her it was real enough. Candy, Mary shouted. Hu, I'm sorry she said. Were you talking to me. God candy, Mary scolded. Did you hear a word I said. Yeah, she mumbled. He gave you the best orgasm ever. Smiling Mary said, what an I going to do with you. Sipping the last of her drink candy said, I need to go to the ladies. Mary grabbed her arm and...

4 years ago
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Caufht stroking lll

My heart pounded watching Marks seed cover me, causing my own orgasm to start. Covered in his own cup Mark moved his hand up and down quicker. My dick started throbbing and my semen shot up and landed on my stomach. Using his finger he mixed our liquids together. Bringing his hand up towards me I opened my mouth. He ran his finger over my lips, coating them. Running his finger through our cut, he sucked it off his finger and bent down. Kissing me on the mouth he let the sticky liquid to run out...

2 years ago
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Neighbor lady lll

Frozen I could only watch as Mrs Scott slowly walked towards me. She reached out and took my hand. Pulling me to her, she reached up with her other hand. Gently placing it on the back of my neck, pulled me froward and down. Pressing my face between her tits, I inhaled deeply taking in her sent. Mind racing and heart pounded, I started kissing her chest. Guiding me, she pushed my head to one tit then the other kissing them softly. Pushing my head downward I was soon over her now stiff nipple....

2 years ago
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As Summer Begins Part lll

I have known Brianna forever it seems and we were both just little k**s when her real father took off. At the time we lived just a few streets down from them and my parents, when they were together, ended up becoming good friends with Brianna's mom and her new boyfriend, Mr. Watson, who later became Brianna's stepdad after he married Brianna's mom. Brianna and I both knew that we would be best friends forever and that we would always be a part of each other's lives. When Brianna's mom had to...

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Twisted StepSis lll

I played every inning until the seventh inning of game 15, I was trying to turn a double into a triple and because of a bad but close throw I was safe. My sliding into third was not to good I ripped my pants and my sliding pants and me. One of the dads just happen to be an ER doctor and was at the game, he wanted me to go to the hospital so I went. I had sc****s close to a foot long on my butt/thigh and by the time I got to the hospital the swelling was half the size of a football. Dans sister...

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My Blind Uncle lll

I knew this was it , (Kiki) Hey hun im going to trow on some music. My uncle looked a little puzzled but didnt ask just said hurry baby this feels so good. she then put on some zeplin and as she was on her way back came over and started sucking me and put her ass juiced fingers in my mouth for a taste (Uncle) Hurry baby (Kiki) Coming, grabs my cock and led me over and got right back to sucking my uncle i got under her and started eating puss and ass, my uncle didnt have a clue after getting her...

3 years ago
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Land Ne Dilaya Promotion Part lll

Wo mere land ko paglo ki trah chus rhi thi mano jaise aaj hi use pura nigal jayegi us k chusne puccch puccch jasi awaje nkal rhi thi jo mujhe or pagal bana rhi thi ab mujh se rha hi ja rha tha maine us k sar ko pakad k us k muh ko chodne laga or wo bhi mera land pure halak tak le rhi thi or ek haat se apni choot sehla rhi thi 10 min us ka muh chodne k baad mai us k muh me hi jhad gaya or maine dekha k wo sara maal pi gayi or fir mere land ko chatne lagi. Or fir maine use hug kiya or kiss karne...

2 years ago
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Teenager8217s Journey to Eternal Love 8211 Part lll

I said ok but I needed some time as our exams were near and stuff. I focused on my exams and meanwhile thought about Sameer and Neha, Sameer uses Neha just for lust and also discusses his intimacy with his friends, Neha uses Sameer for his money and gifts. I loved Arman coz I liked him and trusted him, what if he makes a laughing stock of me in front of his friends??, who were my only group of friends too. I couldn’t tolerate that, so I decided to quit the relation and be just friends. Exams...

3 years ago
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Wife For Two Dicks 8211 Part lll

Hi, to all. I’m ‘Kavitha Valentina’ part-time cross-dresser. About myself, I want to live as like that which express in the story. I’m going to continue my previous part “Wife for two dicks”. New readers please see my previous part. Feel the every words of the story. Send your comments to Tamil is more preferred, use vulgar words. After that clay land fun, we reached hostel and did ours works. Whenever go to eat, I walk middle with them and they always grip my both my hands. I feel hard and my...

Gay Male
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Next Door Neighbor lll

For the last couple of months our sexual relationship continued. There was very little that we did not do for each other.We were back at her boyfriends house and as usual we did not waste any time getting undressed. Just pulled our clothes off and dropped it in a pile on the floor. We were stretched out on the bed and Carrie started playing with my cock and after awhile taking me deep into her throat as I laid there in total bliss with no desire to cum anytime soon.Carrie reached for the tube...

4 years ago
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Video booth lll

Tome waited as I dressed. When I was ready he left, I followed a couple minutes later. My dick wasn't as sensitive this time. After my shower I climbed into bed. When I heard my father go down the hall, I took everything off and replayed the last two days in my head. My hands didn't feel as good as Tom's but I came after several minutes of stroking and rubbing myself. Wiping myself off, I nodded off for the night.I could barely wait for my father to leave. Five minutes after he pulled out of...

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My new friends lll

Reaching in the bed side table he pulled out a tube. I asked him what it was for. Relax, he said. You're going to like it. I felt his fingers rubbing my hole. The liquid was cold as he rubbed it around my butt and hole. I flinched when I felt his finger enter me. He pushed it in and out several times before removing it. Then I felt two fingers. Adding more gel he pushed them in me. My heart was racing as he moved them in and out again. Pulling his fingers out he coated his fingers with more...

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Rainy night lll

I was so scared Steve would look back and see me, I missed the movie from watching him. I pulled down the shirt when the movie ended and went to bed.Steve's mom woke me in the morning saying my mother called wanting me to come home. As I got out of bed she gasped. I completely forgot Tom had my underwear.I packed my things, put on a pair of pants and headed home.The week went by slowly and I'd speak to Steve in the halls at school. I was relieved he didn't say anything about his dad and me.I...

1 year ago
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My introduction to a new lifestyle lll

The next morning i put on my underwear and went to the kitchen. Jerry was there with his robe on. Opening the fridge to get a coke, he rubbed my butt. My mind was confused. I liked what happened, but I felt embarrassed at the same time. How you doing, Jerry asked. Ok I guess, I answered. I went to the guest roo5 to get dressed. Jerry came in and said, like I said. You can do anything you feel man enough to do, and left.His words echoed in my brain as I pulled up my pants. I thought to myself,...

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Lockdown lll

Laying in the dark, the day played over in her head. Knowing there was nothing she could do about it Megan tried taking her mind off it. Frustrated she climbed out of bed and went down the hall. Tapping on the door she asked if she could come in. The door opened and Megan asked, can I stay with you tonight. Sure come on in. It'll be like old times, Savannah said. Mary and Bill were laying in bed talking. What are we going to do about Megan, he asked. Give her a few days, Mary said. Remember how...

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Kims home coming lll

Laying back down Kim gasped when she spread Rebecca open. She thought who the hell would leave this. Running her tongue up the length of her pussy, Kim savored the taste. Sucking on her clit, Rebecca moaned softly. Slipping a finger in her, Kim moved slowly as she licked at her clit. After a couple minutes Rebecca's legs moved as her breathing became labored. Sucking on her finger Kim felt her own pussy getting wet. Reaching between her legs, she rubbed her clit. Talking to herself Kim said, I...

4 years ago
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Road trip lll

Ann gazed at Mary's pussy as she slid to the edge of the seat. Laying back, Mary pulled her legs up as high as she could. Reaching between them Ann pushed Mary's legs wider. The sent of her vaginal fluids made Ann's mouth watering. Kissing the inside of her thighs, Ann moved closer to her target. Running her tongue up the swollen labia and the other, Ann savored the taste. Using her thumbs Ann spread Mary open, exposing her inner folds. Stabbing it with her tongue Ann teased Mary's clit. The...

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Anns sitter lll

Standing in front of her dresser Ann took her panties off. Reaching between her legs she wiped her pussy with her hand. Bringing it up she wondered what it was, It didn't feel like pee. Putting clean panties on she tossed the damp pair in the laundry basket and went to bed.Walking home the events ran over and over in her head. She never thought about other girls before, why now.Laying in bed Mary thought about how it felt when her tits and nipples were touched by Ann. Taking her pajamas off...

4 years ago
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That Christmas lll

Bringing her hand to her mouth, Lil tasted Pam's pussy for the first time in a year. Watching, Pam sucked on Lils tit. Holding her nipple gently between her teeth, Pam teasingly brushed it with the tip of her tongue. Lil cooed, you're such a naughty girl. Smiling, Pam answered I learned from the best. Rubbing her clit Lil said, where was I. Oh, yes.The gifts had all been opened, toys played with and dinner finished, we were all sitting in the living room watching television when the phone rang....

2 years ago
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Richard the StockmanChapter 4

“It’s actually just under 30,000 acres,” Richard was told about two weeks later. “Can you explain?” “Of course. First of all, it’s unclear to me whether the property is within the bounds of Womalilla or of Mungallala. Most likely Mungallala’s too far west. I don’t think Brisbane’ll have to adjudicate. But the land itself extends south of where that two creeks you crossed join to an unnamed east-west road. The land is lightly wooded in the east and shrubby in the west. Because of the...

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Richard the StockmanChapter 8

Richard drove to Mitchell on the 28th, taking a room in the nearly-empty Richard’s Hotel. He ate dinner, washed up and slept. It had taken nearly nine hours to cover the 400 miles from Southport to Mitchell. But he felt invigorated in the morning. After a hearty breakfast, he drove to the store, and bought a 600’ coil of 1/4” manila, a small sledge, a bright orange grease marker and a 40’ measuring tape; he also bought ten pounds of sugar, two bricks of chewing tobacco and a tin of pipe...

4 years ago
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Richard the StockmanChapter 9

Time flies, they say. Richard knew from school that Ovid wrote “omnia mutantur, nihil interit” (everything changes, nothing perishes Metamorphoses XV), where he later refers to “tempus edax rerum” (time the consumer of things). But what eats up the days, the weeks, the months? One of the Greeks wrote that everything flows. 1962 certainly flowed away. Like water or sand through your hands. Jenna was pregnant again. Joyce would have a sibling before she was three. Ferd was married, but was...

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Richards Time

Richard had little use for his wife anymore. He couldn?t even remember why he had married her, aside from it being a naïve college sweetheart thing. He had been a bright young ROTC cadet, on his way to a commission in the Army, while she had been an ambitious marketing major, seeking a career in advertising. Well, Uncle Sam had dragged him around the world in 19 years of service. He had no choice in where he was stationed. This was something that Lacey had never grasped. She had constantly...

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richard goes to fat camp part 1

hello richard my name is wendy but you can call me maam welcome to boys fat camp are you ready to do whatever it takes to loose weight ?yes maam my method works but you have to do everything i tell you no argueing no questioning me if you can't do that then leave now i have to loose weight maam i'm fed up being the fat boy , now i'm 19 it really can't be passed off as puppy fat anymoreok strip and get on the scales lets see what we are dealing with um everything ?of course naked come on don't...

1 year ago
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Richard and Nikkis Humiliation Part 1

It was only when her husband Richard promised to ensure her anonymity that Nikki agreed to go out with him and dance in wild fashion and wear the party dress he picked out for her. The club in Tribeca was a long ways from where they lived, but it was one of the hotter clubs and everyone there was in their late twenties or early thirties and looked hot. And going there for the third time now, Richard had got them a hotel so they would not be in their own community to satisfy Nikki’s fears of...

Group Sex
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My stepson Richard was a very nice quiet boy. Very shy. He was 18 years old but looked much younger. His mother was a bit of a slut and I loved her for that. However, she never really liked Richard and he came to me for love and attention.She told me that he was a fucking looser, never be a real man and was in summer school so he could finally graduate from high school. He would come home from summer school and give me a big hug and kiss. I loved his kisses. I guess I should mention that I...

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Bound at the wrists, Richard was draped over a sawhorse in Dietrich's basement, much to the delight of several of his wide-eyed friends. The sexy, bearded German, whom the victim had met over the internet, was giving a small demostration of his leather skills to the appreciative gathering, who sat in abject silence as Dietrich began probing the prostrate man with an irrigation bulb. Richard winced as the hot liquid was injected into his anus, instantly clenching his sphincter closed, more by...

1 year ago
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Richard the Sissy gets Caught by Sis

Richard the Sissy gets Caught by Sis by Joney Cunningham Gina is making keep a diary of my sissy training. She says all girly sluts keep a diary of their training. It was the ending of a long day, so Gina told me to wash up and put on a pink baby-doll nightie. I was really sore from my ass to my mouth. My jaw really ached because of all the pussy eating, asshole licking, and cock sucking I had done that day. Gina made sure there was skin softening liquid in the bath water with...

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Richard Rachel their play date MDomFSub

-Richard and Rachel have been dating for a couple of months. Yet to get intimate ,they’re both extremely kinky and both are well aware of their sexuality. Richard is dominant ,a sensualist at his core ,chicks with high pony tails and an innocent physicality are enough to give him a raging hard on. Rachel is a 5’6 goddess ,bubbly ,confident ,outspoken and ambitious on the outside ,though once the doors are closed ,Richards gaze is enough to make her cunt wet. A sensualist sub slut of the first...

1 year ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

1 year ago
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Richard the Sissy

Richard the Sissy by Joney Cunningham Hi, my name is Richard, or should I say Regina now. I am a sissy. It all started when I was 15 and my parents had taken my 13-year-old sister out of town for the weekend. I had a part-time job, so I couldn't go. My parents told me that the paid Gina, the high school senior across the street to decorate my mom's sewing room. Gina was into interior decorating and had gained a reputation of doing great work. They told me she would have a...

2 years ago
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Richards dick

I hadn't spoken to Cait for I think almost three weeks and I picked up the phone every day to call her but I didn't do it, and then one day her dad came over to fix something on mom's car but she wasn't home from work yet so he sat down in the living room to wait for her. And I made coffee for the both of us and we talked and it was really nice but then he said “So what happened between you and Caitlin?” and I just looked down and said “I don't know” because of course I couldn't tell him.So he...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

3 years ago
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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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