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Episode Two
Part One
By: Tom’s Mind

Just for the record this takes place about one month after my adventure with my aunt Chrissie. One cold December day I was shovelling the snow out of my driveway when I saw my friend’s mom Susan driving off to work. She worked at this really big clothing company and she was really high ranked there. She was in charge of all the shipping and all of the production. Susan was a beautiful woman. She had long curly red hair that went up to her shoulders. She had a super sexy face, and a nice pair of tits. They weren’t huge but they we at least C’s. Anyway I’ve been friends with her son Henry for as long as I can remember. After clearing up the drive way I went inside an watched TV.

Later that night a beacon of light shinned through my windows. I quickly got up and pounced at the windows. Susan was back home. For some reason I always wanted to see her naked. The only times that I get to see allot of skin was when I went to her house for a swim. She had this enormous. In-ground pool, with a diving board, and all of the latest gadgets for the pool. She would put on this really hot black bathing suit. And when all the kids were out of the pool she would go in and swim. Sometimes if I got lucky I could see her surfacing from under the water, and all of the water found sprinkle down from her and drip over her chest and cleavage. She would then pull back her hair and squirt some water out of her mouth. And if I really looked closely I could see her tight perky nipples, poking her swimming suit. Then she would get out and pull her swimming suit out of her ass crack. She had on of the hottest, sexiest, bubble asses man ever set eyes upon. She truly was some porn star material. Sometimes I’d dream about her, and the next morning I’d find a massive boner. I starred though my bedroom window. The car door opened. A long leather boot inched its way out of the car, then a second. A long fur coat then appeared which covered a beautiful lady. Nylon stockings cover her bear legs. She had her hair tied up in a rather complex way and had two sticks crossing forming an “X” in her hair at the back. Deep red lip stick covered her smooth full lips that would drive any man crazy. Her glasses steamed up as the cold winter air touched the glass. Behind the fog were two deep blue eyes fit for a queen. She closed the car door, and opened her purse. She pulled out a pack of high quality cigarettes (not the kind you buy at the local liquor store but like twenty bucks the pack good) she pulled one cigarette out and slightly opened her mouth. A rush of warm vapour came out of her mouth. She gently held the cigarette between her lips and lit it with her Zippo. She puffed on it hard because she made it a strong rule not to smoke in the house. After a long inhale she grabbed the cigarette between her index and her mid-finger and exhaled in a steady all the smoke from her lungs appreciating all of its goodness. After a couple more puffs she threw it on the ground and crushed it with her boot. She fixed her coat and walked in to her house. I closed the blinds and lay flat on my bed for a couple of minutes. Why? Was I getting so goddamn interested into her? This never happened before. Millions of thoughts ran through my head at the same time. This started happening about a month ago when I had the fucking fuck fest with my aunt Chrissie. Now I’m getting turned on by what ever walks. An eerie feeling over came me. Was there something wrong with me? Was this only a twisted effect of puberty? For god sake I’m only 16! I looked at my hands they were trembling. And all of a sudden my vision starred to blur. The room started shaking. My heart rate started climbing. My pants started getting tighter. I glanced down and I had a massive boner. Then all of a sudden the room stopped shaking. I got up and everything was normal.

It’s been a few days that I haven’t experienced that weird earthquake experience. But everyday I got more and more attracted to Susan. I started to grow on to her. In the past days I have been spending more time at her place, play videogames with Henry. I started to notice more and more things about her. Like what brand her thong is. I could achieve this by looking at her ass when she bent down to pick up something. I was so turned on to her. A few days past. It was now the weekend and my friend Henry went to the cottage with his dad. Henry was an only child. Susan stayed home because she had lots on for to do. For some strange reason I still went to her place and knocked on the door.

“Umm, hi Susan. Is Henry home?” I said stuttering and I had a hard time looking at her in her deep blue eyes.
“Oh no you just missed him he went to the country house with his dad. You only missed them by like five minutes.” She said. Looking at me dead in the eyes.

She was wearing a white tank top and a pair of jeans. Her hair was wet signifying she just washed her hair.

“Umm I Susan I lent Henry a videogame and I would like to have it back.” I said the truth is I did lend Henry a game and I really did want it back.

“You go right ahead I don’t know anything about computers and videogames I don’t know what game your talking about anyways” she said still looking at me dead in the eyes.

“Ok” I mumbled I bowed my head and walked in. I took off my shoes and my winter coat. I heard a really heavy “thump” and “click” sound behind me. I turned around. Susan had locked the door.

The Busy Redhead Mom
Episode Two
Part II
By: Tom’s Mind

I turned around quickly and heard Susan say
“What I’m not allowed locking my door?” She said it in a very offensive manner. She really was in a pissed of mood. So I went downstairs and grabbed my game and then I turned around to find Susan was standing right there.

“Did you honestly think I have noticed you spying on me from you bedroom window every fucking night for the past week? Did you think I was that stupid to not notice you starring at my ass almost every fucking time you come here?” She said. Susan was royally pissed. I nervously glanced around to see I there was something I could do.

“Your one perverted kid you know that? She yelled. Her face started to become pink. Blood flowed rapidly from her heart to her face. Millions of blood cells colliding onto each other. Its amazing that deep down we all look alike but on the outside shell we are all different. From the beginning we start of as a sperm cell and an egg. Thousands of chemical reactions happen all at once over a time span of nine months, to create one of the universes greatest masterpieces life itself. Susan inhaled a huge load of air. She was going to blast me.

“If you want to star at my fucking ass the go ahead!” In a blink of an eye she twirled around and pulled down her jeans and her black thong. Her ass looked even better then I could ever dream. Between her legs I could see her pussy. Its lips were majestic and it had a thin line of red hair going down towards it. I just stared. Susan turned around and looked at me and got even madder. She pulled up he pants and zipped them. She grabbed me by the arm and dragged me up stairs. She threw me on her king size bed and started to undue my pants.
“ I’m going to teach you to star at my fucking ass perv” She said through her teeth.
She completely took off my pants and threw them in a corner. She then removed my shirt. I was completely naked except for my socks. She then got up and opened the Closet and moved some stuff aside. Actually she moved a lot of stuff. Two minutes later she pulled out a long piece of leather, some handcuffs, a really big candle, a weird apparatus. I was amazed at to what was happening to me. She grabbed the handcuffs and locks them to the head of the bed. I was trapped. She then took of her jeans and tank top, but kept her bra on and thong. She then proceeded to locking my feet. She then climbed on to my body. I was so fucking erected she had to move my cock so she could sit comfortably.

“Are you having funny mother fucker?” She said placing her hair out of her face.
Mother fucker? What the hell was she talking about. Susan then started licking my chest and then my nipples. My cock started throbbing. She then got off of my body and reached for the candle. She then opened her purse which was under a black wooden chair, and pulled out her Zippo, and a cigarette. She lit the cigarette and then the candle. With one swift move of the hand she closed the Zippo. She set the candle on the night table just to be left and climbed back on to me. She deeply inhaled from her cigarette and exhaled in a steady stream in my face. I inhaled most of the smoke, and since im not a smoker at all I started coughing. She smiled and bent down a bit. I had a perfect shot of her breasts. Well actually her cleavage her nipples were still covered by the bra. She then straightened herself and said
“You fucking perv” and puffed hard on her cigarette. She then blew it all on my face again. This time I did not cough. She then got off of me, and walked around the room. After a few minutes she grabbed the candle and poured slowly all of the hot wax on my chest. I quivered and tried to move but the handcuffs had me anchored. The siring wax burned like hell. I managed to mumble fuck but she did not stop. She quickly placed the candle on the table and started playing with the hot liquid wax. She dipped her fingers in it and then placed it directly on top of her breasts and the hot wax dripped down her cleavage. She closed her eyes in enjoyment.
“You wuss” She said starring me straight in the eyes.

She then removed her bra. Her boobs were perfect. A little small but perfect. Her nipples were perfectly aligned with the boobs. Its usually something you take for granted, a thing you have or don’t have in a matter of speaking. I so wanted to touch them but I was locked to the head of the bed. She was free of doing anything she wanted to me. She took another good puff of her fancy cigarette and then looked at me. She grabbed my jaw and started kissing me. At first that’s what I thought she was doing but I was wrong. She was exhaling all of the smoke straight into my lungs. She then backed off. I started cough like crazy. A crooked smile popped on her face. She got off the bed and rummaged through her purse. She pulled out her pack of smokes and pulled out a brand new one. She climbed back on to the bed and forced it in to my mouth. She then lit it. I was inhaling all of the smoke. And breathed it out from my nose. My nose felt weird but it didn’t last very long. After a few minutes of puffing on the cigarette like a deprived junky, it was finished. She pulled the butt out of my mouth and slapped my chest. My was already very sensitive from the candle thing. She smiled.

“Oh did that hurt, BITCH!!” she yelled. All of a sudden it was like a drum fest on my chest. She started slapping the hell out of my chest. Slap after slap. My chest was all red. She then bent down and started licking my nipples. It felt good but it did not last very long. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the licking until. The pain. She started biting down on my nipples like a crazy whore. I clenched my teeth. This really hurted. She stopped biting my nipples and sat back straight.
“Now you try fucker bite down as hard as you want.” She said grabbing her tit and she brought it closer to my mouth. I was still under a massive shock. Tears started crawling at the corner of my eyes. I was scared.
“Bite! Fucker!” she screamed. She slapped my across the face. She was royally pissed now. She brought her tit closer to my mouth. I slowly opened my mouth and clamped shut. I wasn’t really biting hard but I could feel all of the different layers and all of the different thicknesses of her nipple. I started biting harder. But the harder I bitted the more she enjoyed it. At this point she was rubbing her pussy. I looked down to get a better look. Her hand had moved away her thong, and she was rubbing the good spot. I then looked up pulling the nipple along. And noticed she had her eyes shut. This was one crazy bitch. But I had now idea it would get worse.

After relentlessly biting her nipple she ordered me to stop I stopped at once fearing what she was going to do to me. She got off the bed and looked at her nipple. My teeth impression was on it I was biting it for a long time so I would be surprised if there wasn’t any. She then looked at me. She looked as if she was Satan’s worse nightmare. Her jugular vein popped out like mad. At this point I was semi-hard and semi-relax. My body had no fucking idea what to think of the situation. Susan started scream like an insane person in an asylum.
“You bit my nipple TO hard.” She screamed.” Oh my god. She truly lost! She grabbed the long leather strap that I finally realized it was a whip. She carefully uncuffed my hands and loosed the ones at my feet. She made me lye down on my stomach. She then handcuffed me again. She passed her finger through my ass crack. And then slowly inserted it in my ass. It didn’t go in easily she had to push. I was so goddamn humiliated. She quickly removed her finger and said “what you don’t like that? That’s how some women feel when perverts like you star at them from across the street, almost stocking them. She cupped her hand slapped my ass. It did more sound then pain. Next she tried with a classic slap. It stung for a few seconds then she slapped me again. She puffed on her cigarette, it was almost out. Then I heard the air crack, and again. She placed the whip over my ass. And then cranked her arm back and whipped me not with her full force or else it would break the skin and create a deep laceration. It still hurt like bloody hell. I started crying.
“Oh stop crying you big baby” and she then whipped my ass again. Then again. Minutes pasted I was so fucking scared. Then she picked up the candle and opened my ass crack, but not my asshole. And slowly poured the hot wax in to my crack. It fucking hurted, she then poured the rest on my back. I shrugged my shoulders to compensate some pain. But it was too much. I started shaking. I was exhausted. I had been strapped to this bed for more then and hour. But Susan was just getting started. She had plenty of other fucking twisted games she could play with my body. This was total female domination. She fudged through her purse again and pulled out another cigarette. She then flipped me on to my back again. This time she didn’t have anything in her hands. She sat on my chest near my face and took off her thong. I then noticed for the first time that her pussy was pierced. I metal rod with a nice looking sphere at both ends. With a little chain connecting both spheres. She started to masturbate right in front of my face less then 5 inches away. She puffed on her new cigarette and exhaled forming nice circular smoke rings. I started to get a boner. She started to masturbate faster and faster. She then grabbed my cock and started to rub it. Her hands were so smooth despite all the slapping. Once I had a full erection she quickly got of and fetched the weird apparatus. Which was already plugged into the wall. She must have plugged it in when I was lying on my stomach. She took this transparent tube and placed my cock in it. She then turned on the machine. A great suction power met with my cock. It started sucking my cock non-stop. At first it felt good but it did not last. She placed the machine on max. And the machine’s fan started humming louder and louder. The head of my cock was extremely red. All the blood was rushing to the tube. She then went in to the closet and got a gag-ball. It was all black. She forced my mouth open and strapped it around my head. I bit down on it really hard. After 5 minutes she stopped the machine and grabbed some lube. She pour the oil all over my crotch. She then took out her Zippo. My heart started beating furiously fast. She flicked the Zippo and a blue flame flickered.

The Busy Redhead Mom
Episode Two
Part III
By: Tom’s Mind

She brought the flame closer and closer to my oil drenched crotch. Was this girl out of her mind? I mean to burn a guys crotch! She brought the flame closer and closer to my crotch. A flame caught. FUCK my crotch was on fucking fire! She started to laugh a demonic laugh. She then immediately put the flame out. I was panicking. A bad smell filled the air. She then started to suck my cock. Her teeth scraped my shaft and my head. She tried gagging herself so much she almost threw up on me. She removed the cock from her mouth and climbed on to the bed once again. She spreaded her legs apart and inserts my cock in her pussy. She started fucking like a mad woman. Everything went to a slow motion daze. Her body bounced up and down. Everything was slow motion. She moved her arms up as if she was dancing. I could no longer see the monster I had come to know this past hour. No I said a goddess. A woman in total harmony with her inner being. This was a time of peace. A fragrance filled the air. It smelled like vanilla. Her pussy was red and extremely wet. I could no longer withstand the need to cum. I yelled “I’m going to cum I’m going to cum.” She didn’t stop like I thought she was. No she fucked faster. I cummed a huge load inside of her. Really a huge load. After my orgasm stopped. She got off and my cock just flopped out of her pussy. The sight was incredible. She removed my from the shackles that kept me immobile for an hour and a half. She then placed a Wine glass on the floor and positioned herself directly on top. She started forced and pushing the cum out. The cum just flopped in huge loads out. After no more cum was coming out she got up and then picked up the glass and gorged it down. In one swift gulp it was all gone. She wiped her mouth with her arm.
“At least your good at Cumming perv.” She said. The slow motion daze disappeared. Susan was back to her own self. She told me I could go take a shower if I wanted to. I went in the bathroom. The bathroom was marvellous. Chrome everywhere. Scented candles were lit all over the bathtub. The water was already in. I jumped in. After a good half hour I was able to get all of the hard wax out of my ass crack, and off my chest and back.

Someone knocked on the door. Susan came in. She was completely dress. She was wearing the same clothes as before. Her white tank top and her black pair of jeans.
“Tom, are you ok?” She asked in angelic voice. I replied that I was and that she was a bit crazy during sex. She replied by saying yeah and that she was holding back a lot. She said that she usually handcuffs her husband to the bed for hours and not feed him at all. She even said that one time she strapped him in the bed and didn’t let him go to work for the whole day!. She started laughing, But then stopped.

“If I see you starring at my ass or you tell a soul about what happened to day I swear I will rip your balls off!” she said through her teeth. I was expecting a laugh after she said this but she didn’t.

I got dressed grabbed my game and walked home. My mom asked me where I was and before I could answer her the phone rang. She picked it up and started talking to much mainly answering.

“Oh hi!.......ok……..really!........ok……..thank you.” She hung up.
Tom Susan called she wanted to Thank You for fixing her computer. Oh my god what a good call. Literally. I grabbed the game and limped to the living room. Where I played Henry’s game…. I never lent him one.....

****All Events in this story are fictional and never happened.****

By: Tom’s Mind


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Me being a redhead

All my life even now up to this point being a redhead has gotten me into some trouble. I have been picked on, beat up, and told what to do all my life. Maybe it's not just because of my hair but maybe my personality, I'm a push over. I do what I am told when I am told. But in some cases because I am a red head, pale, and have freckles I get many men but none that want a relationship. From what I have noticed men love and thrive off of fucking redheads and because I'm a push over I'm even more...

1 year ago
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The Redhead and The Ticket

Again this was posted under my previous nic, Wildwoman.It was a relatively quiet night when out of no where a speeding navy blue Mustang convertible with USA tags flies past his patrol car that’s sitting hidden on the side of the motorway….FINALLY some action, he thinks as he pulls the car out onto the roadway. Keeping the speeding vehicle in his view he starts to clock the speed…..he laughs as he shakes his head as he turns on lights an siren. He puts the pedal to the metal in an attempt to...

2 years ago
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The Redhead an the Ticket

It was a relatively quiet night when out of no where a speeding navy blue Mustang convertible with USA tags flies past his patrol car that’s sitting hidden on the side of the motorway….FINALY some action, he thinks as he pulls the car out onto the roadway. Keeping the speeding vehicle in his view he starts to clock the speed…..he laughs as he shakes his head as he turns on lights an siren. He puts the pedal to the metal in an attempt to catch up to the vehicle. Damn Americans, think they own...

3 years ago
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Vacation Fun With The Local Redhead

I stood leaning against the door as she looked back at me. The look on her face spoke volumes about what she wanted. Even after what we'd just finished, she wanted more. The story that follows is how I wound up standing here, getting those needy eyes cast upon me from her.****She was the surprise on my vacation I had never expected. The first time I saw her, I was staring off the balcony of the condo I was renting at the pool area. There she was on a lounger by the pool, reading from a tablet....

4 years ago
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Tamina the thick goblin seductress Corrupting the innocent redhead

She decided she was getting bored so she forced herself down on his swollen manhood, feeling the flared tip brushing through her neck. The chubby chick was an expert at fellatio, and nothing beat the sweet sensation of a man unloading himself down her throat. After a couple gulps of rich milk, the busty girl got up to shake herself off. After a stroll through the forest to pick up a few herbs she noticed her next prey; a young tomboy with flaming red hair. The young freckled girl had an...

2 years ago
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The Redhead

It was my first day back at work since I had lost my job. I was excited but my stomach was churning with nerves. I paced up and down at the bus stop waiting for my ride to my new job. I didn't have a car, I had to sell that to be able to afford to pay the rent. My girlfriend had left me, turns out when I wasn't making money I wasn't much good to her anyway, so this job was more than just a new job, it was a new start entirely. I flagged the bus down, paid my fare and took one of the...

3 years ago
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Every Mans Dream A Redhead

To make a long story short, eventually I ended up working as a cook for a nice hotel, and then she got a job as a waitress soon after that. One day we were all working our asses off. There were a lot of people in the restaurant, and she kept bringing in a steady stream of orders. At the end of the day we were stressed out beyond our normal limits. We started having a conversation and I just had to ask her out, but it had to be normal-sounding. I am not the best with girls. “Hey it was...

3 years ago
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Sissy the Redhead The College Plan Pt VII The Finale

The last few weeks have been unreal. That night after my mom confronted Charlotte about everything, Jim had come home. Charlotte and Mom sat him down and explained that he was basically going to be providing for all of us now, but there were two tradeoffs. First, he and his wife wouldn’t have to go jail, and second, he had three women to choose from whenever he wanted them. Sure, he would have to share them all with my sixteen year old brother, Luke, but he didn’t seem to mind at all. ...

4 years ago
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A gorgeous married redhead explains how she began swinging with other men

These nylons are hard to pull up. Can you see the line down the back? My grandmother wore nylons like these back in the fifties. Let me get this garter hook snapped. There! I’m done with the hard part! Here comes my hubby, Roger with my heels. I think I’ll tease him with my feet! He loves me so much. He’s kissing me and I’m playfully shoving him away. He’s still not dressed. He’s been running around the house all afternoon naked. He’s been stroking his...

2 years ago
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Sissy the Redhead Big Brother and Mamma P tIV

Introduction: If you like the last one and this one, stay tuned for more Sissy the Redhead: Big Brother and Mamma Pt IV This summer is going to suck, I said to myself as I walked back to my moms house after wasting an hour not catching any fish. After all, I didnt have any friends around here, we lived out in the country, so I couldnt walk to the mall and meet anyone, and I had to live with my mom and my little sister. As a sixteen year old boy, I needed something to do. I had only been here...

3 years ago
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Sissy the Redhead Mammas Price Pt VI

Introduction: I only have one more chapter planned, but if the response is good enough, I have a couple of really filthy ideas to add to all of this. Let me know. Sissy the Redhead: Mammas Price Pt VI My kids had been on their walk for a couple of hours now. Of course I knew better. I was sure they were across the street involved in some sort of hot, sticky, depraved and illegal sex act with either one or both of my classy neighbors. I didnt mind. They were my kids, after all, and were bound...

2 years ago
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Sissy the Redhead Her First Cock Pt II

Introduction: They wil continue to bet better and better Sissy the Redhead: Her First Cock Pt. II I couldnt believe my plan had worked so well. That hot housewife across the street was even more game than I had thought. I had dressed as slutty as I could, digging out clothes from three years ago when I was only ten years old, squeezing into them, and flaunting my tight little thirteen year old body all over the yard pushing the lawn mower. It only took twice before she came over an made her...

2 years ago
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naughty redhead

Introduction: short scene at the coffee shop Why is the line in this coffee shop always so long? I mumbled to myself. Despite this place always having a ridiculous line, the barista here is the only woman I know that can get my coffee right. In the end the line is always justified. I patiently waited and one by one I was closer to my favorite barista. A beautiful redhead woman stood in front of me, she couldnt be any more than 57. Her long bouncy red hair contrasted her skin perfectly, causing...

3 years ago
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Sissy the Redhead Mammas Home Pt III

Introduction: If you dont like stories that involve incest, I suggest you stop here. The rest of these chapters will have increasing amounts of it. If you like that sort of thing, its only getting started. Sissy the Redhead: Mammas Home Pt III I couldnt wait to get out of the car when I pulled in out driveway. A six hour drive home from picking up my sixteen year old son from his fathers, and the whole time I felt his eyes on my legs and chest. Granted, I was wearing a hot leather mini-skirt,...

3 years ago
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The redhead coworker threesome part I

Since our son is old enough to go his own way, we finally have more time and more moments to enjoy our bodies in a sexual and erotic way. A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I had such a great sexual weekend again. We had a full weekend for ourselves and the week before we made sure we both got heated up to make it an intimate and horny weekend. But this weekend would turn out to be completely different than I would have expected. It all had to do with a fantasy I have for already a longer...

2 years ago
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Watching a redhead enjoy my boyfriendrsquos massive co

My boyfriend (J) and I (S) are into ffm threesomes and on the weekend we were lucky enough to find a sexy little redhead (F) to come an join us.When she arrived at my flat, she was visibly nervous so we offered her a glass of Prosecco and sat together on the sofa. We chatted briefly before J instructed me and F to start kissing. I placed my hand around the back of her neck and pulled her in to slowly and softly kiss her. As I did, I felt J move closer in from behind F to kiss her neck and begin...

1 year ago
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Taking Advantage of the Short Chubby Redhead

Some years ago, shortly after I graduated from college, I started my first job and rented an apartment by myself. One evening when I got home from work and decided to go to a bar down that street. While there I noticed a short chubby redhead who kept looking at me and eventually she walked over to me. We started to talk and realized she had been in a class with my in college and her name was Terri. She was not normally someone I would find attractive but like other guys the more I drank the...

1 year ago
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Horny BBW Redhead

I first started chatting with Sharon through a dating website about 8 years ago. I have always had a thing for big girls so I joined a BBW site. I got chatting to a few of the women on there and then I got a message from one particular woman. She was mid 30’s, Redhead, (Bust Size) Massive and from Birmingham but she had no photo. I thought I’d just send her a message back saying I like your profile but cos there was no photo I thought that would be it. About half an hour or so later I got a...

3 years ago
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The Short Redhead 2 Merida Part 1

After I had lost my virginity to Selena, I wanted sex, lots of it. I was always thinking about it, I was always craving it. I just couldn't get enough. I tried to hook up with Selena again but her family had found out about us and absolutely forbidden her from ever seeing me again. Left with nobody to hook up with, I was on the prowl for my next bit of fun. But...the problem was this....I was inexperienced and as of yet, unwilling to even consider seducing someone that was already taken. Which...

4 years ago
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Redhead discovered black cock

I first started to date Holly when we were 17. She was a gorgeous redhead about 5'4 with large brown twinkling eyes, a fantastic curvy figure and 34DD breasts. Her beautiful red hair was an excellent contrast against her pale milk white skin. We fell in love after a few months. I was crazy about her. It was a long while before we ever did anything sexual as she was very innocent and had never been with anyone sexually before. When finally we began to get more frisky I undid her bra and felt her...

3 years ago
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Redhead BBW What a Night a true story

One night several years ago, I went out to the bar with some friends. I had been drinking a little, and was incredibly horny that night. I had not been with a woman for some time, and my sexual tension was fierce. I happened upon an acquaintance, who was someone I used to work with. We'll call her Angie. She was a gorgeous redhead, with blue eyes and freckles. Her juicy, plump body looked amazing that night. Her tits were nearly spilling out of her low-cut red top. I sat down and...

2 years ago
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Real Redhead No Panties

Real Redhead No PantiesI use to work for a local convenience store chain based in west texas. I managed their facilities which included the stores, offices and rental properties. When i approved bills I usually gave the stack of bills to be paid to Trish. Now i tried to be professional when I was in the office. But it was extremely difficult with the hotties running around in their skirts and dresses doing their office thing. As summer time in Texas gets close I am always the happiest. As the...

3 years ago
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The Most Beautiful Redhead

She was gorgeous, a redhead, and I had to get her into bed!I first met Michelle at the block party that she and her husband threw after they moved in. I noticed her right away. Who wouldn’t? She had beautiful long red hair that I wanted to get my hands into and blue eyes. She was wearing a tight-fitting tank top that stopped just below her ample breasts, leaving her mid-drift exposed for all to see. Then her white shorts left little to the imagination.As I kept my distance and watched her, I...

3 years ago
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How i met Laurie Rourke the sexy redhead

So back in May 2016 i met this sexy redhead named Laurie on a adult dating site called adultfriendfinder.com. On the site you can join groups and chat rooms etc, so me and Laurie were in the same group on the site called "young men for older women".At the time i was 24 years old she was 41 years old she messaged me saying she "liked what she saw on my profile" and we chatted for a long time and we eventually exchange numbers and e-mail addresses. The first time we met in person Was in Boxford...

3 years ago
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Redhead sex

I flagged the bus down, paid my fare and took one of the few remaining seats at the back. The butterflies in my stomach felt like they were trying to escape, I couldn't remember the last time I was this nervous. The bus grumbled along the road almost throwing me out of my seat as we bounced over pot-holes and cracks. The sun beamed through the window. It was a beautiful summer day and I was sat on an overcrowded bus, wearing a black suit, melting into the seat. All of a sudden things...

3 years ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 9 My little redhead

A little while later Maria came in carrying a tray with a carafe of hot coffee, cups, and cream and sugar. After setting the tray down she insisted on preparing me a cup. Pat quickly rushed to the kitchen muttering to herself, "I declare, that girl will be having my job before long." As I was sipping at the coffee Pat returned with a pot of tea and a plate stacked high with finger sandwiches. It looked like there was a variety of different meats and other filling to choose from. "Do you...

3 years ago
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Resolution With a RedheadChapter 14

We went inside and sat on the couch. There weren’t many people there as many had gone home for the weekend. With no football here, there wasn’t much to hold people on the campus over weekends in autumn. Many left Friday after their classes. We sat down on a couch in the common room. There were only three others in the room and none of them were close to us. Agnes came into my arms and kissed me. I helped. We finally broke the kiss panting a bit. It had become impassioned. I think she enjoyed...

2 years ago
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Resolution With a RedheadChapter 26

The three of us walked into the kitchen together. Agnes and I refilled our cups and sat at the table. We sat next to each other very closely. Jimmy grinned. “Don’t you get enough of being close?” Agnes grinned back. “Nope. My Viking is pleasant to sit close to and I’m planning on continuing to do that for the rest of our lives. He is a good man.” Jimmy smirked. “As long as all he does is sit.” Agnes smiled. “That will change in two weeks. Then, we’ll debauch each other. I’m looking...

4 years ago
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The RedheadChapter 3

PAYBACK is a bitch... Over the next couple of days a plan started to form. I wanted to exact revenge on the one person I perceived as being the root cause of all of the turmoil of the last year of my life. It wasn't until many years after the fact, that I would realize most of the turmoil was really caused by Becky and her manipulation of people and situations to suit her. By then it would be too late for him. I went to work and during my shift, plan ideas began to take shape. I saw the...

1 year ago
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My redhead cousin Mara

I'm a 25 year old guy who is a gearhead. I am 6'2" 200 pounds im stocky not fat. I have been blessed with a 8" member and actually know how to satisfy a woman. I sometimes do work on cars for cheap. But, its not my actual job. I have been slow at work and had bills to pay. I had been looking for work and wasn't able to find anything at all. Just when i had given up I got a call from my cousin Mara. She had car troubles and asked if i could fix it for less than a repair shop. I agreed immediatly...

2 years ago
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Redheads Have More Fun

Tara boarded the flight with butterflies in her stomach. She was about to embark on a once-in-a-lifetime trip that would take her nearly ten thousand miles from home. She’d spent a fortune on this trip, but she knew it would be worth it.She sent a quick text to the lover that waited for her on the other end.I’m on the plane! I can’t believe we are finally going to meet!Andi wasted no time replying.I can’t wait to see you in person and touch you!The flight attendant indicated it was time to put...

3 years ago
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RedheadsChapter 3

My twin redheads, Emma and Grace, seem to exude sexuality these days. I told them about my story deal to which they got excited. I had to lock myself inside my work area to keep from getting distracted by them walking by and constantly saying. "Hello Daddy?" The first ten chapters poured out of me like it was the easiest thing I ever wrote. I was worried it might be too erotic, but I'd let my Publisher tell me before I tried to tone it down. In less than seven weeks, I had the first ten...

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Why Redheads Are Best Part 1 Intro

This is my tale of why Redheads are best! Best at what you ask?Part 1: IntroIt was mid fall. I was 24. I was working many hours a day and when I got home all that was left to do was sleep and wait for the next day and the day after and so on... My sex life at that time was pretty dull. I had little time to pick up girls and that was on weekends. Most for one night. At week days I was so tired I didn't even feel like masturbating even tho most girls didn't satisfy my hunger and there were times...

1 year ago
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Redheads WaitingChapter 4

Redheads Waiting Redheads Waiting, particularly this chapter, was inspired by the video of the same name. Enjoy! 1: I should start by pointing out that I'm not a bad person. Knowing what I've done, I can see how one would come to that conclusion. But if you think about it, for what I was doing to truly be wrong, I'd have to be manipulating my daughters somehow, changing them. But my tapes never once made the girls do anything they didn't already want to do - no matter how many...

3 years ago
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Lightbulbs and Redheads

I have a thing for redheads. I was standing in line at Walmart. I had a pack of light bulbs I needed for my home office. A whole dollar and fifty cents worth. I was second in line, eight or so people in line behind me, and a cute little redhead in front of me. I realized I’d left my wallet in the truck, but had my keys. I got her attention while she was putting a few things up on the belt. I asked her, “If I told you an unbelievable story, and it turned out true, would you marry me, or go on a...

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