Quad's Ch. 4 free porn video

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I thought that my parents would have been very upset with us. But, it was just the opposite. Don’t get me wrong though, they were upset with us, but at the same time, they encouraged us to stay together.

Most parents would have been crying, yelling, threaten to disown us, and probable try to have us committed to a crazy house. But mom and dad were very calm, and even shocked us by saying that they were stepsiblings.

They shocked us even further when we were given permission to us their humongous walk in shower together, and then they joined us.

Our mother is very beautiful for being in her 40’s, only a slight indication that she had quadruplets, but I don’t think I could ever have sex with her. It was a little awkward at first having sex with my sisters, but with my mother, that is something that I don’t think I could do.

You could call us a dysfunctional family, but we are a family who love each other deeply, and would do anything to protect each other.

After our coming out weekend, we had to go back to our normal lives. Mom and dad went to work, and we went back to school. That morning during breakfast they talked with us again, and reminded us of the importance to keep what we were doing quiet.

At school it seemed that the resistance toward us was worse than it was before. Most of the kids were upset because we made them look bad when we pulled up in the stretch hummers we rented, others were mad because we simply looked better than they did. Stephanie and Stacy were beautiful, but not the beauty queen beauty, and they would turn heads. Shane and I were a little over six feet, and muscular. We didn’t have a body builder’s physique, but enough to cause female’s heads to turn, and to take care of each other when needed. There were those at school who didn’t push us much, because they knew that we would push back.

At home we would touch, kiss and hug each other. Stephanie and I slept with each other, and Stacy and Shane were with each other. When our parents were home, we kept it kind of low key. They knew what we were doing, but they wanted us to do it behind closed doors. We never pushed what we did on our parents, and that is the way that they liked it. My mother had taken Stephanie and Stacy to the doctors, and got them on birth control because she didn’t feel like having grandchildren yet. We were a normal family, doing normal family things together, but with a twist. We kept it quiet, and no one would have guessed what we were doing.

Graduation came for us, and we were happy. All four of us had decided to attend our parents’ alma mater earlier in our senior year, so we were all set for college. After high school, mom and dad started to make plans for us to go and visit our grandparents, mom’s mother and dad’s father. Who we found out were married to each other.

Stephanie and I were laying in bed one night talking, when she had to get up and use the bathroom. She put on her robe and walked out, closing the door behind her. A few minutes later, she came back in and crawled back in bed. I was on my back, and she threw her arm over me, rubbing my chest.

Slowly she would rub my muscular chest, and then move her way down to my hard stomach. When I felt her hand on my cock, it started to respond and get hard. She then turned around, took my cock into her mouth, straight down her throat. Stephanie had given me quite a few blowjobs, and had gotten so good at it, that she could take my cock straight down her throat with no problem. She then started to suck me in and out. While she was sucking, I had my hand covering her snatch, with my index finger up her vagina, going in and out of her.

When Stephanie had me nice and wet from her saliva, she straddled my waist facing me, and lowered herself onto my cock. Reaching up to grab her tits, Stephanie started to ride me. After a few minutes, and her juices flowing. Stephanie pulled herself off me, guided my cock back to her rectum, and sat back down with my cock in her ass. I then knew that this was Stacy, and not Stephanie that I was fucking. Stacy liked it up the ass, Stephanie didn’t.

As I held onto Stacy’s tits, she started to ride me up and down again. Stacy took her right hand and planted two fingers in her pussy, fingering herself as she slammed up and down on me. When Stacy felt my cock start to tighten in her ass, she started to ride me, and finger herself faster. When she felt the first shot of cum in her ass, Stacy slammed down on me, and continued to finger herself as she brought herself to an orgasm.

When she had calmed down, Stacy lifted herself off me, and laid on my chest.

“You two need to be careful. We don’t need to get in trouble with mom and dad.” I told her.

“I know. They are in their room, and we were real quiet.”

We then lay there and fell asleep on each other.


Stacy walked into the other room, and crawled into bed with Shane. He reached over and started to massage her nipples with the palms of his hand. When he had the nipples hard, and sticking out, Shane rolled over and took it into his mouth. Stacy gasped, and started to run her hand over his back. After Shane had both nipples hard, and wet, from sucking on them, he started to licked her down the valley between her breasts and onto her stomach. When he got to her navel, he ran his tongue around and into it. Stacy shuddered, and felt him go lower.

When Shane got down to her pussy, he pulled her lips apart, and shoved his tongue straight into her. Stacy moaned, and put her hands on his head to keep him down there. After a few minutes of bringing her close to an orgasm, Shane sat up, rolled Stacy on her stomach and lifted her ass up in the air. Kneeling behind her, Shane guided his cock into her pussy, and started to pump in and out. Then he took his index finger and slid it into Stacy’s ass. When he heard her shriek in the pillow, and felt how tight her ass was, Shane knew that this was Stephanie. Stacy usually enjoyed it when he did this, and could take two or three fingers in her ass.

Knowing that this was Stephanie, Shane felt his cock swell inside her, and started to pump faster. Stephanie started to moan, and thrust back at him. Faster they went until Shane slammed into her one last time, shot his cum deep into her, and Stephanie muffled her scream.

When Shane and Stephanie untangled themselves, they lay with their arms around each other and went to sleep.

We switched a few more times until we left for our grandparents.


We were worried about meeting our grandparents for the first time. Would they be able to se right though us and know what we were doing? What would they say if they did know? Mom and dad told us not to worry, and for us to be careful on what we say.

Not only were we going to meet our grandparents, but there would be uncles, aunts and cousins that would be there. We would be there for about a week, and it was a four-hour drive, so we packed and hit the road. On the way over, we didn’t say much, and left each other with their thoughts.

When we got there, cars were already lined up, and someone look out the window. Nervously, we got out stretched, and looked around. They lived in an old farmhouse that was restored, which sat on a few acres of land. Following our parents inside, introductions were made all around.

Mom had a brother a few years older than her, and two sisters younger. Their spouses were there also, and they all showed some resentment towards us, but not much. All our cousins came inside when they heard us pull up. There were seven of them, and they were all the same age as us or younger, except one. His name was Norman. When he was introduced, he yelled that his name was Norm in a real belligerent tone. I instantly disliked him.

Our grandparents, Brad and Joan, were an older version of mom and dad. Except for the gray hair, and age lines, you would swear that they were twins. They hugged us, and warmly welcomed us into their house.

After introductions were made, Shane, Stephanie, Stacy and I went outside with the other kids. Norman went off on his own, while the rest of us stayed together and talked.

“What the hell is his problem?” I threw out.

My cousin Brenda, Norman’s sister, answered. “He’s pissed because my parents made him come with us. He wanted to stay home, but he got arrested not too long ago, and Dad told him that he would either straighten up or he would be on his own.”

“He just rubs me the wrong way.” Shane said.

“He gives me the creeps.” Stephanie threw in.

Two of our cousins, Brenda and Jack, were the same age as us, and we stayed together talking with each other. Jack was the oldest son of mom’s oldest sister. It came out that everyone lived within a few hours of each other. We decided that we would try and get with each other during the next week.

Everyone stayed there for the day, and since it was summer, we cooked on the grill for dinner. The longer we stayed there, the more open everyone became with us. All that is except Norman. He stayed to himself the whole time.

Later on that evening as everyone was leaving for home, it was decided that we would stay there instead of getting a hotel. With the house being an old farm one, there was plenty of room for every one. Shane and I would share a room, Stephanie and Stacy had one, and mom and dad had their own. After everyone had left, it had grown quiet, and as we sat around talking, I realized that I could grow to enjoy this new family. We later retired for the evening.

When we were laying in bed, Shane and I started talking.

“You know, this is the first time in a few months that we have not slept with the girls.” I told him.

“I know. It does feel kind of strange.”

“Hold on a second.” I told him and then opened the door. Looking up and down the hallway, I quietly stepped out. A few minutes later, Stacy walked in and crawled in bed with Shane. I had pulled my own switch.

The next morning I was the first to wake, so I got dressed and walked down to the kitchen. My grandparents were already up and drinking their coffee, so I joined them. One by one, everybody made their way down. After a few hours, Stephanie hadn’t come down so mom went up to find out what was wrong. A little while later she came back to say that Stephanie had a headache and wasn’t feeling good. She wanted to stay in bed, so mom let her.

Since granddad had his heart attack, not too many things had been done, so Shane, dad, and I worked that day to get things caught up. We found out that this had at one time been a functioning farm, and there was more land here than we first realized. Dad talked with granddad at lunch about possible renting some of the land out to local farmers. This way the land wouldn’t just sit there, and it would be extra income coming in for them. Plus it would be less for granddad to take care of.

Stephanie still wasn’t feeling too good at lunch, so she stayed in bed. I went up to check on her, and she was laying there looking out the window.

“Hi hun. How are you feeling?” I asked as I sat on the edge of the bed.

“I could be better. I woke this morning with a migraine, and part of it has been hanging with me all day. I just wish I could get out with everyone.”

“You just rest up hun and get better. We have all week, so you can come out with us later.”

“I love you Shawn.”

“I love you too Stephanie.” I leaned down kissed her, and moved her hair out of her eyes. Taking the dirty dishes that were there, I went back down into the kitchen.

We worked outside the rest of the afternoon doing minor repairs until we were called in to get washed up for dinner. While we were working, some of the others had shown back up again, including Norman. After jumping into the shower, we heated up leftovers for dinner.

When everyone was done, grandma was going to take some soup up to Stephanie when I offered to take it up while she visited with everyone. She thanked me, and I took the tray upstairs.

Stephanie was now out of bed, sitting in a chair looking out the window. When she saw me come in, she smiled and gave me a kiss and a hug.

“Feeling better?” I asked.

“Lots, thank you. I guess this extra rest did me some good.”

Stephanie dug into the soup, and had it gone before too long. When she was done, she sat the bowl down, and leaned back.

“I watched you all afternoon working with your shirt off, and needless to say it did some things to me?” She told me with a laugh to her voice.

“Really! And what kind of things were they?” I asked with a laugh of my own.

“This for one.” She said as she lifted her shirt to show me an erect nipple.

Smiling I reached up to massage her tit, and at the same time leaned over to kiss her. We had just started to kiss each other when she jumped back and gasped, pulling her shirt down at the same time. Turning around, I saw Norman as he turned away from the door. Rushing out of the room, I chased him down the hall catching him as he started going down the stairs. Jerking away from me, Norman lost his balance, and tumbled down the rest of the way. As I ran down after him, everyone came in from the other room to see what the disturbance was.

“What the hell is going on?” My Uncle Frank yelled as he stepped between us.

“Dad …. ,” Norman managed to gasp out. “I saw …. him upstairs …. kissing Stephanie.”

“So what. They are brother and sister.”

Stephanie had managed to put a long robe on, and had joined us. Mom looked at her, and saw a sad look on her face. Bowing her head, mom walked back in the kitchen.

“Dad, you don’t understand. They were kissing, but he also had his hand up her shirt.”

“Is this true?” Uncle Frank asked as he turned to me.

“Yes sir it is. But I can explain.”

“You don’t need to explain Shawn, I understand. Let me get this peeping tom home.” Uncle Frank pushed Norman toward the door, and booted him in the ass. Yelling out, Norman rushed out of the house.

Once we had the house to ourselves again, mom and dad, our grandparents, and the four of us were sitting in the kitchen.

“Tell me what is going on,” my grandfather asked.

My dad was getting ready to say something when I butted in, and told granddad the whole thing from beginning to end. When I was done, everyone was quiet for a few minutes.

“I was afraid something like this would happen.” My grandfather replied.

“What do you mean?” My dad asked him.

Granddad was quiet for a little bit, while he collected his thoughts.

“What I am about to mention, only your stepmother and I know about. None of the others know, and I don’t want them to know. So this is going to be between all of us here.”

My grandfather was quiet again, and my grandmother reached over to take his hand.

“Your mother and I were never married Scott.”

“What are you trying to say Dad?” My father asked heatedly.

“The only way that I can say this Scott is straight out. The reason your mother and I never married, is because we are brother and sister.”

Our complicated family just got worse.

“She got upset and left when she found out that I had been having affair with Joan for years.”

“Well, that is understandable,” my father told him after he got over his shock of finding out that his father was also his uncle.

“Yes, but Joan is also my first cousin.”

Shit, it’s getting worse.

“Have you two ever wondered why your four kids look almost exactly like you?”

“We have thought about it a few times Brad.” My mother spoke.

“Well that is because you are also my daughter Sue.”

All of our jaws dropped, and the first thing that went through my mind was that our family tree was going to be totally screwed up. Here we were sitting down, being told that dad’s father was also his uncle, and his stepmother was his aunt. That would make them our great-uncle and aunt, as well as our grandparents. What makes it even worse is that mom and dad are not stepsiblings as we first thought, but brother and sister. So our mom was also our aunt, and our father was our uncle. Oh Shit!

“Now you know why we were upset when you two wanted to get married,” my grandmother/great-aunt spoke for the first time.

“Why didn’t you tell us about this before?” Mom asked.

“We were hoping that we would never have to talk about this,” my grandmother told her. “But, it is all out in the open now. No one else knows about it, so please keep this to yourselves.”

We sat there and talked for hours. With all the rest and sleep she had through the day, Stephanie still fell asleep against me. My grandmother said that she needed to get upstairs, so I carried her to bed and went back down to talk. We continued to talk into the night until mom started to nod off. All of us went to bed then.

I was the first one up again the next morning to join granddad and grandma for coffee. Everyone got up without a hitch, and we started our day. That morning we worked around the farm again, and in the afternoon granddad had to go to the doctors, so mom and dad went with them. Shane, Stephanie, Stacy and I decided to stay there and go exploring. The first day we arrived, Brenda told us about a pond that was on the land where they used to go fishing and swimming. The four of us decided to try and find it.

After everyone left for the doctors, we grabbed some snacks, and left to hunt for the pond.

After walking around for about an hour, we found it. Walking around it, we located an area where we could sit. Laying there and relaxing, Shane spoke up.

“Hey! How about a swim.”

“We didn’t bring any suits.” Stephanie told him.

“Who said we need suits,” he shot back.

Shane stood, stripped down, and then walked into the pond. The girls and I looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders, and then stripped down joining Shane. We swam and splashed around for a while and then got out.

Laying there, we were quiet and enjoyed each other’s company. Stephanie poked me in the side and pointed over at the others. Leaning up on my elbow, I looked, and there was Shane and Stacy all over each other. Laughing, I reached over for Stephanie and started kissing her.

Stephanie pushed me over on my back, straddled my face so that her pussy was there for the licking, and then she leaned over to take my cock into her mouth. She gave me one of her best blowjobs, as I ate her out. As always, she took my cock into her mouth and straight down her throat. I licked her from asshole to clit and back. Stephanie’s juices were starting to flow, and I was licking them up. She was sucking my cock in and out of her mouth, taking it all the way in every time she went down.

Shane and Stacy were in the same position. But Shane had his fingers pumping her ass, as he was eating her out. Stacy felt his cock swell in her mouth, and she started to suck him faster. When he felt his load ready to blow, Shane sucked Stephanie’s clit into his mouth and started to hum. Just as she got just his cock head in her mouth, Stacy started to shake in orgasm as Shane shot his load into her mouth.

I felt my balls tighten up, and knew that I was ready. Sucking Stephanie’s clit into my mouth, I slowly pulled off it. When Stephanie felt me tighten up, she allowed just the head in her mouth, and then she started to orgasm when I pulled off her clit again. Tasting her juices, I shot my cum into her mouth.

When the four of us calmed down, the girls sat up and slid down till they were over our still hard cocks. Stephanie turned so she was facing me, and then guided my cock deep into her pussy. Stacy was facing away from Shane, and she guided his cock into her ass.

When they had us fully in them, Stephanie and Stacy started to ride up and down. Turning to the side, they then started to kiss each other, and pinching each other’s nipples. Looking up at them, I was surprised when they started to trade our cum with each other. Both of them were pinching nipples, and with their free hand, they reached down to play with the other’s clit. Shane and I saw this, and it started to really turn us on. Stephanie and Stacy really started to pound up and down on us. Pretty soon I felt by cock swell up again, and after pumping up and down a few more times, Stephanie slammed down on me one last time as I shot my cum into her and she shook with her own orgasm. Shane must have been close also, because at the same time that Stephanie and I had our orgasms, Stacy slammed down on Shane as they started to shudder together.

After all four of us had calmed down, and laughed about what we did, we got dressed and headed back to the house.


What will the Quad’s do next? Stay tuned for Ch. 5.

I would greatly appreciate your feedback. Anything from a kind word to what you would like to see next. I work a full time job in addition to writing and everyone who writes knows that writing stories takes a lot of time, effort, and thought. I personally do it because I love to write and the idea of people enjoying what I have written.


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It was almost eight o’clock the following morning and Ann’s legs were spread wide with her toes pointing to the ceiling. She couldn’t remember how many times Paul had taken her the night before, but, she realized, it was far more fucking than she had ever done in a single night in her life, even when she had been working the streets. Moreover, like Little Bit’s description of Tony, Paul was huge. And, also like Tony, Paul could — and did — maintain her in orgasm for endless periods of time,...

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Moms Girl Redux Part 7

Mom's Girl Redux Part 7 by Elizabeth Joanne Chapter 20 The weekend with Mom did me good. It not only got me away from the 4 walls of my apartment but it also showed me that when the time is right there may be hope for an old lady like me. Yes I had received a bit of a rude awakening last Saturday night about things but in a way I may have been a bit naive about these things. No I was far from a sweet innocent babe in arms but that was different. I had vowed to change my ways...

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Janice WhiteChapter 5

Janice did not know how long she had slept. She slowly opened her eyes and saw that Pam and Sharon were still fast asleep. Slowly, she slipped off the end of the bed only because her bladder would no longer allow her to get any rest. She glanced over her shoulder as she stepped to the bathroom and noticed that Sharon had snuggled into the spoon position with Pam. Janice looked in the mirror and saw a very satisfied woman staring back at her. She chuckled to herself as she remembered how much...

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Best friends girl

I have known Rick since we were seven years old. We are completely different people but we have stayed best friends. Rick is smart and ambitious. He is handsome and good with the ladies. I have always envied his charm. He seems to attract women without even trying. I am more of a quiet person. I enjoy being alone with a book or a movie. I have accepted the fact that I will never be cool or part of the ‘in crowd.’ Still, Rick and I have always been tight. There is a bond between us that I don’t...

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Stoking the Fire Ch 03

Chris felt as if she exploded the second he licked her. The noise and shuddering made him feel like a million dollars, and he caught her as she fell boneless onto him, pushing him to the floor. Their lips met for a steamy kiss full of the taste of her. He expected her to cuddle and recover, but after the brief kiss she turned down to strip his jeans off, rolled on a condom, then swung over him and impaled herself on him like a mad woman. Jo bucked and rose and sank furiously, and the grasp of...

3 years ago
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The Day I Cheated My Husband

Hi to all ISS readers, this is Varun back with another experience and I thank you all your response for my last story. For those who don’t know me I am Varun 23 years old guy from Chennai with average body 6 feet height with a 6 inch tool. Any ladies from can contact me through This is reader’s experience of cheating her husband. Hi readers this is one of my readers experience of fucking a neighbor guy. I will be narrating the story from her view. Now coming to the story I am Manjula 26 year...

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One Groom And Three Wives

Hi all this is Praveen once again for you. Well Iam going to narrate a story told to me by a reader. The story would be little long please bear with me to enjoy. Comments are welcome at This is Narendar 33yrs old fair complexion height of 5.10” and a cock of 9” length and 10cms diameter monster cock. I have started to be sexually active from the age of 15 and the person to take of my virginity was my Math teacher during my tuition in her house from that day on till now there is no stopping....

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It had to be Magic Part 1

This is part 1 of a 3 part story. Thanks for all the help from my editor. All people are over 18 and this is a work of fiction. It is only real in my mind.It had to be magic.Part 1 – The DiscoveryIt is amazing how things that happen when you are young can have such huge consequences when you get older. The story I have to tell is pretty wild but, as I have heard, it said truth is stranger than fiction. It all started about 6 months ago when my sister called me up out of the blue. We had not...

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 10

Out of AfrikaA fantasy by Julie Van and Curt B******Chapter 10Chloe was in a constant state of excitement caused by all the exhilarating things that were going on in her life. For one, at 18 years old she was regarded as being an Adult which meant there was little that she was legally not allowed to do and that thought alone thrilled her. In truth she was still emotionally immature racked with all the teenage insecurities that are part of growing up. She was constantly aware that unlike many of...

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Petras 2nd sexy secret about Alex

In fact, Petra found out two sexy secrets of Alex in the year after their first time together.The first sexy secret for Alex is whether what had happened between them was real or just a dream?In this story she will unveil some more of the sexy secrets of Alex, which she slowly discovered. First sexy secret As Alex does, Petra fondly remembers how she suddenly surprised Alex in bed after tugging her in.As always she had kiss-closed Alex eyes. After a big kiss on her fore-head switched off the...

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After getting on our way, with Brian taking my final check from me, I gang emailed: “Hey guys ... don’t get crazy, but everyone has earned a nice round $2.600,000 on this tour. So have fun, let your family know we are bringing you straight to your door tonight. We will keep your instruments until auditions to join the GSS for close friends and siblings in five days. See you then!” I heard ‘Whoopees!’ from all over the place, including getting an email reply from Stuart saying, “Be lucky you...

1 year ago
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Bag Lady the Retired Marine Ch 08

Chapter 08 Hoping for the best, but receiving the worst reaction, Dave tells Susan that he loves her. Dave carried Susan’s naked body to his bunk and put her down gently on her side as if she had been wounded in combat and he had carried her out of harm’s way and to safety. Only, unlike he would if she was a wounded war buddy, he gave her a long, wet kiss. Then he ran around to the other side of the bunk to climb in his bed with his body turned to face her when lying down. Barely enough...

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Summer showers

Summer is fading fast, we are now at that time of year when here in Spain you often get temperatures over thirty with glorious sun at midday and then storms and quite a chilly evening. Last week I went out on my bike as I have often done over recent weeks, trying to do some exercise in the now cooler evening air. Over the summer I have had to go to the gym and exercise inside, where they at least had air conditioning, but now at last I can get out. I was home early from work, instead of...

4 years ago
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A Bride chapter ten

The first thing she did on our return to the flat was to water and feed the tomatoes, then she went up to change out of those incredible trousers and into the only slightly less sexy denim mini skirt that I'd said I really liked.A light blue shirt with the top three buttons left undone contrasted beautifully with the short blonde hair and I told her she should've been a cover girl,She giggled, but I could tell she was pleased."I'm nipping out for a couple of minutes mum." an idea had just hit...

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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 13 Yeppoon and the Zoo

The next morning Dave and the young couple headed off to Yeppoon via Biloela and Mount Morgan, then called into Rockhampton. Although this was much longer than the direct route, Dave was keen to visit these places, especially Mount Morgan, a very historic town. Their first port of call there was to the restored old railway station originally built in 1896, which now doubled as the information centre. Dave was given a sketch map of the town with information on the various points of interest....

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Husband cuckolded on a Jamaican vacation

My wife and I recently took a cruise to Jamaica for our 5th wedding anniversary. Sara has sandy blond hair, 36 DD breasts, a Latin ass and legs I was so proud of the way she kept herself in shape. I couldn't take her anywhere without men and women doing a double take. I wanted to showcase her beautiful body by buying her the skimpiest yellow micro bikini I could find. When I was loading the suitcases into the car I removed her boring one piece suit and replaced it with the bikini. When we got...

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A summer in Sicily part two

Our resort was just outside of Syracuse, the legendary Greek polis on the East of the island. Under the hot sun of August, the whole island was constantly glowing in a mysterious heat filled with promises of romantic adventures. Glancing from the small window of the circling airplane at the mountainous landscape of Sicily, I fell in love with it instantaneously. An unknown force drove me to dive in those bleak, ancient valleys encircled by the far-sounding sea, to knock on the doors of those...

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my evil black dick splits white pussy

your king read whole story and checkout my profile!Bride & Groom where whisked away by the five black men. On their way to the hotel, they now had been taken to a hideaway in the mountains. The beautiful bride, in her pure white wedding gown was surrounded by the black captives. Her husband was tied to a chair next to her. Julie was a virgin bride who had never seen or handled a cock before.This was not a chance happening but a planned k**napping. It had been a chance sighting for the...

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Business Trip Ch 01

OK, maybe not a true business trip. But she had a conference to attend, and he could always schedule a few appointments in town, to justify the expense account. Just a couple good excuses to get away together. In fact, the schedule didn’t even work out exactly right for them to fly in together. So she had already been in town, and had a half a day’s worth of conference under her belt, before he even arrived. He had checked into the hotel room and headed straight to the pool, to wait for her to...

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The Bastard Loyal to one ch 5

Please rate/comment, and have fun! Leaves rustled to the left of him, but Marvin chose to ignore it. One knee rested on the moist underground. In that fashion he sat as he peered into the woods. In his right hand, he held his bow, an arrow notched. They had been stalking their prey all morning. The sun had not risen when they left the camp. Now it caused long beams of light through the tree tops, illuminating the dust which drifted in the air. Finally they had caught up with the group....

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My Humiliation

We were colleagues and it always felt dangerous between us. She was in her early thirties and I had just turned fifty. At first we actively disliked each other, perhaps reacting to the arrogance that we are both prone to, but that slowly changed. We found that we worked well together and started to flirt, particularly after a drink or two on overnight business trips. She was tall, blond, beautiful, posh, and very fond of wearing designer high heels that made her almost as tall as my 6’ 1”. It...

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Dirty Old George the chav in the park

George had always had a reputation as an upstanding member of the community. His wife of over 40 years would always be telling people she met on the street that George was in the paper with some charity or other & he was employee of the year at the local council again etc. George really didn't like the attention & would be annoyed by this but he never let his wife know. He was looking forward to retiring in a few months & a well earned rest. George however did have a secret, one his...

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Summer Hire Ch 01

Tall, Dark, HandsomeThe sudden screech of an alarm clock filled the small room. Melissa’s arm flopped out from under the covers. She swung her hand in a well-practiced arc, slapping the snooze button into silence. Satisfied, she snuggled deeper into bed.Sleep, unfortunately, proved elusive. A nagging feeling itched at the edge of her awareness. When all her determined attempts to ignore the feeling failed, she finally pushed herself back into a semi-sitting position, propping herself against a...

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Inside me Ch1

This is completely fictional and everything in this story is for pleasure onlyI closed the book in my hands after staring down at the last page for a few seconds. Mom looked over from the driver’s seat to my lap while she waited on the vacuum tube to return with her money. Visiting the bank with mom before grocery shopping; my life was on the verge of explosive excitement.  “Isn’t that book a bit mature for a sixteen year old”  “I think I’m a bit mature for a sixteen year old, mom.”  “Not...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 604

These are from John A. Yes I realize there are repeats ... But old folk like me tend to forget... A distraught senior citizen phoned her doctor’s office. “Is it true,” she wanted to know, “that the medication you prescribed has to be taken for the rest of my life?” “‘Yes, I’m afraid so,”’ the doctor told her. There was a moment of silence before the senior lady replied, “I’m wondering, then, just how serious is my condition because this prescription is marked ‘NO REFILLS’...” An older...

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Afternoon Tea Ch 01

A story for all those who stand in bookshops and skim romance novels to get to the emotional money shot. Bugger character development, get to the good stuff! * Sophie sighed as she watched him through the rain streaked window. She could see Cole was angry even from her seat high above him, looking down on the manor’s driveway. Usually fluid movements were stiff and his mare shifted nervously as he flung himself out of the saddle. Cole squatted to lift one of the mare’s feet, checking it for a...

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Mother in Law goes black

I was sitting home bored to tears when   my MIL dropped by rather unexpected.   She said she couldn’t stay but left me a DVD to watch and told me I would really enjoy it.   Not having anything to do I popped it in the player and got ready for whatever.   When it came on there   was my MIL alone in what was obliviously a motel room.   She was fully dressed but soon began to perform a very cock stiffening strip-tease. Soon she was totally nude except for her heels and was giving me great views of...

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Breakfast on the Porch

On the front porch, Hanna was kneeling down, sucking her Uncle’s cock. Swirling and sucking the head before licking the underside of his cock. Fondling his balls, she made love to his cock. Her mouth was hot and wet, sucking his cock like a pussy. Up and down his fat cock, sucking him deep inside her throat. “Ah, just like that. Your one sick little girl, sucking your own Uncle’s cock.” He groaned. Letting go of his cock with a “pop!” She got up. “Says the pervert who rapes teen girls....

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best roomate ever

i was in my 26th year and had a geat gilfiend Trish, we lived together in a big house that we could not afford so we got roomates, no of witch neve stayed fo very long.....Then we met Liz a 20 year old blonde who had move to town with her boyfiend and they split he left and she stayed and needed a place. Liz was tall about five foot ten hundred and 15 pounds, small hard tits tight little ass, long legs and the brightest blue eyes, witch perfectly accented her long blonde hair. I was living...

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The Sorority Auction

The girls sat excitedly in a corner of the main dining hall, clustered around the group’s treasurer.  It was one of the first warm days of Spring and the ladies were enjoying wearing their new light-weight outfits. Some wore sundresses, others wore skirts and light blouses. A few wore just their official Sigma Alpha Tau sports bra as a top, complete with matching jogging shorts.?Ladies,? their treasurer started, ?as I mentioned, we’re currently upside down on our mortgage and the bank is...

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FullOfJOI Sheena Ryder MILF Masturbation Sensations

Hey there, I was just resting. To be honest, I was actually having a pretty naughty fantasy. It was super sexual, and believe it or not, you were there. I know its a little weird considering I am your stepmom, but I think it is totally naturally. I want you to touch your balls and imagine yourself sliding your thick dick between my toes. I love pleasing you with my feet. Can you slip your shaft between my tits? I want you to pleasure the head of your boner with my body. Slide it inside me,...

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Uncle Bob BluesChapter 22

When I came back from the bathroom, I still had a hard-on. I glanced at the clock, again. It was just after four in the morning. Maggie was curled up with her back toward me. The sheet covered everything but her shoulder. After a moment's hesitation, I pulled down the cover so that I could get a look at the back of her lovely birthday suit at all once. My cock appreciated the view of her smooth back and butt cheeks as much as my eyes, and grew in his excitement. My mouth wanted in on the...

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Neha Ki Chudai

Hi iss reader this is Saurabh from allahabad.Ye meri 1st story hai. Mai iss ka bahut purana reader hoon.Maine bhi apni ek real story post karne ki sonchi hai.I hope you like this. Ye story mere padose me rahne wali ladki Neha (changed name) ki hai. Mera pariwar me hum teen log rahte hain mom dad aur main, mere padosh me mere uncle-aunty rahte hain aur unke 4 bete aur 1 beti Neha rahti hai. Hamara pariwar 10 year se ek saath rahta hai.Neha mujhe rakhi bhi bandhti hai. Maine pahle kabhi use...

2 years ago
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Positively Glowing 3

"You're taking this the wrong way, Stevie," Taylor was riding in the passenger seat and trying to explain what she meant before her best friend and sister-in-law got too angry. "Now, remember, I love Gerry, too and I am not happy that my mom pushed him so far so fast or that she changed the rules of the game after he'd already made a deal with her - BUT - I was watching him before he left today and I didn't see a boy in a dress." "Jesus, Tay, you're getting to be as bad as your mother....

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My dirty fetish dream

Plz read and comment. I am naked in a bathroom, in front of me sits a beautiful woman only wearing high heels. While i play with her hard nippels, she starts to pee, we both acknowledges it, on the sound of her pee splasing down in the bowl, without any words. Right after she slowly stand up in front of me, my hands a running softly over her skin, as she in a quiet and friendly voice asks me "do you want to lick me clean?" I go down on my knees, she spreads her legs open and pushes her hips...

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My Friends Panties

Hey all... Just thought i'd share this with you...Went round to my friend's house for dinner this week and i was horny as i'd gone without internet for a few days...I was feeling brave (thanks to alcohol) and decided to sneak into her room after a toilet break and had a look in her washing hamper... SUCCESS !!!I am now in possession of a pair of my friend's used panties... I'm not particularly into pantie sniffing nor do i particularly fancy her but the smell of her crotch gets me so hard and...

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Meri Bhen Ki Chadi Jawani Padi Bahari 8211 Part II

Dost mein karan mittal apke samne fir hazir hu apni kahani leke apne meri pheli kahani to padhi hogi jisne na padhi ho vo phele use padh le. Jese ki mein phele bata chuka hu kese mein aur meri bhen Radha ke bich sex hua aur hum vo daily karne lage aur jab moka milta tab karne lage. Ye baat karib us ghatna se 3 months baad ki hai jab Radha ka 12th ka result agaya aur usne gharwalo se icha jatai ki vo bhi wahi se padhegi jaha se mein padta hu.Taki vo mere se moka milte hi aram se mil sake....

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