Stepson's Revenge Part 2 free porn video

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Note: before the story begins allow me to say one thing, it contains scenes of graphic violence, gore, sadism, torture and death. Consider yourself duly warned. So don’t bother reading this only to bitch about how apparently psychotic or sick I am because to be quite honest I just won’t listen. Enjoy :)


It must’ve been a year since John and Suni killed Lorraine, and enjoyed it. In the end John had taken Suni as his lover and she had taken him as her master. Not because of any real superiority, but because she enjoyed being controlled, being dominated. There were incidents where John went too far with their bondage, torture and forced orgasms, these incidents planted the seed of hate in her, but it never amounted to anything because the pleasure she got afterwards more than made up for any offenses John committed. Suni knew that John could kill her anytime, he had the height and weight advantage. He was stronger and fitter physically and he had that same dark imagination which Suni had seen at work every time John knocked out and brought sluts, frat boys, jocks, or just idiots to the warehouse in the forest near he cliffs to be slaughtered. As he dreamt up ever-imaginative means of the destruction and disposal of these kinds of people she had come to realize that it wasn’t murder. It was cleansing. John had explained to her a while back that he wasn’t interested in mindless slaughter. He strove to derive pleasure from the deaths of those that ruined the earth. Disease ridden whores, bullies, criminals. They disappeared from the public eye one by one and nobody was any the wiser because to be honest nobody cared about these kinds of people. Even dirty cops and a corrupt politician or two disappeared and yet still nobody seemed to care. As John had predicted long before, these people would die and nobody would bat an eyelid in protest. Except the victims of course, but its not like they had a valid opinion.

John had allowed Suni to have a greater and greater part in the deaths of their victims, Suni had even brought victims of her own to the warehouse on occasion. Convincing John that when he brought her here originally, fully intent on killing her, he had found a real prize. Someone liked him who believed in the same dark punishments as he. He’d been impressed on several occasions at the way she would use irony to kill her victims. For example on one occasion she hung a muscle bound, brainless jock, without restraint, above the grinder, just high enough that, in order to avoid its metal jaws, he’d have to do a single chin-up. Of course doing the chin up was easy, but holding it wasn’t and the muscle, which he had relied on his whole life to earn him money through various sporting jobs, eventually failed him.

John had to admit that he liked the way Suni thought. She was as obedient generally as she was sexually and she held the same dark imagination and fantasies that he did. It was only natural that the two would become lovers.

John awoke. Suni was clutching him as if he’d saved her from drowning. He took a second to absorb the surroundings. They were in the office at the warehouse, a mattress laid out on the floor with adequate pillows and quilts meant they could sleep there anytime. So they could take their time with their victims and not have to worry about driving around at night in the forest which was potentially very dangerous.

John got up quickly and got dressed, pulling on the jeans, T-shirt and leather trenchcoat he’d worn the previous day he quickly made his way outside the warehouse and looked out at the cliffs. It was a breezy morning and it was going to be a nice, clear day.

John considered what kind of scum they’d torture and kill today, perhaps some paedophiles? There was a priest John knew of who abused choir boys and John had been aching to dispose of him for a while, perhaps today was the day, it was Sunday so the priest would be in the church as usual for morning mass.

John half-smiled. Castration and a little quality time with a vibrator was just what that priest needed. John and Suni had worked together in the warehouse and had made several custom toys which they could use. Including a twelve inch phallus lined with razor-edged spikes all the way up the shaft and a spike on the tip, the base being designed to fit onto the jock strap that often came with strap on dildos. Usually the dildo was removable so the jock strap could be cleaned, making it interchangeable. They’d also come up with dense lead blocks used as weights. Numerous ropes of varying strength and elasticity. As well as modifications to the warehouse itself. Such as the addition of a water main and the removal of the hood of the furnace which had been very useful. In the disposal of ash. Turning carcasses and organs into ash which was then simply thrown from the cliffs into the sea below. And the best part, as usual, was that nobody was any the wiser.

John turned and saw Suni walk out to meet him, she wore a red kimono which she’d bought from a fetish magazine. It was tight, secured by a single white belt around her waist. It acted like a wonder-bra, pushing her bust up and out and only coming up to her thigh, showing off her wonderfully long legs. It came with a pair of red silk gloves which she seldom wore except in particularly intimate scenes between herself and John.
‘Who are we targeting today sensei?’ she asked
‘I want to dispose of a priest, the rest is your choice’
‘There was this one woman I always hated, she is a prostitute, and a good one at that’
‘Great, another pimp to kill before I can get to her’
‘Oh no sensei, she doesn’t have a pimp’ John looked at her
‘No pimp?’
‘No, she is skilled at combat though, you will need a good weapon’
‘I doubt that, but I’ll buy a little something on the way if it makes you feel better’
‘Yes sensei’
‘You stay here and think up of some way to dispose of her’
‘Of course sensei, here is her address’ Suni pulled a piece of scrap paper from her pocket, it looked as if it had been written a long time ago
‘Alright, I’ll be back soon’ John walked out towards his car, made sure he had enough rope and enough in the way of stolen credit cards to pay for anything and everything. He had and so got in his car and began driving.

John pulled up to the apartment block. According to the address on the slip of paper this woman lived in the penthouse at the top. So the entire block probably belonged to her. John had taken precautions before. Suni had told him that she was raised in an Asian neighborhood and so knew mostly Asian women. So he was willing to bet that this woman of his was also Asian. If that was the case then he planned to use a little disguise work, and Suni’s name of course. He didn’t want to take chances with open combat, he didn’t want to kill her yet. He wanted that honor to belong to Suni, and speaking of honor, he supposed he had better get changed into the plate armour.

The armour he’d brought was blood red and came with a katana in a blood red sheath and with an equally red handle. A pair of great golden horns of honor on the helmet and a face mask resembling a face with great fangs protruding out of the open mouth that looked like it was either in a battle cry or some psychotic cry and with nothing more than a pair of holes for the eyes. John checked the sword, it swung loosely on the left side of his waist but was in easy reach. And so walked up to the apartment block and pressed one of the buttons for the myriad of doorbells throughout the apartment block
‘Who is it?’ the voice was female all right, and had an Asian accent. So far so good
‘My name is John, I am here to talk to you’
‘What about?’
‘A girl called Suni’ there was a moment of silence before the click of the door opening broke the silence. John pulled open the door and walked inside. There was a stone set of stairs and an elevator. John decided to take the stairs just for fun.

By the time John got to the top he was out of breath but not broken. He saw a very slender Asian woman standing in front of him in a tight leather catsuit, her bust was easily an F cup but supported well, as if defying gravity. John stared for a moment, he’d always had a thing for Asian women, and for big breasts. This was the perfect combination. The woman’s hair was in a long black ponytail with a sheen to it. Loose but organized.
‘What do you know about Suni?’ the woman asked
‘First, what is your name?’
‘A pleasure Ms Akiba. I am John, I work for Suni’ he bluffed
‘What do you mean "work for" Suni’s just a penny pinching nobody’
‘Not true, her reputation in this area is poor but further into the city she is equally as rich and powerful as you are’
‘You’re her muscle?’
‘Usually yes, but I am not here to harm you. Suni sent me here to escort you to a battleground’
‘A battleground?’
‘Yes, Suni wants complete control of the city, she believes that you are a threat, but does not want you killed in cold blood. As a result she has challenged you to combat one on one. Her versus you’
‘hah! Suni was always much weaker than me’
‘At any rate, she wants to meet you at a warehouse about an hour’s drive from here, do you accept the challenge? If so then please come with me, I will take you to Suni’
‘A warehouse huh? Lots of hidden surprises, I like that, ok, let me grab my sword, I’m assuming that Suni allows weapons’
‘She didn’t specify, but she can use my sword if she is otherwise unarmed’
‘Are you a real samurai?’
‘Why else would I wear this armour and carry a katana instead of a gun?’ John asked, Akiba smiled
‘You’re right, one second’ Akiba went into the penthouse and came out a second later with a set of keys and a katana in a long black wooden sheath, she locked the door and tucked the keys down her top between her large bust. She followed John back down the stairs and into his car, John had to remove the sword from his waist in order to sit down in the car and casually tossed the sword into the backseat. Akiba placed hers on the backseat with a great deal more care. And John began to drive.

The trip was uneventful, and quiet, the way John liked it. Nobody was any the wiser that he’d taken Akiba, nobody really saw them leave, well, nobody that would care anyway.

When they arrived at the warehouse, john got out the car and, still posing as a servant of Suni and anyone equally "powerful" as her, namely Akiba, walked round and opened the door for her. He then retrieved his sword and attached it to his waist on the left side. Akiba retrieved hers and mirrored the action, tying the sheath in place with a black belt
‘Just a second’ she said as John went to proceed to the warehouse, John stopped and looked at her
‘I admire your loyalty to Suni’
‘May I ask why?’
‘Yes, are you aware of the traditional social stature of men in relationship to the social stature of women?’
‘Yes, traditionally men were considered superior because the men fought wars, brought home money to buy food and other such things’
‘You are samurai, so you must have been raised in an Asian community?’
‘Yes’ John lied, he wasn’t a samurai, and he hadn’t been raised in an Asian community, he just watched a lot of samurai movies and did some research
‘Despite the traditional view that men are superior to women, you serve Suni, a woman, and are being untraditionally polite and courteous to me, another woman’
‘Suni pays me, because of her I have a home and enough to buy food. I don’t need anymore reason to recognize her authority, what Suni wants, Suni gets, she’s my sensei and because of that, tradition will take a backseat to the reality of the moment’ John wondered if she’d buy it
‘I see, show me your face’
‘I demand that you show me your face, I want to see the face of the man so loyal to Suni, because after I defeat her today I want to hire you as my bodyguard, but first I want to know what you look like’ John played along, removing the mask and revealing his face
‘Hmm, not bad’ Akiba commented. John caught the movement of her arm just a little too late, too late to react, her first blow struck him in the nose, he became confused as the dull pain came on slowly and blood dripped from his nostrils, suddenly the pressure around his head was gone, she’d removed his samurai helmet, the second blow was on the back of the head. Had he been just a little quicker, he could’ve ducked out of the way or at least attempted to disable her, reached for his sword or at the very least stop her from removing his helmet. But the sudden shock of the blow and the pain that followed, suddenly having no sense of smell as his nostrils filled with blood was more than enough to send him into a state of confusion. The second blow knocked him out cold. Akiba was good, there was no doubting that.

When John awoke, he saw Akiba in front of him, Suni was tied up, she seemed to spend a lot of time tied up, her mouth was gagged and she was still in her red kimono
‘Glad to see you’re awake’ Akiba said. John suddenly came to his senses and realized his surroundings. His hands were bound to a trapeze-like object hanging from the ceiling which could be raised and lowered at will via a series of pulleys. Below him was the grinder, although not spinning its bloodstained teeth sparkled at him, as If to say "you’ve used me, but soon you’ll be mine" he realized that he was naked and his hands were bound to the trapeze in a way that meant that he could grip it even without the rope
‘You seemed suspicious from the start, it was obvious that you were no samurai, the way you treated your sword, just tossing it into the backseat of your car like that. Samurai treat their sword with respect and honor. Its one of several mistakes you made. On top of that Suni has been out to get me for a while, I knew you’d just try to kill me, you’re not a very good liar, my powers of perception identified your motive even before you lied, I knew what you wanted, the way you stared at my tits, the way you hesitated before each lie. I knew it all. You’re an amateur’ john felt a knot in his stomach, for the first time he didn’t know exactly what was going to happen, he realized that the mixed sensations of fear and trepidation must mimic those felt by his victims in their final moments. John smiled inwardly, a fitting end it would seem. It was just his luck that Suni would want a woman with powers of perception like Sherlock Holmes dead. She was getting such an assfucking if he got out of this alive.
‘Your bitch Suni spoke with a bit of a beating. I didn’t even have to use my katana on her, she talked of her own accord and told me everything that the two of you have been up to. And I won’t be on your list of victims’ Akiba suddenly threw a small dagger and the robes around John’s hands and wrists fell away, now it was just his own strength holding him up. Akiba worked the controls on the catwalk which she stood n and John watched as the grinder began to spin and whir.
‘She even told me of how she killed this Jock, by lowering him into the grinder just enough that when he did a chin up he’d be out of its reach, but the moment he got tired and dropped down he was killed’ Another knot formed in John’s stomach and he wondered just how many knots he could get in his stomach before he threw up. Just as John thought she would, Akiba lowered him ever so slowly towards the grinder, john did a single chin up and held it, his feet were just above the grinder’s teeth and he realized that his fate would already be the same. Akiba just laughed
‘Resistance is futile’ she said, the exact same words Suni had said to that dumbass jock. John stopped. dumbass jock. All muscle and no brain. Maybe he could use his mind to escape, not in a psychic sense of course. But unlike the jock he had gotten used to the sight of death and so was able to keep calm. John slowed his breathing. Took deep breaths and tried to ignore the ache rising in his biceps. Ok. He was suspended roughly three inches above a grinder, dropping down more than three inches would mean that he’d have significant trouble walking for the rest of his life. Anymore than that would result in greater injury, and that was in a best case scenario, the one where he didn’t die. Akiba was on a catwalk roughly ten meters from him. He couldn’t reach her in any way, But he could see the rope tied to the rail next to the control panel for the grinder. John followed the rope up, over the pulley hanging from the ceiling, and down towards where his hands gripped the bar in front of his face. Then he stopped, and smiled
‘What are you smiling about?’ Akiba asked
‘This is a trapeze, its meant to hold the weight of humans, right?’
‘yes, but what does that have to do with anything?’
‘Fight or flight’
‘The fight or flight reaction. When faced with imminent death the body produces enough adrenaline to block out pain and exhaustion entirely, should the protaganist choose to fight, it also produces enough energy should the protaganist decide to make a quick getaway. People who play a lot of sports experience adrenaline more regularly and so often the effect Is dulled after a while. However I can’t feel my arms anymore, so I’m going to be fine’
‘Regardless of that, after a while you will begin to sweat, sweat will leak from your palms and that will make you slip round the pole’
‘True, but that’s only assuming that I hang here long enough for that to happen’
‘and how do you plan on stopping something like that?’
‘like this’ John took advantage of the numbness in his hands, and let go with one hand, raising his legs, pressing them together so that, if he fell, his testicles would reach the grinder first, he hung there for just a second, looking at Akiba with a wide, slightly cheeky, even a little creepy or psychotic grin on his face, before with a burst of strength, heaving himself up and gripping the rope a few feet up with his spare hand, he then pulled himself up so that he was able to stand on the bar which he had, just a few seconds earlier, been dangling from
‘hah, nice, but you still can’t get away. Its a good thirty foot climb to the ceiling and even then you have nowhere to go, you’re still stuck’
‘You’re quite right, I am, but at least now I’m not on a time limit’
‘hah, you’re going to die you know’ John smiled inwardly again, lets see if her powers of perception were as good as she had bragged
‘You’re right, and considering that this is how I’m going to die, I have one request’
‘I set this trapeze up myself, I risked my life above the grinder to secure the pulley to the ceiling. Just to set it in place. So I want to die with it. In the office theres a bowie knife, I want you to retrieve it, and throw it to me so I can cut the rope’ Akiba smiled and John felt like smiling back, she began walking towards the office and John seized his chance, while she wasn’t looking at him he swung his weight as hard as he could towards the catwalk, it was still slightly above him but that was no hindrance, as he swung back he pushed his weight forward again and with a leap of faith, jumped from the trapeze, his hand clamped around the side of the catwalk and he pulled himself up, breathing a sigh of relief he looked at Suni and pressed one vertical finger against his lips, signaling for her to be quiet, she nodded and looked at the office. John exercised what agility he had, ran towards the office, still naked, hopped up onto the rail next to it and up onto the roof. Quickly, quietly, perfect. He watched as Akiba walked from the office and uttered a sound of confusion. John dropped down behind her, grabbed her long pony tail and swung it around her neck, Akiba dropped the knife and swung her arms back to try and dislodge his grip as her hair tightened around her throat just as John knew she could, with a spare hand he grabbed one hand and tied it in place using Akiba’s hair against her, then took her other waist and repeated the process before clubbing her on the back of the head with his elbow, knocking her out in the same fashion that she had done with him. She collapsed and John smiled down at her.

John waited for Akiba to stir, and awaken before speaking
‘Welcome back’ Akiba looked at him, her hands were bound behind her back, her ankles bound to a leg separator, she was naked and on her back. John pulled a small remote from her pocket, he could see her pussy displayed in front of him clearly and slowly slid the switch up, the tiny vibrator taped to her navel so that it pressed against the top of her slit and her clit, already moist from the light teasing vibrations she’d experienced from it while unconscious. Akiba grunted in pleasure and struggled a little with the ropes around her wrists
‘Don’t bother, those ropes are reinforced with thick duct tape and the muscles you’ll need to use to break them are so rarely used in everyday life that they’re too weak to break the rope, let alone the rope as well as the duct tape’ Akiba stopped and looked at him
‘Suni, will you do the honors?’ John asked, Akiba suddenly noticed Suni behind her, naked, rubbing her pussy. Suni smiled at Akiba before kneeling over her face
‘You’re going to eat me out Akiba’ Suni said, excited that she was now able to play the master
‘Will I fuck, the soonest chance I get I’m going to bite that little slit of yours off and rip your pussy lips apart as much as I can’
‘I don’t think that you will’ Suni said
‘What makes you think that?’
‘This’ Suni held up the long spiked vibrator ‘The spikes and blades on this are sharp enough to cut the soft flesh of your vagina, anus or mouth easily’ Suni smiled as she twirled it in front of Akiba’s face. Akiba was clearly shocked
‘Sensei’ Suni said, handing it to John who crouched in front of Akiba’s vagina, removing the small buzzing vibrator and lightly running the end spike up and down the length of Akiba’s slit, she grunted in pain as the soft flesh was pierced and blood leaked out onto the edge
‘Ow, alright, alright’ Akiba said, Suni smiled as she lowered herself onto Akiba’s lips. Shuddering as her expert tongue probed her cunt, licking around each lip before plunging into its soft folds and Suni responded, a short sharp orgasm rocked Suni’s body and she groaned loudly with pleasure as her juices spurted out into Akiba’s mouth, she spluttered and had no choice but to swallow Suni’s cum. Something which turned both Suni and John on.
‘My turn’ John said, Akiba screamed with protest into Suni’s pussy as John pressed his hard cock into her pussy. Reaching up he fondled Akiba’s wonderfully large tits. A warm sensation overcame him and he felt like he was going to come there and then. But stopped, allowed his rising semen to subside. He was so turned on by raping a busty young Asian while her mouth was raped by his own personal sex slave and lover. John thrusted powerfully and he soon felt his cum rising again, sighing with pleasure as he felt that wonderful moment, right after his seed left his balls but right before it erupted from his head, just as it caressed his cock slowly from the inside, with a final, hard thrust he shot his cum straight into Akiba’s womb and held it there, shooting wad after wad as Akiba continued to eat Suni, who was approaching orgasm again. Suni suddenly threw her hips forward an screamed as her juices squirted out into Akiba’s mouth.
‘Now then Suni, where shall I stick this thing?’ John asked, holding up the spiked dildo. Suni got off of Akiba who breathe deeply, having been deprived of air for as long as Suni’s orgasm had lasted
‘Let me sensei, please?’ John smiled then handed it over to Suni. Suni turned to Akiba before straddling her stomach and playing with her tits a little before pressing the spike on the end of the dildo into Akiba’s lips. Akiba looked at it in front of her face and as Suni flicked a small switch on the underside the entire shaft began to rotate slowly. Akiba breathed deeply as Suni allowed it to, still spinning, travel down her throat, threatening to slit it if she pressed just a little harder, having to stand up as it circled Akiba’s tits, passed between them and down her flat stomach, finally to her pussy. Suni lay down in front of Akiba who struggled
‘No…’ Akiba said. Suni turned off the spin function for just a second but then pressed the head against Akiba’s slit and slid it in slowly, ever so slowly. Akiba screamed out in pain as the spikes cut and tore the flesh in several areas inside her pussy, blood began to drip out and continued to do so as Suni pushed it deeper, right up to the handle. Suni then fingered the switch ever so lightly
‘No…please no’ Akiba said, looking at Suni who simply smiled, then flicked the switch, Akiba screamed louder than before as the turning spikes not cut longer, deeper and harder. Blood now poured from her virtually useless pussy and just to be cruel, Suni whipped it out. Akiba screamed again and sobbed as the pain forced her into tears. Suni looked at her. Her pussy was useless, she’d never fuck a man again with it now, It was ripped and torn from the inside, she could only imagine how deep and now long some of the cuts were and she was certain that the spike on the end would’ve punctured the womb somewhere along the line. Suni pressed the head against Akiba’s asshole this time
‘Oh shi-‘ Akiba never finished her sentence, reversing her previous actions, Suni pressed the vibrator in hard and fast, it tore the flesh of her inner anus s brutally that blood began to drip out even before the head had fully penetrated the anus, the switch hadn’t been turned off so it had spun as it entered, cutting spirals of the flesh of her inner anus. Akiba screamed again and Suni extracted it slowly, agonizingly slowly, allowing it to cut and scrape as much as possible before extracting it. As soon as it was out, Akiba passed out from the pain. She’d never have sex again, so it was time to kill her, all that puzzled John was how.

Suni impressed John again with a deliciously dastardly plan.

Akiba awoke and felt her arms bonded behind her back, not by her hair, by some strong rope
‘Resistance is futile’ she looked over at John who was grinning, he was now wearing a T-shirt, jeans and a leather trenchcoat and she gritted her teeth at him. She surveyed her surroundings. She was sitting, naked, on four thick planks of wood, about as wide as railway sleepers and a few inches thick each, held in place by a single thick rope which ran through a hole cut in the middle of the two center planks. They were tied together with more thick rope so tightly that the knot underneath them supported them all quite easily. She was almost up to the ceiling, the pulley was directly above her, and her hair was tied to a metal bar above her, not so much that it was tight or painful, there was enough slack to allow her to walk to the edge of any plank she chose. She knew that this was supposed to kill her in some way but she couldn’t get figure out how. She looked up and realized that the rope, as it went through the pullet and diagonally down towards the catwalk where a now clothed John and Suni stood toughether. The rope stretched across her hair for the entire width of her ponytail. As she went to stand she realized that her ankles were also bound together.
‘What are you going to do? I can’t fall off, I don’t have to rely on balance or anything, so how are you going to kill me?’ Akiba asked
‘Are you sure you want to know?’ John asked. Akiba suddenly wondered if she did. She watched as John held up a mirror and angled it so she could see just above the grinder which was a good thirty or so feet below her. The rope extended down past the knot, she saw. And suddenly her eyes widened as she noticed that the end of the rope was on fire. The flames slowly growing and creeping up towards the wood. She leaned over the edge and saw the fire for herself and she suddenly heard John laugh
‘Suni’ he said ‘start the grinder’ Akiba screamed in protest, tears dripped from her eyes and splattered onto her large breasts as the spinning teeth of the grinder fanned the flames which began to rise ever faster. Suni wriggled over towards the center of the four planks and huddled up, there had to be a way out, there had to be a flaw somewhere. Then she realized, she looked up to see her hair bound to the metal pole next to the pulley and laughed She wouldn’t die, her hair was so strong and so plentiful that it’d hold her weight easily, she guessed that John knew this too, this wasn’t a deathtrap, it came dangerously close but it wasn’t quite going to kill her. She breathed a sigh of relief and wasn’t worried as she felt the heat of the flames right below the planks of wood below her. They could only inflict so much pain in her position. They could only hang her by her hair. She always knew that he’d hold her weight. She’d be fine, but she was confused as to why John had bothered to tie her wrists and ankles together, its not like she’d cling to the rope, she wouldn’t need to.

It came as quite a shock as the wooden planks suddenly fell from beneath her into the grinder, sending shards of wood everywhere, Akiba cried out in pain as the sudden drop forced her hair to become her only lifeline. Pain ricocheted through her scalp and skull but she forced herself to take deep breaths and stay calm
‘Hah! Your plan has failed John, I won’t die!’ she called
‘Oh no?’ John asked, Akiba could just about see him smiling and pointing at something. She lowered her eyes and screamed again. The flames began to flicker past her face, the realization suddenly set in as she followed the rope up, across the pulley, right next to hair
‘Oh god no!’ she called out, she tried to blow the flame out but that only made it burn away faster and soon she couldn’t see the fire anymore. She could just see a mirror she hadn’t noticed before, placed above the office, directly opposite her, she could see the flame crawling up towards the pulley, once it reached the pulley her hair would be within reach. Akiba screamed and kicked and struggled, bringing about new waves of pain as she realized that she was still 135lb of human being plus however many pounds her breasts weighed hanging from her hair. She guessed that she weighed roughly 150lb in total so that was like pulling all of her hair with a force equal to 150lb. Even her breasts were against her, she seemed heavier, her back began to ache as they swayed freely.

Akiba suddenly felt herself drop a little, some of her long hair had caught light and the strands had snapped, just as they were supposed to, the fire now burned away at the hair around the pole, burning it all at once
‘Please god let me live, please!’ she begged
‘Your god won’t save you, only I can, and right now I’m enjoying the show’ john called to her, making Akiba erupt in a new fit of panic and tears. She’d drop a little, then a little more as her hair burned away slowly, decreasing the surface area which her pain was spread across, ands thus redoubling the pain each time, she screamed in agony as the fire burnt away her hair chunk by chunk.. Eventually screaming as the last of her hair around the pole was burnt through and she plummeted towards the grinder,. She was in luck, she took advantage of her situation and swung her arms down, and round under her feet. Clamping her hands to the side of the grinder, the fingertips of her left hand only just gripped the edge as she felt the breeze from the teeth wafting at the bare soles of her feet. Her hair was burned and ragged. Her breasts now sagged a little under their own weight and her head was throbbing under having to support her whole weight. She watched as John looked at her, only just being able to hold on, reaffirming he grip on the smooth, diagonal edges of the grinder’s tray. She wasn’t holding on up to the knuckles. She was holding on by the joint in front of them.
‘Please let me live, I give good head, I’ll do anything, but for the love of god just please let me live’ she begged
‘Let me think about that one’ John said ‘aaah…no!’ John pressed a button and the walls of the grinder began to rise, John had discovered this little trick by accident, to cut wood that had gotten stuck on the sides, it was possible to make the walls completely vertical. Akiba screamed as she kicked out and a stray tooth hacked at the rope just enough for it to fall away from her ankles, she kicked and screamed as the walls became vertical and she hung on for dear life
‘Oh god no!"’ she called out again as she saw her fingertips began to slide, oh so slowly, round the curved metal edge of the grinder tray. The sweat from her hands from nervousness lubricated her fingertips and she screamed and kicked. Her breasts seemed ever heavier and only further hindered her, tears streamed from her eyes as she slowly slid down, soon finding herself, literally, hanging by her fingertips
‘Please’ she begged ‘please save me’ one of her hands slipped away and she cried out in terror, looking up at her one spare hand
‘see you in hell’ John remarked, Akiba let out one last ear shattering scream as her fingertips slid round the side of the grinder tray and she fell into its cruel jaws. Another victim, another whore gone. Suni watched intently this time, unable to take her eyes off the entire incident. She’d long wanted Akiba to die and now it had finally happened. And she was relieved
‘Dammit’ John said, he saw that the sun was setting outside, all the planning, all the time spend unconscious, everything had made the hours go by so quickly, it was now the end of the day
‘What is it sensei?’ Suni asked
‘I never got to fry that priest’ he said before cursing. Suni just stretched her arms around him
‘There’s always tomorrow, you nearly died today, I was so worried sensei’
‘forget it, I’m alive and I want that priest dead, but the next time I go to pick up one of your friends I’m taking a tranquilizer gun. Hell it’ll make things a lot easier and a lot quicker’
John suddenly felt the cramping pain in his biceps from where he was hung over the grinder and promised himself he'd never do that again. Masturbation was going to be hard for a while if his biceps kept hurting, then again, he still had Suni for that purpose.

And suddenly, he wondered whether or not he'd eventually meet a victim who was able to kill him, rather than the other way around.

Only time would tell.

The end


Same as Stepson's revenge part 2 Videos

4 years ago
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Revenge for ExWifes Affair Part1

(Work of Fiction) Ok, so I married Becky my High School sweetheart right after graduation. We were married for 2 years.. Then she decided to have an Affair with one of her coworkers.. She ends up getting pregnant by the guy.. Which wasn’t hard to realize since I am unable to produce the sperm count to get anyone let alone my wife pregnant… But to shorten this up, we get divorced a few months after she has her baby. I the state of Mississippi you have to have proof the baby is not yours before...

2 years ago
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Fun House RevengeChapter 2 Revenge On The Queen Her Minions

While I had not gone out of way to take my revenge, now that my man who happened to have served with the object of my distain’s fiancé in the Navy and still flew as buddies in the National Guard. I mean, they both drove shiny, very fast, Corvettes. They were mirror images. Unfortunately, I didn’t think my hubbie would take lightly my getting revenge on his bud’s pretty fiancé and that stinks. However, on the other hand I was pretty sure Elizabeth Newman College former big sis to me wanted...

3 years ago
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Robs RevengeChapter 3

Over the next two days I revisited the houses I was interested in and finally decided on a three bedroom ranch with an attached three car garage, an in-ground swimming pool and a hot tub. I put a hundred-fifty thousand down on it which just about knocked the socks off of the real estate agent. I had already arranged for the bank where I had my accounts to finance the house I picked and I figured that we would close in thirty days or so. Samantha's mother told me that she didn't want any of...

2 years ago
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A Coachs Revenge

I was your typical highly skilled but too small basketballer. Destined to a coaching role and wishing I’d been blessed with another foot of height so I called make the most of the game I loved best. I had been an assistant and had a couple of fitness and rehabilitation roles but wanted to move on to a senior coaching role. I asked around and looked at the want ads but with no real luck apart from one gig coaching a girl’s college team that was not to appealing to say the least. Not that...

1 year ago
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Ex Girlfriend Revenge Fuck Part Three

This story takes place where Part Two ended. Thanks for reading.Once inside my house, April stripped in front of me, her clothing dropping to the floor as she made a beeline for my bathroom. “Fresh towels are in the cupboard right inside the door,” I said afterward.She returned about a half hour later and said, “Your turn. By the way do you have anything I can change into? All my clothes are, um, wet. I laughed and went into the bedroom and got her one of my t-shirts. As they always did, my...

3 years ago
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Seeking My Revenge

The spark of a lighter wakens me. I allow my eyes to only open slightly, letting out a groan. The memories of last night start to flutter my mind. A warm glow pushes through the closed curtains. The ugly furniture is a reminder of where I am. What the hell did I get myself into now, I can’t help but think. The man I’m sharing the bed with speaks deeply. His voice is thick, like a heavy smoker would sound like. “Last night was fun, Doll-face. You’re one hell of a fuck,” he chuckles and smacks...

3 years ago
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Perfect Revenge on my EX BF with his Mom

When people first see me, no one makes eye contact... guys or girls... young or old.The first thing they look at... usually unable to stop staring at is my tits... which come from a long line of big tits (my mother, my grandmother, my great-grandmother all are skinny (I'm 126 pounds and 5'4") and huge breasted (I'm a 38DD))... part of my Latina heritage.Now although I have a great body with a small waist and a tight ass (I run every morning, and I tan every chance I get), I have a tough time...

4 years ago
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Leprechauns Revenge

Leprechaun?s Revenge By [email protected] This is an adult story. Charming Leprechauns are not always charming and in this case you need to be over 18 to read about them. This story is in chapters 1-5. It?s posted in chapters to make on-line reading easier. Depending on what on-line site you are using, it may or may not be posted in chapters. This version is the complete story. CHAPTER 1 She looked down at the massive expanse of her cleavage, and watched her large breasts...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend with Testing Device Part 19 Revenge is a Dish Breast Served Cold

Author's Note: Hello again! If you'd like to see what happens next, I have up to chapter 22 currently on my deviant art with chapter 23 now available on my patreon! I've also still got my poll for the next story ongoing at be sure to let me know what you want to see! For more details - as well as the aforementioned other chapters - you can go check out and . Thank you so much for reading! Warning: This...

1 year ago
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Madisons Revenge

Catherine saw the offer on the local community website. A family said they were going away for three weeks and offered the services of their two maids to anyone who could house and use their services. What really surprised Catherine was that one of the maids, until just last year, had been one of her teachers at sixth form college, the dreaded and hated Miss Dawson. None of the classmates liked her because she used to happily spank any of them for even the slightest misbehaviour.It wasn’t so...

4 years ago
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Revenge By Margaret Jeanette Mary Benbrooks just completed another deal. She just bought Henry's, an up-scale men's store. It complimented her Dorothy's, an up-scale woman clothing store, and Discount Dress, another women's wear store. Since she also owned the most popular diner in town, she felt she was set. That night she told her husband, Greg, about the deal. He was happy for her. He had a small accounting business that just covered the rent of the offices he leased. He...

3 years ago
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Sissies Revenge Drifting

Sissies Revenge, Drifting By: Malissa Madison Herma was a small galaxy, the royal house was small and at war with the neighboring Vorge Empire. The Vorge had taken over three other galaxies, and now were offering peace to Herma. That peace hinged on the marriage between Prince Dread and the Royal Princess Deanna. But Deanna, born a Hermaphrodite, took offence at the way the Vorge treated the sissies of the surrounding galaxies. Especially when he did so in front of her. She was sent...

4 years ago
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Revenge Inc Danny Jenkins

Revenge, Inc. Danny Jenkins. a loving wife can be a goose to be plucked By H20wader * * * * * the ravings of a lunatic. Copyright by h20wader my editor is out of town so I to blame for all errors. * * * * * Harold Stasson was always the first in the office. He placed the bagels he had pick up on his way to the office. He liked the calm and the quiet. He had just made the morning coffee when he heard the buzzer from the front door. Probably Judith, she would want coffee too. The button was...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 37 Malfoys Revenge

Chapter Thirty-Seven – Malfoy’s Revenge Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, mmmf, x-gang, anal, cream pie, exhib, grope, hp, inc, magic, oral, preg, spank, unif, voy Hermione Granger was being followed. For the last month, she had been sure that Draco Malfoy and his cronies had been following her before, between and after classes. She knew only one...

2 years ago
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A Girlfriends Revenge

Kate gently stroked Rick's cock through the thick fabric of his jeans. The movie they were watching had not raised their interest enough not to be interrupted by her groping his package as a sign of lust. Boring or not, rare were the occasions where a movie would keep them from fondling each other after more than twenty minutes.Kate unbuttoned Rick's jeans and freed his growing manhood from its cotton confinement. She laggardly pumped it, clenching her fist around it harder each time. They...

3 years ago
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ExGirlfriend Revenge Fuck

The Crazy GirlfriendApril and I broke up when I was twenty. We had been together for 3 years, when I found out she cheated on me. Not with just one guy, but a few different ones. Her sister Aya was the one to tell me. She liked me and didn't want to see me be taken for a sucker. Aya was cool. She was fucking gorgeous and had just turned 18.. I didn't even officially break up with April. I just ghosted her. It drove her fucking nuts! The Crazy Girlfriend's Younger Sister April tried everything...

3 years ago
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I know, this is a very fast moving story, but I hope you all enjoy it anyway. Revenge By Morpheus I stared into my empty shot glass for several minutes, before finally asking the bartender for "Another one" I was sitting in a smoke filled, half empty bar, determined to drink myself senseless. An overweight, balding man sat farther down the bar, looking just as miserable as me. I couldn't help but wondering what his story was, though I honestly didn't give a damn. I was...

3 years ago
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Carlas Revenge

I've found out that my wife is cheating on me and so far she and Josh don't know that I know. Josh by the way is – or was – my best friend. I know, I know, it is a cliché, but clichés get to be clichés because they happen so often. I had no idea of how I was going to handle it. The thing was that I couldn't understand why he was fucking my wife. Don't get me wrong here; my wife is definitely a hottie. She is in her mid-thirties and even after three kids she looks hot as hell in a bikini,...

1 year ago
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500 Time Revenge

500 Times Revenge Caution, there is a brutal revenge section in this story, and for those of you that say it can't happen or it's over the top…I beg to differ. In fact, the punishment I describe was reported in the Phoenix Times back in 2019, and was an actual event. Beginnings We met in our last year at university when I was out with friends. Sara was celebrating her 21st birthday when I met her at a local club in Nashville. I literally bumped into Sara as I walked by her table, knocking her...

3 years ago
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A Cops Revenge Ch 01

Chapter 1: The Letter My Dearest Love Maybe I am naive, but I do believe that love conquers all. I also believe that we cannot have a life together if my history is a lie. I have therefore decided to risk all and share with you my sad tale. This may help you understand me better, or it may result in you deciding that we cannot have a life together now that you know who I am really am. The latter will destroy me and therefore I am placing my life in your hands. Do as you see fit. My tale...

3 years ago
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A Dish Best Seved Cold or Bryans Revenge 2

Introduction: The concluding chapter to the sequel to Spring break Broke My Heart A Dish Best Served Cold or Bryans Revenge 2 (The sequel to Spring Break Broke My Heart) By rutger5 (An Original Story – Copyright2012) It took me a while to find parking near the Katz residence but in Borough Park thats to be expected I guess. Finally I found a spot around three blocks away where I parked. As I was getting out of the car the letter from Courtney sitting on the passenger seat caught my eye. I...

2 years ago
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GirlFriend gets Revenge on Cheating BF PT2

Once I reached the Walker house and the party, I took a deep breath and headed inside.I suddenly got nervous, my insecurity hitting me the moment I was inside. I could feel eyes staring at me, but I couldn't tell if it was 'Holy shit, I want to fuck her,' or 'What the hell is she doing here?'I saw Jake talking with a redhead dressed as Ariel from 'The Little Mermaid' (my favorite Disney movie), likely his latest prey and all the air whooshed out of me as if I had been gut-punched.I was...

3 years ago
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Revenge By Mrinalini Singh 8211 Part 3

Dear Readers! Sorry for not posting a story soon. I was sick and unable to write more. But i am feeling refreshed now. After all of that day with Andrew here you will find the next story of the series. After all that happened that day. I stopped replying him. Whenever i was sitting alone in my balcony on weekends with a cup of hot coffee, I always thought that I don’t want to be called a prostitute and the things i did in past couple of years leads to me an unpaid prostitute some how. Those all...

3 years ago
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SRU RevengeTV

Disclaimer: This story involves adult content. Please do not read if you find transformation stories offensive. Thanks to Bill Hart for this mighty story universe. If this tale came out right, thank him. If it didn't, blame me. As always, please let me know what you think! Thanks to Steve Z, Jen, Scott, and Tom for pointing out what should have been obvious. SRU: Revenge-TV By Lucretia Mike was walking through the mall heading to Radio Shack for an adapter for his TV. He...

2 years ago
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Revenge Gone Wrong 8211 How My Ass Was Destroyed Because Of My Revenge

My name is Shikha.I am a sexy,slim,fair and hot girl of 25.Have got a slim figure but have a nice pair of boobs and round ass.I have this bad habit that I am more interested in having sex with boyfriends of my friends.This makes me feel more sexy and hot. The story started when I was in Delhi.It had been about 6 months in my new job and about the same time for my breakup with my boyfriend.My bf broke up with me due to friend kritika(girl) who told my bf about my past affairs.And from that...

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Revenge Of Incest Taboo In The Family

My name is Honey and the now I will describe what happened in my childhood and why I was ferocious to take revenge. I was the youngest daughter in my family . I have two elder brother ,two elder sisters and one younger brother.When I have my first mens I went to my mom and told her and she laughed and told only you are now ready and I could not understand the meaning of this. After three days I was told by my mom to sleep with them in their king size bed.Now just after my sleep and I have not...

2 years ago
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Revenge The idea of this story came to me while I was writing the Escape series. So I thought of giving it a shot. Please be informed that I'm still trying to improve on my English and I'm relatively new to fiction writing. This would only be the second ongoing series (only if you guys wanted it to be continued) that I've done. Comments and feedbacks are very much appreciated. I hope you guys like it. Thanks. WARNING: This story contains TG, violence and surgery. The vengeful...

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Slow Smoldering Revenge Helen was my boss. Around two years ago I had reason to question some tax advice she had provided to a client. At the time I was 59 and was a senior tax adviser for a major firm of accountants. To ensure accuracy it was necessary for advice to be checked by a second person, in my case by Helen, and in her case by the tax partner. Although I was Helen's junior I had considerable more experience than she did having worked for many year for a major bank and having...

2 years ago
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Timestoppers Revenge

The memory of myself as a toddler, playing with a balloon, and then BANG – it was gone. I guess it was the shock of the bursting balloon that had startled me into my reaction, but I felt something tense just north of my stomach, and everything went quiet. Looking around I could see everything was stopped. My parents were in the process of turning towards me and the family dog’s head was just starting to come up from its paws where it was laid by the fire. There were still some remnants of the...

4 years ago
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Time stop Revenge

I had a memory of myself, as a toddler, playing with a balloon, and then BANG – it was gone. I guess it was the shock of the bursting balloon that had startled me into my reaction, but I felt something tense just north of my stomach, and everything went quiet. Looking around I could see everything was stopped. My parents were in the process of turning towards me and the family dog’s head was just starting to come up from its paws where it was laid by the fire. There were still some remnants...

2 years ago
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A Tale of Revenge

"So I wasn't sure why Vito Corleone stabbed that old fat Don," Tricia said in her English accent. She put down the spindle of yarn and rubbed her neck. "I know it was supposed to be for revenge, the old Don had killed the rest of his family, but he'd gotten away from Sicily. What would he gain by killing the man?" Kit Cameron listened to this with an amused smile. "You don't understand what revenge is all about, do you?" she asked with her soft southern accent. Like her friend...

1 year ago
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A Dish Best Seved Cold or Bryans Revenge 2

(The sequel to Spring Break Broke My Heart) By rutger5 (An Original Story - Copyright2012) It took me a while to find parking near the Katz residence but in Borough Park that’s to be expected I guess. Finally I found a spot around three blocks away where I parked. As I was getting out of the car the letter from Courtney sitting on the passenger seat caught my eye. I picked it up before folding it and slipping it in my pant pocket. After...

4 years ago
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Revenge Sex

Revenge Sex Jennifer was one of my daughter’s closest friends. I had only met her three times before. She had accompanied my daughter to my father-in-law’s funeral services and she was about ready to pop with her third child at the time too. The second time was at my daughter’s wedding when she was a bride’s maid. The third time was when I dropped my wife off at her house for our daughter’s baby shower. Yes at age sixty-one I would become a grandfather for the very first time. Each...

2 years ago
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In 1999 my wife had an affair with a married man time I find out she been having this affair for 8 months but she came back to me because he was not going leave his wife for her.While we was sorting things out the only sex which I got was the first night she came back to me & than that night I did not cum in her pussy just over her face & walked into spare bedroom, while we was talking she told me he only fuck her 3 times in 8 months & one of them was in her ass, what piss me off...

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Sweet revenge

This happened about 5 years ago, I was 17 and in the sixth form of a mixed school in Surrey. I had a great time at school, the only thing that spoiled it was a boy in my class called Peter, Peter was a bit of a jack the lad, he was quiet good looking, and he knew it. The worst thing was that he was a bit of a pervert, always trying to look up girls skirts, patting there bums and trying to touch their breasts. He would do it in front of his mates, I guess he thought it made him look big in front...

3 years ago
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A Womans Revenge Pay Back Is A Bitch

It all started out innocently enough. It was one of those long weekend Sundays where all our friends got together for an afternoon barbecue. The hosts were Julie and Dave Robson. They had a beautiful sheltered back yard with a huge pool, surrounded by an equally large patio. June and I were not all that close, to be honest with you, I really didn't like the way she was constantly trying to sink her hooks into my husband Jim. Jim pretended not to notice, but I know he was lapping up the...

Wife Lovers
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Revenge The Conclusion By Mrinalini Singh 8211 Part 4

Hello Friends, Greetings! Things were changing and i was hearing the whispers of demons in my mind. They were saying you are on the right path and will get your revenge soon. After that long horny and hectic night, I asked Andrew to leave for today. I will call him later. I need rest and lots of things were running in my mind. How to set the trap and blah blah. Those 3 years time span take me from a innocent and helping girl to a selfish girl. I fucked several peoples during that time only to...

2 years ago
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The Realm of Revenge Jennas Justice

This is a new world I have created. It has the possibility to contain a little bit of everything. It is meant not as much as a follow up to "Sweet Revenge," but as an explanation, and a foundation for many many more stories. The story found within is a story of a woman and her boss, who wants much more than office work done for him. This sets the stage, and it will be followed up soon with an array of stories (hopefully!). The Realm of Revenge-Jenna's Justice by Kristen...

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Morphic Adaptation Unit Sams Revenge

Morphic Adaptation Unit: Sam's Revenge A man finds a strange alien device, and after tinkering a bit, discovers that it allows him to change his body. He comes up with a great idea to get back at a pair of friends. ********************************************************************** Morphic Adaptation Unit: Sam's Revenge Prologue First Tm'skor was having a bad day. This had started as a very routine day on another routine freight run on just one more routine Fwirthian...

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Revenge With My ExGirlfriend

Hello readers, I am Amit, my age is 28 and I live in Banglore. I am a software engineer. I was in relationship with my girlfriend Neha for almost 2 years. Everything was going perfect,but one day i came to know that she was cheating on me. she had one more boyfriend. i caught her red handed in a restaurant with that other boy. I saw her and fought with her boy friend there only, but she slapped me and asked me to leave. She slapped me in front of so many people, that has created so much of...

2 years ago
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Jealousy and Revenge

This story is my own Work though originally posted on another site. I have used it to open my account and hope to have a completely new story for this site shortly. Till Then I hope you enjoy my work. The story is completely fictional. ____________________________________ As I sit listening the songs on my media player the words "Sometimes all I need is the air that I breathe and to love you" echo into my head phones. Tears start down my cheeks as I recall our argument...

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A Cross Dressers Revenge

CROSS DRESSERS REVENGE BY JANICE I was fifteen years old when I was beaten up and raped by three big adults. I was on my way home from Martial Arts school when it happened. I was pretty good, tops in my class, but that was little help to a teen age boy against three big drunks, aside from being beat up, I was also sexually assaulted. The three of them were arrested a few days later but not for what they did to me,...

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Revenge Gone Bad

Revenge Gone BadI walked into the club hoping maybe that tonight might be a little different, after all it was my 37th birthday. I did not put much stock in the mid life crisis thing, I was an average male, married for several years with c***dren, I had fantasized about other women but had never been unfaithful to my wife. The guys at work had decided to throw me a 37th birthday bash at the club, it was a strip club and tonight was amateur night, amateur night brought out mostly want-to-be...

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Victorias Revenge

Victoria’s Revenge This story is one possible sequel to ?Recruiting Victoria?                                          by Gina Hoisington.Author:  Ivan Wilson                Story codes:  nc, mf, ff, fd, snuff, torture.Victoria, or ‘M’ as her master called her, was worried.  It had been more than three years since she was kidnapped by her current master, Wolfgang Bernhard Spring (Wolf), & trained as a sex-slave.  At the end of her training she had been brought to his island Estate & had lived...

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Mandys Revenge

Please note -: This story is written for Adults Only. It contains acts of non-consensual sex and some mild violence between females, if this is likely to offend you please do not continue to read it. This story is entirely fictional, including the characters in it. All comments welcomed and encouraged either through this website or direct to [email protected]. Hope you enjoy it!MANDY’S REVENGEMel grunted in pain and disgust as her face was forced down onto Mandy’s stinking feet. The...

1 year ago
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School Day II Susans Revenge


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Kellys Revenge

Kelly’s revenge. Five years in a Mexican jail had given Kelly plenty of time to plot her revenge on her former employer, Sharon James.  Kelly knew her rich employer used recreational drugs within her circle of other local wealthy wives, but was unaware that Sharon had concealed a large stash of cocaine in her suitcase during the annual family vacation.  She would never forget how she pleaded with Sharon to tell the immigration officers that she was the children’s Nanny and the drugs were...

2 years ago
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What Goes Around Comes Around Ms Musgrave Gets Her Revenge Part One

Claire Musgrave had never forgotten that Thursday afternoon near to the end of her time in Year Thirteen at school. She thought about it often. How embarrassing it had been. How unfair it had been. How painful it had been. Claire had been Deputy Head Girl to her best friend, Jessica Weaver, and had never expected that she would be punished for bad behaviour. But the then eighteen-year-old had been.She had been caught in possession of an almost empty bottle of vodka and, despite her protests...

1 year ago
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Revenge on my sisters

This is a story about me and my sisters. I lived with 5 of my sisters. 3 sisters were older than me, Jane, Ellie and Ash. One was my age, Julie and the last one a year younger, Gina. Now all of my sister were hot. The hottest one was Ellie. She was a total bombshell. Now me, i was a fat kid, had a feminine personality. I lived with my sisters all my life and acted like a girl. I remember they used to dress me up and i liked it. I had a small cock, like 4 inches erect. I was 16, i remember...

4 years ago
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Revenge Inc at Golden GrottoChapter 14

I might have a bone or two to pick with Norman ... but he wasn't remotely responsible for the biggest single fuckup of my entire life. No one was, except for me. I hadn't realized on that September morning many years ago when I kissed Red goodbye that I'd never see him alive again, that he wouldn't return to our tent in the hills in our gawdawful corner of Iraq. And that as a result my once happy life would turn to complete shit. As a lower ranking member of our security unit, he was...

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The Perfect Revenge

The Perfect Revenge by Eric Based On Donnie's HT 207 This is dedicated to Donnie for all his splendid work on his great site. My special thanks to the great Steve Zink for his peerless editing! It was the best of times and the worst of times for the beautiful Britney Dodge. It should have been the happiest day in young Britney's life. It was her twenty-first birthday and she would gain control of her huge trust fund. Britney Dodge was beautiful, rich and social. Was she...

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Dreamscape Torture can be fun 2 Dear Hearts revenge

Composed and written by Dear Heart “Hmm I think I will teach him a lesson which he won’t ever forget.” She says to herself while cleaning the mess on the bed and thinking about the last night. After spending a lot of time in cleaning the bed and washing the bed sheets, a smile plays on her lips when she at last gets the idea to punish her beloved man. The next moment she is on the phone talking to him, informing that she will not be able to visit him today as she isn’t feeling well...

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YBWL5 Joshs Revenge

This is a sexual story about a young boy taking complete advantage of another young boy. It is filled with strange fetishes: mostly sleep, domination, and underwear. If you have no desire to read such a story, then you should be very thankful of that fact and go ahead and leave now. Thanks. I hope you guys are enjoying my stories. Seeing as how YBWL-2 is my most-read story I decided to write a direct sequel to it. Let me know what you think in the comments, especially if you enjoy the series....

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South Beach Marcies Revenge

This story is about Marcie and her experiences after she caught her husband cheating. She knew about the cheating before they were married and she had agreed to an open marriage. Marcie was a faithful wife even though her husband was not faithful to her. Her husband, Jack Nelson, broke the golden rule and had a woman in Marcie's bed. Marcie caught them, beat the woman, slapped her husband and took off to Miami for a few days. Enter Javon, a suave young black man who was there when she needed a...

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Mature Jill Gets Her Revenge

[Complete Version][Contains: M/Mature F, Hardcore, Impregnation & Babymaking]I gasped in surprise as I felt the cock force its way into my wet cunt. I knew it was big but was not expecting it to feel so big. After all, my cunt was not as tight fitting as it used to be when I was younger. I was 57 years old and had been around the block a bit during my time. I'd been married and divorced 3 times – and to be honest each divorce was my fault entirely – I'd whored myself around quite a bit and...

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Office Revenge

I gasped in surprise as I felt the cock force its way into my wet cunt. I knew it was big, but was not expecting it to feel so fucking big. After all, my cunt was not as tight fitting as it used to be when I was younger. I was 50 years old, and had been around the block a bit during my time. I'd been married and divorced 3 times – and to be honest each divorce was my fault entirely – I'd whored myself around quite a bit and acted like a total slut. I'd slept with numerous men and had always...

2 years ago
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Taking revenge with my step son

My name is Lisa and I have curly red hair and blue eyes. About six years ago now I married a man named Joe. He already had a son named Tim who has brown hair and eyes. At the time Tim was 13, and I was 29, now I'm 35 and he is 19. His mom divorced Joe after he was caught cheating. Even though I heard that story and a few others, I still loved him and wanted to marry him. Although after six years of marriage, I've had better luck with his son in terms of having a good relationship. Tim never...

2 years ago
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Revenge By Mrinalini Singh 8211 Part 1

Hello Readers! I am Mrinalini Singh. I came back with a new romantic thriller. I hope you all like my all previous versions. You peeps encouraged me to write more whether it’s mine or someone else. You may find my previous narrations here with the name My Best Encounter Part-1, My Best Encounter Part-2, First Audit By Mrinalini Singh and Mistake of My Life. I got huge responses from you from that. Sometimes i got really serious feedbacks to write something new. I am not a writer. I am just...

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