Exposed Ch. 04 free porn video

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The four men were silent. So was Otyu. Ri looked between the two groups, swallowing.

On one side, four village youths—not one of the lot a day over twenty. Armed with knives, clubs, and a good deal of hormone-fueled adrenaline, and led by a smirking redhead.

On the other side, the morbidly obese innkeeper, Otyu, who’d just made his fists burst into flames with as much ease as one might crack their knuckles.

And Ri stood trapped between a wall and the redheaded leader’s throbbing erection. The albino felt frailer and more vulnerable than ever.

The two sides stared each other down, and the only sound to be heard was the unrestrained moaning and screaming coming from within the tavern. Ri bit her lip. She had to get inside, now.

Then the red-haired man—barely more than a boy—charged at Otyu, drawing a long knife.

Otyu seemed caught off-guard, but the fat old man reacted with surprising speed. He swung at the attacker, his flames flaring up as if someone had splashed oil on them. Ri knew this had to be some sort of magic—barely controlled, but powerful.

His swing caught the youth on the shoulder, knocking the red-haired man back. Otyu rushed forward then, hitting again—this time aiming for the head. With a sickening crack, the red-haired man fell to the ground.

Ri felt slightly nauseous—the rather delicate woman had broken enough bones to recognize a broken neck on sight. And there was no mistaking that sound.

She snapped to attention, loading a stone into her sling. Glaring fiercely, she twirled the sling in the air and let loose at the boy nearest her.

Her aim was off, but at this range, that barely mattered. The small stone smashed into the man’s skull. He remained standing for a moment, and as Ri couldn’t see his face, she vaguely wondered if he was wondering why his brains felt somewhat more liquidy than before.

But he did fall.

Now there were two left. The boys—they were just boys, probably not even of age—looked between Otyu and Ri, filled with terror. They hadn’t signed on for an actual fight. They’d just wanted to rape some trembling cripple.

Ri felt her blood boil as she answered their stares with a look of contempt. She loaded a second stone.

The boys turned and ran.

Ri’s eyes bulged. She let the stone fly, and it winged one of them in the shoulder, but didn’t drop him. They kept running, quickly going out of sight.

‘Fuck!’ she whispered.


She looked up. The big walrus of a man looked down at her, beady eyes narrowed.

‘Otyu,’ she said. She hesitated.

Another scream sounded from inside, this time with words attached.

‘oh, pleeeeeease…’

That was the voice of Annuisetvio, the ancient and terrible succubus who had brought ruin to the souls of thousands of men and probably quite a few women. Begging for a Chosen’s approval.

Ri loaded a third stone and ran for the door.

‘Ri, wait!’ Otyu shouted. But he seemed too nervous to follow.

She swung the door wide.

The entire room stank of sweat, sex, and the olive oil-like smell that always accompanied the use of the Conversion. Five dead soldiers lay on the ground, each with a large puncture wound in his throat and each with his pants on around his ankles.

‘Anne’ lay on her back. The red-haired demoness was bent backwards almost at a right angle over one of the tables as Belkir, lieutenant of the Chosen, rammed his cock into her aphrodisiac-filled cunt. She was screaming. Begging in a language Ri didn’t know—or perhaps just nonsensical gibberish at this point. The abyssal beauty clutched Belkir’s waist, staring up into his cruelty-filled eyes.

‘You’re mine!’ he snarled.

‘oh yesssss…’

Ri felt the rage expand until it seemed to be all there was. Taking leave of all her senses—all the rules that had kept her alive for so long until now—the young albino swung the sling and fired.

This time, it was a perfect shot.

The white stone buried itself right in the side of Belkir’s head, so neatly it almost looked more like an abnormal growth than a rock. His thrusting came to a halt as Anne gasped.

Belkir stared down at Anne. ‘I…smell birds.’

He fell to the ground, his penis sliding out of Anne’s cunt with a wet pop.

Ri blinked. She took a deep, shaky breath.

Anne screamed.

In a blur of motion, Ri found herself tackled. Anne gripped her by the arms so hard it hurt, her eyes blazing bright scarlet.

‘You traitor! You little…little…’

Ri’s gaze focused on the tail that was pointing at her forehead. A moment ago, it had looked like an exceptionally large dildo. It now resembled a razor-sharp dagger.

In that moment, Ri realized a few things. She realized that, in her haste, she’d forgotten how dangerous a Converted woman could actually be. She realized she’d just committed an act of brazen treason against the Chosen Commander in front of one of his most devoted disciples.

She realized that Anne was going to kill her.


Emmett laughed shortly as he and Jasper dragged the mewling slut into the back room. ‘Hold the girl still.’

The bitch—once a so-called ‘spy’ for the Living Goddess—was now begging hysterically for cocks in her every orifice. Her voice was slurred, her eyes wide and red-rimmed. Down below, Emmett could still see the tentacles writhing and wriggling in her engorged cunt.

He smiled at her as Jasper dropped her to the ground. ‘Feeling good, slut?’

‘Unh!’ The ‘spy’ writhed and squirmed helplessly on the floor, helplessly lost in pleasure but incapable of reaching orgasm.

‘Oh, yes.’ Emmett leaned down, cupping her chin in his palm and pressing down on one of her large breasts. The brunette moaned, but he forced her still against the dirt floor. She didn’t struggle. ‘Isn’t this easier?’ He leaned down, enjoying staring straight into her wide eyes, and spoke in the sort of way one would address a baby. ‘In’t it easier wittout all dem tinkings?’ He tapped her forehead, giggling.

‘unh…oh please…ablhehg…’

Emmett turned to Jasper, laughing loudly. ‘She’s a natural.’

‘We should get this over with,’ Jasper muttered.

‘Aw, c’mon.’ Emmett deliberately rubbed the prostrate woman’s breast as he spoke, flicking her nipple and enjoying her gasps of need. ‘You ain’t looking forward to filling this slut like a…thing that you fill up?’

‘The sooner she’s Converted, the better.’

‘Seriously?’ Emmett grinned down at the woman, who weakly grinned back. Not that she understood what she was smiling about. She was crying tears of bliss, desire and exhaustion. ‘Look at her. She’s so far gone—’

‘She’s not ours until she has cum in her,’ Jasper snapped. ‘You know how it works. We need to hurry.’

‘Well, why take all the fun out of it?’ Emmett whispered. He took his hand off her chin and trailed it down. He hovered around her dripping, tendril-filled pussy, and she seemed to jerk to attention.

‘ooh! yes!’ She wriggled in his grasp. ‘in! in!’

Suddenly, he got an idea. He grinned, turning to Jasper. ‘Hey, check and make sure nobody’s out back.’

Jasper crossed his arms. ‘There’s nobody out back.’

‘Still. Maybe the innkeeper.’ Emmett rolled his eyes. ‘Go. Check.’

‘You’re just gonna do something disgusting, aren’t you?’ Jasper groaned. ‘Just get the cum in her, got it?’

‘Got it.’ Emmette laughed as Jasper reluctantly turned and left through the back door.

He slowly rose up, straddling Claire without entering her. He leaned down, whispering in her ear.

‘You all full up, bimbo?’

She writhed on the floor. ‘ooh…pleasssse…’

‘You’re pathetic.’

Her hips thrust up. ‘yesssss…ungh!…’

He rose up so his cock was right above the tentacle-gorged cunt, giving a nasty la
ugh. ‘Think you can hold me, too, whore?’

Her eyes lit up—and gave a curious green glint.

Before he could react, or perhaps wonder if this was a good idea after all, her arms shot out. Emmett vaguely realized they’d never bothered to bind the ‘helpless’ slut as her arms wrapped around his torso.

With shocking strength, she yanked him down into her. Her eyes glowed even brighter as she did so.

Emmett felt his cock slam into—

His jaw dropped.

Inside wasn’t just the tightest, wettest cunt he’d ever rammed into—and he’d rammed into more than his share.

Inside was full of wonderful, squishing, squelching…things. They ran up and down his cock, tickling his balls as he instantly slid went all the way down to the shaft. They ran over him, wrapping around him, working up and down like a second cunt inside the first.

Oh, God. Oh god oh god oh—

He was beyond noticing the slut’s little smile, or the intensity of the shimmery glow.

He came instantly.

And kept cumming,.

‘Augh!’ His eyes widened to the size of saucers. ‘Oh, you little—little—oh, god!’

She smiled widely now, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him down atop her. The slut seized him in a hungry kiss, her tongue invading his mouth hungrily, her lips devouring his face. Her hands worked over his body, rubbing him and pulling him, up and down and up and down into her hot, wet, magic-spewing pussy.

He gave a scream as the orgasm seemed to get even more intense. He couldn’t control it. She was just—

He almost blacked out then, but something didn’t let him. He stared at her, eyes full of sudden fear mingled with pure overwhelmed ecstasy.

Something that was not the barmaid stared back.

He tried to pull out of the kiss, but her hand was clutching his head, and something in his head just…didn’t want to…think. Yes. Her lips smacked against his, and he heard a feminine chuckle. He didn’t want to think anymore. And now that he realized that, he could feel—actually feel the thoughts fleeing his head.

And it felt like the best orgasm in his life.

He gave a stupid smile, eagerly kissing back the brunette beauty. She smiled back, eyes twinkling emerald with a look of inhuman triumph.

She flipped over then, pinning him against the dirt floor. His eyes near-bulged out of their sockets as she began bouncing up and down in his lap. She kept kissing him, and he kept forgetting, and the more he forgot the more he wanted to kiss, and the more he kissed the more he wanted to forget. It kept going until all thought left him and he could no longer remember his own name. And then he no longer had a name to forget.

The orgasm did not end. He was still screaming into the kiss. But now he felt something new.

He felt little things—wonderful, sin-filled things—creeping into him, whispering new facts and rules to follow, new loyalties to remember.

As Emmett ceased to be, and a new being formed, the glow seemed to leave Claire’s eyes. She stared up, suddenly full of terror as the creature that had once been Emmett rose. As his penis slipped out of her, he saw that her cunt was completely empty now.

He staggered out, smiling broadly. The orgasm had not ended. It fueled him now—such pleasure had to be shared.

Claire lay there, stunned, stricken with the post-orgasmic bliss…and wondering how she’d gotten into the back room.


Anne rammed Ri against the wall, and Ri gave a cry of pain. Anne glared at her, eyes glowing bright red. ‘You whore!’ she said, her voice almost a whine. ‘You—you—’

The sharp tail was still hovering over Ri’s head, ready to impale it at any moment. But Ri could see something else in Anne’s eyes. ‘You…you, uh…’

Anne stared down at her, her voice trailing off. Her eyes glimmered with a sudden interest that made Ri very, very nervous.

Succubi were creatures of the purest, filthiest of lusts. They embodied sexual hunger in all forms. Exposing one to the Conversion had been tantamount to pouring dragon spit onto an abyssal inferno.

Ri realized that Anne was still feeling the orgasm Belkir had given her. And now that she’d had a taste, she was going to want more.

Anne’s eyes began to take on a duskier hue—less like a raging inferno and more like the late sunset. Ri felt Anne’s hands slowly trail down from her aching shoulders.

The succubus frowned, then, looking just a little bit confused. ‘i don’t…I don’t…um.’

Ri felt one of the hands creeping down, tracing little circles on her belly, tickling her. She flinched, trembling with fear. That felt…weird.

Anne saw this and gave a smile—a smile half-Converted, half-not. ‘Don’t be afraid, little girl,’ she whispered. ‘I’m going to take your worries away.’

Ri was not ‘into’ women.

The Chosen had always employed something of a double-standard in that bisexuality in females was regarded as quite desirable. It was something the Conversion tended to cause, in fact, though it was hard to tell when any order successfully followed seemed to put a Converted into endless pleasure. But Ri wasn’t bisexual. Ri was as straight as a dagger, though she’d had to pretend otherwise from time to time to entertain her masters.

Ri wasn’t bisexual.

So…why was this making her feel so…warm?

Anne kept drawing little circles on her belly, as her other hand crept further down still. Ri felt a cool finger touch her inner thigh, and gave a little cry.

‘Shh.’ Anne leaned close, leaning her forehead against Ri’s. ‘Let it wash over you.’

‘No…’ But Ri was having trouble putting much force into the word.

Anne smirked. The redheaded succubus’s lips parted as she began planting little kisses on Ri’s lips, cheeks, and neck. Ri felt helpless to stop it. And she felt unable to make herself want to.

Annuisetvio had a funny smell. It wasn’t sulfur, like the stories claimed. It was more like roses. Sickeningly sweet roses.

She slowly sank back against the wall, losing the battle against gravity and her own needs as the finger started creeping spider-like towards her suddenly moist pussy. She gave a soft moan, quickly stifled by a particularly long kiss on the mouth from Anne.

‘Can’t resist…’ Anne whispered, her breath tickling Ri’s ear.

Can’t resist, Ri echoed mentally. Because she couldn’t.

The finger slipped into her wet cunt and began rubbing against her clit. Ri let out a whimper, answered by a giggle from Anne.

The finger went in deeper. Ri felt her hips buck up against it as two more fingers slipped into her tight slit.

Vaguely, Ri began to understand.

Anne stopped tracing the circles, but kept rubbing inside Ri’s slick pussy. She smiled as she lifted her hand to take the back of Ri’s head. ‘You’re mine now,’ she cooed.

‘yes,’ Ri said, unable to stop herself.

It was like she was a prisoner in her own body, completely devoid of control. A second involuntary hip thrust only served to emphasize the point. And she wasn’t just a prisoner—she was a refugee, hiding in what remained of her mind, struggling to maintain what little autonomy she could muster.

Anne’s fingers slammed in again, and Ri gave a loud scream—again muffled by a kiss from the succubus that left her breathless.

Anne could still kill her here, she knew. She was a succubus. That was how succubi worked.

Ri felt Anne’s tail twining around her neck, holding her even faster as Anne leaned in, continuing the kiss. She felt a forked tongue flitting about delicately in her mouth, though Anne’s hungry lips were anything but delicate in their attentions.

The pleasure from the kiss, and the fingers, and the magic, and Anne’s very presence…it was all building. She gave a quieter moan this time, struggling not to encourage Anne to kiss her again, knowing that with every kiss her will
weakened more…

It didn’t help. Anne grinned mischievously and kissed her again. As she did so, the fingers sped up their attentions. Ri gave a louder moan into the kiss, helpless to quiet herself.

She couldn’t remember now what she’d been concerned about. She gave a gasp of pleasure as the fingers slammed in again, spasming helplessly on the cold hardwood floor. Anne pulled out of the kiss for a moment, rearing up.

Ri looked up at the demon above her—a beauty with flowing red hair, perfect pale skin, ruby red lips, and eyes glowing bright with lust and triumph.

Anne smirked at her. ‘Enjoying yourself, Ri?’

Ri keened, bucking her hips.

Anne laughed—cruelly, intelligently, completely devoid of the Conversion magic once more—and slammed four fingers into Ri’s dripping cunt.

Ri gave a piercing scream of pleasure as she came, trembling and spasming, helpless in Anne’s iron grip. As she screamed, she heard a sultry whisper in her ear. The beautiful voice only made the orgasm more intense.

‘Thanks for waking me up, girl.’ A second orgasm hit as the forked tongue tickled the inside of her ear. ‘Consider this your reward.’


‘You’re mine now.’ Anne winked. Ri felt Anne’s fingers pistoning in and out, seeking to prolong an orgasm that Ri began to realize wasn’t going to end. ‘Be a good little bimbo for me and I’ll keep fucking you for months to come. And I might even let you live at the end of it all.’

She leaned close, and Ri nearly fainted as the orgasm grew in intensity. ‘Be a bad girl, or tell anyone about any of the naughty things I did to you…’

She jerked her fingers out and popped them into her mouth. When she pulled them out, the fingers were clean. She smacked her lips satisfactorily.

‘You taste good,’ she husked in Ri’s ear.

She got to her feet. ‘Come on. Let’s get the hell out of here.’

Ri lay on the floor, gasping for breath, shuddering in the post-orgasmic daze.

She knew she was in deep trouble.

She also knew she didn’t want to leave.

So she stumbled to her feet, despite her trembling knees, and hurried after her new mistress. They had work to do.


Goblin’s Note: Okay, so I kiiiiinda lied a little bit. Sorry! Didn’t mean to!

So, I thought this would be the final chapter. Then I was rereading it, and I realized…well, there should be a split. The next chapter isn’t SUPER erotic, aside from some shen-Anne-igans, but it’s deserving of its own section.

Next Up: The ACTUAL final chapter! Anne and Ri go get Claire as Anne starts having a little fun with her new pet.

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It’s the weekend, but director David Perry is catching up on some work when he notices tall, longhaired brunette Ria Sunn coming into the office. Ria claims she has some paperwork to tend to, but it turns out that the lean sex machine is there to fuck her boss! David makes some coffee, and when Ria goes to get hers, she strips off her clothes in front of him, speaking few words. The two share passionate kissing as Ria fondles his rod, leading to a throat-reaming blowjob. David bends Ria...

2 years ago
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Badge Bunnys Birthday

It still hurts. Even if they don't say anything to me outright, seeing the looks, watching them whisper to each other, not even bothering to hide what they're doing... it hurts. I remember when I was just a little girl, hiding out on the stairs of our house, hearing my mom in the living room talking with her friends about female solidarity, and how all women were sisters. It hurt like hell, learning that was all a lie. I try not to let it bother me, and I'm getting better at that,...

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Love Family SingersChapter 23

We decided to wait until another time, so I got one final bodacious kiss with my mother, who put my hand on her covered breast, and had a small moan, before scurrying into the kitchen. Now, with a non-relenting erection, I went back to what I had been doing, looking at the list of music I had downloaded from the flash drive Mr. Thomas had given me. He had so much Broadway music to look through. What he gave me was two copies of most of the songs, with vocals and without. I had heard that he...

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My wife Sarah and I had seemed to get more risqué with our sex life as we moved into our early 50’s. Sarah had hit the menopause a couple of years earlier and had put on weight going from a size 12 to a size 16, although on a plus note her magnificent breasts had swollen from a 38C to a 38D, but standing at 5 feet 8 inches and having a broad swimmers body she carried it well and with her long blonde hair and dazzling smile she still looked terrific.Sarah is rather a chatty girl, often...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Cherry Kiss Bath Time Anal

All-natural blonde Cherry Kiss is enjoying her bath when her man comes to see how she’s doing. The sight of Cherry’s irresistible body quickly made the naughty man horny. She passionately kisses her partner before giving his hard cock a blowjob and deepthroat. The lucky guy returns the favor by eating out Cherry’s pussy. The horny duo then fuck each other in missionary. The naughty girl’s gripping pussy is not enough to satisfy her man. The horny stud wants to put his...

1 year ago
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Sex show

After our night of fun at my local pub a couple of weeks ago Annie, Emma and myself wanting to do something similar but with more interaction the guys.I chatted with Bill the landlord a few days later as to whether it would be okay if we arranged to do something one evening after closing hours. Bill was completing in agreement to my request, extra bar sales no doubt being a great incentive. We decided on Easter Sunday as it suited us girls and also Bill whose lady wife was away in Spain. So, it...

4 years ago
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Copyright © 2003 I was in my bedroom. As thoughts of you flooded my mind. The heat from the advancing sunlight had made the bedroom extremely hot. I realized perhaps, I should put something cooler on. I got out of my blue jeans. Lifted my blouse and grasped my bra. When I did, my hand brushed across my breast. As if in a dream or in none. This brought me back to the thoughts of you. That warm soft thought of feeling your hand touching me. A sense of longing and passion surged through my...

1 year ago
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My College Teacher Fucked Me

Hello, everyone, my name is Neha I am from Bangalore and third story is about me and my teacher. His name is Neeraj I study in an engineering college near kanakapura road. He is very handsome and good looking his height is around 6 feet and he is fair in color. I forgot to tell u about my self my measurement is 34 27 36 and my height is 5’8 feet and I am also a fair girl. So this started in when I joined my college in 2014 and had a crush on him I really like him the way he talks, the way he...

3 years ago
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Comando 1

Commando #1 By Randolph O. Mann   Harangue Lindsey Leicester knew exactly why this meeting had been arranged, while her mother on the other hand had nary a clue. This whole affair had an impish déjà vu feeling of a dreaded trip to Principal’ s Office which had placed Ms. Leicester on edge. As all single working moms know, conferencing with scholastic ‘professionals’ is always knotty. These types of summonses as a rule are meticulous orchestrated toward academia’ s favor and there was every...

2 years ago
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Photographing couples

I had put an advert into a contact magazine as a single man looking for a wife swapping couple who wanted to have photos taken of them having sex. Perhaps in their home or at a hotel or even outdoors. Well it took several weeks before I got any answers but then three replies arrived and I answered back to all of them. They were all wanting to know more but also keen to have photos taken and even for me to join in too.One couple were very keen and had included a telephone number to get in touch...

3 years ago
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Adams Rib

Note to the reader: This story may put some readers off. If you are homophobic or adverse to a young man enjoying himself alone, sexually, with play-toys and other items, this might disturb you. Like all of my stories, however, this is not the end of the story. Things happen to Matthew that are anything but homosexual. A girl figures into the picture, and so does a slightly sci-fi slant. You just have to read a while to get there. I found my parent's machine in the rear of their closet, the...

1 year ago
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Building a Better PastChapter 14

Most of the rest of the summer was more relaxed. Jenny stayed over frequently that summer but instead of sharing our bedroom with Trish she took the guest room. We always did our best, even when she wasn’t staying over, to make sure she knew that we both loved her. We also found that Planned Parenthood would provide an exam, prescription and pills without parental notification and by early August Jenny was no longer a virgin. The best thing about that summer was how Jenny responded to our...

3 years ago
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Summer Discovery

Moving my eyes upward, your shapely and seemingly freshly-shaven calves catch my eye. Your legs have always had a way of driving me completely wild. Continuing upward, my view is cut short by the bottom hem of your skirt, just above your knee. Navy blue, it flowed smoothly and fluttered freely against the light breeze. My eyes lingered on your skirt longer than they probably should have as my imagination wandered openly. I bring my mind back to the moment and examine the rest of your...

2 years ago
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New Years Eve in Tijuana

This happened a few years back before the border between the US and Mexico became a war zone. My girlfriend, Jo Anne and I decided that it would be great fun to go to Tijuana for New Years Eve. We arrived in the afternoon and did the usual tourist things like shopping for cheap merchandise. I ended up buying a leather jacket that I still have today. Jo Anne looked in every store in the city for a great purse but failed to find what she wanted. This was unusual because she can usually...

4 years ago
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Entranced and Ensnared part 1 and 2

Chapter 1 "So as you can see, my life is a disaster." I told the woman sitting at the bar next to me, knowing I was a bit too intoxicated to be having a conversation with this gorgeous stranger, but I couldn't bring myself to care. I had just given her my recent life story like badly written exposition. About 3 months ago I'd lost my wife and our unborn child due to an inattentive doctor and I was not recovering by any means. I had poured out massive amounts of "Too Much...

1 year ago
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Halloween treat

Halloween was here. Well almost, anyway - everyone knows Halloween isn't really here until the sun goes down.I'd been looking forward to sundown, and the dark that follows after. I was going to a party, and boy was I overdue to cut loose a little.Let me explain. I'd recently divorced, just gotten the final decree in the mail, so I was officially a free man once again. The marriage didn't last long but the final death spiral was like a Hallmark card; it was the gift that just kept on giving. My...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 18 Winter Wonderland

"We need to borrow the Clarke's mess for the afternoon," Lieutenant Payne had advised Toddy about halfway through the forenoon watch. He didn't really ask, but merely clapped the hapless ship's captain on the shoulder and nodded, "Thanks." He had then disappeared down the corridor. Which explained why the entire Sciences Division, sponsors and concubines both, were now assembled in the ship's mess, sipping on coffee and tea and, in one concubine's case, a bottle of orange Nehi. On...

1 year ago
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Day after the super bowl

A few hours after the super bowl party my phone rang It was Lilly, we laughed and talked about what happened at the super bowl party. Lilly asked if I wanted to go to lunch the next day. Of course I would. So we set the date. Driving to pick Lilly up at her condo pulling into parking space and exiting the car wolf calls (whistles) rang put. I turned to see 3 construction workers repairing the parking lot look at me. I waved and continued to her condo moving my hips a bit more than normal LOL....

2 years ago
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My wife gives me a ruined pussy for Christmas

Normally I get to watch my wife getting her brains fucked out, but at Christmas time she loves doing a sneeky fuck a couple of times. Well Friday she called me at the shop and said that she was going Christmas shopping with Danny. I've met Danny a few times when he brought my wife home from a date but I've never actually watched him have sex with her. It was the Friday before Christmas Sunday and I was having a Christmas party at my shop for my guys. All I could think about after her call was...

3 years ago
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Meeting in the Night

Megan, he had just met her today and she had complained about how she had no excitement in her life. She’d also mentioned a burning desire to rid herself of her virginity, only 16 and such a desire to have sex and excitement, the girl of his dreams. Well to make a long story short she had given him his address and said “tonight, surprise me.” And was she about to get a surprise. In excitement, he had prepared that afternoon; he found a pair of dark camouflage jeans and a black form-fitting...

4 years ago
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Meri Aur Professor Ki Chudai Ki Kahani 8211 Part 1

Kahani meri aur mere college ki ek professor ki hai.Unki age karib 45 yrs hogi dekh ne main thode handsome hai.Aap ko mere bare main bata deti hoon.My name ki tina aur meri umar 22 yrs hai aur figure 34:28:34 hai aur main kafi sexy hoon. Ab kahani pe ati hoon.Mere professor ka naam aditya tha woh mujhe kafi pasand karte the par main unke is chahat ko kabhi feel nahin ki thi.Par kabhi kabhi mehsus hoti thi par samajh nahin pati thi.Kuch din baad mere kuch friends ne is bare main bataya toh main...

1 year ago
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One Day in Germany

One Day in GermanyKarin made the short walk from her flat to the train station and waited on the concourse as arranged. 8am was early for her to be up, but this was easy money. As a student she needed all the money she could get and easy money was her favourite kind. She stood at the agreed place, her feet fidgeting in her old tan boots, trying to stay warm. The cold winter air was blowing straight through her well worn blue denim jeans. Her silvery white jacket gave slightly more protection,...

2 years ago
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IIT Placement Preparation Mein Chudai

Hi, this is Daksh Kashyap again, graduated from IIT Mumbai. Please read my previous stories because this is continuation of my life at IIT.  Chaliye, kahani ko aage badhate hai. Ab main 4th year mein tha. Internship mein Anamika aur Himani ki khub chudai ki thi jiske karan padhai lagbhag chhut gaya tha. Par placement December mein hone wala tha to uski preparation bhi jaruri thi. Us din ke bad se Bidisha ko bhi maine block kar diya tha. College aane pe sex ki need hui to maine use unblock kiya....

3 years ago
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Christmas CheerChapter 3

We necked and kissed a bit longer, then went to separate bathrooms to clean up. Afterward, Mike borrowed my car to run some errands. I was almost relieved when he didn't ask me to go with him. As much as I enjoyed his company, I'd gotten used to having a fair amount of solitude. Having him here was wonderful, but almost overwhelming. On his way out the door, I pressed a twenty into Mike's hand and suggested he pick up some condoms. He laughed and shook his head. "Lynne, I may be a broke...

4 years ago
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Mick and KeriChapter 24 Mick and Keri in Bed

I woke up on my back, the morning light fighting to get through the bedroom drapes and pretty much losing. My right arm was over my head and my left arm was at my side. Keri was lying on her back with her right arm down to her side and her left hand on my hip. Her little finger was barely touching my pubic hair. I lay there and tried to remember if I had ever been more relaxed and comfortable in my entire life. Since I met Keri, so many things had changed in my life. Certainly the two big...

2 years ago
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Durga Puja Celebration 8211 Part 7 The Unforseen Finale

Hello, lovely readers to the finale of the celebration. This party ends with a bombshell of events. Don’t forget to pleasure yourself to the fullest. The clock hit 9:00 pm. There was a light drizzle outside. Both the delivery guys have left. The guys got extremely excited, and we’re masturbating and holding their cum. The boys came out from the other room with hard dicks and cummed all over Rimi and Ani. Both of them got covered in cum and sweat. Then they all went to have a bath and got...

3 years ago
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Aliens Ch 02


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Mera Phela Sex Bhabi K Sath

Hello dosto main kafi arsy say sex story parh raha hon mujhy incest story bhot pasand han main aaj pheli baar apni story likh raha hon agar koi ghalti ho jaye to mujhy maaf kar dayna to main ap ko batata chalon k meri umer 25 years hy or mera lun 7 inch lamba or 3 inch motta hy or main sargodha main rehta hon to main nay apni bhabi ko kesy choda aap ko batata hon to dosto meri bhabi kafi sexy hy 38 36 38 figer ho ga mera bhai apni bv ko sath ly gya tha jither woh nokri karta tha to aik din main...

3 years ago
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Mother Fucker

I still could not believe I had fucked my own mother. I had fucked her last night. My father had been found fucking his secretary in mom’s bed when mom came back from her school an hour before her school time. My mother Rupali is a school taecher and my dad is a lawyer. As soon as I entered the house mom was screaming,” Ramesh mere ghar se dafa ho jayo. Jayo uss randi ke pass jisski chut tujhe mujh se achhi lagati hai. Mere samne ussko behan kehte thay, apni behan ko chodte sharam nahin aaayi?...

4 years ago
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Cold Cocked

It has become so much more complex. She didn’t expect the process of transformation to be so difficult. No, she is not a she anymore. No longer does the name Victoria hold any meaning. She is now a he, a colbold named Victor. The transformation is one of the latest crazes to take the world by storm. It is a long, almost grueling process that requires an expensive lawyer. That lawyer now lays comatose on the bed across the room. Victor owes it all to the man. He catches sight of his naked body...

3 years ago
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Date with my sister

The day she came upstairs naked, these fantasies multiplied and became uncontrolable. I was hoping that she was home alone (which she wasn't) and I would have taken her down stairs to her bedroom and start softly kissing her and carressing her voluptuous tits. I kiss down her neck slowly and work my way to her pierced left nipple. I take the nipple ring in my mouth and slowly and gently start sucking and licking it. I lay her on her bed and move to her right tit and start working her nipple...

2 years ago
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Camping at Lake Ford

Summer and almost gone when mom planned a camping trip, Now it was Early august and actually a tolerable 80 degrees. Great weather for lake side camping. Dad was in he loved camping he packed the truck after work, and we head out early the next morning. He woke me up at 3am, groggy and tired I made my way to the bathroom as I pushed the door open my mother was at the sink in a nightie. She had no bra on. I should explain my mothers figure 5'8" Curvy with huge breasts and over weight like any...

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sex games part3

the afternoon sun was getting hot, it was 90 degrees in the shade,.the two blonde s****rs were. licking and sucking my s****r,s tits .karen looked at me and said,i never did oral sex,is it better then straight out intercorse. what a question. it all leads to the bottom line. we love that feeling, when we cum. how do i tell karen ? well, lets start smoking this d**g i brought. it will make you horney. watching my s****r, and the 2 blonde girls getting it on. still made us hot in our belly,s. we...

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Slut Wifes Pain is Pleasure

By now most of you reading this extreme adventure already know how much I love being exposed in public. You also know how much of a true slut wife whore I have become and enjoy being. I love every thing about sex in every way you can enjoy sex with men women toys, etc. doesnt matter age size or color or any other factor. If it is sexual I want to experience it. I want to hold the record for the most sexual partners in a lifetime. I want my pictures videos adventures and memories of my slut...

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