- 1 year ago
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The four men were silent. So was Otyu. Ri looked between the two groups, swallowing.
On one side, four village youths—not one of the lot a day over twenty. Armed with knives, clubs, and a good deal of hormone-fueled adrenaline, and led by a smirking redhead.
On the other side, the morbidly obese innkeeper, Otyu, who’d just made his fists burst into flames with as much ease as one might crack their knuckles.
And Ri stood trapped between a wall and the redheaded leader’s throbbing erection. The albino felt frailer and more vulnerable than ever.
The two sides stared each other down, and the only sound to be heard was the unrestrained moaning and screaming coming from within the tavern. Ri bit her lip. She had to get inside, now.
Then the red-haired man—barely more than a boy—charged at Otyu, drawing a long knife.
Otyu seemed caught off-guard, but the fat old man reacted with surprising speed. He swung at the attacker, his flames flaring up as if someone had splashed oil on them. Ri knew this had to be some sort of magic—barely controlled, but powerful.
His swing caught the youth on the shoulder, knocking the red-haired man back. Otyu rushed forward then, hitting again—this time aiming for the head. With a sickening crack, the red-haired man fell to the ground.
Ri felt slightly nauseous—the rather delicate woman had broken enough bones to recognize a broken neck on sight. And there was no mistaking that sound.
She snapped to attention, loading a stone into her sling. Glaring fiercely, she twirled the sling in the air and let loose at the boy nearest her.
Her aim was off, but at this range, that barely mattered. The small stone smashed into the man’s skull. He remained standing for a moment, and as Ri couldn’t see his face, she vaguely wondered if he was wondering why his brains felt somewhat more liquidy than before.
But he did fall.
Now there were two left. The boys—they were just boys, probably not even of age—looked between Otyu and Ri, filled with terror. They hadn’t signed on for an actual fight. They’d just wanted to rape some trembling cripple.
Ri felt her blood boil as she answered their stares with a look of contempt. She loaded a second stone.
The boys turned and ran.
Ri’s eyes bulged. She let the stone fly, and it winged one of them in the shoulder, but didn’t drop him. They kept running, quickly going out of sight.
‘Fuck!’ she whispered.
She looked up. The big walrus of a man looked down at her, beady eyes narrowed.
‘Otyu,’ she said. She hesitated.
Another scream sounded from inside, this time with words attached.
‘oh, pleeeeeease…’
That was the voice of Annuisetvio, the ancient and terrible succubus who had brought ruin to the souls of thousands of men and probably quite a few women. Begging for a Chosen’s approval.
Ri loaded a third stone and ran for the door.
‘Ri, wait!’ Otyu shouted. But he seemed too nervous to follow.
She swung the door wide.
The entire room stank of sweat, sex, and the olive oil-like smell that always accompanied the use of the Conversion. Five dead soldiers lay on the ground, each with a large puncture wound in his throat and each with his pants on around his ankles.
‘Anne’ lay on her back. The red-haired demoness was bent backwards almost at a right angle over one of the tables as Belkir, lieutenant of the Chosen, rammed his cock into her aphrodisiac-filled cunt. She was screaming. Begging in a language Ri didn’t know—or perhaps just nonsensical gibberish at this point. The abyssal beauty clutched Belkir’s waist, staring up into his cruelty-filled eyes.
‘You’re mine!’ he snarled.
‘oh yesssss…’
Ri felt the rage expand until it seemed to be all there was. Taking leave of all her senses—all the rules that had kept her alive for so long until now—the young albino swung the sling and fired.
This time, it was a perfect shot.
The white stone buried itself right in the side of Belkir’s head, so neatly it almost looked more like an abnormal growth than a rock. His thrusting came to a halt as Anne gasped.
Belkir stared down at Anne. ‘I…smell birds.’
He fell to the ground, his penis sliding out of Anne’s cunt with a wet pop.
Ri blinked. She took a deep, shaky breath.
Anne screamed.
In a blur of motion, Ri found herself tackled. Anne gripped her by the arms so hard it hurt, her eyes blazing bright scarlet.
‘You traitor! You little…little…’
Ri’s gaze focused on the tail that was pointing at her forehead. A moment ago, it had looked like an exceptionally large dildo. It now resembled a razor-sharp dagger.
In that moment, Ri realized a few things. She realized that, in her haste, she’d forgotten how dangerous a Converted woman could actually be. She realized she’d just committed an act of brazen treason against the Chosen Commander in front of one of his most devoted disciples.
She realized that Anne was going to kill her.
Emmett laughed shortly as he and Jasper dragged the mewling slut into the back room. ‘Hold the girl still.’
The bitch—once a so-called ‘spy’ for the Living Goddess—was now begging hysterically for cocks in her every orifice. Her voice was slurred, her eyes wide and red-rimmed. Down below, Emmett could still see the tentacles writhing and wriggling in her engorged cunt.
He smiled at her as Jasper dropped her to the ground. ‘Feeling good, slut?’
‘Unh!’ The ‘spy’ writhed and squirmed helplessly on the floor, helplessly lost in pleasure but incapable of reaching orgasm.
‘Oh, yes.’ Emmett leaned down, cupping her chin in his palm and pressing down on one of her large breasts. The brunette moaned, but he forced her still against the dirt floor. She didn’t struggle. ‘Isn’t this easier?’ He leaned down, enjoying staring straight into her wide eyes, and spoke in the sort of way one would address a baby. ‘In’t it easier wittout all dem tinkings?’ He tapped her forehead, giggling.
‘unh…oh please…ablhehg…’
Emmett turned to Jasper, laughing loudly. ‘She’s a natural.’
‘We should get this over with,’ Jasper muttered.
‘Aw, c’mon.’ Emmett deliberately rubbed the prostrate woman’s breast as he spoke, flicking her nipple and enjoying her gasps of need. ‘You ain’t looking forward to filling this slut like a…thing that you fill up?’
‘The sooner she’s Converted, the better.’
‘Seriously?’ Emmett grinned down at the woman, who weakly grinned back. Not that she understood what she was smiling about. She was crying tears of bliss, desire and exhaustion. ‘Look at her. She’s so far gone—’
‘She’s not ours until she has cum in her,’ Jasper snapped. ‘You know how it works. We need to hurry.’
‘Well, why take all the fun out of it?’ Emmett whispered. He took his hand off her chin and trailed it down. He hovered around her dripping, tendril-filled pussy, and she seemed to jerk to attention.
‘ooh! yes!’ She wriggled in his grasp. ‘in! in!’
Suddenly, he got an idea. He grinned, turning to Jasper. ‘Hey, check and make sure nobody’s out back.’
Jasper crossed his arms. ‘There’s nobody out back.’
‘Still. Maybe the innkeeper.’ Emmett rolled his eyes. ‘Go. Check.’
‘You’re just gonna do something disgusting, aren’t you?’ Jasper groaned. ‘Just get the cum in her, got it?’
‘Got it.’ Emmette laughed as Jasper reluctantly turned and left through the back door.
He slowly rose up, straddling Claire without entering her. He leaned down, whispering in her ear.
‘You all full up, bimbo?’
She writhed on the floor. ‘ooh…pleasssse…’
‘You’re pathetic.’
Her hips thrust up. ‘yesssss…ungh!…’
He rose up so his cock was right above the tentacle-gorged cunt, giving a nasty la
ugh. ‘Think you can hold me, too, whore?’
Her eyes lit up—and gave a curious green glint.
Before he could react, or perhaps wonder if this was a good idea after all, her arms shot out. Emmett vaguely realized they’d never bothered to bind the ‘helpless’ slut as her arms wrapped around his torso.
With shocking strength, she yanked him down into her. Her eyes glowed even brighter as she did so.
Emmett felt his cock slam into—
His jaw dropped.
Inside wasn’t just the tightest, wettest cunt he’d ever rammed into—and he’d rammed into more than his share.
Inside was full of wonderful, squishing, squelching…things. They ran up and down his cock, tickling his balls as he instantly slid went all the way down to the shaft. They ran over him, wrapping around him, working up and down like a second cunt inside the first.
Oh, God. Oh god oh god oh—
He was beyond noticing the slut’s little smile, or the intensity of the shimmery glow.
He came instantly.
And kept cumming,.
‘Augh!’ His eyes widened to the size of saucers. ‘Oh, you little—little—oh, god!’
She smiled widely now, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him down atop her. The slut seized him in a hungry kiss, her tongue invading his mouth hungrily, her lips devouring his face. Her hands worked over his body, rubbing him and pulling him, up and down and up and down into her hot, wet, magic-spewing pussy.
He gave a scream as the orgasm seemed to get even more intense. He couldn’t control it. She was just—
He almost blacked out then, but something didn’t let him. He stared at her, eyes full of sudden fear mingled with pure overwhelmed ecstasy.
Something that was not the barmaid stared back.
He tried to pull out of the kiss, but her hand was clutching his head, and something in his head just…didn’t want to…think. Yes. Her lips smacked against his, and he heard a feminine chuckle. He didn’t want to think anymore. And now that he realized that, he could feel—actually feel the thoughts fleeing his head.
And it felt like the best orgasm in his life.
He gave a stupid smile, eagerly kissing back the brunette beauty. She smiled back, eyes twinkling emerald with a look of inhuman triumph.
She flipped over then, pinning him against the dirt floor. His eyes near-bulged out of their sockets as she began bouncing up and down in his lap. She kept kissing him, and he kept forgetting, and the more he forgot the more he wanted to kiss, and the more he kissed the more he wanted to forget. It kept going until all thought left him and he could no longer remember his own name. And then he no longer had a name to forget.
The orgasm did not end. He was still screaming into the kiss. But now he felt something new.
He felt little things—wonderful, sin-filled things—creeping into him, whispering new facts and rules to follow, new loyalties to remember.
As Emmett ceased to be, and a new being formed, the glow seemed to leave Claire’s eyes. She stared up, suddenly full of terror as the creature that had once been Emmett rose. As his penis slipped out of her, he saw that her cunt was completely empty now.
He staggered out, smiling broadly. The orgasm had not ended. It fueled him now—such pleasure had to be shared.
Claire lay there, stunned, stricken with the post-orgasmic bliss…and wondering how she’d gotten into the back room.
Anne rammed Ri against the wall, and Ri gave a cry of pain. Anne glared at her, eyes glowing bright red. ‘You whore!’ she said, her voice almost a whine. ‘You—you—’
The sharp tail was still hovering over Ri’s head, ready to impale it at any moment. But Ri could see something else in Anne’s eyes. ‘You…you, uh…’
Anne stared down at her, her voice trailing off. Her eyes glimmered with a sudden interest that made Ri very, very nervous.
Succubi were creatures of the purest, filthiest of lusts. They embodied sexual hunger in all forms. Exposing one to the Conversion had been tantamount to pouring dragon spit onto an abyssal inferno.
Ri realized that Anne was still feeling the orgasm Belkir had given her. And now that she’d had a taste, she was going to want more.
Anne’s eyes began to take on a duskier hue—less like a raging inferno and more like the late sunset. Ri felt Anne’s hands slowly trail down from her aching shoulders.
The succubus frowned, then, looking just a little bit confused. ‘i don’t…I don’t…um.’
Ri felt one of the hands creeping down, tracing little circles on her belly, tickling her. She flinched, trembling with fear. That felt…weird.
Anne saw this and gave a smile—a smile half-Converted, half-not. ‘Don’t be afraid, little girl,’ she whispered. ‘I’m going to take your worries away.’
Ri was not ‘into’ women.
The Chosen had always employed something of a double-standard in that bisexuality in females was regarded as quite desirable. It was something the Conversion tended to cause, in fact, though it was hard to tell when any order successfully followed seemed to put a Converted into endless pleasure. But Ri wasn’t bisexual. Ri was as straight as a dagger, though she’d had to pretend otherwise from time to time to entertain her masters.
Ri wasn’t bisexual.
So…why was this making her feel so…warm?
Anne kept drawing little circles on her belly, as her other hand crept further down still. Ri felt a cool finger touch her inner thigh, and gave a little cry.
‘Shh.’ Anne leaned close, leaning her forehead against Ri’s. ‘Let it wash over you.’
‘No…’ But Ri was having trouble putting much force into the word.
Anne smirked. The redheaded succubus’s lips parted as she began planting little kisses on Ri’s lips, cheeks, and neck. Ri felt helpless to stop it. And she felt unable to make herself want to.
Annuisetvio had a funny smell. It wasn’t sulfur, like the stories claimed. It was more like roses. Sickeningly sweet roses.
She slowly sank back against the wall, losing the battle against gravity and her own needs as the finger started creeping spider-like towards her suddenly moist pussy. She gave a soft moan, quickly stifled by a particularly long kiss on the mouth from Anne.
‘Can’t resist…’ Anne whispered, her breath tickling Ri’s ear.
Can’t resist, Ri echoed mentally. Because she couldn’t.
The finger slipped into her wet cunt and began rubbing against her clit. Ri let out a whimper, answered by a giggle from Anne.
The finger went in deeper. Ri felt her hips buck up against it as two more fingers slipped into her tight slit.
Vaguely, Ri began to understand.
Anne stopped tracing the circles, but kept rubbing inside Ri’s slick pussy. She smiled as she lifted her hand to take the back of Ri’s head. ‘You’re mine now,’ she cooed.
‘yes,’ Ri said, unable to stop herself.
It was like she was a prisoner in her own body, completely devoid of control. A second involuntary hip thrust only served to emphasize the point. And she wasn’t just a prisoner—she was a refugee, hiding in what remained of her mind, struggling to maintain what little autonomy she could muster.
Anne’s fingers slammed in again, and Ri gave a loud scream—again muffled by a kiss from the succubus that left her breathless.
Anne could still kill her here, she knew. She was a succubus. That was how succubi worked.
Ri felt Anne’s tail twining around her neck, holding her even faster as Anne leaned in, continuing the kiss. She felt a forked tongue flitting about delicately in her mouth, though Anne’s hungry lips were anything but delicate in their attentions.
The pleasure from the kiss, and the fingers, and the magic, and Anne’s very presence…it was all building. She gave a quieter moan this time, struggling not to encourage Anne to kiss her again, knowing that with every kiss her will
weakened more…
It didn’t help. Anne grinned mischievously and kissed her again. As she did so, the fingers sped up their attentions. Ri gave a louder moan into the kiss, helpless to quiet herself.
She couldn’t remember now what she’d been concerned about. She gave a gasp of pleasure as the fingers slammed in again, spasming helplessly on the cold hardwood floor. Anne pulled out of the kiss for a moment, rearing up.
Ri looked up at the demon above her—a beauty with flowing red hair, perfect pale skin, ruby red lips, and eyes glowing bright with lust and triumph.
Anne smirked at her. ‘Enjoying yourself, Ri?’
Ri keened, bucking her hips.
Anne laughed—cruelly, intelligently, completely devoid of the Conversion magic once more—and slammed four fingers into Ri’s dripping cunt.
Ri gave a piercing scream of pleasure as she came, trembling and spasming, helpless in Anne’s iron grip. As she screamed, she heard a sultry whisper in her ear. The beautiful voice only made the orgasm more intense.
‘Thanks for waking me up, girl.’ A second orgasm hit as the forked tongue tickled the inside of her ear. ‘Consider this your reward.’
‘You’re mine now.’ Anne winked. Ri felt Anne’s fingers pistoning in and out, seeking to prolong an orgasm that Ri began to realize wasn’t going to end. ‘Be a good little bimbo for me and I’ll keep fucking you for months to come. And I might even let you live at the end of it all.’
She leaned close, and Ri nearly fainted as the orgasm grew in intensity. ‘Be a bad girl, or tell anyone about any of the naughty things I did to you…’
She jerked her fingers out and popped them into her mouth. When she pulled them out, the fingers were clean. She smacked her lips satisfactorily.
‘You taste good,’ she husked in Ri’s ear.
She got to her feet. ‘Come on. Let’s get the hell out of here.’
Ri lay on the floor, gasping for breath, shuddering in the post-orgasmic daze.
She knew she was in deep trouble.
She also knew she didn’t want to leave.
So she stumbled to her feet, despite her trembling knees, and hurried after her new mistress. They had work to do.
Goblin’s Note: Okay, so I kiiiiinda lied a little bit. Sorry! Didn’t mean to!
So, I thought this would be the final chapter. Then I was rereading it, and I realized…well, there should be a split. The next chapter isn’t SUPER erotic, aside from some shen-Anne-igans, but it’s deserving of its own section.
Next Up: The ACTUAL final chapter! Anne and Ri go get Claire as Anne starts having a little fun with her new pet.
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Kitty stood and looked at herself in the mirror, pleased with the reflection. He had told her he was coming to see her bearing gifts, so she wanted to look good for him. Her new baby doll nightie looked stunning on her, just long enough to cover her but still show glimpses of her little panties underneath; the soft silky material displayed her pert breasts perfectly. She had arranged her lounge as he liked it, a cushion for her to curl up on and a chair central to the room for him, so that when...
FetishHello friends today I am going to tell you a real story about how my girlfriend’s mom and sister got fucked by my friends. My name is Rahul age 26 years working in a mnc in Mumbai. I have a very beautiful girlfriend named sakshi she is 25 years old. She is 5ft 3inch and her figure is 35b 28 and 35. Her sisters same is soniya she is 26 years (5 ft 4 inches) and her figure is 34b 27 34 she lives in udaipur rajasthan which is also the hometown of my girlfriend. Their mom is madhu a 48years milf...
Emily’s day was indeed great. In fact, it was almost perfect. Almost. Though, to be honest ... she couldn’t really remember it that well. Emily sort of knew what happened. She remembered driving to school, and dropping her younger brother Todd off at the side entrance. She remembered heading to her classes, hurriedly ditching the headphones in her purse every time she saw her friends, not wanting to look like a complete loser. Wearing the stupid blinking earpieces that her nerd loser...
When I was 34, I was a very happily married full fledged heterosexual man. My wife was a very attractive blonde, several years my junior and our bedroom activities were really hot. I considered myself 100% straight, even though I had received a drunken blow job from my college dorm roommate, when I was 18, which I did not return the favor on by the way. It was a one time thing that "just happened" one night and was never mentioned again by either of us.Me and my wife bought our first house...
Towards the beginning of the year 1838, two young men belonging to the first society of Paris, the Vicomte Albert de Morcerf and the Baron Franz d'Epinay, were at Florence. They had agreed to see the Carnival at Rome that year, and that Franz, who for the last three or four years had inhabited Italy, should act as cicerone to Albert. As it is no inconsiderable affair to spend the Carnival at Rome, especially when you have no great desire to sleep on the Piazza del Popolo, or the Campo...
It was a typical saturday night and i was sitting in the local bar watching the local girls try to strip tease . That is when it went from normal to kinda nice, This short woman came in and sat down besides me and started to talk. She said her name was Pam and was out looking for a good time. Not one to turn down a sure thing I decided to see how far I could get with ehr. To start things off she was not all that great looking with maybe a small B cup tits and a so-so face. About an...
Watching mother drive away had made me feel down, what had happened between us made me realise I was indeed a lesbian. To have lesbian feelings was one thing, to act on them was something so few women did. In those days, so few women came out as it was dangerous to let others know. It could cost one their job, as well as being shunned by friends and family. To have an incestuous relationship with a family member was strictly taboo. Even some other lesbians would have trouble accepting that,...
It’s a fact ... Guy society stratifies somewhere in the fifth grade. And nothing changes for the next seventy years. You see it at any social gathering. There are jocks, lady’s men, nerds and the nameless, faceless herd all milling around in little clumps. But, you never see the guys from one group mixing with the other. Sure, some of the jocks are lady’s men. And some of the nerds are faceless. But in general they all hang in the stratum that they occupied when they were nine years old. I...
“So, how do you feel so far, Mr Keith Nudie-boy?” asked Gemma as she bounced along in the front seat of her father’s Ford Courier ute. Keith was sitting in the back seat just behind Gemma’s father who was driving. All three were naked and Keith had a lovely view between the front seats of Gemma’s puffy little breasts bouncing up and down just a little bit with the motion of the vehicle. “Oh, just fine so far” Keith responded. “But just a little nervous about getting out of the car in town...
Michelle slowly considered what Rob was saying. This would be their biggest score yet. They had made some decent money at local clubs working together to fleece unsuspecting men. Michelle would cozy up to them and pretend to share drinks while they got good and drunk. If they weren’t drinking fast enough, she would help them along with a little extra ‘additive’ in their drink. Then she would go home with them, letting them think they were going to get laid. Usually they barely got inside the...
Flitting from shadow to shadow the renowned thief-turned-rebel Jyn Erso made her way thru the corridors of the Imperial data record centre on Scarif. Andor and K-290 were off searching somewhere else in the complex but Jyn had just hacked into an Imperial computer to finally locate where the Death Star plans were. Her heart was pounding and she felt herself tingling with excitement as she neared the room that was her goal. She’d burst in, deal with any enemy soldiers, grab the plans and be...
The hug lasted for quite some time; it was full dark by the time we set out for my house. I was contented and very self-confident. I'd taken a woman to bed and pleased her, and I thought our relationship was starting to grow. Not bad for a week's work, huh? The evening at Sulli's went very well. We said our hellos to several mutual friends and got their silent approval of our togetherness. On the small dance floor, we kissed and touched the previously forbidden spots with abandon,...
Marjory I was a bit shocked by Becky's revelations about her and Rory's sex life. Perhaps I should not have been surprised, because they have been living together for over a year and I have a feeling they are both quite venturesome and go ahead. Vanilla sex probably would not cut it for them. I kind of knew about the idea of getting your boyfriend off before giving him your virginity, but without her challenging me like that I doubt I would have thought of doing it, especially the bit...
Jeanette was a pain in the arse, well more than that really. She was a foul-mouthed example of why many people hate youngsters. If anything was broken or went missing in our village you can bet Jeanette and her siblings were behind it. However, in spite of her attitude she was an attractive young woman. She had long unruly red hair, and was developing an eye-catching figure. I think someone must have been putting miracle grow on her boobs, as they started growing when she was about 12, and...
My heart groans as I attempt to write this, but I know the story needs to be told. I know I need to reach deep within myself and find the courage to tell it. It all started when I carried out my childhood dream – to be a camp counselor. I applied to a YMCA camp when I was 18 years old and made the High Ropes staff. I could not be happier. As my senior year in high school came to a close, jitterbugs entered my stomach. A lot of old-timers would not be returning and I had no idea who would make...
That Friday afternoon, Lucy Parker didn't want to go home. Her best friend (and most recent lover) had just confessed that she had sex with Julie Parker, Lucy's daughter. Lucy felt weird. Almost disgusted. Julie was, after all, her sweet lovely daughter. Sure, Julie was bisexual, she knew it. And Julie had an active sex life. And Lucy had never minded that, because as far as she knew, Julie always had sex with people around her age. Sometimes, a little older, but never with someone who...
I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...
We talked through breakfast and four cups of coffee with a trip each to the bathroom. I watched Sharon as she walked to the bathroom. Every man's eyes were on her as well as a few women's eyes. I didn't blame them. I was watching her, too. She returned and was finishing her coffee. She said, "Take me home. I need more clothes. I'm not used to the heavy stares." I smiled. "One pair of them was mine!" I smiled a little broader. "I'm proud to have such a hot babe with me. Of course,...
I woke at eight o’clock the following morning and I went to the kitchen; Kevin was already up and had the coffee brewing. He poured me a cup and we chatted for about fifteen minutes.“It was a marvelous Christmas day, wasn’t it?” Kevin said.“Sure was bud, thanks for letting me stay over.”“No problem, like Christy, said, we are family, Steve.”He went to Greg’s room and returned to me about three minutes later.“They want coffee,” Kevin said as he poured two more cups of joe.“Do you want to take...
ExhibitionismHi, this is my 1st ever story... well actually it was a text to my fiance about her fucking a stranger as i watched so its not exactly written as a story, but hope its still enjoyable to read... i have pics of her on my profile :)------------------------------------------------------------------ Me and you in a hotel room watching t.v, when thiers a knock at the door, i get up open it and their stands a good looking male, with a bunch of flowers i tell him youve been waiting for him, i tell...
Hi, this is writing this story. This is an incest fictional story between mother and son. The characters in this story are fictional and any resemblance to anyone is just coincidental. The situations mentioned are not real life and should not be aped.Your comments and feedbacks are welcome.F It was on parent’s teachers meeting that I first saw Ajay’s mom. She was so radiant and energetic that she instantly made friendship with me. Her charisma was so overpowering that I invited her to our...
IncestThere was more activity on the stair well of the apartment building then there should have been at four o’clock in the morning even for a Saturday. Most of the residents were already in from their night out, and they tended to use the elevator that was finally operating, and this was the reason the isolated alcove was chosen for a new group activity. The three people in the stairwell were, ZiZi's the zaftig resident manager, Yumiko a young coed and resident and Richie the building's resident...
BDSMMy girlfriend and I stumbled back to my house about midnight, a little bit drunk, after a party in Cocoa Beach. We brushed our teeth and hit the sack right away. The next thing I knew, the clock on my nightstand said 2:53AM. Vicki was sound asleep beside me. And I had to pee. Coming back from the bathroom, I noticed a light shining up from ground level outside the rear bedroom window. I’d installed motion sensor lights above all the exterior doors and windows and they were sensitive enough to...
(End of Part 4 - to be continued) Danny's Cleavage - part 5 of 6 In which Danny outgrows his AA-cup bra, his underwear is replaced by girl's panties, his breasts are revealed at school, additional girl's clothing is added to his wardrobe, he continues dating Cindy and spends less time with Wil, he enjoys playing with his breasts and is kicked out of gym class. Cindy Haworth and I continued to date through the rest of our sophomore year. There were a couple of times when we went to...
Introduction: Victoria: Let me know what you guys think,) Victoria was in this black strapless dress that barely came down to her mid-thigh, it was hugging every curve of her body.. It seemed to barely cover her tits, this dress was meant to steal attention and it definitely was doing that. Her beautiful auburn hair falling over her shoulders. Wearing black high heels, made her ass pop out of her dress. She mustve seen my jaw dropped because she just smiled and let herself in her ass rubbed up...
Ruthie struggled with another issue during March. She realized something she really had not wanted to think about. Increasingly she was attracted to Jen. Whenever the two women were in the room together it was very hard for Ruthie to keep her eyes off her roommate. The two roommates continued their nightly ritual of "unwinding time" at the window. "Unwinding time" was a chance for Jen to relax and look across the Pacific Ocean towards her home in New Zealand. For Ruthie "unwinding...
CHICAGO SCHEHERAZADE Prologue "I gotta tell you something," Charlie said. "What's that?" Nina pulled on her blouse. Charlie was still naked on the bed, sweating a little from his recent exertions, his rounded paunch rising and falling. He was forty-nine; his hair was graying, his face jowly, but his small dark eyes were sharp and piercing. Nina was twenty-two. She...
The Rama Bot lowered them to the ground at the edge of the space ship bone yard. Wind howled between the rows of ships and tugged at their suits. The man calling himself Sergei now, could not shake the feeling that they were watched. Some of the ships were clearly alien, perhaps of civilizations that joined and adopted the Common design scheme. Perhaps of vanquished foes with technology deemed inferior. Some of the designs they recognized, some of the ships looked ready to fly others had...
The Morning After I had to admit I got turned on knowing one of my neighbors had seen my naked backside. When I walked in the house that morning I was surprised by a friend of my oldest son who was waiting for him in the living room. I don’t know if he had been part of my gangbang, but I’m sure he had seen the pictures from that night by the way he grinned at me. I said “hi” and turned to go upstairs to my bedroom. He said “Nice ass, come talk to me”. In my surprise to see him there I had...
Quickie Sex2 years back for Haloween I was dressed slutty as usual. My costume for that year was Cat Woman. A tight body suit held with a clasp behind my neck, a zip on my ass to keep it tight around my waist and criss-cross strands that exposed my back and abs. Boots, mask, whip, the works. The tight body suit complemented my tiny frame to show every one that I had no fat on me. My girlfriends and I were partying at a swanky downtown hotel night club. We showed up at the party around midnight. We were...
Kelly Willis checked herself out in the mirror behind the door, in the apartment she and her mom lived in together. She slowly turned around and peered over her shoulder. She was wearing the tightest and shortest of cut-off jeans imaginable, cut way up on her hips, and providing a glimpse of her hot pink thong above the denim. A pink baby-T that showed off her budding breasts completed the outfit. She wore no bra, and she knew her nipples would show through the thin material if they became...