Cenicienta Y El Principe free porn video

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La Cenicienta Tras bailar toda la noche con la bella dama misteriosa, una mujer simp?tica y gr?cil, de grandes ojos azules, el pr?ncipe qued? perdidamente enamorado. Era su fiesta de cumplea?os, una fiesta que marcaba el inicio de su madurez. Habiendo pasado los ?ltimos 5 a?os en el campo de batalla, en las carpas de los generales aprendiendo sobre estrategia, dando ?rdenes a los soldados, teniendo combates victoriosos y derrotas con innumerables bajas. No eran guerras importantes, era m?s bien un acuerdo entre los reinos vecinos para continuar con el arte castrense y mantener entretenidos a los nobles que les gustaba jugar a los soldados. Esta noche ser?a distinta, no dormir?a en campamentos fangosos ni en carpas fr?as, sino en sus reales aposentos, con s?banas de seda. No blandir?a su espada, ni usar?a su pesada armadura, sino que alzar?a las copas en su traje de gala, no gritar?a ?rdenes ni ver?a personas morir, sino que cantar?a alegre con sus amigos. Su padre hab?a planeado esta celebraci?n con anterioridad. Era imprescindible que el pr?ncipe tuviera consorte. Era el hijo menor de nueve, ya todos estaban casados o prometidos con las hijas de los reyes, condes y duques de reinos cercanos, por lo que no necesitaban (ni quer?an) m?s alianzas nupciales. Su hijo soltero daba al rey la posibilidad de congratularse con los ricos del reino, que dar?an la mitad de su fortuna por que su hija fuera princesa, y dar?a a la corona una imagen de cercan?a con el pueblo llano. Y ah? estaba Henry, con sus ojos puestos en la ?nica mujer que nadie conoc?a. Por su aspecto pod?amos deducir que era inmensamente rica. Las cuentas brillantes en su vestido reflejaban la luz en peque?os arco?ris. De su cuello colgaban diamantes, y su tiara ten?a hermosas joyas. Lo que m?s llam? la atenci?n del pr?ncipe Henry y del resto de los asistentes fueron las zapatillas de cristal, cuyos tan precisos como los de un diamante, hac?an resplandecer los diminutos pies de la joven. Entonces, a las doce empezaron a sonar las campanadas de la iglesia, marcando la media noche. La desconocida se disculp? y comenz? a correr hacia la salida. Henry corri? detr?s de ella. Algunos dicen que en la carrera una zapatilla "resbal?" de su pie, quedando en la escalera. Lo cierto es que no fue uno, sino ambos zapatos, y no se desliz?, m?s bien se los quit? ella misma, dej?ndolos tirados, pues con el tac?n alto no pod?a correr. El pr?ncipe no pudo darle alcance, y la perdi? de vista. Henry no quiso regresar al banquete en su honor. No import? la insistencia de su padre porque conociera a la hija del orfebre, ni del comerciante de productos de oriente, nada le hizo cambiar de opini?n, ten?a que encontrar a la dama misteriosa. Al d?a siguiente, su padre acept? enviar un contingente en b?squeda de la doncella. Hubo varios testigos en la fiesta, por lo que no hab?a necesidad de probar zapatillas (m?todo impreciso y supersticioso). No la encontraron ni en la primer semana, ni en el primer mes. No se encontr? ni en la ciudad ni en los lugares cercanos. Nadie la conoc?a, nadie hab?a escuchado de ella. Si no hubieran visto al pr?ncipe bailar toda la noche con ella, todos hubieran cre?do que eran meras fantas?as. El tema se olvid?, no era una prioridad para el reino. El pr?ncipe no eligi? consorte, para enojo de su padre. As? que volver?a al campo a seguir jugando a los soldados. La depresi?n de Henry fue creciendo, y la fecha para regresar a la guerra se acercaba. No dorm?a, no com?a, pasaba d?as sin salir de su cuarto. Atesoraba las zapatillas de cristal, como ?nico recuerdo de su encuentro con la mujer desconocida, tom?ndolas en sus manos, acarici?ndolas, como hubiera querido hacer con los pies de su amada. De repente mir? brillar los zapatos, como si produjeran una luz propia que iluminaba su habitaci?n. Los zapatos, de absurda peque?ez empezaron a crecer ante sus ojos. Ya no cab?an en la palma de su mano como hace un momento, segu?an creciendo y brillando. Cuando ten?an el doble de su tama?o inicial dejaron de crecer. Escuch? una voz que le dec?a: ponte las zapatillas. -?Ponerme las zapatillas? ?Qu? idea est?pida!- pens?. Pero la voz continu?: ponte las zapatillas, ponte las zapatillas, ponte las zapatillas. Las ventanas se abrieron con un fuerte viento, y de entre las cortinas entr? una figura femenina. Era como un fantasma, hermoso y terrible, con un vestido blanco sencillo y cabellos de plata. ?P?ntelas! Grit?, atraves?ndolo y desapareciendo tan intempestivamente como hab?a aparecido. Con terror, casi en transe, el pr?ncipe se quit? sus zapatos de descanso y sus medias, y t?midamente obedeci? la orden. Se coloc? la zapatilla derecha y despu?s la izquierda. Quedaban perfectas. Dio un paso torpemente, despu?s otro y se volvi? a sentar. Intent? sacarse las zapatillas, pero no pudo, estaban atoradas. De pronto sinti? dolor en sus pies. Las zapatillas se encog?an. Cada vez m?s peque?as, cada vez m?s dolor, gritaba desesperado, pero nadie acud?a a ayudarle. Cuando regresaron a su tama?o original, dejaron de encogerse y el dolor cedi?. Pod?a ver a trav?s del cristal finamente cortado en ?ngulos iridiscentes, que sus pies estaban ?ntegros. El brillo del cristal se extendi? por su propio cuerpo. Sus piernas irradiaban luz. Sinti? todo su cuerpo arder, cada parte de su ser se transformaba poco a poco. Sinti? que sus caderas se ensanchaban y el contorno de sus piernas se hac?a m?s suave. Su cintura se contrajo, hasta ser m?s delgada que el tronco de un manzano, sus hombros encogieron estilizando su figura. En su pecho crecieron dos grandes senos redondos. El cabello en empez? a crecer, rubio y lacio, cubriendo su cara, llegando a su cintura. El ardor cedi?, y con ?l se fue la tristeza. Por un momento olvid? cual era la causa de su desconsuelo. Entonces mir? al espejo. Una joven hermosa de grandes ojos azules mir? de regreso. Era ella. La dama misteriosa, la hermosa mujer con quien hab?a bailado la noche de la fiesta. Pero en ese momento no la reconoci?. Solo se ve?a a s? misma, a la princesa Henrietta, en su camis?n de dormir, con el cabello desordenado, movido por el viento. Corri? a la ventana para cerrarla, ya que el fr?o empezaba a arreciar. ?Por qu? llevaba sus zapatillas de cristal puestas? No lo pudo comprender. Pens? que quiz?s hab?a caminado dormida. Se quit? las zapatillas y regres? a la cama. Al d?a siguiente, sus dos damas de compa??a entraron a su habitaci?n, ayud?ndole a vestirse. Decidi? usar un hermoso vestido rojo de terciopelo. Sus diminutos pies se calzaron en suabes zapatillas de tac?n bajo, a juego con el vestido. - ?Hoy amaneci? alegre la princesa! - dijo Margaret, su dama - Siento que he despertado de un sue?o - respondi? Henrietta- como si las cosas volvieran a su lugar. As? sali? con paso alegre a saludar a sus padres, quienes organizaban una nueva fiesta, esperando que, en esta ocasi?n, su hija por fin encontrara consorte.

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Ami takhon banglore akta flat niea thaki. Ami thaktam 3rd floor. Akdin ami office jawar jonno taratari ber hochhi hathat dekhi lift ase 3rd floor a thamlo. Akjon sexy bou height aai 5’5″, gayer rong forsha, Puro gaye bleech kora aktao loom nei figure 36-24-38. ane Pod/Dudh ta besh bhaloi chhilo. O amar lift a other age o lift theke beriea alo aar bollo o ata 3rd floor, bole abar dhuke gelo. Ami bujhlam maal ta bangalai. Lift a takhon ami aar se o 4th floor a nebe gelo. Ami bujhlam ora amder...

2 years ago
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Crisis at IshtarChapter 17 Negative Official Notice

The departure of Freya brought peace to Ishtar. Janice continued to lead rehearsals of the musical. We now had a complete show that lasted just over seventy minutes. It was almost ready, and we were becoming increasingly worried that the secret would be revealed. Janice insisted that conversations about our work be kept to the Concubine's Refuge to prevent accidentally revealing our plans. The citizens seemed rather distracted though. James and Yvette seemed to spend hours in the command...

2 years ago
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Our New Neighbors Supplement 01 Claras Diary

Introduction: This is a special chapter that is outside the flow of the storyline. I wrote it as a gift for the fans of this series, especially Rinoa, who took the time to PM me some ideas and constructive criticism, which I really appreciate and encourage. Rinoa thought there was something missing about who Clara is and how she came to be such a slut. This should help… The following diary entries have been edited for spelling, grammar and punctuation only. These entries provide some...

1 year ago
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My Fetish Sex Desires fulfilled by Husband Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

There was this fantasy of mine where I wanted to experience kinky sex with my man and push ourselves for further fetish sex. We had already done it outdoors and were exhibitionists. Now I wanted something new to spice up my sex life. I had asked Adam to surprise me and I was looking forward to it tonight. I am Christine 32 years and Adam is 36 now but we manage to have an active sex life. As soon as I got home from work I notice that the house lights were on. When I entered the bedroom, there...

3 years ago
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A New PastChapter 27 New Jobs

I kissed Jeryl softly, so as not to wake her, and quietly headed out of the house for my morning run. Once again, running had become my thinking refuge. There was peacefulness to my mind as I pounded out the miles. The first weeks of summer had flown by with meetings and time in the office drafting papers and filing patents. I had spent the past two weeks in upstate New York with Doctors Reis and McTavish as we worked on the fabrication process to build our custom microprocessors. We had not...

2 years ago
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The Road or an RathadChapter 19

My return to the city of Gower was made with little fanfare. The people at the gate stared at the big stallion more than they did the young twenty-one year old man on his back. That all changed when I reached the palace, and announced who I was. I was ushered into the same reception hall as the one where I had met King Kenneth on my last visit. Before long the King himself burst into the room. I had a shock in store when I recognised who came running into the room with him ... it was...

3 years ago
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Wife fucked in party

I m 29 yrs, i m 6 feet tall, i m fair and handsome, 32″waist, 72 kg…atheletic shaped body stature and 6″ tool and thick…. Possess decent personality traits.. I believe in making good friends.. And loves to explore new horizones of life… As far as my fantasies r concerned.. I love to spend time with like minded people..how loves to get in to a sweet relationship which must me secure and descret.. I would welcome the oppurtunity to meet bm And like minded cpls and females for casual or one off...

3 years ago
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The Hijabi And The sleepover

I've always been shy and had never even thought about boys as my parents were from a strict background and they bought me up with a fear of god which made sure that from a very early age I started to wear the scarf and hijab, so it's with some bit of shame and forbidden belly trembling excitement I'm going to talk about that day where I had my first almost sexual encounterSo a bit about me, I'm 18, 5'2 petite with a slim body, light wheatish skin and what my friends keep calling a plump ass...

1 year ago
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A Show for Sir

Sir is away on a business trip. I miss his touch. My body literally aches for him when he is gone. His calls help but they are not his touch. I’ve been given no command to restrain yet I have. I am miserable, a constant throbbing in my pussy reminding me over and over how bad I need and want to cum. My thoughts are interrupted by the ringing of my phone, the tone makes me smile instantly.“Hello Sir, I miss you.”“I miss you baby girl, I won’t be away much longer.”“I’m glad to hear that...

3 years ago
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Sex in the Campground Shower

The tent was up, sleeping bags rolled out.The campsite was arranged...tables, grill, food, ice chests...and the rest of our stuff was ready. Our camping week ends are always exciting and fun. The campground wasn't even half full. Maybe I should have listened to DJ that the weather would be too bad to go camping this early in the spring. But so far, it was glorious. The other campers had spaced themselves out quite well. There were two sites between ours and our neighbors. Which was a good...

2 years ago
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A Paranormal Affair

Even before the second shot of absinthe has finished burning its way down my throat, I can feel the first one beginning to take hold of me. Its vapours rise up my throat, I'm struggling not to cough and to remain steady. Its hardly the psychedelic dissolution of reality that LSD tends to bring about, which is what I'm used to with this kind of shit after all - but its enough. That other part of me - the weird side of my brain begins to unfurl. The little whispers of sensation around me...

2 years ago
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Deep Cover

Deep Cover By Zapper Synopsis: Special Agent Scott Irons is a mutant with the Special Mutant Affairs Command and is on a mission to help infiltrate a gang with criminal ties to a terrorist group in the Philippines. Things don't go according to plan and Scott quickly finds himself over his head. Bodies are swapped and identities are stolen in this tale of action and betrayal. Author note: The rules governing mutant classifications for this...

3 years ago
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Summer EmploymentChapter 5 Sloppy Seconds

It was a Saturday morning. The office should have been quiet, but for the first hour, I was so busy sorting the mail, delivering faxes, and dodging Trudy that I didn't have time to consider what I'd let Elizabeth talk me into. I kept telling myself that having one day off per week was not important. Elizabeth had conceded to give Missy Mondays off, to pay her for the days owed, and to let her visit me in the cottage three nights per week. I'd given up my day off for Missy. I only hoped...

4 years ago
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The Education Of Richard 03

The Auditions were going poorly. I had cast my Knights. I had cast my Lords. I had cast my Clergy. I had cast my King Edward and my Prince of Wales. But I could NOT find a good match for Richard himself. I needed an actor with confidence. An actor with a force of personality, with Gravitas, an actor who could not merely play Richard on a stage, but one who could BECOME Richard. Okay, really I mostly just needed ONE male actor who could tear his eyes from my K-cup breasts for long enough to read...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Get a Telescope Improve Your Sex Life part 3

This is the final installment of the telescope story series that are hoping to become a video some day.Scene: Vanessa’s apartment. She’s only wearing a lace thong. The rest of her clothes are in a pile by the telescope. She’s pacing back and forth by the telescope. The alarm clock goes off. She turns it off, takes off the thong, and starts watching through the telescope. We see Brittany’s bedroom through the circle. It’s empty. Camera pulls back so we see Vanessa leaning over, nude, and...

1 year ago
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SkinFlick SlutChapter 7

The room was gorgeous, it had steps leading down into a beautiful lounging area with a plush carpet that just begged to be fucked on. And up higher was an enormous round bed with lots of room for lots of people. There was a hot tub in a tiny cubicle to one side; Richard mentioned that we'd use it later when we needed to relax for another round. "I thought I'd take a look at those pictures," he said as we moved toward the bed. "I want to know what to expect out of you." I smiled. We...

2 years ago
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Daughter Cum BoobChapter 3

I pounded on the door. "Mark, what are you doing in the shower? Trying to drown the dirt? Hurry up, I need to shave!" When I didn't get an immediate response, I added, "Mark! Do you even hear me?" "Um, five minutes Dad!" Mark's voice sounded strange. "Not a second more!" I demanded. I went downstairs to put breakfast dishes in the dishwasher while I waited. It didn't take me the full five minutes, but I headed back upstairs anyway. I was in for a shock when I got there. Through...

2 years ago
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Promises Promises

Promises, Promises By Marc Lane Marc and Kara had become close friends. Late one evening about six months ago, Marc and Kara struck up a conversation in the laundry room at their apartment complex, while each was up late catching up on their laundry. Both were part- time students at the local college and both worked part-time. Marc, 19, was in his first year of college and worked part-time as a clerk at a drug store while Kara, 21, was finishing her third year and was working...

4 years ago
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Girl Gets Her Man Ch 14

David and Karen watched from the doorway. They’d left James in his seat to go after Daniel. James Croix watched them go, but didn’t make a move. Karen seemed confused, which was something that she never showed. David had never seen his son stand taller. Jerry was inches from his face, but Dan didn’t move away. David wondered what happened to the quiet boy that he’d always known. Daniel held his shoulders back as he spoke with conviction, ‘She’s nobody’s girl!’ Jo put a hand on the boy’s arm and...

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