Cenicienta Y El Principe free porn video

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La Cenicienta Tras bailar toda la noche con la bella dama misteriosa, una mujer simp?tica y gr?cil, de grandes ojos azules, el pr?ncipe qued? perdidamente enamorado. Era su fiesta de cumplea?os, una fiesta que marcaba el inicio de su madurez. Habiendo pasado los ?ltimos 5 a?os en el campo de batalla, en las carpas de los generales aprendiendo sobre estrategia, dando ?rdenes a los soldados, teniendo combates victoriosos y derrotas con innumerables bajas. No eran guerras importantes, era m?s bien un acuerdo entre los reinos vecinos para continuar con el arte castrense y mantener entretenidos a los nobles que les gustaba jugar a los soldados. Esta noche ser?a distinta, no dormir?a en campamentos fangosos ni en carpas fr?as, sino en sus reales aposentos, con s?banas de seda. No blandir?a su espada, ni usar?a su pesada armadura, sino que alzar?a las copas en su traje de gala, no gritar?a ?rdenes ni ver?a personas morir, sino que cantar?a alegre con sus amigos. Su padre hab?a planeado esta celebraci?n con anterioridad. Era imprescindible que el pr?ncipe tuviera consorte. Era el hijo menor de nueve, ya todos estaban casados o prometidos con las hijas de los reyes, condes y duques de reinos cercanos, por lo que no necesitaban (ni quer?an) m?s alianzas nupciales. Su hijo soltero daba al rey la posibilidad de congratularse con los ricos del reino, que dar?an la mitad de su fortuna por que su hija fuera princesa, y dar?a a la corona una imagen de cercan?a con el pueblo llano. Y ah? estaba Henry, con sus ojos puestos en la ?nica mujer que nadie conoc?a. Por su aspecto pod?amos deducir que era inmensamente rica. Las cuentas brillantes en su vestido reflejaban la luz en peque?os arco?ris. De su cuello colgaban diamantes, y su tiara ten?a hermosas joyas. Lo que m?s llam? la atenci?n del pr?ncipe Henry y del resto de los asistentes fueron las zapatillas de cristal, cuyos tan precisos como los de un diamante, hac?an resplandecer los diminutos pies de la joven. Entonces, a las doce empezaron a sonar las campanadas de la iglesia, marcando la media noche. La desconocida se disculp? y comenz? a correr hacia la salida. Henry corri? detr?s de ella. Algunos dicen que en la carrera una zapatilla "resbal?" de su pie, quedando en la escalera. Lo cierto es que no fue uno, sino ambos zapatos, y no se desliz?, m?s bien se los quit? ella misma, dej?ndolos tirados, pues con el tac?n alto no pod?a correr. El pr?ncipe no pudo darle alcance, y la perdi? de vista. Henry no quiso regresar al banquete en su honor. No import? la insistencia de su padre porque conociera a la hija del orfebre, ni del comerciante de productos de oriente, nada le hizo cambiar de opini?n, ten?a que encontrar a la dama misteriosa. Al d?a siguiente, su padre acept? enviar un contingente en b?squeda de la doncella. Hubo varios testigos en la fiesta, por lo que no hab?a necesidad de probar zapatillas (m?todo impreciso y supersticioso). No la encontraron ni en la primer semana, ni en el primer mes. No se encontr? ni en la ciudad ni en los lugares cercanos. Nadie la conoc?a, nadie hab?a escuchado de ella. Si no hubieran visto al pr?ncipe bailar toda la noche con ella, todos hubieran cre?do que eran meras fantas?as. El tema se olvid?, no era una prioridad para el reino. El pr?ncipe no eligi? consorte, para enojo de su padre. As? que volver?a al campo a seguir jugando a los soldados. La depresi?n de Henry fue creciendo, y la fecha para regresar a la guerra se acercaba. No dorm?a, no com?a, pasaba d?as sin salir de su cuarto. Atesoraba las zapatillas de cristal, como ?nico recuerdo de su encuentro con la mujer desconocida, tom?ndolas en sus manos, acarici?ndolas, como hubiera querido hacer con los pies de su amada. De repente mir? brillar los zapatos, como si produjeran una luz propia que iluminaba su habitaci?n. Los zapatos, de absurda peque?ez empezaron a crecer ante sus ojos. Ya no cab?an en la palma de su mano como hace un momento, segu?an creciendo y brillando. Cuando ten?an el doble de su tama?o inicial dejaron de crecer. Escuch? una voz que le dec?a: ponte las zapatillas. -?Ponerme las zapatillas? ?Qu? idea est?pida!- pens?. Pero la voz continu?: ponte las zapatillas, ponte las zapatillas, ponte las zapatillas. Las ventanas se abrieron con un fuerte viento, y de entre las cortinas entr? una figura femenina. Era como un fantasma, hermoso y terrible, con un vestido blanco sencillo y cabellos de plata. ?P?ntelas! Grit?, atraves?ndolo y desapareciendo tan intempestivamente como hab?a aparecido. Con terror, casi en transe, el pr?ncipe se quit? sus zapatos de descanso y sus medias, y t?midamente obedeci? la orden. Se coloc? la zapatilla derecha y despu?s la izquierda. Quedaban perfectas. Dio un paso torpemente, despu?s otro y se volvi? a sentar. Intent? sacarse las zapatillas, pero no pudo, estaban atoradas. De pronto sinti? dolor en sus pies. Las zapatillas se encog?an. Cada vez m?s peque?as, cada vez m?s dolor, gritaba desesperado, pero nadie acud?a a ayudarle. Cuando regresaron a su tama?o original, dejaron de encogerse y el dolor cedi?. Pod?a ver a trav?s del cristal finamente cortado en ?ngulos iridiscentes, que sus pies estaban ?ntegros. El brillo del cristal se extendi? por su propio cuerpo. Sus piernas irradiaban luz. Sinti? todo su cuerpo arder, cada parte de su ser se transformaba poco a poco. Sinti? que sus caderas se ensanchaban y el contorno de sus piernas se hac?a m?s suave. Su cintura se contrajo, hasta ser m?s delgada que el tronco de un manzano, sus hombros encogieron estilizando su figura. En su pecho crecieron dos grandes senos redondos. El cabello en empez? a crecer, rubio y lacio, cubriendo su cara, llegando a su cintura. El ardor cedi?, y con ?l se fue la tristeza. Por un momento olvid? cual era la causa de su desconsuelo. Entonces mir? al espejo. Una joven hermosa de grandes ojos azules mir? de regreso. Era ella. La dama misteriosa, la hermosa mujer con quien hab?a bailado la noche de la fiesta. Pero en ese momento no la reconoci?. Solo se ve?a a s? misma, a la princesa Henrietta, en su camis?n de dormir, con el cabello desordenado, movido por el viento. Corri? a la ventana para cerrarla, ya que el fr?o empezaba a arreciar. ?Por qu? llevaba sus zapatillas de cristal puestas? No lo pudo comprender. Pens? que quiz?s hab?a caminado dormida. Se quit? las zapatillas y regres? a la cama. Al d?a siguiente, sus dos damas de compa??a entraron a su habitaci?n, ayud?ndole a vestirse. Decidi? usar un hermoso vestido rojo de terciopelo. Sus diminutos pies se calzaron en suabes zapatillas de tac?n bajo, a juego con el vestido. - ?Hoy amaneci? alegre la princesa! - dijo Margaret, su dama - Siento que he despertado de un sue?o - respondi? Henrietta- como si las cosas volvieran a su lugar. As? sali? con paso alegre a saludar a sus padres, quienes organizaban una nueva fiesta, esperando que, en esta ocasi?n, su hija por fin encontrara consorte.

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The Collar

It has been decades since the vaccine was created in the early 2020's to fight the pandemic. Noticed years too late, the vaccine changed the genetic structure of humanity, creating a five to one birth ratio in favor of females. There were the obvious responses to this of course. Polyamorous marriages, more women of power in civilized countries, medical researchers trying to find away to reverse the changes, and hundreds of other ideas both good and bad. Then one day, the Collars started...

2 years ago
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Anna and Kyle

I hung up the phone and opened my office door, having just closed the biggest deal in my little advertising firm's short history. Walking into the outer office, I was a bit disappointed to see just one of my eight employees still at his desk. I'd been excited to share my news and had planned to buy everyone a drink at the bar around the corner to celebrate the deal and kick off the weekend."Where did everyone go?" I sat down in the chair next to Kyle's desk."Home, I guess." Kyle shrugged as he...

4 years ago
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River 16

Chapter 16 So far: River meets two new people, and the river bestows gifts on them. Carla gets a family, and a chance to be a girl, including a shopping trip. River and her new lawyer go to town, and make up with the hospital and the liquor agency. Then they cap off a busy day with a trip to Colin, resident computer nerd, and discover that a viral product means money will be coming into the reserve. And now: For a change we will look at the following four days, Wednesday to Saturday...

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Sultry Summer Ch 24

Lori was on pins and needles when she arrived at work Friday morning. She hadn’t heard from Ray in several days and was frightened. Had he forgotten about her? Had she done something to make him angry with her? Despite her fears that Ray might not appear for their date, she made arrangements for her friend Marie to take care of her son Donnie for the weekend. By quitting time she still hadn’t heard from Ray and was almost convinced she’d seen the last of him. She shut down her computer, made...

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A 101 The Smoking Room

by Alex Greene writing as ‘Fiat Knox’ Copyright © Alex Greene. All rights reserved. It was to be, for Julia Markham, a most interesting day. Boredom was the bane of Julia’s life. She had a boring home, a boring boyfriend, a boring job. Even her holidays were boring, with the same boring people in the same boring resorts. Every year they would plan a different resort: each year, they’d find that the same boring people had booked the same bloody boring resort as they, almost as if they were...

2 years ago
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AbductionShe stood at the window of her apartment bedroom, staring out into the night.  Absently, she set her mug of fragrant, steaming tea on the windowsill with a quiet, precise clink.  The darkened room at her back perfectly suited her pensive mood. She sensed a presence behind her.  Probably L, she thought, and without turning, she asked, ?What do you want?? A subtle scent of some unknown perfume was her only warning, jolting her out of her reverie as a female voice whispered, ?You,? and a...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Redhead

Waking up in her soft bed, Zoey walks to her window and looks into the scenery "beautiful." She says. she sees the peaceful animals co-existing. She looks out her window to see...

3 years ago
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Consoling in strange circumstances Consoling frie

Consoling in strange circumstances________Consoling friend’s grieving mother______ Life is more dramatic than dramaSome events are unbelievable and appear to be crazy, taboo and perverted but happens. The persons in the story happen to fulfill their inner desire the basic instinct, some people may call it a****l instinct indecent but the desire prompted by physiological need erupts despite all reasoning, logic, traditions, religious fears, and possible consequences. The story describes a love...

4 years ago
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Secret desires8230

My name is sunny. Iam a 24 year old guy from jammu. This story is about me and a married female roshni(real name) who called me to her home after a few days of meeting on a chat and a couple of phone sessions. We met in a chat and i on her request showed her my pics. Though on many requests, she did not show me her pics. Later i came to know that she did not know how to put them in her computer. Anyways, somedays later we exchanged mobile numbers and started talking. We talked on phone about...

2 years ago
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My Introduction

Introduction: Just a quick read if you so please. Well, my name is Lizzie Elliott. I was born and raised in Toronto Canada. Toronto is also the city or setting where my stories take place. Im currently 19 years old, a high school drop-out working a full time job. I live by myself, with the exception of my two pet dogs and fishes. I cook, I clean, I get by in life by just relaxing and having fun. I was born a boy, and I really did think I was a boy as life went by. I had a boys name, I had a...

4 years ago
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My fantasy about my wife

(Some Background)Ever since I got engaged I have been having these thoughts of my wife Amber doing things I would once consider taboo, I'm not into her actually banging somebody else, but I wouldn't mind if she jerked someone else off or even sucked em off & allowed that same stranger to ejaculate on her face, ass, hands, feet or tits whatever she would like!!! My wife is a petite Latina with a great body and amazing ass, she is very pretty in the face, very feminine, small hands and pretty...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Skye Blue Step Sisters Sex Scene

Skye Blue needs some help practicing her lines for an upcoming scene for an upcoming movie she’s got a part in. She asks her stepbrother Tony to get his friend to give her a hand. Tony’s friend bails, so Tony reluctantly offers to help. Skye is a little hesitant since the scene involves nudity, but Tony points out that they’re not related and she needs to be comfortable showing off her body. Skye eventually strips, surprising Tony with her big boobs and hot body. The...

3 years ago
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Just Sex

‘This doesn’t mean anything,’ Brian says harshly against your lips. You glare and shove him further into the wall, delighting in his gasp of pain as his back smacks against the wet tiles. ‘Fucker,’ he curses, pushing hard against your chest in an effort to shove you away. You grip his arms tightly, not giving him an inch. He thrashes violently against you until you shove a knee between his legs and grind your thigh against his cock. His head slams back against the wall and the moan he lets...

3 years ago
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Best Night of My Life Part 3

Authors Note: Although based on certain true events, this story is a work of fiction. It is intended for entertainment purposes only. It builds slowly and contains a lot of details. Yes, there is sex in this story. No, it doesn't happen right away. If you are looking for a story with raunchy sex at the get-go that never lets up, you probably won't enjoy this. Most of the scenes are a build-up of erotically charged circumstances.-----------------continued from part 2 Sara, though, spoke up “I...

First Time
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Sucked Fucked

I see her come out of the shower in a towel, I follow her and she goes into her room. I look through the door and see her standing infront of a mirror with her back to me. She takes off the towel, exposing her wonderful body. I sneak her behind her and grab her ass from behind. She looks around, sees that it is me and smiles, then she starts rubbing her ass against my crotch, making me hard. Then she turns around a leads me to a chair, pushes me down, and kneels infront of me. She then pulls my...

4 years ago
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Caught by friends

I've been chatting and sharing about my first time sorry for any typos but I'm going to share the whole story hope you enjoy.When I was a teenager I was supposed to be at the local pool about a block from my house. Well knowing both my parents would be at work I rode my bike back home I loved jerking off while wearing my mother's panties on this day I got a little more daring knowing I had 4 hours alone I stripped down went to her panty drawer and looked thru it I found a white lace teddy I got...

4 years ago
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The Major and his Daughter Chapter I

Her father was the Major of Four Courts, a small town on an Island far, far away. He was a man of might and great wealth, a respected citizen and a powerful man. They were only two, Scarlet and her father -Major Whitlock. Scarlets mother died during childbirth, and was never able to see her little daughter grow up. The Major raised her all by himself, and watched over her like a hawk every minute of every time. He even had the servants put bars in front of Scarlets bedroom windows, and the...

2 years ago
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The Choice

A loving mother gives her child a simple choice. But nothing is ever simple. I leaned out of our back door and yelled out into the yard. “Johnny?” “Yes Mum?” A little voice came floating down out of the big Maple tree in our back yard. “Come down out of the tree, honey. It’s time to wash up for dinner.” I watched as a few branches started shaking and then the little monkey came into view as he scrambled down out of the tree. I watched until he was safely on the ground – partly because I...

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Caroles Big Mistake

Carole?s Big Mistake By thumb All characters are fictitious..This is fantasy not real.This is an adult story and should not be read by or to children.It is good to be back writing .My health stopped my Owned Teacher story and I work slower now but I thought I would give it another shot. This story may take some time to develop but there is a plan.E- Mail:[email protected] Chapter 1   Mrs. Carole Carsonis a 42 year old suburban housewife with two children.Heather 22, her daughter, is a...

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