Cenicienta Y El Principe free porn video

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La Cenicienta Tras bailar toda la noche con la bella dama misteriosa, una mujer simp?tica y gr?cil, de grandes ojos azules, el pr?ncipe qued? perdidamente enamorado. Era su fiesta de cumplea?os, una fiesta que marcaba el inicio de su madurez. Habiendo pasado los ?ltimos 5 a?os en el campo de batalla, en las carpas de los generales aprendiendo sobre estrategia, dando ?rdenes a los soldados, teniendo combates victoriosos y derrotas con innumerables bajas. No eran guerras importantes, era m?s bien un acuerdo entre los reinos vecinos para continuar con el arte castrense y mantener entretenidos a los nobles que les gustaba jugar a los soldados. Esta noche ser?a distinta, no dormir?a en campamentos fangosos ni en carpas fr?as, sino en sus reales aposentos, con s?banas de seda. No blandir?a su espada, ni usar?a su pesada armadura, sino que alzar?a las copas en su traje de gala, no gritar?a ?rdenes ni ver?a personas morir, sino que cantar?a alegre con sus amigos. Su padre hab?a planeado esta celebraci?n con anterioridad. Era imprescindible que el pr?ncipe tuviera consorte. Era el hijo menor de nueve, ya todos estaban casados o prometidos con las hijas de los reyes, condes y duques de reinos cercanos, por lo que no necesitaban (ni quer?an) m?s alianzas nupciales. Su hijo soltero daba al rey la posibilidad de congratularse con los ricos del reino, que dar?an la mitad de su fortuna por que su hija fuera princesa, y dar?a a la corona una imagen de cercan?a con el pueblo llano. Y ah? estaba Henry, con sus ojos puestos en la ?nica mujer que nadie conoc?a. Por su aspecto pod?amos deducir que era inmensamente rica. Las cuentas brillantes en su vestido reflejaban la luz en peque?os arco?ris. De su cuello colgaban diamantes, y su tiara ten?a hermosas joyas. Lo que m?s llam? la atenci?n del pr?ncipe Henry y del resto de los asistentes fueron las zapatillas de cristal, cuyos tan precisos como los de un diamante, hac?an resplandecer los diminutos pies de la joven. Entonces, a las doce empezaron a sonar las campanadas de la iglesia, marcando la media noche. La desconocida se disculp? y comenz? a correr hacia la salida. Henry corri? detr?s de ella. Algunos dicen que en la carrera una zapatilla "resbal?" de su pie, quedando en la escalera. Lo cierto es que no fue uno, sino ambos zapatos, y no se desliz?, m?s bien se los quit? ella misma, dej?ndolos tirados, pues con el tac?n alto no pod?a correr. El pr?ncipe no pudo darle alcance, y la perdi? de vista. Henry no quiso regresar al banquete en su honor. No import? la insistencia de su padre porque conociera a la hija del orfebre, ni del comerciante de productos de oriente, nada le hizo cambiar de opini?n, ten?a que encontrar a la dama misteriosa. Al d?a siguiente, su padre acept? enviar un contingente en b?squeda de la doncella. Hubo varios testigos en la fiesta, por lo que no hab?a necesidad de probar zapatillas (m?todo impreciso y supersticioso). No la encontraron ni en la primer semana, ni en el primer mes. No se encontr? ni en la ciudad ni en los lugares cercanos. Nadie la conoc?a, nadie hab?a escuchado de ella. Si no hubieran visto al pr?ncipe bailar toda la noche con ella, todos hubieran cre?do que eran meras fantas?as. El tema se olvid?, no era una prioridad para el reino. El pr?ncipe no eligi? consorte, para enojo de su padre. As? que volver?a al campo a seguir jugando a los soldados. La depresi?n de Henry fue creciendo, y la fecha para regresar a la guerra se acercaba. No dorm?a, no com?a, pasaba d?as sin salir de su cuarto. Atesoraba las zapatillas de cristal, como ?nico recuerdo de su encuentro con la mujer desconocida, tom?ndolas en sus manos, acarici?ndolas, como hubiera querido hacer con los pies de su amada. De repente mir? brillar los zapatos, como si produjeran una luz propia que iluminaba su habitaci?n. Los zapatos, de absurda peque?ez empezaron a crecer ante sus ojos. Ya no cab?an en la palma de su mano como hace un momento, segu?an creciendo y brillando. Cuando ten?an el doble de su tama?o inicial dejaron de crecer. Escuch? una voz que le dec?a: ponte las zapatillas. -?Ponerme las zapatillas? ?Qu? idea est?pida!- pens?. Pero la voz continu?: ponte las zapatillas, ponte las zapatillas, ponte las zapatillas. Las ventanas se abrieron con un fuerte viento, y de entre las cortinas entr? una figura femenina. Era como un fantasma, hermoso y terrible, con un vestido blanco sencillo y cabellos de plata. ?P?ntelas! Grit?, atraves?ndolo y desapareciendo tan intempestivamente como hab?a aparecido. Con terror, casi en transe, el pr?ncipe se quit? sus zapatos de descanso y sus medias, y t?midamente obedeci? la orden. Se coloc? la zapatilla derecha y despu?s la izquierda. Quedaban perfectas. Dio un paso torpemente, despu?s otro y se volvi? a sentar. Intent? sacarse las zapatillas, pero no pudo, estaban atoradas. De pronto sinti? dolor en sus pies. Las zapatillas se encog?an. Cada vez m?s peque?as, cada vez m?s dolor, gritaba desesperado, pero nadie acud?a a ayudarle. Cuando regresaron a su tama?o original, dejaron de encogerse y el dolor cedi?. Pod?a ver a trav?s del cristal finamente cortado en ?ngulos iridiscentes, que sus pies estaban ?ntegros. El brillo del cristal se extendi? por su propio cuerpo. Sus piernas irradiaban luz. Sinti? todo su cuerpo arder, cada parte de su ser se transformaba poco a poco. Sinti? que sus caderas se ensanchaban y el contorno de sus piernas se hac?a m?s suave. Su cintura se contrajo, hasta ser m?s delgada que el tronco de un manzano, sus hombros encogieron estilizando su figura. En su pecho crecieron dos grandes senos redondos. El cabello en empez? a crecer, rubio y lacio, cubriendo su cara, llegando a su cintura. El ardor cedi?, y con ?l se fue la tristeza. Por un momento olvid? cual era la causa de su desconsuelo. Entonces mir? al espejo. Una joven hermosa de grandes ojos azules mir? de regreso. Era ella. La dama misteriosa, la hermosa mujer con quien hab?a bailado la noche de la fiesta. Pero en ese momento no la reconoci?. Solo se ve?a a s? misma, a la princesa Henrietta, en su camis?n de dormir, con el cabello desordenado, movido por el viento. Corri? a la ventana para cerrarla, ya que el fr?o empezaba a arreciar. ?Por qu? llevaba sus zapatillas de cristal puestas? No lo pudo comprender. Pens? que quiz?s hab?a caminado dormida. Se quit? las zapatillas y regres? a la cama. Al d?a siguiente, sus dos damas de compa??a entraron a su habitaci?n, ayud?ndole a vestirse. Decidi? usar un hermoso vestido rojo de terciopelo. Sus diminutos pies se calzaron en suabes zapatillas de tac?n bajo, a juego con el vestido. - ?Hoy amaneci? alegre la princesa! - dijo Margaret, su dama - Siento que he despertado de un sue?o - respondi? Henrietta- como si las cosas volvieran a su lugar. As? sali? con paso alegre a saludar a sus padres, quienes organizaban una nueva fiesta, esperando que, en esta ocasi?n, su hija por fin encontrara consorte.

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Dee models for Amateur Photography Club Part 2

We were in the kitchen eating supper.“Steve called today, I’ve agreed to go to his next photo session on Monday. It’s in the morning. Can you get the time off?”“Monday morning? You know I can’t get off a morning off that soon. If you had called me after you got the call I could have perhaps made arrangements.”I think she knew that would be my answer. It was Friday evening and on Monday mornings we had a team meeting and as I was a major part of it there in no chance of getting out of it. “What...

4 years ago
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Wifes Jamaican Special Massage Blacken

My wife Julie and I decided to take a well deserved vacation to the Caribbean. After some research we decided on Jamaica. I went online to look at the different resorts, as we were looking for some privacy. I found a small exclusive resort called GoldenEye. It was expensive but very private.Six weeks later we were flying to Jamaica. When Julie returned from the restroom on the flight I noticed she had removed her bra. She smiled at me and said she would not be needing one for the next five...

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When two Arab guys used me as their toy2

It was an ordinary Friday night out in Brussels. I had met up with some friends to grab a drink in a newly opened gay bar in centre of town. The premises were rather trendy; the crowd was young, cute and looked smart. People mostly stayed in their respective groups, distinctly cornered in, throwing a look now and then over the room at other boys. Yet they didn’t take the initiative to move over taking the initial contact. The curse of being young: the self-confidence clearly had no...

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punishing bitch

"You should eat." I told her. She looked up at me with hateful eyes and said "Why, so I have energy when you rape me?" the words flew out of her mouth in an angry flurry. I looked at her coldly. I figured there would come a point when bitch got so full of hate that she back talked me. I wasn't surprised by her actions. But I would punish her for her words. She was my property. My truck wouldn't stall out of spite, and bitch will learn not to be disrespectful to her master. I...

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sometimes random fun does happen

I live in the northern part of England in a small town not much happens here but i guess theres a lot i don't know about. Anyway fun is limited here so i do most of my searching for it on social media or websites and as i am bi i can enjoy and explore more, but i do only like older men as i find that more erotic. anyway I have met a couple of men pre arranged but have never had it come my way accidentally until recently. I had a free afternoon with nothing planned or any ideas what to do so...

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I Never Knew

My wife Clarice and I were at a party at a friend's home. We had just finished our meal on the patio and some of our old friends had begun drinking in earnest. I was standing beside my best friend Tom while we watched our friends make fools of themselves once again. My wife Clarice and I had moved back to my hometown two weeks before and this was the first social function we had been invited to since. My best friend Tom and I were talking and watching Clarice dance with some of the other...

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Alaska Nights episode 6

We arrived at my new duty station in Juneau, Alaska in 1966. There was no military base, just a small detachment of communications specialists. The detachment consisted of one commanding officer and a dozen or so enlisted personnel headquartered in the federal building. My wife, Dot and I were both 28 years old and looking forward to a new assignment and new faces. Transfers always meant we left good friends behind, but that’s life in the military. You could only hope to meet up with your...

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Return of a HeroChapter 12

Amy had never been in the Governor's mansion before this bright and sunny Friday morning on the winter after she was re-united with her children. She had already fed Christina and she was sound asleep in her stroller with an angelic look on her face. If only she were as angelic at night and didn't keep her awake to all hours with her sporadic awakenings and loud vociferous demands. Violet and Duncan were always well-behaved and she had no problems on that score at all. Right after the baby...

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Railroad Robledo Mountain 4Chapter 17

Before going to bed, Tom and I worked on the mortar shells in the den. “Paul are you sure this is going to work?” Tom asked skeptically, as he applied hide glue around the brass sides at the bottom of the 12-gauge shotgun shell. “It should work just fine, at least for the shotgun shells, Tom. The tricky part of all this is the caps in the top of the shells.” Squinting, I focused my mind on dabbing just a little hide glue on the percussion cap before sticking it inside the plunger cap and...

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Long Distance Friends

His eyes searched avidly through the crowd of people flocking off the plane. Standing over six feet tall, Jason could see each person as they disembarked. ‘No, too heavy… no, too short… no, too dark…,’ he fervently thought as his blue eyes assessed each person. Stephanie would soon become familiar with their touch of gray and green like an artist’s palette. ‘Wait, is that… could that… it is!’ he thought excitedly as he saw the blond, flipped hairstyle belonging to the person he sought...

2 years ago
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cuckold lifestyle 45

Today is Sunday and that's when I do most of my yard work. When the boxwoods need trimmed in the front of the house I always start with them. This way I can run the clippings over with the mower and bag them up. Well this morning I was clipping away at the long over due plants and having a Hell of a time pulling the clippings out. My wife came out on the front porch and asked me if I wanted something cold to drink. I looked up at her and before I answered I noticed she was wearing on of my...

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How I Lost My Virginity

Not to be boasting about, but I am actually a good looking person with a good physique. My height is around 5’8” and my dick is 6.5” long. It was not long back, that I lost my virginity. I am just 18. And in 2nd year of my college. I was in a relation with this girl named Shayari(Name changed) for around 2 years. In these 2 years, to be honest enough, we never had sex. We saw each other nude, kissed each other, bathed together, made out, but I never penetrated her because I had a feeling that...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 4 Isekai Life Social Engineering

“Sure~! I’d love to hear your backstory!” I had very carefully not selected any of my languages up until this point. By doing so, I made sure that this interaction wouldn’t end until I was ready to do so, but I could still play it off as a forgetful accident. Now, Corgiel didn’t realize it, but she was trapped, with no choice but to do the thing that all other gamers hate: listen to someone talk about their character’s backstory. Of course, in the real world, gamers gladly listen to each...

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Taking Care of Business Chapter 2

Marcy took a look at Mr. Lewis, feeling an intense attraction to him. There was definitely sexual tension between them. She no longer cared about the interview or the job. It was all about the sex at this point. She looked at Mr. Lewis and said, “I am one of the perks of this company. You are a good customer, which provides you the use of my body at your discretion.” “Gibson! Why have you been holding out on me?” Mr. Lewis barked. “Well, Marcy was just hired today Mr. Lewis,” Gibson...

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Family Of Lust 8211 Pt 2 My Horny Sister And Me

Hey motherfuckers. Long time no see. This is a sequel to ‘Family Of Lust’. I am Drake and this is about how my family relationship went on. I hope you guys have read my previous story, . If you haven’t please do read it. So previously on ‘Family Of Lust’, I had described to you how my cock hungry mom fucked my uncle. So when I saw them on the bed, I took a pic of them for proof and then jerked off that night. My hot busty mom was really a fuckable material. But first things first I had to get...

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MomDrips Anissa Kate Two Loads

Even though her religion calls for her to cover herself in front of men, MILF Anissa Kate still likes to keep her body in tip-top shape. But when her trainer comes over while her husband is out of the house, she’s a little nervous. She keeps her hijab on while she works out, but soon he convinces her to take off her gym clothes. After a little perspiration, Anissa gets so excited that she grabs her trainer’s cock and stuffs it in her mouth. He fucks her hard until he cums in her pussy. Then, he...

4 years ago
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Horny Stranger Fucked In My Car

Hi all, I’m Aditya. I’m 27 years old. I work as a Senior Manager in an exciting startup in Gurgaon. I am sharing a real-life incident that happened with me last year when I was in Hyderabad. I would love to hear feedback from hot girls/aunties of ISS at So I went to this pub Bottles and Chimneys (B&C) in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad with my office colleagues on a Friday night. I was in a great mood and had started having a few drinks and enjoying the ambiance. My friends from the office were busy...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 15 Paradise by the Dashboard Lights

Medway High School Parking Lot 10:05pm, Friday, February 16, 1979 “Man, I wished this car would heat up fast, it’s freezing out here,” Lynette said as she started the engine. “What, it doesn’t heat up as fast as you do?” I asked and ran my hand over her fishnet stocking covered right thigh. When my hand slide just under the edge of her black hounds-tooth skirt, I added, “I’m guessing you’ll be asking that these windows be rolled down some in a little while, after things heat up in...

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Lets Play

Steven and Lyndsey had been looking forward to this break for awhile. They had both been working hard and needed some relaxation. They got on the train early Friday morning, but as was to be expected it was full of commuters. There were no seats but they managed to find a spot to stand near the doors. The train stood in the station for awhile but then finally they were off. A whole weekend away from everyone and everything awaited them. They had been on the train for over an hour when at the...

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