Cenicienta Y El Principe free porn video

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La Cenicienta Tras bailar toda la noche con la bella dama misteriosa, una mujer simp?tica y gr?cil, de grandes ojos azules, el pr?ncipe qued? perdidamente enamorado. Era su fiesta de cumplea?os, una fiesta que marcaba el inicio de su madurez. Habiendo pasado los ?ltimos 5 a?os en el campo de batalla, en las carpas de los generales aprendiendo sobre estrategia, dando ?rdenes a los soldados, teniendo combates victoriosos y derrotas con innumerables bajas. No eran guerras importantes, era m?s bien un acuerdo entre los reinos vecinos para continuar con el arte castrense y mantener entretenidos a los nobles que les gustaba jugar a los soldados. Esta noche ser?a distinta, no dormir?a en campamentos fangosos ni en carpas fr?as, sino en sus reales aposentos, con s?banas de seda. No blandir?a su espada, ni usar?a su pesada armadura, sino que alzar?a las copas en su traje de gala, no gritar?a ?rdenes ni ver?a personas morir, sino que cantar?a alegre con sus amigos. Su padre hab?a planeado esta celebraci?n con anterioridad. Era imprescindible que el pr?ncipe tuviera consorte. Era el hijo menor de nueve, ya todos estaban casados o prometidos con las hijas de los reyes, condes y duques de reinos cercanos, por lo que no necesitaban (ni quer?an) m?s alianzas nupciales. Su hijo soltero daba al rey la posibilidad de congratularse con los ricos del reino, que dar?an la mitad de su fortuna por que su hija fuera princesa, y dar?a a la corona una imagen de cercan?a con el pueblo llano. Y ah? estaba Henry, con sus ojos puestos en la ?nica mujer que nadie conoc?a. Por su aspecto pod?amos deducir que era inmensamente rica. Las cuentas brillantes en su vestido reflejaban la luz en peque?os arco?ris. De su cuello colgaban diamantes, y su tiara ten?a hermosas joyas. Lo que m?s llam? la atenci?n del pr?ncipe Henry y del resto de los asistentes fueron las zapatillas de cristal, cuyos tan precisos como los de un diamante, hac?an resplandecer los diminutos pies de la joven. Entonces, a las doce empezaron a sonar las campanadas de la iglesia, marcando la media noche. La desconocida se disculp? y comenz? a correr hacia la salida. Henry corri? detr?s de ella. Algunos dicen que en la carrera una zapatilla "resbal?" de su pie, quedando en la escalera. Lo cierto es que no fue uno, sino ambos zapatos, y no se desliz?, m?s bien se los quit? ella misma, dej?ndolos tirados, pues con el tac?n alto no pod?a correr. El pr?ncipe no pudo darle alcance, y la perdi? de vista. Henry no quiso regresar al banquete en su honor. No import? la insistencia de su padre porque conociera a la hija del orfebre, ni del comerciante de productos de oriente, nada le hizo cambiar de opini?n, ten?a que encontrar a la dama misteriosa. Al d?a siguiente, su padre acept? enviar un contingente en b?squeda de la doncella. Hubo varios testigos en la fiesta, por lo que no hab?a necesidad de probar zapatillas (m?todo impreciso y supersticioso). No la encontraron ni en la primer semana, ni en el primer mes. No se encontr? ni en la ciudad ni en los lugares cercanos. Nadie la conoc?a, nadie hab?a escuchado de ella. Si no hubieran visto al pr?ncipe bailar toda la noche con ella, todos hubieran cre?do que eran meras fantas?as. El tema se olvid?, no era una prioridad para el reino. El pr?ncipe no eligi? consorte, para enojo de su padre. As? que volver?a al campo a seguir jugando a los soldados. La depresi?n de Henry fue creciendo, y la fecha para regresar a la guerra se acercaba. No dorm?a, no com?a, pasaba d?as sin salir de su cuarto. Atesoraba las zapatillas de cristal, como ?nico recuerdo de su encuentro con la mujer desconocida, tom?ndolas en sus manos, acarici?ndolas, como hubiera querido hacer con los pies de su amada. De repente mir? brillar los zapatos, como si produjeran una luz propia que iluminaba su habitaci?n. Los zapatos, de absurda peque?ez empezaron a crecer ante sus ojos. Ya no cab?an en la palma de su mano como hace un momento, segu?an creciendo y brillando. Cuando ten?an el doble de su tama?o inicial dejaron de crecer. Escuch? una voz que le dec?a: ponte las zapatillas. -?Ponerme las zapatillas? ?Qu? idea est?pida!- pens?. Pero la voz continu?: ponte las zapatillas, ponte las zapatillas, ponte las zapatillas. Las ventanas se abrieron con un fuerte viento, y de entre las cortinas entr? una figura femenina. Era como un fantasma, hermoso y terrible, con un vestido blanco sencillo y cabellos de plata. ?P?ntelas! Grit?, atraves?ndolo y desapareciendo tan intempestivamente como hab?a aparecido. Con terror, casi en transe, el pr?ncipe se quit? sus zapatos de descanso y sus medias, y t?midamente obedeci? la orden. Se coloc? la zapatilla derecha y despu?s la izquierda. Quedaban perfectas. Dio un paso torpemente, despu?s otro y se volvi? a sentar. Intent? sacarse las zapatillas, pero no pudo, estaban atoradas. De pronto sinti? dolor en sus pies. Las zapatillas se encog?an. Cada vez m?s peque?as, cada vez m?s dolor, gritaba desesperado, pero nadie acud?a a ayudarle. Cuando regresaron a su tama?o original, dejaron de encogerse y el dolor cedi?. Pod?a ver a trav?s del cristal finamente cortado en ?ngulos iridiscentes, que sus pies estaban ?ntegros. El brillo del cristal se extendi? por su propio cuerpo. Sus piernas irradiaban luz. Sinti? todo su cuerpo arder, cada parte de su ser se transformaba poco a poco. Sinti? que sus caderas se ensanchaban y el contorno de sus piernas se hac?a m?s suave. Su cintura se contrajo, hasta ser m?s delgada que el tronco de un manzano, sus hombros encogieron estilizando su figura. En su pecho crecieron dos grandes senos redondos. El cabello en empez? a crecer, rubio y lacio, cubriendo su cara, llegando a su cintura. El ardor cedi?, y con ?l se fue la tristeza. Por un momento olvid? cual era la causa de su desconsuelo. Entonces mir? al espejo. Una joven hermosa de grandes ojos azules mir? de regreso. Era ella. La dama misteriosa, la hermosa mujer con quien hab?a bailado la noche de la fiesta. Pero en ese momento no la reconoci?. Solo se ve?a a s? misma, a la princesa Henrietta, en su camis?n de dormir, con el cabello desordenado, movido por el viento. Corri? a la ventana para cerrarla, ya que el fr?o empezaba a arreciar. ?Por qu? llevaba sus zapatillas de cristal puestas? No lo pudo comprender. Pens? que quiz?s hab?a caminado dormida. Se quit? las zapatillas y regres? a la cama. Al d?a siguiente, sus dos damas de compa??a entraron a su habitaci?n, ayud?ndole a vestirse. Decidi? usar un hermoso vestido rojo de terciopelo. Sus diminutos pies se calzaron en suabes zapatillas de tac?n bajo, a juego con el vestido. - ?Hoy amaneci? alegre la princesa! - dijo Margaret, su dama - Siento que he despertado de un sue?o - respondi? Henrietta- como si las cosas volvieran a su lugar. As? sali? con paso alegre a saludar a sus padres, quienes organizaban una nueva fiesta, esperando que, en esta ocasi?n, su hija por fin encontrara consorte.

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Emily barges in Tommy’s room without so much of applying a courtesy knock. Walking right in, she sees Tommy at his desk studying and doing his homework like her good little slave. “Good, I see you’re doing your homework. By the way, how are those grades coming?” She asks. Tommy was a little perturbed, ever since they made this agreement, Emily thought she had the right to walk into his room whenever she wanted to, which considering the agreement, he guessed she did. But it was still...

1 year ago
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Amazing Aspen

My body ached from a long day spent teaching skiing. It had been a tough day instructing an older couple from the big city. My legs were sore and my mind was exhausted. The short walk back from the slopes had made me yearn for a few minutes of peace and quiet. It occurred to me that what I needed was a cool drink and a long dip in the hot tub. I grabbed a bottle of champagne from the fridge. It felt good to relax. Upstairs, I stripped out of my ski clothes and looked myself over in the mirror....

2 years ago
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Any Opportunity Will Do Ch 09

This is a story about two people trying to escape a sadistic Human Sex Trafficker. There are some scenes of violence and non consensual sex. If you don’t like this type of erotica please don’t read it. If you do like it, read on. Please enjoy and give feedback, as I am still writing later Chapters and as always I like to incorporate some of your suggestions for what will happen to the characters in to the story. * John came around as he felt the kick in his stomach, the pain radiating out...

4 years ago
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Badi Behen Ko Swarg Dikhaya

Hi I am back with a hot story. First of all I thanks to all readers for their reply. Ok mein apka jyada.Time waste na karte hue sidha story par aata hu. Mera naam aaryan hai or mere ghar mein mammi papa ke ilawa meri ek badi behen hai jiska naam sonia hai. Vo dekhne mein bhot hot hai uska rang ek.Dum gora hai aisa.Lagta.Hai jaise vo ek hur ki pari ho uske 36d ke boobs hai 38inch moti gand hai jiske sabhi ladke diwane hai. Ab mein apne bare mein bta du mein bhi ek achi body wala banda hu jise...

4 years ago
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I Love Watching You Do This

I never thought that I was into bigger sized women since I have always been with girls who weren't heavier than I was. Until I met B. B had a skinny face and beautiful green eyes. Normally she seemed nerdy and po-faced, but she also knew how to have fun once she became playful. Her body was firm and her skin was soft and beautiful. She was not busty, but that sexy booty of hers....I would never be tired of it. B was also probably the first person to whom I could talk about anything sexual at...

4 years ago
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A Whole New World Chapter 2

I opened my eyes, blinking rapidly as they became accustomed to the darkness of my surroundings. I looked down to my chest, making out the shadow of my stunning goddess resting upon my chest. Her soft features rose and fell with the rhythm of my breathing, I leaned forward closing my eyes as I kissed her forehead, thanking anything that may be above for the fact this had not all been a crazy dream. As I lay back against my pillow, I noticed the dull ache in my loins, the unmistakable pain of...

1 year ago
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Tv Chix! All of us are looking for a little love, right? Between fucking chicks left and right even I have to stop and consider which chick I want to fuck for a little longer than the others. A girl I could get with 10 maybe 15 times before I get bored instead of the usual 2 or 3. I’m talking some light commitment. And porn sites just aren’t the kinds of places to find that sort of thing. But dating sites are! Sometimes finding a decent relationship shit can be tough, especially when you’re a...

Shemale Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Mommy mommy mommy Ch 4

Mommy, mommy, mommy. Chapter 4 I woke up after the best sleep I've had in weeks thinking about my evening with Devin. How comfortable I was with him and knew I wanted to be with him again. Looking back I was now so much more confident and happy. I pulled back my hair up into a loose, messy bun, wore a loose blouse and skirt and sandals, wore a bit of mascara, eye liner and lip gloss and felt so feminine. Grabbing my purse I headed to Room 01, maybe for the last time, to have my...

2 years ago
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Genestealers Smalltown IncursionChapter 2

(All characters are 18 and above wherever applicable. This series contains elements of futa and gay sex. Thank you for the feedback - it’s most welcome!) Halfway across the country, two scientists were staring up at the star-lit sky with beers in their hands. It was the much-awaited end of a long day, mostly spent playing politics and wrestling with paperwork instead of actually discovering new things. Such was the risk that came with seniority in government - one that neither of them wanted...

3 years ago
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Keep Your Mouth Shut

From a woman's perspectiveI was standing on the roof of the Esplanade Building, just outside the elevator. My hair was whipping Sarah in the face, a result of the high winds we were getting that night. She laughed and I laughed back, careful not to spill my Fuzzy Navel in the process. I was having a great time. This was far better than any of the other lame parties my husband had dragged me to.I was “a wife”, a spouse of one of the most powerful brokers who worked at Rodgers Holdings, LLC. We...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Reagan Foxx Eliza Jane The Pact One Year Later

Eliza Jane is worried. Tomorrow is the first day her mother will meet her new girlfriend. The problem is that her new girlfriend used to be married to her dad. She’s with her stepmom and they’re going to meet up with her parents tomorrow. Eliza has no idea how to deal with all this. Reagan Foxx reassures Eliza that it’s going to be ok. She tells her that when they see them together they’ll realize everything worked out for the best. Eliza isn’t so sure: this will...

3 years ago
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Staring out my parents bedroom window that summer while they were at work I watched the Big Chevy Truck pull up across the street. In the truck the dark haired man sat half smoked cigarette underneath the thick mustache. collected his gear and got out of the truck. As he began to work i wouldn't dare take my eyes off him and would stay there waiting until he'd come back outside and Chain smoke 2 or 3 cigarettes collect more tools and go back inside.I was young and had never seen such a...

1 year ago
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Annie Goes Skiing

Annie glanced in the mirror one last time as she exited out the door with her boyfriend Jeff. She secretly wondered how badly this woolen head wrap thing was messing with her new hair cut. Annie was a firm believer in that old adage ‘It’s not what you do, it’s how you look doing it’ and once had those very words displayed rather unapologetically on a small plaque in her office. “You’ll look fine Annie,” Jeff assured her. “What are you a mind reader? “You’re not that hard to figure out...

3 years ago
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Parking Garage

The rap of her high heels echoing off the concrete walls was the only sound as she walked down the long line of cars, looking for where she'd parked. She'd been sure this was the row—13-D—but where was her car? She shifted her bags to her left hand where the black leather glove would keep the handles from biting into her and looked back over her shoulder through her blonde hair. Perhaps she'd walked past it? But there was no red Peugeot. She stopped. The yellowish green fluorescent...

2 years ago
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A Perfect Morning

Susanna watched silently as Rich slipped out from under the crisp, white sheets and walked softly towards the open window, which ran from floor to ceiling. The thin, net curtain blew lazily in the early morning breeze, which rolled in off the Pacific Ocean. Stepping through the curtain, Rich stepped out onto the balcony, which looked out over the decking below, down onto the beach and then out onto the blue waters, which lapped gently onto the sand. From her position in the large bed, Susanna...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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SheWillCheat Aidra Fox The Interracial Cuckold

At first glance Aidra Fox and her husband had the perfect marriage. Little did her husband know that Aidra had an addiction to large black cock, and whenever he was away she would be stuffing her pussy with it. Just as she was getting her pussy licked by a tall ebony stud one morning, her husband walked in on them by accident. He was appalled, but totally saw it coming. He was a sub par lover. Instead of getting upset her husband realized he just wanted her to be happy, even if that meant him...

2 years ago
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Sex Orgy In Train With Mom 8211 Part 3

In the first part of this series of sex orgy, my mom and I boarded a train to Chennai with the intention of fucking in our first-class cabin. We ended up being joined by a group of young guys who agreed to pay to fuck Sarayu. A few of them also ended up agreeing to be sucked by me, and we were having a great time. Towards the end of this first part, we were interrupted and later joined by a young, black American stud. He also paid money to be able to fuck my mother. In the second part, we all...

2 years ago
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Doctors And Nurses

Wally always wanted to be an engineer but his father, a rich banker, insisted he studied to be a doctor. He saw it as a worthy profession and it would sit well on their family tree.To go against his father’s wishes was to put his inheritance in danger and that added up to a considerable amount of money and property. Consequently he soldiered on, attended the best medical schools, and eventually ended up as a doctor at a large hospital.Because he was smart and hard working, Wally soon worked his...

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