Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 05 free porn video

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‘I wish I could straddle my legs around this great gun and fire it up my insides,’ Beth thought erotically into her sister’s mind.

She’d just finished carving up several large, threatening rocks into little pieces of gravel. Striking an asteroid with the superheated laser quite often shattered the target into thousands of smaller pieces.

‘Sometimes I feel like I want to be out there when one of those rocks explode, perforating my body with hundreds of sharp little shards,’ Beth thought, knowing all these continuous erotic thoughts were making Béla so horny she could hardly stand there and watch the monitors. She knew that Béla’s sweet pussy was quivering with desire.

‘There’s nothing stopping you from going out there…’ Béla replied, surprising her sister.

‘We can’t live in a vacuum, can we?’ Beth asked, suddenly hopeful of a brand new erotic experience.

‘Humans can’t,’ Béla responded. ‘I’ve never tried.’

The princesses left the conversation at that while they continued their watch. Béla was happy, though. She had finally succeeded in getting Beth’s sexually obsessed mind off her constant erotic teasing.

It occurred to Béla that Beth was the more dominant of the pair. Béla liked being dominant, too, but she usually seceded to Beth’s wishes, allowing her to control their sexcapades most of the time, especially the ‘what’ and ‘how often’ parts.

‘We’re both dominant,’ Béla decided, ‘but with different people.’

After their watch, they went to the communal bathes. Béla looked at her sister quizzically. “Well, are you going to try it?” she asked, casually baiting her sister.

Beth was still thinking seriously about it. It was a big chance she was taking, but she was obsessed with experiencing any kind of new sensation. It was possible that she just might explode in a vacuum like a big balloon. That thought actually made her pretty excited.

‘Well, okay,’ Beth thought bravely into her sister’s mind. ‘Here goes!’

She vanished. Béla closed her eyes, dream-walked outside the great ship and looked for her. She wasn’t too worried about Beth. Nothing short of actual vaporization could kill either one of them at this stage of their abilities.

Béla located her sister and dream-walked over beside her. Beth’s hair was standing straight out from her head. When she’d teleported from the communal baths, her hair had been wet. Now, it was frozen. The water had instantly evaporated from her hair, leaving it looking like porcupine quills.

‘You look funny!’ Béla thought, sending an image of her laughing at her along with an image of what Beth’s hair looked like.

‘I feel funny!’ Beth thought back 'This isn't very sexy...'.

She turned her head to look where Béla was dreamwalking. There were ice crystals around her eyes and nose where moisture had vaporized into the vacuum. Beth was holding her mouth tightly shut to keep her tongue from hanging out. She couldn’t blink, as her eyelids had frozen.

There were ice crystals forming on her nipples and her skin was rapidly turning gray as her flesh froze. As Beth moved again, her skin cracked where it had frozen and blood sprayed out of the crack, instantly crystallizing and evaporating into nothing as the infinity of space sucked it away.

‘It’s really, really, really cold out here!’ Beth thought, beginning to panic. ‘I’m going back in!’

She vanished.

Béla woke up. Beth was sitting waist-deep in the water next to her. The water was boiling around her as hydrogen molecules froze and separated themselves from the oxygen molecules in the water. After a moment, as her skin temperature got closer to normal, Beth began to shiver violently.

“I suppose that’s a natural reaction to being dumped into a vacuum,” Béla suggested. “How do you feel?”

“I feel fucking frozen!” Beth exclaimed, still shivering. “The first thing that happened was that the air was just sucked right out of my lungs – through my mouth, my eyes, my ears… My eardrums burst! That hurt more than everything else did! And my tongue was hanging almost a foot out of my mouth! I even had air coming out of my butt! And then I started to freeze! My eyes froze open! My skin was frozen and started to crack! I even had an icicle growing between my legs as moisture was sucked out and froze down there.”

Béla laughed, imagining an icicle hard-on between her sister’s legs. She projected the image to Beth.

Still shivering, Beth laughed too. ‘That’s not what it felt like!’

Over the next few days, most of Beth’s hair fell out, distressing her greatly. The medical officer, upon learning of her spatial experiment, determined that her hair had simply gotten too cold.

“It’ll grow back, Princess,” he told her. “The hair follicles on your head are still alive. With a microscope, you can even see your hair growing. In a few months, maybe even weeks, it’ll look normal and you’ll forget all about it.”

Beth returned to their shared quarters in a funk. Béla understood. She’d lost her hair in a fire a few hundred years after she’d left Babylon.

“Don’t worry about his lack of understanding,” Béla consoled her sister. “He just doesn’t get how much of a girl’s identity depends on her hair.”

“I’m ugly!” Beth whined. “What am I going to do?”

“You’re beautiful to me,” Béla suggested.

That got her a really mean look from Beth. “I’m going to go blow myself up!”

She vanished.

“Wait!” Béla cried and teleported down to the arborium, looking for her.

‘Where are you?’ Béla shouted in her mind. She wasn’t there! ‘Where’d you go?’

She teleported back to her quarters. ‘Praetor, where is Princess Beth?’

‘Princess Beth is not aboard the ship,’ the Praetor responded.

‘Where in the hell did she go?’ Béla wondered.

She closed her eyes and created an image of Beth, just before she disappeared.

‘Where are you?’ she asked the image.

‘Nowhere… Everywhere…’

'What the hell does that mean? Oh, God...'

‘She never rematerialized!’ Béla suddenly realized. ‘Oh, great gods! She’s in between spaces!’

Béla had no idea how she was going to work this. She was going to teleport, pulling herself out of normal space, and not push herself back in! She formed an image explaining what had happened to her sister and what she was about to do and sent the image to the Praetor for historical reference, just in case…

‘Do you have any data on this phenomenon?’ she asked upon receiving confirmation that it had received and understood her thoughts.

The Praetor responded negatively, then it actually wished her success on her journey and, 'please, if possible, bring back more information on the subject.'

Béla teleported, pulling herself out of normal space. She stopped, not allowing herself to rematerialize, and expanded her awareness, trying to determine ‘where’ she was.

‘Beth! Where are you?’ Béla cried out in her mind.

The nothing surrounding her sucked her thoughts away. She pushed against nothing, trying to expand her awareness.

‘Beth, Darling, please don’t be lost in here!’ Béla pleaded, desperate for any kind of contact with her beloved sister.

When she tried, she could move, after a fashion. Béla had no clue as to what direction, if any, she went. She simply felt movement of some sort. It seemed that hours went by as she searched, but she wasn’t about to return to the physical universe without her sister.

‘Beth! Where are you?’ Béla cried out in her mind, probably for the thousandth time.

She ‘moved’ again, and cried out again. She was starting to get hungry but still she refused to give up.

‘I’m probably travelling in circles,’ Béla thought, considering the horrible possibility that her sister might be forever lost in here. ‘I’m not even sure if our minds use the same ***whatever this is*** to teleport through. She might be trapped in what her own mind created, separated from the rest of the universe, forever!’

‘Beth! Please!’ Béla cried again, becoming more desperate as her imagination began running wild.

She moved again. She touched something or something delicately touched her, then it was gone.

‘There’s something alive in here!’ Béla realized, suddenly terrified.

Unusual life forms in unusual spaces was not something she could comfortably think about, especially after her experience with that ‘living’ gown that had tried to eat her. As she remembered the garment, it seemed familiar, somehow -–like she should have known what it was when she saw it.

Something brushed her arm!

‘Shit! There’s really something in here!’

‘There’s really something in here…’ Béla heard echo in her mind.

‘Hello! Beth?’ Béla called out in her mind.

Whatever it was, it was gone, now. She moved again, trying to follow. She was starting to feel weak from hunger. Soon, she would have to return to the ship and reality, or starve in here forever.

‘Is this what happened to Beth?’ she wondered.

‘Beth!’ Béla called out, the nothing absorbing her thought energy into itself even as it was created.

‘Beth…’ Béla heard. Was that an echo? How could anything echo in here?

‘Who are you?’ Béla demanded. She couldn’t feel anything! This nothing was so absolute!

‘Who are you?’ Béla felt her thought echoed, again.

‘Where are you?’ Béla cried, getting desperate, again.

She was probably talking to herself in this strange place and imagined she was in a vast maze, listening to where she'd been and calling out to where she would be.

‘Here!’ the echo replied. ‘Nowhere… Lost…’

There was really someone else in here! Béla was suddenly excited. Maybe they knew where her sister was!

‘Where is my sister?’ Béla called out to it, frantic now.

‘Sister?’ it echoed. ‘Where? Not here! No sister… just… nothing…’

‘My sister is Beth!’ Béla insisted. ‘I am Béla! Please! Help me find her! Help me find my sister!’

‘Find my sister!’ the echo cried out. ‘Help me find my sister! Béla! Help me find… Béla!’

‘That was different!’ Béla realized, as hope sprang into her mind. ‘Someone is searching for me! It can only be Beth!’

‘Beth! It’s Béla! I’m here! Come to me! Help me find you!’ Béla cried out.

This was truly frustrating. She was totally blind, trapped in a universe of nothing, going nowhere.

‘Help me find…’ it echoed.

‘You!’ Beth’s mind flooded into hers as they touched. Béla could barely understand the concepts flooding into her mind from her sister’s.

‘Thousands of years of loneliness! Lost forever! No life, no death, only nothing, forever...’

Béla embraced her sister and reached out with her mind, searching for normal space. She had traveled a long ways and it took awhile to relocate the great ship. But she found it and located her quarters, then pulled Beth and herself back into normal space.

Béla was suddenly surrounded with bright, blinding light. With a deafening sound, She and her sister collapsed in a heap on the floor. She curled up into a ball on the floor, moaning, half-starved and feeling incredibly weak and sicker than she'd ever felt before.

After a moment, Béla raised her arm, sensing something was seriously wrong. She looked at her hand. Each of her fingernails were long and curled. Her arm was thin and bony. She looked over at Beth, curled up in a ball next to her, whimpering, her mind sealed from everything. Claws extended from Beth’s fingers and curled around to touch the palms of her wrinkled, shriveled hands.

‘Oh my God! She’s… old!’ Béla realized with a deep sense of horror.

Something horrible had happened to them both, but it was far worse for Beth. A movement in the room attracted her attention. There was someone sitting up in her bed, staring at the strange-looking intruders with disbelief.

‘Praetor, report!’ Béla called out. ‘What’s happened since I contacted you the other day?’

‘Princess Béla!’ the Praetor replied.

If possible, it actually sounded startled. There was a moment of silence.

‘Your father wishes a personal conference with you,’ the Praetor finally continued.

‘Have him come here!’ Béla insisted. ‘Beth can’t be moved. Bring a medic!’

She turned her attention to her sister. “Beth, it’s alright, Darling,” Béla crooned to her, “It’s me. You’ll be all right, now.”

Béla didn’t see how anything would ever be all right. Beth was an old woman, shriveled and dried up, her youth lost. She’d evidently spent an entire lifetime, probably thousands of years, trapped between…

Béla burst into tears, embracing her sister, gently. She could feel the energy in Beth’s mind growing weaker and knew her sister was dying. She couldn’t imagine the loneliness, nothing to see, nothing to do, nothing to…


Béla suddenly knew what was wrong with her sister!

‘Come on, Darling!’ Béla called into her sister’s mind, ‘It’s feeding time…’

She helped her sister straighten out. Beth whimpered weakly in protest. It was painful for her to even move her wretched, dried-up joints. Béla managed to curl up on the floor, her sister’s head cradled between her own shoulder and head. She pressed her neck against Beth’s rotten teeth.

‘Now bite down, Darling! Feed! You’ll feel better in a little while, I promise!’

Béla kept coaxing her sister in her mind. After a moment, she felt Beth’s teeth on her neck. She was too weak to even bite down at break the skin. Béla turned her attention to the other occupant in the room.

‘Bring me an eating utensil, a knife or something, will you please?’ Béla asked.

Spurred into motion, the man, a crewmember of her father’s race, moved across the room and brought her a common fork. Béla took it, ignoring how her own wrinkled hand looked, and stabbed herself in the throat with it. Then she leaned down, letting her sister taste the blood on her neck. As more blood passed her sister’s pallid lips, Beth became eager for more, sucking weakly on the puncture wounds in Béla's neck as they healed.

As the blood supply dried up, Béla felt her sister searching for a new source, then Beth’s teeth bit into her neck; stronger, this time. Her sister greedily sucked in the fresh flow of blood.

Her father and the Medic rushed into the room.

‘Father! Please wait until she’s fed,’ Béla thought anxiously into his mind.

The medic heard her, too, and waited. Béla put together a set of images of the time she was in the ‘between spaces’ area and broadcast it to her father and the Praetor. She included the present physical conditions of both her and her sister. Beth’s mind was still closed down. They would have to wait to find out what had happened to her.

Béla was beginning to feel light-headed, most likely from the lack of blood to her brain, so she gently pulled away from Beth, who protested weakly and passed out, already looking better.

Béla looked over at her bed table. It was unoccupied, now. Béla, too weak to physically move her sister, simply teleported her limp form onto the bed. The secret was out. But she suspected her father already knew she could teleport.

‘Yes, I did,’ Sibilius confirmed as he waited patiently for Béla to finish ministering to her sister.

Béla staggered to her feet. Her father rushed forward to help up rise.

‘I feel… creaky!’ Béla thought to him. ‘That place sucks everything out of you!’

She looked at her father. He was looking at her strangely. She looked into his mind to see what was wrong. It was her image.

‘My God! I’m old, too!’ Béla suddenly realized. ‘Time evidently passes at a different rate when space doesn’t get in the way…’

“She’s regenerating, Sir,” the medic said from across the room. He was examining Beth, now that Béla had teleported her onto the bed table. “I don’t know how much of her youth she’ll regain, if any, but there is improvement on a cellular level.”

“Now, Princess, let’s look at you,” the medic said. “Hmm. You’re severely dehydrated, like your sister. I would recommend lots of liquids, perhaps some raspberry lemonade…”

As if on queue, an orderly showed up with a tray. The pitcher on it contained her favorite beverage. The crewmember that Béla had surprised in her quarters the (day?) before, when she had teleported in from the arborium, followed him. He had a basket of food to resupply her cooler, now that the princesses had returned.

“Why is everyone acting like I’ve been gone awhile? Béla asked. “Why is someone sleeping in my quarters?”

“I apologize, Princess,” the guilty culprit said, “I decided to quarter here in case you returned. After several weeks, I simply moved in. It was easier than constantly checking the room to see if you had returned to us.” He bowed respectfully and stepped back.

“Weeks?” she asked. Béla looked at her father, her eyebrows raised. ‘Well?’

“Daughter, you’ve been missing for over four months, now,” her father announced.

Béla’s eyes widened. Her mouth fell open in shock.

The medic had been prodding and poking around Béla’s bare body for several minutes while all this had transpired. “Sir, I don’t think the princess has actually aged, despite her appearance. I believe, when she fully regenerates, that she will have regained her youthful vigor. After examining Princess Béla, I believe It’s possible that Princess Beth may fully recover as well.”

“Very well,” Sibilius said, dismissing the medic. Then he spoke to the man who had been living in Béla’s quarters.

“You may return to your own quarters, lieutenant. Thank you for your vigilance.”

The man who had been living in Béla’s quarters bowed, then turned away to begin bagging his belongings.

That left only her father, and, of course, Beth.

“I need to rest, Father,” Béla begged off.

She realized she really was exhausted. Time had a way of catching up, after all. It had evidently been over four months since either she or her sister had eaten or drunk anything. She looked down at her bony body. Her skin hung loosely on her. She was beginning to feel nauseous.

‘Wow! I look awful! I never thought I’d have to worry about my tits sagging…’

Béla staggered, having lost her balance for a second. Sibilius grabbed her and helped her over to the bed table where Beth rested. Béla felt she was getting weaker by the second.

‘Help me, Father,’ she cried out. ‘What’s happening to me?’

She lay down on the bed, suddenly too weak to even raise her head.
‘You’ve simply reached your limits, Daughter,’ Sibilius said gently in her mind. ‘You’ve accomplished your goal and rescued your sister. You’ve returned to us over an incredible distance and time. Once again, you’ve survived where it was impossible to survive. You won, like you always do. And now, the energy you always somehow magically create to sustain you is gone, no longer needed. Now, you need to rest and recharge. All will be well.’

‘Peace, Child,’ Sibilius radiated into her mind.

She felt the Praetor, several decks away, putting her to sleep. This time, she didn’t resist.


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I had to do some work halfway across the state. I knew I would be gone all week, Monday to Friday. I asked Kelly if she would like to come along. She immediately made plans to come with me. It had been a number of years since Kelly had been in that part of the state and was eager to see some new landscape. Most of our rendezvouses were closer to home and we took our own cars. This time she wanted to ride with me. I thought that was a great idea.Her husband was a long haul trucker. As it...

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Light of HellfireChapter 6

Nergal was crouched over an empty alley, scribbling incantations on the ground in human blood that he was reading off a sheet of the flesh from a man’s back. He was mumbling curses as he tried to keep count of the symbols and remember their specific order. There were thousands of different symbols, all drawn around a ring that was a hundred feet in diameter and even stretched into the third dimension on the walls of the buildings on either side of the alley. Abaddon landed beside him, coming...

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On Holidays With AdeleChapter 2

Adele was so happy and animated during our short car trip from the airport to the house. I drove the Mustang convertible whilst she babbled excitedly about the countryside, and how much she enjoyed getting away from her mundane job. "I hate the way that I have to dress ... I have to use nipple shields to cover my beauties, and I have to remove my rings" she explained. "For two weeks I am free ... no one will recognise me, and that's beautiful ... and it's a bonus to have a young stud...

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The Master DecidesChapter 2

Kristen and I were out and about again after she left work on Friday, doing errands, shopping, and getting something to eat away from the house. We were outside a paper goods store which she always liked to look through when she asked if I could pick up a book at the bookstore two doors down. I was a bit confused since we usually just bought things on Amazon or maybe at the B&N. I didn't even know there was a bookstore in this complex. She just shushed me with a smile and asked me to...

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“And you too baby,” she smiles as she puts on her dress, then her heels. “I want us to be the center of attention. Is my dress too short, does my ass look big?” “Yes and yes, but I love both,” I respond. “And I want you to wear tight trousers so that your more than average cock is obvious to the men and women,” she tells me. We are a professional couple in our early forties. Sarah is of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little...

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My CO now knows about me thats a good thin

As of this week my C/O knows about me. I actually thought I was going to get a severe beating. I was doing my normal thing and looking for a safe place to entertain a youngster I met. Well I saw that one of the supply closets was left open and I quietly went in it. Big mistake! I walked in on one of the Lt's getting his dick sucked by a transgirl. Before I could get out I saw cum shoot all over her chest and his eyes open to see me. They both panicked to get dressed and I hurried to...

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Christian Sex

(See my blog input 12/19/2006 on this subject) Sam and Beth had met in their sophomore year and they'd quickly started going together and dating each other exclusively. They were both attractive young people and they quickly realized that they'd fallen in love deeply almost as soon as they'd met and begun to date. But, one thing that Beth and Sam agreed on was that even though they were deeply in love, they wanted to keep themselves pure and chaste until they came to the point where they'd...

4 years ago
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House owner ki beti ki chudai

Hi readers, this is my true encounter to fuck two lovely girls at the same time. I am Rajiv from Lucknow. I am 28 years old married to a lovely and sexy girl from Lucknow. My married life is fully satisfied and healthy. This instance happened to me two years back when I was unmarried and lived singly at Delhi where I worked with a bank. My house owner, guptajee, had a daughter named Priyanka. She had hardly crossed her puberty and was studying in college, first year. She had many a friends who...

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hot night pt 2

I tell you there is nothing to worry about. I tie your long dark hair back and hear you moan, you love it when I play with your hair. I straddle you and begin to run my hands all over your body, up and down your sides and over your breasts. I tease your nipples very gently sucking and seeing the shivers go down your spine. I begin kissing your neck and work my way down to your nipples now almost as hard as my dick, which has sprung back to life. I give each nipple a gentle bite and you tell me...

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Fucking My Girlfriend

Hello everyone, myself Suhas 24 years old average built and height of 5.11 and I am working in an IT firm as a developer.. Well to begin the story. This story is with my girlfriend and how I had great time with her during my college days .. I got into relationship with a girl during my college days and she was doing medical during this time and she was extremely hot as well as cute. Now coming to the story it was almost 1 years of our relationship and we used to roam around and we used to...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 318

The first thing I did after Martin was out of sight was to turn the jammer off. Are you guys there? I messaged. What the fuck is going on. Someone tried to hit the Senator. I stopped them. That's all there was. Did you call the police? No, I didn't want to answer a bunch of questions. I did what you wanted. I prevented the assassination. We would like to know who the assassin worked for, the next message suggested. Then you should have told me that, I demanded. Well we got a pretty...

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Firsttime with older white landlord

It was my senior year of college. I was excited about FINALLY getting done with school and getting on with my life. Nothing could go wrong. Until this. Then everything was RIGHT. First off let me tell you a little about myself. I am a masculine straight black guy. About 6 ft. And, lets say pretty chubby. Kinda shy as well. One day I get a letter from the school saying I owe money. I'm in shock. How could this be? I get...

1 year ago
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Losing My Virginity To My Ex

Hello everyone and I am Sham. I am 23 and girls interested to have a best time can mail at and his is my first post so kindly bear with my introductions. This is actually the story of me with my ex girlfriend happened some years back and we started going out when we were in the 10th std. We were both studying in a school in Madurai and as can be imagined it was really hard to get some alone time for us to explore. We both indulged in the usual kissing and caressing whenever possible in empty...

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Fantasy World

Chapter 1 "So why are you here tonight?" I asked, looking at the woman sitting on the couch across from me in the studio. She had said that her name was Tracie and she was 28 years old. She was attractive though not beautiful. Mostly though she was big. I guessed that she was 5' 11" or six feet even maybe and probably weighed no less than 200 pounds. She was dressed in a nice cream-colored brocade suit that didn't give a hint of whatever was under it. "I think I have the world's...

2 years ago
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The Peeping Tom Day One

My story is inspired by my lovely neighbours, all of whom I have seen in a state of undress on numerous occasions. If I could, I would love to thank them for going about their daily business without closing their curtains. The story is fictional but each character is based upon the varied, but beautiful bodies and features of the women whose windows I overlook.The story starts on a Monday morning, I have a few days leave to use up, but my wife does not, so I take the week off to garden and...

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Goodbye Patti

She couldn't believe she was actually doing this. How many times had she thought about it, but figured it would never happen, or worse case scenario, she might chicken out. But no, here she was, about to realize a fantasy that was too long in the making. Patti sat in her car for a few moments, collecting her thoughts. What would her friends say? What would her late parents have thought? How would her HUSBAND react if he knew? Closing her eyes for a moment, she drew in a deep breath, and then...

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Libba Mae

Chapter 1 “Tell me how this one looks, daddy” My twelve year old daughter, Libba came out of the dressing room wearing the three piece bathing suit she had fallen in love with the minute we had walked into the Junior section of Simmon’s Department Store. The top of the swim suit was pink stripped with two strings that tied behind the neck, the bottom was all pink v-shaped with strings that tied at the sides. She even put on the little skirt that came along to wear over it. Libba...

2 years ago
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A Murder Misstery Returns

A Murder Misstery Returns © 2008 by Nom de Plume For those who came in late, Matt McCoy - now Madeline Moreau - is on the run for a crime he did not commit, and a murder which she did....after returning home to Chicago, Maddy discovers a shocking secret about her past. The journey from St. Martin to Montreal, on a charter flight crammed with sunburned Canucks, was sheer penance. Stuck in a miserable coach seat between a snoring slob and a...

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A Highschool Rape Story

Angel viewed herself as a ghost roaming the halls. She kept head down and her large bulky bag clung tight to her body. Her frizzy, curly , unmanageable hair tight in a messy pony tail. She never wore any makeup and shuffled in her ratted tennis shoes she’d had since last year. With it being the middle of March, the TN heat was blistering, but Angel always wore that large gray over sized hoodie. It was a very rare occasion if it ever came off of her curving, plump body. On this particular...

1 year ago
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Slut Wife First Black Cock

A few weeks ago my wife Ellen and I went on a holiday to the Nth Coast of NSW, Australia. Whilst we were staying at Port MacQuarie, we decided to go on a canoe day trip up the river. We arrived at the jetty about 7am to find another 7 people already getting their gear ready. There were a couple of female Swedish backpackers, a Dutch couple, James our guide and two american guys, one of whom was an athletic negro named Tyrone. We introduced ourselves and I couldn't help but notice the way my...

Cheating Wifes
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Bring on the heat

Only fifty more to go.. I thought to myself as I did my sit-ups. I would have a flat stomach by the end of the summer or die trying. Two hundred! I collapsed onto the sweaty black gym mat and caught my breath, finally done with my workout. My favorite part of the gym was next; a dip in the big hot tub in the locker room followed by a nice long shower. I made my way from the one of the huge workout rooms of my elite gym to the men's locker room. Walking through the hall, past the small lounge...

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Courtneys Photo shoot

I’m a photographer. I make a decent living taking... shall we say “intimate” photos for people. Women come to me to take sexy photos for their lovers to look at and lust over. Some in costumes, some just in their underwear. Very classy, but very sexy. Most of my clients are decent photos of families, c***dren, etc.. I shoot photos all the time for clients. I am posting my story on Xhamster because of how unusual this was.On the afternoon of of January 11th of this year. There was a knock at my...

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Double Your Pleasure

Matt was considered a medical wonder when he was born, with both dicks operating with one function each. He never got infections, and when he became sexually mature, his sperm was discovered to be perfectly healthy and normal. Matt grew up a funny life. While in elementary school he was laughed at and jeered when his two penises were discovered; in middle school, the topic seemed to make girls blush; and in high school he became extremely popular. Many girls had seen Matt’s two dicks by...

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The Love Of My Life

I met Linda at Cambridge University during my first month as an undergraduate. We were both on the same course, which was business studies and economics. We had practically nothing in common, yet there was a most welcoming feeling from her of warmth and friendship. We were both away from home for the first time.We wanted to be roommates, but to have asked for such a thing may not have been acceptable. Linda was about the same size as I was, with fair hair and blue eyes, we could have been...

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Kappy Son of KaptainChapter 13

Not even the drab gray :Detention Home uniform she wore could hide the lovely, honey-blonde haired girl's young voluptuous curves as she walked along the dingy corridor ahead of the ugly- faced Chief Matron. With striking, wide green eyes alertly acknowledging unspoken words of encouragement from sister inmates framed in the barred openings behind locked cell doors, and with the firm little chin of her angelically beautiful, teenaged face held proudly high, Jean Wilson moved with a defiant,...

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I had a second partner in my life which gave me spark for sex

My marriage was a peaceful one, devoid of stressors and shouting matches. But sexually, I wasn’t too satisfied. I was looking for something, wanting something more and this actually showed in my acts. Once, I was fucking my wife and although her pussy was squeezing me in the right ways, I wasn’t feeling excited enough. So much so that in the middle, my cock suddenly went limp. It was then that I thought that maybe I needed a second partner in my life to make more excited. That night I went down...

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Princess Lien

Chapter I - Princess Lien's Breakfast treat Princess Lien yawned and thought is she bored or still waking up. She lay in her four poster bed, on a mattress made from duck feathers, covered with black silk sheets, with matching pillows. From each corner of the top of the bed were hung black drapes tied to the bed posts with black rope She looked out the window to try and judge what time of day it was. Soon breakfast would be arriving. She sat up in bed, stretched and revealed she was wearing a...

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My Wife And My Close Friend

As a next step in my strong urge to expose my wife to others, lately I decided seriously to expose my wife to my close friend. My wife has no hassles in exposing to strangers in train, bus, in our car, or cinema halls and malls. We have done it at all these places very discreetly and without getting vulgar. But she was very apprehensive to expose to a person who was very well known to both of us. I worked on her Mnd for almost 15 days before the scheduled visit of my classmate Mayur to our home...

3 years ago
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Sex With A Widow Mature Lady Whom I Met In An Func

Hi friends am a great fan of the sex stories, after a lot of courage this is my first sex story which was encountered with and am still enjoying with that sweet lady.Let me quick jump into the story. Well am Raj (name changed) and am 31 years old married with good body, 6’1 height with 75 kg weight well built.The story begins like this, I had been to a function with my parents there I met a lady she must be around 45 but I must say she does not like she is her 40’s she looked like she is 30yrs...

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HorseLoving Farm WivesChapter 8

Mike slammed his pick-up truck into gear with a savage jolt. He felt frustrated and furious. Imagine playing second fiddle to a fucking dog! But he hadn't dared to show his fury to Claire, because he wanted to keep on her good side so that he could get a lot more of her sweet mouth and juicy cunt, and his rage was all the more violent for having been kept pent up. His prick was still fairly stiff and his balls were already starting to recharge themselves. He turned down the lane, driving...

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Allies Introduction

{This being my first submission here, I wanted to apologize for the length. Hope you enjoy!!}She could feel her internal tempo quickening as her feet met the cruel hard pavement. Running was the only release Allie got in moments like this. She pushed her muscles harder, forcing all of her internal chatter into the slick blackness beneath her. She cherished the cold sharp breeze flowing through her running pants, it seemed to be the only thing cooling her down. She felt her stomach muscles...

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Hypnosis App II Back In Town Parts 5 and 6

Author's Note: When I originally started on this sequel to Sissy Slut Ally's "Hypnosis App," I was overwhelmed by the possible choices that were ahead of me. James is a person with infinite power in this universe - shouldn't he be doing something more interesting than wasting his time on petty torture of his old classmates? I realized that there was an interesting character arc that could unfold, starting with James' realization that 'getting even' didn't give him nearly the same...

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Stevens Park Lye 80s first sexual encounter

This true story was related to me, during one of our sex days away by Angie B, my Fuckbuddy. It is the story of her sexual awakening......Walking home from sc***l one afternoon Angie took her usual route across Stevens Park, between Pedmore and Lye in the U.K. West Midlands. It would have been in the early 80's, and as a young girl her body was developing well with breasts any woman would have been proud of and any guy would have desired; but apart from her own furtive fingers, alone in her bed...

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Shopping becomes fun 3 way

Cindi and I headed to the mall. I hate shopping but once in a while I have to do something for her. She's 26, I'm 27. We met in college and married right after. Cindi is 5'7" 115 lbs. medium lenght blond hair and fit. Smallish tits and a firm ass. I'm 6'3", 185 and fit also. Cindi says I have a large dick. She's shaved, I'm trimmedWe browsed several stores and nothing cuaght her eye until we stopped at a high end shop for women. The salesgirl looked like she was still in college and I couldn't...

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Heart Sanctuary

Introduction: Another love story from the 17th century…. Love doesnt have a gender. Not even then Corinne shivered as she looked up towards the window of the stable. The sun was slowly starting to rise in the horizon. She smiled, happy to know that soon its warming sunrays would soothe her ruffled spirits and sore muscles. It might have been only dawn, but she had been at work for several hours now, cleaning and repairing around the stables, tending to the animals and reorganising the tools....

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