Domestication of a Parisian Bourgeois
- 3 years ago
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This is a little something I did for promotional purposes. I’ve never heard back from the people I sent it to. So I’m assuming they’re not interested.
So I’m putting it up here. Enjoy.
As always, this piece is done in memory of Colleen Thomas, a good friend who I miss to this day.
Don’t forget to vote and comment. I love hearing from my readers.
The idea of an interview with Georges Belleveau and Diane Patterson was first broached to me in a chat on-line at a publisher’s website. We were discussing an e-book recently released. Someone thought that an interview with the main characters from it would be fascinating reading. I shrugged that suggestion off, telling the person that Monsieur Belleveau and Ms. Patterson are fictional characters. Which makes it very hard to interview them.
Until I received a package from a courier. I signed for it, wondering all the time what it was. I don’t get a lot of packages.
Opening it was a big surprise. Inside was a plane ticket from my city to Paris, leaving the next Wednesday, a credit card in my name and a note.
‘Bon jour,’ it read. ‘We understand you would like to speak with us. We’re quite amenable to the idea. When you arrive at Orly get a cab to Le Roi Henri IV. There’s a room for you there, paid in advance.
‘We’ll be in touch.’
I thought that was very strange, to say the least. Checking the airline I found the ticket was legitimate. The limit on the credit card was very nice and it belonged to a French company who I assumed would be covering any purchases I made. Searching on line for them and sending an e-mail confirmed that fact.
What the hell? I decided. I’ve always wanted to see Paris. Nice to do it on someone else’s dime.
My passport was up to date and in less than a week I was stepping out of a cab in Paris in front of my hotel.
Le Roi Henri IV is one of those small, very luxurious hotels you can find in Paris. It’s located in the 3rd arrondissement just south of Rue Saint-Giles. They were ready for me and in minutes I was in my room. It was everything a hotel room should be. But I’m glad I’m not paying for it, was my thought. I wondered for the umpteenth time who the people were that wanted me here in Paris.
When I finished unpacking I decided to do a bit of the tourist thing. The Musée Carnavalet-Histoire de Paris was nearby and history is one of my favourite subjects.
As I walked past the front desk the young lady there called me over. ‘There’s a message for you, Monsieur,’ she told me while handing over a slip of paper.
‘If you would,’ it read, ‘please be at Le Fin de Sieclé tonight at 10 PM.’
A little waft of emotion, equal parts interest, anticipation and annoyance, passed through me on reading this. What game is being played? I had to wonder.
The museum was far better than I hoped. I spent hours there, soaking up Paris’ story. I didn’t get to see it all and made a note to return tomorrow. It was twilight when I left, so I found a café for dinner. A meal by the sidewalk in Paris is a treat not available anywhere else. Finished that, I hailed a cab and he took me to Le Fin.
Le Fin turned out to be another café, one with a distinctly bohemian buzz. The customers were very mixed, Parisians of all sorts plus the occasional tourist such as myself. They were a friendly and eclectic lot. I ended up in many conversations that covered just as many subjects. The locals were very patient with my bad French. Most switched to English quickly. It was well after midnight that I returned to my hotel.
But whoever was sponsoring my adventure didn’t show, or at least didn’t announce themselves. Much as I was enjoying myself I was getting somewhat annoyed.
On awakening the next morning I continued seeing Paris. Finishing the museum I then wandered aimlessly through the Marais and the Latin Quarter. I never noticed how long I was at it. This part of Paris was interesting to distraction from mundane things like exhaustion.
I took a cab back to my hotel. To find that there was another note waiting for me.
‘Please, be at the Eiffel Tower tonight at 10 PM.’
That caused a little sigh of frustration. I did wish my host, whoever he or she was, would get to the point.
But I went. The Tower is quite impressive. I hadn’t realized there was a skating rink on the second level, a surprise I found quite charming. The Tower has an excellent view of the city. I was struck at how careful Paris was to preserve the heart of itself. Since most of the buildings in the city centre are of light colouration, it seemed a negative of other cities I’d seen at night, with the buildings white and the streets dark.
But no one approached me to tell me why I was in Paris.
I was approaching quite peeved when I took a cab back to the hotel.
The next day was a visit to the Louvre. It’s everything it is rumoured to be. A gorgeous building with some of the finest art in the world. Again, it was too big for a single day and I resolved to return until I had seen it all.
Of course there was a note waiting for me when I returned to my hotel.
‘Le Restaurant du Carl, 9:30. Give your name to the maitre d’hotel.’
What ever! was my first response, accompanied by a rolling of eyes. I shrugged then and decided to go. At the very least I was going to get a free meal out of this.
Leaving my hotel at 9:15, I hailed a cab. It took less than ten minutes to get to my destination. Not being familiar with Paris all I can say is we crossed the river at one point.
When I exited the cab I found Le Restaurant du Carl a bit of a surprise. It’s small, a three story brick building wedged between a bookstore and a boutique. The only indication of its purpose is a small brass plaque on the door. Climbing the steps to that door I opened it and went inside.
The maitre d’ gave me a warm smile and asked my name. When I gave it to him his smile grew wider and he said, ‘Of course. Your hosts are waiting. This way, please.’
Following him into the restaurant proper I found myself struck by the ambience of the establishment. I don’t believe I’ve ever encountered a place so intimate and comfortable. All the tables were occupied. It wasn’t surprising that most patrons were couples taking advantage of the atmosphere.
I was lead up two flights of steps then the maitre d’ and I entered a small balcony at the back of the building. There were two people already seated at the table set there.
My first impression was how much in love these two were. You could see their focus was completely absorbed by the other person, and that this absorption made them very happy.
The second was rather like that of a mouse discovering that cats are real. I was sharing space with characters I’d thought were fictional, and were vampires to boot. Oh, they looked human enough, but I’d read the book about them. I knew what they were.
The couple turned to us then, smiled and rose to their feet. They moved with a predatory ease.
‘Merci, Phillipe,’ said the man.
‘De rien,’ replied the maitre d’ with a bow. He turned and left us alone.
‘Bon soir,’ the man went on, extending his hand. ‘I’m Georges Belleveau.’ His English was excellent, there was hardly a trace of an accent. Enough though to show his French origins.
‘Evening,’ continued the woman, with her hand out. ‘Diane Patterson.’ Her voice had the honey drawl of the American South.
My only response was a swallow.
The couple chuckled.
‘There’s no need to worry,’ Diane told me with a small smile. ‘We’re here for an interview, not a meal. And we do apologize for the runaround. We had to make sure you were alone.’
I managed to walk forward and shake their hands. ‘Thanks for this opportunity. It’s a shock though, to meet you. I didn’t know you were real.’
They smiled and chuckled once more.
Reaching into
a shirt pocket, I started up my tiny tape recorder. I always use this in interviews. As I did I looked them over.
Monsieur Belleveau was about my height. His build was lithe and a little on the thin side. His hair was a very dark brown, his eyes blue. Those eyes were rich in expression, joyful, calm but with a sharp awareness in them. He was dressed in black, a silk shirt with the top button open, simple cotton slacks and shoes. They were expensive with an air of practicality.
Ms. Patterson was beautiful, built along the same lines as her lover. The top of her head was just above Georges’ chin. Her hair was a mane of rich auburn, shoulder length. Her eyes were same as her lover’s save for being sea green. Diane’s black silk dress was the same simple and expensive garb as her lover wore. The legs she stood on were shapely with sandals tied to her feet.
There was an aura about the two of them. If they walked into a crowded room I’m sure everyone in it would turn to look.
‘Sit, please,’ Georges said then, gesturing towards the table.
It was easier to move this time. My shock was receding. Some how, I trusted these people. I relaxed and decided to treat this like any other interview.
I sat in the third chair, pulled out my notebook and jotted down what had happened so far. My shorthand is excellent. I use both recorder and notebook to make sure I miss no nuances.
Georges and Diane sat as well. Their hands immediately joined in a warm clasp.
As I looked up from my notebook I found another woman on the balcony with us. Tiny with brunette hair, she carried an open bottle of wine.
‘Here’s the bottle you requested, Monsieur Belleveau,’ she stated as she walked towards me.
‘Merci, Marie,’ he replied.
I picked up the wineglass in front of me and held it up. Marie poured a finger’s worth into it. Swirling it under my nose, sniffing, I then tasted it. I’m no oenophile but, damn, it was good!
‘Merci,’ I told the sommeliére, ‘it’s wonderful.’
Marie acknowledged my praise with a smile, filled my glass and left us.
I turned back to my hosts. ‘Shall we start the interview?’
‘Let us leave it until after you’ve had dinner,’ Georges replied. ‘Working on an empty stomach isn’t much fun.’ He chuckled.
‘Are you eating as well?’ I asked him.
‘We already had a bite,’ Diane told me. ‘We can’t eat food anyway.’
‘I beg your pardon?’ I asked, surprised at this little snippet of information.
‘If we eat human food, we can’t digest it. It’ll sit in our stomachs until it rots. The smell would draw attention, and we prefer to avoid attention.’
I scribbled that down. It was beginning to hit me, how little I knew about my hosts. So much of what I know of vampires is from reading, TV and movies. Subtle little things like this aren’t mentioned in the media.
So I ate and we chatted through the meal.
My dinner was wonderful, one of the best I’d ever had. The courses arrived at just the right time. The portions, flavours and textures were perfectly balanced. The wine highlighted it just right. I often had to shake my head in wonder as I ate.
My hosts were great company. We discussed history for the most part. Georges spoke of seeing Kaiser Wilhelm I shortly after he crowned himself in Versailles after the Franco-Prussian War. He talked about Paris and how it had changed over the years he had known it.
Diane was a learned and charming companion as well. She hadn’t her lover’s experience but she always had a trenchant observation to make and her own knowledge to impart.
There was a tone to their conversation though, a distance. It was as if what happened in the world was a rather interesting entertainment, not something of any importance to them.
Finally I finished dessert and checked my watch. It was well after 11:00 PM and it was time to get to work. ‘Shall we get started?’
‘If you wish,’ replied Georges.
‘Sure,’ added Diane.
‘First question then. Tell me a bit of your history, Monsieur Belleveau. Where were you born? Where did you become a vampire?’
‘Ah. I was born in Alsace in 1748, a scion of a minor noble house there. The third of seven children.
‘We were somewhat different from our class. We didn’t pass head of the family to the oldest son. The current head chose who would replace him. Or her sometimes. Since we couldn’t expect to rule, and couldn’t avoid it if chosen, all of us were educated to fulfill our role. We couldn’t be lazy about it.
‘My family also had a tradition of working. When I was what you would now call a tween and a young teenager I spent time working in vineyards, horse stables or pastures. I think that was wise. I learned about the people I might end up being responsible for.
‘What I enjoyed most though, was learning. My family was wealthy enough to hire excellent teachers. I soaked up knowledge as fast as I could.
‘When I came of age, my family made use of that. I spoke French and German very well. I’d done a good job of learning history. I understood how politics worked, who was who and what their goals were. So they sent me off as a courtier to various places, Berlin, Paris, assorted small German countries such as Schleswig-Holstein and Bavaria.
‘It was interesting, but not entirely enjoyable. I found I quite disliked the courtly life. It was always full of what you would now call ‘posers’. The games they play for status and power were annoying and a waste of time.
‘So I always found a bit of life outside the courts. I made friends in universities, with artists and writers, with middle class people. It added an honest taste to my life.
‘I was in Versailles when I was made into what I am now. That was in 1788, when the rumblings that grew into the Revolution started to become loud.
‘I believe I had a clearer view of what was coming than most of the courtiers there. I knew people outside the court and they kept me informed.
‘The person that made me did so without my consent. He was ancient nobility, had spent centuries playing the corridors of power. He was vehemently opposed to the changes that were coming. And I was supportive of them, at first. His purpose in taking me was to neutralize me, and to gain my lines of communication to the world outside of Versailles.
‘I served him, most unwillingly, for five years. But, when I thought I could get away with it, I served my own purposes as well.
‘In 1793, I realized the whole Revolution was going to spiral out of control. The factions had become too radicalized. France wasn’t going to be a safe place for a while.
‘So, I had people I knew denounce my maker to The Committee For Public Safety. They sent men to arrest him, his villa burned and I’ve never seen him again. I assume he died when he was pulled into the sunlight.’ Georges’ face took on a smile of vicious satisfaction.
‘I fled France that same night. I had myself shipped to England in a coffin. That’s when I took on the name Georges Belleveau. My human life and title had no more meaning to me, and I liked shedding the burden of it.
‘From England I went to Quebec City. I thought it would be something both new and familiar. After two decades there I moved to New York City. In 1853 I returned to Paris. Things had calmed down and I love this city. This is my home. I’ve a touch of wanderlust though. I’ve done a fair bit of traveling. There’s so much to see in this world. Even an immortal needs time to see it all.’
I scribbled down his last line, smiling. History has always been a great love of mine. I quite enjoyed hearing about it from someone who had been there. His story about his maker was rather chilling though. It was frightening, this hint of what he was capable of.
‘And your story, Ms. Patterson?’ I asked then, turning to her.
She smiled a sweet smile. ‘My story’s not nearly as interesting as Georges’. I’m a Mississippi farm gir
‘My parents married late and I’m their only child. I was born in 1970 on the farm my father had bought after he left the U.S. Army.
‘It was a good place to grow up. My parents doted on me, but didn’t spoil me. They taught me to read before I went to school. I love reading, and learning. I was using my parents’ library all the time. My favourite thing to do was be taken to the library in town.
‘School itself was OK. I didn’t need much teaching, and my teachers usually understood that. I was rather a loner though. I made friends, but not many.
‘I got a good scholarship in a university up North when I graduated. I stayed for a while to get a Masters in history. After that, I got a job at another university in the Mid-West.
‘It was a nice, quiet life I lead. I spent most of my time alone, which suited me fine. I often had the feeling I was waiting for something.
‘Then I met Georges, and found what I was waiting for.’ She gave her lover’s hand a little squeeze and him a happy smile.
‘So how did you two meet?’ This seemed the obvious question.
‘Blind luck,’ replied Georges with a chuckle. ‘I had been invited to the city and university where Diane was. I’ve a little fame as a historian.’ He winked. ‘I wrote several books that were well received in the community. The university rented that minor prestige for a year.
‘I needed it. Something had happened to me not long before, and I was performing a penance for it. Teaching was a good way to perform that penance.’ Georges’ face grew very bleak. His eyes unfocused and horror filled them.
A shiver ran up my spine. What could have happened to a vampire that would frighten him?
Diane leaned over and placed a soft kiss on her lover’s cheek. ‘Don’t beat yourself up about that, my love. Those things happen to us. If you don’t stop feeling bad about it I’ll torture you with kisses until you cheer up.’
His fearful expression faded, a warm smile replaced it. Turning his face to her he said, ‘Oh no. Anything but that, please.’ Leaning forward the couple shared a loving kiss. It went on for rather a while, and grew more passionate moment by moment.
‘Shall I give you two some privacy?’ I cut in.
They broke apart and grinned at me. ‘Sorry,’ Diane said, ‘we do get carried away at times.’
‘Well,’ Georges returned to his story, ‘I was hunting one night, looking for a meal. My hunting ground was a pub. Such venues are excellent for that purpose. Most people go there to look for something or someone. I’m good at taking advantage of that.’
‘And, as the many jokes go, I walked into that pub.’ Diane smiled. ‘I found a seat at the bar. Georges sat next to me and started to chat me up.
‘I turned to him, meaning to give him a sarcastic comment, cut him off. That first sight of him still gives me shivers.’
‘That’s not surprising, chére,’ Georges interrupted. ‘I was hunting. That was supposed to be your first impression.’
‘Perhaps, love. But you’ve told me you stopped using your powers almost immediately. And that shiver didn’t go away.’
Diane returned her attention to me. ‘We ended up talking. We stayed until the bar closed. It was like we’d been friends for years.’
‘And it was the first time I’d not finished a hunt for a long while,’ Georges continued. ‘I just walked her home, said bon nuit, and found a meal somewhere else.’
‘I’m still thankful,’ Diane remarked, ‘that I decided on a drink that night at that place. It hasn’t always been easy, but I would never as been happy if I’d made a different decision.’
‘Moi aussi,’ he told her with a little squeeze of her hand.
‘There were problems?’ I asked.
‘Read the book,’ returned Diane. ‘It goes into much greater detail.’
I recognize when a subject is closed, so I took the interview in a different direction. ‘What’s it like? Being a vampire? How is it different from being a human?’
‘I think Diane is better qualified to answer that question. I hardly remember being human.’
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This is the fourth part of “Parisian Surprise”, written with Alphamagus. You may wish to read the preceding parts to enjoy and understand the entire story. Robert and Juliana are spending a week in Paris and have included a different kind of experience in their vacation. At Robert’s instigation they played game of control, alternating the dominant and submissive roles and discovering new heights of sexual excitement. Now the game is over, but their sexual fun one of the world’s most romantic...
This is the fourth part of “Parisian Surprise”, written with Alphamagus. You may wish to read the preceding parts to enjoy and understand the entire story.Robert and Juliana are spending a week in Paris and have included a different kind of experience in their vacation. At Robert’s instigation they played game of control, alternating the dominant and submissive roles and discovering new heights of sexual excitement. Now the game is over, but their sexual fun one of the world’s most romantic...
Love StoriesParisian Chaperone Extracts from Sarah’s diary Thursday 10 th June: Today is a red-letter day it is my seventeenth birthday. My parents have let on that my main present is to be a holiday to Paris, France. It is meant to be a mixture of learning and fun. Friday 25 th June: The arrangements for my holiday to Paris have been finalised. I am to stay with the daughter of some family friends. Her name is Lily and she is studying French Literature at the Sorbonne. She lives in a one bedroom flat...
This is the sixth part of “Parisian Surprise”, written with Alphamagus, and while it can be read on its own, it will be better enjoyed if you read the preceding segments. Robert and Juliana have been enjoying a vacation week in Paris. There have been new experiences playing a game of submission and dominance. They have had sex in various locations including the Musée D’Orsay and the Paris Opera, not to mention more conventional ones. The constant in their time together is their shared love of...
This is the second part of Robert and Juliana’s “Parisian Surprise”, written in collaboration with Alphamagus. In order to properly understand the story, it would be best to read Part One before reading this. The couple have had an exciting flight to Paris. Robert has inserted remote-controlled love eggs into Juliana as part a bargain made between them allowing each to dominate the other in turn. It will be an interesting day as you will find out as you read on. “I thought that we would get...
This is the fifth part of “Parisian Surprise”, written with Alphamagus. While it can be read on its own, it may be better enjoyed if you read the preceding segments. Part One won an Editor’s Pick award. Robert and Juliana have been enjoying a vacation week in Paris. They have had a number of sexual adventures including a game of submission and dominance. They are preparing for a night at the Paris Opera, black tie for him, a vintage designer dress for her, and more romance and desire for them...
This is the seventh and final part of “Parisian Surprise”, written with Alphamagus. While it can be read on its own, we feel it will be better enjoyed if you read the preceding segments. Robert and Juliana have been having an exceptional time in the City of Light and love. There have been new experiences, like playing the game of submission and dominance, sex in public places as well as in private, and given that it is Paris, lots of wonderful food and wine. Their week will soon be over, but...
This is the third part of Robert and Juliana’s “Parisian Surprise”, written in collaboration with Alphamagus. To best understand the story, we suggest that you read the preceding two parts before reading this one, but this story may be enjoyed on its own. Robert and Juliana have already had some sexual adventures on their flight and during their first day in Paris. They have agreed to take turns being dominant during their holiday, and, in this story, Juliana ups the ante to Robert’s delight. ...
This is the seventh and final part of “Parisian Surprise”, written with Alphamagus.While it can be read on its own, we feel it will be better enjoyed if you read the preceding segments. Robert and Juliana have been having an exceptional time in the City of Light and love. There have been new experiences, like playing the game of submission and dominance, sex in public places as well as in private, and given that it is Paris, lots of wonderful food and wine. Their week will soon be over, but the...
Love StoriesThis is the sixth part of “Parisian Surprise”, written with Alphamagus, and while it can be read on its own, it will be better enjoyed if you read the preceding segments. Robert and Juliana have been enjoying a vacation week in Paris. There have been new experiences playing a game of submission and dominance. They have had sex in various locations including the Musée D’Orsay and the Paris Opera, not to mention more conventional ones. The constant in their time together is their shared love of...
Love StoriesThis is the fifth part of “Parisian Surprise”, written with Alphamagus. While it can be read on its own, it may be better enjoyed if you read the preceding segments. Part One won an Editor's Pick award. Robert and Juliana have been enjoying a vacation week in Paris. They have had a number of sexual adventures including a game of submission and dominance. They are preparing for a night at the Paris Opera, black tie for him, a vintage designer dress for her, and more romance and desire for them...
Love StoriesThis is the third part of Robert and Juliana’s “Parisian Surprise”, written in collaboration with Alphamagus. To best understand the story, we suggest that you read the preceding two parts before reading this one, but this story may be enjoyed on its own. Robert and Juliana have already had some sexual adventures on their flight and during their first day in Paris. They have agreed to take turns being dominant during their holiday, and, in this story, Juliana ups the ante to Robert’s delight....
Love StoriesThis is the second part of Robert and Juliana’s “Parisian Surprise”, written in collaboration with Alphamagus. In order to properly understand the story, it would be best to read Part One before reading this. The couple have had an exciting flight to Paris. Robert has inserted remote-controlled love eggs into Juliana as part a bargain made between them allowing each to dominate the other in turn. It will be an interesting day as you will find out as you read on. “I thought that we would get...
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Hi indian sex stories dot net friends .. this is Jovan again after long time to write a story which happened with me in Hyderabad. I am 5’11” , fair guy with good sense of humor as told by many girls, and believe in making good friends and making girls happy not only behind door but outside as well.. ;) Story is when I was moving out from Bangalore and was looking for a job in IT organization. Fortunately, I got a call from one of the IT organization from Hyderabad near gachibowli area and call...
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This story is the seventh in the series of stories written in collaboration with Alphamagus about Robert and Juliana and their love. It is different from previous stories in the series as it is the first part of a much longer story. We hope that you will enjoy it and look forward to the next chapter when you reach the end of this one. Juliana came into the house around 9 PM, exhausted from her day at work, but very happy that it was Friday. Robert had promised her a surprise as an engagement...
The flight from Atlanta to Charles de Gaulle was not bad at all. Thank goodness we were in business class. It cost a zillion frequent flyer miles to bring my wife along, but I figured it was worth it. It would be a working trip for me, but I had a couple of days free at the beginning of the trip and would have occasional free time in the middle. For the most part, though, Cindy would have to fend for herself. She assured me she was fine with that and was excited about the trip. Who could’ve...
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It was one of their occasional confession sessions. They did that from time to time. Em had come rather late to the infidelity scene. Ambrose had been an occasional player on that circuit for a long time. He was older by a decade-plus. This time they were sitting over the dinner table at home on a Saturday night not long after they’d returned from a European holiday. They were well fed and had several wines each to their credit and were chatting about their trip. Em and Ambrose liked going on...
HardcoreThis is a memoir of a real event that occurred in France during the late 90's. I enjoy writing stories that bring out the erotic flavor of an experience, so I tend to include details beyond simple descriptions of sex. That might include the venue, season, mood, fragrances, and emotional impact etc. I don't claim to be a skilled writer, but I hope this story conveys a little flavor of an extraordinary time in my life. And that's something I'd love to hear about -- what in particular, if...
The Mercedes pulled away. Clegg sat back watching the early morning light creep across the French countryside. Sandy pulled a Gauloise from a pack lodged in the pouch on the back of the seat in front of her. She offered one to Freddie. He shook his head. It was too early in the morning to have the skin taken off his throat. "How do you come to be working with the French Resistance?" Freddie asked. "Well I was somewhat upset by the loss of the Château as you can imagine. Besides, I...
Interview.As Erica approached the destination for her appointment in the upscale middle class neighborhood, she had to admit to being a bit nervous and unsettled. Nervous because this was her big break, her first solo feature article. Over the past several years she had worked her way up from very local weekly papers, to being a cub reporter on the large daily newspaper, again assigned to the local news scene, to finally being promoted to a position as researcher and writer for the Life and...
Over the last four weeks my interviews, exploring people’s sexual nature, have been going well. Not only have friends and colleagues made suggestions by word of mouth, as you do, but I have also received many emails.Then there was the letter. I am not sure how they found out my address, but I arrived home to find a letter on my doormat. I normally just pick up the junk mail every evening and throw it in the recycling. On this occasion, the pink envelope stood out.I dropped my bag just behind...
LesbianMelissa had entered my flat in the most confident manner that I have ever witnessed. She handed me her thin coat as she strode confidently past me over to the black leather chair; the same chair that I so memorably labelled as Emma’s chair about two weeks ago. In a sense, it felt like I was treated like a butler.I hung her coat on one of the hooks and smiled at Melissa as I approached her. I sat opposite her and picked up my pad of questions. Melissa knew why she was here. She had answered an...
Straight SexInterview4 December 2013I drove through the gate and pulled up alongside his car; my legs were like jelly, my throat was dry. He obviously saw me arrive a little early as I received a text almost immediately asking me to give him 10 minutes – he wasn’t quite ready. It did nothing to steady my nerves but did give me time to check my make-up was ok and change into my interview shoes. I kept looking through the window of the office and I could see him moving from room to room, but not enough to...
Interview with a She-Male Escort By mrraizer I've always wondered what talking to a real she-male would be like. I took it upon myself to find one and interview her. How did I pull off a feat? Because I'm mrraizer, and I can do things like that. After searching the net, reading various local newspapers such as: The Village Voice, Screw, etc, I found one willing to talk with me openly and frankly. From her ad in one of those papers she looked black or latino(a). It was hard...
dale10: ?So,?tell me a little bit about yourself.?Bryce: Well, ugh, my name is Bryce. I'm sixteen years old.?dale10: I hope you don't mind my saying you look like shit for sixteen.Bryce: Huh? Ah, yeah, I guess. Life has been pretty crappy for me.?dale10: ?You are cocksucker and an ass cunt boy, right?Bryce: ?I guess.?dale10: You guess? Do you suck cock and take it up the ass for ?money? Isn't that why you are here? Didn't I pick you up on a fucking street corner??Bryce: Yeah, you did.?dale10:...
I work in a pretty conservative place. The type where the men wear suits every day and the women primp and look fine. For years, we used to hire purely on how hot a woman was. It was never much more than normal piggish male humor and unsettled desires that were part of the interview process. It has been that way for years... then the market got tight. In a recent interview, this redhead name Maggie, had all the right assets. Back in the day, we would have hired her for her bright red hair...
I had gone for interview at an Upcoming MNC in Mumbai. I am from Pune and had come to Mumbai just for the interview. I was staying with my cousin who is an AirHostess. The interview was the last round with the boss himself. So I had to go to his Office. I had waited in the loby for 2 hours as there was a General Board Meeting going on.I had to call up my cousin and tell her not to wait for me at dinner. My cousin is a party freek. When she is not working, she is either sleeping, shopping or...
I had gone for interview at an Upcoming MNC in Mumbai. I am from Pune and had come to Mumbai just for the interview. I was staying with my cousin who is an AirHostess. The interview was the last round with the boss himself. So I had to go to his Office. I had waited in the loby for 2 hours as there was a General Board Meeting going on. I had to call up my cousin and tell her not to wait for me at dinner. My cousin is a party freek. When she is not working, she is either sleeping, shopping or...
First Time“I understand you are interested in the position I am offering. Are you available to meet with me over lunch?” read the text on my phone. The number belonged to Tina Yu, with whom I had enjoyed an intimate relationship for a couple years. I was not sure yet what little role-play she was cooking up, but I knew it would be a good one. “I am quite interested. Where would you like to meet?” I responded. “1800 West College Lane. Buzz unit 1103 when you arrive. I am quite eager to review your...
CheatingI've met this woman on internet we talked on fb and she told me that she have profile on xhamster. I wanted to know more about her and her lifestyle so i asked her for a interview. We live in same city so she came in my apartment. She is wearing short black dress pantyhose and boots. I don't really know how to do interview but i will try. Welcome Samantha(not her real name) thank you for coming you look wonderful can you tell me a little about yourself ?- Thanks, you are so sweet. I'm Samantha...
When I was younger, one of my favourite shows growing up was Fairly OddParents. A few years later, I was in college and one day I was researching something which linked me to Tara Strong, the voice actress who had performed the voice of Timmy Turner, the main character of the show.I found out that she lived near to where I went to college, so I e-mailed her and asked her if she would like to do an interview with me as part of a project I was working on. She e-mailed me back and told me that she...
When I was younger, one of my favourite shows growing up was Fairly OddParents. A few years later, I was in college and one day I was researching something which linked me to Tara Strong, the voice actress who had performed the voice of Timmy Turner, the main character of the show.I found out that she lived near to where I went to college, so I e-mailed her and asked her if she would like to do an interview with me as part of a project I was working on. She e-mailed me back and told me that she...
At 45 years old, Doris was a successful businesswoman. She built her Amazon Executive Women's consulting company from nothing to a thriving business with six great women employees. Doris loved being in charge whether it was her business or her personal life. She was going to hire her first male secretary, who would open her mail, screen her calls and assist the other employees if needed. In reality, he would be used as her own personal oral sex slave and face seat.There was nothing small or shy...
I don't know why I agreed to this. There was a reason why I avoided these kinds of conversations. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach that this wasn't going to go well.Rounding the corner, I saw the coffee shop. There was safety in being in a public place, and I picked up my pace. The sooner we started, the sooner we got it over with.As soon as I walked through the door, I saw him. He looked exactly like he did in the selfie he sent me, so at least he wasn't hiding or trying to be fake......
While I was in New York City, I discovered that the new Spider-Man film was being shot just a few blocks away from where I was staying. I was very excited for the new film, so I decided to head around to the set and have a look around.So I was snooping around the city when I decided to grab a coffee. While waiting in line, none other than the film's star, Emma Stone, got into line behind me! I was babbling in no time; simply rambling on about how great the movie would be and so on. She was very...
Interview with Caroline Laurence on filming "La Vénus á Lulu" - 1991 Dir: D. LossetInterview with Michel Legrand - "Le Filme" magazine... August 1992.ML: How did you get the role as Venus in this film?CL: My agent phoned me & said there was a role in a TV film calling for a slim Nordic-looking girl.... BUT...........I'd have to be naked through most of it & have to act with little boys, no sexual bits, very tasteful & directed by Daniel Losset as a 'Jacques Tati-style' comedy, just...
Interview With a Sociopath By Cassandra Morgan It was overcast on the day Munchkin went to jail, one of those end-of- the-world days. The skies were dark and threatening, and the gray concrete building was stark and barren. The barbed wire coiled threateningly above the walls. Technically, this was a jail, not a prison, but it looked like every prison in every movie she had ever seen. There were no trees, just scrub brush and a faraway corn field. There...
SynopsisWhat starts as a magazine interview ends in a life changing experience. When Irene is discomfited by questions, her replies are not always the ones most desired.CommentFor readers with a little less time than is needed to read a novel here is a try of mine at a short story. It sort of fits with the rest of the world that I have written about in 'Denise' and 'Diane'. Hope that you like it. I am definitely encouraged by e-mails and comments so let me know what you think, for better or for...
Hi, I am Raj. I am professional and lives in delhi. Mai aapko jo story batane jar aha hu, wah bilkul sach hai. Yeh incident mere sath karib five years pahle hua tha, when I have an personal office and I have give an aid in newspapaer for a female young seceratary. Aid den eke baad mujhe ek ladki ka phone aaya, uska name rashmi tha. Maine use interview ke liye office mein bula liya. Usne kaha mai abhi fifteen minutes me aa jaungi. Mai uska intejar karne laga. Karib bis minute bad who aayi. Mai...
"Come in. Come in, Susan. Come sit with us on the couch." Susan was strikingly beautiful. Black hair, cascading over her shoulders, framed a perfectly symmetrical hispanic face. She carried her petite, slender, frame with dignity as she joined the forty-year-old couple on the couch. The couple, both gifted in the looks department, shifted slightly to create a narrow space between them. "Have you met Roy, the owner of our company?" "No, Miss Russell," Susan responded shyly, "I know who...
[Dedicated to A & T (they know who they are), as well as to the 'real' Omar, without who's equal participation, this event could never have occurred! This is a 'true' story, though certain details have been altered to preserve the privacy of the three main individuals within this narrative. I wish to that them for the friendship and trust they have shown me in confiding to me the details of the adventure they had.]Interviewers note: In October of this year (2019), a young married couple...
Interview With a Bride By Cassandra Morgan "Well, Kim, you're certainly pretty enough. But do you think I have room in my family for every sissy in the city?" I folded my hands into my lap. I didn't say anything. I stared at the floor. "No, Mistress," I said. "Just room enough for me." Anita smiled softly. She always had a soft spot for a new sissy. It was a weakness. She liked new. New lips. New attitudes. New flesh. But this one was different. She had come on her own,...
Interview with a Mistress By Cassandra Morgan Me? He wanted to talk to me? Who did he think he was? I knew him in college, a long time ago, a different me ago. We had history together. We didn't make history together, if you know what I mean. He's a clinical psychiatrist now. A shrink with a keyboard. He tells me he is writing an article about dominance in the underground. Sure. There are a lot of women trying to be what I am. I get that. But most women can't be. They're...
Hi Readers I have been reading stories of various types here at ISS but never thought I would have a reality to be a story here and here it is. I am Ravi 40yrs running own business since last 8years obviously after business is stable we tend to look for fun as you have little worries for career. We have advertised for engineers to be employed. I had arranged the interview in a hotel and around 12 people attended of which 5 r girls and 3 of them are great vitals large bases and big boobs....
Thirty Minutes Earlier... "There's one more thing I need to tell you." Said Lulu. "What is it?" asked Annabelle. "Lester knows I am here, he followed me to your apartment." "What!" "Please don't panic. You are safe. It's me he is after, but just in case I need to give you this." Lulu reached into her bag and pulled out a needle. "What is that?" asked Annabelle, starting to panic a little. "I told you that my friends from Venus gave me a keepsake or...
One of these businesses is a restaurant near the campus. It is conveniently located, open twenty four hours a day, and has free WI-fi, making it a very convenient place for late night studying. It is also very cheap, making it particularly enticing to the college students. There are two dining sections. One of them is full of booths with high backs that help increase privacy and minimize distractions. This section is ideal for romantic dates or studying. The other section has many...
As ever, I welcome any feedback, positive or negative. Rosemary's Restaurant Paula Hanson Chapter 1 In a quiet corner of the restaurant, the couple sat admiring each other across the table. The woman looked elegant with her blond hair swept into a neat french pleat with bangs just covering her eyebrows. The tear drop earrings which glistened as they reflected the candle light complimented her dark evening dress and around her neck was a large gemstone necklace. As she smiled,...
?Nancy’s Restaurant, good girlmeat all the time,? I said automatically as I was reading my dad’s secret cook book. Mom, my brother and I were struggling with ways to keep the restaurant open now that dad was gone. He had been a really good girlmeat chef. My brother had trained under him and was our new Head Chef, while mom and I were hostesses, though mom was the one who managed the business end of things. We had dad’s staff, meatgirls that he had trained as chefs and waitresses. ...