Madam Fatal December 1941
- 2 years ago
- 41
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The Mercedes pulled away. Clegg sat back watching the early morning light creep across the French countryside. Sandy pulled a Gauloise from a pack lodged in the pouch on the back of the seat in front of her. She offered one to Freddie. He shook his head. It was too early in the morning to have the skin taken off his throat.
"How do you come to be working with the French Resistance?" Freddie asked.
"Well I was somewhat upset by the loss of the Château as you can imagine. Besides, I thought it was rather appropriate, given my interests, Freddie. I'm a sort of Maquis De Sade."
Clegg winced at the pun. He'd never got used to Sandy's rather cavalier attitude to the business that they both were in. He'd always favoured a quieter, more personal approach to the business of abducting and trading women as slaves. The flamboyance of Sandy's European operation wasn't for him, although he had to confess fond memories of some of the parties she had thrown for her clients.
The car motored on. Sandy's blonde driver did a competent job of steering the car round the occasional pot hole left by the fighting from the previous year. Mostly they'd been filled in. The Germans were good at that sort of thing. Clegg saw the sign for Versailles. 10 or 12 miles from here he thought. They'd made good time. A motor cycle overtook them, the rider not giving Sandy a second glance. Clegg began to feel more comfortable.
As they swept through the old city wall at the Porte d'Issy an old Frenchman scowled at the passing car while a squad of soldiers came to a halt as their Obergefreiter threw an enthusiastic "Sieg Heil". It was obviously a good enough disguise, Clegg decided.
They drove on. They passed the Ecole Militaire and red, white and black swastika flags hanging limply from masts in the Champ De Mars. driving in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower as it looked down with what seemed sullen disapproval at the grey clad troops marching around its base and the the Champ de Mars. They crossed the Pont D'Iena and turned along the bank of the Seine, the Trocadero on their right. They drove on into Passy. Finally the car turned through gates with the sign "Notre Dame De Grace".
Dear heavens, Clegg thought, she's set up shop in a convent.
They stopped. Sandy and her driver got out and Clegg followed them. One of the nuns emerged and drove the car away to park it in what Clegg took to be the convent's stable block.
"You'll want to press on with your task," Sandy said as she showed Clegg through into the rooms she had arranged for him. Clegg nodded.
"I need to track down a girl," he said. "Well, three of them actually."
"How very unusual," responded the Comtesse with heavy irony. "Well, let me know if I can help."
"Thanks," said Clegg. "I will." He spent the morning tramping the streets of Paris, getting the feel of the place once more. He went back up to Montmartre. The Belle Aurore was deserted. There was no sign that it had been opened since the Germans had arrived. He thought maybe he could make use of the cellar if things didn't work out with Sandy's operation but it would be a whole lot easier with her help and she seemed willing enough so far at least.
He headed back towards the Seine. He was lucky. Passing the Trocadero he saw a poster. The Orchestre de la Société des Concerts du Conservatoire were performing that night. Clegg decided to treat himself to an evening's culture.
Wagner, Beethoven, Bruckner. The programme was predictable, Clegg guessed, given the sea of grey uniforms in the audience and certainly better than Hindemith. The Beethoven and the Bruckner were fine, thought Clegg but when it came to the Wagner he agreed with Mark Twain. When he'd said that Wagner's music was better than it sounded he'd hit the nail on the head.
The concert gave Clegg the chance to study Tereza Aucune. From his seat in the circle, peering through his opera glasses, he could clearly see the girl, staring fixedly at the conductor, fingering the strings and bowing her cello with intensity. From what he could see the Major was evidently a man of taste. But then Freddie knew that already from Annette and Louise.
The concert ended. Clegg was in the street by the stage door as Tereza emerged, hefting her instrument. Keeping his distance he followed her as she searched in vain for a taxi. Giving up, she decided to walk. It wasn't an easy task given the size of the cello but she had evidently had the practice. Clegg felt a bit guilty but then helping women out of difficulties wasn't really his style.
She didn't have too far to go. Clegg watched as she stopped outside a house in Passy. She wrestled her cello up the short flight of steps to the building's columned portico. As she reached the top of the steps the front door of the house opened. Waiting to welcome her in, highlighted in the glow of a light within the hall, was a young blonde woman. As she stood the doorway, Clegg could see she was wearing a black skirt, white shirt and black tie. On her arm she wore a red armband that carried the Nazi insignia of a white disk and black swastika. "Ah," thought Clegg as Tereza went inside, "that could make things more complicated."
Clegg took a good look around the outside of the house, avoided a squad of German troops as they marched by, and then headed back to the convent. Sandy was as good as her word when Clegg asked if she could arrange some a surveillance of the Passy house and its occupants. Late the following afternoon, Sister Sarah was able to offer Clegg the results of her visit.
"It is a very grand house," she said. "Occupied by a Major Strasser." Clegg was pleased by that piece of information at least. "It had been commandeered from a French family, of course, but they are no longer there."
"You had a good chance to look around?"
"Oh yes. Tereza Aucune is a good catholic girl. She was only too happy to see me when she heard I was collecting alms for the convent. Major Strasser is away but Mademoiselle Aucune continues to live there. There are two others in the house. Two of Major Strasser's people. Heidi and Helga they are called. Whether they are babysitters, or guards I could not say."
"How easy would it be to enter the house unobserved?"
"Not so difficult, I think. The gardens at the rear are not overlooked — Mademoiselle asked me to take tea with her there. There is a conservatory that opens off the lounge. But any action you plan will need to be taken soon. I suspect that the occupants are about to leave."
"For what reason?"
"Who can say. All I can tell you, Monsieur Clegg, is that the house is full of boxes, crates, packing cases. And Mademoiselle Aucune is very upset. While I was there a despatch rider arrived bringing a telegram. I was just leaving. I heard Mademoiselle Aucune crying, weeping, sobbing. Distraught. I offered to comfort her but Heidi, I think it was, asked me to leave."
Clegg was pleased with the report but concerned at the urgency that the turn of events at the Passy house seemed to urge. "Thank you, Sister," he said as the young nun took her leave. Clegg turned to the Comtesse. "I will need a van," he said. "And two men, if you can spare them."
Sandy provided everything that Freddie had asked for. The van was a small Citroen; rusting, non-descript and unlikely to attract attention. The two men, Jacques and Jules, both long standing members of Sandy's team, turned up with a bored manner that Freddie found comforting. He hated enthusiastic amateurs.
Freddie found himself in the garden of the Passy house with Jacques. Jules was around the side of the house in the van waiting for their signal. As Sister Sarah had said, there was little effort needed to get inside. Clegg easily slipped the catch on the conservatory and the two of them were soon through it and into the lounge. The darkened room was filled with crates and half packed boxes just as Sarah had told them.
They heard a voice from the corridor outside. "Ich setze es in das Hinterzimmer ein, Helga. Im großen Fall."
That will be Heidi, Clegg thought and she's coming in here to put something in that big case. A moment later, only just giving Clegg and Jacques enough time to get behind the door, Heidi came in. As she groped for the light switch Clegg grabbed her wrist, pulled her into the room and pushed her back against the wall. The papers that she was carrying went flying. He had his hand over her mouth before she could cry out. Jacques, helpfully jammed the barrel of his pistol against her throat. Heidi understood what was required of her and froze staring in terror at the two men. Clegg pulled a scarf from his pocket, knotted it and pushed the knot between Heidi's teeth. He tied the scarf tightly in place, forcing a moan from the girl.
Jacque kept the pistol pointing at her as Clegg grabbed her arms and pulled her wrists behind her back. A handy length of rope from the one of the packing cases served to bind her wrists, ankles, knees and arms. Clegg pushed the helpless Heidi to the floor and then jerked her ankles up to her wrists to leave her hog-tied. He smiled at Jacques and gave him a thumbs up sign, then pointed to the door and upwards indicating that their next quarry would probably be on the first floor. Jacques nodded and smiled in response and then followed Clegg as the two of them slipped carefully out of the lounge and onto the main staircase of the house. From above they could hear the sound of a cello, its plaintive air filling the house.
THE DOMESTICATION OF A PARISIAN BOURGEOIS Full story-Feb13 By Monica Graz Author's Note The story is happening in Paris of the early 1970s and is based on real facts. At the time Portugal was still a very poor country and not a member of the European Union. Lots of poor girls and married women were coming from there to work in France as factory workers, cleaners and maids. Many of those girls were working as live in maids in...
The echo of designer heels clicking across polished granite tiles pierced the silence of the building lobby. It was the confident stride of a young woman who to look at her, exuded contemporary class and an urban sophistication. She stepped into the elevator as the doors slid open and with a perfectly manicured finger, pushed the button for the twenty-fourth floor. Everyone in the open plan office greeted her as she sauntered past countless bays of fashionably clad employees. Amy in turn wished...
Seduction(Outside The Tiber Hideout) John's Horse Laid Dead beneath his Arrow-Ridden Body, but Still He Clung to Life, His Belief in the Creed in the Assassins Brotherhood Unbroken and Unbeaten, He Crawled through the streets, bloodstained Robes and Stab wounds all red and bleeding red. He Finally Collapsed in front of the Tiber Bridge. (Inside the Tiber Hideout) John Awoke to A Sweet singing, he tried getting up, but he felt several Stitches Pull and the Pain Causes him to groan and pass out. John had...
Parisian FrolicsThis work consists of translations from the French and is possibly the work of Adolphe Belot who was a popular French writer of the 1880s.Parisian Frolics.Translated from the French by the Author of The Way of a Man with a Maid.London [Paris], printed for Private Circulation Only.1896. [c.1920-1924]. CHAPTER 1SOME MORE ABOUT MY LITTLE COUSINA lady, young, fresh, extremely pretty and stylishly though quietly dressed, tripped daintily along a street in the neighbourhood of the...
This is the fourth part of “Parisian Surprise”, written with Alphamagus. You may wish to read the preceding parts to enjoy and understand the entire story. Robert and Juliana are spending a week in Paris and have included a different kind of experience in their vacation. At Robert’s instigation they played game of control, alternating the dominant and submissive roles and discovering new heights of sexual excitement. Now the game is over, but their sexual fun one of the world’s most romantic...
This is the fourth part of “Parisian Surprise”, written with Alphamagus. You may wish to read the preceding parts to enjoy and understand the entire story.Robert and Juliana are spending a week in Paris and have included a different kind of experience in their vacation. At Robert’s instigation they played game of control, alternating the dominant and submissive roles and discovering new heights of sexual excitement. Now the game is over, but their sexual fun one of the world’s most romantic...
Love StoriesEight hours later, Clegg was walking along Haymarket in the early evening. He was pondering the problem of the girl that he was planing to pick up later that night. Added to that, Angela had wanted the two of them to get together again. Their tumble had been fun but he'd got work to do and that came first. The problem with the new girl was going to be transport. He had a buyer but they weren't keen on coming to London. Freddie couldn't blame them. He side-stepped a small pile of rubble...
Freddie always found it hard to resist a pretty face. One way or another. On this occasion he hadn't. Third Officer Angela Parsons sat up with a grin. "Nice apartment," Freddie Clegg said from the door to her bedroom. He was clutching two cups of tea. "I couldn't find the saucers," he apologised. Clegg sat on the end of the bed that he'd just left and passed one cup to Angela. "Handy for the Admiralty here in St James's." Angela pushed a strand of blonde her back from her face....
The Gaslight Club was in Great Compton Street. Soho retained, even in war time, its air of corrupt pleasure. A curious mix of illicit sexuality and hedonistic enjoyment seemed to infuse the smoke stained bricks of the buildings. The garish neon signs were gone from the clubs, of course, banished by the blackout legislation but there were plenty of servicemen on leave, keen to find a way to forget about life for a while. Sharp suited men still slouched at the entrance to the clubs, enticing...
It was dark, Clegg stood in the lee of the hangar with Elly. Clegg was clutching the battered suitcases that contained all he would take with him on his trip into occupied France. Clegg preferred flying but he preferred doing it from the pilot's seat. He wasn't by nature a passenger. Strangways appeared from inside the hangar, accompanied by Angela. That's convenient, thought, Clegg. He'd been going to get Elly to take a look at her; just in case there was any need, you understand. It...
It was dark and cold. The whine of the air raid siren sounding the "all clear" cut through the night, blotting out the hissing and crackling sound from the fires that raged a block or so from where Clegg was standing. "Inconvenient," he thought, "I wasn't quite finished." It wasn't too much of a problem though; it would be a while before folk emerged from the shelters. As if to add to his difficulties, the wall of a nearby building collapsed with a crumbling crash, spewing a jet of...
Parisian Chaperone Extracts from Sarah’s diary Thursday 10 th June: Today is a red-letter day it is my seventeenth birthday. My parents have let on that my main present is to be a holiday to Paris, France. It is meant to be a mixture of learning and fun. Friday 25 th June: The arrangements for my holiday to Paris have been finalised. I am to stay with the daughter of some family friends. Her name is Lily and she is studying French Literature at the Sorbonne. She lives in a one bedroom flat...
This is the sixth part of “Parisian Surprise”, written with Alphamagus, and while it can be read on its own, it will be better enjoyed if you read the preceding segments. Robert and Juliana have been enjoying a vacation week in Paris. There have been new experiences playing a game of submission and dominance. They have had sex in various locations including the Musée D’Orsay and the Paris Opera, not to mention more conventional ones. The constant in their time together is their shared love of...
This is the second part of Robert and Juliana’s “Parisian Surprise”, written in collaboration with Alphamagus. In order to properly understand the story, it would be best to read Part One before reading this. The couple have had an exciting flight to Paris. Robert has inserted remote-controlled love eggs into Juliana as part a bargain made between them allowing each to dominate the other in turn. It will be an interesting day as you will find out as you read on. “I thought that we would get...
This is the fifth part of “Parisian Surprise”, written with Alphamagus. While it can be read on its own, it may be better enjoyed if you read the preceding segments. Part One won an Editor’s Pick award. Robert and Juliana have been enjoying a vacation week in Paris. They have had a number of sexual adventures including a game of submission and dominance. They are preparing for a night at the Paris Opera, black tie for him, a vintage designer dress for her, and more romance and desire for them...
This is the seventh and final part of “Parisian Surprise”, written with Alphamagus. While it can be read on its own, we feel it will be better enjoyed if you read the preceding segments. Robert and Juliana have been having an exceptional time in the City of Light and love. There have been new experiences, like playing the game of submission and dominance, sex in public places as well as in private, and given that it is Paris, lots of wonderful food and wine. Their week will soon be over, but...
This is the third part of Robert and Juliana’s “Parisian Surprise”, written in collaboration with Alphamagus. To best understand the story, we suggest that you read the preceding two parts before reading this one, but this story may be enjoyed on its own. Robert and Juliana have already had some sexual adventures on their flight and during their first day in Paris. They have agreed to take turns being dominant during their holiday, and, in this story, Juliana ups the ante to Robert’s delight. ...
This is the seventh and final part of “Parisian Surprise”, written with Alphamagus.While it can be read on its own, we feel it will be better enjoyed if you read the preceding segments. Robert and Juliana have been having an exceptional time in the City of Light and love. There have been new experiences, like playing the game of submission and dominance, sex in public places as well as in private, and given that it is Paris, lots of wonderful food and wine. Their week will soon be over, but the...
Love StoriesThis is the sixth part of “Parisian Surprise”, written with Alphamagus, and while it can be read on its own, it will be better enjoyed if you read the preceding segments. Robert and Juliana have been enjoying a vacation week in Paris. There have been new experiences playing a game of submission and dominance. They have had sex in various locations including the Musée D’Orsay and the Paris Opera, not to mention more conventional ones. The constant in their time together is their shared love of...
Love StoriesThis is the fifth part of “Parisian Surprise”, written with Alphamagus. While it can be read on its own, it may be better enjoyed if you read the preceding segments. Part One won an Editor's Pick award. Robert and Juliana have been enjoying a vacation week in Paris. They have had a number of sexual adventures including a game of submission and dominance. They are preparing for a night at the Paris Opera, black tie for him, a vintage designer dress for her, and more romance and desire for them...
Love StoriesThis is the third part of Robert and Juliana’s “Parisian Surprise”, written in collaboration with Alphamagus. To best understand the story, we suggest that you read the preceding two parts before reading this one, but this story may be enjoyed on its own. Robert and Juliana have already had some sexual adventures on their flight and during their first day in Paris. They have agreed to take turns being dominant during their holiday, and, in this story, Juliana ups the ante to Robert’s delight....
Love StoriesThis is the second part of Robert and Juliana’s “Parisian Surprise”, written in collaboration with Alphamagus. In order to properly understand the story, it would be best to read Part One before reading this. The couple have had an exciting flight to Paris. Robert has inserted remote-controlled love eggs into Juliana as part a bargain made between them allowing each to dominate the other in turn. It will be an interesting day as you will find out as you read on. “I thought that we would get...
Love StoriesThe flight from Atlanta to Charles de Gaulle was not bad at all. Thank goodness we were in business class. It cost a zillion frequent flyer miles to bring my wife along, but I figured it was worth it. It would be a working trip for me, but I had a couple of days free at the beginning of the trip and would have occasional free time in the middle. For the most part, though, Cindy would have to fend for herself. She assured me she was fine with that and was excited about the trip. Who could've...
Wife LoversParisian Chaperone Extracts from Sarah’s diary Thursday 10 th June: Today is a red-letter day it is my seventeenth birthday. My parents have let on that my main present is to be a holiday to Paris, France. It is meant to be a mixture of learning and fun. Friday 25 th June: The arrangements for my holiday to Paris have been finalised. I am to stay with the daughter of some family friends. Her name is Lily and she is studying French Literature at the Sorbonne. She lives in a one bedroom flat so I...
LesbianPart I David watched from the window as the car pulled around the corner and out of sight. It was Friday evening, and now he’d have the house to himself for the whole weekend. He was looking forward to relaxing at home for a couple days before he had to go back to the real world on Monday. He decided to take a shower because he wanted to be nice and clean for what he was planning to do. He made sure to wash himself thoroughly. He admired his cock as he cleaned the long semi-erect shaft....
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I just completed four years of college, attending Yale University on an academic scholarship. To my surprise, my parents awarded my efforts with a trip to the French Riviera for an entire week, covering all expenses. Luckily, they weren't coming along with me as part of the gift. I consider myself to be just an average guy, though admittedly I do get some attention from the ladies from time to time. I'm 6 feet 2 inches tall and weigh around 190 pounds. I'm not a jock by any stretch of the...
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Heloo my lesbo friends!i am nazoo khan 28 years old.i am lesbian or bisexual girl.i have whiteash healthy sexy figure size is 38 28 38.i have a boyfriend loved me very much. He’s very cute and sexy as hell and has the dick of death. I love sucking on his awesome rod of power. After sucking his lund, i love fitting it in my wet pussy and tight asshole.i traveled many will be happend when i was in france. I’ve known clare for about three months. We both work in the...
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Dad always referred to them as Aunt Matilda and Aunt May but actually Matilda is my dad's aunt and May is just her special friend, and they are at least fifty years old and dedicated to each other and dedicated to their local church and it's pastor Pastor Taylour. Dad made all the arrangements and the first time I really met them as a grown up was when I rolled up on their doorstep off the Greyhound bus one late summer afternoon with all my worldly goods in a couple of suitcases. I...
It was never my intention to go to live with Aunt Matilda and Aunt May, in New York state five hundred miles east of Arlsberg but when I was offered a place at Uni a short bus ride from their place that Dad suggested I should see if I could stay with them.Dad always referred to them as Aunt Matilda and Aunt May but actually Matilda is my dad's aunt and May is just her special friend, and they are at least fifty years old and dedicated to each other and dedicated to their local church and it's...
It was the evening of Wednesday the 8th a week before my girlfriend Jessica would be leaving to go away with her parents for December holiday. As I laid messaging her making arrangements for Thursday I decided to message, Claire, the sexy MILF I slept with during my matric holiday last year in Plettenberg Bay. I kept in contact with Claire throughout the year but with varsity and Claire busy at work we didn't find any suitable time to meet up again. I said to her," Hey my sexy MILF how are you?...
The Dark Side of the Life of Frances Barker Michelle Baker I decided to write this after I read a clipping from a newspaper, sent to me as an attachment to a letter. It was a sad footnote of a tragic life in a tiny article, meriting barely a column-inch. It recorded the death of Frances 'Frannie the Trannie' Barker, beaten to death with a blunt instrument in the tiny bed-sitter she lived and worked in - working as a prostitute. Saddened because I knew her as a kid. Knew her when she...
This is my first story written, so cut me some slack and be easy on the comments :). Criticism is welcome, but it must be constructive criticism. I have changed the names of the story for obvious reasons, but other than that the story is 100% true. I wrote this because I have read many stories here myself, and want to give back with some of my own. —————————————————————————————————————————————- Ill first describe myself: Im a 17 year old Australian guy, Im relatively tall, 6ft exactly, long...
En 2022 la France en avait marre. Après une longue campagne présidentielle, tous les candidats s’étaient discrédités, s’évertuant à travers leurs outrages, leur bêtise et leur incompétence à se montrer indigne de la fonction suprême. Quant au président actuel, personne n’aurait l’idée saugrenue de le réélire. Le soir du premier tour à 20h, les résultats tombèrent : 90% des bulletins étaient blanc et le taux de participation de 10%. Impossible d’organiser un second tour dans ces conditions,...
I had been combining a business trip in France with a short break, and Ihad a few more days to spend before returning for a conference in London.I had hired a car and was taking time to explore some of the smallerNormandy towns, seeking out small hotels and eating wherever I could infamily-run restaurants.What I am about to write about happened some ten years ago, but I rememberthe details as if they happened yesterday. I can even remember that it wasa Wednesday evening that I met him, and that...
y high school organized an optional group trip to France for a month. The idea was that we were supposed to go learn French and become immersed in the culture, but as I found out from students who had gone on the trip previously, in reality it was just a chance to get drunk and party with your friends, and try to hook up with French girls.While I was interested in getting drunk with my buddies, none of the girls in my class held any particular appeal for me. Not that they weren’t attractive,...
Hi all ISS readers. Back with a new story. This time it’s not mine, one of my online friend’s story which was exciting and hence thought of sharing with you all. You can reach out to me at Due to privacy reasons, she was not ready to share her mail id also. Now, sharing it in her words itself. Hi, friends, I’m samrutha now 34. This story happened way back in 2008 when I was a virgin and was working in one of the MNC IT company in Pune. I’m a Brahmin girl and I was literally brought up like an...
Cap Ferrat, South of France, May 1903.The last rays of the setting sun still showed above the dark line of the sea’s horizon, but in the woods that lined the hilly coast, twilight had turned to night and the scent of pine drifted through the trees as the hiss of small waves sounded on the rocky shoreline.Half way up the steep slope that overlooked the bay, a cluster of lights showed in the warm darkness. Conversation and the occasional ripple of laughter were coming from an elegant terrace...
HistoricalThis is a little something I did for promotional purposes. I’ve never heard back from the people I sent it to. So I’m assuming they’re not interested. So I’m putting it up here. Enjoy. As always, this piece is done in memory of Colleen Thomas, a good friend who I miss to this day. Don’t forget to vote and comment. I love hearing from my readers. The idea of an interview with Georges Belleveau and Diane Patterson was first broached to me in a chat on-line at a publisher’s website. We were...
Things got off to a rocky start that summer. Just before we were to leave for our vacation house, Kate had a phone call from her sister in the small town closest to her parents' ranch. Her dad had suffered a stroke and her mom was, understandably, frantic and overwhelmed. Kate was on a plane the next day, and we postponed our departure to the coast up north. Three days of torture, agonized waiting, long telephone conversations, tedious hours at the regional medical center for Kate, her mom...
I AWOKE to a soft kiss on the lips before Mary got up and the thick black curtains were thrown open to the morning light. I blinked and could make out a vision in front of me, a haloed silhouette of a female form in the bright white light of the window. She moved back to the side of the mattress where I lay on the floor of my brother-in-law’s home office. When my eyes focused better, I saw the unbelievably beautiful Mary Jones, even with tousled hair and no make-up, barely dressed in pale...
WHILE I waited for Mary’s train to come into Paddington Station the events of the last seven months played through my head. The judicial system in England and Wales is a behemoth, tortuously slow and justice takes a long time. There are sound reasons for this, it allows better evidence to show up, more witnesses to come forward, better consideration of the facts and hopefully better judgements. And the accused too have longer to examine their consciences and reflect on the scales of...
Warm and cloying, my t-shirt stained with her tears; the gamble failed.Her snivels broke the silence, the mournful spasms of distress: a heart-wrenching sound. I did this; I was responsible, convinced this was the beginning of the end. The burden so intense, I dared not look. Forcing myself, Elodie sat perched on the edge of the sofa. Body crunched up with a distant sorrowful expression. She clenched that talismanic handkerchief in her hand.Caught in a loop of guilt and regret, too many...
TrueThrough my mind race the images of us standing chest-deep in the sea and me asking Jan to marry me. I can’t help but smile at the hilarity of the situation. Jan, standing naked in front of me and of the shocked expression on her face as I make my proposal. I realize that we are not in an ideal location, so I lift Jan into my arms and trudge up the beach.Her silence at first fuels my fears of rejection. I can feel her sobs as she buries her face in my neck, and the heaving of her chest as the...
Love StoriesALEX The next day he needed to take a painting to some rich people in Saint Tropez. Louise wanted to come along, but she and Rob had a lunch appointment in Cannes first. Alex was supposed to pick her up in the restaurant at one o’clock. Because he was early he parked the van and explored Cannes on foot. He bought a can of Coke and some chocolate and walked to the beach. Cannes had less character than the old town of Nice, he thought, but still, it was better to be here than in his sleepy...