Francis to Frances
- 4 years ago
- 23
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It was never my intention to go to live with Aunt Matilda and Aunt May, in New York state five hundred miles east of Arlsberg but when I was offered a place at Uni a short bus ride from their place that Dad suggested I should see if I could stay with them.
Dad always referred to them as Aunt Matilda and Aunt May but actually Matilda is my dad's aunt and May is just her special friend, and they are at least fifty years old and dedicated to each other and dedicated to their local church and it's pastor Pastor Taylour.
Dad made all the arrangements and the first time I really met them as a grown up was when I rolled up on their doorstep off the Greyhound bus one late summer afternoon with all my worldly goods in a couple of suitcases. I knocked the door.
The door opened they both stood there like a a pair of left overs from the nineteen thirties, matching short bobbed dark hair and matching green knee length skirts and knitted cardigans. They looked me over, looked at each other and said "Go away!" and slammed the door.
"But Aunt Matilda, Aunt May, you said I could stay." I protested.
"Frances, are you Frances?" Aunt Matilda asked as they opened the door a crack.
"Sure, can I come in?" I asked.
"No, I'm sorry but, well," Matilda said apologetically, "Frances, we thought you were a girl."
"We cannot possibly have a young man to stay," May explained, "We are two unmarried ladies, the neighbours would surely talk!" she added.
"Hell you promised," I reminded them, "And I'm Francis with an i, I saw you at cousin Ivor's funeral, you must must have known?"
"We did promise," May reminded Matilda.
"Yes sister we did promise, but I thought you were a girl." Matilda reminded her,"Frances is a girls name."
"Look, I won't be no trouble," I said.
"I wont be any trouble," Martha corrected me, "Are you sure, do you promise?" she asked.
"Sure, anything you want done just say the word," I said, "I'm kinda desperate."
"Anything?" Martha asked.
"Anything," I agreed.
"Anything," May agreed, "Just a moment," she said and closed the door.
They spoke for few moments and then Martha opened the door again, "We'll let you stay tonight and then we'll see," she said, "You will obey the house rules wont you?"
"Sure," I agreed.
"And do as we say, no arguing, or you're straight out on the street." Martha insisted.
"Sure, look I'll be real grateful," I explained.
"You'll have to sleep in the parlour," May said.
"Why? don't you have a spare bedroom?" I asked.
"Yes but boys are not allowed upstairs," Martha said, "House rule."
"Look, its no sweat," I agreed.
"Pastor Taylour is very insistent, very insistent,"May explained, "No boys upstairs before marriage."
"And Mrs Baxter doesn't miss a thing, she is his eyes and ears you know, and she lives just across the way," Martha added.
"It's cool." I agreed.
"Good, I'll get some tea!" May agreed, "You do like tea?"
"I guess," I agreed.
"We will get the bed down," Martha suggested.
"But Mrs Baxter will see you Martha," May cautioned.
"Oh dear," Martha exclaimed, "How shall we manage?"
"Draw the drapes?" I suggested.
"Oh," Martha exclaimed, "I don't think so, I wouldn't feel safe upstairs with a man."
"I'll sleep on the floor," I suggested.
"Are you sure?" Martha asked.
"Sure!" I agreed, "I can sleep anywhere!"
"He could sleep on the couch," May said, "He's not very tall."
"Ok, I'm a late developer," I said, I mean I'm only five seven and one thirty five pounds and I'm kind of sensitive about it.
"Quite delicate," Martha agreed, "Do you shave?"
"Sure, most weeks," I agreed, again my light hair colour meant even if I tried to grow a beard you couldn't hardly see it.
"You have the look of cousin Esmee about you," May agreed, "Willowy and flat chested, poor girl, I see we are going to have to feed you up."
"I guess," I said.
"May, he's a boy," Martha hissed.
"I meant Esmee poor girl," May said, "Not Frances."
"Oh, I thought," Martha said in a whisper, "With some lipstick."
"And rouge," May agreed.
"With that long straggly girly hair," Martha agreed, "Styled nicely."
"If he wore shorts maybe?" May suggested.
"Woah!" I protested.
"It would be much easier," Martha suggested.
"It's a lovely soft bed," May agreed.
"You want me to dress like a girl?" I asked.
"Um, yes, would you mind terribly?" Martha asked.
"Only shorts when you're not wearing jeans," May said, "Just a touch of lipstick."
"It would be so much easier," Martha agreed.
"No way!" I protested.
"But you said you would do anything!" Martha reminded me.
"I meant chores!" I explained.
"Well think of this as a chore," May chuckled, "I'll get my powder compact."
I looked at Martha, "You're not serious surely?" I asked.
"My sister is very religious," Martha said, "She idolises Pastor Taylour, it's best to humour her."
"Ok," I agreed, "I wouldn't want to make it awkward for her," I sighed, "But you can't expect me to be a girl."
"Oh don't be silly," Martha said, "What ever must you think of us, no it's just for Pastor Taylour and Mrs Baxter from across the street."
"Ok," I agreed.
May brought her make up box and set it on the table, "Just a touch of the medium red," she suggested, "Sit down."
The lipstick felt most off on my lips, and then she started to comb my hair finally she slid a couple of hair grips in and Martha picked up the mirror, "See," she said.
I gulped, a girl looked back at me.
"We'll have your ears pierced on Monday but until then you can wear these clip on ear rings." May suggested and she slipped a pearl ear ring on my left ear lobe and tightened the tiny screws.
"Hey!" I protested as she handed me the other ear ring,
"Lots of boys have their ears pierced," Martha explained, "But we haven't had our tea yet!"
"Come Martha, let Frances get settled in, upstairs on the left Frances," May said and they bustled away.
I took my cases up the stairs, the room on the left was neat, a simple bed with dressing table with mirrors and everything and a wardrobe and drawer unit.
There was a knock on the door downstairs, "Why Mrs Baxter!" May exclaimed sarcastically.
"You got a man in there?" Mrs Baxter demanded gruffly.
"Why no!" May replied, "No, it's my nephew's girl Frances, a bit of a tomboy I'm afraid."
"Well looked mightily like a boy to me," Mrs Baxter replied, "You going to introduce me?"
"No, I'm afraid she is resting after the long journey," May apologised, "Tomorrow maybe?"
"Sure, Church tomorrow," Mrs Baxter agreed, "Good day!"
"That old witch doesn't miss a thing!" May stormed to Martha.
"Not a thing," Martha agreed.
"She'll tell Pastor Taylour," May insisted.
"Tell him what, that we have our niece staying?" Martha insisted.
"Oh yes!" May chuckled, "With the right shoes."
"Smart trouser suit?" Martha suggested.
"Or a nice skirt?" May countered, "If she shaves her legs and."
"They might be ugly manly legs," Martha suggested.
"Or not," May agreed, "Frances," she shouted, "Can you put your shorts on please?"
I didn't answer, I had white shorts for my sports kit so I changed from my jeans to shorts and set about putting my clothes away.
"Tea!" Martha announced so I went downstairs, they had laid out a high tea of sandwiches and a pot of tea with buttered scones with raspberry jam, my heart sank.
"Oh she has very pretty knees Martha!" May insisted.
"And so smooth!" Martha added.
"Ok, so I can pass for a girl," I said, "Big deal!"
"It is a big deal to us," May insisted, "We have a standing in this community, in our church and don't you belittle us!"
"Look, I'm sorry, I'm very grateful ok?" I agreed, "I'll work something out," I said as I sat down to eat.
"Good, eat up!" May insisted.
The tiny sandwiches and scones wouldn't have kept a fly alive, I was hungrier after I ate than I was before.
I went upstairs after for a lie down, May came up a while later, "You ought to come to church tomorrow," she said.
"Sure, ok, I always go church," I agreed.
She paused a moment and added, "Pastor Taylour doesn't approve of shorts or jeans, he thinks girls should wear skirts."
"Oh no, no way!" I protested, "That is a step too far!"
"But it's no different to wearing shorts," May insisted, "Don't you see?"
"No!" I replied.
"Look, I've an old Tennis skirt, see," May explained as she produced a starched white skirt, "Just slip it over your shorts and see," she said as she handed the skirt to me.
"Hell," I said and I stood up and pulled the skirt around me, "Happy!" I asked, it was just like wearing shorts, no big deal.
"Yes," she said, "So if we pad your bra a bit?"
"No!" I protested, "I am not, repeat not wearing a brassiere!"
"What's all this 'No' business? Martha asked as she came upstairs.
"She wants me to wear a padded brassiere!" I explained.
"Oh, well," Martha exclaimed, "That does sound like a good idea! you are rather flat chested."
"No!" I said, "No way."
"But it will give the game away," May explained, "And you know Pastor Taylour says it is a sin to for a woman and a boy to stay in the same house when they aren't married or brother and sister."
"Exactly!" Martha agreed and she walked to the drawer unit and pulled out black brassiere and some tissue paper, "Just try it, ok?" she asked.
"Read my lips," I replied.
"Don't be churlish," May admonished, "Just try it, please."
"It would be a shame," she said, "If Pastor Taylour found out you are a boy and we had to send you home."
I swallowed, my whole future was at stake here, "Ok," I agreed, "I'll try it!"
I peeled my tee shirt off and let Martha put the brassiere round my non existent breasts and adjust the straps, and then she filled the cups with tissue paper and let me put my tee shirt back on, "See," she said, "No one will know!"
It felt as odd as hell wearing a brassiere, all scratchy and unnatural but I had to admit when i looked in the mirror that even I wouldn't have realised I wasn't a girl.
"That's perfect!" Martha agreed, "Pastor Taylour will never know!"
I had the chance to test the theory next morning as I went to the ten o'clock service at the church, no one took any notice of me right till the end when Martha and May made sure we were almost last in line to shake his hand as we left.
"And who's this delectable lass?" Pastor Taylour asked as Mrs Baxter hovered nearby.
"Frances, Pastor," Martha explained, "Our nephew's child."
"And a very special child if I'm not mistaken," the Pastor declared, "Though a wayward one and I'll be asking you to wear something more womanly if you wouldn't mind child, a Tee shirt, you'll be wearing jeans next."
"Frances is a special girl," Martha explained, "Special."
"A special girl is she," he agreed, "And has she been baptised."
"No Pastor!" Martha admitted.
"Then let us not waste time on idle chit chat," he ordered and added "To the crypt ladies."
A heavy door in an ornately carved stone arch led to a spiral staircase leading downwards and I followed the Pastor down into the windowless room nearly the whole length of the church.
Pale white neon lights flickered and struggled to illuminate the scene but I saw altar erected at the midway point beyond which appeared to be junk stored.
"So you're a special girl, well well, I'd never of thought it," the Pastor chuckled.
"Not really special," I said, "Ordinary."
"Ah don't be modest," he said.
"She wears mans pants," Martha said.
"And Tee shirts," May added, "Like a boy!"
"Do you Frances, really, do you?" the Pastor asked, I couldn't answer, "I'll see for myself," he said and he lifted my skirt.
"Ah silly girl," he said and he tugged my shorts and underpants down, "Isn't that better," he asked as my cock sprung free..
My cock twitched, stirred, "Ok," I admitted, "I'm a guy in drag, ok?"
"You're among friends," the Pastor said, "It's not everyone that is so understanding you see Frances, but we understand."
"No you don't," I challenged.
"Don't fret Frances, your secret is safe here," Mrs Baxter explained, "You're a special girl, with something extra."
"For gods sake!" I protested,
"Step out of those ridiculous boxer shorts," the Pastor ordered, "And bend over."
"Look no!" I said firmly.
"But Frances, you can't stay with us if you dress like a man can you?" May said, "It wouldn't be right!"
"Mrs Baxter, please," the Pastor said authoritatively and he pointed to a large pair of scissors or shears on the Altar.
"No, oh god no!" I wailed and I fainted.
I came round moments later, my shorts were off me and my underpants, and ruined with the crotch cut through.
"Are you all right Frances?" The Pastor asked.
"I thought," I said, "Cut, you know?"
"Silly girl now just bend over," he said an he helped me up and pushed me against the altar, lifting my skirt to show my buttocks, I thought he might whip me but instead there was a rustle and he had lifted his robe high and hooked it to the chain around his neck revealing his rampant penis as he wore nothing beneath it.
"No!" I said but May had my left arm and Martha the right and Mrs Baxter covered a finger with slippery lube and forced it up my ass hole, "Noooo!" I wailed but she stood aside and a red hot poker of a penis worked it's way agonisingly up my ass.
"Please!" I wailed as Mrs Baxter cupped my balls, and as the sensations whirled around my brain she began to move my ball sac in time to the Pastors thrusts until sooner rather than later I started to cum, to cum into her hand and then as she grasped it, into a silver communion cup.
"You poor poor girl, you needed that relief worse than badly did you not?" Mrs Baxter asked and then the Pastor shot a load of slime up my ass hole.
He pulled out, the relief was intense, intoxicating, like when you go after being constipated for a week, I flopped onto the Altar.
"I baptise thee in the name of our sovereign lady the lady Mary of Arimithea," the Pastor said, and he dipped a finger in my own cum and made the sign of the cross.
"You'll do just grand as a special girl Frances," he said, "We have just the thing here, Clara, ah Mrs Baxter," he ordered.
She took a candle, a tapered spiral ribbed candle, a red candle around eight inches long and a couple inches round and shoved it hard up my ass hole, I screamed.
"Good girl," Mrs Baxter said, "Now here you are, special girl panties."
She found them behind the Altar, latex rubber with a hole for my cock but five little straps to hold him erect and tight against my belly.
"Pull them on Frances, practical do you see," the pastor said, "Wash and dry in no time at all,"
"Look,!" I protested, "I'm not gay!"
"To be sure you aren't," he replied, "You're a normal healthy girl."
"She's very flat chested," May observed.
"Ah," the Pastor agreed, "I'll give Dr Letterman a call."
"Auntie, I don't like it!" I protested, but the Pastor had phoned his friend and we were to go across town to his clinic.
I was relieved, at least I could explain my situation, or so I thought.
Mrs Baxter drove us in her Ford wagon, the journey was torture with eight inches of candle up my ass driving me wild and my cock rock hard as every jolt made me gasp.
Dr Letterman greeted me, "You're Frances, you're the special girl?" he asked.
"No, I'm a regular guy," I explained.
"Luther, what did I tell you?" Letterman asked, "Do you still get erections?" he asked.
"I have one now, I've eight inches of candle up my ass," I explained, "I'm a guy, they just tricked me," I insisted.
"I think you may have a split personality from what the Pastor told me," Letterman said, "come through to the back office a moment."
Stupidly I followed, "Sit down," he said pointing to a chair, "Have you had a HiV test recently?" he asked.
"No," I said, "I mean yes!"
"I'll do a blood test just in case," he said and he fetched his bag with syringes and needles, "Roll up your sleeve," he said, "Just a slight prick, look away." he said and there was a slight nprick and everything went dark.
"What do you think?" Dr Letterman asked several hours later.
My chest felt tight, the falsies heavy, "Ugh?" I said.
"It will feel funny," he said, "They are only a B cup, we can change them later but they do suit you,"
"Wha?" I asked groggily, "Different falsies?"
I groggily felt my chest, taut skin swelled up as I moved my hands upwards from the waist, swelled into mounds as I lifted higher and I snapped wide awake, "Oh my god, you've given me breasts!"
"Of course dear," he agreed, "Do you like."
"Sure he does doctor," Pastor Taylour insisted, "Now come away girl stop bothering the doctor."
"No!" I wailed, but it was no good, small squidgy implants were firmly embedded beneath the taut skin of my chest forming petite girlish breasts.
"We can always change them for something bigger later," the doctor suggested, "But your skin will need a few weeks to adapt so be careful, and make sure you wear a sports bra, something to give some real support, not something skimpy or sexy."
"You can damned well take them out again!" I said.
"Don't be so ungrateful Frances," Martha chided, "Dr Letterman understands special girls and their needs."
"I'll see you every Sunday after Church, Frances, for a check up." he suggested, but for now lets get rid of that candle shall we?" he asked, "Bend over."
The relief at losing the eight inches of wax up my ass was intoxicating but before I could enjoy the emptiness the Doctor rammed the full length of his bare cock up my bruised ass, I protested, but he must have lubed himself thoroughly or else he was leaking pre cum as he pistoned easily in and out of my ass for several minutes before he pulled out and shot his load all down my left leg.
"Here you go," He said as he recovered and he shoved a six inch butt plug up my sore backside, "And your latex pants to hold it in, the ladies will give you an enema when required." he said and he tightened the five little straps around my cock which strained against them, "Until next week." he said.
Mrs Baxter drove us home, "Now ladies, you do know how to treat a special girl do you not?" she asked.
"Uh, no not really," Martha said awkwardly, "Do you May?"
May shook her head, "In that case," Mrs Baxter said, "I'll show you."
She was as good as her word, I walked uneasily into Aunt's Martha and May's home and Mrs Baxter followed.
"Keep her well milked," Mrs Baxter said, "Do you need milking Frances?"
I didn't answer for my cock was obviously straining at my skirt,"Don't be shy, we're all girls together," she said, "Now you can use your fingers but I think a body rub is best," she said as she unstrapped my penis, "Do you want to Frances?" she asked.
"What?" I asked.
"Body rub, rub against me as you young girls love to do," Miss Baxter, "Otherwise you will be like a bitch on heat and disgracing yourself with the boys."
"Mildred?" May asked, "What do you mean?"
"The poor child is obviously starved of affection," Mrs Baxter insisted, "So we need to show her that she can have affection without some great brute pushing his manhood up inside her."
"What girl on girl love," Martha asked.
"Why yes, I'll show you," Mrs Baxter said, "You see a special girl needs special love," Mrs Baxter said, her tired old eyes filled with lust, "So every now ad again you must milk her," she said and she pulled down her voluminous knickers, "Properly, and she sat down on the living room floor and with a firm grip on my penis pulled me towards her.
Her hairy snatch repelled me but she pulled me and the butt plug was keeping me hard and when the tip of my cock touched her velvet cunt lips my instincts kicked in and I started to hump her.
"Mildred!" Martha gasped
She was old enough to be my gran, I didn't fancy her at all and yet with her cunt wrapped around my cock and milking me I was nearly in heaven, "Just let her cuddle you," Mrs Baxter said and then she was lost in me fucking her and nothing else mattered.
It seemed an age before I shot a stream of silver spunk deep into her aged cunt and she gasped as she too climaxed, "That's how to treat a special girl," she said triumphantly, as she stood shakily and went to sit on he couch, "Keep her drained and she'll be no trouble at all."
My mind reeled, I sat on the couch and the butt plug threatened to rip me in half.
"You do look pretty Frances, doesn't she Martha," May said admiringly.
"I would offer you a small sherry but it really is bed time," Martha suggested, and almost threw Mrs Baxter out of the house, before she returned to see me and said, "I think we should sort your clothes out Frances, obviously you can't wear boy clothes any longer."
"No," I agreed, sadly.
"We have some things you can borrow," May suggested, "In our bedroom."
I followed them upstairs, the butt plug was still in my ass and I went in their bedroom and sat on the bed my cock reared..
"Look, it needs draining," Martha said pointing to my cock.
"Yes," May agreed, "Shall I get a chamber pot."
"No that's unhygieneic, "Martha said, "I think Mildred's way was cleaner."
"Yes!" May agreed, "You relieve Frances and I'll make a nice pot of tea!"
Pastor Taylour
Mrs Baxter (Mildred)
THE STORY OF FRANCES My name is Frances and I have always wanted to tell this story to the whole world because it is a happy story and it may help others to understand themselves and to be strong enough to carry through the courage of their convictions. I never knew my Father, he ran off with his secretary when I was just a few months old. He had a reasonably good job and through the courts Mother obtained a good settlement. This was the house and her car and a good monthly...
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Incest[And yes, please vote and leave comments. They are always most appreciated.] I was the only one in our family to call her Francesca. Everyone else had her down as Fran or Aunt Fran, but not I. It was just something I'd started as a little kid. I guess I just adored her name, the exotic way it rolled off my tongue; that, and maybe, the unspoken implication that we enjoyed some bond over and above that shared between her and the rest of our family. Francesca was my Mom's younger sister; baby...
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TransMy beautiful Aunt Francesca slid her fingers slowly up and down the lips of my vagina, skillfully and urgently exploring every fold of my sensitive places. I was completely naked on her couch, where she found me rubbing myself just a few minutes before. Her eyes moved up and down my body slowly as my breathing became uneven. I felt my breasts bouncing slightly as my tummy twitched when she touched me. I liked watching her watch me. She was erotically fascinated with my body, I could tell."Have...
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LesbianI just completed four years of college, attending Yale University on an academic scholarship. To my surprise, my parents awarded my efforts with a trip to the French Riviera for an entire week, covering all expenses. Luckily, they weren't coming along with me as part of the gift. I consider myself to be just an average guy, though admittedly I do get some attention from the ladies from time to time. I'm 6 feet 2 inches tall and weigh around 190 pounds. I'm not a jock by any stretch of the...
I just completed four years of college, attending Yale University on an academic scholarship. To my surprise, my parents awarded my efforts with a trip to the French Riviera for an entire week, covering all expenses. Luckily, they weren't coming along with me as part of the gift. I consider myself to be just an average guy, though admittedly I do get some attention from the ladies from time to time. I'm 6 feet 2 inches tall and weigh around 190 pounds. I'm not a jock by any stretch of the...
Anne and George were an ordinary middle-aged couple who had reached the stage in their lives when they had the time and freedom to indulge themselves for the first time since the earliest years of their courtship. Over their thirty years of married ,life they had concentrated on building a stable and loving home for their three children and had sacrificed their own freedom of action to provide them with the best possible start in life. However, now that their children had left home, they...
SwingersAnne and George were an ordinary middle aged couple who had reached the stage in their lives when they had the time and freedom to indulge themselves for the first time since the earliest years of their courtship. Over their 30 years of married life they had concentrated on building a stable and loving home for their three c***dren and had sacrificed their own freedom of action to provide them with the best possible start in life. However, now that their c***dren had left home, they thought...
After my last night spent with mrs Carla (my french teacher- Read my previous story) she told me that her husband is comming home, so we should stop seeing each other and that i was ready to go to France because she tough me anything she knew (especially sex terms). I agreed and after one final hug and kiss, I went home to get ready for my trip to France..i didnt even notice that the summer holiday begun..because with mrs Carla everything felt so right.On 21th june i finally arived in...
Vacation in France By Belle Gordon The afternoon temperature in Provence stood at 34 degrees as Sir Sydney Blessington parked his hire car in the shade at the rear of the chateau. The air was still, without a breath of wind to bring any relief, and upon alighting from the cars air-conditioned interior his sweat glands were forced into overdrive. He couldn't wait to plunge into the cool waters of the swimming pool. It...
Heloo my lesbo friends!i am nazoo khan 28 years old.i am lesbian or bisexual girl.i have whiteash healthy sexy figure size is 38 28 38.i have a boyfriend loved me very much. He’s very cute and sexy as hell and has the dick of death. I love sucking on his awesome rod of power. After sucking his lund, i love fitting it in my wet pussy and tight asshole.i traveled many will be happend when i was in france. I’ve known clare for about three months. We both work in the...
LesbianThis is my first story written, so cut me some slack and be easy on the comments :). Criticism is welcome, but it must be constructive criticism. I have changed the names of the story for obvious reasons, but other than that the story is 100% true. I wrote this because I have read many stories here myself, and want to give back with some of my own. —————————————————————————————————————————————- Ill first describe myself: Im a 17 year old Australian guy, Im relatively tall, 6ft exactly, long...
En 2022 la France en avait marre. Après une longue campagne présidentielle, tous les candidats s’étaient discrédités, s’évertuant à travers leurs outrages, leur bêtise et leur incompétence à se montrer indigne de la fonction suprême. Quant au président actuel, personne n’aurait l’idée saugrenue de le réélire. Le soir du premier tour à 20h, les résultats tombèrent : 90% des bulletins étaient blanc et le taux de participation de 10%. Impossible d’organiser un second tour dans ces conditions,...
I had been combining a business trip in France with a short break, and Ihad a few more days to spend before returning for a conference in London.I had hired a car and was taking time to explore some of the smallerNormandy towns, seeking out small hotels and eating wherever I could infamily-run restaurants.What I am about to write about happened some ten years ago, but I rememberthe details as if they happened yesterday. I can even remember that it wasa Wednesday evening that I met him, and that...
y high school organized an optional group trip to France for a month. The idea was that we were supposed to go learn French and become immersed in the culture, but as I found out from students who had gone on the trip previously, in reality it was just a chance to get drunk and party with your friends, and try to hook up with French girls.While I was interested in getting drunk with my buddies, none of the girls in my class held any particular appeal for me. Not that they weren’t attractive,...
Cap Ferrat, South of France, May 1903.The last rays of the setting sun still showed above the dark line of the sea’s horizon, but in the woods that lined the hilly coast, twilight had turned to night and the scent of pine drifted through the trees as the hiss of small waves sounded on the rocky shoreline.Half way up the steep slope that overlooked the bay, a cluster of lights showed in the warm darkness. Conversation and the occasional ripple of laughter were coming from an elegant terrace...
HistoricalThrough my mind race the images of us standing chest-deep in the sea and me asking Jan to marry me. I can’t help but smile at the hilarity of the situation. Jan, standing naked in front of me and of the shocked expression on her face as I make my proposal. I realize that we are not in an ideal location, so I lift Jan into my arms and trudge up the beach.Her silence at first fuels my fears of rejection. I can feel her sobs as she buries her face in my neck, and the heaving of her chest as the...
Love StoriesAs well as delivering furniture all over Spain, when the need arises, I do the odd house to house removal to help pay the bills. Normally I only do local moves, but this one day, I was approached by a customer who was moving from the Costa Blanca in Spain, to the south of France. I didn´t really fancy doing this job, as he said that he would be riding with me in the van, along with his dog. I normally preferred my own company, so I quoted him a higher than usual. This was a trick a builder...
Weekend in France We got to our hotel, in the late morning after driving for a few hours. My girlfriend Monika and I had never done anything like this before. We were meeting another couple for the first time. A couple from France that we had met on line. There were no promises, this is a trial run to say the least. Moni was not nearly as open to this as I was, but she agreed to go along with this crazy plan just to see how it felt. She is not into sharing, so she said, but I knew there...
Salt and Pepper, Sugar and Spice Chapter 11 Back in France. Ronnie had said, "Honey, what would you say if I told Ariane about Jaimie?" And, Jason had said, "You didn't! Did you?" "Not really. But, we were talking the other day. And, the conversation drifted to people with an alternate life style. And, ..." "And, what?" "Ariane told me that one of our friends from school, Marie, was a lesbian. We talked about...
Franklin D. Roosevelt – 6 May 1942 “Books cannot be killed by fire. People die, but books never die. No man and no force can abolish memory. No man and no force can put thought in a concentration camp forever.” Shortly after the breakout from the beaches of Normandy, the allies expanded their beachhead to include portions of the hedgerow country of France. In the last chapter, we saw how they took the port city of Cherbourg as a beginning of a sweeping operation to push the Germans out of...
Hoofdstuk 1. Ik heb een baan. Bij een accountantskantoor. Zoiets van onderaan beginnen. Ik ben ook pas achttien jaar. Middelbare opleiding gedaan. Er zit wel een maar aan. Het is in Den Haag en ik woon in een klein dorpje een stukje buiten Arnhem. Ik heb wel al gezocht naar woonruimte in Den Haag, maar dat is tot nu toe op niets uitgelopen. Dus reis ik elke morgen van Arnhem naar Den Haag en aan het eind van de middag weer van Den Haag naar Arnhem. En dat doe ik nu al twee...
I used to work over in the South of France were the weather in the summer was beautiful. Three of the lads I worked with used to rent a villa which had a swimming pool in the garden and its own personal grounds surrounded by a low wall, a road and pathway running by the villa one side and a simular neighbouring villa to which a couple also from the UK rented in there mid 20’s lived. One weekend my two room mates had decided to go home for the weekend, leaving me to the villa and pool for the...
Although this tale is listed under stories it is my diary of what we got up to in France on holiday. Each year we go on holiday I keep a diary of all the things we get up to so that I can re read them in the future to live them in my mind again.We were in the nude resort of Cap D’Agde for our tenth year and each year we have done something more than the year before. One thing that has happened since my last year’s diary is that I went out some weeks ago with a girl friend called Leigh and got...
ExhibitionismCUCKOLD, Shy wife enjoys a holiday in France, We had been working in Chile for two years now when my wife Gail suggested I ask for an extended three-week vacation. A trip to visit her parents in North Carolina and then some private time for holiday. It was too expensive a trip to for just two weeks away.Gail had come to Chile willingly and even seemed to be enjoying my country. It was time for me to be as supportive and I pressed the company for my holiday and it was granted. I was even granted...
It had been a long night and all I wanted was to find a place to eat and get off the road. I had been driving for most of the day across France heading to England. I had business in London and need to get there in a day and half. I did not leave myself much time but I had clients who were waiting on a proposal and I needed to sign some papers to make it official. It was raining and fog had set in. I was in the mountains and the roads had become dangerous. I need to find a hotel and something to...
One afternoon of shopping in France By Rosie "Avez-vous essay? ceci dessus?" the sales girl said, taking the black satin blouse from my hands. "I beg your pardon, I don't understand," I replied though even as I spoke the words, I could make out the meaning of her question. "Have you tried his on, monsieur?" the girl repeated in a rather thickly accented English. "Um... no, but..." I stammered, taken aback by her question. She took the blouse off the table, lifted it up by the ...
My wife and I went on a camping holiday a couple of years ago which led to more than was in the brochure. We went to a wooded camp site in the South of France and on arrival, found that the nearby beach had a nudist area. This was a bonus to us as we went almost every weekend to a nudist beach on the south coast where we lived at the time. Our tent was a large family sized permanent tent with proper rooms, as were most of the tents on the site, only a few being tents that people would put up...
“Maybe there are 5,000, maybe 10,000 Nazi bastards in their concrete foxholes before the Third Army. Now if Ike stops holding Monty’s hand and gives me some supplies, I’ll go through the Siegfried Line like shit through a goose.” During those long months of pre-operational training, the allies were convinced that they would have to take a major port close to the Normandy beaches in order to bring in the fresh reinforcements and supplies desperately needed for a sustained second front in...
Life had been a blur since University, marriage and a child combined with a hectic career in a marketing consultancy. Gemma an american friend from Uni worked for a rival company and over the years we did lunch and talked over our lives and our work. I had sort of fallen into marriage and it had been a mistake from the day we met but I had gone to work for my husbands father. So as my marriage fell apart, Gemma and I decided to go it alone and start our own business targeting the travel...
EroticNote : This story is completely fictional! Following on from our great holiday in Devon with the farmer, we only had to wait four weeks, before we joined him again for our trip to France with him. The nude resort meant that we'd be nude throughout the two weeks, both in the flat and throughout the complex. The resort mainly catered for couples, but adult families of were there aswell. Our flat had three bedrooms, so there was plenty of space for us all, considering that we took virtually no...
IncestIt’s something about sucking a massive dick at work in the employee bathroom knowing your about to get caught that turns me on. I hear the voices in the kitchen. Management going up and down the stairs, servers trying to get into the bathroom and it’s time for us to get on the floor. But yet I am in the bathroom, on my knees taking a co-workers dick in my mouth. He’s semi-hard and it touches my throat. I’m excited about when it gets harder. I hear him let out a soft moan of pleasure so I know...
It’s something about sucking a massive dick at work in the employee bathroom knowing your about to get caught that turns me on. I hear the voices in the kitchen. Management going up and down the stairs, servers trying to get into the bathroom and it’s time for us to get on the floor. But yet I am in the bathroom, on my knees taking a co-workers dick in my mouth. He’s semi-hard and it touches my throat. I’m excited about when it gets harder. I hear him let out a soft moan of pleasure so I know...
Oral SexPrologue: "Francoise Chambet, Ex Model. Ex wife, and soon to be Ex Publisher." The thoughts wouldn't leave her. Here she was, two years into the war, and now the Boche have murdered her editor. It had been bad enough when her husband Gilles had been killed at the beginning of the war, but at least he had died fighting, and had also left her his fortune and publishing business. Life had been tough. At first, as Nazi censorship took hold, all pretence at objectivity became futile, and...
Dave woke up to the buzzing of the alarm. He turned it off then looked over to see if Sarah was still in bed with him. She was nowhere to be seen so he rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom. After exiting the bathroom, he dressed in dress shorts and a clean white golf shirt with a Hornsby logo on it. He pulled on a pair of short white ankle-socks and his sneakers then found his way to the kitchen. He poured a large bowl of cereal and coated it with milk. He stood at a counter and ate...
It was the middle of summer and our BBQ season was in full swing. My husband loved to have people over to eat drink and be merry. I would run around keeping everyone's happy whilst my husband and his friends drank loads of beers and cooked food on the BBQ.My son Mark and his friend Paul would often help me with the plates, glasses, cups etc bring them into the kitchen so I could wash them ready for the next round of drinks or food from the BBQ, people always seemed to put their plate down then...
It was last year that my wife for 18 years and I had a great experience involving her long time school friend from back in Germany where she grew up. We live on an old farm that we remodeled and here we raised our five c***dren and live a good life. I am traveling for contracting business some and she is a part time teacher and has a small photography business. We moved to the US shortly after we got married. Now, 18 years later we have most of the k**s off to College and the younger ones are...
The rest of the week at school was a very interesting experience for Cindy. For instance, people who normally ignored her suddenly began to take an interest in her. Unfortunately, some of the older girls who'd resented her for her brains, now resented her for the strange attraction she seemed to have over the boys. Despite the fact that she'd been training with the rest of the Circle, she wasn't very confident when it came to defending herself. What was worse was that few of the girls who...
As I was getting past 40 my sex drive was still very strong. Unfortunately my wife began to lose interest. I wondered if it was because of me or because of her. One way of finding out, and also getting the chance of a new sex life while there’s still some life in the old body, was to ask for a divorce.I felt free and happy after the divorce, almost ten years ago now. Soon a female colleague of mine, a black woman from East Africa, suggested I’d meet a relative of hers, visiting Sweden, hoping...
Hayden was getting ready for her daily yoga when her brothers friend came knocking at the door. Her bro was still at work, but that didnt stop little Hayden from inviting this hottie in to wait comfortably. Hayden continued to go outside and work on her poses. Sure enough her bros friend got bored in the living room and went to watch Hayden do her yoga! She thought he was a bit pervy about it, but then offered him a challenge. All the boys at her school are too pussy to do yoga with the girls....
xmoviesforyouMy name is Poppy and this is about my first day as a masseuse. I had been recommended by my friend Julie who has already been working at the parlour for three weeks. Julie is working as an intern and is over from the States for a year. I’m eighteen and need the extra cash for uni. Julie said some of the girls take home a thousand a week. Like Julie, I’m doing just one day a week. I want to see how it goes and then maybe I will ask for an extra shift. I was a little apprehensive. I hadn’t done...
Elana’s TailElana’s TailNine P.M. and another hard day at the Sunset Funeral Home is ending. At the front entrance, Sam the undertaker is bidding farewell to the last guests from the dinner in honor of the late Cathy Briggs, late guest in the undertaker’s basement prep room and, incidentally, the main course (in the guise of barbeque spare ribs, rump roast, pork loin, pork shoulder, etc.) at her own funeral.?Sam, you have really outdone yourself this time, this was the finest, albeit saddest,...
There was a deal of difference when I pulled up outside the Dower House. First all the brambles and gorse had gone, second Aleksy had somehow got hold of a load of gravel which was spread over the approaches to the house, thirdly the balustrade along the veranda had been repaired and primed for painting and last I noticed a huge pile of granite setts. Even as I stood there one of his crew drew up in a thirty-hundredweight truck with another load of setts, recovered from the drive up to the...
“Mommy told me that the reason my father left was because he thought I was ugly and that she was getting fat.” Jennifer was lying in my arms with Stacy reclined using my thigh as a pillow. We were enjoying the quiet after outrageous, hedonistic sex. “My father only liked my mother when she was young and fresh. Having a child, getting older and showing the signs of the stress from taking care of me twenty-four seven on her face, was more than he was willing to put up with. “So he left us...”...
Helena and I talked when we met on the patio during smoke breaks at work. Our conversations were both restrained and strangely direct, the way conversations tend to be when there's a bit of a language barrier; restrained because of cultural differences or uncertainties but direct because of limited vocabulary. We granted each other the immunity that those kinds of conversations require, where each party trusts completely in the goodwill of the other and exhibits a great willingness to forgive...
Flashback – Ben – Junior High School While I felt sadness that I didn't blow up the school along with everyone in it (including myself), I accomplished one thing: School was closed for two glorious weeks! You might think that being around dad so much was a bad thing, but if I did what he ordered me to do he didn't beat me. While at school there was no way for me to escape the daily tortures received from the other students. Things were a now little different between dad and me, I noticed...
A Murder Earthshaking Hank Dalton hurried through the underground passage between his home and his office. The scanner had announced TWO people in the visitor's conveyance. Hank glanced at the data link in his hand, a device known commercially as a Palm Slave, and tried to discern the people carried in the slave compartment of the government-issue sky car. Normal people never paid attention to the contents of a slave compartment. They thought that nobody important was back there. As Hank...
I am Renjan ( Not my original name), this story happened a few months back. I am living in Mangalore, but my native is Palakkad, Kerala. I have a house there. One day, my immediate neighbour called me unexpectedly. He informed me that his daughter was getting married and wanted to know if he could use my house too. I had no issues with that since the house was vacant for a while so I politely agreed to help him out. And I even decided to clean the house for him. As agreed, I reached my house...
Hello ISS readers i am from Bangalore. Here I am going to tell you the incident happen between me and my sister. Let me tell about my introduction I am software engineer and wife is also a software engineer. Please forgive me if any mistakes. Basically we are from Andhra and stayed in Bangalore. Let’s begin the hot experience with my wife and next day with my sister. My sister is having nice pair of boobs and size is 36D cup size. She is daughter of my Mom’s Sister and she visited our place....