Wife In France free porn video

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CUCKOLD, Shy wife enjoys a holiday in France, We had been working in Chile for two years now when my wife Gail suggested I ask for an extended three-week vacation. A trip to visit her parents in North Carolina and then some private time for holiday. It was too expensive a trip to for just two weeks away.

Gail had come to Chile willingly and even seemed to be enjoying my country. It was time for me to be as supportive and I pressed the company for my holiday and it was granted. I was even granted several extra days by agreeing to stop in Paris to make a presentation to a potential client.

So off we went for five days in North Carolina and sixteen days on the Cote Azure, with a week in Antibes and the rest in Monaco. We had our list of restaurants, boat schedules to Corsica, and of course an imaginary but healthy list of fantasies we hoped to realize.

If you haven’t read our first posting then I’ll tell you what we look like. Firstly, this is all real. I’m 5’10, just turned 31, brown hair and eyes and in reasonably trim shape. I met my wife while in university and we are married seven years now. Gail is an exceptionally beautiful girl. She is 5’7” with a young girls figure at 29, small hips, long very shapely legs, small breasted, a picture perfect behind, light brown hair that blondes in the sun and lovely green eyes. Gail is shy, sometimes my friends think her aloof. Even with me she keeps some things to herself but I attribute it to her very restricted upbringing, and it does not trouble me. Our sex life is full, imaginative, and though she never talked about desires, she is a willing participant in most of what I initiate. As well as my wife, she is my friend and I adore her.

After our five days with Gail’s family we bade them farewell and started our holiday. We planned to over-night in Paris and, after my meeting the next morning, head to Nice that same evening. Regrettably the next morning the company I planned to visit called and postponed the meeting until late in the afternoon. We asked the hotel concierge to help us book a later flight but everything was full. We were disappointed but I convinced Gail to go on to Nice and check into the Hotel in Antibes. I would join her the next day. She thought seeing Paris for a day would be just as interesting but she knew how hard I had worked to get our reservation at the Hotel du Cap and we didn’t want to endanger the rest of our holiday. So, we went to Orly and I saw Gail off to Nice.

After my meeting I called Antibes but Gail was not in the room. My host invited me for drinks and I didn’t get back to my hotel until after midnight. I called Gail the next morning and woke her. She told me that she had met and had drinks with an American couple then ate dinner with them last night. We were both invited again for tonight. She ranted on about how beautiful the hotel was and she planned to sit around the pool until I arrived.

I packed, checked out and made my way to a crowded airport with many delays. My rescheduled flight was in the evening and I landed in Nice two hours late. When I arrived at the hotel it was almost 8PM. Gail was sitting in the lobby having a drink with her new friends. She introduced me to Charlene and Andrew, from Chicago. A very attractive couple I judged to be a few years older then us. He said he was an attorney and he already knew all about me. We had a drink and chatted for ten minutes when Andrew suggested I get ready for dinner. Gail accompanied me to our room on the second floor. It was lovely, high ceilings, elegantly decorated, everything I had expected. A large framed bed separated by a small sitting arrangement, well chosen paintings, a louvered door leading to the bathroom, double all windowed doors to a balcony, a louvered closet near the entry, flowers near the sitting arrangement, every detail made it the perfect Mediterranean room. We were facing the city or roadside but I had been told that sea views were reserved years in advance.

Gail explained that she had met Charlene in the hallway when she first arrived. They were in the very next room. When she heard that Gail was alone that night she invited her to join them. We stepped out on our little circular fenced in balcony with one chair, our neighbors on both sides had the same just feet away. The hotel entrance was below with some cars parked at angles on both sides, vast kept grounds and the green mountain backdrop made the view spectacular. We held hands and simply enjoyed being there.

I started unpacking to get ready and made the mistake of sitting down. I almost fainted. I was exhausted. The drink, the night before, the jet lag, all heaped upon me.

Gail asked, “Are you all right?”

“Yes, I just feel lightheaded.”

“You’re overtired”, she said.

“Yes,” I replied, “I had a late night last night as well.”

“Would you like to pass for tonight? they’ll understand.”

I don’t want to but it would probably be wise to rest. Would you mind?”

She immediately responded, “Of course not, I’ll go down and tell them.”

Gail walked to me and kissed my forehead then started toward the door.

“Wait”, I said. “I’m exhausted so I’ll probably just pass out. Why should you sit around while I’m sleeping? Why don’t you go with them?”

Gail stood pondering for a few seconds then said, “I could do that I guess. I am hungry. That’s a good idea. I’m sure we won’t be late, Andy has a rented car and he seems to know his way around.”

Gail freshened her makeup, d****d a shawl over her arm and with a brief kiss I watched her walk down the hallway to the elevator. I ripped my clothes off and let my exhausted frame sink into the thick soft cool bed.

I awoke for no apparent reason and felt disoriented. After a few moments I realized where I was and rose, went to the balcony doors, and walked onto the balcony. I thought the lights flickering across the mountainside and the soft grounds lighting made a very inviting view. Then I realized I was in my shorts. It was dark on the balcony and our room lights were out but I still felt uncomfortable. I went to the bathroom and put one of the dark blue cotton robes that was folded on the side table, and returned to the balcony.

I glanced at my watch on the bedside table. It was 12:15, Gail would be back soon.

I sat in the chair enjoying the cool air, daydreaming. A car pulled into the driveway and circled around to the right of the entrance and parked under the tall palm tree with underside lighting. I watched the lights of passing cars between trees and the smell of the sea was intoxicating. Minutes later I realized that no one had exited from the car that had driven in. It was a large Citroen and I was looking directly into the driver’s side. The tree lights shone through the front window and the driver was partially turned. From my angle I could clearly see to his right a woman’s skirt and her legs and her arm on his shoulder. I believed they were making out, and I smiled.

I watched lights go out a long distance away on the mountain. Then movement in the car caught my gaze and I could see the driver’s hands between her legs and the skirt being raised. This was getting interesting and I tried to concentrate my gaze. The couple were seriously making out. I could see his body bend as he was reaching his left hand between her legs. I noticed other movement but from where I was it was more a suggestion of movement. I was still to far away.

Ten or fifteen minutes after the car arrived the interior lights went on and the passenger door opened. A woman exited and seemed to be straightened her clothes. Then the driver stepped out. I was surprised a moment later when a third person, a woman, exited the passenger side. They gathered at the rear of the car and spoke. I was focused now because I realized it was Andrew. I could even hear his voice though not make out the words. I sat stock-still. Gail had been the third passenger out. Had she been sitting in the middle? My heart was pumping. I hoped they wouldn’t look up. It was dark enough to hide me but I felt like I was sitting in sunlight.

They were talking more loudly now as they walked toward the entrance. They were now below the canopy and could not see me. I quickly rose, closed the balcony doors, stripped the robe and got into bed. A minute or two later I heard them in the hall talking then Gail was putting her key into the door. I feigned sleep. She quietly closed the door. There were no good nights exchanged between them. I was peeking. She looked over to me then went to the bathroom and closed the door. About five minutes later she came out. She had closed the bathroom lights before opening the door. I had my hand resting in front of my face so she could not see my eyes. She stood in the bathroom doorway for what seemed like a minute or two though it may have been seconds. She was wearing the other blue robe. She then walked to the bed and stood beside it. I closed my eyes. A few seconds later I heard movement and I squinted to peek. She was walking toward the door, which she quietly opened, exited, and closed.

Shock or surprise would be an understatement. I lay in bed my heart pounding. I kept trying to calm myself, my heart was racing. It took some effort but I managed to stabilize my thoughts. She was probably visiting with her friends, I told myself. But, hadn’t she been the one in the middle, making out? I walked to the balcony doors and looked out. Obviously still a beautiful view but I didn’t see it now. What had changed so much in the last half hour? I donned the robe again and opened the door to breath fresh air. My mind still racing I walked onto the balcony. The balcony to my right had light coming through the doors. Gail had said that Charlene was in the next room so I assumed it was their lights shining through.

Now I tried to listen but I couldn’t hear any sounds. I went to the far right of our balcony and leaned over the rail. Still no sound. I could partially see into the room but just against the wall. I looked at the balcony distance and wondered how crazy it would be to crawl over to the next balcony. I felt driven now so it did not take long for me to quietly move the chair close to the railing. I then stepped on the chair, my hands leaning on the wall, and literally stepped onto the next balcony. I lowered my bare feet quietly.

I edged cautiously towards the doors so as not to get caught in the light. The curtains were only covering the sides of the windows, as in our room, I could clearly see inside. Their bed was on the left side of the room and Charlene was sitting on the far side and at the bottom of the bed. She was wearing what looked like a large tee shirt and had a Champagne glass in her hand. She was looking across the room and talking. I lowered myself almost crawling and moved toward the center of the doors. A wooden armless chair with a solid wood back and a green cushion was placed in front of the doors and I was looking under the chair and through the legs. There was Gail in the famous blue robe facing me from across the room. I could see up to her chest. She held a glass of Champagne and her body was angled toward Charlene and she was speaking, though I could not make out the words.

I felt really strange. Here I was almost on my belly spying on my wife. Her robe was properly covering her legs, and she was innocently chatting away. We are educated, trusting intelligent people. What was I doing? What about the car? I asked myself. They were making out. Could it have been Charlene? Again I answered my own thoughts, then why with Gail in the car? No, it had been Gail.

Lost in my reverie I was surprised to see Andrew enter the room, coming from the bathroom I assumed. He was wearing the same robe in white and had a Champagne bottle and glass. He topped up Charlene then walked to Gail and filled her glass. While standing in front of her they were speaking about something then all three laughed together. Andrew turned and walked straight toward the balcony doors and me. I was shocked, and froze in place. When he reached the chair he spun around and sat down.

I was now lying on my stomach resting on my arms looking through the chair legs into the room. They were chatting. The first movement was from Charlene. She stood and walked to the top of the bed and placed two pillows atop one another then lay upon the bed, propped on the pillows, legs outstretched. I had to move to the side of the chair to watch her. I could see most of her body. To see her face I had to almost put my face against the glass door.

Looking toward Gail through the chair legs was a good view, as Andrew must have had his legs crossed and only one leg was on the floor. He eventually moved and now both legs were on the floor and well spread apart. Then I looked over at Charlene. To my surprise she had her right hand between her legs and her left hand on her breast. She was touching herself in front of Gail. The conversation between Andrew and Gail continued. I wanted to look at Charlene but I also wanted to see Gail’s face so I inched ever so slightly forward. Now I could see the side of Gail’s face, especially when she turned to look at Charlene. While continuing to talk with Andrew she would look over toward Charlene. She seemed to find it exciting.

I noticed movement then realized that Gail was walking toward the doors, toward Andrew. When she reached him she knelt down in front of him. The first words I was actually able to hear were “Andy, this is magnificent”. There was movement, no more words. My heart was thumping in my chest, I believed that Gail was touching or sucking his cock but I couldn’t see around the side of the chair. Andrews head was now leaning back on the chair.

When Gail stopped whatever she was doing she said, “Watching you jerk off is about the hottest thing I have ever seen”.

He replied, “Watching you was much hotter.”

So he had been jerking off while sitting there. Now I wondered when had he seen her “…doing it.”

I also noticed that I was hard. Very hard. Charlene had been watching Gail play with Andrew while she continued to play with herself.

Gail rose from in front of Andrew and walked to the bed. She sat on the edge looking at Andrew and smiled. A moment passed when I thought she had seen me. She then stood up and slowly took off her robe and sat down again. She was completely naked. I lost my breath and I could feel my heart thumping in my ears. Her nipples were rock hard and jutting out. Her breasts are perfect, small and firm, and her nipples sensitive to the slightest touch. I knew she was very excited and that whatever she intended to do, she was not stopping now. I felt my cock twitch. If I had not seen movement to distract me, I could have come. Andrew rose and went to Gail and stood before her and they kissed.

Charlene rose from the bed and disappeared, to the bathroom. My wife continued kissing Andrew. Moments later Charlene came back, also completely naked, and carrying what must have been a foot long black rubber dildo and a towel. Her breasts were large with huge aureole and she was cleanly shaven except for a small patch just above her vagina. She had a beautiful very womanly body with an hourglass figure. She placed the towel on the bed and lay down again, placing her vagina over the towel. She was concentrated, not paying any attention to Andrew and Gail. She reached to the nightstand and returned with a tube and proceeded to spread jelly on the dildo. When she was ready she looked down at herself in what I thought was a most erotic sight, and slowly placed the head of the dildo into her vagina. Then she looked over at Andrew and Gail and started to push it steadily into herself..

My wife was still sitting naked on the bed passionately kissing Andrew. I could tell her hand was on his cock but I could not see it, he still wore his robe. Occasionally she would move lower and I knew she was reaching for his balls and all the while they continued to kiss deeply. He massaged her breasts and rubbed around her belly but he did not reach to touch her vagina. I now realized that I was on the verge of coming and I had not even touched myself. Here I was watching my wife make love to another man and I was excited enough to come. And, what I saw was lovemaking. They did not seem intent on fucking for hot sex. They were slowly, passionately, making love.

Charlene now had the dildo deep inside her and she would alternate between throwing her head back and pumping it in and out of her vagina, then looking over toward Gail and Andrew and rubbing her clit with the dildo still inside.

Gail and Andrew broke their kiss. Gail immediately started to lie down and Andrew took off his robe. Still standing he moved toward the front of the bed and Gail reached to hold his cock, bending her head forward. Now Andrew turned sideways and I could see the object of Gail’s attention. If Charlene’s dildo was a foot long, Andrews’s cock was solid competition. It was the longest cock I had ever seen. Average in thickness but very very long, crooked, and uncircumcised. Gail held it, lovingly rubbed it across her face, while continuously kissing it. Andrew in turn was playing with her nipples with his left hand and her vagina with his right hand. Gail put a part of his cock in her mouth then took it out and rubbed it across her face and cheek. She held it close to her face and pulled the skin back then put the exposed head in her mouth. She opened her legs further, obviously enjoying his touch. Charlene was concentrated on watching them and vigorously fucking herself with the dildo.

I wanted to take my cock out and make myself come but I was still resting on my arms. It had been a good twenty to thirty minutes that I was there on the balcony and I was becoming stiff.

Gail had started to seriously suck and pull on Andrews’s enormous cock and it seemed to be getting bigger and he looked ready to come. After some five minutes of her loving his cock Andrew placed his hand on her head and held her back. He then climbed on the bed and moved between Gail’s legs. She was staring mesmerized at his cock as he held it in his right hand and placed it on her vagina. He looked at her and I watched his lips as I clearly heard him say, “Baby, do you want me to fuck you or love you?”

Gail replied in a passion filled voice, “Love me Andy, then Fuck me.”

Charlene had moved her head to the lower end of the bed. She was positioned to watch Andrew and to see Gail’s Vagina as well. She never said a word. Just stared at them and thrust the dildo in and out. I could see her pussy lips open and wrap around the dildo as it moved in and out. She looked so beautiful and turned on to their lovemaking that it was hard to look away from her.

Andrew was rubbing his cock up and down Gail’s slit. She was still starring at their readiness to join. When Andrew slipped his cock into Gail she threw her head back and opened her mouth in a silent scream. He kept inching in, then stopping, and sensing Gail’s readiness, inching in again. I could not believe that Gail would be able to take the full length of his cock into her body. He had already pushed deeper into her with cock then she had probably ever had, and still only half was in. At one point I noticed Gail’s toes curling. Another moment and she placed her hand on his chest to stop him. He held still. After a minute or so Gail reached behind him and placed both hands on his buttocks to pull him further in. This time he moved more quickly and buried himself even deeper.

Her legs were raised up and stretched apart in an effort to take him fully. Gail was looking at his face her eyes glazed with passion. She was close to coming. In a dreamlike motion she again reached for him to enter more deeply and he thrust fully into her. He closed his eyes in utter satisfaction at being full into her and Gail let out a low guttural moan of Ahggg..ohhh, ahgg..and started to violently orgasm. I had never seen her twitch and twist in orgasm and I immediately came in my shorts.

Andrew waited a few moments then started to steadily pump in and out. Sometimes fully out then back, sometimes partially. Gail alternately had her legs up and splayed apart or wrapped around his back, and her behind rose to meet his every thrust. She would close her eyes and concentrate on the feeling then open her eyes and stare straight into his face. Within minutes I could see she was building to another orgasm. Charlene could tell too and she started to rapidly fuck herself with the dildo, it seemed she was intent on coming with them. Gail now started her soft moans leading to coming. Andrews’s cock seemed to have grown a little fatter and he was obviously reaching into the very depth of my wife’s womb because Gail was moaning and her legs were shaking uncontrollably.

Then Andrew said, “I’m coming baby, now, I’m coming.”

Andrew was thrusting, long deep plunges, he was slightly raised above Gail and she was looking down watching his cock piston in and out of her body, moaning the whole time.

Then Andrew groaned loudly, and started to hump his behind as he shot his come deep into my wife. He kept jerking, five, six, seven times, and with each load Gail kept saying “yes, oh yes, do it.”

Andrew collapsed to the side of Gail. She slowly rose to reach his mouth and they kissed deeply, for a long time, deeply, using this nearness as closure to the passion they had shared. They remained entwined for several minutes then looked into each other’s eyes and smiled.

I was shaken, thrilled, still turned on, and confused. This is my beautiful, shy, trusting wife, my friend. Gail rose and moved toward the balcony doors. She stopped far enough away not to see me but I was still shaken. She spoke still facing the doors.

“I’ve got to get back. Rian might wake up. If he sees me like this he will know.”

Charlene got up from the bed and walked to Gail. Gail turned and Charlene wrapped her arms and naked body against Gail. Their breast touched. It didn’t seem sexual to me.

“You’re a dream,” Charlene said to Gail.

“That tool is the dream,” Gail said nodding toward Andrews soft but still very long cock.

While they were still talking I crawled backward to the balcony edge and leaned against the wall. It was a bit more of a stretch getting onto the chair on our balcony but I managed. Once inside I checked the time, it was1: 45AM, I had been watching for about an hour. I quickly jumped into bed and rubbed around hoping to build up some warmth. I lay there with my head reeling between thoughts of anger, excitement, lust, and consternation. Gail my only love. Did I know her? Five minutes later the door opened. She had not even locked it when she left. She headed straight for the bathroom and two minutes later emerged with her short nightgown and crawled into bed with a sigh.

She moved her leg across the space to touch mine and within minutes was breathing the regular rhythm of sleep.

I awoke next morning and Gail was sitting up in bed reading the Herald Tribune. She smiled.

“Hi love, sleep well,” she said.

Not answering I said, “What time is it?”

It’s like we’re still on a US schedule, its 8:15,” she replied.

“Well I certainly feel rested.”

“You should, you had a solid ten hours, did you sleep well?”

I thought momentarily, “I had an interruption or two but nothing major.”

Gail reached over and tousled my already tousled hair. I rolled to my side and reached over to her, my hand touching her upper thigh. She touched then rubbed my arm in a soft caress.

“How was dinner last night?”

“Great,” she said. “The food was wonderful.”

“When did you get back?”

“About 12:30, she replied. “Afterwards we sat downstairs and chatted a while.”

“Did you all miss me?” I asked.

“Well I don’t know about the others, But I missed you,” and she reached to touch me.

I still had my hand on her thigh so I gently rubbed between her thighs, inching toward the inside.

I brushed the back of my hand across her bush

“Oh gosh Gail, no underwear?” I stated as if she didn’t know. Gail just smiled.

I moved closer and started to run my hand across her thigh and between her legs. She parted her legs slightly but instead of continuing to caress her I reached for her vagina. She closed her legs but I forcefully pushed towards her clit. Gail relented and I gently moved my hands across her clit.

I Continued, “I’m so looking forward to making this a special holiday for us. We promised each other we would fulfill our fantasies on this trip.”

“Rian, you’re the only one with unfulfilled fantasies. I told you I would try going out with no underwear, showing a little, but I have to feel comfortable.”

I answered, “Of course you must feel Aren’t there any fantasies you would like to explore.”?

“If I had any I’d prefer to keep them a fantasy,” she replied.

“What are they?”

“What are what?” she asked.

“Your fantasies, any fantasy.”

“I don’t know that I have any.”

“If you did, would you tell me?”

She thought for a moment,”Yes I think I would.”

“Oh come on baby,” I reacted. “You have no fantasy and you would tell me if you did. Would you tell me anything you would do?”

“Of course I would” she immediately replied.

I smiled looking at her still gently rubbing her clit.

“What are you smiling about? She questioned.

“I do believe you sell me short. You are my great love. I know you better then you think.”

She looked a little annoyed. “Now what does that mean?”

I tried to look as serious as possible. “ It means I know when you are open and closed.”

“What do you mean by open and closed?” She asked.

“I mean that when I ask you a question I know when you are forthright or hiding things?”

Gail was now looking questioningly at me. I still kept touching her clit. She had opened her legs a bit further.

“Give me an example of what you are talking about.”

“Well when I asked you about last nights dinner for example. There are other things.”

With consternation in her look she asked, “What would I want to hide from you about dinner last night?”

“I don’t know, but I feel things with you, a sixth sense. Take my hand and hold it,” I said, smiling as I spoke, “look me in the eye, knowing my love… no our love, and answer again. Have you told me everything about dinner last night?”

I gave her my right hand and kept my left hand on her clit. Gail looked at me for a long time, ten seconds felt like a minute. I was smiling and looking at her. Slowly her face broke into a smile.

My heart skipping a beat, “I’m right aren’t I? I asked,

“Well, in a way,” she said, still smiling

“In what way? I asked

“Well something happened when we were out last night and I thought I’d try what you asked me to do. Just too see.”

“That’s a good start baby, and I love you for it, but just tell me about it, don’t force me to ask question by inch.”

“Do you remember the skirt I had on last night?”

I tried to look apologetic, “No I’m afraid I don’t.”

Well let me just fill you in she said smiling at me. I wore the skirt that has the slit on the side the one you like. Andy took us to a lovely restaurant in Cannes. It was crowded, very jet set I think. We were seated along the wall. Mostly single tables. The waiter put the corner and adjacent table together for us. Charlene and I sat on the wall, on a bank. Andy sat in a chair facing us. The wall and mirror were on my right and Charlene on my left. The place was busy so we had a bottle of wine while waiting for them to take our order. Eventually a man I would say in his late thirties or early forties was seated at the table to the left of Charlene. He too was waiting and he eventually chatted, first with Andrew then increasingly with Charlene. He was French.

We were well through our second bottle of wine when our order was taken.

During dinner Andre suggested to Charlene that she try his sparkling wine. She liked it and he asked if she would share a bottle with him. She agreed and he ordered a bottle and the two of them drank it. Andy and I talked together almost exclusively, and about everything. He is interesting you would like him. After dinner we were waiting to order dessert and Charlene left for the ladies room. A moment later Andre left as well. I thought it strange and figured that Charlene and he were meeting outside. I think Andy felt the same but he ignored it.

Since Andy was facing the wall, after Charlene left he came around and sat beside me in her seat.

While he was seated there I had my back to the sidewall and I was facing him. I had my left leg up on the bank and my right one on the floor. When I first sat that way I kept the tablecloth on my lap so I was well covered. But I thought about you asking me to show a little so I slowly, over some five minutes, slide the slit of my skirt to the front and let the tablecloth fall. When Andy faced me to say something he could easily see well up to my thigh. He had noticed all right and I liked the feeling so I slowly let my skirt ride up higher until I was sure he could see my panties.

It was affecting Andy. He was talking less and staring at my crotch. Finally looking at me with an ever so slight smile he said,

“Gail, that part is absolutely beautiful.”

“What part I said, “truly wondering what he was talking about.”

“Your pussy”, he replied and he placed his hand on my leg.

I laughed and he did too, but I didn’t move, and he was feasting on the view. I knew that if you could see this you would love it.”

I just nodded to him, Gail went on.

“His hand eventually found it’s way up my leg and even touched my pussy, through my panties. He ran his finger up and down my slit, then cupped my whole pussy in his hand. I must admit I liked it. Andy caressed me that way for a few minutes then asked me to sit facing forward. When I did he hoisted up my skirt and placed his hand in my panties on my pussy. It was so exciting, being in this crowded restaurant, though I don’t think you could tell what he was doing. I asked him what if Charlene came back. She had been gone a good ten minutes. His reply was, “she’s deep into things right now, and she’ll be a while longer.”

I was surprised that he was unconcerned about Charlene and pleased to know he would continue to touch me, and he did. Honey, I came just from his touching me with his hand, sitting right there in a crowded restaurant. It only took minutes.

The waiter came and poured wine then Andy asked me to touch myself. He took his cock out and we both masturbated there in our seats partly covered by the tablecloth. It was the most erotic thing I have ever done.

I was still touching her clit and I could tell she was aroused just in the telling. I had a raging hard cock just imagining what was to come.

I asked her, “Were you pleased to know that you were doing it because I had asked?”

“Actually honey, once we got into it I didn’t think of anything except coming,” she honestly replied.

“Baby”, I said, “you are something… that’s about the hottest thing I’ve heard.”

She smiled. “You’re not upset honey? I was afraid to tell you thinking you would get angry.”

“No, I’m not angry.” I touched my hard cock, “and this will prove it. So what happened next? I asked.

“Nothing else really”, she said, and my heart sank, then, “Oh yes one other thing. When we drove home Charlene made me sit in the middle up front. Andy put his hands on my legs and touched my pussy during the drive. When we got to the hotel we sat in the car a few minutes and kissed and we touched.”

“Did you take out his cock?” I asked.

“No but I rubbed him a bit.”

“Where was Charlene all this time?”

Gail replied, “Sitting right beside me, touching herself.”

“I questioned, “Did she say anything about being gone so long.”

“When we first left the restaurant she excused herself saying, our French friend was fully loaded and now I am, and she went back inside. Andy laughed. We were waiting for her outside and Andy leaned me against the car and started touching me again. When she came back out I think she saw us and that’s why she asked me to sit in the middle.”

“So what happened next,” I asked.

“Nothing baby,” she said smiling.

“Didn’t he want to be with you, to make love?” I asked.

“ I don’t know, maybe. But that’s not what you asked me to do.”

“How about you, did you want to?”

“Yes honey,” she answered, and my heart skipped, “I was hot, but you were sleeping when I came in.”

“Is that all that happened?” I asked again.

“That’s enough, isn’t it? Gail replied. “So now you know the intimate details. Is it exciting for you honey?

Now was not the time to push her further. I put my arms around her body and hugged her and said, “It’s very exciting baby, you are one very hot woman and I love you. Lets make love.”

Gail slid down close to me and took my now raging hard cock in her hands. She wanted to continue down and suck me but I stopped her saying I wanted to be in her. We made love. I told her she was very wet inside, “Is that because you were so worked up?”

Her simple “Yes”, belied the issue. I made love frantically, a bit too roughly, and Gail acted like she enjoyed it. We left the room at about ten and had breakfast on the outdoor veranda.

We returned to the room, changed and headed down to the pool. Twenty odd hotel guests were s**ttered about on lounge chairs. Half of the women in the place were topless. I was still so turned on from thinking about what I had seen the night before that I was semi hard most of the morning. Ten minutes later a couple our age choose to sit in loungers a few feet away. I smiled hello. The man nodded mouthing a, “bon jour.”

Again a half hour later two men ensconced themselves to our left. One looked to be in his early forties, graying, distinguished and the younger man looked strong and fit and handsome in a very rough way. I thought they were gay. The younger man immediately introduced himself as Karl, he was from Switzerland. He asked us where we came from, acted very interested when we said Chile, and we continued the exchange throughout the morning. Long periods of silence went between spurts of chatter; some with the French couple on our right as well as with Karl.

When Karl rose to swim in the pool his black bikini barley covered his behind and when he turned to walk away he was facing us, I could see Gail silently gasp. It looked like he had five pounds of meat stuck under his very brief trunks. I laughed at her expression and she squinted over at me smiling, a little embarrassed at having been caught.

Charlene and Andrew made it to the pool in the early afternoon and joined us for lunch. The whole group that was sitting around wound up lunching together and we all got to know one another. Andrew and Gail barley shared a glance, at least that I noticed. Karl’s friend Tomas wasn’t gay at all and obviously fancied Charlene. I was sure he was fondling her in the water, as they stood against the wall side by side.

After lunch we sat around the pool. Andrew invited us to join them for dinner and I accepted. At 3:30 we headed back to the room.

“How about we run over to take a look at Juan Le Pins?” I asked Gail.

“Great”, was her reply, and in no time at all we were dressed and taking a taxi for the few minutes ride to the next town. We roamed the seafront, I gawked at the topless ladies and we wound up in a small sidewalk bistro for a drink. Ten minutes after we sat down Karl and Tomas came walking by. We exchanged greetings and invited them to sit with us. They ordered drinks and Karl started speaking with Gail. While chatting she did her best to show as much leg as possible, and from his vantage point I believe panty too. I was getting excited again.

That evening we had a leisurely drive to Nice and dined in a wonderful seafood restaurant. Charlene and Andrew were great company and no one did anything to renew the conversation or deeds of the last night. Back at the hotel we had a nightcap in the hotel and went our respective ways.

“Did you enjoy the evening? I asked Gail.

“Very much, and you?”

“You were right, they are great company, but I noticed electricity in the air.”

“Now what are you talking about? Gail sounded annoyed.

‘“Nothing of import except I sense a hesitancy in you, I can’t place my finger on it now.”

We were in bed in minutes. I moved close and put my arm under her head. She snuggled in and we started touching each other. Ten minutes later I was kneeling between Gail’s legs and rubbing my hard cock across her vaginal lips. It was easy to make her come just smacking my hardened cock against her opening. After playing with her for ten minutes I started slipping into her, thrusting for a minute or so, then slapping my cock against her clit and slit. Soon Gail was arching her back beginning her orgasm, “Ohhhh yes baby, do it, do it to me.”

“You sure are one hot lover tonight”, she said smiling.

“I don’t know what’s gotten into me,” I said, “but all I want to do is endlessly fuck you and watch you come.”

Gail smiled contentedly, “That gets my vote,” then she proceeded to roll me over and quickly mount my still hard cock. I knew I was not providing the same stretch as she had received last night but she rode me for a long time and I could feel her pussy clenching as she made ready to come again. When she finished she kissed me and I greedily probed her mouth with my tongue. I felt tears on my face. She was crying.

“Was it that good? I asked.

Gail just looked at me lovingly, smiling. “I love you Honey, very much,” she said.

I was still in her and hard. “And I love you too, more then ever, in spite of the secrets you think you need to keep.”

She smiled. “Well I eventually told you.”

“It was easy,” I said, “wasn’t it?”

“Yes” she said, smiling her enticing look, “you loved it, you got so hard.”

I replied “Like now,” then I rotated my still hard cock in her.

“I love this place, can we come back next year?” she said.

“Of course”, I said, “as long as there are no secrets.

“There won’t be, there aren’t any… what are you talking about?” she asked questioningly.

“I told you. I have a sixth sense about you.”

“Well you certainly did last night,” Gail said. “And, I’m sure I told you everything.”

“Think hard, what happened in the car,” I asked.

She looked like she was concentrating, thinking. I moved my cock around in her.

“We were petting, he was touching me, putting his fingers in my pussy, pumping me while I was pumping him.”

She hadn’t said ‘pumping him’ when she told me earlier.

“ Did you take his cock out? What is it like?” I asked.

“Yes” she whispered, “I did. I was pumping it a bit. He’s pretty big.”

“Did you suck his cock?”

Gail hesitated, “Yes, I think I did for a short while.”

“What is his cock like?

“It’s long, a little longer then yours. He’s not circumcised.”

“Was it exciting for you baby?” I questioned.

With just the hint of a smile, she nodded, “Hmm honey. It’s real exciting, part is probably because it’s forbidden and I guess because he is a stranger, I could act a little wild.”

I was ready to burst now. Rolling over I kept myself in her and started to maul her nipples while forcefully pumping into her. My balls were slapping against her behind and her nipples were thumb length and I could feel my cock swelling. Gail was holding my waist with both hands, her eyes were closed and squinting in concentration.

“Can you imaging another cock in you now baby?” I asked in a husky voice.

“Yes”, was all she replied.

“You’re so wet, does it feel good baby?”

“Yes,” she paused, “ Yes honey.”

I was still pumping, ready to explode inside my wife at any moment when I asked,

“Whose cock could you imagine now?” and, after a few seconds pause I continued,

“Andrews long cock,” I paused a few seconds, “maybe Karl?

Gail didn’t answer. I was pumping furiously and again I asked in a husky voice,

“Which cock would you like to imagine fucking you now baby?”

“Karl” she gasped.

That’s what it took to make me explode.

“Oh, baby, I’m cumming” and I exploded thrusting with each spurt.

“Do it honey, do it to me”, Gail said, “Aghhh, I’m coming too, oh yes”

And we both orgasm’d intensely, one of the deepest most complete we ever shared. We both sensed it lying together holding one another, and we went to sleep.

The next morning was a replay of the day before. Breakfast, then out to the pool. The whole group from the day before eventually found their way to the pool The view over the Mediterranean was spectacular and the Hotel Du Cap had it’s usual array of celebrities. Most of the guests acted unimpressed but Gail and I did our share of gawking at Hollywood celebrities, Producers and TV personalities. We swam in the pool, a dip in the Med, lots of cool drinks and jokes, everyone seemed to know a funnier then the last one joke, and a few were risqué.

At about 12:30 Andrew asked Gail and I if we wanted to accompany Charlene and himself into Monte Carlo for a few hours. It was a about a 45 minute drive, he’d do some quick business and then lunch there. I thought it would be great. Gail declined saying she was enjoying the pool and that she would be in Monte Carlo all next week. Charlene also withdrew because she had been hoping Gail would join her in some shopping. Andrew said,

“Well, I guess I can go it alone,” and started to get his things together.

Then looking across to me, he said, “How about it Rian, you feel like coming along.”

“Actually, I wouldn’t mind. Honey would you mind if I popped off to Monte Carlo for a few hours?”

Then grinning I quickly said, “It felt very chic to say that.”

They all smiled and Gail replied, “No Ri, of course I don’t mind. Take the cell with you.”

So Andrew and I bade the group adieu kissed our respective wives and off we went. As we were approaching our rooms we heard a phone ringing. Only when I opened the door did I realize it was our phone. Andrew headed off to change and I took the call. A director of or company was calling from Chile. It seems that our Paris client had decided to complete the transaction I had presented. The call was to ask me a few more questions about our meeting, and to see if I was available in the event it was necessary to return to Paris. I asked a few questions of the Directorwhich he was unable to answer.

“Rian he bellowed, wait there a few minutes. I’ll try to get answers from Gonzalo or I will have him call you back.”

He didn’t ask me to wait, it was an order. I quickly ran over to Andrews’s room and told him what had happened.

“If I know Gonzalo, he won’t be easy to find, it may take a while.”

“Well I can’t say I’m not disappointed but, it happens. I’ll see you guys this evening and off he went.

I returned to the room. It was a good twenty minutes before Gonzalo called and we hashed over the options and decided that he would get back to me the next day.

I put my swimsuit back on and proceeded downstairs to the pool. Rounding the hallway from the elevators into the lobby I noticed Gail standing in the doorway speaking with Karl. I was walking slowly enough to spin around and return to the elevator without being seen. I returned to the room wondering if Gail had been making plans to meet Karl.

Once in the room I felt like a fool. So what do I do, I thought, sit here. I was about to leave when I looked at the small closet door near the entry. I opened it. We had our suitcases stacked inside and only my raincoat was hanging. I walked in and closed the door. Looking through the louvers I could see into the room. But, I could only look down. The most I could see was near the closet to the sitting arrangement. I took the suitcases off the shelf and placed them in a corner on the floor and I stood up on the suitcase rack. Now, looking through the louvers I could see the bed, balcony, chairs, everything except into the bathroom. I could even see the entry door. I was standing full height, I could lean on the wall and still look out, and I was looking through the very top two louver spaces, looking down.

It didn’t take long for Gail to arrive. She opened the door, threw her pool purse on the chair and went into the bathroom. I could hear the toilet flush and the water was running. A few minutes later she came out wiping her hands on a towel. She was still wearing her wrap with her swimsuit underneath. She tossed the towel over the chair and picked up the phone. When the operator answered she asked for the restaurant. My thoughts immediately ran to thinking she was ordering wine to be delivered. Gail asked for the restaurant and made a reservation for six at 8:30 this evening, and hung up. I felt the fool standing there and was about to step down and out of the closet when the phone rang.

She listened a moment then said “Hi,”

“Making reservations for this evening,” she said to whatever the caller had asked. Then,

“Yes, of course”, and after a moment, “Bye.”

She placed her pool bag on the floor and took a bottle of Orangina from the mini fridge.

Minutes later there was a knock on the door. Gail walked to the door, opened it and stood aside. Karl walked in smiling looking directly at Gail. She closed the door slipped the security bolt and walked to the chairs. Karl followed. He was wearing the short robe he wore to the pool.

“Would you like something cool?” she asked.

“The same,” he said, pointing to her Orangina.

While pouring it in a glass she looked at him, smiled and said, “Drink it slowly, it’s the last.”

“When she handed him the glass he reached out and touched her above her hips, almost at waist height. She stood still and he traced his hand down to the front of her thigh, then looked at her and pulled his hand away. Gail sat down reaching for her drink.

“Is this your first time in Europe,” Karl asked.

“We have been in England and Germany once before.”

“Do you know you’re the most elegant lady out there?”

“Thanks,” Gail graciously replied, almost in a whisper.

I had never seen anyone try to seduce Gail and I was surprised at her actions, and her reaction. She seemed reserved, almost afraid, looking away from Karl with just an occasional glance or smile. Maybe she was acting.

Karl rose and moved to Gail’s chair. “Stand up,” he asked her softly. Gail rose. Karl placed his arms around her and she leaned into his chest, her head turned sideways, her arms at her side. Karl held her with one hand and started to rub her back. Soon Gail’s arms rose and held him lightly at his hips. Karl took her head in one hand and turned it to face him. Gail looked up and closed her eyes as he lowered his head to kiss her. They must have kissed for five minutes. I could see Karl bending his knees and twisting his body from time to time as if he were trying to get his tongue deeper or in at another angle. Gail now had one arm around his neck and her hand on the back of his head.

Then both their hands started to move. Touching, probing, her back, her neck and ears, her behind, kneading her ass cheeks even reaching back and feeling between her legs from behind. They were entwined engrossed in their marathon kiss , Karl still had not touched her sensitive nipples. I actually looked down at my cock that was throbbing so forcefully that I had to take it out of my trunks. Gail was the one to break the kiss.

“We can’t be gone too long,” Gail said as she moved towards the bed holding his hand.

She undressed as Karl watched in fascination. His back was to me. I watched her too. She looked at him, a slight smile on her face, while undressing. Karl moved to her pulling at his robe and stripping his trunks in two very brief fluid movements. Now it was Gail’s turn to look. Not taking her eyes of his cock she reached and though I could not see, it was obvious she was holding him with both hands. He started to touch her breasts. Gail slowly fell backward on the bed never letting go of his manhood and Karl leaned forward with her. They both slide back into the middle of the bed never breaking their hold. I was looking at them from their feet at a slight right angle, the full bed in view. Now lying side by side they kissed again. His hands were on her breast, her hard nipples jutting straight out. Karl fixed his mouth to one nipple and Gail groaned. She watched him sucking her nipple then closed her eyes and sighed holding his head gently against her breast.

Gail was already moving her hips in a humping motion just from his sucking her nipple. She was still holding his cock, which I could not see, it was between them. Karl moved his left hand down her stomach and softly touched across her thighs running his fingers through her light bush. He found her slit and opened it with two fingers then slipped one across her slit to stop at her clit. He used his finger and thumb to pull at her sensitive nub, like he was jerking it off. Then he placed his palm flat on her mound over her clit and started rubbing. Gail was now thrusting her hips in a fucking motion that was frenzied.

Karl broke from her nipple and moved his face down to her stomach, softly kissing, licking and touching every inch of the way. Gail had to let go of his cock and when he rose to his knees to place his mouth on her pussy, his cock sprang into view. No explanation justifies the size of this fellows cock. Not being prone to men in any fashion, even I was mesmerized by the size, perfect color and formation, a massive circumcised work of art. Karl licked and sucked her pussy into his mouth in loud sucking sounds. Gail wreathed and humped and came at least once for certain.

Karl abruptly stopped, spread her legs and climbed between them. He placed this massive organ at the mouth of Gail’s pussy and unceremoniously placed the head of it between Gail’s engorged lips and pushed. The head slide in. Gail groaned, I was sure it was causing her pain. Karl inched forward, pushing stopping then pushing. Gail was starring at his face her eyes were glassy. Karl leaned forward and they kissed again. While they were kissing he kept probing and his cock went deeper and deeper into Gail’s pussy. I could see between hers and Karl’s legs. Her pussy lips were stretched around his cock so tightly that each time he pulled back it looked like her pussy lining was coming out attached to his cock. When about three quarters was in, Gail said with a breathy voice,

“Oh… ohhhh.. do it to me, Ohhh, I’m coming now… ahhh do it.” She had her legs straight up in the air and her arms out on both sides like she was crucified to the bed. Karl kept inching his cock deeper. Gail kept breathing deep sighs eyes closed, her legs trembling involuntarily.

I could actually see his cock pistoning into her, and from the angle I could see her face just bathed in ecstasy. Occasionally she would look at him. Her eyes were glazed she looked like she was oblivious to everything except the sensation being created by his cock. I had my cock in my hand but I was just squeezing, any further motion and I would have come.

Karl lifted Gail with one arm and rolled over placing her on top of him. He had never fully had his cock buried in her. Gail bent over, and kissed him again. He had both arms around her head. Her ass was spread and I could see about three-quarters of his cock in her very stretched hole. Her ass bud puckered as she bent over him. When Gail rose from the kiss she placed her two hands behind her on his legs and leaned her head back arching her back. She started a slow rhythmic rise and fall, his cock shiny from her come. Gail was fully concentrated on fucking him and her rhythm increased. She was close to getting him fully into her pussy. At one point she leaned forward to look at her pussy sucking in his cock and when she leaned back again she thrust her hips and Karl’s cock was completely in her. Gail started to tremble her orgasm beginning, she was still moving but not as forcefully. Karl had both hands on her hips and he reached around to touch her behind. He pulled Gail forward; she was still trembling small continuous orgasms. He placed his finger on her puckered ass hole. He reached away, wet his finger in his mouth and went back to her behind, this time putting the tip of his finger into her ass. Gail groaned loudly,

“Oh Karl, aghhh do it,”

Karl pushed his finger further, Gail was shaking, her orgasm having taken control.

Karl asked, “Do you like fucking me Gail?”

“Yes Karl, I do” she managed to reply through a sigh.

“More then you like fucking your husband?”

Gail answered without a pause, short of breath, “Yes honey, much more.”

“Can I fuck you tomorrow and each next day?” All the while moving his cock in her pussy and his finger in her ass.

“Oh yes Karl. You can fuck me always,” she was trembling and looking at him with intense passion.

Suddenly Karl Stiffened, “Now, I’m cumming, Ohhh Gail, take my …Aghhh, “, Karl moaned bucking with each spurt, his cock now fully buried in her as he deposited his come very deeply into my wife’s womb.

Gail had spread her legs further on his sides in an effort to have him deeper inside while he was coming. Feeling his first spurt she let out a groan then began whimpering.

“Oh honey, do it to me, do it, I can feel you.” Her eyes were closed, her back was arched, I squeezed my cock and my come shot clear across the closet.

They stayed together for three or four minutes, not speaking. Gail was looking into his eyes and he was transfixed. His hand was resting flat on her stomach. They had been at it three quarters of an hour. Gail rose off his cock, turned around and to my utter surprise, placed her mouth over his now almost soft cock and sucked him, rolled his cock across her face, held it between her hands, then leaned over and rubbed it across her breast. Karl looked on, smiling warmly.

“We’d better get you downstairs,” Gail said.

Karl responded, “I hate to leave you now.”

Gail smiled at him, “I could stay here worshiping your cock all day long.”

‘It’s yours, lets do that”, he said.

She smiled again, rising from the bed. Karl rose too, picked up his bikini and robe and started dressing.

Gail stood near the door, just inches away from me, waiting for him to be ready. At the door they kissed. Gail held both his behind cheeks while she kissed him. Before opening the door she put her hand on his cock looked him in eyes smiling and said, “I do love it. I’ll see you downstairs in a while”

Wow I thought. When will she cross the line and love it more then me.

Gail closed the door and went back to the bed. She lay on the bed daydreaming, caressing her naked body. She looked fully sated. I could not remember her ever coming more then she did this afternoon. She rose straightened the bed covers and went to the bathroom. I noticed that my cell was still on the side table in the charger near the fridge. I hoped she would not notice it.

Gail showered and I waited. Fifteen minutes later she emerged, dressed for the pool again, and left. I went into the room sat in the chair. The room still smelled of sex. My head was reeling. I couldn’t figure out what emotion I should be feeling. I did know that watching her fuck another man was exciting for me and that I didn’t feel like I loved her less. What I found most confusing was identifying way she was hiding it from me, did she feel me inadequate, did she love or need them more?

My cell phone ringing startled me.


“Hi honey, Gail’s cheery voice responded, “meeting any charming ladies in Monte Carlo?”

“Gail, I said questioningly, “Where are you?”

After a pause, “Don’t worry honey, I’m not at the pool, I’m in the lobby.”

“Oh, good. Are you enjoying,” I asked.

“Sure,” she said coolly, “Do you have a few minutes?”

“Yes, I’m alone.”

“Me too,” she said.

“What’s up?”

A pause then she started, “Listen, would you get mad or turned on if I told you about something that happened a bit ago?”

She’s going to tell me I thought. I felt a swell of love. “Probably turned on, maybe judgmental, never mad.”

A long pause. “You there Gail?”

“Yes. Honey, remember last night when you asked me who?

“Yes,” I replied. “About Karl?”

“Right. Well I had a bit of fun with him this afternoon..”

“Sounds interesting, tell me about it”

Gail started, “A little while after you left we walked down to the dock on the Med. We sat and talked a bit. He put his hand on my legs and I let him. When we walked back ten minutes later we went into the pool together.”

There was a long pause.

I questioned, “How together Gail?”

“We swam a few minutes, he swims like a pro. Then we were leaning on the pool wall on the far side, beside each other. He moved in front of me and took my legs between his arms while I was holding onto the edge. We were three feet apart on the surface but his hands were under my behind. Should I continue honey?” She asked.

“Should you continue, are you joking? If I could I’d have my cock in my hand right now.”

Gail laughed. “I knew you’d get turned on by this.”

“He actually slide his finger under the elastic and touched my pussy.”

“Did you come?”

“No, but I certainly was turned on.”

“What else did you do?”
”We moved away after a while and when he was close behind me I let him push his cock against my behind.”

“Did you touch him?” I asked.

“Yes. I put my hand in his suit. He’s big.”

I responded. “We saw that the other day didn’t we. Didn’t he want to…be with you?”

“He asked me”, Gail said.

“What did you say?”

“Honey? she questioned . “Of Course I said I could not?

“Did you want to?”

“Well”, Gail answered like she was thinking. “Maybe the thought is exciting, but I’ll just wait until you get back”

“We talked about it last night,” I said. “Maybe we can say yes when I’m around. All together so you’ll feel safe.”

“Oh honey. I couldn’t do something like that. Look, I’m in the lobby. I want to get back out there. I’ll see you when you get back. Dinner is here at the hotel. We’ll talk… and maybe more, before dinner. Ok?

“Yes my love,” I responded. “See you soon.

When I returned to the pool it was after 4PM. I had a drink in hand and just planned to sit with the group. Gail greeted me warmly and I sat on her lounge beside her.

“Was Monte Carlo exciting? She asked.

I smiled, trying to avoid a flow of questions, “You’ll love it” I responded, then turning to Andre I asked, “Andre, you being the culinary expert here, can you tell me who makes up the Michelin group that gives the star rating?”

Andre began to explain and while he was speaking Charlene came to join the group.

“Hi”, she said looking at me, “I see you’re back.”

I didn’t answer so as not to interrupt Andre.

When we were all clear about Michelin Guide ratings I asked Gail,

“Have you had enough sun for the day?

“Ri, it’s time to go” she answered, “Lets head upstairs I have a few things to do before dinner.”

We bundled Gail’s pool bag, said our ‘see you laters’, and left.

Half way to the lobby door Gail asked, “Was Charlene in Monte Carlo?”

“Not with me” I answered, “Why?”

“Well she left just about when you guys left and she just returned.”

We rounded the hall toward the elevators and someone called, “Rian.”

Both Gail and I greeted him. “Hi Andrew”

He had just returned and asked, “I’ll bet your call came five minutes after I left. I could have waited.”

“Not quite, about thirty minutes” I answered. Gail looked at me inquisitively.

“Andrew asked Gail, “Is Charlene at the pool?”

“Yes, everyone is out there.

“See you at dinner”, Andrew said and walked toward the pool entrance.

I followed Gail in the elevator without speaking. As the doors opened she stepped out and turned slightly,

“Were you I Monte Carlo this afternoon?

“No”, I answered and we walked to the room and I opened the door.

Once inside Gail sat on the beds edge and without looking at me asked quietly,

“Would you mind telling me where you were?”

I thought maybe she was figuring out that I had been spying. After a long pause I answered,

“I had a business call from Gonzalo I had to wait for. Then I just walked on the road all the way into Juan Le Pins”

After a long pause Gail looked up at me and said, “You were with Charlene, weren’t you?”

She had anger in her eyes.

“No, honey, I was not with Charlene or anyone else”, I responded, looking directly at her.

“You’re lying to me Ri. Why? she asked, acting certain of her assessment.

“Gail my love, I don’t lie to you. You know that.”

“Why wouldn’t you tell me about something like this? You asked me, I told you.” Gail was working her way into convincing herself.

Gail looked at me, less upset now. “I’m not going to bring it up again Ri. If you want to tell me about it I would appreciate the honesty. If not, it’s your call.”

Now I was getting upset.

“Gail, don’t fabricate a situation then attach conditions to the fabrication in an effort to give it credibility. It’s not true, I told you that. Is their some underlying reason that you are acting unreasonably jealous for the first time in eight years?

She answered calmly, “it’s not jealously Ri, it’s honesty we are talking about.”

Sarcastically I replied, “Gail baby, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. You make up a total falsehood and then, arrogantly I might add, speak about honesty.”

“Ri, you said you know me, I didn’t play with that truth, I fessed up and told you. Well my dear, I know you too. You didn’t walk four kilometers to Juan Le Pins, and we both know t

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"Brian, can you come get me please!" came the distressed voice of my sister Frances down the phone. "Sure, Frances ... what's up?" I asked, though I suspected I knew. "It's Keith. He's been drinking. He's throwing things. Oh, Brian, please, please hurry ... please!" There was a loud crash in the background of the phone call and a distant voice saying, "C'mere bitch!" before the phone went dead. My name's Brian (yeah no kidding). I'm in my early forties and recently divorced....

3 years ago
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Francis to Frances

Dad always referred to them as Aunt Matilda and Aunt May but actually Matilda is my dad's aunt and May is just her special friend, and they are at least fifty years old and dedicated to each other and dedicated to their local church and it's pastor Pastor Taylour. Dad made all the arrangements and the first time I really met them as a grown up was when I rolled up on their doorstep off the Greyhound bus one late summer afternoon with all my worldly goods in a couple of suitcases. I...

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Francis to Frances

It was never my intention to go to live with Aunt Matilda and Aunt May, in New York state five hundred miles east of Arlsberg but when I was offered a place at Uni a short bus ride from their place that Dad suggested I should see if I could stay with them.Dad always referred to them as Aunt Matilda and Aunt May but actually Matilda is my dad's aunt and May is just her special friend, and they are at least fifty years old and dedicated to each other and dedicated to their local church and it's...

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Exchange trip to France

This is my first story written, so cut me some slack and be easy on the comments :). Criticism is welcome, but it must be constructive criticism. I have changed the names of the story for obvious reasons, but other than that the story is 100% true. I wrote this because I have read many stories here myself, and want to give back with some of my own. —————————————————————————————————————————————- Ill first describe myself: Im a 17 year old Australian guy, Im relatively tall, 6ft exactly, long...

2 years ago
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Roi de France

En 2022 la France en avait marre. Après une longue campagne présidentielle, tous les candidats s’étaient discrédités, s’évertuant à travers leurs outrages, leur bêtise et leur incompétence à se montrer indigne de la fonction suprême. Quant au président actuel, personne n’aurait l’idée saugrenue de le réélire. Le soir du premier tour à 20h, les résultats tombèrent : 90% des bulletins étaient blanc et le taux de participation de 10%. Impossible d’organiser un second tour dans ces conditions,...

1 year ago
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Bulging Briefs In France

I had been combining a business trip in France with a short break, and Ihad a few more days to spend before returning for a conference in London.I had hired a car and was taking time to explore some of the smallerNormandy towns, seeking out small hotels and eating wherever I could infamily-run restaurants.What I am about to write about happened some ten years ago, but I rememberthe details as if they happened yesterday. I can even remember that it wasa Wednesday evening that I met him, and that...

2 years ago
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School Trip To France

y high school organized an optional group trip to France for a month. The idea was that we were supposed to go learn French and become immersed in the culture, but as I found out from students who had gone on the trip previously, in reality it was just a chance to get drunk and party with your friends, and try to hook up with French girls.While I was interested in getting drunk with my buddies, none of the girls in my class held any particular appeal for me. Not that they weren’t attractive,...

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Mary Felix In The South Of France

Cap Ferrat, South of France, May 1903.The last rays of the setting sun still showed above the dark line of the sea’s horizon, but in the woods that lined the hilly coast, twilight had turned to night and the scent of pine drifted through the trees as the hiss of small waves sounded on the rocky shoreline.Half way up the steep slope that overlooked the bay, a cluster of lights showed in the warm darkness. Conversation and the occasional ripple of laughter were coming from an elegant terrace...

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The Last Chance Part 3 The Rapture of France

Through my mind race the images of us standing chest-deep in the sea and me asking Jan to marry me. I can’t help but smile at the hilarity of the situation. Jan, standing naked in front of me and of the shocked expression on her face as I make my proposal. I realize that we are not in an ideal location, so I lift Jan into my arms and trudge up the beach.Her silence at first fuels my fears of rejection. I can feel her sobs as she buries her face in my neck, and the heaving of her chest as the...

Love Stories
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A trip to France

As well as delivering furniture all over Spain, when the need arises, I do the odd house to house removal to help pay the bills. Normally I only do local moves, but this one day, I was approached by a customer who was moving from the Costa Blanca in Spain, to the south of France. I didn´t really fancy doing this job, as he said that he would be riding with me in the van, along with his dog. I normally preferred my own company, so I quoted him a higher than usual. This was a trick a builder...

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Weekend in France

Weekend in France We got to our hotel, in the late morning after driving for a few hours. My girlfriend Monika and I had never done anything like this before. We were meeting another couple for the first time. A couple from France that we had met on line. There were no promises, this is a trial run to say the least. Moni was not nearly as open to this as I was, but she agreed to go along with this crazy plan just to see how it felt. She is not into sharing, so she said, but I knew there...

2 years ago
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Salt and Pepper Sugar and Spice Chapter 11 Back in France

Salt and Pepper, Sugar and Spice Chapter 11 Back in France. Ronnie had said, "Honey, what would you say if I told Ariane about Jaimie?" And, Jason had said, "You didn't! Did you?" "Not really. But, we were talking the other day. And, the conversation drifted to people with an alternate life style. And, ..." "And, what?" "Ariane told me that one of our friends from school, Marie, was a lesbian. We talked about...

1 year ago
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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 44 Jul 1944 US Troops Advance West of St Lo France

Franklin D. Roosevelt – 6 May 1942 “Books cannot be killed by fire. People die, but books never die. No man and no force can abolish memory. No man and no force can put thought in a concentration camp forever.” Shortly after the breakout from the beaches of Normandy, the allies expanded their beachhead to include portions of the hedgerow country of France. In the last chapter, we saw how they took the port city of Cherbourg as a beginning of a sweeping operation to push the Germans out of...

3 years ago
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The Story of Frances

THE STORY OF FRANCES My name is Frances and I have always wanted to tell this story to the whole world because it is a happy story and it may help others to understand themselves and to be strong enough to carry through the courage of their convictions. I never knew my Father, he ran off with his secretary when I was just a few months old. He had a reasonably good job and through the courts Mother obtained a good settlement. This was the house and her car and a good monthly...

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I used to work over in the South of France were the weather in the summer was beautiful. Three of the lads I worked with used to rent a villa which had a swimming pool in the garden and its own personal grounds surrounded by a low wall, a road and pathway running by the villa one side and a simular neighbouring villa to which a couple also from the UK rented in there mid 20’s lived. One weekend my two room mates had decided to go home for the weekend, leaving me to the villa and pool for the...

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Sex on the beach every day in France

Although this tale is listed under stories it is my diary of what we got up to in France on holiday. Each year we go on holiday I keep a diary of all the things we get up to so that I can re read them in the future to live them in my mind again.We were in the nude resort of Cap D’Agde for our tenth year and each year we have done something more than the year before. One thing that has happened since my last year’s diary is that I went out some weeks ago with a girl friend called Leigh and got...

4 years ago
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SBBW Farmer The Milk Man in France

It had been a long night and all I wanted was to find a place to eat and get off the road. I had been driving for most of the day across France heading to England. I had business in London and need to get there in a day and half. I did not leave myself much time but I had clients who were waiting on a proposal and I needed to sign some papers to make it official. It was raining and fog had set in. I was in the mountains and the roads had become dangerous. I need to find a hotel and something to...

1 year ago
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One Afternoon Shopping in France

One afternoon of shopping in France By Rosie "Avez-vous essay? ceci dessus?" the sales girl said, taking the black satin blouse from my hands. "I beg your pardon, I don't understand," I replied though even as I spoke the words, I could make out the meaning of her question. "Have you tried his on, monsieur?" the girl repeated in a rather thickly accented English. "Um... no, but..." I stammered, taken aback by her question. She took the blouse off the table, lifted it up by the ...

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Sue on Camping Holiday in South of France

My wife and I went on a camping holiday a couple of years ago which led to more than was in the brochure. We went to a wooded camp site in the South of France and on arrival, found that the nearby beach had a nudist area. This was a bonus to us as we went almost every weekend to a nudist beach on the south coast where we lived at the time. Our tent was a large family sized permanent tent with proper rooms, as were most of the tents on the site, only a few being tents that people would put up...

2 years ago
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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 43 Jun 1944 Americans Liberate Cherbourg France

“Maybe there are 5,000, maybe 10,000 Nazi bastards in their concrete foxholes before the Third Army. Now if Ike stops holding Monty’s hand and gives me some supplies, I’ll go through the Siegfried Line like shit through a goose.” During those long months of pre-operational training, the allies were convinced that they would have to take a major port close to the Normandy beaches in order to bring in the fresh reinforcements and supplies desperately needed for a sustained second front in...

1 year ago
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Fun in France

Life had been a blur since University, marriage and a child combined with a hectic career in a marketing consultancy. Gemma an american friend from Uni worked for a rival company and over the years we did lunch and talked over our lives and our work. I had sort of fallen into marriage and it had been a mistake from the day we met but I had gone to work for my husbands father. So as my marriage fell apart, Gemma and I decided to go it alone and start our own business targeting the travel...

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Our lovely Incest holiday in France

Note : This story is completely fictional! Following on from our great holiday in Devon with the farmer, we only had to wait four weeks, before we joined him again for our trip to France with him. The nude resort meant that we'd be nude throughout the two weeks, both in the flat and throughout the complex. The resort mainly catered for couples, but adult families of were there aswell. Our flat had three bedrooms, so there was plenty of space for us all, considering that we took virtually no...

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Raoul and Francesco

When I lived in Luton twenty years ago I got chatting to these two Spanish lorry drivers, Raul and Francesco, that I met one weekend in a bar downtown. It was a place I regularly went on weekends called the Hard Rock Cafe. Served a Spanish beer called Sol with a wedge of lime in the bottle neck and there was a lot of karaoke and singalong hilarity about the place. I found out that these guys would stop over in Luton on their journey north from Spain to Glasgow because the younger one, Francesco...

4 years ago
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This story contains themes of lesbianism and incest, including graphic descriptions of sexual activity. If such material is in any way off-putting or offensive to you, please do not read any further. All characters are at least 18 years of age. The names have been changed to protect the innocent—and those who become a bit less innocent as events run their course. I really hope you enjoy it. I was the only one in our family to call her Francesca. Everyone else had her down as Fran or Aunt Fran,...

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[And yes, please vote and leave comments. They are always most appreciated.] I was the only one in our family to call her Francesca. Everyone else had her down as Fran or Aunt Fran, but not I. It was just something I'd started as a little kid. I guess I just adored her name, the exotic way it rolled off my tongue; that, and maybe, the unspoken implication that we enjoyed some bond over and above that shared between her and the rest of our family. Francesca was my Mom's younger sister; baby...

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Bridge Of Sighs 2 Francesca

As usual I won't recap Bridge Of Sighs, you will have to read it first.So we got to the last - but - one day of our trip. I had suggested to Richard that we .. or I try to get 'our waitress' in for a threesome. I had seen her with her girlfriend so I knew she was gay or bi. I was reasonably confident she'd fancy me, but of course she might have been you know FAITHFUL! MONOGAMOUS! a GOOD girl!I sure hoped not.I told Richard, rather teasing him, that if he approached her she'd think he was an old...

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Paris is Not Just a City in France

It’s something about sucking a massive dick at work in the employee bathroom knowing your about to get caught that turns me on. I hear the voices in the kitchen. Management going up and down the stairs, servers trying to get into the bathroom and it’s time for us to get on the floor. But yet I am in the bathroom, on my knees taking a co-workers dick in my mouth. He’s semi-hard and it touches my throat. I’m excited about when it gets harder. I hear him let out a soft moan of pleasure so I know...

2 years ago
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Paris is Not Just a City in France

It’s something about sucking a massive dick at work in the employee bathroom knowing your about to get caught that turns me on. I hear the voices in the kitchen. Management going up and down the stairs, servers trying to get into the bathroom and it’s time for us to get on the floor. But yet I am in the bathroom, on my knees taking a co-workers dick in my mouth. He’s semi-hard and it touches my throat. I’m excited about when it gets harder. I hear him let out a soft moan of pleasure so I know...

Oral Sex
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For the Love of France

Prologue: "Francoise Chambet, Ex Model. Ex wife, and soon to be Ex Publisher." The thoughts wouldn't leave her. Here she was, two years into the war, and now the Boche have murdered her editor. It had been bad enough when her husband Gilles had been killed at the beginning of the war, but at least he had died fighting, and had also left her his fortune and publishing business. Life had been tough. At first, as Nazi censorship took hold, all pretence at objectivity became futile, and...

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A Golfers Dream Book II Chilly Winter Hot SummerChapter 13 The Beaches of France

Dave woke up to the buzzing of the alarm. He turned it off then looked over to see if Sarah was still in bed with him. She was nowhere to be seen so he rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom. After exiting the bathroom, he dressed in dress shorts and a clean white golf shirt with a Hornsby logo on it. He pulled on a pair of short white ankle-socks and his sneakers then found his way to the kitchen. He poured a large bowl of cereal and coated it with milk. He stood at a counter and ate...

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Wifey Pam Asian Jonny and a cum burger for the c

Wifey loves her technology, so there are a lot of shopping trips to the local Best Buy. She flirts with all the guys (and some of the woman) that work there. I’m sure she has had some hot wife dates with some of the guys; I hear the whispers and laughs behind my back when she lets me go in with her. But I’m not privileged to her dating life so I can’t say for sure, and I wouldn’t abject if that’s what she wanted (just wish she would let me watch). It was late on a Saturday afternoon and we both...

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wifey and her sister Peggy part 2

We get home and the girls run inside leaving me to bring in the bags from shopping. Of course I have to find the G-string bikini Peggy tried on and give it a sniff. Sadly, she didnt have it on long enough,so no smell other than new bathing suit. I walk inside and drop the bags by the couch they are sitting on, reminding them of our deal. I wanted to see Peggy in string/ G string bikini again. With a huff the both walked off with the bag. Peggy came downstairs first modeling her new bathing...

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Wifes a drunken slut

Introduction: wife comes home from club w 2 men My wife has a medical condition that makes her promiscuous and an alcoholic. Before she was diagnosed and stopped drinking she would drink in excess and then fuck any and all men around her. Later, when she sobered up, she would remember nothing and be quite a prude. There are periods of 3 days in which she drank constantly and has no memory at all. At other times when I was laying in bed, too tired for sex, she would sit next to me and scream...

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Reddit HotWife, aka r/HotWife! Well, we’re back at it again. It would seem that we have a new subreddit to review, and this time around it’s /r/HotWife that takes the stage. We all know Reddit.com as a place where you can find pretty much every kind of community. Well, this 18+ community seems to be a very unlikely one because of what it’s supposed to be about. This subreddit is all about people showing off their hot wife as she gets fucked by her boyfriend outside of their marriage. So, you...

Reddit NSFW List
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wifes revelation 4 and regressing

Introduction: wife is suspected of gross cheating to epic levels (this parts alittle longer than the rest.) The inevitable Jack strolls out of the airport with his luggage in tow behind him heading to the car rental counters thinking about his trip and what his detective has for him. After some time he heads for the expressway towards town not knowing where he is actually going. He has not been able to reach his detective as to where he is although Jack did arrive a day sooner than expected....

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HotWife Cuckold Contract

"Ok, here are the key clauses for the husband:1. Upon entering this agreement, your status will now be a cuckold or simply cucky. Your wife will be known as the hotwife/mistress and her black owners will be called black bulls.2. Although you are still her husband, you no longer have permission to have any sexual intercourse whatsoever.3. You will be required to wear chastity belt all the time and your hotwife will hold the key to your chastity belt. Or should your hotwife chooses, she can give...

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Hotwife Captions

Do you know what a hotwife is? It’s a woman who enjoys the lifestyle of being able to enjoy as many different cocks as she wants while still loving her husband. Of course, for these kinds of women, the dick their husbands provide them with is not enough, so they have to go to other lengths to get the enjoyment they so desperately need. And while you might not be participating in this kind of thing and lifestyle, you might be aroused by it. Maybe you like seeing guys allow their wives to get...

Reddit NSFW List
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wifey and her sister Peggy

so its that time of year when i get to go crawl around the attic looking for summer clothes in a plastic tote. Normally a sucky day, unless your big titty wife and sister in law are trying on bathing suits. As i climb down the ladder I see wifey and Peggy standing there naked, shaved pussies and bouncy titties everywhere. I carry the totes over as they start going through them. I lay on the bad as they ask "what are you doing?".... and i reply "watching". Wifey found a black bikini and squeezed...

4 years ago
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Wifey TrainingChapter 5

Jane started the new podcast and then settled back into her pillows. "I need to be treated like Wifey by my husband." "I need to be treated like Wifey by my husband," Jane repeated. "I need to be like Wifey for my husband." "I need to be like Wifey for my husband." Jane dutifully repeated each and every sentence. Every podcast started the same, so much so that Jane had long since ceased to consciously process the introductory sentences. Of course, this meant that they...

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Hotwife Chapter 3A The Continuation Of My Hotwifes Weekend

HotwifeI woke up during the night with Marcus cuddling me and playing with my pierced nipples, which once again was making me wet.I climbed on top of him and proceeded to rub my pussy all over his hard cock. It wasn't long after that I pushed myself down him which caused us both to orgasm again and then we fell back to sleep.We woke up about ten. We both needed a shower. Marcus proceeded to wash me paying special attention to my pierced nipples and pussy. I decided, 'Two can play this game.'I...

Wife Lovers
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Wifey TrainingChapter 2

Jane spread the tools of her new therapy program before her. There was a pill, her iPod nano, and a vibrator. Jane stripped off her baggy sweater and sweat pants. It was 2pm and she had just come from work where she spent most mornings as the part-time floor manager for a small, independent bookstore. Fortunately, they didn't care what she wore, and so Jane was able to dress for comfort. Following Dr. Susan's instructions, Jane took the pill ("a mild sedative, to help you relax", Dr....

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Hotwife Lifestyle

Understanding Our Man’s Hotwife Fantasy and How to Use That to Our AdvantageThe fantasy of having a “Hotwife” is growing, in fact, research shows it is growing at a higher rate than a good majority of the other lifestyle alternatives, including the old staple of “swinging” and the modern “open relationship”. Why is it that a fantasy that revolves around only one part of a relationship – the woman – going out and finding pleasure from another man more intriguing to an increasing number of men...

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FRANCESCA by bobby Frank was driving down Oak Street, looking for the house where his friend Rick said the party would be. He couldn't wait to meet this Filipina broad he'd been promised would be there. He loved Asian girls, and was getting pretty excited. He'd always heard that they were pretty submissive and would basically do whatever a guy wanted, but he'd never had an opportunity to ever bag one. "Tonight's the night.", he smiled to himself. (As you can see, Frank didn't...

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Wifey catches me sucking cock

I am bisexual, married man in my early 50s. When I met my wife, I had a regular guy and we’d exchange blow jobs every week or two.. I told her about it and said my sexual adventures are part of the relationship. She accepted it and after a couple years she and I and my guy had a couple threesomes that I’ve written about elsewhere. But several years ago, we moved away and I didn’t have a regular guy. When I did find one, wifey was resistant to it.So he and I met on the wide, once every 2 to 3...

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wifes panties full

this is another absolutely true story, hope someone enjoys it maybe even Ian and Andy as I know they like xhamster on Saturday afternoon my wife asked if I fancied going out for a drink with friends at night so I said ok but couldn't really be bothered. we went to our local and as the night went on a few of them were looking the worse for wear .I didn't have much to drink which makes a change but it was quite good for once to watch them all get drunk instead of me . I was amazed at how much I...

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wifes birthday surprise

You come home early from work too surprise your wife on your birthday and you find a strange car on the drive.As you open the door you can hear loud screaming and banging coming from up stairs.You make your way upstairs as the screaming and banging get louder and more frequent.You open your marital bedroom door to find your wife lieing on the bed with her legs in the air spread wide open and a black man smashing his massive black cock into your wife’s wet cunt.your wife doesn’t let the strange...

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Wifes gangbang confession part 2

As Ashley and Laura got positioned on the bed to give Paul and Graeme a show the guys stood at the foot of the bed with there cocks in their hands, (to this day my wife loves to watch a guy wanking himself off.) the girls started to roll around groping, rubbing, licking and kissing each other. as Ashley went down to lick Laura the guys couldn’t help themselves and jumped back on the bed. kneeling at either side of Laura they pushed there cocks into her face. Like i said earlier she could...

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Wifes Photo Shoot

Introduction: Wifes Photo Shoot I was attending a conference in L. A. and this time my wife Linda was accompanying me. Usually she preferred to stay at home, but this time she wanted to come along, and enjoy the sun and pool in late spring. It was delightful, and we enjoyed some great eating as well as some pool time when the meeting ended each day, which was early afternoon. On one occasion, there were two women sitting next to us, and we became acquainted with them. It developed that Kim,...

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Hotwife Kim Such a Kinky Slut

Chapter 1Given just how revealing the slutty little outfits are that my hotwife wears to pubs, clubs and bars,I'm amazed that she's never been arrested for indecent exposure, breach of the peace or grossindecency! She constantly pushes out the boundaries of what she wears and what she gets up to.I first met Kim four years ago at a property exhibition I'd rented a stand at. Through an agency I'dhired four promotions girls to help out on the stand. They were all in their twenties,...

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Wifely Direction

WIFELY DIRECTIONBenny Price rolled around on the bed with his beautiful new wife, Nora. They were necking like teenagers, which was nice, and he was feeling her up but over her snug brown tank-top, and around her denim miniskirt.This was nice, but a little ridiculous for four months of marriage. This was what you did on the second date, usually, in Benny’s experience. Benny’s cock swelled, and felt somewhat free, as it wasn’t in that nasty chastity device.Nora was an expert necker, and Benny...

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wifes panties

never thought i would try to write a wee story but what happened a few weeks ago absolutely blew my mind so much i just have to tell someone ,this is a true story.me + the wife were having some couples over for a drink + a chat .we had been sitting for a couple of hours + i had sat next to one of my matesdavie ,who ,when he got drunk always told me about his fetish ( worn panties ) i have never told him i have the same hobby , only ever with my wifes though,he always told me in the pub that...

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