Indiscretions Ch. 01 free porn video

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Passion In James County IX: Indiscretions

Chapter one

Tom Singleton abandoned himself to the kiss and wrapped his arms around the woman named Alison. Their mouths opened and their tongues lashed while their aroused bodies strained against each other. Tom’s cock felt so hard he was afraid it would tear a hole in his jeans.

At last the kiss ended. Tom and Alison, who had met just a short time before, stood in front of the door to a motel room, flushed and breathing hard, staring into each other’s eyes. Tom couldn’t believe this was really happening. Nothing like it had ever happened to him before! He was happily married, but here he was, about to go to bed with a woman he barely knew!

‘Would…would you like to come in?’ Alison asked, her voice so soft Tom barely heard her. She seemed as anguished about what their situation as he was.

Tom, unable to talk, nodded. He stood there, his emotions a complete jumble, while Alison fished her key out of her purse and unlocked the door. She got the door open, glanced at him again, then walked into the room.

Tom followed the woman into her room. He pushed the door closed behind him and locked it. Before he could move, the slim woman was in his arms again. Once more her lips pressed against his and her tongue lashed into his mouth, fanning his smoldering passion into a wildfires of need.

Tom cupped Alison’s firm buttocks in his hands and pulled her against him. She moaned into his mouth softly as the kiss continued.

Clumsily, Tom shuffled toward the big bed in the center of the room, carrying the woman with him. When he reached the bed, he set her down. She began opening the buttons of his shirt while he, with trembling fingers, attempted to undo the buttons down the front of her dress.

The lights weren’t on, so Tom couldn’t see much, but what he felt when his companion’s clothes came off was soft, warm flesh. It felt wonderful! She was the first woman – other than his wife – Tom had undressed in many years and the sensations he experienced as he touched her bare skin were unbearably arousing.

Alison caressed Tom lightly as she stripped his clothes off, arousing him more and more. His cock felt as if it was hard enough to drill cement.

They fell onto the bed. Tom landed on top of the woman and felt her hand searching between them. Then she grasped his cock and positioned the tip at her opening.

Tom lowered his hips, sinking his cock into her. As he did, exquisite sensations washed over him. Alison’s slim legs locked behind his and she strained off the bed, clearly demonstrating her urgency and excitement. Tom was experiencing a level of passion he hadn’t felt in years as, her vagina, cauldron-hot and rippling, gripped his cock.

Neither of them had spoken a word since they entered the motel room, and they remained silent, save for passionate gasps and grunts, as their bodies struggled, seeking release.

‘Now!!! Oh, God!!! Nowwwwww!!! Nowwwww!!! Nowwwwwwwwww!!! I can’t wait!!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!’ Alison moaned, shattering the silence. Her body stiffened and began to jerk. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her fingers dug into Tom’s bottom as he drove into her with powerful movements of his hips.

The contractions of the woman’s vagina around Tom’s throbbing cock invoked an answering reaction from him. ‘Yeahhhh!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!’ he groaned, pumping gobs and gobs of hot cream into her welcoming nook, convulsing with delight.

His passion spent, Tom rolled off Alison and lay next to her, not sure what to do or say now that they had done what they came to do. Guilt at having cheated on his wife filled his mind, but the guilt paled compared to the wonders of the experience he just had.

Alison got up, picked Tom’s shirt from the floor, slipped into it, then she walked to the bathroom.

Tom didn’t know what to do. Was she having the same feelings of guilt he was? Should he leave? How was he going to face her? How was he going to face his wife? How had he gotten himself in this situation in the first place?

Tom worked as manager on a large farm outside Jamestown. In addition to his work on the farm, he had a horse transportation business. A delivery to a distant state required that he be away from home overnight. And he made the trip alone, something he rarely did.

Usually either his son or wife accompanied him. His son, Tom, Jr. had just started college and someone had to make sure things got done around the farm he managed, so his wife, Melissa had to stay home, too.

After delivering the horse, Tom checked into a small motel. After he ate dinner in the motel’s restaurant, he was bored, so he decided to have a beer at a small roadhouse next to the motel. He walked into the smoky, noisy establishment, sat down at the bar, and ordered a beer. He turned around and leaned against the bar, sipping his beer, listening to the music played by the small country band the bar had playing of country, and watching people dance.

Tom was uncomfortable. He’d never been much for going to bars, and was beginning to wonder why he’d come to this one. Then she walked up and sat on the bar stool next to him. He looked at the woman and, suddenly, he felt tense, very tense. He had no idea why.

The woman sitting next to him wore a pale green shirtwaist dress that buttoned down the front. A belt made of the same material as the dress encircled her trim waist. Tom thought it was one of the prettiest dresses he’d ever seen.

The woman sipped her drink, then picked up her cigarette. She inhaled, then let smoke trail out of her mouth. She looked over at Tom and smiled. An avid non-smoker, he startled that he found the woman’s movements very sexy.

‘Hi,’ the woman said. Her voice was soft and smooth.

‘Ah…hi,’ Tom replied. ‘Do…do you come here often?’

The woman shook her head and her hair danced. ‘It’s my first time,’ she replied. Another puff, another cloud of smoke. She smiled at him. ‘My name is Alison Doubleday.’

‘Tom Singleton,’ he replied. ‘Nice to meet you. Country music…it’s…it’s really getting popular, isn’t it?’ Tom realized their conversation was a bit stilted and wondered if she was as nervous as he was.

‘Yeah,’ she agreed. ‘I like country, but I hate rock and roll, especially the stuff that passes for music these days.’

‘I’ve always liked country,’ Tom said, ‘I guess you could say it’s my kind of music.’

Alison smiled. Tom found her smile one of the most fascinating he’d ever seen. He wasn’t sure how old she was. Her face was hard to figure, she wasn’t overly attractive but she had an appealing smile. She also had a slim, almost girlish body, and her breasts were smaller than Tom usually liked. Her hair was long and lightly waved, and was either graying or heavily frosted.

‘You married?’ she asked.

Tom nodded. ‘Yeah,’ he said, ‘long time now. I’m about ready to pass the point of no return.’

The woman looked puzzled. ‘What’s the point of no return?’ she asked.

‘Oh, yeah,’ Tom said. He realized she had no way of knowing what he was talking about. ‘I’m sorry, it’s the point at which I’ve been married longer than I was single. I hit it on my next birthday.’

‘Do you have any children?’ she asked.

‘Ah…one, just one,’ Tom replied. ‘Tom, Junior. He just started college.’

‘I’ve got two, a boy and a girl,’ she said. She smiled. ‘You know, you really don’t look old enough to have a son in college, or…’ She chuckled softly. ‘…to have reached the point of no return.’ As she talked, she tapped her fingers on the bar, keeping time with the band. Her voice was soft, slightly husky, and to Tom, sounded very sexy.

Tom sipped his beer. He didn’t normally drink much. He was on his second beer and was already beginning to feel the effects. The music was inviting, and a lot of people were dancing. ‘What’s the harm in a dance or tw
o?’ he thought. ‘Would you like to dance, Alison?’ he asked. He thought his voice sounded funny and wondered if she noticed.

‘Sure, I’d love to,’ Alison said. She stubbed out her cigarette and slid off the stool. Tom, a bit surprised that she’d agreed to dance with him, did likewise. They walked to the dance floor and looked at each other.

Alison gave him a warm smile and stepped into his arms. When she did, her body brushed against Tom, whose insides reacted immediately. That was something that hadn’t happened to him in a very long time, not even when he danced with his wife. Of course, he couldn’t remember the last time he and Melissa had been dancing.

He was careful not to let the swelling at his groin hit Alison’s leg as they moved around the dance floor in time to the music. He was having a nice time and didn’t want to spoil it by getting his companion angry.

Alison was a wonderful dancer and the song didn’t last as long as Tom would have liked it to. But, fortunately for him, the band immediately began playing another number, so they stayed on the floor. This time, their bodies brushed as they moved around in time with the music.

It was getting more and more difficult for Tom to conceal the swollen shaft in his pants because Alison was pressing tighter and tighter against him the longer they danced. Her head lay on his chest and her soft hair tickled his face. The clean scent of her perfume wafted up into his nose. If they spent much more time dancing this close, he was positive he’d have to do something to relieve tension when he got back to his room.

They talked as they danced and Tom learned that Alison had recently left her husband. She was on her way home from a job-hunting trip. They were, it turned out, both staying in the motel next door. Long before he wanted the night to end, the band leader announced the next dance would be the last one.

Disappointed, Tom walked back to the bar with Alison. She held his hand as they did. Tom was both excited and confused. ‘Is it possible she might…?’ he wondered. No way! It was just the mood they were in.

‘That was fun,’ Alison said softly when they sat down. ‘I wish they weren’t stopping. Since I left my husband, I haven’t dated much. Guys aren’t that interested in a woman with the two kids. And I really like to dance.’

‘Melissa, my wife, and I don’t go dancing much, either,’ Tom said. ‘We keep saying we ought to, but it seems one or the other of us always has something to do, you know?’

‘I sure do,’ Alison replied, stifling a yawn. ‘I guess I ought to get some sleep,’ she said, ‘I’ve got to get going early tomorrow.’

‘Yeah, I do, too,’ Tom said. He hated to see his evening with Alison end, but it looked like that was inevitable now. They left the bar, walked back to the motel, and started down the hallway to their rooms.

‘You’re a good dancer,’ Tom said, trying to make conversation, to extend the wonderful mood.

‘You aren’t so bad, either,’ Alison replied. Once again, her hand found his, squeezed it and she smiled at him.

Tom was experiencing a lot of inner turmoil. His erection had softened only a little, and he was glad his jeans were loose.

They arrived at Alison’s room, stopped, and turned to face each other. Tom didn’t know what to do or say. Did she want him to make a move? If he made a pass at her and she didn’t want him to, what would she do? He’d been watching her carefully, trying to figure out whether she wanted him to make a pass or not, but couldn’t decide.

He stood there, continuing to ponder what to do. If he made a pass and she didn’t want him to, would she make a scene, accuse him of rape, or something? He decided to play it safe and took a deep breath. ‘I…I, ah, I had a good time tonight, Alison,’ he said, his voice raspy.

‘I did, too,’ she replied. ‘It was more fun than I’ve had in a long time.’ She still held his hand, and gave it a soft squeeze as she spoke.

The squeeze added to the confusion Tom was feeling. Was he imagining things or was her voice softer and sexier than it had been before? And she had squeezed his hand. Why?

Alison moved closer, looking up at him, smiling. Her eyes were wide, her lips were slightly parted, and she seemed to be breathing hard. Her hand again squeezed his softly.

Tom took another deep breath. What the hell? What harm was there in a friendly good night kiss? He bent and did just that, totally unprepared for what happened next.

When their lips met, fire and feelings flashed through him with an urgency unlike anything he had felt in a long, long time. Alison pressed against him, moaning softly into his mouth. Her arms encircled him, pulling him against her.

What happened after that was now history.

A few minutes later, Alison emerged from the bathroom, walked to where she’d dropped her purse, took out her cigarettes and lighter, then she sat down on the bed next to Tom cross-legged. She lit a cigarette, inhaled the smoke and blew it out. Then she leaned over and kissed Tom softly. Her hand stroked his face lightly. ‘That was wonderful, Tom,’ she whispered.

‘It was, wasn’t it?’ Tom replied. ‘The minute I saw you, I thought you were, ah, very attractive,’ he admitted. ‘I…I sure didn’t expect this to happen, though.’

‘I didn’t, either,’ she said. ‘I…I didn’t plan this but I’m not sorry it happened.’

‘I’m not, either,’ Tom replied. He knew that, even though there could be dire consequences from what he’d done, he wasn’t sorry he and Alison had made love.

‘I…I haven’t slept with anyone since I left my husband,’ Alison said softly.

Tom looked at her, finding her extremely lovely in the glow entering the room from floodlights outside the hotel. Her bare, slim, smooth legs were near his face. She hadn’t buttoned the shirt, so he could see the under slopes of her breasts. They were small, but nicely shaped, and she had fantastic nipples. He continued to gaze at her, trying to accept the fact that they had actually made love. As he did, he felt passion once more begin to awaken. He rolled on his side and began stroking one of her legs, keeping his touch feather-light.

Alison looked down at him and smiled. She drew on her cigarette and let the smoke trail out.

‘Do you want me to go to my room?’ he asked.

Alison took another drag on her cigarette and shook her head as she exhaled smoke. ‘The damage has already been done,’ she replied. She smiled and shrugged. ‘What’s the point?’ She stubbed out her cigarette, slid under the covers, and rolled on her side to face him. As she did, her breasts moved enticingly.

Eagerly, Tom pushed the shirt open, took one of her nipples between his lips and sucked the semi-hard nubbin of flesh deep into his mouth. Alison groaned softly and her hands slid into his hair.

‘God, I love that!’ she murmured as Tom suckled her. ‘It makes my stomach feel all funny! I haven’t felt like that in so long!’

Her words were music to Tom’s ears, and he avidly continued, moving his mouth from one breast to the other, suckling as if he were an infant who hadn’t eaten in ages. The buds of flesh grew hard and firm and stood out proudly from the smooth flesh surrounding them.

While Tom suckled her, his hands slid over her body, exploring, searching. She was a woman, just like his wife, but she felt different. The sensations he experienced as his hand moved over her soft, warm flesh were different and far more exciting than any he’d known in a long time. What he was doing might be terribly wrong, but it felt marvelous!

Tom finally abandoned Alison’s breasts, leaving her rigid nipples glistening with wetness, and began kissing her body. Her belly was softly rounded and showed faint stretch marks. He kissed them and heard her purr with delight as his lips continued their journey.

‘Gahhhhh!!! Yesss!!! Yessss!!!!’ Alison groaned, rolling onto her back, her body moving more and more insistently as his li
ps and hands roamed it.

His hand went between her legs and slid upward. She gasped when he began toying with her still-wet vagina. A finger slid easily into her and her back arched in response.

Her moans grew louder. ‘Yess!!! Yessss!!!’ she cried. ‘God, Yes!!’

Tom’s lips were approaching her dark mass of tightly curled pubic hair. His lips moved through it and her movements became more and more furious.

‘Eat me!!! Oh, Yes!!! Eat me!!!’ Alison mewled.

Tom did, bringing loud cries of delight from her. As his tongue lashed her clit and his finger slithered in and out of her well-lubricated opening and her body went wild. His cock, re-awakened, pressed against her leg.

‘Oh, Jesus!! I’m…I’m gonna come!!! Oh, Christ!!!!’ Alison cried suddenly. Her back arched even more. Tom felt her shudder and heard her wails of ecstasy.

‘Gahhhhhhhhh!!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Uhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Uhhhhhhhh!!!!!’ she wailed. Her body jolted wildly, smearing their mixed juices all over his face as she bucked and twisted through another orgasm.

When Alison began to calm, Tom rolled her onto her belly, pulled her hips up, then he plunged his cock into her still-quivering opening.

‘Yesss!!! Oh, Yessss!!!’ Alison cried, pressing back against him. ‘I need you!!! Take me!!! Please!!!’

Tom drove into her powerfully, his cock surging deep into her, his thighs slapping hers. He reached under her, took a breast in each hand, and squeezed them, the nipples jutting between his fingers, tantalizing her.

‘Can’t…I can’t stand it!!! Feels so good!!! Ohhhhhhhh!!!’ Alison grunted as he hammered into her. ‘Oh, Jesus!!! I…I’m gonna…I’m gonna do it!!! Ag…again!!! It’s gonna happen again!!! Now!!! Now!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!’

‘Me, toooooooo!!!!’ Tom roared, jetting his torrid cream into her.

Sated, they collapsed onto the bed. Tom pulled his softening cock out of Alison and they rolled into each other’s arms.

Alison kissed him fervently. ‘God! I haven’t felt this satisfied in ages!’ she whispered, breathless. ‘Don’t go back to your room. I want to wake up with you next to me!’

Tom kissed her back. ‘I was hoping you’d say that,’ he replied.

They pulled the covers up and, locked in each other’s arms, were soon asleep.

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Mind Swapping Chapter 15 When we arrived home, Carol was waiting for us. I went to the bathroom while Barbara told Carol about Dr. Lambert, Roger Jones and Mugobe. When I came out of the bathroom, they ordered me to join them in the den. They had taken off most of their clothes while I was in the bathroom and sat side by side on the sofa. Carol told me to remove my blouse and skirt. I stood before them in my torn white lace stockings and red high heel shoes. My nipples and clean shaven...

2 years ago
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Rise of a Matriarch Chapter 10 Brutality and Bonding

Iliafray looked up and the drow and replied “Orc Cunt confirms her mistress’s explanation and begs for her Mercy” as she said this both she and Xanaphia assumed the present position kneeling in front of their mistress. The drow smiled down at the two “Well if I can’t arrange the first time for Elf Bitch to have sex at least I can be the first to experience her talents and you Orc Cunt can help to motivate her” She pulled the pain wand from her belt and pushed Iliafray backwards with her foot...

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Aunty Ki Bajai Ghanti

Hello friends I’m Rohit (name changed). This is my 1st story on ISS. And let me tell you I’m a huge fan of ISS :) Kb se sooch raha tha ki apni real life incident share karu pr ajj faisla kr Hi liya ki ajj me likha Hi deta hu :) So, I’m a cute innocent and smart ofcorse :-D (Mai khudki taarif ni kr ra mere college ki ldkiya mujhe aisa kehti he) age is 20years BTW I live in DEHRADUN at present. … Sorry guys forgive me for my silly mistakes as its my 1st time.. Here we go … Story ……… This is...

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A Friday afternoon

We had been talking on the internet and over the phone for a long time by now. I catch you on Fab Swingers one Friday afternoon and we agree to have a chat on the phone. I tell you I have written a new story written just for you. You say you would love to hear it but not just yet. I wonder why you are not eager to hear me read it to you but carry on chatting to you. You ask me if I have any other stories I have not read to you. I look through my stories and find one that you have not heard. As...

2 years ago
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Jaden In Charge

Jaden looked at the three bare bottoms facing her, as her two sisters and step-mum had their noses pressed against the wall with their hands on their heads and were fully naked as they spent time on their naughty spots thinking about why they were going to be spanked.The three bottoms belonged to Jaden’s step-mum, Valentine, and her two sisters, twenty-three-year-old Velvet, and twenty-year-old Alexis. Jaden smiled as she looked at each of the three bare bottoms which she was going to turn red...

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Bills StoryChapter 2

After a whispered question of the attendant from woman she opened the door to the room and Bill saw three couches firmly attached to the floor and three mattresses. Turning to the four people who had moved into the room with him he held out his hand. "William Herschfeldt... er... Bill," he said as the door was secured behind them. And so introductions were made. The middle aged man's name was Raymond Douglas and the woman introduced herself as Louisa Santini while the young man and the...

3 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 31

The trip home was not as exciting as the one going south. We had slept on the flight with the help of hypnosis. The band members were not involved in this. Angela's parents and Paige's came over and the group let them in on the details. The highlight was to meet some of the professional singers. Everyone here had a chance to shake hands with Elvis among others. I received some good and bad news too. The city fathers were having a special meeting on Tuesday to discuss the sale of the land....

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My BrotherInLaw Was My First

Then when i turned 13 i started to visit them in boston every summer. My sister worked nights and he worked days so we spent a lot of time alone with each other. We started talking bout different things like sex and boys.I was kinda weirded out at first but i got really comfortable with him. One night after my sister left i helped him wash his hair braid it (he had dreads). At one point i had to stand in front of him. He said the weirdest thing ever. He said my pussy smelt nice. I was sorta...

1 year ago
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Marine GamesChapter 7 The Trust

That evening, Bret had reserved a banquet room at a local Mexican restaurant. With all his friends present, Bret had several announcements to make. The four television networks that hosted the Games had approached Bret about being a spokesperson for the Games. Because of the fan base developed from these last Games, they felt he was a tremendous asset. They offered Bret two and a half million dollars a year for the next six years. The Marine Corps had agreed to allow Bret to do this, in...

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Episode 141 Fathers Day

"Happy Father's Day, papa bear - I've brought you breakfast in bed".Debbie, my gorgeous blonde teenage step-daughter stood at the side of the bed, utterly naked except for the 13th birthday present silver charm bracelet.She briefly slipped each of the heart shaped charms into her mouth, all the while watching my mounting erection lifting the thin summer quilt."Where's breakfast" I tried to ask innocently."I am silly. You said we could have sex when my pubic hair started growing - and here it...

1 year ago
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All That GlittersChapter 9

There is no knock at the door, no warning to the intrusion. But the moment the door slams open Eris is on her feet, ready to meet the intruders. But she doesn’t expect to see who she sees. “Mother!” she cries out. “What is the meaning of this?” Anger flashes across her face. She is so menacing in this moment that it makes Eris take a step back. “The meaning is simple, Daughter,” Cyra snaps. “So far the evidence against you is stacking.” Eris looks past her mother to her brother. He has a...

2 years ago
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Trip To The Store Part 2

When I got home, I noticed the answering machine had a new message. A pleasant female voice asked me to call their call center at an 800 number. When I called I was a little nervous to discover that the credit security people were at the number given. When I stammered out my particulars, they informed me that I had left my credit card at the last place I visited. Cool! Another chance to go back to see Marisa! I strolled back into the store just as the lights were being turned off; Marisa...

4 years ago
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A Genius in King Arthurs Court Ch 10

Ch. 10 – The Madness of King Arthur “Hold here,” Arthur said as his forces reached the edge of the woods. “What next, Sire?” Bedivere asked. “You and the men will remain here. Merlin and I shall enter Camelot undetected and see if there is any truth to Mordred’s words.” “Yes, Your Highness. I pray he is merely trying to spread a falsehood.” “As do I,” Arthur muttered, walking off with Merlin in tow. “My friend, I had thought it might be prudent to speak with our visitor from...

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A Kingdom of Whores

Many years ago, the Kingdom of Ralecia was a goodly kingdom, a place where the people were dedicated to righteousness, justice and virtue. King Harold of Oakenhelm ruled over his lands with a benevolent hand alongside his compassionate queen, Malina, who supported the day to day affairs with a heart of gold. His son, Balric, and daughter, Kasia, assisted by military means, keeping law and order through the Kingdom's famous Order of the Sacred Chalice. Together with their various allies among...

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A Filipino Incest Story

Note : This story is completely fictional! I always dreamed of fucking my mom. She is a beautiful woman, though not sexy, but still beautiful. She is already 44 years old but still look like 38. If she just had been a little sexier, she will probably be mistaken as 33 years old. She has a 38c tits and about 5’6 in height. By the way, my name is Juan, 18 years old, 5’9 in height, has a 6” dick and a proud Filipino. When I was younger, my always asked me to massage her back and put a firming...

2 years ago
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Enjoy my show

You sit at a table quietly checking your phone, anxious, excited, nervous but thrilled, tonight is game night! You squirm in your short faun dress, it’s tight, clingy and cut low at the front. You have always got a thrill about going out like this; wearing no bra, only a silk thong, high heels and holdup stockings. Even at 43 you still get as excited as you did when you first went out like this. Your nipples feel each twist of the material as it moves when you move and it brushes them. Already...

4 years ago
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Now a bull my first cuckolding experience

My introduction to the world of swinging actually started with a change of circumstances- working away from home for long periods of time. So whereas engagement with swinging sites earlier had been largely academic due to lack of freedom to meet (married and wife unaware), suddenly I was away from home a number of nights a week and left to my own devices.I embraced the sites with alacrity imagining that one ad would have women queuing at my door. Like all excited men joining those sites I soon...

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Finding Angela

Howdy, Readers! I wrote this little appetizer for you to enjoy. My little story is an amuse bouche to wet your appetite for an all new Wildcats epic. I've taken all the old stories about Terry and his adventures with Lisa's all girl band and rewritten them to streamline the story. And, I've added TWO NEW novels to round it all out. It's one big package of almost 150,000 words and it's now available on Amazon. It's called The Big Book Of Wildcats! Hope you look through the free...

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Valerie my drunk aunt

Aunt Valerie asked me to babysit her k**s last Friday night. Uncle Jim was out of town, and she was going out with some women she works with. Since I go to school in the town where she lives, it wasn't a problem. For one thing, I could use the money. On top of that, I like to see as much of Aunt Valerie as I can. I've been having fantasies about my dad's forty-year-old sister forever. She had never given any indication of interest in me, her eighteen-year-old nephew, but no matter what she wore...

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First Time Out Ending 1

First Time Out - Ending 1 By: Rachael Free I had dressed all my life but finally got the courage to go out as a girl. How I started and the progress over the years is typical of other girls. You may even think I'm writing about you at times. The fateful day was approaching to come out as I planned the evening for months. My wife went away for the weekend and I would be in heaven becoming Trina. The series of events broadened my experiences but sadly also changed my life forever. If...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 34 Hospital

I woke up and knew instantly I was in a hospital. I’d been in enough by now to know what it felt like. The biggest clue was simply that everything was clean. Iraq was simply filthy. I don’t think there was a soldier in the battalion who wasn’t carrying around an extra five pounds of dirt, in his lungs, in his bowels, and in every nook and cranny of his body. Even when you cleaned something, you were simply moving it from a condition of greater filthiness to lesser filthiness. Nothing was ever...

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Fucking A Hot Nurse In The Hospital

Hi ISS readers. This is Gaurav  with a story from my diary. It was the year 2011 and I had joined a new company in Vapi, Gujarat. I used to come to Mumbai to my home every Saturday-Sunday. In September 2011, one of my uncles felt sick. We used to go to visit him at the hospital in Kalyan. After a few days, he started recovering. Me and uncle’s son used to stay in the hospital at night to look after him. It was my 3rd day at the hospital. It was kind of boring to stay in the hospital where all...

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Sex with madhu

Hi guys this is Ashish.i am from nepal. I am a handsome boy of 18 years. I am a sex lover . This is the real incident which took place on 10 may 2009 .madhu is the girl with whom i had sex. she is the sexiest girl i have ever seen. This all happened on that particular night. She lives near my house and is of my age. Her boobs were the best. I was very close to her. That day i was doing my homework. I Was all alone that day. I noticed madhu coming in. I acted as if i was sleeping while pen was...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 31 Too Much Heaven

London Armouries Hotel Restaurant 5:15pm, Saturday, February 24, 1979 “Oh, Lord,” Jennifer said as she stepped up to the maître d’s station with Colleen by her side. Jennifer looked smoking hot as she wore a just above the knee, black skirt over a pair of red, thigh-high stockings. Jennifer’s black high heel shoes gave prominence to her well developed, athletic calf muscles. Her upper body was smartly covered by a red metallic, wrap-around blouse, which allowed for intermittent flashes of...

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The day after

Four o'clock comes around the corner and daddy enters the house. He tells me that my mom won't be home til late cuz of some meeting at work. Who knows where my brothr is..probably fucking his slutty ass girl friend. I'm going to catch her cheating on him and I'm gonna beat her ass.I'm almost dressed and ready for work, when daddy stands in my bathroom door and asked about the first night at work and the party. I told him how Kelli was eager to have sex with me. How she loved to lick my...

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Chapter Two In My Fairy Tale

I know I have my Categories backwards and I apologize. This is the romantic chapter. Also before I start my story I would like to say I read the comments and I was shocked, very shocked. I would also like to say THANK YOU to the comments that I have, but frankly there is to parts of this story. I would also say this story does NOT turn me on, at all. Its disgust I know, it’s actually the second chapter that’s romantic. Also that was the first time of me making a story, so thank you for the...

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Claudias Condition the HealingChapter 29

John escorted Jackie to his car and drove to a nearby Dairy Queen for her promised milkshake. She ordered chocolate and he wanted more so added a banana split to the order. “I can’t believe I let you finger my pussy in the theatre and make me cum,” she whispered, making sure no one could hear her. “Do you regret me touching you?” “Not one single bit!” She kissed his cheek. They sat side by side in a corner booth to share the shake and banana split. A glance at her cleavage revealed she’d...

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Pious hijabi bhabhi

My brother Ali married Aliyah a year ago. We all lived in the same house. I was still not married back then as was staying with them in Islamabad while I worked there on a contract. Aliyah was a very shy girl. Always praying or reading quran, she used to wear hijab, jilbab and even niqab when outside the house though in the house she would take off her niqab. She was really pretty with lovely big eyes. She also had a really big pair of tits which poked through her jilbab and their shape could...

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Delicious Daughters Part 8211 1

As I saw my son in law-( sil) coming out of my room I was happy, as he too had satisfied and happy look on his face. He smiled at me and went to his room. I knew my wife was in my room and she had just been fucked by my elder sil. My dick started to have an erection at the thought of my wife’s pussy taking in the dick of my sil. I am 58 , retired from job and my wife 48. We have two daughters, both married. This chap who just fucked my wife was married to elder daughter. I saw my wife coming...

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Tegans lesbian adventures

Tegan has always been ambitious since she was a child. At twenty-four, she is taking over her mother’s fundraising foundation which has been at its peak of success for the past years. During her college years, trying to be rebellious towards her mother, Tegan was in an open relationship with a guy name Adam. Adam was a complete opposite to her. He was nothing like what her mom would expect. He is musician, a lead vocalist in a band and he had that rock musician look. They didn’t suit each other...

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Having fun

I lay back on my bed, staring at the porn on the tv screen. Two beautiful blondes are going at it. Wonderful. Listening to their moans had me getting wetter by the moment. I have to hold out. I think to myself. Pretty soon the blondes are getting louder and louder. I can't resist it anymore. My left hand wanders to my breast, gently massaging it. I sit up, take my light cotton tee off. Running my hands over my body, I unclip my black lacy bra and my breasts fall free. My hands go to my nipples....

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I orchestrated Her Wedding Night of Sodomy

It was a long time ago, but for titillation purposes, I have decided to let you in on a secret of mine, one where the sacred marriage bed was sodomized, not by the groom, but by a man I chose, when you read this, you will have more insight into me as a female, a friend, and a sex monster.I knew Mark when we were in our teens, he was always keen on Amber, another girl I barely knew, and named after her father's favorite Porn actress, I knew this personally, as he tried ever so hard to give yours...

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Sex With Girlfriend In Aligarh

Hello, guys and gals. This is faraz khan from Aligarh again with another story. Any gal from Aligarh want to have chat or enjoy in any cineplex of Aligarh then please contact me at now coming back to my story which happened last week with my girl friend in a cine plex (Meenakshi) in Aligarh. Transformer (dark of the moon) was the movie. I invited my girlfriend (Saba) who is in 12th class in the university to watch the movie. She agreed to it as she was also asking for some fun and we both were...

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My Dirty Talking Girl

My stall was busy, I had a new selection of Elvis posters, from a deal I’d done in France. I was happy, rushed off my feet, with customer after customer, and taking a load. “Would you like some help behind there?” Came this voice. I glanced up from my rolling up of posters, and there was this quite pretty young lady. “No, you’re okay, but thanks anyway,” I replied without having given it much thought. A little later, things eased a bit. I thought of the girl who had offered to help, she was...

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The Day I Became Slut

Hey readers, this is devina, 19 y.o from the city of oranges. I love ISS a lot i got to know about this website when i when I was surfing through net. Reading stories here inspired me to write my own though i am not good at writing but it is my first try. So its my request to all of the readers to comment or share views regarding the writing skills on my mail : “” I stand 5’3″ tall, petite body with figure of 32B-29-34,wheatish skin tone, but overall attractive personality. My best friend...

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Mollys Conference

Another boring Monday night on second shift, and Molly knew she would have to work hard to look busy. There just wasn't enough in the schedule to keep her busy for the eight hours she was forced to be there. Oh god, how she hated this job. Tedious, low paying, mind numbing work, but it paid the bills, sort of, if she really worked at it. The only real redeeming part of this job was that the boss was kind of cute, she thought, and if nothing else it might be fun to flirt with him some more. It...

Office Sex

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