Keeping Company Ch. 01 free porn video

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My deepest thanks go to NinaWild for taking on this marathon project. This story does go between past and present, but I do try to make it as easy as possible to understand as it does.


The Present…

‘Mrs. Baxter has asked that you meet at her apartment at six o’clock and requested that you’re not late. Dinner is at six thirty and the social function attended by the other senior partners will be at eight.’

Ruth had picked the wrong day to patronize me. Her distain for me was real, it was time to reciprocate those very feelings.

‘Ruth. Please give Mrs. Baxter my regards and tell her I am no longer available. I hope you have a nice dress Ruth. Have a great evening, both of you.’

I let the answering machine take the various calls after that but when the background noise became too much of a distraction for me, the plug was removed from the phone socket and I sat down to read the letter once again. Looking for details that where not there. Seeking answers that no one seemed to have and yet left me now without my son.

My son was involved in a car accident. The Californian Highway Patrol had done a very thorough job and deemed it an accident. The buzzer let me know that my taxi had arrived, the report went into my case and I was on my way to the airport soon after that. I wasn’t looking forward to the wait when I got there, it meant I had time to think.

The Past…

All Ginny and I ever wanted to be were the traditional family, we had no real ambition other than to be happy, financially secure and a family. Ginny got a job as a receptionist while I got into computers, loved them so much that I finished second out of college. For Ginny her job was to keep her mind active. Mind you, her money helped and two years with my folks got us enough to buy our own place.

The first thing Ginny insisted on was a white picket fence. My job picked up and promotions soon followed. The increased hours meant that Ginny sat me down and pointed out that the company would not come to a halt over the weekend whether I was there or not. She would put up with the long hours over the week but the weekends were hers.

It was a valid point and for the next year things went along great. The white plastic stick on the kitchen table when I got home one Friday was enough for me. We never left the bedroom for anything other than food and the bathroom and we didn’t even dress to do that much. Steven was born healthy and screaming eight and a half months later.

Ginny wanted to be a stay at home mom and we were financially secure enough for us to agree. The rules never changed, other than the weekends were for both my family now. When Steven entered school Ginny wanted to go back to work, she had to have an active mind and since Steven was going to be our only child I agreed with her thoughts.

She lucked into her next job. She got a job as a secretary for a married couple who had started a fashion design business. As there business grew they quickly realized the importance of Ginny and kept her close, her wages alone paid for Steven’s college fees before he had even entered senior school. Ginny asked me once if we were now deemed middle class.

When I looked around and noticed that almost half the people we called neighbors were now divorced I said I prefer to call ourselves lucky. We were lucky in many respects, Steven never touched drugs, he had a good sense of the people he wished to call friends and they all looked out for each other. Ginny insisted on her routine never changing, she picked Steven up from school and her mind was totally focused on our family from the time she walked away from work. Like my company, the design house never came to a halt over the weekend, any fire was always put out by Ginny on Monday morning.

The design house did decide that it was now bigger than our little part of the world and wanted Ginny to come with them when they moved. She did thank them for their consideration but declined their offer. The references she received quickly got her a job with the Widow Morgan who wanted a PA as she dealt with the death of her husband and taking over the reins of her husbands company.

For a while Ginny brought files home with her, I wasn’t happy but it was only for a month while she got a handle on everyone of the board members. The Widow Morgan walked into the board room four months later and culled almost half the board. Their replacements were waiting outside as the old ones left. The new board and the atmosphere on the factory floor changed almost overnight.

The Widow Morgan wasn’t a woman to be taken lightly and her company cancelled all the proposed layoffs by cutting the boards wages by ten percent. Those that still wished to leave could, none did she even started a jobs drive. Production went up ten percent that year and a steady five percent for the next three.

The Present…

‘The plane now boarding at gate seventeen…’

A hand clasped mine and when I looked into her eyes I tried to smile. Amy Baxter leant between us and kissed my cheek.

‘You’re going to miss the party.’

‘I got Ruth to send my apologies, the partners know something important has come up and will cover for me while I’m gone. Come on, we have a plane to catch.’

‘How did you find me?’

Amy gave my hand a gentle squeeze. It was a stupid question, she knew everything, and I had no secrets from any of them. As she stood ready to join the queue for boarding she held out her hand to me, her words shouldn’t have caught me by surprise really.

‘I called Mandy when you refused to pick up, she tracked you down. I missed you at the house by minutes. Come on, lets not be late.’

Once boarded and sat down, Amy received one last text before she shut her cell down and placed it in her bag before it went under her seat. Other than hold my hand she said nothing about who she was texting. She basically took over my life on that plane, she told the stewardess what we were having for our meal and when the drinks came a soft drink was handed to me.

Amy only gave me my hand back when it was time to eat. As soon as we had finished she kicked off her shoes, tucked her feet under herself and raised the armrest between us and held my hand once again. Her body was always warm, she slept naked and with very little on the bed. The few occasions she hasn’t kept to this rule she would overheat as she slept and the migraine that followed the next day reminded her what a naughty girl she was.

The Past…

The change in my life came as I walked in the door one Thursday evening. Steven would be at football practice for another hour. Ginny was sat by the kitchen table, a file and paperwork covered a good third of the space.

‘Honey I’ve been going over our finances.’

I believe sitting down to get bad news is always a good idea.

‘Mark, do you know how much we have in the bank?’

Shaking my head was wise, the finances was Ginny’s thing. I had a credit card I used for fuel and bits and pieces. Clothes and stuff like that we both did over the weekend and Ginny had another card for that. It wasn’t that I couldn’t have done the finances of our house myself, it’s just that Ginny had wished to do it and who was I to moan about it.

To the best of my knowledge we hadn’t had the IRS or any dept people at the door, so I figured she was doing a good enough job, being a firm believer in the proverb that ‘if it wasn’t broke don’t try to fix it’. I left that to her and had done, ever since we had been married.

Ginny went over everything, the stock options I was getting from work, plus the bonuses. The house was already paid for, so was Steven’s college fund. The stocks and shares were doing rather well and we also had more than a few certificates in the safe deposit box.

‘I’m sorry honey, I kind of left things on auto pilot where our finances went. Our a
ccountant called me and told me we needed to make some changes and quickly.’

Still not understanding the lead into this conversation my mind was already setting us firmly in the poor house. Finally plucking up the courage I asked my question.

‘Ginny, are we broke?’

The damn woman laughed at me.

‘No honey, far from it. Since neither of us has ever wanted to move we haven’t been involved in the slump and even now our house is still worth more than we ever paid for it.’

She could still see I was confused, so she asked me a question that made me even more confused.

‘Honey, do you want to retire?’

Ginny noticed me shaking my head even before I made it into words. Even reminding her that I was only thirty eight may have sounded silly but the thought that at my age I could retire felt somewhat odd. She pushed some papers across to me and told me to sign them. She was my wife and I trusted her so I did.

‘It’s ok honey, you don’t have to worry anymore.’

So I didn’t. I suppose that made me a trusting soul, but if you couldn’t trust the person you share a bed and body with who could you trust? Life returned to normality after that evening. I got my last promotion and of course the rise that followed it. Steven was in his final year at school and it was then that he dropped the bomb on us both. We took it well I thought, Ginny made her smile last all evening. Only when she made it to our bedroom did she break down and cry.

Steven wanted the full college experience, plus one of the courses he wanted to do meant that California was the place to be. Oh, he had other options but he had decided and we backed him as best we could. Once school was over he was going to college clear across the country. We even stayed a week while he got settled in, did some sight seeing and our son joined us for the evenings.

But it was plain to see he was getting itchy feet and so with our week over Steven waved us goodbye and I took a weeping wife back home with me. A year later our company was merged and my guys were given the option of moving or leaving. Ginny told me not to worry so I didn’t. The severance package was rather good and I shook hands with some witch of a woman from our new company’s HR department as she guided me out of the conference room she was camped out in and had been since she came to deliver the bad news.

We went on a cruise a week later. As we sat on the loungers and looked out across the sea Ginny asked me what I wanted to do now. She didn’t mean the cruise so I told her what she once told me, that I wanted to keep my mind active. Ginny smiled that all knowing smile of hers and just said ok. To her the conversation was over and we settled once again on having a great holiday.

The Present…

It was Amy that recognized Beth first and we hugged over the top of the barrier before wandering out into the Californian sunshine. Beth collected her car from short term parking and talked all the way to our hotel. She was a little sad we wouldn’t stay at the house. I couldn’t uproot the children and force one to share a room and Beth understood that. She may not have been happy about it but she understood.

We were still under orders to join them all for dinner though, a chore we gladly accepted. Amy’s cell went off a couple of times the first twenty minutes of us being in our hotel room.

‘The firm seems to be keeping you busy?’

Amy smiled. ‘No, it’s Carol and Wendy. They are picking up Mandy on the way and will be here by the time we return from dinner.’

‘They can’t do that, call them back and tell them so.’

Her cell left her hand and landed on the couch next to me, it bounced and hit the back of the couch before resting next to my leg.

‘I’m not that brave. You call them and tell them, please put it on speaker when you do because I so like the sound of Wendy when she swears.’

Amy stood and watched for a moment, my hand never got to her cell. We both knew it wouldn’t, all four girls were their own women and if they decided they were coming there was nothing I could do to stop them. A hand came into view.

‘Come on, I’m starting to overheat and we both need a shower. The children are still at school so we have a couple of hours before we need to be at Beth’s. I would prefer to make love but I know you’re thinking of Ginny and I know my selfishness has to take a back seat when moments like this come along. So come shower with me and we can cuddle in bed for awhile.’

For a woman of forty, gravity was still a foreign word to her. Her breasts still sat proud on her chest and all natural. Her areola was the darkest part of her body, the nipples although relaxed for now could at a simple naughty thought from her make good use of her areola and extend to a good and thick half and inch on that body. She was free of hair from the neck down, a sadness on my part and some missed communication from us both.

Amy had taken my look at her pussy hair as a dislike and I didn’t see her naked again for almost a year after that first time. She had every hair removed. I understood it was her body but the drastic way she did what she did made me sad. We both apologized and vowed never to again assume anything about our relationship. I knew the girls compared notes and the first time I figured it out I cringed, wasn’t anything sacred anymore.

I’m told that in my life and in any connection with all four girls, not a chance. Amy had taken something to an extreme and that was never to be repeated amongst them. We washed and tentatively played, but to us a shower wasn’t a place to make love. Amy was energetic when she made love and preferred a bed, the floor and any surface that wouldn’t have a slip hazard.

‘The girls know you’re thinking about Ginny. We will hold you and take our lead from you while we are here but I need to warn you that things are going to change when we get home. We’ve had everything in place for some time now so please trust us and know that it’s been building up to this, ok?’

‘I’ve come to bury my son and make sure his wife and my grandchildren are ok. I can’t think beyond that at the moment.’

Amy moved into the space between us, the shower poured its spray onto her head, something she disliked greatly. I moved us both around so the spray now hit my back, something that I deemed taking care of my girls and it earned me an even bigger hug from her.

We lay for a while, Amy’s head on my chest and as much of her skin touched mine. For a while her hand wrapped itself around my cock. Her hand didn’t move and for a time I stayed soft. Just being this close and smelling her scent meant it wasn’t going to be for long. As I hardened her hand opened and she rested it full length on it. For some time her head didn’t move, but eventually when her head came away from my chest she looked at me.

‘I’m sorry, that wasn’t planned. But it’s there now and I want to take care of it. I have three holes so you get to choose,’ she said seductively. ‘But I have to tell the girls when they get here, it’s only fair.’

She felt me pause, the tears came to my eyes and hers moistened. I grasped her hand and pulled it away from my hardness.

‘It’s ok. I need Mandy. That’s too much for you so just hold me.’

Her face paled and her whole body shook. Amy got up on one arm and looked down at me.

‘We made a promise. I made a promise. Mandy isn’t here so it’s left to me to keep you sane.’

Amy lifted herself and straddled my chest, the tears kept at bay solely by will power. She leaned down, her hands held my face and we kissed, our tongues touched and became firm friends. Her tears became a wetness on my face. As our lips parted and her head came to rest on my own forehead, she visibly shuddered before she found her voice.

‘I’m ready now.’

She felt me shake my head.

‘I can wait for Mandy, just hold me.’

‘No. We have to
leave in an hour for dinner with Beth and the children. We will miss Mandy and you have a need. I’m ready, do it now or I will initiate it.’

‘Amy, please think about…’

In one swift movement she lifted away from me and slapped my face. Instinct made me grab her hand so she couldn’t repeat the process. My other hand came down across her tits, the sound connected with the need screaming within my head and I pulled Amy across me and held her in place as my hand warmed her ass. Poor Amy bit down on the bedding to stave off the screams. My hand moved down and repeatedly slapped her sex.

Her pussy bloated and glistened, she tried so hard to stay still but it was difficult for her. Her body betrayed her and the sound of my hand against her pussy started to change. My hand felt wet and now changed angle. My fingers bored into her pussy, Amy grunted and arched her back as she clamped her lips shut daring only the breath in and out of her nose. As all four of my fingers sank up to its second knuckle into her pussy she again screamed through her nose.

The ultimate betrayal came to Amy right then as her body came hard with my fingers buried deep inside her. This was hard for Amy, just as she knew that I hadn’t finished. It was why I needed Mandy, yet when I said I would wait for Mandy, Amy initiated this, she knew. Just as she knew what came next. Her body slumped forward and her mouth opened and she gasped in air as I rolled her off of me. Her body stopped rolling across the bed when I grabbed her hair and held on.

Again she closed her mouth, the tears clear to see. Her nostrils flared as she pulled oxygen into her body, refusing to scream. This was Amy, the strongest of the group and one of five partners in her law firm. She wasn’t a submissive, she didn’t have a submissive bone in her body. That was Mandy, yet to save my sanity she gave her body to me to use. Whatever the girls had promised each other would be interesting to hear when they got around to telling me.

My hand connected with the back of her thighs and Amy quickly shuffled onto all fours. Her ass got another couple of slaps because she wasn’t as quick as Mandy. I knew she didn’t deserve what I was doing to her. God, I needed Mandy. I spat at her anus and then pushed my thumb into her. Amy arched her back and pushed herself back onto me. When I let go of her hair her upper body slumped onto the pillow and her hands came to her ass quickly pulling her cheeks apart.

Again I spat on her ass, equal amounts seemed to fall on the head of my cock and her rose. I pushed against her but didn’t expect to gain entry so fast. By the time I had looked again half the bulbous head had entered her. Again I pushed and the head disappeared. Amy pushed back and more of me entered her ass. Her hand came away and connected with my leg before she went back to holding her ass cheeks.

Even with the state of mind I was in, the urge to go easy on poor Amy overrode everything else and pulling one of her hands away from her ass I pushed it under her. She quickly got the message and frantically rubbed her clit. We both hit our orgasm within half a breath of each other.

She was covered in sweat, her breathing was still a little ragged. She was even a little afraid of getting real close until I held her to me and kissed her forehead. Yet right then that woman was one of four that owned my heart.

‘I have a request.’

When I turned to look at her she was smiling back at me.

‘When you get your hands on Mandy, make slow gentle love to her. I want her to feel what I’ve just been through for her.’

We moved together and kissed, giggled for a while and kissed again before we got up and had another shower.

The Past…

Ginny came with me to the computer store, she said she needed to supervise the new toys I was about to buy. I already had a small office downstairs but we both still had to move some stuff around to make things fit, once everything was in and working and all the programs were up to date.

I looked at Ginny and said. ‘Now what?’

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Inheriting a Porn Company

A few years ago I started a story called ‘My Parents Run a Porn Studio, I loved writing it and had so much fun over the years writing it, however it had far too many tangents and I had too many bad ideas for it. I have decided to start again with it, hope you like :) It's been a long day at work, only 18 and I was already tired of work, luckily I was able to go home and relieve some stress with an empty house most days, it consisted of me watching porn and drinking lots of vodka. Today was...

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Mail Order Company

This is not a fantasy. It is all true. I am not trying to boast. I was very lucky. At age 22 I got a job in a city in the (English) Midlands working as a computer programmer for a large Mail Order company. I rented a small house near the centre of the city. It was at the end of a block of four and next to another block of four, separated by a pathway running through to the back yards. I moved in during the summer and met my neighbours. There was a young married couple immediately next door. The...

Group Sex
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Mail Order Company

This is not actually a fantasy. It is all true. I am not trying to boast. I was very lucky. At the age of twenty-two, I got a job in a city in the English Midlands working as a computer programmer for a large mail order company. I rented a small house near the centre of the city. It was at the end of a block of four and next to another block of four, separated by a pathway running through to the back yards. I moved in during the summer and met my neighbours. There was a young married couple...

Group Sex
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Human Furniture Company

Human Furniture CompanyBy SarahPrologue:        In the early 21st century, human populations across the globe suffered a major financial meltdown, followed by a massive terrorist attack.  The insidious attack, however, targeted the reproduction rates of the world’s women.  50 years after the attack, women around the world began to see the results of the genetic bomb that the terrorists had delivered.  Women began giving birth to multiple girls at a time, while males being born remained...

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One Big Horny Weasley Family Chapter 20 Fours Company

Four's Company Ron kicked his bedroom door closed as soon as his wife had dragged him and Alicia through it. With one hand he grabbed a handful of his wife’s hair and pulled her mouth to his, with the other he started trying to divest Alicia of her thoroughly stained t-shirt. The game had been fun downstairs, and watching everyone grope and fondle each other had been a bit of turn on, but as soon as Hermione had dragged him and Alicia out of the room, he had been eager to get here. The...

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Dragnuts Unexpected Company

You're a Detective Sergeant assigned to stake out detail. There have been a number of robberies at night in the warehouse district. Your job: catch'em. The story you're about to read is false, only the names haven't been changed to protect anyone. Dragnuts is brought to you by Chestyfields. As we've been telling for several weeks Chestyfields has been tested and the users check by an independent testing company. Their findings; Chestyfields cause no harm to the throat nose or sinuses....

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Twos Company

Part One The day out. Three's a crowd, but four is... well read on and make your own mind up. But, please don't ask me what I think, I'm still coming down and can't think straight yet. Erotica. Probably the best exhibition or show in London of the year. Usually held around the middle of November, when it is cold and miserable out, but the heat in the Grand Hall; Olympia, near Earls Court, South West London goes off the scale. I had managed to get two of the hottest tickets in town. You...

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Keeping it in the Family

Keeping it in the Family By Cynthia Green I received a letter from my favorite uncle and aunt inviting me to visit them for a while during the summer. They mentioned the fact that they had remodeled their house and even added a swimming pool. Having a two week vacation coming up I called them and made arrangements to visit them the second week of June. I hadn’t actually seen them for a number of years but we had kept in touch with Christmas cards and such over the years, even though I had...

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Keeping the Soldier Girl

Half past three in the afternoon, she had wanted to be back in the comfort of her base by then, she had wanted to be curled up inside her sleeping bag again by then. Instead she was listening to the cries of her fellow soldiers, the Captain screaming orders over the radio before he was cut off mid-sentence as his last order dissolved into a gurgle. Crawling through the wet grass, seeking the cover of a cluster of boulders up ahead and knowing that at least half of her squadron were dead was a...

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Twos Company

I welcome all comments, both positive and negative aswell as any ideas and thoughts for stories. If you wish to email me direct please do so on [email protected] This is a fantasy story of a 16 year old twin brother and sister. Both are sexually inexperienced and keen to learn and who better to learn with that your sibling. Especially when one of them has a very unique skill. Two’s Company Sally skipped up the path to her house and having fished the door key from...

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Bound To The Company

Lara jumped at the sound of his voice. “Curiosity killed the cat!” He called out from the doorway. “I…I…….” She stammered. “Just being nosey.” John told her as he smiled. Lara closed the lid of the parcel on the kitchen table. “Sorry.” She responded. John walked over and pulled back the lid. “Bed restraints.” He commented as he pulled out a bundle of canvas straps. B……Bed restraints?” Lara asked. “W…what are they for?” John smiled as he pushed them back down inside the box again....

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Angel Company

It is the AD 3228 as the Transport Battleship Persephone arrives around a distant planet. Humans have left earth, now suffering from bad climate and lack of resources; to travel the stars and colonise new worlds. The frontier though holds many dangers, and military forces are needed to keep the peace and defeat bandits, pirates, hostile governments and even invading aliens. In the 20th and 21st centuries most soldiers are men, in the 33rd century, most are women. The war plagues popular over...

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Enjoying Brendas company

I was home alone for the long week end; so I decided to invite any of my girlfriends to share the time with me.I called Laura; but she was going out with one of her lovers, since she was lucky enough to choose; she had more than one…Camilla was also busy; she said her hubby was horny and she wanted to catch this occasion, since she was horny as hell…Helena apologized with me; but she was not in the mood for a pussy; the slutty bitch wanted a huge hard black cock that night.So, my last opting...

3 years ago
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Indian Couple Have Company

Salman's wife was looking especially sexy and beautiful that particular evening in her peach colored nightie. They were sitting around watching TV and it was around 8 pm. He was wearing just his trunks and they were both on the couch. He began to kiss the nape of her neck and rub her soft thighs. He was telling her how much he was turned on by her sexy body and it was turning her on. She turned onto her left side and began kissing him.He reached down and raised up her gown and rubbed her ass...

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Lyla 3s Company

Lyla buckled her seatbelt and set her bag on next to her, in the front seat sat Clarke, Mr Howe was in the passenger side looking through a folder on his lap. The car was stifling, she could feel herself sticking to the leather seats. She had been dreading this meeting, the overseas investors were crucial to their plans to salvage the company. Not knowing what was going to happen or what was expected of her was bugging Lyla. "I didn't expect you to be driving yourself Clarke." She said as she...

4 years ago
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Threes Company

My apologies if this is too long for you, I felt it was needed for a complete story. Thanks for taking the time to read it! The sex starts at the "******" part, if you feel the need to skip ahead ;)It was going on six in the evening as I stirred the pasta sauce one more time, making sure the cheese didn’t stick to the bottom of the pan. Next I lowered the heat on the boiling rotini, making sure to cook it through, as I am no fan of al dente, as so many chefs seem to supply. It wasn’t a fancy...

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Threes Company

My very best bud and neighbor moved away. And it made me sick as we did everything together and it was the the start of summer. His dad was like a super contractor guy and had built this huge ass swimming pool in the back yard. Well we all had swimming pools, that is not the deal. But his dad built this filter/pump/ storage house thing with this secret room underneath that only me, my bud and his dad knew about. It was like ten by ten and we had a tv, video games and a fridge, microwave. It was...

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Ana enjoys the plumbers company

Anita enjoys the plumber`s companyThat morning Victor left early on a business trip and I stayed at home waiting for the plumber, because something was wrong in the kitchen’s sink.Around eleven there was a knock at the door and I let him in. He was a young, handsome guy, athletic, huge, with a strong shaped torso. I showed him what the matter was in the kitchen and then left him to work on it. I went to my bedroom and changed into a black skirt and white blouse, no panties at all; I had a...

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Twos Company

All my stories are fictional and are not intended to offend in any way. Please read the description of the story and decide if you want to read it before you read the story.I welcome all comments, both positive and negative aswell as any ideas and thoughts for stories. If you wish to email me direct please do so on [email protected] is a fantasy story of a 16 year old twin brother and sister. Both are sexually inexperienced and keen to learn and who better to learn with that...

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Journey into Cuckoldry Threes Company

I woke suddenly the next morning as bright sunlight found a gap in the bedroom curtains and fell across my face. It was early. I blinked in the semi-darkness, rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling. I looked across at my wife Alice who was sleeping peacefully by my side. Her sweet face was turned towards me, her eyes closed, her body relaxed, deep in slumber. Had it all really happened? I looked closely at the lovely woman I had been married to for so many years. It was almost impossible...

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Changing Channels Part 5 Threes Company

Changing Channels part 5- Three's Company By Zouscha The story thus far; Bob and Jessica's TV has been behaving very strangely. After viewing the only channel that seems to work, a rather explicit channel, Bob andJessica find themselves becoming Kim and Jason, bombshell and stud. Brenda, their neighbor down the hall, seeks refuge from George, her abusive husband. In short order, Brenda becomes Brandon, who takes revenge on her husband by screwing him as he turns into Bambi, a...

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Women love my company

I think ive fucked more married women than i ever intended. It all started on myspace of all places. Women started hittin me up clearly stating they were married and wanted to fuck. I was more than willing. One of the ladies introduced me to which opened me up to meeting alot of women from all over the world. Adultfriendfinder is also a hot site that always has hot pussy available. But i can also meet a woman in the supermarket or even at a singles bar and the results are always...

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The Marquis East India Catering Company

   THE MARQUIS' EAST INDIA CATERING COMPANY                             By: Charles E. CampbellCHAPTER 1   My name's Mark Evans. I'm an entrepreneur, really. Plain and simple. Nothing more, and certainly nothing less. Although some people would employ other much more graphic and derogatory terms to describe my vocation, maybe labeling me  a pimp, or even a slaver perhaps. But I think entrepreneur is a far more fitting and accurate term.    I've really been engaged in pursuits that are...

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Unexpected Company

Unexpected Company, by BearSubSlut**Note from the Author**Hi all, thanks to everyone who has given me feedback so far, your suggestions and comments were really helpful. Please keep the comments coming in as it makes the whole thing worthwhile. Email me on [email protected] the new chapter, and I hope more will come soon :)much loveBearSubSlut***Part 1 ? A Break to UnwindIt was the end of a very long day. Driving home from work was seeming to take forever and I was wound up tighter...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 10 Twos Company Fours Even More Company

Wednesday, February 23, 2005 [[I ended the last chapter with a small digression. Being in the mood for them, I'll add another one, more relevant to my recent merging. Earlier, I calculated the chance of someone merging to be equivalent to 1-in-3E14; 3E14 being 3,000 times the number of people that have ever lived on Earth. There are considerably more than 3,000 w-dimensions, so it's certain that I was not the first person to have merged (this logic is wrong as the dimensions aren't...

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RansomeChapter 4 Shopping For Company

The next week they met ‘by accident’ as they shopped at about the same time as usual. As it happened she was not averse to meeting him again as he seemed a nice, respectable and respectful person. In her straitened circumstances she never went out and so never met anyone to talk to from one week’s end to the next. Besides that he had paid for last weeks’ groceries, seeming not to notice the cost, and she was becoming desperate for funds. For his part David was definitely interested in...

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Keeping a Slaves Ass Ready

One of the most important things in training a slave, whether she is 18 or 38, is to keep her beautiful young ass pliable, stretched, open and ready for fucking at all times. She needs to be taught that her ass or her pussy must be available and ready twenty-four seven. Girls tend to be very selfish about their fuckholes. They tend to think of them as being personal. You need to convince a girl as part of her Bitch training that her hole is no longer her, but that it belongs to you. She needs...

2 years ago
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Keeping The House Looking Nice

Keeping the House Looking Nice A story by Anne Oni Mouse (10 March 2013) The intended audience is adults over 18 years old who enjoy stories involving changing someone's gender. This story is a work of fiction and is not meant to bear any relation to any people or events past or present. My thanks go to Felix/Felicia (T_M at Rachel's Haven) for the inspiration that has come my way since they arrived on the scene. - - - - As she dusted the bed head in the master bedroom...

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Keeping Guard Ch 03

I got my answer almost immediately: yes, John was very good at kneading. As soon as I threw the ingredients together I put him to work on the early steps of baking bread. His strong hands turned the stiff dough with ease, and he was able to finish in half the time it would have taken me. Unfortunately, I was quick to discover that John was not very good at much else in the kitchen. ‘Great, now we leave that down by the oven to rise,’ I said once he had finished with the bread dough. ‘Now we...

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Keeping Guard

I groaned as the sound of my whining alarm clock filled the room, my usual response to the dreaded noise. I didn’t have to look at the face to know it was just past four in the morning, a time when only an insane person would choose to leave a nice warm bed. My mental checklist of all the work ahead of me was no help either, but I managed to swing my legs over the side of my bed and drag myself into the bathroom for a hot shower. My morning routine was quick and easy: get up, make myself look...

3 years ago
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Keeping Him

Celine Beckman felt her blood boiling as she watched her husband dancing with her. Her meaning Nancy Goodwin, a tall petite redhead. It was at Gilbert Kendrick’s home, friend of the Beckman’s celebrating his new position of District Attorney. Celine’s husband, Victor worked as a police officer and often the couple got invited to fancy parties and dances. Nancy was a court reporter and knew a lot of the officials. She was always at the parties as well and that’s where she’d met Celine and...

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I was in my second year of college attending school out of state when word reached me that my father had died. It had been totally unexpected and a major shock to my mother and younger sister along with myself. Busy as I'd been away at school it had been almost an entire year since I'd even seen them. My sister Mandy had just recently graduated from high school and like me had been planning on attending school out of state. All that had changed now with the death of our father. Mandy and mom...

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Keeping Up With Hollywood

(For the best experience of the story, go to score in the top right corner and click 'Start Game'. It's made to keep your choices in mind. Some major choices will be obvious and will have a big influence on the game, others would be less important and have fewer consequences further on. If you don't click 'Start Game', some text won't be visible at certain points of the game. Have fun!) Like every morning, the morning sun fell through a crack in your curtains and shone right into your eyes....

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Keeping My Sister in LineTiffanys Confession Part Two

(Continued Confession of Tiffany Reddick) “You have to take off your clothes first,” I acted like this was not a big deal. After all, I had to watch HIM get naked, which was gross enough for my part. I felt like it would only feel authentic if he was nude. “You’ve seen mom and dad naked plenty of times. This is just how this particular game is played,” I said. “Oh, certainly!” he imitated my mother’s enthusiastic submissive bubble-headed bimbo act and stood up. Then he started laughing and...

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Keeping Him

Celine Beckman felt her blood boiling as she watched her husband dancing with her. Her meaning Nancy Goodwin, a tall petite redhead. It was at Gilbert Kendrick's home, friend of the Beckman's celebrating his new position of District Attorney. Celine's husband, Victor worked as a police officer and often the couple got invited to fancy parties and dances. Nancy was a court reporter and knew a lot of the officials. She was always at the parties as well and that's where she'd met Celine and...

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