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Philip Johnson


An advisory to Literotica readers. This is a very long story involving photography for the first few chapters, and yes I do know that concept has been beat to death. I do hope that i’ve managed to give that idea a fresh treatment, and you’ll stay with the story to see where things go. Good reading,


Owen was forty one, but felt ten years older. It was because of that fact that for almost a year he had been working on the plan for changes in his life in the backroom of his mind. He grew up in a very comfortable home, and had received a very nice inheritance from his grandfather. The bottom line was, Owen didn’t have to worry about finances. He was certainly ambitious enough, but something was missing. He wasn’t enjoying life very much as he just plodded along, smiling when it was appropriate, playing golf with the right people, and keeping his boss happy. Or maybe, just maybe, none of that was the real Owen. Perhaps his whole upright and predictable life had been an act, while the real him sat just off stage waiting patiently for the right time to dash onto that stage and present his real self to the world.

On his first day of self imposed unemployment he started by shaving off his mustache and decided to let his hear grow longer. He was going to reinvent himself from hair to the loose fitting deck shoes on his feet.

Chapter One

The day finally came when Owen announced to his best friend Perry that he had submitted his resignation to his boss a month ago, and then proceeded to share what he wanted to do for the next few months. Perry was stunned and disbelieving saying ‘That’s just crazy and adolescent. That isn’t you. You’re about business and board meetings. And that big damn house you just bought. What the hell for?’

‘You’re just now asking me that? Entertaining, enjoying, or whatever I feel like. It’s all about following a new path in my life. About fun, excitement and adventure.’

‘Owen, the word adventure has connotations of jumping off of cliffs, or kayaking around the world, not…not what you’re planning. What you have in mind comes closer to sleazy than adventuresome. You suffer from mid life crisis.’

‘To me, what I have planned will be adventure, and I can’t wait to get started. I know what I want to do isn’t what successful forty one year old men get involved in, but just maybe that’s part of why I’m doing it. Besides, I won’t spend all of my time with that craziness’

‘Well if you’ve resigned your job and bought that damn house, I’d say you have a great start on your…hell, I don’t even know what to call it. Um…you do know that what you have planned has been done dozens if not hundreds of times before. It’s easy to find on the internet in fact.’

‘I know, but what I’m doing is for me and nobody else. I’m doing it because I want to do it, and not for profit. I won’t be posting anything to share with the world. I’ll know that what I see and experience will be real and not created by a staff of goons looking to make a buck.’

Perry shook his head, smiled and then said, ‘Oh, and by the way, you will keep me up to date with your sleazy adventures Right?’ and they both laughed.

‘Of course I will. Now I just have to find a way to explain this to dear sister Kate.’

‘By the way Owen, I assume that this is just between you and me, and not for Kathy’s ears.’

‘That’s up to you. I’m not even sure how you’d tell her, but I suspect that she won’t think much of me if you do. But if you do tell her, she has to understand that she can’t repeat any of it to anybody no matter how trustworthy.’

Perry smiled and said, ‘I’d love to see her reaction if I told her, but maybe I’ll just keep this to myself for now.’

His conversation with Perry bounced around in his mind until late in the day when he met Kate at Houlihan’s for dinner. ‘Dinner in the middle of the week Owen?’ she had asked him, and he just said, ‘Yes, I just want to talk to you about something.’

‘Is this going to be a bad thing that we talk about?’

‘Certainly not bad as far as I’m concerned,’ he’d told her. ‘You look great by the way.’

‘Thanks, I just took Cliff to the airport. He’s off to Saudi Arabia or someplace over there, but first he’s going to San Jose, California for a few days of so called meetings. You and I both know those meetings will happen either on the golf course or in a bar someplace.’

‘Or a topless nightclub.’

‘Right, or there, and if he brings home any souvenirs it better be something like a negligee and not something that requires antibiotics or even worse.’

‘You’re being rather open minded Sis.’

‘To you I am, but I’d give him hell just to make sure he doesn’t take me for granted. So do you have your photographer lined up?’

‘No, got anybody you can suggest or recommend?’

‘Brother, my friends and acquaintances aren’t the ones to consider for your…um, your endeavor.’ She hesitated for only a moment before she said,

‘Wait a minute. An acquaintance…I mean her son might…he’s a photographer, and I guess a decent one, and you don’t need anybody with world class skills.’

‘Her son? How old is he?’

‘Twenty two or something like that.’

‘What makes you think he’d be interested?’

‘I don’t know if he would be, but he’s worth a try. He’s young and hungry for work, and maybe you could convince him this would be a good chance for him to learn while earning.’

‘To learn? I thought he was a photographer.’

‘Poor choice of words. To hone his skills I should have said. Oh, I know, you have that huge and impressive house. Why don’t you do weddings there and you know, what with the reception, the drinking and getting wild. Just maybe you’ll experience some of those things you mentioned.’

‘Weddings? That doesn’t sound…wait, maybe you have something there. What the hell, I’ll give that some thought, but I’m not interested in doing any run of the mill wedding celebrations. Oh, and have that kid call me.’

‘He’s in his twenties Owen, so he isn’t a kid anymore.’

‘I stand corrected.’

‘I’m still sitting here in stunned surprise. You’re smart…well educated anyway, the smart part is questionable. You have enough money to do whatever you want, and you choose to…’

‘Nobody will know any details about me.’

‘Want to bet on how long you’ll be able to keep those secrets?’

‘A long time, and by then I’ll have tired of the game and will go back to work someplace.’

‘I just hope it all works out as you have envisioned. My only advice is, when you talk to others, try not to use big words. You’ll be dealing with every day people with little and perhaps no college education.’

‘Good point.’

‘But whatever you do, don’t talk down to them. Just keep things simple and straight forward.’

‘I know, why don’t you go along on my maiden voyage into my new life. You’d be a big help.’

She laughed and said, ‘I don’t see that happening. My God, that would be so awkward.’

‘I’ll bet your feminine presence would do a lot to relax people.’

‘I’m sure. Good luck to you brother.’

‘Thanks, and thank you for not tearing into me about how stupid and irrational I’m being.’

‘See, you brought it up yourself, so there’s no point in my railing on about what you’re already aware of. Like you being irrational.’

Chapter Two

‘Mr. Destin, this is Scott Aden. Your Sister said you were interested in some photography work.’

‘Oh right. Call me Owen, and yes, but did you get any of the details from Kate?’

‘No, she got a funny look on her face and said it would be best if you filled me in. She mentioned something about a special and very unique opportunity though.’

‘So that’s how she phrased it. So…well we need to get together and talk about my project and money.’

‘I could come t
o you if that would work.’

‘That would be far better than trying to have a long conversation in a noisy restaurant.’

‘Kate can tell me how to get there, so…’

‘Is my sister there now?’

‘That’s right, she and my mother and they’re smiling. So say…say an hour?’

‘Perfect Scott, and I look forward to meeting you.’

‘Oh, and were you thinking stills, videos or both?’

‘Both actually.’

‘Great, see you in an hour.’

He put the phone down and smiled as Scott’s words ran through his head again. ‘She and my mother,’ and he shook his head. What was this Scott going to be like?

When Owen opened his door an hour later, a lanky blond haired guy stood there smiling back at him. Loose fitting pull over shirt and cargo shorts and scuffed athletic shoes. ‘You must be Scott,’ Owen said as he opened the door wider.

‘Yeah, hi. You have a nice place,’ he said casually as he stepped inside.

‘Thanks. Get you something to drink?’

‘No thanks, I’m good.’

‘Then let’s go in here,’ and Owen led them to the den, and then subtly pointed at an oversized chair while he dropped onto the sofa. ‘So tell me a little about yourself.’

‘I still have some credits to get before I graduate, I’ve been into photography since I was about ten or eleven, and yes I’ve done a fair amount of professional work. Portraits more than anything else, but an increasing amount of casual sittings. People in gardens and so forth. I like that more than perching them on chairs or stools and coaxing something like a smile from them. Natural is always better.’

‘Interesting. How are you at candid work?’

‘Depends, could you be more specific?’

‘More specific? Okay Scott you got it. Now don’t even bother to tell me I’m nuts because I already know that. Let’s start with where…how much time do you have?’

‘Whatever you need.’

‘I’m getting ready to move, so let’s drive over there, because just maybe, at some point in the future, we could be getting some shots there. We can talk on the way.’


Owen waited until they were well on their way and then said, ‘First of all, you have to keep what we talk about and we do a total secret. Now and forever. If you share what we do with anybody else, I’ll sue your ass from here to hell and gone.’

‘Damn, okay.’

‘How well could you keep your mind on your cameras if a woman was stripping right in front of you?’

His face split with a smile as he stared at Owen for a second, unsure how to respond. But then his youthful self confidence took over and he said, ‘I can handle that.’

‘No questions to ask?’

‘Oh hell, I have a ton of them.’

It was Owen’s turn to smile and then he said, ‘I’m sure you’ve seen or heard about this because it’s nothing new at all but…I want to photograph women that I’ve convinced to strip for money. Maybe just a top, or top and bra or whatever. Of course I’ll take it as far as she can be convinced to go, assuming she looks half way decent.’

‘You’re shittin’ me right?’

‘Oh no, I assure you I am not shitting you.’

‘So you’ll just walk up to some babe and say, strip and I’ll give you fifty bucks.’

‘Well something like that, but I hope I can manage to be just a little smoother than that.’

‘And all I have to do is take her picture?’

‘Right, and video when possible.’

‘What if she calls the cops?’

‘We’ve broken no laws so that’s not a worry. If she strips and gets caught, then she’s the one breaking the law. There’s nothing to say we can’t photograph her. Well if I pay her, they might have us for something there, but I’m not worried.’


‘Well you would, or might be seen as an accomplice, but maybe not.’


‘I’ll pay you a hundred for a day, and we’d never go more than a few hours a day at the most.’

‘Cool, how often?’

‘Hard to say. That will depend on your schedule and mine, the weather and other factors. Of course a naked woman walking in the rain and carrying a colorful umbrella could be very hot.’

‘Oh shit, I guess,’ and his smile threatened to take over his face. ‘So you sell the photos or set up a website and…’

‘Nope, this is all for me only. I will not sell or distribute the images. I assume you use digital only right?’

‘Well hell yeah.’

‘Then at the end of each shoot, I’ll take the memory card from your cameras and give you clean ones. I can’t take a chance of any photos leaving my control.’

‘Well damn, that’s a downer.’

‘Interested in the job Scott?’

‘Fuck…I mean hell yeah I’m interested, when do we start?’

‘I’ll call you after I’ve moved, and also after I’ve scouted out some places to try our luck. In the meantime, if you can find some interesting locations. By all means we’ll try them too.’

‘Awesome, and I think I know just what you’re looking for.’

They drove for a few more miles as they discussed little details and ideas, but when Scott saw Owen’s new house he said, ‘Holy shit man, is this yours?’

‘It is. Far from new as you can see, but still pretty damn impressive.’

‘Hell yeah it is, how big is this place?’

‘Five bedrooms, six and a half bathrooms, four car garage…pretty damn big. Picked it up for half what it’s worth.’

‘Damn, I hope so. It’s a Goddamn hotel.’

‘Hardly. Not much over five thousand square feet. Now another question. You’ve done weddings right?’

‘Oh hell yeah. Oh, you’re going to rent the place out for weddings.’

‘Not exactly, but you’re close. I’m still working on those details though.’

‘What about my mom?’

Owen almost flinched when he heard the mom reference again. Damn was he really getting that old? ‘What about her?’

‘I mean she’ll be so full of questions, but…all I can say is, it’s a secret?’

‘How would you tell her that you’ll be photographing women stripping in public for money?’

‘I don’t know, but…’

‘How do you think she would receive that information?’

‘Damn. Well I guess okay. I mean it’s not much different than any other photographer doing nude shots.’

‘Well either way, keep it to yourself.’

‘But what about Kate?’

‘She knows but is sworn to secrecy.’

‘She won’t even tell my mom?’

‘I told her not to, so that’s the reason she didn’t share any information with you.’

‘Oh, I just figured she was embarrassed.’

‘I doubt that.’

Chapter Three

The old front doorbell chimed and Owen glanced at Scott and went to the door. ‘Hi, I’m June. I live next door,’ and she pointed to Owen’s left. ‘I won’t keep you, but I’ve been waiting for the chance to introduce myself ever since the sold sign went up.’

‘Hi June, I’m Owen Destin, nice to meet you. Sorry I don’t have anything in the way of beverage to offer you,’ and he stepped back and gestured for her to enter.

‘That’s fine, and like I said, I won’t stay. I don’t want you to think you’ll have a bothersome and nosy neighbor. She glanced around and then said, ‘I’ve been in this house a number of times, but I’m always struck by the size and grandeur.’

‘It’s huge, and far more than I need of course, but…’

‘But sometimes we just have to indulge ourselves, I understand.’

He smiled and said, ‘That’s it, I’m totally indulging myself.’

She saw Scott across the room and Owen said, ‘I’m so sorry, this is Scott, my photographer. We were just discussing some work he’ll be doing.’

‘Then for sure I’ll not stay. Nice to meet you Scott, and Owen, I do hope we get a chance to get acquainted over coffee soon.’

‘I’ll come to your door as soon as I’m moved in, June.’

She smiled at that and told him, ‘I’m looking forward to that. Bye Scott,’ and with fluttering fingers she waved at him and Owen walked her to the door.

When he came
back Scott said, ‘She could be your first nude boss.’

Owen almost laughed before he said, ‘Did you see the house she lives in?’


‘It’s impressive too, so I doubt me offering her even a few hundred bucks to strip would impress her. But I do have to admit that for an older woman she’s pretty damn nice.’

‘If she has that kind of money, I’m sure she takes very good care of herself.’

‘I’m sure she does her share of pampering herself.’

As they left the house a few minutes later, Owen called Kate and said, ‘Got a minute?’

‘I do have, how did the interview go?’

‘It’s still going, but I wanted to see if you’d join me for dinner.’

‘Again, and in the same week? Brother, you’re full of surprises. Sure, how about the Outback at half past six?’

‘Good. Oh and you’re buying right.’

‘Of course not silly.’

He smiled and said, ‘See you there at half past six,’ and he closed his phone as they went back to Owen’s. As they got out of the car, he told Scott, ‘Okay, you’re hired, but like I said, it will be awhile before you hear from me, but if I have my way it won’t be all that long.’

‘Cool, just call and I’ll come running.’

As soon as Scott was gone and he was inside, he called Kate again. ‘Hey, I have a concern.’

‘Of course you’re nuts, so don’t stress over it.’

‘Gee thanks. What about Scott’s mother?’

‘I don’t think she’d strip for you brother.’

‘Where the hell did that come from?’

‘Just letting you know.’

‘I’m concerned that despite what I told Scott, he’ll end up telling her everything, and I really don’t want what we’re doing to get out.’

‘Like I said before, I don’t know how long you think you’ll be able to keep that secret. You’ve told Perry right?’

‘Yes, but he knows how to keep quiet.’

‘And Kathy? Does his wife know how to hold a secret?’

‘Well…well she damn well better.’

‘See what I mean?’

‘You scare me. So back to Scott’s mother, how do you see her?’

‘Why don’t I just invite her to join us for dinner. Then you can decide for yourself, but I say just tell her and be done with it.’

‘Damn. Okay would you ask her?’

‘Okay. Want me to be the one to tell her your lurid secret too?’

‘No thank you, I can handle that part.’

‘By the way, her name is Nila.’

‘Interesting name.’

‘You’ll like her.’

‘I’m sure I will. Later,’ and he closed his phone and dropped it into his pocket.

Owen dropped onto the sofa and leaned back with eyes closed. He replayed meeting Scott, and thought about June his new neighbor, and that stopped him. What about June, he wondered. What if she ever learned about his secret? He didn’t know her, so he couldn’t begin to answer that question. She seemed very outgoing and was quick to understand self indulgence, and she certainly didn’t seem the least bit stuffy or haughty. But June was one of those details that he would want to keep in mind in the coming weeks.

Owen was at the restaurant just ahead of Kate and Nila, so he had a moment to study her as he watched them walk toward him. It didn’t seem possible that Scott could come from her womb. He was blond and she was brunette. He was tall and almost skinny where she was…and he stopped himself, because for just an instant he imagined her stripping for him as he imagined what she might look like under her loose fitting slacks and almost baggy top. She couldn’t hide her dark eyes though, and that’s what he stared into as they were introduced. Now he was less interested in what was hiding under her slacks or blouse.

As soon as they were settled into their booth, Nila said, ‘My God Owen, I don’t know what you and Scott are into, but he came home with dancing eyes and boundless excitement and energy.’

‘Good, that means I’ll have an eager photographer.’

‘To say the least. Within minutes he said he had research to do and ran up to his bedroom.’ Then looking at the waiter without pausing she said, ‘I’ll have a cosmo.’ Kate ordered the same and Owen went with a Sam Adams. He had to keep his alcohol consumption down, because the last thing he wanted to do was get a loose tongue and say something inappropriate.

Then Nila used her eyes to full advantage as she almost leaned across the table and said, ‘Kate told me just a little, but I just couldn’t get her to tell me the whole story, so I guess your secret is safe.’

Owen smiled and silently sighed in relief, but he already knew that before dinner was over he’d tell Nila at least the basics. There was no way he would ever be able to explain why he was doing it though. In fact, as he sat there trying to decide how he would explain everything to Nila, for the first time he questioned his actions. What really was driving him to bribe women to strip and…and more? That stopped him for an instant. For the first time he was adding the word more. To have women strip and more for him. What more? What would he want them to do for him and the camera? That change in his thinking rattled him a little.

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‘Hi, Mr. Sanders,’ the visitor to the guidance office said. ‘Hi, Tina,’ Ben replied. He looked at the young woman who’d just come in his door. Tina Williams was short, had long, wavy brown hair and, unfortunately, a used-looking face. The girl, who was a bit of a free spirit, never wore a bra, and she should have, because her large breasts sagged quite a bit. Her legs and her ass, though, were fine. For reasons he couldn’t for the life of him understand, Ben had always found her interesting,...

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Early Morning Grind With My Maid Suman

This is a story that goes way back, during my school days, when I was a horny little shit. There was a good reason for my high sex drive, other than puberty hitting me hard. I had a pretty decent-looking girlfriend who let me lose my virginity to her. It was during the confusing times that I was too keen on losing my virginity, and I was successful. Maybe this story for another time. Now I had a major maid fetish since I was a kid, what with all those dangling tits and ass while they sweat it...

1 year ago
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The Boy Next Door Part 1

The Boy Next Door By Lesley Renee Charles Part 1. Lesley was sitting on his front porch when he noticed that a new family was moving in next door. He observed there was a handsome young man moving in with his parents. He was attracted to the muscular young man. He was fascinated with the way the sun gleamed on his platinum hair. He kept sitting on his porch, wondering if when the new family was finished unloading the truck if he should go over to introduce himself when he...

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Elizabeths honeymoon was just the start of her sexually charged life

Introduction: When Dan introduced his virgin bride to the joys of sex, he had no idea the nympho he would release. Elizabeth was the 3rd of 5 children born into a religious Methodist family. Her father was a drinker and her mother was the one who kept things together in the family. As Liz grew up thru the 50s she learned all the skills young girls of the day were expected to learn. Cooking, cleaning, and general homemaking was the way of the world in the 50s. As Liz grew into a lovely blond...

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Queen of Dragons

*** Dana, the huntmistress of the Serpent King, she who was known in the land as Dragon Queen, blew down the dusty corridor in a powerful stride. Servants scuttled to corners to allow her passage, their heads jerking low in subservience. Guards snapped to attention and prayed she did not have time to notice any minor lapse in protocol. “Lady Dana! Truly a pleasure to catch you – might I trouble you for a moment of your time?” A minor noble, a lad of barely sixteen summers, tried to...

1 year ago
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Teddys WorldChapter 41 Just Another Week With the Mason Family

(SATURDAY, AFTERNOON) The best week of the school year so far for the boys’ basketball team was nearing its end. The weekend was all but a lock as long as we played our game, no matter what our opposition threw at us. We had to wait all day for our turn to play for the championship. The morning had come with most of us sleeping in, I know that I did, not get up until 10 o’clock that morning. I was dressed and had eaten breakfast an hour later. We all got a seat on the coaches to take us to...

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A chance meeting... then, again, in different circumstances, a glimpse across a room brings questions, possibility and longing. Feelings you were previously unaware of. Although.... This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright KLS 2008. Reacquainted By Kristina.L.S. I'd been living in the old house for several months and...

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I was only supposed to watch

For the record.. when I travel away from home for my job I don't spend a lot of time in bars. I don't have anything against them. It's just that the people who go to local bars tend to know each other and stick with their group. I do however, like to hit up places that are restaurants with bars in them. One in particular is a place that is family friendly and right in the middle is a well appointed bar. Their Italian sausage sandwich is one of the best!Whenever I'm in that town I head over...

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Looking On Tinder For More Than Vanilla Sex

I am Sunny Thakur. I belong to a typical Indian family from Himachal. I have been staying in Delhi since my education days. I have been in a serious relationship with my girlfriend for over two years, and we have had sexual activities for a long time. She was the first girl I slept with. I have written two stories about our sex adventures, and readers can read them on my profile. However, she hesitates to try new activities, unlike me and prefers vanilla sex. She would boldly refuse any...

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Halt eine Geschichte

*badum* *badum* *badum*. Es dauert nicht einmal eine Sekunde bis mein Gehirn die Erfahrungswerte der Vergangenheit abruft und entscheidet das es mein Vater ist, der die Treppe herauf marschiert und meiner Zimmertür am Ende des Flurs anvisiert. Mit Sicherheit könnte ich es nicht mehr sagen, aber in meinem Kopf geistert die Erinnerung umher, dass mein Vater schon ein paar mal nach mir gerufen hat, was ich in dem geilen Traum den ich gerade nicht mehr greifen kann als sehr störend zur Kenntnis...

4 years ago
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Out On My Ass A Shemale Story

It seemed simple once I realised it. The Mr. Peter Simmons that everyone knew and loved was actually Ms. Lusty Swellcock, a fetish loving transsexual prostitute. I walked around frustrated for years about my sexuality, sex in general and basically who I was. I had fucked a bunch of girls in my younger days but that had dried up as I requested stranger and stranger things from them to get myself off. I clearly remember a girl telling me to fuck off because I wanted her to piss in my mouth. After...

4 years ago
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Jungle Heat

Taylor remembered the first time she met Duke. She had grimaced at how beaten his face had looked. His nose, with strange, odd angles, appeared to have been broken several times and his jaw seemed out of alignment with the rest of his face. The skin covering his face was a mottled collection of colors and scars that had to have come from fighting and war. The usual ebony coloring was laced with lines running up and down both cheeks in an array of scar tissue that hinted at stories she wasn’t...

1 year ago
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Chrissys New Life Part 5

Chrissy's New Life Part 5 "Father, I'm Mrs. Alexander and one of your students is staying with me over the holiday. It seems we left without his suitcase. Did you happen to come across it in the driveway last evening?" "I'm afraid not; I was just up that way a little bit ago." "I brought my niece along with me in the car; would it be an inconvenience if we came in and looked for just a minute?" Looking out to the car, the old priest smiled and waved to what appeared to him a...

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Wendy Ch 09

{Weekly visits to Wendy’s apartment had become the customary way to spend his Friday nights. What began as meetings between lawyer and client had evolved into the recounting of sexual experiences and even the re-enactment of certain encounters. Seeing her in high heels, Cotton had casually suggested they partake in a wall job. On this evening, Wendy had donned the house dress with thirteen buttons down the front and high heals in preparation for the event. Wendy could not go through with it but...

3 years ago
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The Gutenberg RubricChapter 32

“Joey!” Maddie screamed. Fry charged into Keith and Maddie, knocking them to the floor behind the door as the explosion rocked the outer chamber and the shockwave extinguished the torches. Absolute darkness claimed the space. “Maddie! Maddie!” Keith called frantically as he groped for her hand in the darkness. “Joey, no!” she wept. “Why? Why?” Keith caught her hand and soon had her cradled in his arms. “Maddie, are you injured?” A flashlight flicked on and Agent Fry swept the area toward...

2 years ago
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Oddball 3

“Yep. I know” “You do?” Asked Aries in a sincerely puzzled look. “Dude we've had like 5 classes together in 2 years” Autumn was clearly annoyed that the guy she didn't want to be talking to didn't know that she didn't want to talk to him or that she knew exactly who he was....and again that she didn't want to talk to him. “Oh yea, well I dunno I've seen you a lot since middle school and I just figured we could be friends.” “Yep, I guess” Autumn slumped back in the chair and looked at...

1 year ago
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You Are a Meany Chapter 25

As the Zahn's guests were arriving at the cookout, in California Luke was finishing his tour of where he was planning to spend his high-school years. Greg K. saved the athletic complex as where they would end the trek around the school ground. It made sense for the best part should be the last. Even with the school being one of the top-ranked schools in California, the athletic complex was the piece de resistance. Jerry Brown High's ground crew took great pride in their work and it...

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Crossing Boundaries Part One

Kael fidgeted, anxious to see just what would come of the meeting, a young man with neatly trimmed hair. His father stood before him, taking the lead in the meeting, though it was the first time he had ever been allowed to stand so close to the anthro ambassador of their closest neighbours, a chameleon with a particularly noble look about his strangely rounded face. Long robes fell to the floor around his ankles and he tried not to make it too obvious just how uncomfortable he was in them, for...

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MySistersHotFriend Harmony Wonder 24111

All alone at her friend’s house, with an hour to kill and no food in the kitchen, Harmony Wonder has no idea what to do with herself until her friend arrives. Until, that is, she sees a nice SLR camera hanging out all by its lonesome on the kitchen island. So, like any curious youngster, she scoops the camera up, turns it on and starts perusing the photos on it, all of which seem to be of her friend’s model brother JMac. But then – bleep!– one wrong button pressed and the images have magically...

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Unexpected sexual encounter

My name is Madhu; I’m 20 years old and studying engineering in Hyderabad. I come from a village about 250 km from here and my family is into agriculture. I stay in a hostel away from home. After my third year studies, I went to my village for my summer vacation. My family consists of three elder brothers all of who are married. My parents are no more. My eldest brother is Ramesh and he is 30 years old. His wife is Madhavi, a very attractive 26 year old. She was about 5’4″ tall, fair complexion,...

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Being Caught

Being Caught by Lorraine Simmons My wife Diana found out that I was a cross dresser two years ago when she inadvertently found my secret wardrobe of female clothing hidden in our attic. I tried to explain my feelings but without any acceptance for over a year, during this period our sex life eroded to almost nothing and I felt truly worthless. The only relief for me was the rare opportunities to cross dress when she was away on business. I always wondered what...

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My Little Doll

My Little Doll By Semiater ([email protected])Chapter One        I just couldn't sit still, I couldn’t sit in my office anymore, not today, I was too anxious, excited, yearning, it was like being a kid on Christmas eve.  It was Friday morning, the day had just started, but I couldn’t wait for it to be over with, for the evening to be here, when work was done and I was home.        I stood on the sky-bridge in the atrium which connected the two towers of the building.  I looked down over the...

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I made my wife happy

My name is Ejaz. I have a car rental company in Islamabad. My office is in G-8 market. I am married and have two kids. My wife is very beautiful, creamy white, nice height and extremely sexy built. I love her very much and try to keep her happy. For the last few months my business was not going well and I was tense as it was getting difficult to pay my bills. There was another thing even worse bothering me a lot and that was my reducing sex urge with my wife. I was always trying to keep my wife...

2 years ago
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Kinky Kirsty 2 Home

I told them to get ready as dinner was ready, showed them which seats to sit at, and then said wine is there and probably still cold enough. We all sat around and ate dinner and had a couple of glasses each. Kirsty then said, “would you like me to clear the table?” Ross replied, “no I can do that” “Thanks” I said, “I would like Kirsty to tell me about the day you two have had”. Looking out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kirsty’s face drop, she swallowed hard and physically squirmed in her...

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My Fantasy Part 2

I crawled, stood up, and followed her as she pulled my set sissy clit. We walked to two floors below. ‘Crawl in front of me’, she said. I got on my hands and knees, and crawled in front of her. I had no idea where to go, so I was about to turn my head to look at her. When I was just about to do that, she lightly kicked on my sissy clit. ‘Go’, she said, ‘go straight when I kick on your clit, turn right when I kick on your left ass, and turn left when I kick on your right ass’. ‘Yes mistress’, I...

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WildOnCam Madison Summers Fucking Good Time

Sexy babe Madison Summers is down to get a little naughty and can not wait for this show to begin. She loves how you check out her long legs and every sexy tight curve on her body when she spins around so you can check her out! How badly would you love to have that ass twerk in your face before you bury yourself in that delicious pussy. Like his name says, Lucky Fate is lucky to get this firecracker of a babe to fuck! Madison loves that big cock fucking her hard and deep. Take it slow and then...

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Redeem by yielding up thy body to my will

Alex was already thirteen when he was sold, which would prove to be both a curse and a blessing. He had a charmed childhood up to this point, but that made what was to follow even more difficult, if possible. He had grown up sheltered by a loving mother. She had successfully protected him from the difficulties and rigors of the modern world by keeping him in the house at all times and limiting her friends’ contacts with him. She was rich, a top-level government agent when he was young, and it...

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car fun

Some years ago, I had overnight business travel and I cross-dressed in my motel rooms after hours. I had some married men that I met online that would come see me when I was in their towns, and get some sweet head from me on their way home from work or whatever. One of my regular hookups, named Frank, pulled into the motel parking lot late one afternoon and looked up and saw me on the balcony. I was in a mini dress; heels and all dolled up, waiting for him, but was just getting a little...

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u wanna know how? ill tell u howJemma wakes up in Natalies bed, arms and legs bound togther behind her back, legs brought back and arms pulled down so her forearms r against her calves, then wrapped tight in rope binding her helplessly her body arched and vulnerablewhen i hear her struggle i cum in with clamps and chains, attach 2 clamps on each lip and pull outwards wrapping the chains around her thighs stretching her lips open, i call Natalie and she walks in, her lips opened in the same way...

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ChangesChapter 19

Jae moved all of her things to the apartment over the garage at home and continued to just live life day after day. She knew she was driving her father crazy, but she couldn't figure out where to go in life. She knew she needed to get out there and get a job and continue on, but she just couldn't do that. When she moved out she left a note on Chase's door, not wanting to knock and find out that he wasn't home anyways. When she had said goodbye, they told her that Chase came home late and...

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Cougar turns Me Gay

The first girlfriend I had after I finally got a place of my own was a cougar. It was her that picked ME up in a bar one night. She wanted a toy boy, she said. I was glad to oblige. Never mind that she was older, she was hot as hell and the glint in her eye told me she was very much into sex. She was the one who helped me realize how much I like to get fucked up the bum. I'd never given it any thought. Always considered my ass was just there and not anything to do with sex.That first night she...

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Sarah Followed Me Chapter 2

We slept in the next day and woke up around noon. Sarah was the first to get out of bed and I saw her naked ass as she left the room. As she took a shower I put some jogging pants on and ate some breakfast. Sarah came into the kitchen after her shower to get some orange juice and was naked other than a pair of panties. When I saw her I couldn’t help but stare at her tits fully visible in the daylight. Sarah must have seen me staring and gave me a wink. She then left the kitchen and I...

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Husbands Stepson 2

OK, I promised to continue telling our experiences with showing off.  This is part 2 where my husband and I went out for dinner again but this time took my husbands Stepson with us.  The restaurant isn’t that fancy but they have very good waiters and good food.  I wore a skirt that isn’t considered too sexy for my age and we enjoyed the great food and wine.  Afterwards we went to a local tavern where we know people that hubby works with and had a great time.  My husband told me that many men...

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The Sex Tribe Part 1

“Oh Shit!”, Tom cursed inside him as a twig cracked underneath him. “Fuck I need a place to hide now. I bet the guards heard that. Fuck, Fuck, FUCK!”, Tom continued to curse as he looked for a place to hide in the luscious green rainforest. He knew the guards of the prison were looking for him. He had escaped from the prison yesterday, but he knew that by morning the guards would have noticed his cell was empty. He looked around. Nothing. Nothing to hide behind that kept himself hidden from the...

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The Motorcycle Ride

Arnie Schmidt had put off the chore as long as he could. His sweet wife, Casandra had been gone for over a year now. She had always been so afraid of breast cancer or an automobile accident ending her life but never something as small as a bacterium. It happened so fast, from a perfectly healthy, vibrant lover of 35 years, to a cold body in a morgue in just under two weeks. Her doctor had thought it was just an allergy at first but by the time all the tests were run; it was too late to save...

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AllGirlMassage Natalia Starr Alexis Fawx My First Thai Session

Natalia Starr is excited for her massage today. It will be her first time getting a Thai massage and she couldn’t be happier. Alexis Fawx greets her, telling her she’ll be the one taking care of her today. She tells Natalia to get undressed so they can get started. Natalia turns around and starts taking off her clothes as Alexis watches her. She can’t help but notice how smoking hot Natalia is. When she lies down on the table, she tells Alexis that’s she’s been...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 36 Spring Band Trip

April 5 The Concert Band and the Wind Symphony loaded up the busses and got on the road this morning, headed for a band festival and competition out of state. Since we weren’t assigned specific seats for the trip, Katie and I rode together so we could spend as much time together as possible. Mr. J. was pretty cool about couples sitting together on the bus, but he was also determined not to let any of us get too far. He told us he’d been in bands just like we are and had probably tried most...

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