Harlotsville Ch. 03 free porn video

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Eugenia sidestepped a lumbering, whiskey-breathed patron standing idly in the doorway.

Slinking into the cacophonous pub, the powerful scent of mold and cheap spirits filled her nostrils. It was an odor she was very familiar with, so much so that it vanished from her perception within seconds.

Tables full of boorish, unkempt men ogled her as she passed by. She knew nearly all of them by now, and knew how to navigate them.

One pinched her bottom as she squeezed past his table, to which she simply conjured an emotionless, placating smile. Another man unsuccessfully tried to grab her wrist, then cursed incomprehensibly at her. She held her smile and averted her eyes, making her way to the bar at an accelerated pace.

A row of shabby railroaders barricaded the counter, so she walked around to its side. She tried to wave at her father from a comfortable distance there, but he was busy scrubbing mugs with intense focus. The waving caught the attention of the railroaders, however, whose predatory eyes quickly fell upon her.

Thinking it wise to lighten the mood, she suddenly curtsied, then stomped her foot loudly on the floor. ‘Hello, dear ol’ dad!’ she yelled in an intentionally nasal tone. ‘I do hope you’re keeping these fine gentlemen as sauced as they please!’

Her father did not bother to look up. At first she thought he hadn’t heard her, but then he grumbled, glancing at her wearily for the briefest of seconds.

‘Folks are sayin’ this batch of gin is bathtub raw, Eu. Do a better job next time. I can’t afford importin’ the good stuff for a few more weeks, so we’ll have to make do ’til then.’

‘Oh. Um. Sorry papa,’ Eugenia said. ‘There weren’t any fruits left, so I used some of that molasses—’

‘Next time, go get more fruits,’ her father said, clearing his throat and waving her away dismissively. ‘I don’t need any help behind the bar tonight. Just go make some money back there, and tomorrow morning you’ll go get as many sacks of juniper as you can carry.’

She frowned, and watched him for a moment, noticing that he was beginning to look his age, he had become hunched in recent years, his movements fidgety and imprecise, and his complexion was beginning to take on a particularly leathery look.

She shook her head and left him alone, feeling the railroaders’ eyes follow her body as she headed towards the back of the establishment.

Brushing past a few more familiar faces, she ducked under a hanging velvet cloth behind which a stairway descended. A few steps down, she was in darkness. She felt around, finding the large wooden door leading to the back room, and unhinged it, shoving it open.

She clasped around until she found the hanging lightbulb overhead, and switched it on. There she stood in the same small, dingy enclosure she did most nights.

In the argot of place, this room was referred to as the ‘Easy Hole.’ This term was also something of a synecdoche, for Eugenia herself was also considered the ‘hole’ in question. Her only job then was to be available.

She dropped her knapsack in the corner and stripped off her dark burlap dress. She then hooked her hand behind her shoulder blade and unlatched her bra.

Her large, untanned breasts fell out, hanging pendulously above her bulky stomach. She then kicked off her shoes and pulled down her underwear, freeing her wooly blonde mound and flat, narrow buttocks.

She waited. There was an unwashed mattress that lay in the center of the den, and she sat upon it, staring at the punctured can of cooking grease sitting beside it.

For a moment she thought about the lies she told her friend Betty, and how easy it was to fool her. Her threats were hollow, of course. Eugenia had no incriminating photos or letters. She knew no firebrand journalists. All she had was her singular talent—the ability to weave and maintain intricate lies.

It wasn’t long before she heard the knock. Three times. She knew what that meant, and she groaned.

‘I can’t do that tonight,’ she said. ‘I’m too sore. I can do it regular, though, and give head—’

She heard a grunt from behind the heavy wooden door, and then some profanity-laden mumbling that grew fainter as the anonymous man retreated disappointedly back up the stairs.

A few silent moments passed, the light creaking back and forth above her. She dug her nails into her leg in frustration. She hated her life. She thought of Betty and how easy hers was, and she began to hate her, as well.

A few moments later, she heard footsteps approaching. And then, surprisingly, she heard her father’s voice.

‘Eu, put some clothes on. You have a visitor. Make it quick though,’ she heard him say in a tone incrementally more engaged than usual.

Her curiosity was piqued. She didn’t bother with her underwear, slipping her dress back on and walking barefoot to the door.

The door swung open, and standing there next to her father was Betty. She was wearing an unshowy, loose-fitting coat, a thick gray headscarf that concealed her profile, and a large pair of dark sunglasses.

When she removed the glasses, the terror in her eyes was clear. Her face was nearly as white as paper. Her lips hung slightly parted in a perpetual expression of disbelief.

‘Eugenia,’ Betty said, her voice trembling, ‘I-is this…what I think it is?’

Betty felt a heavy pat on her shoulder. ‘It’s good to see you again, Betty. Tell your folks I said hi,’ Eugenia’s father said wistfully, then lumbered back up the stairs to leave the two of them alone.

Eugenia slowly nodded. Her eyes were pink at the edges and she shivered slightly. Betty had never seen her look so vulnerable before.

‘I’m so sorry…I had no idea.’

‘I don’t need your bleedin’ sympathy, Betty,’ Eugenia grumbled. ‘A job’s a job. Not that you’d know anything about that.’

Betty spotted the pile of underwear on the floor and felt ill. How long had her childhood friend been selling herself?

She quickly thought back to all of the times that Eugenia claimed to be unavailable in the evenings, and how she never seemed to give much of a reason for it. How, shortly after her mother passed away, she began peddling Tijuana bibles to the boys at school, and flirting with nearly anything that moved.

Back then, Betty assumed it was just a phase her friend was going through. Now she realized that she should have rushed the girl to a nunnery. Was it too late?

‘I can get you a better job,’ Betty said, reaching out to touch her scarred arm. ‘Something you can build a career on. Something better than…this,’ she said blindly and without thought.

A second later, reality dawned on her: it would reflect quite poorly on the Arbach estate if she referred someone as wild as Eugenia to a prospective employer of any merit. At least without putting her through extensive hypnosis first.

What respectable business would take a girl so impudent and unskilled? Betty wondered. She was passably literate, but otherwise uneducated and immutably crass. Eugenia saw the reluctance and doubt in Betty’s eyes, and yanked her arm away.

‘Don’t bother with that nanny nonsense. I need money. So I hope you brought a good amount, because otherwise Mr. Edgecombe’s going to be appearing quite soon, and he’ll be delighted to know that I’ve got so much dirt on your pop.’

‘My father is a good man,’ Betty protested, though she sounded unsure of herself.

‘I agree, Betty. But do you think the public will agree, when they find out about his lavish indiscretions? Embezzlements, infidelities, gruesome abortions! Perhaps we needn’t even get into the fact that his daughter’s got her own…deviancies.’

‘I’m…I-I’m not deviant,’ Betty said, staring down at the same gold cross around her neck she’d worn for over half her life.

‘I know a certain root veggie that thinks otherwise,’ Eugenia said, sneering.

could never prove that! And why do you harp on it?’ Betty said, dizzied. She felt a kink in her jaw from clamping her teeth so tightly.

Her will began to crumble. She felt faint again, falling limply towards Eugenia, who caught her in her arms. Eugenia lay the twitching girl across the mattress.

She came to a second later, immediately finding the bedding beneath her repulsively dirty. She could smell the sweat and the funk of sex deeply embedded within it.

Normally this would have caused her to recoil, but she was momentarily too weak to move. She groaned, looking up at Eugenia now with moist eyes.

‘Don’t do this,’ she said breathlessly.

‘Aw, poor girl. Seems you’re pretty bent out of shape, Betty. Maybe you’re ready to cough up some cash now?’

Betty slowly pulled herself back up, staggering to her feet, then brushed her clothes free of the germs she imagined were crawling all over her.

With an exasperated look in her eye, she stood as tall as she could, and waved a finger at Eugenia feebly.

‘No,’ she said. ‘Besides, no one saw it except you. No one!’

‘Remember Betty, I don’t have to prove everything. Once the news goes public, how hard could it be to start up a nasty rumor or three about his daughter?’

‘Why did you do that to me, back then, in my garden?’ Betty asked crossly. She remembered the pain of the intrusion almost as vividly as the day it happened. ‘You violated me. I trusted you, and you violated me! You’re just as guilty as anyone!’

Eugenia ignored her, lost in her thickening narrative. ‘Imagine! Governor Thomas V. Arbach, the most pious of politicians, found bedding with syphilitic trollops every chance he gets. You know, one of those love letters I found even looks like he wasn’t far away from drafting a marriage proposal. Maybe you would’ve had a new stepmother if he could have gotten away with it.’

Betty fell silent, her body numbing over as Eugenia continued to jab her with her elaborate fabrications.

‘You’re still something of a public figure, you know, even if you do stay holed up in that house o’ yours. You know what they’re saying about this new governor we have?’

‘They don’t like him, I think…’ Betty said with a whisper.

‘That’s right. They’re saying Governor Teague’s incumbency is a sham. They think he’s out of touch. Meanwhile, they still look to your father as a symbol of the good old days, they do. Mr. Arbach, a real man of God—what a riot, I know, but that’s what they think. What a shame it would be to shatter their illusions.’

Betty felt defeat sink in, and she nodded her head almost imperceptibly. Eugenia came up very close to her, so close that Betty could smell the girl’s sour tobacco breath as she spoke.

‘It’s a miracle no one in this pub recognized you, Betty. I guess your little getup’s a passable disguise for now, but soon no bonnet or mask on earth will keep you hidden from the masses!’

‘But wait. I just, I just—’

‘And talk about guilty by association? Just the fact that you have history with me, a common tramp, is bad enough. A lot of people know me down here, Betty. They call me Easy Eu. Didn’t know that, did you?’

‘Eugenia, please—’

‘Shh, Betty. Just think what they’d say: a gutter tart like me, having playdates with the governor’s daughter, year after year? Able to recall every detail about your family, your house, your possessions?’

‘Okay! Okay!’ Betty yelled. ‘Don’t talk my ear off. How much money do you need?’

Eugenia’s crooked lips inched up to a smirk. ‘Now that’s the spirit, doll face! Well, let’s see. Most of our current customers’ll be dead of liver failure in a few years. We want to upgrade to something stable. Now that the ban’s lifted, basement corn liquor n’ moonshine aren’t going to cut it anymore. So we need these new import spirits the next generation of customers’ll be demandin’. My pappy’s business will go under if we don’t adapt.’

Betty listened, nodding fully now. Eugenia patted her back.

‘Understand so far, do you love? Good. So for starters, we’re gonna need about $100 a month for the foreseeable future. I know your pockets are deep enough to finance that with nary a dent to your lifestyle. I’m sure you got a lifetime’s worth of premium wares for our business in your bank account.’

‘$100 a month?! That’s preposterous!’ Betty said. She balled her fists. ‘That’s…$12,000 a decade!’

‘Oh, I forgot you were real good at arithmetic. I knew there was a reason why I never paid attention in class, I always had you around. Well anyway, it’ll probably be more, you know, since prices tend to go up, not down. But I think $12,000 total should cover it for now. So if you want to get this over quickly, you’ll just drop that amount in my hands, and then we’ll be even.’

‘Even for what?!’

‘Even for you being a selfish bitch who was too busy studyin’ Shakespeare to help her old friend,’ Eugenia shot back. ‘And if we’re runnin’ low in ten years’ time, maybe I’ll pay you another visit.’

‘Eugenia…is there any other way I can help you? I may be comfortable, but I’m not as rich as you seem to think…it would be easier if I were already married. I mean, taking care of my parents is costly, they both have severe medical conditions. Even in small payments, $12,000 would be difficult to cover up…my parents would become suspicious of my spending habits. They’re ill, not senile.’

Eugenia paused, screwing up her eyes. ‘Well then, dearie. You have only two more options. You can leave, and enjoy being hounded by the press for years to come, or…’

‘Or what?’

‘Or you can take my place.’

Betty choked on her spit and began to cough. Eugenia kept her hand planted on Betty’s lower spine, almost consolingly, until the girl stopped hacking, and then she slipped it under her coat, finding skirt.

She shamelessly groped Betty yet again, her stubby digits covetously pinching the doughy flesh of Betty’s protrusive backside. This time, she kept her hand planted there.

‘W-what? I could never,’ Betty said tremulously.

She could feel the warmth of the girl’s hand radiate to her bottom through the cloth. It sent a tingle up her spine, but she couldn’t bring herself to entertain it, and so she stood stiff as a board. Nonetheless, Eugenia still relished how Betty’s cheeks slightly jiggled with the momentum of her steady quivering.

‘I think you could,’ Eugenia said, squeezing tighter. ‘I’m sure all these men would love to have a go at this fat rump of yours. You’d get used to it, I reckon. I technically broke it in already, after all.’

‘No. I cannot do that,’ Betty said, gripping her tiny crucifix.


‘Don’t you understand?! It’s fast approaching the time when I’m expected to find an appropriate suitor. Men of good breeding and status court only virgins, I’ve heard they’re trained to discern their authenticity, especially on the wedding night…’

‘Oh, bollocks! You really don’t think men are that smart—’

‘Eugenia, I simply cannot risk it. A-and also, it’s just against my principles…’

‘You and your principles. Who says you have to lose your virginity, doll face?’ Eugenia said with a smile, finally removing her hand from Betty’s rear end. ‘There’s nothin’ in the Bible about taking it in the arse. Not for women, at least.’

‘Eugenia!’ Betty gasped. ‘That’s filthy! What kind of girl do you think I am?’

Running her fingers through her ratty, mustard-colored hair, Eugenia give Betty a hard stare, then pointed her finger to the metal can of grease sitting on the floor. ‘Know what that’s for?’

‘No,’ Betty said.

‘My arsehole,’ she said plainly. ‘Though I’m out of commission right now in that regard. Some lout with a real monstrous prick came in here and buggered me bad, took ‘im forever to finish too. Don’t think I’ll be sellin’ it much for a while.’

‘My word! I’m so sorry to hear
that…I-I can pay for you to see a very good doctor—’

‘Save it, Betty. I’ve made my bed, and I’m lyin’ in it.’

Betty wincingly stared at the can again. ‘S-so, wait. You use that to…prepare?’ she stammered, sounding as if she didn’t actually want to hear the answer.

‘Yep, the grease is to slick up your bum. But, the can itself’s got a purpose too. Sit on it long enough, and takin’ it in the rear isn’t so hard. When I’m able, I’ll sit on it for hours, to keep my arsehole open. Makes my job much easier.’

Betty was now thoroughly horrified. That can was far wider than her fingers were even able to wrap around. She couldn’t imagine it fitting into any of her bodily ports, let alone her anus.

She thought to run out the door now. But would running away really help her? She believed everything Eugenia said to her. She really did think her father’s entire estate could face the kind of blemish that lasts generations. The magnitude of this decision couldn’t be any bigger, in her mind.

Eugenia sucked her teeth. ‘So are y’gonna do it, or what?’

She looked up at Eugenia, clutching her cross so tightly that it stung her palm. While she was worried she might twist it, she couldn’t help herself.

The girl looked back at her, blankly, coldly.

Betty nodded her head up, then down.

Eugenia smiled.

‘Good decision, love.’

To be continued…

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The Silver Locke By: Michael AlexanderChapter 1: The Interview        Thousands of red and gold leaves swirled in tiny whirlpools as the silver sedan sped down the smooth and even blacktop towards the building on the far hillside.  Trees crowded close to both sides of the road, culminating in a dark tunnel that was slowly beginning to let in the murk of a darkening sky.        There was a crunching sound as the Lumina slowed and turned on to the private driveway.  A large cast iron gate,...

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Desk Set

I was hard at work figuring out a particularly difficult issue involving the purchase of firewall hardware, trying to determine which would be best at combating the specific types of spam we get, when a knock came at my door. It was my secretary, who for the first time in five years, was late to work. I am a pretty easy going boss, so I smiled and put down the reports from my managers on the firewalls, and sat her down. I offered her some coffee (I know, I know, most CTOs do not get their own...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 474

This is Compliments of Joe S. Here are the five Rules for men to follow for a happy Life that Russel J. Larsen had inscribed on his headstone in Logan, Utah. he died not knowing that he would someday win the "coolest headstone" contest. "Five rules for men to follow for a happy Life" 1. It's important to have a woman who helps at home, cooks from time to time, cleans up, and has a job. 2. It's important to have a woman who can make you laugh. 3. It's important to have a woman who...

2 years ago
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Bahu Bani Randi Pure Pariwar Ki 8211 Part 2

Uss din ki chudai se meri choot bada bhosda ban Chuki thi me apni chudai Bhari life m mazze se reh rahi thi ab ham sab jab chahe jidhar chahe chudai kiya karte thy phir ek din sab bahar Gaye hue thy me Ghar me akli thi tabhi mujhe meri chachi ka phone aaya mene phone uthaya Haa chachi Ksi ho ap Chachi ; masst hu Me : Priya Ksi hai ( mere chacha ki beti 19 saal fig 32 30 34) Chachi ; bas ab badi ho gai hai uski shaddi karwana hai Mene socha q na Priya ko Ghar ki Bahu bana kar Tarun se shaddi...

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Caught in the act6

Fbailey story number 545 Caught In The Act I am a bachelor so needless to say I let my dishes build up before I wash them. Running out of spoons and bowls is usually the sign that it is time. However, in this case I saw Jamie my beautiful neighbor out in her backyard. She was wearing a black cotton summer T-shirt without sleeves and a white pair of shorts that were not quite short enough. It was the first time since the weather started warming up that I had seen her looking...

4 years ago
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“EEEEEEEE!!!!  It is beautiful,”  She squealed with delight when the door swung open.  He stepped back, placed his hand on the small of her back as she clapped and hopped through the doorway.Her hands fell to her side as she looked up, turned slowly and let out a low “ohhh”.  Her eyes were twinkling and her smile lit up the already bright room.  The cabin impressed her and she was literally speechless.She walked over to the large bay window that offered a view of a valley.  Snow topped mountain...

Love Stories
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Second Chance at LoveChapter 23

Jim was very happy to be home after his grueling trip. He walked in the door Saturday afternoon and was almost bowled over by Jenny and Katie. God he was a lucky man he thought as he walked into the living room with his arms around two gorgeous women. Jenny and Katie acted as excited at two teenaged girls at a rock concert. They barely gave Jim time to talk, filling him in on all the happenings while he had been away. They left out their confession of love for each other and that they had...

2 years ago
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Strip Math Part 2

“Mhhmmm, that tasted amazing, now let’s get back to math” Trish said as she started to get up. “Oh no, not now.” I said, as I stood up. I quickly grabbed her by the waist and threw her on her back, and started to make out with her furiously, our tongues were swirling around each other ‘s mouths. I whispered, “I’m gonna make you scream” and with that I scooted myself down between her legs and started to kiss her inner thighs. I slowly pulled her thong off and sat back and admired her...

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Sex Nerpina Aunty

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Nenu 12th class chaduvutunnappudu oka frnd unnadu. Nenu daily vadi intiki velli vastha. Vadiki oka akka undhi but married, and oka anna unnadu job chestunnadu. Veedu chala gap taravatha puttadu. Nenu daily casual ga vadi intiki veltanu. Valla mother nannu baga recieve chesukuntundi. Oka Sunday, alavatuga intloki vellipoya but aunty dress change chesukuntundi, ameku 50 years untay, chala bodhuga white ga untundi. Breast kindaki...

2 years ago
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Chronos Chronicles 3 Journey AroundChapter 7 Thick in the Thicket

"So are we going to camp here?" Catherine asks in her usually snotty tone as we settle into the clearing. "Quiet." I snap and then whisper. "Listen to the woods." She gives me a curious frown but doesn't say anything. We sit and listen. Slowly the sounds of the wood lands penetrate my consciousness. Birds chirping and flitting about. Small creatures rustling about. Then ... They stop. Catherine gives me a surprised look. Next we hear motors. Large land vehicles drive by. Everyones...

3 years ago
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Something Blue

Little kids thought Old Lady Callahan was a witch. Most adults dismissed the notion, of course, but everybody in town agreed that the woman was creepy. Margaret Simms thought so too, but unlike most people she wouldn't let that keep her from being nice to the woman -- Margaret understood what it felt like to be an outcast. Besides, Margaret wasn't at all superstitious and thought it was particularly bad that the old woman caught so much flak over children's nonsense. The woman didn't even look...

Mind Control
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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 7 Guastavino

The kids were hunched over the kitchen table moving black and white stones around a board. Gertie, sipping her Tanqueray, was watching with interest. I said, “What’s this?” Walker, shoehorning pity into a single word — a feat that only a teenager who had a slow mother could master — said, “Go.” I swatted the back of his head, “I know that, dumbbell, why are you playing Go?” Pilar, not looking up, said, “Gertie said that when AlphaGo beat Ke Jie, it was China’s Sputnik moment.” Walker,...

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Scented Panties

It was the March of 2005. A hot summer afternoon. It was especially hot that year. I remember sitting in the shadow of a banyan tree. The ghost tree other students called it as there were rumours that the tree was haunted. It stood out from the rest of the trees in our school and not a lot of students went near it. For me, it was a perfect place. A place of solitude in an innocent time of my life. A place where I could be by myself and do things that I couldn’t do elsewhere. I was young and had...

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The One Night Stand

Outside the city of London in the suburbs, lived a husband and wife; they were planning on going out for the Afternoon for a movie and then dinner, but wanted someone to look after their pet dog, Becky. The dog is am adorable little brown terror and an intelligent dog and she does exactly what she is told by her owners; the time is 15:30 in the afternoon.The woman is middle-aged in her thirties to fourties, she is five foot and six inches tall in height; she also has light blue eyes that are...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 29 Isekai Life Butler Revelation

We filed into the room the carrion crawlers had occupied, gagging at the stench, and saw what they were feasting on- a small pile of bodies, stacked like cordwood, charred and burned but still quite raw on the inside. They just barely identifiable as humanoid, and since we were unable to do anything for them now, we moved on. “Am I beginning to sense a theme here?” Voss said after a tense silence, “The fire pattern on the jar, the guy they burned at the stake, the arson of that...

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Come and Get it Dad

AB-5275 COME AND GET IT, DAD! by Ray Todd FOREWORD The seething passions that lurk within many individuals are often hidden beneath a veneer of normalcy, exposed only under extremely tempting conditions. The woman who, after a few drinks at a party, takes on all comers, male and female alike. The man who, during a strip show at a stag party, climbs up on stage with the girl and performs with her in front of his friends. The couple who, under group pressure, joins the neighborhood...

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Unnatural BehaviourChapter 2

When by chance I had glanced from my bedroom window and caught Selina bitching with Biff in the garden, my heart had sunk. The pair of them were clearly having a ball; much to my disappointment. For some while I’d realised that as my daughter developed, so too had Biff’s sexual interest in her! On occasions I’d observed Selina pretending not to notice when Biff poked his snout up into her pussy! That little bitch enjoyed it! What was a mother to do with a such a wayward girl? What annoyed...

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a first for both of us

this was a few years ago now, back when i was still married. her mom, the k**s's grandmother, was in town. our internet was down and i needed to look something up so we drove to the library, my k**s and i and the grandma. it wasn't going to take me long so she stayed in the car with the k**s while i ran in and did it real quick. while inside i met a young lady. she was sitting at the computer next to the one i hopped on. i must have started the conversation for some reason or another, but as we...

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Lift On Bike To Bedroom

Hi Friends, Rahul here, 5’11″Wheatish color Medium Built Adventure lover or u can call me travel freak n a Bike Rider too. Been to places on my loner Royal Enfield aka Bullet. Its Diwali time. And I’m here with new experience of mine which is my 2nd story here. I was in my hometown. I had to go out to get some basic grocery items. While coming back I got a call. It was from one of my old college mate just to wish me for Diwali n all. While attending the call I simply parked my vehicle on a...

1 year ago
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Jeremy and I

My name is Katie Ann, I am 18 and a Senior in high school, I am 5’7 140 lbs with brown hair and Br eyes. I am not the very popular type at school. I am always in the books studying. I don’t have very many friends and I wasn’t really interested in guys until my boyfriend came into my life. His name is Jeremy, he’s 19 and he is a senior in high school, he’s got pretty blue eyes, 5’9 and about 170 lbs with a nice 6 pack, very strong and nice body. It all started on February 13th when we were...

First Time
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Bo Derek Discovers the BeastChapter 12

Today would be the follow-up to Miles O'Keefe's audition for John and Bo Derek for their next movie project. A project that was as yet to be revealed to him. After finishing lunch, the three of them headed for the stables. Once there they mounted the horses that were prepared for them by some of the hands. Miles followed the famous couple as they headed down the trail which lead to their private lake. He noticed that a couple of their guard dogs were following as well. He wasn't too...

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The CatalystChapter 26 Not Exactly as Planned

Larry and I headed to his office, relieved to see Al in a much better mood. As we pulled out Jack’s foundation plan and started thinking about how we wanted to lay out the atrium, a thought occurred to us. We may have been a bit overzealous in our time estimate. The first thing we realized was, that extending the oddly dimensioned column lines out to the atrium, would mean that all the windows would be different sizes and would look very strange. Larry suggested that we use standard...

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[Disclaimer: This story reads best in LANDSCAPE MODE on a smart phone or any other mobile device.] Meanwhile, back at Jackson Heights, I got to orchestra class just as the bell rang. I didn’t have the ANNIE score with me, but I figured I knew it well enough to wing it. I visualized the score in my head and announced, “We are only doing the musical numbers I have heard regular mistakes in. Go to music #2 and start playing. I will stop you as necessary.” We started the underscoring, and I...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Lust Part 1

Hi, my name’s Cassie. I’m 5’5”, Italian with Black hair, dark brown eyes, and a larger build. Not nasty fat, but a good bit of chub. I weigh more then I look, simply due to the fact that I’m muscular. A nice ass, and 36C boobs. Let me say here that I love my uncle very much, and the story I’m going to tell you isn’t just pure lust. Not a huge romance, but yes some. My Uncle George is about 5’7” with dark brown hair, and gorgeous blue eyes. He has a smaller frame, and just a tiny bit of chub,...

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B-O-O-M-M-M! The lightning flash had illuminated the entire room. Dan tried to count the seconds between the flash of the lightening and when he heard the thunder, then he could guess at how far away the lightening had hit. The problem with his plan was that there was no time lag. It seemed that the lightening had struck right on top of them. "Crap!" He chuckled, "It doesn't take much to wake you up does it?"Keri's eyes bulged out of her head. "What do you mean nothing? That was practically on...

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BurrChapter 70 Happy Birthday

Percy Jones was a little tipsy when he and Dr. Koskowski came home from the awards dinner. His tux jacket was draped over one arm and his tie was missing. He stared at us for a few seconds before heading down the hallway. Dr. Koskowski was thanking us for watching the kids when we heard Percy's voice. "They're still here," he said. "Both of them are still here." "Thank you dear," Dr. Koskowski called to her husband and then, alarmed, "Perce, go to bed before you fall down." We...

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Fucking my girlfriends mother Sanjana

Hi.. i am from bangalore. this is a story a year ago. my friend who is also my neighbuor lives with his mom and his father who is a railway engineer. my friend sachin is fond of movies. and his father is always busy on his work..sachin’s mother name is sanjana.she is almost 37.. i am 18.my mom who used to go to work and comes back only at 6.i used to go to sachin’s house everyday.when sachin had gone out. i used to sit and chat with sanjana for sometime. she was a good friend of my mother.Our...

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The perfect match for me would be a guy who only wanted me 2 take care of his sexual needs. A very sexual guy who needed me a lot. A guy with a big cock with a nice set of balls. So, he would give me all the cum I wanted. He would have to like me to suck him a lot. I would like to wake him up every morning with a slow warm and wet suck. I would suck all the cum out of his balls and keep sucking to keep that cock hard for my hot ass. He would then roll me over on my stomach onto a pillow So, my...

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Letter Between Mom and Son

Dear Mason,I haven't called you in a while and I was thinking it'd be sweet to send you a card in the mail. College is going, alright, it's midterms this week so I've been studying real hard.I'm gonna try to come home soon because i miss the family. I actually miss you a lot mom, I think about you a lot. I thought this would be easier to say in a letter than to tell you in person, or on the phone. I know this is really weird but...Mom, I think you're a beuatiful person. I love your round smooth...

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Jill Steps Out A Cuck is Conceived Part 4

Greg had been wearing his new gold chain for about a month and during that time things had again changed in his relationship with Jill. She had decided that he should become more of a sissy boy. He had evolved to the point where he enjoyed and looked forward to Jill’s sexual experiences with other men. He enjoyed licking and drinking their semen and had become good friends with Colby, always welcoming him into their home.To further Greg’s change in lifestyle Jill had gone to the mall on a...

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Im Spiel

Es war ein trüber, grauer Tag. Ich war allein zuhause und hatte nichts besonderes zu tun. Also ging ich an die Spielkonsole meines Bruders. Das graue Wetter draußen war auf dem besten Weg ein ausgewachsenes Unwetter zu werden. In der Ferne sah man sogar Blitze zucken. Eigentlich nicht der beste Moment um ein elektronisches Gerät anzuwefen. Aber all meine Sachen waren schon in der Studentenbude, die ich übermorgen beziehen würde. Und dieses Mystery-Game interessierte mich. Also startete ich die...

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Gang Force Part 2

Part 2 By: Jimmy T Seay (t+/t oral anal rape gang bang ws) =========================================================================== Author's Note Some of you will remember Steve from 'JailForce'. As that story concluded, Steve found himself grabbed off a dark street. And now for the new story, Steve Meets the Gang. (Another title could have been, The Gang Meats Steve........) =========================================================================== Steve now had...

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Pune Hard Rock Cafe

Hi, I am 23 male living in koregaon park Pune. Agar pune ki koi ladkhi party enjoy karna chati ho yaa fir sex.. then mail me at Aapka jayda time na waste karte huye siddha story per aata hun… Ek bar mein Koregaon park ke hard rock café gaya apne dosto ke sath… waha per humne ache se enjoy kiya… and humaree samne wali table per ek thodhi moti si lakdhi bhathi thi.. wo continuous mujhe dekhe ja rahi thi. Dost sath mein the is liya mein jakar lakdhi se hi hello bhi nahi kar sakhta tha. Per thodhi...

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