- 4 years ago
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Chapter 1 : Homecoming
It was Saturday the 15th Dec 1940 at about 07.30 in the morning when Lt Tony Nash RNVR wearily trudged homewards, he was feeling dirty and tired after traveling nearly all night from Portsmouth Harbour Station to London Waterloo, and then on to Stratford underground station, the nearest station to his home in East London. The underground railway platform was full of people still sleeping on the platform or, just beginning to wake to face a new day of queuing for food or getting ready for work.
He was wearing his Royal Naval greatcoat, against the morning chill, and carrying his attache case and walking slowly with the aid of a stick. Dawn was just breaking, and there were signs of a wintery sun breaking through the clouds. The air was filled with the pungent smell of acrid smoke. He was very tired, his face showing signs of severe strain and he walked with a pronounced limp, as he picked his way with extreme care through the badly bombed streets of East London. His leg hurt quite badly, and it was long overdue for a long rest.
The train had made painfully slow progress during the journey, having twice been diverted into sidings until the raids had finished, and then the railway company had to check the lines were still intact, or perhaps they were then stopped to let troop trains through. He was fortunate that as an Officer he had a reserved First Class seat. However many of the traveling servicemen were having to sleep in the corridors loaded down with their Kit and their Rifles. Even the toilets were full of people trying to snatch a few moments of sleep.
Sleep had been almost impossible, with blackout blinds drawn, and the acrid smell of tobacco smoke polluting the air. The stopping and starting of the train, together with the incessant chatter of people, plus the lack of fresh air with the result that most travelers had given up the idea of sleep, and had decided to play cards or just to talk the night away.
It had been still dark as he left the station and Ambulances and Fire Engines still made their way through the rubble, their bells ringing and klaxons sounding, as the tired crews still went about their errands of mercy, carrying on with their grisly heartbreaking work until it was finished, and they could then go home for a few hours hard earned rest. Tony stopped to watch two ambulance men carry the body of an old lady from a bombed out house. A fragment of her grey hair poking out from under the covering sheet. He stood and saluted as a token of respect as her fragile body was loaded into a waiting ambulance. An elderly man stood, his eyes full of tears, as he watched his deceased wife being carried away, while a younger woman, probably his daughter, tried in vain to console him, her arms round his shoulders. Her own tears trickling down her cheeks.
The front of the house had been blown clean out, and Tony could see the pictures on the wall of the front bedroom, some tattered curtains, and a whole host of personal effects including a cracked chamber pot lying abandoned in the roadway.
He guessed that it would be many hours before all the fires were extinguished, and any hint of normality returned to the City. The roads had to be kept clear and there would be a lot of work for the bomb disposal squads before they too could rest.
In the next street attempts were being made by local people to bring some return to normality and householders were out sweeping the street, and children looking for bits of shrapnel that they could swop with others kids at school. People were setting out to work on bicycles, not really knowing whether their offices or factories would still be standing when they eventually arrived. But they all knew full well that the following night would mean yet another night sleeping in the underground station, or in an air raid shelter.
The George and Dragon public house bar room door was open and he could see that
the Woman’s Voluntary Services were providing the Air raid Wardens and other
rescue services with free cups of Coffee or Tea and sandwiches, as they had a
chance of a few moments break from their onerous task. A Warden just leaving the
bar shouted to him”
Come on in Navy there’s a cuppa just waiting for you. “Tony shouted. “Thanks pal
but I’m nearly home now.“
Many shops were boarded up, but still open for business as the owners
desperately tried to earn a fragile living amongst the bombed out ruins. Tony
gave a little smile as he saw one shopkeeper with a boarded up front had written
“Fuck you Adolf we are still open for Business as Usual.”
Farther on a small queue of housewives, were waiting for a local greengrocer to
open, as they chatted amongst themselves. One woman seeing him shouted “Up the
Navy .”and they all joined in to give him a small cheer as he limped past them
on his way home.
They made Tony feel a little guilty, as he thought to himself, that they were the real heroes, these were the people, the ordinary people who carried on day after day with little food and looking after their families, doing vital war work, and doing all the things that normal human beings did on a daily basis despite the best efforts of the Luftwaffe. Germany he thought could never ever beat these people.
Tony had just left Haslar Royal Naval Hospital at Gosport the previous day. It had been a long painful few months as he recovered in Haslar Hospital from his injuries, sustained on the 4th June when he had made his last return from the Dunkirk beaches. His life had been in the balance for over a month, the doctors and his own indomitable spirit had survived in the end, and he had made a long slow recovery from his horrific injuries. Now he had been given sick leave until the New Year. Now all he wanted was to get home, see his wife Sarah and catch up on some sleep, and when he woke, to go and have a pint of Brown and Mild beer with his father at his local.
Tony had been seconded from the battleship HMS Howe and given command of the thirty year old stern Paddle Steamer which was manned by naval volunteers from local shore bases, and ex navy pensioner volunteers to meet the emergency. The ship had no guns except for the arms brought aboard by the army survivors, many of whom were also killed or injured by the raiding aircraft. The final trip when he had been injured, had been the third time they had visited the Dunkirk beaches. It was to have been the last trip they could make anyway, as the Germans had almost reached the beaches when they had left this last time.
The intermittent fire from soldiers Rifles and Bren Guns had done little to deter the Luftwaffe on their mission of assassination. It had been the unexpected arrival of an RAF Hurricane fighter plane which had driven off the attacking JU88 and probably saved them from further casualties or being sunk. The Fairy Queen had just made it back to port, before she gently settled down alongside the jetty. But Tony had not been conscious, as he too was carried ashore to a waiting ambulance, and then rushed to a local hospital as the doctors battled through the night to save his life. It was only later after he had been transferred to a Naval Hospital that he was told how he had been cheered ashore by the grateful soldiers, whose lives he had helped to save.
It was three weeks later when he really regained full consciousness for the first time, surfacing from the unending waves of pain. Then he had been told that he had been awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for gallantry. He was one of several serviceman, who had received awards from the Surgeon Admiral representing the King. Gradually with the help of the dedicated nursing staff, his own dogged determination, and the skill of the overworked physiotherapists that he had gradually recovered to something nearing full fitness.
The Medical Board had told him that it was highly possible that he would be discharged from the Navy on a medical pension, but only time would tell, and much depended on how well he recovered from his injuries. His parents had visited him in hospital every week, and he had received two very brief fleeting visits from his wife Sarah, who apologised for the shortness of her visits, but she use the excuse that she was working in a munitions factory on war work. However there seemed to be a coolness between his parents and Sarah, which the more he thought about it caused him some concern.
Sarah and he had been an item virtually since their early school days. They had
grown up together gone to school together, and it seemed ordained that they
should eventually marry. Which they did three months before the outbreak of
hostilities. Tony had been a Sub Lieutenant in the peacetime RNVR and had been
called to full time service in September 1939. He had been promoted to
Lieutenant some two months after his call up.
His home in Stratford was one of a typical terraced house with an outside toilet, and open coal fires. They had gas for cooking and some heating, and his father had paid for Electricity to be put in just before the war started.
On arriving home he opened the front door with his key, and let himself in. His
mother was working away in the kitchen and when she heard the kitchen door open.
She thought it was his father, and she said “About time you roused yourself Fred
Nash or you will be late for work again.”
Tony said quietly “Hello Mum.“
His mother gave a little shriek, as she turned and hugged him. His father
entering the kitchen said facetiously.
“There you see Hilda Nash, I’ve caught you at long last in the arms of a bloody
sailor after all these years.” Tony shook hands with his Dad and his mother now
in tears, turned to pour him a cup of tea.
Tony felt exhausted and he slumped in an armchair, his leg throbbed, and he knew that the physical weakness was partially caused by the weeks he had lain in bed. The doctor had told him that if he took care, he would gradually get his muscle tone back. He was told to rest, and take moderate exercise when he felt like it.
He knew full well that he was some way from full fitness and that he had only been allowed home because of the extreme pressure on beds. The hospitals were still dealing with a lot of long term wounded from Dunkirk, and casualties from the Battle of Britain air attacks, and were glad to release beds to cater for the ever increasing numbers of incoming casualties from the war.
By the time his mother had poured his tea he was fast asleep. His father looked
down at his sleeping son and said quietly.
”Just let him sleep mother, the poor bastard has earned it“
“How about Sarah?” his mother asked.
“The lad will be able to deal with it better when he has slept for a while.” His
father said as he picked up his lunch bag and left for his work in the nearby
It was about midday when there was a loud banging on the front door. As his
mother opened it a very pregnant and a hostile Sarah Nash, Tonys’ wife burst
through the door.
“Where is he? I know he is here because he has been seen. I bet you have had a
lovely time slagging me off.”
“He has been asleep since he came.” His mother told her.
As Sarah burst through the kitchen door, she saw her husband lying in the chair
still with his overcoat on, just wakening from his deep sleep by his wife’s
As he saw Sarah he gave a big smile which turned to wonder, and then to a
mixture of amazement and anger as he saw her condition.
“What ……”
“Yes you can talk I bet you have been putting it about, while you have been
away. So OK I had a bit on the side and I slipped up.”
Sarah stopped talking as Tony stood up, for the first time showing signs of
fear, as she saw the anger on his face.
“I have been totally faithful to you all the time I have been away.” Tony said
“ I have been tempted then I thought of you, and I have never once stepped out
of line once.”
“That’ a big lie.” Sarah said with a big sneer on her face.
Tony was incensed as he raised his hand as though to strike her. His mother
“No Tony!”
“So that is why you were wearing that loose coat when you came to visit me, and
would not take it off?”
“Well if you had died, as they said you might, there would have been no problem
for me - would there?”
“What an evil thing to say, you bitch“ His mother said as she now joined in the
“Get out of thus house NOW.” His mother shouted, as she grabbed a rolling pin
from the draining board.
Sarah tuned and almost ran out of the house, in tears herself.
Tony slumped back in the chair. “Why didn’t you tell me mother?” He asked .
“You were ill, and we did not want to cause you any distress when you regained
consciousness, and we thought it was a matter for the two of you to sort out.”
“Who is the father?”
“I am told that he is a worker from the docks. He is still living with his wife
as far as I know.” His mother said.
That Evening
It was that evening that Tony now having found out the name of Sarah’s lover
from his father and decided to call on to ensure that she knew about her
husbands affair with Sarah.
“I don’t particularly want to sort him out, I want to make sure that his wife
knows what a lying cheating bastard she is married to.” Tony told his father.
His father would not let Tony go on his own, but insisted on going with him. The
house was not far, and Tony knocked on the door. A very young looking blonde
haired lady came to the door. Tony noticed that she had a bruise on her cheek
which had been adeptly reduced by some clever make-up, and Tony’s father asked
her hesitantly
“Are you Mrs. Bridges, the husband of Reg Bridges who works on number three
She looked very hesitant as she answered.
“Why is he hurt?”
Tony replied. “No not yet.”
“I gather he is not here?” Tony asked.
“No he is working overtime.”
“Yes he may be, but not at the docks.? Tonys father said caustically.
Tony then said. “ I came home today, and found out that my wife is about eight
months pregnant, and your husband is the father.”
She did not look as shocked as Tony thought she ought to be.
“You had better come in and we can discuss this in private.” She said quietly.
At the same time looking around to see if any of the neighbours were listening.
They sat down and for about five minutes. Tony’s father told her exactly what he
knew, and he said.
“ I know for a fact that he is not working overtime tonight. So we can guess
where he is now can’t we?”
Eventually his wife looked up at them, her eyes were full of tears.
“I am so sorry. It is not the first time this has happened. Can we go and get
the proof, and then we will know what to do?”
Tony said quietly. ”I am sorry Mrs. Bridges I don’t want to cause any trouble
for you, but I do think that you should know what is happening. In a way I am
glad that I found out what my wife is like before we started a family. It has
been a big shock for me to come home and find this out for myself.”
As they walked to Sarah’s home Mrs. Bridges turned to Tony and his father and
“Please call me Tina.”
Tony said “OK but only if you call me Tony “
When they arrived at the house Tony opened the front door with his own personal
key, as it was where he and Sarah had been living with her mother, since they
had first married. Sarah’s mother stood up in alarm. as they walked in the
house. Tony took no notice of her, as he climbed the stairs slowly to the
bedroom slightly handicapped by his injuries, where as they had expected Tina
found her husband in bed with Sarah. Tony ignored Sarah and her lover, as he
opened the wardrobe, and started removing his personal clothes and belongings.
Sarah sat up in alarm, as Tony‘s father and her lovers wife confronted them.
Tina started raving at her husband. Sarah said. “This is the end - we are
finished, and you don’t lay a finger on me. ”You bloody hypocrite I bet you have
been having it away every night with some doxy or another.”
Tony looked at his wife. “I have never slept with another woman in my life, I
have always been faithful to you despite many temptations.”
Sarah looked up at him.” I don’t believe you.”
Tony looked at her.” I loved you, but now this is the end.”
Reg Bridges sat up in bed and opened his mouth. Tony just looked at him.
”One word and I ram my fist down your throat.”
Tina grabbed a hairbrush and started hitting her husband about the head. Being
naked he was at an obvious disadvantage , He raised his hand to strike Tina, but
Tony intervened and hit him right on the point of his jaw. He flopped back in
the bed not moving.
Tina looked at Sarah. She was sobbing as she spoke. “This is not the first time
he has done this, but now he is all yours I will put his clothes in the outside
Loo for him to fetch.”
Sarah and her mother by now were all in tears for different reasons. The whole
incident only took about four minutes. Meanwhile Tony had finished packing his
meagre possessions, and his father took his case while Tony picked up his guitar
where it was leaning in the corner.
Tony caught hold of Tina’s arm and said. “Come on Tina we have finished here.”
Tina was quiet as they walked home, then she turned to Tony and asked quietly. “Could I ask you a favour Tony please? Do you think you could stay with me tonight in case he comes home and he is violent towards me again? “
Tonys father said I have another better idea. “I have got a complete set of
locks at home and we can soon change all your locks for you. I will nip home and
get them.”
Tony agreed anyway to stay with her, but he pointed out. “I am still a bit
handicapped with a wonky knee, but I will certainly stay and keep you
Next Chapter 2
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Index: https://xhamster.com/posts/957456Chapter 14Change of plans, will you marry me?Christopher kissed Jelmer as he held him very close. "What's the matter, mate?", asked Jelmer. "Nothing! That's just it... I love you, Jel!", sighed Chris. "The coming out of Pieter and Jesse made me happy and think of you. Of us, actually. Sure we have our issues. But I really love you. So I decided I would apply for a permit to buy me a home here on the island. Rather than go to the higher trade school on the...
Melissa's Lovely Mommy: Just like Mommy Miss Samantha Love Styles placed the corset around her dainty demure son's waist ensuring it was properly centered. She then began to pull and tighten the lovely rustling ruffled trimmed red silk laces confining him further within it. Johnny could feel the corset tighten as the lace was pulled through the stainless steel eyelets located on the back of his constricting corset. He looked at his reflection with awe as his waist continued to shrink...
I went back to the living room and sat on the backs of my legs in front of Bills prone figure on the sofa. He was sleeping heavily, and as I had done many times, I just watched him in his peaceful state. Apparently his olfactory senses told him he was not alone in the room as he rustled and his eyes opened. "G'mornin' Peaches," he said through a little smile. "Hi," was all I answered. My eyes were asking him "the what" and "the how" of the situation as he smiled broader knowing...
Hi, friends I am Debs, this is my first story in this site. I hope will all appreciate this. Let me first introduce myself. I am 35 years old married person. I have wife and two kids, one son, one daughter son is elder. I am working in a Govt. office as an officer at Guwahati and recently got transferred to Golaghat a place 7 hours far from Guwahati by bus. I am happily lived with my wife and kids but at present my life got complete changed. Now come to the story written in Hindi because some...
“So, I am still wrapping my head around the fact that you’re a motherfucking angel here! I had no fucking idea and I lived next to you for years! I just ... wow! That’s incredible! I know because I saw you take on that murder of crows in your full fucking glory, but damn! I’m a bit shaken by this. Before this, I thought that you were just a very affluent and charismatic barkeep with a fondness for the ladies and maybe the fellows, too. I wanted to have sex with you back then, but I didn’t...
This is a story that developed a few days ago, I met my wife's cousin shruti after six years. We were in different cities all this while and never got a chance to interact. My memory of her was of a naughty school kid who loves to play prank, this time when i met her she was wearing a sleeveless top and skin tight jeans, she is very thin and has features similar to my wife, she was still looking small but has grown to an adult in these years, her 21st birthday has just gone past. as i was...
EroticThe new students assembled at 0900 hrs in room 102 at the Agency’s Training Facility for their welcome to the Agency and in-briefing. They had each been selected for their physical and mental abilities. The instructor who welcomed them was an old hand at the Agency. He had been a field operative for many years and had been moved to the training facility because of his extensive knowledge and superior operating record. Following the welcoming speech, he continued by calling each students name...
Hi everyone, I am 21 years and was virgin upto last Nov 15..OK let’s move on I live in vimam nagar pune.If anyone like my story give comment on Ok so hamara khud ka ghar h viman nagar me total 5 flats h rent par.Jb mai college me tha tb mere frnd ne btaya ki usne aunty k sath sex kiya h and wo experienced b hoti h and piche b nhi pdti and maja toh yaar bahot ata h.Usne muje pucha ki tune sex kiya h kya kbhi maine kaha nhi.So he said you r 21 and still you r virgin?? Zut mat bol kiya hoga...
To ab me sidhe point pe ata hu me bombay me akele rehta hu mere parents ne bataya ki humare rishtedaar bombay me rehne ke liye aye hai aur sirf 2 ladies hi hai ek jise me chachi kehta(kahani ki heroine) uska naam tha meena aur dusri uski saans.Chachi ke husband ki 1 saal pehle death ho gayi thi aur unka 1 betha tha jo ki 3 saal ka tha. Mere parents ne kaha ki use kaam ho to puch lena aur muje unka ghar ka number de diya.Maine fir unhe phone kiya aur jaan pehchan kari aur unhone muje apne ghar...
One day she was walking home from her job at the textile factory and one of the local boys she thought was coming across the street right towards her. She was sure that he wasn't going to talk to her she wasjust someone to make fun of. But He stopped and spoke directly to her. He asked what her name was and she told him, he said his name was Butch Smithson, but she already knew that. After indroductions he asked if she might like to go out on a date with him. She excepted and they planned to...
The Slave's First BDSM Club Experience."I have a surprise for the slave", is what the email from Master had said. The slave couldn't help but wonder what it could be and wondered why Master didn't tell it more. Master had told the slave that it would have to wait. It knew that it wouldn't have to wait too long though to find out because it would be seeing Master soon for an in-person training session which was in just 2 days. They were two of the longest days that slave had been through in...
Shortly before noon, Tom was awakened by the sound of heavy footfalls moving through his apartment. He reached to the night stand for his gun before recalling with a curse that he had left it in the living room. Before he could think of any other course of action, his bedroom door banged open and Mark walked in. "Rise and shine, lover boy," Mark called out boisterously. He didn't seem especially surprised to see Mia occupying the bed. "I used the keys you gave me so I could water your...
Author’s note- This is my first time writing a racy story, so please take that into consideration. any positive feedback or constructive criticism is appreciated. If I get enough feedback, I might do a sequel. ‘Hello there, Vanessa.’ A very sexy, subtly strong male voice said. Vanessa turned around and stared in shock for a moment. ‘ Ash? Is that you?’ He just smiled and nodded. Then he grabbed her hand and gently pulled her toward him and kissed her deeply as his hand crushed her breast. ...
It wasn't a lot of money Parker Fullbright embezzled from the company. It wasn't like he was a crook or something. And after all, his uncle was the CEO. Well, that was the problem actually. You see his uncle was not only CEO, but also gay, and his uncle had wanted Parker's young ass ever since the boy was twelve. He had been fascinated by the kid for years, and if Parker's Uncle Jake had one quality it was persistence. If he had a dream, he stuck to it! Which is was he gave Parker a job in the...
Name changed hai sab, but story nahi. Main Namit jab 20 saal ka tha, baat tab ki hai. Mere ghar mein meri chhoti behan (19 saal ki), papa, aur meri chalaak mummy rehte hai. Hum log Delhi se hai. Sunita (mom) age 43, Vijay (dad) age 56, Surender (tuition teacher) age 27. To ab kahani pe aata hu. Ye baat tab ki hai jab hum dono bhai-behan college jaate the. Papa mummy ke relations shuru se hi bekaar the, papa ki daaru peeke ladne ki aur maarne ki aadat ki wajah se. Mummy dikhne mein saawli hai,...
Chapter 8 Saturday was such an odd experience, Charlie couldn't remember the last time he slept so well, and when he woke he was full of ideas an inspiration. The morning flew by as he worked through designs, occasionally stopping to refine or adjust his work, but it felt like every idea he had was coming out fully finished. This kind of inspiration was amazing, he thought to himself during a short lunch break before jumping right back to his projects. A few hours later his phone chirped. It...
And then when she had gotten pregnant she felt she had to stay with him. She had swore she wouldn't put her kids through what she went through when her parents separated no matter what. Through all these years she had tried to make him a good wife and to be a good mother to her kids but it was only through her sheer determination they had stayed together. What really bothered her was she knew she could have done much better but now she felt trapped by her own determination for her kids...
Bus Trip HomeBy Miss Anonna It was another Easter and that meant going home for Sunday dinner with the family. Mom and Dad were excited that I was coming back to Tennessee to see them once again and I was just happy to get out of New York for the weekend and of course see the ‘rents again and the great family farm. As much as I loved the drive, I was a bit pressed for time so I had figured that if I took the bus I would have a better chance at getting there on time. It seems that every time I...
Madem ki gari men larkana ki taraf rawana ho gae.takreeban 40 minute k safar k baad ham larkana hotel per punhch gae.aur ham dono hi hotel men book kiye hue room men aagey.room men punhchte he madem mariya pehle to apni books aur camera table per rakhen aur fresh hone k liye bathroom men chalee gaen .aur men chair per bath gaya.aur ye soch raha tha k madem mariya se aj jee bhar k piyar karonga madem ki asi chudai karonga k wo bas is raat ko barson tak yaad karegi.aise he sochon men gum tha to...
On our way to church Frank and I are sitting in the last row of the family’s mini van, dad’s playing his classic rock a little louder than normal. I wonder what has gotten into him this morning? And mom grinning from ear to ear I know what has her all happy and shit. Thinking our parents should not be able to hear us back here I start to whisper to Frank just to be sure they can’t. Frank can you believe our mother this morning? How she was able too handle both of us so quickly? I mean,...
There’s a man about our age, in his early 50s, sitting on his own at a table. He’s having a drink and reading a London tourist guide. Looking around for a place to sit in the crowded hotel bar, we approach him and I ask if we can share his table. “Please, be my guest,” he says and I go to order drinks while my wife sits and waits. At the bar, I turn to see them exchanging words but he’s not looking at her; he still has his head in the guide. When I return, I hear him say he’s an art tutor here...
ExhibitionismClea Gaultier was walking through the outskirts of town. She was dressed in a very low top and short shorts. People walking by would stop and stare. She met with Tommy Cabrio at a park. A group of juvenile motorcyclists was nearby looking over. Clea didn’t care. She kissed Tommy, then whipped out his big dick and started to suck it right there in public. You could hear some shouts of amazements from the group but they did not join in. So Clea dragged Tommy to a more secluded place where they...
xmoviesforyouI woke up in the middle of the night amidst all the shouting , I rolled over and looked at the time , I was 3am in the morning , I cursed my neighbors , they were always fighting , I put the pillow over my head and slept . next morning I got up and went for a run as usual , it was a beautiful morning , I stay on the fourth floor of a huge apartment building , its a sort of colony , my flat is the last one in the corner so I have to pass all the other flats , my neighbors front door was open a...
We met in a supermarket. She was in mid 30s and she was super hot. I kept on seeing her and she noticed it which made me nervous. I still kept on seeing her. After billing, she went out and i followed her. She saw me and turned. I was shocked and terrified. She asked what do u want. I said nothing and went ahead of her. I was attracted a lot. I was outside the gate and she came in her car and gave a stare. I turned and after her car passed by i tried seeing her. She noticed it thru rear view...
My wife Julie and I were on a road trip from Az to Tn and I worked it out to stop in Birmingham Al to meet up with Dave, a guy I had been chatting with from Xhamster. Julie had no idea that I had a taste for sex with men , do I was going to have to try to cone up with a reason to get away to neet Dave and have some fun.We got into town early on a Friday . I had told Julie I wanted to take our car to a dealership for some service and that tgey were going to work me in when they could. She...
Jeff looked at Mary's slippers and her maid Felicia's sexy panties. He had just had a memorable orgasm using both of them to heighten his sense of arousal. The memory of their debauched exercises only a few days ago made him lower his nostrils right next to their fragrant aroma. He dozed off with Felicia's pretty panties wrapped around his flaccid cock. The next thing he knew Linda was sitting on top of him with her heavily scented pussy right under his chin. Linda was his mother but he...
What had started out as some fun flirting on the Internet ended up far more than I had bargained for! We have met innocently enough in the chat room, some good-humoured fun, and a little bit of gentle flirting. You don’t come in here for anything serious or mind blowing, or at least that’s what I thought. The chat had become a little bit more intense, still fun and flirty but I soon realised that there was a sensual undertone to the witty one-liners and the quick responses. That chat became a...
MasturbationSo did this title catch your attention. Will you read on?? Ok so I'm not going to tell you I was forced onto hormones, I didn't get huge breast implants or permanent makeup tattooed on my face. I cannot go out in public and pass as a beautiful genetic female. But if you read on I will tell a true story of one of my early experiences with my wife after she caught me secretly crossdressing in her clothes, masturbating hard as a rock ready to cum. (that was my first of many to follow ruined cum)....