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Note : This story is completely fictional!

I work in a busy restaurant, I'm on my feet 8 hours a day, fetching and carrying, and having to put up with complaining customers, ‘the foods not cooked as I asked, it's cold, there’s a hair in the dish etc, etc.

I get home each night and take a long soak in the bath, I put the shower head on and have the warm water running down my head, over my shoulders and onto my breasts, it helps but my feet still ache, dad used to complain, but then a few years back we had a water shortage and he stared saving as much water as he could for his beloved garden, he had a connection made to fit the water pipe from the bathroom, so when any one was taking a bath he could divert the water into a large tank for use in the garden, I of course used lot’s more than any one else, so he didn’t complain when I was in the bath for nearly an hour.

Coming up to Christmas was real busy, not just from larger parties to look after, but we had extended hours, for Christmas parties. To help with the extra work load we had part time staff, my young brother was one of these, he would clear the tables and help set them up for the next lot, so he then knew what I had to put up with, and why I would complain about being on my feet so long.

The three weeks up to Christmas had us working ten hours with two half hour breaks; we were open Christmas day for lunch only from 11 until 2.30. Boxing day, we would be working from 7.30, for breakfast, and we finished at midnight. A taxi was laid on to take us home, arriving there to find our parents had gone to bed, “Great isn’t it”? Steve said. I told him not to worry, I was used to it. I kicked off my shoes and rubbed my aching feet, saying how much they were hurting, “Want a foot massage” Steve asked, “Shore, if you don’t mind, they do pong a bit”, “Get me a peg then” laughing at his quick whit. In the lounge I sat on the settee and he pulled up the foot stole, positioning it in front of me, I lifted my foot, he looked up at me, “Wouldn’t it be better with you tights off”? Pushing myself up a little I reached under my skirt and tugged them down, at my knees he took them the rest of the way off for me.

Lifting my left foot he started rubbing the sole, then sides and along the length of my foot, I felt so good, I settled back as he rubbed each and every part of my foot and lower ankle, my toes didn’t miss out on any of this and I started to feel so much better, lifting my Right foot, this had the same care given to it, when her had finished he sat looking at me, I was so relaxed I didn’t notice for a few minutes, when I realised he had finished I thanked him and asked how he knew how to do this, “Been reading up on it on the internet, but you’re the first one I’ve had to practice on, how was it”? “Bro, you worked wonders, I should get you doing this every night after work” “Any time” looking at the clock, “Christ, you’ve been massaging me for an hour, we better get off to bed” I leaned down and gave him a quick kiss, climbing into bed, I had to say, my feet never felt better.

I lay in late, stirring around mid day, I slipped into my T shirt and sweat pants and stumbled down stairs, “Morning mom, dad” “Morning pumpkin” “Is Steve up yet”? “No but I think I hear him moving about a few minutes ago, why don’t you take him a drink up and tell him lunch is in fifteen minutes” “Ok mom” I poured him a coffee and went up to his room, knocking on his door I called asking if I could come in, “Hang on a sec” he called back, “Ok come in” “Got you a coffee and mom say’s you have fifteen minutes to get your ass I gear” “Ok, be down in a bit” “You know last night the massage you gave me was so relaxing I was sound asleep in no time, maybe I should hire you out at work, you could make a small fortune” he shrugged his shoulders and asked me to leave so he could get up, “What’s the problem, I’ve seen you in your pyjamas before” he looked over to the chair under the window, I followed he gaze, “Oh sorry, did I catch you at the wrong moment”? Mom called “Ten minutes” “OK mom Steve’s just getting up” he looked at me “If you don’t mind” I left him to dress and he was down a few minutes later.

Dad asked if we had had many tips, “Some but we have to put it all in the pot, we’ll have it shared out before the new year” I then said how Steve was reading up about massage and had gave me a great foot massage last night, this opened up the floor and dad had his say, we loved him dearly, but he was so opinionated about some things and he got on to massage parlours and how they were a front for prostitution, we just sat there and let him go on and on and on.

It was family tradition to open our presents after lunch, so when I had helped mom clean up we passed them around. Dad was then in his garden, well green house, he had cacti and he went to make shore they hadn’t caught the frost, we had had some snow and this couldn’t be left on his lawn, this was like a bowling green and not a weed in site, his broom came out he swept the snow off.

Mom Steve and I settled down to watch the TV, Steve and I would make a light snack for tea then it was phone calls to our grand parents and /aunties and Uncle’s, thanking them for our presents, this took a few hours, around nine I asked if any one wanted the bathroom as I was going for a bath, “Hang on pumpkin, I’ll have to de-frost the pipe to take the water away, ten minutes later I could take my bath.

After this I went to bed for the early start in the morning, Steve could go to bed at midnight and be up at six as fresh as a daisy, I needed eight hours.

We had a busy day again and on our way home I asked Steve if he could massage my feet again for me. “Shore Sis, no problem” getting in I kicked off my shoes and threw my coat at the peg under the stairs, I think it missed, but I didn’t care, Steve locked up, I was sat on the settee, foot stole in front of me, waiting, in walked Steve, he sat down and I lifted my foot, “Haven’t you forgot something”? “Oh yeah” removing my tights I settled back down.

His hands worked their magic again, I told him I couldn’t believe he had learned this from only reading about it, he said he would show me, but I told him it didn’t matter.

Up to and threw the new year Steve worked part time and each night he gave me a foot massage, as of late when I got to bed I was feeling a little horny and found my hand slipping down to my pussy and I’d finger myself before dropping off to sleep.

Steve’s contract ended for that year, the second week of January, but he would wait up for me to give me a foot massage, I came to love them so much even on my days off I would ask him for one.

I had a week’s holiday, I had nothing planned, I was just going to chill out, Steve got part time work for the council, mowing the grass around the streets. But he never failed to be there for my foot massage, I don’t know why, but I was feeling more and more hornier each week, I had never fingered myself so much before.

I got home from work one night and Steve wasn’t waiting for me, I was a little disappointed but realised I had been putting on him a lot, I went to my room and got ready for bed, my feet aching like crazy. I then heard the front door open and close, I called from the landing “Steve, is that you”? “Yes sis, didn’t think you would be home just yet” “We managed to get finished earlier” “Do you need your feet massaging tonight”? “Yes please, if your not to tired and don’t mind” “NO, I’m fine” as I went down stairs my heart beat a little faster, I couldn’t explain why, Steve was ready for me, I sat down and lifted my foot, he went to work and we chatted as usual, when I got back to my room I looked at the clock, it was almost two hours later, I hadn’t noticed the time passing by and wondered why he worked on my feet for so long, as I passed the mirror on my ward robe door I glanced at myself for a second, I started to climb into bed and stopped, I went back to the mirror and looked again, No, I didn’t, I couldn’t have, Oh my God, I sat pulled up my chair and put it in front of the mirror and sat down, then I lifted my foot as I had for Steve, I sat there looking into the mirror and there was my camel toe in full view.

I was in a panic, I had just sat in front of my brother flashing my panties, and he didn’t show any sign, worst of all he didn’t tell me, this hurt me more, I got into bed and lay awake wondering how I could look him in the eye again. Fortunately I was in early the next morning, so I was out of the house before Steve was up, all day I was thinking about Steve, what would he say, what would I say.

I finished around 18.00hrs and on my way home I hoped Steve wasn’t about, but then I loved the foot massage, so I was torn between the two. I saw the lounge light on as I walked up the path, entering the lounge Steve was stretched out on the settee watching a film, he looked back and greeted me, he was ok, I asked where our parents were “Gone to see granddad, be back about ten” I relaxed and then I heard myself asking him if he could massage my feet, “Shore” he pulled the stole over and got ready, I sat down, then realised I still had my tights on, I pushed myself up on my shoulders and feet and hooked my fingers into my tights and pulled them down, as I got them to my knees I realised I had my knickers too, for a second I was going to pull them back on but I continued taking them off, as Steve was looking at the TV he hadn’t seen. I tapped his leg saying I was ready, lifting my leg I felt like a little girl being naughty, I couldn’t believe I was sat there like that, he started on my foot then stopped, “You might want to close your legs sis, your showing more than you aught” he was a gent, I dropped my hands into my lap, pushing my skirt down to cover myself, “Sorry” as I was saying this I could have kicked myself, telling my brother I was sorry for flashing him my pussy, what was I thinking of.

Turning in my fingers went straight to my pussy; I had the most fantastic orgasm I had ever given myself. Waking in the morning I found my fingers rubbing my pussy, I was so hot, I knew I had to finish myself off before my shower, I even fingered my pussy while showering.

All day at work my mind was flashing back to last night, I couldn’t explain how I felt sitting in front of my brother and not wearing any knickers, that night I would keep them on.

On my way home in the taxi, I removed my tights and put them in my purse, then my knickers came off, these I tossed out the window, if I didn’t have any with me then I couldn’t put them on. Entering the lounge Steve was stretched out as usual, “Hi sis, how was your day”? “Fine, but I think my night might be better, mom and dad out again”? “Yeah, a new gardening club has started and dad’s dragged mom along” “Come on my feet are killing me” I lifted my foot and dropped it in his lap, as he worked on my foot quite calmly opened my legs, he looked up at me, it looked like e was going to say something, I just smiled and shuffled down a little more, this pushed my skirt a little higher, he went back to work on my foot, all the time he kept looking up at my pussy, I could feel a tingling and needed it scratching.

As he put my foot down and reached for my other one, I asked him if he wanted to finish this up stairs, he followed me up to my room, once inside I took my shirt off, the not so flattering bra I had on was soon on the floor, Steve stood there just looking at my tits, as I unfastened my skirt I asked him if he was staying like that, my skirt fell to my feet, as I lay on my bed, he started undressing, laying beside me he asked if I wanted my other foot massaged, “That can wait, as there’s something else that need massaging first” I pulled him into a kiss, as I held this I held his hand and slipped it down my stomach then between my legs, them I moved to his cock and gently squeeze it.

He broke the kiss off and slipped down the bed, then he started to lick my inner thigh, he did this for a few minutes then worked his way up and spread my legs, then touching my soft pussy lips with the tip of his tongue. I started to writhe on the bed, which I hope told him how much I was enjoying this attention. I couldn't believe this was happening; yet at the same time, I wanted it to.

As he probed my opening with his tongue, I grabbed his head pulling it into me; he sucked in a mouthful of my pussy, making me squeal with excitement then he licked my clit vigorously. He then held my legs up in the air, and opened them wider, allowing better access, which he took total advantage of, by running a finger around and into my moist womanhood.

I started to buck soon after that, and I knew I was about to climax, which only served to excite me even further; he redoubled his efforts, sending me crazy with cries of "I'm coming" echoing throughout the room. He knew when I had stopped coming and kissed his way up my body until he was sucking my nipples. I could feel the head of his cock just in my pussy, I thought, ‘what is he waiting for’ I moved my legs down and wrapped them around him with my heals against his ass, I pulled him hard and fast, he was in me, his cock was filling me, with his mouth still working my nipples he slowly pulled back, he almost dropped out of me, but at the last second he pushing forwards, with slow steady strokes he fucked me, just before he reached bottom he almost stopped, but them the last bit was pushed into me with a short sharp jab.

I felt another orgasm building, it felt like it was coming from my toe’s up my legs and as it hit my cunt I grabbed a fist full of the sheet under me and shook violently, this sent him over the edge and his warm seed was filling the space in my cunt, with my orgasm subsiding he started fucking me again, a little faster now, if I hadn’t been so turned on I think I would have had a giggling fit as the room was filled with soft squelching noise’s, my third orgasm started and I called out “Fuck Steve, Fuck me, fuck me” we came together this time and for three minutes we shook and shuddered, finally he dropped his head on my shoulder, exhausted.

I turned onto my side cuddling up close to him, his cock still resting in my pussy, looking into his eyes I saw love, as I hoped he saw in mine, I kissed him, “Thanks Bro” we lay there looking into each others eyes until sleep came over us both.

He had gone when I woke in the morning, I showered and dressed casual, I wasn’t due in work until the lunch time shift. Entering the kitchen mom was washing up the breakfast dish’s, “Morning mom” Morning Julie, what you having, cereal or something warm”? “Cereal will do thanks mom” I sorted it a sat chatting to mom as I ate, casually I asked where Steve was “Gone down the Allotment, he wanted to get some vegetables for tonight’s tea” the allotment was about the only place he went with dad, I lounged about for a few hours and Steve hadn’t come home, I thought he might have regretted last night and didn’t want to face me.

I needed my clean uniform and sorted it out in the laundry, mom asked me to take Steve’s clean clothes up for her. As I dropped them on his bed I noticed some paper work on the dresser, ‘MASSAGE” jumped out of the paper at me, I picked it up to just have a glance, it was what he had printed off and from this he was giving great foot massage, part way down the page I saw Sexual pleasure threw massage.

I read and started to get mad, it told how by massaging parts of the foot it would enhance and increase sexual desire, I sat on his bed as I continued reading, the more I read the madder I got, the little shit had manipulated me threw the foot massage so he could fuck me, just wait until I get my hands on him.

I had to get ready for work so I put any revenge on the back burner, I had a busy shift and on the way home I started thinking how to get him back, but the more I thought about it, the more turned on I got. Entering the house the lights were off in the lounge, I felt a little sad, as much as I was angry with Steve for what he had done, my feet were aching.

I went up the stairs and saw the light under Steve’s door, he was still up, I knocked “Steve are you up”? I heard him saying to come in, he was mounting stamps in an album, “What about my foot massage”? “You still want one after last night”? he sounded really worried, “Steve, it’s because of last night I still want one” I was now standing behind him my arms around his neck, “Do you want to do it in your room or mine”? “I’m not bothered” I turned around and saw the key in his lock, I walked to the door and turned the key, “We’ll do it her”? “Ok then sit up on the bed” he moved the chair around to face the bed, Hang on I have something to do first, standing right in front of him I started to strip off, with the last piece of clothing hitting the floor I sat on the bed, he went to pick my foot up, I wagged my finger at him, “Not yet” “What”? “Strip” as he undressed I told him I knew what he had been doing and how I was mad at him, but as I thought about it I realised “You made love to me with love, caring and passion, and not just a quick, wham bam, like some of my ex boy friends, so, come on, start with my feet and the rest is all yours”. He was naked in a flash, the attention he gave my feet was as good and long as other times, he moved up my legs and brushed his fingers up my side and to my tit’s, his fingers circled my nipples, his tongue replaced them moments later, I was lost to him, nothing could have stopped us from that moment on.

His love making was like nothing I had experienced before, he only had thoughts for me, I had to be pleased and satisfied before he was.

We rolled together, face to face, our arms and legs entwined, as the night before we just looked into each other’s eyes until sleep came over us.

I woke with a start when his alarm went off; I didn’t bother with one, I was on my side and Steve was spooning me, his arm around me holding me close, turning my head I saw he was awake, “Morning lover” “Morning Julie” turning to face him I asked how he was feeling today, “Happy but confused, happy about the sex, but confused as to why if you knew I manipulated you” I stopped him by kissing him” Shut up and fuck me” twenty minutes later, I un locked his door and went to my room, I showered and dressed, mom and dad were out, a note left on the table told us they had gone out for the day.

I started courting but for six months each night it was my brother Steve’s bed I slept in, or he in mine, I moved into my own flat, I had a few boyfriends over the next two years, but all were judged on my brothers standards, I found one who came pretty close, we even got engaged, but then I found him with my best friend and he was sent on his way.

Three months passed and I made a phone call to Steve, “Hi Bro, are you busy” No, why”? “Just wondering if you could come over and give me a foot massage” “Do you know what time it is”? “Yes ten past midnight” “It’ll take me half an hour to get there you know” “Yes I know, so are you coming over then” I opened the door to him naked. He stayed the night, and is still here six months later.

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sister Seduces Younger brother ndash Part 2

To get the full enjoyment of Part 2 you really should read Part 1 first in the link below: name is Anita (pet name Anny) and I want to continue to tell you how I seduced my brother Raju. My father is deceased since four years. My mother follows her village traditions wearing white cotton loose blouse and skirt (mostly in house she just wears loose blouse her 38 inch breasts always hanging in easy view. About myself, I am 5 feet 4 inches...

3 years ago
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Sister Seduces Younger Brother 8211 Part 2

Hello readers, to get the full enjoyment of Part 2 you really should read Part 1 first as I do not repeat the story in Part 1. My name is Anita (pet name Anny) and I want to continue to tell you how I seduced my brother Raju. My father is deceased since four years. My mother follows her village traditions wearing white cotton loose blouse and skirt (mostly in house she just wears loose blouse her 38 inch breasts always hanging in easy view. About myself, I am 5 feet 4 inches tall, tan colour...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Eleven

Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee series are intended for adult readers only. Reproduction in any form may not be done without permission of the author. Becoming Brandee, Chapter Eleven: Julie and I crawled into bed together spent as Richard retired to his room. However, just before heading up to bed, Benjamin and I shared a private moment at the door before he headed back to his home. He kissed me tenderly and told me that he'd like to see me...

4 years ago
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by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Eight

Becoming Brandee Chapter Eight: Sitting at my vanity I carefully outlined my lips. Then I pulled out a tube of china pink lipstick and coated them. My refection pleased me so much. Finally, I coated my pretty colored lips with two coats of shiny sticky lip gloss. I winked at Richard reflected in my mirror who was watching me get ready for work. I then stood up to face him in my freshly ironed cocktail waitress uniform. Today I would be wearing my pink uniform. I loved wearing...

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sister Seduces Younger brother ndash Part 3

Below is the link for the previous story which as Part 2 : name is Anita (pet name Anny) and I want to continue to tell you how I seduced my brother Raju. Little bit family background, my father is deceased, my mother follows her village traditions wearing white cotton loose blouse and skirt (mostly in house she just wears loose blouse her 38 inch breasts always hanging in easy view. About myself, I am 5feet 4 inches tall, tan colour body...

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Sister realised when heard about her brother8217s sacrifice

Srikar’s parents married in very early age and Srikar and usha born to them early. Srikar was 18 and usha was 15. Both were reading and sleeping in one room. Srikar’s parents sleep in anotherroom. Usha uses to go to bed early. Srikar was studying upto late hours. Sometimes he uses to hear sounds from parents room. In the beginning he was caring those sounds. But gradually he was enthusiatic and slowly started peep into the bed room of parents. Oneday when peep through the bedroom, he was...

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sister seduces brother

As c***dren we lived near "The Colorado Railroad Museum" on West 44th Street just outside Golden, Colorado at the base of North Table Top Mountain. Is quaint building was built to look like an old fashioned train depot. Behind and along the side of the building they had collected a large collection of actual steam era locomotives and freight and passenger cars.The neighborhood k**s hung out there because of the soda machine and candy counter. It was the only business within two miles. The...

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sister seduces brother

As c***dren we lived near "The Colorado Railroad Museum" on West 44th Street just outside Golden, Colorado at the base of North Table Top Mountain. Is quaint building was built to look like an old fashioned train depot. Behind and along the side of the building they had collected a large collection of actual steam era locomotives and freight and passenger cars.The neighborhood k**s hung out there because of the soda machine and candy counter. It was the only business within two miles. The...

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sister seduces brother

As c***dren we lived near "The Colorado Railroad Museum" on West 44th Street just outside Golden, Colorado at the base of North Table Top Mountain. Is quaint building was built to look like an old fashioned train depot. Behind and along the side of the building they had collected a large collection of actual steam era locomotives and freight and passenger cars.The neighborhood k**s hung out there because of the soda machine and candy counter. It was the only business within two miles. The...

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Sister Invites Brother to Nudist Resort

Title: "Married Adult Sister Invites Her Brother to Nudist Resort"Prelude: This story is about a twenty-five year old married woman that invites her twenty-three year old married brother to spend a weekend with her at a nudist resort. Story is told by the brother.The story starts now:My older sister Kathy is on the phone with me right now. She is the "Fun and Leisure" editor for a large newspaper company and is talking about writing an article about a nudist resort that recently opened over in...

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Sister Brother At Hotel 8211 Part II

Dear friends, most people commented and suggested me about the story, I am very thankfull to them, with their support now I am continuing the story. Now I am posting the second part of the story titled “sister and brother in the hotel..She was crying by my sentence she said with crying voice Tamo I may get pregnant because you land your sperms inside my womb you have sowed your seed inside me. What to do. I said don’t worry dear sister.. We will visit a doctor for abortion She said.. No.....

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Becoming Brandee Chapter 10

Disclaimer. This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee strory, are intended for adult readers only Becoming Brandee Chapter Ten: Now this was totally unexpected. I had initially thought that my wife Julie and I were both to be dates for Richard and suddenly I become very aware that only my wife is Richard's date for the evening. And, once I open the front door, I will be meeting my very own date. "You look divine, Brandee," said my wife encouragingly, "Now make...

1 year ago
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Sister Seduces Younger Brother 8211 Part 1

Hello readers, my name is Anita (pet name Anny) and I want to tell you how I seduced my brother Raju two summers ago. Our family, mother, brother and I live in Tamil Nadu outside Chennai city, my father is deceased since four years after serious accident on Chennai highway. My mother is a housewife and takes care all things at home for the family, she is about 45 years old, but looks older than her age and follows her village traditions wearing white cotton loose blouse and skirt (she never...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Thirteen

Disclaimer: Like all chapters in the Brandee series, this one is also intended for adults only. And, like all other chapters, no part of this story may be reproduced without permission of the author. Enjoy. Becoming Brandee Chapter Thirteen: I think I was telling you all about my publicity and promotional tour before getting side-tracked by hygiene issues in the last chapter. Let me fill you in on a few of my adventures with some fascinating audience members who've won the "Win...

1 year ago
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Becoming Brandee Chapter Seven

Becoming Brandee Chapter Seven Today may be one of the most important days of my new bimbo life. I go for my job interview today. I am so nervous. I so want to get this job. Lisa seems to think I am a shoe in. But I am nervous. I so want this job. It means a lot to me and I think it will mean a lot to Richard and I know it will help continue to me more comfortable as a bimbo girl happy in her role.To support me, Lisa came over and we went through my...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter One

Becoming Brandee Chapter one: My wife, Julie, peered into the office where I was sitting at one of computer desks typing an IM to a new friend I had recently met on the internet. "Is this the man you have been telling me about?" "It is him, honey. As I've told you he is very different than most of the others I have chatted with online and I find myself really liking him and the way he thinks." She smiled back, "A girl does need a good man to share some of...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Twelve

Disclaimer: Like all chapters of the Brandee series, this one is inteded for adult readers only. Becoming Brandee, Chapter Twelve I am now in my fourth month of my tour of gentleman's clubs and adult bookstores and I am really enjoying myself. Julie came out a few weekends ago and had such a fun time watching me in my glory. She says she is going to finish up her Doctorial work sooner than expected and that we might get some more time together. I would really enjoy that as I...

2 years ago
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Sisters and the little brother

Sisters, and the little brother By Princess Panty boy Characters: Me/Nick/Nikki: 10-year old son/brother Lori: twin/big sister Andrea: 3-years old little sister Mom 31-years old, single Aunt Linda: 21-years old (not a relative she is just good friends with mom) My life is pretty normal, or as normal as it can be surrounded by females all the time. I have a little sister Andrea who is three-years old,...

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Sister Brother Lover

Chapter One I never thought about it much but I knew my sister was different. Pat was a year younger than me and we were always on good terms. I saw how the sisters of my friends were, teasing, snobbish, and mean. I would hear the guys tell stories about their sisters being a pain and realize how lucky I was. When she became a teenager she turned into a real looker. Not only were her hair and figure gorgeous but she had the sexiest skin. I had to keep reminding myself that she was...

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My brother Brandon and I Part 4 Having sex at school2

I get out of bed, grab my clothes for school and head into the bathroom and quickly take a shower. I step out, towel off and put on my clothes and head downstairs to make myself breakfast. I grab a box of frosted flakes out of the cabinet along with a bowl, and a spoon out of the drawer and the milk out of the fridge. I put it all together and start eating my breakfast. Brandon comes down the stairs and into the kitchen and I hand him a bowl and he starts to fill it with cereal. “I want you...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 7

Well, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...

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My brother Brandon and I

We met in summer school last year, I was an honor roll student trying to take summer classes, so I could graduate early, and he was a stoner who only took summer school because he had to, so he could graduate on time. We had most of the same classes, and he was/is the class clown. He always made me laugh, which drew me to him. We started talking and hanging out, and before I knew it we were having sex in the back of his car on school property next to the football field. He asked me to be his...

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sister Seduces Younger brother ndash Part 1

Hello readers, my name is Anita (pet name Anny) and I want to tell you how I seduced my brother Raju two summers ago. Our family, mother, brother and I live in Tamil Nadu outside Chennai city, my father is deceased since four years after serious accident on Chennai highway. My mother is a housewife and takes care all things at home for the family, she is about 45 years old, but looks older than her age and follows her village traditions wearing white cotton loose blouse and skirt (she never...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Two

Becoming Brandee Chapter Two: Pulling up to his condo I realized that Richard was very well off. He lived in a very exclusive part of the city and his home furnishings matched his stature and good grooming. Looking around I felt like I just had to become his maid as well as girlfriend and make sure this wonderful man had me to look after him as a sweet girl would desire to do for a man who took good care of her. I squealed with delight when he showed me my own room. It couldn't...

2 years ago
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Sister in Law of My Brother

Sister in Law of my BrotherBY: Londebaaz ChohanAfter finishing my 4 years of college; with an A+ grades but in a subject that did not interest me anymore; I was in a dilemma of my life to decide what to do next. Luckily I had a good savings in the bank from all the odd jobs I had been doing and thanks to all the money I got from my college as the financial aid and scholarships due to my very good grades. An old and a good friend, Marcus; told me that he knew a guy Ed who worked at his gas...

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Sister Does Everything For Brother Part1

Hello, guys, it’s Devil.The devil with charming qualities and a good dick to satisfy all the horny ladies.Something about myself, I have a healthy body with height 5.7 and size of dick 7 inches.In this sex story, I will tell you how I fucked my sister.So without any delay let me jump into the sex story. We are a family of 4, mom, dad, me and my loving sis.I am 23 now and I stay in Bengaluru and my sister age is 30.When I was a kid, all my care was taken by my sister as she was elder to me and...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Five

Becoming Brandee Chapter Five: "Oh my God, Oh my God." As we drove back to Richard's condo we both were so excited that the hypnosis actually worked. Richard would ask me about things and words that I once knew of but I found that it was either hard for me to remember them or that I no longer even knew what they meant. For a second I thought that I should be concerned about it but on other levels I felt relieved instead. This change in mental status as well as other retraining...

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Sister is happy that big brother is home

It was a beautiful summer day, and the sun had kept my body warm. Even as I drove my pick up truck, I could feel the suns rays beating down on my arm. I had my windows rolled down to enjoy the nice breeze as well as the warmth of the sun, making it a perfect day. I was dressed in normal somewhat baggy jeans and a white tight t-shirt that had shown off my muscular build. My hair was dirty blonde which almost every woman I had met or seen had loved it right away. My eyes were a bright blue that...

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Sister Brother At Hotel 8211 Part III

I call up my dad, we are reaching Dimapur by tomorrow, my dad asked me to take care of my sister, as I’m taking care of her from last evening now we both get fresh and went out to have dinner and after having dinner we returned to our hotel room and have one more round of our fucking session.. when we enter the room she just started removing her dress from the door, I closed the door and I also become nude by seeing her becoming naked, she was laying naked on the bed and she was biting her...

1 year ago
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Sister and brother take a ride

My name is John and I'd like to tell you a story about how my sister Emily and I became intimately close during our freshman year of college. We had both just turn 18. Growing up we did everything together. We are twins after all. We went to the same schools, played in band together, did some sports together, we have always just been very close. We didn't even think about going to different colleges, we just assumed that we would go the same one together. The year was about to start and we were...

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Handyman Candys Cabana

This is a story about a sexual FANTASY written for consenting adults. If you're not both of those, don't read it. Characters in a FANTASY don't get sick or die unless I want them to. In real life, people who don't use condoms and other safe-sex techniques do get sick and die. You don't live in a FANTASY so be safe. The fictional characters in my stories are trained and experienced in acts of FANTASY - don't try to do what they do - someone could get hurt. If you think you know somebody...

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My brother Brandon and I Part 2

Umm…. Well…. You remember a couple years ago when I caught you masturbating in your room, and then the bathroom? I watch you walk around the house in nothing but shorts and it turns me on. Well, I’ve had a crush on you since then. We’ve had a connection since we were little, and we’re close despite being 2 years apart. I’ve been watching you since then, why do you think I got into anime and video games? I want you to notice me. I want to do stuff to get me close to you. I look up to you. I...

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Nandhini Chechi Breastfed And Got Fucked

Dear sexstory friends, this is Rajesh presently working in Bangalore in an MNC and I would like to share my past experiences with you people. I am a 38 years old horny man with a slightly big cock of 8 inches and satisfied many girls and Aunties from past 20 years. Any unsatisfied girls, Ladies and widows can feel free to chat with me on The incident happened when I was 18 years old and studying PUC in Bangalore, when a new Malayali neighbours occupied the vacant house next to our home. They...

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Sister Moves In With Older Brother When Her Marriage Fails

My current relationship with my sister first when my sister came to stay with me after she left her husband. Jacquee, a beautiful girl; about 5’6 and about 135 pounds with beautiful brown hair and the most aluring senseous brown eyes ever issued to a woman. She had been living with me a couple of months and had got to know each other quite well again. Jacquee had taken over the household chores while I was busy working. On weekends we would plan a night out together or spent weekdays working...

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Sister Satisfied By Big Brother

At first I want to introduce myself – my name is Simran 21 yrs. Old, doing graduation from Mumbai. I have one elder brother who is doing master in computer application. He is two year elder than me. My father is govt. employee and my mother is principal in govt. school. My boob’s size is 34, waist size is 26 and hip size is 32 and I am very fare in color. This is the month of July and college is open. Today Swati joined the college first time after her marriage. I am best friend of her. So she...

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Brothers Incestous Bet Chapter 1 Brother and Sisters Incestuous Desires

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Brother and Sister's Incestuous Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Sean Reenburg I stepped out into my backyard, strings of lights running from the various sculpted plants and statues to illuminate everything. Knots of people were gathered throughout while servers in crisp, white shirts (whether they were men or women) and black slacks moved through the crowd holding trays with various horderves...

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