Demetrius Ch. 13 free porn video

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Chapter 13

♪ I’m gonna wait for the midnight hour…

He and Kitty did it a second time, cuddling together when he heard the sound of her soothing snore. He closed his eyes following her on some vague path into an imaginary enchanted forest. He dreamt he was picking up the flower pedals she dropped behind as she frolicked ahead of him.

‘He loves me, he loves me not,’ he heard her singing when suddenly they were startled awake by a loud knocking.

‘Wait here, I’ll see who it is,’ he told her looking at the clock. It was after midnight. He grabbed his white terrycloth robe from the closet, tying it loosely as he stomped angrily down the hall to the door. After opening it he was surprised in finding Alexis looking perturbed and utterly amazing. The motorcycle jacket hung loosely on one shoulder when a simple shrug allowed it to fall to the floor in a heap. She kicked it, sending it sliding across the floor on its metal buttons. After sniffing the air she said in rapid-fire,

‘She’s still here. Was she good? Did she satisfy you?’

Reeling and not knowing what to say, he thought he sensed something other than sinister curiosity. He was unable to think of anything other than how good she looked and how he felt in seeing her again. She wore a one-piece dark grey transparent body-stocking, not designed to conceal. The sleeves and legs were three-quarter length with a two inch velvet trim, like the one at her neckline. Her nipples were visible beneath the fabric. He noted the low-cut black strapless ballet slippers she wore, making her feet look smaller. Her mane of hair looked like she used a conditioner on it. It was beyond stunning in its natural auburn color, full, thick, curly and wavy. The human-looking contacts she wore to diminish the light looked different than when he saw her last. He wondered if she took more time in her dress to impress him.

Though sexually sated he knew he wanted her. To take her in his arms and tell her she was the only one he wanted. He was reluctant to do so since he knew his emotions were a human thing, doubting she’d understand how he felt. So he decided to play it straight, as best he could.

He watched her pacing back and forth seeming to collect her self, perhaps irritated in what she’d done. He looked her over as she strutted in front of him. It was as though she was trying to show off, asserting her beauty in his eyes. She avoided looking at him knowing she’d soften in seeing his eyes, those magical pale-blue eyes, haunting her in their penetrating beauty.

‘Well, was she,’ she asked when he knew he’d forgotten the question.

‘I didn’t tell her to spend the night with you. I know how you humans can bond easily with those you have sex with. I was concerned one or both of you would allow it to go too far.’

Kitty heard Alexis’s voice. She came out to greet her wearing Demetri’s shirt and rubbing her eyes innocently. Alexis saw what she was wearing, a shirt she picked out for Demetri. It did little to calm her.

‘Come here Kitty,’ she said trying hard not to make it sound like a command.

Kitty walked to her, apparently to hug her but was stopped dead in her tracks when Alexis raised a hand preventing her from getting closer. Alexis reached between Kitty’s legs inserting a finger before tasting it. Demetri was disgusted and embarrassed, about to object when he heard Alexis say,

‘You can leave now Kitty. You performed your task as it was given to you, well done.’

‘Yes miss Alexis,’ she said bowing and stepping backwards before retreating to get her clothes. When she turned around they were treated to the sight of her jiggling, bouncing ass-cheeks within his shirt. Unthinking he smiled approvingly until he felt Alexis’s eyes on him. There was no mistaking the look on her face. It seemed to say, ‘How dare you!’

‘Whoops,’ he thought to himself. And in an attempt at changing the subject he told her he bought her a few things, taking the package from the table, handing it to her.

‘It’s to show you my appreciation for our night together. To let you know I respect you,’ he said feeling as though he’d laid gifts at the altar of a princess, a princess with huge fangs that looked as though they could wreak havoc on him.

He saw her softening, evidenced by her changing demeanor as she looked through the items. Her initial brusqueness all but vanished until Kitty re-entered the room. Kitty fidgeted nervously looking uncertain as to what she should do next, what was expected of her.

Alexis’s air of superiority returned telling Kitty she could leave, which she did but with a tacit shrug. There were a few moments of silence. Alexis seemed to collect her thoughts and feelings. Though she didn’t regret orchestrating their coupling, she began to have second thoughts about it. But far be it she would ever think she felt jealousy. It was too human a sentiment to consider, let alone recognize. Besides, though she didn’t understand love, she didn’t like the idea of him loving someone else. Not now, when there were certain things happening to her. Things she wanted to know about, thinking Demetri was the only one to help her understand.

He watched as her mood began to change, seeing her softening. She held up the sweater seeming to like it. Tilting and cocking her head, looking at him before caressing the sweater to her cheek. When she looked into his eyes she moved to stand in front of him, wanting him to appraise her. Also, she was curious to know if those strange tingling sensations she felt would return again in their closeness.

‘Did Kitty satisfy your needs?’

He didn’t know what to say, opting to say nothing. The ensuing pause was excruciating. He felt he was in a trap, one she sprung on him. It was clear she had no intention of letting him out, not yet. Not until he understood who was in control. She said,

‘You needn’t feel shame for what you did. If you do, I suppose it’s my fault. Sex is good and it’s natural. In fact I’ve been intimate with others since our night together. Do you know what I was thinking when I was with them, having them inside me?’

When he didn’t answer she continued,

‘I thought of you as though I’d been cursed, prevented from thinking about anyone else.’

Speaking of curses, he watched her eyes scanning the walls. She wondered if he replaced the cross in her absence. When she saw it was safe she moved closer to him, almost in contact. They both felt the tingling sensations. When they grew too strong, she moved into his arms pressing her vampire femininity against him when time stood still.

Cocking her head once again in bewilderment she looked at him, trying to comprehend the strange power he possessed, wondering if it was within his eyes. Without her ability to comprehend, she took his hand placing it intimately on her body wanting him to feel her, pet her, adore and worship, only her. But more than anything she wanted reassurance in knowing he still thought she was desirable, even if she had a hard time understanding how he could embrace a vampire. Humans weren’t supposed to be able to do such a thing when it was more common for them to run away in fear.

‘Perhaps it was wrong of me to send her to you. I did it thinking I couldn’t be what you needed. I didn’t want to deny you the pleasure you’re entitled to.’

‘Alexis, I’m not like that. I’d rather be with you feeling your hands on me than to have sex with her,’ he countered. She heard him but didn’t seem to understand saying,

‘But you’re a male and you need to feel yourself inside a female when you ejaculate.’

He laughed at the simple undeniable truth in her words. Surely it was a powerful sexual need in males but sometimes there is more to it than basic needs.

‘Ideally yes but if the one we care about is unable for one reason or another, we don’t necessarily feel we have to find a substitute. We’d rather resolve the issues with the pers
on we care about. I guess it’s a curse in a sense but it’s a part of what we think love is. If you were thinking about me when you were with someone else, that’s a sign you might love me,’ he said but she heard something else, what she wanted to hear.

‘You mean you’re willing to join us so we can have sex the way we should?’

He was unable to understand his attraction to her. In fact it scared the hell out of him to consider what it meant. He only knew their attraction was real. Maybe it was because he was an easy-going-guy and she liked him for being that way. He sensed she was attracted to him and liked how it made him feel, empowering him. For the first time he felt a sense of equality with her. It was missing, until now. He thought it was funny she’d find herself being attracted to him, a mere human.

‘No, I’m not ready yet but I don’t want anyone else. I’d rather get to know you and what vampires are like, before I do anything I might regret.’

‘You mean you’d regret loving me?’

‘No, I’d regret becoming like you only to discover it was a mistake,’ he tried to explain when she said,

‘But you can never have me the way you should until you become a vampire. Do you want to be my puppy or would you like a real relationship with me?’

‘I don’t know, I don’t know. I don’t know what I want or what I think anymore,’ he said as he went into a stoop holding his hand up to conceal his eyes from her. He sat pulling his knees to his chest, resting his head within his arms. Though she didn’t or perhaps couldn’t understand she saw his torment. She sat beside him. He felt her hand on him, petting him. Try as she may to understand humans and their mysterious emotions and intellect she waited for him, to collect his thoughts.

‘I don’t think I can accept you having sex with others. When we love someone we want to own the other person’s sexuality too. I know this sounds selfish to you but its how humans are.’

She glared at him before saying,

‘You’ll understand Demetri, trust me. Your perceptions will be different when you join us. You’ll feel a change within you. It can take months before it’s completed but it will happen. I’ve spoken to others and they said when they were turned and in a state of change, they felt they were traveling through a warp in space when they found enlightenment, set free of human bondage and all the things associated with humanity when they’re capable of flight — for the first time.

‘They said their rebirth was what humans think will take place when they die and go to heaven. They experience a new level of understanding of the universe and conscious thought when good and bad is acknowledged as being truth. We don’t think bad is the devil and good is god since those things define our nature, our essence.’

In making a point she used her right hand. Using the index finger and her thumb, making a circle saying, ‘This is me,’ and with her left hand she did the same thing joining the two circles together. ‘This is you and I entwined in a lock,’ as she tried to pull her hands apart they remained locked.

‘What I did over the weekend is like this,’ she slapped her hands together and then made each appear as a bird as it flew away. ‘The coming together is good and a reason for joy since it’s a social enjoyable communal bond. The Greeks and Romans thought sexual freedom was the highest level of enlightenment and it’s why they engaged in orgies. But your religious leaders said it was disgusting and immoral when once again humanity fell into their trap of ignorance. It seems every time your species wants to make an evolutionary step, the moral right and religion is there to slap you down and shackle you. Not just in matters of sexuality but in science as well.

‘Maybe it’s your human nature or what you’re taught but change comes through enlightenment. I can’t make you understand certain things yet. I only know it’s impossible for me to be human. But it’s possible for you to make a giant leap of faith and transcend your human existence in favor of one like ours.’

He was impressed by her conviction, finding he was beginning to trust her. He stood a bit too optimistically pulling her up off the floor with him. He realized pound for pound their weight was much denser than it was in humans. He took her in his arms holding her without speaking, wondering what he should do, what life was all about. He feared her patience might be wearing thin when she’d give up and have a feast at his neck when he’d no longer have a choice in the matter. Good bad or indifferent he offered,

‘I know you mean well and you’ve been patient with me. I’m grateful and think I’d like having you in my life on a regular basis. Perhaps you’d consider moving in with me. I’m beginning to feel close to you but I still fear the many things I don’t know about vampires. I like being with you and seeing you. I don’t like our drifting apart when I don’t know whether to call you or to wait for you to call me. And I guess I don’t like the feeling of not knowing when I’ll see you again.’

She smiled, not caring if her fangs showed. She’d gained his acceptance and trust.

Little did he know there wasn’t only one line to cross in becoming a vampire but there were many. In proposing she move in with him, he’d crossed another. Perhaps he didn’t know or didn’t care but he was growing nearer to them and their kind. Gladly she’d bide her time feasting on his love as though it was some tasty morsel of flesh, dripping with the sweet taste of human blood.

He’d become the frog agreeing on taking the scorpion across the pond, anticipating the worse. The worse was being turned into a vampire when he thought he’d be damned forever. On the other hand it would lead him to the mother he was anxious to understand and to be reunited with. Maybe he might even find the peace of mind he sought. Didn’t someone once say, ‘If you can’t beat em, join em.’

‘Maybe you can help me in making the right choice,’ he said adding, ‘Will you be able to accept my decision if I choose not to join you?’

‘We’ll see what the future holds. Though I don’t know what love is maybe I do have some of the symptoms, as you say. After talking with your mother I was told Isabella, Constance and I will be ending our maiden period of training in another month. We are expected to attend a small party in our honor at your parent’s mansion in upper New York. This means we’ll no longer be restricted in our diets and we’ll be granted the privilege of drinking the blood of humans, as we see fit in our needs.’

He cringed in hearing this, imagining he felt a sharp pain in his neck. Even so he knew he’d allow her to drink his blood in the name of love, if it was what she wanted and needed. She continued with,

‘If we’re living together, discussing the pros and cons of vampirism, I think your mother will be pleased. She’ll know I’ve made progress in bringing you into the fold. Besides we’ve made an intimate connection. If you’d like I can tell her you’ll be attending our celebration. You can meet Adrian, your sister Katrina and see their estate.’

‘Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves. We’ll see. I think my exposure to them is what I’ve needed. It was the missing piece. I want to see how your kind live on a daily basis so I’d understand better if I’d fit in. Will you spend the night with me? I can pick up your things along with anything you might need on the way home from work tomorrow,’ he offered.

She hugged him agreeing, ‘You realize you won’t have to work when you join us. I doubt they’d like having a vampire working for them but what do I know,’ she said baring her fangs slightly.

‘It’s weird, I never thought about it. What would I do? What would you and I do,’ he asked when she said,

‘We’ll do what all the other rich vampires do. Your mother has a sizable dowry in store for you. Perhaps we could live with them awhile, assisting in some way. I’m not sure but I think your mother and Adrian have imp
ortant plans for you — for us.’

♪ Love to love me baby…

Once in his bedroom she became the seductress, moving her hands up and down her sides. She moved as though dancing to ethereal music — music he felt through her, without the need of hearing. It was amazing to see how sensuous she was, like a magician doing something incomprehensible. He thought her eroticism was beyond human achievement. He was yet to understand how she could telepathically stimulate certain parts of his brain, his libido primarily.

Having his attention she began rotating her shoulders, like a snake slithering out of its old skin, molting. She removed her top until it was but a few inches above her nipples, moving her hand over her stomach and lower still. He heard her making a sound similar to a hiss but it was different, more musical as it began with a high pitch ending with a low eerie resonance — a vampire’s sigh of seduction perhaps.

Locking eyes with him he was powerless to look away, leaving him in a state of erotic yearning. She alone could set him free from the need she made in him. He was consumed with lust for her, as helpless as a puppy in quicksand, watching her pull her outfit down to her waist, exposing her succulent and youthful breasts to him. Imagine the most perfect ones ever seen and they were hers, looking like ready fruit waiting harvesting in their perfect beauty. His desire for her went beyond the sex act until he found himself wanting to impregnate her, which was both exciting and frightening.

Moving her hips in a slow serpentine motion, she cupped her breasts in her hands offering them to him, as what, a reward for his surrender? He watched in fascination as she pinched and then pulled the nipples straight out, where they remained erect and distended. It looked painful but she appeared to relish the sensation. He never knew such nipples existed, thinking they were imaginary. They were more like the ones he saw in an adult comic book once. But here they were now in all their splendid glory, larger and darker than the existence she offered.

She began to masturbate, maintaining eye-contact with him. He could see the pleasure she gave herself, relaxing her shoulders, making her appear inviting, feminine and receptive. She sighed again, this time baring her fangs differently than in the past. He watched as she stuck her split-end tongue out, wiggling it around at him as she smelled the readiness and odor of their arousal filling the room. It occurred to him she looked like a beast possessing a powerful intellect. For some reason he didn’t think of her as being evil, though he knew she’d appear evil to anyone who didn’t know better.

He shuddered knowing her actions were directed at him, wanting him as no one ever wanted him. The feeling she conveyed was hard to comprehend but it was as real as anything possibly could be. Her need filled an empty yearning in him, all consuming. Somehow he thought she could sense his vulnerability when it was child-play for her, accomplishing his surrender. It also occurred to him she was trying to show him how wild and unattached sex was for vampires since her actions were purposely carnal and primitive.

‘Undress me,’ she said undoing his robe, feeling him. When they were naked she squeezed a nipple, bringing forth a substance unlike milk. She told him to suck it. When he did he knew it was similar to her other bodily fluids. It oozed, filling his mouth. The effect was the same as before, arousing him further with its aphrodisiac qualities. He knew she expected him to obey her. All the while he didn’t lose track of the source and what she was. It hardly mattered if what he was doing was deleterious, no matter the result she controlled him now.

He sucked each nipple, feeling it fill his mouth when she insisted he swallow. He wanted communion with her, wanting to show her he accepted her. She held his head firmly to her, making him drink. It was the most intimate thing he ever did and he found himself losing it when she began masturbating both of them furiously. She seemed to sense his state of arousal knowing what was to happen when she sprung into action, dropping to her knees drinking him as though her life depended on doing so. He felt the tip of his cock deep in her throat, expertly milking him with gentle contractions. And then he felt the fine bristles on her tongue as it circled and moved all around in teasing him. All of this was accompanied by those happy sounds she was capable of making — letting him know she welcomed him, sucking all he had and beyond until he was drained and limp.

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Two years ago. -1- Cindy was dripping sweat onto Bea’s back. Her large strap-on was furiously pumping in and out of her friend and lover. Bea arched her back, crying out in Cindy’s bedroom. “Shhh,” Cindy reminded her. “Sorry,” Bea fell to her tummy, heaving and panting after another orgasm coursed through her. “Don’t want Collin to hear.” “Yes,” Bea rolled over, the strap-on sliding out of her. “Not sure what he’d think if he walked in on his mother fucking a...

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Sharon in the training machine

We had posted an open invited to Sharon’s training on the machine, we had just bought for her, and needed extra help. Twenty responders had been selected, and invited round.the machine consisted of a frame of scaffolding poles with a phallic poll to impales Sharon on which could be move to varying degrees so she could be horizontal or vertical while always having the insertion poll inside her cunt. A head restraint kept her in place and always lined up with the insertion pole. I dressed Sharon...

3 years ago
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Arriving Home Late

Slowly you walk towards the house. You don’t see any lights on and let out a sigh of relief. Maybe he went to bed and won’t know that you were out later then you were supposed to be. Gently the door opens and inside you creep, your heels in one hand and your purse in the other. Up the stairs, one by one, nice and slow to avoid any creaking. You pause when you reach the top of the steps to allow your eyes to adjust to the darkness and there you see him. Standing with his arms...

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The Valley Clan Saga Part 1Chapter 7 A New Job and Departure

It seemed like it took forever to fill the ship. Finally, the day came when the Captain announced that we would be leaving orbit at 2200 ship time. I decided to let the children stay up late that night and for the grownups I declared the night an all-orifices-on bed orgy. We had just finished a long week with training and my new temporary job. Yup, I had the ship Civil Service (CS) job. I was the senior sponsor on board and since all the officers on the ship had jobs I was elected. There...

3 years ago
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The Compound Part 1

Introduction: Becca is taken from her home to The Compound, a dessert facility involved in the training of women for wealthy masters. Dan shifted slightly, his foot going to sleep and something sharp poking him in the back, but the small noise made him freeze, his gaze fixed on the light in the downstairs window. A shadow moved in the room and the light flicked off, that was their cue. As a unit, the black clad men moved from their posts and crept in the shadows around the perimeter. There were...

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Sunny With A Chance of Showers

SUNNY WITH A CHANCE OF SHOWERSby ITinFLCHAPTER 1 -- GETTING READYMichael and Megan had been looking forward to their little Earth Day outing ever since Megan happened to notice a few weeks earlier that it fell on a Saturday, when they were both off from work. They both worked in downtown San Diego, he a computer service technician, and she a medical transcriptionist.The more they planned for their special one-day getaway, the more excited they became. While San Diego attracts endless tourists...

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Orgy in the country

My neighbors Bill and Sherri are swingers too. They invited me and my BF for an orgy at their country vacation place. There were 4 couples and 5 extra black men. So 4 women and 9 men altogether to keep us women hot and adequately serviced. My BF told me that he and Bill were going to trade me and Sherri. Bill would be my master the whole time, and if I agreed I would really enjoy it. We have played with Bill and Sherri before, but I had never played a sex slave before and was quite excited to...

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UpHerAsshole Bella Jane Big Booty Anal Appointment

Petite Bella Jane is just about the sweetest down-home girl, but she’s also very naughty. She knows she’s not supposed to put her dirty sneakers on the white couch, but jumps on anyway and then does the splits. It’s impossible to chastise such a cute flexible chick who just wants to have fun, so Oliver Flynn decides to fuck her instead. He worships her tiny feet, then licks her hairy pussy and plays with her buttplug. She swallows his big dick whole. Spit drips from her chin onto her small tits...

3 years ago
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Summer of 55Chapter 20

“I’ve never done any wild sex acts like that before, but I’m going to start doing all the things I’ve never done - until now. Starting with sucking your dick. Let me see it Joe Don. You can see everything I have, but my asshole, and its only fair that I get to see your dick at least.” “If I let you see my cock, I’ll want to see your asshole and your pussy up close.” “You call yours a cock? Joe Don, was Mary Ellen teasing me? Do you have a really big one? GAHHDDDDD, I hope yours is as big as...

2 years ago
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The Accidental Watch 8th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 7

'Hungry is she?' he thought, 'this'll be fun.' There wasn't a line yet, but Ed walked up to the lady with the huge knife and monster fork. She gave him a exasperated look. "You adults are worse than a pack of hungry wolves." She pointed at an assembling bunch of kids. "If the wolves have to wait, you do, too." "It's for Violet," he pointed at the registration tent. Violet made eating motions. "See?" "Ok. For Violet, I'll do it." She shouted at the kids, "Don't get your...

3 years ago
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WalkingChapter 3

Jill had only been gone on her extended vacation for two days and Pat was already missing her. Sure missing the love making they did was a big part of it but she was a nice classy lady who he enjoyed being with. That she was a good lover was a big plus as far as he was concerned. What was a little weird was that he hadn’t been with a woman since his wife passed away which was over six months ago and he didn’t miss making love then as much as he did in just these last two days. There was...

2 years ago
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Pygmalion ProjectWeek 3 Early June

Sunday Shannon had decided Sunday would be her study-free day so she did her workout in the morning. When Greg returned from his run and showered, she was in the gym. He read the paper as he ate his breakfast. When she finished and came into the kitchen, they both were a little withdrawn. She asked if she could have a massage after a quick shower and he said certainly. He had already massaged her three times, and should not have felt uncomfortable, but after last night... He went through the...

3 years ago
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Earning an Allowance

Mr. Logan moved in next door about three years ago and in a short while we got to know him fairly well. He was single but seemed to always have a pretty woman hanging around. My dad used to call them eye candy, mom called them gold diggers. Mr. Logan was a damn good-looking man, about 6’2, 200 pounds, with deep chest, broad shoulders, narrow waist, solid looking butt, and long athletic legs. To use a much-used cliché, his face was chiseled from fine marble. We would see him jogging almost...

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The Freiburg ProjectChapter 14

A day or two later, Helen saw Sandy at the Hypermarché outside of Agde, shopping for groceries. Sandy was dressed, incongruously, in the blue canvas overalls of a French working man; Helen wore a thin white singlet and a flaring mini-skirt. "Like your outfit," Sandy said as they wheeled their carriages out to the parking lot. "You look good yourself, but those overalls are a little strange for a big-time entrepreneur," Helen responded with a matching grin. "Practical," he replied....

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DominionChapter 3 Encroaching Shadow

Dominion kept a low profile for the next several days, wanting to see the results of his fun. He sent his minions out into the town to observe how the people acted, seeing and hearing through them like drones. Invisible to mortal eyes, the unholy beasts were forbidden from interacting with the humans, all of them slaves to Dominion’s will. Word had spread of something unholy in the woods, a demon that violated and killed. During the day, small groups of people would gather behind buildings...

1 year ago
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AwakeningChapter 3

A week or so after this episode I finally concluded that I wouldn't summon up the nerve to phone Mary-Anne and if I wanted to make any progress with her I needed to approach her in some other way. I decided to try writing her a letter and getting Anne to deliver it for me, so, 'striking while the iron was hot' (and before I lost my nerve) I sat down and penned my request. 'Mary-Anne, I'm sorry not to have phoned you but when it came down to it I was frightened that you were...

2 years ago
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Faisal house

There was this total silence surrounding my home. Its never been like this before. My grandfather, who raised me since I was a little kid, just passed away. My name is Iqra, this is my story, and I live with my brother Faisal. We have only each other now. I just turned 19, and I was planning to attend university, but I am sure that not gonna happen now. My brother spent most of his time in Gym rather than school.My parents immigrated here before I born. I don't know much about my parents, I...

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Death Row

Death Row by Waldo This is a multi-chapter story with a transgender theme. While there's very heavy sex, I concentrate more on the story than on the sex. If you're underaged or have any major hang-ups, I suggest that you don't read any further. Chapter 1 - The AhChing The solid clank of the heavy metal door echoed through the long hallway. Although the hallway was brightly lit by overhead lights, there was a cold and unfriendly pallor that could only be understood by...

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Aunt Shannons House Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Shannon sighed. It had been a long day and she was exhausted. She just spent all day with Katie and Jason at the beach. She was so glad her sister decided to send them down to visit for a week. She rarely had company and it was nice to have someone to do things with. She was afraid they wouldn't be happy to do anything with their aunt since they were both eighteen, and she knew how teenagers could be. Katie and Jason were welcome guests in her home. At...

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Easter Birthday

"Hurry up or you'll be late, daddy." Why do I let my daughter get me into these things? I didn't want to play the Easter Bunny, on the Sunday of the big game. I wanted to be sitting on the sofa, feet up, popcorn and munchies at the ready with my favorite beverage, cold, on the table. Instead, I'd be sweltering inside of an old smelly flea-bitten rabbit suit, passed down from volunteer to volunteer never getting cleaned or deodorized in the process. I drove to Hayes Park, parked, and...

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More intimate confessions of a girl daddies love

As a girl I know I had experienced 'Wet Dreams', I orgasmed, and vividly remembered, what my mind was doing when I had my orgasm.Of course the body itself does it and the brain lets you act out your thing, giving you the purest of orgasms, that's why it's difficult to attain that level of pleasure again, no matter what you try.I had an orgasm during rough play in a park, I wont say how old I was at the time, but three boys sat close to where I was lying, but they started horsing around, and...

3 years ago
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The Home Coming

The Home Coming A taxi pulled up to a large, comfortable suburban home and the driver walked around back to unload several large suitcases from his trunk. The figure in back was counting bills out of her wallet, which she fished out of a plain brown purse. He carefully swung his legs out of the cab and straightened his baggy jeans and baggy dark red sweater, and reflexively tucked strands of his long brown hair behind his ears. The driver helped him carry the bags to the front door,...

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The Cruise Singer Part Deux

I walked out of the hotel heading towards the Eiffel tower which I could see off in the distance. I managed to avoid the various gypsy beggars and their children who tried to con me into giving away my euros. My thoughts weren't really on sightseeing at the moment, Amanda and I had planned on walking around together and now that was a bust. Well, you know where my mind was; with Amanda and Monique. I grabbed a bite to eat at one of the many sidewalk cafes on my little tour. I sat, eating and...

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Where It All Began

This is, in some way, the story of my life, plus some fantasy, which I included; pretty obvious which is which if you ask me. This is my story: Where It All Began By MOTA I never thought I would be telling this story, yet here I am, this started when I was about 18, but, looking back on my life, I realize that it started much more earlier. Please let me describe myself as I was then, I was short (about 1m 75cm I don't know how many feet that is) but I wasn't skinny, I...

2 years ago
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A midnight caller

She was sitting in her kitchen nook, looking out the window, into the darkness. On a little corner bench, she put her legs up, wrapping her arms around her knees. It was late; she really should be going to bed, but the thought of that big, empty bed was just too depressing right now. She took a sip of her tea, the warmth of it a little bit soothing somehow. Normally she was more of a coffee drinker, but as it was almost midnight, she had figured tea would be a better choice. A message beeped in...

Straight Sex
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Melanie gets gang banged

My girlfriend Melanie and I went to from rainy Hannover, Germany to Spain last year for holidays. We booked a small house in a town near Barcelona, from where we could start our trips through the country-side. Melanie currently is a student of architecture but also works as a part time model for fashion and lingerie. She is very attractive. Let me describe Melanie to you: She's 28 now, has long blonde hair, 5' 6" tall, 115 lbs, and beautiful, size 36 breasts with a slender well developed build...

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I Had To Please Daddy Somehow

I walked in from school, mad, and slammed my back pack onto the couch. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple from the fridge; I sat down at the table and started to contemplate what I should do. My father then walked into the kitchen. “What’s wrong baby girl?” “Just mad at my teacher, she wants to talk to you about my behavior.” “What did you do this time Alex? You know I’m getting really tired of you acting out.” “Dad it wasn’t even my fault, she is just always on my...

4 years ago
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Life with Melvin

This is part 1 of the story. There will be a part 2 but I don’t know when. If there is anything you’d like to see Jen and Melvin do, PM me. I just might use it. But, remember to keep it in the essence of their personalities and sexual likes. _____________________________ _____________________________ I was happily married for 14 years to a man whom loved me dearly. But, there were things about him that made it hard to live with him. He was 10 years older than me for one thing. So there...

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A Game of FootsieChapter 7

Monday morning. Light snow in the forecast. The sky was grey with ominous clouds hanging so low I felt like hunching. Before walking out to the truck, I stuck my head in the kitchen. Sia was still in pajamas - powder blue flannel with white daisies all over them - her head bent as she studied her iPhone. Facebook probably. “Sia?” She looked up at me, hair thick, wavy, loose and attractively messy. “Yeah?” “See ya,” I said, turning to leave. Her groan made me smile. “Daaaad! That’s so,...

2 years ago
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My Coming Out Plan

The Coming Out This was going to be the best day or the worst day of my 35 years. If this worked, I could look forward to a very contented life, full of excitement and with a great relationship to Jenny, my wife of ten years. If it failed, I would probably be divorced with a huge burden of guilt for the rest of my life. As always, I was slow to make up my mind, but when I decided, I would not change my mind easily. I had been leading up to this decision for some time now. Some months...

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My First Session with My Mistress

                    My First Session With My MistressThis is unfortunately, only a fantasy. If anyone wants to make it a reality, let me knowWe had met on the internet, and we had spoken a number of times, but when Mistress told me She was going to visit NYC and would be available for a live session, I was excited and, I admit, a bit nervous. After all, live IS different from internet and phone. I was torn between physical fear, fear that I would disappoint my Mistress, and fear that the...

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Best Beach Day

On this particular day at the beach it was crowded but there was no shortage of people to observe and comment about. A couple came and sat approximately 30 feet away from us towards the water. They got undressed and the girl got comfortable on her back with one knee up in the air and the other flat on the ground but they were obviously spread and open for anyone to see. Within a few minutes a young fully clothed teenager, a guy in a Speedo, and a nude guy in a beach chair sat between us and...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 4 What is the ANR

At our next meeting Olga was there earlier and when she stood up to greet me, she hugged me tight. I felt her large breasts press into me, and felt a strong stirring in my loins. This fantastic woman knew already that she was the most important person to me and I was totally smitten with her. She was warm, intelligent, and I could tell she loved me. Olga began our conversation by saying, "I think this meeting will be the most important we'll ever have. You can choose me too if you wish to...

3 years ago
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Two Broke Women

To my friend imornery81. . . . your writings have inspired me to be creative and post some more stories myself . . .And to toptramp for encouraging me to write again=================Sandra and Angie have been friends for a few years now. They met through their husband’s mutual friends and seemed to hit it off from the beginning. The two couples got together often and the girls seemed to sense that they were attracted to one another but they didn’t take the next step to see if there was...

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A Time of Purgatory

The characters in this story are English, therefore the story is written to reflect that. There is little graphic sex. A Cell phone is known as a Mobile in the UK I would like to thank ‘The Wanderer’ for his agreement for me to use a plot device from one of his stories. CHAPTER ONE. A TIME OF PURGATORY Purgatory commences It was six-thirty when I got back home. A cup of tea was my first priority then on with the paperwork. Another long day, and I wasn’t finished yet. With the steaming mug...

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After the party

Introduction: Wife cheats on husband with two friends After the party. The party had been over for me for a long time. I was going fishing in the morning so I had excused myself from my remaining guests and gone to bed. And my wife, Mary was an excellent hostess. But sleeping wasnt happening. I could hear the chatter as guests were leaving. Each time laughing and keeping me awake. It was finally quiet and I expected Mary to come to bed but instead heard someone in the bathroom, peeing into the...

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Sabine eine junge Schlerin

Warme Sonnenstrahlen kitzelten an Sabines Füßen, während sie langsam erwachte. Draußen war es immernoch Winter und saukalt, aber drinnen war es muckelig warm. Sie räkelte sich und spähte in Richtung Wecker - kurz nach halb Zehn. Zum Glück war es ein schulfreier Samstag. Schlaff ließ sie sich wieder aufs Bett sinken, zufrieden bei dem Gedanken endlich in ihrer eigenen Bude zu wohnen. Knapp über sechs Wochen war es nun her, daß sie bei ihren Eltern aus- und hier am anderen Ende der Stadt, in...

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