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Samantha plopped down in front of her dressing room table while struggling to pull on her panty hose! "I just gotta lose some weight," she said with a sigh, "I'm gonna die young if I don't!!!" After finally getting them on and adjusted correctly, she stood up and slid her size 44DD bra over her shoulders while harnessing her massive breasts in her custom made brassiere!!! She stared at herself in the mirror for several seconds until the tears finally began streaming down her cheeks onto her chest!!! Never in her whole life had she felt so alone, and she was sure that it was her size that drove men away from her!!! This morning after her shower when she stepped on the scale it read 233 pounds, and a woman standing five feet six inches tall, well let's just say that she was a little on the hefty side!!! She quickly wiped away her tears, pulled on her dress, and headed off to work, hoping against all hope that someday she would meet her prince charming!!!

"How's it goin', Sam," Jim Walker asked as she entered her office, "want for me to fetch ya some coffee!?!" "Uh, no thanks," she replied, I caught some at the train station, but thanks anyway!!!" She settle down at her desk and began going over the day's itinerary but her heart just wasn't in it, as her thoughts kept drifting back to the hurt of having no one to go home to each night!!! She was lost in thought when the intercom on her desk snapped her back to first time she had ever seen him face to face, and just then the thought of her weight came over her and she wondered what his reaction to her size would be!!! Just then he appeared in her office door with his hand out and a big smile on his face!!! "Well, I finally get to meet the lady that sold me all those drill bits," he said while shaking her hand, "how long has it been now, three or four years!?!" "Almost five," Sam replied as she motioned him to take a chair in front of her desk, "and what are you doing in Chicago, Jim!?!" "Well," he replied, "I'm just up here on a little vacation and thought I'd just drop in to say hi, after all, it's almost like we're old friends!!!" Jim Dunlap was just like she'd pictured him, tall, lanky and suntanned with a slightly weathered face and a lopsided grin that was absolutely infectious!!! "So where are you staying," Sam asked!?! "At the Executive House," he replied!!! "And what's Mrs. Dunlap doing today," Sam asked!?! "Oh, I'm afraid there is no Mrs. Dunlap," he replied quickly, "the life of an oil driller keeps me away from home way too much to have time for a wife!!!" The two of them then spent the next half hour talking shop, that is until Jim finally stood up and exclaimed, "Good grief where did the time go, I'm sorry to have taken up so much of you morning, say, I've got an idea, since I don't know too much about Chicago, why don't you join me for dinner and then you can show me around!?!" Samantha was a little taken aback at his suggestion, but after a moments hesitation she agreed to meet Jim Dunlap for dinner!!!

"So," he asked, "how was your steak?!?" "Just perfect," she replied after taking another sip of wine, "how was yours!?!" "Real good," he replied while flashing his crooked grin, "but not nearly so good as the company!!!" Embarrassed at his boldness, Sam could feel the red rising in her cheeks, but with her eyes cast down she answered softly, "I feel the same way too, it's been a wonderful evening!!!" They made small talk for another hour until Jim offered, "Why don't we take one of those horse drawn carriages for a ride, it looks like fun!!!" After dropping a c-note on the table, Jim led Sam by the arm and out onto Michigan Avenue where he hailed a carriage and the two of them pile in the back, snuggling close together to keep warm in the late fall evening air!!! "You know I've lived here all my life and this is my first ride in a horse drawn carriage," she said as they turned down a side street towards Lake Shore Drive!!! He put his arm around her shoulder, and as if it were the most natural thing in the world, kissed her softly on the cheek and then on her full wet lips!!! Immediately she melted into his arms as the kiss grew more passionate, and her mind started reeling as she felt his hand move slowly up her side until it came to rest on one of her full heavy breasts!!! Looking her in the eye he whispered, "Cold!?!" She shook her head no, and tilted her head just right, hoping that he would kiss her again, which of course he did!!! This time, however, their tongues probed back and forth into each others mouth causing each of them to groan softly as the passion slowly grew in both of them!!! He stared into her azure blue eyes, kissed her again an asked softly, "Would you care to come back to my room for a nightcap!?!" She kissed him again, this time with more urgency, and after they came up for air, Jim tapped on the back of the driver's seat and ordered, "Take us back to the Executive House!!!

The ride on the elevator to the twenty first floor seemed to take forever, and for some reason neither of them said a word until they were safely inside of Jim Dunlap's hotel suite!!! "Wow," Sam gushed as she looked out the window at the spectacular view of the Chicago River, "this is really beautiful!!!" Jim came up behind her, and much to her surprise, put his arms around her and whispered into her ear, "But not half as beautiful as you, Sam!!!" She knew they were moving much to fast, and for the first time since leaving the restaurant she stopped him with a question, "Just a minute, Jim, I'll admit that I'm very attracted to you, but I want you to know that I'm not the kind of girl who lets strange men pick her up and use her as a one night stand!!!" Now staring again into her eyes, he gently pulled her to him and whispered softly into her ear, "You're the first woman I've been out with in over a year, and believe me I've had other chances but you're the first one I've felt like spending my time with!!! "Oh my," she said to herself, "why is that men always seem to have the just the right answer for every occasion!?!" Her legs wobbled slightly as he kissed the nape of her neck, and when he began nibbling on her ear she lost all of her resolve as he began gently kneading her massive tit flesh!!! She was melting away and couldn't and didn't want to stop it, but as women usually do, she made one last stab at stopping him when she said, "W-we shouldn't be doing this, we really don't know each other that well!!!" Now sometimes no means no, but Jim could tell right away that this was a "yes" no, so without any qualms he kissed her hard on the mouth and whispered, "We know each other well enough to make love," and with her resistance down to zero, he led her to the bed and slowly began undressing her!!!

He turned her away from him and after unhooking the single catch at the top, he slowly lowered the zipper hold the back of her dress together until it came to rest just below her waistline!!! Panic was beginning to fill her as she realized in the next minute or so she would have to show him over sized body, a prospect which she absolutely dreaded!!! "Don't you think we should turn out all the lights," she asked hopefully, "I-I'm a little embarrassed!?!" "About what," he asked as her dress slid to the floor leaving her in just her bra an panty hose!?! "Well, er," she stammered, "it's just that, you know, that I'm a little over weight and I don't feel very comfortable.........." He kissed her again softly and gently offered, "You might as well get used to it, Sam, because after a I take you back to Dallas with me I'll be seeing you naked everyday!!!" Her head was now spinning out of control as his last words sank into her brain, "take me back to Dallas with him," what ever did he mean my that!!! She didn't even notice when her bra slid off of her shoulders as she was still trying to comprehend his last statement, and it wasn't until she heard the metallic sound of a knife opening that she returned her attention to what he was doing!!! The long blade of his pocket knife glinted in the soft light and she stammered, "W-what are you going to do with that!!!" "Just this," he said softly, as he deftly slid the tip of the blade into the waist band of her panty hose, and after an unbelievably quick snap of his wrist, the remaining shreds of her hose lay in a heap around her ankles, leaving her totally naked before him, still wondering what he meant by "take me back to Dallas"!!!

She shivered in her nakedness while his eyes devoured her voluptuousness, and unbelievably for the first time in her thirty six years of her life she was standing naked in front of a man!!! "You're so beautiful," he breathed softly while taking her huge breasts in his hands and hefting them as if to see if one weighed more than the other, "and your breasts, they're magnificent!!!" With her vagina oozing juice like a leaky faucet, Samantha tried desperately to keep her mind on the rapidly changing events, but hearing a man call her beautiful was the most wonderful thing she had ever experienced!!! But that was quickly to change when Jim leaned over and greedily nursed on one of her over ripe nipples!!! "Oh my god," she gasped at the incredible sensations that were coursing through her body, "t-that feels w-wonderful, oooooo, don't stop, oh please, just keep sucking it!!!" He chuckled a little as he let her breast flop back onto her round tummy and asked, "Is that all you want from me, just to get your nipples sucked!?!" Now totally flustered she replied, "Well, uh, I don't know what I want exactly, but it felt so good and I've never had......." He interrupted her and finished her sentence, "'ve never been with a man before have you, Samantha?!?" Her face reddened instantly as she stared at the floor in embarrassment, but he lifted her chin so she was looking him straight in the eye and he said softly, "I'm glad that I'm the first, because then I'll know that I'll always be the only one!!!" He then kissed her softly on both cheeks and led her over to the large kind size bed where in gently pushed her down on her back with her legs spread wide apart!!!

Her huge breasts slid off her chest, resting on her upper arms while her incredibly dark haired muff began to puff open in a state of complete arousal!!! While never taking his eyes off of her vagina, he slowly began undressing, giving her time to let everything sink in before taking her!!! All those years of waiting and hoping were now coming to fruition, it wasn't as if she had been saving herself for this moment, but now she was glad that she was old enough to appreciate every second of the experience!!! When he was finally down to his boxers, she held her breath in anticipation, almost like a child waiting to open the first present on Christmas morning!!! Her breathing was now coming in short shallow bursts, and just to tease her a bit, he took his time to let the tension in her body grow even more intense!!! "Have you ever seen one of these before," he asked softly, while watching her body quiver with desire!?!" "No," she gasped, "I've never seen one, now please, hurry up and show it to me!!!" "Hmmmm, I'm not sure that you're ready for it, yet," he said half teasingly, "here, let me check to see," and just as casually as you please he reached down and plunged his finger into her burning pussy, causing her to groan and thrust her pelvis into his hand!!! "My, my," he said softly, "I do believe I was mistaken, you are ready aren't you!?!" "Please, Jim," she moaned weakly, "I'm on fire, please help me!!!"

She was going out of her mind with lust, but just to lengthen her agony a little longer he asked, "So, tell me, of all the equipment I buy from your company, what do you think I spend the most money on!?!" "W-what are you talking about," she babbled incoherently, "w-what ever difference does it make!?!" "Well," he said smoothly, "I was just wondering, that's all, we've been doing business together for a lot of years, I just thought you might remember what you sold me!!!" She couldn't for the life of her figure out what he was driving at, but she tried vainly to clear her head and give him a cogent answer to his question!!! "Uh, let me see," she stammered, "I-I would say that you purchased more drill bit heads from us than anything else, is that right!?!" He cocked his head to one side, flashed his lopsided grin and replied, "That is exactly right, over the years you have given me hundreds of drill bits, and now it's my turn to return the favor!!!" With her eyes almost leaping out their sockets, Samantha groaned while Jim lowered his shorts revealing a full "My god," she moaned as her hand automatically went to her pussy, "it's so fucking huge!!!" "Everything's bigger in Texas, darlin'" he said in a soft southern drawl, "a big girl, they go hand in hand!!!" When she was alone in her room fantasizing how it would feel, she had always pictured herself being taken and ridden by a stud with a big cock, and incredibly, Jim was even better and bigger than her dreams!!!

She whimpered softly as he mounted her, begging him to be gentle, but knowing that as a man he would probably take her hard and fast!!! Slowly she felt the tip on his organ pressing insistently at her opening, gently at first, then more urgently as the heat began rising in his groin!!! "Y-you're going to fuck me, aren't you," she panted, "you just don't know how long I've waited for this moment!!!" He nuzzled her neck a little, and with one extra little push the head slid easily into her and he whispered into her ear, "From the moment I saw you I knew you were the one for me, and now, with the greatest of love, I give you my flesh!!!" There was a flash of pain, followed by the most incredible feeling of fullness she could have ever imagined, here she was with her legs splayed wide open for the first time in her life, and a man who truly loved her was taking her for his very own!!! Slowly at first, then faster and faster his stroking became as the orgasms engulfed her like a warm blanket on cold night!!! "I don't believe it," she moaned, "i-it feels so wonderful, just being filled to the brim with your penis, I'm cumming over and over again, just like a water fall!!!" For Jim too it was wonderful, because for the first time in his life he had what he had always desired, a woman that by her mere presence drove him insane with desire, with her huge breasts, the round soft belly, her fat bottom, and of course her beautiful full face all combined to turn him on more than any perfect size eight ever could!!!

This was her first time, but instinctively she could sense the increased tension in his penis as he ever so slightly increased the pace of his fucking!!! "You're going to cum, aren't you," she gasped, "I can tell, you just got super hard!?!" While his eyes rolled back into his head and a state of total abandon took over him he panted through clenched teeth, "I'm cumming so hard, and I'm filling up the girl of my dreams with all of my sperm!!!" "Oh, god," she moaned, "y-you're filling me with your sperm, j-just think of it, your penis is inside of me filling me with your cum, oh god, I'm having a hot vagina, driving both of them to heights neither of them had ever reached before!!!

The afterglow of sex with someone you love is to be savored like a fine wine, and Jim and Sam lay together wrapped in each other's arms, luxuriating in the thought of their new found love!!! "Jim," Sam asked while tracing tiny hearts on his hairy chest, "what did you mean when you said you wanted me to come with you to Dallas!?!" He looked long and hard into her soft blue eyes and said softly, "Well, I couldn't very well have my wife living in Chicago with me living in Dallas could I!?!" With tears of joy slowly running down her cheeks she replied, "No, you couldn't, I just know that I'm going to love Dallas!!!"

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The attendant was someone new. This young man looked a bit frustrated as we entered the room. “Who are you?” “Citizen Mark Parker,” I replied crisply. “The AI told me that I was to show up with two concubines.” The man looked at me and the three women with me. “You seem to have three,” he said. “Lenore already visited a pod,” I replied. “But when the call came I was not in my home pod, so she escorted Aine here.” The attendant looked surprised. “You weren’t in your pod? Why not?” “I want...

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Custom futanari

It was a rainy day, nothing like a storm but a light drizzle. You decided to stay inside to watch some videos, at some point you got bored and opened your browser for some futanari porn. Once the research done you see that you visited all the websites showed on the page except for one new called Custom futanari. After the new page opens you see questions about measurments and physical traits, you read the first question

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No Rules Part 6

Ashley was wearing a man's shirt. Her feet and legs were bare, and what she was wearing under the shirt, if anything, was a matter for conjecture. “Can I join in?” she asked as she entered the den. Her stepbrother Brad, and his friend Jarrad were in a serious sounding discussion. “You wouldn't be interested,” Brad responded. “Just a minute, bro!” Jarrad snapped, "who says she's not interested?” Brad was bent over the coffee table writing something. He looked up at his stepsister. Immediately he...

Straight Sex
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NFBusty Mona Azar Hot For Student

Kyle Mason is being tutored by busty babe Mona Azar. He can’t help but check Mona’s big boobs out, which just gets Mona nice and hot for him. She goes on the offensive flirting, taking off her jacket so Kyle can see more of her body and then going over to allegedly help him while shoving her considerable cleavage into his face. After accidentally on purpose dropping a book so Kyle can get a look up her skirt, Mona tells him that she’s going to get changed for later. She changes into sheer...

3 years ago
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The New Neighbors

A friend recently moved into a really nice high rise apartment complex in New York. Rent is way too high, however her friends keep telling her, she needs to start enjoying life a little. She has been single for a quite a few years and is now on her 8th vibrator. Hopefully someday they will make a vibrator that can outlast her sexual needs. She told me she needs to find a man soon though before she loses her mind with this constant sexual desire she has 24/7. She told me it is getting to the...

2 years ago
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Dillon RunChapter 5 Dating repentance revelation a submissive

The not so subtle pressure on Rob and Brad worked. They called on Tuesday evening, only it was a week after the cookout, to see if they could arrange a date with us on Friday night after work. We’d do dinner, go to a lounge they knew that had a nice jazz trio playing, and then they’d bring us home. We eagerly agreed. Paul and Mike had been sitting on my sofa getting blowjobs from Sheila and me when the pair had called. I didn’t need to explain the date as they heard my side of the...

4 years ago
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Last Frontier IIGuide

Guide to the Acronyms from Aviation, the Alaska State Police etc. used in my stories ASP Alaska State Police CIB Criminal Investigations Bureau (think TV show CSI) VPSO Village Public Safety Officer (an on-site law enforcement officer in a remote village, somewhat like a Constable, and in some cases might be, but more like a deputy State Trooper) AFCIS Air Force Criminal Investigative Service (think TV show Navy NCIS) MP Military Police same as SP AFB Air Force Base CAS Close Air...

2 years ago
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Enduring LustChapter 13

The next day was a bright, sunny, warm October Monday... the perfect day for a family outing to Fort Myers Beach. Mike sat on a beach chair with his long legs stretched out in front of him, helping his twin sons build a sand castle. He looked out to the water's edge where the gently frothing surf caressed the beach and saw his pretty wife and the sexy, blonde nanny helping his daughter, Carly with a boogie board. She was having trouble staying on it, even though the Gulf waves were mild, and...

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Hartford 3

Copyright© 2005 Gretchen Terry and Paul went to the local mall the next day to do some shopping. They each went their separate ways, and then met up again to go home. They arrived back home only a short time before they were to meet Trevor and Barbara at the pool. The suit Terry chose to wear might as well not have been there at all. It was a pale yellow thong bikini that snaked its way around her waist, over her neatly trimmed bush, and then fit snugly up between her cheeks. The bra was...

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Change Of Life1

By: DinoMagick ([email protected]) Introduction: This story is based on a short anthropomorphic comic book by Sin Factory, Radio Comix, called “Ice Queens”. I won’t describe the comic, but if you are into ‘Furry’ style erotica, it’s a decent single issue comic. I had hoped that the Author(s), who are called “The Gang of 5”, would have written a few more like this or added a prequel and some sequels to this series, but alas this was the only published issue from 2005/2006. So,...

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Tomb Raider Laras fall into depravation

Prologue Lara woke up, staring in to the face of an old man. She was lying on a bed in a small room of what appeared to be a hut. The man was smiling at her, apparently pleased she had woken up. «Three wikks» he said in a heavy accented English. Holding three fingers up. «We fand you in jungre.» Lara tried to speak, but her mouth was too dry. Her body felt heavy as well, and she found it hard to move. The old man saw her struggling to move and put a hand over her arm «One wikk more», he said...

3 years ago
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Christmas Cheer

"I don't know if I can take it, Honey," Santa said. "Delivering presents is just not as rewarding as it used to be." A light bulb dinged across Mrs. Claus' head. "Why don't you deliver presents for the adults as well," she said. "I do give presents to the adults," Santa sighed. "I give to the young, I give to the old. I give to the rich, I give to the poor. Every year in the midst of the night, I travel the world, and I've seen it all, both new and old." "That's not what I meant," the old wife...

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The Swinging Door Ch 02

Editor: WhiteWave48 Famous Lovers on Display Together in the car, they made a very interesting trio – Jenny as Sheherazade, Marti and Rick. At first Jenny thought that her friends were dressed as Tarzan and Jane, but it turned out that Rick was Conan the Barbarian – think: John Candy rather than Arnold – and Marti was… well… Conette the Cave Girl? She did look hot, whoever she was, in that leopard skin outfit. The girls had a few more drinks in the car as they drove on, and everybody was in a...

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Sachhe Pyaar Ki Palangtod Chudai

Lund walo aur chut waliyo ko mera Salam. Mera naam armaan hai mai Engineering ka student hu nagpur se. Meri ht 6 feet hai.. Fair hu. Body slim hai. Gud luking hu aisa mere frendz bolte hai. Meri age 20 yrs hai. Ye meri real story hai, first time likh raha hu, isliye Agar likhne me koi galti ho jaye to mujhe muaf kar dena.. Aap apna feedback mujhe par de sakte hai. Ab zyada bore na karte hue story pe aata hu. Ye kahani meri aur meri gf riya ki hai jab mai poly me tha. Riya ek bahot hi sexy...

1 year ago
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Beach Encounter

My car moves slowly down the winding road, the overhanging ficus trees looming overhead. This is the Beach road, the one I have used for years, the one I have bicycled, run, and driven down many, many times over the last decade. It looks different at night; the intermittent streetlights cast a yellow pall that is mostly blocked by the thickly leaved branches of the trees. My headlights illuminate the pavement ahead, and I see the sign…. “public beach Access”. My heart leaps with anticipation...

3 years ago
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Vigilante Alice ClarkChapter 2

Alice was looking for a real challenge to her skills, but she hadn't found anything, yet. So far, she had solved a murder and a bank robbery, but neither one was much of a challenge. She wondered if that was going to be the way of it; some investigations could be tedious, but someone with her powers really had no trouble tracking down the culprit. She would just keep plugging away and a real challenge might eventually turn up. She was sitting at her desk in the agency office working on...

2 years ago
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Submissive Spirits

SUBMISSIVE SPIRITS   By LEWISCHAPPELLE Note: While this story briefly introduces Babs and David it more completely describes the relationship of their similarly unconventional friends Ann and Chip who move to increasingly greater levels of domination and submission. The story is quite lengthy but only represents a portion of a more fully developed, five work,project. While not a quick read, I trust you can take your time and enjoy this particular work and look forward to the remaining...

4 years ago
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Another ChanceChapter 68

On the 18th of November, a ship, a very small ship, 92 tons, named the Rock Queen, disappeared from the lower reaches of our theater of operations, Southern Lake Huron. Beginning with the temporary letup on the 22nd, anything that could fly was sent on reconnaissance ... and that included us ... worse luck. We spent two days doing what we had been doing ... flying crop-dusting patterns without the dust. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, flying under an overcast and lowering...

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Game WorldChapter 90

We didn't get out of there without having to deal with somebody coming to see what had happened at the castle. A patrol arrived up the road leading from the village about mid afternoon. The patrol consisted of a motorcycle and side car and an open topped jeep-like vehicle that had four men in it. Their arrival was watched from the guard towers on the curtain wall and the presence of the patrol was passed onto Nimue well before they reached the dry moat. Nimue dealt with them without...

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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 67

The morning walks had become drudgery. I continued with them only to keep my body working at 75% percent or more. I couldn’t avoid all the pain, but I refused to take the drugs derived from opium. The alternative was a very aggressive surgical solution, which did not come with guarantees. It wasn’t likely to take away the pain. The doctor’s would say only that without the surgery it would only continue to get worse. The surgery was likely to take me back to the day after the original hip...

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shagging mom

[A naïve son tries to help his father get a reluctant mom to expand their tiny family. He makes several mistakes; thank heaven for mistakes.]*Never in the history of the world was there a better little boy than me. Well behaved, devout, celibate before marriage, it was truly an admirable litany. That all changed after I turned 18, but it wasn't my fault...really.My name is Pete and I was the only c***d of David and Sara. My mother Sarah was religious and did enough home schooling where I was...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 33 INTERLUDE STAHL

Stahl stood behind Harris and the rest of the Officers watching the progress of the intruder simulation on Deck 54. Harris leaned sideways and whispered. “We need to find tougher challenges for that group. They waltzed through it like it was kids play.” One of the observing officers heard it and said. “We need to improve our Training bots too. That girl hacked into a level nine crypt program without the aid of a dedicated PDD and in less time it takes me to program my damn auto...

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My fiancee is not on the shot

Back in 2007, I was 23 and I met my fiancée, Laura, who was 22. She is German, 5ft.1 with dirty blonde hair, green eyes, B32 cup breasts, and Caucasian skin. I am Sicilian/Hebrew, 6ft.2, tanned skin, black hair, and brown eyes. In our relationship, I developed several fetishes to keep our sex life going, and one of them was cumming in her when she wasn’t on the shot. ~ Encounter I: A few days off the shot ~ This fetish started when we were living...

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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter VI Prissys Playtime

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a (mostly) softer touch than many others. There is sugar and spice and everything sissy-nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy milk-sop behavior and a little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated X, as there is...

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Hungry Aunty In Bus From Pune To Hyderabad

I am From Hyderabad presently working in Pune. This is the story which happened 3 months back I am an Engineer 26years old 5″6′ Tall normal body, Once i was on the way to Hyderabad my home town from Pune on 5 days leave. I reached bus stop at 9:30 pm . I got a last second left side Window seat. Before Bus starting a Lady Came and sat beside of Me. Bus started moving… After 10mins she asked me for the window side seat. Its was first time that i was traveling in bus so i thought once not to give...

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Lesbian Fun with my SisterInLaw

“What... What's that noise?" I said to myself half awake. My eyes slowly adjusting to the dark, “Is she... masturbating?”My brother, Adam, and I had always been close. He was older than me by just a few months, so we had been through all the phases and milestones of life together. Now, aged twenty five, Adam was set to marry the love of his life, Jessica.He met Jess whilst on holiday and hit it off with her right away. Once home, both of them took turns making the hour long journey to see each...

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Making A Living Smoking Fetish

Val felt it approaching. Sitting at his computer, next to his sleeping wife, Val's body was firming for the pending eruption. On the screen before him was the most beautiful ebony female – sucking a white cock while halfway through a Newport. He’d paused the video at the part where she’d managed to get her amazing glossed lips over the cork of her cigarette and the tip of the guy’s cock at the same time.The Nubian beauty made a tight seal around both, and was in the middle of the strongest part...

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Marwadi Aunty

Hi Dosto Ye meri pehli kahani hai mera nam Vishal hai meri age 26 height 6 feet body achi hasi mera transport business hai ye kahani do mahine pehle ki hai mere dad ke oswal nam ke marwadi dost hai unki biwi jinka nam sucheta age 38 hai jise mai aage sirf suchi kehne wala hu suchi ki figar 36 29 40 hai uske boobs or matkti gand ko dhekh le to kisika bhi lund khada ho jaye ga mera suchi ke ghar kam se ana jana rehta tha mai har bar uski gand or boobs dekha tha suchi ek ladki hai wo mumbai me...

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