Demetrius Ch. 12 free porn video

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Chapter 12

Gifts in White Satin…

He remembered Alexis getting out of bed during the night licking his cheek, kissing him goodbye. For some reason he never heard the apartment door closing, causing him to wonder if she might still be there. Rather than investigate he fell back asleep not awakening until morning. When he did his hand went to his neck, feeling for puncture wounds. Not finding any he breathed a sigh of relief in knowing he was still human, at least for now.

After getting out of bed he looked around half-hoping she was still there. He had visions of her hanging upside down somewhere, sleeping fitfully. Without a trace of her he shrugged his shoulders deciding on a shower. While doing so his eyes went to the drain looking for a few strands of her hair — there were none to be found. He felt energized while showering, as though he’d been given a shot of B-vitamins. He couldn’t account for the feeling of extra energy since it never occurred to him what effect her bodily fluids were having on him.

While taking out the trash he felt a piece of the cross poking through the trash-bag, reminding him of what he’d done with her beckoning. He felt too good to feel a sense of guilt for what he’d done, never giving it a second thought.

He hated thinking about her constantly but couldn’t help it. He wasn’t the kind of guy to sleep with someone and then write them off, as though nothing happened — especially a vampire. He decided he wanted to buy her something. It was more an experiment to see if he was up to the challenge, a task posing all sorts of problems. Getting her a gift was sort of a payback too, since he felt certain she was the one who’d been leaving the gifts outside his door.

He walked the aisles of a nearby department store, scratching his head as he mumbled to himself frequently. He had no idea what to get her. ‘Were there ‘vials-of-the-month’ clubs for vampires,’ he wondered smiling to himself.

He was in the ladies cosmetics department, lost in thought when a good-looking young woman spotted him from behind her counter, offering help. He placed two hands on the counter leaning forward, looking down at all the bottles of perfume, overwhelmed. He doubted she’d use perfume. After getting a large tube of sun-screen the girl asked if there was anything else she could help him with.

‘I’m not sure if anyone can help me. I met someone I don’t know how to buy for. She’s not like anyone else.’

‘I hear that one all the time,’ she said smiling.

‘No really, she’s not like anyone else. I don’t know what she likes. As far as I know she doesn’t need perfume. Strange thing is, I don’t think she needs to.’

The clerk knew smitten when she saw and heard it, deciding to play along:

‘Well, there are some light smelling talc’s,’ she said reaching to take one out so he could sample it. After opening the lid she handed it to him when they made eye-contact.

‘Wow, nice eyes,’ she said in seeing them.

‘Thanks. Some say they’re eerie looking.’

‘I can see why but when you smile they’re amazing, less intense.’

Though feeling complimented he decided perfume was a bad idea, telling her as much. When he turned to leave she asked using a different tone, ‘How about a bottle of Red?’

For some reason his first thought was the color of blood. When he turned to look at her he feared she might be smiling — fangs showing. Instead he saw her innocently holding up a bottle of perfume with a big red heart and the word ‘Red’ written in white letters inside the heart. She sprayed some on the back of her hand letting him smell it.

‘It doesn’t blend well with my skin-type but there are some who seem to like it. It has an unusual fragrance don’t you agree,’ she asked still looking dreamily into his eyes.

The scent more than intrigued him. In fact he felt an unexpected arousal in smelling it. Then it hit him, it was the same perfume his mother used. He wondered if it might be a favorite of vampires. He decided to buy it thinking if Alexis didn’t like it he’d give it to his mother, when and if he saw her again.

After looking around for another hour or so he decided on a heavy-duty toenail clipper. Press-on nails seemed reasonable as did the ribbed sleeveless black cashmere sweater. He had no idea what she could do to conceal her fangs, thinking it was why she didn’t smile much.

He returned to his apartment thinking and hoping to see a sign from her. There wasn’t any. Since he didn’t bother with gift-wrap, he set the gift-bag on the kitchen table before going to the park to play chess for awhile. He wondered how George and Connie were getting along, if at all. He played a few games before going to the art museum wanting to see a new exhibit. On his way home he decided to see what movie-rentals were available at a local store. When he got to the horror section he took every vampire movie they had, wondering what they were like as he still wanted to learn as much as possible about them.

It’d been awhile since he called his father, so he called him. He was afraid to bring up his mother, thinking it would only upset him. But the possibility of his running into her was so unlikely, he did so anyway. Certainly he wouldn’t tell him the details but he thought bringing her up in conversation would provoke some response. He imagined some far-out comment like,

‘Son, I don’t know how to tell you this but your mother’s a vampire,’ knowing he’d never be so forthright. The subject of his mother was something his father avoided at all cost. Perhaps he was tight-lipped out of shame, wanting to protect Demetri from a mistake he still regretted.

He put the first movie in the DVR player, wondering if Alexis would call or if he should call her. He decided not to and after popping some popcorn he kicked off his shoes, cuddling up to watch the movies. Something in one of the movies made him recall the story about the frog and the scorpion, where the scorpion asked the frog for a ride across the lake. The frog told the scorpion he was crazy, saying he’d probably sting him before they got halfway across the lake. The scorpion assured him he wouldn’t since he’d drown as well. The frog thought about it awhile thinking he could probably trust the scorpion and was worrying needlessly. When they were halfway across the lake sure enough, the scorpion stung the frog and as they were both drowning the frog asked why. The scorpion’s reply was, ‘It’s my nature to sting. What would you expect from a scorpion?’

Understandably he thought of himself as being the good-natured and trusting frog while Alexis was the scorpion. The lake was the dark mystery surrounding his mother and the world of vampires in general. As he fast-forwarded through the movies he felt he was being drawn, sucked down into the unknown, having left the shore of humanity in his willing ignorance. He wondered if Alexis wanted him to drown. If it was something he had to do before being resurrected as a vampire.


He thought he’d hear from Alexis by Sunday but didn’t. On Monday after work he stopped in Nick’s for an early dinner. He chose a booth. Sitting alone at one of the tables was a young Goth-looking girl of about eighteen. Though she had numerous piercings, black lipstick and heavy mascara and eye-shadow, she looked very pretty with a perfect black page-boy hairstyle. He noted her piercings and decorations were either black or silver.

She smiled shyly at him, moving her coffee cup to her lips with two hands. When he saw her long black-polished fingernails, he breathed a sigh of relief in seeing they looked human enough. She was perhaps the prettiest Goth-style girl he’d ever seen. Like most choosing her persona of appearance, she tried to conceal her natural beauty with all the flamboyant items of apparel she used to adorn herself.

When she stood to leave she paused at his table. She looked as if to speak. When she didn’t he thou
ght she was leaving. But suddenly and surprisingly she slid into his booth with a smile saying,

‘Like, you’re not Demetrius are you?’

He smiled shaking his head, telling her he was. She told him she knew Alexis adding,

‘I thought so, especially when I saw your eyes. Like, you’re so lucky to have her as a girlfriend, everyone loves her. She told me I might run into you here. Anyway, um, I was wondering if you’d be willing to do me a favor.’

He was surprised to hear her refer to Alexis as being his girlfriend, making him wonder what the rest of their conversation was. He asked what the favor was when she explained,

‘Well, like I want to become one of them so bad but they said I’d have to do certain things before they’d let me. They said I’d have to serve them awhile. It’s kinda like an initiation and a trial period. You know what I mean?’

He almost choked on a mouthful of coffee, asking if she was serious in wanting to become a vampire.

‘Like, yeah. Who wouldn’t want what they have?’

He smiled wondering if she knew where she was headed and if he should try to change her mind. But then it occurred to him she seemed old enough to make her own decisions. Out of curiosity but with reservation he asked what she needed.

‘Alexis told me the last time the two of you were together she couldn’t be there for you the way you wanted her to be. The way a man needs a woman. Like, you know what I mean I take it? Anyway, since she knew I loved doing it, she asked if I’d be willing to do it with you the whole way. I told her I would. It was like a no-brainer since you’re her boyfriend and all, you know?’

‘So this is how Alexis chose to deal with the possible guilt she felt,’ he thought wondering what he should do. Apparently Alexis wanted to make a surrogate of Kitty, a gift. He doubted Alexis understood how unscrupulous and insensitive she was being, thinking he knew a scorpion when he saw one in action.

‘What’s in it for me,’ he asked knowing it wasn’t every day a beautiful girl like her came along offering herself in such a way.

She put a finger to a tooth looking at the ceiling, rolling her eyes in thought. He saw how white the white part of her eyes looked in contrast to her dark eye-makeup. A smile crossed her face when she came around to his side of the booth. She wore a short black pleated jump-skirt. It moved up her thigh as she scooted closer, giving him a peek of her white satin panties.

‘Well, I’m a good lay and you’re a male and I’m a female. So let me think about this, like duh. Are you kidding me!?’

She lifted and bent one leg on the seat, watching his eyes. He was helpless, unable from looking down. Her semi-transparent undies had a wet spot revealing her swollen labia. She looked very nice in her high-top rugged looking lace-up black boots. They contrasted nicely with the soft inviting femininity between her legs. Seeing she held his attention she daintily lifted her skirt a little higher to accommodate his ogling of her privates.

‘See how excited I get when I think about doing it,’ she said looking around to make sure no one was nearby. She took his hand placing it between her legs. He felt her wet panties, smelling her pheromones. After moving them aside she said,

‘Put your finger in me. Pretend it’s your cock. Go on, move it in and out, finger-fuck me.’

It was obvious her mucous membrane had been working overtime. He felt her moistness and arousal. Her arousal had the expected effect on him. She kissed him deeply, inhaling and exhaling into his mouth as she trembled, climaxing easily in spite of their having only met.

‘Wow, we didn’t even have to do it and I had one already,’ she said adding, ‘Alexis said you might not want to do it with me and told me to tell you gifts of love don’t always come in tidy little packages. They can come in the form of other people too. She told me if you were to reject me you’d be rejecting her gift to you, hurting her feelings. You don’t want to hurt her feelings do you Demetri?’

All he could do was shake his head. Alexis’s unbelievable tact or lack of it was so out of the ordinary it became laughable. In spite of it he found himself smiling into the last of his coffee, finishing it off before he and Kitty made their way to his apartment.

Kittens and puppies…

He was unlocking his door when he saw a sheepish young man coming out of Beth’s apartment. Beth smiled sleepily at Demetri and Kitty, gently waving at them. He could see what she’d been up to. He feared she might say something uncouth like, ‘Get em tiger.’ He breathed a sigh of relief when she silently closed her door.

If lust too was a jewel, sometimes marriage could be the chain from which trinkets dangle.

‘Some people never learn they can’t fuck-away their loneliness and mistakes,’ he reflected thinking Beth had made a hobby out of adultery.

Holding the newspaper in his right hand, he scanned the headlines. Kitty held his left arm at the elbow with both hands moving it up and down between her legs impatiently.

‘Come on already,’ she pleaded. He found her enthusiasm exciting and contagious.

Entering his apartment Kitty looked around until she found his bedroom. She threw herself on the bed as if she was trying it on for size. Satisfied with the fit she lay on her back, wiggling around as she opened and closed her legs, giving him a better look at her panties and the moist treat awaiting inside. She opened her arms to him until he joined her on the bed. They kissed and fondled one another as they began to undo and remove each others clothing. She was adorable, as cute as a kitten.

‘Oh my — Alexis never said you were endowed,’ making him smile as he mounted her. With their combined efforts he was inside her as far as possible. He saw her reaction as she stared up at him smiling, on the verge of laughter.

‘Wow, just hold it there so I can feel it in me. You must be Tickle-Me-Tummy-Elmo or something. I think I can get off without you having to move.’

Her warm, moist receptiveness opened and closed squeezing and releasing until he added to the sensation, moving in and out. He noted how warm she was and how comfortable it felt being in her embrace. He wanted to make sure it was good for her, asking if she was okay. She stuck out her tongue, curling it up at the sides as she smiled in answer.

‘No wonder Alexis loves you,’ she said not thinking.

‘You mean she told you she loved me,’ he asked in disbelief unable to stop moving.

‘Well she didn’t use the word love but the things she told me about you and how she feels when she’s around you made me think she loves you.’

‘Do you really think they’re capable of loving,’ he asked.

‘Well I know people love their pets and feel a close connection to them. Now shut up and fuck me!’

She clutched his ass pulling him deep inside her as he shot torrents of sperm inside her receptive warmth. He was surprised finding himself thinking of Alexis, wanting her the way he was having Kitty. With those thoughts he came forcefully. It shot in and out of her backfiring onto his balls. She said she never felt anything so good, as though someone had turned on a warm-water hose inside her.

He asked how she got her name. She answered with,

‘Alexis gave it to me. We were about to have sex and I was at the foot of the bed. She opened her legs as I crawled up towards her, meowing like a kitten. Ever since then she calls me her Kitty.’

He laughed saying she called him her puppy.

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Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kaamnaye. Mujhe aap apne mail se utsahit rakhe aur main apko apne kahaniyo se manoranjit. Pichle bar apne Rahul ke ghar dekha ki kaise maa bete porn movie ka sath mein maza lete hai. Fir kya hua janiye aaj ke episode mein. Jo bhi ye episode pehli baar pad rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padhne se pehle Season 1 padhle. Isse apko saari kahaniyo ki jad se pata chale. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur apni sujhaaw dena chahte ho, ye raha mera mail id /...

1 year ago
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Houston conference Ch3 end of a good thing or not

Ch. 3 end of a good thing or notSo this being the last full day of the conference we all were ready to bail when the speaker broke for lunch. I had been sexting with Fred all morning and he sent me from the bathroom told me he was more than ready for another round. The last text was a picture of his cock and "lunch" . I rushed up to my room and after stripping down to the white thong I grabbed the bottle and sat on the bed legs crossed taking a few sips waiting for the knock at the door. Sure...

4 years ago
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Fantasy Fullfilled

It had been a week since I had confessed my fantasy. I admit I was surprised at her response. She actually made my fantasy come true, well not exactly. You see I told her I fantasized about being fucked in the ass, so she produced a strap-on and did just that. She tried to convince me to go all the way with my fantasy; even promising me that she could make it happen easily.We both had quite a week and Friday night was finally here. Sitting on the couch we were having cocktails and discussing...

3 years ago
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Discovering my Teacher is a MilfThe First Encount

After my teacher and I agreed to meet up once I returned home from college, I grew impatient and began counting down the days until I would finally be able to show her that I was no longer the boy she remembered. We constantly talked and flirted and tried to plan a date that would work. I finally made it back home after finals week and started back at work. That summer we had several big contracts due so I had to devote most of my time the first month and a half back to work, delaying my...

2 years ago
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Amy 31 Magical Sailor Girl Amy

Amy 31: Magical Sailor Girl Amy Copyright 2015 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2015 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Silicon Valley Boys Are Lonely I was feeling pretty awesome. Even more awesome than the weather, because we'd had a cold, rainy Christmas and New Year's, followed by this bizarre warm spell that led to...

1 year ago
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Finding Bathsheba Book 2Chapter 10

The field was a mess. Between the November evening temperatures down in the low 40s, and the steady drizzle that Seattle is so famous for, Allison was pretty miserable. Mud covered her from head to toe and clung to her like a thick, freezing paste. She'd given up cleaning her cleats within two minutes of the beginning of the second half, and now her shoes felt like they were made of concrete. She felt like she was running in slow motion AND like she was running on ice. The extra effort to...

2 years ago
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Crazy Family Wedding 8211 Part 1 Hitting On Mom Again

Hey guys, I’m back with another story about my crazy family. I hope you’re doing well. Those of you who haven’t read my previous stories do give them a look. Check out , for this one is linked to it. I’m sure you are already familiar with me now, so we’ll skip the introduction and get right to business. So 2021 seems to be the year of weddings, apparently as almost everyone around me is getting married! First, it was my friend, then a few colleagues, and now my cousin sister Shanaya. She’s a...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Lexi Lore Little Lexi Lore Wants A Super Sized Monster Cock Up Her Ass

Tiny Tart Lexi Lore Goes On An Anal Romp With Chris Diamond! Looking like a sexy space slut, Lexi’s dressed in shiny blue & purple lingerie with spiked high heels. She crawls across the couch then starts to untie her top to give you a peek a her perky pierced nipples before finally just taking her whole top off. Lexi bends over the couch and gives you a nice rearview as she takes off her panties and reveals her tight, young holes. She lays on her back and spreads her holes as Lexi plays...

4 years ago
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Incestuous Flesh Massage Chapter 7 Sisters Tease the MILF

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seven: Sisters Tease the MILF By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! The Armstrongs would be here in an hour for their second lesson from my brother, Clint. It was two weeks since that wonderful Saturday morning when my brother showed Mr. Armstrong what sort of wife he had. Two weeks since she was spanked and fucked and shown to be a cuckold. Clint was having fun teaching Mr. Armstrong to control his wife. The...

3 years ago
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Roses Video Chapter 4 Kates Date With Rose Second Half

POV: KateI examined her body for over five minutes as both of us were silent. All she did was play with her pussy and smile at me. I swear I actually felt my love for her becoming stronger. I didn't even touch my twat, but yet it was dispensing my juice faster than a leaky faucet."Come on, Mom, take advantage of the hot piece of ass playing with herself right in front of you. I'm not going to judge you; I just want to give you what you lust after."I licked my lips for a moment as the entire bed...

3 years ago
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Double Dating With the Parents Version AlphaEpilogue

There's an old saying in the military that goes something like this: No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy. Basically, what that means is that, no matter how well you plan something, unforeseen circumstances will rear their heads and fuck things up. The first evidence of this in this little family's new arrangement can't honestly be called a "fuck up", in that it didn't require any changes to the formula to be made. On the other hand, it was the very definition of "fuck...

2 years ago
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All Those Years Ago

ALL THOSE YEARS AGO CATSKILL MOUNTAINS - 1928 Annabelle was uneasy. Why was Henry acting this way? He was Charlotte's fianc?. She had agreed to come along on this little camping trip in the Catskills to act as chaperone, since Charlotte and Henry were not married yet, but Henry was not behaving at all like a gentleman. She had thought she was alone. She had left the two of them together-well, maybe she was supposed to prevent that, but she was a young woman too and knew how C...

3 years ago
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Almost Caught

I had mixed feelings about coming home for the summer. I was already in hot water for blowing the first semester grades with too much partying. Four A's and a B in the second semester were all that kept me alive. Dad wanted me to work for him while I was home, Mom was all for me doing an online repeat of one of my 'C's from the first semester. I wanted to hang out and take it easy, maybe go to the beach for a couple of weeks, head up to the lake to visit my new college girlfriend (woohoo!)...

4 years ago
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Vennoa the Halfelf SorcererChapter 19

From the far side of the cavern, a kobold face appeared. It peered into the cavern for a second, and then withdrew out of sight. Loud chattering could be heard from that direction, and Vennoa understood that the kobold was yelling to other kobolds about the party’s location. Pua took a deep breath, drew his swords, and walked calmly towards the tunnel where the kobold had disappeared into. Pua looked a little better now after being out of the sun for some time. Agate also took out his dagger...

2 years ago
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The Rest of the Weekend with Daddy

The Rest of the Weekend with Daddy (Details covered in previous Story 'Success with Daddy')It was Saturday morning. My mind swirled like a tsunami filled with the thought of last nights events. I descended the stairs and headed into the bathroom. Out the bathroom door, I could see Daddy sitting at the table with his paper and coffee. I stepped out into the kitchen with a smile on my face."Morning Daddy," as I lean down and gave he a daughterly kiss on the cheek."Good morning Frolic. How are you...

1 year ago
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My First time with Dad

Hi everyone my name is Rachel from UK and this story is about the first time I lost my virginity at the tender age of 16 to none other then my own Dad. It was my 16th Birthday and after all the party and my friends and everyone gone, I went to my room to have a shower, I always knew Dad lusted for me and could see it when he used to stare at me. As I just come out of the bathroom and was sitting on the bed with my robe hanging open, so my skimpy bikini panties were visible when my daddy...

3 years ago
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Arousing LeighaChapter 3 The Awakening of Leigha

Finally, months later Dusty could sense the subtle changes in Leigha. It wasn't just the multiple sessions in the barn. He knew that was just the tip of the iceberg, that there was much more out there. He had seen it so many times before in young wives; the smoldering sexuality, the hidden unfed hunger. As each week and month went by it became more and more obvious in Leigha. And he was right. It wasn't that Leigha was becoming dissatisfied with her life. But no matter what happened it was...

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Marias Birthday

Preface I have been lucky enough to have some stories written for me (thank you Maria Clayton) so I thought I would get my cuckold subby to write one back as a tribute. I locked him in chastity and told him I wouldn't release him until he completed one. This is the result of his efforts....I’d seen the golden envelope on the fridge for a few days now but hadn’t dared ask mistress what it was about. So you can imagine my excitement when she asked me to bring it through, open it and read it to...

1 year ago
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Plumper Pass implores potential subscribers on their landing page, screaming in all caps, to “GO BIG OR GO HOME!” Not that you’d have an option to go small or even medium around here. Hell, even “big” seems like it undersells the product; why talk molehills when you’ve got legit mountains of delicious, jiggly flesh? As for the “go home” part of the equation, well, I guess that’s up to you. Personally, I feel comfortable enough whacking off to this stuff at home, in a seedy motel, on the bus, or...

Premium BBW Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 30

After a full day of investigative research, I did a walk at the county school. I was surprised that Joan was willing to drive me there, and to wait for me. She didn’t want to do three laps of their parking lot, so I did the walk alone, while she sat in the car glued to her smart ass phone. I found out at the end of my walk, she had spoken to agent Gray Stone. Evidently she had traced him down and found his contact information through his social media account. When she texted him that she was...

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Alexandra part three

After fingering Alexandra’s tight pussy while I tongue fucked her ass, I decided to take things a bit further. I stood up from behind my young sexy woman and sat down on the bench in the bow of the boat. I had decided I should give her a moment to recover from the multiple orgasms she had just had. I sat for a minute just watching her catch her breath, then I snaked out of my trunks letting my hard, throbbing cock spring into the air. She looked over to me and gave me a large smile, before...

4 years ago
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Cum Slut Moms

The world of motherhood is both a complex and a simple thing. In this particular world, the mothers are the ones who just can't get enough. The first time they experience the white hot load of a man in their youth would be the time when they would be addicted to it for life, like a hard switch flipping on for the first time ever. The taste as it splashes against their tongue. The texture as it sticks onto their skin. The heat as it explodes into their wet and waiting pussies, and the scent as...

1 year ago
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Face Slapping

NOTE 2: Some people feel very strongly about face slapping. After all, any contact with another person’s face is an intimate act. Whether that act is “good” or “bad” is completely subjective. This article is not about abuse. If the idea of consensual face slapping bothers you, you should look away now. On Face Slapping Important Slapping Considerations The Frugal Domme says, when it comes to face slapping, you CAN’T do it safeLY. You CAN do it safER. Slapping the face is...

3 years ago
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Dead End Street IIChapter 2

My darling Fay cooked the Canadian bacon and Toni poached the eggs. I toasted the English muffins and put it all together. We were eating (Make that gorging) by nine thirty. I noticed the black clouds to the south but kept quiet. Those gulf storms move fast. The C.D. player was going in the living area and if there had been any thunder no one heard it. At ten minutes till ten a deafening thunder clap scared hell out of the ladies. Most of us went to look out the windows. There was a black...

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The Doctor Owns Me Chapter 1

The Doctor Owns Me – Chapter 1 Our story opens with Mike sitting in one of the Doctor’s Office exam rooms. Mike is very happy, at last he has found a doctor willing to perform his bilateral orchiectomy. The doctor was so helpful, even offering to supply the written justification, although false, so Mike’s insurance would cover the cost of surgery. Mike was really impressed by how the Doc. took the time to explain the operation, schedule the procedure in his office on a Saturday to guard Mike’s...

4 years ago
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My Encounter with Morris Ch 01

I got a job at a casino as a blackjack dealer, because after years of dealing drugs, dealing cards just seemed to make sense. A few months earlier I had been busted at a friend’s house when the police raided him for growing pot in the basement. I didn’t even know he was growing it. Shows what a great friend he was. The police busted me too because I had a crack pipe and a couple ounces in my jacket pocket. I’d been smoking pot since I was fifteen but I didn’t see that I had a problem with it....

2 years ago
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Family is Not Blood Ch 07

I would like to enter into a bit of a dialogue with the readers of this story series. This is for those of you who took the time to enter a comment, positive or negative, as well as those of you who only look at (but not write) comments. (me 98% of the time) First off, thank you for sharing what your thoughts. This is a story, like every other story in this website that will have people who like it, and others that do not. Great thing about America, I don’t have to like what you like, or you...

1 year ago
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The Submissive Side of Lust Part 4

I don’t know how long it has been since you strapped me to the bed and walked out of the room, it could be two minutes, or ten ,or it could be longer. Fur lined leather cuffs on my wrists and ankles restrain me to the bed. I am completely splayed out, with my legs spread and attached to the corners of the bed and my arms straight over my head. The blindfold has plunged me into complete darkness and the music playing in the room causes me to not be able to hear anything. My other senses are...

3 years ago
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How I became a dirty anal cumslut part IV

I was standing in the doorway to the nurse’s office. It was warm in her room, and the lights were a little dimmer. “Come in”, said the nurse. And I moved into the room to her desk. It was quiet in there, cold and flu season was over and nobody got hurt in gym class that morning...nobody was playing sports haha. “You’ve had a full morning” she said. “It’s been awhile since we’ve had one of these fun days, I’m glad you gave us the opportunity!”I smiled big, “Oh no, thank you all. This has been an...

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