Sue, Mom And I. free porn video

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Note : This story is completely fictional!

My sister Susan and I began having a sexual relationship when I was 19, and she was 18. It started when our parents had taken a long weekend away, with Sue being the initiator of the relationship! Our parents, (mom Carla and dad Robert) were 35 and 38, respectively. Our folks returned from their “long weekend” on a Wednesday afternoon, and were none the wiser to the fact that Sue and I had been fucking like rabbits in the forest!

Now, the purpose of our parent’s weekend away, was for them to have some much needed “alone” time. Our father had worked as a mechanic from the time he and our mother became married. She was 16 when she became pregnant with me, he was 18. For 18 years dad had worked at a car dealership, just down the road from our home. Earlier in the year (1988), he was laid-off when the dealership closed. After searching for 3 months, looking for a job that paid as well as the mechanic job had, he had given up. He eventually was “re-trained” by the state, and became a “Long-haul” truck driver. Our folks had spent those 5 days away, having as much “personal” time as they could manage. Dad was leaving on the Monday following their return home, to do his training, for the trucking company he had landed a driving job with, and was going to be out there on the road, for at least 2 months!

Now, this was happening in early May. Something else was going on the same week that Dad was leaving. Susan was also going out of town for 10 days with her “Senior Class”. In our town each year, the high school arranged for those senior’s whom wanted too do so, to go on a road-trip to places like Disneyland, Sea World, stuff like that. Places that the average kid would not get to see, unless the family was “well off”. So Dad was hitting the road as a truck driver trainee, and Sis was headed to Washington DC, to see the Smithsonian and the other sights that are there. Times were going to be lean for me.

The next sexual encounter for Sue and I, happened on the Saturday after our parents returned home! That night, mom and dad had several drinks, while we were all out to dinner! Dad had 4 or 5 drinks, which was very unusual for him, and Mom had her standard 3 drinks! Sue and I were both still “to young” to “partake“! =o( After I drove us all back to the homestead, Mom and Dad headed for their bedroom. It was about 9:00 in the evening, and Mom figured that Dad needed to be in bed. The drinks were having their affect on him! As they went down the hall to their bedroom, Sue bumped me with her hip and giggled! “You make some popcorn Butch” she said softly, “I’m going to go get into something comfortable, then we can watch a movie or something!”, and off down the hall she went. Well, before I started popcorn or anything else, I went down to my room and slid into some gym shorts and a T-shirt. I was going to be comfortable too! At that moment, I really had no idea that SEX was on Sue’s mind, but it was, most definitely! When I was changed, I went to the kitchen and dutifully started the requested popcorn.

What a dunce I was! When I walked down to the family room, Sis had the coffee table moved out of the way, comforters spread out on the floor, and pillows down to! She was bent over, looking into the cabinet, checking what movies we had in there to watch. Her pussy was bare and inviting! My lord that pussy gleamed! She looked back over her shoulder at me and asked “Did you really start popcorn silly?” LOL. “Yeah” I said, “I guess that I figured we were gonna watch a move!” “Oooooh!” she smiled at me, “We are going to at least start watching a movie, give Mom and Dad a chance to settle down into some good sleep!” Sis stated. I went to finish up with the popcorn while she decided on the movie. When I came back to the family room, she had Back to the Future plugged in and running, and had moved a comforter up onto the sofa, so we could sit under it, and munch on some popcorn with out making a mess. When I sat down, Sue snuggled up against me, the bowl of popcorn in my lap, and her boobs nestled against my left arm! She was not afraid any in the least that either of our parents were going to walk in and see us!

Well, we hadn’t watched more than 20 minutes of that movie, before Sis had her roaming fingers wrapped around my cock! That damn thing was hard the instant her boobs pressed against my arm, and she knew it! Hell, it was hard the instant I glimpsed her magnificent pussy! Well, one thing leading to another, Sis was soon down on her knees, and my gym shorts were down around my ankles! Sue decided that sucking my cock was going to be better than eating popcorn and watching Michael J Fox! Being the “sexual novices” that we were, Sue was in the learning stages of cock sucking, but for all I knew, she was a “Pro”! Her tongue danced around the head of my rock hard prick, her fingers wrapped tight around the base! She was treating that cock like it was a “lollipop”, running her tongue up and down the shaft, sliding the tip through the slit on my cock-head, and slurping as she took one inch at a time of my 8 inch member into her mouth. Being a novice, she was not yet at the point where she could “deep throat” my cock, but as I laid back against the cushions of the sofa, I closed my eyes and knew that one day, she would take all 8 inches into her steamy mouth! After about 10 minutes, I couldn’t take any more! I needed to get my tongue into her pussy! Lifting her head in my hands, I simply motioned with my head for Sue to get onto the comforter that was on the floor still! Smiling she complied! As I rid myself of the shorts around my ankles and my T-shirt, she shed her own T-shirt, and was laying there, waiting for me!

I slid down between her legs, but before starting to eat her pussy, I began by kissing her lips, then slowly and softly worked my way down her limber body, kissing and suckling at her breasts, each pink nipple erect and firm! Once I was at her moist twat, I dived right in, sliding my tongue through those moist pink folds of lusciousness, twirling her clit with my tongue, which was standing erect, a small drop of dew sitting right at the peak! In minutes Sue was wriggling her pussy into my face, grinding her pussy into my mouth, clasping my head in her hands and directing where she wanted attention at each moment! I was between her legs for 10 minutes, licking and sucking like a crazy fool!

After sending her into at least her third orgasm, I slid up, and grasping her hips, I softly told her, “Roll over! I’m going to fuck you doggy style!” Instantly she was on her knees, a pillow bunched up under her chest, her head down and her hips thrust out for my cock to do it’s job! I slid my rigid cock into her steaming twat, gliding into her pussy the full length of my shaft in one easy thrust! Once I was fully inserted, I grasped her hips gently with both hands, then slowly started to fuck into her pussy, in and out, in and out, watching with amazement as each withdrawal pulled her pouting pussy lips out, then my shaft disappearing into the folds of her golden thatched pussy, as I thrust back into the steaming depths! For 5 minutes I was plunging my cock into that sweet pussy, my nuts slapping into her clit with each inward plunge. Just when her pussy was starting to get really juicy, I looked up, and in the mirror on the wall I could see our mother, standing there in her nightgown, fingers to her lips, a look of shock and amazement in her eyes! Even though she was right there, I had not heard a peep from her! I did not know how long she had been watching, I did not even know if Sis knew that she was standing there! I had thrust into Sue with force just as I looked into the mirror, and Sue squealed! “OH GOD YES!” “FUCK MY PUSSY BUTCH! FUCK IT HARD!” With my eyes on my mother, I pounded into that twat! Stroke after stroke, and for 4 minutes, my mother stood there with out making a sound!

Suddenly I was inspired! I pulled my cock, which was ready to burst, out of Sue’s pussy, and I hopped right down behind her, stabbing my tongue into her juice filled lips! The thought was in my mind, “If MOM isn’t going to be mad, I’m going to really give her a show!” So I started eating Sue’s pussy, sucking, licking and nibbling at it! I took her now fully distended clit into my lips and twirled my tongue around it madly! Sue’s response was to start moaning, her head buried in the pillow, her hips grinding her pussy into my face! As she humped into yet another orgasm, I suddenly felt fingers wrap around my cock! I did not stop my tongue assault on Sue’s pussy, but I was certainly surprised by those soft fingers!

There was only one person they could belong to! That is right, MOM, had softly walked in behind me, reached in between my thighs, and wrapped her fingers around my cock, which was moist with Sue’s quim juices! Mom pumped my cock with her hand for 4 or 5 strokes! Then suddenly, she had my nuts in her mouth! My god! I almost shot my load right then! I continued eating Sue’s pussy, sending her into a writhing moaning orgasm, her pussy grinding at my mouth! Mom sucked at my nuts for perhaps 2 minutes, never uttering a sound, keeping her fingers wrapped around my rock hard cock! Then with out a word, she got up and left! I couldn’t stop then! I rammed my cock into Sue’s pussy with all the force I could muster! Our hips slapped together, and she hissed! “Oooooh god yes! Fuck me! Fuck me just like that!” Grasping her hips, one hand on each side, I fucked into her twat with all the force I could. Juice was blowing out from her pussy with each inward thrust, her juices leaking down onto the comforter! Sue was biting the pillow, trying to keep the volume of her moans covered! After 4 minutes of slamming into her pussy, my nuts contracted, the head of my dick expanded, and suddenly I began pumping jizz into that sweet piece of heaven! As the jizz started to flow, I slammed to the bottom of her pussy, and held my cock in place, pumping every last drop, deep into that wet wonderland! Once I was spent, I laid down beside Sue, draping my arm across her back, and hugging her into me!

“My god Butch” she whispered, “Where did that come from? You made me cum a dozen times between eating my pussy the way you did, then pounding that wonderful cock into me like you did!” “I’m in love! I’m in love with you Butch!”, then she kissed me, sliding her tongue into my mouth, twirling my tongue with hers!

Well, I needed to pee! So I stood up, smacking Sis on the rump as I did so, and said, “I will be right back! Let’s move into my bedroom shall we?” With that I walked to the bathroom, which was part of the laundry room. (My bedroom and the family room are downstairs in the basement at our house. When I was 15, I had convinced the folks that I should have the unused room downstairs, then Sis could move out of her tiny bedroom into my larger room. The family room downstairs, takes up half of the basement, my bedroom takes up about 1/3 of the rest, with the laundry and bathroom taking up the rest of the space).
As I walked through the partially closed door, I was shocked to find our mother, sitting on the laundry counter, her night gown hiked up above her hips, her legs spread far apart, and her fingers buried into her wet, brown hair thatched, pussy! I could not believe what I was seeing! She had her head tossed back, her eyes closed, the fingers of her right hand delving into her moist twat, and a soft moan emanating from her parted lips! I needed to piss something fierce, so I went to the toilet and let fly! As my urine hit the water in the commode, my mother’s eyes flew open! She didn’t say a word! She just looked at me, and kept right on masturbating her pussy! Once I was done pissing, and I had shaken the drops from my semi rigid dick, I slid over between my mothers legs, resting my hands on top of each thigh. As I stood there between her parted legs, she pulled her fingers back from her pussy, and looked into my eyes!

“My lord Butch! What did I just see?” she whispered. “How long have the two of you been making love?” “I can not believe what I did Butch! Will you ever be able to forgive me?” she whimpered, her pussy still spread open and totally available to me!

Rubbing her thighs, from her knees to her hips, my body positioned right between them, I just looked into her flushed face, then down into her swollen and dripping pussy! “Momma” I said, “What is there to forgive?” With that I bent my face down, and softly kissed first one knee then the other. Slowly, I kissed my way down her thighs, working my face into her quivering pussy folds! Lifting her legs up over my shoulders for easier access, I slid my tongue into that pussy, thatched in soft but curly, dark brown hair! I slurped at her twat for 3 minutes, driving my tongue through each fold, darting it into her love canal, slurping up the fluid that was there! Then I moved my eager lips to her clit! My God! Her clit was at least 2 1/2 inches long and half an inch in diameter! There was pre-cum leaking from it, and unlike my dear sister, there was more than just a drop! There was a steady stream! I sucked her clit into my mouth, devouring every drop of the slick, salty fluid that was coming from it’s hard shaft! For 5 minutes I ate my mother’s dripping pussy, sending her into 2 hip grinding orgasms! After the second orgasm, one in which her pussy clinched at my diving tongue, she eased my head back, and softly said, “Stop Butch! Stop now, before we wake the dead!” I stood back from her, and she closed her legs, and sliding to the floor, standing erect, she kissed me on the cheek, and silently went up the stairs, to go to her bedroom!

As I looked at myself in the mirror, I had to wonder, “Was I dreaming? Did I really just eat my MOTHER’S pussy?” As I walked out of the bathroom, my cock was harder than it had been when I fucked Susan! I walked into my bedroom, and there my sister lay, on her side, her hands balled up under a pillow, the sheet draped across her legs! With a wide smile, she said “There you are! I was beginning to think you weren’t going to come in!” “And look! Your ready for more!” When I slid into bed, she pressed me down onto my back, and grabbing my cock, which was rock hard and leaking pre-cum, Sue mounted me, guiding the bloated head of my cock, into her wet and willing pussy!

Now, Sue rode me! Thumping her pussy up and down on my stiff cock, building her tempo, thrusting her hips this way and that, driving my cock into her twat! She pounded my cock into her pussy, her fluids draining out, drooling down the shaft, dripping down past my nuts, the nuts my mother had sucked just half an hour earlier! Soon Sue was crooning, tossing her head back and moaning as she humped herself from one orgasm and into the next! As she was popping her pussy down the length of my shaft, I could feel the head striking against a rubbery tightness. Each time she hit bottom, she would moan! Partly in pain, and partly in pleasure! As she was pumping herself onto my cock, I looked at the door, which had swung open just the barest of inches, and there stood Mother, her fingers once more delving into her pussy, watching as Sue humped at my cock, drawing us both further and further into total orgasm! Sue’s thrusts became so hard, and so quick, that suddenly that rubbery resistance gave way! Sue yelped in pain and in pleasure! Her hips bottomed out on my groin, our hair mingling! “Oh god Butch!” she moaned, “Oh GOD! That is the most incredible feeling!” “Your cock is totally in me! You can not go any deeper than you are right now!” Sue exploded then! Her pussy romping onto my cock, forcing it deep into her hot heaven! Then, just as my cock began spurting it’s jizz, she drove herself down, holding my cock in that tight box! Moaning as she lay down on my chest, my cock deep in her pussy, pumping jet after jet of cum, her thighs clamped against mine, her pussy grinding against me! “My god! That was wonderful!” she purred, as she fell asleep there astride me!

I looked at the door, but it was closed and our mother was gone! I was not sure that I even saw her there! I drifted off to sleep while Sue lay on my chest, my semi-hard cock still resting inside her warm pussy. About 1 in the morning, Sue woke up, and softly started kissing and sucking my nipples, bringing me up out of my slumber. As I came awake, she sat upright, flexing her cunt, allowing it to squeeze my rock hard and sore dick. “Mmmmmm!” she purred, “Your dick is so fucking hard Butch!” “Let’s take care of that, then I am going to go to my own bed!” With that, she started a slow ride, humping her pussy on my dick, a soft silent fuck! In 10 minutes time, she had orgasmed multiple times, and soon after, my dick began pulsing, jetting jizz into her clenching love box! Once I was drained, Sue slid up off of me, kissing me softly on the lips and saying, “I will see you when I wake up brother! With luck it will be AFTERNOON!” and off she went, closing the door softly and making her way to her bedroom upstairs. I drifted off to sleep, with thoughts of the incredible fuck that my sister had thrown at me, and wondering if I really did eat my mother’s pussy in the bathroom! I drifted off to sleep content!

I slept soundly, awakening to the soft touch of fingers tracing outlines down the muscles of my back. As I became aware of those fingers, I slowly lifted my eyes open, and turned over onto my side, looking at whomever it was, tracing out a pattern on my back. It was Mom, and she was sitting on the edge of my bed, wearing a light cotton sundress. I looked at the alarm clock, and it read 07:00. I had been asleep about 5 ½ hours. “Good morning Sweetheart” my mom said softly, “Your father left to go play golf with his friends.” “He wants all of us to be ready to go to his parents house this afternoon when he gets home. About 2 or so, he thinks.” she stated. While doing this, she began rubbing my chest softly with her right hand, her left sitting still in her lap. “We really should talk, while your sister is still sleeping, about what happened last night, Butch!” “I am so uncertain about why it happened, and I am confused by the feelings that I experienced! You seemed so in control and easy, doing the things you did!” she whispered softly. “I have never been with any man except your father Butch!” she said, “He is the only man I have ever made love too!“
This entire time, I am laying there, now on my back, Mom’s fingers tracing a soft pattern on my chest. As I am looking at her, I am waiting for her to break down, to scold me, to do something to indicate that she was unhappy about what happened. As I lay there, I remembered how wonderful I felt when her fingers wrapped around my cock and her lips sucked my nuts into her warm mouth! I also loved the way her pussy tasted! It was incredible! Peaches is what she tasted like!

Her fingers, tracing across my chest and belly, compiled with my thoughts of how wonderful her pussy tasted, brought my cock to attention, rigid and ready to seek adventure!

As Mom murmured her misgivings to me, she traced her fingers down my belly, pushing back the sheet that covered the lower half of my body, pushing it down just far enough, that my pubic hair was now visible! Soon those soft fingers were tracing a pattern back and forth between my belly-button and my groin, stopping just short of running into my hair patch! “Butch” she said, “I am having all these different feelings right now! Part of me knows that finding you and your sister fucking was totally wrong!” “But, I don’t know what got into ME! I can not believe what I did! I can not believe that I sucked your balls, fingered your cock, or that I allowed you to suck on my pussy the way that I did!” Now her fingers are twirling soft circles around my belly button. As she is looking into my eyes, I put my right hand on her left thigh, midway between her knee and her hip (her right leg was hooked under her left thigh, drawing her sundress tight across the gap in her legs.. “Momma” I said, “It’s OK. I am totally fine with what happened last night! Sue and I only started having sex last Friday, while you and Dad were up in the mountains!” “We did not give a lot of thought to what we did Mom, we just did what felt right! And Momma, it did feel so right! I don’t think Sue feels any more guilt than I do.” As I talked with her, my hand slowly started massaging her thigh, softly running back and forth along her muscle, which felt as soft as velvet!. Instead of pushing my hand away, as I half expected her too, she repositioned herself, making it easier for my hand to access that thigh.
As I massaged her creamy thigh, she said “What are we going to do Butch? What we did last night seems so wrong, but my lord, it felt so good!” “I love your father so deeply” she whispered, “But last night, I had feelings like I have not had in years! I can not remember the last time I had an orgasm as intense as the one you gave me!” Now her fingers are running through my pubic bush! Twirling the hair softly, running back and forth across my hips, just grazing the head of my cock, which is pressed flat by the sheet folded across it! As she murmured her words of wonder, Mom bent down and kissed me softly on the cheek and then on my neck. As she did so, I inhaled her fresh “Peach” scent!

Before she lifted her face away, my left hand reached up, and softly holding the back of her neck, I pulled her down closer, and brazenly kissed her full on the lips. First one , then another, and another, soft kiss. On the third kiss, her lips parted, and my tongue advanced into her moist mouth, her body leaning down closer, pressing my head back into the pillows as she returned my kiss! After a minute or so, Mom broke the kiss and sat upright, her hand still under the sheet, brushing through my pubic hair. “Butch” she sighed, “I just don’t understand why I am having these urges!" "I was not disgusted seeing you and your sister fucking like you were, and I should have been! Instead I was turned on by it!” “I just don’t understand.” Now, her fingers are wrapped around my rigid cock, slowly stroking it, her eyes still locked on mine.

My mother is 5 foot 9 inches, with thick dark brown hair, falling down across her shoulders, an hour glass figure, with measurements of about 38, 28, 38! 38D boobs, a 28 inch waist, and maybe 38 inch hips. She has a perfectly formed ass! Her buttocks are not flat, nor are they fat. They have a nice bubble shape to them! Very sexy, once I started looking at them as such! Her legs are satin smooth and creamy white, long and limber, perfectly proportioned to her body! Her eyes are large and almond shaped, a nice hazel green!

While she pumped on the shaft of my dick, which was getting harder than I could imagine, I took my roaming right hand, and slowly undid the buttons of her sundress, starting at the very bottom, and undoing each button in turn. After the fourth button was undone, Mom hitched herself closer to me, allowing the fabric of the sundress to loosen and fall away from her legs and hips! As the cotton fell away, that beautiful dark brown muff-patch covering her pussy, came into view! I could see her puffy pink lips, moist and swollen! I moved my hand back to her left thigh, and soon my fingers had a good hold on her left buttock. Her right hand continued pumping the shaft of my cock, up and down it’s length. My dick was so hard, I am surprised it didn’t explode jizz! Mom pumped at my cock for maybe 3 minutes, her eyes searching my face. Maybe for approval?

If it was approval she was searching for, she understood that she had it, when I flipped the sheet off of me with my left hand, allowing her unspoken full access to my cock, which was drooling pre-cum and red as it had ever been. I looked at her fingers jacking my shaft, then I looked into her eyes. As I squeezed her buttock with my fingers, Mom turned further to her right, and slowly bent her face to my groin. She took a first tentative lick at the head of my drooling cock, sweeping the pre-cum she caught in that swipe, into her mouth. Then she simply swallowed my cock! Her right hand was squeezing at the base of my shaft, fingering my nuts, as Mom wrapped her lips around the head, then simply sank down it’s length, my cock disappearing into her moist mouth! As she started sucking at my rock hard fucker, I flexed it, signaling my satisfaction of her intent! For 5 slow minutes Mom worked at my cock, slurping at it each time she withdrew it from her mouth. Then suddenly, my hand felt her butt tense, as she began the process of deep throating my dick! By now, my fingers were gliding through the moist slit of her pussy lips, and each gag she made as she swallowed my cock, her pussy lips clenched at my finger tips!
One bit at a time, my mother was sucking my cock down her tight throat! She had managed to get maybe the head and an inch of shaft worked into her throat, when I suddenly decided that I was not going to be left out! As I felt her saliva dripping down onto my nuts, I reached out with my left arm, and while my cock was still in her mouth, I lifted my mother fully onto the bed, her thighs parting as her ass swung across my face, her pussy, dripping wet, right where I wanted it to be! In my face, where I could suck, lick and nibble to my hearts content! For several minutes her sundress was still on, then she sat erect, pushing her wet twat down onto my face, as she removed the dress!

Gripping my cock once again, my mother attacked it with gusto, her pussy flicking at my face, rubbing her lips all across my mouth and face, as her mouth sucked at my slowly expanding cock! We stayed in that position for 5 or 6 more minutes, when suddenly I felt my mothers chin brushing in my pubic hair! Mom had the entire length of my cock in her mouth, a good portion of it in her throat! As she gagged several times, holding my cock in her wide stretched mouth, saliva drooling out like an uncontrolled water pipe, her pussy was clenching each time she gagged! Her entire body would shake as she sucked at my dick! Several times I timed it right, and my tongue was as deep into her pussy slit as I could get it! When she would gag and shudder, as she sucked on my dick, her pussy clenched at my tongue! It was incredible! Each time she shuddered, I sucked as hard as I could, getting all the quim from her twat that I could possibly suck! Just when I thought I was going to blow my wad into her throat, Mom pulled up off my cock!
Changing positions without a sound, she turned around to face me, now reaching between her thighs to grip my cock shaft once more, with one full thrust, my mother had my 8 inch cock buried to it’s base in her life giving pussy! As she settled down onto that fat dick, her eyes were closed, and she smiled! She sat there, for about 2 minutes, just flexing the walls of her pussy around my cock, slightly humping her hips, adjusting to get a comfortable position. Then she bent down, her 38D breasts tickling my chest, the nipples as wide as a silver dollar and peaked in excitement, hard and dark pink! When she had her face against my neck, she whispered into my ear, “Now I know how Susan felt! Your cock is wonderful Sweetheart! Your father’s cock is not nearly as long, nor is it as thick! My god! You are filling me up!”
Her pussy felt wonderful! My cock was just fat enough, that she was not super tight, but she was tight! I could feel that the area surrounding my cock-head, was tighter than the opening of her vagina!

Kissing me, sucking my tongue into her mouth, we stayed like that for 3 or 4 minutes, her breasts teasing my chest, my cock getting harder and harder, my nuts bunching up, ready to blow jizz! Just when I had decided I was going to roll Mom over onto her back, she sat back up. Once erect, her back slightly arched, her head back, and her breasts pushed out, she slowly started fucking my cock, rising up and thrusting down, slow at first, building a steady tempo! It was fantastic! Her white breasts firm and erect, her face turned up, a smile warmly spread across her lips! She built her tempo, and soon you could hear the “Thup, Thup, Thup” of her pussy hitting against my pelvis! With each thrust, I was getting the sensation that something firm was hitting against the head of my cock. About 5 minutes into the fuck, my Mother’s eyes flew open as she hit bottom, a loud moan erupting from her lips, as I felt something incredibly tight push past the head of my cock! It was so much like what happened to Susan during our second fuck last night, when Mom had been standing at the door watching! Only it seemed like much more of my cock was involved. It was not just the head and a portion of the shaft. It felt like at least 3 inches of my shaft brushed past that rubbery tightness!

Mom froze there! Wriggling her hips in a circular motion, her juices flowing from her pussy, drowning my pubic hair and coating my nuts in her thick white foam! After several long seconds, she resumed fucking my cock! Humping at it now with force, pulling herself up to it’s tip, then thrusting down! With each thrust, my cock was swelling, begging to explode! She kept up that maddening tempo for 3 minutes, then she began shuddering, one of the most violent orgasm’s I ever watched her experience! She was moaning softly, her lower lip being held by her teeth as she surged through one orgasm after another. Without warning, I felt my cock jolt! Reaching out, I grasped my mother’s gyrating hips, and as she thrust down, I held her in place, lifting my hips to thrust against her pussy, blowing jet after jet into her steaming twat! I counted 12 pulses! But I think I might have missed a couple! As I settled down, Mom laid down on my chest, her breath coming in short huffs, her skin hot and moist! “Butch!” she whispered. “That was the most amazing sex I have ever experienced! You sweet man! That cock did more for me than I could have ever imagined!” While she was laying there, I noticed that even though I had filled her pussy with my cum, my cock was still rock hard! It had never stayed that way, in the experience's Sue and I had shared!

Mom lay on my chest for 4 or 5 minutes, when she suddenly started to giggle! “BUTCH!” she said, “Your cock is still HARD! Oh my god Butch! You can fuck me some more!” Rolling off me, she lay on her back, her thighs spread, her arms open, the fingers on each hand wiggling at me, to assume position between her legs! Flipping myself around, I lifted her legs over my shoulders, but before fucking her again, I bent my face down to her swollen pink lips! I ate her pussy, savoring every drop of liquid I could suck from her swollen lips! As I sucked at her clit, she started grinding into my face, her hands pressing my head tightly into her pussy, as moans of intense pleasure escaped her mouth! I sucked and licked her through two orgasms! Only then did I move to fuck her! My hands had a firm grasp of her parted legs, and spread wide, she guided the swollen red head of my cock in to her twat! When I thrust into her, juices squished out! I fucked as hard as I could fuck, sweat dripping off my forehead onto her face, the liquid sounds of our juices squirting as our hips slapped together, driving me into a frenzy! When I thought I was going to collapse, my cock started bolting! My dick was spurting jizz into my Mother’s hot pussy for the second time in less than 30 minutes! Holding myself into her depths, her legs now wrapped around me, I spent my seed! Once I was done, my cock now going limp, I moved to my Mother’s side, holding her in my arms, her face snuggled into the crook of my neck!

As we lay there, her breath huffing against my skin, her breasts still erect and swollen, she hooked her left leg across me, and I could feel the warmth and moistness of her pussy juices. “Butch!” she whispered, “You are such a wonderful lover!” “I can not describe how wonderful that was!” I didn’t say a word. I did not know what to say! I had just had the most wonderful experience of my life! We lay there, and I glanced at the clock. It was 9:45. Lot’s of time before we had to go to the grandparents house! I drifted off to sleep again, my mother laying there wrapped in my arms, our legs entwined together, as she dozed with me!

We lay like that, softly sleeping, recovering from our exertions, until the sound of the phone ringing, woke us up. As my Mother reached across me to answer the phone, her nipples dragging across my face, I took the opportunity to suck softly at each of them! Mom was speaking to my father. She said into the receiver, “Are you sure you don’t want us to come with you? It won’t be a problem for us to follow behind you dear.” As she was talking with Dad, my arms were encasing her body, wrapped around her mid-section, as my mouth suckled and nibbled at her wonderful nipples! Those nipples were hard and distended, even as she spoke softly to her husband on the telephone! As I enjoyed the sweet reward of her breasts pressed against my face, I heard my Mother say, “All right Honey. You all have a safe drive, and we will see you in the morning! We can come out there if you want us to.” “I love Robert, tell David HI for us.” As mother hung up the phone, her breasts pulling up from my eager mouth, she looked down at me.

“Your father and grandparents are together at the golf course” she said, “They are going to drive out to your Uncle David’s place. He is not feeling well, and can not make it in to town.” (Uncle David and his family, live about 80 miles away, in the neighboring county, on a farm.) “Your father said he will see us in the morning, when he gets home from David’s.” Mother stated with a smile.

Looking at the alarm clock, I saw that it was 11:30. Susan was probably close to waking up, but I had this wild idea in the back of my mind, that I was going to fuck mother one more time before that happened! As she rested on my chest, I slid my hands under her arm pits, and rolled my mother over onto her back. I proceeded to kiss her mouth, then her neck, on down her torso, to her erect and swollen nipples. I kissed all around her luscious breasts, working my way from them, down to her bellybutton, which I suckled at ferociously, diving my tongue into and around it’s expanse! As I worked my way down to her pussy, my hands glided to her breasts, my fingers tweaking at each round and puffy nipple! Soon I was once more feasting on my mother’s wonderful pussy, savoring all the juiciness of that wonderful, life giving organ! My tongue dived into and around each fold, swirling and licking like a starved man! Within minutes, my mother was moaning in pleasure, her hips thrusting to my mouth, her fingers buried in my brown head of hair! “Oh Butch! Oh God Butch! Yes! YES!” she moaned, “Eat that snatch! Make me cum! Oh God Butch!” Her pussy humped against my mouth, as she reached towards another juice emitting orgasm! After I had induced a body tensing orgasm, I flipped my mother over, pushing her soundlessly up to her knees, her pussy opening up before me, her pink folds spreading their puffy wetness out for my pleasure!

Grabbing her hips softly in my hands, I lined my fully engorged cock up to that wonderful piece of heaven, and in one forceful thrust, sank my cock fully into her pussy, my balls slapping into her erect clit! With our thighs melded together, my cock buried to it’s hilt in her twat, I wriggled my hips, twirling my cock minutely inside of her! Then I started to fuck her, one powerful thrust at a time. With each passing second, my hips pounded into her round rump, sending her body jolting forward, her nipples brushing against the sheet on my bed, razzing them to a rosy red peaks! With each thrust, my cock head thumped into her womb, plowing into it’s tight depths, sending her into a moaning orgasm once each minute! “Ooooooooh! Ooooooooh YES!” she moaned! “fuck that pussy Butch! Fuck it hard! OOOOOH YES! OH GAWD” she moaned! For 5 more minutes, I banged my Mother's pussy, finally feeling my balls drawing up, ready to disgorge their seed into her steaming twat! As I was nearing my own explosive orgasm, I felt my mother’s fingers grasp at my nuts! Just as I started to jolt spurt after spurt of jizz into her pussy, my mother’s fingers crushed around those tense balls, milking as much juice from them as she could! I held my cock deep into her twat, spurting every once of jizz I had, into her love canal!

Afterwards, we lay entwined for several minutes! Then Mom said, “My goodness! You are such an awesome FUCK Butch!” “But we better settle down, or you are going to be wore out and sore!” “Let’s go take a shower, and get ready to wake your sister!” she said, “Come on, come shower with me!”

What does a guy do? Of course I went and showered with her! And while we showered, my dick roared to life!

LOL! I came in my mother’s sweet, cock sucking mouth, before we finished that shower!

Same as Sue, Mom and I. Videos

1 year ago
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Sue becomes a cum slut

Sue was a good looking woman. in her mid-forties, a wife and mother she had a comfortable life, with a family who cared for her and a husband who still enjoyed fucking her on a regular basis. She had always been hot, with big DD tits with big nipples on a size 8 frame and had had more than her fair share of cocks over the years as someone who enjoyed being fucked.Late one Sunday her sister called her and asked if they could meet up as she had managed to get herself into a situation and didn't...

3 years ago
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Sue Pays A Visitand Much More

Right after my divorce I got a promotion and relocated to Nashville. In a stroke of luck, or destiny, or whatever you want to call it, I met Christy about two weeks after I moved. Christy was everything my ex-wife was not. She is a big boobed German who also just got divorced. Sex was missing in our marriages and we did not waste any time making up for it. My job kept me incredibly busy during the week, but when Friday came along Christy would come over to my apartment. The weekend was filled...

1 year ago
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Sue becomes a Slut

Sue takes on her sisters debt and her life spirals into depravity Sue was a good looking woman. in her mid-forties, a wife and mother she had a comfortable life, with a family who cared for her and a husband who still enjoyed fucking her on a regular basis. She had always been hot, with big DD tits with big nipples on a size 8 frame and had had more than her fair share of cocks over the years as someone who enjoyed being fucked.Late one Sunday her sister called her and asked if they could meet...

2 years ago
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Sue Frank and I MFM 2

Introduction: Frank, Sue and I continue our sexual adventures Sues first MFM continued Several people have asked about happened after Sue had her first MFM encounter with Frank and I. The relationship lasted for a couple of years One good thing about having a fuck buddy for so long is everyone is comfortable with each other, Sue did things to Frank or let him do things to her that she let no one else do except me. She even rimed him. I think she only rimed two people, me and him. This...

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Sue Frank and I MFM 2

Several people have asked about happened after Sue had her first MFM encounter with Frank and I. The relationship lasted for a couple of years One good thing about having a fuck buddy for so long is everyone is comfortable with each other, Sue did things to Frank or let him do things to her that she let no one else do except me. She even rimed him. I think she only rimed two people, me and him. This story is also spread out over time. It runs the list from when Sue and Frank were...

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Sue My Cum Queen

I grew up in a farming community in Pennsylvania and we lived in a large old farm house. My room was across from my sister’s room. I was 15 and I woke up one day and discovered that I was the horniest guy in the world. I took notice of my older sister’s friend Sue. Sue had long, straight beautiful blonde hair and a set of lovely, large breasts. I fixated on Sue and she became the center of my “jack-off” world. She was short, and cute and perky and the way her breasts bounced used to drive...

3 years ago
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SueChapter 3

Mary had been intrigued by their tale of their adventures with their professor and to reenact the episode on film as part of a montage of stories. A big name porn star was to play the professor and the girls themselves. When the set was ready, they took their places. Sue, once again dressed in white, sat alone on the bed in the opening scene. A flashback set up the scenario. The scene reverted to Sue sitting by herself. Judy entered the picture, again dressed in black. Judy sat next to Sue...

3 years ago
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Sue and Julie Buiness part two

Part twoSean and Jonny talked, and argued, and bargained. Sue fetched the drinks, the nibbles. Sean had introduced her as his secretary. She looked the part. Her cropped blonde hair looked business like. She wore a tailored black suit, the skirt just above her knee. Finally, it seemed as if they were finished. “Sean, I haven’t thanked you for that piece of shit you delivered to me,” Jonny said in his East London accent. “You’ll be pleased to know that he is now supporting the M25 widening...

2 years ago
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Sue the whore 8211 The Competition

Life was busy with new work for the both Sue and me. Her big sexual experience with the Englishman had begun to fade and we didn’t have any new experiences for sometime. Sue was dressing as sharp as ever, complementing her petite 5’4″ body. Her skirts were well above the knee, and most always, those firm 34B tits without a bra. Our friend Sandy had now taken a new view of Sue, as he had detected the distinct scent of sex on her when she had returned home from her liaison with...

3 years ago
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Sue David again and Alex too

Appetiser: Sue looked into Alex’s eyes. ‘Take me to bed’. Still impaled on Alex’s cock Sue was carried into the bedroom.French Connection 2: The next morning Sue popped into the village for bread and to have a look round. When she got back she said ‘Guess who I saw’? ‘The only person we know is David’. ‘Yes I saw him sitting outside the café having breakfast. ‘Did you speak to him’? ‘Yes I said hello. I asked if his friend had arrived safely then I noticed another plate on the table. His friend...

2 years ago
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Sue Part 4 Her humiliation continues

She called Tracy and arranged to meet her in a local bar that evening. Sue dressed conservatively in a baggy top and long skirt and when Sue walked in, Tracy was not there. Sue ordered a drink at the bar and waited. After 20 minutes she received a text. It said she had to pick up a guy in the bar, and give him a blow job, keeping the cum in her mouth and then find Tracy in the car park before she could swallow. Again she had little choice as the alternative was those animals of Mikes so she...

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Sue Part 3 A cum clut who needs abuse

'Hi Sue', said Tracy a tall formidable looking woman. 'The guys here would like me to do some work to those lovely tits of yours, in exchange for 2 weeks worth of product. What do you think?' Sue was confused, horny, and needed product. A 2 week supply she could stretch out, maybe even wean herself off the retched stuff. Tracey put 5 large spoonfulls into a bag and placed it on the counter. '1 hour with me, and this is yours' she said... 'Deal?' 'Yes' Sue replied Sue...

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Sue and Julie Buiness part three

Part three.Sue looked about her. She didn’t like what she saw. A dingy one bedroom flat. A shit hole. She’d been for a walk around the northern town she now found herself in, albeit temporarily. Sean had sent her. Sent her north. She hung, on a coat hanger, the dress she had brought earlier, in a charity shop, that and a coat. They had been classy once, now the coat was showing signs of wear, the dress a few years old, had been fashionable once. She opened the other bag, and tipped out several...

2 years ago
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Sue Serves Several

"I've been teasing my sweet wife for months that we HAD to start the new year off with a bang, several of them, but I had no idea it might come true. Especially like this. Thanks for hosting an unforgettable party." Early that morning, 12/31/2009: "Well, Sue, I hope you're still up for our soiree. The invites went out and the RSVPs came back and they all agreed to the formal attire. No more collegiate type keggers, as you wanted. This is our first formal, grown-up, adult, did I say...

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Sues surprise evening

Sue?s surprise evening[This story was written about my then wife [now ex] in the 80s, before the internet and digital cameras, when we had to use contact magazines and Polaroid photos. I could have updated it but I have kept it authentic which I hope you prefer.]My wife Sue was often proud and haughty and was known to be aggressive and imperious and could be a big flirt and tease. Often people had muttered about wanting to see her being brought down a peg or two. Things had come to a head and I...

1 year ago
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SueChapter 2

By this time, Sue had ceased feinting resistance. When Judy's hand stroked her slit through the soft material, she sucked harder at the nipple in her mouth. Judy finally disengaged her tit from Sue's mouth. Sliding between Sue's legs, she slid Sue's skirt down and off. As her face nuzzled Sue's still panty clad snatch, Judy unzipped and discarded her skirt. In keeping with her outer ensemble, underneath she wore a black garter belt and black leather G-string. She squandered little time...

2 years ago
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Sue meeting with the boys

Sue' meeting with the boysOne day things were slow as far as playing things around the neighborhood. David and I voted to go jerk off In my basement. It would be cool compared to the hot summer day. We arrived there only to find my Mom doing laundry. That usually took all day so we had to find another spot. So off to the woods we trotted. The blackberry bushes always offered shade and the big flat rock offered a place to lay without getting dirty. We were passing behind Sindee's house and...

3 years ago
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Sue the whore 8211 The visit

I had at this point discovered Sue was rather submissive. She would do anything I asked of her sexually. The second guy, Dennis, that had shared Sue, figured it out also, and days after our first sexual encounter with him had come back to take advantage of his knowledge. Sue was unable to refuse him and had been worried as she told me what had happened. Clearly she had quickly become accustomed to his outsized cock and told him and me how much she loved being fucked with it. Not wanting...

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SueEllen Carter A Southern Lady

SUE-ELLEN CARTER A Southern Lady By Betty Noone My name is Robert E. Bradford, age 44, 5'6" in height and weigh 160 pounds. I live in Tascaloos, Alabama, a factory town with about 90,000 population. With my wife, Mary Lou,I own a cafe. My family have lived in the South every since my great-great-great (I don't know how many more greats to add) grandfather immigrated from Ireland about five years before the Civil War and...

4 years ago
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Sue My Cum Loving Wife 2

My cock was twitching around covered with precum as Sue told me in detail about her first sexual encounter with her best friend Kate. They were still bet friends and Kate was in our circle of friends. I knew Kate and finding out her and my wife were young lovers and still were lovers had my mind and cock racing. Hell, I even knew Kate's mom Mary who at 53 was still a hot, attractive woman."Let me give you some visual aids!" Sue laughed going into our closet. She was in there for awhile then...

1 year ago
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Sue descends into a slut

Sue takes on her sisters debt and descends into depravity Part 1Sue was a good looking woman. in her mid-forties, a wife and mother she had a comfortable life, with a family who cared for her and a husband who still enjoyed fucking her on a regular basis. She had always been hot, with big DD tits with big nipples on a size 8 frame and had had more than her fair share of cocks over the years as someone who enjoyed being fucked.Late one Sunday her sister called her and asked if they could meet up...

3 years ago
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Sue in the garden teasing builders

In my eyes my wife is absolutely gorgeous. She's 5'5" tall and has a pair of breasts to die for, They are perfectly proportioned to her body she is a little over weight but still in proportion, at times her pussy can be hairy yet in the summer she will shave it all away which is very exciting for me. This is my opinion.You might wonder why I am waxing lyrical about her in such detail. The reason is that: I still can't believe that I managed to get her for myself. To cut to the chase, we met...

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Sue with David Alex Bill watches

Part 3 of The French Connection: Sue and Bill continue their first sharing experience with two older Frenchmen ... ... The bottle was soon empty and David’s hand was creeping ever further up Sue’s thigh. Alex slipped his hand inside her robe to fondle her breasts. They both leaned over and started to kiss the side of her neck as Alex found a stiff nipple to tease and David’s fingers met the outer lips of her sex. Sue’s head tilted back accompanied by barely audible moans and murmurings of...

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Sue My Cum Loving Wife 4

Sue went into great detail telling me how much she loved sucking Cody's big cock for the first time. Admitting she loved her first taste of cum and had been addicted to it since then. All this time when we were married to others and just friends I thought she was a sweet innocent woman. Sue was the woman of my dreams and loved sex as much as did. Although she had sucked multiple boys off at the same time she had never had two guys fucking her at once. She was very excited for this to happen...

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Sue and Julie and the ex cop

Part four.“No fucking way, no fucking way. You must be out of your fucking mind to even consider it.” David shouted. He was livid, red faced. Angry.“So what your saying is that the only work we’ve attracted since we set ourselves up in this business, the only work, and I do mean the only work, and we should just say no. Why?” Lisa knew perfectly well why. She knew too that they had to take it. Take it or go out of business, start looking for something else. Their dream of a private detective...

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Sue Part 2 The wife is used by all the boys

Well I don’t sell from here and I have a discerning network, so if you can find a distributor then great, just bear in mind our clientele usual frequent some dark places, so you may have to adjust that snooty attitude of yours. 'Um, ok' she said, 'but can I have some now just to tide me over?' 'Do I look like a fucking charity to you', Mike snapped. 'You were a stuck up, nasty cunt in school and now you want free shit? You want product you have to earn it. Tell you what I will...

2 years ago
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Sue gangbanged on holiday

Introduction: How Sue was gangbanged whilst we were on holiday in the south of France. My wife Sue and I went on a camping holiday a couple of years ago which led to more than was in the brochure. We went to a wooded camp site in the South of France and on arrival, found that the nearby beach had a nudist area. This was a bonus to us as we went almost every weekend to a nudist beach on the south coast where we lived at the time. Our tent was a large family sized permanent tent with proper...

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Suersquos Vegas Bukakke Party

My friend Bill was getting married again, so I decided to throw him a bachelor party in Las Vegas. I planned the trip, booked the rooms, and invited 10 of our friends. I also called a friend of mine named Craig. He has a wife, named Sue. Sue is a self proclaimed Fuck slut, and even made up an id card to prove it. I asked Craig to come out to Vegas with Sue, but not to tell her our master plan. My plan was to fulfill a fantasy of hers, by giving her a 12 man bukakke party. I also wanted her to...

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Sue wants a baby P2

The day after my first threesome with a c***dless couple who hoped my sperm would bring them joy, I battled to keep my focus on the lesson plans. The day was just one blur.After school I was busy packing up in the classroom when Sue walked in. I looked at her and gave her an awkward smile...She just beamed back at me and looked around to makew sure no-one was around before saying a word."Alan, huh about last night...""Well I had a great time Sue and I hope this doesn't change our...

1 year ago
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Sue My Cum Loving Wife 3

"Please let me see the other photos you have Sue!!" I begged. " I am so ready to cum, you have me so fucking excited.""But I have not even touched your cock yet babe." Sue replied licking her sexy lips looking at my cock."I want to see the photos of you and the boy Sue""That really turns you on, doesn't it?" She said excitedly. " Just promise the nothing will change the way you love me and I will show you the photos of Kate and I with the boys.""You know nothing will ever change that Sue." I...

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Sue and Ann

Hey out there I thought you might want to hear about what happen last week, it still trips me out. I was watching TV Saturday afternoon when I heard a car pull up I looked out and Sue Toms one of Kat's bitches gets out. I open the door and tell her that Kat was gone for a few days, she said she knew and wanted to talk to me. I let her in and got her a drink then sat and said what's up? She looked scared and shaken I put my arm around her and again asked her to tell me. She said it was her...

3 years ago
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Sue Dexter Chapter One

Here's a new story, my first attempt. Of course, it's inspired by artist Eric Stanton. Mysty Mason Sue Dexter Chapter One When Robert Dexter was quite young old, he was diagnosed at his yearly dental check-up as suffering from an acute attack of a virulent gum and tooth disease, although he, himself, was experiencing no discomfort. The initial diagnosis was performed by Dr. Janet Cutler, and the extractions by an oral surgeon, Dr. Ruth Miller, both recent but...

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Sues Journey

This is a true continuing story which I am posting on behalf of my dear friend Sue. She would love to read your comments about her naughty 'adventures'.I first met Sue on an adult chat room. Sue lives in another country and time zone and is a sweet and lovely lady. She is a middle aged wife and mother. I like her very much and we quickly became close. We exchanged many emails and some pictures of each other. Soon we were corresponding on a regular basis. I looked forward to hearing from her and...

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Sue A MiddleAged Hottie

Sue is one of those women who certainly don't look their age; they're sexy, they're beautiful and they know how to use the natural assets they've been given to make them feel good about how they look and to use those assets in luring the men they want attention from. Sue is one of those kinds of women. She's totally hot. One of the things I first noticed about Sue was that she nearly always wore tops and sweaters and dresses that showed off her nice breasts. Oh yeah. One of the first...

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sues favourite film

One. April 1991 Sue was 36, tall, leggy, had long blond hair and bright blue eyes. She was a dedicated runner and had a slender, leggy athletic figure to die for. I had known her a few weeks and Fridays if her k**s were at their dads, we`d eat, have a drink, watch a film then I`d fuck her brains out for hours. That Friday I brought, "Blade Runner," one of my favs around. Sue said she try it, even if she didn`t like sci-fi. We ate, started on the Vodka then settled down on the sofa and I pushed...

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Sue My Cum Loving Wife 6

I told Mike I wanted too see his cum squirting into my wife's mouth. He told me he was ready to cum and to let him know when I was going to cum. She gripped our cocks tightly furiously pumping her hands up and down our cocks. The heads of our cocks rubbing together added to the excitement."I'm going to cum !" I moaned as my cum started squirting out into Sue's wide open mouth. I watched as Mike's huge cock erupted and his thick white cum gushed into her mouth with mine. Her mouth quickly filled...

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Sue My Cum Loving Wife

Sue and I were both married before but she was reluctant to talk about her past sex life. Being the sex addict I am, I wanted to hear about how my wife became such a fantastic cocksucker. I finally convinced her how excited I become thinking about her sucking and fucking other guys. Or imaging her with another girl or woman. Promising her that nothing would change my feelings for her. Sue was thirteen when she started fooling around with her best friend Kate. Every time they had a sleepover...

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Sue rides again

Not wrote for a while but trust me sue has not changed ,apart from being a bigger slut ,we just came back from Spain and never done anything abroad but after a couple of days walking around looking at half dressed teens etc I was horny so time to make sue take some young cock ,so that night did a few bars doing my best to get her horny and thought I'd stick to my old ways pick on young drunks but finding 1 or 2 on their own was hard as they were all in groups so we headed back to our hotel and...

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sue does her boyfriends sonwhile he is in hospita

i dont know why i am writing this.i think its probably to get it off my chest.well lets start.sue and i were married.thats a different song .she always had a thing for jim(her friend)but he was married and i guess she married me because he was already taken.i could go on and tell you how good looking he was and what a great lover he was.i could, but why bother.sue kept telling me all this when we were why should i tell you now.sue was 5`6 long dark hair and boobs to die for.i should...

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Sue and Lou Finally Get A Clue

Once there were two teenagers, named Sue and Lou, And they did all the things that most teenagers do. They went out for parties, and went out on a date, And sometimes got in trouble if they stayed out too late. They were friends to be sure, but didn't go with one another, Sue's parents were friends with Lou's single mother. Sue's mother was Grace and her father was named Larry, While Lou's mother's name they all knew was Mary. They would get together and talk about each others kid,...

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Sue the Hairdresser

I have known Sue for a number of years through the senior citizen center.She is 65 years old married but I have never seen her with her husband.I am told her husband is a real prick but she can't leave him because she has no money and no where to go.At a Christmas party at the Senior Center I saw Sue dancing. I was shocked at how she moved.She was incredible,especially for her age.I approached her while she was dancing and joined in.Sue has big tits and not a bad figure at 65.Her tits were...

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Sue wants a baby

I am a physics teacher in a local high school. I have just hit the 40's and caught the flab just in time. I work out 5 times a week to keep in shape and try to keep a moderate diet. Well enough about me, lets get to the story.I joined the school five years ago and spent my first two months getting to know the ins and outs of the school. The accountant at the school was really helpful in helping me get to grips with all the financial protocols and getting my pension, medical etc. sorted out. Her...

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Sue by the sea

Well what can I say, I had been chatting to Stewart online for quite a while, lockdown does limit what you can do. I’d had the odd message from Sue, but they wanted to keep the anticipation there, build the tension. I had seen so many pics of Sue throughout her years, dressed, undressed and in action. I can tell you now I was so ready to meet them.I had driven over to the west coast of England, to the seaside of all places. So a fun trip whatever happened. You could smell the brine as I drove...

4 years ago
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Sue on Camping Holiday in South of France

My wife and I went on a camping holiday a couple of years ago which led to more than was in the brochure. We went to a wooded camp site in the South of France and on arrival, found that the nearby beach had a nudist area. This was a bonus to us as we went almost every weekend to a nudist beach on the south coast where we lived at the time. Our tent was a large family sized permanent tent with proper rooms, as were most of the tents on the site, only a few being tents that people would put up...

1 year ago
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Sues mother

I told you I would tell you ll about Sue's Mum.Sue was big. Sue was chubby with enormous porcelain-white tits that I shot many loads over. Sue was nerdy with a freckled face and long jet black hair. Her mother looked nothing like her...We went to lunch at a pub to be introduced. Irene needed a lot of repairs on her house. Sue recommended me. Sue and I arrived first and got drinks. Sue said; "You will like her". Halfway through our beers. Sue's tits jiggled as she waved to someone, "Here she...

2 years ago
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Sues new story A Golf Bet Paid

It was a beautiful April morning in sunny central Florida, so I decided to take a break from work,and play 18 holes of golf. I went over to Disney’s Palm Golf course, and tried to get in to a foursome with some tourists. I was in luck, we started playing, and I struck up a conversation with one of the guys, his name was Craig. As we were playing, the competition between Craig and I was becoming very close. As we approached the last hole our scores were even. Throughout the day, Craig and I were...

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Sue My Cum Loving Wife Wih Two Cocks

Mike was holding onto Sue's hips slowly fucking her creamy pussy. Carefully pushing more and more of his long, fat cock up my wife's cunt. It was so exciting watching his massive, young cock pumping back and forth between her glistening pink pussy lips.Sue was wiggling her hips around wildly, moaning fuck me, fuck me over and over. She looked at me and asked if I was enjoying watching her getting fucked. I assured her that I loved watching Mike fucking her. I moved my hands all over Sue's...

1 year ago
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Sues surprise at party

I suspect that the fantasy of having two men is shared by many women - certainly it is by two females to my knowledge. One is a 30 ish year old divorced friend who confided to me that she had always fancied sex with two men so arranged to have the mechanic who looked after her car visit her one evening at the same time as another male friend was due. Both had made passes at her but she had not done anything about either up to now. She introduced them to each other and made an excuse to leave...

1 year ago
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Sue Gets Ridden by Bikers

Sue was a well put together woman - sexy mouth and eyes, 38 B or C bust with large, sensitive, stubby nipples set in large dark aureoles, a flat stomach and slim waist flaring out to rounded hips with a full mound and her pride and joy - large juicy lips around her cunt which quickly became soaking wet at the slightest stimulation. Her rounded buttocks were very shapely and as her cunt was low slung, if she bent forwards or went on her hands and knees, her large cunt hung beautifully lined up...

2 years ago
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Sues First Visit

The first of my UK friends to visit me in Spain was Sue, we have been friends since I was 15 and she was 17, we met because I was at school with her brother, my best friend.I picked her up from the airport as agreed and I had some light tapas prepared for when we got back to my place as it would be after 10 in the evening. Not a problem if you are used to the Spanish way of life but if you’ve just flown over from the UK it’s a little different.I showed her to her room, showed her where her...

1 year ago
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Sues friend Annacontinued from my blog

Sue my 78 year old fuck buddy lived near me in Leicester, i had met her through Jean my 66 year old neighbour. Both Jean and Sue had great bodies and i loved fucking them as often as i could.I had been busy with my business and had some what neglected both Jean and Sue so made a point of calling round to see Jean one night after work. I hadn't been in Jeans house for more than ten minutes before we were both naked and fucking like teenagers. She had really come to love anal sex and played with...

2 years ago
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Sue will learn to deal

My wife and I were eating at a local place and one of Kat's new girls came in with her family Kat said Hi to her but she looked away and keep going, this only pissed Kat off (bad thing to do belive me) Kat sent her a text saying go to the bathroom her phone buzzed she went to the john and Kat put her agaist the wall she begged PLEASE I'M HERE WITH MY HUSBAND AND SON PLEASE THEY CAN'T KNOW ABOUT YOU pulling back Kat thought a second then tells her be ready at 9am for me she says BUT I WORK Kat...

2 years ago
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Sue Goes To The Theatre

It is always a rush to walk into an adult theatre with Sue on my arm. My heart beats faster, my palms get sweaty, and perspiration breaks out on my forehead because I know that I will be able to unleash my voyeuristic/exhibitionistic tendencies. I notice it has the same effect on Sue even while we are getting ready for the theatre. The anticipation of doing something 'naughty' and forbidden in a semi-public place has us both on edge from the moment we decide on a whim that the day or night...

2 years ago
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Suersquos now a Pornstar if she likes it or not

I thought I would tell you of what I have got myself in to as I still cannot believe it myself! My name’s Sue & work at a printers factory in Derby’ Have been marred for many years with not that much exciting happening along the way as it were! I thought our sex life was ok but that it & me thinking his Cock was an ok size of around 5 inch’s & sex lasting around 5mins being the norm’ The only excitement I get is knowing the lads at work like to get a look at my arse when I am...

2 years ago
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Sue will learn to deal 2

A few days later and a few encounters later Kat thought it was time so we drive the 5min. to her house when we get there she comes outside and Kat looks at me and tells me to take control of Tom and the boy she drags Sue to her bedroom and strips her naked then kisses fingers licks her till she can no longer be quiet and the moaning starts in the living room we hear (OMG PLEASE OH GOD OHHHH OMG OH YESSSS I'M CUMMMMMING YES YES YES) Tom is going crazy trying to get pass me but can't then hearing...

3 years ago
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Sues visit to The Doctor

fan story from tiknala[05/10/2013] knock knock …. oh not another one , that bloody receptionist , I told her no more patients and I bet she’s gone and left it to me to lock up ..The door opens and in you step …......take a seat what can I do you for you ….......I have a lump on my breast , can you check it out for me …......I turn to wash my hands and when I turn back again you have already removed your jacket and are unbuttoning your blouse ….. bloody hell , I think to myself, she's got...

3 years ago
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Sue Ch 0508

The following material is sexually explicit erotica. If you are offended by hard-core pornography close this file. Chapter 5 Working With Brian On my way to work the following day I wondered how Brian and I would cope with being in the same office together but I needn’t have worried, apart from a discrete wink and a hurriedly blown kiss when I first walked in, I don’t think anyone watching us would ever have guessed what had happened between us the previous evening. I was pleased by his...

2 years ago
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My Threesome with Mom and grandmom

So if you read my last story about me and my mom fucking in the gas station then here’s what happened next.If you didn’t read my last story about me and my mom in the gas station I highly advise you read that then come and read this one.Now let me get into the story for all my readers.So me and my mom finally reached my grandmom’s house somewhere in the country of South Carolina. You knew you were in the country because there were barely any street lights and her house was on a dirt road and...

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