Choose Your Own SexVenture Page 18 free porn video

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Disclaimer: This is part of a larger adventure story. If you reached this page as part of a reader’s choice from a previous page, continue below. If not, CLICK HERE to start at the beginning of the SexVenture.

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Page 18

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You feel famished and decide to head back to the west-wing offices to the kitchen and find some food to replenish your energy, in your haste and deep thoughts on your first day, you had not even thought about bringing a lunch. You enter the main glass doors and make your way over to the kitchen, along the way thinking of what the food set up would be if many an employee spent a majority of their time here: Were meals catered? Did people bring in bagged lunches? Did they go shopping and store groceries here?

You enter the kitchen and see it is not a simple office kitchenette with just a fridge, microwave, sink and perhaps a coffee maker. There are plenty of cabinets stocked with not only china and cutlery but also a food pantry, a dedicated fridge for drinks, and a second fridge filled of foods including a giant platter of cold cuts and a cake box. Left over from a meeting today? Ready to go for a party later? Was it up for grabs? Was there a money jar around where people paid for food on an honor system?

You poke your head out of the kitchen into the corridor to see if anyone is around to ask. No one is in your immediate line of sight. Better play it safe, you think, until you find out more details on the more mundane parts of the job description. Perhaps food is just for the ‘community’ employees. So instead of raiding the fridge full of perishables, you opt for things easily replaceable if you find out later the food was not up for grabs. You pick a water bottle from the first fridge, then dig around in a drawer for a spoon, open a cabinet and break out a jar of peanut butter.

For a company with a sizeable staff you find it odd you haven’t seen anyone else in the kitchen — although you are eating at an odd hour and it seems everyone else works odd hours too. It’s a fluid work place, you will see people eventually you tell yourself. You pull up a chair at the table in the kitchen and scoop a sizeable amount of peanut butter and begin eating. You just scooped out your third spoonful and placed it in your mouth when someone enters the kitchen. As is usually the case, it is the exact moment when you put something in your mouth that someone at a dinner table will ask you a question and you have too full of a mouth to speak. So when this woman walked in and saw you and said ‘Hi there,’ you did not say a word.

However, you would not have spoken even if you did not have a face full of food. You instead were speechless because your biggest celebrity crush just walked into the room. Well, you imagine, not the actual celebrity. But someone who damn well looked exactly like her.

You stop eating. Fortunately you just started on this spoonful, so the size of your scoopful as well as the fact that it was peanut butter and was sticking to the roof of your mouth helped prevent the spoon, food and all, from falling to the floor as your mouth stood agape. This woman standing in front of you really looked like her. This gorgeous woman has been a part of all your fantasies. She is the mere definition of beauty. If, in the future, the human race had to be cloned and there could only be one person chosen for what the next million humans looked like, there is no second option, it would have to be this woman. Instead of speaking, all you could do was watch her as she started preparing herself some tea and poking her head in the fridge.

‘Cold cut day, huh?’ she says trying to spark conversation. ‘What schedule are you on, is this a snack or meal for you?’

You recover from your stupor, pull the spoon out of your mouth and answer, ‘Hi there. Yes, um, I would have to say a meal break, it has been a while since I’ve eaten today.’

‘Is peanut butter all you are going to have?’ she asks as she pulls a covered bowl out of the fridge then walks over, pulls out a chair and sits down across from you at the narrow table.

‘Well, it will do for today. I wasn’t sure what food was available and for whom? No one was around to ask, so I went for simple. It’s my first day,’ you state.

‘You’re new? Now why do I think I should have figured that out?’ she playfully asks as she pulls the lid off the bowl to reveal a bunch of cut fruit and she reaches down for a piece of melon and brings it to her lips.

‘Well, I imagine that there is a goofy look on my face, a sure sign of someone new on the job completely overwhelmed.’

She lets out a laugh. ‘Goofy works too. No, I was going to say because you are a male you stand out as new, although you are correct, it may be a tie of what is noticeable first, your gender or the goofy face,’ she says with a wink as she puts a piece of cantaloupe in her mouth next.

‘Hey, that’s not fair, I said goofy look, not goofy face,’ you clarify as you grab another spoonful of peanut butter.

‘What’s the difference?’ she retorts with a smirk before continuing, ‘Well, I am on the Board, I only drop in now and then, today, I needed to meet with Claire to prep for a meeting coming up. So as far as your first day orientation, I can clear up one point: the company pays for all the food since our employees put so much time into this job. We are a family, so please do help yourself to anything you see. For your next meal, don’t feel like you have to resort to jelly. Grape?’ she asks grabbing a grape from the bowl and extending it across the table holding it inches from your mouth.

As your hands are occupied, one with the jar the other with the spoon, you extend your tongue and she places the grape front and center on your tongue and you retract it, with the grape, back into your mouth.

‘Mmmm,’ she says.

‘Mmmm indeed. Thank you, it’s delicious.’

‘Indeed, let me know when you are ready for the next one,’ she says as she helps herself to a piece of pineapple. ‘Well, welcome aboard. I know it has been a while since the ’employee’ specialist position has been filled so I am glad Claire was finally able to find someone. What is your name?’

You tell her your name and are just about to ask her what hers is when she replies with ‘Nice to meet you,’ and places another grape in front of your mouth for you to take. This time, instead of placing out your tongue like a platter, you lean towards her and grab the fruit with your mouth, sucking the grape from her, slightly wetting her fingers in the process.

‘Mmmm,’ she says again as she reaches down to the bowl with the same hand she just used to deliver you the grape, grabs another piece of pineapple, lifts it to her mouth and sucks her own fingers during delivery.

With this act you lose your train of thought and forget to ask her her name, but you recover to make small talk about the company before quickly drifting off to other topics. She has a wide range of interests and they are all similar to yours such that you both enjoy each tangent you go on.

About fifteen minutes elapse and you both have worked through about half the large bowl of fruit, you have now long ago satiated your peanut butter hunger. With free hands, you both have taken the habit of alternating feeding the other a piece of fruit as you learn more about each other.

‘Any strawberries left?’ she asks as it is her turn to be fed next. You grab one and bring it up to her mouth and she bites it out of your hands.

Even during your long conversation you still could not get the resemblance she has to your celebrity fantasy out of your head and now have mustered the courage to state so. ‘I apologize if you either have never heard this before or have heard it so many times you are sick of hearing it, but you look remarkably similar to –‘

You are cut off quickly as she grabs a grape and plugs your pie hole with it such that you cannot finish the se
ntence. This is now twice she seems to have been avoiding that topic.

She reads that in your face, so after a pause, she offers, ‘Anyone ever tell you that you look like George Clooney?’


‘That’s because you look nothing like him. But how often do you think George Clooney gets, ‘boy you look a lot like George Clooney’?’

‘So, are you trying to say you are–,’ you are cut off again by delivery of a piece of strawberry.

‘No, I am trying hard not to say that. Nothing in this world is out of the realm of possibility, but would it make a difference to you?’

‘Actually, no, because the reasons I have enjoyed these last fifteen minutes have been because of you the person I met today, not based on who you either look like or are.’

‘That’s a good answer.’

‘Well, let me add this now…’ you add.

‘Don’t mess it up while you are ahead,’ she warns.

‘Well, true, that is also not out of the realm of possibility, in fact, it would go well with the goofy look. But I will still proceed — cautiously — and say this: When you entered the room I was speechless. As I got to talk with and know YOU, I am obviously not speechless anymore, but I am even more enamored.’

She was in the middle of bringing a piece of fruit to your mouth when you were in the middle of this sentence and she froze to hear the end of it. Now she breaks the eye contact and looks down, you are unsure of whether it is out of embarrassment, flattery, or just deep thought. It feels like an eternity, but just a moment later, she returns the eye contact and continues to place that piece of fruit in your mouth.

‘I think I am full. Are you finished with the fruit?’ she asks.

You are disappointed, you are afraid you have insulted her, and even worse, afraid that your conversation is over as you truly have enjoyed your time with this woman.

‘You know fantasies are weird,’ she continues. ‘They are very individualistic. Different things work for different people. You know what I fantasize about? You know who the one person I think about is when I am alone at night?’

You stare intently at each other. You do not interrupt and allow her to continue her train of thought.

‘I have always wanted to sleep with the one and only person who exists on this planet who looks nothing like George Clooney.’

You stare at her, the sexual tension building. All you know to break it with is an honest response, ‘Not out of the realm of possibility.’

‘Good, peanut butter man. Then shall we?’

You both get up and hurriedly move down the hall, out the glass doors and to the first available room in the east-wing. As soon as you are in the door she pushes you down into a large armchair, straddles you and locks you into a deep passionate kiss.

At first both your hands and hers are on the other’s head during the embrace, but soon you both begin to explore. You run your hands down her back with soft caresses as she runs her hands over your chest. You grab the hem of her shirt and bring it up to her neck, neither of you want yet to break the kiss so you let it rest upon her shoulders. She rips open your button-down shirt and continues to explore the contours of your toned chest.

Your hands unclasp her bra to gain access to her breasts, but again the material still hangs on her neck. Your tongues explore each other, while her hands maneuver down to your pants and undo the top button. She unzips the pants and from her position does the best she can to maneuver your already hard dick out into the open air.

You rub your thumbs over both of her nipples tying to elicit a reaction from her. But if it is a game you want, she is a tough competitor. Neither one of you is willing to break your deep probing kiss, as you both are truly fulfilling a burning lifelong fantasy and are afraid to break the spell. She competes by stroking your cock while rubbing your balls, as they remain concealed, through the fabric of your pants.

In her straddled position her skirt has already risen so it does not take much effort to lift the material of the skirt up to her waist. You reach underneath and cup her mound to feel what material covers her pussy.

She removes her hands from your penis as you slide her thong underwear to the side and just when you are about to insert a finger she shifts position — not breaking the kiss — but settling further in your lap and guides your penis up under her skirt. You pull the underwear aside further and you both moan into each other’s mouths as you enter her.

As the kiss breaks at that moment of entry, the competition ends in a draw, but the spell is not broken. Free from the kiss, she keeps her focus on the movement of her hips and quickly speeds to a rapid pace bouncing up and down on your aching cock. You use the opportunity to remove her shirt and bra from her neck. She grabs your shoulders for support as she grinds further onto your cock which fills deep in her pussy. Your mouth moves to her tits and you begin to suck on her nipples. She lets out another moan and stops moving up and down your dick. She settles down in your lap and begins rocking side to side rather than up and down.

You trace kisses across her neck. She begins to pull your hair and lifts your head up so you can comingle your tongues again in another passionate kiss. You begin to thrust from you position now, determined to hit every angle inside of her. You continue pumping and pounding while she pulls your hair, squeezes your chest and explores your mouth.

‘Come inside of me,’ she screams as she starts exercising her Kegel muscles and begins to squeeze your dick to complement each deep thrust you make. Her wish is your command and you release your semen, your cock bucks several times as your legs tremble and you rest your head on her breasts.. As you come down from your orgasm you plant gentle kisses on her chest, neck, shoulders and tits.

‘Wow, that was great,’ she says.

She gets up from the chair, sliding off of your emptied dick. She turns around and slips her skirt and panties off her hips and down her legs. She walks off to the bathroom. You are not sure if she looked back at you on her walk away as your gaze was focused instead on her gorgeous ass. This woman is the most gorgeous woman you have ever seen and have fantasized about her consistently. Combining both your fantasies and the sight of that ass seconds ago, your penis recovers quickly and hardens again.

You hear her in the bathroom doing a couple of things. You get up and take off your remaining clothes and then you hear the shower go on. You start to walk towards the bathroom when she emerges. Your cock is pointing straight up. She looks at you, then your penis and then back at you. ‘Good, because my fantasy is just getting started,’ she says.

She runs over and jumps in your arms wrapping her legs around you as she gives you a full body bear hug. You kiss again, with less urgency this time, but rather soft, sensual yet still exploratory kisses. You grab her ass while she takes hold of your hard cock and slaps it against her mound. She slides it across her slit, not allowing it to enter her cunt, rather, teasing herself and using it to rub against her clit.

‘Join me in the shower?’ she asks as she suggestively raises her eyebrows.

‘Absolutely,’ you say as you grab ahold of her tight, sexy ass and carry her over to the bathroom. The water is warm and you each climb in and get all wet. Then you, being closest to the faucet, turn your back and face her, shielding both of you from direct spray. She takes her hands and traces your pectoral muscles then moves down across your abs, down over your erect penis, over to your hips and down your thighs as she lowers herself onto her knees. She takes your dick into her mouth and she gently uses her teeth to let you know she is there before using her lips and begins to slurp, bobbing up and down while fondling your balls. You look down and enjoy the be
auty of the moment: this gorgeous fantasy woman working your cock. You grab her hair and guide her movements on your cock.

You then grab her shoulders and help her up off her knees. You turn her around and position one of her legs up on the ledge of the bathtub. You move in close behind her and embrace her in a hug. You kiss her neck as you comb fingers through her wet hair. You comb the hair off to the side, continue to kiss her neck as your hands travel from her hair to her breasts, palming her tits, rubbing and putting pressure on her nipples. Then you slide your hands further down across her smooth belly until you reach her mound. You rub her clit and slide some fingers into her pussy. Two fingers curl up inside of her as your mouth moves from her neck to her mouth as she turns her head to reach you. Your tongue probes her mouth as deep as your fingers makes it in her vaginal wall.

She once again reaches between her legs and finds your cock and pulls it down her ass crack and towards her pussy opening. You pull your fingers out of her pussy to allow her access with the arriving cargo. She continues to slide your dick across her crease and again slaps your hardness against her clit eliciting another groan. She then slides your dick around her clit a few more times before sliding it back down through her crease until it is at the opening of her pussy. She grips the edge of the tub with her toes to gain support then pushes you into her. You both groan again, enjoying the moment of entry. You grab her by the waist, to steady her, to provide you with support, and to also control the speed of your thrusts, pushing her deep onto your pole. You penetrate her pussy with slow deep thrusts and reach one hand around to massage her clitoris. You give her clit a few pinches between rubs. She reaches back around your neck to pull you in tight and to gain support as you push her to the edge. You quicken your pace, both your thrusts in her pussy and the fingering of her clit, as she approaches her orgasm.

She lets out a scream. You feel her whole body squeeze, relax, and squeeze, she is spasming as she comes. As she recovers, you stay buried inside her and reach around to turn off the water. You hold her up as you now slide out of her cunt and grab a towel for each of you. You dry off and you both walk over and collapse on the bed and spend the next twenty minutes kissing and fondling each other, trapped again in a no-lose competition to see who can get the other excited enough to break the deep, passionate kiss. You forget who wins by the time you each climax one more time and then bask in each other’s arms enjoying the moment.

If you decide to try some anal, Click here to go to Page 22

If you decide to try some bondage, Click here to go to Page 23

If you decide to leave her satisfied and exit the room, Click here to go to Page 11

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My Fantasy Sexventure 8211 Part 2 Lesbian Sex

This is my first story on ISS. Thank you all for the positive comments/reviews on the previous part. Now to make things a little more clear. This story about lesbian sex is fiction. The events and characters are fictitious. The characters and events are fictitious and are not intended to represent anyone or any event in the real world. To some extent, I would also try to avoid using real places. But still, someone somewhere could have had similar experiences. If yes, then let me know in my...

3 years ago
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My Fantasy Sexventure 8211 Part 3 Lesbian BDSM

Thank you all for the positive comments/reviews on the previous parts. Now to make things a little more clear. This story is fiction about lesbian BDSM. The characters and events are fictitious and are not intended to represent anyone or any event in the real world. To some extent, I would also try to avoid using real places. But still, someone somewhere could have had similar experiences. If yes, then let me know in my email. I have made this story such that it completely fits in reality. The...

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My Fantasy Sexventure 8211 Part 4 Lesbian Slave

The story is connected, so please read from part 1. Few comments in the comment section will be appreciable. Thank you all for the positive comments/reviews on the previous parts. Hey guys, just wondering, can a lesbian slave story make your dick erect? And dear girls, I hope you get horny and wet. Previous part recap: One night, Divya calls me by phone, and she tells me that she is alone in her home. My lesbian love for her arouses as soon as I meet her after many days. She requests me to have...

3 years ago
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My Fantasy Sexventure 8211 Part 5 Lesbian Love And My Fantasy

The story is connected, so please read from part 1. Few comments in the comment section will be appreciable for this story of lesbian love. Thank you all for the positive comments/reviews on the previous parts. Hey guys, just wondering, can a lesbian story make your dick erect? And dear girls, I hope you get horny and wet. Imagining or visualizing the story will give you a better feel while reading. The story is just continued from where I paused in the last part. Me (with tears in my eyes):...

1 year ago
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My Fantasy Sexventure 8211 Part 6 Video Sex Chat

Author’s note: This story about the video sex chat is connected to the previous ones. So please read from part 1. Many days passed after the previous act. Fuck Divya, she now again slowly started to ignore me. She was ignoring me because she feared that we might again get caught by her mother. I started to feel very lonely. I missed the days when I used to kiss, fuck and cum with her. Every night, my pussy itched so hard. I scratched it by watching porn and thinking about Divya. But solo...

4 years ago
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My Fantasy Sexventure 8211 Part 6 Video Sex Chat

Author’s note: This story about the video sex chat is connected to the previous ones. So please read from part 1. Many days passed after the previous act. Fuck Divya, she now again slowly started to ignore me. She was ignoring me because she feared that we might again get caught by her mother. I started to feel very lonely. I missed the days when I used to kiss, fuck and cum with her. Every night, my pussy itched so hard. I scratched it by watching porn and thinking about Divya. But solo...

1 year ago
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Detention With Miss Downey Miss Downeys Story Chapter Four

Seventeen-year-old sixth former, Debbie Griffin couldn’t take her eyes off the clothes brush that sat on her Form Mistress’ desk. She tried her best to return her concentration to her History homework – the reason why she was sitting in detention that Tuesday afternoon. Debbie looked across the classroom at her fellow detainee, Leah Ellis, who was busily writing away. Debbie Griffin looked briefly at her Form Mistress, Helen Downey, before trying to return her full focus to her essay, but it...

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Miss Downey Sees And Knows Everything Girls Miss Downeys Story Chapter Eight

Tall, seventeen-year-old sixth former, Charlotte Beccles sat behind her desk in Miss Downey’s classroom and awaited the arrival of her quiet, but extremely strict, Form Mistress. The straight A* student had no idea how Helen had found out about the practical joke that Charlotte had played on her Maths teacher, Miss O’Driscoll, but the no-nonsense History teacher knew and had awarded the extremely tall and thin, Charlotte Beccles an after-school detention that following day.As the young lady...

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Choose Your Own CD Bondage Adventure 1

Choose your own CD Bondage Adventure 1 You've thought and thought about it a lot, you've fantasized about nearly every aspect of what could or would happen, you've masturbated to so many climaxes as the images of your Mistress or the stories of her adventures spurs you on. It's late on a Friday night, and what a week at work... TGIF was never so true and it feels so good to be back home and relaxing by the 'puter surfing your favorite porn sites. After quickly scanning...

2 years ago
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Choose your Own CD Bondage Adventure 2

Choose your own CD Bondage Adventure 2 (((** Quick note from author ? As an FYI and to answer some questions brought up in the reviews... If this truly goes the direction I see it, there will be more than one option... I realize as it stands now, there?s not really much choice for a "Choose your own" but... I see it as being a rather large work with many options. Instead of just "stop or continue" I foresee it with options that lead to other parts. For example: "If you decide to...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Sexventures Of Krish 8211 First Ever Blowjob

Hi fappers, I am Krish and this is my very first story writing experience. So please excuse me if there are any mistakes. This story is a combination of a little bit of my own experience and more and more of my imagination. Warning! It’s sensual and quite a long one as this part includes an introduction as well. So, please don’t expect to fap at the beginning itself. Okay, let’s move on to the story. I am 26 years old and my native is Chennai. I am from a conservative family where my parents...

3 years ago
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Politics the Page

It was an election night party, we gathered at the ball room of local hotel waiting for the results to come in. I was attending the event with my wife,we had been supporters and donators to the incumbent candidate who was in the battle for his job, the polls going into the election night we're neck & neck so it was a rather nervous night at the grand ballroom. We had invested a lot of campaign dollars into our candidates relection. The early numbers did not look good & my frustration...

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Miss Downey Meets Her Form Class For The First Time Chapter Two

This was it. The time had come.Helen Downey walked down the corridor of the Sixth Form block with the Head of Sixth Form, Nicola McNamara. The older lady was the Head of St. Katherine’s Girls’ Sixth Form and had spent time during each of the previous two inset days helping Helen sort anything out that she needed.“They’re a lovely form class, Helen. All nice girls who are generally high achievers. You’ll get no problems from them and they will look after you, I’m sure.” Mrs. McNamara looked back...

2 years ago
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The Blank Page

I sat there staring at the blank page of my diary. The date at the top of the page was April 23 but there was nothing written on the preceding pages. This was a new beginning. I toyed with the opening entry, discarding such trite quotes such as, ‘Today is the first day of the rest of my life.’, or what about, ‘Life is what you make of it.’, or ‘A pessimist sees the gutter while an optimist sees the stars.’ All appropriate for the situation that I found myself in. There was a piece of paper on...

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A Blank Page

Sweat dripped down Nathan’s face. Trish, his girlfriend writhed on all fours in front of him, her ass slapping his hips with every thrust. They were both eighteen years old, and tonight was their last night together. Tomorrow she would leave for college, and Nathan would continue on in town without her. ‘Spank my ass, Nate,’ she said, looking back over her left shoulder. Perspiration beaded on her face, her brown hair tangled in it and stuck to her. He let a half-hearted palm drop with a...

4 years ago
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Knockdown the lockdown with a sexy model

Hello friends. My name is Aditya. I am 22 years old and I am going to share a wonderful experience that I had during this precautionary lockdown. You too can enjoy this period filled with boredom, lethargy, and convert the atmosphere from lack of excitement to full of sexual ecstasy. Do you want to know how? Read this erotic story to find out! During the first week of the precautionary lockdown period, I was breaking my record of masturbation performed in a single day! In the second week, I was...

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The page

You wake, roll over and sit, eyes still adjusting to your surroundings. As you rub your eyes and clear your mind there is something familiar about this place. Instinct brings about recognition of where you are and you peer at the shapes before you in the darkness. No longer sleeping in your bed the realisation dawns. You lay on cushions, comfortably reclined, a rug on the floor beneath you, the stars showing in the velvet sky above. A distant fire burns low; the vast room bathed in its faint...

4 years ago
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Choose Your Life

Smoke billowed forth from the untold depths of the bottle, oddly smelling of sex, technology, and nature. Inhaling sharply, you are overcome by the powerful, almost contradicting smells, when you hear an ominous voice, sometimes feminine, sometimes masculine, always enticing, coming from the depths of the mist. "You have released me from that accursed container. In return I offer you a choice, three small wishes or one big wish. Before you choose, know this; you cannot take it back, for in...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Anything For Georgetown Part three

“This school has a reputation for being very good, and we want to uphold that. You’re not helping matters any by being mean to students and flaunting your sexuality.” “It’s a crime to be sexy? You sound like Brenda. I can’t help it if she’s ugly.” “But you can stop your behavior.” “And what if I don’t want to?” Houlihan was still sweating. “I went to Georgetown, you know.” This caught Monica off guard. “Really? That’s my top school! I so want to go there!” Houlihan regarded Monica for a moment....

1 year ago
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4 Crowns Casino

Are you looking for an online casino that knows how to make you bet your brains out? If that sounds like a type of medical procedure you would rather not have to deal with, do not fucking fear! You are not going to have to undergo a procedure just so you can get your bet on! Instead, know that betting how you wish is just as easy as visiting 4 Crowns Casino.Once you are here, you will discover that there are all kinds of casino games that you can bet on. You will be fucking amazed by everything...

Betting Sites
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Choose your own interracial story

Your town is one of the most interracial towns in the world. There plenty of Hot spots, the club, the school and other places. There also the country club where a lot of rich débutantes hang out. There also a china town where it a red light district and a Latin area. There small Indian areas as well. Choose to be the following races Black Guy- Boyish good looks and a nice size penis. You may be a strong Mandingo or you may be an Uriel type. Depends on how you play it White Guy- You can smooth,...

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The Incredible Diary of Paula Page

The Incredible Diary of Paula Page One thing I want to make clear about this diary. Even though it may seem incredible, every word that is written here is true. The fact that it is published on a fiction site is (as you will learn) is the only reason that my owners will let me post it at all. Yes, owners. If you want to get an idea of what I am talking about, I would suggest that you read the story ?The Frat?. You may want to skip there before you start reading my diary. It will...

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Teresa Scalia Showdown at the Hoedown

Teresa Scalia found her way from the middle school auditorium to the principal's office. The debacle between Barbara Anderson and Michele Smithson had just concluded and Teresa wanted to check on her friend. Michelle had suffered a humiliating stripping and spanking at the hands of Barbara. Teresa tapped on the office door "Michelle are you in there? Are you all right?" "Yes Teresa. Are you alone?" Michelle answered. "I'm alone." said Teresa. "Okay, come in and close the door behind...

4 years ago
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Anything For Georgetown Part four the spanking and tickling scene

“So, Monica. You’re willing to do this?” “Well, yeah. I mean, it kind of sounds like fun in a way. The boys … well, they’re just interested in sex, and that’s pretty much it. They're all about sticking it in, and … I’ve not even had an orgasm. I don’t know if there’s something wrong with me … but …” Houlihan chuckled. “You’re young yet. To be honest, you probably won’t reach your sexual peak until you’re forty or so.” Monica frowned. “You’re kidding, right?” “No. Young men are reaching it at...

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The Cell Phone and the Pager

The Cell Phone and the Pager…and why I switched to a panty girdle rather than panties…When I was on the road, doing troubleshooting for a large company, there was a lot of driving involved. Getting there then, driving around to company reps. in the area I was working. Other than the nights, it could be pretty boring. I carried a company pager then, because cell phone coverage wasn’t anything like it is today. Since I have a pretty perverted mind I was thinking about things one day and started...

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Andy Anna and Brownie

Anna and Andy are twins. They began having sex together about a month ago. Whenever their parents were gone, which was a lot. In Andy's bedroom, a lamp caught on fire, so they had to remodel Andy’s bedroom. Andy and Anna had to share a bed for two months. Anna doesn't like to wear a bra or a shirt in bed. She usually just sleeps in her panties. The first couple of nights, she couldn't sleep at all. She was so uncomfortable with a shirt and bra on. So on the third night, in the middle of...

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Anything For Georgetown part 10 Monica has some unwelcome news

The spring semester droned on. Monica found keeping up her self-confident persona a bit difficult. The sex with Houlihan was amazing and frightening at the same time. He’d finally satisfied her, bringing her to orgasm, the first she’d ever had with a man. But it was her first and last time. He’d made it clear that since she’d lied to him about having any more stripping parties, then doing the one in late December, was unforgiveable. Always, he held the threat of not getting into Georgetown over...

3 years ago
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The Cobbler the Brownies

A Story in the Once Upon a Time… Universe Copyright© 2007 by Stultus Synopsis: An old fashioned Fairy Tale about a plucky young lad who finds love and happiness in a Wizard’s apple orchard. Naturally there is a wicked step-father and some naughty step-brothers that need to get their own ‘just desserts’ as well. Sex contents: No Sex. None at all. Sorry. Genre: Old Fashioned Fairy Tale Codes: Humor, Romance Originally Posted at SOL: 2007-05-22 ************** Thanks to Dragonsweb for the...

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The Cobbler and the Brownies

Thanks to Dragonsweb for the cleanup help with this old revised story! The old storyteller rested his eyes for a moment and took a deep pull from the blackjack of ale that the young cobbler had brought him. Outside the wintry storm still raged, but for the moment he was warmed inside and out and he relaxed for another moment and enjoyed the roaring fire of the inn. "Story telling is always quite thirsty work" he cackled and then drained his blackjack dry and gestured to Mine Host for a...

4 years ago
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Chooser Of The Souls

Standing on the hill looking down at the army, I was amazed at how far we had come in just a year. From a few thousand men to legions flying banners. We had fought hard and won. Men seemed to flock to the winners it seemed. Especially if the winning army was fighting for something they believed in. But tomorrow's battle would be the culmination of a dream for many of these men if Odin granted us victory. Yet it will not be easy. Just a few leagues away the scouts had reported 20 legions of...

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Maidens pageant

Maiden's Pageant Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I went out that night I knew I was taking a chance, but I simply couldn't help myself. That yearning to go out, dressed as a girl, the one that had nagged at me for so long, finally won the argument between my fear, and my desire to do it. The minute I stepped out into the night, a wave of relief washed over me. The twinkling stars, the warm night air and the moonlight was nothing to the feel of fresh air on my newly...

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Choose your bimbofication

You're not sure how it happened, you were just at home taking a nice warm shower, but when you reached to grab your large cock, your hand was left wanting. There was nothing there, nothing to grab, save for some short black pubic hair. You bent forward to inspect your barren crotch, but as you do, you feel two weights being pulled down by gravity, hanging off of your chest. "I- I'm a woman?" You manage to squeak in a higher pitched voice eerily similar to your normal one. You hop out of the...

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Adventures in Avoiding Downsizing

Adventures in Avoiding Downsizing Belladonna I was sitting in my cubicle when I first heard the rumor. It was a murmur going through the office. The kind of thing that is only whispered about for fear of it being you that they were talking about. The downsizing rumor spread swiftly in whispers. My coworkers' words filled everyone with dread. The economy was on the rocks. If you were out of a job, you were looking at a long period of joblessness. The men worried most of all. I...

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