Hallelujah Ch. 07 free porn video

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Part III: The Baffled King


The gurgling of a coffee pot ripples across my dream, pulling me awake. I allow myself a groan as I lift my head off the pillow to look at the clock on the wall. Just after seven-thirty.

Yeah. Alright.

I push myself up into a sitting position, dropping my feet to the ground, and scratch at my shoulders. Now, I’m not really interested in waking up yet…another two or three hours sounds heavenly…but needs must when the devil drives. If I stay in bed any longer I’ll be in trouble.

She must have known that. That’s why she’s making coffee.

Anyway, rested or not, the truth is I want to be up. The last thing I would want to do is miss my first day of recording with Teddy Fields.

My knees pop as I stand, effectively announcing my conscious state, and I hear the sound of a cup being set down. I look over my shoulder at the kitchenette. Jasmine gives me a timid smile and waves. She’s got a pair of loose and casual pajamas on, with her hair mussed from sleeping, and it turns me on enough to make me look away.

She doesn’t say anything, just pours each of us a cup of coffee. I shuffle into the bathroom and yawn. She makes a point of studying some imperfection on the table as I pass by in my boxer shorts. We’ve made a lot of progress on our little arrangement, but it’s still a little bit on the awkward side.

It’s been six weeks now, since I learned that the reason for her crumbling marriage was an affair between herself and a man from work. When she’d said those words, admitting to that terrible act, it was like a torch was being lit for me…like I’d been in a cave, living blind. Suddenly I realized that I was standing in my apartment with a woman who was married. A woman who had betrayed the man who loved her. And while I wasn’t directly involved, this time, I was certainly making myself a part of her sorry little storyline. She’d cheated…JASMINE had cheated. Over and over, for nearly two months. She had thrown AJ’s love away and ruined his life. Just like she’d done to me.

I wasn’t hot about it. I was direct. There wasn’t any question about what needed to happen. I simply shook my head and asked her to leave. She cried, but she didn’t try and defend herself. She just took her things and was gone. I don’t know how she got back to her car. At the time, I didn’t much care. To be honest, I was back to hoping that I never heard from the fucking woman again in my life.

Two weeks later I asked her to move in with me.

Funny, I know. Or stupid, depending on how you feel about it. But, see, with all the drama unfolding around me I had managed to protect myself from doing much thinking on a few key points:

1. I didn’t have a job, any savings, or much in the way of credit. I had two grand from the label. That’s it.

2. The economy was taking a nose-dive, and I’m not qualified to do very much. I also couldn’t afford to not be as available as possible when recording time came.

3. Jasmine Knox had a job. A good job, that paid well. AJ doesn’t want her coming back home, so she needed someplace to stay.

4. My rent was past due.

Needless to say, these unpleasant little realities did a pretty good job of dictating my life to me in the short term.

Now maybe you’d think that a recording contract with a vanity label owned by a major, with plenty of capital and clout, ought to be enough to secure a loan. Maybe you’d figure that contracted work of that nature is relevant to banks…especially in a music hub like Nashville, Tennessee. But you’d be wrong. In truth, the business is fluid and unpredictable enough that most banks want nothing to do with it. There’s just no way to know how a project will sell, so there’s no way to know if a contract is really going to produce any kind of substantial income. Even after the fact, if you turn up successful, everybody knows that it’s probably fleeting so they’re often wary. Today’s wealthy guitarist is tomorrow’s Burger King night manager, and there are always stories bouncing around the industry about some musician with a gold record being turned down for a loan. Some of them are gross exaggerations. Many are not.

Believe me, though, moving Jasmine in here wasn’t my first choice even then. My first thought was to consider relocating (not that I could afford anyplace, anywhere) or to advertise for a roomie. Never mind how short on time I was…inviting a married woman into my apartment was not going to be a recurring trick. I was determined to the point of being stubborn.

It was Buck Nelson, winemaker extraordinaire, who ultimately pointed out to me that I knew someone who needed a place to stay. And they had the money to pay the rent, so why didn’t I just bite the goddamn bullet and get it over with? I reminded him of my history with Jasmine and the potential for another angry husband, and he made a joke about wine bottle weapons. I asked him if he was trying to get me killed, he asked me where the best place to put a door between our two apartments would be when I was gone and he expanded. Basically, the smartass was avoiding arguing because he understood, in a way I didn’t, that there wasn’t a lot in the way of alternatives.

Needless to say, his certainty caused me to reevaluate. Buck had every reason to try to talk me OUT of inviting some guy’s estranged wife to my pad. My problems seem to become his problems, and this particular one seems like it has the potential to be disastrous. So when he argued in favor of moving her in, I took notice.

I did insist on a little reflection time, first, to make absolutely sure that I was no longer interested in her. And you know what? I really feel like finding out what she did has evaporated any remaining emotions I had for her.

In retrospect, I sure am glad I didn’t freak out when she admitted to the affair. If I had screamed at her, or called her names, I doubt she would have come back. As it is, it only took a little convincing, and I think she held back more out of concern for me than for herself.

You know what’s stupid, though? What’s just unbelievably ridiculous? As mad as I was to find out that Jasmine was a cheater…that when she abandoned my love she had done so for a man who wasn’t even special enough to bother staying faithful to…as angry as that made me, I also had a little sense of hurt that she hadn’t chosen me. I mean, I wouldn’t WANT to be a part of another marriage going up in flames. Really, I wouldn’t. And I’d like to believe that I would have told her no. But part of me couldn’t help but ask that…I mean, what? I’m not good enough?

I noticed, when we talked about her moving in here, that she never worried about how it might affect her chances of saving her marriage. Or, if she did, it never showed. I haven’t asked any questions about any of that, yet. I don’t imagine I probably ever will. It’s simply not my business, and it feels particularly important that I keep it that way. Still, you do find yourself picking up details and trying to use them to build an understanding. For example, I know she dresses up real professionally every evening and disappears, for hours. When she gets back, she’s usually quiet, but it’s not like she’s weepy or anything. She doesn’t volunteer where she goes, and I don’t ask. Maybe she’s meeting AJ, hoping to work things out. Maybe she’s trying to win over the few friends who haven’t picked sides yet. Maybe she’s continuing her affair.

No. I doubt that. I also doubt that she has any hope of salvaging her marriage, just based on the fact that she’s willing to stay here. Even the way she shuffles around most of the time, or sits staring at the television no matter what I decide to watch. These are all signs of a depressed Jasmine. I did ask, before she brought all her stuff, if I should be worried about AJ. She promised me that I shouldn’t, that he knew the whole truth about what she’d done and was finished with her.

And he knows,’ she promised, ‘that is wasn’t you.’

‘But does he know where you’re living?’ I asked her, and she just shrugged.

‘It doesn’t matter, Jake,’ she muttered. ‘I’m the one he hates.’ And then she walked away.

There’s still no question in my mind that it’s stupid of me to have her here, but until I’m getting paid or can find a place to stay for free, I don’t know what to do. Maybe I should just call AJ and talk to him, let him know where I stand on all of this. Let him know how disgusted I am by Jasmine’s actions. That might help.

Anyway, those are questions for later. After four weeks of sleeping on a hideaway mattress and moping around the apartment, I am ready to make a record. Also, my back is killing me.

Yeah. I gave her the bedroom. She’s paying the fucking rent, isn’t she? Plus, she had a lot more stuff to bring in the second time around, so she needed a defined space for storing it all. I guess she must have gone back to the house and grabbed her more treasured belongings. Seems like a lot of them were clothes. I don’t know.

Boredom has really stretched this whole thing out, too. You wouldn’t figure that anything about my little unfolding drama would be classified as boring, but it sure feels that way to me. We sit around, we don’t talk very much, we watch a lot of TV. Jasmine makes sure the place is cleaner than I ever would. We live on small talk, evaluating food and disagreeing about sitcoms. More and more often, I find myself double-checking the calender in case another day has slipped passed in the last few hours and I just didn’t notice it. I should have gotten myself an advent calender…at least then I would get a piece of chocolate for every damn day I had to count down to green light.

Too late, now. The counting’s done, the light’s green, and today’s the day.

Oh, there was one bit of excitement I should mention. I’m pretty proud of this one, in the same way a boy might be proud of pulling a girl’s hair. One day, about two weeks ago, Samantha the Gymrat called. I guess she wanted to apologize for everything while at the same time letting me know that the whole mess was all my fault. Seriously. She and her husband were trying to work through this, though, she said in a condescendingly sweet voice, and she hoped that I would understand. Maybe someday I could find someone who made me happy, too. Ha ha. She sounded drunk. And, I mean, hadn’t it been something like three months since our little battle royale? I guess I was feeling a little rebellious, or irritated with all these crazy fucking women, or just drunk myself, but I cut her off and said, ‘Oh, don’t worry about me, babe. I’ve got another married woman already lined up. She’s here right now. She’s a lot younger than you, and she’s spending the night.’ Holding up the phone to Jasmine, who was looking at me with horrified eyes and her mouth hanging open, I loudly said, ‘Say hi, honey!’ She stared at me for a second like I’d just shot her dog, and then got up and ran to the bedroom. I returned the cradle to my ear, but Gymrat’d hung up. I could hear Jasmine crying. She wouldn’t talk to me for two days after that.

Whatever. Neither one is on Santa’s ‘good’ list, I’m sure. It’s not my problem if they don’t have a sense of humor about it all.

Time right now to put them away. Where the sun currently stands, I’m less interested in reading the latest blog entry from the wide world of adulterous women and more concerned in the events that are about to unfold at Blackbird Studios. Events which depend heavily upon myself. I take a quick rinse off, throw on khakis and a button up, and take my cup of coffee. It’s perfect. I like my coffee black, with none of that caloric bullshit added in, but I am kind of a pussy about the temperature. Lukewarm is fine, scalding is not.

‘Getting excited?’ Jasmine asks me. She’s sitting at the table, looking up from the book she was reading, smiling.

‘Hard not to be,’ I admit. ‘You gonna be around tonight?’ I don’t mean anything by it, I’m just making small talk. Still, she gives me this funny inquisitive look that has me reading extra meaning into my own question.

‘Yeah,’ she says, ‘I think I will.’

‘Okay,’ I make a point of expressing my indifference with my tone. ‘It doesn’t matter, either way. But I guess maybe we can see if that wine is done and have a couple of glasses, if you’re around. Otherwise I’ll probably just watch some TV. Doesn’t matter.’

‘I’d like to have a drink,’ her smile grows. ‘I could use to release a little stress.’

‘Yeah…well…’ I grab my keys and wave, ‘bye.’


Once I’m outside and the door is closed, I let out a breath. That was as close as we ever get to a normal, comfortable conversation. Some of that is me. Anything that feels too domestic has me scrambling for the door. It makes me uncomfortable. So maybe the wine is a good idea. We’ve both been stressed out. A few glasses of wine could make it easier to talk.

Oh. The wine.

Buck’s way of helping me celebrate my success was to buy me a new kit and help me start it. He’s even walked me through the process so I don’t have to pour this batch down the shower drain like I did the last one. Technically, I think I’m supposed to age it for another three or four days minimum, but…you know, fuck it.

Traffic is light, today, and so is my heart.

I’ve been at the studio for a little over an hour when the band shows up. They’re twenty minutes late, which seems a little less rockstar and a little more frustrating now that I’m the one whose ass is on the line. If I can’t pull a record out of these guys, and in fairly short order, trouble ensues.

It doesn’t help that Teddy has refused to play any of the new songs for me. No demos, no sitting down ahead of time to plan for arrangements, nothing. He left it to John Kennedy to explain his feelings on that, so I will, too:

‘That first song was so in the pocket that it couldn’t be stopped, and it all came about spontaneously. Teddy feels that that kind of combustion is better suited to his artistic nature than normal studio work.’


My engineer, a man in his late 30’s named Brian Mueller, has the equipment ready and warmed up. He’s got long, shaggy hair and a tendency to smile out one side of his mouth as he talks. He seems like a nice guy. I wonder what his story is. Bennie stopped by to say good luck when we first came in, and he was cordial if not warm. I hadn’t even counted on that much.

We’re in Studio A, the big one, and I can’t stop walking around marveling at it. Am I really here? Am I seriously being handed this incredible space, on someone else’s dime, to make a record? It seems so impossibly ludicrous now that it’s happening.

All I know for sure is that Studio A is a monster. Bigger than you would ever imagine. It has three bathrooms and a kitchen. Seriously. That’s how awesomely huge this place is. The control room looks like a cross between a very expensive home movie theater designed to seat ten and the bridge of the starship Enterprise. Amazing.

The main tracking area, where the band will play, is a large, open space modeled after Abbey Road. Other than being heavy on wood and maroons instead of bleached-white, it for all intensive purposes looks just like the room where the Beatles wanted to hold your hand and look at all the lonely people. You could fit a symphony in there. You could play basketball, with spectators. I’ve never seen its like. But even so, it’s only the beginning. There are no fewer than six isolation booths branching off of it as part of a never-ending row of doors, the others being walk-in closets for gear. Each iso booth is a small room designed for isolating an instrument during recording. Usually a little larger than your average master bath, some of them here are almost living room sized. When you record bands using the booths, they play in tandem while wearing headphones so that they can hear each other. I won
‘t be doing that. Track bleed is a wonderful thing. Between hard disk recorders, digital track editors, and bands that record their records locked away in separate rooms, most of what’s on the radio today sounds so lifeless and exact that it puts me to sleep. All that soulless perfection…yuck. I’m just glad it wasn’t done that way when records like Tea for the Tillerman or Songs in the Key of Life were being cut.

The tour I got on my first day here, yonks ago, offered a little surprise that still kills me. One of the isolation booths in Studio A has a door on the opposite wall that leads into yet another large tracking room. This one’s even bigger than the first, with an adjustable ceiling so you can control the amount of natural reverb. I’m serious. They gave me a ceiling remote control. I wanted to ask for sharks with lasers, but I was afraid they might actually have it. This big room would be great for orchestras, but for my small band it would be too big. You wouldn’t get enough room sound.

The whole place is a maze of doors, booths, massive closets, and the occasional huge open space. It feels labyrinthine…like if you could just tear down the interior walls you might be able to play a game of college football. It’s so big that there’s a big screen TV above the window in the control room where you can flip through a series of cameras and be able to look at whoever you’re talking to, no matter what room they’re in.

I have such a music boner right now.

Ironically, given all of this space, I’ll probably be sticking just to the main tracking room. That’s the room I wanted. It’s the whole reason I demanded this studio. Fields’s whole band can play in there together and, while there’ll be some bleed, it won’t be any more than on all those great 60’s or 70’s records. It’ll feel alive. Plus, the sound will be incredible.

The control room is a flight up from the studio floor, with a large plexiglass window overlooking the main tracking room. Looking out, you see down into the recording area. I fog it up with my breath and draw a smiley face on it. I know, real mature. Let me have my fun.

In fact, that’s what I’m doing when the door opens and Fields and crew fumble in. Paul Spears catches me before I can move to stand in front of it, and rolls his eyes. But he’s smiling.

‘Hey hey,’ I wave. ‘Welcome home. How was the tour?’

‘Oh, you know.’ Mickey English shrugs, his bony shoulders looking unnatural even on his stretched-out frame. ‘Typical Midwestern thing. Lots of beautiful sky and flat land, but more cows than people. It gets old pretty quick.’

‘Any highlights?’

‘Not really. Hard to have highlights when you’re playing Brookings, South Dakota.’

‘That’s not true,’ Teddy reprimands him. ‘Lots of good things up in South Dakota. Lots of good people.’

‘Is there?’ I ask. ‘The only things I know of from there are faces made of rock and that crazy religious cult. Doesn’t seem like the place to be.’

‘Both of those are further west than Brookings,’ Fields says matter-of-factly. ‘Woulda been fun to play for a cult, though.’

‘Some other cult, maybe,’ the piano player frowns. ‘But that one seems to have a special dose of crazy in it. That senator from Virginia-‘

‘You go listening to Republican senators,’ Fields smiles, ‘and you’ll start thinking the whole world is full of crazy. Those people, whatever they’re up to, haven’t done nuthin’ to nobody.’

Mickey shrugs again and turns away.

I fake a yawn. ‘So Brookings.’

‘Brookings. We play there every couple of years. It’s a college town, and we set up in this great little place…Skinner’s Pub. We get there every two years or so, so a few people remember us. This year was a bit of a downer, but that’s a matter of chance I suppose.’

‘Why’s that?’

‘Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers are regulars, too. You know Roger?’

‘I’ve got a few of his records. He’s from Arizona, isn’t he?’

‘Sure is.’

‘Yeah. Has a lot of Steve Earle in his songwriting. He’s good.’

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Million Dollar Lakes, Tuscaloosa County, Al Early Friday, January 10, 2003 Kaleigh’s alarm clock went off at 4:30am but it took about thirty seconds or so for her to get to it. I was semi-groggy, in the middle of a fantastic dream, when the loud country music came blaring into the still of the night. The reason it took Kaleigh so long to hit the button on the clock, was she was under the covers playing with my morning wood. When I finally came to my senses and realized it wasn’t a dream, the...

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Open your throat slut

Sometimes I see dicks everywhere. A cucumber turns into a thick cock. A shower head morphs into a spewing cock. A banana becomes a curved cock.The delusions carry an irresistible sexual craving. It can hit anytime, anywhere without any warning. All I can do is satisfy my darkest carnal desires.If anyone found out, my life as my university's top feminist leader would be dead. My books and research would never be taken seriously. I would never be tenured.So I write this anonymously in hopes that...

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boys fuck

savita009visit on www.papahaxx.com to see more top rated video like theseHi. My name is Erin. I'm in my final semester of high school. I'm kind of a perverted girl for my age – and kind of proud of it too. But i don't have much sex experience yet. I've had sexual intercourse with only three boys. This story is a simple chronicle of those fucks.Boyfuck #1 was at a high school party. The type of party that happens when the unsuspecting parents leave town for the weekend and their otherwise...

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The Wife Series Emperors New Clothes

The Wife Series: Emperor's New Clothes By Tatyana Mason Thinking about last Saturday when my wife discovered my high heels and what subsequently followed still gives me an enormous erection. Who would have thought she would have willingly shaved my legs and dressed me in stockings and heels? I sure didn't. Anyway, the next day I was wondering how it would all play out? Was the episode a one time deal? Would I get to wear them again? If yes, when? And so on....

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Going Down

Level eleven… When the doors swished open, Amy found herself face to face with a woman she both feared and revered. Marsha Hardwick: businesswoman extraordinaire whose racy looks and appetite for scandal were as legendary as her razor sharp mind. Heart pounding, Amy wiped her sweaty palms before extending a hand and timidly mouthing, “Hello.” The greeting was acknowledged with a polite nod but, disappointingly, nothing more. Ignoring the outstretched hand, Marsha punched level one and...

3 years ago
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Moving to a New LifeChapter 3

It had been two days since the kids had seen their grandparents and uncle having sex, and mom had come home naked. The four teenagers filed into their fort. It really wasn’t a fort, but an area they had cleared out in the woods that was hidden by bushes and bramble. Anybody would have trouble finding it unless they were looking for it. It was early Saturday morning and they had delivered their papers.The banter was the usual stuff from 13 year old girls and 15 year old boys. So and so’s tits...

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To Hell and Back Again CH 1

“Where am I?”He looked out at tall trees and knee-high grass of emerald green. Birds trilled in the high branches. A summer sun blazed golden in a pale, blue sky.Another thought followed. One that left a cold drip of fear to trickle down his spine.“Who am I?”A long moment of deep silence passed as he explored the blank areas of his mind. Something very close to panic began to boil in his chest. What happened? What was wrong with him? What if-“Logan. Logan Proud Bear.” The name, his name, burst...

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Remember Me Ch 02

A/N: All rights reserved. This is a separate story from Twisted Royal. This is also a different Dante. Enjoy! oOo Chapter 002: Au revoir Bahamud oOo Elliot wasn’t sure what he had been expecting when his Commander had assigned him the task of finding and capturing Dante Reed. The knowledge that she was still presumed alive and WELL had stunned him. For the last eight years he had been in grief over losing one of his comrades, only to realize it was all for naught. From the report his...

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Overcome by LustChapter 2

Kyle's family was not quite as devout in their worship of The Lord as the Isaacson family, and did not actually attend church every single Sunday. They had pretty much degenerated to the point where they only attended on special days such as Easter and Christmas (and, truth be told, they had been prone to missing one or the other of those in recent years). What this meant was that Kyle was still sound asleep at 8:30 the next morning, the only day of the week he could linger in bed as long as...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 198

These are compliments of chuck ... With thanks... A handful of 7 year old children in Australia were asked what they thought of beer. There were some interesting responses, but the last one is especially touching. 'I think beer must be good. My dad says the more beer he drinks the pretttier my mum gets.' --Tim, 7 years old 'Beer makes my dad sleepy and we get to watch what we want on television when he is asleep, so beer is nice.' --Melanie, 7 years old 'My Mum and Dad both like...

3 years ago
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Falling into slavery Chapter 3

Introduction: If you do not like stories about gay, interracial, incest, or young sex, please move on. If you do like those topics, please enjoy. I do appreciate CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Sarina sent me back to my room with the taste of my own cum in my mouth and my discarded robe and under ware in hand. The night was amazing and exhausting at the same time. My wife was snoring when I entered our room. I let out a sigh of relief knowing she didnt discover my nights perverse activities. I slept...

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Trading FriendsChapter 3

When the guys got to my house for practice the next day I sat them down for a talk. "OK gentlemen, what do you think of my idea after a night to consider it?" They looked at each other then Jimmy spoke up. "I'm not too sure about it, but it doesn't matter, the girls are going to decide for us." "Not for this one they won't. This has to have the active involvement of each one of us. The one thing, which can pull down the whole house of cards, is jealousy. If you can't watch the...

4 years ago
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A Day at the Beach

Introduction: The photographer didnt know what was coming For my sexy Benji, I hope you enjoy it. Disclaimer: The people are real, the story is fiction (sadly) It was early May and surf season was well underway. I had been contacted by a popular Skimboard company to arrange a photo shoot to both advertise their boards as well as their sponsorship of the Skimboard competitions happening up and down the Eastern seaboard of the United states. I was flying from New York City that morning with my...

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Across the BorderChapter 3

“Hey Josh”, your mom and I need to talk shop. How about you go check out the pool.” Steven lowered his voice so only the three of them could hear. “They have some real hotties out there. Practically naked.” Reluctantly, Lisa let her son go. “Just be careful and stay away from trouble.” Lisa soon found her and Steven up in what appeared to be his bedroom. He pointed to the bed, “Sit”. Once she was seated, Steven moved in front of her and dropped his pants. No words necessary. He wanted her...

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DNAChapter 4

Anne worked way into the afternoon, finally she leaned back and stretched her stiff back. On the screen lay the plans for a simple addition to the DNA viruses running around, that should make the transmission much more difficult, but not impossible. She had to stop the problem now before it spread. Jim wandered into the kitchen, "Finished?" he asked. "Yep, this should stop you, Julie and Paul, passing this on to anyone, if you have any more 'accidents'. How are Julie and...

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Imagine a world where people still believe in and worship the gods, where the gods still mate with mortals. This is not there story this is a story about there half human and sex crazed children. The half gods are seen as heroes or villains and above the law. Since they are above mortal law they police themselves. Good or evil most humans are subject to there sexual desires, there is no crime in fucking these half gods in public, and it is often encouged You have heroes like: The Dick: A...

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My First Sexperience With Maami 8211 Part 4 The Long Foreplay

I sucked, licked and bit Dipali maami’s boobs to my content. Then moved back and squeezed and crushed them both with my hands. She moaned and said, “Ahh, yes my boy, Vinay, yes, you are learning very fast. Oh god, squeeze them, Vinay, don’t stop. Will you fuck maami today?” I looked at her in utter disbelief and she said, “You want to fuck me.” I wanted to fuck her and said, “Yes.” She pulled me close to her and kissed me hard. After some good 15 to 20 minutes of boobs and lips sucking and...

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A TRANS Formation Chapter 6 Date Night At The Club

Jerry wakes up Saturday morning, feeling the best he has felt since moving to Des Moines. Sipping his first cup of coffee, he recalls the emotional roller coaster ride he's been through, from the depths of despair after his first sexual encounter with Roger, to the heights of ecstasy last Saturday, when he felt Roger inside of him for the first time.Cleaning his apartment last Saturday put him in the good mood he's been in ever since. He likes the clean environment and doesn't ever want to go...

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Thunder and LighteningChapter 9

Abe and Bill wanted to ride back to the house in the back of the truck with the scooters, but Jerry wouldn’t let them. For Abe, the bike meant a seventy-five dollar a month payment for the next year and a reason to keep working. For his son, it was a sign that his father did care about him. Jerry smiled as he thought about the happiness that the scooters would bring. Pulling up in front of the house, he parked the truck and helped Abe get his off the back of the truck. The poor kid was so...

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The Man of Sin Chapter 20

Helena woke up with a scream, reaching up to the ceiling as if to grab a lifeline thrown to her. She was back in her bed but looked around fearfully for Xavier, finding only her concerned roommate. “Are you ok?” “Yeah… I’m ok, just a bad dream.” ‘After the day I had, it’s no surprise that I would have some kind of nightmare.’ Seeking comfort, she turned to her bedside table to retrieve her crucifix, but did not find it. Had it fallen in the night? She reached under the bed and...

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Its Fucking Magic

In this story, the protagonists find a way to cast magic. What is that? A magic book? A wand? Or even a curse or genie? In any case, this puts people in perverse, sexy situations!

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Journey From Jabalpur To Delhi Travel Ended On Bed

Hi friends, I am Akhil i am back after long time .i am introducing myself again for the sake of new readers. i am 26 m, handsome south Indian(Hyderabad) guy working in Jabalpur .i am getting so many reply from so many women’s and girls every day. i am thankful for your address for my previous stories. I am very happy to share my experiences with u. Now i am here with my new experience which happened 1 week before. i will tell you about Sujatha heroine of this story ,her physic 34c-30-34.she...

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The Best sleepover ever

Well back to the story, I decided to call my friend Aaron up to spend the night. We have known each other since 4th grade, and since then I have had a thing for him. I wanted to see tonight was the night I could get him to do some very interesting things with me. I sat there a couple minutes while the phone was ringing, his mother, Stacy, picked up. “Mrs. Wilford is Aaron there; I got a question . . . wait I might as well ask you. Can he spend the night?” I said hopefully. “Sure,...

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Bris Decision

The Saturday morning sunlight lit up Bri’s golden locks that were cascading down her back.  Matt sat in the living room with his morning cup, admiring the young beauty washing her new Camaro in his driveway.  “My God, could anyone be more perfect, more beautiful than her?” He asked out loud to himself.  His eyes scanned the gorgeous woman, Thank god for daisy dukes and bikini tops, he thought. As she bent down to clean the front rim, he got a nice glimpse of her outer lips.  “No panties,...

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Strangers in the NightChapter 7

Strangers in the Night: 7. "Dalmar?" she asked. "Mr. Valmaat," I said. "Why would Mr. Val see you?" "Daddy," I said. "Oh shit!" she exclaimed ... and looked guilty. "It's ok, you never missed me, did you?" "You were gone?" "See," and I started laughing. "Am I in trouble?" "Nope, you performed your assigned duties with élan." "Sure I have," she said, "You haven't called me to your office since the first week." "Did you miss me?" "I found things to...

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David and BathshebaChapter 8

As they were getting ready for bed Briony asked Tom whether he was aware that Susie did not much like Clive. "No," Tom replied. "We've never talked about him probably because she knows that I would never be disloyal about him to one of my section. What's he done to upset her?" "Suggested that after West Africa she might have a crush on you." "That's pretty cheeky." He chuckled. "I know what might have set him off though. The first Monday after it all she was absolutely bubbling...

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Turning Tables

I never imagined that I would end up running a restaurant. My dreams were always focused on something that would bring me immeasurable wealth, international stardom and countless admirers. In other words, I’d always fantasised about being a model. Unfortunately though, I stopped growing when I reached five foot seven and therefore my dream of a life in private jets and slinking down runways never materialised. When my dad passed on, my twin brother Kyle and I were left the family home and the...

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WendyChapter 8

Bill woke at seven the following morning and, noting it was fine, did his bathroom routine. He then dressed and went downstairs to make himself a cup of coffee. Theresa clearly had not heard him. She was sitting at the kitchen table in her dressing gown with a cup of coffee between her hands, staring into space. Her hair had not been done and she looked as though she had not slept all night. As Bill moved towards her she seemed to take no notice. He gently rested his hands on her shoulders...

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Friends of My Sister

I could hear them laughing and playing through the closed bedroom door down the hall, and through my closed bedroom door. Our parent’s room was on the first floor so they weren't bothered by the racket the four girls were making. Jean had been having the three friends over since they were in grade school and it was no big deal; I was accustomed to the riot of giggling and prattle coming from her room. This night was no different, or so I thought as I went past my sister's room to the...

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The Lunch Date

You are at a restaurant in a booth waiting for me to arrive. I am excited….I am wearing a very average business skirt, blouse, and heels, with the exception of thigh high stockings and no panties just as you instructed. I am already wet with anticipation. I enter the restaurant and the Maitre’d escorts me to your table. I’m about to sit across but shaking your head you pat your outer thigh. I slide in the booth and look at you with fire dancing in my eyes. You have a smug, almost arrogant...

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Lost Virginity To A Unknown Fat Lady

HI guys, First time I am publishing story. It’s 100% real story and my own experience. Personally I don’t like fantasy stories. Real life experience gives thrill. I am not much fluent in English. Please excuse for it. It’s my real experience not added anything, you may feel little boring. I expect your feedback to mail id- Let me introduce myself. I’m Mahesh from coastal Karnataka now staying in Bangalore. I’m 5’4” short guy with average body, my cock size is 5” (I don’t want to lie about...

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Car Sex Took My Virginity

Hi to all and this is Rahul and I am a very big fan of ISS. I have been reading it since 2 years. This is my first story. I know you will like this story so please mail me @ about response.I am a bio medical engineer in Bangalore. My work is in office most of the time and sometimes I have to go to hospitals to assist surgeons in operation theatres while using new components of our company. So visiting hospitals in Bangalore is a usual routine for me. Once I went to one of the very big hospital...

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Renee RavenChapter 2

The local newspaper picked up the fact that the police had shot and killed a person and had questioned the home owner who had killed one other of the intruders. It was determined this was a home invasion. A few days later the two men killed were identified as two brothers named, Fellows from out of state and both had long rap sheets. The two had been identified in one home invasion years ago in another state, but never caught. The story was picked up by the wire services and a headline and...

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Spring Break

WELL make another check on the Fuck-it List, see pictures "Spring Break"Beautiful spring morning sun was warm wind was calm my cock was itching to get some rays. Laying nude in the sun has always been a turn on for me. Filling the warm rays of the sun relax my cock and balls. WOW it feels so good to nude bathe. Ray called and asked if I had any plans for the day. I told him that I was doing it right now "nude bathing". He said "sure like to see that". Told him "cum on". Shortly after Ray call...

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GirlsWay Serena Blair Angela White Awakening

Dr Angela White sits beside her patient Serena Blair whose been in a coma for decades. Serena’s wife worries that she will never wake up but Angela reassures her that all they can do is be patient. Angela suggest that Serena’s wife go and take care of herself while she stays and tends to Serena. Angela’s optimism in Serena’s recovery wearies thin but her hopes and prayers are answered when she hears Serena wake up from a long and exhausting sleep. Serena has no...

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Abused Stepdaughter Part Five

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who hears her Stepdad and Mother having sex late one night, and decides to Spy on them. Sneaky John has lain a trap, he knows she is watching, and decides she’s ready to do more than observe… whether she wants to or not…--------- Chapter 9Kenzi Monroe….Early Monday night, June 25, 1990.Little Rock, ArkansasIt didn’t take Jim long to convince Sandra that she should work at the XTC Showgirl Strip Club. She wouldn’t be doing any dancing, he...

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Yuppie Wives

Maurice and Miriam Smith had it all or so it seemed. They were the epitome of the typical young upwardly mobile professional couple as known as 'yuppies.' They had been high school sweethearts and attended the same state university. While Maurice played around some in college and joined a fraternity, Miriam probably would have joined a sorority but money was always tight for her family and she felt funny living up the college life in a sorority while her parents where at home barely getting...

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