Frankie’s Story Ch. 03 free porn video

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(This story interlocks with each chapter so if you come into this story other than the beginning then you may well scratch your head at some of the comments within this chapter. I’ve tried to make this a glimpse into the lives and lifestyle of three people. They chose to keep there lives private, isn’t it strange how life never lets that happen.)


Between both the girls and the doctor I was getting updates all through the day. The visit to the doctor resulted in an insane amount of paperwork that Frankie had to wade through so she could make me her next of kin and, of course, give the doctor consent to talk to me. That alone made me smile. I had been talking to him ever since Shannon and I moved into the valley and he knew all about our lifestyle. I even placed Red under Doc Kellerman.

But of course, the Doc had to follow the law. Knowing two of your patients are slaves and being able to talk about them to their owner are two very separate issues. After we passed pleasantries with each other he let me know that Frankie’s birth control injection was already in and to give it a few days to settle into her system. The doc did mention that, in Frankie’s case, although the injection works it may be better to use Norplant when her second injection is due. It would be easier to keep track of her cycles with the traveling she would be doing.

Even an accidental pregnancy had to be avoided at all costs. I was already committing incest and having a child out of the relationship worried me greatly. I had to agree with him and set up an appointment to have it dealt with. The reason for Frankie’s bleeding was the damage the four did to her when they took turns with her. The doc mentioned that the walls of her rectum showed signs of scaring that the butt plug didn’t put there.

My reluctance to get Frankie to talk in detail about that evening would now have to be placed squarely on the front burner. The doc did tell me that she would have bled for some time after the four had finished with her. My suspicion that Randy did nothing about seeking medical help for Frankie after that evening and just leaving her body to heal itself was another reason to put Randy onto my drop-shit-from-a-great-height list.

The results of the STD and AIDS test wouldn’t be ready for awhile yet and it still required regular monthly appointments for the better part of a year. Frankie knew I would ask for that test to be done. She wasn’t stupid. The look in her eyes as I placed a condom on last night said enough for me to know she had expected it.


With shopping complete both girls dropped by my office to show me what they had bought. I also suggested that one of the suits would need to stay in my office in case of emergencies. The discussion that followed made my eyes glaze over as both girls talked about what suit and accessories would need to go with each outfit. Even color of shoes got thrown into the conversation. In the end I sent them both home to decide while I still had some semblance of sanity left. I made to a call to my friend after the girls left who told me that he had exactly what I was looking for and I could even pick them up on the way home.

This idea of having a PA was new to me. Add to that the fact she was also my niece and slave added a whole host of problems that I needed to deal with. It felt like the stuttering before it got fully started was going to be interesting. One of those very problems I needed to tackle early on or I may never tackle it at all. I have no doubt this will work with Mrs. Gillins and Frankie’s help.

It was late afternoon when I pulled up outside the cabin. The smell of dinner was something I was, once again, getting used to. I asked the girls if dinner would be spoilt if we had it a little later. They shook their heads and Red went and turned down the stove. Frankie knelt in front of me and I waited until Red knelt next to her.

Finally turning to Frankie, I said. ‘There are a couple of things I wish to discus with you tonight. You talk of compartmentalizing our lives, which is fine should we be here or you are at your folks, but what about when you are with me as my PA, had you considered that?’

Frankie nodded. I simply waited. Frankie said, ‘We have talked a great deal on this subject yesterday and today, as a matter of fact.’

It was then I looked at Red as well. I was quietly impressed how much the bond between the two has grown. Throwing another slave into our lives had turned Red’s world around just as it had mine. Frankie’s steps into our lifestyle were gradual and, with her sister next to her it was putting her at ease, she is finding her inner slave. After Shannon’s death we were content to be just us and never even looked for another. With Frankie now part of us and younger than us I was glad that Red was making as much effort to make this work.

‘At work I am your niece and your PA. Everyone in the company will know that very soon. None of the secretaries believe I got the job because of nepotism since the job never actually existed in the first place.’

Frankie smiled and her cheeks flushed slightly as she looked towards me. She continued, ‘As a matter of fact, the ones I have spoken to are relieved that you will have company on your trips away. They all seem to believe that you don’t look after yourself when you are away since the death of Aunt Shannon. You are all work returning home looking thinner and tired. They all worry greatly for you. You are well liked there and not just because you are the boss.’

‘With that being said, we believe we have found the formula that will work for us on those trips away. While you are working I am your PA. The title niece will never be mentioned since I assume you will introduce me as your PA and give people my first name. When we are at the hotel or rather within the confines of the hotel room I am your slave. You can, of course, handle it another way.’

Both the girls had put alot of thought into this. They both smiled as though they had won the state lottery when I nodded in agreement with their idea.

Placing my hand into my briefcase I pulled out a small rectangular box and handed it to Frankie. Frankie just looked at the box and then at Red, who nodded at it, mentally telling her to quit stalling and open the damn thing. Both the girls’ eyes went as big as saucers when she finally did.

‘You will place one necklace in the pocket of the suit you have in my office. Since I’m actually in the process of getting a desk for you placed in my office I suppose it may as well be called our office from now on. The other necklace will be worn when we go away. You are to look upon that piece of jewelry as your collar. You know it is, I know it is, we’re the only ones who need to know.’

Both the girls now had the necklaces out of the box and held them up. The chains were identical, the silver chain looked slight but when held closer the thin flexible wire that gracefully wove its way through every link in the chain actually made it very strong. The heart shaped pendant was inscribed with the letter F. When both girls turned them around the letter S was on the back of the pendant. Red instantly spotted the movement when I tried to put my hand back in my briefcase stealthily and smiled.

As I pulled my hand out of my case to reveal an identical rectangular box I hear a squeal coming from Red as she launched herself at me was enough to set Frankie off. Now I knew that being smothered by two of the best women I know was worth every cent these gifts cost. All through dinner neither one of them could wipe the smile off their faces holding their necklaces in their hands. They asked if they could wear one for today. Agreeing was easy and both rushed over to me so I could remove each collar and replace it with their necklace.

It was Frankie’s turn to wash up just as it was Red’s turn to clean the table down. As I passed Red I told her that when both were finished I need
ed to talk to Frankie and she was going to need both of us close at hand when I did so. Red nodded her head in acknowledgment that she had heard and continued her chores. Both found me sitting against the X frame in the play room. My mind still working out just how the hell I was going to get all three of us through this.

Both girls waited a moment and then knelt on the mat facing me. I hadn’t planned on taking so long to acknowledge their presence. When I did look up at Frankie I could see her anxiety growing.

‘You know that I talked to Doc Kellerman today.’ Frankie winced when I said that much. She couldn’t have known what I was about to say but that didn’t stop her losing some color.

‘I want to know from start to finish what the four did to you in that dungeon.’

Red was clearly confused but kept quiet as we both watched Frankie. The silence grew as Frankie continued to fidget on the mat. Finally, Red placed a hand on Frankie’s leg startling her so much that she looked directly at Red who simply smiled and nodded her head. Frankie grabbed Red’s hand holding it so tight her knuckles where white.

In the softest gentlest voice Red said.

‘Sister, look at the man in front of you and ask yourself this question. Does that man totally own you heart, mind and soul? If you have even the slightest doubt about that then take off your collar and leave now. All that you are is his, all that you think has to be directed towards him, and all that is in your heart you give freely to him. It is the way my sister. Your Master has asked a question. The answer should have left your lips a fraction of a second after your ears heard that question.’

There was but a short nod from Frankie before she drew breath into her lungs and started speaking. For the next twenty minutes Red and I listened as Frankie told us of that evening. Her voice broke several times. Sometimes it was so difficult to hear her that I had to lean forward until she realized that I was doing so and spoke up again. Her body would go into revolt and Red held onto her as both girls burst into tears. Even when I offered to stop and come back to this conversation at a later date she asked if she could finish. My first instinct was to override her appeal but I didn’t and Frankie came to the end of her tale. The pain etched on her face as she recounted even those last few minutes felt like an eternity of pain had been heaped on her. The barrage of questions I had in my head never made it to my mouth as I simply sat and watched my niece clinging to Red as though her very life depended on it.

With as calm a voice as I could muster, I said, ‘Do you want revenge for what Randy did to you?’

Frankie violently shook her head her eyes never leaving the mat. ‘No, through his actions I now have you. My only regret is the damage he did to your body before I could give it to you.’

Even though it was still early evening, I picked Frankie up and carried her to the bedroom and placed her in the middle. She wanted to protest. I just told her to shut up and then both of us held her very tightly all night long only letting her up to go to the bathroom.

So now I knew why she bled that night and, to be honest, I wished I didn’t. That poor girl had her heart torn out of her that night. How she found the courage to want to remain in this lifestyle was beyond me. If anything all this just reaffirmed why Shannon, Red and I embraced the lifestyle but refused to be drawn into ever going to meetings. We had each other and as far as we were concerned that was enough. After what Randy allowed to happen that evening Frankie turned to the only person she knew who could never hurt her like that.


No sooner had we gotten into work then I was down in one of the labs working with one of my senior engineers, Marlon, on one of the projects that seemed to have taken a turn into the weird. Marlon wanted to purge the whole system and start again, the thought of dumping three months’ worth of work with a magnet wasn’t high on my to-do list. I’m glad to say persistence won the day and the program officially moved from weird to tentatively hopeful. Leaving Marlon to continue I headed back to my office only to stop at the door.

Frankie had switched my office around and was already deep in conversation with someone on the phone. The smile she gave me was warm and the sparkle in her eyes told me she was enjoying her new job.

Once off the phone, she said, ‘I grabbed a couple of cute guys as they walked passed your office and they gave me a hand moving things around in here. The atmosphere wasn’t conducive to a positive working environment.’

She had lost me at ‘conducive’ so I figured shrugging my shoulders before she went into feng shui and other crap that meant I wasn’t going to be spending more time in the labs would only be a good thing. Although, I will admit the day sure flew by and with Frankie now acting as interference on the paperwork I sure got a lot more done. On the way home I reminded Frankie that the fitness regime was still in place and Red reinforced that idea when we pulled up outside the cabin.

Both the girls came back an hour later, showered, collared up and joined me in the den. The day I had been dreading was moving closer. I wasn’t even sure Red had told Frankie about it.

‘Red when are you heading back to Hollywood?’

Frankie’s head turned so quickly towards Red I thought she would get whiplash.

‘Four days Master. The director has gotten the cast together now and my team is already with them working on there fitness.’

‘Then we will do what we can to make your last few days with us as enjoyable as possible.’

Red blushed and reminded me that the last time I had said that she had to be helped to the car the day after. I laughed and Frankie smiled but I could see she was sad that Red was leaving. True to my word Frankie and I took Red to bed that evening tied her down and proceeded to ruin any chance she had for sleep that night. As fit as Red is, two against one has never been an even match and Frankie had now mastered the art of using a strap-on to great effect.

The lack of conversation from Frankie on the way to work the next morning forewarned me of a conversation we were going to have as soon as she could decide when to initiate it.

‘I have become attached to Red and I will be sad when she leaves. She has taught me so much.’

‘You’re Aunt Shannon and I have felt the same when she goes. Red is a free spirit, we know she will settle down one day but no one can decide that other than Red.’

I saw her eyes were downcast and she was biting her lower lip. The look she finally gave me just seemed to forewarn me of her next statement. Frankie said in a soft almost childlike voice, ‘You can decide. You are her Master. You can make her stay.’

As I pulled into my parking spot and switched the engine off. I looked over at Frankie. She looked hopefully back at me.

‘Remember when I first introduced you to Red I told you I can do anything to her? For many years now she has not had a safe word because she trusts me not to hurt her. Oh, I can abuse that body even beat her to within an inch of her life and she would accept it willingly because she gave me that body. When I look into her eyes I know I only have to ask for her heart and she would rip it from her body and hand it to me.’

‘You see, the real secret behind Red is her free spirit. She loves me with a passion because I allow her the one gift very few Masters would ever allow her, freedom. Red knows that when it is time to join us and our family is once again complete she will give me the gift of her freedom. What she will want in return are babies.’

I still caught Frankie thinking about our conversation throughout the day. I waited to see what she would do since I had nothing more to add. There was also the organizing she needed to do for next week. Frankie was distracted enough frantically sorting th
rough all the details for our travel for two seminars and four companies I had to visit in the course of six weeks starting a week from today.

I did sneak into Mrs Gillins office for a friendly chat. She smiled and told me that Frankie was doing fine. That damn woman could see straight through me. We had a coffee together and I left her alone so that I could go and annoy Marlon and see what he has done with improving the program that came close to costing me a fortune to replace. It was only on the drive home I thought it best to give Frankie a heads up.

‘You will notice a change in your sister soon. When it happens stay the hell out of the way. If you can’t then tell me and I will send you home until Red has gone.’

‘I’m not going to like this, am I?’

Most of the day I had been turning it over in my mind, the thought of hitting Frankie sideways with this simply wouldn’t be fair. So as I drove I told her what would likely happen regardless of her being there. Frankie was quiet for the rest of the journey, only when we came to a stop outside the cabin did she tell me that she would do as I asked when I asked her to. Then she got out of the car got changed and went for her afternoon exercise with Red.

The signs were there. Her eyes gave her away. The conflict within Red was building. She hated leaving and the more she stayed the harder it was becoming for her to leave. At best I figured on Red lasting a year maybe two before she sells her company and comes to live with us here permanently. With Shannon’s death hitting us both as hard as it did she was looking more at the cabin being her home. Red had often talked about the craziness of Hollywood and hated the lifestyle there which was why she would leave almost everything at a drop of a hat to come back here if only for a few days.

I had already made some arrangements for Red to start her own fitness business in town. I even smiled when I mentally heard her telling me that she would, of course, fund it with her own money and I would let her. Just as she knew I would always be protective of her. The emotional bond between us was so strong but evenings like these truly tested the bond to their limits. The girls had showered and only Frankie came back collared. Frankie would continually look to Red.

‘Red you have forgotten your collar.’


I turned to look at both of them. Frankie instantly dropped to her knees but Red stood proud and ready for an argument. Our eyes locked on to each other.

‘Slave you will put your collar on and perhaps now would be a good time to do it.’

‘I refuse.’

Her mannerisms said one thing but her eyes said another. This was going against everything she believed in. We both knew what she was doing. Hell, I had even given Frankie a heads up that it was going to happen. I covered the distance between us so quickly that Red took a step back in shock and yelped when I grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her head back simply reinforced my next words.

‘Twice you have refused, do you wish to make it a third?’

Her words stuck in her throat. Her eyes telling me it was taking an extraordinary amount of willpower to say what she was about to say next.

‘I will not collar up.’ She gritted through her teeth.

The sound of my slap across her tits punctuated the last word that left her lips. Forcing her onto all fours and dragging her across the day room into the play room, lifting her off the floor, dropping her onto the X frame, locking her in as she kicked and screamed at me. She screamed those same words over and over again as though they were the only words her mind knew.

‘I don’t want to… I don’t want to…’

The ball gag put a stop to the ringing in my ears and the endless repeat of those same words. Once I moved the frame into position I gave her twenty whacks with a paddle she still screamed and kicked out as best she could so she got another twenty with a cane. By now the welts on her body clearly showed. Her ass got another ten before her screams had turned to tears. The cuffs, although padded, had torn into her wrists and ankles as Red tried everything she could to lash out.

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Frankie takes delivery of her New Car

It was just over a week since the incident with Chris and Frankie had received a phone call to say her car was ready and if she wanted they would deliver it.Frankie asked the caller if Chris could deliver it and the caller agreed he would deliver it that evening.After what had happened with Chris she decided she was going to get her own back.Frankie dressed carefully taking her time, making sure she was spotlessly clean, her pussy was cleanly shaved, she was really going to get her own back on...

2 years ago
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Frankie Ian Sex Game Part 2

Chris held out six straws in her hand and asked each to pull one to decide who went first, explaining the first cards would all be light until everyone had had two go’s each and then they could be medium or hard.The short straw got to go first and the rest followed in size upwards until the longest was last.Once they had all pulled a straw Chris held the final one out and measured against the rest, Ian had pulled the short straw, next the all selected a game piece, Ian selected a boob, Frankie...

4 years ago
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Frankie Gaz Food First time Anal

A few years ago Frankie had a fuck buddy called Gaz, she had met him at work and ended up fucking him for the first time after a works night out.Frankie loved spending time with Gaz because it was pure unadulterated fucking and nothing more, because they had fucked so many times they each other’s bodies inside out and there were no inhibitions whatsoever.One night they were both completely smashed when they bumped into each other in a night club and both knew where the night would end, either...

1 year ago
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Frankie Ian Reece

Before Frankie could get her thoughts together and push Reece off, Ian appeared in front of them, Reece pulled out quickly and roughly shoved his cock back into his overalls mumbling “sorry mate” to Ian.Frankie tried to speak but saw the look of pure lust in Ian’s eyes as he stared at her soaking wet pussy, she reached down to try and pick her jog pants up and Ian pushed them away with his foot.“Right young un, you been fucking my Mrs so now I am going to fuck you” as he grabbed at the front of...

4 years ago
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Frankie goes to Coffee Shop 3

Frankie was horny as fuck and she walked into the coffee shop a week to the day she had last fucked Bob, she didn’t know whether he would there, but if not she would find someone else to satisfy her urge.She ordered her coffee, sugared it as usual and went to sit down on the sofa they had sat on the previous week, it was a good place as it was quite dark and the table was just tall enough that no one could see under it. Or so she hoped!She couldn’t believe she was planning what she was going to...

1 year ago
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Frankie Goes for a Test Drive

Frankie had decided it was about time she bought a new car, so she took herself to the nearest car dealership.She had a look around and nothing was really taking her fancy, so decided she would go and look somewhere else.As she was walking out of the door she heard a voice from behind asking her to wait a minute, he was sure they had something which would suit her.As she turned round she noticed the voice had come from someone around the same age as her tall with dark hair and brooding eyes,...

3 years ago
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Frankies latest visit to the Coffee Shop

Frankie was horny as fuck and she walked into the coffee shop a week to the day she had last fucked Bob, she didn’t know whether he would there, but if not she would find someone else to satisfy her urge.She ordered her coffee, sugared it as usual and went to sit down on the sofa they had sat on the previous week, it was a good place as it was quite dark and the table was just tall enough that no one could see under it. Or so she hoped!She couldn’t believe she was planning what she was going to...

3 years ago
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Frankie Ian Sex Game Part 3

Dave moved across the floor towards Frankie who was sat with her dress around her waist as he lifted her legs he pulled the dress from her, fingers searching out her pussy lips he reached up to kiss her, his tongue found hers and started to dance inside her mouth.Frankie thought for all she didn’t like seeing Ian have his cock sucked by a man she was still soaking wet as Dave’s fingers separated her pussy lips and entered her, still kissing her passionately, he started to move inside her,...

4 years ago
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Frankie dogging

Monday came round before Frankie realised and after having a late night the previous night with quite a lot of booze consumed she didn’t feel her best.She struggled to get showered and dressed and her make up sunk straight in as she applied it, she was annoyed with herself for drinking so much the previous night but couldn’t do anything about it so took a couple of paracetamols and hoped she would feel better before Bob arrived.She had taken care in dressing, though she struggled with it, as...

4 years ago
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Frankie Bob Part 3

Monday came round before Frankie realised and after having a late night the previous night with quite a lot of booze consumed she didn’t feel her best.She struggled to get showered and dressed and her make up sunk straight in as she applied it, she was annoyed with herself for drinking so much the previous night but couldn’t do anything about it so took a couple of paracetamols and hoped she would feel better before Bob arrived.She had taken care in dressing, though she struggled with it, as...

2 years ago
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Frankie Kelly

Frankie had gone to a toy party at her friends, she didn’t really like toy parties and lots of silly women giggling but Kelly was a good friend and she felt she should go.She was sat gazing into space while the hostess first showed off all the sexy lingerie she had and then got onto the main event as the toys came out to whoops and cheers of joy for the assembled girls.Frankie wasn’t really in the mood she would rather have been shagging Ian’s brains out somewhere, at that thought her pussy...

2 years ago
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Frankie goes to Coffee Shop

Frankie’s meeting had finished early and she now had an hour and a half to waste before she was due at her next one.She decided to go and look for a coffee shop which had wireless so she could check her emails in peace.She picked one of the chain coffee shops feeling sure they would have wireless.Today she was dressed in a black skirt suit, the skirt was knee length with her customary lace top hold ups and kitten heel shoes for comfort.She ordered her coffee and found a corner where no on one...

3 years ago
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Frankie The Plumber

Frankie picked the phone up in a panic who did she know who could stem the flow that was now running out of a pipe in the kitchen.As she hunted through her contacts she felt sure she knew a plumber and there he was at the top, her friends ex husband Adam.She quickly rang him and he answered straight away and said he would be with her within 15 minutes.She put the phone down and tried in vain to find the stop cock, she was soaking from trying to stem the flow, her jeans and t-shirt clinging to...

1 year ago
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Frankie and the Builders

Since joining the sex site Frankie just couldn't get enough sex, she was constantly turned on and her pussy was always screaming out for attention.She had put a call into her landlord earlier in the day because her back door wasn't shutting properly, he had said he would try and get someone to look at it but would ring her back to let her know.At this moment she was laid on her bed legs wide open, fucking herself with her rampant rabbit, she had made no plans for sex today but she needed an...

2 years ago
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Frankie and Cassie Naked In SchoolPart 3 Wednesday

I got to school the next morning, and met up with Cass. Everything seemed fine, she was her normal self. We went to the entrance, got undressed, and went inside. That's when all hell broke loose. We walked in, and noticed people huddled in knots at various points along the corridor. We went to one of them, and took a look. People were looking at something that had been hung up on the walls. GodDAMMIT! Someone had gotten a camera. Somehow, they had taken a picture of Cassie-not all of...

2 years ago
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Frankie was the first girl I was attracted to. We met when I started university – she was my chemistry lab partner. She had short trendy brunette hair, sparkling green eyes that twinkled when she smiled and the most gorgeous soft pink lips that pouted ever so slightly. She always dressed well and kept up with the latest trends that made the other girls in my class envy her.   We shared the same interests in music and film and would try and organise nights out with people from the same degree...

4 years ago
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Frankie Bob Part 5

The following day Bob rang Frankie and asked her to be ready in half an hour, stockings, suspenders, basque and high heels, Frankie questioned” what he wanted to do”? But he just replied, “get ready and you will find out”.Frankie took great care, first shaving her pussy, legs and underarms, before drying off and sliding into a white suspender belt, white stockings, white thong and high heels, she felt quite horny at the look, though doubted she would be able to walk for long in the heels.She...

3 years ago
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Frankie Fetish

The following day Bob rang Frankie and asked her to be ready in half an hour, stockings, suspenders, basque and high heels, Frankie questioned what he wanted to do but he just replied, get ready and you will find out.Frankie took great care, first shaving her pussy, legs and underarms, before drying off and sliding into a white suspender belt, white stockings, white thong and high heels, she felt quite horny at the look, though doubted she would be able to walk for long in the heels.She...

3 years ago
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Frankies Dream

My stories are very often fantasy, this one isn't it only happened on Friday evening!!!Ian had gone to stay with some friends for the evening and Frankie was all alone when the doorbell rang.She was sat just having some quality time on her own, catching up with watching tv and drinking her favourite filter coffee.As she was home alone she was only wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt with no bra, she hated wearing a bra most of the time and when she was at home she took every opportunity to...

3 years ago
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Frankie Ian Sex Game Part 1

A few weeks ago Frankie and Ian had met Chris and Danny in a restaurant and then gone back to theirs and ended up having sex, Chris rang Frankie and invited her and Ian over to a dinner party she was holding, Chris told her at the time she had invited another couple Cathy and Dave.As Frankie was getting ready to go to Chris and Danny she was asking Ian what he thought she should wear and did he think it was just going to turn into an orgy at the end of the night.Ian laughed at her saying ‘I...

3 years ago
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Frankie and Cassie Naked In SchoolPart 5 Friday

I woke up with Cassie wrapped around me, snuggled into my chest. Now that is something I could get used to in a hurry. "Hey," she said softly. "I didn't know you were up," I said. "Just a couple minutes. I really liked waking up in your arms, so I was just lying here enjoying it." "Ditto," I smiled. "What time is it?" "Time to get up and too late to have any fun, unfortunately," she laughed. "The alarm's going to go off in three minutes." "Ah, well," I said. "Somehow,...

2 years ago
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Frankie gets seduced

It was a Friday night and Frankie was out on the town with the girls celebrating her friends birthday.She was wearing a knee length dress with high heels and matching thong and bra in white.She had had a few drinks but was still aware of her surroundings as she was chatting and flirting with various guys, she felt on top of the world and wanted everyone she came into contact with to know it.She had recently finished a long term relationship and found her way onto a sex personals site and had...

2 years ago
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Frankie at the Conference

After Frankie had eaten breakfast she shared a car with a couple of her colleagues to travel to the venue.She was first on and as she got up to speak she realised Rich had sat right at the front and was watching her every word and move.She knew that she could have done better, because all the time she was speaking she couldn’t stop herself from talking directly to Rich.When she had finished Frankie walked of stage and straight outside for a cigarette. No sooner had she lit up Rich was at her...

4 years ago
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Frankie at the Gym again

The following day Frankie couldn't wait to get back to the gym in the hope of seeing Liam.She knew he worked out every day and roughly the same time as her, she had taken great care this time before going, she had shaved her pussy and instead of a sports bra was wearing matching white lacy bra and pants.She pulled on a tight t-shirt which she knew her nipples protruded through and pair of tight shorts.As she drove into the car park she was excited to see his car was already there, she got out...

3 years ago
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Frankie and Cassie Naked In SchoolPart 6 Saturday

That has got to be the strangest sensation I've ever felt. Strange in a good way, I mean. Waking up with my boyfriend's hard cock buried all the way in me. And we'd been like that all night! "You awake?" I whispered. "Yeah, " he said. I giggled and said, "I think we beat two hours. Even if we did sleep through it." "Yup. But, wow, the dreams I had!" "I know what you mean, " I giggled. He pulled out of me then. "Hey! Get back in me!" I pouted. "Just readjusting. If I...

2 years ago
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The world is full of history and great stories. From a very young age I sat and listened to them and let my mind show me. As I grew older and my magic made itself known I wrote the stories down. It did not matter what else I had to learn or do, the stories still took me away. I was eighteen when I had enough of other people telling me what to do and when. I thought long and then created a wagon like the travelers. I made a second wagon that carried a tent and lots of cushions and a huge rug....

2 years ago
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Frankie Sandford Special Delivery

We were there for a simple enough task, just your standard flat-pack-assembly job that would take up an hour or so to complete, so the last thing I expected was to "hook up" with someone new in the process, but that's precisely what happened. I knew almost nothing about the client, singer Frankie Sandford, who despite having two k**s in recent years still looked as gorgeous as ever. In fact the chemistry between us was undeniable as she watched the guys and I build her custom made cabinet right...

4 years ago
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Frankie by Callie Messenger The bottle had belonged to my great-great-grandfather. He had been an only slightly famous but very passionate archaeologist and Egyptologist. That was about all I knew about him, and what was written in the museum notes. But the museum was being shut down, and the small loan section that had belonged to Harold Arthur D'Arborfield Jenkinson was being returned to his family. That was me, Johnathan Francis Jenkinson. Frank to all that knew...

2 years ago
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Frankies First Chocolate Part 1

Frankie was beginning to wonder what else she could try, when she was online and a message flashed up from a guy called Kai.As she opened his profile, the biggest chocolate cock she had ever seen popped up on the screen in front of her eyes, the picture having been taken just after he had cum was covered with his juice.Her eyes nearly popped out at the sight and her pussy began to throb instantly, she read his details and she was quite disappointed to see he wasn’t close to her.She felt her...

3 years ago
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Frankie Bob Part 4

All the way home all Frankie could think about was her next orgasm, she was quickly becoming insatiable and couldn’t wait to feel Bob’s cock inside her again, she stroked him very slowly till they pulled up outside her house, thankfully today of all days there was room to park outside the door which meant she didn’t have to do the embarrassing no knicker walk for too far.Bob walked round and opened the car door for her and gave her his hand to guide her out, Frankie pulled at her skirt trying...

2 years ago
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Frankies Train Journey

Frankie was sat on the train in first class reading a book and doing her usual people watching as passengers got on and off.There were only three people in first class and they were all sat at separate tables she looked across the aisle to see a man dressed in a business suit about 40 with dark hair, his eyes staring at the laptop in front of him totally oblivious to anything going on around him.Frankie was on her way to a meeting so she was dressed in a dark blue skirt suit with a v neck top...

3 years ago
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Frankie fucks in the coffee shop

Frankie’s meeting had finished early and she now had an hour and a half to waste before she was due at her next one.She decided to go and look for a coffee shop which had wireless so she could check her emails in peace.She picked one of the chain coffee shops feeling sure they would have wireless.Today she was dressed in a black skirt suit, skirt knee length with her customary lace top hold ups and kitten heel shoes for comfort.She ordered her coffee and found a corner where no on one else...

4 years ago
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Frankie goes to Coffee Shop 2

Chapter 2Frankie had an hour to kill before her meeting so decided to visit the coffee shop again, possibly in the hope that Bob might also be there so they could have a rerun, but if not she would be happy just to get off her feet for half an hour.She was wearing her usual work clothes of skirt suit, shirt, hold ups and shoes, today her suit was grey, it was warm outside and she couldn’t wait to take her shoes and jacket off.She ordered her coffee, sugared it and went to sit in the corner a...

4 years ago
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Frankie Chocolate Part 2

As Frankie recovered herself, her body stocking soaked from top to bottom with either her juices or champagne, Kai scooped her up in his arms and laid her on the bed, as he started to pull her arms out of the stocking, he lost his patience and started to rip at the stocking, first he pulled it away from her breasts and as he felt it rip beneath his agile fingers he continued to tear it all the way down to her pussy, leaving her totally exposed where he wanted her to be.In her excitement at...

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