Demetrius Ch. 09 free porn video

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Chapter 9

Frustration leads to the unexpected…

Every night he left the windows opened, hoping and waiting for his mother to enter his room and life once more. Until one day he took the watch from its box noting it had kept perfect time. He wore it to work the next day when everyone commented on it, asking if he had a rich uncle. He decided he accepted her and wanted to have a connection with her. The marks on his neck and stomach healed. And enough time had elapsed he’d come to accept what happened in their first meeting. He decided he was finally in a place where he could accept her decision in doing what she did, without his feeling the need to pass judgment on her, like he did at first.

He found himself longing for her, even if she did pull off another disappearing act on him. Finally his frustration, concern and curiosity became too much for him. Leaving work one Friday, he entered Sangre Maria’s, wanting to see if he could talk to Alexis. He thought she was the only one he knew who might be able to offer information about his mother and her whereabouts.

‘Is there someone here by the name of Alexis? My name’s Demetri, my mother’s name is Anastasia. I was told I could see Alexis if I asked for her,’ he asked the bartender.

‘Well, she’s not here now but if you leave your phone number I’ll have her call you.’

‘Okay thanks,’ he said handing him the business card his company provided their employees. The bartender squinted rubbing his chin as if to say, ‘Are you sure you know what you’re doing?’

He went to a nearby deli filling a takeout tray, planning on eating in. He didn’t know when and if Alexis would call hoping it would be soon. He was watching TV dozing off when the phone rang. He grabbed the TV remote placing it to his ear before realizing his mistake. It was almost ten when he took the call.

‘Demetri, this is Alexis. I was told you stopped to see me at the club today.’

‘Hey. I haven’t heard from my mother lately and was wondering if you might know something.’

‘Well, she gave me some messages to give you. I think its best I tell you in person.’

‘Okay, when,’ he asked.

‘There’s a private sex-club meeting here once a month, in the basement and it’s tonight. I don’t know if you’re offended in seeing sexual activities but if you’d like to come after midnight, you might find it interesting. Tell the bartender you’re my guest, he’ll stamp your hand so the bouncers will let you downstairs. You’ll probably see me pole-dancing along with Constance, Isabella and some of the out-of-town maidens here. Please come…’

She didn’t wait for his response. The phone went dead with a click. It didn’t matter, she gave him all the information he needed. The rest was up to him.

After watching TV for another hour he showered, putting on the clothes and items he received outside his door. He decided to wear the watch, the charm bracelet and one of the colognes. He looked good, maybe better than ever. He noticed the approving looks he got from others as he hailed a cab on his way to the club.

‘It’s not how good you are. It’s how good you look,’ he remembered hearing somewhere. It occurred to him he was about to cross a line. Surely he was flirting with danger, wasn’t he?

‘Maybe it’s my fate,’ he considered in being drawn closer to the very thing terrifying and repulsing him only weeks before. How different he’d become in such a short time. Thinking he was on a path his mother set him on. He imagined her at the end with outstretched arms awaiting his arrival.

Pleasure land express…

The bartender recognized him, stamping his hand and personally escorting him back to the wooden gates that had a sign on them: Members Only. The bouncer slid the gate open without a word spoken. The stairs were made of wood. The stairwell was about eight feet wide with wood railings on both sides of the staircase. He heard the raucous music and an occasional cheer as he descended the steps. He stood looking about the room, taking in as much as he could with the available lighting.

In front of him and to his right, there were at least twenty small tables bolted to the floor, as were the two swiveling chairs gracing each table. On his left there was a wall with what he thought were office doors followed by an area that looked like it might be used as a hat and coat-check station. There was a protruding shelf-like counter under a large window, the same length as the shelf.

As he continued to walk further into the room he saw the wall to his right, behind the seating area. There were numerous doors being used by the people entering and leaving, evoking his curiosity.

The age range of the mixed-crowd was twenty to fifty. What caught his eye was the large rectangular stage to his left. There was a bar surrounding the stage where numerous girls danced suggestively using the poles to rub up and down on. They wore red very tight vinyl hot-pants, nicely showing the lower half of their asses. They also wore white cut-off tee-shirts revealing the bottom part of their tits at times. Their tee-shirts had the words ‘I suck…’ in large red letters matching the color of their hot-pants.

As he approached the bar he got caught up in the crowd, the music and the dancers. He saw how perfect the dancer’s bodies were without a hint of fat on them. They were incredibly shapely, lean as could be. They looked more like athletes than the average girl did. He kept watching them, finding himself becoming excited by their sexiness and suggestive dancing. He made his way distractedly along the bar occasionally bumping into someone, muttering his apologies. He didn’t find an open seat until he got to the far wall when he sat patiently watching the activities on the stage in fascination.

Eventually someone took his order. He placed a few twenties on the bar asking if they’d refill his glass, when they saw he needed it. He needed it about three times never asking how much the drinks cost. The girls captivated him with their teasing of the onlookers. They moved their hands all over their bodies, rubbing themselves suggestively against the poles. Given the nature of the place the girls weren’t just teasing as they do in most clubs.

He didn’t understand the enthusiasm showing on the faces of the guys until one of the girls invited someone on the stage with her. She smiled rubbing her body against him while feeling between his legs. Reaching behind her she produced a pair of handcuffs affixing one end to his wrist. She moved him against one of the poles, attaching the other side of the handcuff. He stood helpless with his hands behind him, a willing victim no doubt.

She looked at those sitting around the bar to measure their fervor when they began their mantra,

‘Do him…do him…do him.’

She smiled in hearing their chants since it was what she intended. She unzipped his pants letting them fall to the floor as she bent forward, wiggling her ass for all to see. She took hold of her captive’s underpants pulling them down to his ankles as she sat on her haunches, fondling his growing erection, rubbing it against her cheek as she smiled wickedly at the onlookers for their reaction.

Two other girls came to join her in tormenting him, rubbing their bodies against him. They circled, lightly fondling his growing hardness with their fingertips, thighs and asses. It was nothing short of a frenzy of lust designed to render him helpless when there could be no turning back.

The girl who called him up on stage placed a blue pill in his mouth, having him drink from a shot-glass. Apparently it was filled with whiskey to help in swallowing the pill. In a few moments his cock was so hard it pegged against his stomach like a spring. If it was red before, it was purple now as it twitched spastically. It looked to be on the verge of ejaculation in its current state.

She knew what she was doing, taking him in her hand and b
ending that which looked un-bendable before taking it in her mouth. All the while she rotated her hips to the music, showing off her magnificent ass to the aroused crowd of onlookers as they chanted in lust. Demetri looked about the room seeing some of the women licking their lips, as did a few of the men.

It didn’t take long when he began to jerk uncontrollably. Everyone could tell he was ejaculating. The room became silent when only the music was heard. It looked as though she was feasting on his discharge, swallowing one mouthful after the next. It looked natural for her and because it did, somehow it was less sexual than one might imagine. The crowd appeared to be in awe of what they were seeing. With Demetri’s inside information he knew she was feeding, doubting others would know as much.

He was fairly certain the girls on the stage were probably Constance and Isabella but since he never met them he couldn’t be sure. He wondered how long the activities had been going on, deciding to ask the guy sitting next to him.

‘Over an hour I guess. They call it their cock-and-tail hour, if you get the meaning. There must be four or five girls. They take turns with about ten to fifteen minute breaks between each guy. I never saw girls who liked sucking cock as much as they do.’


After downing his fourth drink and feeling their effects he watched another guy being sucked off by a different girl when he felt a presence behind him. He smelled her fragrance before turning his head, seeing Alexis.

She stood patiently, almost smiling. She looked beautiful, her eyes a deep steel-grey. Her face reflected an unexpected inner glow of peace and tranquility, surprising him in the beauty she exhibited. She didn’t look as though she belonged in this place since she had an aura of unexpected dignity and sophistication about her. Affectionately she rubbed her breasts against him while holding him firmly by the waist. She was dressed like the girls on the stage, looking far better than the last time he saw her — better than he thought possible — for a vampire.

He felt an unexpected kinship and closeness to her along with the sparks which he thought she felt too. In his current state of mild drunkenness and forgetting his mother’s words of warning, the idea of kissing her occurred to him. Her instincts and ability to read human intentions prompted her to stop him before he was able to make an attempt. Moving against him warmly she placed a finger to his lips saying,

‘You must never try to kiss one of us on the mouth. Unless we make it abundantly clear to you it’s what we want.’

He paid particular attention to her mouth as she talked, wanting to see if he could see her fangs but she was a master in concealing them. She spoke without raising her upper lip, almost teasing him since he wanted to see inside her mouth — at least once.

‘My mother told me about sexual intercourse but never said a kiss on the cheek was wrong.’

‘The cheek is fine but I was afraid you might try kissing me on the mouth. You see, most purebreds like me are taught we’re superior to humans and humans are like animals. I’m sorry if this is rude but it is what it is.’

He felt belittled in her presumed superiority and in her considering him an animal. He didn’t know what to say and when he didn’t say anything, she took him by the wrist leading him to one of the small rooms along the wall, where they could be alone. She didn’t want others to overhear their conversation. And she had another reason too, one he was unaware of.

The rooms were small, about seven by seven feet. They were soundproofed with a two foot wide padded bench on one of the walls. She sat pulling him down to sit beside her. Taking his hand and looking him in the eyes, she slowly raised her short tee-shirt when her magnificent breast came into view. She placed his hand on it, curious to know how he’d react. It was the very thing he wanted to do when they first met. He softly and gently caressed her, rubbing a thumb over one of her glorious nipples. It was as though it was the first time he’d ever done such a thing. She made an approving sound in her throat, cocking her head to the side curiously before resting it on his shoulder.

He was surprised in feeling how her tongue felt on his neck, giving him goose bumps with the unsuspected texture of it. When she opened her mouth he felt her breath and then her fangs as they made themselves known on his neck, unnerving him as could be expected.

She wanted to see if he trusted her. It pleased her when he didn’t pull away. He seemed to enjoy the sensation almost daring her to do her worse. Maybe it was his false sense of security in being Anastasia’s son and in believing Alexis wouldn’t harm him. Whatever it was he felt safe — stupid safe. Though she was tempted to taste human blood for the first time, she was only making a trial run. Maybe one day soon, he’d become her first succulent morsel of human juice.

‘If a human were to have sex with an animal, they might find it satisfying but afterwards they’re likely to feel disgusted. I believe you call it bestiality and it’s how many of us feel about intimate contact with humans. Unless he’s special and one of us were to find him appealing for some reason.’

She placed a fingernail on his thigh forcefully moving it up and down. He could see with little effort on her part she probably could’ve shredded the material. Instead she lightened the pressure continuing with:

‘Having sexual intercourse with humans is different for trans-species, like your mother. They still feel a connection to humans unlike purebreds. Of course it depends on who the human is and how he makes the vampire feel. If he understands she’s allowing him to do something dirty and unnatural, she might find herself willing. If he were to show his appreciation, she might be able to accept the disgrace she might have afterwards. You see, we’re taught intercourse with humans is demeaning — dirty.’

In spite of this she encouraged him to explore her body, letting him know she liked it with those wonderful engaging sounds she made. She sensed his arousal and to confirm it she moved her hand to his lap feeling and squeezing. It occurred to him his mother might be behind Alexis’s attempt in seducing him. It seemed she was offering the promise of sex as an incentive, even if it was beneath her dignity.

‘It’s unlikely you’d find me attractive, seeing me naked without my contact-lenses, hair extenders and the other things I use to make me look human. If you’d like to see me as I truly am, maybe I could be persuaded to join you later. If it’s your wish I’ll come to you when I’m done here, so you can see the unique beauty of a female vampire.’

He noted how persuasive, arrogant and optimistic she was in thinking he’d find her to be beautiful. He was cautious by nature and wasn’t going to do something he was unprepared for. His hesitation annoyed her when she felt vulnerable, wondering if he’d dare reject the offer when she too might have to develop a different, less subtle approach to gaining entry to his life and inner sanctum.

‘Tell me now if you want to take the next step in knowing me and our kind.’

He wasn’t quick to respond, thinking about the implications. Instead he felt her breast, moving a thumb over her nipple as it began to harden. She smelled good — good enough to prompt him to lick her neck as he wanted to know what she tasted like too. He thought showing her affection would speak loud enough, regarding his decision about accepting her proposal. She began to feel things she didn’t think she’d feel with a human when she said,

‘I’ll understand if you don’t want to invite me to your apartment. You’re only human and probably don’t understand what I’m suggesting. Maybe you’re afraid of me.’

Still he said nothing. He was in fact concerned about allowing her access to his apartment. He wondered if he could trust her and if he was being foo
lish to consider the possibility of being in the same bed with her. After all, it seemed to be what she was suggesting.

‘Maybe I’m only drawn to you because you’re Anastasia’s son. I’m not sure…’

He did something she did earlier, preempting her by placing a finger to her lips asking,

‘How do you know where I live?’

‘I have my ways in knowing such things and besides, your mother told me where you lived.’

‘I guess it would be all right but the idea frightens me. You understand I hope,’ he said showing his reserve. She pooh-poohed his concern and then asked,

‘Why have you waited so long to come to me? Didn’t your mother tell you how much I was drawn to you?’

‘No, I guess she didn’t. Besides, I was afraid. Surely you know the fear of the unknown can be daunting for humans. I thought you were evil and you’d do something to me.’

‘Childish rubbish,’ she said knowing perfectly well what he meant.

She stood extending her hand to him, abruptly pulling him to his feet with incredible strength. It never occurred to her what she’d done, impressing him nonetheless. She surprised him further when she stood on tiptoes reaching behind his head, pulling his mouth to hers when he had no choice in the matter.

While kissing he once again heard the sounds of wonderment and approval from her. They dared to open their mouths slightly, mutually driven by instinct to taste one another. He felt her fangs on his tongue, tickling it. He pulled her close tasting what he could of her saliva. When she felt his arousal she realized he accepted her in spite of their differences. Knowing what she did about humans, she didn’t think he’d be able to embrace her the way he was doing. Add to it, she didn’t feel the anticipated revulsion she thought she’d experience. When she felt his erection thrust against her, it took her breath away in knowing he’d become excited. She didn’t know what to say or do next, too frightened by what was happening and how she felt with him.

It was then he saw her smile for the first time. She looked at him in such a way it made his stomach turn inside out. He knew after seeing her smile he’d never be the same. It lit up her face and transformed her into a being of unbelievable beauty. Even with her fangs showing she looked stunning in her feral and alien beauty. His heart raced as he trembled inwardly, wondering if he could love her, if it was possible.

When she squeezed and kneaded his manhood, he sensed a degree of accomplishment coming from her, like when she beat him at chess.

‘Maybe we can do something about this later,’ she said wanting to see how he’d react to the promise of sex.

He sighed, feeling as though a tornado had blown through his heart when it was still whirling away inside his pants and between his legs with what she was doing to him.

They left the cubicle seeing a lot of open sexual activity in an around the area where there were tables. She understood his fascination in seeing it and she had him sit at one of the tables with her. She recognized a married couple who came to the club occasionally, apparently to spice up their marriage.

Alexis sat facing Demetri pointing with her finger so only he could see where she was pointing.

‘That man likes watching his wife suck off younger men. Then they go into one of the cubicles and fuck like rabbits. Why don’t you sit and watch the activities while I take care of some neglected duties. I have another session on stage with someone of my choosing and afterwards I’ll give you a special nightcap.’

His human jealousy raised its ugly head when he felt like objecting to what she was going to do. She saw and could sense his consternation when she said,

‘Its not sex its sustenance, so deal with it! My goodness you’re as prissy as your mother said you were. Maybe you’d rather watch me than sit here. If so, I’d like you to watch me. And if it makes you feel any better, I’ll be thinking more about our kiss and spending the night with you than the cock in my mouth.’

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iHate zombies

iHate zombies"I love you Sam Puckett." She said to herself in a mirror.Today was the day, Carly had worked on this all month, and she was going to confess to Sam. At first she was terrified about what Sam would say, but now she just wanted it off her chest."I love you Sam Puckett." She repeated, just as she had done a thousand times before, and now Sam was on her way over so the tension was building. A knock at the door.In a sing song-y voice Carly answered. "Whooo iss it?""It’s me, open up."...

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A surprise

"My client would like to meet with you. She is aware that this comes out of the blue so to speak and begs your forgiveness for this. She is prepared to meet any reasonable expenses you may occur. She has very limited movement due to her physical condition. I am required to say no more but to wait for your response". Very strange! Probably some sort of con. But if it is a con why would they/she pick on me? I could probably come up with 50 quid if I tried hard. He was sitting there...

3 years ago
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First Time Sex With Shruti

Hello friends my name is Ryan and I am new to this site. I am 19 years old and live in NCR. I would like to share my sexperience with my girlfriend an year back. At that time I was in 12th class. My classmate’s name was Shruti(name changed) she had a good figure with good round boobs. At first when we met we didn’t talk much. But one day when our school was on a trip to adventure island I sat next to Shruti in the bus. Shruti turned back and asked that am I having some new songs in my mobile...

3 years ago
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Anna-Brooks Cowan, a woman 1/3 my age, was just ravishing as she stood there in that ‘open’ lingerie. The clincher on this was when my property handed me my phone, saying “I want my Sir to really remember this, so please take pictures of me as we do this” Anna-Brooks said, adding “I want my Sir to know look back on these and enjoy them.” I enjoyed that my property had thought enough to purchase this lingerie for me, and that I had been able to open this part of her to explore. Seeing...

2 years ago
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Sakhi Seeks Satisfaction

Sakhi had just been wed to a childhood sweetheart, Manju, a family friend of many years. Their first times together were awkward since neither knew anything about sex. She had enjoyed it from the beginning, unlike some of her girlfriends who complained about the activity. Her words to her husband as she urged his 11 by 3 centimeter fleshy tool between her legs for the third time on their wedding night, were “Oh, I love the way it fills me and rubs me and makes warm cream in me.” That was not...

1 year ago
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NyxChapter 18

"OH ... MY ... GOD!!! I AM PREGNANT!" I'm sure that I could be heard clear to North Adams, I yelled the words so loud. The rest of our extended family erupted into cheers and applause. Such was the report from the home pregnancy kit. Of course, we wouldn't know for sure until I visited a doctor. It's amazing the number of people Martha knows and can call in favors from—she had me scheduled in for a complete examination at 2:00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. I hope I can wait that long for...

3 years ago
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The Fast Slide Down

and her kids were almost grown. Shelly had stared at the future and saw that it was pretty empty. Even though her husband was not totally supportive of her effort, Shelly had decided to return to college and obtain a degree. This was also driven by the fact that she was getting pressure from her management to exchange "favors" for advancements at work. Shelly was an attractive, slender, one hundred twenty pound, 34C breasts, five foot four inch tall brunette with hair down to her...

1 year ago
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Vacation on RehomeChapter 18

Although he had been enjoying this very sociable wedding event, George Montford finally sidled over to John Frederickson to mutter, "I have to get back to the office, John. Someone has to hold the fort..." John grinned at him. "Thanks, George. I'll just concentrate on my wives, today. Tell your ladies they are welcome to stay on here for as long as they want." "They may appreciate that, John. I'll tell them." George got back to the company office, and found among his "IN"...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Dani Rivers My Wet Stepsis

Dani Rivers just found out one of her besties had fucked her stepbrother. Stepbrother was also right outside listening to this, getting a kick out of Dani’s reaction. Stepbrother then got caught eavesdropping and Dani slammed the door in his face. The next day Dani and her friend were watching TV in the living room with stepbro. Dani then began to rub stepbros cock and give him head until her bestie interrupted them due to excitement from the movie. A few days later Dani went into...

2 years ago
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Taste of What you Want

By Allison When I tell people I am a lesbian they think they know me. They think I listen to the Indigo Girls, that I cut my hair short because I'm acting like a man and they think I liked the TV show 'Ellen'. People assume lesbians are a separate species. They either think we are girls having endless orgies with each other or they think we are women who have yet to meet the right man. Some think we all write poetry while others think I must have had a tattoo by now. People might think...

1 year ago
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I got Parasited once as a child. It happened pretty innocently: I dropped my Fruit Roll-Up in the sand, and I wasn’t about to let that delicious, rainbow-colored tube of sugar and smashed pears go to waste just because it had become filthy. It’s a rule I still live by to some extent, as I’ve grown to be a proudly filthy man, but I certainly learned my lesson about eating sand when the doctor told me I had worms. These days, I avoid becoming the host to foreign organisms, but I was weirdly...

Premium Extreme Porn Sites
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JulesJordan Sahara Leone Uses Her Bulbous Booty To Make Manuel Explode

Busty beauty Sahara Leone makes her debut with Manuel! Sahara is a Nubian goddess with an amazing rack, perfect booty, and legs for days. She’s wearing sexy black lingerie with matching stockings as she teases you with her sensual curves. Sahara pulls off her top to let her massive mammaries breathe while she squeezes and plays with her nipples until Manuel joins her on the couch. They make out while Manuel fingers her wet pussy before making his way down to taste her sweet juices....

3 years ago
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Satisfying Married Woman And Giving Her Precious Sex Experience Ever

Hi everyone..Before going to start with my story I would like introduce me..I am Akash..Age 25…With good personality…My job is to satisfy married women who feels lonely and uncomfortable with their husband. So, about my experience, this my 20th experience which I going to be share with you, this is about one married women whose name is parul(name change) age 31 live in pune. Who’s married life was almost finished because of her husband business schedule. Parul’s husband was too busy with his...

2 years ago
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Degrees of FreedomChapter 8

Zoe Shutting the world out to concentrate on what I am doing, especially when it has to do with a mathematical problem, is one of my fortes. But that day it didn't work at all. My thoughts kept going back to Ann, to the weekend we had spent together, my feelings towards her. Images of her and myself in bed, Ann sitting naked at the table, camera in hand, that look she had when she photographed, of me naked and exposed as she shaved me ╨ that particular image sending a blush to my cheeks ╨...

4 years ago
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Blind Sided

Well, today I found out I was like hundreds, no thousands of other poor schmuks who couldn't see the signs their wife was cheating on them until they ran head on into it. Like many poor cuckolds I can see the signs now. You know, hindsight is 20 20. My wife Ann and I are your average middle age couple. The only major difference is we made some good decisions when we were young and were going to be able to retire really early. I retired from the military when I was 48. She was 52 now (I am now...

4 years ago
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Camera Man

David walked into the main room to what used to be the back lobby of a theater. Now it served a different purpose. His heart raced in his chest as he walked past a small raised stage. For the moment, the place was empty. But his mind drifted back to just a week before. He had not had so much fun in quite a long time.An hour later, the room was full again as camera crews finished up the last touches to prepare to film. Seventy other guys had gathered with more and more filing into the room. A...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 416 The Upgrades Meanwhile on the Home Front

Sunday, May 25 to Wednesday, June 18, 2008 (Continued) My Voyage of Discovery had started seven months ago and I've not written much about my life over that time, other than the interlude to describe my SCS project. There was little point in writing about lives I was going to be continually leaving. There was also less reason to write because there was less to write about, as I focused my successive lives on my families instead of the external activities my unlucky hosts had started after...

2 years ago
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Amazing Sex With Tenant Bhabhi

Hey everyone. I am a fan of iss and here to share my real story which happened last month. I love satisfying and have sex with ladies deprived of a wonderful sex. Any lady interested in delhi/ncr can always contact me on I am akash. 24 years. 5.11, 72kg, athletic body and 6.5inch dick. Now to the story. Let me describe the lady. Arti ( name changed). She is 36 years old with a slightly plump body but very hot. She is very fair with big melons and a perfect ass. She is a housewife and her...

3 years ago
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Eat the Seed part 4

Carl and I walked out of the strip club part of the Spice Warehouse, and into the porn store part.  The place was busy.  Surprisingly, it was full of mostly middle-aged couples.  There were a few scattered individual women and men.  I walked straight to the counter. “Welcome back,” Marybeth said.  “You fellows look like you lost your wives.”Carl replied, “They just got done dancing next door, and decided to go off with a group of guys.”“Lucky them,” she said.  With a sly smile, she asked us,...

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This all started with me thinking outloud. I was in the kitchen drinking a soda when my eighteen year old sister, Tracy, walked in. Tracy had on a tight pair of shorts and a loose tee shirt. She opened the door on the refrigerator, and bent down to pull out a bottle of water. This gave me a perfect view."Nice ass!" I said this out loud, but I was just thinking it.Tracy turned her head at me, and smiled. "Thanks, b*o."Being two years older than Tracy didn't help me much. I felt like a little boy...

2 years ago
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I Caught my Mother in Law

I caught my mother in law June with her man friend naked in her bedroom, both of them are in their seventies and he was on top.It all started when the wife asked me to drop some shopping off at her mother’s on my way to work. The mother in law would be out with her friends for the day so it was a quick in and out call. She was part of a group of four couples that had knowing each other very well for the last fifty odd years, but sadly; it is down to three women and one man now. He takes them...

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Spanking by numbers

I was in bed with my husband Mike one Saturday morning, we sleep naked so were nicely entwined with each other. We are a very sexual couple and we were just gently fooling about and starting to turn each other on. Mike was stroking my tits with their long pierced nipples encouraging them to grow and get really hard and I was  doing the same to his prick. Mike asked me to turn over so that he could work on my back and bum. So over I turned and settled down for some fun.Mike pulled the duvet off...

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Wonderful first time

My first time I can remember perfectly. I was 16 years of age, excited and very horny. I was talking with this man from outline, messaging each other in the middle of the night. Always waiting till everyone was in bed. I was inexperienced and craved male attention. One night I found out he lived in the same town as I. Our plan began. I told him how to come into my room, parking across the street, climbing over the fence not opening the gate since, we had dogs that would alert my parents...

1 year ago
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Phun Forum

Hello there pervs, The Porn Dude is back with yet another destination for y’all to find adult entertainment. It’s not your typical porn location, but you know damn well a site can’t appear on my site if it doesn’t take care of porn. So, yeah, you can look forward to a little bit of everything including plenty of porn, sex and nudity, soft-core and hardcore shit and other random stuff that will keep you thoroughly entertained. And how does interacting with other like-minded pervs appeal to you?...

Porn Forums
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Pamalas first adventure

I joined the army after I quit school in the 12 th grade. After joining the army it put a crimp in my dressing up as a girl. I did wear panties whenever I got the chance but I really wanted to dress up completely as a girl. I wanted to go out dressed and I have to admit I was attracted to several guys in my unit. My third year in the army I went to Viet Nam in December 1967. I was in the 101 st Airborne. I had a best friend in my unit and we were friends since we were both assigned to the...

1 year ago
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The Vermont Boarding School Part 6 The Piccolo

Part 6 *** Click on author name to read all previous parts of this story! Sean and Noah woke up Sunday morning after a night with their mentors, Reese and Sanford, and their fellow freshman, Martin and Todd. It was a six-way interchange and everyone was satisfied when it was over. Satisfied? Hell, everyone got to fuck or be sucked resulting in a gratification as nice as any time in the past. Sean and Noah had planned to be with Martin and Todd after they finished sucking Reese and Sanford, but...

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Virtual Taboo

VirtualTaboo! Yes! Welcome to the future, perverts. We fucking made it! We’re well beyond the days of just streaming hardcore pornography to our TVs, computers, and phones. No, today we can stream smut directly into our eyeballs with sites like movies are the next obvious evolution of the fuck film, bringing us one big-ass step closer to being right there in the scenes. Good virtual reality porn will make you feel like a pornstar; jerk off to the bad stuff, and you’ll feel...

VR Porn Sites
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MODERN MARRIAGE – IMPREGNATION RESORT -2MANDATORY BREEDINGThrough all of this I inadvertently was touching myself. Then with the most of tactfulness, Janeda guided us through many naked bodies to our room.Our suite was a spacious one. Through the French double doors we could see the distinct blue of the Caribbean. The center of the room was occupied by an enormous four post bed. To the side was an OB/GYN pelvic examination table with calf and ankle stirrup supports as to keep woman’s legs...

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heres something for you and your buzzing bun

would u like to sit down on the bed and spread ur legs open... close ur eyes and lay back... i kneel infront of you and place my hands on ur boobsmhmmi squeez your boobs softly and slowly move my hand n pull ur nipples gentlyi then lift my self up to ur boobsand i start with soft kisses on ur left breat and then i move back to the right breati slowly and softly kiss around your nipples while every few kisses i flick my tongue on ur nippleand i start to suck the right nipples softly and gently...

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Fun with Angelyna

My friend Manu had invited a few of us to his place for a drink. I arrived first to find him arguing with his girlfriend, telling her she couldn’t go out dressed as she was. (you can see her in this photo told him she’d wear what she liked and stormed out of the room to continue getting herself ready for her night out with the girls. Manu told me she was behaving like a slut just lately and thought it was time she was taught a...

2 years ago
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Flower Child

"Who wants to watch my new music video?" Lily said to her three "friends" and soccer teammates as they sunbathed poolside at her family's mansion. "I do!" exclaimed a legitimately excited Violet. The other girls more reluctantly assented to watch their best striker and team captain dance around in a pink bikini, showing off her fake boobs, fake nose, fake blonde hair, fake tan and lip-syncing along to her inhuman sounding, autotuned vocals. Her latest effort in a multi-year project to follow...

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I had had my nose in one book or another for the past week while studying for finals. Now I was down to one and was at the town library studying. My girlfriend, Amber, came along to hurry me up. Because of my studying we hadn’t had sex all week; the longest since we first had sex. She was so hot that I didn’t want to go longer than that for sex. She was of Irish descent; where she got her long red hair and passionate nature from. She had a smooth body and light skin. She did have somewhat...

1 year ago
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GingerPatch Alyce Sage Gingers Need Love Too

Alyce got home from school super depressed. All of her peers have been taunting her with surly notes because of her pale skin, fiery red hair, and freakish freckles. She decided not to cry about it and try and get some sleep. She woke up the next day in somewhat of a better mood, and tried to get some studying done. She ped her pen on the floor, and noticed a note she didnt read. Assuming it was hurtful and mean, she went to rip it up, but decided to read it in hopes that maybe it was something...

4 years ago
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Buddys Little bro

It started one hot summer day. I was over at my friend Daniel's house who was 15, about 5'11", and muscular, because he was a very serious swimmer. Daniels brother Ian, who was about 5'8", and a little on the heavy side, but I wouldn't really call him fat just a little husky, came out to okay too. At the end of the day we had a fire and some s'mores. We then started talking about what every teenager talked about: sex and mastubation. Daniel and I shared stories about how we have almost gotten...

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