Long Time Coming
- 4 years ago
- 22
- 0
The next day Pat stopped by the shipyard to look it over, the owner was there and he showed Pat around.
The owner said he was nearing seventy now and was ready to retire. He said the Tug and the shrimp boat out of the water and under the shed were the last jobs he was going to take on. He told Pat he regretted having to lay off the seventeen good men he had. When Pat told the man he might be able to use all of them if they could make a deal he said "We can make a deal."
The yard owner said the yard was apraised for a half million ten years before but there was hardly any business for small shipyards now. He said he had turned down two hundred twelve last year. Pat said he was thinking of renting not purchasing.
The yard owner said he would rent the yard to Pat for ten thousand a month with all of the equipment but if he would pay sixteen thousand a month he would get the deed for the place in one year. Pat told him "We have made a deal." The yard owner took Pat around and introduced him, Pat promised each man a job at his present wages and all the overtime he could stand. The yard foreman was told to get those two jobs back in the water as soon as possible and to be prepaired for a fleet of barges about the first of next week.
Pat told Tim what he had done at the shipyard. Tim was pleased that he would not have to look for people to work in the yard. Pat told him to look anyway, as many as five barges could be worked on tied to the sea wall next to the yard sheds. Pat suggested Tim see the yard foreman, Shelton, and ask him to locate more help.
Tim had dispatched every tug he could spare and crews for the three tugs Pat had bought in the sale to Charleston that morning. Five tugs had left and two more would leave the next morning. The crews would live aboard those Tugs. Each had two full five thousand gallon fuel tanks on their decks and full ship's tanks. Tim said he figured they would make Charleston about noon Wednesday.
Pat said he would meet them there.
Pat called the seaplane charter service that was renting the office and site next to the fuel docks. He chartered a flight to the Naval Base at Charlston for early enough to get him there at noon. There would be a return flight that night.
Crystal would have liked to go but she was so far behind in her work she could not spare the time. Pat realized that he had her overburdened with work. He thought he needed to do something about that. Tim was being asked to do too much as well.
Tuesday Pat met with his banker. Mr. Kent told Pat he was growing much to fast, that he was nearing his credit line and in the future the bank would have to approve any more loans in advance. Pat told the banker that his bank's money was safe. He told him his latest purchases would bring their costs in scrap. Pat outlined his plans to build a houseboat marina. The banker told Pat he might be interested in one of those rental house barges himself. He said he and his wife were living in a large expensive house and all four of their kids were married and gone. He was paying four hundred a month to dock his cabin cruser when he could dock against one of Pat's house barges free. Pat told him he was free to view the one he lived in any time. Pat told Mr Kent he had three bedrooms and all the modern conviences.
The banker told Pat he would take him up on that in a week or two. Pat left with a Cashiers Check for one million nine hundred seventy two thousand made payable to the Naval Sales Office, Charleston.
Pat's first stop after leaving the bank was the shipyard. He found every one busy. His foreman was operating a forklift. He parked it and joined Pat in the quiet of the office. There was a lady there at a computer. Pat was introduced to Ms. Janet Townsend. She said she had been working there for two years, she was doing the books and most of the purchasing. Pat was told the yard could not operate as efficiently with out her. Pat told Janet to plan on staying on after he took over. Brad Shelton said he had five Shipwrights that might be interested in hireing in. Brad said he could recommend all of them. Pat said if they suited him they suited him. Pat said "You are the new yard manager." "Your salary will be increased by two hundred a week when I take over the yard. Brad said "Yes sir."
Janet asked if he was the Colson that owned every thing between the yard and the bridge. Pat admitted he was. She said "You have a lot of things going." Pat smiled and agreed with her.
The fuel dock was his next stop, a large cargo ship was at the dock for fuel. Her Captain was just arriving at the office, He was ridden from his ship to there by a golf cart driven by one of the dockhands. While the captain was giving the clerk his international credit card for payment for fuel Pat introduced himself. The captain was employed by a Greek shipping firm. He said he had usually taken on fuel across the bay but he was here for his first time because another ship's captain had told him this place was more modern and filled his tanks in half the time.
Pat told the captain he was glad for his busisness.
The sales clerk brought the captain's credit card back and told him and the yard hand that he was authorized to take on his fuel needs. She would send out his recipt as soon as the pumps were shut down.
That ship loaded a hundred thousand dollars worth of fuel and the money was in the fuel docks account within minutes of her posting the total to the credit card company. Another ship was standing by in the harbor.
Every fuel slot was occupied in front by cars and trucks and a car was waiting.
Pat's next stop was the scrap yard, they were cutting up a barge. Pat watched from his truck as a bundle of pieces were loaded on a barge by a crane with a magnet.
The foreman was running the crane. Pat's scrap yard was doing well.
The next stop was the construction office. A tug captain was in Tim's office. He was telling Tim that he and his crew had not had an hour off since the other Tugs had been sent to Charleston. Tim told him he and his crew would have to hold on until the others got back and then he and his crew could count on going back for more barges while one of the other smaller tugs took over here. That captain stomped out after saying "Boss me and my crew will be wealthy men after this shit is over, we have no time to spend our wages working like this." After he was gone Pat entered Tim's office. Troubles Pat asked. Tim said "That guy is one of the best we have but he has to bitch now and then. Pat asked if every thing was all right. Tim said every project was working short handed while moving Pat's purchases from Charleston. Pat told Tim to do the best he could. Pat left knowing Tim would.
Pat's next stop was the pump shop. Slaughter the shop foreman was unloading a large pump with the overhead crane. Slughter told Pat the pump was from a shipyard in Norfalk. He said they were going to get all of their repairs now.
Pat went into the office section. Crystal was so engrossed with her computer she did not know Pat was there until he kissed her. Pat told her again he wished she were going with him to Charleston. Crystal said she could not spare the time she was so far behind. She said she was getting all of the new purchases covered by insurance and that had to be done before the Tugs left coming back. Crystal said she was a week behind posting to her general ledger.
Pat went to his office convinced he needed to get Crystal and Tim some help. Pat was thinking of how to do that and realized that one thing he could do was to combine the office of the ship yard, the construction office and the pump shop office. The salvage office was just an office trailer and that was fine because purchases of supplies went through Crystal and sales were to only one place, Osgood Steel Company. Tim was running the construction busisness from a houseboat. He needed more room and someone to answer the phone. The fuel dock needed a real office to monitor inventory and control cash flow. Crystal's office at the pump shop was small and there was not enough room to place someone in there to help her.
Between the shipyard and the salvage yard was a large one story building that had been built in the late eighteen hundreds as a shiping company's offices. The company had closed after world war one during the Great Depression of nineteen twenty nine. In the last seventy years the building had been used for many things. It had been empty for the last ten years. The old wood warf was just snags of wood piling now but there was a concrete bulkhead the lengh of the bay frontage. That was in good repair. Pat decided to look at that building after he returned from Charleston.
Pat and Ellen prepaired dinner for Crystal, himself, Ellen and the two children. Crystal came in at six thirty, she was so weary she just picked at her food.
Pat would have liked to fuck her that night but Crystal went straight to bed after dinner. Ellen put the children to bed at eight and Pat undressed in his and Crystal's bedroom and joined Ellen in her room. Ellen was glad to have Pat in her bed. Ellen was a very good fuck, almost as good as Crystal. Ellen had fucked Tom the night before and was content to give Pat one of her truly great blowjobs. Ellen had a climax when she took Pat's cock in her mouth and another when he spurted in her mouth. After a bit of Pat sucking on her tits she mounted his hard cock and had six or eight orgasms before Pat shot his juice in her. He and Ellen kissed good night and Pat went to bed with Crystal.
Pat was up at four AM, he fixed scrambles, zapped bacon and had buttered toast for breakfast. He was at the charter service at five thirty. His pilot was the owner of the charter service and they were flying in a high winged Cessna plane with floats. Pat liked that, he could see the ground. The Atlantic coast was a pretty sight that day. After circling over the naval base the pilot got the base radio and asked permison to land. He stated his reason and where he wanted to go. He was instructed to land and taxi to the seaplane docks. A car would be dispatched to take them to the Surplus Sales office. While the pilot was tying off the plane a van drove up. The pilot was staying with his plane. Pat went to the sales office. While he was there the first of his tugs arrived. Pat met with the six tugs captains and they went over the items to be moved. It was going to take two trips to get all of that stuff home. Each tug captain was given his asignment and they began to load barges with the two large cranes Pat had bought. They would begin their first trip home before dark.
Pat left and flew back home, they landed before dark. Christal was still at work in the pump shop office. At seven thirty she would have put in thirteen and a half hours in the office. Pat made her shut down the computer and go home with him. Ellen had made pizzas and a large one was still warm in the oven. Pat poured wine and Crystal ate a fair amount of her dinner. After they finished eating Pat ran the whirlpool tub full of hot water and put Crystal in it, he joined her.
Pat asked Crystal if she was getting caught up in the office. Crystal told him she would be by noon the next day. Pat told her to be looking for some help in the office.
Thursday morning Pat reached the Captain of the lead tug by radio. All seven tugs were at sea, he had decided not to come back by the Inland Water Way. The weather was good and it would take less time to return that way. Captain Norris said he had the other six tugs in sight. He estimated their arival to be sometime Saturday morning. Pat checked each office and went by the old building. He drove off Bay Shore Drive onto a concrete parking lot. The front of the building had a long wide porch with brick columes suporting it. When it had been built that had been for visitors to drive under in their buggys or carages and get in or out if it was raining. From outside the building looked to be in good shape, it had a metal roof that was rusty and needed sand blasting and paint. The window openings were covered with rusty steel plate The exterior walls were brick and were a foot and a half thick. Pat rememberd how pretty that old building he had bought in Charleston had looked after he had it blast cleaned.
There was a modern roll up door at one end of the building. At the back a door opening was covered with steel plate. The wide double doors at the front were standing open, someone had stolen the locks from them. Those doors were made of Teak and except for a few scratches were as good as the day they were installed. The inside of the structure was all open space. The last tenant had used it as a warehouse. There was a pile of pallets in one corner. The pieces of an antique electric forklift were in another. Pat found a set of stairs near the center of the structure the set going down were to dark to use until Pat got a flashlight from his truck. There was a full basement down there. Pat found the remains of a large coal furnace and the piping to carry warm air to what had been the offices upstairs. The basement was dry and a number of floor drains were in the floor.
Pat went up the stairs to the atic. Pidgons had pecked holes in the screens behind the large louvers at each end. Hundreds of old nests were on the floor and the floor was littered with their crap.
The roof system was heavy 4"x 12" heart pine rafters supported at the ridge by a steel beam the length of the structure. That beam was supported at the end walls by brickwork and at the chimney then a brick pier comimg all the way from a foundation below the basement floor. The metal roofing was nailed to heart pine 2"x12 "s spaced so close that only a foot of space was between them. Pat was sure no storm would ever damage that boilding. As he suspected there was no insulation between the atic flooring and the metal ceiling below.
Back down stairs Pat was looking at bare brick walls they would need to be insulated or it would cost a fortune each month to heat or cool the building.
Pat decided the building could be converted to meet his needs.
Pat had to contact a trust officer at a bank in New York to discuss the property. The banker told Pat the property was a part of a famly trust and he would be more than willing to take an offer on it. Pat asked if the bank had a value on the property. The banker said the property was depreciated down to forty two thousand dollars and that was the value in their books. He said he might be able to take less but that would have to be approved by the members of the trust. Pat told him to have a deed drawn and a bill of sale. Pat promised that when that was ready the banker could call him and he would drive up to New York and close the sale. The banker asked what bank he would be issuing the check from. Pat said he would be paying in cash. There was a silence and then the banker promised to have the deed ready to transfer at ten AM Monday.
Pat was amazed that any one depreciated land, any land appreciated as time went by.
Pat figured he was getting a millon dollar piece of property for forty two thousand.
Pat went back to look at his property. The land behind the building and on each side was so grown over in weeds he was afraid to drive down to the sea wall. He found a way on foot and worked his way to the sea wall. It was in very good shape and every twenty feet a concrete pile was left sticking up exactly three feet. Excelent for tying the barges arriving Saturday to. Pat wondered how clean the land would be if he set those last years dead weeds on fire. There was a good breeze coming off the bay, a fire would burn toward Bay Shore Drive. Pat lit clumps of dead weeds in a dozen places then went to his truck. He thought it would be wise to park in front of his shipyard to watch. In an hour that fire had burned so hot that even small trees were consumed it had stopped at the edges of the paved areas and at the building walls. The land behind the building was flat and level and slopped to the sea wall. A black ash covered everything but Pat was sure a rain would bed that down in the stuble. That night Pat and Crystal woke to the crash of thunder and the sound of heavy rain pelting the steel roof of their home.
Pat had told Tim and Crystal of his purchase of the old building over a steak dinner the evening before. Friday morning Pat took them to see their new offices.
Tim was amazed at how well built the old structure was. Tim said they were standing on an oak floor two inches thick over a sub-floor of two-inch heart pine. After Tim saw the atic and the basement Tim said it would be reasonably cheap to turn this place into the finest office in the bay area. Crystal said the building would be beautiful if the walls were sand blasted and those rusty plates covering the window openings were removed. She added that the roof needed blasting and painting.
Pat told them he was going to hire an office design firm as soon as he had that deed Monday.
Pat drove them down to the sea wall. The char of the burnt grass and weeds was gone, washed into the bay by the heavy rain the night before. Pat showed Tim that most of the empty barges could be rafted at the sea wall. Next door was the shipyard where they would be modified. Tim asked how long that sea wall was. Pat told him the map at the courthouse noted it as being a thousand feet long. Tim said "It looks more like fifteen hundred to me." Pat drove Tim to his floating office and Crystal to the pump shop. There were dozens of things to do before the tugs made it back. That afternoon Pat took a forty two thousand dollar check to his bank and cashed it for large bills. Pat had told Crystal that as soon as the barges and tugs were in port she was going to New York with him. He had made reservations at the Waldorf. Cristal got a little excited and had to go pee. Saturday at nine thirty AM the tugs came steaming up the bay, each got its instructions as to where to leave it's tows. Pat and Crystal left for New York City before noon. Pat and Crystal had never been there before. Pat had a city map and drove direct to the Waldorf. It took more than an hour to check in.
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One Friday night after a lovely dinner and a few drinks my hubby and I decided to act out another sex scene from a dvd. We sat in the lounge with a glass of wine each and watched scene 2 of the dvd. It was a naughty school girl scene, where she gets punished by the headmaster for bunking class. We decided to act it out in the lounge. Come to my office young girl.Yes sirI'm putting you on 2 friday detentions for bunking class.No sir please don't, my parents will ground me.Well you need to be...
Pledging Tau Geta Delta - Part 2 - Private Education By Farleven Jiggling. Something was jiggling on my chest. That was the first thing that struck me as I started to work past that groggy sleepiness. I had rolled over and something had shifted that normally didn't do that. My hand slid up to check and instead of finding my normally hard muscles, my finger sank into soft flesh. I can't say I'm quick witted in the morning, but when I gave a pinch to the thick nipple I found, everything...
I remember very well my first sexual experience with another boy and the background to it. I was just sixteen and S. was a few months older. We were on our way back from attending a tennis tournament in London and we were whiling away the time on a long coach trip on a sunny late afternoon in a hot summer. The coach was full of boys from our school.On that journey, S. was sitting in the row behind me but during the trip swapped places with another boy and sat next to me. We were talking about...
Gay MaleFOREWORD: To those of you who have never read any of my stuff before, this is a plain old dirty story. Hopefully, it's hot. I'd like to think it's kind of fun. It is semi-autobiographical. I did have a friend like this, but his name wasn't Tom. The girls are based on girls I had fun with, too. College was great. To those of you who have read my other stories, don't bother to complain about no romance and no redeeming social value in this one. I know. * * * * * * * * * * * *...
Introduction: The adventure continues Hope you enjoy. Happy Fapping. Comments welcome.. Part 2 ~~ As my dad loaded the minibus with the suitcases, all full of clothes, plus one full of food, we set off towards the Summer Shack. I was sat in the front, speaking to dad, while the girls behind me were giggling constantly. I longed to be there with them, but alas it was just a dream. As we drove further and further away from civilisation, my dreams became wilder and wilder. After 2 hours drive,...
Fortsetzung von Teil 1Teil 1 : https://de.xhamster.com/stories/ankes-neue-wohnung-teil-1-738760Wenig später waren wir alle mit unseren Aufgaben fertig. Ich hatte noch ein paar Lampen zum leuchten gebracht und die Frauen hatten alles, was derzeit verstaut werden konnte, an ihren vorgesehenen Platz gestellt und untergebracht. Während Anke sich in der Küche an der Kaffeemaschine zu schaffen machte, legte meine Freundin ihren Mantel an und wickelte sich sorgsam ihren dicken Schal um.„Also so kalt...
This chapter is sub-titled "The Orgy at Hemingway Villas" In the last chapter, the festivities at Split-tail Cove were very educational for both Julie and Kristy the high spirited twins with a blossoming case of nymphomania. Nora, my sister-in-law with the anal-play fetish and I, were getting along real good now that she had spread her legs with a display of sister-in-law's tender loving care. Our new nudist friends, Nick and Eve had promised us all a night we would never forget at their...
[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]Carly Shay had never felt more relaxed than she felt at this moment, floating in the pool at the inn, just taking in all the sounds and smells of the surrounding nature. Her best male friend was going to be married to the girl of his dreams in just two days and there was just something pleasant about that, and it drove her to seek out what she truly wanted in life."Is it cold?" a voice...
The world according to St John A man is dining in a fancy restaurant and there is a gorgeous redhead sitting at the next table. He has been checking her out since he sat down, but lacks the nerve to talk with her. Suddenly she sneezes and her glass eye comes flying out of its socket towards the man. He reflexively reaches out, grabs it out of the air, and hands it back. “Oh my, I am sooo sorry,” the woman says as she pops her eye back in place. “Let me buy your dinner to make it up to...
I spied you browsing through the dresses at the mall. Your slightly tanned freckled skin caught my eye. The way your flowered dressed flowed as you moved from one rack to another, your hips moving in across the room. It almost took my breath away. There was something about you, I couldn't quite put my finger on it but I was captivated by you.Biting my lip in a moment of indecision, I a strolled over near you, hoping to catch your eye as I pretended to look at a few dresses. Finally you looked...
On Monday morning, in real life, I found myself in the middle of Casablanca. I was at the governor's press office at eight on Monday morning. They apparently would be there at nine. Fortunately, there was a Java Cava just down the street within easy "wheeling" distance so I was able to pass the time by becoming even more anxiously caffeinated. Even more fortunate, though, was the promised presence of Miss Krissy Mackley. The poor woman took her first step onto the ice at ten o'clock. She...
On the day of Chastity’s birthday she snuck out of the house just before dawn to ride her horse Winchester. She put his bridle on and took off. She needed to clear her head and figure out what to do next. For she knew her parents were going to choose a man for her to marry. Riding Winchester always made her feel better, the wind through her hair always made her nipples hard; And the gentle rubbing of her clit on the bare back of a horse always made her forget for a bit, who she was and what was...
BJ Raw! Do you want to know one of the biggest ball breakers in the world? Well, if you are watching a very long blowjob video, then you should know that the dude is wearing a fucking condom! But, seriously, what is the appeal in that?I don’t know about you mother fuckers, but I want to see a hot bitch slurping on a giant exposed dong! Watching her deep throat latex is about as appealing as, well, deep throating latex. Now, if you too hate watching blowjob videos with covered dicks, then you...
Premium Blowjob Porn Sites‘Baby, do I need to pick anything up on the way home?’ Reid was getting used to making this call. He could hear her rustling around the kitchen before she answered, ‘We could use cereal, Bisquick and eggs.’ After they hung up, she laughed at herself. She couldn’t believe how happy she was living with Reid. Sure, she hadn’t spoken to her brother in more than two months, but otherwise things were good. She’d fallen into a good groove with Taylor, allowing her friend more time in the shop while...
I was thinking about the time I fucked my first big black cock, I had trouble with my car so I went to the local repair shop were there was a young man by the name of Ben. He was a big black man about 10 years younger than myself. I got so horny that when Ben was bent over looking at the engine I couldn’t resist running my hands up the back of his ass, feeling his firm ass.Before I knew it I had wrapped my fingers around his hard cock right threw his pants. It was as hard as a rock and I...
Captain Brandi Love isn’t about to take any shit from anyone, especially not from Juan Loco or Ricky Spanish. She knows the boys are friends, so she questions whether they can work well together. Furthermore, she notes that Ricky has been working there for a year and still needs additional training in dealing with the highly dominant and extremely sexual ladies who make up the majority of their clientele. The boys need to be ready for any situation. Abruptly walking forward, Captain Love grabs...
xmoviesforyouThe Surrogate By Michele Nylons Chapter One - An Indecent Proposal "She's gone. She left for Australia yesterday with her fucking yoga teacher. How fucking clich?!" Peter Randal stared down into his drink. "I mean the guy even looks like Chris Hemsworth for fuck sake... and that accent! What a joke! I should have seen it coming a mile away." Peter choked down his scotch and poured another. Miles Francis sat nursing his own drink listening to his brother-in-law and c...
‘That’s it, I quit.’ I sighed, my sighing breath continued until Ryan, my partner, cleared his throat. ‘You quit? Just like that?’ his eyebrows arched as I kicked my shoes off and watched them hit the leg of the bed. ‘Yes,’ I nodded as I spoke. ‘I’m sick of being treated like some no-purpose bit on the side,’ I sighed once more as I sat onto the edge of the bed. Lifting both my legs up, I crossed them in front of me. ‘Here,’ his voice broke the hollow silence. His hands reaching out as he...
Amelia wakes the next morning with her head on Drake's bare chest. She looks up and kisses his cheek, he is already awake. He pulls her close and kisses her deep and passionately. Soon they are lost in the moment, Drake is on top of her, tangled in the sheets, kissing her with great passion.Amelia pushes away from him, saying, "Drake, I have to get up. I need to help my parents get the stuff ready for the party tonight.""I get it, how about I go with you. We both live together, no sense in...
Love StoriesSince this is a true story, I am only going to use peoples first initial.Had been chatting with D on the phone for a while, he was Belgian and closeted. He told me he didn't have much experience with a guy, aside from doing hand jobs with his frat boy buddies, as some initiation, but had been thinking about doing something more with a guy... told him I was not a pushy person that we could meet for coffee at a local donut shot and see what happened. He figured, he would be more comfortable...
I found out about RedditTube recently, and I knew right away it was probably something I’d be reviewing here at ThePornDude. The funny thing about Reddit is that some folks out there might not realize it’s a goldmine of fap fodder, especially with all the incels and no-fap retards who hang out there, discussing fedora brands and giving waifu pillow purchasing tips. You perverts know a lot better, though, don’t you? Hell, I’ve got more than 500 of the filthiest subreddits ranked and reviewed, so...
Free Porn Tube SitesFor the first time, I lay down in her bed. I got comfy and waited for her to return. She came back and looked surprised to see me there, but quickly joined me. "You're really going to be ready again?" she asked with a surprise in her voice. "Did you think our night was over? I didn't think it had begun." I said confidently. She cooed and clucked like a child at their first circus. I leaned up and planted my lips to hers and took a breast in my hand. After thoroughly kissing her lips...
The trip did not start out well at all. I had paid for a single berth. When I got aboard the ship, I found myself in a double cabin, with another bachelor. I complained to my steward. I waited over an hour, and nothing happened. I decided to take matters into my own hands. I left my cabin where I had been waiting for resolution of this problem, and made my way to the pursers office. He was not in. I asked how long we were to remain at the dock, and was told the ship would depart on time in...
"Yes?" said Sienna having answered the door to reveal an especially attractive short haired woman. She was staying by herself for the moment. In a week or so she would bring in two or three pets to keep her company. Sarah was sure the moment the door opened. This was Tammy Cameron. There simply couldn't be two women as beautiful as this on the same planet. "Mrs. Gwantine?" asked Sarah using the name listed on the marriage license. "Yes, I'm Sienna Gwantine." "My name is Sarah...
The man’s eyelids fluttered as a stream of sodium thiopental flowed into his veins, a mocking smile still on his lips. None of the four technicians on the other side of the wall through which the intravenous tubing passed knew which of the plungers each of them pressed was delivering the drug to the prisoner, and they were never told. Each had an identical set of the injection devices used to send the lethal trio of compounds to the condemned man: the sodium thiopental that was now rendering...
Hi as previous sexcapdes my wife is getting even more surprising and daring, the last one started unexpectedly as I was late home and we were talking and I was telling my wife that on the train home I had heard a group of young women discussing open and frankly there sex lives and what they liked and wanted to do of have done, well this seemed to turn her on, and was soon asking me to tell her more as she played with her pussy, then she said why don't we try and see if we can pick up one of...
Part 1: Not Your Normal Lessons at School Troy lingered in the shower, luxuriating in the feel of the warm water cascading over his naked body. Actually, the sensual pleasure wasn't the only reason he lingered. The other members of the basketball team tended to pick on him, especially the varsity, and he was in no hurry to face them. He really hadn't wanted to go out for basketball, but was pretty much forced to by his dad. At only 5' 6" he lacked the athletic skill to be a decent player. He...