Amber s Weekly Reckoning
- 2 years ago
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"Cocoa sir. Nodding off a bit?"
"Ah what, oh yes my cocoa. Nodding off you say? Well I suppose it's getting on to bed time."
"Its Thursday evening sir, here let's have a sip now."
"I can hold the cup my self you know; oh very well carry on then. Ah, that is good cocoa, Amber. Thursday evening you say and nearly time for bed."
"No sir, it's only eight o'clock and sir knows I like holding the cup, another sip?"
"Oh, alright... I supposed then maybe some reading. Did you see my book, what was it called now? I thought it was here on the table?"
"Sir doesn't need the book; Sir forgot again. It's Thursday evening and weekly reckoning time."
"Oh yes, my memory's not what it was. You have that little notepad then?"
"Yes sir, right here always handy in my apron pocket. And sir's pill is here too, open wide."
"Good, ... well then, where were we; oh yes any incidents this week?"
"I'm afraid so sir. Nearly every day there's something."
"Oh dear, really; have you reckoned a number then?"
"Yes sir, if the Saturday incident counts for five, it adds to eighteen."
"Saturday ... Saturday, what happened Saturday? I have no recollection; Saturday, hmm?"
"The broom, sir nearly fell over it, in the hallway."
"Yes the broom. Ah, I remember now. Five is a bit harsh though, is it not? I mean no one was hurt."
"Could have sir, the dear departed Missus would have been in a flap for ten. I'm sure; just know it."
"Yes Amber, she was demanding but always fair. Ten years now I believe?"
"Nine sir, strong willed the Missus was, handled me well she did."
"Well yes she was adamant at that. Now how many was it, tonight?"
"Eighteen sir, should I ready now?"
"Very well, I suppose there's no getting around it. You are a good servant Amber, how many years now?
"Nineteen sir, since I was seventeen. Sir was strong then, kept me on my toes and so the Missus did. No note pad needed then. All was done quick on the spot."
"Yes, one gets older and have less energy."
"Would sir, undo behind me."
"There it goes Amber, the what's it called?"
"The apron Sir. Sir the other one?"
"Oh yes, where is the darn thing now? Oh yes, I got it and there she blows! "
"Sir likes the way the uniform just fall on the floor when sir pull the zipper, Isn't that so?"
"One of life's sweet pleasures, Amber. It sustains me in my old age."
"Its Thursday reckoning time, unserpants sir. I'm wearing your favorite red garter belt with the lacy things and the fishnets."
"Well I'm not blind just yet, Amber but why underpants?"
"Sorry sir, you said last week, not to wear them next week.
"My heavens, why would I say that?"
"Sir said it saves the prelim ... prelima ... Oh, those big words."
"Preliminaries, Amber, it means: before the main event. Must have said it then, I don't know why, I always enjoyed that part. Rather gratifying exposing you bottom that way. Like raising the curtain, well lowering it in that case. "
"Could I display the remains of last Thursdays reckoning."
"Ah yes, you're still reddish across both cheeks."
"The Missus used to tell me, that was my badge of honor."
"Yes, yes, she did say that didn't she and you do have two well-developed cheeks to display that badge, Amber."
"Thank you sir, oh I love the way sir fondles them; oh ... that feels so good. The Missus hired me because of my spanking bum, that's what she called it, didn't she?"
"That she did, you were no second-rate choice Amber."
"Yes she was the gym teacher, a good one too and she saw all the different behinds in the showers. She said I had the best one of all, except maybe for that Dalton girl but she was a smart one, headed for higher learning and all that. I don't have all that many smarts but the Missus said I'd be a good maid and she hired me."
"I'm grateful that she did, God rest her soul. Now where is that a ... a; what's it called?"
"The cane sir, the bamboo cane, hanging on the fire place as always, sir. May I get it?"
"Yes, yes, I supposed we should get on with it; it's really getting late."
"Here sir, I'll get on my knees in front before we start and kiss the cane. The Missus said to show proper respect for the bamboo, before receiving its message. Umm, there sir it's ready. Here take it in sir's hand now; no the other end with the hook on it. No, no not yet sir; I'm not in position. Let me raise the lazy boy so sir can sit straight up and I'll bring the footstool over so to lie on. Sir likes my bum displayed nice and high, that I know."
"Oh yes Amber, nice and high; now how many was it? I'm afraid I've forgotten already?"
"Oh, I always count backwards when sir canes my bum." Whack, "Thank you, seventeen to go, sir." Whack, "thank you sir, sixteen more, could sir maybe do a bit harder?" Whack! "Oh thank you sir. Very nice sir, fifteen more." Whack! "Thank you sir, fourteen more. Maybe sir should rest some now?"
"Very well Amber, it has become a strenuous obligation over the years. "I'll take a rest."
" Sir is nodding of now, we are not finished yet."
"What, oh yes, what was I doing now?"
"Caning me sir, fourteen more."
"Ah yes where is that ... thing now?"
"The cane, in sir's hand."
"I say Amber, yes there it is. I'm ready to begin. How many do you get this evening?"
"Eighteen sir but sir's already did four, so fourteen more."
"Really, you wouldn't deceive me now, would you Amber?"
"Of course not sir, has sir ever caned me for being the liar?"
"No I can't say that I have; yes you are a very honest employee. I only cane you for dropping things and such. You are a little clumsy, so I cane your buttocks and a fine set of buttocks it is at that."
"Thank you sir, fourteen more sir."
"Oh yes, I digress, Must journey onwards like they say." Whack! ...Whack1 ...
"Thank you sir eleven more but be careful now, better rest again."
"Yes you're right again Amber. Your buttocks look particularly lovely tonight."
"Thank you sir, I do use the cream every day. The Missus always said the buttocks should be smooth and fetching to the eye. Caning blemished skin is a disagreeable task she said."
"She was a stickler for neatness alright Amber, you are doing her memory proud, keeping those spheres in such good order."
"Yes sir and I still exercises every day as the Missus taught me, to keep it firm with maximum protrusion. Sir, ...sir? Sir's nodding again."
"Just teasing Amber, eleven more right?"
"Oh, sir does toy with Amber sometimes but it makes it more fun, sir."
"Do the snake for me Amber."
"Yes sir I like that, we haven't done that for a spell. Sir likes to watch my bum squirm sir does," Whack! Whack! "Thank you sir, nine more please?"
"Now, lets see the Dolphin. Amber."
"Yes sir, I'll get off the footstool; that one does better on the floor, right it sir?"
"Yes Amber, ooh that's precious Amber. Heads up bottoms up, heads up bottoms up" Whack! "Heads up, bottoms up," Whack! "Whew, you do that so well but I'm plum worn out, watching it."
"Thank you sir, nine more now and I need a rest too. The Dolphin was easy when I was eighteen. Here I'll get back on the footstool. Expose my bum high up for sir again. Has it good color now sir?"
"What, color, where?"
"My bum sir, from the cane."
"Oh yes Amber, its taking on a wonderful hue, I'm pleased with my labors."
"So sir should be, sir has that special touch, correcting my clumsy ways. I'm so happy to be a servant in this house. I really am sir. Sir?"
"Oh yes the color. Where were we?"
"Nine more, when sir's up to it?" Whack1 Whack! Whack! Whack!
"Oh thank you sir but four is too much. Sir must be careful and conserve strength. Now sir will rest some, only five more there is. I'll do the slow bump and grind like sir enjoys, while I wait."
"Yes, yes Amber your gluteus maximus, as it attains that reddish glow with a hint of blue: the underlying muscles flexing in the flicking fireplaces light, combined with the cane impacting, distorting the flesh and the immediate recoil, can be an intoxicating display, irresistible to wielding the cane again and again. This is heaven on earth Amber."
"Oh sir, them big words I do love poetry talk."
"Well I sometimes feel ... the need to ... explore. Zzzzzzzzzzz."
"Woof, woof, arf, arf, woof, woof!"
"Ah, what, where was I, ... ooh. Nice doggie wiggle that tail. What does the doggie want?"
"Woof, woof, slurp, slurp."
"Now stop that barking." Whack! Whack!
"Woof, woof!"
"For the last time doggie. Whack!"
"Oh, sir did wonderful this week, sniff, I'm so pleased. Sir."
"Oh you're crying Amber, why? Did I cane you too hard?"
"Oh no sir, that's befitting pain. Sir is correcting my clumsy ways, helping me become a better servant. But, oh sir, after all these years, I've talked too much about the Missus this evening. I miss the Missus handling me too."
"Yes Amber, we both miss her, indeed."
"There must be a little pain in every life the Missus said. May I show my appreciation for the caning now sir, the usual way?"
"Yes of course, yes, yes ... there was something else I...what was it now? Oh, how could I forget, let me see my handy work first, up close."
"There sir, in the face as they say."
"Hmm, looks good Amber, I managed to make crosses, I always like creating a crosshatch pattern on those delectable orbs."
"Sir hasn't lost the touch, painting with the bamboo on my bum."
"Does it hurt when I pinch it like that?"
"Oh sir is teasing me, sir knows very well it does but I like the extra attention and sir know that too. And I think that sir will kiss it better now? Oh, sir is kissing ... licking my bum. Oh, that feels good sir, all over."
"I'm getting that feeling now Amber."
"Sir is so kind to let little Amber show her appreciation for correcting my ways.
"One does what one can for those born to the serving classes Amber; it's a duty that come with being a fortunate born."
"Sir is too kind, let me lay back the chair now. There, and now we open the housecoat and the pajama bottoms. Oh sir, that little pill is wonderful. I'm really glad they invented that. For a few years, I couldn't thank sir properly. The Missus called this blowing up the balloon, when she showed me how to do it. Umm, slurp slurp. There ... that's great, sir's balloon is just a glistening pretty red now."
"Oh yes she taught you well Amber. Ride the rod now."
"Yes sir, the Missus used to tell me to do that after she caned my bum. Go ride the rod, until sir groans and squirts."
"Yes, she said that many time."
"And she taught me how proper ladies make love, and sir liked to watch that too. Made sir mighty hot didn't it?"
"Yes Amber that's is very true, I remember it well."
"I don't want sir to think that I don't appreciate what sir does for me after my Thursday reckoning. Sir is so kind to me, but I can't help thinking of how I served the Missus."
"Oh well Amber, I don't really mind, the important thing is that you're happy with your position here."
"I sure am and I know sir likes this too. There I'm ready, I know sir likes to hold it when entering me. I'll straddle sir's chair and get the temple doors in the right place. There, oh it's nice and stiff." I'll impale my self now
"Ah, that feels good Amber, ride the rod now, like a good cow girl."
"Oh sir I'm not a girl anymore, I'm thirty-eighth, nearly middle aged. Sorry, sir doesn't like me talking when sir is going to groan. I know be silent and ride, ride, ride. Oh sir is groaning I just love it when sir groans like that. It makes me feel like a good servant when I can give my employer satisfaction. Can I just sit and keep it in there for a few minutes sir? I love the feeling.
"As long as you like Amber. If I should go to sleep don't forget to cover me up."
"I'd never do that sir and I'll kiss and clean the balloon and pull it's cover back on too.
"Umm ... slurp... it's so nice to be cleaned, isn't it sir? Sir? Oh dear, Let's tuck sir in nice and cozy. Oh so comfy now, sweet dreams, sir."
"Good night sir."
The End
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My weekly report to Master BrixtonianMancbobbie knew I was a total slut needing thoroughly & regularly dominating and fucking by a large group of dom guys and as such he arranged a series of sex parties at his flat where a large group of random hot guys could use & abuse me and use my body for their pleasure. This was to be a regular Friday event.On arriving I dressed as quickly as possible so that Bobbie did not have to wait long for me to suck his cock and be ready to entertain his...
Hi ISS readers !! Thank you for the response you gave me for my last story. I am back for you again with my latest experience once again for you. I hope you enjoy this story as well and won’t forget to provide your feedback @ Now coming to the story, in the month of January I got to know about a new born’s family function that is going to occur in the coming weekend and as usually happens in all the families, a cious originated as what to gift for the same. As it got sorted, I was being given...
Laying on your tummy, naked, you wait for your weekly massage. Much to your chagrin, in walks a substitute for your normal masseur. You quickly try to cover up with a towel but fail as it is caught under you. Totally embarrassed, you give up, as he greets you with a smile. He is tall and dark, broad shouldered, with intelligent blue eyes, strong looking arms and hands.He asks, "What will it be today? Shoulders? Full body or something special?" Again he looks at your naked bum with a smile. You...
AnalLaying on your tummy, naked, you wait for your weekly massage. Much to your chagrin, in walks a substitute for your normal masseur. You quickly try to cover up with a towel but fail as it is caught under you. Totally embarrassed, you give up, as he greets you with a smile. He is tall and dark, broad shouldered, with intelligent blue eyes, strong looking arms and hands. He asks, ‘What will it be today? Shoulders? Full body or something special?’ Again he looks at your naked bum with a smile....
Two days ago I visited my key holder for my weekly chastity inspection. She had me strip off all my clothes and stand naked before her with my hands clasped behind my neck and my legs spread apart. She sat on the chair watching a BDSM DVD on the TV. I had to stand facing her with my back to the TV. I could not see but I could hear what was going on. I heard Female voices doing things to males. I would hear a slap and then a male moan. Then my key holder had a bigger smile on her face.This...
Hello readers. This story is something a little different from me. It is a tale of revenge, romance, and a ruined wife. I don't know if there is an audience for a story like this but I thought I would see. I hope a few of you like it at least. The story is complete already. I will be releasing chapters on here roughly at the pace of a chapter a day. If you are the impatient sort and have five extra bucks to spare feel free to come on over to my PATREON and read it early in its entirety....
2011: The Proverbial Skeleton in the Cupboard. Dan had set up the HD camera on top of a laptop screen then focused it on the double bed. Using the laptop’s finger pad, he logged into Ria's model profile to make sure it was all set up to go live for the very first time. He felt he was pimping his girlfriend but Dan couldn't deny the excitement. Ria and Dan had been dating for 2 months. Despite Ria being 22 and growing up in a traditional Himdu family in Sri Lankan, she only had the freedom to...
InterracialThis is another Real Life chronicle of my lifestyle choice as a live-in slave to Mistress. I have written this particular description at the request of a number of people who believe that my depiction of the special day I shared with Mistress (Slave Georgina’s Date) would be made all the more exceptional when read against the background and knowledge of what is my everyday life. I would give advance warning that this entry is not particularly erotic but is merely a description of my daily...
It was lunch time when the phone rang. The caller ID showed it was from out of area. Normally I never answer a call like that but my hand suddenly picked it up. In a quiet voice spoke, “You don’t know me, I work with your wife and I’m calling to inform you that she has been cheating on you.” “Who is this?” I asked. “I can’t tell you, but they meet for lunch at a hotel not far from work every Monday.” “Is this some kind of sick...
Mom has agreed to let me stay for two months with the understanding that if she has a client there or coming I’m to make myself scarce until they leave and I agreed to that. Well mom is a commercial realtor and she deals with work buildings and plants for sale so her stress level is high but the pay offs are huge too. So as a treat to herself she has this woman come and give her a full body massage at the house and she’s even given me one too and is she ever good even though she wouldn’t take...
I went to a boarding school for six days each week. When I turned fourteen my parents finally let me take the tram to and from the city. I took the tram for two years before anything happened. The new school year had started and the first week seemed to fly by quickly. I pulled the case with my laundry after me as I boarded the tram. The ride was about an hour and a half long. I lifted the case into a rack and went looking for a seat. Most of the people were standing and there were no seats so...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Chapter 2 Spanking and Breast Whipping Melissa’s mother laid out clothes for her tonight. It was Friday night again, almost 7 p.m. “You better start getting ready, Melissa. You don’t want to me late for Uncle Bill.” She looked down at the clothes on the bed. Again, clothes that would make her look younger. A short skirt, even shorter then before, red plaid, classic schoolgirl. This time it was a tee-shirt, a very expensive tee shirt, soft, plush...
IncestAmber’s Story The hair on the back of Amber’s neck stood tall. She sensed something or someone more than feel it really. Amber turned hastily her dark eyes peering through the night. Something, no someone moved in the shadows behind her. She was sure of it. Amber strained her senses in the night air to hear anything, to see anything, to calm her nerves if nothing more, NOTHING. Yet she knew it, somehow she knew it? someone WAS following her. And this was not the first time either. ...
Amber and Jake - An Altered Fates Story By Eric Mr. Jacob W. Watson, known to one and all as Jake, walked with his usual energy through the parking lot to the plant. He was 35 and though he was popular, Jake would not win any beauty contests! He was 'medium'. Medium height 5' 10, hair medium brown, eyes medium brown, body not slim but not overweight. Today he was even wearing a brown suit! Jake was VP in charge of manufacturing at Schimdt tool and die company. The plant was the second...
Begger's Stories Sunday, April 13, 2008 Amber Chapters 1-7 This was the first teasing and denial story I wrote several years ago (2004ish) for It contains a lot of ballbusting and teasing, chastity and female dominance. A lot of the inspiration to write came from one of my favorite OD writers, Peter, who should be linked to somewhere on this site. Anyway, enjoy my first work and let me know what you think. "Amber" by Begger It was Friday, I had been waiting for today for...
My buddy and I have one night a week, where we get together to hang out. We throw some darts or horseshoes, do a few shots, smoke some weed, and watch some porn. He gets a night out away from the wife, and I get some company, as I live alone. We’ve been friends since high school, but a few years back, we took our friendship to a different level, and started sucking each other’s cocks when we get together. We’re not in love, nor are we attracted to men, but we both feel that ‘helping the...
In college, my wife Tina and I lived in a private apartment near the campus. We had been married for a couple of years. Tina is very athletic and fit but even though she is trim she has rather large pendulous breasts. Men stare at her chest all the time. In the beginning, it bothered me and Tina kept teasing me about it. She rather enjoyed the attention and often flirted with other guys on campus.Two of the guys she always flirted with were my good friends Andy and Jim. The three of us played...
College SexI was on all fours in that filthy hotel room bed. My head was on the mattress turned to side and I was looking at my own reflection on the mirror over the dresser. I was almost fully naked; just wearing a nice see though bra to keep my heavy boobs in position and a pair of sexy stiletto heels.On the other side of the bed was my Boss; a stupid young guy who was the son of the company’s owner; so, I needed to show a good behavior with him if I wanted a quick promotion…The bastard loved anal and...
My buddy and I have one night a week, where we get together to hang out. We throw some darts or horseshoes, do a few shots, smoke some weed, and watch some porn. He gets a night out away from the wife, and I get some company, as I live alone. We've been friends since high school, but a few years back, we took our friendship to a different level, and started sucking each other's cocks when we get together. We're not in love, nor are we attracted to men, but we both feel that "helping the...