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Marine Sgt. Junio del Mundo peered through his battered binoculars across the bow of the BRP Teresa Magbanua. The sea mist kicked up by the new Philippine Navy cutter stung his face as he stood there, stolidly watching as they drew closer to the wrecked hulk of the BRP Sierra Madre.

It’s just a regular supply drop, Jun, he told himself as he ran his scarred, darkly-tanned left hand through the black crewcut taming his otherwise tightly-curled hair and ran that hand down to his sharply angled jaw. His round black eyes squinted on the peering end of the binoculars, as if seeking something more than the seemingly serene sea before him, his generous mouth pursed into a thin line that brought out the cleft in his chin.

It’s not like you’re going to see combat. That thought aside, del Mundo’s right hand dropped from the binoculars to the hilt of the bolo at his side—force of habit for del Mundo, especially after his tenth deployment to Mindanao, where he’d chased down everything rebellious from New People’s Army fighters to suspected Daesh terrorists supposedly training in the wilds of the triple canopy jungles there.

For all that it could no longer ride the waves nor even fire its corroded guns, the Sierra Madre was still classed as a working warship of the Philippine Navy.

Call it a tactical strategy, but that bucket of rusted bolts held together by spit, duct tape and various other ingenious materials found by the soldiers manning it was not given the happy fate of retirement. Rather it was there as pambalang-kanyon, cannon-fodder, a taunt of rust and peeling paint aimed at the Chinese military building on reefs just out of the Sierra Madre’s line of sight. You see, opening fire on a vessel still classed as an active warship is considered an act of war. Even if it is a sitting duck.

A loud splash along the starboard side of the cutter’s prow, then a quick series of splashes, caught the Marine’s attention. He leaned over the gunwale railing to get a closer look at what was splashing so close to the cutter. Sometimes dolphins swam alongside ships, providing the crew abovedecks with a lovely, wild show of aquabatics.

But, as quickly as the splashing caught del Mundo’s attention, it ceased. He shrugged and walked back to the stairs that would lead him below. It was time to make sure the supplies they brought were ready to deploy.

The Teresa Magbanua slowed to a halt and the abovedecks crewmen were busy mooring her alongside the Sierra Madre. The supplies were moving now on dollies to the cargo bay’s offloading ramps. The Teresa Magbanua resupply run was at its halfway point and the ship would stay overnight to gather reports from the men on the Sierra Madre before returning to its home base at Sangley Point in Cavite.

It was del Mundo’s job to collate these reports and organize them for his commanding officer. He’d done it before and knew that they did not vary except to say what little skirmishes there were with Chinese ‘fisherfolk’ transgressing their way into the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone. Not that these reports would gain more than a flicker of attention at the higher command levels, really. No, it was the media that would have a field day with them.

Making the short, routine trip, del Mundo finally put the splashing he’d heard out of his mind. Eleven Marines and a dozen more sailors from the Philippine Navy were hauling ass to get the resupply underway and he didn’t have the luxury of lazing about abovedecks.


Jahariyasya raised a webbed hand to his comrades as the vessel of the Taga-Lupa slowed to a stop. He made a firm fist over his head as he swam upright, the signal for all 20 siokoy warriors to halt and tread water.

‘The Taga-Lupa are busy now. We have to make sure they stay where they are,’ Jahariyasya said to his men in the sonorous language of their folk. ‘Ydolosiya,’ he called out to one of the younger siokoy in the school with him, ‘bring the bag with the charges we got from the Diwatas to me.’

‘This is risky, my prince,’ one of the siokoy close to Jahariyasya said gravely. I know you want to stop the invaders from building more harmful structures out there in the Isles of Dispute, but you risk the lives of these Taga-Lupa.’

‘And what are we to do, Heriadios, wait for the invaders to truly destroy our waters and reefs? To keep making off with the turtles that are so few? To keep fishing with their trawlers and leave the Taga-Lupa we are bound to protect to starve as a result of that over-fishing? These Taga-Lupa in the heavy, metal boats are warriors and they have weapons. They can handle whatever happens after we begin to destroy the invaders’ ships and those things they build that suffocate the coral of our reefs.’

Heriadios bowed his scaly head, the sunlight refracting off it in small, scattered rainbows spinning around him. ‘I just want to remind you of your father’s command: That you do not put at risk more lives than you need to. It would be good for you to remember that. Those Taga-Lupa have children and mates who need them, too.’

Jahariyasya paused to consider Heriadios’ words, his body stretched beneath turbulent waves, refracted sunlight kissing a muscular, man-like body covered in scales, skimming the large dorsal fin that ran from his brow to his tailbone.

‘Bathala himself gave the order to the king,’ Jahariyasya said to Heriadios. ‘An order sent through the voice in the Deep Trench. When the SkyFather speaks, we listen and we obey or we are no more. Now, unless you want lightning to strike deep into the waters, I suggest you, shaman, do as we are bid.’

With that princely command, Jahariyasya floated to the head of their formation and began swimming with powerful strokes toward the place the Taga-Lupa called Panganiban Reef.


The resupply was ordinary, quotidian, boring. Del Mundo couldn’t help but wish for some excitement—never mind if that meant he would need to unsheathe his bolo. Night had fallen and the Marines on the Teresa Magbanua began conversing with the Navy regulars as the cool salt air washed over the deck.

He could hear snippets of conversations here and there, again, mundane: Soldiers betting on cards in a game of tong-its, the faint strumming of a guitar from down aft. Some soldier probably talking about his baby boy: ‘He’s starting young. We brought him for his well-baby checkup and he couldn’t take his eyes off the pretty nurse.’ Chuckles and the sound of someone munching on crunchy food, possibly some of those nutrient-rich crackers they’d all been given for this trip.

Del Mundo stretched his tall, wiry frame to the heavens and held his arms out to his sides. A good Marine always, always stays alert and prepared, after all, no matter how calm the waters may seem. There was also that little tickle at the back of his neck that told him he would need to be awake and ready for battle, even as his dark eyes drank in the stunning vista of a sea calm as glass set against a midnight blue sky where the moon shone bright as the Philippine smile.

He took a whetstone from one of his combat pants’ pockets and settled down on an old three-legged stool, took a deep breath and unsheathed his bolo. All the better to hone the blade glinting in the bright moonlight. Del Mundo’s skillful hands took firm grasp of the machete’s mahogany hilt char-graven with the baybayin symbols for warrior (mandirigma)—the name he’d given it—and put the ceramic whetstone to the blade-edge.


The siokoy prince and his warriors worked silently beneath the slapping waves and stolid concrete and soil pilfered from the Philippines, with which the Chinese would grab Mischief Reef. The malignos began planting small, shiny discs of silver and chromite firmly into the crevices between the coral lacework at the base of the reef. On each disc, arcane symbols glowed with a cold light that illuminated the deep undersea umbra that shielded the white bones of the coral f
ormations on which the discs were placed.

The siokoy swam in a slow, deliberate downward spiral, going from just beneath the surface of the water down deeper and deeper until the water was dark as midnight, planting the charges as they went, all the way to the most ancient of the coral formations, to the very root of the reef that kissed the white and silver sand of the ocean bottom.

That done, the siokoy swam out to converge almost ten nautical miles away. Far enough to be safe when their charges went off, yet near enough for their keen, bright eyes to watch the unraveling begin.

One by one their heads broke the surface of the water and Jahariyasya scanned the horizon. He had the BRP Sierra Madre and the BRP Teresa Magbanua to his right. The Chinese reclamation area, with its three airstrips and dock were right in front of him.

The siokoy joined hands, with Heriadios treading water dead-center of the circle. They began a low serial chant, their humming gaining strength and intensity as they called on SkyFather Bathala and EarthMother Poon to send sea god Aman Sinaya to their side.

Their chanting swelled, like the crashing of cyclone-lashed waves to the shore. It rose to a wordless, clangorous roar and, slowly, the charges planted in the coral underpinning all the structures built by the invaders expanded, gently pushing the live coral polyps out into the sea so the organisms could swim free of their self-built shells to populate another reef.

The siokoy ended their chant and gently called the coral polyps to their sides, scooping the organisms up for Aman Sinaya to claim upon his arrival. The polyps chittered their thanks to the siokoy, and danced on the waves as they awaited their maker.

As the Chinese personnel on Mischief Reef patrolled the artificial island they’d built, its foundations came apart like a demolition filmed in slow motion. A thin fissure glowed red with lava on the sea floor, belching modest puffs of ash and steam that began bubbling their way to the surface of the West Philippine Sea.

The airfields and docks upon the disputed reef rocked with gentle temblors that grew more and more intense with the passing minutes. Some soldiers posing for selfies in sweat-stained fatigues on the dock frowned and looked beneath their booted feet as they felt the jarring beneath them, but the quake paused and they resumed their jovial photobombing on territory the Filipinos called Panganiban Reef—a very fitting name, come to think of it, since, ‘panganib’ is the Filipino word for ‘danger.’

Beneath the coral, the fissure widened into a truly frightening red mouth full of brimstone and fire, as if the EarthMother herself were opening the crevasse into a hungry maw. Lava began to simmer its way up, climbing the corals’ stony homes and hardening back into the igneous rock it truly is as it went.


Bakunawa the Great Serpent raised his sleepy, armor-scaled head from the sea floor as his master approached in swirls of sand and opened his eerie kelp-green eyes.

Aman Sinaya stood before Bakunawa, a smile on his thin, chiseled face. The sea-god’s arms were raised in greeting, a glint of eager battle-light shone from the god’s eyes, dark as the sea-depths themselves, and Aman Sinaya’s stormcloud hair swept out behind him, carried on the currents generated in his wake.

‘Rise, old friend. It is time to give me a ride. The Taga-Lupa have need of us.’ Aman Sinaya’s thoughts echoed sharply in Bakunawa’s black head and he answered them with a feral grin.

‘Good, Sea Lord, for I find that I hunger for flesh. I would feed on screams, for dreaming of slaughter has whetted my appetite these hundred years past. It is time to feast.’

‘You will carry me to Ayungin Shoal before I unleash you on Panganiban Reef, my friend,’ Aman Sinaya said with a wave of his hand in the general directions of both locations. ‘I must walk in a human body to complete the Sea’s Reckoning.’

Bakunawa inclined his great head and yawned widely, baring row after row of gleaming, deadly-sharp teeth as he lazily uncoiled his long, sinuous body. His hide of armored scales in shimmering silver and deepest black gave off a dull gleam in what little moonlight pierced the ink of the nighttime waters, limning the fine rainbow whorls interspersed with the metallic sheen of Bakunawa’s scales.

So arose the great serpent, his muscles rippling under his armored skin. The sea god was mounted behind his huge head, hands raised to the sky holding spear and shield aloft as they broke through the surface with barely a ripple and Bakunawa rose into the air: Blackest penumbra and finest silver against the darkling firmament.

‘Shine upon us, Bulan, and share with us what you see,’ Aman Sinaya intoned into the sky’s vastness as he looked straight above him to the pearlescent moon hung regally amid the cold sparkle of stars. ‘I know you hear me. Let us begin as we mean to proceed.’


The dinner bell had rung and the Teresa Magbanua mess hall was all abustle with sailors busy with their third square meal. The cook aparrently had a wry sense of humor, for on the menu were breaded ayungin fillets served with steamed rice, arosep salad with salted eggs and tomato and cold iced tea from a powder mix.

Del Mundo took his meal tray and ate quietly in a corner. He’d perused the reports from the Sierra Madre and found nothing unusual other than one observation, a footnote amid the mess of ‘as usuals’ and ‘situation normals.’

‘Ocular inspection of Panganiban Reef and the illegal structures on it shows possible flaws in construction: Sinkholes seem to have formed at 1400 this afternoon. The uniformed personnel on the reclaimed areas of the reef seem to be making an orderly but hurried evacuation to the three ships moored at the dock.’ Del Mundo kept turning that little afterthought tacked onto the latest report over in his head. Perhaps it was worth attempting a satphone call to HQ over? Perhaps not.

There went those prickles at his neck again, as rain began to patter on the metal deck of the Teresa Magbanua, the sound making the monsoon seem so much stronger than it really was.

Del Mundo slid a hand over the taut muscles at the nape of his neck and moved to his quarters, where he cleaned and checked his guns, prepared his spare ammunition clips and cleaned his big hunting knife for the nth time. If his instincts were driving him to lock, load and gear up, he sure as hell wasn’t going against them.


Bakunawa’s shadow cast a long stain on the starboard deck of the Teresa Magbanua and Aman Sinaya slipped quickly off the great serpent’s back to drop soundlessly on the cutter’s forecastle, just behind the radar array. He walked on quiet, bare feet into the ship’s interior, wending his silent way to the door of Del Mundo’s cabin.

The Marine was intent on his preparations as Aman Sinaya melted through the metal door to stand behind him, the sea god’s eyes a gray-black tempest that focused on the human uncurling from his crouch to place handfuls of munitions, and a two-way radio and earpiece onto a tightly-made bunk.

‘Taga-Lupa,’ the god addressed the Marine, his voice soft like a distant rumble of thunder and surf crashing on rock. ‘I have need of you.’

‘Anak ng teteng! Who are you?’ Del Mundo’s already tense muscles coiled even tighter as he pivoted, pulled himself into a compact weaver stance, he cocked the 9mm pistol he was holding against his trouser leg and aimed it at the center of Aman Sinaya’s barrel chest.

And the sea god laughed with the glint of war-lust in his eye as he cocked a thick eyebrow at the Marine. ‘Do you really think shooting me will make me go away, Taga-Lupa? Put that down before you hurt someone who isn’t me.’

Del Mundo lowered and uncocked his pistol before sitting as calmly as he could on his bunk. He blinked several times before looking at Aman Sinaya again, taking in the froth of the sea-god’s hair wafting b
ehind him from a tight ponytail, as if he were still in his underwater domain. The god stood a head taller than the already tall Marine (for del Mundo already topped ‘tall’ at six feet, two inches), and his stature was imperious.

‘Look, whoever, whatever you are, I really don’t appreciate people talking to me the way you do,’ del Mundo tried to keep his voice civil, but couldn’t mask the anger shooting through it. His wide nostrils flared as if scenting the air for fear—something that was, quite sadly, lacking. ‘What need do you have for me if you can do things like walk through a locked metal door?’

‘I have need of a mortal shell, for I, Aman Sinaya, cannot just walk into battle looking as I do,’ Aman Sinaya answered, his chin raised so he looked down his hawkish nose at del Mundo. ‘Just so the fight is fair, I must battle as a human. Will you let me walk in you? Just for a while? I promise you this: You will have all the honor and glory that comes.’

‘What honor and glory is that? You mean blood and gore, right?’ Del Mundo’s voice was wry with sarcasm. ‘There is no glory in battle, just pain and death. Then you go home to find your politicians screwing you sideways and wasting what blood you’ve spent. And now here I am talking to you, a figment of my bored imagination.’

‘So cynical, young man, tsk,’ Aman Sinaya raised a languid hand and waved it in a circle around del Mundo’s face. ‘You don’t realize the pogi points you’ve got with us warrior gods, do you? Think you that we didn’t all watch over you even as you called for your Jesus Christ and Mama Mary? I’m no figment of your imagination. I am part of you you are. All you need to do is remember. I am in your genetic code, hardwired into your system. Just accept that and move on.’

Surprise flitted across the battle-hardened Marine’s face, flickered like lightning across his black coffee eyes. Deep in his gut, he heard the truth in Aman Sinaya’s words, in his unearthly voice, and nodded slowly, bowing his head as his soul recognized a primal memory from the beginning of time. This was, indeed, one of his gods.

‘Oh, yes, Junio del Mundo, we’ve kept watch over you. We are the old gods, the ones your ancestors worshipped, the ones who promised long ago that the Taga-Lupa would have our protection in times of need, no matter what and come what may,’ Aman Sinaya’s voice was serene as the night waters, its charm lapping at the shores of del Mundo’s reason as Aman Sinaya continued to speak. ‘I am the god of the sea and of battle. It is I who cleanses the blood from the dead and returns warriors’ bodies to their beloved Inang Bayan. It is I who calls the storm to wreak vengeance on your enemies. Merge with me now and we will do just that. Obey me and you will be victorious.’

‘Whatever.’ Del Mundo rolled his eyes up to the ceiling of his cabin and stretched his arms out wide. ‘If you feel that I’ve got something you need, well, I live to serve.’ Anything was better than dying of boredom on this reconditioned, hand-me-down ship, he thought.

‘Very well. But first, hold onto these. And put this in your pack.’

‘Mang Tomas hot and spicy lechon sauce? What the—’

‘Ah-ah-ah. Language, Marine. Watch it.’

With a sigh and an exasperated shake of the head, del Mundo put the small bottle of liver sauce spiced with bird’s eye chilies into the large pocket of his combat uniform pants. ‘O—kay.’ He laid Aman Sinaya’s ornate (and heavy!) coral and silver spear on the bunk and set its matching shield beside it.

‘Now, let’s… how do you put it now? Rock and roll,’ Aman Sinaya said with a fierce grin that deepened the dimples in his cheeks. ‘Close your eyes and let me in.’


Chaos began to spread slowly, but surely, through the ranks of the Chinese on Mischief Reef as sinkholes began to eat their artificial island like acid. The ground’s shaking grew more and more intense, with fewer and shorter durations of relative steadiness in between.

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Seashells Ch 01

Part 1 of 6 Copyright @calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2012 Thanks to Lewis, Bill and Elliot for their support… * There was an urgent knocking on the apartment door. William Doyle, Bill to his friends, finally waking up into the morning sun, pulled on a pair of trousers and went to answer it. A Western Union boy was there, holding out a telegram in his left hand, his open right palm waiting for what he considered the customary tip. After taking the telegram, Bill reached into his pocket...

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Seashells Ch 04

Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2012 Thanks to estragon and deepblue… * Chapter 11 ‘I should be ashamed of myself,’ Georgia said to herself, in the privacy of her own room. ‘To be attracted to a man, merely because he has.’ She sat down on the edge of the bed. ‘It’s just sinful lust, that’s all,’ she continued, thinking back to that single kiss that stood between them all this time. She wondered what her father would have thought… kissing a white man. ‘I must just keep my...

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Chelseas New Slut

            I was wondering why Chelsea wanted to go swimming with me that day.   She had never shown interest in hanging out with me before, but I figured why not go for a swim with friends.   I thought she was way out of my league, she was 5’ 9’’ with beautiful straight black hair and huge double d breasts.   I was just 5’3’’ and a science nerd.   I mean she said it was just between the two of us, and my friends had told me she does this with many people.    However I found it particularly...

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SEASON’S BEATINGS         Well, the Holiday Season is upon us again. Don’t you just love this magical time of year?  I find it so exciting. I look forward to it each year with breathless anticipation. I can’t wait to see all the lights and decorations and to party with old friends.  The music of this Season is a special treat. You cannot escape the nostalgia and romanticism of it all. Particularly if you were raised in northern climes, ?Sleigh bells ring, are you listening, down the lane snow...

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Seasons Greetings

I suppose I was something of a cad back in college, but I didn’t see it that way then. I thought I was just making up for the lost time of high school and then my freshman year.  At the very end of that first semester in 1974, circumstances started to break in my favor. I wasn’t involved in casual sex or one-night stands, but I had several overlapping girlfriends for a while. Two of them even offered several threesome sessions to me, and I happily obliged. In my mind, with pornography openly...

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Seasons Greetings A Carol Christmas

Based on the characters and situations presented in "Seasons of Change" by Joel Lawrence, Copyright 1989. This story is archived in its entirety at Fictionmania (go to search by authors and select Joel Lawrence). This story takes place approximately one year to a year and a half after the conclusion of "Tales of the Season: Darla's Story" in the branch of the "Seasons of Change" Universe that I started with "A Losing Season", also archived at Fictionmania. Of course, this is a play...

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Seasoned Pussy Part 1

My high school years was going really good. I had learned about sex and was trying to fuck every girl I could. I was up to eight, two long term girlfriends and six girls that I banged several times and tossed. My best bud lived across the street from me. His mom, Rose, was like a second mom to me. Rose and I were pretty close. She was a short little Hispanic woman, not over five foot tall and chubby, like a ball with arms and legs. She had always flirted with me from the day I met her. Alot of...

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Seasons Change

No Time No time left for you On my way to better things No time left for you I'll find myself some wings No time left for you Distant roads are calling me No time left for you. No time for a summer friend No time for the love you send Seasons change and so did I You need not wonder why You need not wonder why There's no time left for you No time left for you. No time left for you On my way to better things No time left for you I'll find myself some wings No time left for you Distant roads...

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Seasonal farm worker boys

Although I’m happily married, with the consent and often assistance from my hubby, I’ve developed quite an appetite for young men, and they seem to have quite an appetite for me in return. Years ago I would have never dreamed of having sex outside of marriage but after years of being together my hubby started to talk about the possibility of us adding another to the mix and we’ve now been part of the lifestyle for years. More often than anything else, we bring in a single male to the mix but...

5 years ago
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Seasonal DaughtersChapter 5

I drove home and went to bed. Sleeping wasn't immediate as I thought about Laura and Jenny. I did sleep, eventually. In the morning, the girls came bouncing in with coffee and questions. April's first question was, "Did you kiss her?" "Kiss who?" "Dad, that's not funny." "We kissed very lightly. I have had more passionate kisses from you two. It was appropriate under the circumstances." May said, "I like her. I think you should bring her around more often." "May, we've...

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Seaside self bondage and flashing

That was the first time I was let alone to the seaside. It was a one hour ride with a bus. I brought some towels and my bondage gear in my backpack. The coast is pretty much steep here and only has wild beaches where most of the time one can't find anybody. The people usually go more to the south with sand beaches and tourist locations.After some searching time I found a perfect spot that is very hard to reach with a few trees very close to the water. This required some climbing but I love...

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Overseas Assignment

Overseas Assignment(MMFF, slut-wife)Linda and I had been married for several years when my company asked me if I would be interested in an overseas assignment helping the company expand into other parts of Europe and Asia. Without making a firm commitment, I said I would certainly entertain the idea and discuss it with Linda. We agreed that the separation would be difficult, but the payoff in terms of future opportunities within the company might be substantial. A few months later, the regional...

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Seasons Beatings From Joanne Part Two

Joanne’s seventeen-year-old sister, Gabrielle, arrived home just after 4.30 that Saturday afternoon. She was happy. She had enjoyed spending time with her friends in town, doing some last-minute Christmas shopping and just relaxing for a change. Once she had locked the front door behind her, Gabby Wilson laid her shopping bags down in the hallway and walked into the front room, where her mother and older sister were watching television. The young woman smiled and sat down on the sofa next to...

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Seasons Beatings From Joanne Part Two

Joanne’s seventeen-year-old sister, Gabrielle, arrived home just after 4.30 that Saturday afternoon. She was happy. She had enjoyed spending time with her friends in town, doing some last-minute Christmas shopping and just relaxing for a change. Once she had locked the front door behind her, Gabby Wilson laid her shopping bags down in the hallway and walked into the front room, where her mother and older sister were watching television. The young woman smiled and sat down on the sofa next to...

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Hello and welcome to Seasons, during this story you’ll meet nine people living their lives. They all interlink with one another in one way or another and culminate at the end. I WILL UNDERSTAND YOU, I WILL DEGRADE YOU, I WILL SUPPORT YOU, I WILL FORSAKE YOU, I WILL BETRAY YOU, I WILL KILL YOU, I WILL PROTECT YOU, I WILL SAVE YOU, I WILL ABANDON YOU, I WILL COMFORT YOU, I WILL HELP YOU, I WILL GUIDE YOU Remember the above as each will be portrayed. If you do like this story please click that...

4 years ago
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Seasons of Change

"Seasons of Change" by Joel Lawrence (C) The train began slowing as it neared Westbury station. Michael knew this was the name of the station because the conductor had passed through the car and announced it, and around him other passengers were heeding the suggestion that they check to ensure they had all their belongings. Michael gathered his books and the remnants of the snacks he had bought on the train and watched out the window and the train came closer to the...

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Seasonal Piece Springtime of Youth

After the harsh winter broke, the masses drove out to bask in the sun. Parks were filled with the sounds of play, picnics, and leisure. Lakes were a buzz with those brave enough to withstand the chilly waters. Others just sun bathed on the waters edge, soaking in the rays. I chose the less beaten path. Literally. I took the trails in the woods, still getting some sun while keeping in the shade to keep cool. At first there were many passerbys, but soon they became few and far between as I...

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Seasonal Dates a Simple Christmas StoryChapter 3

Monday was a normal day. I ate with Kathy and only said that I met an interesting girl named Nadia at Sunday school the day before. Of course, I said nothing about any deal. Tuesday morning, I sent Nadia a text. She responded moments later telling me to come at a quarter before twelve. I sent back, “Okay.” I told Kathy that I was having lunch with Nadia today. She grinned and waved me off. I left, giving me three minutes to get in my car and drive five hundred feet. I walked in on time. I...

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Seasonal Dates a Simple Christmas StoryChapter 4

Everything went as planned. We had lunches and I took her to Chase’s Christmas party. We were careful in our drinking and, therefore, stayed sober. The next week was Bella’s party and I picked her up for it. We handled things similarly. Nadia was a hit at both parties being a clever, good-looking woman wearing an attractive dress. At her company’s party, both of us received many looks. She did because the clothes I had seen her wear during the week were noticeably more modest and I did simply...

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Seasonal Dates a Simple Christmas StoryChapter 5

In the morning, I woke and went in to work. It was a good morning. At a quarter before twelve, I received a page. I had a guest up front. I went up to reception and there was Lois looking really good. I gave her a quick hug and kiss. We went to the back and I introduced her to Kathy and Mack. The four of us went to lunch. It was delightful. When we finished and were back at the office, I walked her out to her car. She said, “I enjoyed meeting your friends. They’re good folks. Now, I want the...

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Seasonal Dates a Simple Christmas StoryChapter 6

The party progressed through the evening with nice people in attendance. I got to know Lois’ younger brother though he was older than she. Mark and his wife, Angie, were thinking about starting a family after the first. They seemed nice people and lived on the other side of town. The four of us talked for almost an hour. I got to know them both and liked them. I hoped they liked me. I learned more about Lois, too. I liked what I heard. I knew that she was an elementary school teacher for a...

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Seasonal Dates a Simple Christmas StoryChapter 7

Work was quiet. I had lunch with Kathy and another. I arrived home and was welcomed by Lois at the door. “How was your day, Lois?” “It was good. The kids are back and seem to have a renewed interest in learning for a day or two. They always seem to be that way after the Christmas holidays. Of course, we call it Winter Break now. We have guidelines about asking and answering questions about this time to be politically correct. It’s infantile but a number of parents are infantile, too.” I...

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Seasonal Dates a Simple Christmas StoryChapter 8

I slept happily all night. Lois woke me with a light kiss. “Good morning, Randy.” “Yes, it is that. It’s good to see you this morning.” We got out of bed and began our morning rituals. We dressed. Lois looked good wearing a pair of slacks that fit her bottom well. Her sweater looked good on her, too. I was wearing slacks and a sweater. Hand in hand, we walked to my car and got in. I drove us to a chain restaurant for breakfast. We were seated and ordered breakfasts. Coffee was brought with...

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Seasonal DaughtersChapter 2

I arrived home and we spent the time cooking and then eating. We talked about our days. I told April about my visit with "Miz" Watson. I told her to be cautious about expressing her Christian views. She responded, "Dad, I will not set my belief aside for anyone. She is a lonely woman. I am trying to get her to come to church. I will stay my course." "Okay, April. I think you will have to be patient on that issue. She does seem to want to be fair though." May said, "Dad, it just means...

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Seasonal DaughtersChapter 3

We went in and were seated at a table. A young waiter came by and poured water for us all. I said, "Laura, they have a very good house Zinfandel that would go quite well with the veal. I'm going to have a glass, would you join me?" "Yes, thank you." The waiter departed with our drink order. Laura said, "I'm surprised you drink." "I enjoy a glass of wine with a meal and an occasional mixed drink. In moderation, there is no harm in it that I've seen." She nodded. "I was...

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Seasonal DaughtersChapter 4

We came in by the kitchen and my daughters said in unison, "Good evening, Miz Watson. We're glad you're here." May said, "Dad will take your sweater. He put a nice bottle of white wine in to chill. It should be cool now. Would you like a glass?" Laura blinked. "Yes, that would be fine." May said, "Very good. If you and Dad would be seated in the living room, I will bring you each a glass." Laura blinked again. She gave me her sweater and I led the way into the living room. We sat...

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Seasonal DaughtersChapter 6

I had sweet dreams in which Jen and Laura met and smiled at each other while they stood on either side of me. I'm not sure but I took it to mean that Jen approved of Laura. During a break at work, I made a call, "Pastor George, it's Paul Sanderson." "Paul, it's good to hear from you. What might I do for you?" "I have a friend, the lady who was with us last Sunday, who will be returning this Sunday. She has made a profession of faith and wants to be baptized and to join the...

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Seasonal DaughtersChapter 7

I removed my clothes down to my boxers. She watched. She came close and turned away and said, "Unzip me, please." I pulled the zipper all the way down. She stepped away from me and turned to face me. She was holding the dress up and, for only an instant, looked troubled. Then, she calmed and smiled. She let the dress drop and stepped out of it. She sat on the bed, kicking off her heels. She peeled her hose down one leg at a time. It was one of the most amazingly sensual sights that I have...

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Seasonal DaughtersChapter 8

We drifted off to sleep holding each other. At some point, we turned over and I was snuggled in behind her and was gently clutching her breast. We woke that way and I don't know who woke first but I know she was holding my hand in place. I heard her murmur, "I like." "I like, too. I like very much." I gave her a gentle squeeze. "However, if we don't get up and put on some clothes and go to my house, we will have more trouble than we want." Laura chuckled. "You are too right! Start...

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Seasonal DaughtersChapter 9

We woke up together in the morning. I sent the girls to their bathroom and Laura to mine. I went downstairs to start coffee and fiddle around. When it was ready, I took two cups upstairs. I came to my bedroom and knocked. I heard Laura say, "Come in, Paul." I entered and saw her pull her panties on. I was in love with the woman inside but sure did like the outside packaging! I thought for a second and realized I should say something. I walked to her and gave her a soft kiss and put her...

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Seasonal DaughtersChapter 10

She looked at April. I said, "April, are you willing, as a condition of participating in this matter, to treat it in total confidentiality? You may not discuss this with anyone without my or Miz Watson's explicit permission." She looked at me and said, "Yes, sir, Dad. I understand and will do it." She looked at Laura and said, "Mom, he's being a lawyer and that makes it serious. I understand what it means to treat something confidentially." I said, "That's resolved. What kind of...

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Seasonal DaughtersChapter 11

I heard, "Aw, aren't they cute?" It was April's voice. They were standing by the bed. My eyes shot wide open as I woke startled. "April, what are you doing? What time is it?" "We are watching our Dad and Mom sleep together and it looks like you are both very happy. Your clock will go off in less than five minutes." Laura purposively stretched and yawned. "Your father is a good man with who to sleep. I feel safe and warm. "Now, we'll see you downstairs. Close the door behind...

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Seasonal DaughtersChapter 12

When we arrived home, I called my parents. I had told my dad by phone before our first date that I had met a wonderful young lady. I told my mom that the date had gone well and we were getting serious because she was a wonderful person. I also told mom that April and May loved her. When I called them, they both got on the phone. Laura and the girls were with me. I put my phone on speaker. I said, "I have put my phone on speaker with the four of us here. Mom, Dad, I want to introduce my...

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Seasonal DaughtersChapter 13

Saturday morning, we woke up together. April and May were at our bedside when our eyes opened. I glanced over my shoulder. They were grinning "It's time to meet the 'rents!" May called out gleefully. April grinned. "Should we tell them that we woke you two up in bed together?" Laura's eyes popped open in terror. I said, "April Sanderson, do you see her eyes?" I could see the tears in Laura's eyes. She began to whisper, "Oh, God! I can't do this! It won't work! I was a fool to...

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Seasonal DaughtersChapter 14

It was Sunday and started off well with a great Sunday school lesson and a great sermon. As we left and spoke to Pastor George, Laura said, "I was reading that passage two days ago during my lunch break. Your words now give it so much more meaning. Thank you, Pastor George." She gave him a quick hug. George just beamed. She was taller than he. With heels, he got a face full of chest. We talked to a few other people before we climbed into the car to drive to Jen's mother's house. I...

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Seasonal DaughtersChapter 15

Everything was ready. It's Saturday. Mother Munroe is taking the ladies to the church to dress. All I had to do was show up. Our bags were packed and in the trunk. My clothes were laid out. After the rehearsal, the only mystery was my girls' gowns for the day. Laura had not let me see anything and the girls had supported her fully. I stopped to pray. I thanked God for Jen and her wisdom and for His grace in bringing Laura into my life. I asked Him to bless our wedding and life together. I...

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