Seashells Ch. 02 free porn video

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Thanks to estragon and deepblue…

Chapter 4

The call of the rooster woke up Jack the next morning and after shaving and showering, he went to the breakfast room to eat. Bill was already there, a plate of eggs and bacon before him.

‘I cooked breakfast, Jack. Give me a minute and I’ll fix you up.’

‘Take your time. I’m not that hungry, anyway. I’m going to take a quick walk outside and maybe then we’ll take a look at that generator.’ He walked out the front door and walked around the house, looking at what condition it was in. If the building was in need of repair, he was unable to see where. Reaching the back door, he went in and found himself in the mudroom next to the kitchen.

‘Good morning… Ellen, wasn’t it?’ he asked.

‘Yes, sir. I will tell your friend that you are back.’ The girl left to get Bill, who quickly came into the kitchen and striking a wooden match, lit the propane stove to warm up the skillet.

‘How many eggs?’ he called out.

‘Just two, I guess. I’m not that hungry.’ He leaned against the wall and looked at the two girls standing next to Bill.

‘I’m giving them some cooking lessons. We’ll have some grilled fish for lunch and something for dinner… I haven’t decided yet. Any suggestions?’

‘Not a clue. What do they have here?’

‘Not much, that’s for sure. Between one thing and the other, we’re going to have to go to Carmel and get some real food. They told me there are regularly scheduled deliveries but without permission, they’ve only gotten the bare necessities to live on.’

‘This is ridiculous. Damn that Higgins. All right, where’s Georgia?’

‘If you mean the girl we spent the evening with…’

‘Who else?’

‘I haven’t seen her, yet. Maybe, your late night…’

‘Shut up, Bill. There was… nothing happened. What do you take me for, anyway?’

‘Just joking. You didn’t mind it before.’

‘Yeah, well, this is different.’

‘Sorry, Jack.’

At that moment, Georgia walked in and Jack wondered how much of the conversation she had heard. He hoped none at all but from her stance in the doorway, it was obvious she had heard enough. He could tell she was torn between entering the kitchen and returning to her room. He considered apologizing but she began to speak before he could.

‘I have a list of things that we’ve run out of and need and things that we’ve run out of and it would be nice to have.’ She held out the paper and after he took it, she turned and left, disappearing down the hallway.

Jack angrily looked at his friend. ‘Damn it, Bill…!’

After breakfast, the two men walked outside to the generator, housed in its own building next to what was the carriage house. Alongside the wall were empty five gallon drums labeled ‘kerosene.’

‘Let’s see what’s wrong with this thing?’ Bill said, checking the oil level in the generator. ‘This thing seems to use kerosene for fuel. I think they just ran out of it. I guess we can’t expect three girls to know how to work this thing.’

Bill stood up from his crouch. ‘I’ll go into the kitchen and get some and we can find out if that’s all that’s wrong with it.’

A few minutes later, Bill returned with a small jar of fuel. ‘This is all they had left. You really need to get some provisions delivered to this place.’ He poured in the kerosene and gave the generator a crank. Several cranks later, it was running and lights in the house came on.

‘Good job, Bill. Now we can see. How long do you think that thing runs before it runs out of fuel?’

‘I don’t know, that’s something else we’re going to have to find out after you get enough fuel delivered.’

It was well after lunchtime when he saw her again. ‘How do you get things delivered here? There’s no telephone and it’s too far to walk.’

‘Your uncle has… had an automobile. It’s in the carriage house.’

‘Good. Then let’s take one last look around and go into town.’


‘No buts… come on.’ He went into his bedroom and got his coat and then waited at the door for Georgia to join him.

‘Good, you’re ready.’ He held the screen door open for her and then followed her to the carriage house, her black hair moving softly in the morning breeze, her hips moving with a catlike grace. All he heard was the wet gravel crunching under their feet. After rolling the door open, he stared at the Model T. ‘Well, a Tin Lizzie. Get in.’ He walked to the front of the Ford and after checking the choke, gave the crank a half-turn. The engine refused to start. ‘When was the last time this automobile was used?’

‘Before your uncle was sick, I’m afraid. Won’t it start?’

He took off his coat, opened the engine hood and checked the oil and gasoline levels. ‘Is there more… never mind, I see some.’ Jack walked over to the side and picked up a glass bottle of oil. Returning to the Ford, he carefully poured some in, checked the level and then poured in some more. ‘That ought to do it,’ he finally said and went back for some gasoline he saw along the wall.

Eventually, he was ready once more and very carefully gave the engine a half-turn and stood back, mindful of the kickback on the crank. The fourth time, the engine started up and he put his coat back on. After getting in, he put the Ford in gear and they drove out and down the graveled lane.

The rutted way looked much different in the daylight, especially going in the opposite direction. He tried to make small talk to pass the time but his companion remained silent. After a while, he stopped talking and put his full attention to where they were going.

An hour and a half later, after a bumpy ride, they arrived in Carmel and she gave him directions to the grocery store. Pulling up in front of the market, he turned the motor off and getting out, went to hold her arm as she alighted. Several passing people stared at his gesture but he failed to notice their attention.

Inside the store, he made arrangements to have the list, plus several hundred gallons of kerosene, gasoline and fuel oil for the boiler delivered early the next morning. Before leaving, he bought a goodly amount of chocolate and an ice cream maker and then asked where the nearest department store was.

‘You can’t,’ she protested, looking at the dresses he had pulled from the rack. ‘I…’ He liked the way she ran her tongue along her upper lip.

‘Yes, I can and yes, you will. Come on, turn around.’ As she turned her back to him, he held the dress against her to see the general fit, knowing full well that it would be impossible for her to try them on. ‘I like them,’ he said. ‘We need to get some dressmaker patterns and cloth for the others. What they are wearing is too drab for my liking.’

With the dresses draped over his arm, he walked down the aisle to the bolts of cloth lining the back wall. ‘Here,’ he said, pulling out some brightly colored cloth, ‘this is pretty, don’t you think?’

Caught by surprise, she could only nod her head in agreement.

‘Let’s get enough for everyone to have at least three dresses each. Now, where’s that clerk?’ He wandered off, looking for the girl who had met them near the door. ‘Hello?’ he called.

The girl came from the other end of the store. ‘Yes?’ she asked, not quite sure what to do.

‘I want to buy these dresses and a good amount of cloth, please, and thread and needles and whatever else Georgia says we need.’

Hesitantly, she said, ‘Yes, sir.’

While the two women hesitantly discussed patterns and colors, he wandered about the store, seeing what was stocked, realizing how miserly his uncle had been. He wondered what it must have been like for the poor woman who married him and probably died because he would have refused to have a doctor come. He shook his head in astonishment, feeling a great sadness for her and knew he could only guess
what desperation led her to accept his hand in marriage.

‘Sir, we’re finished,’ he heard Georgia say, ‘unless there’s something else you wish to buy.’

‘Do you see anything else we need?’


‘Well, what?’

‘The girls could use new shoes.’

‘We’ll have to bring them in, then. Anything else?’

‘No, sir, although I’m sure I’ll remember something when it’s too late.’

‘Well, you’ll have to just make a list, all right? It’s getting late. I don’t see us returning tonight. I don’t want to drive that rut in the dark.’ He turned to the clerk. ‘How much?’

While the girl was adding up their purchases, he looked at Georgia. ‘I’ll get us a couple of rooms for tonight and we can return tomorrow morning.’ To the clerk, ‘We’ll pick this all up tomorrow morning.’

She started to protest, knowing that finding her a room was easier said than done but decided to be silent. He would find out soon enough, she knew.

‘I’d like two rooms for the night, please.’

The innkeeper took one look at Georgia and with a straight face, said, ‘There are no rooms available.’

‘Surely, you’re joking. There’s no one here.’

‘I said, there are no rooms available.’

‘Who owns this place? You realize what you’re doing is against the law, don’t you? I can have you shut down with one telephone call.’

‘There are no rooms available. Please leave.’

Knowing there was nothing else he could do, at least at that moment, he turned to Georgia. ‘Let’s go. This isn’t over.’ Why did it bother him so much? Before meeting Georgia, he never really had anything to do with colored people, they were always on the periphery of his existence and now he was in the middle of things.

Still, that didn’t help them find a room for the evening and it was getting late.

Outside, he formulated a plan. ‘Look, I’ll go in somewhere and get a room and then come and get you.’

They drove down the street until he found another hotel. Although not as nice as the first one, it was passable and as he thought about it, ‘any port in a storm.’

‘I’ve got a room. Come on.’ Taking her by the hand, they went inside and up the stairs to the fifth room down the hall. Putting in the key, he opened the door. ‘Come on, before someone sees.’

The room wasn’t as bad as he thought and was clean. Cleaner, he thought, than his own room back in Los Angeles. The only problem was there was only one bed.

‘Well,’ he said, looking at her, ‘I guess I’ll sleep in the chair.’

‘Oh, no, you can’t do that! I’ll take the chair.’

‘Of course not… don’t be silly. You take the bed. I’ll be fine. It can’t be any worse than the trenches I slept in during the War.’

The atmosphere between the changed in a heartbeat. One moment they had been talking, and now a sharp awareness slipped between them, stealing his smile away. She looked at him, suddenly larger than life, suffocatingly close. Georgia stared at the way his eyes looked in the evening shadows of the room and could smell his cologne, still present from the morning. She could feel him reaching out for her, urging her, pulling at her. And she couldn’t pretend not to understand the look in his restless eyes.

She couldn’t step back, she couldn’t pull her eyes from his. Her lips parted on a strand of breath, her eyes widened with awareness.

Georgia wasn’t a woman who carelessly took risks and she suddenly realized she wanted to walk the knife-edge between safety and danger. He was virtually a stranger, which added an unknown element. He was charismatic, he was confident, he was completely male. And even if she wanted to, she couldn’t back away from him. He was temptation in the finest manner possible.

As she studied his face, she deliberately allowed her imagination to wander into unfamiliar and reckless curiosity. She had never been with a man, that way.

Fate is what you make it, she thought.

He took a step forward, standing so close to her that he could smell the faintest trace of her soap. He spoke, breaking the moment. ‘We’ve only known each other for only a little more than a day. I’ll sleep on the chair.’

He didn’t bother to hide the look in his eyes that gave an intimate meaning to his words. For a moment, they locked gazes and then she looked away, suddenly dry-mouthed and uncomfortable. She felt as if she were drowning, thrashing her way through the water.

‘Did I make you nervous?’ he asked gently. ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. But you can trust me. You know that by now, don’t you?’

Her dark eyes kept to his face, avoiding his gaze. ‘We barely know one another.’ At that, she immediately bit down on her full lip. Before she had been reluctant to look in his eyes, now she couldn’t look away. His words caught her straight in the heart. ‘I know,’ she whispered. ‘I know.’

There was an immense appeal in the way his clothes hung, in the way his hair tangled across his forehead. The flatness of his stomach was lean, hard and tight, each muscle well-defined beneath his shirt. His lips were elegantly carved with the sweetest symmetry and his eyes locked on hers. His face carried the signs of a lifetime of smiles, as well as the unmistakable dark glitter of sensual yearning.

Hypnotized, Georgia felt herself tumble right into his eyes, falling as deep as she could go. She wasn’t certain if she was floating up to him, or if he was drifting down to her but they came together by slow, dragging inches. And when his lips closed gently over hers, she felt as if she was being fed honey after years of starvation. Her hands reached out instinctively for support, hands gliding over the satin-smoothness of his chest. She could feel the warm throbbing of his heart, a rapidness that matched her own hectic pulse.

His lips were deliciously coaxing, while at the same time sweetly hesitant. Strangely, Georgia had no fear he would try and take the kiss too far. She truly felt she could almost taste him where they touched lips to lips. Her breasts felt lush with a delicious newfound weight, softly aching to be touched. The kiss opened his soul to her, revealing himself to be a gentle weaver of sensual spells that left her dazed.

Magic… and all from a single kiss.

When Jack reluctantly broke from the kiss, his eyes were glazed with the soft heat of passion. He slowly lifted his hand, touching her hair. His expression was intense and he was overwhelmed by such a simple act.

He surprised her then, slowly sinking to the floor on his knees, as he tipped his head back to study her face. His gaze moved over her features as if he had never seen her before. Her skin was hot, her eyes shining with desire and her wet lips were curved in a sweet, self-conscious smile.

How many women had he known who deliberately disguised their emotions, to the point where they weren’t sure themselves what they were feeling?

Georgia was different from anyone he had ever met, in so many ways. She was still breathless and shaky and reveling in it.

‘Something’s happening to us,’ he said quietly. ‘Can you feel it?’

She tilted her head sideways, her damp lips softly parted. ‘Yes…’ she whispered, her breath wispy.

And then he stood up, knowing far better than she did how close he was to losing control. The last thing he wanted to do was to lose that soft look of trust in her eyes. ‘Unfortunately, it’s time for me to be a gentleman.’

Georgia gave him a shaky little smile, still sensitive to the demanding feelings thick in the air between them. She knew he cared enough to stop when he wanted to continue.

‘Good night,’ he softly said, making his way to the chair and after taking off his shoes, did his best to become comfortable, turning the chair away from the bed and putting his feet up against the wall.

‘You have no idea how hard this is,’ he said, not realizing how she could have interpreted his words.

‘I think I do,’ she a
nswered softly, a slight smile crossing her lips.

‘Do you think…’ he started. ‘When you look at me like that…’

‘All you want is…?’

‘Nothing. We should get to sleep, tomorrow will be here soon enough.’ He closed his eyes and tried to sleep.

Chapter 5

Even as she lay in the bed, Georgia wasn’t able to sleep until the very early morning. She couldn’t forget she was alone in the same room with him. She could hear him sleeping, finally. She barely got three hours or rest before the light of a new day slanted through the room’s window, nudging her back to awareness.

Fortunately, she had always been able to get along with very little sleep and she woke, still wearing her now rumpled clothes from the previous day. She debated whether to wake him but found he was already watching her.

‘Let me,’ he said, ‘find the bathroom and get you in there. Stay in the doorway.’ Jack left the room and went down the hallway to end and found the bathroom. Waving his hand at her, he waited for her to join him and then he waited in the hall for her to wash.

When it was his turn, he just splashed water on his face and ran his fingers through his hair.

‘I think we should get out of here before there’s a scene.’ Taking her by the hand, they left down the back stairs and after reaching the car, they drove over to the store to pick up their purchases from the day before.

‘I don’t suppose there’s some place to eat around here.’

‘Probably not,’ she said. ‘We could stop at the market and get some bread and cheese, if you want. They already deliver to the house.’

‘That’s a good idea. Where is it?’

Returning to the house, he drove with one hand while eating his roast beef sandwich with the other. Every now and then, he glanced over to Georgia, wondering what she was thinking.

The long ride back still wasn’t long enough for him and when they finally reached the house, he knew it would be a while before he had an excuse to spend time alone with her again.

He pulled the automobile around the back of the house and parked. A few honks of the horn brought the other two girls out to bring the parcels in.

Georgia brought in her dresses and carefully placed them upon her bed. Looking at them, she was reminded of what had transpired the night before and wondered what the change in their relationship would bring. She wasn’t so idealistic as to believe that she might have a future with him. There was such a chasm between them it was ridiculous to dream about anything but what it was: an exciting happenstance that would never be repeated.

And yet, she could still feel the touch of his lips upon hers. The stronger her attraction for him, the more she reminded herself to keep a tight hold on her heart. There was an insurmountable barrier between them. For the moment she could visit his world but she knew without a doubt she could never live there. It was a good thing to remember.

A few hours later, the grocery delivery truck arrived, bringing fresh meat, vegetables and the ice cream maker. The girls in the kitchen smiled in delight, for it had been an impossibly long time since they had had any ice cream.

Bill looked at the new provisions and directed the girls to put things so he could easily find them. ‘Finally,’ he thought, ‘we can eat some decent food.’ ‘And now,’ he said to them, ‘I’ll show you how to cook.’

He took them outside to the grill and started a fire. ‘We’re going to grill some steaks for tonight. You have to be very careful and watch the time. Only eight minutes to a side, all right? Liza, that’s going to be your job, you watch and come tell me when it’s burned down to charcoal. Ellen, come with me and I’ll show you how to make biscuits… and some vegetables that aren’t boiled to mush.’

That afternoon, they had a respectable dinner for the first time since the deaths. Jack patted his stomach. ‘That was good. Thanks, Bill.’

‘It wasn’t me. The girls did all the work, I just showed them what to do. I think the days of horrible meals are over. Tomorrow, we’ll try something new. I think a cake would be appropriate, don’t you?’

‘A cake would be splendid! I need to speak to Georgia about the estate. Can you spare me for a few hours?’

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The Groomers get their Payback

The Police force had let them go three men who groomed and raped four teenagers the locals were not happy. The three were all Immigrants from the far East and had large families so getting to them was not easy. Two ex nurses and one ex police woman had a plan. Revenge would be drastic. One of the guys worked as cab driver and they found out which company he worked for. Over the next few days they prepared all they needed drugs surgical instruments and restraints. They agreed to call the...

1 year ago
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What a day

This story is purely fiction, but it is the first time that I have ever tried to write a story in the first person. Feel free to make comments and maybe make suggestions for other stories. Enjoy my fellow perverts.I can't believe the day that I just had. I woke up to a phone call from my girlfriend and she said that it was time for us to us to see other people. "We lost our spark." she told me. 5 years gone down the hole. I tried to get her back but she said no. I went to start my car before...

3 years ago
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Losing Myself Part 1

The drive to Mia’s was excruciating! I was excited, nervous, scared, happy, unsure, all at once. I kept myself busy by listening and singing along to the radio and playing games with license plates (not as fun alone by the way), trying to imagine what she might be like in person. Is she really talkative like online and on the phone? Is she as crazy in person as on Lush? After a 1900 mile drive I finally reached her home town. My nerves and those butterflies in my stomach were getting the best...

1 year ago
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After breakfast

I only cheated on my husband once, depending on how you count. It was at a wedding. I was the maid of honor. After the wedding breakfast the next day, the bride and groom invited a small group of us to their suite to say goodbye before their honeymoon and our return to homes far away. My husband and me, the best man and his wife and the bride's single brother joined them. We had cured our hangovers by popping Advils and drinking mimosas at breakfast. A couple bottles of bubbly had made it back...

Cheating Wifes
3 years ago
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From Bank To Bedroom 8211 Part 1

Hello, Indian sex stories readers this is Arsh (Name changed). I am a 20 year old guy , staying in Ahmadabad. Let me tell you about myself, I am 20 years old, good looking guy with broad shoulders. This story is my first story on Indian sex stories and is a work of fiction so if there are any errors let me know. Please send me your feedback on Ladies there is a surprise in the end of the story ;). It is a pretty long story sorry about that, but you guys will enjoy. Hope you have a nice Fapping...

2 years ago
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Hot For Teacher

Kevin climbed over the wooden fence behind his house and landed between some shrubs. Zig zagging around some trees, he looked everywhere for his baseball. Finally, he spotted it laying next to a giant swimming pool, he ran straight for it. Kevin had no idea that the house, behind his own, had such a big backyard and a swimming pool. He felt a twang of jealousy but ignored it and kept his eye on the prize. The sun was out and it was a super nice day, the heat of the afternoon...

3 years ago
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Adventurs as a Super Hero

your name is John Doe you were in An accident in a laboratory resulted in you gaining amazing skills and strengths - but also means that a secret government organisation is out to kill you! You must keep your identity hidden to the public, whilst also be using your powers for good! your superpowers are Super-Strength - Your powers mean you're now the strongest person alive, able to hurl cars at fleeing bad guys, knock over buildings with your bare hands, and accidentally wrench doors off their...

2 years ago
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Sexual Submissions A Switches Perspective

So this week was rather intriguing for me.In what I thought was going to be me and my gf (dominatrix) breaking up since we were drifting and becoming rather hostile towards each other. Turned itself into a rather interesting Fetish night after a rave.Being a switch and calling this back to back may ask you why the fuck did I entitle it so?Well, the night before since we were technically broken up fully for a few days I had already submitted a nice slave :) (for those who do not know I am a...

2 years ago
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Sexual Fantasies Special Lesson part 1

DISCLAIMER: This particular series of stories will be one-off adventures. Some long, some short. Some straight, some lesbian, some bi, some sissy, some gay (probably most). But hopefully you’ll find them arousing!Sexual FantasiesSpecial Lesson (part 1) It was a warm, sunny Saturday afternoon. Ben and his best friend Zack were walking up to the front door of their teacher, Bruce Johnson. The 18 year old boys weren’t quite sure why their 42 year old teacher had asked them to stop by, but they had...

3 years ago
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At first, it felt odd but in a strange way enjoyable. Obviously the sexual tension associated with the device made it pleasurable, even if it was entirely designed to delay pleasure. I had thought about it for some time, the idea tumbling around in my head. That was one of the things odd but the idea, because I was still getting great sex in my marriage. My wife was open to trying new things and had even suggested a few. When she suggested she masturbate me, I felt offended at first....

1 year ago
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Mixed MessagesChapter 30

Dad had selected well for the additional help with Nancy's initiation from the men who worked for him. As he had explained to all us after breakfast that morning, Jack Hildebrand was a forty-three-year-old widower whose wife had died two years earlier from ovarian cancer. After grieving for almost a year over her loss, he had finally tried to get back into the dating scene. His fifteen-year-old son, Avery, and fourteen-year-old daughter, Shelly, had been after him to begin looking for a...

3 years ago
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Aisi Behan Sabki Ho

Hello mera naam bilz hai ye meri pehli story hai frnds i hope ki sab ise enjoy karenege me punjab ka rehna vala hu me bcome 2nd year me padta hu mera rang saaf height 5’8 or penis 7″ hai meri ek behan hai jiska naam liza hai wo 12 th class me padti hai meri behan bahut hi sexy hai uska figure 36-28-36 hai jo bhi use dekhta hai uska lund khada ho jata hai wo school me ek choti c skirt or shirt dalti hai jiski upar k do button khule hote hai or hair bhi khule chod deti hai ek dum blue film ki...

4 years ago
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Summer CampEpisode 35 Oh I didnt know thatAgreements

That evening, Helen Adams called Bobbie Kennedy. "Hi. When Linda came in from school, I had a long conversation with her before Steve came home and Linda told me a lot more about what had happened at Camp this summer, some of which I hadn't known about either." "Oh... ?" "Did Tom talk about their outing on the island?" "Vaguely ... I know something important happened from the look on his face when he talks about it but, you know teens, they do have their secrets." "Well, Linda...

3 years ago
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Donnas Three SonsChapter 10

But of course, Carl would never know. If he found out that Donna had been fucking their sons, he'd make sure the boys never saw her again, and he'd get everything they owned in the divorce settlement. So Carl would never find out just exactly why his wife didn't need him any more. And that was fine with Donna. Let him wonder. Meanwhile she'd be having the time of her life. As she and the boys lay sprawled on the king-size bed she'd shared with Carl for so many years, she didn't feel a...

3 years ago
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Erotic SOLO Roleplay Journaling

Did you read Slut World and wish to do something similar but with a different Rule System? Or maybe you read some IMPREGNATAR but wanted something with a different concept? Did you take a look at the CHYOA forums and find the Role-Playing Games posts and feel like trying some Erotic Roleplaying of your own but don’t feel like doing a Play by Post? Do you do want to do some SOLO Roleplaying but with PORN? Then this is the place to share your story(s)! 1) Select the System: If you do NOT see the...

1 year ago
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Family La Sirena Fucking My Brothers Wife

Charles Dera and his brother kind of got in trouble and Charles has to take care of his brothers wife! She has quite the appetite for cock and once she sees Charles hard cock jump out of his pants she is on her knees quick sucking it down. For a grieving wife she got over him quick and Charles will do anything to make sure he takes care of Lasirena69 just as if he was his brother. With a wife like Lasirena you got to take care of that beautiful pussy and those large natural breasts. I’m...

3 years ago
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The Black Dealer

My boyfriend Dave had been getting me into interracial sex for a while now. I must admit, at first I thought it was gross. But now, I find it as hot as he does. Those monster black cocks are so erotic, so a****listic. So taboo. I was beginning to have a true lust for a BBC experience, well it's what he wanted anyway, wasn't it? Soon, my bf had surprised me with a couple "lifelike and life size" black dildos for us to play with. We would watch hours and hours of filthy interracial porn and roll...

2 years ago
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My hot wife let me watch her with bigger ha II

What do I do with the sexually searing knowledge that my hot cheating gf is having orgasms with another man right this very minute? There is drama. There is longing, lust, trust …and provocative visions of her wearing long black satin gloves to jack another man off.[Caption below was under a heart pounding pic of Lola sitting on our bed in black seamed stocking, satin gloves as slippery as panties. She had pulled him between her thighs so she could stroke and fondle his 8" boner. His bulge is...

1 year ago
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Night at the Bijou

Below is a story taken from my book Sexploits of Rob Harris, a collection of four steamy short stories which can be found in Kindle format at Amazon. It is part of a growing series of books called The Fraternity, where the main character has been transformed into a sex crazed stud muffin on a tropical island called Isla Paradiso, the first book in the series. I mean it should be all cool right? Hot muscled body, amazing sex drive. He even has a metabolism that lets him eat whatever he wants!...

1 year ago
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First time sex on a yacht

“Hold the rail – I want to explore you.” he said. I held onto the rail at the front of the boat - I was totally naked, bent over with my pussy on show to the world and I didn’t care – I felt incredible. Invincible. Sexy. And alive. We’d been together a couple of months when Rob suggested a weekend away on his yacht – just the two of us. “The weather looks great Beck. Just bring casual clothes, swimmers and lots of sun-screen. We don’t want any exposed parts of you to burn.” he added with a...

First Time
2 years ago
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A Friend in Need Part 2 of 2

A FRIEND IN NEED (Part Two of Two): A short story by Tamsyn In his efforts to help both of them, Ryan pushes ahead with his plan to persuade Dylan to become Holly again. It leads to a most interesting evening that surprises both of them. It was Saturday evening, with neither of the flatmates feeling particularly inspired to go out. Dylan's occasional nights at some girl's place seemed to have come to an end, while Ryan had been spending much of the day in front of his laptop,...

3 years ago
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The Perfect Date

I showed up late as usual, but as late as I was, she was still getting ready when I arrived. ‘Didn’t I say we were going to leave by 7:00 PM, it’s almost 8:00pm now.’ ‘I knew you were going to be late so I took my time.’ Well I couldn’t argue with that logic so I settled myself into her comfy chair and waited until she presented herself for the evening. I turned WBGO on the radio and listened to some Billie Holiday as I bided my time. I have always been a sucker for Billie’s unique style the...

4 years ago
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A Shemale Fantasy and my Wife Part 2

Introduction: I didnt know what I was in for. But what a ride I arrived at work, walked into my office and settled in for the day. Just as I was checking emails on my computer my phone vibrated. I took a look. It was a text from Carol. In closed was a picture of her laying in bed totally nude with her legs spread. The text read, my tight wet pussy is waiting for you. I instantly got horny. I would never dreamed Carol would send me a picture like that. I texted back I cant wait to stick my dick...

3 years ago
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First Time Swapping Partners

My wife and I had gotten into an alternative lifestyle early in our marriage. We got married at eighteen back in the seventies and lived in a very conservative town. And with my wife Lynn being a preacher's, daughter she had always had a certain image to uphold. But once we got married that innocent little girl turned into a hot nympho.Our first experiences were threesomes we had with some of our male friends. And Lynn saw how much it turned me on her being seen nude by my buddies that we...

3 years ago
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Drive My Car

We sat at the kitchen table, having a quick breakfast before we left for our respective jobs. Patti was checking her make-up and I was trying to finish my coffee, as well as the sports section, before I hit the road. "How long is your cock, Matt?" she asked. I avoided the spray of coffee all over the table like you see in the slapstick comedies, but some caffeine did dribble out my nose as I tried to stifle my reaction. I cleaned my upper lip with a napkin and stared at my wife. "What the hell...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Our Perfect Storm

It was just a few days before Christmas, and the wind was chilly and doing an extra good job of sneaking down the back of my jacket collar as I lugged trash from my apartment to the dumpster located just across the parking lot. I wasn’t paying much attention to my surroundings, doing my best to keep my head hunkered down between my shoulders and out of the wind. Unfortunately for my sinuses, I wasn’t doing a very good job of it, and my head was protesting this trek out into the cold December...

3 years ago
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High School Again Ugh Ch 08

The beeping woke me. I tried to open my eyes, but it took too much effort. I hurt. I hurt in places I didn’t know existed. I lay there for some time listening to the sounds surrounding me and smelling the odors of what could only be a hospital room. What happened? How had I gotten here? The last thing I remembered was sitting through Mr. Hargrove’s lecture on the first day of my senior year of high school. God was that man boring! I felt the little strength I had disappearing and despite my...

4 years ago
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In FluxChapter 3

When he pulled into the driveway he saw Joanie’s car. Damn the luck, he thought to himself; he’d been hoping she wouldn’t be there. Resigned, he got out of the car and walked to the front door. Unlocking the door he went and headed to the bedroom to get some clean clothes. Then he heard Joanie’s voice from the kitchen. “Mike? Mike, dear God, where the hell have you been? Are you alright?” There was concern in her voice. “Me, I’m fine, I just thought I’d spend a night on the town,...

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Piss and Cum Slut

She was a slut and she new it, as she dressed for the night out she had only thoughts for how her clothes would look to the people using her how her hair in bunches would aid people fucking her. She had freshly shaved her pussy ensuring that every hair was removed and no stubble could be felt, this always made her very hot and wet and exaggerated her disgusting thoughts of the night ahead.She re-used the panties that she had on all day, but this time they were as always outside her suspender...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Katalina Kyle Busty Anal Angel

Blonde bombshell Katalina Kyle shows off the juicy jugs oozing from her tight, red bikini top. The busty vixen teases and strips through a hot slo-mo intro, shaking her plump ass and luscious lady lumps. She welcomes super-hung Damion Dayski with a sloppy kiss, eager to taste his enormous schlong. Damion oils up her booty as she jacks his rod, and Katalina drops to her knees for a slobbering blowjob. The stacked baddie spits and talks dirty through crude cocksucking, soon bending over on the...

3 years ago
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Multiple Spring Flings

I am settled down now (thirty-two-year-old male) and engaged but I keep mentally remembering the spring of 2016 when I (then a twenty-nine-year-old male) became involved with two women during an overlapping period of time. I was finishing up my grad school thesis at that time and had a pretty big ego about it. I felt fairly overconfident and was going through quite a promiscuous phase. The long work hours I put in seemed to culminate in these bursts of sexual mania that I hadn't felt since I...

2 years ago
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AIChapter 9

I'd forgotten how really sore pedaling a bicycle can make your legs when you're not used to it. Being in shape isn't enough; it's the unaccustomed repetitive motion that gets you. As the afternoon went on I'd started feeling a little of it, enough that several times I'd stopped for breaks. There weren't many people on the trail during a workday, and none of those I met gave me more than a glance. I exchanged casual greetings with a few but nothing to draw attention to myself, and I...

1 year ago
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Susanne Submits 0 Coming Crises

Susanne and I happen to have adjacent anniversaries, although we differ in age, twice hers when we first met.Susanne and I attend - as in many years to follow - together the European Championships in our board game.Susanne and I travel the TGV to Grenoble with her fresh friend Robert, whose birthday is one day before hers. Susanne and I almost always end up celebrating four days in a row, which start with Hubert's, Robert's big bro.Susanne looks lovely, an innocent ingenue, in the Summer of her...

3 years ago
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Maa Ki Rangin Life

Hello friends eh kahani tab ki hai jab mai 11 sal ka tha. Aur meri maa 32 sal ki. Mare papa navya me thae mare papa 40sal ke thae unka ghar pe bahut kam rehana hota tha. Hamare ghar ke 10,15km ke duri me meri bua fufa rehte thae papa ne hamari dekh bhal ki tender mare fufa ji ko de rakha tha, to bua fufa roj friday ki raat ko hamare ghar aate thae aur monday ko subha chale jate thae mare fufa teacher thae unki saturday, sunday holiday hoti thi. Mare fua, fufa ki marriage 2,3 sal pehale hui thi....

1 year ago
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Spilling My Guts To Tara And Loving Her Too

"Just be quiet, Tara or my dad can't barge in here."Then we heard some knocks on the door. "Hey, Kirk, could I talk to you?" Tara asked, opening the door.I felt my heart take a hard turn towards stopping, and I couldn't even tell Danica to hide. "Crap.""Mom, what are you doing in here, and why are you naked?" she questioned, before peeking at me. "Kirk, are you fucking my mom?""No, no, no, babe," Danica corrected Tara, getting up and keeping herself covered with my blanket. "This...

3 years ago
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Being a Good Neighbor

Alana moved in next door about four years ago. Surprisingly, the ladies in our friendly little neighborhood didn’t take too well to the divorced 35 year old brunette with the nice body. While not particularly stunning, Alana was nonetheless attractive in her own right. With an ass that you just wanted to grab every time you saw it and breasts that were significantly oversized for her 5’3′ frame, the rumors about her began to swirl immediately. Supposedly she had walked out on her husband and...

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