Seashells Ch. 05 free porn video

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Thanks to estragon and deepblue…


Chapter 15

The low-pitched, gravelly sound brought everyone out of the house to the front porch where they saw two black stake-bed trucks making the long drive up from the coast road. Eventually, they parked and the two drivers approached them.

‘We’re sorry it took a few extra days,’ said the older man, wiping the road dust from his face with his sleeve. He pointed to the hundreds of tomato plants in the back of the trucks, ‘but you wanted tomato plants and we had to go get them.’

‘I said a couple of hundred. How many do you have here?’ asked Jack, scratching his head at all the foot-tall green plants he saw.

‘Exactly five-hundred. Mr. Johnson said the extras were on him and thanks for buying the truck.’

‘All right, I guess. That’s a damn lot of tomato plants, though.’

‘Where do you want them?’

‘Might as well bring them around the back.’

A half-hour later, all the plants had been unloaded and lined up against the outside of the carriage house. Bill stood there, counting his way through the rows.

‘Don’t bother,’ Jack said. ‘There’s supposed to be five-hundred.’

‘I can believe that. It’s going to take forever to get these all in the ground.’

‘Not really. If you and I take a couple of shovels and dig holes about a foot apart a couple of rows wide the girls can get them into the ground without too much work.’

They eventually dug five rows to keep the plants closer to the house, making it easier for them to be watered. Three girls, wearing their new Levis, were on their knees, putting the plants into the ground and pushing the soil back into each hole while the other three brought new plants to them. Halfway through, they changed.

By the time noon had arrived, all the plants were in the ground and while Susan was making sandwiches for everyone, bucket after bucket of water was brought from the outdoor wellhead.

‘Well, I’m glad that’s over,’ said Catherine. ‘My knees are killing me. We need a long hose.’

‘Tomorrow, the grapes are coming,’ Jack said to their astonished groans. ‘Haha, just kidding.’ Looking at all the plants, Jack whistled. ‘You know, we could go into the tomato business, selling them in town. Give the girls a little pocket money and an excuse to go into town instead of staying out here all the time.’

‘You’re the boss,’ Bill said, laughing. ‘It’s either that or learn to cook Italian and quick.’

At that moment, a smiling Susan, her golden blond hair shining in the early afternoon sun, returned with a tray of sardine sandwiches. ‘I hope you like them, Mr. Crawford. The fish are fresh from Monterey.’

‘Thank you, Susan,’ he replied, taking one, mindful of the blister on his hand.

Jack walked into the house to shower. It had been a long day and his back was strained from all the digging. He wondered how the girls felt. Today, he knew, had to be a one-time event. It turned out to be more strenuous than he had ever imagined and was glad that he wasn’t a farm worker.

That evening, even though he was just becoming stiff, he walked downstairs for dinner.

‘I’ve prepared roast chicken, with potato salad and biscuits and honey,’ said Susan, smiling. ‘And for dessert, peach tarts and whipped cream. I noticed you liked them the last time I prepared them.’

The clatter of knives and forks competed with the conversation that evening meal and as the dishes were being cleared in time for the tarts, Jack said, ‘You’ve outdone yourself tonight, Susan. Thank you.’

‘You’re welcome, sir,’ she replied, touching his arm suggestively. ‘Anytime you want something special, you just ask.’

‘Uh, yeah, sure.’ He watched her retreat into the kitchen and return moments later with dessert.

‘And a specially big scoop for you.’ Spooning the cream over Jack’s tart, she passed the dish to him. ‘I’ll let the rest of you take care of yourselves,’ she said, passing the tarts down the table.

Bill watched Susan go quickly to the kitchen to take the tray back and then return. She sat to Jack’s left and stared at Georgia, a smug look on her face. Georgia just smiled, turned to Catherine sitting next to her and spoke to her about the film ‘Ben Hur’ they both wanted to see.

Susan put her hand on Jack’s arm again, vying for his attention.

‘What?’ he asked, surprised at her attention.

‘I said, ‘did you plan on going to see the next Buster Keaton film?”

‘Oh, I don’t know, probably not… that doesn’t mean you can’t go to see it. We can arrange something to take you girls into Carmel.’

‘No, that’s OK.’ She tried again to find something to talk to him about but his attention was lost, he spent the rest of the evening talking to Ellen about ‘The Great Gatsby’. His contention was that no one in the novel was a good person while she felt the narrator was at least better than the rest.

Jack went outside, threw his head back and stared at the sky. There were no stars and a new moon peaked out through the coastal fog. He was unsure if that was how his life, their life, was to be… hazy and dark.

That night, after everyone had gone to bed, he heard his bedroom door slowly open and the soft patter of bare feet pause at the threshold and then approaching as the door clicked close. He opened his eyes, knowing who he would see. He leaned back on his pillow and took her gently by the shoulders. ‘I was hoping you would come.’

She took her first trembling step toward the bed, her eyes focusing on his smile, just visible in the dimness. She stood there, gazing at him, memorizing him, embarrassed that she had stopped.

‘How could I not? I’ve been thinking about you all day, ever since…’

‘You’re not too tired from the tomatoes?’

‘A little but that’s OK. I brought you some berries,’ she said, her fingers tight on the plate. ‘You’re teasing me, aren’t you?’

When she reached the side of the bed, he winked and slid over on the bed and eased her toward him. ‘I’m flirting with you, Georgia. We moved so fast that we skipped through the rituals that lovers have.’

‘Oh,’ she said, quietly, still afraid that one of the girls might hear. She couldn’t think clearly with him holding her so closely.

Slowly, he eased away a bit, giving her room to breathe but only enough to reach a strawberry from the plate. He brought the berry to her mouth, touching it to her lip, he tempted her with its scent.

He rolled the berry along her lower lip, his gaze riveted to her mouth, just visible in the darkness of the room. A cool drop of juice rolled down her chin. Before she could wipe it off, Jack bent over her and licked it away with his tongue.

It happened so swiftly, she might have thought she imagined it, if not for the way her flesh sizzled in that one, moist spot.

He held the berry above her mouth, his voice low and inviting in her ear. ‘What do you think, Georgia? Are you ready for a taste?’

She wanted a taste of him so badly. She hated every moment she wasn’t in his arms. At that instant, all her nerves leaped to life, as if every one of them reached and thirsted for his touch.

Arching her neck, she lifted her head to the dangling fruit and snapped it from the stem with her teeth. Sweet juice burst over her tongue and seeped down her throat as she chewed.

Jack watched Georgia like a starving man. She licked her lips to seek out every bit of juice. She cupped his cheek in her hand and titled his gaze to her eyes. ‘I’m ready for more than just a taste.’

He swallowed nervously as he fought to continue breathing. He placed one finger over her lips and tossed a strawberry into his own mouth to quell his sudden thirst for the taste. ‘This time,’ he said, ‘we’re taking it slow.’

She nipped his finger with her teeth to free her lips. ‘Just don’t
make me wait any longer.’

Picking up another strawberry, he slid the fruit into her mouth. ‘I’m going to love you like you’ve never been loved before.’

He wanted to feed her berries, to wrap her in silk, to comb every inch of her hair with his fingers. He forced himself to focus on her wide, dark eyes and not her mouth.

A slow smile curled around the lips he was definitely not looking at. He moved to lock the door, wondering what they’d do when they had to confront the outside world again. They couldn’t stay locked in his bedroom forever.

Georgia moved closer to him, her hip to his, her curves burning his skin, scorching his flesh with her heat through the almost innocent brush of her nightgown.

He took a strawberry to her throat and slid it down to the neck of her gown. She shifted beside him, arching upward at his teasing touch.

He ate the skin-warmed berry off his finger and took another. Sweeping her fallen hair away from her ear, he bent over her to whisper, ‘You know, it’s not really enough to eat one of these by itself.’

‘It’s not?’ she asked, radiating heat like the California sun.

‘I’d rather lick the taste off you.’

Her breathing sped up.

Slowly, he tugged her nightgown up to expose her breasts. He smiled to see them. Sliding off the bed and onto the floor in front of it, he pressed her back onto the sheet. Her dark hair cradled her like a blanket, conforming to her body.

He fought a primitive urge to rip her panties off, to feel her thighs around him again. He knew her nervousness would vanish when they touched. He grazed the softness of her stomach with her fingertips and squeezed a single strawberry over the top of her navel. The juice filled the slight indentation, just trickling over both sides.

Jack bent his head to her midriff, taking in her clean, sweet scent. The only trace of strawberry left rested in the dark pool at her waist.

Moving his lips over her taut flesh, he rejoiced in the small jump of her body when he inserted his tongue into her navel. Her hips curved up against his shoulder, her fingernails raked the sheet.

Still, he took his time cleaning every drop of juice from her skin, trailing his tongue along the sides of her waist to the top of her panties. Georgia whimpered when he stopped there, wriggling her hips in unmistakable invitation.

Pulling her white panties down, he promised himself he wouldn’t rush. He was simply trying to tempt her all the more.

He had been dying to glimpse her thighs again. He brought another strawberry to the slope of her breast, sliding the fruit downward, painting her skin in juice as he went. The thrust of her nipples against his palms was making his heart beat harder and he pulled the gown over her head and threw it on the floor.

‘Please,’ she whispered, ‘I need you.’

He paused to gaze into her eyes, seeing more deeply into her soul than anyone else had ever done. The first time, she had lost her innocence. This time, she knew she was going to lose her heart forever. She had made that choice when she told him he could have her as his lover, as his mistress, as whatever he wanted.

She pulled him to her, needing the heavy press of his body on hers, it was deliciously familiar and foreign at the same time. His solid male form didn’t give an inch, yet her body molded to accommodate his. His strawberry-scented breath worked faster to heat her blood.

She reached for his nightshirt and dragged it over his back, off his body. The slide of his legs against her thighs shifted her attention from an emotional desire to a physical one.

Jack smoothed his palms down the length of her arms, and then lifted her hands to rest over her head. His lips moved down her neck to her breasts, tasting the flesh along the way. She couldn’t find her voice and her hands remained wantonly stretched over her head where he had placed them.

Georgia put her attention on the play of his tongue over her skin, the slither of his hands along every inch of her body. When he had sampled every bit of her that was exposed, he grazed his stubbled cheek over her skin, igniting a deep shiver within her.

He put kisses along her waist. She wanted the satisfaction of completion, the fulfillment she had experienced only once before at the hotel.

He continued to administer lazy kisses along her hip where her panties had recently rested.

‘Jack?’ She grasped at his shoulders with her fingertips, desperate to hold him in her arms, inside her. Damp heat pooled between her legs, a swirling, restless ache.

He ignored her plea, sliding off the bed to kneel on the floor beside her. She whimpered in frustration until he settled one thigh over his shoulder and kissed her in the most shocking, delicious way.

‘Oh, Jesus,’ she gasped, then whispered, then sighed and moaned in turn as his tongue flicked over her again and again. The restless heat built until it shattered, pounding though her like a tidal wave to drown her soul.

Jack gave no respite, gently biting the inside of her thigh and the slow, warm swirl began all over again, tingling though her legs and breasts.

He covered her with his body and positioned himself between her legs. He felt so good against her, so right. He combed his fingers through her hair and cradled her cheek with one hand, then eased his way inside her.

Georgia squeezed her thighs around him and reveled in the intense pleasure he brought with every thrust of his hips. He brought her to the brink she had already hurtled over once. This time, he held her there, stretching out the dizzying feelings so that her release launched her even higher than before.

He trailed her by only a moment, his body surging with the force of his final surrender. She closed her eyes and wished she could remain there, shielded by his strong arms.


‘Hmmm?’ He paused in the middle of kissing a path from her chin to her ear.

‘What made you love me?’

‘I’ve been loving you so long, it’s hard to say.’

Chapter 16

The slight sizzle of pancakes as Susan poured fresh batter onto the griddle, accompanied the smell of fried bacon filling the kitchen. Ellen was busy squeezing oranges for juice and looked up just in time to see Bill walk in the back door.

After washing his hands in the sink, he got a glass from the cupboard and poured himself a glass of juice. ‘It’s pretty hot out there, already, so I watered the tomatoes for you.’

‘Thank you, Mr. Doyle.’ Ellen filled his glass once again and then turned back to the crate of oranges on the floor.

‘Good morning, Susan. How are you this morning?’

‘Fine, Mr. Doyle. Thank you for asking. Is Mr. Crawford up?’

‘Yes, he’s been up. I don’t know where he is, though. He’ll be down for breakfast, I’m sure.’

The two girls brought out the breakfast platters piled high with pancakes and bacon and set them down on the table. A few minutes later, Georgia came down and sat at her usual place. Everyone noticed the empty place at the head of the table. They all looked at Bill for some explanation but he just shrugged his shoulders.

‘Might as well start eating,’ he said. ‘No reason to let the food get cold.’ He cut up his pancakes and poured the honey.

Georgia shook her head. Her heart sank. She would drink her coffee, she thought, exchange some light, mindless conversation and leave.

‘Cream and sugar?’ Jack’s voice barely dented her thoughts. Georgia heard him as if he spoke from very far away. She nodded her head.

A moment passed. Her head came up. Her eyes opened wide. ‘I’d love some… some… if you have… coffee will be fine.’

Her voice dwindled away and she whipped her gaze from Bill to Jack. He set the cup of coffee before her and went to the tray for some cream and sugar. Seating himself in his usual chair, he picked up his own cup.

For several long moments he sip
ped his coffee in silence and Georgia could feel him watching her. When he finally spoke, she jumped.

‘Good morning.’ His tone was lazy and matter-of-fact.

Putting a bright, too happy smile on her face, she busied herself with the cream and sugar.

Jack laughed. His chest shook, his head fell back like he was enjoying a great joke and he laughed and laughed in a way that changed not only his mood but hers as well.

When he was able, he put his cup back on the table, leaned forward and asked, ‘How are you?’

Georgia looked at the broad white smile she remembered so well from the night before and found she was torn between feeling better and feeling embarrassed as the others at the table looked at her.

‘My mind was on something else.’

‘Oh,’ he replied.

‘I didn’t mean… oh, never mind, please.’ She stood to leave, her coffee untouched, her breakfast uneaten. She started to walk past him. Jack remained in his chair but snaked a hand to grab her before she slipped by.

‘What about your pancakes?’ He nodded toward the table. His laughter had left but his smile remained. ‘I’m sorry. Georgia, please, stay… I’ll be more civilized.’

Her name never sounded so good as when he said it. She sat back down, her hands in her lap.

He lifted his coffee cup but paused before touching it to his lips. He raised a brow. ‘Did you sleep well?’

‘Uh, yes, thank you.’

The others at the table watched the conversation move back and forth between the two of them.

He made no reply, there seemed nothing else to say for the moment. Sitting next to him was so different, now. She remembered the early hours of the morning when they had made love again. She almost sighed aloud at the memory. She had had so many plans for her life but had wound up here, sitting next to a man she couldn’t marry and yet loved with all her heart.

She broke the silence. ‘I’m sorry I wasn’t able to…’ She stopped speaking.

Again they were quiet, but this time there was a returning warmth, of comfort in the silence, an echo of what they had done.

She ran her finger over a small chip in the cup’s edge.

He was watching her with a look of loving interest. Something had happened, that was clear to the others, who all this time had kept a watchful silence.

Georgia linked her trembling fingers on the table, moistened her lips and met his gaze squarely. She grabbed her coffee and took a hefty swallow and then lifted her gaze from the table-top. ‘I’d like some pancakes, please.’

Chapter 17

They had spent the day driving… and shopping. He had insisted on stopping in Carmel. Opening his wallet, he told her to buy anything she wanted. Although he had bought everyone new clothes before, having him buy clothes just for her was still an unsettling experience.

She had assumed he would leave her to her own devices while he made his own selections for their impromptu trip, but he involved himself in her every purchase. It practically paralyzed her, Jack looking at the lingerie.

Georgia stood immobile at the nightgowns. He purposely declined anything that was made of flannel and began to choose things that were lacy and enticing. She quivered at the intimacy of it all, even though they had become lovers the last few weeks.

Jack felt no such qualms. He had grinned at her hesitation, searching the shelved boxes until he found one he declared quietly would look wonderful on her. It was all clinging black lace with tiny red rosebuds on the bodice.

Even now, as they finished their meal farther up the coast outside of Santa Cruz, the nightgowns hung like portents of the future in the bedroom closet at the small inn they found.

‘I’ve got a girl with me,’ he had said to the clerk as he checked in, laying down a fifty-dollar bill. ‘Is there a problem with that?’

The clerk just smiled and taking the money gave him a key.

Jack sipped his water and dropped an inquisitive glance at the dinner she had hardly touched. ‘Not hungry?’

‘Not very.’

‘Would you like to leave?’

‘No!’ Thoughts of the nightgown made her answer a bit too emphatically. ‘I mean, you should finish yours.’

‘I have.’

‘Do you want some of mine?’

‘No.’ He looked at her across the table. ‘Would you like some dessert? They have ice cream.

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Dysfunctional Lustful Incest 8211 Part 1

My name is Rahul, I am 34 years old and from Mumbai. Touch wood, I am still blessed physically and emotionally. I have a wonderful wife of 32 years old and blessed with an amazing daughter of 6 years old. I am a dealer in hardware products. Hard work pays off (I am earning well). Well, you must be thinking I have a systematic life so why I am sharing it over here. Well, the real story begins now. I have an elder sister-in-law Raadha of 35 years old, who is little crazy and kind of horny. She...

1 year ago
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Consequences Of Getting Caught

A husband cheats on his wife & she decides to find a lover.Five full months have gone by since my wife caught me with another woman. My beautiful wife Sue and I have been married for five years. She is a 5' 4" bombshell with blonde hair, a sexy slim figure with long tapering legs and 34B breasts. Sue has been the sweetest and the most adorable little woman since the day I met her in college.We inherited a large mansion with three floors from her Grandparents a few years ago complete with...

1 year ago
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Double TearsChapter 119

“Trust is dangerous.” —Pittacus Lore, Eight’s Origin I DID SOMETHING VERY UNUSUAL in my morning concert Sunday. I played alone and from music. Oh, Sophie had volunteered to sit with me and listen but I turned her down. I had a feeling our musical advisors weren’t entirely happy with us after last night’s performance. Well, Vinnie was. I think Jannie was okay with it. LeBlanc and Sokolov were confused at best and disappointed at worst. Those guys wanted a note-perfect performance...

3 years ago
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SullyChapter 18

I slept well that night, nearly exhausted from the sexual marathon with Shelly and that day I was surprisingly refreshed at work, completing two days work in one. I made a point of dropping in on Jack at the ice cream parlor to learn if he suspected anything. He didn't. In fact he greeted me effusively, bought me an ice cream sundae and began to regale me with his seduction of one Merry Slaught. "You ain't gonna believe this, Farrell." "Oh, no?" I said. Then pointed at the afternoon...

1 year ago
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Rayne Ch 04

In the weeks that followed the engagement ball, Javonnie and Veronica were busy making arrangements their wedding. There were dresses for the bridesmaids, flowers, and of course, the finishing touches to Veronica’s wedding gown. Javonnie had asked Rayne to stand as his bestman and several of his closest friends, including Red, Tuff and Scotty, to act as groomsmen. Rayne had arranged for a night on the town the night before the wedding as a farewell to bachelorhood for Javonnie. But he had...

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EvolutionistChapter 16

"I need a truck and license plates for a night," Uncle Rodrigo said to Brendan. Brendan put down his small cup of espresso and looked across the table at Rodrigo. Behind the older man, his wife and Jacinta were washing the lunch dishes and making quiet small talk. "Oscar has a truck," Brendan said. "You already knew that. Do you want me to make an introduction?" "I'd rather you get the truck and drive it over. If that's not possible, then you can arrange an introduction. How...

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Beta Build

It had been a bad day, and I was really goddamn tired. In the dark I pressed my key to my door before seeing the soft green light as it unlatched. As I walked into the dark entry way of my apartment I fall flat on my face as I tripped on something. Taking a deep breath I dropped my bag and looked at what I had tripped on. It was a box, a black box, a big black box, and that was really about all that could be said. It had a shipping label placed in the center of the top of the box and a seam...

4 years ago
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Stephen Wells Neighborhood PI Part 1

1:45 PM It was the first week of summer break. The spring had been very wet, and this trend continued into the summer so that on the days it was not raining it was unbearably humid. This made little difference to Stephen Wells, as he was hanging out as always in his tree house his father had built for him. It wasn't really a house so much as it was a four walled room up in a tree. Stephen didn't mind though. To him, it served many functions for him and his friends. Headquarters,...

2 years ago
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The Gift Book IIChapter 7

I had made a little stop in a local period shop back in my when, while I was hopping around before I had come back to the mining town. I bought presents for Arthur, his wife and family, also for the lady who did the baking. I wanted a couple pies, and what better way to bribe that woman than with baking soda and baking powder? I did have a crate set aside for her though, filled with sugar, molasses, brown sugar, pounds and pounds of butter, and eggs. Eggs were scarce in town. Nothing like...

3 years ago
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A big preggo fantasy finally fulfilled part 2

Before the story:This is part 2 of a much longer, story. I recommend reading part 1 first. Visit my user page on the site or just find the story "A big preggo fantasy finally fulfilled - part 1".With everyone still in the main hall, Angela and I rushed to the shower. Gladly, none of Ronnie's guests saw us on the way. We put the clothes on the dresser, and I came in first. There was no bath, but the shower cabin was big and modern. Just like in my uncle's vacation house, located far, far away...

1 year ago
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Maa ne Chodna Sikhaya

Yeh us samay ki bat hai jab mai 17 sal ka tha. Mai, maa aur pitaji k saath rehata tha. Pitaji ka readymade kapdo ka karobar hai aur wo aksar apne kam k silsile me dusare shehar tour par jate rahate hbai. Mai tab just 10th paas kar 11th mai college jane laga tha. Meri maa mujhko bahut chahatee thee, kunki mai unka akela beta tha. Meri maa bahut pyar se mera khayal rakhtee the aur mai humesha unke pas pas rahana pasand karta tha. Wo bahut hi sundar thee, ekdam gori chitti lumbe lumbe kale bal...

1 year ago
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The toilet seat was up. One of the many clues to fuel my suspicion that my wife, of fifteen years, may be cheating on me. I know for sure that I had left the toilet seat down this morning. I’d known better than to leave it up. The first few years of our marriage she constantly berated me for leaving it up. I was still doubtful that she was cheating, even though things hadn’t been so good with Nancy and I since her promotion. I thought the promotion would be great; an increase in salary and for...

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About 2 weeks before feb , i got up and started to make my morning coffee when i suddenly felt so sick i thought I was going to faint. Cupping my hand over my mouth, I dashed to the bathroom, fell to my hands and knees and threw up. The next few mornings i was just as sick. I was taking a shower when I noticed how tender my breasts were. Suddenly my heart was pounding. "OH YES it could be . I've only been with jecky.....a dog! I could be pregnant," i said to myself . I was getting...

3 years ago
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My Wife Melinda Takes Two Plus Eats Pussy Part 8

I stood, hard, and in awe as I watched my wife eat her first pussy. She lapped up all of the cum that ran down from Sara's gaping anus and to her pussy. I was so aroused as Sara and Melinda reached orgasm and bucked against each other's mouths and probing tongues.Dante and Jerome looked at me stroking my cock and laughed. "This poor bitch motherfucker is the only one of us who hasn't cum yet. Let's give him his turn," chuckled Dante. Dante as usual directed the action, "Since your bitch...

2 years ago
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Out Of Uniform

And so, sports day for this year is all said and done. Time to eat, or at least that was the plan. Scored me a massive plate of ribs with that new sauce. Gonna enjoy.......Wham! Now the great feast is all over me, like I just murdered someone. It's messed up that I can't enjoy some food, now I can't even get in my own car. Oh, but wait......I got my winter jacket and pants. It's not cold, in fact it's quite in the hundreds, but to get out of this current mess is better than messing up my seat....

Straight Sex
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College Pals

A young couple go from friends and study partners to lovers over pizza.Joan was a petite, nineteen-year-old, brunette. She was five foot twoinches tall. Her body was accented by nice pair of B-cup breasts androunded hips that were just large enough to give her some very nicecurves. She had very little body fat. Her belly was soft but flat. Sheusually wore her hair in a style that framed her face in a soft oval.Joan was not a glamorous beauty. She did however present an appearancethat was...

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Meri suhagraat

Hi, mera naam roshni hai or mein 24 saal ki 38-26-38 figure wali ladki hu or me iss k regular reader hu Yeh meri real suhaag raat ki story he jo me aaj apko batane ja rahi hu. Mere pariwar me meri mom,meri badi sister he jo ki married hai. Mere dad ki death karib 9 saal pehle hi ho chuki hai. Yeh baat karib 1 saal pehle ki hai jab me 23 saal ki thi aur meri shaadi hui thi. Mere pati ka naam ashish hai or who bilkul salman khan ki tarah tight body and gud figure wale insan hai. Jab wah muje...

2 years ago
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No limit Aaliya Mini Gangbang in Warehouse

This is Part 3 of "No limits Aaliya" Read part 1 called "No limit Aaliya - 1st time Hijabi Whore" Read part 2 called "No limit Aaliya - 1st time Pussy and Threesome" Please comment what you thought, and feedback is much appreciated! This is the 1st time I'm writing, I know I will have loads of improvements to make, so please be considerate. Any requests as to how depraved you want Aaliya the Hijabi Whore to get, please let me know via comments or PM! Any tips on how to improve my sex scenes is...

1 year ago
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Hot Chicks

The power dynamics of porn have changed much over the years. At its start and for much of its history, all the power in porn was with the studios. They controlled when someone worked, how much someone got paid, how it was advertised and distributed, and where it was sold. The actors and actresses had to take whatever the studio gave them and be happy with it.But almost no one was happy with it. Watching porn brings me so much joy. Masturbating is why I get up in the morning. I want to know that...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
2 years ago
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Mother Daughter Feast 10 of 12

Once my tits are painted the same as Anna's, I lie on the padded table and spread my legs open. I don't think we need the wood pieces, since we can hold the gun inches from my pussy, but we do need the speculum. "Anna please try to murder your mom's pussy by shooting my clit and the inside of my pussy 69 times each." After Anna paints my pussy, I beg Tom to paint it the same way and then I pummel my own womanhood, hoping and fearing that it will really be murdered. Each of us paint my...

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Cum Contest

With a grunt, I came right on top of the piece of toast. Thanks baby, my slut mom, Britney said gratefully. She bit down on the toast that had butter and now cum on it too. I cant start my day right unless I get a little bit of cum at least in my system. Thanks again, babe. And thank you too, Becca. Youre turning into a bigger whore than your mum, my mom said to me and my sister fondly. Becca was sitting under the table, where shed been sucking my cock, priming me to give mom her morning...

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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 27

Tuesday, June 29, 2010 As Jake was finishing his breakfast, Boris sat down and ordered. Jake told him about being followed to the airport and his worries that Cox’s goons might be able to get their location from one of the air charter’s employees. “Plus we have a problem on Thursday,” Jake said. He explained that both Jake and Boris had to go back to town that day. “I don’t like that,” Boris said. “If there’s the possibility that the opposition will learn where we are then we’ve got to be...

3 years ago
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Wife And 15 Guys

Hi all,My wife and 15 guys. The complete story. I and my wife were used to going to swingers party its a party where only couples are invited and anybody can have sex with any buddy my name is Erkan and my wife’s name Jessie we live in Ankara and i am a engineer by profession. So we went to one new swingers party in Ankara there we were actually late and all the people were already assembled in the hall. Then as we came in we heard that a game was being played we got quite inquisitive as of all...

3 years ago
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Family LettersChapter 129

Lily, I send you hugs from across the stars. Or at least I'm thinking of you. It's nice to hear that you are becoming a stronger and more confident woman. I read some nice things in your last letter. First, that Will is going to be able to make his way back to you. That will mean a lot to Erica and Willow. I know, you are now thinking why it would mean much to Erica. The truth is that the more I'm around my mistresses, the more I realize that they are two women with in many ways one...

1 year ago
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Porn Theater Jerk Fest

I’m normally an upstanding professional guy in his mid-40’s. House, kids, beautiful wife, member of the rotary club….all of the normal trappings. But I’ve got a side that every now and then goes wild. Mostly when I have meetings with a client located down on South Broadway. His office is right down the street from Miss Kitty’s Porn Palace – a huge place with one of the few remaining open porn theaters in the country. I went in once out of curiosity and what I saw changed me forever. Now,...

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Blowjobs By The Dozen

My girlfriend was out of town, and I can't find my friends, so I needed something to pass the afternoon. I often went to the local ABS to trade blowjobs on a Saturday afternoon. Besides loving to suck and to be sucked, I think it makes me a better fuck with my girlfriend on Saturday night. Well, this afternoon, I had nothing else to do, and didn't need to save anything for Saturday night. I decided this trip to the ABS would be one to rememberI loaded my backpack with my Polaroid camera, film,...

3 years ago
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Ultimate Sex With Neighbour8217s Daughter

Hello dosto, Mera naam mahesh hai. Ye meri pheli kahani hai. Umeed hai Ap sab ko pasand aegi. Apne comments zarur likhe aur ladkiya to yaad se likhe. Ye banawati kahani hai aur maine ache se likhne ki kosis ki hai. Ye kahani tab ki hai jab mai 19 ka tha. Mere pados me ek 18 ki ladki thi naam nisha. Hamari bht achi baat hoti thi kuki hamari mummy ek dusare ki bht achi dost thi. Ek din mummy aur aunty ko shopping Jana tha bahar aur laute laute raat ho jati. Aunty ne nisha ko mere yaha hi chod dia...

3 years ago
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Prostitutes Tragedy

About the story : This is a story based on the rape of prostitute named Liz. She is 23 years old and gets raped brutally by a lot of men whom she trusted ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...

2 years ago
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We Need to Talk Chapter 7

A few weeks later a cute young waitress approached me and asked me why I called Hector Mr. Torres, said yes sir and no sir when I answered his questions. Why did I look at the ground when I talked to him. "Ummm, nothing, no reason. Please, I'm busy," I said, feeling my face burn. "Did he threaten you? Is he beating you up? Tell me and I'll make him stop," she said. I could feel my face burning and I knew it was a deep crimson red. "Please don't Michelle. Please, it's nothing....

3 years ago
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Valentines Sex

Our night started off with a short 45 minute drive to the restaurant of our choice. We enjoyed a great meal and had some cocktails. After the meal we started our decent for home after some talking about the rest of our evening I could tell she was not in the mood for driving s I pulled over. She was in full agreement as I pulled the truck onto a side road and shut it off. Immediately after I shut the truck off she started kissing me and touching me. Her lips were moist and I could feel her...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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My birthday treat

My next door neighbour had begun helping me with my crossdressing by buying me my own clothes, and despite her initial stipulation that I continue to dress in secret, we had experienced a moment where that had all changed. Once that day had passed, Ellie and I became almost inseparable. If we weren't together, we were texting or talking on the phone. We would do everything an ordinary pair of best friends would, with the exception, of course, that Ellie would help me with my little secret....

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Bhabhi Ya Sali

Hello friends I’m dev once again with yet another sex experience to share with you. It happened when my wife fell ill and became hospitalized for about 4 weeks at that time due to the requirement of attending the household tasks my Bhabhi came from village to help us out here. My mother used to be with my wife in the hospital and bhabhi was the in charge of the house and related works. Let me tell you about bhabhi she is 26 years of age, whitish in colour, long hair, round face, large eyes,...

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Adventures on Flight 109

Barbara looked up at the young blonde as she walked down the airplane's aisle, carefully checking seat numbers. She looked frightened and excited at the same time. Big blue eyes tried to take in everything at once as her gaze darted across the cabin. Reaching the empty seat next to Barbara, she checked the seat number again and then smiled nervously as she sat down. Barbara guessed her to be about 19 or 20, probably her first time away from home. She wore a plain white blouse and matching...

2 years ago
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Horny Wife Fucks At A Wedding

Hi indian sex stories dot net friends. This is Rocky, 29-year-old, a fitness trainer from Delhi. I am 5’11”, muscular guy. I chose to become a fitness trainer out of passion. I want to share a hot encounter I had at a friend’s wedding. He was my childhood buddy and has settled down in Delhi. It was a Punjabi wedding on a Friday night. Luckily my parents have provided me with sufficient treasure and I earn enough to lead a healthy and luxurious life. I wore a designer black sherwani with a red...

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Women want More

The pillow talk of new millennium couples in the 2010 INDIA TODAY-AC Nielsen-ORG MARG sex survey tells an unprecedented story of women's arou*al being thwarted and of romance gone sour. Call it the Eat Pray Love moment in the life of the modern Indian woman. Just as the lead character, Elizabeth Gilbert (Julia Roberts in the film) was asked by her Balinese healer to "pray for sex", the survey finds Indian women meditating intently on the prayer beads of fulfilling and wholesome sex.Shatter...

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White Collar Crime

White collar crime, Blue collar bitch by Teri Franken ([email protected]) August 2006 Chapter One Part 1 Times were tough, bills were starting to pile up and I needed to find an "easy" way out of my dire financial straits. Needless to say, "easy" wound up being slightly illegal. I decided to not report some of my income and to under report some financial gains. It appeared that things were going well.... Until the note from the IRS came in the mail. I was to be audited for...

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