Finding Your Way Back free porn video

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This is not a stroke piece. I had planned a modest grind or two but in the end deleted the sex because I felt it detracted from the story. There is love.

My story ideas tend to flow from a single memorable incident and then I expand that incident or encounter into a story—a fictional story. I sat down next to an icy blond whose name I don’t recall, if I ever knew it, at a bar in Atlanta many years ago. I listened as a couple on business types tried to pick her up and laughed when she shot them down in flames. I’m pretty sure she didn’t believe me when I told her I was a pilot, she torched me in short order. What follows is my fantasy of what might have been her story and what might have happened.

It’s about overcoming—coming back from—something that happens in your life that almost kills you and fucks you up in the head just enough to dull your humanity. You can still function, even function at a very high level. You’re not suicidal, not even depressed. It’s as if the affect side of your brain—the feelings side—has just shut down because the pain of what you saw or experienced is too massive to deal with.

If you’ve ever been in or witnessed a serious auto accident—one in which people die, are dismembered, or you watched them die—you’ve felt it. A tornado ripping out every house around you—that’ll do it. Watching people die or lose essential body parts in combat is a sure bet. If you are lucky, you mope through a few days or weeks and come out the other end reasonably whole again. If you’re unlucky, you gradually slip into a death spiral from which there is no recovery. My character, Marty is somewhere in between, still functioning at a high level but dangerously close to slipping into that death spiral, because we can’t live without affect—genuine, true emotions—for too long before it takes an irreversible toll.

This was only his second visit to this particular Atlanta watering hole. He’d been told it was a good pickup spot which college students did not frequent. He wasn’t interested in fucking some college cunt. There was an open seat at the bar. He gave the bartender the high sign. His name was Bernie and they had chatted during his first visit a couple of nights earlier.

He always got carded even at twenty-six. He’d looked fourteen since he’d been fourteen. The barkeep had scrutinized his driver’s license carefully. During a slow period the two men had chatted.

‘Son, something about you says that you did a spell in Uncle Sam’s employ. I’m Bernie.’ The two men had shaken hands.

‘Wes. Wes Crandall. Right as rain, Bernie. U.S. Army, eight years.’

‘Lot of years to hang it up.’

‘It stopped being fun, if I didn’t get out, it would have just gotten harder to do so every additional year.’


‘Twice. Helicopter pilot.’

‘Glad I missed that one. Made the last one, though—2/5 Marines. What are you into now?’

‘A little charter work, bootlegging time with a couple of corporate guys, on call with a commuter flying twin Otters, giving flying lessons…trying to get on with the airlines.’

‘Any luck?’

‘Bad timing. Pan Am just bellied up, Braniff is on the ropes and the word is things at Eastern aren’t great. There are too many zoomies with lots of multi-engine turbofan time in front of me. I’m on a waiting list for whatever that’s worth.’

‘How many hours have you got?’

‘Over 6,000—80% of it is rotary wing. I got my Airline Transport Rating with the GI Bill. Got a degree in night school in the Army—have to have one of those to get on with the big boys.’

‘Haven’t seen you in here before, what brought you into my bar?’

‘Trying to get lucky.’

‘You’re a good looking kid. You shouldn’t have any problem in here. We got ’em. Shop girls, young professionals, business travelers, flight attendants—you pick. Most of ’em aren’t looking for Mr. Right—just Mr. Right Now. I’ll try to steer you straight.’

‘Appreciate it.’

As he slipped on to the bar stool during his second visit he was aware of a woman sitting next to him on the left. Without being obvious and with a little help from the mirror behind the bar, he checked her out. She looked young, she was blond and pretty but also had a hard edge. She was taller than average with a leanness that on a man would have been considered wiry. She was some kind of athlete or worked out. The sleeveless blouse showed definite muscularity in her shoulders and arms. She didn’t remotely acknowledge his arrival and Bernie had been too busy to chat.

He’d always hated this part: starting a conversation. As he sipped his drink, two guys sat down on her other side. A quick look told him they were young business types. He took an instant dislike to them without knowing them. He knew their type. They struck up a conversation with the tall, cool blond. She didn’t seem interested, answering the queries in monosyllables if at all.

‘My name’s Brett and this is my good buddy Chad and you are…’

‘Marty.’ She had answered without turning toward Brett.

He had to give them credit for effort. The two were pouring on the charm and not getting a hell of a lot of encouragement back. Wes would have long since gotten the message and moved on to greener pastures. As their attempts at bar seduction became more creative, Wes had to smile. If it actually worked, he’d have to remember some of the patter.

‘So, Marty, what do you do for fun?’

‘Sky dive.’

‘Really? Wow! Chad and I…we’ve gone sky diving a few times.’

Uh, oh! That was bullshit and if Wes knew it—so did the ice cold blond named Marty.

‘What kind of chute do you use, Chad?’

She had spit out the co-conspirator’s first name. He began to stumble. She threw some more parachutist specific technical crap at them and they knew they had made a fatal mistake.

‘The only friggin’ thing you two weenies have ever jumped out of is your bed. I teach sky diving, dick wads. If you’d like to learn how to jump out of airplanes, come by South Lake Airpark any Saturday or Sunday, I’ll be there. Just ask for Marty.’

The two young junior executives moved away with their tails between their legs. Wes couldn’t keep from laughing. She noted, turned toward him and prepared to cut off her third dick of the evening.

‘What’s so funny? Don’t tell me! You’re into sports parachuting too?’

‘No, ma’am. Nothing would convince me to jump out of a perfectly good airplane.’

‘Don’t knock it if you haven’t tried it.’

‘I’ve looked over my head and seen a parachute once in my life.’

‘I thought you had never sky dived.’

‘I haven’t. And the airplane in question wasn’t ‘perfectly good’ anymore. It was falling apart. I ejected.’

‘Now I suppose you’re going to tell me you’re an airline pilot.’

‘Nope. I’d like to be, always wanted to be—plan to be.’

‘That’d be as soon as you take flying lessons?’

‘Funny! I give flying lessons. I’m an instructor pilot, do a little charter work, some corporate left seat, part time with a commuter outfit.’

‘Bernie! Are you sure you carded this kid? He doesn’t look twenty-one to me.’ Bernie waved her off. She turned her attention back to Wes.

‘I suppose you’re going to tell me you have your own airplane and you’d be happy to take me up so I can jump out?’

‘I do have my own airplane—Cessna 172—but I’m not certified to drop jumpers.’

‘What—daddy bought it for you?’

‘I won it playing Bingo.’

‘That’s creative!’

‘I’m dead serious. The Officer’s Club at Fort Rucker used to have these mega-prizes. It would take months before anyone won them. A big fancy Cadillac one time, a Winnebago on another occasion and, since it’s an aviation post, a fully instrumented 172. It was the only time I’d played. I had to pay the taxes on it—which damn near cleaned out my savings.’

‘That story
is too unbelievable for anyone to make up.’ She was smiling. That was progress. ‘Let’s try this again. I’m Marty.’

‘Wes.’ He said, shaking her hand. Her grip was not remotely feminine.

‘Air Force—Military Police, one hitch.’

‘Army, eight years.’

‘Almost a lifer.’

‘Got out before I started acting like one.’



‘I did a tour at the Danang Airbase.’

‘I’ve been there.’

‘Are you from Atlanta, Wes?’

‘Nope. It was the first big city north of Enterprise, Alabama.’

‘I’m a transplant too. My last military duty station was South of here. Drove north until I hit the first big city. Got a job. Can’t say I love it here.’

‘I can’t argue with that.’

‘Where’s your airplane parked, Wes?’

‘Small world. South Lake.’

‘I’ve been thinking about taking flying lessons. Are you any good? How many hours do you have? What’s it going to cost me?’

‘I’m good. I’ve got over 6,000 hours. The first lesson is free and I’m competitive.’

‘Were you serious when you said you weren’t interested in leaning to sky dive? And did you really eject? I didn’t know the Army had any aircraft with ejection seats.’

‘Only one—the OV-1—and they’re phasing it out. I was a test pilot for three years down at Fort Rucker. I got in a flat spin—intentionally—in an OV-1D. It’s a single pilot aircraft with dual controls in some configurations with an observer in the right seat. I didn’t have an observer that day. We were testing its flat spin characteristics—trying to determine how much altitude it took to get it out of the spin. We’d already lost a senior test pilot and an observer on a previous test. They didn’t eject. I did. It scared the shit out of me—more than anything that happened in two tours in Vietnam.’

‘How much altitude does it take?’

‘It’s not definitive. It depends on the conditions—and the pilot. What we put in the book was, if you’re still spinning at 10,000 feet, pull the curtain. The spin just gets tighter and the centrifugal force jams you to one side of the seat. The Gs build, you probably won’t be able to reach the overhead ring—no titanium face curtain to deflect all the flying plastic. You’ll have to pull the one between your legs. You’ll go through the overhead canopy bent. You won’t have enough forward airspeed to clear the tail. If the triple-tail doesn’t cut you in half, you’re back probably broke when the Martin-Baker seat went off. You might even be blind from plastic shards that got sucked up under your visor. Blind and paralyzed—or dead.’

‘When did you eject?’

‘The sink rate was something in excess of 10,000 feet a minute and building. I almost made the decision too late. I pulled the lever between my legs at 10,000 give or take…couldn’t reach the overhead. I’d gotten as straight as I could. X-rays showed some spinal compression fractures but they told me they’d heal since I was young and healthy—but I wasn’t supposed to fly an airplane with an ejection seat for a few years—if ever. I apologize! I haven’t talked about that aspect of my life to anyone since right after it happened. I didn’t mean to bore you with old war stories.’

‘It wasn’t boring at all! Thank you for sharing it with me. This place is filled with poseurs. My spider sense tells me you’re not one of those. How old are you, Wes?’

‘A month shy of twenty-seven. You?’

‘Almost a year shy of twenty-seven. You look a lot younger.’

‘Story of my life—so do you.’

‘After you ejected—when you were coming down—what were you feeling?’

‘I was checking for body parts, my face was bleeding—so was my foot—broke a couple of toes. My back hurt like hell but I could move all my limbs. Once I knew I was alive and reasonably in one piece, I started thinking about how much it was going to hurt when I landed—praying I didn’t do something irreversible to my back. Trying to remember ejection seat training…terrified I was going to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair. Beginning to have doubts about the typical young pilot’s belief in his own immortality.’

‘That does not sound like fun. Well, if you ever decide to get back on the horse—parachuting, I mean—look me up. I’ve got over a thousand jumps—and I’m a damn good instructor. Nice meeting you, Wes! Maybe we’ll run into each other in here or at South Lake. I had a long day. I’m heading for the barn.’ She touched his arm as she stood up to leave. Things had slowed a little at the bar and Bernie walked over to chat.

‘I promised to steer you right, Wes. Sorry I got tied up. I’m pretty sure Marty is not the girl you’re looking for. I’ve never seen her leave with anyone—and she talked to you longer than I’ve ever seen her talk to anyone. She’s a pretty woman but she’s hard!’

‘It didn’t start out real well, but I thought we were getting somewhere as time went on.’

‘I’ve chatted with Marty a few times, Wes, the old former military thing. She joined up on her eighteenth birthday. I got the distinct sense that there wasn’t a happy home life in her past and she joined the Air Force to get away from something. Her line of work doesn’t help her prospects.’

‘Her line of work?’

‘She’s a cop. She’s worked undercover. Used to work vice—her apparent youth was evidently an asset. She passed the sergeant’s exam on the first try and while being a female in today’s world probably didn’t hurt…I’ve got some friends in the local PD. They tell me she’s a damn good cop. Any one of them would be proud to be her partner—it wasn’t that way when she started.’

‘Sounds like there’s a story here, Bernie.’

‘There is—and I don’t have time to tell it. Wes, are you trying to get lucky tonight or just hanging out?’

‘I’m not very good at this whole bar scene pickup thing, Bernie—why?’

‘I want you to meet someone. He’s former Navy but I don’t hold it against him. Son, you got more out of Marty than I’ve ever seen anyone get before. She actually had a conversation with you. I like her, she’s good people—but she’s not in here looking to get picked up. This place is close to work and we have more than a few cops who stop in here on the way home. I’m not suggesting you take a shot at her—because I’m pretty sure it’d be an uphill climb. But your eyes say she got to you—you’re not the first. Want to know more?’

‘Sure. Yeah. I’d like that.’

Bernie went down to the other end of the bar and spoke to a man whom Wes judged to be a couple of decades older than he was. The man ambled over and took the seat beside Wes. Bernie made the introductions. He was a cop named George Carr. After getting to know each other, George ventured into the topic of Marty…Marty Simms.

‘I was her training officer when she came on board a little over four years ago. None of us were very happy with the whole ‘equal opportunity’ thing and some of the younger guys did and said some things that were wrong. Anyone who worked with her back then knew she was different. She’d been a military cop for almost four years and been to Vietnam. She’d seen some nasty shit over there. She won a Bronze Star with V for her actions when sappers got inside the air base in Danang. She was tough—mentality and physically. She had good law enforcement instincts. She was head and shoulders above any probationary officer I’d ever worked with.

‘She was one tough, gritty undercover officer. She got into some bad shit and got her self out of it. The other guys began to realize that you could depend on her. They started to accept her. Any doubts vanished nine months ago—right before I recommended her for sergeant. Son, I don’t know what you know about law enforcement. I’ve been a cop for twenty years. I’ve drawn my weapon a half a dozen times and fired it twice. I’ve shot someone once—and he lived.

‘Marty was assigned to a felony warrant team along with cops from other agencies—feds, state and lo
cal. It was all crap—politicians just trying to show how well we were all cooperating. They’d even called the press to cover the damn thing. I don’t know what happened. I’ve always believed that one of the reporters tipped off the people we were serving. They were ready, they were armed and there were two feds down before the good guys even returned fire. The police vehicles were caught in a cross fire. Marty wasn’t even supposed to serve the warrant—it was a fed deal and they didn’t really want our help. She was supposed to stay in the car.

‘She saw it unfolding and tried to get the feds in the lead car to abort but they thought they knew more than she did. She called for backup from us, the local PD. We knew Marty, we sent every officer we had. Marty is former military, she knows her away around a shotgun and an AR15. She got out of the car, sought cover and concealment and found herself a shooting position. And then she just started picking those bastards off. She’d nailed four of then before they even knew it—there were a dozen. The other cops were down, under-armed and generally ineffective.

‘They started to converge on her position, she stood up and took out two more of them with the twelve gage. She took two rounds in her vest. She moved to the fed car, dragging one of the wounded cops on the ground with her. She took out two more at close range with the pump-action. One of the state cops finally got his shit together and started putting down suppressive fire. Marty took a hit in the thigh.

‘Our first cars came up the street from both directions and the bad guys realized they were screwed and decided to go out in a blaze of glory. Marty took out one more with the AR after pulling a second cop to cover behind one of the cars. Ballistics indicated that she took the tenth—the fucking tenth—down with her side arm before the reinforcements nailed the last two. I was the first one to get to her. She was lying on her side there on the ground, blood dripping out of her leg in spite of her attempt to tie it off. She had her side arm in one hand while trying to give mouth to mouth to one of the downed cops. Eight LE personnel wounded, with two critically so. We cleared the EMTs in. I wanted her to wait for a stretcher. Not Marty. She was going to walk out of there if it killed her.

‘It was all on tape from multiple cameras—the press—and the ballistics confirmed it. One of the feds died—the other wounded all survived. The press and the black reverends tried to get everyone riled up with charges of ‘excessive force.’ It didn’t fly. There were black cops and white cops bleeding in the street that day. The community review board saw it the same way. She was decorated multiple times—even got a medal from the president. She’d already taken the sergeant’s exam and maxed it. She made sergeant a month later.’

‘That’s a remarkable saga.’

‘That it is but I told it to you to make a point.’


‘Wes, Marty is just as good a cop today as she was that day but something’s missing. It’s not her instincts or her skills. Somehow that day changed her—hardened her…took away her sense of humor…her humanity. It’s as if she’s some kind of robot. She does the job and still does it well but she’s like a machine. I don’t like her that way, I don’t think it’s healthy.’

‘Why tell me? We just met and it didn’t go all that well.’

‘Maybe not, maybe so. But you made her smile and it has been too damn long since anybody made Marty smile. I was watching from the other end of the bar. You just had the longest conversation with Marty Simms that anyone has had since nine months ago. What were you talking about?’

‘I told her a true story about a day when I knew I was going to die…or worse. I hadn’t planned on it, I’ve never really talked about it before…it just came out.’

‘Son of a bitch! She’s seen the department shrinks—which is mandatory—and we’ve tried but none of us have ever been through anything like that. Maybe you struck a nerve…a good nerve.’

Saturday morning Wes had two flight lessons scheduled. Neither of the students showed any real promise. They both just thought it would be cool to learn how to fly. The money barely paid the cost of owning, parking, fueling, maintaining and insuring the Cessna. He had a couple of hours before his next student. The later one already had a private license and was going for an instrument ticket. She was a damn good student and a competent pilot.

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Freeway Threeway Chapter 3

We woke the next morning all stiff and a bit sore, especially poor Angel. She complained that we were too rough on her the previous night, and that her ass and pussy were sore and her nipples ached where Jack had pinched them as we all came. We laughed about it though – none of us would have changed a moment of it. Jack and I did feel a little bad about being so hard on our companion, but she assured us that it wasn’t the first, nor would it be the last, time she woke up sore from the previous...

1 year ago
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Freeway Threeway Chapter 1

Jack and I had been buddies for a number of years and we’d had many good times together. One day I was sitting at home enjoying a quiet day of football when I received a phone call. Normally, no one dared call me during a football game – that was a cardinal sin and all my friends knew it. So to get a phone call during a game it must be very important. I picked up the phone, wanting to know who I was going to have to kill for disturbing me. ‘Hello?’ ‘Hey Robert, it’s Jack. Hey I’m sorry to...

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Freeway Threeway Chapter 2

Morning came early the next day and we all really wanted to spend more time in bed. However, we had a long day of driving ahead of us and we weren't making a dent in it laying around the motel room. Plus, all three of us were starving - we had burned more than a few calories the night before! So we got up and got dressed then we decided to grab a bit to eat.Now Angel was still wearing the same clothes she had on from "work" and the white micro skirt, tiny bikini top, and lack of underwear made...

2 years ago
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Freeway Threeway Chapter 1

Jack and I had been buddies for a number of years and we'd had many good times together. One day I was sitting at home enjoying a quiet day of football when I received a phone call. Normally, no one dared call me during a football game - that was a cardinal sin and all my friends knew it. So to get a phone call during a game it must be very important. I picked up the phone, wanting to know who I was going to have to kill for disturbing me."Hello?""Hey Robert, it's Jack. Hey, I'm sorry to...

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Runaways Runaways By JensenDenmark 1. Holiday Amber met me at the park. We had left our High School separately so we could not be sighted. I rode my skateboard at the path toward the park. It was a shame that we had to keep it so secretly. Amber waited for me. She was 15 like me. ?Darling. I was afraid that your mother had picked you up.? ?No. I told her that I had to study extra for a project.? I kissed her. ?Lets go down to the creek, so we can have some undisturbed time.? The creek...

2 years ago
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Parkway Fun

Huggs surprised Rascal with a nice picnic on the Blue Ridge Parkway after she got off of work one Saturday. While Rascal was at work, Huggs prepared a small array of finger foods that they could enjoy with some wine. Once Rascal got home, Huggs told her to take a nice long shower because they were going to have a picnic on the parkway. Rascal must have saw the gleam in his eyes, because Rascal quickly asked, “It will not just be us at this picnic?” Huggs had to confess that another gentleman...

2 years ago
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Fellation Desires Episode One The Fellation of Dewayne Williams

My name is Dewayne Williams. I’m the 37 year old Vice President of Operations for Quik Connect Media Group Southeast Region here in Marcustown Georgia. I am married with no children. For the eight years Rose and I have been married I’ve never cheated on her, at least not until now. You see, I am now a firm believer that every man has his own personal vice that can greatly weaken his resolve to the point where he would compromise things that he ought not compromise. No one is exempt. No one! ...

1 year ago
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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 60

Tonko avoided me in the morning. In fact, Tonko avoided everyone that morning. Gogra came over to speak with me before I could even get into line to get some food. “You need to speak with Tonko,” Gogra awkwardly informed me, his voice hesitant, but filled with concern. “You must tell him that everything is all right. He is embarrassed and upset, and only you can speak to him.” I nodded my head in understanding. I’d been going to speak with Burton and the others about the day. Now that would...

3 years ago
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A warm shower in cold Norway

Being a soldier means you are away from home at least a couple of times per year. My country has a close relationship with Norway, so there are some exchanges. The last time I went on exercise to Norway I met a lovely sexy female colleague. Dalia (not her real name) is the kind of girl you like immediately. She is pretty and has an aura of friendliness that makes you feel comfortable. During that exercise we had several conversations. Though we hit the sexual subject in a conversation I did not...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Welcome to Gateway part 2

Gateway is a sleepy Kansas town which is the site for some extraordinary events. I highly recommend you read part one of this story before starting on this one, as this one is a direct sequel. I can't believe it's been that long since I submitted the first part of my Gateway story, but here finally is the second. In this story we explore the universe a little bit more in detail, and establish the "ground rules" on how the setting works for future stories. It's also a more...

3 years ago
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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 58

Monty came to see me in the morning. He’d flown the drone north yesterday, and he had video for me to look at. He’d taken the drone straight up our valley and through the pass, and then flown it about the plateau, looking for signs of Winslow and his men, and the Horse People. Then before turning the drone back around and flying it home, he’d taken it back down our original valley to see if he could spot any sign of the Hilltop people. I quickly found out that Monty had good news and bad....

3 years ago
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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 59

“What do we do now?” Monty asked as the Gateway began to cycle down, and the portal between the device and wherever Jake had travelled to vanished before his eyes. “We watch and wait,” Kim stated slowly, looking a little uncertain about what had just happened, “and we hope for the best, and while we’re doing that we get back to work. Regardless of where Jake has gone and what he is up to there, we’ve got responsibilities that have to be attended to. So I suggest we put this out of our heads...

3 years ago
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Wayne the Twentysomething Warlock

Episode 1: Wayne's Tale, Part I Wayne strolled across campus, bundled up in a warm winter coat. The wind whipped at his face and he pulled his shoulders up to try to block it. The scarf he wore helped some, but only the parts of his face which it covered. Snow crunched under his feet and he glanced up. The little suburban street was covered in snow, but occasionally a car would try and get through anyways making a few sets of gouges in the inches of fresh powder. Everything looked...

3 years ago
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Mummy Ne Gair Mard Se Chudwaya 8211 Part IV

Hi friends apne meri story mummy ne gair mard se chudwaya ke 3 part aap sab pahle hi padh chuke hai jisme mummy ne gaon me apne dever jo hamre sibu chacha hai unse chudwaya. aur uske bad sibu chacha ne mummy ko 2 aur mardo se bhi chudwaya ab mai aap sabko aage ki kahani batane jaa raha hu.3rd part me maine aapko bataya tha ki kaise sibu chacha ne mummy ko choda aur agle din mummy ko bhang pila ke aslam chacha aur parvez chacha se chudwaya. sach kahu toh mujhe isme koi problem nahi thi ki mummy...

1 year ago
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Finding ways of Satisfaction when you miss someone Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I was at my farm house. I was just remembering the good old times I had spent with my husband at this place before getting divorced. However, ever since my divorce, I had a couple of dates with younger men. It was always fun to indulge with them as they had great energy and they could satisfy my needs. Although, my recent partner John had gone out of the town and I was missing his touch. You need to keep finding ways of satisfaction when you miss someone. I also thought of checking out an...

Extra Marital Affair
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Castaway Cuckold

Castaway CuckoldMy wife and I are stranded on an island with five other men. When they started go become wrestles my wife did what she felt she had to do. I supported her of course, yet became very frustrated.Castaway cuckold.StaringRoy, Suzie, Arthur, Ernest, Robert, Samuel, JosephWe where flying out of the Caribbean heading for Columbia. I was on a business trip with my wife on our way to Columbia south America. The farming of soy and corn there is growing, and I was to see what future I...

3 years ago
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The Castaway

The Castaway By Kasumi This is my third story posted to Fictionmania. If you enjoy it, I'd love to hear feedback in the comments, and please check out my previous efforts, CosPlay and the multi-part Just Another Day in Paradise! Even if you don't love it, constructive criticism to help me improve my writing or ideas is welcome too. This story contains themes of transgenderism. If this offends you, please stop reading now. February 26th 2012 So I found this journal in one of...

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Mind controlled Janice 3 part 3 Wayne Irim and Ali

Arrived at Wayne’s around 10.15am. Wayne opened the door at my knock and gave me a big kiss. We moved into his front room. He was wearing a short sleeved blue shirt and dark blue casual trousers. I commented he looked very smart. A kiss from him and his fingers found the buttons of my blouse it was quickly discarded along with my bra. What a pleasant start to the weekend my hands were very soon unfastening his trousers and within five minutes of arriving at his house we were both naked on the...

2 years ago
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Wish Shift Pathways

Wish Shift: Chapter Eight Pathways Year 1 A.S. Day 46 Jenny heard the car pull into her lot in the dim glow of light just before dawn. She had been up until almost midnight the night before and had needed to rush to the toilet sometime in the early morning hours to deal with a bout of morning sickness. Those had been coming less frequently this last week and she was starting to hope that she may be close to parting ways with this particular aspect of being a woman soon. Leaning...

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Mind controlled Janice and Wayne

Wayne only had one objective with Janice and that was for her to end up in bed with him with her legs open. After a time Wayne found that he was more than sexually attracted to her she became a good friend. Wayne was sexually adventurous and enjoyed dominating women but he kept this side of his personality from Janice it was clear that had he tried to be too adventurous with her he could lose her, so he kept the sex simple. One weekend Wayne was approached by a friend called Mea who he knew...

2 years ago
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Mind controlled Janice part 1 with Wayne

Wayne only had one objective with Janice and that was for her to end up in bed with him with her legs open. Wayne had dark side that he was not revealing to Janice. Wayne was sexually adventurous and enjoyed dominating women but he kept this side of his personality from Janice it was clear that had he tried to be too adventurous with her he could lose her, so he kept the sex simple. One weekend Wayne was approached by a friend called Mea who he knew was involved in a big criminal gang. Mea...

1 year ago
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Motorway orgasms

Ten years ago when Jean and I were returning from the West Country she mentioned she was getting hot from the sun streaming through the windows. We had been on the motorway for a couple of hours, the air con was on and it still felt warm in the car. Jean was wearing a summer dress and to cool down she pulled the hem of the dress up to her waist, opened her legs and directed the passenger air vent down to her knickers.Jean sitting there with her legs apart and dress pulled up was a distraction...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 38 I Give Carol Much More Than a Backrub

Sunday, April 10, 2005 (Continued) Everything was good with the world, until Carol suddenly sat up with an anguished cry of, "Oh, NO!" She burst into tears, sobbing repeated, "Oh nos." I'd only ever seen one other girl orgasm before, but I was pretty sure this wasn't normal. Fortunately I was currently soft, so I was able to twist around. The leg she had pinned was well lubricated, so easily rotated. I sat up and put my arms around her, and wished my underwear had a pocket with a...

1 year ago
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Mind controlled Janice part 2 with Wayne and Mea

She walked to Wayne’s office he had a friend called Mea that he wanted her to meet. When Janice entered Wayne’s office he was by himself, he smiled and gave Janice a quick kiss. “Mea is delayed but he is bringing a few friends with him, for you to meet" he said and continued “I am going to show you want I am really like" he smiled at Janice. He picked up his phone and called Ruth and asked her to come to his office, she was a friend of Janice’s who worked also worked at the office. Ruth...

3 years ago
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OVERBOARDChapter 59 How Wayne Upsets the Apple Cart

Bert led me over to the student union building. While I found a table where we could talk without being overheard, Bert went to get us each a coffee and a sweet roll. "Okay, what's the story, Bert?" "Let me start by saying, I'm not allowed to discuss any particular student with you. Because of privacy laws, I'm not permitted to discuss an adult student even with his or her parents. It doesn't matter that they're paying the tuition. So you have to realize this conversation has never...

2 years ago
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Broadway Hollywood

(The erotic memoirs of a department store ‘Floorwalker’) My Father passed away three months ago to the day. He was a good father and seemingly lived a very quiet, mild-mannered, average life. At least that’s what I thought until I pried open a locked large brown trunk in the attic of his small 2 bedroom home in West Hollywood and discovered the three dusty, well-worn black books inside. They contained the tightly scrawled handwriting of my father. The realtor listing my dad’s house was calling...

3 years ago
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Janice and wayne 2

The day began with heavy showers and the sky was dull and overcast. There was a cool breeze. Rivers of water ran down into the gutters of the street – it was by no means a summery day at all, not a sandals day. Upon my first reported meeting with Wayne my feet and sandals had become soaking wet so today, due to the weather I had decided to wear sensible shoes appropriate for the climate, and sensible shoes for driving. I had an early lunch then proceeded to Wayne’s home. The time was...

Wife Lovers
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Uncle Wayne Moves In

Wayne Kendall's original intention wasn't to have an Army career and then retire; that thought came a few years after first joining. Unfortunately, for him, the commitment required of him was too much. After only a year in the continental US, he was sent to Bosnia, where he spent two years, and although he wasn't there during the conflict, he found he was not happy being stationed overseas, especially in that part of Europe. About the only advantage to overseas duty was the easy...

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Welcome to Gateway

Welcome to Gateway By Lissa The July sun beat down mercilessly on the streets, making the asphalt walkways feel like they were about to melt into a tar swamp. The people of Gateway, Kansas were steaming as well, seeking refuge in air-conditioned houses or shops, while the farmers in the outlying areas desperately kept watering their crops. Gateway had been founded along one of the old pilgrim trails west, and then kept alive by an old fort which grew into a military base. Apart from...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 71

Time flies when you’re busy, and my tribe was definitely busy. We celebrated the fall festival. It was a well needed respite. Six men took mates, including Bogdi, Dunbar, Rugar; and, surprisingly, Tikal. He took Gada as his second wife. We then harvested our crops and got ready for winter. Winter actually came late, and to our pleasant surprise it wasn’t as bad as the winter the year before. It meant that people could get out from time to time to enjoy the weather and to do something other...

1 year ago
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Meeting Wayne

I had spent months using a phone dating service to meet guys, unfortunatly the only thing I had been finded was dissapointment. Then one Friday night I got a message from a guy named Wayne, and figuring I didn't have anything to lose I gave him a call back. He answered the phone, which was the first good sign, after introducing myself we talked for a while to get to know a little about each other. It seems that Wayne was having the same experiance as I was when it came to the phone service. We...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 69

Transferring everyone to the south took time; in fact, it took longer than I’d originally estimated. That was because we had a new plan. Kim showed up the next morning to help organize the move. Her arrival took us by surprise, since we hadn’t actually spoken about her coming north. Though, in truth, her presence and more importantly her contribution, was definitely welcomed. “I thought about this after you left last night,” Kim told me once she’d said her hellos to everyone, and she’d...

2 years ago
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1 Janice and Wayne meet Ron

Arrived at Wayne’s around 10.30am I had made my way through one or two heavy showers along the journey. Wayne was sat in his front room when I knocked upon his door. He came to greet me opening his door and inviting me in enquiring as to how my journey had been and how I was. I was warmly welcomed in. I sat on a chair to take off my shoes. To calm my nerves after the motorway driving W put the kettle on and made us both a welcome cup of tea. I asked how he was and had he had his lunch? He paid...

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Anns Snowy Rendezvous Dales going Away Gift

Lisa Chen had spent the night with Dale. Still lying in bed, half asleep that morning, she heard the telephone. She wondered sleepily, who could be calling so early. "Hello," She heard Dale say, speaking quietly. After a couple of minutes, she could hear the tone of resignation in his voice. Lisa sensed something had happened. A moment later Dale returned to bed. Lisa could tell he was upset. Immediately, she asked him what was wrong. Sighing in resignation, he slipped back into the warm...

2 years ago
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The Erotic Keep Away Adventure

The Erotic 'Keep Away' Adventure! Abigail, my beautiful wife, is a slender blonde female with long hair and dreamy blue eyes. Add to that a killer figure - and you can easily see why guys think she is stunning. She and I have been happily married for five years. Up to the time of this incident, we had always been sexually contented, and had chosen to confine our relationship to each other. Though we often discussed what it would be like to be with another person, neither of us felt any need...

2 years ago
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OVERBOARDChapter 42 Wayne is No More and Were On the Bus

Kay still continues: The venomousness of his words and tone shocked me and brought me to a sudden stop. The room went dead quiet. Wayne realized Ryan and Linc weren't looking at him and turned to see what they were looking at; he saw Lyndsi and me standing there on the opposite side of the room. The look on his face went from anger to shocked hatred. Lyndsi put her hand on my arm and I turned to look at her. The shocked look on her face matched what had to be on mine. It was at this point...

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Janice and Wayne meet Ron

Arrived at Wayne’s around 12.35pm I had made my way through one or two heavy showers along the journey. W was sat in his front room when I knocked upon his door. He came to greet me opening his door and inviting me in enquiring as to how my journey had been and how I was. I was warmly welcomed in. I sat on a chair to take off my shoes. To calm my nerves after the motorway driving W put the kettle on and made us both a welcome cup of tea. I asked how he was and had he had his lunch? He paid me...

4 years ago
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After the Exodus Runaways

Runaways By: Malissa Madison Kitten, had grown up in an orphanage, mistreated and abused. All she really wanted in life was to be a girl. She'd discovered her desire at ten years of age right after she was orphaned. The name on her birth certificate though was Daryl Simpson. She'd watched how people fawned over the girls, and how they always got pretty things. The first ones who ever got presented to prospective adopting parents were the girls. So few of the boys ever got adopted...

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