Seashells Ch. 03 free porn video

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Copyright @ calibeachgirl

Thanks to estragon and deepblue


Chapter 8

‘What is this?’ he demanded, finding his voice at last. ‘You say you’re leaving? But that’s impossible, totally unacceptable! I just arrived here a few days ago and I am depending on you to help me. Surely it’s not necessary for you to leave now, before breakfast? How will you even reach Carmel? You can’t walk it.’

‘I’m afraid it is. It’s not possible for me to stay. I have to leave.’ Georgia spoke quietly… her eyes downcast, not daring to meet his eyes… she knew she would be lost if she did. ‘I don’t wish to inconvenience you but I cannot see that my presence here is all that necessary. You have no need for a nanny, as you must admit, and your friend is teaching Ellen and Liza how to cook.’

‘Maybe, not for a nanny, Georgia… but, I have a need for you. You’re the one who’s held the house together all these months since my uncle died, as far as I can see. And, if you leave now, I am quite sure it will fall apart.’ Jack was silent a moment, pulling his fingers through his hair and looking at her in confusion. ‘Look here, Miss Lincoln,’ he said at last, making an effort to appear businesslike. ‘There must be some way to keep you here. I’ll do whatever it takes, I promise. I’ll double your salary, triple it even, to begin with. How’s that?’

‘But my salary is not an issue, sir. An increase would be welcome, I don’t deny, but…’

‘Then, consider it increased. I’m sure you’re not being paid half of what you’ve deserved, considering everything you’ve done. Name your own terms, only say that you’ll stay on here for at least a few weeks more. If you still feel you have to leave then, then of course I’ll accept your notice. But, please, you can’t leave now. You seem to be the only one who knows anything about running this place. Please, reconsider.’ He was determined to say anything to keep her there.

Georgia knew she should just give a firm and decisive refusal. The longer she waited, the greater the likelihood that her resolve to leave him would weaken, and she would give way to temptation. She knew she would be doomed if she stayed.

But even as she reminded herself of how she felt, she knew it was too late. Whatever strength she had disappeared as he looked at her. She tried to tell herself it was her duty to stay since he needed her so much. It would not be Christian to abandon him in his time of need. Whatever excuses she could think of ran through her heart.

‘Well, I don’t know,’ she said hesitantly. ‘If you really need me…’

‘I do need you,’ said Jack, with such sincerity she forgot everything she had been thinking. Both of them knew there was another meaning to what he had said and it lay there between them like a burning flame. Their kiss lay between them, at once pulling them together, at once pushing them apart.

‘If you really need me, I suppose I could stay a while longer.’ A slight smile passed her lips.

‘Good… now that we’ve settled you’re not leaving, there’s no reason why you should not join me for breakfast. Please, sit down and I’ll pour you a cup of coffee.’

‘Thank you,’ she said, sinking slowly into her chair. ‘I would like something to eat.’ Her dream had taken a toll… she was still exhausted.

A few minutes later, Ellen brought in a plate of scrambled eggs, hash brown potatoes and a breakfast roll. Jack wondered again why Georgia had gone to such lengths to make herself unattractive. Before he realized what he was doing, he asked the question aloud.

‘Why are you so determined to look unattractive?’ he asked and then mentally kicked himself, knowing how rude his words were. The last thing he wanted was to make her uncomfortable.

‘What do you mean, sir?’ she replied, knowing full well what he meant.

More embarrassed than ever, he gestured at her clothing. ‘Why would you wear such clothes when I’ve bought you new dresses and the like?’

‘Most employers do not wish their servants to look too fine, sir,’ she said. ‘It makes their wives uncomfortable.’

‘I suppose not, but that situation is over and as you may have noticed, I don’t have a wife to be jealous. As you stated, I have no need for a nanny but I do have need for a… a friend, someone who can help me. Now, after you’ve finished eating, why don’t you go change and I’ll meet you in the library and we can go over the books.’

‘Yes, sir…’


She hesitated. ‘Yes… Jack.’

Ever since he had arrived, she had found herself infatuated with him, even though she had tried hard to repress her feelings. Georgia told herself that this desire would have to be forgotten if she was to work for him. It would only lead to despair and heartbreak and if she gave in, who knows what the result would be? She couldn’t afford to have a child out of wedlock, and marriage to a white man was unthinkable, no, impossible. She needed to preserve a proper decorum at all costs or it would be the death of her.

As charming as he was, she had no intention to succumb to his charms. She would be a fool if she did. And yet, except for that one excruciating wonderful kiss, he had done nothing improper. She was torn. As much as she was afraid of him, as a woman she wanted his attention.

‘I wish to go to Monterey again and hire another girl. How did that work before? Is there a service that my uncle used or did he put an advertisement in the newspaper?’

‘There was a service he used. He was most adamant about hiring colored girls to work in the house. I’m not sure why. Perhaps he thought he could save money, I don’t know.’

‘What do you want to do?’ Jack asked, watching her expression change as she pondered the question.

‘I don’t understand your question.’

‘Do you wish to hire another colored girl or someone else?’

‘I don’t know if a white woman would want to work with colored girls.’ She set it before him, letting it sit there.

‘I hadn’t thought of that. Perhaps we should just stay the way things are, then. Do you have a list of any new things we might need?’

‘Yes, as you asked, along with this one from Mr. Doyle. He says we’re going to need more flour for he wishes to start making other things besides bread and pies. He also wants corn meal and more ice for the ice box. He’s written a list.’

‘Well, that shouldn’t be too much trouble, then. Please write down Milky Way candy bars. I forgot to get some last time we were in town as well as Hershey’s Kisses. And, I want to tell the grocery store to bring more cream and ice so we can make some ice cream. And of course, we’ll need rock salt. If it’s not written down, I’m afraid I forget.’ Subconsciously, he touched the back of his head where he had been wounded during the War.

‘Yes, sir… uh, Jack. Is there anything else?’

‘Do you know how to… of course, not. Ask Bill to come here for a moment, will you?’

As she walked out of the library, Jack couldn’t help but watch her as she left. He felt himself becoming aroused and chagrined, crossed his legs and scooted closer under the table.

‘Ah, there you are, Bill. I was listening to the Betty Crocker show the other day on the radiola and you didn’t happen to find a cookbook or something in the kitchen, did you?’

‘Not really. I’ve been just using what I learned during the War and the Boy Scouts. We really could use a cookbook. I’m running out of ideas. We can’t eat steak and pie forever, you know.’

‘Great. We need to hire another girl for the house and maybe a cook, too, unless you plan on staying in the kitchen forever.’

‘I think that Ellen and Liza will do a creditable job of it once they learn. I’ll have to teach them, though, because they don’t read very well. Ellen didn’t have much schooling and Liza, practically none at all.’

‘Do you want to go with Georgia, then, to Monterey and look into it? I know you’ve been cooped up he
re and haven’t had a chance to get to town.’

‘Thanks. I’d like that. When?’

‘Say, tomorrow morning? Then, you’d have time to get back before dark. Check the list you gave Georgia and add anything else you think we might need.’

The rest of the day went quickly and Jack discussed with Bill his idea of starting or buying a vineyard in Carmel Valley. He reasoned that an existing one would be easily purchased due to Prohibition and failing that, land. If he had to start from new, by the time the vines would be producing he believed that the insanity would be over and wine would once again be available. In the meantime, they could sell grapes for jelly.

He admitted, though, he didn’t know the first thing about growing grapes and would have to find someone who was knowledgeable enough to be successful. It was another thing to add to his growing list of things to do.

The next morning, Bill and Georgia left for Carmel to place new orders for food and then to Monterey to hire at least one new girl, possibly two.

‘You must be joking,’ Bill said, shocked, when Georgia mentioned possibly leaving Windcliff and seeking employment somewhere else. ‘You must not speak like that. He has offered you a generous salary as you say, and it would be foolish not to stay on. He’s a good man, Georgia. Has he done anything to make you want to leave?’

How could she explain to Bill that she was attracted to Jack and worried that she would eventually do something to her detriment?

‘I suppose a few more weeks won’t matter. I’ve already spent three years there.’

While she had misgivings, they were about herself and her feelings for Jack. She remembered the losing battle she had after they had kissed and could only see herself surrendering to him if they continued.

‘I’m glad you think so. I’ve known Jack for a long time and he’s a good man. He would never do anything to hurt you. As a matter of fact, I know he holds you in high regard and is greatly impressed with your skill and ability, especially under such trying conditions that you had to endure during the illnesses that took his family’s lives.’

With a forced smile, she looked at Bill as he drove along the road north to Carmel. ‘I shouldn’t have brought this up. Please, Mr. Doyle, don’t say anything.’

‘Georgia, your secret is safe with me. I won’t say anything but please, don’t leave. I think you’re the reason we’re still here rather than returning to San Diego or San Francisco.’

After stopping at the grocery store in Carmel, they continued north to Monterey where Georgia directed him to the employment agency she had been hired from.

There were several girls waiting in the office but Bill wasn’t impressed with any of them. ‘Isn’t there anyone else?’

‘This is a small town… not much call for servants that haven’t already been hired,’ said the woman running the agency.

‘Any suggestions?’

‘There’s an orphanage about two miles out of town run by the Sisters of Good Hope. They might have someone ready to leave. I know they train them there and we’ve had several of their girls get positions with us.’

‘Thanks. A couple of miles, you say?’

‘Yes, just take the main road toward Salinas. It’s on the south side. There’s a sign.’

‘Well, what do you think?’

‘About the orphanage? If you want someone now, it’s a good idea. And if the sisters have already trained someone, that’s even better.’

‘All right, let’s try it,’ he said, as he drove the automobile toward Salinas. Soon, they found the turnoff to the orphanage and after a while came to the front of a large building.

‘Here goes nothing,’ Bill said as he got out into the hot, still air and approached the heavy wooden front door. He knocked and waited, occasionally looking back at Georgia who had remained in the car’s diminishing shade.

The door slowly opened and a nun in heavy dark-brown robe peered out from the dim, cool interior. ‘Yes?’ she asked.

‘Uh, good afternoon. My name is William Doyle and I was told that there might be girls looking for placement as cooks and maids. Is that correct?’

The nun inspected him like a squirming bug under a microscope.

Bill, needing to break the silence, went on, ‘I can present references, if you wish. I represent John Crawford who inherited his uncle’s estate, perhaps you’ve heard of it, Windcliff? It’s along the coast south of Carmel. Anyway, we have need of a cook and a maid and were told you train girls for work. May I come in?’

She glanced past him to Georgia sitting in the now hot Model T. Bill followed her gaze until he saw what had caught her attention.

‘That is Georgia. She worked as a nanny and now she is helping us staff the house. May she come in? It’s becoming rather hot out there.’

The nun hesitated for only a moment. ‘Yes, please come in,’ she said, pulling open the door while Bill quickly went to get Georgia.

‘Wait here,’ said the nun as she disappeared down a long hallway, her rosary beads clicking together as she went.

‘Mr. Doyle, we usually work through placement services,’ said the elderly Mother Superior.

‘I understand that, Sister, but I am in need of help now. Like I said, I can bring references from the sheriff if you feel that’s necessary. You can come and see the house if you wish. We’re about an hour south of Carmel by automobile. If you wish, you can ask Miss Lincoln, here, anything you want about… well, anything you want.’

‘Very well, why don’t you wait outside and I’ll come and get you when I’m finished with your…’

‘I guess you could call her our housekeeper. Thank you.’ Bill left the two women and went outside into the heat of the late afternoon California sunshine. He pulled out his pocket watch, checked the time and walked toward the side of the building, curious to see what lay beyond his sight, his shoes scuffing up the dry dust of the yard. Turning the corner, he saw several children playing under some willow trees while others were tending to three long rows of tomato plants. He stood there for a while, seeing how they interacted with one another.

‘Mr. Doyle?’

He spun around, startled. ‘Yes, Sister?’

It was a different nun, much younger this time, a novice he thought, all in white though still robed up to her face. ‘Mother Superior will speak with you now.’

‘Thank you.’ He stomped his feet free of the courtyard dust and followed her back into the building, this time from a side door, stepping around two little girls playing with a doll. ‘They seem happy,’ he said to her.

‘It depends. If they are very young when they come here, they don’t miss their family too much and eventually they forget, but if they are older, then it is a hard journey they must face.’

‘Ah, Mr. Doyle, thank you for rejoining us. I have had an interesting discussion with your housekeeper and have decided to help you out. We have three girls who are old enough to consider. I have them waiting in the refectory. Follow me, please.’

Bill gave an inquisitive look toward Georgia but was only greeted with a smile.

‘Mr. Doyle, this is Susan Fuller. She turns eighteen next month, can read, write and cook quite well.’ The nun indicated the dark-haired girl standing to the left. ‘We were hoping that she would join us but that is not meant to be.’

The girl moved away from the other two and stood by herself, watching him as closely as he was watching her. Bill looked at Georgia, hoping for some sign that she approved the girl, or not, but was just met with that same smile.

‘This is Betty Lewis, she is also going to be eighteen,’ the nun said, pointing out a shorter blond-haired girl. ‘She can also read and write but doesn’t do arithmetic very well. She is a hard worker and has a good spirit.’

‘And this is Catherine Grant. She is nineteen and a good worker but doesn’t read nor write well. I’m sure that one of these girls would do you well.
‘ The girl stood there, her lower lip trembling. Bill’s heart went out to her, obviously the last choice out of the group.

‘May I speak with Miss Lincoln for a moment, please?’

‘Of course. Girls, wait over there and we’ll speak with you shortly.’

Bill took Georgia by the arm and they walked to the other end of the dining room to talk. ‘Well, what do you think? You spoke with the nun. What did she say?’

‘She wanted to know if you and Jack were good, Christian men and how did you treat me and the other girls and if we had our own rooms and if you had ever…’

‘Whoa… slow down. Come to the point. What did you tell her?’

‘Well, we’re here, so she must have been satisfied with what I said. She did indicate she was surprised that I was…’



‘Did that bother you?’

‘Not as much as I thought. I think she was more interested in how you and Jack treated us than anything else.’

‘Well, what do you think we should do?’

‘Bill, it’s your choice, after all. I noticed that she did present them in a certain order, though.’

‘All right, then.’ He walked back toward the elderly nun and the three girls. ‘If it’s agreeable to you, I’d like to take all three with me but it’s late, now, and there’s no way for us to get back tonight and we still need a hotel room for the night.’

‘I see. I suggest that you stay the night with us and then you can have a fresh start in the morning.’

Bill was surprised at the offer and was sure that it wasn’t given lightly. He was sure that it would have been hard, if not impossible, finding a hotel room that late in the day, especially with Georgia accompanying him.

‘That’s very kind of you, Sister, thank you.’

‘Good. Then, we’ll see you for vespers and dinner when the bell tolls. Sister Anne Marie will show you where that is.’

That evening, after evening prayers, Bill and Georgia sat in the dining room, watching all the girls file in from the chapel. ‘This should be interesting,’ he said.

The Mother Superior used the occasion to allow the three girls to serve them dinner, showcasing whatever skills they had. He could tell that Catherine, or Cathy as he was already thinking of her, was extremely nervous, as the chicken noodle soup she was carrying spilled slightly over the edges of the bowls and down the sides. There was a look of panic on her face as she realized what had happened and she put the crockery down harder than she wanted, making a loud rap against the wooden table.

‘Cathy,’ Bill started to say, his arm reaching for hers. ‘Don’t be nervous, there’s nothing to worry about.’

‘Yes… yes, sir, thank you, sir.’ She backed up, retreating as quickly as she could and headed back into the kitchen.

‘This soup is damn… I mean, very good. If this is Susan’s work, then I think we’re in for some good food from here on out. That’s great.’

‘Yes, it IS very good. Simple but good,’ Georgia replied. ‘I am sure she will work out quite well.’

‘Do you think that Ellen will feel put out… I mean, we’re bringing in someone else, now.’

‘I think the two of them could work together. At least, I hope so. We haven’t asked them how they would feel working with colored girls.’

‘They’ve seen you, it’s not like it’s a secret.’

‘Yes, but the real world is often different from what we wish to see. You need to ask them.’

‘Actually, YOU need to ask them for they all are going to be answerable to you.’

‘What? I told you I was going to leave soon enough… as soon as the house is in order.’

‘Georgia, who knows how long it will take to put the house into order, especially if we start to entertain guests?’

‘Guests? You are considering guests?’

‘See, even you accept the fact that the house is not ready for guests. Let’s not argue about it. Look, there’s cake.’

‘Betty, isn’t it?’ he asked, as the girl set down two small plates with a simple chocolate cake.

‘Yes, sir.’

‘If you agree to come with us, Miss Lincoln would be your supervisor. Do you have a problem with that?’

‘This’s her?’


The girl stood there for a long moment, looking at Georgia. ‘Would you be treating me fairly?’

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It had been a few weeks since my first encounter with Cody. Since then every time I saw him I had to smile, remembering THAT night.Cody still came over at least three to four times a week and every time we made eye contact we both smile and dropped our eyes. I told my husband what had happened and he was intrigued, but he didn’t pressure anything.I was alone today, I left the kiddo at daycare and was cleaning and taking mommy time. Cody came over to bring me something I needed and ended up...

3 years ago
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Ashs New Career Pt4

Chapter 5 Beatrice was the first to regain her composure. Not because she was over how amazing Ash looked, but because as the director of this shoot she needed to be professional. "Alright Jolene, I believe you can take it from here. You got the shooting schedule right?" Beatrice asked trying her hardest not to stare at her son too much. The change was shocking to be honest. Never in a million years had she thought Ash would come out looking this good. "Yeah, right I'll get my...

2 years ago
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Graduation Exam

“Thank you and now get the hell into your room. I can't work with you beside me,” Claire scolded her roommate Christopher with just a hint of desperation in her voice.“Come on, you didn't even receive the e-mail with your exam questions yet. Besides, it was you who came to me almost crying because your internet connection wasn't working. How did you accidentally delete our Wi-Fi password from your computer?” Christopher replied with an undertone of growing frustration.“I said thank you for...

Quickie Sex
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Alice MarlowChapter 2

It was not often that Marko Hymes consented to let the club he owned be used for a private and exclusive function. The gambling rooms of course were not involved in such outside lettings, but now and again, if the price was right, Marko would be served and a dance held afterwards. It was through such an affair that Brenda Miller first came into contact with men such as Marko and his henchman Silas. Tim Miller was a representative of the sales section of a fair sized importing firm. When the...

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Railway Madhe Anju Mami Cha Sex Encounter Marathi Katha 8211 Part I

Hello ISS reader its again maddy i am age 24 student of engineering from pune ( maharastra) if any girl or aunt wants to chat with me they send me message on my mail id Aaj mi majhi katha majhya maatrubheshat sangnar ahe tar shevachi katha tumhi vaachli aaheche ani tumchya bharghos ashya pratisaadanantar mi majhi navin sex story tumchya samor pesh karit ahe tari last time mi tumhala sangitle ki mi nikki che sex desire kase purn kele aaj mi tumhala saangnar ahe ki jya majhya mami ahet ( anjali...

1 year ago
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A Fun blowbang for the ministers wife

100% fiction! In retrospect, it had been incredibly stupid. Beth was happily married. Okay, maybe not ‘happily’... but contentedly. Her deadbeat high school sweetheart had left her as soon as he found out she was pregnant, alienating her from her own family (Dad disowned her, and Mom would never cross him) and forcing her to raise her daughter alone, which she did to the best of her ability... but struggled with. Then, ten years ago, she met a minister who changed her life. Not only did he...

Group Sex
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Another New Conquest

As the beautiful young divorcee met with me over lunch at the restaurant upstairs, she is sipping her drink. I sat there imaging nailing her every which way throughout the day. With that in my mind, I was going to make the blond bitch mine, having her spread her legs for me at least once every week. Jana was surprised at just how professional I was in discussing the rental space that I wanted her to consider, telling her that her business was perfect for the space. Just the fact that she could...

2 years ago
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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 1

As Alana pulled the opening of the wormhole over her huddled group, the image cleared and the little group found themselves in the settlement in Mesopotamia. "Where's Elaine?" Tabatha asked, looking worried as she looked around. "And the twins?" Tia wanted to know. "I think they're in trouble," Holly timidly voiced her concerns. Having only met one alien species in her entire life, she had always believed that the Veragos were pretty much as advanced as a civilization could get....

1 year ago
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Naughty Neighbor Continued

I slid my tongue slowly up a and around her pussy, making sure to get her beautiful clit ultimate desire. I placed kisses passionately on her pussy. She grabed the back of my neck and moaned,i placed my hands on her pussy and went deeper, she put her leg around my back and pressed hard with her foot as I worked my tongue and fingers , orchestrating her into a much deserved orgasm. Mary continued to moan in exstacy as she gripped the my back with her long toes. Her pussy was dripping, I rose up...

2 years ago
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Xrated Vision for the Blind

Wispy phantasms of red, that's what he noticed first. When he was talking to someone, he'd notice a little glimmer of red, then it would fade. At first he thought it was another of those false color experiences he had been having for years, where stars or flashes or funny patterns would appear in his vision. But as the doctors explained, that was all in his own head, his brain playing tricks on him. For while Ken had gone totally blind at age 4, there were still parts of his brain devoted to...

1 year ago
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BangBus Cameron Minx Pressure Fucks White Girl in the Bus

This time we got our boy Pressure, it was his first time on the bus so we went out looking for a girl. Roaming around the neighborhood we saw this little blonde white ass girl, I approached her but she wasn’t interested in anything I could offer, until she saw the money, then she started talking to us, we found out that she had never been with a black guy and she was also a stripper, from that point everything was really easy we got her in the bus and Pressure started getting naked, he...

3 years ago
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Grudge Fuck

My wife and I have been divorced for a few months and we divide our c***ds custody every other week. This weekend my ex was going out with some of her girlfriends to a local bar that was only a few blocks from my apartment. It was the middle of the night when I was woken up by a loud pounding on the door. Checking through the peep hole I could see my ex dressed like the slut I knew her to be weaving back and forth drunk off her ass. I opened the door quickly before she could pound on the...

1 year ago
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You Little Thief

Fbailey storyWhen I turned sixteen I bought my first car. Oh it wasn’t much and my father put in half of the money and put me on his insurance. I had worked for two years mowing lawns, shoveling snow, and on a rare occasion babysitting my little sister. I knew the value of money and hoarded it for gasoline and going out with my friends. Victoria was thirteen years old and a royal pain in my ass. She was just a little brat and as I found out recently a little thief too.I had been suspecting...

2 years ago
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The Sexual Education BluesChapter 7 Crystal and Woody

After Tiffany and Chuck left, followed by Roberta and Jeff, Crystal gave a sigh and turned to Woody. "You wanted to talk to me. I guess you get your chance." "Don't you think we ought to at least ask them?" commented Woody, gesturing in the direction of Jane and Roger, who were standing, and just looking at each other. "No," said Jane. "It's OK." "Well, then," said Woody, smiling brightly. "Do you want to stop by your room and get your book?" "That wasn't necessary,"...

1 year ago
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Sex With Girlfriend While Her Mom Was Sleeping

Hello friends, this is Bunny from Hyderabad. This is my first story of an experience on ISS and I am a big follower of this site for the past 5 years. So I thought of sharing my real life experience here. I hope I won’t disappoint you guys. First, let me describe myself. I am a good looking guy, 6 ft tall, fair and with 6.5 inches rod to dig beautiful pussies! That’s it and I won’t bore you guys much. So boys, get your rods into your hand and my dear ladies, get ready to finger your beautiful...

3 years ago
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Injustice IIIChapter 12

We awoke in our room at the hotel just after 1000 that morning, Thursday the 28th of January, after four plus additional hours of sleep. Following our morning preparations, we dressed in our traveling clothes before sending our luggage and other things to Jill’s SUV. She had a question before we left the room. “Are we going to eat here before leaving,” she asked. “I don’t believe we would be able to access any of the places along Essex St. this morning, or that we would wish to try. The...

1 year ago
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The Act

By now I am salivating for you from both sets of lips. The living room couch had never looked so enticing, so we started off the classic way, finding your lips with mine, running my thumb over your juicy, plump, delicious lips, then feeling them press against mine. Your toungue rolling over, around and over mine, intense and hard like you want me and I need you. All the while I run my hands over your shoulders, one hand then makes its way under your thin white cotton t-shirt to your chest and I...

2 years ago
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Fun at Home 5

Day 54/14 In morning, when we all awaked, Mala moved in kitchen and prepared breakfast for all. Sheeba came over Jafar’s face and squirted in his mouth. He drank and said, “That is real nectar bhabhi.” Asima came over me, her pubic socked lot of cum last-night, I licked her pubic and enjoyed the dry cum stains. She pissed in my mouth. Then I moved to washroom, Zahira aunty was there and just finished defecate. She stood and tried to wash her asshole. I stopped her, and licked her messy asshole....

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Archaeology Research Yields Ch 03

I appreciate all your feedback and have tried to slow it down a little since that seems to be what a lot of people think. Let me know your ideas and thanks Sorry for the delay. Chapter 3: Practice and Exercise I slept that night like a baby. My dreams swirled with crazy sex dreams that I had never thought about before. I had made a girl my sex pet and she had loved every second of it. What other things would I be able to do with this book and spells? I had decided that unless someone was...

2 years ago
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Cheating Conundrum Part 2

By the time Kathy returned from her run, I had calmed down. I think I did a passable job of pretending that I hadn't just watched a spy camera video of her being vigorously fucked by an enormous meaty cock that was connected to her ostensibly gay friend. We actually had a pleasant day. She couldn't know that every time I looked at her, the pictures that were passing through my mind were both the most painful - and at the same time, erotic - I had ever imagined.The weekend passed and it came...

2 years ago
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Preggo Party

Preggo Party By Boredsitting This a work of fiction and does not represent anyone. It's also quite a lurid story, so only read this if you are an adult. This story has detailed descriptions of sex and pregnancy. I heard so much about these parties. No, not by the usual fliers or message boards. It was the sudden introduction of a new pregnant girl at school. Sometimes it was just a girl that ended up pregnant. A couple of times it was a group. Everyone knew that no one...

3 years ago
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EpigraphyChapter 4 A Candle in the Dark

My resolution to keep an open mind about the journal was under heavy stress. Several "modern grimoires" have been written in modern history; some as hoaxes, others reiterated "spells" from earlier works, or became the foundation of modern sects. The intricate figures and exotic characters made me think it may be a renaissance-era alchemy text. Many of those writings used codes as well as symbols, and allegories to protect the art from the "uninitiated." Still, the language of Colt's...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 59

"New rule, guys." I said when we got back to the hotel in St Tropez. "The trial period is thirty days." "Really?" Zane perked up. "Yeah. Watching you climb the walls is fun, but cruel. And another thing, I'm kind of getting into this fetish thing with you guys, but I don't want it to interfere with money when I get home. I've been letting it get out of hand, and that's my fault. But when we get back, the rule is at home, do what you want so long as I get off on it. In public,...

1 year ago
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Bone Deep

Bone Deep By Cassandra Morgan The bar was crowded, but the big man moved easily through the people. Those around him parted to let him pass. Bone Martin was used to people moving out of his way. Who wouldn't? Bone was 6-5, and weighed 280 pounds. He was dark and menacing, with large arms and big hands. He walked, and the joint scattered. No one wanted trouble with Bone. He glided through the pack of humanity, his eyes locked on a small table in the corner where two other men...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Revealed

Stacy breathed a sigh of relief as the door to her room clicked shut behind her. She knew she had been lucky to get a resident advisor job as a university senior, as most of those jobs were awarded to graduate students. The money was good. Dealing with the problems of freshmen got tedious quickly, though, and she savored the start of some private evening time free of responsibilities.She cast off most of her clothes and smiled as she felt the air on her bare skin. She was fit, healthy, and felt...

3 years ago
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Healing Cousin George 17

Family Bonding - Part 1 The thing about George is when you put an idea in his head then he just goes off and does it. By the following weekend two new farmhands were in place. One older guy just retired who was keen to keep active and although maybe a bit too old for the heavier work he was keen and took on the role of covering most of the driving, collecting supplies etc. The second guy was a late thirty's someone Pete new who was an experienced farm hand who had just moved...

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Skiing Holiday

I took one last run before calling it a day. I enjoyed the sound my skis made cutting through the crust of undisturbed snow along the back trail I always saved for the last run of the day. As I emerged from the trees the sight of the lodge beckoned me. It had been an enjoyable day but it was time to go warm up. When the sun goes down in the high Rockies the air returns to its winter chill. Montana has some nice ski areas and this was one of them. The lodge where we were staying was fairly...

2 years ago
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Crotch Lake Day 1

Day 1—The Drive—SundayWe were two hours into our ten-hour drive from Kentucky to Crotch Lake, Ontario. (Yes, it is a real place. Check Google Earth: 44°52'10.30" N, 76°48'0.37" W.) I had just started my first two-hour turn at the wheel of Ken and Karen’s Escalade, with their twenty-foot runabout in tow. Cindy and I had provided most of the camping gear that filled the boat and most of the Escalade’s cargo space. Ken was riding shotgun. My wife Cindy was sitting behind him, and his wife Karen...

Wife Lovers
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Lisas Confession Sessions Ch 1 Gwen my Babys

1.I was an athletic girl and loved running sports and gymnastics during P.E. at school. The sweat and hard breathing made me feel alive. I was always up for a game of tag-your-it, we actually called it “tagyourit.” I loved being chased around. I loved wearing flowing dresses in the summer. I hated pants so much that I would only wear them if it was cold. At that time, I also hated panties too. I would get into trouble when my mom found out I had no panties on. Once she had my daddy...

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The Lovers

So, you come to my city and we book this room for you.When u arrive we go together to help u freshen uo, your friend/family in the other room.I enter and then u enter and lock the door behind you and pull me close by my waist. I smile n blush asking you to freshen up pehle. But you bury your face into my neck saying you missed me. I pull your face up and kiss you. An Urgent Kiss. A bit un smooth kissing hard, tongues out, exploring each others mouths. We pull apart. Foreheads touching. I tell...

3 years ago
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God of LoveChapter 43 Unexpected

The situation was fantastic, the feeling was out of this world. Having come once before, he managed to keep himself sane enough not to give away what was happening, but the fear still existed. Since he was using both hands to make the piston move, he knew he couldn’t keep it up for long, and moments later, he had to stop reluctantly. An unbelievable thing happened, however. The girl’s head continued to move the same way as before on its own. Surprised, he looked around once more. The...

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Homecoming meal

Jenny stood at the station waiting for the train; her life had felt so empty these last three weeks spending each night alone and then she heard the train pull into the station. As the passengers disembarked she eagerly searched the throng of people looking for Cassie and there at the back was her beloved Cassie and her heart skipped a beat. Cassie was wearing the dress that Jenny loved, a short flowery summer dress she had bought her when they first met four months ago. She herself was wearing...

2 years ago
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An Ingenius Plan

This is my first story and I hope it's good enough for you guys spending some time of your day to read it. :) "Will, is is ready?" I asked impatiently as been waiting for several months to fufil my dream. In the past, men controlled to be with women and broke up some time later, they are going to taste their own medicine. My amazing idea is to build a soul transferring ring and a watch containing mind controlling energy. "Yep, sis, I don't get it why you wanted me to built these". By...

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The Dental PlanChapter 10

It was a scene played out thousands of times over the myriads and epochs of human history, except that it really wasn’t. The grunts, moans, sighs, and gasps of a man thrusting in serious heat with a married woman were a classic trope, even a meme since long before there was social media or even the Internet ... or even computers. Or even printing presses, for that matter. This was the stuff of Arthurian legend, too, of rumors about various medieval kings, of Roman graffiti about consuls and...

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Meinem Mann eine Lehre erteilt

Meinem Mann eine Lehre erteielt.Es war schon Abend und Männe immer noch nicht zu Hause, ein kurzes Telefonat bestättigte meine Vermutung das er mal wieder in der Eckkneipe sahs und Karten spielte.Nur mit Turnschuhen, Leggins und T-Shirt bekleidet ging ich schnell rüber um Ihn zu holen.Er sahs mit 2 Typen am Ecktisch spielte 17+4 und auf dem Tisch lag eine ziemliche Menge Geld.Er fragte mich nur ob ich etwas Geld dabei hätte,da er den Einsatz nicht mehr bringen könnte, aber gerne weiterspielen...

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Here a squirt there a squirt everywhere a squirt

No shit there I was,I was 16. My girlfriend Laura was 15. She had dark black hair, green eyes, size C breasts and beautiful white skin. She was a shy girl, but real cute. I was her first, we fucked for the first time in the back of my '64 Impala parked outside her house while her mom slept. Needless to say we had been dating for a year or two by now. She loved to fuck. We used to ditch class and hang out at her house all day while her mom was at work. We would eat, fuck. eat. fuck, watch TV,...

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sorry if they are some faults but a translate it form my Dutch story It would be very hot on Friday. I had only an informal agreement in Zwolle, so I decided to go after the shower and have breakfast today but in shorts.On the outskirts of Utrecht, I paused to install the TomTom when I saw her.She came with freshly washed blond hair of a kind reception of the Salvation Army walked into an airy pants with a leopard shirt. I was immediately sold. This could not be a hooker? She saw me looking,...

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