Seashells Ch. 04 free porn video

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Copyright @ calibeachgirl

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Thanks to estragon and deepblue…


Chapter 11

‘I should be ashamed of myself,’ Georgia said to herself, in the privacy of her own room. ‘To be attracted to a man, merely because he has.’ She sat down on the edge of the bed. ‘It’s just sinful lust, that’s all,’ she continued, thinking back to that single kiss that stood between them all this time. She wondered what her father would have thought… kissing a white man.

‘I must just keep my distance, that’s all, and I will come to my senses and leave him alone.’ She wanted to believe what she was telling herself but knew it was a lost cause. There was no denying that kiss, as simple as it was. No, that was the wrong word. As wonderful as it was, that was the word. Wonderful…

He had to be a good man, she thought. Why would he go to so much trouble to deceive her, a mere colored girl, when he could have almost any woman he wanted? She was sure that either Liza or Ellen would have gladly gone to his bed. Other than kissing her, he had made no effort to seduce her and if she wished to admit the truth, his behavior was more restrained than her own.

It seemed most likely, she thought, that he never had wished to seduce her and his motives for keeping her there were just what he had said, that he needed the help, her help, to keep the household running.

The thought should have been a comfort to her but in fact, she found it depressing… profoundly depressing. This, more than anything else, served to enlighten her to her own feelings.

‘I’m a fool,’ she said as she finally removed her clothes, got into bed and tried to sleep. She no longer wore her nightdress, finding it too confining, too restricting. Why would he waste his time trying to seduce a colored woman when he could have his pick of any one he wanted, especially now that he had his uncle’s wealth?

The rhythmic ebb and flow of the waves below the house should have lulled her to sleep. In a perfect world this would have invited soft whispers and confidences, romance even. Sometime during the night, her fingers found her dampening warmth.

It was early the next morning when the fattening smell of bacon permeated the house and Georgia found herself strangely, intensely hungry after such a long, deep sleep, a sleep this time without vaguely remembered dreams. Washing quickly, she dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen, where she found Susan and Ellen, both wearing new dresses, putting scrambled eggs into the oven to keep them warm while they anxiously waited for Jack and Bill to finally arrive.

‘Good morning, girls,’ she said, trying to sound cheerful, though strangely tired from her imaginings of the night before.

‘I feel,’ Susan said to her, ‘like I’ve escaped from life-long prison. You can’t imagine how happy I am to be here. I feel like my life has just begun. This is quite the house, isn’t it?’

‘Yes, it is,’ Georgia answered. ‘Yes, it is.’ She looked self-consciously at her own drab dress, and wondered if she should change her clothes before Jack arrived.

She turned, hearing the sound of shoes across the black-and-white checker-board linoleum. ‘There you are,’ he said. ‘I’ve been looking for you.’ She glanced down at the floor, so similar to her existence, so separate and yet so together.

‘Good morning, sir,’ she said, well aware of the other girls so obviously listening in the kitchen, determined not to call him ‘Jack,’ probably ever again.

‘A place this size must certainly take a great deal to run and I am glad that you now have, I hope, enough help to keep it going.’ He searched her face, looking for answer to questions unasked.

‘Yes, sir.’

With his hand on her arm, he pulled her out of the kitchen and into the dining room. ‘Has anyone spoken to these girls about their salary? I don’t know what you told them and I should have asked about that yesterday.’ They both knew that wasn’t why he was still holding her arm, gently yet firmly, so tightly that she couldn’t leave, didn’t want to leave and yet couldn’t stay.

‘No, sir, I haven’t and neither did Mr. Doyle. They were so happy to leave the orphanage that they never asked and I just forgot to bring it up.’ How could she have made such a mistake? It could be embarrassing… it WAS embarrassing how she had let him down in such a simple task. What was he thinking?

Bill appeared in the doorway, breaking the tension. ‘Breakfast is ready,’ he said, ‘and it smells pretty good.’

Her feelings for Jack created more problems than she wanted to admit. After breakfast, Susan approached her while Liza was washing the dishes. ‘Is there something I should know?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I’ve seen how he and you look at each other. I don’t want to create any problems, is all.’

Was that a smirk she saw on the girl’s face? ‘Uh, no, of course not. What problems?’ Georgia inquired, worried now. It was hard enough living here with him without this.

Susan smiled. She didn’t believe the woman, no matter how much she might have protested. It remained to be seen, though, what would come of it. The idea of marriage was impossible for them. However, that did not preclude the man taking Georgia for his mistress. Would she, as a potential wife, be able to accept that her husband had a mistress, a colored one at that? She looked at Georgia. It was something to think about, something to think about, indeed.

Chapter 12

Liza, Betty and Catherine settled into the routine housework, working easily together despite their initial misgivings. By working as a team, not only did the work go faster with each girl responsible for the same things in each room, but being able to talk together made the day pleasant. Betty and Catherine had grown up with the Sisters, who told them work was a form of prayer and therefore, to be done quietly. Liza, on the other hand, loved to sing and soon had her new companions accompanying her as each morning progressed.

Susan and Ellen stayed in the kitchen and that became their domain, their kingdom. Susan, with her ability to read well, started working her way through the cookbook and each day was an experiment, perfecting a dish for everyone’s enjoyment or realizing that it wasn’t going to work, no matter what. There was a new entrée every day, and the ones no one cared for were crossed out in the book.

Ellen put all her efforts into biscuits, rolls, breads, cakes and pies, finding herself covered with a perpetual dusting of flour.

Bill made ice cream once a week, using the raspberries from the vines growing near the house. He had already talked to Jack about planting cherry trees for pie and ice cream.

‘We need,’ he said, ‘to start planting some tomato plants, maybe fifty or so. You know, there’re eight people living here and we need to start preparing for winter by canning some food. There’s going to be times when the food deliveries aren’t going to make it here on time because of the weather.’

‘I can see your point. Want to take care of it?’ Jack smiled at his friend, wondering just how much Bill was willing to do.

‘Sure. I can see myself now: the gentleman farmer.’ Bill laughed. ‘You know, with eight people here, we’re going to need another car or maybe a truck.’

‘I’ve been thinking the same thing. Tell you what… let’s go into Monterey and take a look. Maybe a car and a truck. The Model T is getting along in years and we could definitely use a truck around here.’

‘Great. When do you want to go?’

‘How about tomorrow? A trip like that’s going to take all day.’

‘OK, I’ll tell Georgia, we’ll leave after breakfast.’

‘You’re bringing her along?’ He looked at his friend, wishing he could read his mind.

‘Yeah, I thought I’d give her a chance to get out of here, maybe take her to the cinema, you know.’

‘What’s going on with you two?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘You know, you two. Now you want to take her to a picture show.’

‘There’s nothing going on.’ Jack’s face reddened. ‘Just be ready to go.’

Later that morning, Jack approached her. ‘Georgia, I’d like you to start teaching the girls that can’t read. We’ve plenty of books here. They need to be able to read.’

The girls learned, that afternoon, that for the other four hours, after they had finished with their housework, were to be given books to read and expected to discuss them at dinner. They were still surprised that everyone ate together at dinnertime. It was not what they had expected when they had climbed into the Ford for the long drive back to Windcliff.

That evening, after dinner, Jack was listening to the radiola, hoping to hear the San Francisco Opera.

‘Stupid thing,’ he said, giving the set a rap.

‘What’s the matter?’ asked Bill, coming into the room with a plate of cookies.

‘There’s too much static for some reason. It was clear earlier and now, I can hardly hear anything.’

The signal waxed and waned as Jack tried to tune the station in. ‘This is ridiculous. I give up.’ He turned the set off. ‘Gimme one of those oatmeal cookies, will you?’

‘Ellen’s doing a good job with the baking. I’ve gained five pounds since I’ve come here.’ He patted his stomach.

‘Better watch out. Trying to stay in shape isn’t all that easy. We’re mostly just sitting around during the day and of course, at night, well.’

‘Tell you what. We’ll get those tomato plants you’ve been talking about and put them into the ground. That ought to be good for something.’ Jack looked at his own stomach. ‘I don’t know why I haven’t gained any weight.’

‘Ah, shut up, Jack. You’re just lucky, that’s all. Where is everybody, anyway?’

‘I don’t know. Maybe they’re in their bedrooms reading. I hope so. I know that Susan has been reading through that cookbook. She asked me for some more.’

‘Maybe she’s trying to show you what a good wife she could make.’ Bill laughed and then stopped, wondering how close to the truth he was. Could it be possible, he wondered. But didn’t she know it was unlikely Jack would be interested in the cook?

Georgia lay in the bed, her arm across her eyes. She needed his touch and his arms around her and she knew it wouldn’t happen… it couldn’t happen… it never would happen. Turning on her side, she opened her eyes. The moonlight shining through the bedroom’s windows kept her awake. She could sense he wasn’t asleep, either.

Her heart won out. She pulled the covers aside and slowly sat up. Her hands were damp and she wiped them nervously across her thighs. She pulled on her robe and left the room.

Jack heard his bedroom door creak open and moved his head slightly, aware of the noise. His heart began to beat a little harder in his chest. The moonlight coming in through his own windows highlighted her coming into the room.

‘Georgia?’ His voice was like a low, rumbling thunder in the room. His covers fell away and exposed his naked upper body as he sat up. Now, with his hand resting on the side of the mattress, he studied her face.

She was trying hard to be brave and tried to speak. Opening her hands helplessly, she forced herself to look directly at him. ‘I…’ she started to say and then ran from the room.

Back in her own room, in her own bed, her tear-filled eyes belied her attempt not to cry. She had tried so hard to be brave, to love him.

Before she could see him, he had moved into her room and settled down beside her. A sigh escaped her as the warmth of his near-naked body brushed against her arm. She felt the strength of his embrace as he drew her toward him. A small cry of relief left her lips and she turned and moved fully, completely, into his awaiting embrace. It was so easy to surrender once she had silenced her screaming mind, which told her she was a fool twice over.

‘Just let me hold you… if only for a little while,’ he whispered, holding her against him. Shutting his eyes, he pressed his lips to her damp hair and she surrendered effortlessly to him. She slid her arms around him, her cheek pressed between his neck and his shoulder. The feel of her soft but firm breast against his flesh, separated only by the thin barrier of her robe, made him tremble in anticipation.

‘Just let me hold you…’ he whispered again and began to gently rock her back and forth in his arms. He wanted the tension to leave her body as he held her tightly to him. And then, suddenly, she turned from him, crying. ‘I can’t,’ she said, tears flowing down her face. He still held her, moving his hand over her hair, telling her it would be all right and when she finally fell asleep, he left and went back to his own room to think about what had happened.

The next morning, Jack was standing at the kitchen door. ‘Come on,’ he said. ‘I don’t want to spend the whole time waiting around.’ Georgia hurried out the door and sat in the back seat of the Ford. ‘Damn it, Bill, hurry up, will you?’

‘Mr. Crawford, I made you some sandwiches for your trip.’

‘Why, thank you, Susan. That’s very considerate of you.’ Jack took basket and walking to the door, turned quickly, only to be met by Susan’s moist lips. She kissed his cheek and hurried back to the kitchen before he could say anything.

Jack put his fingers to his cheek, now blushing bright red as he watched the girl retreat into the house. What brought that on? he wondered.

‘Gonna stand around all day?’ asked Bill. ‘I thought you were in a hurry to go?’

‘Ah, shut up.’

The ride to Monterey took several hours and they didn’t arrive until just before noon.

‘I understand they’re going to pave this road. Then it won’t take so long to go anywhere.’ Jack felt the steering wheel twist in his hands.

‘That would be great, especially on my back.’

‘Let’s stop for lunch and then go to the automobile dealer. I think we’ll get both a car and a truck. Right now, it’s impossible for all of us to go anywhere together. There’s just not enough room.’

After a lunch of fried fish and potatoes, they went to the dealership and Jack bought another Model T car and a stake-bed truck. Bill said he would drive one back and the dealer said he would have the truck delivered the next morning.

‘Bring a couple hundred tomato plants with it, will you? Here, this ought to cover it,’ he said, handing the man twenty-five dollars.

As Bill drove away in the new automobile, Jack turned to Georgia and said, quietly, ‘We need to talk.’

She could only nod her head and he drove the automobile south along the coast road until he found a secluded place to park.

‘About last night,’ he started to say when she leaned into his arms and crying, kissed him.

‘Jack…’ was all she could say as he kissed her back. ‘I don’t…’ she couldn’t continue. What was she doing? She was doomed, she knew and didn’t care. ‘I love you, Jack.’

‘I love you, too, Georgia.’ His mind wasn’t functioning at all, his heart, which was beating rapidly, was guiding him now. He grappled with his emotions. Trying to listen to the wisdom in his head, and not the emotions that were moving wildly through him was impossible.

Georgia sighed. How good he felt to her. She nestled more deeply into his arms and savored the strength he held her with. He was strong yet held her gently, as if she were a fragile crystal that might break. She felt safe. The idea circled her aching heart and made it soar with a joy that thrummed through her as she felt his warm, moist breath on her cheek.

‘Better?’ he asked.

She nodded, unable to speak. Reaching up, she slid her hand his roughened jaw in response. Words were useless now. Instead, she enjoyed the safety of his embrace and the gentleness that she had hoped from him. Just touching him in such an intimate way… a wonderful warmth spread throughout her lower body.

gia marveled at her body, it seemed to have a will of its own. A wonderful hot sensation throbbed through her abdomen and like the light of a million stars, fingers of pleasure began to move upward through her to her face and downward to her toes. She unconsciously pressed her lips to his as her fingers trailed down his jaw to his neck.

Jack didn’t know what to do. He knew what he wanted to do, but was it wise? Was it moral? Was it the right thing to do? Her touches were awakening feelings for her. Should he make love to her? That was what she was asking in the way she was touching him. His skin burned where her lips traced a path across his face. Her fingertips reached down and held him. There was no mistaking what Georgia was asking of him now. He closed his eyes and shuddered as she pressed herself more insistently against his chest. He felt himself hardening to such a degree that it was almost painful. He wanted her… all of her. In his heart, he knew that loving her was the most right thing in the world at that moment… but, he knew it had to be her choice. She had to initiate that choice, not him. And whatever it took, he had to go slowly, not make any moves that might destroy her, but it was a personal hell to sit there quietly with her in his arms as she slowly reached out to him in so many silent, satisfying ways. He had never been more afraid in his life as that moment. One wrong move, one wrong decision and she would be lost to him forever.

She felt him tense as she moved her fingers from his pants to his face. She was lost in a joyful haze. There were no words, nothing that she could say to him. Each time she touched him, pressed a small, exploratory kiss here, one there, on his now damp, tense flesh, it was heaven. She had no idea if she was making a mistake, she was simply driven by the spreading warmth that throbbed in her lower body and the yearnings of her heart, which cried out to him.

Rubbing her cheek against his neck, she sought refuge in the joy that moved through her each time she touched him. Sighing, she closed her eyes and continued to trace the rest of his arm. There was so much dark hair covering his forearm that she smiled a little to herself. Her hand unbuttoned his shirt and went inside. His chest was covered by a thick carpet as well, and as her fingers touched him he drew in a deep, ragged breath.

He sat in the automobile, afraid to move as she touched him, exploring his body and as her fingers glided across his, he gently threaded his fingers between hers. She was exploring him like a wide-eyed child. He knew that she would have to initiate everything, she was that important to him. She had lost whatever fear she had had and when she was done, she moved back to her side of the seat.

He sat there, his breath coming in ragged gasps and he couldn’t think clearly. He gripped the wheel tightly, holding his eyes closed, not wanting to face the world and lose the fantasy that had become real.

It was a quiet drive back to Monterey.

‘Wait here,’ he said, going into the hotel by himself to get a room for the night. A while later he returned with a room key. ‘I promised to take you to a picture show and the ‘Phantom of the Opera’ is playing at the Orpheum and then we can have dinner.’

The film was scary enough, with Chaney playing the scarred man hiding in the bowels of the city, holding the girl enthralled. Georgia wondered if that was what she was: a girl enthralled by the chains of his charm.

Dinner at the hotel was a blur, even more so than the picture show. She had no memory of what she ate, let alone how it tasted. He left money on the table and they took the elevator to the fifth floor. They passed a porter carrying some bags to another room and he looked at them. Seeing Georgia’s fine clothing, he was at a loss for words, as if he were to speak to a guest without permission, not knowing what she was… a prostitute… a mistress… what?

She said nothing about the single room, not even asking if it had two beds. It was as if her entire life was leading up to this night.

She walked into the room to the window overlooking the street, watching without seeing, listening without hearing. All she saw was him and all she heard was her own heartbeat, pounding now louder and louder and louder.

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Oh Damn

Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically dialogue phonetically since I have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies and you will catch on. Ah were stroking mah crotch sausage when Maw come in follered by a bearded dude in overalls. Ah could tell she were drunk. Ah hated it when she got the ideer tew go tew the bar fer entertainment. Too often she brung home some new dude tew fuck. Hardly...

1 year ago
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Jacuzzi jerk off

A couple times a week I do water aerobics at a fitness center. And for months I've noticed this guy who swims laps. He's about 40 yrs old, with a nice body. He wears one of those tight swimmers suit. Not the bikini kind, it covers what shorts would cover, just skin tight. Their is no hiding the bulge. You can see his cock lays to the left. After my class I usually sit in the Jacuzzi for a while. One day we happen to pass each other on the pool deck. I don't wear my bikini to aerobics but with...

2 years ago
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Sex with my Brother for the first time

Sex with my Brother for the first time I am the middle among my family, one older brother and one younger sister.I was young by then, I did not feel asleep, it was getting late but I heard some noises coming out of my mom and dad’s room. I tried to listen it was more of moans and very low sounds. I opened my room door, it was dark outside in the hall. I was in my bra and panties only so I put on a long shirt and walked out on the tips of my toes trying to figure out what was going on. My...

2 years ago
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Eight Whores for Denver

PROLOGUE We were making love in our first-class cabin when we felt the faintest “bump.” She whispered, “Nearly there!!” and I returned to the task at hand. Then, there was a rap on the cabin door. A voice said, “All passengers are to report to the boat deck. It’s the captain’s orders.” We were wearing nothing but frustrated frowns. So, I only partially opened the door and said, “It’s the middle of the night. Why the devil does the captain want us on the boat deck?” The steward was standing in...

3 years ago
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We were seated just moments ago in a corner booth in the darkened restaurant. The waiter has arrived with wine, showed me the label, and poured a taste. As I sniff the wine, which exudes a rich aroma, her foot brushes against my leg beneath the table. I glance up at her before approving the wine. The waiter pours us each a glass and steps away.As I am reading the menu, selecting an entree, her foot once again brushes my calf, but then slides up into my lap. Glancing down, I see her pink-painted...

Quickie Sex
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Special Report

I stepped out the shower and felt my warmed feet touch the cold tile floor. The steam had fogged up the mirror, so I had to wipe it away with a towel. There I was. Gwen DiAngelo. My Italian mother gave me my massive chest: heavy and firm, Triple D, and swollen with pride, and an accent that took all my years of college to break. My Russo-Polish father didn't help since his family gave me large puffy nipples, pouty lips, and wavy red hair. My body, I've been told, is to die for. Narrow waist,...

4 years ago
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Playing wth a huge cock

Yesterday we had one of those experiences you never forget.We had read on the internet about a palce North of Cardiff which has a reputation for where people have sex outdoors and where a lot of dogging takes place. According to the web sites it happens during the day as well as at night.We decided to drive to the area to see if it was true. As we knew we were going to a woodland area Mrs V could not wear a dress. She wore jeans. Under her jeans she put on a pair of seamed, black hold ups but...

2 years ago
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Jogging IS fun

Jogging IS funThis happened about 7 years ago.The gym Jill normally goes to for her keep fit etc two or three times a week had shut down for six weeks for a refit and Jill was standing in the kitchen and wondering what to do. I suggested she could go for a jog round our woods to get her fix. Not quite the same as her tread mill but better than nothing and it was summer time. She agreed and went and got changed into her little button front brushed cotton crop top with no bra and her little white...

2 years ago
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Married White Slut

This story has send me by a friend. I had made slight changes to make it interesting and with her permission i am publishing it. Hope u would like it…It had been a long day at my new job as a receptionist for Angelino Cosmetics. A long day in a week of long days after my husband had been laid off from his high paying job at General Motors. Word had it that the lay-off was only temporary, and would last no longer than it took to retool the plant for the new models. But with us living from...

1 year ago
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Michael and Ellen the next time

She thought about it all as she drove home. The first thing she saw in her mind was that cock of his and its size but Ellen still could not believe she let herself offer her cousin to slide it inside her. But boy, when it went in her it felt soooo good. Yes it did. That cock, as thick and big boned as it was when it was hard, it felt great! And Ellen could not believe she had asked for it to be put inside her but she did. A few hours earlier she and her cousin had had actually done it with one...

2 years ago
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The next night at the motel

After the first night I serviced my roomie he couldn't wait to get to the hotel. All job long he would drop subtle hints. Kept talking about how stressed he was and wished he was home to burn some of it off. I kept up the charade of saying the same things. 29 hours after we started the job we finally were done and headed for the hotel. I took a shower first and called the other guys to go get some food. By the time he came out of the shower I was already in the lobby. He seemed pissed...

2 years ago
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Bad SeedChapter 2

After 3 years I finally continue this story Wren stepped from the sonic shower feeling completely refreshed. “I hope that the offers are still coming in Trigon.” She spoke to her ship’s A.I. “At present there have been no new offers.” Trigon replied. Wren sighed as she sat to eat. Opening up her comp she nodded approvingly at the eight hundred thousand credits she had siphoned from the Grontec, Baroton’s account. Skipping to the next page she again nodded at the two million she had drawn...

1 year ago
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Boys night out

I was mid twenties and lived next door to a couple she was a year older than me and Tim was about five years older we started going for a drink at the local pub every Sunday and sometimes in the week. The landlord at the pub said to tim and I he had arranged a stag trip to a local strip club including coach transport. We agreed to go and Gill his wife said OK provided she could do the Hen night one. The night came and we walked to end of Road and boarded the coach for half hour trip. The club...

Cheating Wifes
2 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 8

Joe slid his little sports coupe into the dorm parking lot and scanned the area for Selena. Just as he parked the car he saw 2 girls round the corner, one being Selena. Upon seeing Joe she ran in mid sentence to meet him. Without even having a chance to get out of the car her lips were on his, kissing him. "Oooo I just had to get my lips on yours. God, I can't wait to hold you. Let me dash upstairs and I'll be right back." Selena said, barely taking time to breath. She ran from the car...

4 years ago
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He needed my Ass Badly

I chat with guys online all the time. I have a girlfriend i'm bi-sexual but she doesn't know. She think I'm only into women. I'm feminine. so is my girlfriend. I've been doing this for over two years. Just chat with guys all over the world. 99percent of them are trying to get me to take off my clothes. I do most of the time. Just to see what they would do. It's a lot of fun. I let my best friend Irene send her brother a picture of me. She told him he NEVER have a chance with me...

1 year ago
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50 Shades Ofthe Sauna Blues

A (partly) fictional story Not long ago I went for a visit to Europe, mainly Scandinavia, and also I had to spend some time in Finland. I got to experience the different kinds of sauna's they have. I loved it, not just because of the sauna itself but also the sauna design. It doesn't have to be a small room without windows and waiting until your time is up. Round rooms, square ones, lazy benches, nice windows from which a beautiful view of the frozen forest, a place to put your drink,...

2 years ago
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Holly Valance ndash Driving Ms Valance

Holly Valance – Driving Ms ValanceI had been in Australia for around three weeks now to visit my uncle who had emigrated from England in 1975. This was my second visit having come across with my parents aged 9. But when I managed to save enough money I decided to pack my bags and book a month off work to visit my uncle on my own. My uncle ran a great taxi rank in the heart of Melbourne and had built it up from scratch and ran some of Australia’s biggest celebrities all over the city for over 12...

2 years ago
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Brady Bunch Story Challenge Past Ass Brady PhasesThats CrazyChapter 4

I do not own the show The Brady Bunch, or any of the characters, as they belong to CBS and their studio partners. This is a work of fiction, a parody and contains a firm spanking of an adult, nineteen year-old male by his angry stern coach and person life instructor who has caught Greg taking his ‘ butt watching hobby to an unacceptable level where there are complaints and he might be expelled. A blown play after winning was side-stepped by his backfield in motion eying his own tight end...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 590

The Prison Planet While working on construction jobs, Morales had frequently been a floater, or fill in, or flunky, whatever the boss or his immediate supervisor decided to call him at the time. However, he had managed to learn quite a few things while employed at the construction company. Sometimes he pulled wire for an electrician, or mixed mud and brought bricks for a bricklayer, put up drywall, unloaded trucks, on and on, whatever the boss needed him to do that day or that week. He had...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City GirlChapter 38

The next few months went by in a blur. Studying for and taking final exams, finalizing plans for my last summer break, and then my new life come August. Linda and I made several calls to Kim and her parents to narrow down our stay. We had decided that the last week of June and the first week of July would be best, which would give us about a week and a half not counting drive time. Then right before graduation it was the seven of us going to the Memorial Day convention near LAX. This time I...

3 years ago
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The Best Threesome

The afternoon when I received a call to reach Ranaji’s farmhouse I was waiting for it. I was dressed in my best see thru black saree and sleeveless blouse that accentuated my firm a bit heavy breasts and the saree was wrapped so tight that the shape of my buttocks was inviting too. I had shaved my thighs and arms today itself and even my chut. Now I was getting ready to go to Ranaji and get thoroughly fucked by him. The driver was giving me lusty glances as he drove me to Ranaji’s farmhouse and...

1 year ago
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Done by Choice

Would you believe it that what I am about to tell was done by choice. Really it was a queer find, me finding a coke bottle painted pink and having a cork plugged into the neck of it, when I removed the cork, low and behold there came a cute as sexy very feminine a Genie. Commonplace to what is thought of a Genie, she was elated to being set free from her bottle, and was willing to grant me three wishes. As asked, she suggested her fancy was for making middle-aged men like me to looking like...

4 years ago
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Nikis DescentChapter 3 A Poor Choice

Max watched her with greedy eyes as she returned, looking over her young, freshly cleaned body with a smirk, his cock growing hard once more as she came closer. “Hurry up my dirty little pet” he commanded. As she came closer he rehooked the leash and pulled her down so that she came down into his lap. Max pet her hair softly and tugged on the leash once more to pull her into a deep kiss, his tongue pushing into her mouth as he continued to pet her. His now rock hard cock smacked against her...

1 year ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 85 The Bull

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

2 years ago
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Neha Seduced Her Cousin

Hi ISS readers I’m Neha and I am new to ISS I’m huge fan of ISS from so many days I want to share my experience to anyone but it’s not possible due to help of ISS, here I am sharing with you my true experience. My cousin has encouraged me to share my experience. I’m Neha from Pune and only 18 years old girl and very fair, 5 feet 4 inch height and having a very sexy body. I have too big boobs. My size is 34 28 34 in my school also everybody is looking my boobs only I was seen too many porn...

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Watching neighbor

It was a foggy day when I went in to work and after I did my shift it was after 11 and it seemed I was the last one to leave the parking lot had no other cars, which was not unusual when I opened my car I noticed the dome light didn't come on and I then realized I had left my lights on and my battery had run totally dead. I had no money to call for a tow, and no one was around to get a jump from, So I just said "FUCK IT" and took off to walk the ½ mile home. I was in the area near my house when...

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Recluse and GhostChapter 60

I called the butcher Monday morning to see how many of the Angus he wanted at a time. I told him that I had at least a dozen that were ready and looked good. He told me to bring in two a day this week, but that it would be okay if I couldn't make it on Friday since that was his second heaviest retail day. He made the comment that he was able to handle a lot more stock than he had previously now that both of his sons were working with him full time. We had placed the mature Angus that were...

3 years ago
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The Angry Whore Book 2Chapter 6 Confrontation

1 November, 1686 Night Isabel entered the tavern where she had spent a year of her life in misery, fear and humiliation with the utmost coolness and composure of demeanor with Aba walking silently in at her heels, and then Aba positioned himself off to one side well in the shadows where he wouldn't be easily seen. The space within was just as she remembered it, depressing, filthy, and very dark, being lighted only by the doorway, two large slatted windows in the front and a single lantern...

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My ex the Utah story

Like many divorced people I don’t have much time for my ex, our divorce was unpleasant, long, expensive, her acrimoniousness attitude and real desire to cripple me financially seemed to be her primary motivation despite the fact that we had kids to deal with, college to plan for and, like most middle class people, not enough money. The divorce took several years and was final a few years ago but we still have no relationship or communication beyond what’s necessary for the kids. I’m OK with...

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Sues First Visit

The first of my UK friends to visit me in Spain was Sue, we have been friends since I was 15 and she was 17, we met because I was at school with her brother, my best friend.I picked her up from the airport as agreed and I had some light tapas prepared for when we got back to my place as it would be after 10 in the evening. Not a problem if you are used to the Spanish way of life but if you’ve just flown over from the UK it’s a little different.I showed her to her room, showed her where her...

3 years ago
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Martha Space MadamChapter 28 Losing My Touch

Martha first realised that Jacqui was doing more than expected when Karl started booking her in two hour slots several times a week. Checking the 3V during one of these sessions, Martha was horrified to see that Karl was using a whip which he had brought with him on Jacqui. Karl had already made a series of a dozen or so weals across her back at an angle which showed they were inflicted from one side. As Martha watched Karl moved to the other side of the bed and started again. CRACK! The...

1 year ago
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Im Pissed and Hell Pay

“Lori honey, could you get me another beer?” We were watching a television movie, Lori was sitting beside me on the sofa, she got up and brought me a Becks. I like my beer from a glass not a bottle. The glass I’d used was on the cocktail table. “Ah Jeez Lori, I need a fresh glass,” I like a frosty mug, they’re in the freezer. Lori went back to the kitchen and fetched a glass. I guess I could have gotten my own beer; I was as close as she was but that’s not how things work in our household. Like...

2 years ago
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Deepa Aunty In Blue Saree Part 1

Hi readers this is Ashok writing my first story. I am an aunty fan and the most tempting thing for me is aunty navel, especially when aunty removes pallu. Our family moved to an apartment when I was on ninth standard. I am the only son of my parents; father is a businessman, and my mother a housewife. Our neighbours were Telugu people a widow and her son named Suresh. After some time Suresh married Deepa, a Telugu native from Chennai. Deepa is my crush and heroine of the story and myself...

3 years ago
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But Honey It Was Only a Dance Lindas Story

Sequel to; "But honey, it was only a dance." Linda tells her story to a friend. Note: There is no sex in this story To all the readers who asked that the questions be answered, thank you. But honey, it was only a dance The sequel Another Chicago winter was history. Today was the first real day of spring. As Linda walked outside she could smell the fresh, clean morning air. She remember the sound of spring rain on the roof as she and her husband made love the night before and how it...

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The Divine comedy Part 2 No prizes for second place1

******************************************************************************* Author’s note – This one is a long one, I considered breaking it into two separate chapters but couldn’t find a way to make that work and still flow. I also know that this was the chapter in which the main plot was to be revealed but the story hasn’t allowed for that yet. I promise the big reveal will come in Chapter 3. As with all my stories, this one is longer on plot than it is on sex, the good stuff only...

3 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 31 ZOOphilia Part 5

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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