- 4 years ago
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After weeks apon weeks of torment harasshing an mistreatment of micke james by mcsheel mccool an layla it was time for mickie james to finally get a messure of revenge as she would get her shot at mickie james tite at the 2010 royal rumble
Upon coming to SmackDown in late 2009 by way of the tri-brand Divas trade,
Women’s Champion Michelle McCool has made Mickie James’ life miserable
• Michelle and Layla viciously cut Mickie’s ring attire with a pair of scissors.
• In Michelle’s personalized version of “Old McDonald” the nickname “Piggy James” was spawned.
At Survivor Series, James earned a measure of revenge when Team Mickie defeated Team Michelle in a Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match.
Then, despite a valiant effort from Mickie, Michelle came out on top at WWE TLC.
In 2010, Michelle never let up.
• After Mickie was beaten up in a match with Beth Phoenix on SmackDown, Michelle and Layla finished the job with an even more vicious assault.
• At a SmackDown going away party, Mickie was smashed in the face with A pig shaped cake, beaten and covered in punch.
as heat went off the air it ended with a promo feturing mickie james an our two
resident mean girls during this promo mcshel mchcool an layla did the typical
piggy james routine saying how she was fat an they where going to win tonight at
the royal rumble 'the same old same old'
though somthing interesting did happen
before the promo ended maria came out an siad. you know you like to come down
here an make fun of mickie an call her a pig an say she fat or can't wrestle as
good as you?
well for the past couple of mounths you've made mickie's life a liveing hell
infact you made her life a night mare.
Well i think it's time that me an mickey make you'r life a night mare tonight a
very painfull embarassing night mare!
an seeing as how it's about valentine's day you know that magical time of year where love is in the air?
I think it's time that we show you the kind of love you shown mickie.
so we've got A little surprise for you some what of A a present to help show that love an what we thank of you
Infact I think it's time that me an micke show you what we as well as all of these pepole think about you 'small cheer follow's
then her music played an she left an as she left layla an mchcool where still laughing some but she also left a some what confused look on there face
as the 2010 royal rumble began j.r an king began talking about the matchs an
running down the match card
as the Evening progress the time came for the match between Mchcool an Mikie
in A short interveiw michail cole ask mickie james how she fell she siad well I
fell great because I know that i'm beutiful!
so you know what cole you don't need to be asking me how I fell infact the only
person you need to be asking that to is mchsheel mchcool after I get done with
her skinny ass tonight.
because through it all i'm doing this great.
but i can promise you this much cole i don't know or care how she's felling but
after my match with her tonight she will never ever be the same again
Following that statment mccool an layla atack mickie from behind an mcshell mchcool siad you like talking about me huh "piggy" JAMEZ well will see if you'r talking after our match want we
lalya said see you in the ring.an they walk away an as they where walking away mickie seem to have small smile on her face
as mchcool enter the ring king siad look at that on look up on the titan tron...
j.r said well that layla king said look an that's maria. maria was yelling insult's at layla an layla ran after her an follow her in to a dark storage room an some one atacked her from behind.
mchcell was in the ring looking on with confussion at what was happening
then mickie jamez music hit an she got a huge pop from the crowd they cheered relly loud an she skiped to the ring in her sighnture school girl skirt an acidentaly revealed a litle camel toe
as the match began mickie took at straight to mchcell stomping her in the turn
bukles an then running in to mchsheel boot but micking then agian quilckly
counter it by siting up on the turn buckles an wrapping her thick smoth legs an
thigh's around mchcools head an giving her a hurricaneranna a litle while latter
mchshell regain the advantige by kicking mickie right in the cunt an then
psycotacly laughing about it.
she then got her in a head lock but mickie nearly power out of it as pepole
started clapping an chanting let's go mickie but mchcool then pulled by the hair
an threw her down to the matt
then on the titian trone it showed maria tied up in a chair
as mchcool look on mick rolled her up for the pinn she pulled tights so far you could see a litle crack
as the match progress mchshell got mickie james a bronco buster then she pulled her tight's down revealing her thong as she went to give mikie a stink face forcing mickie to kiss her ass
mikie bite bite her ass an than mickie kicked mchshell in the head an pinned her but mchcool barley kicked out at two as that happen beth phenoix started to walk down the ramp mcchool thought she was there to help her instead she waited till mchsheel had the advantge to interfere mchcool hit her finnister an beth interfered hiting mchcool with a monsterous close line before mchsheel could pin her an went back stage
then mickie hit a DDT on mchcool an nearly got the three before mickie kicked out
the out came phenoix agian with lalya tied to some sort of chair that look like a cross between a gynocolist chair an a barbra chiar the match continue for a lilte then maria came out on the ramp an as mchcool look on mikie jamez got up an kicked her in the head pin her an got the three
king... hey look thats maria up on the stage hey look shes got a microphone in
her hand
J.R... well i guess maby she got somthing to say i don't know
KING... stop talking j.r lets listion
J.R... fine you'r majasty
Maria siad hey mchcool I know I siad I had a surprise for you tonight AN I do but you know me an mickie was thinking what do you get the two bitchs who have nearly every thing
we thought maby a soul but I don't know where you would get one of those I mean do you know you should since you like destroying them so much but never mind all that
so i was thinking you two "DIVAS" like to stay up on the curent trend's don't you?
mchcool wispher under her breath yeah so what
well we know what to do what get some on like you
you like plastic surgery don't you well i can see by looking at you that clearly
you do mr's botox
the camra change to mchcool she look confused
well you heard of Labiapalsty haven't you
as the camra change back to mchcool that look of confusion she had quicly turn to fear she still seem litle confused as to what they where getting at even though deep down she knew all to well
oh you still look a litle confused you know this new trend of women going out getting there labia trimed what they like desighna vaginas
as the camra change back to mchsheel mchcool shook her head in fear an strug wisping no I don't know
with a smirk she siad yip that it that exactly what they are
an you she me an mickie decided to get you a desighna vagina
wh'ere going to give you A circumcision mchcell mchcool siad give me a microphone an siad a litle shy at first siad no thanx that seems like a great gift but i don't need a desighna vagina since i like it the way it is an all mickie the camra change to mickie who was standing on the orther side of the ring she siad voice that seem low because she did not have a microphone i like my body just the way it is to
than maria siad well that's ok where going to give you one any way's
than mchsheel mchcool got mad an the real bitch inside kind of started to come out an she siad look there is no fucking way you an that fat pigg is giving me a circumcision
an maria siad oh yeah wanna bet?
an beth went up the ramp in to the ring
an mchcool try to run but mickie block from getting out of the ring then she ran the orther way an beth phenoix catch her she try to fight beth but beth hit her an then hit the glam slam on her
they then dragged mchshell mchcool up the ramp to where layla was tied up an the chiar of vaginal toture which was exactly like a regula barber chair acept with a thing like you would see no a bed in the docters ofice to allow women to put there feet up durring a gynacollagy exam acept there was a big space in between it
they than sit her in the chair an than they place eace foot on the break like part of the chair an straped her ankles to it they then put it in recline mode an it made her lay back with her legs spred egal
she was now ready to be circumcised
maria siad oh don't worry where get to you'r litle freind over there in A little while right now you'r the center of atention in a cramed pack columseum an on pay per veiw an with million's watching going to give you a make over you'r never forget
so beth phenox gave a razor to nurse maria an she slowley cut down the front of her top she then siad piss you'r self what siad mchshell maria then quickly replyed piss you'r self or i will cut off you'r nipple she strained an in a few seconds her tight's an thong where stain an she had urion coming out of her tights mchshell was so embarissed she had pissed her self on national tv
than maria slowley cut down the side of mchcools tights she then pulled the tights out from under her she then cut down the center of mchcool thong as the razzer was littery a hiar way from mchcools bare cunt she than pulled her thong out from under her tight firm ass mchshell mchcool could not beleive it her pussy was exposed for every to see
her pussy was compleatly shaven it was a litle red from it her labia was like velvet red an just barly poked out of her smoth pussy mound
nurse maria then handed the razzer to mickie who expertly an with great skill begun the circumcision
but first mickie pinch mchcools labia to make sure she was aleart an could feel all of it
then she began circumcising her
it was like gutting a fish
mchools eye open wide an her toes started to wiggle an cringe
then when she finish they did the exact same thing to layla an yes scary spice was differntly scared an with good reason
when she finish circumcising them she patted there pussy's an siad ok i let you keep you'r klittys an you'r hoods but if you ever make fun of me agian i'm going to rip out you'r overies
hmm siad mickie to maria she got some nice hair ain't she yeah it's all blond an every thing maria smiled A litle an siad let shave it off mcshell siad save what off then in that fack anoying southern accent she said NO NOT MY HAIR!
mickie got a elitric razor out from the box where she got the razzor they circumcised them with then beth phenoix held mchshells mchcools head back an mickie started shaving her head
an with in seconds those golden blond locks where off an laying on the floor with her labia an the razor she used was so russty it nearly scalped her an an before you knew it this dumb blond head was not only as empty as her newly circumcised cunt it was all so as bald
the camra turn to the anoucer's
king Oh my god what have we wittnes here to night J.R
J.R I'll tell you'r KING I think we just saw the pig nearly steralize the farmer.
as the night progress we learn that TNA has bought out WWE
before the show went off the air the camra turn to the anoucers on more time
KING wow what A show
J.R boy i tell you'r we saw A first to night orton was crown new world champion after he kicked cenas head in to the crowd the NWO Invaded an beat the hell out of DX
J.R an i'll tell you somthing else we saw tonight we saw a first tonight on live TV we saw two cunt's get circumcised
KING an by the way J.R When you say two cunt's are you talking just about there vaginas
J.R no I mean there two cunt's
J.R Well be sure to tune in tomorrow night on WWE raw IS WAR to see if eric bishof an dixie carter are going to make good on there promise they made last thurseday on TNA IMPACT an castrate vince mchmhon with A wooden spoon.
THE END? for now
I entered the room with low expectations for satisfaction. The profile that was given to me was not that of a woman. But of an ssbbw, foul, and ugly creature with a cunt. However in order to fuck the beautiful super model in the next room I had to make this fat cow bitch cum. I pushed the door to the side only to reveal my worst nightmare. A fat white female wearing only a huge pink thong. Her huge belly drooped down all the way to her knees. Her navel resembled a huge crust filled crater. Her...
Dust covered everything, fine gritty sandy dust, The dark brooding mountains surrounded us but the yellowish dust covered everything, yellowish dust stirred up by everything that moved except the Camels as they glided along loaded down with drugs and explosives and turbanned killers with Kalashnikovs, and sugar and fertiliser for their improvised explosive devices IEDs. It was an IED that killed my friend "Toby" Judge and led to the Regiment dragging me away from the lush green fields of...
Piggy and the Repairman I was a very bad girl today. That is why my Mistress has had me blindfolded and my ankles secured to a spreader bar locked to the rings in her basement floor and my arms stretched above me and secured to another spreader bar. I have been in the basement for what seems hours, naked and cold and undergoing all sorts of punishments. But I know these punishments are well deserved for how badly I acted today. She has left me alone for now and I can hear her moving...
Every once and a while she would watch them play together and it usually involved him touching her, sometimes in naughty places and other times him butting up right next to her when she knew he was all HARD in his pants. She didn't have that type of Daddy action at home and she was envious of her friends' fun with her Dad. It was finally getting warmer and her parents were going to go buy some plants and seeds, but she wasn't that interested. They seldom would allow her to be home by...
I am absolutely sure the British Army would never behave like this. Any similarity between any characters and anyone living or dead is probably unavoidable though unintentional. PIGGY PIG[ The scene, somewhere in Afganistan. Dust covered everything, fine gritty sandy dust, The dark brooding mountains surrounded us but the yellowish dust covered everything, yellowish dust stirred up by everything that moved except the Camels as they glided along loaded...
Its all his fault I try to convince myself on all 4 side by side with other little piggies looking as afraid as iamall of our lil pink piggy suit the same and the pink chastity flapping ad clinging between our legsall 5 waiting for the door to open and run as fast as we could to the other barn and win the cash moneya screen to our left presenting the hunterall of them holding a massive bbc a voice relating last hunt successMike was on of them, that ass hole who brought me here after using both...
Laura Peel was her name. Her father always called her Little Piggy or LP. He said it was because she always ate her meals without reserve. Even with strange food. She may have waited and watched her parents at first but as soon as they made the first 'mmm' sounds after tasting it she would clean her plate of food. She tried everything they did and it became a habit of hers. She's 18 years old and just taking classes at the local college. Everyone in her high school was going as soon as...
This little piggy went to.........well, somewhere dark! Whilst looking at the newly posted pictures of your friend Davina on Fetlife you notice a side banner advertising a fetish rubber suit website. Clicking the link you arrive at the strangest rubber suit you have ever seen. It is a pink pig suit complete with ten inflatable teats and a curly tail. The price is rather high so even though it peaks your interest you know you can't afford it. Just as you are about to go back to Fetlife...
“Piggy open those legs wider” His voice makes me jump. He is standing right in front of me. I open my legs wider and I can hear him step back and the camera taking more photos. After a couple of more snaps I can hear him putting down the camera on the nightstand. He stands behind me and places my collar around my neck. He leans into my right ear and whispers “Oh daddy is going to really have fun with piggy tonight. What’s the point of having a piggy whore if daddy can’t get to destroy her...
Today she asked a question, “How do you feel when you play with your pig shit?” I couldn’t believe she asked but I guess I always wanted to answer. “I am so turned on and excited. I want to be clean but at the same time I want it smeared on me. I want to be made to show, and told where to put it. When I rub it on my tiny dicklet I could almost cum immediately. However, doing it for you is the real excitement, imaging what you think of me, imaging you tell all your friends what a nasty pig...
“You made quite the mess, piggy” daddy smiles as he bends down to take my face in his hand. His thumb grazes my lips and he slowly outlines them. I can feel my breathing beginning to steady, coming back to normal. In these tender moments, I know that daddy does care for me. Even if at times he treats me like his fucktoy. “You know I like things nice and clean, don’t you piggy. There’s only one filthy thing allowed in this house and that’s you.” He stands back up and removes his hand from my...
"Piggy, come over and sit on my back porch until I text you again," so here he was. Fuck. He had been sitting, twiddling his thumbs for about a half an hour by now, and yet he hadn't begun to feel a tinge of restlessness or anticipation for getting called inside. He knew what awaited him: some form of torment from the young girl who had so much over him. The only thing he felt while sitting on that stoop was pure and absolute guilt for how hard he was, simply sitting...
Little Piggy woke when she felt her father rustling in the bed and remembered last night. She slid off the bed and headed back to her bedroom quietly. It was very early in the morning so she went to bed and returned to sleeping. She started dreaming about her adventure with her father's dick. The feelings of her body and her father's strong passion. Her dream drifted to being in her mom's position in the bedroom in the middle of the day. Remembering watching through the crack as her...
Little Piggy was now quite adept at sneaking in and creeping down the hallway to spy on her parents. A couple days after her last experience with her father she made her way down the hall to their bedroom. She could hear them giggling and cooing at each other. This time the door wasn't closed all the way and she could make out their naked bodies. LP looked through the crack and listened. Her mother was laying on her father with her head at his waist. She couldn't see her father's face...
The Red Dot Tavern was always filled to capacity in the bar area at night. After ten o-clock the half bar half arcade tavern serves as an afterhours spot. Singles go to mingle, lovers go to cuddle, and I go to drown away the memory of the Piggy Bitch. Not to forget the disgusting event that occurred. The foul b**st made my cock boldly go where no cock has gone before. The way she looked, smelled, and took all of my black monster consumed my entire being. My soul desired to fuck her fat sloppy...
That's the only word to describe the way she'd become. She did it on purpose, most of the time. Leaving her phone full of pictures of him at her feet, his face in her crotch, and his cock inside of her, sitting out on the counter all the time, only going to get it halfway through her torment. He would show up shortly after her parents would leave, and she would be in her room, with her phone on the counter. Frankly, the possibilities of what could happen with that phone were horrifying....
As he exited the store, he looked around and saw her. The girl whose feet would undoubtedly fit the shoes, considering she had pressed her old shoes against his face long enough for him to read the size while she demanded he remember the numbers, even as that smell entered his nose. Admittedly, he had had to write the size down on his wrist, but it was a necessity considering the risk associated with getting the wrong size or, God forbid, not getting a pricey enough pair. He had...
Friday Little Piggy woke up in the morning with a stretch and a wiggle and an 'mmm.' She looked over at the ball bag laying next to her bed and wondered if Coach was going to give her a ride today. This made her squeeze her knees together and groan. She was thinking about what the teachers said and the note she brought home. Letting them know she might be a little late coming home. Her father interrupted her train of thought as he stuck his head in her door and said, 'Come on. Get...
"It's not going in..." a player in red and grey football gear replied to the jeers of the impatient line behind him. The head of his cock was ten times the size of the hole it was attempting to penetrate and the spongy flesh had already reached its compression limit at the entrance. "Don't act like your dick is special," the coach told him, looking at his watch. "Put your weight into it and it'll stretch out. I'm sure the boys have already told you the deal: nobody steps on or...
Warning: This story has Dom/Sub, Wife sharing, Brutal Anal, F2M Oral, male creampie cleaning, Alc., Humiliation, and Nascar. If you’re trying to quit watching cars drive in a circle, PLEASE STOP HERE.One thing that us Southern backwoods inbred, white trash trailer rednecks are known for it Nascar. Now add some friends, Alcohol, and me, a dutiful wife, and you got yourself a good time! Cum see how I pleased my hubbies desires. Don't forget the shine.Once Upon a time in a Southern backwoods...
Thursday Little Piggy walked down the street away from home heading to school. She was mastering the training belt and knew how to accentuate or not its affects. At the end of the block was Coach Gray standing next to a big black pickup. 'Feeling better today?' he said looking down at her. 'Yes, sir.' she said with a smirk and a salute. 'Did you practice?' She knew what he meant. She held up the ball bag and twirled her dress smoothly and gracefully. 'Get in. I'll give you a ride.'...
Wednesday Little Piggy was up early, or more to the point she had a restless night. Her first thought in the morning started when she rolled over and the big prongs stuffed in her folds and pucker moved. What a feeling she thought to herself. She sat up on the bed and rocked back and forth renewing her excitement from yesterday's events. LP was a little bleary eyed and the walk to school went much like the walk home the day before. She had to stop a couple times and shake through the...
Inspired the anonymous commenter, you know who you are, this one's for you! Piggy By Apple We'd first met a few months ago now, and why we were together still didn't really make much sense. We weren't a couple that anyone would have expected, and I was as shocked as anyone when the shy young man had come over to me in the club and made his nervous advances. I admit, at first I thought someone had put him up to it, but he seemed genuine, and things just carried on from there. Let me...
Warning: This story has breast feeding, sexual, d**g, and Dom/Sub training practices. If your trying to quit drinking breast milk, STOP HERE.Once Upon a time in a Southern backwoods farming and mining community lived poor uneducated folk, I was one of those folks. My name is Tammy Sue, and I was a little 5'3 120 pound chubby girl with 38C udders that swelled to D's when I was impregnated. My hubby was from the North, and enjoyed by dutiful southern charm. He loved to give me assignments that...
Monday after school she arrived at Mr. Newnen's office. He led her into his private office and sat her down in an old school desk he had. He told her they would get started in a moment. He was waiting for something. She suspected it was Coach Gray. Coach said he would meet her here to work out the lessons. The room was quiet as Mr. Newnen corrected class papers all the while looking up at her every so often. She was starting to squirm in the stiff little desk. Mashing her little pea into...
A couple of months ago one of our members said he was starting the Sissy Piggy Army for all those who wanted to become Sissy Pigs. I thought I was already one. So I contacted the member and said I wanted to join. He said I had to have a photo or video of me in my sissy clothes licking a toilet bowl in a bathroom. I was more than happy to do that. Except my non-sexual wife lives with me 24/7 and I have not been able to seriously dress up or make vids for six long months. I was very unhappy about...
Wendy Makes Her Piggy Jizz [wife verbally fat shames her older hubby to ejaculate hands-free]Bobby Flanders tossed and turned in his bed but could not go to sleep. His wife Wendy was uncharacteristically late from her job at the local bar. Most days she came home before his bed-time and they both enjoyed a nightcap before calling it a day. Bobby had always been the happy go lucky type since his c***dhood, he had a successful business that he operated from home and had never wanted his trophy...
Master had said we were going to a party and I wondered what sort of a party I, as a piggy slave, would go too. We were in the car with me dressed normally (my large cleavage always on show) but in light bondage gear, my piggy collar and lead, handcuffs and a tight rope “pantie” rubbing painfully against my pussy). We had been going for about an hour and were out in the country. Master turned into a driveway where there were several other cars. We got out and he led me on my lead to the front...
Tuesday Little Piggy found it hard to concentrate in class as every time she moved the fingers of the training belt would send new sensations through her. Finally the school day was over and she hurried to Mr. Newnen's office for her detention. The brisk walk jarring her pucker and folds with each long stride. She knocked on the office door and heard Mr. Newnen invite her in. She stood inside the door of his office waiting for instructions. Mr. Newnen was correcting papers as usual....
Those women up in the mail room were probably envied little piggy adventures. What they fail to realize is that spreading your legs for pleasure isn't as hard as society makes it out to be. Instead of just enjoying yourself and having fun they turn it into a chore full of emotions. I'm not against emotions, but there's a time and place for it. I can say without no doubt that sometimes a man just wants to fuck, cum and be done. You have to enjoy it for just that. In fact, it's super hot when...
(Not a story per say, but a collection of my past kinky history) Per Lil Piggy In the past it was easy because the world I know now I didn't know then.The "top" aspect was simple for lack of a better word. There just wasn't much to it. All you needed was a bottom and they either went down or opened up for you. That mentally came from the women I was fucking out there. Which was funny because as I was doing it, I got off thinking about those guys I played with when I was a teenager. I did...
Once Upon a time in a southern backwoods farming and mining community lived poor uneducated folk. My name is Tammy Sue, and I was a little 5'3 120 pound chubby girl with 38C udders that swelled to D's when I was impregnated. My hubby was from the North, and enjoyed by dutiful southern charm. He loved to give me assignments that would show my loyalty, and at the same time keep me entertained on the farm.One night while I was stroking my husband’s penis in bed, he mentioned to me that one of his...
Once Upon a time in a southern backwoods farming and mining community lived poor uneducated folk. My name is Tammy Sue, and I was a little 5'3 120 pound chubby girl with 38C udders that swelled to D's when I was impregnated. My hubby was from the North, and enjoyed by dutiful southern charm. He loved to take me on trips away from the farm. To see the big city!This Friday, my hubby told me to dress up. Boofy Hair, Heavy makeup, Nails done. Then I put on my Thigh High stockings, lace...
Looking down at Claire, I laughed at how stupid and degraded she looked. "What a dirty fucking whore," I said. "You know, ladies and gentlemen, I think she's more like a pig than a dog or a cat, don't you?" The audience standing around watching Claire's continuing abasement laughed and nodded their agreement."Yeah", chortled a guy wearing a dinner jacket, "A dirty fucking cum pig. That's what she is. What are you, whore?""A c…cump…ig, sir," mumbled Claire, blushing with shame.Christina pushed...
Lee sat up, alert to the banging outside her door. ‘What the hell?’ She had only been asleep for about four hours. After rolling off the bottom bunk, she struggled back into her jumpsuit. She headed to the door to find out what was happening in the hallway. As she pulled the door back, a pink blur shot past her. It then proceeded to wiggle under the bottom bunk squealing the whole time. Lee looked out to see Dave’s lanky form sprawled on the hall floor. He had a distinct smear of pig shit...
After the others left, Kit and Kat took their own turns, right there on the floor of the piggery. There was a very specific flavor to those last sex acts of the evening. There was, of course, the setting. The floor was covered in litter. Straw. Beer cans and plastic cups. Pig droppings. Discarded clothing. Shannon was caked in spit and lube and cum. Sex with these two sorority organizers was not frenzied, as was rest of the evening. They took their time, now that they were no longer hosting...
"Admirable." False flattery? No. Something else. Manipulation. Shannon knew she was being played with, but it was still her choice to play. Elizabeth Fisher's games made her feel not simply naked, but exposed. "Admirable? All I did was attend a barbeque." "How did you enjoy it?" With all that she had done recently, Shannon hesitated to use the word. But it was the closest to explaining her feeling. "It was obscene. Frat boys from Columbus. Sorority girls from Exeter. A bunch of...
I quickly made myself ready, putting on a little steel blue dress with a deep and wide v neck and dark rose panties. As usual I couldn’t make my nipples behave and I knew when I started walking they would be stimulated by the soft rubbing material and so I put on a bra…of course, this made the flesh of my smallish tits push up into a pretty cleavage in the little dress. I wasn’t sure if it was too much, but there was no time to change, so I braided my hair into two braids and slipped into a...
A plethora of emotions ripped through her, anger, shock, fear and undeniable abject desire. Her heart pounded up into her neck and shoulders and her face surpassed the color of the pretty box by at least three shades. With shaking hands she reached in and pulled up the papier mache half mask with the pink forehead and cheeks, tiny black eyes and darker pink snout of a pig. Her eyes filled with tears and she let out an involuntary gasp at what lay under it. The coiled tail attached to a plug...
Little Miss PiggyThis story is completely fictional and does not intentionally bare any resemblance to any persons living or dead. Any resemblance is purely coincidental. Do not read this if you are easily offended.This is my first story so I could do with some feed back ([email protected])Claire shut the door and got in the car. She had finally been convinced by her two best friends Megan and Mary to go to a sleep over they had organised for her at Mary’s house as her parents were...
It was Saturday in mid-October. Andy had just gotten out of the hospital, and Sherry was taking him to see his cousins in the neighboring county. The change of scenery might do him some good. I could use a change of scenery myself, so I went out to the garage to work on replacing some fence posts out back. There in my man-cave with my tools, my weights, and my Corvette things made sense, and I could take my mind off of the homicidal, muscle-bound lesbian seductress up the street. For about a...
My wife stood before me, us, butt naked. The expression on her face was just as confused as was mine. I quickly glanced up and down her beautiful nakedness, taking note that my seed was trickling down her thighs, which made me smile to myself. Hilda let out a belly laugh so hard her tits bounced as she high fived the girls. WTF?They were all in on this?My wife and I just stared at each other. No words, just blank stares. Lots to process.What struck me was how subtly I had grown unfamiliar...
Group SexAnother from the archives. The original post seems to have been deleted, so...I hope you enjoy the scene. feedback is appreciated.Ricky - Cambs, UK - 5 Dec 2020****“Your father’s an arsehole,” she said.Surprised, I said, “What?”She’d been sitting on the stairs when I walked into the house. Startled because I hadn’t expected to see her there, I’d blurted out, “Jeez, you scared me,” pausing before adding, “How come you’re sat there?”That’s when she’d said it. I’d closed the front door and dropped...
Revenge Can Sometimes Backfire! By Miranda C. Rose Here it is another Friday night and Lisa Stevenson had to work overtime as usual, she could always use some extra money in this tight economy. Now Lisa's husband Peter would always take advantage of his wife working overtime and slip off to the bar. Where he would meet up with Michelle Lederman, a woman he has been is having an affair for the last year or so. Michelle 26 years old; 5'7" has a big pair of double D's extra...
I started this story about a year ago but it never really got much further than where it is now. So I thought that I would put it onto Fictionmania and maybe come back to it some day. If anybody else would like to take it on from here then please go right ahead. Hope you enjoy. A Mother's Revenge By Kellie Cliffe I was only with Charlie for 2 months but it became clear to me that despite everything that went well between us, she just carried too much baggage. So one evening, the...
“Hey Ryan, Tammy is so white, I can see the blue veins in her boobs!” said the man in the untidy suit as he took his seat beside me in the glamorous Christmas party at the deluxe ballroom. “Tyler, no one cares about some blue veins!” I responded, “did you see a bit of her nipples? I bet they are so pink, just like that grapefruit shake!”. To that Tyler added “Oh they’ll come out clamato juice out of my mouth!”. We chuckled while looking at the huge party of some 500 well-dressed people. Though...
Hi, my name is Billy Winston. I am an only child, the son of two very ambitious and successful professionals whose professions seemed much more important to them than their family. In fact, later in life I came to believe that they only married because my mom was already pregnant with me. As a young child I was raised more by a succession of nannies than by my parents. Once I had started school, the nannies disappeared. We had a housekeeper who filled in the time between the end of my school...
While I had not gone out of way to take my revenge, now that my man who happened to have served with the object of my distain’s fiancé in the Navy and still flew as buddies in the National Guard. I mean, they both drove shiny, very fast, Corvettes. They were mirror images. Unfortunately, I didn’t think my hubbie would take lightly my getting revenge on his bud’s pretty fiancé and that stinks. However, on the other hand I was pretty sure Elizabeth Newman College former big sis to me wanted...
Over the next two days I revisited the houses I was interested in and finally decided on a three bedroom ranch with an attached three car garage, an in-ground swimming pool and a hot tub. I put a hundred-fifty thousand down on it which just about knocked the socks off of the real estate agent. I had already arranged for the bank where I had my accounts to finance the house I picked and I figured that we would close in thirty days or so. Samantha's mother told me that she didn't want any of...
I was your typical highly skilled but too small basketballer. Destined to a coaching role and wishing I’d been blessed with another foot of height so I called make the most of the game I loved best. I had been an assistant and had a couple of fitness and rehabilitation roles but wanted to move on to a senior coaching role. I asked around and looked at the want ads but with no real luck apart from one gig coaching a girl’s college team that was not to appealing to say the least. Not that...
This story takes place where Part Two ended. Thanks for reading.Once inside my house, April stripped in front of me, her clothing dropping to the floor as she made a beeline for my bathroom. “Fresh towels are in the cupboard right inside the door,” I said afterward.She returned about a half hour later and said, “Your turn. By the way do you have anything I can change into? All my clothes are, um, wet. I laughed and went into the bedroom and got her one of my t-shirts. As they always did, my...
The spark of a lighter wakens me. I allow my eyes to only open slightly, letting out a groan. The memories of last night start to flutter my mind. A warm glow pushes through the closed curtains. The ugly furniture is a reminder of where I am. What the hell did I get myself into now, I can’t help but think. The man I’m sharing the bed with speaks deeply. His voice is thick, like a heavy smoker would sound like. “Last night was fun, Doll-face. You’re one hell of a fuck,” he chuckles and smacks...
CheatingWhen people first see me, no one makes eye contact... guys or girls... young or old.The first thing they look at... usually unable to stop staring at is my tits... which come from a long line of big tits (my mother, my grandmother, my great-grandmother all are skinny (I'm 126 pounds and 5'4") and huge breasted (I'm a 38DD))... part of my Latina heritage.Now although I have a great body with a small waist and a tight ass (I run every morning, and I tan every chance I get), I have a tough time...
Leprechaun?s Revenge By [email protected] This is an adult story. Charming Leprechauns are not always charming and in this case you need to be over 18 to read about them. This story is in chapters 1-5. It?s posted in chapters to make on-line reading easier. Depending on what on-line site you are using, it may or may not be posted in chapters. This version is the complete story. CHAPTER 1 She looked down at the massive expanse of her cleavage, and watched her large breasts...
Author's Note: Hello again! If you'd like to see what happens next, I have up to chapter 22 currently on my deviant art with chapter 23 now available on my patreon! I've also still got my poll for the next story ongoing at surveymonkey.com/r/TKN7H6C be sure to let me know what you want to see! For more details - as well as the aforementioned other chapters - you can go check out razmagurk.deviantart.com and patreon.com/razmagurk . Thank you so much for reading! Warning: This...
Catherine saw the offer on the local community website. A family said they were going away for three weeks and offered the services of their two maids to anyone who could house and use their services. What really surprised Catherine was that one of the maids, until just last year, had been one of her teachers at sixth form college, the dreaded and hated Miss Dawson. None of the classmates liked her because she used to happily spank any of them for even the slightest misbehaviour.It wasn’t so...
SpankingRevenge By Margaret Jeanette Mary Benbrooks just completed another deal. She just bought Henry's, an up-scale men's store. It complimented her Dorothy's, an up-scale woman clothing store, and Discount Dress, another women's wear store. Since she also owned the most popular diner in town, she felt she was set. That night she told her husband, Greg, about the deal. He was happy for her. He had a small accounting business that just covered the rent of the offices he leased. He...
Sissies Revenge, Drifting By: Malissa Madison Herma was a small galaxy, the royal house was small and at war with the neighboring Vorge Empire. The Vorge had taken over three other galaxies, and now were offering peace to Herma. That peace hinged on the marriage between Prince Dread and the Royal Princess Deanna. But Deanna, born a Hermaphrodite, took offence at the way the Vorge treated the sissies of the surrounding galaxies. Especially when he did so in front of her. She was sent...