Piggy TalesChapter 4 free porn video

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After the others left, Kit and Kat took their own turns, right there on the floor of the piggery. There was a very specific flavor to those last sex acts of the evening.

There was, of course, the setting. The floor was covered in litter. Straw. Beer cans and plastic cups. Pig droppings. Discarded clothing. Shannon was caked in spit and lube and cum.

Sex with these two sorority organizers was not frenzied, as was rest of the evening. They took their time, now that they were no longer hosting an event. This was a time to kick back. The work was done, and they no longer had to be on their game.

That Shannon would cooperate was a given. They didn't even ask. Kat simply pulled the young girl up into position, on her knees. She leaned back against the rails of the pen, still fully clothed, and set her legs apart a bit. It was subtle body language, but it was all Shannon needed. The student nuzzled her face into the crotch of Kat's tight fitting pants, sniffing and licking to demonstrate her willingness.

Kat hooked her thumbs under the waist of her pants and pulled them down low on her thighs. Then, she leaned back again, and relaxed while Shannon forced her face up and between to find the right spot.

No urgency. She cracked her beer and relaxed, enjoying what was an experienced tongue.

When she was satisfied, she offered the same to her sorority sister, who had been catching up the messages on her phone. Kit demurred for a minute, particularly engrossed in texting, but after she clicked the phone closed, she reconsidered.

"Why not?" she mused to her friend. "I'm late already. Better that I don't show up late and horny."

It was an afterthought for Kit. A convenience.

That was the feeling that stuck with Shannon. She, as a person, was unimportant to these sorority women. They had enjoyed abusing her in the hazing ritual. They certainly enjoyed her lips and tongue, but they had no regard for her except as an amusement.

It shamed her that she had been so willing. Shannon had plenty of time to relive those moments, hogtied overnight in one of the rooms of the sorority house.

Hogtied. Hands to ankles in the front.

She had slept that way, when she could, on the floor of a comfortably furnished room in an upper floor of the main sorority house. It was quiet here, even when morning came, with few footsteps in the hall. Shannon guessed that this floor was restricted to sorority officers like Kit and Kat. They had used a key to get past at least one of the doors when they brought her here.

Shannon was a mess, inside and out. She was disturbed, of course, by the direction this was going. It seemed there was very little she could do about it, and there was some strange comfort in that. There was no pretence that her opinion mattered. The women had told her that she would be given a choice, but that time had clearly not arrived. Right now, her feelings were unimportant.

What she did feel was an unrelenting arousal. This treatment, whether intended or not, kept those shameful appetites very near the surface. It felt like she was meant for this. Which was ridiculous, Shannon scolded herself. But that's the way it felt. Despite all the time she had spent struggling with her nature, this felt ... right.

So she allowed the thoughts to wash through her unfettered. She relived her humiliations. She didn't concern herself with the way she smelled or looked after the revelries of the previous evening.

But she did need to pee. And she was getting hungry.

There. She could think about her bladder, and her stomach, and about the feel of those ropes on her hands and ankles. No need to go any deeper than that.

Mid morning, a new stranger came in and attended to her needs. The woman was older, maybe in her forties. She was straight down to business.

"I'm Carissa," she introduced herself politely, but firmly. "I'm going to be taking care of you, and if you cooperate, I'll be able to do it without hurting you much."

The woman was built strong, and heavier than the other sorority girls Shannon had met. Not fat, just solid, like someone who had to do a fair bit of physical work for her living. Carissa detached one knot, which left Shannon's wrists and ankles still bound, but not to each other. She pulled Shannon up. For a moment, as she balanced herself close to the body of the woman, Shannon caught the scent of freshly baked pastries or something similar.

Carissa gave quick directions as she brought Shannon to the washroom and cleaned her up. She was firmly in control, never releasing the ropes in one place before tying a new knot someplace else. Even in the shower, Shannon was secured.

"If you've got to pee, now's the time," Carissa told her.

It took a minute for Shannon to overcome her shy bladder. It felt strange, peeing on command, much less doing it in the shower with another woman watching.

That done, she was fed.

"Leftovers, I'm afraid," Carissa told her. "But plenty of them."

They weren't just leftovers. They were table scraps. Yes, pastries, but eggs, cereal and toast too. Some were half-eaten, and all were served up in a plastic tub, as would be used to clear plates in a kitchen before washing up.

They were carrying the humiliation even this far, to have her gingerly lowering her face into a slop bucket to pick out the least touched portions of food.

Then, back to being hogtied and waiting. For what, Shannon wondered, but then put it from her mind. No more wondering.

In the late afternoon, Kit arrived first. She was dressed in scrubs, having come directly from her job. She was a doctor, it appeared. She didn't address Shannon for a while. While waiting for Kat, she changed her clothes and spent some time answering messages on her cell.

Kat came about an hour later. When they finally focused on Shannon, it was Kit who started up. The blonde woman sat casually at the edge of the bed, looking down on her naked captive. She had the upper hand in every way, and she carried that attitude in the way she spoke.

"I talked to a couple of the girls you know. They tell me you're a good student. Is that so?"

"Yes," Shannon agreed.

"I found that a bit surprising, seeing how you've performed for us. They say that you're quite competitive, and that it bothers you when things don't go your way."

Shannon nodded quietly.

"Is anything bothering you right now?"

A ridiculous question. Shannon had been trying to avoid it for most of the day. What was wrong, she asked?

"Everything," Shannon admitted quietly.

"For instance?" Kit pried.

"I'm missing class." What a stupid place to start, Shannon thought. It was just the first thing to come to her head.

"I've spent the whole day tied here, a captive. Last night, I did terrible things to earn my way into this sorority. I'm scared about the stupid risks I've taken. My reputation is probably destroyed. Not to mention..."

She paused to hold back a shudder.

"I had unprotected sex with all those boys. What if I get pregnant?"

Kit laughed.

"Listen, piggy - two things: firstly, you overestimate yourself. You don't have a reputation to protect. I've asked all about you, and had to really pry to get much feedback from classmates. Yeah, you're smart, but that doesn't exactly earn you influence, does it? You're nothing to these girls. You could disappear from the face of the earth, and no one would fret."

"Secondly, you won't get pregnant. It's impossible."

The insults made Shannon's face burn. She wanted to argue back about her reputation, but the second statement seemed to be the easier one to challenge.

"Impossible? There were no condoms. I'm not on birth control. How can you say it's impossible?"

"Because you're a pig."

The statement hung in the air for a minute. Kit was wearing a thin smile, and watching Shannon for her reaction.

"I don't think she knows what you mean," interjected Kat, who was allowing her blonde friend to take the lead today.

"You're right, Kat. I should spell it out for her. I don't mean you're a pig, like, as in 'see how many guys she just screwed! That girl is a total fucking pig'. It's true that you're a fucking pig in exactly that way, but I mean something different. What I mean is that you really are a pig. Biologically. With exactly 38 chromosomes to prove it. You're pork. Ham. Swine. Back bacon."

Kat cut in. " Take it easy, Kit. You might hurt her feelings."

"Sorry, but there's no easy way to tell a pig that she's a pig. Besides, you had your fun last night. This is my part."

The women were bantering now at Shannon's expense, enjoying her utter confusion.

"She doesn't believe you."

"No. Well, I guess it's a pretty hard thing to accept. She's always thought she was pretty much like all the other girls. It must suck to learn that she's not even on the right level of the food chain."

Shannon finally reacted. " Impossible."

She wasn't sure what strength of argument she could expect to make, from her position hog-tied on the floor, but she felt she had to speak up.

"Not impossible," assured Kit. " The science is boring, but I'm told it's very possible."

"The science is not boring," Kat snapped back, but in a friendly way. This was their shtick, and they were obviously enjoying it. It almost sounded as if they'd done it before.

"Think of it. Most of the world's geneticists were snapped up by the pork industry. True, much of their research work had become quite illegal, but their knowledge itself was not. A handful of them, I'm told, were convinced by an executive, a man named Roark Harper, to begin a program of genetic mimicry."

"This Roark Harper was the patriarch of your friend Bethany's family – an individualist who had previously opposed the subsidization of the pork industry, and indeed all of the constitutional reforms. The story goes that he finally relented, accepting subsidies as a way to level the playing field with his competitors, and inexplicably recruited a handful of senior geneticist to start his project."

"How can you say this isn't boring?" challenged Kit. "This is all, like, what ... a century ago?"

The Asian woman wouldn't let her enthusiasm be dampened. "It's not boring. It's beautiful. He took their rules, and twisted them to his own end. Why? I don't know. Maybe Bethany could enlighten us. But he did it. He didn't insert a single human gene. He didn't break the letter of the law. It was all done with pig embryos. These senior geneticists, they had it all mapped out. They knew exactly what kinds of mutations they would need to see in pig DNA to get characteristics that would appear human."

"They produced millions of embryos per week, growing most of them just large enough to sample the DNA. Then, the junior researchers would do the – excuse the expression – grunt work. They'd look for those promising sequences. Most of them didn't even know that they were contributing to. Maybe they thought that they were finding traits useful for medical research. Some likely thought they were producing organs suitable for human transplantation. Others probably even thought they were looking to develop – how did you put it in class, Shannon? A better tasting pork chop?"

Kat was clearly delighted by the story, and especially the conclusion of it.

"But they were all clueless to the big picture. Only Roark Harper and his closest associates knew that they were developing something that looked and behaved like a human."

"The basic mutations didn't even take that long, I'm told. Pigs aren't that far from humans in the grand scheme of things. You may have an anatomical difference here and there – spiral intestines, a developed and active vomeronasal organ – but at surface level, you pass for human. They've been able to turn out pigs that appear more or less indistinguishable from humans for over half a century. But behaviorally, it's a little more difficult. That's why you're here..."

Shannon didn't understand her own emotional reaction. It couldn't be true. Not a word of it. But why was she beginning to sob?

"That's why I'm here... ?" she echoed as a question.

"Yes," cut in Kit. "Now that we're through all the lame genetic science, it comes down to whether you pass for human. That's why the company grows out a pig like you every few years, and lets it be reared amongst humans. Then, when the pig reaches maturity, she comes here, and tries to pass pledge."

Elizabeth Fisher. Was that why she had pushed so hard for Shannon to pledge? Was she from the company? Blood rushed to Shannon's cheeks with this speculation, and the tears came harder.

"They always finish at the back of the pack. Something about the light from a flashlight confuses a pig in the dark. I'm told that farm kids have fun real fun spooking pigs like that at night. And once we have a pig in the piggery, she isn't hard to spot."

Shannon tried to sniff back her tears to plead her case. "How can you be sure? Maybe you've got it wrong."

"Maybe," conceded Kit. "But not for long. Remember how Kat mentioned that pesky vomeronasal organ that the geneticists never bothered to breed out?"

"What ... what organ?"

"Vomeronasal," explained Kat. "It's a scent organ. It detects sex pheromones. Specifically, it picks up androstenone, which is present at high levels in the saliva of male pigs. When a female pig comes into heat, and she detects this pheromone, it signals her to present herself for sex. Pigs of your kind don't have to wait to be in heat. One of your genetic mutations is that you're always in heat. Explains a bit, doesn't it? Anyhow, if we're right, seeing your reaction to androstenone would prove it."

Kat brought out a spray bottle.

"Here. I've prepared a solution."

"No, please don't..." Shannon reacted with horror to the thought of being sprayed with it. Please, she wanted to beg irrationally. Leave me some doubt. Leave me denial, at least for a while.

"Aw, c'mon piggy..." teased Kat. "All the sows just love it. It'll drive you wild."

The spray came, and every thought of being human disappeared without a trace.

Whenever the illusion of humanity returned to her, Shannon was hit by a wave of nausea. It wasn't like she was unaware of what she was doing, when they took the spray to her. She remembered it all, and was desperately ashamed of her behavior. She just had no way of controlling it. It was exactly like the worst of those times, when she allowed herself to become too aroused, and her head emptied of everything except her need to be taken.

Kit and Kat were torturing her with it, and driving home their message again and again.

"You know what you are," Kit would gloat. "Why do you even struggle?"

"No ... please ... please..." Shannon would beg when she saw the bottle.

The women used her to entertain themselves and special friends of the sorority, and a couple of sprays to the face made Shannon very entertaining indeed.

"These people have no idea of your genetic situation. They just think the sorority is being especially generous," Kit explained. "And you won't let them down, will you?"

"I'll do it without the spray," Shannon begged, but they wouldn't let her. They probably could have made her equally receptive with other methods. Kat had become quite good at handling Shannon. But then there was the risk that the student would try to communicate something about her captivity. And the spray, Shannon had to confess, left her quite incapable of that kind of notion. Besides, this was much more degrading.

When the spray took her, she was gripped with an instinct so strong that she couldn't do anything but mindlessly beg. The men – how many she didn't know – were happy to oblige. They took her in the mouth, in the pussy, in the ass. Sometimes they took her two or three at a time, but Shannon was always begging for more. She wallowed in whatever degradation the women had in store for her.

After it was all over, Shannon was attended to by Carissa, who appeared at the same time each morning, leading Shannon to think she was an employee here rather than a member.

"Come on, pig. Let's get you cleaned up," she said, with a touch of disapproval in her voice. "What have you got yourself into this time?"

Different things. A line up fraternity boys glazing her face with semen. One of the school administrators putting out a cigarette on her ass while he fucked her. Kit, deciding to top off the evening by squatting over Shannon, and pissing on her face.

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Path To GloryChapter 18

Bailey and I walked up the beach for a few minutes to a carnival-type game center. Bailey had returned to her former exuberance and she seemed happy. I was enjoying myself, too. When she saw the games, she grabbed my hand and dragged me to one where you have to throw a football through a toilet seat. "Win me something," she said. I tried to explain that these were not games of skill. "I'll try," I told her, but Bailey wasn't letting me off the hook. She asked the carnie the...

2 years ago
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Monster Girl Chronicles

D-Lin! The bell gives a playful cheery ring as the door closes behind, welcoming you into the building. Rows and rows of crowded shelves of books spread as far as the eye can see, with rather large signs organizing the genre of each category. You gasp in awe at how much larger this place is on the inside then it seemed on the outside, an aura of tingling excitement surrounds you almost as if tiny little faires tickled your senses. Clean air, nice wooden work with that humble creek with each...

3 years ago
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Train Ride 921

This story was a challenge to tell an erotic tale with the fewest words possible. I had it down to 618, but the minimum length for some of the sites I post my works to is 750 words. I had to add some dialogue, a few adjectives, and expand some of the action. This allowed me to post it on all sites. The total word count stands at word count is 752. Warning: This story contains explicit written depictions of sexual acts. You must exit this site/story now if... • If you are not 18 or the age...

1 year ago
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New Wife Island

"A holiday?," you ask. "Yes, just for you. A whole month!" You flip the pages of the classy and elegant brochure and can't suppress gasping. As the young wife of a multi-billionaire, you are used to luxury, but the pictures you see are still breathtaking. The location looks beautiful, the sunsets are stunning, the resort seems to offer everything you'd ever want and expect from a holiday on an island. It's perfect. It's beyond perfect. "I told you I have a few very busy weeks ahead, darling,...

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one night in teen chav rachel

Steve had been out in town for a few hours. He wasn't much of a drinker and all his mates were completly wrecked. He'd not even wanted to go out but didn't want to let his friend down on his 40th birthday,now it was 2 in the morning and he wanted to go home. 'See you lads' he shouted across at the group but they were all to intoxicated to hear. Steve was walking up the street to the taxi rank, still moaning to himself about how shit the night had been and that he hadn't had a look from any of...

4 years ago
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I can cum from head now true story

Hello folks, I'm back after a long break from posting. I hope you enjoy and please comment. I don't know why but for some reason I have always been very difficult to get off from a blow job. I absolutely love getting my dick sucked and have been with women who didn't mind a mouthful of cum. Recently as I've gotten older,my dick has gotten more sensitive or the places that are sensitive have changed. Usually I can lay back and get head for as long as a woman can endure giving it to me. It always...

2 years ago
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Night Games

Dawn is breaking on Day Nine of the London 2012 Olympic Games, which means round seven of the unofficial night sports is drawing to a sticky, panting conclusion. It’s almost a week since over ten thousand of the world’s top athletes poured into London’s Olympic stadium on a tide of hope, hype and hunger for gold. But we all know there are less noble appetites to be sated, don’t we? We all watched these sporting warriors smile and wave to the crowds, those cheers amping up their spirits and...

3 years ago
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Vivian Doubts Her Faith

At the start of her junior year in the late summer of 1971, sixteen-year-old Vivian Hannity had been attending Catholic schools for her entire life. Yet she found that her belief in her own religion was waning. It wasn’t exactly that she was becoming an atheist. It was more like the rigid dogmas of the Church simply made no sense to her anymore. She could not resolve the contradictions between what the Church was trying to teach her and her own powerful sexual feelings.Once she believed...

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Wild sex with my orkut buddy

My name is Soumya. I am 28-year-old, 5’11” tall, well built, slim, decent looking Bengali bachelor guy. I work in a multinational software company in Kolkata. This is a true story of my illicit encounter with a married Bengali woman. Her name is Sreemoyee. I happened to meet this woman in the orkut community over a year ago. She told me that she is basically from Kolkata but staying in USA with her husband. She is 31 year old and mother of a child. She also shared couple of photographs...

1 year ago
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Back Door Maintenance

After Stumbling out of bed and going to the bathroom, I ambled out to the kitchen. Knowing that my parents would be at work, expecting to have the house to myself, I didn't bothered to dress. Still half asleep, I stood naked in a burst of refrigerator light drinking from a carton of o.j. It wasn't until this cute guy suddenly appeared in the doorway that led to the basement that I remembered my parents mentioning something about having the furnace service. The guy looked me up and down with...

2 years ago
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she watches me with other men

My girlfriend knows that I am bisexual but we had never done anything. That all changed one weekend in Vegas. We had been drinking and having fun all day. She started asking about what I had done with men. After about an hour of talking, she said she wanted to see me with a guy. I suggested we stop at one of the gay bars in town to see what happens. I had been to one bar that has a lot of bisexual guys so we headed there.We sat at the bar and started chatting with the other guys at the bar. She...

2 years ago
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Threesome with my girlfriend and her moms best fri

One morning, my girlfriend (Rachel)and I were asleep, her mother had a friend (Julie) over for breakfast and to catch up. I had met Julie before, the last time she had come over a long time ago while I was there with Rachel. Everyone now and then for foreplay either Rachel or I would tell a sexy story/fantasy to the other involving us for something different and they often involved another person. This particular morning Rachel and I had slept in, I rolled over with my hard morning wood and...

3 years ago
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Please Help Me Part 3

Please Help Me Part 3 I walked to my car, the cool breeze sent unfamiliar feelings to me running through the soft material of the clothes I was wearing. Even though I was in the safety of my own drive I felt very conscious about people seeing me, in fact I was shaking with fright and trepidation, I sighed with relief as I got to my car and shut the door, I was safe, for now. My hands were shaking as I fumbled with the keys to start the engine and drive slowly down my drive...

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Mums The word

Mum's The WordChapter One You're going to think this is a sad story, because it starts out sad. But don't be sad for long, brothers and sisters, because it ends up pretty okay, at least to me it does. I'm Bobby, by the way, Bobby Henderson. That really doesn't matter to the story, except that it's about me and my mother, Claire Henderson. There are a few other people in it too, but they only matter a little. I'll mention them later. My mom's story starts out like a lot of people hope their...

4 years ago
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secret santa

Hi I’m Barry and would like to tell you about the Christmas party we had this year with friends and neighbours, each year 1 person has to be Santa but only 2 people know 1 of cause the Santa and the chief neighbourhood watch chairman, this year it was me and not even my family had to know, I remember last year and it got rather naughty I even got blown by one of Santa’s helpers and had a good idea who it was but, like any year even if you knew it stayed a secret. Well the party started and I...

4 years ago
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 22 Fire Discovered

A gentle knock on her door startled Antoinette Giry from her nervous reverie and she immediately stopped her pacing. She stared accusingly at the door as if it were the lumber's fault a sound issued from it and not the fault of the person rapping upon it. Her shoulders sagged for a moment and she gave a weary sigh, before she regained her composure and drew herself up into her normally imposing posture. Clearing her throat, she called. "I am coming! One moment, please!" She turned to...

1 year ago
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Our Stories Summer Evening in the Pool

The summer after the prom was amazing. We spent so much time together and really couldn’t get enough of each other to boot. Sheri got a part-time job working in a clothing store in a mall a few towns over. I would pick her up from work the nights she had to close. She’d let me in the back door of the store and we’d fuck in the dressing rooms or on her bosses desk. At first, it was different and exciting, but we did it so often that it became common place. Sheri really liked the idea that we...

3 years ago
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Neighbour8217s Mallu Daughter Fucked Week Prior To Her Wedding

I am Renjan ( Not my original name), this story happened a few months back. I am living in Mangalore, but my native is Palakkad, Kerala. I have a house there. One day, my immediate neighbour called me unexpectedly. He informed me that his daughter was getting married and wanted to know if he could use my house too. I had no issues with that since the house was vacant for a while so I politely agreed to help him out. And I even decided to clean the house for him. As agreed, I reached my house...

3 years ago
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New Boss

You all know how my wife likes to get women who have never had sex with another women in bed then own them and there lives. Well yesterday this all turned on her. Kat was at the conorn store and eyeing this women about 30yrs. nice tits perfect ass and findly made her move and pushed the women into the back room and up agaist the wall of course the women fought back but Kat held her and kissed her lips neck face all the time saying that she could make her feel things no man ever had. Once Kat...

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Secrets Of A Mom Son

This is the incident when I was 10 year old. I had 2 sisters aged 12 and 6. My mom was 31 and dad was 38. Dad used to work for a construction company and would often be away at project sites. My parents had rural background, dad was a civil engineer and mom took 3 attempts to pass her 10th board but failed. Regardless of her formal education and rural background she was much smart and far too smarter than my dad. She took all decisions of the house, maintained relations and dad was only there...

1 year ago
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Encountering the EnergistsChapter 6 Forever Young

Time Irrelevant: Within the Energists' Universe "You said you had one current piece of evidence to show us that there is a creator, would you please share it with us," the Energists implored. "We have restricted our connection and examination of your memories and neural pathways, so we are somewhat confused about what this present evidence is, which you referred to earlier in this discussion." Because I was still allowed to access their thoughts, I sensed that some of the Energists...

2 years ago
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I guess the best place to start is at the beginning. My name is Shelly B___ and I'm 39 years old, happily married for twenty-one years to a wonderful man, John. We met in college and got married before the end of my freshman year. We have a son, a sweet boy by the name of Jesse who turned eighteen a few months ago and who is graduating from high school in the spring.Despite being married for all these years, John and I are still like newlyweds in bed – we've had a very active love life since we...

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The Misdirected Email the Teacher and the Cheerle

(The names I give characters are mostly arbitrary. This is the only one, so far, where the names have meaning - referencing some movie characters/actresses.)Scene begins with two 18-year-old blonde cheerleaders. They have similar height. Mandy has a bust size of 32-33B. We see Cindy walking down a path, and Mandy catches up to her with a smirk on her face. Cindy asks “What’s up with you? I’m not sure I’ve seen you with that expression before.”“I just got a very strange email. I don’t think I...

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Trapped Part 1

This is a story of a married woman named Mona. Who was mother of one and her husband worked at a respectable position. Her husband had to travel a lot. She was 35 years old and her husband was 43. She kept herself well maintained. Her sizes where 36 32 36. 5 4’ in height. She was very beautiful and sexy MILF. She was a very honest lady towards her husband. Her husband was the first in her life regarding sex. She had a high sex urge but she controlled her urge and was honest with her husband....

2 years ago
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Fucksow Kristen meets her lesbian cold Mistress and sissy girl Denise

I had a change clothes in the car and at the last minute at my posh office, near the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, I got dressed without anyone seeing me and I left 10 minutes later. Old baggy jeans, white Reebok trainers, and a forgotten blue T-shirt. Hair braided in a high ponytail, soft pink lipstick and barely a very slight line of the eye. Round glasses that I used 15 years ago with a light frame ... and so I have crossed all of Tacoma to almost the outskirts. My name is Kristen and I have 49...

4 years ago
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Hot Night

You gently lay me on the bed while you kiss down my neck. I can feel your hands between my thighs as you plant little kisses all over my body. Your breath is hot on my bare skin. You run your tongue over my breasts, and take one of my nipples in your mouth. My breathing deepens as you begin sucking and biting it hard. I suddenly feel a hand slide back down my body and settle between my legs. One..two..three fingers in. I’m so wet. You start kissing my stomach again, biting it occasionally. I...

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Sticks Stones Ch 03

How could I have been that stupid? How could I? Deirdre lay on her back, her eyes staring into the darkness of the cavern. The steady breathing of the priest telling her he had fallen asleep. Very softly she crept to the fire, added another log and slipped off to her own sleeping corner. She had thought he was asleep when she first started undressing. There was nothing to blame herself for in that. When she had found he had been watching her though, the look of rapture on his face had touched...

2 years ago
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Ode to a Muse

At first, there was darkness. The kind of darkness that is absolute and oppressing, forbidding of contrast and all the more empty for it. In this darkness, layed a lump, oblivious and indifferent to its surroundings.A single ray of light pierced the darkness, like a herald to your glory. Suddenly, things inside the darkness took shape and the lump saw himself for what he was for the first time. Invigorated, the man stumbled towards the light but before he reached it, a million other rays joined...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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A lonely world

Sarah sat hunched over on the stoop to her small suburban home. Her head rested between her knees, sobbing. She was dirty, sweaty, and exhausted from digging all day, her hands were aching and calloused from the wooded handle of the shovel. She just finished burying her beloved father in the backyard. He looked as if he might just pull through late last night, he was up and responsive, talking to her. Then things took a turn for the worst. This so called "Mega-virus" took him at around 2 A.M....

1 year ago
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The Story of Ann Chapter 7 Love and the Devil

My kiss did not awaken Jack. I press his face against my shoulder as I looked up from the floor. Janet and Susan are standing over me with tears streaming down their faces. I looked to see others standing with their heads bowed as if in silent prayer. I looked into Jack’s face as I said, “Please Jack, come back, I need you.” “MISS, we will take it from here,” a paramedic said to me. “Miss, you're not hurt are you?” He then asked. I shook my head no, as he helped me to my feet. The...

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