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A New Vocation By Trish Why is that that no matter what I did things just never quite worked out for me. I was a dedicated student and got a good degree but could I get a sniff of a half decent job. NO! Yet my older sister who as far as could tell spent her time at university more interested in chasing men and partying got just a 2.2 degree, and walked straight into a well paid job. Then just to rub my nose in it, with in a couple of years of graduation she was jetting round the world working for a successful Formula One team on a massive salary with all the benefits that such a life offered. Things as usual were very different for me, because I graduated just a the banks screwed the worlds economy, triggering the worst recession since the great depression of the 1920's! Even with a first class honours degree in computing science could I find a job. NO! Obviously I was not the only one it this pickle because most of my graduating year were stuck in the same trap and could not get jobs either. After a couple of months of fruitless job hunting I was just about to call it a day and head back up north to retrain as a plumber of all things, when out of the blue I got offered a job working for a specialist engineering firm in Luton. Although the prospects for advancement were good, being honest it was not much of a job but even a lowly clerical IT position was better than alternative. The pay was not brilliant but it would just about cover my overheads and keep the student loan sharks off my back. I was debating whether to take it or not, when my sister pointed out that I would find it easier to find a better job if I had a had one that was kind of in my field, so on her advice I took it. Sure clerical inputting was not the kind of thing I had trained for or wanted to do, but it kept the wolf from the door. As the recession bit deeper and deeper into the economy things began to look black for my employers. The management had got greedy and the company had overstretched itself to where 'we' were running into cash flow troubles. For a couple of nail biting weeks it looked like it might go bust but at the very last minute we were taken over. Not that the take over made me feel any more secure as new management immediately started swinging the redundancy axe left right and centre. Over the next few weeks one by one my workmates were called into see Shelia Gregory the new owners HR manager until there was only myself and the soon to be redundant production staff left, oh and the office manager and his PA, who already knew they were being transferred. I can not say I was not expecting it when one Monday morning it was my turn and I was absolutely shitting myself when I knocked on the the door, and heard. "Come on in Richard." Pushing open the door I walked in and felt my self starting to shake when sat along side Ms Gregory was the head of our new parent company Janet Blake. Now I was really worried, my student loans situation and the rises across the board in the cost of living meant the last thing I needed just now was to get made redundant! Although I had seen Ms Gregory as she scythed though the staff this was the first time I had ever seen Mrs Blake. You could see it straight away she had that look, you know the one, the cast iron 'Anna Wintour' business bitch look. Wearing a smart designer suit and clearly professionally groomed she was a good looking 50 year old woman who radiated the kind of confidence that came from being a successful woman in what was still a man's world. Ms Gregory, gave me something approaching a smile or as close to it as she could get saying, "Please take a seat, please Richard." Preying that they could see my shakes I apprehensively sat down in the chair in front of their desk saying sheepishly, "Hello." "Thanks for coming in today Richard," Ms Gregory said, leafing through a pile of papers, which looked awfully like my company file and most recent performance review. "Now let me see you are from Weardale in County Durham, and have a first class honours degree in IT from Loughborough University correct?" "Yes Ms. Gregory." I nodded, trying to keep myself almost calm. "Now you have been with us for nine months, and have a good record, with excellent reviews from both your line manager and the area manager." As she spoke she passed the papers to Mrs Blake who said. "So you are Richard Long?" "Yes Mrs Blake," I answered her dry mouthed with apprehension, my interview with Ms. Gregory had already gone on longer than everyone else's, and no one had mentioned Mrs Blake being present when they got chopped, so what the hell was going on? Mrs Blake gave me a thin smile and said, "Now as you are aware business has been difficult recently, and we have been having to tighten our belts, which has unfortunately resulted in a decision to close this site as part of the current restructuring." "Here it comes," I thought, sure that she was about to say that with the closure of the office I was about to be let go and before she could say another word, I blurted out. "Please, Mrs. Blake I really cannot afford to lose my job! I'm happy to work anywhere you need me doing what every you want, just please don't make me redundant?" "Oh I am glad to hear that, but please rest assured I have not come all the way from head office today to fire you?" She gave me a wide smile, "In fact I am here today to offer you a promotion!" "Promotion?" I looked at her blankly. "Yes dear, a promotion. As in a much improved job?" Surprised I looked at her and said feeling confused, "Thank you Mrs Blake, erm can I ask what's the job?" "Well let me explain, oh and please call me Janet, if you accept the position and the new terms of employment we will be working very closely with each other." She gave me a beaming smile, "Now of all of all the employees I inherited when we took over, you're quite clearly the cream of the crop and I personally don't want to see you go as I can see a great future for you with us." "Thank you," I said, giving her a genuine smile before asking, "The job Mrs Blake?" "Well as you are no doubt aware our core business is engineering contract management and design development?" I nodded. "Yes, Mrs Blake." "Now as my current assistant Wendy is stepping up to a new position as head of human resources, I need to replace my assistant and I'd like you to be that replacement?" "I'd love to," I said eagerly. "Thank you?" "Whoa hold your horses?" Mrs Blake said holding up her hand, "Now along with having to move to head office, there are also a few minor issues complicating things. Now I'll not lie to you Richard, the job as my assistant will be very difficult and demanding on you, and it will require a huge commitment on both our parts. If you decide to accept the post and terms of employment I will need your assurance that regardless of the demands I make on you, you would stick with me until the bitter end?" "Of course I would," I said, "Please do not worry about my commitment, I will give the job my all." "Slow down Richard," Mrs Blake said holding up her hand, "Let me finish dear, now one thing you don't know about the company is we are currently under the investigation by the EU equality Nazi's after being recently accused of gender discrimination." "Oh?" I said wondering where this was going. "This is because several under-qualified female applicants are claiming that they were denied jobs with us because of their gender. This is of course complete and utter rubbish and although I tried to explain that that our employment policy is based strictly on qualifications and experience they did not see things like that." Mrs Blake shook her head before carrying on. "It's frustrating really that they would not see sense, even though it's well known in the business that there are simply not enough women in engineering let alone women who have the right skill set and background to meet my standards. That however does not seem to figure in the policy's of the EU and its resulted in them imposing on us a 50-50 gender ratio for all of our management and executive positions!" "Oh my, I didn't know any of this, but what's it got to do with me, I'm a programming graduate not an engineer?" I asked puzzled. "That's true, but you have one thing that every girl I have looked at lacks?" Mrs Blake smiled, "Let me demonstrate... can you tell me the difference between a tap and die cut, and a lathed thread?" I shrugged, it was GCSE metal work, "There isn't one? The tap and die is for manual thread cutting while a lathe just the automates process?" "Correct." She smiled, "And this leads to my problem, there are hundreds of girls out there with your degree, but not one of them could have answered that simple question, and in the current economic climate I have neither the time nor the funding to train them it the kind of information you already have?" I nodded still not seeing where she was going. "So here's the issue, I have just taken on a new male project manager, I find that we do not have that 50-50 ratio in management slots, which means I need to employ a woman to replace Wendy?" "Oh so that's me sunk then?" I said feeling like I had just had the cream snatched from before me. Mrs Blake laughed, "Not necessarily Richard, because there is a loop hole in the EU rules and as I really do need your skill set for this job Shelia has convinced me that we should exploit this loop hole?" "Loop hole?" I said feeling like the cream was almost back in range. "Yes dear a loop hole," Mrs Blake said, "But if we wish to exploit, your commitment to the company must be absolute?" "It will be." I said anxiously eager. "Well hear me out before you say so?" Mrs Blake said with a smile, "Because I'll admit that Shelia's proposal is a little off the wall?" "And that loop hole is Mrs. Blake?" I asked. "Sheila?" Mrs Blake handed the interview over to Ms. Gregory who said. "Well Richard, the loop hole Jan just mentioned is for you take this position as a female, or more specifically a transsexual female." My professional poise slipped as I said. "Eh?" Leaving it hanging there for a moment, Ms Gregory smiled and said. "Its quite simple really, if a little bonkers. There is a little passage in the EU human rights act which makes it an offence to treat in terms of employment a transsexual female any differently to a genetic female?" I nodded recalling reading something about the brouhaha the legislation caused in the paper a year or so back. "Now if you agree, you will get promoted to Jan's office, with a commensurate pay rise and all the perks, interested?" She looked at me with a steady smile. I blushed and nodded. "Good!" Ms Gregory said with a steady smile. "Now as the treatment program for gender reassignment is a long drawn out and protracted business taking on average five to seven years, in reality all you're actually doing is taking on a temporary feminine identity until natural wastage opens a male vacancy for you. Obviously during this period, you'd have to follow the real life test program and maintain publicly a feminine appearance, and lifestyle?" I nodded not sure I was hearing what she was saying. "Naturally," Mrs Blake butted in, "Any costs incurred in obtaining a female identity such as the wardrobe, makeovers, hairstyling along with any of the required identity re-training programs that are part and parcel of the gender reassignment process would be covered by the company via our health care plan." "But I am a bloke," I said blushing, "There is no way I could pass as a woman, I'm the wrong shape?" "Putting it bluntly," Mrs Blake said, "That's cobblers, you're what 5'7 tall, perhaps ten stone in weight which puts your basic figure well with in feminine norm, and when we take into account your thick hair and face as yet unblemished by whiskers, trust me my dear you will make a smashing looking girl!" Both set of eyes turned on me with "Well," written large on the their faces and I was beginning to to feel a little pressurised and held up my hand, saying. "Hang on a sec, I need a minute to get my head around this?" My brain was going at a 100 miles an hour, did I really hear that she wanted me to dress and act as a girl to take this job? Mrs. Blake had to have been able to read my emotions because she said with a sheepish smile, "Please don't read more into this than we've said, what we are suggesting is just a temporary measure to keep you in the company, and if anything this is a compliment as I wouldn't dare mention anything like this if I didn't need you so badly." She grinned, "And anyway, it's really not as bad as it sounds. Wearing skirts, heels and make up for work is not as horrible as you think, hell I've done it every day of my working life and its not harmed me, and once we have a male vacancy in your field you can have his slot and regain to your old life! I'm sure it will only be for six months to a year at most. I promise! Now what do you say?" "Can I have sometime to think about it?" I hedged. "Not really we want to get this office closed by the end of the week?" Ms Gregory said with a faint smile. "Oh?" I felt a little sick, "So you need to know now?" "I am afraid so dear." Mrs Blake said. I was on the spot, and lets face it, I was making a decision that was going to have a profound effect on my life for the next few months. The idea of having to live as a girl sounded awful! Sure I never really saw myself as 'one of the lads' having been more interested in programming and hardware than the beer drinking and skirt chasing that seemed to prerequisites of laddish life, but neither did I see myself a ponce and the last thing I wanted to end up doing was having to mince about in high heels and skirts every day! Yet on the other side of the argument was the cold financial truth that I could not afford to lose my job, and that meant agreeing to their mad scheme! Also when I considered how my sister's successful career had kicked off as an assistant to directors PA and where it had got her. I knew hooking up with a powerful and well connected woman like Mrs Blake could open no end of doors in the future, which made it very tempting. I sat there for may be five minutes mulling the bonkers offer over in my mind, even though I knew that my financial situation meant I had no choice, and more than a little reluctantly I eventually nodded my head and said, "Thank you, Mrs Blake I think I'd like to take the position." "You will!" Mrs Blake's face lit up with the kind of smile that Helen of Troy must have owned, as she laughed delighted, "No thank you my dear, because I just know that that will be the start of something great for both of us!" She glanced at Ms Gregory and said, "Right then Shelia, what do we need to do to get this ball rolling, because I need him now?" "Well a few witnessed signatures is about it." Ms. Gregory said. "I got everything set up and ready to go last week," as she started to pass me forms, saying, "Sign that lot honey, and we can get you started straight away!" I was hardly given time to look at the papers as Ms. Gregory placed them in front of me one at a time and told me where to sign. Jesus if I had only a moment to read each document everything might have worked out differently but I didn't! "Right then, are we done Shelia?" Mrs Blake said impatiently. "One more." I did not even look at the form and just signed on the dotted line before Ms Gregory and Mrs Blake, witnessed it, and then I found out that when Janet Blake said immediately, she meant immediately as she stood up saying. "Come along with me Richard," and led me from the office and the life I had known. By eleven I was in Mrs Blakes plush office suite at head office, and she was introducing me to her current PA Wendy, who followed us in clutching a tape measure saying as she started to measure me. "At a guess this is my replacement?" "Yes this is Richard." Mrs Blake said, giving me a smile as she said, "Richard meet Wendy, my current assistant." "Hi," I said as she measured me and commented in a cheery tone. "Oh that's good, he's almost a perfect size 12," before adding with a glance at Mrs Blake. "Oh and I cleared your schedule for today Jan, and made the appointments you wanted arranging as soon as Shelia called to say that Richard had said yes." Mrs Blake nodded, and started telling me about her plans for the future and that once Wendy had my sizes she was off to town to buy me my new wardrobe! Smiling at Wendy Mrs Blake handed her a company card, saying, "There's a 10 grand limit on that and don't be afraid to use it honey. I want my new PA to look as good as 'she' will perform." "Ten grand!" I gasped, "Umm isn't that going a little overboard Mrs Blake, since I'm only going to be doing this for a few months?" "Rubbish dear," Mrs Blake laughed, "Ten grand is next to nothing when a half decent suit and shoes will set you back the best part of a grand!" For someone who was used to spending thirty to forty quid on clothes Mrs Blake' comment was clearly shocking and she saw it on my face as Wendy slipped out calling. "I'll be back in a couple of hours Jan." "Quick as you can Wendy." Mrs Blake said, before turning to me and saying with a light laugh, "Oh you have so much to learn honey, but it's absolutely imperative that you look like you belong in my office and that means wearing clothes and accessories from all the right shops and designers." "Oh?" I blushed adding uncertainly, "Okay?" "And then," Mrs Blake said, "There is the simple fact that women's professional fashions are more varied and far complex than for men. We and I mean we," she smiled and patted my hand. "Since you're one of us now, learn from an early age how to coordinate our outfits, accessories and make-up so you have a lot of catching up to do and I expect you to be a quick learner! Which reminds me that I must book you in with me at a seminar on professional fashion this weekend and get you started in the right direction about learning everything you'll need to know about looking attractive and professional." Bollocks, so much for the Cup Final! I had been planning on going to the pub and watching the match over a few beers, but instead it looked like I would be spending it with my boss learning how to make the most of myself as a bloody professional woman! While Wendy was buying my new 'wardrobe' Mrs Blake went through what was I would be doing in my new roll as her Personal Assistant. Except for the whole business of presenting myself in a female roll, the work sound quite straight forwards and if anything actually intellectually easier than my old job which involved having to keep a rickety database working on an antique computer system. One thing that did become clear very quickly, was keeping up with Mrs Blake's train of thought was going to be a challenge, as she bounced from ideas to instructions and back to ideas with very little warning. Oddly for all the embarrassment of having to be a girl to do the job, I was actually looking forwards to the work. As Wendy had said she was back with in a couple of hours, clutching dozens of bags and boxes. "Here we go?" She said with a broad grin, "This is what you're going to be wearing for the next few months." With signs of clear delight both women dived into the bags and boxes holding up items and cooing over them as I felt my knees turn to rubber. They cannot be expecting me wear that lot can they? Everything was frilly, silky and at the girlie girl end of the spectrum, and it was probably pretty clear on my face that I was asking myself, if agreeing to this was such a good idea now I was seeing the reality of how I was going to be dressing? "I don't want to sound ungrateful Mrs Blake but is all this necessary? I mean many working women wear pants and comfortable shoes for work, so why all the skirts and heels?" Mrs Blake laughed, and said in a kindly tone, "Take a look around did you see any of the head office girls wearing pants? At this level of business it's as much about image as ability, and I know dammed well that a client distracted by a pretty pair legs in short skirt and heels is worth 10% on a deal, so no one including myself in head office dresses casually. Now I know I'm asking a lot of you, but lets face it you are going to get very, very well paid for being such a good sport about all this?" She was right to, because I was getting a four fold pay rise, and that shut me up. Telling myself, "Hell for 60k a year plus bonuses you'd come to work naked!" I sat in silence as Mrs Blake rifled through the clothes selecting a rose pink shiny blouse, a smart looking navy blue office skirt suit, along with a pair of tights, blue three inch heels and a set of matching rose pink lingerie. Handing it all to me she said nodding at a door behind her, "Now, why don't you slip into my private bathroom and try everything on so Wendy and I can get an idea of how you'll look as Miss Long?" Burning with embarrassment with my arms full of clothes I walked shakily to the bathroom telling myself that they were only clothes for gods sake. Undressing I picked up the panties, and asking myself as I put them on. "Why me?" Jesus it was humiliating, there was something deeply shameful about what I was doing as I slipped the skirt up my nylon covered legs and it felt like I was betraying my gender. I was breaking every taboo in the male book, but what choice did I have... Sweet Fanny Adams, that's how much! It was like a kick in the nuts to my male ego when I reluctantly looked at myself in the mirror and saw that other than my male head sticking out of the restrictive designer suit, I did not look bad in the outfit. Feeling decidedly queasy as I studied my reflection and resigned myself to dressing like this until Mrs Blake could find an engineering qualified woman to square her employment practices with the equal opportunities rules. God only knows how long I dithered there, before Wendy chuckled through the door. "Either you come out or we're coming in?" Swallowing dryly I turned the door knob. Feeling like I was wobbling all over the place in the heels I opened the door and said. "Please don't laugh," as I walked out and faced them blushing brightly. For a split second there was silence, and then Mrs Blake said in a bright delighted tone to Wendy. "Wow! Just look at her!" "Not bad!" Wendy said, with a nod, "Say a seven or an eight out of ten from the neck down?" "Not bad!" Mrs Blake laughed, "I think she looks fabby, and that suit definitely looks the part, hell she's going to make me the perfect sexy and professional PA!" Having hoped, probably in vain, that they would take one look at me and realise how stupid the idea was, hearing Mrs Blake comments was not what I wanted to hear! "Well, how do you feel honey?" Mrs Blake said grinning at me like a loon. "Truthfully?" I said blushing like crazy. "I feel embarrassed and stupid, and uncomfortable." "Well that's understandable." Mrs Blake said as I grumbled about how I was wobbling round in my heels. "How on earth are you supposed to walk in these shoes?" "Practice!" Wendy said unsympathetically as I moaned. "Why is everything so tight and restrictive? Couldn't you have got me a loser skirt or something, I can only take a tiny steps and I feel half naked from the waist down?" "You'll get used to it and probably find yourself wanting to wear even shorter skirts than that." Mrs Blake laughed, "And as for the comfort thing, you'll get used to the simple fact that we girls have to dress to impress, and impress is not usually comfortable when feminine fashions are designed to appeal to men's sexual desires?" "And don't tell me," Wendy chortled, "That you've never lusted in the street over a nice pair of legs and an arse swishing from side to side in a tight skirt and heels honey, because you were a bloke and all blokes do!" I blushed, she was right of course. I was a typical bloke and enjoyed the sight of a tidy well dressed 'bird' just as much as any other man. "However now that you're one of us!" Wendy giggled, "It's a case of you'll just have to get used to dressing as a sex object!" "Oh!" I gasped, it had not occurred to that by agreeing to this I have to get used to being seen as a target for male sexual attraction. Mrs Blake laughed at the look on my face. "Don't worry honey, it just another thing you'll get used to, and in time like millions of 'other' women you'll learn to just accept it, same as we all have had too!" "And I supposed it's only for work?" I said seeing a light in dark, "So at least when I'm home or away I'll be able to be me?" "What on earth gave you that idea?" Wendy said with a strange look on her face as Mrs Blake butted in a little nervously. "Er, no dear not exactly, well not at all in fact. We've employing you as a transsexual, and that's not just a dressing for work commitment, you'll have to live 24/7 as a woman to qualify for the gender loop hole." "Your joking?" I said shocked, "Why?" "Look, we're not the only engineering firm that's been caught out by the EU equality laws." Mrs Blake said, "And not the only one who's ever thought of getting a male employee to impersonate a transsexual woman and the equality Nazi's know it." "Oh?" I blanched as Wendy added. "The last company who tried this raised the the equality commission's suspicions when the reassignment paperwork was incomplete for the supposed male to female transsexual, which attracted the attention of the EU's corporate investigation branch, who followed this 'female' employee around the clock. Anyway it didn't take then long to work out that the supposed male to female transsexual employee was still living as a man and it resulted in the company getting in to a world of legal shit which pretty much ruined them. While the bloke who was pretending to be the transsexual woman got done for fraud and was sent down for two years. Now can you imagine what happened to him given that the press were all over the story after the other inmates found out what he was inside for?" "Oh shit!"I said. "I could not put it better myself, and having been accused once the business can't afford to get into that sort of legal mess, hell at the moment it would ruin us?" Mrs Blake said, "We simply couldn't afford it and neither could you. Therefore to make this work we have to follow the letter of the law, and for you that means following all the rules of a male to female gender transition program and never ever letting anyone know that living as a woman has not been your life long ambition, okay?" "Oh." I muttered apprehensively, "Yes, I guess?" "Look," Wendy said, "No matter where you are or what you're doing, you must always look as feminine as possible. You can never wear a shred of male clothing, or show any sign of masculine interest anywhere or any time! Understood?" "Yeah I get it," I said resigned to my fate. "Good," Wendy nodded, "Because by the end of today you'll be officially registered as a male to female transsexual, and that means you'll need a whole new identity. Now I've already got our lawyers and computer department on with all that and since Jan liked the name we've decided that you're going to be called, Angela Louise Long from now on, that okay Angie?" I blushed and nodded, "I guess." "Good, because I dropped off all your paperwork before I went shopping and by now personnel should be well on with altering everything to reflect your new status?" "Such as?" I asked feeling like my life was being stripped from me. "Just the usual," Wendy said, "Getting your bank accounts, school and university records, and obviously your medical files transferred to your new identity." Seeing my face she added, "Now don't fret it will be just as easy to put things back when we can legally employ your as a man, okay?" "Yeah, I guess," I said, asking myself, "Jesus, could this get any worse?" The darker side of mind answered, "Probably!" As I preyed that this whole feminine thing did not go on to long. Mrs Blake interrupted "Now since you're having to move to head office and your current place is both to far from here and not really suitable for your new life, I've arranged you a new one just around the corner from here." I nodded, "Thanks." Mrs Blake smiled and nodded, "And don't worry about your things Angie, Wendy will be getting everything picked up and moved, while we're getting you sorted out this afternoon?" "Well other than you male clothes, obviously," Wendy laughed. "Obviously," Mrs Blake laughed, "It would be a dead give away if our RLT girl, kept any of her male clothes, and any ways it not like you'll need them for the foreseeable future, so you might as well as drop them off at Oxfam when you're passing?" "Already planned to Jan." Wendy laughed. Now things were really getting out of control, and it finally hit me that my whole life was going to be completely feminised! Shit, by the time they were done there would be nothing to suggest that I had ever been a man. Oh I knew intellectually that if I was going to live as Angela I would have to present myself to the world as a female, but the really scary part of it was the gut wrenching realisation I had no control over when I would be able to go back to living as Richard! Suddenly jumping to her feet Mrs Blake said, "Heavens just look at the time Angie, we have an appointment at the beauty salon in twenty minutes! Let's go!" "Beauty salon? Is that really necessary?" I gasped, "What are you going to do to me?" "Nothing you wont enjoy dear, come along, we're already late!" Mrs Blake said taking my hand as she laughed, "I'll explain everything on the way." "Erm, Okay, let me just get changed back into my clothes." I said probably a little wild about the eyes! "Angie, Angie," Mrs Blake chided, "These are your clothes now! You're going to have to get used to skirts and heels, and sooner the better so come along as you are, we don't have all day?" I was somewhere between terrified and burning with embarrassment as Mrs Blake chivvied me out of the private exit from her office and down to the parking garage. "Get in?" She said, blipping open the doors of her BMW, jabbering at a hundred mile an hour about how much fun we were going to have. Not that it sounded like fun to me! This next stage of my feminisation did not sound very appealing at all as she explained how her hairdresser had a side line in making over 'girls' starting their RLT (real life test) and the way she was talking about what was in store for me sent my stomach sinking to my toes. Chortling that I would be getting hair extensions, so I could have a long a feminine hairstyle, and my ears pierced. Mrs Blake told me that the beautician would decide if I needed electrolysis on the few hairs showing on my top lip when she shaped my eyebrows as part of the complete makeover that would include a ceramic tip manicure to correct the look of my short masculine nails. It all sounded pretty extreme to me, and I was torn between a desire to run like hell, and the 60k plus benefits and bonuses a year they were using as a carrot! We must have spent hours in the salon and every time I attempted to protest that they were going to far, Mrs Blake just said "Shut up," because she knew exactly what she wanted! In a very curt tone she made it quite clear that she felt it was crucial that no one ever perceive me to be a male, and that meant I had to look as feminine as possible. "Its interpretive that we remove every vestige of masculinity from you appearance so that if we do attract attention anyone looking at your case will only see a good looking transsexual girl leading a 100% feminine life, otherwise we could both be in the shit, out of a job and up in court!" When they finally let me go Mrs Blake and her friend had succeeded. Jesus had they succeeded, my appearance from head to toe had been completely feminised! "I look like my sister!" I gasped when I regarded my reflection after my makeover was complete. "I think we can call that a success." The hairdresser said to Mrs Blake looking me over with a pleased smile, "And its so nice to work with a girl like Angie for a change, who makes a pleasing transformation first time out!" "Absolutely perfect." Mrs Blake said with an equally pleased expression as they both looked at me. Not much later we we left with my head trying to process all the hints and tips that the beautician gave me as she did my make up. In my hand I was carrying a book on basic make ups, which the owner gave me along with even more advice on how to 'make the best' of myself. Advising me to study the basic working make up in the book so I would have at a good chance of doing it right myself the next day before we were shown out. Mrs Blake had also been busy with her company credit card again, because after she had got her hair and nails done she had left me in her hairdressers hands and went and spent even more money on me! "This is so cool!" She laughed, as she drove me to my new home, "It's not that I don't love my son Steven to bits but I always wanted a daughter to teach the arts of femininity and share girls days out with, and I can see you're going to do wonderfully well at filling that void in my life." Listening to PM on radio she told me that everything was ready for me as Wendy had called to tell her the she and a couple of the 'girls' had moved all my stuff, and made sure my new flat was just perfect for my new life. After having lived in student dives since I left home I could not believe the opulence of the place when we walked in. Sure it was clearly a girls flat, with its feminine fixtures and decoration, which even my old things did not dent. Not that there was much of my old stuff there. Wendy had also not just taken all my male clothes as she had also winnowed through all my possessions and replaced anything that did not suit the girl they wanted me to become. Instead of the bike and car magazines, there were, gossip, fashion and beauty magazines. In the books case along with the sci-fi I chose to read for pleasure were trashy romances and classic girls literature replacing my sports autobiography and military history books. Leaving me to have a look round Mrs. Blake quickly unpacked her round of shopping as I noticed my collection of Dinky and Corgi cars had been replaced with dolls and soft toys and seeing my face, Mrs Blake said, "Like I said, there is a chance that the equality Nazi's might check up on us. Lets face it, its kind of unusual for me to employ someone like you in the head office, and I sure as hell don't want their suspicions aroused if they decided to take a look at my new transsexual employee. Hell in the past they have been know to spy through windows and root through peoples bins if they get a sniff of someone breaking their rules. So we need to completely immerse you in the feminine, okay?" "Yes." I squeaked. "Good now I'll be testing you to make sure you've read these books and studied the magazines. If you're watching telly it's reality TV, soap operas or chick flicks, and absolutely no watching anything like sports, action film's or thrillers, well?" She giggled, "Unless it's with a boyfriend!" I went white, and mumbled, "That won't be the case." Laughing, "We'll see." Mrs Blake added. "I mean this, until you're completely confident in being Angie you can't risk anything that might give you away! So putting it simply you must avoid anything that seems even remotely masculine from now on and that includes your diet, which you will find pinned on the fridge door!" "Oh great!" I muttered, "Not only do I have to look and behave like a woman, they are trying to make me think like one, eat like one and live like one to the point that I can't even escape from living a feminine life in my own flat?" "Sorry dear, I did not catch that?" Mrs Blake asked. "Nothing," I said, "Just thinking aloud," as I slunk on to the sofa. "No time to sit still Angie," She laughed pulling a handbag from her shopping and after dropping a few cosmetics, keys and a purse which I assumed held the contents of my wallet she handed it to me saying, "You be needing this from now on Angie, now come along dear we still have the most important stop of the day to take care of before you can settle in." "What's that?" I asked as she led me briskly out. "Surprise." She laughed, before driving me to the final appointment and scarily that was to see a doctor. We were obviously expected as the receptionist waved us straight in to see the doctor who said looking from her desk. "Is this the girl Jan?" "Yeah meet Angie." Mrs Blake said, "Angie meet Doctor Sally, she's going to give you a long term hormone implant, which will officially complete your change into a transsexual female under her care." Like I was a piece of meat the doctor quickly examined me, doing the usual tests pulse, blood pressure and the like before nodding to herself telling Mrs Blake. "Well there's nothing wrong with her Jan, she as healthy as a horse and as she already clearly living in roll, there's not reason why I can't accept her straight into the program." "Wonderful Sally!" Mrs Blake chuckled, "I know Angie must be as pleased about that as I am." Like hell I was! I wanted to complain but I knew it would be useless, and just did as I was told as the doctor painfully injected me with a six month dissolving capsule that would slowly leech the feminising hormones into my system! "Hang on," I said as the doctor painfully injected me with the implant, "Isn't this just a little bit drastic? You said this was only going to be a few months, right? When I go back to being a man, I still don't want these hormones taking effect. Aren't these changes going to be permanent?" "Look," The doctor grunted. "You can't be classed a pre-op transsexual unless your on hormone therapy!" Before I could get another word in Mrs Blake said reassuringly. "Relax Angie unless you continue the hormone treatments regularly, there won't be any major permanent changes. The only reason for the implant is to qualify you as a transsexual woman, and I guess it could aid your feminine portrayal in the long run. Please don't worry about this, as if there are any changes they will be subtle and won't be permanent?" "Changes?" I yelped. "Yes," The doctor said, "Since you're not a completely sexually mature male, that capsule will more than strong enough to halt the progression of any further masculine development and eliminate any chance of you developing any facial or increased male pattern hair. If in six months time if you are cleared for the next stage, and you wish to proceed then you will be given a more powerful implant, which will over a year or so soften your voice and may be increase its pitch, along with triggering the development of breast tissue, that given your age and maturity in time should allow you to grow moderately-sized breasts, as well as compounding the feminisation started by this first implant." "Such as?" I asked. "Oh in your skin texture, personality and emotional state." The doctor said with an unconcerned shrug, as I looked at her shocked. "Don't look at me like that young lady!" The doctor snapped, bringing a beaming smile to Mrs Blake face. Giving me a firm no compromising look the doctor continued in a sharp but matter of fact tone, "It's to late for second thoughts now, your paperworks been filed, the name change is legal and anyway that implant is embedded so it's not like you can turn back." I hated myself knowing she was right as I mumbled. "Yes doctor," feeling heartsick when it hit me that it had taken less than a working day to push this barmy idea way past a point of no return. I no longer had any male possessions, my name had been legally changed and all my records now indicated I was Angela Long a pre-operative male to female transsexual. "Well that all went with out a hitch," Mrs Blake said with a delighted smile on her face as she drove me back to my flat. "You know when Shelia first mentioned that I could keep you on and stay sweet with the EU if we got you on a male to female transsexual program, I had my doubts about it working but now I've seen how you are turning out I'm kicking myself for not thinking of it on my own." "If you say so." I said feeling depressed and more than a bit disgusted with myself as I started to realise that even if wanted to quit, given how much she must have spent on me already Mrs Blake might not be that willing to restore my old life until she had recouped that investment. She quite literally had me by the short hairs and any chance I had of returning to my old life was in her hands, and I would only get that life back when she was ready to let me. . "Hey," she said, "Don't look like that Angie honey, its not that bad honestly, being a girl has not done me any harm and I'm sure in a few days you'll begin to see that." Probably guessing how I was feeling she kept up a ready stream of chatty gossip until she dropped me by the entrance to my new home and I supposed it did kind of cheer me up somewhat "There should be a couple of weight watchers meals in your kitchens freezer compartment for dinner Angie, and I told Wendy to leave you enough tea, skimmed milk and a box of options low fat hot chocolate to tide you over." I nodded, "Thanks," still feeling pretty depressed as I got out the car saying. "Good night Mrs Blake." "Night Angie, I'll see you in the morning at 8.30, and don't forget to set your alarm early as you'll have to have be up with enough time to get your hair and make-up done so you present the the right image to the world." She smiled at me adding with a naughty grin, "After all you would not want to be thought of as masculine would you darling?" After the day I had just been through I was not hungry as I walked into the corner block and took the stairs up to my new second floor flat. Getting in feeling sick to the core I tossed 'my' handbag on the table by the door and when I collapsed like a sack of potatoes on to the sofa I kicked my heels off with a sigh of relief. For the first time since my interview with Mrs Blake and Ms Gregory that morning, I was on my own and able to consider the pickle I had got myself into. Not that I had to think very much about it, all I had to do was look in the mirror and when I did it was enough to make me want to throw up. My once shortish, muddy brown hair had been dyed a golden blonde colour and had been styled to brush my shoulders in a modern take on that classic Egyptian hairstyle. Under the hairstyle my face looked ever so different made up to highlight the feminine aspects and disguise the squareness of my jaw, and in my throbbing ears I could see the glint of the four golden studs that had been punched through my earlobes. God knows how long I sat slumped there agonising over what I had agreed to before I forced myself to my feet and went to make a pot of tea. "Bastard!" I grumbled finding nothing that would hold a decent volume of tea, and ended up drinking it from a measuring jug rather than messing round with the poxy little cups in the cupboard! Mooching round the flat, I could not complain about the fittings and fixtures which in comparison to my old place were out of this world. Sipping my tea, I walked into my new bedroom, asking myself how I was ever supposed to feel comfortable in this palace of pink furnishings and lacy decorations? Actually frighted of what I was going to find, I pulled open the doors of the walk-in closet to see who I had become. All my clothes were gone, my rock concert tee shirts, my jeans and boxer shorts, along with my comfy para-boots and trainers! Looking through what I was going to be wearing from now on it quickly became clear that there was not a single pair of pants anywhere! In there place was an endless selection of blouses, casual tops, skirts, lingerie, nylons and more pairs of heels than a shoe shop! Hell the closet thing to a pair of flats was a pair of cork wedge heel sandals. I felt like screaming when I realised that no matter where I was going or what I was doing, between Mrs Blake and Wendy they had made dammed sure that I would be viewed as the person they wanted me to be. Laid on the bed was a sliver satin nightdress, and after cleaning the make up off my face and applying the moisturising cream like the beautician told me I got ready for bed. I suppose I could have slept in a silky vest top thing with a pair of panties instead of the nightdress, but afraid of what Mrs Blake or Wendy would do if they found out I picked up the nightdress. Watching myself in the mirror as the satin slithered down my body I felt a little like Judas taking the thirty pieces of silver. I felt really twisted up inside feeling like I had sold my soul with my gender for a sixty grand a year job. With a cup of low calorie hot chocolate I went to bed and as much as I hated myself for it I found the book on make up techniques and read myself to sleep. My alarm went off far to early next morning, and I just wanted to stay in bed but what choice did I have? It was time for me face the world as Angie and live my first full day in her world. At least I did not have to worry about was what to wear as Wendy had left a grey skirt suit, with a lilac coloured blouse hanging on the wardrobe door above a matching pair of grey heels. Telling myself "Sod the rules I need a mug that can hold a decent volume of tea in a morning!" I sipped my jug full of strong tea and sat before my dresser mirror trying to recall what the beautician had taught me about the applying a simple work make up. It was just as well that I had set my alarm early, as it took me an age to do my 'face' and hair, but surprisingly I managed to make a pretty good job of it all. Glancing at the clock I saw it was just after eight and taking a last look in the mirror I knew I was ready. In truth I wish I had not bothered because it left me feeling sickened by how feminine I looked. A significant part of me just wanted to say, "Fuck it" and just run away and hide because I really felt ashamed of looking like this and really did not want to have to go out in public, but if I did that where could I go? I was quite literally and legally not me any more, instead I was a transsexual girl called Angie, who had nothing anywhere in her life to suggest that she was ever male? Moaning with frustration I shakily pulled myself together, picked up my handbag which felt really really wrong, and wobbled out of my flat to faced the world. Although it was at most only three quarters of a mile from my flat to the office the walk into work was much more harder than I expected, both physically and emotionally. As a bloke I used to walking quickly with long, brisk strides in that no-nonsense masculine way, but wearing three inch heels and tight skirt my stride had been tamed in to short hip swivelling tripping feminine paces. It was not a very nice feeling when I realised that from now on, how I was dressed would dictate how I moved. I'll not deny that it was pretty scary when it hit me that if I dressed like this for any length of time I would eventually get so used to compensating for my tight skirts and heels that I would always walk like this! Making things even worse was knowing that most of the men who passed me as I walked to the office were staring at me. I guess a part of me understood why they were giving me the eye, and I could not really blame them given I was dressed to attract male attention. Even so it came as quite a shock to my already unsteady emotions when it occurred to me that when I was a bloke, if I had seen a 'bird' dressed like I was this morning, I too would have have given her a lecherous once over as she passed. It really twisted me up inside as I began to realise that just as Mrs Blake had prophesied, I was being seen (to quote an old university mate) as 'fuckmeat' and judged on my value as a sex object. I did not like it at all and it made me feel nauseous when I realised that receiving such looks was something I would just have to accept! God it felt so bloody degrading knowing that from now on everywhere I went men would be assessing me with such cattle market looks. With out doubt though the worst part of the whole walk was when I walked past a gang of student lads at the bus stop who nudged each other murmuring. "Phworr! Just look at the arse on that," as they gave me the eyeball! Although being perceived as a girl in public, was a humiliating and embarrassing experience the worst part of that endless seeming walk to work was the intense feeling of vulnerability. As a bloke I could be reasonably confident that your average mugger would more than likely ignore me, and if one did, so long as he was not built like a 'brick shit-house' I knew I stood a fair chance of fighting him off for long enough to either discourage his attack or give my self the space I needed to run away. However now I was being viewed as a female, I knew my chances of being attacked had just gone up astronomically, and having to dress like Mrs Blake wanted in tight restrictive clothing and high heels meant I could neither fight back or run. It came as an earth shattering shock to realise that if someone did try to mug me, I would be just another helpless woman! The walk to the office which a day or so earlier would have taken me at most ten minutes took me twenty five and it was a hell of a relief to get in to the safety of work. Both Mrs Blake and Wendy complimented me on how professionally attractively I looked, before I was shepherded to my new desk outside Mrs Blake's office and spent the morning with me going through my various tasks and duties Satisfied that I had a good idea of what I had to do Wendy dumped a load of files on the desk and said with a smile, "Well that lot's your problem now Angie," before taking me round and introducing me to the rest of the executive office staff. Oddly that first day flew past and for much of the time I was so engrossed in what I was doing that I pretty much forgot that as far as everyone around me was concerned I was a the bosses new 'Girl Friday.' Other times, like when Mrs. Blake had a business meeting in the afternoon I was intensely aware of how I looked. I was asked to bring a tray of coffee into the meeting and noticed her smirk of pleasure when her male guests looked at me, or more accurately my chest, legs and backside! It was pretty clear that getting looked at by lecherous eyes was not going to stop and every time I felt such looks it was like having another flake chipped off my sense of masculinity. Walking home after work at the end of my first day I tried to put my thoughts in order. Sure even with all the embarrassment of feeling at times like I being lusted over, when all was said and done it had not been that bad. The job although straight forwards was a challenge and the tasks varied enough that I could tell that once I found my feet I would likely enjoy the work even more. After a rocky first couple of weeks I found myself starting to get in to a routine, the feminine clothing no longer felt quite as wrong or as unnatural and I found myself accepting that as a professional woman it was how I was expected to dress. Sure there were times like when I overheard the 'boys' planning 'lad's nights out' or trips to the football and Grand Prix when I would secretly seethe with envy. However the thing that got to me the most of all was how easy they had it with non of the worries about coordinating outfits or needing two hours to get ready for work. It was so simple for them, and the number of times I yearned for the freedom to roll out of bed, have a quick wash, pull on a pair pants and comfortable shoes and be out of the door in ten minutes. I remember Wendy almost wet herself laughing when one morning after 'lads' had clearly had a heavy night out when I moaned to her over a skinny latte, "If only they knew how hard we women have it!" Although I attracted some attention from the 'lads,' my active avoidance and careful formality with them in comparison to some of the other 'office girls' got me labelled as something of an 'ice queen.' To be honest I did not mind as it meant I was 'passing' and as they had more willing targets available it kept their interest in me at a minimum. Even though I could see it happening, and at least consciously hated myself for it, little by little I was becoming that professional 'girlie girl' Mrs Blake wanted, and my gradual adaptation was driven on by the fear in the back of my mind that I would be busted. No matter how much I tried to shut it I could not forget their dire warnings about how the equality Nazi's were likely to be keeping a close eye on 'Blake' employment practices and me especially. The very last thing I wanted was to get done for employment fraud and get sent to prison, so I actively tried to stamp out any of my male traits. For example, I made it a point to eat with the other girls at lunch, and I eagerly joined in their conversations about make up, fashion, and the newest chick flick. Probably the thing that I found the hardest during those first few weeks and months was having to see a psychologist (who had no idea of the real reason for my transition) every fortnight. It was a compulsory part of the gender reassignment program and having never felt comfortable about discussing my thoughts and motivations having to talk to him was not an easy thing for me especially as I could not tell him the truth. It really twisted me up inside having to tell him that from an early age I knew 'god' had made a mistake in making me a boy. How I had always found it hard to relate to the other boys, and never felt comfortable doing 'boy' things. As with everything else Wendy and Mrs Blake had made sure I was well 'briefed' about what I needed to say to convince him that I was a genuine transsexual but even so I still found myself avidly devouring anything I could find about transsexual issues to 'round out' the party line. Aided by the lessons seminars and transsexual treatment programs that I diligently followed, I stated to find myself adopting a feminine mannerisms, and body language until the ladylike gestures, posture and habits started to become second nature to me. I do not think I could have resisted the way I became increasingly more assimilated into living and being Angie if I had tried, and a few months down the line I had got to the point where I felt like I had always worked as a woman, which was really, really freaky when I remembered I was actually a bloke! What with adapting to my new life, new job and everything else the weeks flew past until all of a sudden I had been living as Angie for six months. Regardless of what was time tabled for the day, ever since I started my first duty every morning was to make Mrs Blake, Wendy and myself a pot of coffee which we would have in her office. It gave me a chance to get things off my chest and ask for explanations about anything that was troubling me. Having not really noticed the time passing, it came as a gut wrenching shock when one morning Wendy said over our coffee. "Your due for an examination with Doctor Sally Angie. Mr Watson (the psychologist) has cleared you for stage two and as you need a new hormone implant anyway I've booked you in for this afternoon." As I was just starting to notice effects of the hormones, I asked if it was really necessary, explaining that I felt I had already become way too feminine, and to take things any further would be unnecessary. Obviously Mrs Blake disagreed, countering that my male characteristics would reappear very quickly should I stop the treatments. After working with them for six months when my comment was ignored, I knew that it was pointless arguing because from the moment I signed on the dotted line I had in effect relinquished control of my lifestyle to them and they knew it. May be it was because I had tried to argue or it was like I was told just a part of the gender reassignment program my new six month implant was double the strength of the old one and the increased hormone levels quickly caused a dramatic shift in the rate of my change. With in weeks of getting the new implant I began to notice the effects of the stronger hormones were showing. The first effect was on my nipples which became very itchy and almost painful as tissue began to form behind them. I was starting to develop breasts, which in time was going to result in the replacement of the padding in my bra's with the real things! They were at first just a pair of small A cups, but as they started to sprout it came as something as a shock when I realised that I was starting to actually need the support of a bra. The other big change that came with the stronger hormone implant was how my emotions and personality were becoming more feminine and less masculine. Although Mrs Blake had banned me from watching sport, it did not take long for the increasing levels of feminising hormone to make me lose interest in them on my own. As the second capsule started to trigger more overt physiological changes it was also driving a fundamental psychological change deep down in my psyche. Although I did not notice, it must have been pretty obvious to Wendy and Mrs Blake that I was starting to enjoy life as Angie, and that increased enjoyment even with all this going on in my body meant I was actually leading a pretty normal life. I went to gym and the hairdressers regularly with Mrs Blake and found myself genuinely enjoying more than a few nights out with the girls. Most evenings, and weekends when I was free I found myself wanting to watch the reality television shows and soap operas I once wrote off as 'shite.' One thing that did knock me for a six though was when as I found myself starting to relate to the female characters and even began to find many of the hunky actors attractive. Living as a woman and becoming biochemically feminised was altering my subconscious mind, and as it became increasingly more feminised it started to send strange desires drifting in to my head at the strangest of times about having a man come along and sweep me off my feet! Making matters worse was as I had progressed from accepting that I had to live as a girl to actively enjoying being a girl, I started to get hit on more regularly, which resulted in Nick the 'cute' IT guy asking me out for a date! When he asked the whole deck of cards that supported my life as Angie seemed to momentarily collapse. For a split second I almost lost control before I managed to pull myself together enough to deflect his offer by telling him that I had a boyfriend in the military who was on deployment in Afghanistan. Eventually Mrs Blake found out about his interest in me and a day or so later when we were at the hairdressers she said, "Angie you should have gone out with young Nick honey?" The hairdresser overhearing said the same pointing out that as I was becoming a very good looking young woman and I should make the most of being hit on constantly, both in the office and elsewhere. Unbelievably, they were both actively encouraging me to go on some dates with men, saying that I would be lonely otherwise! I told her that I would think about it, saying to myself that I would have to have gone totally bonkers before I could ever contemplate entering into a romantic relationship with a man. I think the way the hormones were messing with my mind on top of Nick's interest in me was what triggered me having some real misgivings about remaining on the gender reassignment program. It was working just a little to well and I can clearly recall tearfully telling Mrs Blake one day. "It's one thing to dress like a girl, but I never agreed to start growing breasts or having my mind rewired like a woman's?" I was starting to panic, and told her that I wanted out of the arrangement, thankfully Mrs Blake knew exactly what to do and managed to calm me down as she reassured me that my feminisation was only temporary, and that soon there would be an opening for another male in the executive office and I would be able to go back to being Richard again. Just as I was approaching Angie's first birthday I heard over lunch with the girls that one of the male program managers had handed in his notice and I felt sure that with in a few weeks of him leaving I would be getting back my male identity. I felt so excited! Sure there were things about living as Angie I would miss but deep down I think I had about enough of being a girl. It was about ten days after I picked up the gossip that he was going, that Wendy asked Mrs Blake and I to join her in her office. I felt like a dog with two tails as we trotted down to personnel I felt sure that they were going to give me the good news that they were restoring my old life. With out any ado Wendy told me that the gossip was true and the male program manager had handed in his resignation and that his that his position was going to become available. "However," She added. However? I felt my knees trembling, they wouldn't would they? "At this time both Jan and I think it best that you stay working here as a woman," Wendy said. "You do not have the skills to step into his job, and being honest I have not been able to find a girl who can, which means I am going to have to appoint another man putting us back in the same situation we were in this time last year." I just sat there gob smacked for what felt like an age, how could they do this to me? They had promised me that as soon as there was a male vacancy I could have it? I had done everything they asked and shown my loyalty to the company in a way that was well beyond what they could reasonably expect from an employee and now they were going to go back on their word? Seeing that I was close to tears, Mrs Blake said in a kindly tone. "Let me explain Angie, I know that I promised you that I would let you have your old life back as soon as I could employ you as a man, but as Wendy said because the job is an engineering management slot it leaves us with the same issue that started this. There simply aren't any qualified women to take that place." I tearfully nodded. "Although we've advertised the post for the last three weeks and in the last few days we've had perhaps fifty worth while applications," Wendy said kindly, "But not one of them has been from even a remotely qualified woman?" "I so sorry that I can't let you leave your position Angie," Mrs Blake said, "But if Wendy cannot find a appropriate replacement what can I do?" I mumbled through my tears. "I know Janet, but..." Mrs Blake patted my hand and passed me a tissue saying, "I'm really am so sorry about it working out like this Angie but you're simply too valuable to me as a female employee. So again, for the time being, I expect you to remain as you are now I know you're probably disappointed, but you've been so good about things so far I just know that if you can stay patient something will come up soon and when it does we'll be able to give you back your old life. Please just trust me for a little longer and everything will work out for the best!" So that was it, they were screwing me. Obviously I was bitterly disappointed and a part of me just wanted to lash out and scream about how unfair they were being, but what would that do except piss them off? They held all the aces and would only let me have my old life back when they were ready and as much as I hated myself for it I knew Mrs Blake was right. The only way I could get back to living as Richard was patiently wait it out until she found a woman with the kind of project management experience and qualifications she needed. Even if I walked out today it would not change a dammed thing, well other than to guarantee the permanence of my feminisation because even with what I had saved from my wages I could not afford to reverse some of the changes that had taken place in my body with o

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© Copyright 2006, 2007 Dear Readers, The following story is a sequel to the very first one that I wrote, ‘Remembrance’. It is possible to read and understand ‘Renewal’ without reading the earlier work. If you could do so, however, it might enhance your enjoyment of this story. Thank you for choosing my work for your reading pleasure. Whichever you decide, I hope that you like it. Autumn Writer *********** George glanced at Helen as she dozed next to him, her sweater draped around her...

3 years ago
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Copyright© 2006, 2007 George glanced at Helen as she dozed next to him, her sweater draped around her shoulders. He envied the way she could fit comfortably in the space provided by a seat on an airliner. He was on the aisle, she sat near the window. Even in First Class, his long legs were constantly searching for the right place to be. He refolded them as best he could. He was glad to be on vacation with Helen, but getting there was not 'half the fun'. The flight attendant refilled his...

2 years ago
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RenewalChapter 3

“And she said Marlasion has the information as well?” Desdra Zardow asks from the monitor. “That is what she said,” Regina confirms. They are just hours from reaching Earth to begin their mission. Regina and Greiss have spent much of the time coming up with a solution as well as other activities. “I’m not sure what actions we can take here on our end,” Desdra says. “Marlasion is the second cousin to the emperor, so that can get tricky. I’m sure I’ll have the board on my side just because...

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RenewalChapter 4

The small crew consisting of Regina, Greiss, Marion and one other Extroneon landed the small secondary craft just under the canopy next to a little expanse of open field in the middle of forest land. The smaller craft has a large enough cargo bay to store captives until they return to the much larger ship that awaits them back on the opposite side of the moon. Greiss and the other Extroneon are merely with the ship to ensure if anyone stumbles upon the space craft, they won’t be leaving to...

1 year ago
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Newlywed Game

My friend, Nick, and I had always been good friends. We met Freshman year of high school and somehow managed to stay friends for the next ten years without ever getting romantically involved, which is rare for a girl and a guy during those years. That’s not to say there were never rumors. People always suspected that there was more than we were letting on, but we honestly treated each other like family. For whatever reason, it just never happened. We had each other’s backs through our...

Group Sex
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Newlywed Slaves

Newlywed Slaves By billy69boyWe had a spring wedding, and we couldn't be more in love. Our bliss was extended when we quickly found our first apartment. But it wasn't just an apartment: we were now the proud renters of half a duplex house that was attached to our dear elderly landlady's half of the house. Edna had lost her husband a few years back, and she seemed pleased to have a newly married couple as her next door neighbors. We became fast friends, and even though she had relatives living...

4 years ago
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Newlywed Suzy Part 3

Anyone who has read Newlywed Suzy Parts 1 & 2 will know she is obsessed by sex and will always try to push the boundaries. Our arrangement had now been running for about six months with me sharing Suzy with Steve (her husband) fairly regularly on a weekend, sometimes as a threesome and sometimes just me and Suzy with Steve in the spare bedroom. Suzy had always been obsessed by my cock and commented on it constantly but her next suggestion completely stunned me. We were laid together in bed...

3 years ago
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Newlywed Suzy Part 2

For those of you who have read ‘Newlywed Suzy’ you will know what a sex obsessed young wife enjoys. I continued with my relationship with Carol (the one with big tits) but only to give me more chances to see Suzy. As with most relationships you always want more and I was no exception pestering Suzy to arrange a threesome with one of her friends, Carol would be good as far as I was concerned. She always joked that she was as much as I could handle and to be honest she wasn’t far wrong as usually...

3 years ago
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Newlywed Horny Housewife On A Rainy Day

Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a newlywed housewife. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...

3 years ago
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Newlywed Horny Housewife On A Rainy Day 8211 Part 2

Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a newlywed housewife. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...

1 year ago
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Newlywed Fun part 2

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); For the next few days Janet had plenty to keep her busy. Arranging the furnishings and getting settled in their new home filled her time. But the evenings were the best. Every night she greeted Mark with a special meal, served by candlelight in their new dining room. Afterwards, the young couple would fuck till near dawn. Then, on a Friday morning, the moment she had been dreading happened. She answered a knock on her...

1 year ago
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Sufficient Provocation

Author's note: As a criminologist with experience on minor sex offenders this author have participated in the preliminary investigation of this incident upon the DA's invitation. The DA ruled there was sufficient provocation and decided not to file charges. The victim didn't pursue the case. Nevertheless I still have to modify the story to protect the identities, places and the dignity of those involved. But rest assured that this story is 90% true, told from the view point and naration from...

3 years ago
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Newbie Struggle

Newbie StruggleBy: Londebaaz Chohan It was not easy but Rashad finally decided to experiment with his fantasy. He was lucky to have a girlfriend that was also a sex player even more than him and they had watched many a porn videos together. Sometimes they had a third partner for threesome, mostly a man. While the third man fucked Rashad’s girlfriend, Rashad looked especially at his male equipment. He was also eager to make some comments about men and their cocks and balls seen on the TV screen...

2 years ago
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Newspaper man

One of my earliest memories of my childhood is rubbing myself in newspaper. As I grew older it became more and more sexual. When I was about eighteen, I remember going up to the attic with several Sunday papers. I was all alone in the house. I wanted to play in my papers. It usually consisted of rubbing and wrapping the sections onto my nude body. I vaguely felt like I wanted to be absorbed into the newspaper. The Sports section excited me most. All of a sudden I felt myself get very hard and...

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My best friend that I've known since I was in kindergarten had finally tied the knot.  It wasn't a race or anything, but we all thought we’d be single in our late twenties.  It seemed fate had other plans for her.The reception itself wasn’t glamourous. The venue was in the town hall of Cripple Creek, Colorado, the town we’d all called home for our whole lives.  The church in which they were married was right down the road.  No need for any type of limo to drive them a half mile away....

4 years ago
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MyNew Job

To describe myself a bit, I'm 24 years old, 5'7", 115 lbs. I have long dirty blonde hair, C-cup boobs, and green eyes. I like running and working out and going to the gym on base. I've been told I have an athletic body and the guys at the gym are always hitting on me. I don't have any children. I have been married since I've been 18 years old - right out of High School. I got ready to go to the interview at the office I would be working out of. I wore a nice blouse, knee...

2 years ago
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" not much honey just checkin you out." as he smiled back he replied,"oh thats right youre a biter. I like that!" She laughed a bit and pulled him on the bed with her "yea I'm a biter but you love it! Want to come curl up with me?" she said with a twinkle in her eye. "yea, let's cuddle babe." he said opening his arms to her. "Mmm." he smiled slyly as he already knew what was gonna happen next. She curled into his arms facing him. She kissed his neck, then traced down his chest...

3 years ago
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News Year Romp

After the midnight toast, most of the other couples went home. However, John convinced two couples to stay, Rod and Susan, and Tim and Karen. John told them that he had a good movie he thought they would all enjoy. Before starting the movie, Steve asked the other two couples how they felt about group sex. Susan blushed and said that she met Rod at an orgy last year. Susan told everyone how she fell in love when Rod walked into the room with his 12-inch black cock leading the way. Susan...

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WaskoTrnew the Everlasting

Introduction to Story flow: Order of the R.E.D(Royal Eldritch Draconum) Council of the 2's(each seat on the council is taken by a joined couple, there are 6 seats total that report directly to Sovereign): Military & Cleric branch: Elder Vanquisher Samarah and Fey-Sylph Donovan. Logistics(Supply and Transportation): Elder VIvica and Emanuel. Order of the Grigori:(responsible for protection of His Eminence lair's): Commander's Jericho and Samantha. Sovereign Living Bulwark:(Ascension beings*...

2 years ago
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Newlyweds Erotic Wrestling Match

I'm an athletic and fun-loving guy in his mid-20's, average height and weight. Trim and good-looking, I'm a pro shoot wrestler, and it shows in my lean, muscular build. I've recently married the love of my life, a beautiful mixed martial artist. My wife is just a couple years younger than me, and a perfect blend of cute and sexy. Though she trains hard at the gym daily and is a fierce competitor in the cage, she's the sweetest woman in the world. She's curvy, but it's all muscle, her only fat...

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If you're like me, darling, you enjoy giving hawt, newd blow jobs in some dirty sweaty adult arcade video booth, using LOTS of tongue and saliva! HA HA HA! Naked Caucasian wimp, cowering at the feet of his negro mastah. A lewd and completely newd bareback blowjob! To be performed in the dayroom, In front of all the other inmates! Ha ha ha! Denewda! Little Caucasian sissy takes orders from his big Negro Bull! I love being with Negro men!! BORN THAT WAY! BORN SISSY! Ha ha ! I KNOW that I was born...

1 year ago
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Samnewali Divorced Lady Ki Chudai

Hello guys and girls, myself insomanicman 24/m from surat, Gujarat. Thank you guys for your compliment on the last story. Bohot time waste na karte huwe sidha story pe aate hai. To baat pichle mahine ki hai mere ghar k samne 1 family rehti hai usme hai uncle aunty or unki 2 ladkiyan. Unki dono ladkiyon ki shadi ho chuki thi. Par kuch prblm ki wajha se unki choti ladki ka divorce hogaya tha or wo apne husband ko chod kar uncle aunty ki sath rehne aagai thi. Wo ladki ka naam tha kusum, age hogi...

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neww bbw fwb

MWM, posted an ad on cl, iso a bbw. Was answered by a 52 year old married lady. We chatted awhile. She finally came over while the wife was out of town. Sitting on the couch having a beer and chatting she finally says"your a nice guy...where shall we doe this?" I told her the bedroom. She excused her self to go to restroom.She is about 30-35# overweight. Great big titties, short reddishbrown hair.I laid on the bed in my boxers. Sorry....I'm 42 6' 220.She came out in a loose top and shorts. I...

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It all started in the hotel bariAs the duty manager I got called to the bar to deal with a complaint. When I got there I was sent to you, a very good looking mature woman who said your 1982 bottle of chateau neuf was corked. As I apprached you I noticed you had a figure hugging pencil skirt on and i took a sharp intake of breath as I noticed the suspender belt outlined and a panty vpl. I was aware that my dick was getting hard I sat down oppisite you hoping you hadnt noticed the bulge in my...

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It all started in the hotel bariAs the duty manager I got called to the bar to deal with a complaint. When I got there I was sent to you, a very good looking mature woman who said your 1982 bottle of chateau neuf was corked. As I apprached you I noticed you had a figure hugging pencil skirt on and i took a sharp intake of breath as I noticed the suspender belt outlined and a panty vpl. I was aware that my dick was getting hard I sat down oppisite you hoping you hadnt noticed the bulge in my...

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Samnewali Aunty Se Pyar Kiya

Hi dosto, mera naam raj hai me puna ke paas rehta hu aur jo story me batane ja raha hu wo meri pehli sex story hai, mai 26 saal ka hu aur akela hi rehta hu hamari ek colony hai jis me mera family house hai, par mere sare family members gaav me hi rehte hai aur kabhi kabar hi puna aate hai, ye story 6 mahine purani hai jab mere samne wale ghar me ek naya couple rehne aaya tha, wo teen hi log the uncle aunty aur unka 3 saal ka ladka, wo jab aaye tab aise laga tha ki ye log kabhi muzse baat hi...

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Author's note: This story is part of my continuing effort to expand the horizons of Fictionmania. It's a bit of an avant-garde piece that may not be everyone's cup of tea. The format is a tad different from most every story that you might read in that it has much more of a play-script type appearance. It is supposed to be a written transcript of the news magazine "Dateline: NBC." The story is based on the concept introduced in the now classic story "For A Girl" by O2bxx, and even...

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Samnewali Chachi Piyasi

Hii..Mera name raj aryan hai, me assam ke ek sote se gaon se hu, mera hight 5.7 hai,age 21,penis 8.5 hai, color dark hai, aaj me first time meri stories likh rha hu,agar koi galti ho to maaf krna,,aab jada bor na krte huye side stori pe aata hu,,yeh mera real stori hai….Prosh ki chachi ki stori hai chachi ka naam radhika hai,chachi ke ghor me unki 7years ka beti,sasuri,or unka pati ek sonar hai jada tor ghor se bahar rehta hai hafte me 2din ke liye aate hai ghor me or unka ek pao tuta huwa hai...

3 years ago
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Chudwanewali The First Fuck

Hi friends, this the first part of the series of sex experiments between 7 college friends i.e. Sana, Kajal, Sukeerti, Meena, Mayank, Siddhu and Ranjit (me). We guys used to hang out together and used to travel together to college and back home. Reviews and comments at Sana was my best friend and I knew her from my schooling days. Sana’s physique was on the heavier side but I would say she had flesh at the right place. Kajal was the sexiest in the group and used to dress accordingly with all...

1 year ago
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Newspapper Boy

Little Johnny is delivering newspapers. He knocks on a door and says to the lady, "I'm collecting today... that'll be five dollars."She says, "I'm a little short on cash, but I'll gladly give you some great sex instead."Little Johnny agrees, "All right."He walks in and the lady undoes his pants and pulls them down. To her surprise, she sees the biggest penis she's ever seen.Little Johnny then reaches into his shirt pocket, pulls out a handful of washers, and begins sliding them onto his...

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OneWild Night

One Wild NightGawaine C. Ross People call me Buck. I’m an artist in oil colors, and a sculptor. I run in marathons, so I’m in good shape. Most women smile when I walk by; I think it’s because I’m 6’6” and wear tight clothing. I have hazel eyes and brown hair. My parents were immigrants from Poland, and our whole family is very close. I have my own apartment and my own studio. I’d known about The Primeval Woman, an annual arts festival that takes place every year out in the Nevada desert. It...

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NewJob Ch3

Chapter 3 When he awoke the next morning, Don realized the full potential of last evening's discipline. He thought that the pain of the beating on the soles of his feet would be the worst of it. Now his feet ached. Before he even got out of bed they were painful. When he got up, walking, even to get Mandy's coffee wearing his flat slippers, could only be done slowly and painfully. Later, when he had to get dressed in his uniform and put on those dreaded, hated heels, his pain was...

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Newtons Interrogation

NEWTON’S INTERROGATION BY PRATAARAKA ODYSSEY SPACE STATION ORBITING GANYMEDE, MOON OF JUPITER 11 MARCH 2311Odyssey Space Station, more commonly referred to either by its acronym (OSS) or simply Odyssey, was the largest scientific space station in the known galaxy, and the second-largest in the entire Sol System after the Cerberus Defense Platform in geosynchronous orbit over Central Asia. Odyssey Station itself was comprised of three large, spinning rings over four kilometres in circumference...

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Newhart The Made Maid

"Stephanie, I never said you weren't pretty. I just said that some men prefer, well, different types of women." Joanna grunted as she lifted a sack of potatoes from the car. "You can't expect every man to drool over you." Stephanie continued to sort through the brown grocery bags, searching for the one with lightest load. "And why not, Joanna? You don't really expect me to believe those boys were looking at you in THAT way, do you?" Joanna, a tall, slim woman of about 40, pushed a...

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Reddit GoneWildAudio, aka r/GoneWildAudio, aka GWA Reddit! Do you remember, back in the day, when the highlight of our porn life was either to buy a porn video, get some bootleg shit, or make one of those calls where you get to talk to an actual sex worker? Well, this subreddit is sort of like that, but not really. It is called GoneWildAudio and I think that pretty much explains what it has to offer… right?As for Reddit by itself, I think it is safe to assume that everyone knows and loves...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit GoneWildTube, aka r/GoneWildTube! When you think of the best porn that money has to buy what do you think of? Probably some of that high-quality professional studio type shit that you can see on many of the premium porn sites out there. Well, there are many people who actually don’t want to see that kind of content and instead want to see real and amateur content from real and authentic people. It’s not hard to see why there is such a high demand for such content and so there are...

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Reddit GoneWildPlus, aka r/GoneWildPlus! Ah, you gotta love the ‘gone wild’ category overall, because that means that there will be lots of lovely babes doing something naughty. Well, on Reddit.com you have a variety of categories that are seen as ‘gone wild,’ and this one in partial is dedicated to all the pretty plus sized chicks. I think you can get that from the title as well since I am talking about r/GoneWildPlus/ subreddit.So, if you are interested in the plus-sized chicks, and you...

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Reddit Gone Wild Curvy, aka r/GoneWildCurvy! I’m back again to talk about Reddit and one of its many beautiful subreddits. /r/gonewildcurvy/ is one of those unforgettable subreddits that cater to real men, or so to speak. So, if you are somebody who got excited with the thought of curvaceous amateurs getting naked and doing who knows what, I am sure that you will appreciate what /r/gonewildcurvy/ has to offer.As you might have already been able to guess, I like Reddit quite a lot. I think it...

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Reddit Gone Wild, aka r/GoneWild/, aka Reddit GW! Are you a fan of amateur sluts showing off their hot bodies for all of the internet to see? I mean, who the fuck isn’t? That shit is the best. Maybe you’re one of those babes who wants to show off the body they have worked so hard to achieve. Let the tiddies free, go spread eagle, bend over and show everyone your plump ass, or whatever other kinds of kinky photos you want to take. I’m talking about exhibitionism.We all have a bit of that drive...

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Some celebrities have given their career a kick in the backside by having their nudes or sex tapes leaked. Think Kim Kardashian. While you may not be able to sleep with these celebs (The Porn Dude is going, to be honest with you here), The Fappening is your chance to see them in all their glory. Celebrities are taking nude photos every day. Some may not find their way to the internet, but the ones that do are almost certainly going to make an appearance on TheFappeningNew.com. And what better...

The Fappening
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Do you want the Newest XXX? Are you one of those people who prefer to have their pornographic shit downloaded to their PC? Well, newestxxx.com is mostly about that, but there are some other privileges you get from visiting this site. For the most part, all the videos that can be downloaded can also be watched online, so you could say that this is also a porn site.Now, there are a couple of things I need to tell you about this site before you visit, and if you are interested in a place that...

Free Porn Download Sites
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Ready to join Newbie Nudes? One of the drawbacks of reviewing porn all day is that I can’t see regular women without picturing them naked. I want to check out the checkout girl’s hooters, I’d like to examine that jogging chick’s cunt, and I just have to watch my neighbor get stuffed by one of her boyfriends. Newbie Nudes specializes in exactly that kind of smut: amateur pics and videos of the real girls next door.NewbieNudes.com has been on the Internet since 2002, making it a dinosaur in...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Reddit Asians Gone Wild, aka r/AsiansGoneWild! Is this your first time here? I highly doubt you have never heard about Reddit before, but in case you have not, I shall talk about this site a little bit. However, my main focus here is to talk about their section called ‘Asians Gone Wild’ and I think that that name speaks for itself. I mean, what else the fuck could you possibly expect, than a bunch of hot Asian chicks being… wild?Reddit is a wonderful place filled with many subsections, to...

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NewGrounds Adult Games

Damn, NewGrounds 18+, that's a name that I haven't heard in a while. Don't get me wrong, this website is still popular today, but that popularity is nothing compared to the popularity the website had back in the day...so why did this happen? Honestly, no one knows why the website isn't as half as popular as it was back then, but let me tell you one thing, the website still has some amazing pornographic video games, and I don't get it why people aren't talking about these more.I mean, they...

Free Sex Games
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Escort News! I love porn as much as the next guy, but I will also be the first one to tell you, sometimes it just does not cut it. Most days I can get by, sure, by fapping to a number of the best porn tubes and premium paysites on the web. But some days, I just need something more. You can find the hottest porno ever made, the sexiest girls getting fucked in all your favorite positions, it will never ever come close to the real thing.The way I see it, any sane person likely has a certain amount...

Escort Sites
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Reddit Streamers Gone Wild, aka r/StreamersGoneWild! I admit, I get a lot of mileage out of mocking Reddit users. Some of you make it so easy with the fedoras and neckbeards, not to mention that embarrassing incel and nofap bullshit. I admit you’ve been right about a few things, though, like hentai. Who would have thought I’d be jerking off to breast inflation cartoons on the regular? Reddit, that’s who. Lately, I’ve been hooked on r/StreamersGoneWild.StreamersGoneWild is a subreddit devoted...

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Reddit GoneWild18, aka r/GoneWild18! I spent all morning snorting crushed Viagra and jacking off to some perfectly ripe, beautiful teens. I’m always in awe of those perfect perky tits, never touched by the ravages of age. I love those pretty young faces and tight asses, not to mention their fun, sexy attitudes. I was about to bust my seventh nut of the day when security noticed me and I had to split before I ended up with a third strike. Hard as a rock and in need of more teen fap material, I...

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Reddit Petite GoneWild, aka r/PetiteGoneWild! Small girls tend to be very feisty and eager to please, at least in my experience. Luckily for all of us, Reddit is basically a site that has it all. Their subreddit called r/PetiteGoneWild/ really got my attention, and you are about to learn why. Although I am pretty fucking sure you can get the hang of what the site is all about, if you just visit it yourself, I am still here to provide lots of information for those who are interested.I mean,...

Reddit NSFW List

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